Travel & Hospitality - April 2014

Page 1

Issue 07 | Volume V | rnI no.: deleng/2010/33723


I n d I A’ s l e A d I n g T r AV e l T r A d e m o n T h ly



Page no.

Inbound business travel slows down

36 Cover Story

Page no.


Page no.

Lubaina Sheerazi: ‘Consistently delivering quality services to our clients’

Quotes of the Month

Editor’s Note

Arun Jaitley, Leader of Opposing in Rajya Sabha, and BJP candidate for Amritsar Lok Sabha Constituency

Airlines are doing all they can to prevent and manage unruly passenger incidents, but this needs to be backed up with effective law enforcement. Reports of unruly behavior are on the rise. The Tokyo Convention was not originally designed to address unruly behavior.

The country is in the process of electing new government at the Centre, and we will a new government after May 16, 2014 the day on which the results of the General Elections 2014 would be out. The election campaign is primarily dominated by economic and development issue. But tourism is rarely mentioned by political parties while outlining their economic policy and programmes. The election manifesto of Indian National Congress for general elections 2014 does not have word on tourism. The manifesto of the Congress for 2009 general election had also ignored tourism. Prime Ministerial Candidate of Principal Opposition Party Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Narendra Modi has often talked about importance of tourism in economic development of the country. As the Chief Minister of Gujarat, he has aggressively promoted tourism in the state. On more than one occasion, he has said that while “terrorism divides, tourism unites’. However, it is yet to be seen whether the main opposition party really understand the importance of tourism for social and economic , and serious about promoting tourism in the country if it comes into power after the elections. BJP is yet come out with its manifesto, so we don’t know its position on tourism. Unless political parties understand the importance of tourism in economic development of the country and bring it at the centre stage, tourism will remain neglected.

Amritsar is one of the most charming cities in India. It has a huge ability to attract people. Tourism will always remain a mainstay economic activity in the city. I visualize an Amritsar that is connected on all sides by large highways - a city where the internal infrastructure needs to be hugely improved and basic amenities need to be provided to every section.

Yet to be part of political discourse

Tony Tyler, IATA’s Director General and CEO

Chart of the Month Market share of key domestic airlines (October-2013)

Source: DGCA traffic statistics, 2013

Printed, published, owned by srishti rai. Printed at somsons Printing Works, 1/7, doctor’s lane, gole market, new delhi 110001, and published at P- 23/90, Connaught Circus, new delhi 110001; editor: srIshTI rAI




inside the issue APrIl 2014 | Volume V | Issue 7


India to introduce electronic visa facility this year: Tourism Secretary Tunis and Cape Town offer best value room service for Indians abroad Kerala Tourism wins tourism ‘Oscar’ for 'Great Backwaters' campaign


Q&A: Arvind Jadhav, Additional Chief Secretary, Tourism, Karnataka


Visit England to enjoy fascinating Spring 2014 Rejuvenate at Niraamaya Retreats in Thekaddy, Kovalam

14 19

38 40

Women only rooms/floors at hotels for women safety


Rotana opens its 2nd 5-star hotel in Al Ain


Courtyard by Marriott opens in Bilaspur, Chattisgarh


Tourism Malaysia promotes Visit Malaysia Year 2014 in South Asia Spazzo offers blended personalized treatment In Conversation: ‘Consistently delivering quality services to our clients in sync with their plans’

54 64



Cover Story


64 In Conversation lubaina sheerazi Business head of Blue square Consultants


Trade News

Inbound business travel slows down

new government by the next

With the country in the grip of election fever, business travel to India has slowed down owning to the political uncertainty. Prem Kumar usiness



Tours, said that current sea-

India will improve after the

month, foreign investors and

son is doing better business


MNCs are awaiting the for-

for his company as compared

said, “It actually should but it

mation of next government

to last two years. “The eco-

all depends who comes to

and its economic policy. This

nomic revival in USA and Eu-

power after the elections.

has slowed down business

rope is the factor for the

India is innovating, restruc-

travel to the country.




improvement in business. We

turing itself, constantly rein-

business travel to India im-

hope to do better business in

venting, consolidating all the

prove after the general elec-

2014-15 under the present

time. You’re talking about a


As the travel and

circumstances.” Responding

not so hunky dory a situation

India has been one of

tourism industry of the coun-

to our questions on business

with regards to our economy,

casualties of political

try is largely dependent on in-

travel, Jitendra Kumar, Gen-

and we’re only just emerging

uncertainty in the country

bound business travel to the

eral Manager, Radisson Blu

and headed the right direc-

country; can the industry

Hotel Greater Noida, said

tion, though I feel that 2014


Inbound Travel to India has been lukewarm. We have not seen the kind of growth we all were expecting. The factors affecting the inbound business travel to India at present are mainly, political and economic problems globally, inclement weather in the US and Europe.

hope better days after the

that the current season so far

elections will arcade India’s


has been quite decent due to

GDP growth.”




regime takes charge at the

the falling rupee. Though the

Giving his insights on in-

Centre? These are some of

economy has dwindled tem-

bound business travel to

the questions that TnH asked

porarily but at the same time

India, Vishal Singh, General

people who matter in the in-

it has helped the tourism in-

Manager of Hyatt Pune, said,

dustry and understand the

dustry as far as inflow of for-

“First quarter we have seen

pulse of the industry.

eign traffic is concerned. And

that the inbound business

“Inbound travel to India

this trend is going to continue

travel is buoyant. Second

has been lukewarm. We have

in the coming months too. He

quarter forecast is a bit slow.

not seen the kind of growth

added, “We are seeing for-

Majority of this travel is from

we all were expecting,” said

eigners extending their stay

US, Europe and Middle East

Pradeep Kalra, Sr. Vice

in India as they get to buy a

markets.” Regarding the fac-

President, Sales and Market-

lot more at a cheaper rate

tors affecting the inbound

and economic slowdown. On

ing, Sarovar Hotels. Accord-

now. Also, with India opening

business travel to India, he

Pradeep Kalra Sr. Vice President, Sales and Marketing, Sarovar Hotels

account of political uncer-

ing to Kalra, the factors

up the floodgates of visa on

said, “They are limited num-

tainly and policy inertia pre-

affecting the inbound busi-

arrival to 40 countries, it will

ber of direct international

vailing in the country, India is

ness travel to India at present

definitely be a shot in the arm

flights and connectivity to

not a favourite destination for

are mainly, political and eco-

for tourism even further.”

class II metros and tier-II

international business travel-

nomic problems globally, in-

According to Kumar, the

ers at present. As the coun-

clement weather in the US

factors that is affecting the

cities. The tie-ups of Tata-

try is the process of electing

and Europe. Bad publicity

inbound tourism to India are:

SIA, Tata-Air Asia and Eti-

Current season is doing better business for our company as compared to last two years. The economic revival in the U.S. and Europe is the factor for the improvement in business. We hope to do better business in 2014-15 under the present circumstances.

Pronab Sarkar Managing Director, Swagatam Tours

arising out a few freak cases



had- Jet Airways are ex-

of molestation and rape is

sion, general elections in the

pected to have a positive

also contributing to lower in-

country, the falling value of

impact on the landscape of

bound travel. Kalra is very

rupee which has elevated

Indian travel and tourism in-

optimistic that after the elec-

India into a very affordable

dustry.” He expressed hope

tions, things would change

destination for inbound traf-

that business travel will im-

positively for business trav-

fic, which wasn’t the case

prove and incentive travel

ellers. He said, “We are very

earlier, Visa policy, inbound

will gain momentum. With in-

hopeful that post elections we

tourism demand is most re-


will see a spurt in business

sponsive to changes in in-

given to convention centers, it

travel if the mandate is clear

come, security scenario in the

will give a boost to India as a

and in favour of one party.”

country and weather condi-

MICE destination. Also, ex-


tending Visa on arrival to 40

Speaking to this magazine, Pronab Sarkar, Managing


cities from the main gateway





As regards the expecta-

countries, will liberalize the

tion that business travel to

visa regime for people attend-

Trade News


Industry hopes better days for business travel after the elections

tion.” Good flight connectivity

make it for the travellers to

ing conferences. “We expect

bound tourism after general

and the increase in the fre-

visit our country, the more ef-

quency of International Char-

fective it would be for busi-

ters help boost the inbound


business travel to India, said

Tourism Industry which con-

Talwar, also adding that the

tributes to the country’s revenue to a great extent.”




increase in movements in the

elections, particularly if there

new government policies of

third and fourth quarters if

is a stable government. After

group visa and visa on arrival

While many pepole from

the elections the economic

help in increasing the air traf-

the industry agree on slug-

and business activities are

fic. Online travel booking is

gishness in business travel to

expected to increase, which

another factor that greatly af-

India, they are also optimist

The current season so far has been quite decent due to the falling rupee though the economy has dwindled temporarily but at the same time has helped the tourism industry as far as inflow of foreign traffic is concerned.

Jitendra Kumar General Manager, Radisson Blu Hotel Greater Noida

is slow currently for many

fects inbound business travel.

about future. Gagan Deep

reason including the political

It is more convenient and

Singh, General Manager of

ones. According to Sarkar, for

easy for people who are living

Courtyard by Marriott Pune

the past one year or more, the

high pressure lifestyles to

City Centre said, “We are see-

economic policy of our gov-

ernment is unable to attract foreign investments to the

We are seeing a healthy growth in inbound business travel as far as the financial and pharmaceutical sector is concerned. And as we get into the election season, a slowdown is expected.

country, resulting less business traffic to our country. “The investors abroad are waiting for the next election in our country and watching for the results for the next

ity is sustained in the country

government and looking for-

post-elections. Alternatively,

ward for some open invest-

demand for domestic MICE is

ment policies to come in

Irrespective of which government comes into power, it has to be remembered that the easier we make it for the travellers to visit our country, the more effective it would be for businesses especially in the Tourism Industry.

Rakshit Talwar Director, Sales & Marketing, Novotel Goa Shrem Resort

political and economic stabil-

effect to lure fresh investment to the country. We have to

Gagan Deep Singh GM, Courtyard by Marriott Pune City Centre

wait and watch the next government's investment poli-

make their bookings. “India

ing a healthy growth in in-

cies to attract new investors

boasts a rich culture and her-

bound business travel as far

to the country, which will def-

itage which attracts interna-

as the financial and pharma-

initely improve the business

tional as well as domestic

ceutical sector is concerned.

travel once again.”

tourists. The concepts of Yoga

And as we get into the elec-

Sharing his insights on

and Ayurveda (means of re-

tion season, a slowdown is

business travel, Rakshit Tal-

laxation and rejuvenation)

expected. The auto sector

war, Director of Sales and



however is going through a



across the world which is why

tough phase. The government

Shrem Resort, said, “Peak

people want to learn more

is doing a lot to improve our

season for tourism, especially

about it and a lot of them do

infrastructure and that will



international tourism is be-

come to India to explore it.

further increase business

expected to increase due to



The food and wildlife also at-

tourism in India.” According

rupee fluctuation, and com-

March. This season has been

tracts foreigners,” said Tal-

to Singh, India’s growth fore-

panies are looking forward to

good especially since we are

war. He added, “With the new

cast stands between 4.5% -

exploring domestic destina-

a new hotel and we launched

visa rules the travel will cer-

5% and it is Asia’s third

tions to make the most of

in October 2013. We have

tainly increase. At the end of

largest economy. Our country

their constrained budgets,”

been well accepted in the

the day, irrespective of which

is favorable for setting up

added Vishal Singh.

market and the response has


businesses. However, project





Many people are hoping

been overwhelming with good

power, it has to be remem-

movements are expected to

for better days ahead for in-

score in customer satisfac-

bered that the easier we

be deferred till elections are


Trade News

pecially for IT and ITES re-

Continued growth of IT and ITES/ Leisure tourism in India during winter months has positive impact on business travel while slowdown in infra sector and auto sector, and pre-election atmosphere has negatively affected the business travel.

Hemant Tenneti Hotel Manager, Courtyard by Marriott Pune Chakan over. Agreeing that business

bound business travel to

businessmen and executives

sector, especially Auto, is wit-

India due to factors such as

travelling to India, causing

nessing its softest phase. Oc-

sluggish economic climate in

big concern for the country's

cupancies in markets driven

the source markets. However,

hotels and tourism sectors.

by IT, Finance, Banking have

this season we hope to see


seen growth. International

some improvement due to

comes into action surely the

MICE travel however has

factors such as depreciation

travel and hospitality indus-

seen a decline. The number of

of rupee by over 10% and

try will see revival of busi-

international events booked

plans of easing out the visa

ness,” said Sharma.

for first quarter 2014 was sig-

regime by the government.”

The national economy is



nificantly lower than previous

As for factors affecting the in-

also showing signs of modest

bound business travel to

recovery. As the fundamen-

such events is 12-24 months,

India at present,

tals of the economy are better


the economic slowdown over

said, “Issues related to con-

as compared to a few months

the past 24 months could be a

nectivity, safety, security, visa

ago, a stable government at

and economic conditions in

the centre would definitely

possible reason for the same. First quarter 2014, however

Singh said that the elections

is appearing stronger and

in the first half of 2014 can be

comparable to a strong year.

a deterrent for inbound busi-

The leisure market also per-

ness travel. “Recovery is ex-

formed very well in the first

pected after the polls once the

three months with destina-

political system is more sta-

tions like Jaipur, Goa and

ble and there is more clarity

Cochin witnessing growth for

in policy decisions. The new

Marriott properties.” Tenneti said that contin-

leisure tourism in India during winter months has posi-

give a fillip to the economy. Rohit Katyal, Head of Sales and Marketing North

There has been slow down in in-bound business for the past year years. Year over year footfall to India is going down drastically. We have seen 30% drops in overall inbound business in terms of occupancy and revenue.

ued growth of IT and ITES/


source markets and the up-



said that there has been slow down in inbound business in the past years. “Year over year footfall to India is going down drastically.

We have

seen 30% drops in overall inoccupancy and revenue,” said

tor and auto sector, and pre-

while slowdown in infra sec-

India, Justa Hotels & Resorts

bound business in terms of

Rohit Katyal Head, Sales & Marketing North India Justa Hotels & Resorts

tive impact on business travel

Katyal. As per Katyal, some of the key issues that are affecting the inbound business travel to India are political instability, negative publicity by

negatively affected the busi-

coming elections are impact-

media and inadequate steps

ness travel.

ing the decision making for

taken by governing authori-

inbound business travelers to

ties to maintain safety secu-


rity of women and inability of

Tenneti also agreed that after the elections business

Lovesh Sharma Director of Sales and Marketing, Jaipur Marriott Hotel


years. Since lead time for

travel to India will improve

The Year 2013 didn’t see very attractive growth in the inbound business travel to India due to factors such as sluggish economic climate in the source markets. However this season we hope to see some improvement.

there are a smaller number of

lated travel. Manufacturing

after the general elections,

tractive growth in the in-


travel is expected to surge be-

Business travel to India is

travel/ hospitality industry

cause, “generally the first

expected to improve after the

and Department of tourism to

100-150 days post general

general elections once new

do roadshows at various plat-

government will hopefully in-

elections always has seen a

government came into power

forms. “Unfortunately all of

crease infrastructure spends




us as travel partners are

comes to end. “Due to up-

working in isolation and

to attract more inbound business travellers,” said Singh. According Tenneti,



The Year 2013 was also


not so good as far as business

coming elections in May India

under cutting each other,”


travelers to India are con-

is experiencing a bagful of po-

said Katyal, who does not see


cerned. Lovesh Sharma, Di-

litical and economic uncer-

much improvement in busi-

Courtyard by Marriott Pune



tainty just when the source

ness travel to India in near

Chakan, said that first quar-

Marketing, Jaipur Marriott

markets like US and Europe

future. He said that looking at

ter of 2014 has been robust in

Hotel, said, “The year that

are emerging from their eco-

present scenario at least for

terms of business travel, es-

went by didn’t see very at-

nomic downturn. Therefore

next year and half probability




Trade News

is bleak until and unless “we

year for inbound business

from our foreign agents that

note, Sarkar said that recent

are able to work together at

travel in India,” said Sharma.

group visa is the most difficult

announcement of the visa on


task to obtain and it takes sev-

arrival by the government, for

casing infrastructural im-

there are several factors that

eral weeks to get Indian visa.

180 countries starting Octo-

provement, safety, security



Even hard rules by the Indian

ber 2014, will definitely in-

and hygiene and specially

travel to India. The macro

visa regulation for filling up a

crease the volume of foreign

global level in terms of show-

Inbound travel into India in general has recorded growth during first quarter this year. Overall, we can expect more from 2014 as it is promising to be a buoyant year for inbound business travel in India.

taxation on tourism.”


Sharma’s inbound

ones being: The risk of reces-

long application form available

tourist traffic to India. He

sion still exists as recession

only in English is also a big

added, “We are hopeful to have

continues to prevail in high

hurdle for language speaking

a big growth in coming tourist

Hotel and Spa Bangalore,

debt ridden nations such as

countries,” said Sarkar. Ac-

business 2014/15 and beyond.


in Europe, and economic per-

cording to Sarkar, the out-

We hope that no one misuses

recorded a healthy business

formance of feeder/source

source company appointed by

the advantage and the system

performance and growth this

markets. He also hopes that

Indian Embassy in the U.S. is

works for tourism growth in

quarter. “Inbound travel into

business travel to India will

“one of the most unprofes-

our Country for a long time.

Prashant Sharma, General

Prashant Sharma, General Manager, Mövenpick Hotel and Spa Bangalore


Manager, that


Mövenpick hotel


India in general has recorded

improve after the general

sional company as stated by

This growth will bring us not

growth during first quarter


most of our foreign operators.

only most valuable foreign ex-



this year. Overall, we can ex-

community is waiting for the

In several occasions we had to

change to our country but also

pect more from 2014 as it is

elections to come to a conclu-

request the India Tourism of-

improve our infrastructure and

promising to be a buoyant

sion and we expect demand

fice New York to help our for-

increase the job opportunities many folds.”

First quarter we have seen that the inbound business travel is buoyant. Second quarter forecast is a bit slow. Majority of this travel is from US, Europe and Middle East markets.

Vishal Singh General Manager of Hyatt Pune

to be high despite it being


summer, as projects and

intervention of the Indian Em-

Thomas Cook India has partnered with Corporation Bank to expand its distribution network for its multi-currency Borderless Prepaid Card.


There are some opera-

planning in general would get

bassy in USA, which helped us

tional issues that hinder in-

activated immediately post the

getting the Indian Visa for our


elections,” said Sharma.



Sarkar said that

traffic to





Pronab Sarkar feels that

many individual tourists were

change in rule by all the air-

the inbound business travel to

denied or given visa only after

lines for purchase or deposit of

India could do better if India’s

the travel date, which resulted

money at the time of booking

visa regulations were eased

cancellation of the tour pack-

the air seats is putting hard-

and there is smooth operation

ages. He added that there is a

ship to the serious operators.

of outsource visa companies

need to change the outsource

Due to this factor group move-

engaged by the various Indian

company in USA responsible

ment is reducing day by day or

Embassy's abroad.

for Indian visa.

only last minute group book-


biggest complaint we receive

Thomas Cook India partners with Corporation Bank


However, on a positive

ings are happening.


Thomas Cook India to seek a

India’s metros, mini metros and

Worldwide has witnessed im-

strong distribution partner to

the emerging Tier II & III Re-



pressive uptake- with over

fulfill its aggressive expansion

gional markets; also rural

60,000 of cards sold; a loaded

strategy, and in Corporation


value of US$ 205 Mn. and a

Bank it found an ideal match.

The Borderless Prepaid

market share of more than

Corporation Bank’s unerring

Card empowers travellers with

12%, merely a year from launch

focus on both technology and

the option of loading eight cur-

– making it the largest non

its consumer saw resonance

rencies on a single card (US

bank player in the space.

with Thomas Cook India’s pio-

Dollars, British Pounds, Euro,

neering innovation and con-

Australian Dollars, Canadian

homas Cook India has


branch network, pan India. In a

announced an agree-

first mover advantage, this pio-

lighted the powerful potential of

sumer empowering product

Dollars, Swiss Francs, Singa-

ment with Corporation

neering initiative will see a card

India’s outbound travel sector-


pore Dollars & Japanese Yen)

Bank to distribute its unique

issued by a non-banking entity

estimated to account for 50mn

The association, extends

enabling the cardholder to use

multi currency Borderless Pre-

being distributed by a bank.

outbound tourists by 2020.

the reach of Thomas Cook

the appropriate currency, basis

India’s Borderless Prepaid

the country being visited - effec-

UNWTO research has high-

paid Card via the Bank’s for-

Launched in November

This, coupled with the strong

eign exchange branches across

2012, Thomas Cook India’s Bor-

consumer demand for its Bor-

Card via Corporation Bank’s

tively saving money and time.

its impressive 2009 strong

derless Prepaid Card in collab-

derless Prepaid Card, propelled

impressive network, across




Trade News

Air Arabia holds FAM for leading tour operators from India Air Arabia holds a high-end exclusive FAM for Almaty for a few selected and leading tour operators from Delhi and Mumbai. Destination: ALMATY Kazaghstan Dates: Jan 24 – 28, 2014

he FAM was con-

The trip started with a formal

ducted on an invita-

sit-in welcome dinner organ-

tion by Hotel Ritz

ized by the senior manage-

Carlton and Air Arabia was

ment of Ritz Carlton on the


Organized by: Hotel Ritz

the Airline Partner. The idea

first evening. The next day

Carlton, Almaty

behind the FAM was to pro-

tour started with sightseeing

mountain surroundings of Al-

the biggest shopping malls of

Airline Partner: Air Arabia

mote Almaty as a MICE and

in the central part of Almaty

maty city. The first stop was in

the city, including the oldest

Participants from Delhi:

leisure destination to the In-

covering more about history

the Medeo Gorge, where in the

one - Zangar (Central De-

Pankaj Nagpal, Travstarz

dian travel trade. The FAM

and development of the south-



partment Store), which is the

Holiday & Destinations

started off on a very good note

ern capital of Kazakhstan and

Trans-Ili Alatau the largest

best and the most convenient

Rohit Shorey, Destinations

on board the Air Arabia flight

its major attractions like the

high mountain skating rink in

place for handicrafts and an-


with its new aircraft and the

Palace of President, Republic

the world is located as well as

tique Kazakh jewelry. The top


Ankur Kalra, Wellcome

most spacious economy cabin

Square and Monument of In-

the huge dam, protecting the

floor of this department store


that the visiting group has


city from destructive mud-

is a treasury of small stores



Sachin Sharma, Odysseus

ever witnessed on any airline

Square, Abai Square and

flows formed on the tops of

selling different souvenirs,


and a very warm in-flight

Palace of Republic, Central

the western Tien Shan. Next

like felt slippers, toys, bags,

Sandeep Khetarpal, Cen-

crew. They got a very warm

Museum, Central Mosque,

was Chimbulak ski resort, lo-

dolls, mini yurts and so on. If

tral Asia Guided Tours

reception upon the arrival at

Green Bazaar where they ex-

cated at an altitude of 2230

you want to buy some sou-

Gopal Kapoor, Dook Travels

the hotel where most of the

perienced an atmosphere of

meters above sea level and is

venirs – this is the place to

Ashish Sehgal, Hora

senior management was per-

the real Central Asian mar-

very popular for its mild cli-

go. You can also have a walk


sonally present to receive

ket, its colors, smells and

mate, large quantity of sunny

along Zhibek Zholy Street -

Participants from Mum-

them. The brand new Ritz

crowds. Then the tour contin-

days and snow through the

the pedestrian street in the


Carlton Hotel that has just

ued to one of the oldest Al-



heart of the city, so-called “Al-

Sapneal Rao, SSR Holidays

opened in November, 2013

maty park – Panfilov Park

scenery of mountain ranges.

maty Arbat”, with comfort-


Ajay Chabria, In Time Trav-

was very impressive with its

with the unique wooden build-

Next was the Kok- Tobe hill

able benches and fountains,


spacious rooms, a very helpful

ing in the world – Zenkov

where the tallest TV tower in

shops and cafes.

Aneel Gupta, Anjali Travels

and courteous team, the Fa-

Cathedral and also visit the

the world is located and the

Deepak Rupani, Om Holi-

mous LT Restaurant and of

Memorial of Glory and Eternal

picturesque winding moun-

the group to explore the vi-

days, Ahmedabad


Flame, dedicated to the mem-

tain road giving a magnifi-

brant night life of Almaty

From Air Arabia:

Rooftop Bar. The 4 Nights

ory of the fighters who died

cent panorama of the city

with its famous night clubs.

Praveen Kumar, Manager

FAM showcased Almaty very

for freedom and independ-

from the special observation

Overall the trip was ex-

North India – Air Arabia,

well and covered most of the

ence of the country.

deck and "The Beatles" (the

tremely educational, memo-

New Delhi

major attractions of the city

The next day the group

only one in CIS countries).

rable and ended with happy

besides the vibrant night life.

moved to see the beautiful





The next day they visited

The nights were left to




Trade News

India to introduce electronic visa facility by this year: Tourism Secretary With a view to liberalise the visa regime, officials in the Tourism Ministry are busy finalising introduction of the electronic visa facility within this year as that would enable India to figure amid top four countries in global tourism, Union Tourism Secretary said at an ASSOCHAM event held in New Delhi recently.

recipe in India including even

friendship and mutual promo-

the smallest community and

tion of tourism. Due to this,

that would include research

total tourist visits in India

and training the people in all

have grown at a steady rate of


about 16 per cent in the last




five years with a forecasted

The ICI building will prob-

growth rate of 12 per cent in

ably come in two years, while

the next decade. The sector’s

it will be having a campus

direct contribution to GDP is

each in Kolkata, Pinjore,

estimated at INR 2,222 billion

Noida and the headquarters

in 2013 and generated 25 mil-

will be in Tirupati, he added.

lion direct employments in

Talking about domestic

2012, forecasted to increase

tourism scenario, Dewan in-

at a growth rate of 2.1 per

formed that out of the popula-

cent by 2023,” said Kapoor.

tion of about 120 crore, India

“Tourism in India is insu-

has about 105 crore domestic

lated against economic fluctu-

tourists as per 2012 figures

ations and it is important to

which is expected to slightly

leverage its potential through

improve when figures for 2013

a sustainable policy frame-

are ascertained.

work, encouraging commu-

“Though India ranks at

Prem Kumar




39th spot in terms of foreign


tourist arrival and 16th in

models, offering a holistic


terms of foreign exchange re-

platform to promote inclusive

ceipts but India has the high-

growth and strengthening the

and while the software for

est per-capita spend of a

backward linkages of the in-

very historic de-

the system is in place, there

tourist in any country in the

dustry,” further added the AS-

cision has been

is a need to train the man-

world,” further informed the

SOCHAM chief.

taken in which

power,” said Dewan. “India

Tourism Secretary. “We need

Amid others who spoke

the Ministry of External Af-

will have one of the friendliest

to go on about visa liberalisa-

during the ASSOCHAM semi-


fairs (MEA), the National Se-

visa regimes once the elec-

tion.”Speaking about the sec-

nar included - Radu Octavian

curity Advisor (NSA) and all

tronic visa facility is intro-

tor, the chamber’s President,

Dobre, Charge D’Affaires,

the related agencies have


Rana Kapoor said, “The

Embassy of Romania, Nakul

He further informed that

Travel and Tourism sector

Anand, Executive Director,

the Tourism Ministry has tied

has emerged as one of the key

ITC Limited, Tushar Pandey,

unanimously supported introduction





up with world’s top hotel

sunrise sectors and a poten-

Sr. President & Country Head

(ETAs),” informed, Parvez

school École Hôtelière Avi-

tial game changer for India by

(PSPM), YES Bank, Dipak

Dewan, Union Tourism Sec-




Haksar, Chairman, National

retary, while inaugurating a seminar





The Tourism Secretary

through large scale employ-

Council for Tourism & Hospi-

also informed that setting up

ment for specialized as well

tality, ASSOCHAM and COO,


of the Indian Culinary Insti-

as unskilled workforce, devel-


Thought Leadership Meet,’

tute (ICI) aimed at imparting

oping remote locations, en-

Kapur, Co-chairman, National

organised by The Associated

training top-notch training in



Council for Tourism & Hospi-

Chambers of Commerce and

food has been formally ap-

ventures at the micro level

tality, ASSOCHAM and CMD,


proved the Ministry. “Cur-

and promoting environment

A.B. Hotels Limited, Rakesh Singh, Immediate Past Presi-








rently, the training in food in


“Though the decision has

hotel management institutes


been taken, the orders have

is a minor part of the curricu-

agreements with other coun-

not been issued as the imple-

lum while the ICI will be a

tries and international organ-

Tourism and D.S. Rawat, Sec-

mentation does take time

repository of every single

isations to widen links of

retary General, ASSOCHAM .





dent, ICAI, Li Qianguo, Dy, Director,




Trade News

Thomas Cook India launches ‘Fusion Holidays’

Thomas Cook’s strength in its

and adventure in South Africa

group travel business gives it

to idyllic island bliss in the

but equally keep our product

powerful economies of scale,

Maldives; Thomas Cook’s Fu-

innovation in top gear to en-

which when coupled with its

sion Holidays offers an allur-

sure customer delight. Our

The Company has created a new customer segment by combining the price advantage of group tours, with the freedom to customize personal holiday itineraries.

Personalised Holidays (FIT

ing array of dream vacations!.

Fusion Holidays brings a

business) offers unique flexi-

Thomas Cook India’s Fu-

unique two pronged benefit to

bility and freedom. Thus was

sion Holidays are air-inclu-

a new Indian market seg-

conceived a delightful amal-

sive packages: a combination

ment- great value to cater to

gamation- ‘Fusion Holidays’-

of airfare (with taxes), accom-

increasing price sensitivity


sumer segments and trends,

ndia’s leading integrated

which allows for the price ad-

modation in 3 star hotels and

while respecting his individu-

travel and travel related

vantages of group rates (fixed

essential sightseeing. While

ality with the flexibility and

financial services com-

departures) and the freedom

the departure dates and

freedom of personalized op-

pany has introduced an inno-

to customize one’s itineraries

hence air travel is fixed, cus-


vative product line, Fusion

at the destination.

tomers can personalize all

Phadkar elaborated, “The

Holidays, to target a new

And for the Indian trav-

other components- be it an

itinerary of each Fusion Holi-

emerging Indian consumer

eler of today, Fusion Holidays’

upgraded hotel stay, add on

day has been carefully de-


colloquial tag line captures

sightseeing tours, extended

signed, to cover the must-do


stays, etc.

sightseeing attractions while

Thomas Cook India’s internal research and trend re-



“Saath bhi, Akele bhi”!

Shibani Phadkar, Senior

leaving our customers suffi-

ports had highlighted the

From weekend getaways

Vice President & Head -

cient time to indulge in their

emergence of a new market

like Dubai and Sri Lanka or

Leisure Travel Outbound,

special interests via add on



the favourites of Singapore,

Products, Contracting, Oper-

tours. And with the Summer

value conscious consumer but


Thailand, Malaysia and Hong

ations & Tour Management,

holiday season just around

an individual in his own right;

Kong; the scenic splendor of

Thomas Cook (India) Ltd.

the corner, Fusion Holidays

hence looking for value saver

Switzerland; a smorgasbord

said: “As pioneers in the holi-

assures our customers of a

travel packages without los-

of culture and cuisine in Italy

day business we not only

truly unforgettable experi-

ing out on personalization.

and Spain; wildlife safaris

carefully track evolving con-


cruise, bus, sightseeing, visa

velopment support. The mar-

vided to all franchise staff to ef-

and insurance, which are of-

keting activity will include print

fectively address the changing launches new franchise store in Gurgaon, the online travel search has launched a new franchise store at Gurgaon, Haryana. he new store is located





Sushant Arcade,


fered on the website. With the

technology and enhance cus-

new launch, will

tomer interface.

have a combined strength of 18 is a compre-

franchisees in India. They re-

hensive online portal that pro-

cently opened a new offline

vides end-to-end travel related

stores in Gujarat and Meerut.

services, including flight book-

Speaking on the launch, Neelu


ings, online hotel reservations,


holidays & package tours, car

Sushant Lok – 1 Gurgaon, said, “This is our

rentals, train ticket booking,

Haryana – 122009. Mr. Rao

sixth store launch in North

bus tickets, cruises and more.

Dharmpal, MLA of Haryana at-

India, which makes it one of

Founded in 2006,

tended the launch as Guest of

our most important markets.

helps you find the best deals on

Honour. already

With this launch, we aim to

has an offline presence in Sri-

reach out to a wider mass of

Neelu Singh COO,




air bookings on all Indian & International




audience who prefers the con-

and radio advertising, attrac-

deals. is designed

Meerut and Ludhiana, amongst

ventional method of travel

tive and preferential commer-

on a three-pronged model to

other Indian markets.




cater effectively to the B2B seg-

The store will provide

As with all other stores,

support will include store de-

ment that includes travel

travel services such as flight will provide the

signing to reinforce the brand’s

agents, franchises and B2C, to

tickets, hotel booking, car

franchisee with an active mar-

look and feel. Training and

cater to the end consumer.

rentals, holiday packages, rail,

keting, technical and store de-

technical support will be pro-




Trade News


Collaboration of Egyptian Tourism Office and Aman Travels Limited, India

FAM trips, Egypt Experts club

Aman Travels Limited and Egypt Tourism Office (ETO) together have launched an online website to become an Egypt Expert.

Egypt Tourism Office, leads

grammme, said Dr. Adel El

for more businesses, pre-


membership,invitations to at-

Aman Travels for their initia-

tend exclusive events, addi-

tive and my best wishes on the

tional training modules by

happy launching of this pro-

ferred agent status from r. Adel ElMasry, Di-

where a travel agent can reg-


ister, read the content about



by answering few questions. This website will be bene-

sified modules. I congratulate

Egypt Tourism Office.

“With the launch of this initiative of online training

“It gives me immense

program Egypt Experts, we


pleasure and joy to co-partici-

wish to create more aware-

India and Deepak Narula,

pate with Aman Travels on

ness about Egypt as destina-





the launch of Egypt Experts. I

tion which is recovering fast

Travels Limited inked a Mem-

am happy to co-sponsor this

to achieve another peak in the

orandum of Understanding

new online educational pro-

inbound tourist arrivals. This

(MOU). The MOU aims to

gram for Travel Agents and

online educational tool will

launch an online educational

Tour Operators. I invite all the

help an agency to understand


program for Travel Agents &

agents to participate in this

Egypt better and they will be

Tour Operators. The Agents

program in large numbers.

in a position to sell more. We

can reap the benefits of this

For amazing value we urge

wish to enroll more than 100

program by becoming experts

you to take this wonderful

agents in the first month itself

in selling Egypt.

journey & familiarize yourself

and gradually increase the

To make it possible a joint

Egypt to enhance his/her

ficial for travel agents and to

with this wonderful product

numbers,” remarked Deepak

initiative named as Egypt Ex-

knowledge and can become a

ETO. Other add on benefits an



perts have been launched,

certified destination specialist

Egypt Expert can receive are-

within all its varied and diver-

by knowing in advance what

Me’ location-based mobile

Ixigo revamps trip planner, bets big on content & apps Improved content coverage and mobile apps contribute to 2x YoY growth.




search results.

to expect at these historical

feature in its app that helps

Review of trains and


people explore great local

train stations – The ixigo

places to eat at, stay or ex-

trains app now provides

Expanded content coverage -

ixigo now covers

tourist information over 5000 cities, towns and hill-stations

plore in whichever city they

users with the ability to rate


and review trains, platforms new

and facilities while on the go., India’s leading

loads across our 5 apps. We

in India. It provides detailed

places and pictures - Trav-

“Travellers have become

travel planning & search en-

think this is just the begin-

information including names,

ellers can now add interest-

more independent than ever;

gine, has announced a major


addresses, locations, photos,

ing places to visit, hotels,

a recent survey we con-

opening timings, prices, de-

restaurants and even photos

ducted among frequent trav-

revamp to its trip planner




product with some great con-

New Features

tailed tourist guides etc. for

making the website more

ellers revealed that 67% like

tent and social features. An-

Street view of monuments

over 63000 places to visit,

comprehensive, and in turn

to plan their trip themselves.



– ixigo has become the first

17000 activities and things to

more informative for fellow

With our relentless focus on

AlokeBajpai, CEO & Co-

travel site to integrate the

do, 16000 hotels, 5000 nature



Founder said - “Thanks to

Google street view feature to

and wildlife spots and over

the ever-expanding content

offer 360-degree views of his-

coverage on trip planner and

torical monuments. ixigoers

our unbundled approach to




User Generated Ratings

depth of content and user-

5,000 tips from travellers.

& Reviews - ixigoers can

generated photos, ratings

This makes it more compre-

now easily rate and review a

and reviews, we are well po-

will now be able to get

hensive than any other travel

place they visited on the web-

sitioned to become the brand

solving specific travel use

panoramic views of key mon-

site in India.

cases on mobile apps, we

uments and historical sites

have registered a 2x year-on-

in India, providing a real vir-

across the country – ixigo

ready offers over 175,000 re-

search & planning tools and

year growth. We now have

tual tourist experience of

now features over 65,000



trustworthy travel informa-

over 2.5 million active users

what the place actually looks

restaurants across India on

ratings of places. These rat-

tion.” said Rajnish Kumar,

every month and have seen

like. This will help travellers

its website and apps. ixigo

ings and reviews are used to


almost 2.5 million app down-

in planning their trips better

also offers the useful ‘Near

rank places better in ixigo’s




site or on the ixigo apps for

of choice for Indian travellers

android and iOS. ixigo al-

looking for smarter travel re-






Tunis and Cape Town offer best value room service for Indians abroad TripAdvisorTripIndex Room Service compares the price of hotel amenities in 48 popular destinations around the world.


combined cost of the room

named in the top five most ex-

service items being `1916.76.

pensive destinations.

However, when you consider

Travellers looking to bag a

the cost of room service and

bargain should head south

room rate combined the cost

toAfrica where three of the

comes to `9787.71.

continent’s destinations feature in the top five places of-

unis offers the best

through room service, the dry

value for Indian trav-

cleaning of one shirt and from


expensive at Rs.5415. The room rate alone does-

Shell out in Scandinavia,

fering the best value – Tunis

see savings in Africa

in Tunisia, Cape Townin

ellers this year when

the mini bar: a bottle of water,

n’t give an accurate picture of

This year’s results show that

South Africa and Marrakechin

it comes to the common inci-

peanuts, amini bottle of vodka

what the full cost of staying at

you are likely to pay a lot

Morocco.In Europe, the least

dental costs while staying in a

and a can of cola.

a hotel can be, especially

more as four Scandinavian

expensive city destination for

hotel, according to a cost com-

The combined cost of

when you see the wide range

cities make it into theworld’s

room service is Budapest,

parison report released today

these room service items will

of prices for everyday room

top ten most expensive desti-

where a full set of basket

by TripAdvisor, the world’s

set you back by `1138 in

service items between desti-


items will cost over a third of

largest travel site.

Tunis – almost five timesless




Europe as a whole domi-

the price of the equivalent

The results are taken from

thanat the costliest destina-

world.TripIndex Room Serv-

nates the most expensive list

the second annual TripAdvi-

tion, Helsinki, where the price

ice gives travellers a useful

laying claim to six of the top

sor TripIndex Room Service




ten. Helsinki in Finland and

London not as pricey as






items’ cost in Helsinki.

report, which compares the

Africa’s Cape Town follows

money will stretch the fur-

Oslo in Norway take first and

once perceived

cost of room service items in

closely as the second best

thest when it comes to the



London is often considered


cost of these items.




value destination for room

while Zurich, Stockholm and

one of the world’s most expen-

around the world. The study

service at `1419, while an-

Our very own Mumbai

Paris are placed fourth, fifth

sive destinations, but when it

takes into account the cost of

other Scandinavian city, Oslo,

ranks number 14 among the

and sixth. Seoul is the only

comes to the common costs in-

a club sandwich ordered

is revealed as the second most

least expensive cities with the


curred once checked-in to a




TripIndex Room Service at a glance From the least expensive to the most expensive (green and orange indicate least and most expensive destinations for each item respectively):




hotel, the capital actually provides



than many rival Euro-

Jakarta best value for

combined, Jakarta at INR

room service and room

7335.17 replaces Tunis as

main in the top 10. This

rates combined

number one destination

time however, New York

for value overall.

City replaces Helsinki as

pean cities. This year, the

While Tunis is re-

capital city is ranked 13th

vealed as the number one

In the most expensive

place in the priciest list –

destination for best value

list, it seems that pricey

costliest destinations re-

the most expensive with a total




making it a cheaper op-

room service, when you

room service and pricey

26679.76compared with

tion than New York and

consider the cost of room

hotel room rates go hand-

Helsinki’s Rs 17891.39.


service and room rate

in-hand as eight of the

IATO honours Miss Angeli Dione Gomez, Miss Tourism International

visa and Visa-on-Arrival.

Tour Operators (IATO).



On this occasion Sanjay

her for winning the title of

Gomez talked about India’s

Razdan, MD, Razdan Holi-

Miss Tourism International

Natural Beauty, Art, Culture,

days was also honoured for

The event was to honour




2013/14 and being Brand Am-

Warmth of People and Hospi-

his winning the “Desert Storm


tality of India.

Car Rally” in Rajasthan.




Pravez Dewan, Secretary

IATO paid homage to Ram

IATO’s special luncheon

“She will also help us to


Kohli founder President, In-

meeting held today at The

boost tourism between India

India was the Chief Guest and

dian Association of Tour Op-

Park Hotel, Parliament Street

and Philippines and of course

profusely talked about the ini-

erators and Chairman of

New Delhi added glamour and

with other countries being the

tiatives taken by the Govern-

Creative Travel and also to

glitz with the presence of An-

Miss Tourism International”



Francis Wacziarg, Co-chair-

geli Dione Gomez, Miss

Said Subhash Goyal, Presi-

International tourist arrivals

man and founder, Neemrana


dent, Indian Association of

to our country particular E-










Trade News


Cox & Kings, with G Adventures to promote adventure tourism Cox & Kings and have formed alliance with G Adventures to promote adventure tourism. Launched ‘Grab Your Dream’, chance for 50 adventurers to travel free. ox & Kings Ltd and



ing forward to welcoming In- have come to-

tourism. These holidays will

dian travellers on our small

gether and launched the ‘Grab

be powered by G Adventures.

group trips around the world.”

Your Dream’ contest, which



come together to put a


spin on adventure tourism in

There is abundant choice


will give aspiring travellers a

India. They have formed an al-

for all kinds of travellers to sa-

Anand, Head-Relationships,

chance to win an adventure of



liance with G Adventures, the

tiate their passion for travel.

Cox & Kings Ltd. said, “We do

a lifetime. The contest will be

largest small-group adventure

Travel styles

range from

not just sell holidays. We sell

spread over four seasons with

travel company in the world

YOLO Tours (You Only Live

experiences that reinforce

each season having 12 lucky

that offers socially and envi-

Once, so live fast, live free!);

your love for travel. We saw an

winners and they will get a

ronmentally sensitive travel.

Local Living Tours (Don’t just

opportunity to whet India’s ap-

chance to explore destinations

Adventure tourism is a rel-

visit; move right in!); Classic

petite for adventure and make

across the world, on an all-ex-

atively nascent concept in

Tours (Authentic and down-to-

them feel as passionately

pense paid trip. It is an once-

India, which is why it is largely

earth!); Active Tours (If your

about travel and sustainability

in-a-lifetime break to Grab

unexplored. With this revolu-

genes were made for walking);

as we do. We could not have

Your Dream. The entrant just



Marine Tours (Sail the seas,

found a better partner than G

needs to convince us why they and G Adven-

conquer the river, ride the

Adventures to bring this revo-

deserve to be the face of our

tures together are combining

ocean); Expedition Cruises

lution to India. They have done

Adventure products. All one

the pleasures of travel with a

(Find your cruise); Family

some spectacular work in the

needs to do is register on

sense of responsibility. This is

Tours (You, the kids and na-

area of sustainable travel, and

a wish come true for millions

ture in all her glory!); Comfort

which will only inspire us fur-

choose a platform to showcase

of young Indians, who wish to

Tours (Adventures with extra


the adventurer in you. It could

leave behind their inhibitions

frills); Private Group Tours (2

As stated by Neelu Singh,

and explore the world, while

is company, 3 is a crowd, 8 is a

COO,, “Innova-

doing something good for the


tion has become the buzzword

Each participant can sub-

today. We are at the helm of a

mit five entries in all. Invite



environment and future gener-

Speaking on the associa-

be through videos, photographs or blogs.

ations. The objective is to pre-



digital euphoria wherein trav-

your friends, family and col-



Founder of G Adventures,

ellers are adventurous, re-

leagues to vote for you. The ap-

travellers love and enjoy, for

“India is an exciting and dy-

sponsible and tech savvy. This

plications are then reviewed by

future. The priority is bringing

namic market with huge po-

is a proud moment for us as

the Jury based on quality and

about a positive social change

tential for G Adventures. It’s

we partner with G Adventures

creativity of submitted content.




through travel. In fact, it is this

experiencing rapid growth in

who has revolutionized the

The Jury’s decision is final.

common conviction of giving

terms of outbound tourism

travel space while maintaining

The final round entails a face-

back to society that has

and with global demand for

their vision for a sustainable

to-face interview that gives you

brought together these stal-

adventure travel also continu-

future. We are excited to start

a chance to prove that you are

warts in the travel space. This

ing to grow, now is the perfect

a revolutionary travel experi-

the best person to qualify for

synergy has resulted in the

time to introduce it as a new

ence for all our customers

the final 12 positions.

birth of a safe and reliable ad-

way to see the world. Cox and


venture travel product, which

Kings is such a well respected


will transform the mindset of

company and it’s an honour to

To kick-start this venture,

Indian travellers towards ad-

partner with them. We’re look-

G Adventure, Cox & Kings and




The winners will visit one or more destinations, which will be allocated at our discretion.




Heritage/Trade News

Indian Museum preserves rare Buddha relics BCCI has proposed the Indian Museum to have a separate enclosure for rarest of Buddha’s relics in a bid to woo global Buddhist pilgrims to Kolkata. Swaati Chaudhury

grim destination of India in the in Buddhist tourist footfalls from South-East Asia. It is believed that Lord Buddha’s body was partially cremated and buried in Kusinagar in Bihar after his demise. Manab Pal, Chairman-Tourism, BCCI explained, “The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) had car-

seum in India and one

ried out excavations in Kusina-

of the best museums in

gar way back in 1994 and

Asia, the Indian Museum in

discovered the bones of Lord

Kolkata displays rare artefacts.

Buddha that were displayed at

It is the only destination in con-

National Museum in New Delhi.

temporary India to flaunt relics

A part of Lord Buddha’s bones

of Lord Buddha dating back to

were brought to Indian Museum

2,700 years old. In a unique ini-

in Kolkata but only around 9 per

tiative, the Bengal Chamber of

cent of the bones were exhib-

Commerce and Industry (BCCI)

ited. The museum remained

has taken up an interesting proj-

closed for six months and was

ect- Buddhist Tourist Circuit

reopened in February, this year.

that aims to make Kolkata the

Tourists can take a peek at Bud-

most significant Buddhist pil-

dha’s relics including two bones

RezNext sees strong momentum in sales growth Onboards 300+ customers between JanuaryFebruary 2014 increasing its customer base to 700+ hotels in a span of 6 months.


that are treasured at the Terra-

The aims of BCCI’s Buddhist Tourist Circuit project are: •Has proposed the Indian Museum to come up with a separate enclosure for Buddha’s relics. •Set up a separate entrance in Indian Museum for global Buddhist pilgrims. •Transform Kolkata into a prominent Buddhist pilgrim hub of India. •To hike the number of global flights from South-East Asia to Kolkata. •To surge the flow of Buddhist pilgrims from Pacific RIM countries to Kolkata.

of Indian Museum. Apart from

coming period and bring a surge

amed as the largest mu-



cotta Gallery on the ground floor India, there is Buddha temple in Kandy in Sri Lanka that flaunts a single tooth of Lord Buddha and is a revered destination for Buddhist pilgrims.” Dr. Manmohan Singh, the Prime Minister of India had said during the reopening of Indian Museum that museum portrays culture and history of the country and relics are to be displayed for tourists visiting the museum. Manab Pal informed, “We have approached the Indian Museum authorities to form a separate enclosure for the display of Buddha’s relics and build a separate entrance for global Buddhist pilgrims to wash their hands and feet for paying their obeisance to Lord Buddha.”

lenges in the hotel distribu-

two-way interfaced propri-

tion business.We advocate

etary technology that allows

an integrated distribution

hoteliers to distribute their

brings their business.” Among the signups for RezNext



model where hoteliers have

inventory real-time on elec-

largest traction is seen with

access to revenue manage-

tronic distribution channels.

RezE, the web booking en-

ment intelligence that helps

According to Mike Kistner,

gine solution. “RezNext has

them clearly define their dis-

“At RezNext we are guided

been actively propagating

tribution goals and focus on

by the philosophy of helping

the importance of converting

ezNext, the world’s

channel management from a



the hotel’s website into a

only true real-time

yield perspective,” said Mike

their revenues while au-

strong distribution channel.




Kistner, Chief Executive of-

tomating key processes. Our

In global countries while

pany has announced that it

ficer, RezNext Global Solu-

real-time two-way connect

major brands drive about

has signed up 300+ hotels

tions Pvt. Ltd. “I am very

with leading online travel

33% of their bookings from

across 35 cities in India be-

pleased with the growing ad-

agents like Goibibo helps

their website, in India this is

tween January and February

dition to our customer base

hoteliers publish their rates

only at 7.7%. With RezE, ho-

2014.These customers join

and look forward to an excit-

and inventory real-time. Our

tels can power their websites

the 400+ customers who

ing year ahead for RezNext.”

technology automates the

and display real-time inven-

signed up for RezNext prod-

RezNext has partnered

booking process including

tory for sale. In addition to

ucts in 2013. “This large adoption rate is testimony to the fact that

with best of breed global in-

modifications and cancella-

this,hotels can also promote

dustry solution providers to

tions allowing hotels to focus

specific real-time packages

offer an

on theprimary function of

on their website thus improv-

hotels in India are looking at

end-to-end solution suite

providing great service to

ing the opportunity to drive

the real-time distribution

that caters to the entire dis-

their guests. Hoteliers have

more bookings through this channel, said Mike Kistner.

model that RezNext offers to

tribution ecosystem.Core to

adopted this model and can

address the existing chal-

the offering is the real-time

clearly see the benefits this



Government News


Museums on Muziris heritage opened to public The museums would remain open from 10 am to 5 pm on all days except Monday. eople of Kerala will

mega heritage project would

hereafter get a chance

be inaugurated after the com-


to learn the rich by-

pletion of visitors centre, activ-

gone era of a ‘lost city’ which

ity centre, convention and

played a crucial role in mold-

research centre and hop on-

ing the socio-politico culture of

hop off boat service. “We de-

the state, with the government

cided to open the museums for

on Sunday opening four muse-

public because we completed

ums under the Muziris Her-

the conservation projects on

itage Project.

time and deployed staff and

The museums available for

guides in the museums. In ad-

visitors are the Kerala History

dition to the four museums, the

Museum, housed in the Paliam

people can also visit heritage

Kovilakam, Kerala Lifestyle

sites like Pattanam, Paravur

Museum in Paliam Nalukettu,

Market, Kottappuram Fort,

Kerala Jews Historical Mu-

Kottapuram Market, Chera-

seum housed in Paravur Syna-

man Juma Masjid, Gothuruthu





Lifestyle Museum in Chen-

Performance Centre and Pallipuram Fort,” he said.

damangalam Synagogue. All

Harikishore said that the

museums are equipped with

museums would remain open

video screens, touch screens

from 10 am to 5 pm on all days

and information panels to help

except Monday.

the visitors understand the rich history of the region.




ernments have come together

where the female members

conservation,” said Kerala

to conserve and showcase a

and minor boys of the Paliam

Tourism Secretary

family lived.



Project is one of the biggest

culture of more than three

Kerala Tourism Director S

conservation projects in the

millennia,” Hon’ble Minister

The project site is spread

The museums will provide

Harikishore, who visited and

modern history of India. It is

for Tourism A P Anil Kumar

across North Paravur munici-

the people an insight into

opened the museums for pub-

because of this magnitude that


lic on Sunday, said that the

both the Central and state gov-

pality in Ernakulam district

multi-layered history of the

He said “the project gives

and Kodungallur municipality

ancient port city, which myste-

the people an opportunity to

in Thrissur district with 12

riously disappeared sometime

walk the same road once trav-


after the first century A.D.

elled by explorers and traders


in ancient Muziris.”



Paliam Kovilakam was the

The state government’s


decision to revive the Muziris

Eriyad, Mala, Mathilakam,

Heritage Project has been

residence of Paliath Achans,



widely praised by countries

who were prime ministers to

Sree Narayana Puram, Vel-

across the world, including

the erstwhile maharajas of

langalore and Edavilangu.

China, South Korea, Japan,

Kochi in the 16th century. An

“The Muziris Heritage

architectural wonder, with its

Project focuses on sustain-

Bangladesh. The UNESCO







ability and involvement of

and the United Nations World

balustrades, the Paliam Kovi-

local communities. The proj-


lakam is situated in Chen-



(UNWTO) have also backed



guidelines such as the UN-

the state government’s con-

century Paliam Nalukettu was

ESCO Charters on heritage

servation efforts.






Hospitality/Government News


The Metropolitan Hotel & Spa bags ‘Outstanding Hotel Partner’ title The Metropolitan Hotel & Spa bags title of ‘Outstanding Hotel Partner’ by renowned BOOKING.COM

fter receiving several awards are

cated in the heart of the busi-

coveted accolades in

one of the most valuable &

ness and commercial hub of

the recent past, The

renowned awards, which are

New Delhi, and provides easy

Metropolitan Hotel & Spa

given to the selective hotels

access to most of the corpo-

(a.k.a. THE MET) continues

basis their excellent perform-

rate and financial centres,

its award-winning streak by

ministries, embassies and the





Hotel Partner Award” for achieving the Highest Revenue in the Independent Hotel category by one of the most reputed travel portals, Book-

We are delighted to be conferred with this honour and express our gratitude towards for recognizing our efforts. The Met has always tried to give the best of the services to its customers.

ment is rolling out plans


to boost rural tourism

Shankarpur. It aims to make

beyond the beach resort of Digha

tourists familiar beyond Digha

in the district of Midnapore with

like Tajpur beach.

an aim to woo both domestic and




The department of tourism,

Luxury Collection and pro-


swanky hotel is a member of Great Hotels of the World,

ist, urban, stylish designs,

at this prestigious moment,

ative, user-friendly web portal


Vipul Gupta, Executive Direc-

that guarantees the best

smoothest place with warm

tor, The Metropolitan Hotel &

available prices. Its goal is to

and thoughtful service. Liber-

coming from across the globe.

stroll in tamarisk forests and

“THE MET” – the smart and

mosphere with vivid, minimal-

matched hospitality services, comfort and luxury to guests

he West Bengal govern-


ance. is inform-

based on for providing un-

Digha to receive eco-tourism facelift


Expressing his happiness This award is solely

(L-R) Kakoli Bannerjee, Head, Sales & Sanzeev Bhatia, General Manager, The Metropolitan Hotel & Spa


grounds. Now nicknamed as

vides a peek into the future of hospitality. The Met, a fine blend of style and substance, welcomes guests to a fresh at-





Spa, says, “We are delighted

provide business and leisure

ally sprinkled with both busi-

to be conferred with this

travelers with the most acces-

ness essentials and travel

honor and express our grati-

sible and cost-effective way of

comforts, The Met is the per-

tude towards for

discovering and booking the

fect destination for finest liv-

recognizing our efforts. The

broadest selection of accom-


Met has always tried to give

modation, in every corner of

business and upscale leisure

the best of the services to its

the world.

traveler. Come, LIVE MET

customers and will always

The Metropolitan Hotel &




SMART at this prestigious

keep trying to exceed their ex-

Spa, New Delhi is a Five Star

property in New Delhi, India.


Deluxe full service hotel lo-


Darjeeling Himalayan Railway resumes service

world to be connected by steam



Kurseong-Siliguri section of the toy train has stopped its service since 2010 after being

oncerned with the

Site by UNESCO in 1999 and

affected by landslide. DHR

fear of being delisted

is the world’s second narrow

has been running truncated


from UNESCO, the

gauge railway next to Sem-

service between Darjeeling

132-year-old Darjeeling Hi-

mering in Austria. The Hi-

and Kurseong in the hills and

ters in coastal hamlets of Ram-

malayan Railway (DHR) has

malayan railway was hit by

Siliguri and Rang Tong in the

nagar I Block surrounding Digha

resumed its service on the

severe landslides and UN-

foothills. The Indian Railways

on public-private partnership



ESCO had expressed con-

is facing an acute shortage of

crore intends to offer some

(PPP) model. The area is in the

Siliguri-Rang Tong stretches.

cerns on the status of DHR.

funds and UNESCO has sanc-

novel experiences to tourists

coastal regulatory zone that does

The move will help to neutral-

All UNESCO listed World Her-

tioned Rs 42.5 crore to the In-

foreign tourists. A detailed proj-

West Bengal plans to establish

ect report (DPR) is being pre-

eco-friendly rural tourism clus-

pared for rural tourism project in and around Digha. The project worth Rs 25

like authentic rural culture,

not allow concrete construction.

ize the chance of the coun-

itage Sites are looked after by

dian Railways to relay the

watching local craftsmen and

A road stretching 7 km will be

try’s oldest mountain railway

a comprehensive conserva-

tracks. Only 13 km of the

women crafting conch shells,

build from Digha to Shankarpur

system losing its heritage tag.

tion and management.

stretch need to be bridged to

wall hangings, lampshades and

with mud huts on either side of

bangles from sea shells and

the road.



The toy train was de-

Ghoom is the second

clared as a World Heritage

highest railway station in the

run the full service. by TNH DESK

Government News

High value eco-tourism in India’s marine wonderland Lakshadweep is blessed by nature’s glorious largesse and is best known as high value ecotourism destination of India.


The water sports equipments

Minicoy and scuba diving tour at Kavaratti.

Set up way back in 1956,

like kayaks, paddle boats,

Lakshadweep has a group of

skiing boats, sailing yachts

According to A M Hus-

36 islands and is around 440

and glass-bottomed boats are

sain, Assistant Director, De-

km away from Cochin to-

on offer in the islands. Of


wards the west coast of Ker-

late, the union territory has

Development, Administration

ala. The islands of Minicoy,

emerged as a unique adven-

of Union Territory of Lak-


shadweep, “We have ambi-

Kadmat, Kavaratti, Kalpeni

Swaati Chaudhury

and Agatti are open for tourists and there are basic

ere’s a piece of ex-

tourism infrastructure in the

citing news for Sen-

uninhabited islands of Thin-

ior citizens of India

nakkara and Bangaram. The

looking forward to travel to

islands of Kavaratti, Kadmat

the coral paradise of Lak-

and Minicoy are equipped


with beach resorts. The de-

A M Hussain, Assistant Director, Tourism, Lakshadweep

partment of tourism is trying to boost the islands as water sports destination with a plethora of water sports ac-

We have ambitious plans to commission two passenger ships in the current year to develop the connectivity to the islands. The presence of virgin beaches forms the main USP of our destination.


tivities like kayaking, scuba diving, snorkeling, wind surfing, water skiing, rafting, parasailing, jet skiing and deep sea fishing.



tious plans to commission

Package tours of Lakshadweep Tourism: •Lakshadweep Samudhram-a fiveday ship-based tour. •Coral Reef package. •Marine wealth awareness programme. •Taratashi packagean island tour of Kavaratti. •Swaying palm package. •Scuba diving package.

There is Lakshadweep

two passenger ships in the current year to develop the connectivity to the islands. The




beaches forms the main USP of our destination. The best time to visit the islands is from October to May. Bengal tourists record the highest footfall



while European travellers mostly visit Bangaram Island. Mumbai, Pune and Kolkata form our key tourist markets.”



speaking at Lakshadweep Tourism Meet in Kolkata on

Diving Academy that came up

ture sport-nature tourism

in 2012 to make the island

destination for adventure

into Asia’s best diving hub





point for Lakshadweep is


Cochin both by air and ship.

shadweep. In the latest move

mier diving academy. There

tourism has devised six kinds

“Tourists can stay for a pe-

to pull tourists to experience

are a number of diving cen-

of tour packages including

riod of six days in the is-

unlimited sea adventure, the

tres in islands including

Lakshadweep Samudhram-

lands. There were around

department of tourism under



cruising to Kavaratti, Kalpeni

5,500 domestic visitors to

the aegis of administration of

garam, Agatti and Minicoy

and Minicoy, coral reef tour of

Lakshadweep and about 10

Union Territory of Lakshad-

that are into providing certi-

Kavaratti, Kalpeni and Mini-

per cent global visitors last

weep is offering around 10

fied scuba diving courses.

coy, marine wealth aware-

year. We expect at least 20

per cent flat discount on

The residents of the islands

ness at Kadmat, Taratashi

per cent rise in tourist ar-

package tours for Senior citi-

have been imparted training

tour of Kavaratti, swaying

rivals this year,” added Hus-

zens of India from this year

to serve as diving instructors.

palm tour – an island tour of


cal music is vying to receive



ished. Besides, local crafts

UNESCO’s World Heritage

would be a master plan for

and culture would be in

tag with the support of Ar-

the renovation of the entire

focus and get global recog-

and is known as India’s pre-

Bishnupur eyeing World Heritage tag








heritage precinct and the

nition. There is an array of

ishnupur, the pre-

India (ASI). The temple

flow of tourism would re-

temples in the town lying in



town flourished during 17th

ceive a boost generating

ruins. With the heritage

town in West Ben-

century and was under the

business prospects. All il-

tag, all the dilapidated tem-

reign of Malla dynasty.



ples would receive conser-

gal famed for terracotta



March 3.



temples, paintings and Gha-

Once the temple town is

around the reputed Jor Bag

vation and retain their lost

rana of Hindustani classi-

accorded the World Her-

temple would be demol-





Government News

Goa beckons with festival tourism

golf course and marinas that

guard system and adequate

in the state is Shigmo that

would surge the flow of family

cops at the beaches who will be

forms a spectacular 14-day

tourists into the state. It has

posted till midnight. CCTV cam-

The all-time favourite tourist hotspot of Goa is betting big on festival tourism.

show of Goan mythology and

categorized 34 infrastructural

eras will be installed in areas

ethnicity at the annual Shigmo

projects to be completed within

that have high tourist footfall.”

Swaati Chaudhury

balloon, family theme parks,

Asia. We have deployed life

son. The biggest spring festival

parade that takes centre stage

a span of three years. Goa

Goa Tourism is concentrating

across the state. A number of

Tourism is looking at a possibil-

on domestic tourist markets of

groups comprising men and


West Bengal, Karnataka, Ma-

n a unique initiative to cap-

women in traditional attire put

tivate a major chunk of do-

up vibrant performances and



Nilesh Cabral Chairman, GTDC

itineraries during festive sea-


they are interspersed with

Tourism Development Corpora-


small groups that move with

tion Limited (GTDC) is offering

traditional Goan drums.”

a boost to festival tourism in the

The visa-on-arrival initia-

state. Some of the major and

tive taken up by Central gov-

most popular festivals of Goa

ernment will be extended to

are Christmas, New Year’s, and

global tourists arriving from

Heritage Festival, Carnival,

180 countries to India. Cabral

Shigmo, Cashew and Coconut

informed, “Global tourists will


no longer have to visit the local

Latest initiatives of Goa Tourism: •To promote festival and family tourism. •Cashew and Coconut Festival in May, 2014. •Cleanliness and development drive on beaches. •Deployed life guards and cops on beaches. •Would install CCTV cameras on beaches.

harashtra, Gujarat, New Delhi, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Kerala. The potential global tourist markets are Russia, the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, France, Central and Eastern Europe and the Baltics. “It is for the first time that the state has crossed three million tourist arrival mark. The arrival of domestic tourists has surged by

Experiencing the Goan cul-

consulates to get their visas

ture can be incredibly exciting

and can avail of visa-on-arrival

experience for tourists during

facility at international airports

their trips to the state. GTDC is

in India. We are quite optimistic

ity of tie-up with private hospi-

all set to host Cashew and Co-

about this facility since it will

tality groups to transform its

In an effort to offer a boost

12.47 per cent while the hike in global tourists has been 9.27 per cent last year,” further added Cabral.

conut festival in May that would

enhance the flow of global

properties into world-class

to MICE tourism in the state,

exhibit cashew and coconut

tourists into the state. We are


plans are on the anvil to set up

delicacies and its allied prod-

stressing on to boost family

Goa’s beaches are highly

a convention centre with a seat-


tourism that will enable par-

popular for both domestic and

ing capacity of 5,000 people. It is

ents and children to visit to-

global travellers and ensuring

a great destination for blending

Shigmo festival is held from March 16 to 30. Nilesh Cabral,

gether and enjoy the fun

safety of tourist is high on the

work with leisure. “The state

Chairman, GTDC explained,

activities like heritage walks,

agenda of GTDC. Cabral added,

has vintage hotels and has been

“Culture forms a significant as-

camps, water sports, eco tours

“We have launched develop-

involved in MICE and wedding

pect of Goa and festival tourism

and wildlife activities.”

ment and cleanliness drive on

tourism since a number of

beaches. The state will soon

years. The state figures high in

is going great guns in the state.

Goa Tourism is also looking

A large number of tourists vis-

ahead to take-off new projects

boast in having one of the

corporate initiatives in the

iting Goa are planning their

that include sea plane, hot air

cleanest beaches in South-East

country,” summed up Cabral.

mid-February. For years, wa-

The cruise is pegged at Rs

make it to Patna. The vessel is

terway in the Gangetic Plains

11,500 per person for a single

well-equipped with restau-

Luxury Ganga Cruise from Kolkata to Patna

has remained unutilized. The

night and includes all luxury

rants, bar, salon and spa. The

state government has signed



state government is acting as

MoU with Assam Bengal Nav-

stopovers at Barrackpore,

a facilitator in the luxury



n an effort to explore the

igation that forms one of the



cruise and would extend all

riverine routes of Bengal

most premier luxury river

Nabadwip, Mayapur, Plassey,

support in receiving statutory

and Bihar, the West Ben-

cruise operators in the east-

Murshidabad, Farakka, Bha-

clearances within shortest

ern region of India.

galpur, Monghyr and eventu-

time. It has also signed MoU

ally reach Patna. It would take

with another luxury cruise, Heritage River Cruise.


gal government has launched

its open-waterway policy with

The luxury cruise is all set

the exciting river cruise from

to touch the significant her-

seven days to reach Farakka

Kolkata to Patna sometime in

itage destinations of Bengal.

and another eight days to



Government News

Incredible Maharashtra offers memorable experience Maharashtra Tourism is taking giant steps to make the state a preferred tourist getaway for one and all. Swaati Chaudhury

that has a population of 14

tion with private partners. The

prioritized 25 Buddhist sites

the highest growth rate of tiger

guided tour takes off from

from Mumbai to Nagpur and a

population in the country and

Goregaon and shows off out-

detailed survey has been taken

has the fourth largest popula-

door studios. There are three

up on the amenities required.

tion of big cats. Nearly 80 per

kinds of packages tagged at Rs

We have the oldest Buddhist

cent of India’s caves are in Ma-

500, Rs 1,299 and Rs 3,200 for

caves at Karla and Bhaja on

harashtra and the oldest, caves


n a bid to tap the tourist

Ajanta dating back to 2200-

market from the eastern




region and North-eastern

fresco paintings. The state has

region of India, Maharashtra

four World Heritage Sites like

Tourism Development Corpo-

Ajanta Caves, Ellora Caves-

ration (MTDC) for the first

the world’s largest monolithic

time hosted an interactive

cave temple, Chhatrapati Shiv-

road show with the prominent

aji Terminus and Elephanta

travel groups in Kolkata some-

Caves. The unique metro of

time on February 17.

Mumbai forms the highpoint of

For tourists seeking to luxDr. Jagdish Patil Managing Director, MTDC

uriate in the lap of nature or to

our tourism.” Maharashtra occupies the

take a sneak peek into the

fourth slot in receiving domes-

treasured past or stroll on the

tic tourists in the country. The

white sands of picture-perfect

state stands tall with three

beaches, Maharashtra has un-

kinds of forts in the country in-

limited weekend getaways. En-

cluding under water, ground

dowed with 720 km of long

and marine. Patil said, “Our

coastline, 40 national parks

State has the best connectivity

and 100 beaches with ameni-

in terms of airports and it has

ties and safety, the state has a

the largest number of airports

plethora of surprises for do-

in India. There are five jyotir-

mestic and global travellers.

lingams, eight Ganesh Temple



or Ashta Vinayaka and three

tourism potential and was

Shaktipeeths honouring God-


once not dependent on tourism

dess Bhavani with high foot-

owing to its robust economy.

falls. The pilgrim citadel of

According to Dr. Jagdish Patil,


trains in the world. We have

crore. Our state has recorded



tourism packages in associa-


Shirdi received 13 lakh pil-


grims in December, 2013. The

MTDC, “We get the highest

Sahyadri Mountains offers

Mumbai-Pune National High-


way. Our potential global mar-

MTDC’s current steps include: •To open office in Lucknow. •Started Bollywood Tourism packages. •To open Indian Institute of Scuba Diving at Tarkarli. •Attract tourists from Eastern and North-eastern states. •Start direct flights from Aurangabad to Thailand. •Signed MoU with Japan. •Chosen 25 Buddhist sites from Mumbai to Nagpur. •Charted out Eco-Development Plan for three destinations. •Convert five resorts into non-conventional energy resources. •Begin Chickoo Festival in Thane. •Ganesh Chathurthi in Trafalgar Square in 2014.

kets are the United States and the United Kingdom. We are trying to launch direct flights from Aurangabad to Thailand in order to bring Buddhist tourists from South-East Asia. We have signed MoU with Japan to augment mutual economic relations in areas of tourism



MTDC is looking forward to open its office in Lucknow. MTDC has built Ajanta Visitor Centre at Ajanta caves, the largest in the world that has museums, restaurants and information centre under one-roof. There is Ellora Visitor Centre sprawling over 1,50,000 sq. ft of area. MTDC has prepared EcoTourism Development Plan for Mahabaleshwar, Panchgani and Matheran. Patil added, “We are converting five resorts into non-conventional



Three more resorts made of bamboos are coming up in April, this year. We would

number of global travellers



six hours. Patil informed, “We

have seven properties in

around 25 per cent in India

trekking and rock climbing. We

would unveil sea world in Sind-

Konkan Coast, of which three


and we are reaching out to 10

have set up water sailing activ-

hudurg with water parks and

are new and four are being

Indian cities like New Delhi,

ity in Nagpur. Indian Institute

under water activities. We


Chandigarh, Ahmedabad, Ben-

of Scuba Diving will open its

have around 2,000 bed and

The state has about 10,000

galuru, Panjim, Hyderabad

doors at Tarkarli in Konkan

breakfast lodges and home

hectares of land covered with

and Agra with our road shows

region in March. It will be the

stay facilities across the state.

mangrove forests and is the

this year. We would step in

first-of-a-kind in Asia.” Lon-

We can boast of our luxury

leading producer of 10 variety

Chennai and Lucknow. We are

avala provides facilities for

train- Deccan Odyssey recog-

of fruits. “We are into rural and

interested to woo sizeable

hot-air ballooning.

nized as the best luxury train

agro-tourism and we would


in Asia last year. It has been


strides to roll out Bollywood

rated as the top ten luxury

Thane,” further added Patil.

chunk of tourists from the eastern and North-east region









Aviation News

Auckland Airport signs MoU with Mumbai Airport Auckland Airport has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Mumbai Airport that will see the two airports form a ‘sister airport’ relationship.

Auckland Airport, we consider India to be a very important market for us,” says Mr Wedlock. “The Indian travel market also represents a huge growth opportunity for New Zealand tourism,” says Wedlock. “Our

uckland Airport has

Ambition 2020 strategy tar-

signed a Memoran-

gets 69,000 Indian arrivals by



Terminal 2 at Mumbai with en-

dum of Understand-

2020 which is equivalent to 14

Zealand’s shoulder tourism

hanced airport infrastructure

ing with Mumbai Airport that

per cent growth per annum


is capable of handling the ex-

will see the two airports form

over the next six years.”




Naveen Chawla, Vice Pres-

pected growth in the passen-

a ‘sister airport’ relationship.

“Recently we have seen

ident Aero Marketing from

ger traffic and can also

The airport sistership has

some impressive growth from

GVK Mumbai International

accommodate all types of air-

been established with objec-

the Indian market,” continues

Airport says, “In the dynamic

craft with adequate parking

tives that include increasing

Wedlock. “January 2014 saw

aviation scenario, airports

bays. The whole airport expe-

international air links and

Indian visitors to Auckland in-

worldwide are seeing the ben-

rience is enhanced with cus-

tourism between and beyond

crease by 16 per cent when

efits of closer ties through ‘sis-


compared to the same period

ter’ agreements. Mumbai and

beverage, branded duty free

last year.”

Auckland are both leading

and overall passenger experience,” continues Chawla.








Glenn Wedlock, Auckland

“Within India, Mumbai is a

gateways and the agreement

Airport’s general manager

key market for New Zealand

would promote co-operation

“Mumbai is the Financial


and we believe this sister air-

between the two airports in

and Commercial capital of

says that the sistership is im-

port relationship with Mumbai

developing the traffic flow be-

India. The city is strategically

portant as India is a key mar-

International Airport will fa-

tween the two countries. The

located and connects to 29 In-


ket for New Zealand and is a

cilitate further traffic growth

sister airport partnership be-

dian cities within two and a

key focus for Tourism New

between the two key hubs

tween these two major gate-

half hours of flying time. It is

Zealand over the next three

through joint ventures,” says

ways will also bring in best

also considered as the city of



“With over 31,250 Indian visitor


practices to improve services

dreams and is home to India’s

offered to passengers, airlines

biggest entertainment industry,

and all other stakeholders.”

“Bollywood”. Mumbai is also


stimulate more Indian visitor

Zealand in the last 12 months,

arrivals to New Zealand in the

“This association between

strongly positioned as a major

and over 80 per cent of these

peak Indian travel times of

both our airports is very

aviation market in the Asia Pa-


May and December, thus in-

timely. The new integrated

cific region.”



“We will also be

working closely together to


Kolkata Airport selected in “Best” category airport in Asia


airports across the world. The

efficient and have aesthetic

award reflects the views of the

value. The new facility in

fliers in the field of 34 key serv-

Kolkata Airport has a number

ice indicators and serves as an

of improvement areas like short

Amman in Middle East, San An-

objective indicator of best per-

X-ray, multiple gates for entry,

Airports Council Inter-

tonio in North America and

forming airports in the globe.

multiple check-in counters,


Nassau in Latin America-

survey conducted by




awarded the newly launched in-

Caribbean region.

Fliers travelling through

queues at registered baggage,

Kolkata Airport have witnessed

security check stations that

tegrated terminal of Kolkata

ACI is regarded as the most

a considerable change within a

help in fast movement of pas-

Airport the Best Improved Air-

comprehensive customer serv-

span of a year. The change is

sengers and several aero-

port in the Asia-Pacific region.

ice benchmarking tool in the

quite visible since there is a

bridges enable a direct entry

Some of the other airports that

global aviation sector and col-

huge difference between the old

into the aircraft. Passengers ar-

have been adjudged in this cat-

lects the immediate appraisal of

terminal and new terminal com-

riving into the city no longer get

egory are East London in

fliers’ from check-in counters

prising sprawling steel and

into the chaotic traffic at the ter-

Africa, Gothenburg in Europe,

through departure across 285

glass structures that are highly




Aviation News

Sikkim to get new airport With the support of Pawan Chamling government, Sikkim Tourism has drawn up a host of forwardlooking initiatives to make the state into a 365-day tourist getaway. Swaati Chaudhury or the Himalayan state


tourist destination, we would

four districts of the state. A

and Goechala. The trekking

like to set up as many as 100

new airport will start rolling at

route is traversed by the Holy

tourist getaways with special

Pakyong this year that will

Lamas in search of paradise."



have a tremendous impact on

Chaar Dham and Buddha

tourism. We intend to make

the flow of tourists. " There has

Park in South Sikkim have

tourists to have a first-hand ex-

been a 10 per cent surge in the

emerged as pilgrim centres for

perience of the rural life in the

frequency of chopper services

domestic and global tourists.

Himalayan land that has three

from Bagdogra to Gangtok in

Buddha Park at Ravangla is in-

ethnic communities including


cluded in Buddhist circuit and


of Sikkim, power and

Lepcha, Bhutia and Nepali

The land has a plenty of

is a favourite for travellers

tourism are the two

with distinct culture, tradition

opportunities for adventure

from Thailand, Malaysia, Sin-

main sources of revenue gen-

and cuisine. We are bent upon

tourism and nature lovers can

gapore, Nepal and Bhutan.


experience stunning sights of

"Our potential tourist markets

the Himalayan valley. Rai in-

are West Bengal, Gujarat, Ma-

eration that serve as the indicators of economic and social growth. The two major sectors generate employment options and uplift the social standard of the Himalayan populace. The landlocked state is a treasure-trove



Buddhist monasteries and shrines that draw a steady stream of tourists from SouthEast Asian countries. According to Bineeta Rai, Chief Executive



Plans of Sikkim Tourism: •Create 100 tourist destinations. •Develop rural tourism and home stay options. •Get a feel of ethnic rural lifestyle in the state. •Opened new trekking trail in West Sikkim.

Tourism Development Corpo-

formed, "The newly opened

harashtra and South India. We

Silk Route that forms the old

are eyeing the global tourists

India-Tibet trade route has

from South-East Asia and Eu-

been thrown open for domestic

ropean destinations. Since the

tourists in East Sikkim and

state shares international bor-

with the efforts of our state

ders, there are certain restric-

government to set up more

tions imposed on movement of

home stay facilities along this

global tourists. There has been

route, it would make a memo-

around 30 per cent hike in the

rable and nostalgic experience

outflow of domestic tourists

for tourists. A new trekking

and 10 per cent in global

trail has come up in West

tourists into the state last year.

Sikkim and Chongrang has

We are expecting to receive

ration (STDC), "In an effort to

to develop rural tourism and

been identified as the base

around 10 lakh visitors in

make the state a 365-day

home stay facilities in all the

campen route Labdang, Zongri

2014," added Rai.

IATA for closing legal loopholes on unruly passengers The International Air Transport Association (IATA) urged governments to close legal loopholes that allow unruly passengers to escape law enforcement for serious offences committed on board aircraft.

lands nor the state of the oper-

unruly behavior and there is a

ator. This limits the practical-

great deal of uncertainty



amongst carriers as to what


actions crew can take to man-

available to mitigate disrup-

age incidents in the air. And if

tive behaviors. For this rea-

the aircraft lands in a state








other than where the aircraft

supports proposals for juris-


was registered, local authori-

diction to be extended to both

ties are not always able to

n 26 March 2014, gov-

violent, disruptive, abusive, or

the state in which the aircraft

prosecute," said Tony Tyler,


acting in a manner which

lands and the state in which

IATA’s Director General and

might endanger safety.

the operator is located.




for a diplomatic con-

Tony Tyler IATA’s Director General and CEO


ference at the International

The Tokyo Convention was

"Airlines are doing all they

"At the moment there are

Civil Aviation Organization

negotiated in 1963 and it gives

can to prevent and manage

too many examples of people

(ICAO) in Montreal to discuss

jurisdiction over offenses com-

unruly passenger incidents,

getting away with serious

revisions to the Tokyo Conven-

mitted onboard aircraft to the

but this needs to be backed up

breaches of social norms that

tion. The revisions would en-

state of registration of the air-

with effective law enforce-

jeopardize the safety of flights

hance the ability of law

craft. With modern leasing

ment. Reports of unruly be-

because local law enforcement

enforcement and other author-

arrangements, the state of air-

havior are on the rise. The

authorities do not have the

ities to prosecute the small mi-

craft registry is often neither

Tokyo Convention was not

power to take action," said

nority of passengers who are

the state in which the aircraft

originally designed to address





Hospitality News

IHG, IL&FS Skills Partner to Develop Vocational Hospitality Talent in India

dress the first class of students yesterday. On his visit to IL&FS Institute




Richard Solomons, Chief Executive Officer, IHG commented, “We pride ourselves

The 15th IHG Academy programme in India launched with one of India's largest vocational training organisations.

offer guests in India and

nterContinental Hotels

way we can achieve this is to

on the great experience we around the world. The only


Group (IHG) and IL&FS

have well-qualified, passion-

Skills, one of India’s

ate teams. In India, we have

largest skills development

the task of recruiting 10,000


Richard Solomons, Chief Executive Officer, IHG officially launched the 15th IHG Academy programme in India yesterday.


new employees over the next

partner with them to ensure

have learnt. A special em-

launched the 15th IHG Acad-

three to five years as we



phasis will be placed onre-

emy programme in India,

open the 45 hotels in our de-

skilled workers who will not

cruiting women into the

joining over 300 IHG Acad-

velopment pipeline. One of

only add value to IHG but

programme, with the aim of

emy programmes globally.

the most effective ways for

also to the entire hospitality

mobilising the female work-

The partnership will see

us to achieve this is to train

sector in India.”


IL&FSInstitute of Skills (IIS)



The programme supple-





In order to ensure con-

providingIHG approved voca-

through structured skill de-

ments IHG’s on-going sup-


tional hospitality training

velopment programs like this


with National Skills Develop-

across the country as part of

one. It is our privilege to



ment Corporation (NSDC)

the programme. Following

work in conjunction with the

Rozgaar initiative, launched

requirements, a candidate

the three-month course,par-

Indian government to share

to create employable skills

selection process is held to

ticipants are able to apply

our knowledge and enhance

for young adults aged 18 to

recruit the right partici-

for roles at IHG hotels in

the skills of young people

28 years old who do not have

pants. As with all IHG Acad-

India and across the globe.

who want to build their ca-

access to specialised educa-

emy programmes worldwide,


The IHG Academy is a pi-

reer in hospitality. This part-

oneering global collabora-

nership with IL&FS Skills







a passion for delivering

IL&FS Skills’ students

great service to guests is a

tion between IHG and local

will make a big difference to

will be trained to IHG’srigor-

prerequisite for those who

education and community

these students and enables

ous and world-class stan-

have an interest in entering

providers. The programme

us to actively contribute to

dards whilst also gaining

the programme.Upon com-

aims to provide peoplewith

our local communities in a

thorough knowledge and un-

pletion of the three-month

skills development and em-

meaningful and lasting way.”

derstanding of the Indian

training, candidates will bene-

ployment opportunities and

Arunkumar Pillai, Chief

hospitality sector. Thetrain-

fit from being more employ-

create a sustainable talent



ing programme is divided in

able and will also have the

pipeline for IHG. The part-

Skills Development Corpora-

two sessions of 45 days

opportunity of employment in

nershipwith IIS is IHG’s first

tion Ltd added, “More and

each, mixing theory and

an IHG hotel including Inter-

vocational programme in the

more businesses are ac-

practical classes. In their

Continental Hotels & Resorts,

country. It was officially in-

knowledging that the skills

first session, students will

Crowne Plaza, Holiday Inn

augurated by IHG’s Chief Ex-

gap is affecting their ability

be trained by IL&FS Skills

and Holiday Inn Express.



to meet customer expecta-

on the English language, and





With its vocational train-


tions. So it’s heartening to

soft skillsusing the latest

ing methods, IL&FS Skills has

joined DilipChenoy, MD &

see prestigious companies

technology. During the sec-

changed the lives of over

CEO, National Skill Develop-

such as IHG coming forward

ond part of the programme,




and owning the issue of skill

IHG will provide on-the-job


ArunkumarPillai, Chief Op-

development and making it

training to give the young

training and technology driven

erating Officer, IL&FS Skills,

one of their business pillars.

students an opportunity to

customised curriculum.

to tour IIS, Delhi and ad-

We are extremely pleased to

put into practice what they







Government News

MTDC focusing on international ties

Korea are in talks with MTDC

the moment.

Signs MoU with South West Germany, aims at mutual tourism co-operation strategy

Elaborating further on the international focus, Patil said, “Maharashtra is currently the

Anand Shah


top state in India in terms of

fter signing Memo-

international arrivals. How-

randum of Under-

ever, many of them are transit

standing (MoU) with

passengers with hardly a



Luxury with short-breaks

for similar co-operations and are under considerations at


night stay in the state. We just

Wakayama (Japan), Maha-

don’t need numbers but also

rashtra Tourism Development

Corporation (MTDC) recently many’s Baden-Wurttemberg state. According to Jagdish Patil, MD, MTDC, the MoUs will not only help in enhancing and strengthening the ties between two states and countries overall but also develop

Maharashtra is currently the top state in India in terms of international arrivals. However, many of them are transit passengers with hardly a night stay in the state. We just don’t need numbers but also tourist spent and overnights.

signed an MoU with Ger-

tourism and trade co-operation. Moreover, Maharashtra as a state gets global exposure

Jagdish Patil MD, MTDC


To bring local MoUs in action, MTDC is in the process of rolling out inter-state itinerary for its luxury train – Deccan Odyssey. Moreover, it will also introduce ‘short-breaks’ itinerary on the train offering passengers flexibility in number of overnights. Currently, it offers just two itinierary, each of seven nights eight days. From the coming season (October 2014, it will offer six different itinerary and multiple short breaks itineraries. overnight tourists, we thought





of signing MoUs with states

proached us for similar co-op-

(with similar tourism motto)

eration while we are in talks

of the countries which are po-

with Australian state as well.



Through such MoUs, we in-

growth.” MTDC will be soon

tend to go global and improve

opening its tourist informa-

our local tourism sector,” ex-

tion office in Wakayama while

plains Patil. Not just interna-



the Japanese state has re-

tional, the state is also in

cently opened their office in

process of signing similar

Mumbai. The South West Ger-

MoUs with Indian states. It

many tourism board office

has signed up MoU with Goa,

based in Mumbai will be

Gujarat, Karnataka and Mad-

and awareness among global

tourist spent and overnights.

working closely with MTDC to

hya Pradesh while it is consid-

travellers. More states from

To improve our brand visibil-

improve tourism sector be-

ering to states like Delhi,

countries like Australia and



Andra Pradesh and Bihar.

Foreign Tourist Arrivals grows 7.2% in Feb 2014 over Feb 2013 Foreign Tourist Arrivals (FTAs) in February, 2014 was 7.38 lakh which was 6.88 lakh in February, 2013 with a growth of 7.2%. Foreign Exchange Earnings (FEEs) from tourism in Rupees terms in February, 2014 were Rs.11,355 crore in comparison to Rs.10,252 crore in February, 2013.









as compared to FTAs of 6.88

February 2014 were `11,355

2014 were US$ 1.824 billion

lakh during the month of Feb-

crore as compared to `10,252

as compared to FEEs of US$

ruary 2013 and 6.81 lakh in

crore in February 2013 and

1.905 billion during

February 2012.

There has

`8,502 crore in February

month of February 2013 and

been a growth of 7.2% in Feb-

2012. The growth rate in

US$ 1.729 billion in February

ruary 2014 over February

FEEs in rupee terms in Feb-

2012. The growth rate in

2013 as compared to a

ruary 2014 over February

FEEs in US$ terms in Febru-

growth of 1.0% registered in

2013 was 10.8% as compared

ary 2014 over February 2013

February 2013 over February

to 20.6% in February 2013

was negative growth of 4.3%

2012. FTAs during the period

over February 2012.

as compared to the growth of

January-February 2014 were

FEE from tourism in

14.58 lakh with a growth of

rupee terms during January-

ome important high-

5.1% , as compared to the


lights regarding FTAs

FTAs of 13.87 lakh with a




2014 crore

were with


10.2% in February 2013 over February 2012. FEE from tourism in


terms of US$ during Janu-


growth of 1.8% during Janu-

growth of 8.9%, as compared

ary-February 2014 were US$

tourism during the month of

ary-February 2013 over the

to the FEE of Rs.20,717 crore

3.629 billion with a negative

February, 2014 are as follows:

corresponding period of 2012.

with a growth of 21.0% dur-

growth of 5.2%, as compared

ing January-February 2013

to US$ 3.830 billion with a

Foreign Exchange Earnings

over the corresponding pe-

growth of 12.3% during Jan-


(FEEs) from Tourism in

riod of 2012.

FTAs during the Month of

rupee terms and US$ terms

FEEs in US$ terms dur-

February 2014 was 7.38 lakh

FEEs during the month of

ing the month of February

Foreign Tourist Arrivals

uary-February 2013 over the corresponding 2012.






Government News

Kerala Tourism wins tourism ‘Oscar’ for 'Great Backwaters' campaign Kerala Tourism has taken the top prize at the world’s largest tourism trade show held in Germany, winning the ITB-Berlin’s Golden City Gate gold award, dubbed the ‘Oscar of Tourism Communications’. his is the second



international Kerala

This is the third honour in

rated Kerala's backwaters

Tourism in the last two



as many months for Kerala

60th among 133 great destina-

Tourism at the international

tions around the globe.


up to March 9. The Golden City Gate awards are presented in the

Kerala Tourism won the

and national level. In January,

"It is a huge achievement

print, film and media cate-

Golden City Gate top award,

Kerala Tourism had won the

for Kerala and a major boost to

gories and assessed by an in-

the gold prize, of the ITB-

United Nations World Trade

the state's reputation as one of

ternational jury.

Berlin for its print campaign


the top tourism destinations in


The Kerala Tourism stall

on the backwaters, beating

Ulysses Prize, the first for



at the ITB-Berlin this year,

tough competition from major

India, for excellence and inno-

Tourism Secretary Suman

which was also based on the

national tourism boards in the

vation in tourism. Last month,

Billa, who received the award

Great backwaters campaign

it had dominated the National

at the ITB-Berlin awards cere-

theme. The Kerala stand fea-

Tourism Awards for 2012-13,

mony, held on March 6. "The

tured installations of narrow

world. Presented every year at the prestigious ITB-Berlin fair,

winning four top prizes.



award shows the important

canal with water, country

the Das Golden Stattdor or the

"We are truly honoured by

place of our backwaters on the

boats, walking bridge etc

Golden City Gate Awards are

this remarkable recognition

global tourism map," he added.

which attracted thousands of

considered the ultimate recog-

from the world's biggest travel

Kerala Tourism Director S

visitors. The Kerala Tourism

nition in global tourism com-

trade show," said A P Anilku-

Harikishore hailed the award

delegation, led by Shri Suman

munication. The awards are

mar, Kerala Tourism Minister.

as an endorsement of the con-

Billa, comprised 19 co-ex-

held under the patronage of

"The top award at Berlin

tinuing efforts of the tourism

hibitors, namely Abad Hotels,

the German Federal Associa-

demonstrates the significant

department in showcasing the

Coconut Bay, Dune Eco Group,

tion of Film and Audio-Visual

place of Kerala's beautiful

vast tourism potential of the

Kumarakom Lake Resort, Eas-

Producers. This year’s ITB-

backwaters among the most

state. "It is our objective to

tend Hotels and Resorts, Nee-

Berlin began on March 5 in the

important destinations in the

present our distinguished visi-

leshwar Hermitage, Nikki’s

German capital city. It is the

world," Anilkumar said. "This

tors with the best in the world

Nest, Poovar Island Resort,

first time that Kerala Tourism

is a recognition for the Kerala

in terms of variety, originality

Thomas Hotels and Resorts,

has won the gold in the print

brand," he added.

and creativity," he added.

Uday Samudra Leisure Beach

category. Malaysia Tourism

The print campaign of

Started in 1966, ITB-Berlin

Hotel and Spa, Dravidian

had won the gold in the print

Kerala Tourism, titled 'The

is the world's leading travel

Trails, Jayasree Travels and

category last year.



trade show, with the Who's

Tours, Intersight Tours and


launched late last year. The

Who of the tourism and travel

Travels, Spiceland Holidays,

campaign this year on the

campaign presented the back-

industry present at the event.



waters of Kerala, stretching

With 180 countries participat-

Carnoustie Ayurveda and Well-


Tourism's presents





state’s famous water bodies as

from one end of the state to the

ing in the event, ITB-Berlin is

ness Resort, Kairali Ayurvedic

a fascinating water world, in

other, as a single destination

expected to attract a mindbog-

Health Resort, Nattika Beach

the big league of the Great Wall

and a once-in-lifetime experi-

gling 180,000 visitors, includ-

Ayurveda Resort and Vaidya

of China and the Great Barrier

ence for the traveller. The Na-

ing 113,000 trade visitors, in


Reef of Australia.

tional Geographic Traveler

this year's edition, which runs




Government News

Uttarakhand promises safe Chardham and Hemkund Yatra 2014 The opening date for the Holy Dhams is May 2, 2014 for Yamnotri and Gangotri. Kedarnath will open on May 4, Badrinath on May 5 and Hemkund Sahib on May 25. n order to ensure a safe This

and enjoyable journey for

service shall be available from

all the pilgrims doing

7 am to 9 pm every day.



All district magistrates in

Hemkund Sahib Yatra this



Garhwal besides the depart-

under the district magistrate

efforts to ensure safety of pil-

year, the government of Ut-

ments of health sanitation,


grims by making biometrics

tarakhand has announced

water, electricity etc have

Mobile towers and PCO

registration for all pilgrims vis-

various measures to be imple-

been assigned responsibilities

booths have been erected

iting chardham yatra. Biomet-

mented. On 4th March govern-

for maintaining efficient and

every 15 km of the route and

ric registration counters will

ment of Uttarakhand issued

smooth chardham yatra oper-

mobile hospitals and medical

be setup at entry points of

various directions regarding


camps have been established

state and also in yatra routes.

the forthcoming yatras.

Instructions have been is-

for the benefit of the pilgrims.

Dr. Umakant Panwar,

To facilitate the pilgrims

sued to ensure that work on

All wireless networks have

Secretary, Government of Ut-

and tourists a special control

roads and infrastructure is

been made operational and

tarakhand emphasized that

room has been set up at the

completed by April 30, 2014.

also a new police post at Kedar

the government of Uttarak-

Uttarakhand Tourism Head-

A special task force compris-

Valley shall become opera-

hand is committed to meet all

tional in April 2014.

Quarter at Dehradun. A Nodal

ing of police and Nehru Insti-

Officer will manage the cen-


tre. Telefax number of the control room: 0135-2559898. Email




the above stated objectives for

Services of private helicop-

ensuring a safe, secure and

Uttarkashi has been set up for

ter operators will be engaged

comfortable coming chard-

the Kedarnath route from

to take passengers to Kedar-

ham and

Bhimbali. This shall function

nath. Government is taking all


tion of the facility of weather

of disaster hit Kedarnath

Uttarakhand to deploy Disaster Response Force for Chardham Yatra In a bid to put a fool-proof security system into place before the Chardham yatra that begins in May, Uttarakhand Chief Minister Harish Rawat has ordered deployment of large number of State Disaster Response Force personnel in danger zones prone to natural disasters en route to the famous Himalayan shrines located in the state.

alerts on their mobile phones. Almost a year after the

Hemkund Sahib by TNH DESK

shrine will open for devotees on May 5.

Kedarnath disaster, Uttarak-

Adjoining areas of the holy

hand government has decided

portals of Kedarnath were

to deploy SDRF personnel in





danger zones on yatra routes.

tragedy of the last year. The

This measure comes at a time

state Government created

when apprehensions were

SDRF on the patterns of

raised over the safety of pil-

NDRF a few months earlier

This year the state admin-

grims on chardham yatra

with personnel trained in dis-

viewed preparations

istration is taking all neces-

scheduled to begin in the first

aster management from the

for the yatra and or-

sary precautions to deal with

week of May. Chief Minister

police force.

dered officials to complete

any emergency during the

Harish Rawat gave this direc-

road repair work along the

yatra season. The last year



preparedness to handle the

pilgrimage route by April 30

the state saw the large-scale

preparations of the Chardham

crisis during the last year’s

and asked them to deploy in

loss of lives and property in

yatra. Chief Minister has

natural calamity was sever-

full strength the newly consti-

the calamity including bio-

asked the officials to complete

ally criticized. Learning les-

tuted State Disaster Response

metric registration of devo-

all the road repair works on

sons from the last year’s

Force personnel in the danger

tees before they embark on

Chardham yatra route by

tragedy, the state government


the pilgrimage and introduc-

April 30 deadline. The portals

formed SDRF.



he Chief Minister re-



The state government's


Government News

monuments for visitors to

Q&A: Arvind Jadhav, Additional Chief Secretary, Tourism, Karnataka


In this interview, Arvind Jadhav shares his views on the progress of Karnataka as a fast blooming tourism destination, and gives us a peek into what more awaits the travellers to the State.



will be in for a real treat. The Bidar Fort, Takhat Mahal,

What Bidar does is, with

Rangeen Mahal, the Ba-

its proximity to Hyderabad,

hamani Tombs, Chaubara

it also opens a perfect door-

and mthe Papanaash Temple

way for us to promote the en-

are among the important

tire North Karnataka circuit

monuments. Since Bidar was

in a way that hasn’t been

under many kingdoms at different times, you will find a

First, we would like

proached differently. While

to portray something differ-

done before. Up till now, we

you to tell us a little

in Germany and France we


have been promoting this re-

very interesting blend of the

bit about Karnataka. What

target the culture lover, in

gion where we advise people

Hindu, Turkish and Persian

Last year, we presented

does the State have to offer

styles of architecture. A true

for its tourists?

‘Historic City’.

Well, as you may have seen State with many worlds. And


it really is. The State wel-


comes a great number of

No, definitely not. Bidar also

tourists every year from

has a forest area of over

in our logo, Karnataka is a

So, is Bidar exclusively



across India and around the

40,000 hectares, which pro-

globe to its many magical

tects the endangered Black-

historical sites, hill stations,

buck. There is a property

beach towns and a large for-

UK we aim at reaching out to

Karnataka’s exquisite hand-

to travel from Bangalore and

called The Blackbuck Resort

est tract with diverse flora

the history lover and wildlife

icrafts in our pavilion. This

reach Bidar via Hampi and

in the Honnikeri Reserve

and fauna. There is also a

enthusiast. We try to provide

year, we will showcase the


huge scope for adventure


Historic City of Bidar, which

But now, we are offering

one of India’s largest resort




Forest, which is managed by

and outdoor activities as

media to write about and as

has very recently entered

an entire circuit that crosses

chains promoting wildlife

Karnataka is blessed with

a result, we have generated

the Watch List of the World

the Deccan all the way to

and ecotourism, the Jungle

every kind of terrain apart

nearly 200 pages of interna-



Goa (after touching Gul-

Lodges and Resorts. So



tional PR in some of the best

that’s quite an important in-

barga, Bijapur, Hampi and

there’s something for those

tains. All in all, Karnataka

titles in the world. You

dication of the potential of

the like) as an exit point.

who seek adventure as well.



with its many worlds is a

wouldn’t find a national level

the area. It’s the capital of

Both Hyderabad and Goa

State for everyone!

media publication that has

the famed Bahamani dy-

have international airports,

not carried a firm recom-

nasty. Located almost at the

and quick connections via


mendation of Karnataka to

centre of the Deccan, it’s one

some of the Middle East air-



of those unexpected places

ports could possibly attract

Well, the more places we have

to find in India, especially in





How is the Tourism



ures has it undertaken on


national and international

ably Karnataka Tourism is


trying to project a rather

Karnataka? What meas-




Speaking many,




the South.


What does all this mean for Karnataka

to showcase, the closer we are to our slogan of ‘One State.

Why have you cho-


sen Bidar this year?

I think it’s the sheer scale

that we have enough for anyone

What is the highlight of Bidar?

Many Worlds.’ We are trying to live up to that line and ensure

unknown destination at

Well, Bidar is a relatively un-

and size of the monuments.

who wants to have an interest-

been quite successful in pro-

ITB Berlin?

explored city compared to

Some are in ruins, but they

ing tryst with nature, heritage



Yes, absolutely! At ITB, the

the neighbouring heritage

add to the splendour and

and culture. This means there

through a good mix of media

world’s leading travel trade

sites like Hampi, Pattadakal

mystique of the architecture,

is the opportunity to attract

- advertising, social media

show, we get an excellent op-

and Mysore, which have

designs and colour. They are

more people than we currently


activation, trade fairs and

portunity to present new

been celebrated worldwide.

larger than life and give a

do. It also means there are more

exclusive marketing meets



Bidar was ruled by many dy-

glimpse into the styles of

challenges to surmount, like

with the trade are part of our

ences. We’ve been part of

nasties since the 10th cen-

artistry of that era.

quality of accommodation and

promotional activities.

ITB for the past 13 years,

tury, which has resulted in

Different markets are ap-

and each year we have tried

an abundance of magnificent






places to visit. History lovers

other facilities. But we are getting there.





Visit England to enjoy fascinating Spring 2014 Exotic flowers in full bloom at the Chelsea Flower Show, dapper gentlemen in bowties quaffing champagne along the banks of Henley, and ladies crowned with lavish hats cheering on their favourite horses; a lot of old and new attractions await you in England in Spring 2014.

English Gardens

well as its formal outdoor

Perhaps the most ‘typically

“rooms”. Created in the early

English’ gardens are Capabil-

20th century by the American

New cycling holidays: Cycle

ity Brown’s creations – with

Lawrence Johnston, it is in an

Shakespeare’s Way

their expansive lawns, isolated

area full of great gardens – in-

On the 450th anniversary of

coppices and ubiquitous water

cluding one just across the

his birth, celebrate England’s

features – and a great place to

road, Kiftsgate.

most famous playwright by cy-

check out his handiwork is

For a garden with a more

cling Shakespeare’s Way, from

Chatsworth House, where vis-

contemporary feel, head up

his hometown in Stratford

itors have been strolling on the

north to The Alnwick Garden.

Upon Avon, to the Capital

five-and-a-half-acre Salisbury

Even on a warm day, it’s worth

where his name became im-

Lawn for centuries (along with

taking a raincoat here; one of

mortalized. Visit the beautiful

the odd resident deer). “Eng-

the main attractions is the

and quintessentially English

land’s Greatest Gardener” had

Grand Cascade – a tumbling

towns of The Cotswolds and

a hand in designing the land-

mass of waterfalls that shoots

The Chilterns, towards Shake-

scape of Audley End House,

out jets every half hour.

too, but it’s the Organic



In addition, this May

speare’s Globe and the newly opened Sam Wanamaker The-

Kitchen Garden that many vis-

marks the 10th anniversary of

itors come here to see. You’ll

Trentham Estate, in Stafford-

Visitors will be able to re-

find several varieties of pears,

shire. Trentham, has always

create the Bard’s journey by

atre on London’s Southbank.

plums, peaches and nectarines

been an iconic garden, the first

booking a gentle package or an

grown here (albeit with some

significant, and greatest, Ital-

intense cycling package.

help from greenhouses), too,

ian-style garden in Britain.

which are guaranteed to get

Transformed from a medieval

Ale & Amble in the Lake Dis-

your mouth watering. There is

monastery to a grand country

trict, 5 April 2014

perhaps nothing more quintes-

estate, the formal gardens

A seven- night holiday which

sentially English than Hidcote,

were laid out in the 1840s by

combines the stunning beauty

one of Britain’s most popular

Houses of Parliament architect

of the Lakes with essential re-



Sir Charles Barry and the

fueling stops at some of the re-

Cotswolds, and notable for its

parkland and lake designed by

gion’s most enticing, historic

miles of sculptured hedges, as

none other than Capability

inns en route.







Bridge and Fish at Buttermere;

pampering, highlights include,

lambs and might even help bot-


tle feed an orphaned lamb.




characterful inns at Borrow-

Haslmere; Thursley and the

The Pig near Bath 10

dale, Langstrath and Scarfell

Devil’s Punchbowl; Frensham

March: Tucked in the folds of

and an opportunity to savour

Ponds built 500 years ago as

the Mendip Hills, a new pig

some of the finest local real ales

fish farms for the Bishop of

restaurant near Bath will be de-

produced by Jennings, Conis-


signed in the same shabby chic

ton, Keswick and Hesket New-

style that has become signature

market breweries; some of the

Hare Farm Hideaways, Sus-

to the chain and will feature a

best walking in Britain comple-


restaurant, walled kitchen gar-

mented with the perfect pint!

Just a stone’s throw away from

den, 30 bedrooms in the house

The Shepard’s Hut are a thou-

and garden and spa treatment rooms.

New Rambler’s Women’s

sand ewes all due for lambing

only Week, 19 April 2014

season this spring. A stay in

A 7 night holiday based at Ram-

one of these huts during this

Pig on the Beach, Dorset:

blers Countrywide Holidays

special time gives a first-hand

May 2014

own property Hassness House

insight into how a farm gears

The creation of Robin Hutson,

at Buttermere in the glorious

up for such a busy time. You

the nation’s most inspired hote-

Lake District.

Activities in-

will see the sheep and lambs all

lier, together with co-Director

clude, hill walking; yoga and pi-

over the fields, and what an ex-

David Elton and co investor Jim

lates; morning jogging; Nordic

perience to see them play right

Ratcliffe, The Pig-on the Beach

walking; aerobics and circuit

up to your hut!

will be located above Studland

training with optional rejuve-

This year, visitors can assist

Bay, Dorset, one of the most

the lambing team and take part

stunning beaches in England.

in the farm’s lambing courses.

The beautiful 18th century

South Downs Spa Walking,

From learning tupping to wean-

Manor House, which is a Na-

May 2014

ing and moving onto sheepcare,

tional Trust property, is cur-

A 5 night holiday exploring the

be prepared to get mucky and

rently owned by Andrew and

South Downs combining the

be fully immersed into a

Karen Purkis and they will con-

luxury of Champney’s Forest

herder’s life for a day. You’ll

tinue to operate the hotel until

Mere Hotel. Apart from total

watch the team help birth the

the end of November 2012.

nating dips in the lake !




Hospitality News

Rejuvenate at Niraamaya Retreats in Thekaddy, Kovalam The Cardamom Club, Thekaddy and Suryaa Samudra, Kovalam, both are properties of Niraamaya Retreats and perfect places for rejuvenation in the lap of the nature. The Cardamom Thekaddy


In God’s own country, amongst

turbed only by the squawks of

well as a holiday in one of

numerous native birds.

South India’s most pristine locations. The rooms offer open

Suryaa valam



air bathrooms, awe inspiring views of the sea as well as all

Niraamaya Retreats offer the

modern amenities.

most breath-taking properties

The resort has a variety of

in South India, in varied lo-

fine dining options, from

rejuvenated - body, mind, and


Madira, the bar overlooking

the varied jungle life. Café

soul. The Cardamom Club,

Surya Samudra at Kovalam is

the beach, Café Samsara, the

Samsara, the all day dining

Thekaddy will entertain, en-

a heritage property, known not

open air verandah style all day

ture, but also a chance to see



mist-kissed mountains of the

destination, not only offers

liven and rejuvenate you with

just for its fabulous location,

dining venue, which offers

Silent Valley, lies Niraamya

global cuisines, but a chance

a gamut of activities. While

but also for the state of the art

global cuisine and spectacular

Retreats, Cardamom Club,

to savour some of the choicest

wellness and adventure can

spa, which has global acclaim.

views of the ocean, as well as

Thekkady. This is a place

local spices and flavours as

overtake your days, enjoy the

The Surya Samudra is sur-

Essence, which offers Far

where the only jams are


Bonfire Nights and Bespoke

rounded by lush greenery on





caused by elephants leisurely

The globally acclaimed

Destination Dining in the

one side and the Arabian Sea

perched on a cliff. Indulge in

crossing the roads. Catch a

spa at Niraamaya Cardamom

evening. Or opt for authentic

on the other.

long walks around the beach,

rare glimpse of a tiger, pranc-

Club, Resort offers therapeu-

cooking classes by the chefs,

The property has 31 her-

or take a dip in the infinity

ing around in the evening sun.

tic traditions from across the

which are comprehensive,

itage cottages, which are built

pool, which is literally carved

The scent of spices lies redo-

out of a rock.

lent in the air and the peace of

The globally acclaimed spa

the jungle pervades across

is infused with timeless thera-

The villas are perched

peutic traditions from across

among acres of cardamom

the world. The therapists have

plantations, surrounded by

mastered Ayurveda, the an-

the lush green jungles. The

cient Indian healing system,

winding paths lead across

and are trained in Yoga, au-

sunlit cottages, done up plan-

thentic Thai and Western re-

tation style, with a cheerful


and bright ambience. The cot-

traditional Asian therapies

tages blend traditional charm

like reflexology.



with modernity. The resort of-

Combine your vacation

fers a chance to indulge in

with a wellness package or an

some of the state of the art

intensive detox and treatment

wellness therapies from the

program. And return rejuve-

Niraamaya Spa as well as a

nated - body, mind and soul.

chance to explore nearby

The Niraamaya Retreats

sanctuaries, jungles or enjoy a

offer bespoke and customized

dash of adventure.

holidays, that allow you to not

The resort experiences in-

only avail of the world famous

cludes a chance to take up the

world. Our therapists have

hands-on cooking classes so



wellness therapies, but also to

Periyar Tiger Route, which is

mastered Ayurveda, the an-

that you master not only the

homes. The rooms are a blend

plan an adventure, or a trek to

part of the Thekaddy Reserve,

cient Indian healing system,

flavor, but all the nuances of

of weathered wood and con-

explore the dense jungles. If

which is also home to other

Thai and Western relaxation

authentic Keralite cooking.

temporary luxury, offering a

efforts culinary are your de-

flora and fauna. The Border

techniques, and traditional

Also on the menu is the

perfect balance between old

sire, then the cooking classes

trekking programme takes

Asian therapies like reflexol-

Cardamom Club Trek, which

world charm and modern com-

at the resort will surely invei-

you on treks which range


is a journey of an invigorating

fort. The entire resort exudes

gle you to try out some of the

4 kilometers through the fra-

luxury, comfort and relax-

flavourful local cuisine, often

across heights of 1000 to 1200

Treat yourself to a com-


metres above sea level, offer-

plete wellness package and re-

grant cardamom plantations.

ation. The ambience lends it-

cooked with the fresh catch of

ing not just a dose of adven-


The pristine silence is dis-

self to a wellness retreat, as

the day.





Hospitality News

Hilton expands its presence in Bangalore Opened Hilton Bangalore Residences

H nounced

presence in an important


The suites addi-


lobby bar and recess the cof-

market in India, among our

tionally feature separate liv-

key strategic regions,” said

ing rooms, washers/dryers

Rob Palleschi, Global Head,

and dishwashers.

Hilton Hotels & Resorts.

highlights include the signa-

clock business services as

“With an exceptional loca-

ture and luxurious Hilton

well as web-enabled com-


fee lounge. Business travellers will be able to access round-the-

ilton Worldwide and



Serenity Bed and an unclut-

puter workstations. The con-

Hilton Hotels & Re-

guest accommodations and a

tered work desk with an er-

ference and events space at

sorts recently an-

complete range of facilities

gonomic chair.









and services for business and

“We are very excited to

boardrooms, ideally suited

Hilton Bangalore Residences.

recreation, we are confident

extend our portfolio in Ban-

for mid-sized and exclusive

The trendy upscale, full-ser-

Hilton Bangalore Residences

galore with the opening of

business meetings and social

vice hotel is strategically lo-

will become the first choice of

our second hotel in the city,”

gatherings, and four meeting

cated within the Embassy

travellers visiting this capital

said Daniel Welk, Vice Pres-

rooms that can accommodate

Golf Links Business Park, the


ident, Operations – India,

up to 90 people in a range of

Hilton Worldwide. “India is a


hub of several Fortune 500

Owned by Umbel Proper-

Recreational op-

companies. Overlooking the

ties Pvt. Ltd. and managed by

key strategic growth market

tions include an outdoor tem-

expanse of the Karnataka

Hilton Worldwide, the hotel




Golf Course, the hotel is sited

features 247 studios and one

Presently, we operate hotels

swimming pool, a 24-hour

at the intersection of Kora-

and two bedroom suites that

and resorts in Delhi, Gur-

fully-equipped Fitness Centre

mangala and Indiranagar,

range from a spacious 495

gaon, Mumbai, Chennai, Ban-

by Precor™, a spa and an in-

and within a 25-minute drive

square feet to 1,335 square


door Kids Play Area.

of M.G. Road and Sarjapur

feet and are among the

Vadodara, Pune, Goa and

Outer Ring Road, the com-

largest in the city. Each gue-


Recently we also

dences will participate in

mercial nerve centres of the

stroom is purpose-built to

signed agreements for hotels

Hilton HHonors, the only

city, offering easy access to

meet every guest’s needs,

in Agra, Jaipur and Luc-

guest rewards programme




Hilton Bangalore Resi-

the best in shopping, enter-

from transient business trav-

tainment and dining. Hilton

ellers to long-stay guests, of-

Hilton Bangalore Resi-

Points & Miles for the same

Worldwide forayed into Ban-

fering dedicated living, dining

dences offers four stylish din-

stay and redeem points for

galore, earlier this year, with

and work areas and a fully-

ing venues. Ministry of Food

free nights with No Blackout

the launch of DoubleTree

equipped kitchenette.

is the all-day global cuisine

Dates at over 4,000 hotels

Suites by Hilton Bangalore.

kitchenettes are furnished


The Salt Grill

worldwide. Hilton Bangalore



poolside al-fresco bar and

Residences is located on Em-

brand hotel to open in the

crowaves, induction plates

grill is an ideal venue to relax

bassy Golf Links Road, Busi-

country, Hilton Bangalore

and refrigerators, providing

with a drink as the sun goes


Residences will deepens our

guests the option of self-



"As our fourth Hilton




that allows members to earn

KLINX is the chic


Bangalore, by TNH DESK



Hospitality News

Women only rooms/floors at hotels for women safety With some criminal incidents evolving safety of women guests, the Indian hotel industry has been taking steps to insure safety of single woman guests at hotels. Prem Kumar Partha Chatterjee, Advisor,






needs in restaurants and


the corridors.” Chatterjee




said that safety is para-



mount to the female trav-

a comfortable environment

rooms for women at hotels

eler. “At Keys Hotels we

to live in.

will impact economic viabil-

believe in providing an ex-

ity of the hotels, particu-


ment has come up with a



feel safe and secure. Our

proposal requiring hotels to

mid-market hotels. “It won’t

dining room and bar staff is

reserve certain number of

impact the economic viabil-

specially trained to be sen-

public places and give them


Last year the govern-



that makes them

room for women only to pro-

ity of the hotels. We at

sitive to any discomfort felt

vide safe stay to woman

Sarovar will keep improvis-

by women when she is din-

guests. Although the gov-

ing our safety systems to

ing alone or is having a

ernment did not pursue the

look after all our guests,”

drink alone. They have been

matter further, and so far

said Bakaya.

trained to intervene subtly

said, “We have roughly 10%

no final decision has been

According to Bakaya, for

and ensure that a woman

of our inventory as secure

taken on this, the proposal

the safety of woman guests,

does not have to face any

women's rooms in Keys ho-

divided the industry some

hotels should continuously

unwelcome advances in our

favoring the proposal while

review their safety and se-

premises. We would like to

other opposing it.

curity systems. “The hotel

move beyond safety and

Chatterjee said that his

should be a secure place for

make our women guests feel

company agrees to the gov-

all who come there – men,

at home and enjoy our

Hotels should continuously review their safety and security systems for the sake of their guests. Hotels should be a secure place for all who come there – men, women, children, aged, physically challenged etc.

Ajay K. Bakaya Executive Director, Sarovar Hotels Private Limited

We have roughly 10% of our inventory as secure women's rooms in Keys hotels because we understood the need for creating these for the individual women traveler of today.

Partha Chatterjee Advisor, Berggruen Hotels

ernment’s proposal and it


would be a good initiative

physically challenged etc.”

for single woman traveller.



Elaborating on what his

amenities and have a pleasurable stay.” Commenting on the gov-

As regards the implication

company is doing for the

ernment’s proposal requir-

of such decision on eco-

safety of woman guests,

ing hotels to reserve certain

nomic viability of the hotels,

Chatterjee said that With an

number of room for women

particularly on budget and

ever-increasing number of


mid-market hotels, Chatter-

female business travelers

Founder & CEO, JüSTA Ho-

jee said that currently the

addressing the needs of this

tels & Resorts, said that

market is at 10% of the total

market segment has become

This is a well intentioned

population of hotel rooms so



proposal but it needs to be

it is economically viable.

hotel companies. Keys Ho-

thought through rather than

Most hotels can increase

tels, which has been at the

blanket application of the

their inventory as the de-

forefront in addressing spe-

same, all reputed hotels fol-

mand increases.

cial needs of female travel-

low a strict regimen for the




ers, has taken a holistic

safety of their lady guests.


approach. He added that a

“We do the same and it has

Ajay K. Bakaya, Executive

focus on combinations of

been outlined in detail later.








services, amenities, and fa-

We do not feel that a

Private Limited, said that


mandatory ruling on sepa-

providing specific rooms for

women travelers contribute

rate floors or particular

women on the platform of

to feel safe, comfortable,

rooms for lady guests is

safety has a reverse impli-

empowered, and pampered.

warranted. Especially no of-



cation that hotels are not

“The women secure rooms

ficial inspection required

safe for women. “Our serv-

are either in a separate

for the same. We are mind-

tels because we understood

ice design strives to make

wing or the rooms are as-

ful of the same and carry

the need for creating these

the entire hotel safe for

signed near an elevator.

out our responsibility dili-

for the individual women

women. One of the key serv-

These rooms have a video

gently,” he added.

traveler of today.” Besides

ices that a good hotel pro-

phone to identify person at

As for the implication of

Berggruen Hotels sensitizes

vides to its guests is safety

the door, they also have

the proposal on economic

their staff to be receptive to


extra CCTV surveillance for

viability of budget and mid-




Hospitality News

This is a well intentioned proposal but it needs to be thought through rather than blanket application of the same, all reputed hotels follow a strict regimen for the safety of their lady guests.

Ashish Vohra Founder & CEO JüSTA Hotels & Resorts

market hotels, Vohra said

be a nightmare for the hotels

have certain key procedures


ways screened and never

that if the same is impli-

as well as cause immense in-

that are strictly followed by

transferred directly to the

cated in its current form it

convenience to guests at

our staff. They have been

room, (3)Room numbers are



specially trained to do so.”

never disclosed (4) Choice of






wastage. “Hotels with lim-

Talking about what his

According to Vohra, cer-

rooms is offered to the Lady

ited inventories will be se-

company is doing for the

tain key procedures that are

Guest, (5) Only Lady room

verely hampered in their

safety of woman guests,

strictly followed by the staff

attendants service the room,

operational efficiencies and

Vohra said, “We take are re-

at his hotels are: (1) Single

(6) all service times are mon-

will lead to losses as there



Lady Guest is always allot-

itored by the Front Office

will be vacant rooms, be-

guest most seriously. The

ted rooms either on the

Manager/In charge, and (7)

cause of the rule which we

Manager on duty is fully re-

Lobby Level or the First

round the clock security and

will not be able to sell to our

sponsible for the well being

Floor; There is always the

CCTV coverage of all corri-

gentlemen guest in busy pe-

of all guests especially lady

visibility factor, (2) all calls

dors and public areas main-

riods. Logistically, this will

guest. In spite of that, we

for the Lady Guests are al-


which offers rooms specially

On account of entering in

designed to the needs of the

a management contract with

davan, Amritsar and Harid-

differently-abled and single

Keys Hotels for Keys Hotel,

war; Keys Hotels is expanding

women. The hotel will also

Templetree, Sangram Desh-

its various brand offerings at

boost travel to other impor-

mukh, CMD, Shraddha Re-

Mumbai, Vishakhapattanam,

tant religious destinations like

sorts said, “Shirdi is an

Kochi, Gurgaon, Noida, Al-


Keys Hotels Launches Keys Hotel, Templetree at Shirdi Keys Hotels ventures into pilgrim destinations with this launch at Shirdi. The new hotel offers wide range of services for business and pilgrim travellers including specially designed rooms for differently-abled and single woman travellers. The company also plans hotels at other pilgrim destinations like Vrindavan, Amritsar and Haridwar.



gious destinations like Vrin-


important religious travel des-

ibaug, Vadodara, Lucknow,

bakeshwar near Nasik, Sakuri

tination in this state. With the

Goa, Kovalam and Raipur. By

near Rahata and the hill sta-

regular influx of national and

the end of the current year

tion of Bhandardara.

international tourists to the

Keys Hotels expects to have a

The hotel facilities include

city, there is always a need for

minimum of 20 operational

Keys Café, a multi-cuisine

quality accommodation. We

hotels. Recently, Keys Hotels

restaurant that serves 100%

have build a great hotel and

launched its first palace prop-

vegetarian multi cuisine and

partnership with Keys will

erty with The Pratap Palace –

traditional ‘upvaas’ (religious

bring the required profes-

A Keys Resort at Pushkar -

eys Hotels, one of the

fasting) dishes. Other features

sional management to the


fastest growing mid-

include an open air lawn to


market hotel chains

host functions for upto 120

Sanjay Sethi, MD and

Berggruen Hotels Pvt. Ltd.

in India is all set to launch its

people, entertainment zone of-

CEO, Berggruen Hotels added,

rolled out its first owned hotel

first hotel in the pilgrim desti-

fering mocktails and light

“Shirdi sees a constant inflow

at Trivandrum in September

nation segment. Launching in

snacks, gaming facilities, chil-

of international and national

2009. Berggruen Hotels is a

March 2014, Keys Hotel Tem-

dren’s play area and swim-

devotees throughout the year.

young hotel company founded

pletree at Shirdi will be Keys

ming pool with a separate

This traffic demands presence

in 2006 by Sanjay Sethi and

Hotels’ 5th hotel in Maharash-

children pool.

of branded accommodation in

his team of hotel profession-



Keys Hotels, a brand of

To make the stay more

the city. With Keys Hotel, Tem-


Located in close proximity

soothing for the guests, the

pletree, we wish to tap this

pletely funded by Berggruen

to the Sai Baba Temple com-

hotel has also built-in a small

massive potential and ensure

Holdings out of New York.

plex, this 87-roomed property

temple in the premises, made

that the guests’ stay in the city

The company has set up a

will offer the guests a wide

arrangements for a compli-

is a pious and satisfying expe-

leading chain of mid market

range of business services in-

mentary pick up and drop to


hotels, resorts and service

cluding complimentary Wi-Fi,

Sai Baba Temple and a sou-

Currently, Keys has 14 ho-

making it ideal for pilgrims

venir shop for the devotees.

tels in operation while 21

under its brand of Keys Ho-

and business travelers alike.



properties are in various

tels, Resorts and Apartments

Apart from offering 2 kinds of

equipped with a travel desk to

stages of development, slated

and an upscale brand of busi-

suites; Keys Hotel, Templetree

arrange the guests’ visit to Sai

to open in due course of time.

ness hotels under the brand

is the only hotel in Shirdi

Baba Temple.

Apart from expanding at reli-

name Keys Klub.




The business is com-







Hospitality News

Nidhivan Hotels & Resorts: the largest luxury hotel at Vrindavan Nidhivan Hotels & Resorts, a four- star equivalent property in the holy town of Vrindavan, Uttar Pradesh opened last year in August. cluding major temples like

Prem Kumar

Bankey Bihari temple, ISKCON

/Vrindavan belt. We have be-

his hotel is the first



come pioneer in adding luxury

property launched by

in Vrindavan. With 68 rooms,



Govind Dev Temple and many

Radiance Residency

others. One should also visit

Nidhivan is the first hotel to

& Resorts. With its 68 Rooms,

the the temples around Vrinda-

provide real ambience, comfort

Nidhivan Hotels & Resorts is

van in the Braj area. A large

and facilities in Vrindavan

the first hotel to provide real

number of people have been

that, till now, were found only

ambience, comfort and facili-

coming to the city with no standardized Hotels in the region.

were found only in metropoli-

We wanted to fill this gap.”

tan cities. The Hotel is emerg-

Nidhivan Hotels & Resorts,

ing as a new destination close

the first Hospitality venture of

to New Delhi/NCR (Only 2 Hour

Radiance Residency & Re-

Located Tehra

sorts, is a four-star equivalent at



Hotel in the holy town of Vrin-


davan, Uttar Pradesh.

Mathura, Nidhivan Hotels &

“In all my trips to Vrinda-

Resort boasts of a host of facil-

van I had felt the need for a

ities ranging from ‘On-line

quality stay and arrangement.

reservation, rooms, besides

With “Nidhivan” we have man-

other set of facilities for the re-

aged to create a new pious and

ligious & corporate travellers

luxurious destination, espe-

visiting the holy city of Vrinda-

cially for Pilgrims to Vrind-


van/Mathura and followers of With less than 2 km from

Lord Krishna along those com-

We are the largest Hotel in the Mathura /Vrindavan belt. We have become pioneer in adding luxury in Vrindavan. With 68 Rooms, Nidhivan is the first hotel to provide real ambience, comfort and facilities in Vrindavan that, till now, were found only in metropolitan cities.

ties in Vrindavan that, till now,


Saurav Goel MD, Radiance Residency & Resorts in metropolitan cities.” The Hotel aims to be a one

the main city centre and about

ing here and looking for a

of a kind destination in Vrinda-

12 km from the famous Kr-

weekend stay,” said Goel.

van providing its guests with

ishna Janambhoomi Temple,

The city of Vrindavan

not just comfort but also bring

in Mathura, it is in the heart of

plays home to about 4,000 tem-

them close to Braj and its

Braj which is full of areas of re-

ples, each unique in its rele-


ligious and historic relevance.

vance and beauty, including

As regards the markets

Speaking about his choice

major temples like Bankey Bi-

the hotel is targeting, Goel

of Vrindavan as location of the

hari temple, ISKCON Temple,

said, “The Hotel plans to offer

first hotel of his company,

Rangaji temple, Govind Dev

itself as a new destination

Saurav Goel, Managing Direc-

Temple and many others. One

close to New Delhi/NCR and

tor, Radiance Residency & Re-

should also visit the the tem-

will be offering special 2

sorts, said,

ples around Vrindavan in the

nights and 3 night weekend

Braj area.

getaway packages for visitors

“The city of

Vrindavan plays home to about


largest Hotel in the Mathura

4,000 temples, each unique in

Speaking about USP of his

its relevance and beauty, in-

hotel, Goel said, “We are the

coming from Delhi/NCR, Agra and Jaipur.”

Hospitality News


Hilton to enter Jaipur under Hilton Hotels & Resorts Brand Hilton Worldwide has signed agreement with Fruitful Buildcon Private Limited to enter Jaipur with a hotel under its flagship Hilton Hotels & Resorts brand.

With a prime location in the heart of the city, spacious guest accommodations fully equipped with signature Hilton touches and a full range of upscale facilities and services for leisure and business, we are confident our new location will become the hotel of choice for travellers visiting the city.

Rob Palleschi Global Head, Hilton Hotels & Resorts


ilton Worldwide re-



the signing of a man-




Fruitful Buildcon Private Limited for a Hilton brand hotel in

commodations fully equipped

event space that includes an

Worldwide, a leading global

Jaipur. The launch of Hilton

with signature Hilton touches

open-air patio and a 3,300

hospitality company, for our

Jaipur later this year will

and a full range of upscale fa-

square foot ballroom with a 21-

foray into the hospitality in-






foot high ceiling, the hotel will

dustry,” said Ritesh Dere-

entry into the city, one of the

leisure and business, we are

also present the ideal setting


most popular tourist destina-

confident our new location

for exclusive mid-sized and in-

Fruitful Buildcon Private Lim-

tions in India.

will become the hotel of

timate business meetings and

ited. “We are also very ex-

Located in the heart of the

choice for travellers visiting

social gatherings.

cited with the opportunity to

city, Hilton Jaipur will offer

the city,” said Rob Palleschi,

“We are very excited with

bring Hilton, the most recog-

the ideal base for leisure as

Global Head, Hilton Hotels &

this opportunity to extend our

nized hotel brand in the world, to our home town.”

Martin Rinck president, Asia Pacific, Hilton



well as business travellers. In

Resorts. “We are thrilled


Hilton Jaipur will be our fifth

Jaipur. Recently, Hilton World-

from popular tourist attrac-

Hilton brand hotel in India,

wide also signed an agreement

rently operates the following

which is one of our most im-

for a hotel in Agra. With the

hotels and resorts in India -

portant growth markets.”

opening of these fine hotels, we

New Delhi: Hilton Garden Inn




Mahal, City Palace and Albert


addition to being minutes tions

We are very excited with this opportunity to extend our hotel network to include Jaipur. Recently, Hilton Worldwide also signed an agreement for a hotel in Agra. With the opening of these fine hotels, we will be able to offer our guests the great option of experiencing the famous Golden Triangle with us.








Hall Museum, the hotel will be

Owned by Fruitful Build-

will be able to offer our guests

New Delhi/Saket; Gurgaon:

in close proximity to shopping

con Private Limited and man-

the great option of experienc-

Hilton Garden Inn Gurgaon

and entertainment hubs in-

aged by Hilton Worldwide,

ing the famous Golden Trian-

Baani Square and Double-

cluding Johari and Bapu

Hilton Jaipur will feature 179

gle with us,” said Martin

Tree by Hilton Gurgaon-New

Bazaar. The hotel’s location

rooms and suites that range in

Rinck, President, Asia Pa-

Delhi NCR; Mumbai: Hilton

near government establish-

size from 360 square feet to

cific, Hilton Worldwide. “Over

Mumbai International Air-

ments in Civil Lines, and busi-

650 square feet. Each equipped

the last two months, we en-

port; Bangalore: DoubleTree

ness and commercial districts

with the complete range of fa-

tered Trivandrum and Banga-

Suites by Hilton Bangalore

in Gopalpura Industrial Area

cilities and services, hotel

lore with the opening of Hilton

and Hilton Bangalore Resi-

and M.I. Road will also make

guests will enjoy signature

Garden Inn Trivandrum and

dences; Chennai: Hilton Chen-

it well-suited for business

Hilton Serenity Beds, er-

DoubleTree Suites by Hilton

nai; Trivandrum:


gonomic workstations and

Bangalore. With this exciting


“Hilton prides itself in

four-fixture baths. The hotel

growth, we currently manage

Vadodara: Hampton by Hilton

providing guests with high

will also feature four trendy

and franchise hotels and re-


quality accommodations and

and exciting dining outlets, a

sorts in Delhi, Gurgaon, Mum-

DoubleTree by Hilton Pune-

services, and the addition of

round-the-clock business cen-



Chinchwad; Goa: DoubleTree

our Hilton Jaipur property

tre, outdoor swimming pool

Trivandrum, Vadodara, Pune,

by Hilton Goa-Arpora-Baga

will be no exception. With a

and 24-hour fitness centre.

Goa and Shillim.”

and Shillim: Hilton Shillim


prime location in the heart of

With 10,000 square feet of

"We are delighted to enter

the city, spacious guest ac-

state-of-the-art conference and

into an agreement with Hilton



Trivandrum; Pune:

Estate Retreat & Spa. by TNH DESK



Hospitality News

Rotana opens its 2nd 5star hotel in Al Ain 254-room Hili Rayhaan by Rotana is the first property to open in Al Ain under the alcohol-free brand, Rayhaan Hotels & Resorts by Rotana. Hotel is designed to accommodate business and leisure travellers. otana, one of the re-


gion’s leading names in luxury hotel man-

agement, has opened its second 5-star hotel in Al Ain. The new 254-room Hili Rayhaan by Rotana has been specially developed to complement the ambience of the UAE’s picturesque Garden City, with its design, décor and amenities aimed at promoting the most relaxing of stays. Strategically positioned in Hili District, a thriving tourist area and bustling suburb in the north of Al Ain, Hili Rayhaan by Rotana is just 20 minutes’ drive from Al Ain International Airport, 60 minutes from Dubai and 75 minutes from Abu Dhabi. It is

ing,” he added.

ers such as Géant, Fitness first,

in-room entertainment with

E-max and My Play Zone for the

multi-channel satellite televi-

connected to the new Wahat Hili

first time in Al Ain,” said Saeed

sions, complimentary coffee and

Mall, which was launched in

Al Dhaheri, Chairman and CEO

tea facilities and IDD telephones

September last year. The pre-

of Wahat Hili Mall. “Rotana has

with voice mail.

combine modernity with tradi-

mium boutique retail and leisure

become synonymous with un-

Guests booking into the Hili


facility is a one-stop destination

compromising world-class stan-

Rayhaan by Rotana can enjoy a

located close to the heritage and

Hili Rayhaan by Rotana is

archaeological sites of Al Ain city and is expected to be a firstchoice for guests wanting to

“Al Ain has grown rapidly in

for visitors to Al Ain, uniting dis-

dards in hospitality and this

number of dining options during

stature as a tourist and business

cerning shoppers with leading

reflects the vision we have for

their stay. ‘Elements’ is an all-

destination, with the result that

brands. The mall rises three sto-

Wahat Hili project - ensuring ex-

day dining restaurant offering

there is a burgeoning need for

ries high and encompasses 160

cellence, convenience and supe-

international buffet for break-

upscale accommodation in the

outlets, combining all the ele-

rior quality in every detail. We

fast, lunch and dinner, with the

city,” said Greg Allan, Rotana’s

ments expected for a modern-

are delighted to have one of the

‘Hili Majlis’ lobby lounge an

Area Vice President for Abu

day shopping experience.

leading hotel operators in the re-

ideal venue for an informal get

gion as an integral component to

together over a cup of coffee.

Dhabi and Al Ain. “The exten-

“Wahat Hili Mall is one of the

sive market research we con-

reasons why Al Ain is becoming

ducted over the past couple of

an increasingly popular destina-

Hili Rayhaan by Rotana of-

deck, a pool cafe offering a wide

years showed that there is a

tion for travellers. We have re-

fers rooms and suites that are

selection of juices, beverages

strong demand for a 5-star facil-

ceived fantastic feedback from

spacious, comfortable and ap-

and light snacks by the pool.

ity that is alcohol-free, so we

visitors to the mall since we

pointed with a high level of supe-

There is also a 24-hour in-room

have incorporated this as an in-

opened, with many appreciating

rior amenities. These include

dining service.

the presence of big name retail-

high-speed internet connections,

red Fox hotel east delhi wins national Tourism Award 2012-13

tegral aspect of our new offer-


that ambition,” he added.

Sun lovers will appreciate Sun-


Hospitality News


IHG to set foot in Bengal cities IHG is partnering with Kolkata’s Jain Group to establish Holiday Inn global hospitality brand in Bengal. or luxury travellers in-


tending to visit Kolkata and other destinations

of Bengal, here’s some refreshing news from the hospitality sector that will cheer them up. For the first time, Inter Continental Hotels Group (IHG) of

the luxury will be equipped with

South West Asia, “We have re-

the United States will make its

100 rooms, three banquet halls,

ceived the first opportunity to

The hotel in Durgapur will

entry with its global, luxury hos-

24-hour coffee shop, three spe-

establish our global hospitality

be built on National Highway

pitality brand- Holiday Inn in

ciality restaurants, health club,

brand in Kolkata and in eastern

Number 2 sprawling over

Kolkata, Durgapur and Siliguri.

salon and a swimming pool.

India as well and we have a

80,000 sq. ft area with 130 lux-

Being a renowned hospitality

According to Douglas Mar-

management agreement with

ury rooms, three banquet halls,

group across the globe, IHG has

tin, Vice President, Operations,

Jain Group. Our hospitality

three fine-dining restaurants,

brand would cater to the needs

swimming pool and other facil-

of travellers high on global hos-

ities. All the three properties of

partnered with Kolkata’s Jain Group to foray in the eastern

Snapshot IHG partnering with Jain group to: •Set up Holiday Inn hotels in Kolkata, Siliguri and Durgapur. •Set foot in eastern India. •Establish global hospitality brand in Durgapur and Siliguri. •Bring the concept of luxury hospitality of global standards in North Bengal.

belt of India. Jain Group is a well known real estate and financial organization in the east. Holiday Inn Kolkata will be built over 1 lakh sq. ft area in New Town and would open its doors in the year-end. It would gear up with 150 rooms, banquet facilities, speciality restaurants, gym and roof-top spa. Holiday Inn in Siliguri will be a premier luxury hotel with global standards in North Bengal and open its gates in next two years. Spread over 1 lakh sq. ft area,

IITM to flaunt food fest in future IITM plans to exhibit popular cuisines from all Indian states at its pavilion from 2014.

leisure travellers. The state of

This is incidentally the first

West Bengal holds a plethora of

venture of Jain Group in the

potential in hospitality busi-

hospitality business. Shrayans

ness.” As of now, IHG has a ro-

Jain, Vice Chairman, Jain

bust presence in New Delhi,

Group, explained, “Holiday Inn

Mumbai, Pune and Goa and

Kolkata promises to bring true-

has eight Holiday Inn hotels

blue international five-star ex-

across the country. The re-

perience in the city that would

puted global hospitality player

change the face of the city hos-

has nine hotel brands in its

pitality scene. We have in-

portfolio and plans are in the

vested around Rs 300 crores to

pipeline to make an entry in

build up the hotel properties in

North-eastern region in the



outbound markets in the country

March 3. The partner state was

consumer interactions. Com-

next to Maharashtra and Gu-

West Bengal Tourism and the

menting on the fair, Surinder

jarat. We are organizing tourism

travel fair had around 86 partic-

Hakhu, Director, Sphere Travel-

road shows in Gulf countries and



media said, “Bengal is one of the

we are planning to take IITM to

tourism departments making

largest tourism markets in the

Oman next year. We are hoping



their presence this time. IITM has its presence in cities like Bengaluru, Chennai, Hyder-


abad, Mumbai, Cochin, Pune


IHG will have strategic locations in Bengal.

to-business and business-to-

n a bid to lure summer

across India, Sphere Travelme-

pitality standards. It will satisfy the needs of both business and

in Kolkata from February 28 to

tourists from Bengal to en-


next two years.

and Gurgaon.

IITM’s future plans: •To host food fest along with travel marts in India next year. •To step in oman in 2014.

dia and Exhibitions hosted India

The travel exhibition

eastern belt of India and today

International Travel Mart (IITM)

formed a platform for business-

has emerged as one of the major

to hold food fest along with IITM from next year onwards. The food fest will have delectable spreads from all regions of India that would pull a large number of foodies and tourists as well.” by TNH DESK



Hospitality News

Unique India partners with Whydham Group Unique India has partnered with Whydham to launch Howard Johnson hotel brand in India. Unique India plans to open 35 hotels under Howard Johnson brand in India, in the next six years. nique



develop 35 HoJo properties by

price. Announcing the launch

partnership with Unique India,

2020 across different parts of

of Howard Johnson in India,

will witness a phased expan-

India, with the first property

Rahul Rai, Director, Unique

sion plan, across the country

opening shortly in Bengaluru.

India said, “Following an ex-

in states like Andhra Pradesh,

Talking about the partner-

clusive business model in the

Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh,

ship with Wyndham Worldwide

hospitality sector, we aim to in-

Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab,

Raj Kumar Rai, Chairman

vest in both incomplete and ex-

Delhi NCR region, Madhya



isting hotels which are not

Pradesh, Kerala, Maharashtra,

Unique India, said, “We are ex-

performing at a below average

West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Gu-

tremely happy to announce

level. We aim to convert such

jarat and Goa.

our partnership in the hospi-

hotels into HoJo properties





India recently an-

tality sector with the presti-

and provide them with top

Group’s expansion Eric A

nounced its partner-

gious Wyndham Worldwide

notch services with interna-

Danziger, President and CEO,

ship with Whydham Worldwide



tional standards. Wyndham

Wyndham Hotel Group said,

to bring its famous American

India Pvt. Ltd. will invest INR

has the expertise in managing

“In the Asia Pacific region,

hotel brand Howard Johnson,

2000 crore on various business

and marketing of hotels and

China and India are the major

popularly known as HoJo, to

models for growing brand

with our partnership we hope

markets for the hospitality in-

India. HoJo hotels in India will

HoJo in India. We chose Ben-

to strengthen HoJo’s presence

dustry. Considering India’s

in India, a brand that is recog-

growth economically, it an ob-


nized around the world.” The property in Bengaluru

vious choice for us to enter the Indian market with this brand.

will open in Hebbal, close to

Howard Johnson is a brand

many large corporate houses.

with 60 years of rich tradition,

The self-sufficient hotel will

and 500 hotels around the

have high speed WiFi connec-

world. It is a great product for

tivity in all rooms and public

an everyday traveller who

areas, along with well ap-

looks for quality and afford-

pointed amenities like digitally

able accommodation. We are



excited with the tie-up with


safes, personal mini bar and

Unique India and look forward

refrigerator, tea and coffee

to expanding the HoJo brand

maker, working table with er-

in India, with their expertise.”

gonomic chair and many more.

Unique Group with its

To add to this, guests can enjoy

mass portfolio in Mediclaim,

an outdoor swimming pool on

insurance and time share also

the 5th floor that gives a

diversified into real estate in-

panoramic view of the city, a

vestment. The company re-

spa and a high-tech fitness

cently created a new vertical

centre. For high powered meet-

for real estate which is called

ings and business visits, the

Swayam Life Spaces. Today

property hosts a 3,500 square

the company is the largest real

be positioned as a mid-market

galuru as the destination to

feet conference and event

estate development firm in

hotel chain, following the

open the first property, as this

space and it also offers a range

Ahmedabad with its various

brand’s philosophy “Smart

city has warmly accepted all

of scrumptious gourmet that

projects coming up in cities like Hyderabad and Mumbai.

Choice for the Smart Trav-

global brands. The first prop-

makes its guest’s stay more

eller”. The brand will make its

erty will house 117 rooms and

enjoyable and self-sufficient.

entry into India through an


agreement between Unique Mercantile India and Wynd-

HoJo will offer unmatched amenities,



Set to strengthen its pres-

pany combined its visionaries

ence in India, the Wyndham

with the strength of the largest

Worldwide Group presently

hotel Group in the globe, Wyntham Worldwide.

ham Worldwide. Under the

friendly service for an every-

has hotels in places like Agra,

agreement, Unique India will

day traveller at an affordable

Alleppey and Ghaziabad. The


Early this year, the com-


Hospitality News


Courtyard by Marriott opens in Bilaspur, Chattisgarh Marriott International expands its Courtyard footprint in Central India with opening of business hotel in Bilaspur in Chattisgarh arriott International

key markets in Central India,

strengthens its pres-

we decided to enter Bhopal



with the Courtyard brand. Our

India with the introduction of



entry now into Bilaspur is a

adaptable lobby space offers

by Marriott, Bilaspur, said,

with a wide and exciting array

its Courtyard by Marriott

continuation of that specific

options so guests can make the

“Marriott’s entry into this dy-

of international and regional

brand - a premium business

growth strategy. Central India

most of their time on the road.

namic and growing city is our

cuisines at the hotel. It offers

hotel strategically located in

has been growing and attract-

On behalf of the owners of

attempt to offer visitors and

an incredible gourmet experi-

the commercial district of Bi-

ing business visitors in a big

the Courtyard By Marriott Bi-

guests a business hotel that of-


laspur, which will cater to dis-

way and Bilaspur being the

laspur Sanjay Gupta, Director

fers smart and innovative hos-

restaurant, MoMo Café. In ad-

cerning business visitors and

country’s largest power gener-

of City Mall 36 said, “Marriott®

pitality, ensuring the right mix

dition, the property has MoMo

locals alike.




ating hub is a city that is rap-

is an international lodging

of services that would help

2 Go for those on the move;

The Courtyard by Marriott,

idly growing and offering

leader, with more than 3,900

guests maintain a good work

MoMo 2 You for a dining expe-

Bilaspur officially opened its

numerous business opportuni-

properties and the broadest

balance and thrive during their

rience in the comfort of one’s

doors in the presence of Dr.

ties. It is our endeavor to offer

portfolio of brands in the indus-


own room and Bar Thirty Six

Raman Singh, Honorable Chief

Bilaspur’s visitors – a hotel

try. We are delighted to partner

Courtyard by Marriott, Bi-

to relax and unwind over re-

Minister of Chattisgarh making

that offers the best in hospital-

with this renowned hospitality

laspur offers a choice of 106 (in-

it the 11th Courtyard in India.

ity like only Marriott can,

major to bring the first interna-

cluding 70 deluxe rooms, 30

The brand is already present in

thereby giving them an experi-

tional business hotel to our city.

superior rooms, 2 junior suites

Bilaspur features the only ban-

Mumbai, Chennai, three in

ence that makes their stay

Bilaspur is home to people and

and 4 courtyard suites) well lit

quet space in the city with a

Pune, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad,

comfortable and memorable.”

business visitors who recog-

spacious rooms with natural

pre-function area and largest

Gurgaon, Kochi and Bhopal. Speaking on the occasion,


freshing drinks. The Courtyard by Marriott,


nize great value and service



indoor halls that comfortably

business travelers and through

and hence, we are positive this

décor. All the rooms are

accommodate over 1000 people


Rajeev Menon, Area Vice

continuous research, the brand

hotel is sure to meet their every

amongst the most spacious one

thereby making it the pre-

President, South- Asia, Mar-

constantly evolves to meet


will find in the city and are thor-

ferred choice for a professional

riott International Inc, said, “In

guests’ changing needs. Com-

oughly equipped with state-of-

business activity or a personal

the-art modern amenities.

celebration for friends and

Speaking on the occasion

recognition of the growing pop-

bining innovative technology

of the launch, Amit Midha,

ularity and potential of certain

with style and comfort, the

General Manager, Courtyard

Guests will be captivated





International News

FIFA U-20 World Cup officials give New Zealand thumbs up FIFA U-20 World Cup officials have given New Zealand their seal of approval as the country gears up to host one of the biggest sporting events on the planet.


FIFA inspection team

football is the most partici-

spent 10-days travel-

pated in sport in New Zealand

ling the North and

and the impending festival of

South Islands of New Zealand,

football is expected to fill sta-

assessing training venues and

diums across the country with

hotels in each of the seven

colour and a carnival atmos-

host cities in preparation for

phere as a host of rising stars

when the highly-anticipated

of the global game take to the

tournament comes to town on


30 May 2015.

"New Zealanders will be

Marion Mayer-Vorfelder,

overwhelmed by the standard

head of the FIFA U-20 World

and quality of football played

Cup, said she was pleased

in this tournament, it really is

with New Zealand’s prepara-

the launch pad of our next in-

tions after local and interna-

ternational footballing super-

tional FIFA-U20 World Cup

stars and we would urge all

officials visited Whangerei,

sports fans not to miss out on

Auckland, Hamilton, New Ply-

seeing these players in ac-




Christchurch and Dunedin.

"I was fortunate enough to

The praise from Mayer-

see Lionel Messi play at this

Vorfelder holds New Zealand

tournament only in 2005, and

in good stead considering this

it is this calibre of player

is the fifth edition of the FIFA

which fans in New Zealand

U-20 Football World Cup that

will get to see live in 2015. Al-

she will oversee. She also

ready I can feel the anticipa-

claimed this tournament will


put New Zealand on a ‘plat-


form’ for the world to see.






"New Zealand is a great

The FIFA U-20 Trophy

country ... we toured seven

was also on display in Auck-

venues North to South and

land - the first time it has been

overall we are very impressed.

allowed to tour a country so

Facilities are good, enthusi-

far in advance of the tourna-

asm is great. We are positive

ment. The finely-crafted tro-

it will be an excellent tourna-






ment from all perspectives,"


Mayer-Vorfelder said at a

Zealand, stopping at over 40

press conference held in

towns, from May 5 – 30, 2014,


concluding exactly one year




before the tournament kicks

Most played sport

The press conference also

known as a predominantly

highlighted ticket pricing for

rugby-mad nation, thanks to

the tournament, with prices

the heroics of the world-beat-

expected to be on the lower

ing All Blacks, the FIFA U-20

end of the spectrum in order

Football World Cup will be the

to attract as many fans as

third FIFA tournament to be

possible to watch the beautiful

hosted in New Zealand. Despite rugby's popularity,



Although New Zealand is

game in one of the world’s most beautiful countries.

International News

Background: FIFA U-20 World Cup 2015

Broadcast to more than

see four pool games played in

1000 countries, with a global

two of the seven host cities

The FIFA U-20 World Cup

reach of around 170 million

daily - with plenty of double-

New Zealand 2015 starts on

people, the FIFA U-20 World

header football action to whet

May 30, 2015 and concludes

Cup will also help promote

the sporting appetite. New

on June 20, 2015. Matches

New Zealand to the world.

Zealand will also host the ICC

will be played in seven host

Around 10,000 international

Cricket World Cup in 2015



football fans are expected to

adding to the list of major


travel to the New Zealand in

sporting tournaments held in

support of their team.

the country in recent years.



Hamilton, New Plymouth, Wellington and Whangarei.

The match schedule will

Indian travel agents focus on Sydney and New South Wales Destination New South Wales partners with Ezeego1 and to reach out to the Indian travel market .



cally target the visiting friends

o celebrate the launch

come on board with DNSW

of its new India cam-

around this campaign are

and relatives (VFR) market, in

paign – ‘Jhappi Time’,

Ezeego1 and This






landmark campaign, called

Both partnerships involve

hosted twenty of India’s top

‘Jhappi Time’ or ‘hug time’, is

cooperative campaigns with

travel agents in Sydney and

the first campaign developed

Destination NSW, aimed at con-

New South Wales.

and executed by any Aus-

necting with the VFR market.

tralian tourism body to specifi-

Four themed ‘Jhappi Time’

The first two partners to

videos have been specially shot by Destination NSW and will be used to engage consumers, with campaign elements including strategic broadcast, print, digital, social and trade communication. The agents also attended the launch of the campaign in February, took part in a product workshop, and experienced the regional destinations of the Blue Mountains, South Coast and Port Stephens/ Hunter Valley. Agents also visited the Sydney Cricket Ground with a guided tour and practice in the cricket nets.




International News

Looking at new Indian growth markets High on fun quotient, the Philippines archipelago is a mix of adventure, shopping, MICE and honeymoon destinations for travellers.

most part of India that is nearer to South-East Asian country of

ternational Convention Centres


at Manila, Cebu and Boracay.


large chunk of outbound poten-

Well-known as the Entertain-

The tourism group has

tial travellers. Other metros like

ment City of South-East Asia,

roped in eight travel agents

Chennai, Bengaluru, Hyder-


from Kolkata. Glen Agustin

Philippines Tourism’s focus: •Indian metros like Kolkata, Chennai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad and Ahmedabad. •Tier-II cities of India. •Take-off specialized training programme for Indian travel agents. •Would receive around 100 Indian MICE groups in 2014.

pand our presence in the city.

abad and Ahmedabad form our key focus. We are concentrating

to the Philippines.” However,

of the Philippines with

hosting tourism roadshows is

7,107 colourful scenic

something quite new for Philip-

islands is a great holiday desti-

Raymund Glen Agustin Chief Tourism Operations Officer Department of Tourism, Philippines

crease the flow of tourist traffic

he archipelago nation


on offer in all leading cities of

Myanmar. It is a city that has a

on tier-II cities of India to in-

Swaati Chaudhury

The island country has In-

pines Tourism.

nation in South-East Asia and

Glen Agustin said, “We are

has a plethora of exciting

levelling up our co-operative

places to explore for travellers.

advertisements. We have a ro-

In a move to entice Indian

bust presence in North- East

tourists from new growth mar-


kets and to maximize the pres-

Korea, China, Russia and

ence of leading travel agents in

Japan. China is our fourth





added “We are looking to exWe would launch online specialized training programme for Indian travel partners this year. Around 100 MICE groups from India would fly down to the Philippines this year and we are looking at a surge in the MICE tourist arrivals from Kolkata this time.” Undoubtedly, the most number of Indian visitors to the Philippines are from New Delhi and Mumbai. “Kolkata is in the

Kolkata, Philippines Tourism

largest outbound tourist mar-

hosted Kolkata Business Mis-

ket. India has been identified as

bound tourist market of India.

sion sometime on February 11.

one of the BRIC countries and

It also happens to be the 10th

This marked the second visit of

ranks as the 14th largest out-

Manila has been hosting a se-

city where largest number of

Philippines Tourism in Kolkata.

bound market in terms of

ries of global events since 2012.

passports has been issued in

seventh position in the out-

Raymund Glen Agustin,

tourist arrival to the Philip-

At the same time, the depart-

2012. Nearly 56% Indian trav-

Chief Tourism Operations Offi-

pines. We feel that India will

ment of tourism is quite hopeful

ellers flying to the Philippines

cer, Department of Tourism,

emerge as our 12th source mar-

to receive around 10 million

are business visitors. We had

Philippines informed, “We are

ket in the future years.” Glen

global tourists by 2016. For In-

around 52,000 Indian visitors

quite eager to emphasize on

Agustin pointed out nearly one

dian travellers, the destinations

last year and we are hopeful to

cities other than New Delhi and

lakh Indian tourists would

of choice are Manila, Cebu-

receive at least 66,000 Indian

Mumbai in India and Kolkata

touch down the Philippines by

well-known as the Queen City

tourists this year,” further

forms the metro on the eastern-


and Boracay. Indian dishes are

added Glen Agustin.

as the country is known for its

us to showcase the Luxurious

Amazing Thailand showcase beauty and wellness tourism at Kosmetika 2014 At the recently concluded Kosmetika 2014 “A Beauty & Wellness Show” Tourism Authority of Thailand was the partner to create awareness about Wellness industry in Thailand, Held on March 25-30, 2014 at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi.

hospitality, service, cleanliness

Pleasures of Thailand to the right

and authenticity of the treat-

audience and enlighten them on


the relatively newer destinations.

Commenting on the associa-

We look forward to welcome you

TAT is always excited to be part of such events. The event also enabled us to showcase the Luxurious Pleasures of Thailand to the right audience and enlighten them on the relatively newer destinations.

he event had an atten-

Tourism Authority of Thai-

dances of Health & well-

land was seen promoting a range



of high standard wellness and

Salons & slimming centers,

spa services , beauty services,

tion, Runjuan Tongrut, Director,

to Amazing Thailand Stall and

Health & wellness professionals,

Detox & slimming, Medical

TAT New Delhi, said, TAT is al-






Nutritionist, General Public,

Beauty treatment, Health related

ways excited to be part of such

“which will be offered you dur-

Dealers, Importers, Retailers.

services, nail art and many more

events. The event also enabled

ing the event”.



International News

Is direct air-connectivity the solution? It is indeed important for a destination to have direct air connections to grow tourism. But is it the only deterrent for low tourism figures? Tnh finds out. Anand Shah ccording

because of non-availability of


direct flights (except Mumbai

tourism market.

inbound Kashikar

ing up new destinations has

to South Africa). Since the

added, “Building aviation ca-

been massive in the recent

numbers are low, the airline is

pacity is critical to achieving


not convinced that they will

the India 2020 potential. It is

make profit if flying from other


South Africa: Stealing seats

Indian cities.”

345,000 seats will be required

from other airlines







by 2020 to meet the expected

One of the top performing des-

1,30,000 Indians visitors in

demand from India.” Appar-

tinations from India – South

2013 and this year it is expect-

ently, Air India flies to Sydney

Africa is also facing troubles

ing 10% growth. The tourism

– Melbourne and back to New

due to low direct air connectiv-

board is now working closely

Delhi. Tourism Victoria is now


ity. At present, only South

with other airlines like Emi-

keen to have direct connec-

Malaysia, the key growth fac-

African Airways provides di-

rates, Etihad and Kenya Air-

tions with India and have

ways to bring in passengers

Mumbai – Melbourne direct

tor for Thailand tourism from India is the direct air connec-

from multiple Indian cities they

flights soon operated by Air

tivity. There are close to 144

fly to. Hanneli said, “Travellers


flights between India and

can combine Dubai, Abu Dhabi

Malaysia while Thailand is far

and Kenya with South Africa

Not just direct flights!

ahead of the game. Thailand

by extending two to three days

Both the case studies men-

received over one million In-

in either of these destinations.

tioned above reveal the impor-

dian arrivals in 2013 while

Also, the one-stop flight prices

tance of direct air connectivity

Malaysia is at over 6,80,000.

offered by these airlines are al-

for a destination. However, it’s

But it is only the direct air-con-

most similar to what passen-

not just the only component to

nectivity which is impacting

gers would be paying to reach

attract tourists. There is much

the arrival numbers from India

to Mumbai and take a direct

more for a destination to do

to Malaysia? Popular destina-

flight to South Africa.”

than just focus on having di-

tions like Maldives, Seychelles,

Nishant Kashikar Country Manager, India Tourism Australia

Fiji, New Zealand, Philippines or even Macau are facing the

Hanneli Slabber Country Manager, India South African Tourism Board




P Manoharan Director India, Tourism Malaysia


Manoharan, Director



The role that airlines and airports have played in open-


rect connections between India

rect air connectivity from deAustralia: Growing stronger


with direct flights

market. Manoharan says, “We


problem of either low or no di-

and South Africa. Hanneli

Australia has now become a

need more direct flights from

rect flight connections from

Slabber, Country Manager –

well-known destination among

India. But that’s just not the


India, South African Tourism

families, honeymooners and

only thing. We also need to de-

Take an example of our do-

even high-end travellers. The

velop our nightlife products

mestic market. Due to low or

tourism figures to Australia

and better public transport to

no direct air connectivity be-

from India have grown over the

bring in a range of tourism ac-

tween Kashmir and many In-

years. However, with the intro-

tivities for Indian travellers.”

dian states, the ‘heaven on

duction of direct air connectiv-

Mischa Mannix-Opie, Re-

earth’ misses out on tourism to

ity via Air India in August last

gional Manager – SSEA,

other well connected destina-

year, the country is registering

Tourism New Zealand said,

tions like Rajasthan, Kerala

growth in arrivals from India.

“The formation of alliances

and Goa. Direct air connectiv-

Nishant Kashikar, Country

with local and regional au-

ity is the most crucial element

Manager – India, Tourism Aus-

thorities is required so that

and if a destination misses on

tralia said, “The introduction

all partners are engaged in

that, a major chunk of tourism

of direct flights on the India -

‘selling’ a destination. The

business flies off. Direct Air connectivity



tourism. However, this formula

Mischa Mannix-Opie Regional Manager, SSEA Tourism New Zealand

Australia route by Air India

first task is to make sure

has not only helped in improv-

that the destination is on the

ing air connectivity, but also in-

‘must visit’ list’.”

is not valid for long-haul desti-

Board said, “Air connectivity is



Slabber said that a des-

nations like US, Canada, South

our biggest challenge. We don’t

Australia has witnessed a solid

tination can’t solely rely on


America or even Ireland to

really have good number of In-

increase in visitor arrivals

an airline to bring them

some extent.

dians travelling to South Africa

from India which is currently




International News

Tourism Malaysia promotes Visit Malaysia Year 2014 in South Asia VMY 2014 in 5 South Asian Cities Malaysia is celebrating its fourth Visit Malaysia Year (VMY 2014) with the theme “Celebrating 1Malaysia Truly Asia” to reflect the diversity in unity of all Malaysians.

L to R - Manoharan Periasamy, Hatimi Abas, Dato’ Mirza Mohammad Taiyab, Datuk Tee Slew Kiong, Y B M Asojan Muniyandy, Dato Azizan Noordin

ith the Proboscis

airlines fraternity for the ongo-


ing Visit Malaysia Year 2014.




mascot for VMY

“India has always been an

2014, this will be the biggest

important market for us. In

and grandest ever tourism cel-

2013, a total of 650,989 Indian

ebration with hundreds of

travellers visited Malaysia,

events and festivals all lined

maintaining its position as the

up to welcome the world. As

sixth top tourist generating

part of its efforts to raise

market to the country. And this

awareness on the celebration

year we are expecting close to

of Visit Malaysia Year (VMY)

7,80000 to 8 lakh tourists from



here,” said Dato’ Mirza. “Be-


Major recognitions/Accolades: No. 10 in Lonely Planet Best in Travel 2014 The only Asian country to have made the list. Penang has been named the No.1 culinary spot in the world for 2014. CNN’s World’s 100 best beaches (2013)– Perhentian Kecil island, Terengganu (No.13), Juara Beach in Tioman Island, Pahang (No.21), and Tanjung Rhu in Langkawi, Kedah (No.49) – compiled from various sources (travellers, colleagues, readers, on-site visits and research). Kuala Lumpur – 4th – Best Shopping City in the Worldby CNN survey in 2012 2nd Best Shopping Destination in Asia Pacific by Globe Shopper Index 2012

Malaysia had embarked on a

sides the famous attractions in

Sales Mission to Sri Lanka

Kuala Lumpur, we have a

trade players to meet and net-

This year if there is a place

and India from 10 March to 20

plethora of offerings planned to

work. This is a platform to

to be, it’s Malaysia. More than


welcome our Indian guests.

showcase Malaysia’s diverse

200 events await tourists in


tourism offerings and highlight

Malaysia. For instance, thou-

Tourism Malaysia’s Direc-




tor General, Yg Bhg. Dato’

favourite shopping destination

the scope for collaboration be-

sands of international auto rac-

Mirza Mohammad Taiyab lead

and to having the world’s best


ing fans will flock to Malaysia

the delegation to Mumbai and

beaches, from the most relax-

Malaysia and India.

Delhi while Dato’ Azizan No-

ing spa vacations to golfing hol-

Members of Istana Budaya

ordin, Deputy Director Gen-

idays, from weddings and

from Malaysia also performed




end of this month for the 15thF1



Grand Prix. Other events that

eral lead the delegation in

honeymoon locales and heli-

at the Cultural evenings of the

will interest sports fans include

Colombo, Kochi and Banga-

copter tours, you can be as-

Sales Mission bringing the


lore. They were accompanied

sured of perfect custom made

essence of Malaysia to South

Grand Prix, Sime Darby LPGA

by officials from the Ministry

holiday,” added Dato Mirza.

Asia. Malaysia’s tourism sector

Malaysia, and CIMB Golfing

Tourist arrivals from Sri

continued to be a significant


representatives and members

Lanka were 64,051 in 2013,

contributor to the country’s

If those who like culture,

of the Malaysia travel trade

which was an increase of 2.0%

economy in 2013. Tourist re-

there is Colours of 1Malaysia

fraternity. While the primary

against 62,821 tourists in 2012.

ceipts were RM65.44 billion, an

and Borneo Cultural Festival.

objective of the Sales Mission is

And with new products and

8.1% increase from RM60.56

Foodies should come for the

to strengthen Malaysia’s stand-

destinations being promoted

billion in 2012. Tourist arrivals

three-month Fabulous Food

ing as a dream travel destina-

specifically for the Sri Lankan

grew by 2.7% to 25.7 million

1Malaysia. For music lovers,



market, the number is ex-

compared to 25 million in

Malaysia has the Rainforest

arrivals from India and Sri

pected to increase to 70,000

2012.VMY 2014 is expected to


Lanka, Tourism Malaysia is

this year.

see around 28 million tourists

Sarawak, Sunset Music Festi-

visiting the country and gener-

valin Sabah, and Penang World

of Tourism and Culture, State



also looking forward to driving

During the Sales Mission,






strong support from both the

Tourism Malaysia also organ-

ating receipts up to RM76 bil-

Music Festival, just to name a

Indian media, travel trade and

ized travel marts for the travel





International News

VisitBritain witnessed record growth from India Aims a 5% growth in 2014; Launches Bollywood app.

Indian travellers. This App



India the ‘GREAT’ campaign

the digitally savvy consumer

India. We observed that over

is focused more on heritage,

with a passion for films and

40% of Indian travellers as-

education, countryside and

travel and explore the Great

piring to visit Britain are

sports. He said, “GREAT

Britain in a fun and uncon-

keen to visit locations fea-

campaign is not just about





Croft, Marketing Director, Vismore than 3,72,000 Indians in 2013, a 10% growth over 2012. This year, Britain hopes a 5% growth from India by inducting various marketing initiatives and business strategy. recently

itage, GREAT Sports, GREAT

India currently stands at 15th position in terms of top tourist markets for Britain. However, it leads in the BRIC markets and considering its potential for future, we are strongly focusing on India.

itBritain, the country received

Joss Croft, Marketing Director, VisitBritain

launched a Bollywood App –

ventional manner. On the

try. In India, we specifically are promoting GREAT Her-


tourism, it promotes every segment of our trade indus-

Also, the ‘GREAT’ cam-

2013. As per Joss




ritain received record



ellers. Croft informed that in

has been created to engage

Anand Shah


strumental marketing tool for


Education, GREAT Countryside, GREAT Culture, etc. We observed that the top three activities desired by an Indian traveller in Britain are related to heritage and thus, the focus on GREAT Heritage. We will continue with this campaign in India and

paign by VisitBritain across

are positive that the brand

Bollywood In Britain (BIB)

sidelines of the BIB launch in

the world has gained popular-

will enhance the destination

through which it is promoting

Mumbai, Croft said, “Bolly-

ity and has established the


Bollywood theme holidays for

wood is one of the most in-

brand among aspiring trav-




Tourism Victoria’s Multiprolonged strategy for India Improving itineraries for special interest groups, promoting ICC World Cup 2015 Anand Shah ndia is becoming a sophis-


ticated tourism market as

Tourism Victoria Super Trade Mission 2014 in Mumbai (L-R-Ayaz Memon, Disha Parmar, Nakuul Mehta, Brett Lee and Minister Louise Asher)

more and more travellers

bourne and Victoria among In-

mum number of Indian cricket

campaign in Mumbai, Harry

are opting for out-of-the-box

dian travellers. It has also de-

lovers can explore Victoria.

said, “Predominantly, India

travel itineraries and pack-

ployed the marketing tool of

The region received over

was a leisure and VFR market

ages, said Leigh Harry, CEO,

television by shooting few

73000 Indian visitors in 2013,

for Victoria. But since few

Tourism Victoria. To tap the

episodes of an Indian tele-se-

an increase of 9% growth over

years, we are observing that



ries in Victoria. Through this,


more and more Indians are

travel, Tourism Victoria has

it aimed to reach the booming

The board recently organ-

opting for niche products like

come up with a multi-pro-

middle class and upper middle

ised third edition of its Sales

food & wine tourism, adven-

longed strategy. The board has

class and strengthen its desti-

Mission in Mumbai, New Delhi

ture, sports and nature based


recently unveiled new cam-

nation brand. Moreover, it is

and Bengaluru to showcase the

tourism, etc. It’s a strong sign

paign ‘Come Alive in Mel-

also in process of developing

latest tourism products to the

that Indian market is becoming

bourne’ – to leverage social

ICC World Cup 2015 packages

Indian travel trade partners.

more sophisticated and is look-

media platform in India and

with select travel trade part-

On the sidelines of unveiling

ing for more experiential

strengthen brand of Mel-

ners in India to ensure maxi-

the ‘Come Alive in Melbourne’

tourism products.”


Spa News


Spazzo offers blended personalized treatment Spazzo at the Crowne Plaza Today Okhla provides serene setting for relaxation and rejuvenation. Manager,

Prem Kumar



Today new Delhi Okhla.

your body's skin. The most Specialty Massage

common types of body treat-

Specialty massage can range

ments are body polishes and

Therapies available

from hot stone massage,

body wraps. A body treat-

Delhi Okhla is a 1300

Spazzo offers a wide range of

Thai massage to Abyhanga

ment is not the same as mas-

square metre destination,

treatments to its guests, and

and Balinese Massage.

sage, but it can be a good


pazzo at the Crowne Plaza



providing a serene setting for

fulfills their personal wishes

relaxation and rejuvenation.

- be it to relax, rejuvenate,


Each therapy room comes

energize, hydrate or detoxify.


with its inbuilt steam room

“We offer spa services like

every woman loves a pam-


with Pevonia products. The

massage, body treatments

pering day. There's no better

Spazzo’s signature spa ther-

spa menu has been created

and facials (also called spa

way to pamper yourself and

apies have been devised to

to reflect elements of Indian

treatments),” said Singh.

get some much-needed relax-

address guests’ increasing

ation than a facial. A facial

desire for simple, effective

culture and healing traditions.

“At Spazzo, we’ve

complement. no







has benefits which are aes-

and authentic spa experi-

blended personalized treat-

Massage makes you feel good

thetic as well as psychologi-

ences. Weather you wish to

ment offerings, colour water

and has lots of health bene-

cal. Not only does it improve

feel calm, rejuvenated or en-

bed therapy (hydro therapy)

fits. This is one of the rea-

the look of the skin, it also

ergized our soothing treat-

– the only one in the capital

sons it's the most popular


ments will restore a sense of

city, uniquely synchronized

service at the spa. But there

stress off your shoulders.

harmony to your body, mind

music styling, diet, and the

are many different styles of

The spa offers a large variety

and soul.

antioxidant blessings of the

massage: Swedish massage,

of facials to suit all skin

world’s finest teas into an

Deep Tissue massage, Aro-




matherapy massage, Couples

formed Pallavi Singh, mar-

massage and Sports mas-

Body Treatments

achieve a deep state of relax-

keting & Communications


Body treatments deal with

ation. Your bodies circulation






Gentle breeze: Swedish massage technique helps you destress,



Spa News

is boosted as sore joints are quickly alleviated.


plete journeys with tropical

vanishes, followed up with

ergy that is used in this

body wrap & gentle breeze in

finishing touches.

colour therapy bed. Colour


a romantic ambiance, to



therapy aims to balance and

Soothing and relaxing pure

renew the senses as you

massage: A traditional In-

enhance our body's energy

aromatic essential oils are

enjoy this treatment with

dian massage done through

centers/chakras by using

precisely blended for this

your partner.

a soothing and symmetrical

the colours of the light spec-



Aromatherapy massage, in-


long stroke to regulate the

trum, which can help to

spiring your body to redis-

This in-spa treatment fea-

circulatory and nervous sys-

stimulate our body's own


tures a potent blend of stabi-

tems of the body. The warm








lized vitamin "C" combined

herbal medicinal oil chosen

therapy bed is used for


with the latest high-tech for-

according to your body type

calming, relaxing, healing,

calming yet energizing scalp

mulation of freeze-dried sea-

balances the doshas and

balancing, energizing and as

massage focusing upon vital



leaves you feeling refreshed

well as an overall relaxation


Aromatic silky scrub fol-

and rejuvenated. A steam


lowed by an aromatherapy

bath is recommended follow-

colour schemes.


ing this massage.





back and neck. Foot Pamper: Reflexol-





ogy combined with a foot

Ultimate rejuvenation:

scrub pampers your feet. An

Sit back, relax and enjoy,

USP of Spazzo

Crowne Plaza Today New

ancient oriental method of

this rejuvenating experience

“The key USP of our spa is

Delhi Okhla primarily caters

massage, it restores a natu-

includes optimal facial to

hot water colour bed and it

to business travelers - trav-

ral flow of energy in the

boost your skin's radiance

is its own kind that you

elling for success! Combin-


with rejuvenating “C” Com-

won’t find anywhere in the

ing work stress with the

plex. Aromatic moor wrap

city. We use colours for the

hassel of traveling can make


rich in natural vitamins,

therapy and it is a truly ho-

business trips particularly

stretches, acupressure and

minerals and enzymes is

listic, non-invasive and pow-

taxing and potentially anxi-

aromatherapy oils stimulate

generously applied to your

erful therapy which dates

ety inducing. Therapies at

the flow of blood, oxygen and

entire body. Sore muscles,

back thousands of years,”

Spazzo have thoughtfully

"qi" (energy) around the

aches and pains are allevi-

said Singh. Colour is simply

been put together to ensure


ated as your body's circula-

light of varying wavelengths

that its guests feel rejuve-

tion is stimulated and stress

and, as such, is a form of en-

nated at all times.

Rejuvenating Bali: A combination


Sunset Romance: Com-

Guests’ profile at the Spa



Aviation Report

‘Indian aviation has potential to be number one globally by 2030’ According to the Indian Aviation report by FICCIKPMG, Indian aviation sector has the potential to be number one globally by 2030.

ndia has the potential to

'India Aviation 2014-Enhanc-

become the third largest

ing Air Connectivity' report

pansion driven by Low Cost

aviation market by 2020

launched today at the most

Carriers (LCC), modern air-

and the largest by 2030.

prestigious civil aviation ex-

ports, Foreign Direct Invest-

There is large untapped po-

position in Hyderabad.


tential for growth due to the

ushered in a new wave of ex-

ments (FDI) in domestic

According to the report,

airlines, cutting edge Infor-

fact that access to aviation is

the Indian civil aviation in-

mation Technology (IT) inter-

still a dream for nearly 99.5

dustry is on a high growth


per cent of its population, in-

trajectory, albeit with minor

emphasis on No-Frills Air-


hiccups. The industry has

ports (NFA) and regional






connectivity. The Indian civil aviation industry is amongst the top 10 in the world with a size of around USD 16 billion. This is a fraction of what it can actually achieve. "In view of the enormous growth prospects of air traffic and substantial investment



aviation market offers significant long term opportunities for global aviation players. Indian Government and industry are already working together closely. I am confident, this partnership will be further strengthened and play a critical role in improving regional connectivity and promoting sustainable development of the civil aviation sector in the country," said Sidharth Birla, President of FICCI. The report notes that the next generation of aviation growth in India will be triggered by regional airports. At present, there are around 450 used/un-used/abandoned airports and airstrips spread all over the country. Many Indian states, especially in Eastern India, have started taking pro-active measures to promote air connectivity. These initiatives include reduction in Sales Tax on ATF, development of no-frills air-


Aviation Report

ports, promotion of aviation

or underserved. These in-

reforms in the aviation policy,

Africa and Asia-Pacific. How-

volve relaxation on regula-

procedures and taxation. We

ever, developed economies of


West Bengal de-

tions, revising the security

hope this trend continues",

North America and Europe

serves a special mention as it

requirements, allowing do-

said Amber Dubey, Partner

lagged behind in terms of

is the first large state in the

mestic code sharing, provid-

and India Head of Aerospace

growth in passenger traffic.

country to declare zero per


and Defense at global consul-


cent Sales Tax on ATF at its

utilities and connecting in-

tancy KPMG.

promises to emerge as the

regional airports and 15 per

frastructure. The proposed

The report highlights the

cent Sales Tax on ATF used

Essential Air Services Fund

significant growth in the In-

by additional flights started

(EASF) by Ministry of Civil

dian aviation sector over the

The most significant de-





A lot more needs to be done, as several Tier 2/3

economies of Latin America,

academies and supportive


In view of the enormous growth prospects of air traffic and substantial investment projections, Indian aviation market offers significant long term opportunities for global aviation players. Indian Government and industry are already working together closely." Sidharth Birla, President, FICCI.

states have brought in many

policies for airlines and


Sidharth Birla President, FICCI

cities are still unconnected


Amber Dubey India Head, Aerospace & Defense, KPMG

India is blessed with a great geographic location, a large upwardly mobile middle class and immense tourism opportunities. We have just touched the tip of the aviation iceberg. Our challenges are primarily related to policies, procedures, regulations and taxes. These are all man-made problems and hence surmountable.







largest aviation market by 2032.

Aviation (MoCA) needs to be

last decade. As per data from

velopment in the Indian do-

set up immediately. All this

the Airports Authority of

mestic market is the growing

will have a multiplier effect



dominance of the low-cost

in terms of higher growth of

throughput grew to 159 mil-

carrier model, which in FY


lion (FY 13) and cargo

2013 accounted for almost 70



tourism and employment.


throughput to 2.19 million

percent of the domestic ca-

"India is blessed with a

MT (FY 13), registering an

pacity. LCCs have driven the

great geographic location, a

impressive growth of 13 per


large upwardly mobile mid-

cent and 10 per cent CAGR

tourism through low fares,


respectively over the period





tourism opportunities. We

FY 2003-2013.


aviation of



routes and periodic discount

have just touched the tip of

On the global front, air-

offers. Full service carriers

the aviation iceberg. The

crafts transported around 3.1

plan to shift more seats to

beauty is that our challenges

billion passengers and over

their low cost offerings in

are primarily related to poli-

51.6 million tonnes of freight

line with market trends. In-

cies, procedures, regulations

in 2013. The growth in pas-

dian carriers plan to double

and taxes. These are all man-

senger traffic has been led by

their fleet size by 2020 to

made problems and hence

the strong progress made by

around 800 aircraft.

surmountable. The central

Middle East countries and


government and the eastern

supported by other emerging

Aviation 2014' report points



Aviation Report

•The Asia Pacific region is expected to emerge as the largest aviation market by 2032 •Indian carriers plan to double their fleet size by 2020 to around 800 aircrafts •Indian civil aviation industry is amongst the top 10 globally with a size of USD 16 billion •India's current MRO market size is estimated to be around USD 700 million •Total manpower requirement of airlines to rise from 62,000 in FY 2011 to 117,000 by FY 2017

out that development of air

lines is estimated to rise

transportation services and

from 62,000 in FY-2011 to

India's current MRO mar-

all round improvements are

socio-economic development

117,000 by FY-2017. It is es-

ket size is estimated to be

required – in airports, air nav-

are highly correlated. Ac-

timated that the sector, over-

around USD 700 million. By

igation, cargo, MRO, general

cording to the International

all, will need about 350,000

2020, the total Indian fleet

aviation and human resource

Civil Aviation Organisation

new employees to facilitate

would double in number, mak-


(ICAO), an additional dollar

growth in the next decade.

ing it critical to have a strong

need to broaden the base of

invested in air transport

Shortfalls in skilled labour

domestic MRO industry. Ac-

domestic flyers. No-frills air-

leads to a benefit of around

could create safety issues

cording to industry sources,

ports in Tier 2/3 cities need to

three dollars to the local

and may see staff salaries

merely 5-10% of the MRO

be developed and the pro-

economy. Moreover, every ad-

rise, hurting India's cost

work for domestic scheduled

posed EASF needs to be acti-

ditional job created in the air


carriers is carried out in

vated to address financing

It is a well known fact that

India, while most of the main-

challenges. Government poli-

transport results in creation of over six new jobs.

charges etc.

come a top aviation market,



the Indian aviation industry is

tenance activities are out-

cies, procedures and regula-

The growth in Indian avi-

overtaxed and this is being re-

sourced to third-party service

tory framework need to be

ation has created significant

flected in the industry's lack of

providers outside the country.


employment opportunities.

competitiveness at the global

This is a classic case of scor-

aligned to stakeholder expec-

With passengers and aircraft

level. It is important for India

ing self-goals. An inter-minis-


fleet likely to double by 2020,

to acknowledge the devastat-

terial task force on MRO


the need to strengthen the

ing impact of high taxes. Some

needs to be formed immedi-

Aviation 2014- Enhancing Air




of the avoidable taxes/charges

ately by the government to

Connectivity' report concludes

ment infrastructure is imme-

that need immediate attention

check the outflow of MRO rev-

that Indian aviation has a


are central and state taxes on

enue, foreign exchange and

huge untapped potential – we

estimates, the total man-

ATF and MRO, Service Tax on


need to recognise it and go for

power requirement of air-











Overall, in order to be-



Aviation News

British Airways brings its 1st 787 Dreamliner to Hyderabad British Airways also honoured superstar Amitabh Bachchan.


ritish Airways’ 85





in British Airways’ history in

ways for years. The airline

touched down at Rajiv Gandhi

Hyderabad. Our very first

holds a strong legacy in India

International Airport, Hyder-

Dreamliner 787 has made its

and I hope they continue to

abad at 04:45 hours yesterday

landing here yesterday morn-

serve us with the same zeal and fervour, forever.”

(Monday, 31 March 2014). The

ing and what better way to

brand new aircraft adorned

mark this momentous occa-

The new Dreamliners will

with a plaque commemorating

sion than to honour the iconic

feature the elegant cabin de-

years of rich legacy

and honouring the megastar

Mr Bachchan to commemo-

signs fitted on British Air-

in India witnessed

Amitabh Bachchan, an indi-

rate this successful launch.

ways’ new Boeing 777-300 ER

the grand arrival of its first

vidual truly known for his in-

“Our customers from Hy-

aircraft, which have proved

Boeing 787 Dreamliner to Hy-

comparable contribution to

derabad can now take advan-

very popular with customers.

derabad today through its as-


tage of new levels of comfort

All 787s will feature a new




sociation with one of India’s

decades. This collaboration

and reduced jet-lag thanks to

Club World 2:3:2 layout, the

most revered actors, Amitabh

signifies rich legacy, commit-

improvements in air quality,

latest generation World Trav-

Bachchan. British Airways

ment and success in the In-

mood lighting, and quieter

eller and World Traveller Plus

celebrated the arrival of the

dian market for both British

cabins, all features of the new


new aircraft at the incredibly

Airways and Mr Bachchan.

787. We welcome you all and

British Airways is contin-

do hope you enjoy the experi-

uing to improve services for


customers and will roll out



Customers travelling to

Palace, with The Opulent


Hyderabad will now get the

British Ball that witnessed

opportunity to travel in the all

Amitabh Bachchan said,

more new aircraft across its

presence of crème de la crème

new luxurious and ultra-mod-

“I am delighted to be associ-

worldwide network as deliver-

of prominent personalities

ern Dreamliner 787, whilst ex-

ated with the launch of British

ies continue over the next



periencing British Airways’

Airways’ 787 Dreamliner in

three years. The new aircraft


award winning hospitality.

India. London is one of my

forms the centerpiece of the



Mr Mrs

Bachchan and British Deputy

British Airways started the

favourite destinations and

airline’s £5 billion investment

High Commissioner in Hyder-

Boeing 787 Dreamliner serv-

there is no better way to travel

programme to benefit cus-

abad, Mr Andrew McAllister.

ice in Hyderabad commencing

to the city than with British

tomers. The airline has or-

Dazzling fireworks, delectable

from 31 March 2014.

Airways. The service, food

dered 12 A380s and 24 Boeing

cuisine, the perfect company

Commenting on the occa-

and flat beds on the long haul

787s. Eight of these aircraft

and drinks sponsored by Dia-

sion Christopher Fordyce- Re-

flights are second to none and

have already joined the fleet,

geo, left the guests completely

gional Commercial Manager,

I always arrive feeling well

and a further eight will join

awe-struck and something to

British Airways, South Asia


the fleet later this year. The

cherish forever! British Airways’ Boeing

said “We are delighted to an-

“My family and I have

nounce yet another milestone

been flying with British Air-

remaining aircraft rest over the next two years.



Aviation News

‘Feel like a Star’ this summer with the Bollywood airline, Virgin Atlantic In a unique offer, the airline invites fans to claim fabulous discounts purely on their Bollywood inspired names

destinations showcased in

destinations it flies to and to

Bollywood movies. In a fur-

frame its cheeky reminders of

Virgin and will surely connect

ther twist on the Bollywood

the unique offerings available

to all Bollywood lovers. Last

theme, Virgin Atlantic is of-

on-board, reiterating that fly-

year, we flew over one thou-

fering a discount to travellers

ing isn’t a chore but a pleas-

sand passengers with these

lucky enough to have been

ure. The campaign focuses on

shortlisted filmy names and

sprinkled with movie stardust

the great amenities available;

are looking forward to wel-

and own some of the most fa-

from the fabulous collection

coming many more Rahuls,

mous filmy names. Passen-

of latest Bollywood/ Holly-

Priyas and Rohits on-board this summer.”

ollywood fever has hit

gers with names such as

wood blockbusters on its in-

Virgin Atlantic, as the

Simran or Karan, Arjun or

flight entertainment to its


unique experience of flying



The multi-layered and

airline pays homage

Kiran can now book with Vir-


to Iconic Indian Cinema in its

gin Atlantic and claim up to

services that are designed to

launches today with radio,

latest multi-media marketing

10% discount on the basis of

cater the needs of the Indian

online video banners, out of

campaign: ‘Feel like a Star’.

their name itself for travel till


home (OOH) and print adver-

The campaign reflects the

July 31st, 2014.

“From the beginning, Vir-



tising. The ‘Feel like a Star’

The ‘Feel like a Star’ cam-

gin Atlantic brought back

campaign provides a glimpse


paign subverts the ‘What’s in

style and fun to air travel,”

of how Virgin Atlantic has

on-screen experiences show-

a name’ theory and inspires

says Stephen King, General

made flying glamorous for its

larger than life service of Virgin



cased by Bollywood alive. The

people to experience luxury

Manager, Virgin Atlantic -

passengers with the movie

airline is inviting Indian trav-

by flying Virgin Atlantic. The

India. “We believe the journey

poster and ‘reviews’ acting as

ellers to make the most of

campaign uses the look and

should be as enjoyable as the

the central element in many

their love for Indian cinema

feel of a typical movie poster

destination. ‘Feel like a Star’

of the ads tying the campaign

by flying to the most popular

to showcase the astounding



gowda. At an entrance fee

Premium Services, we are de-

reach and touch the lives of

starting from INR 1000 plus

lighted to introduce Plaza

every traveller in all parts of

tax guests can enjoy compli-

Premium Lounge in Ben-

the world.

mentary delectable food and


Plaza Premium Lounge Arrives in Bengaluru Introduces five-star guest comfort at the airport







Plaza Premium Lounge

beverage selection, comfort-

lounges together with the

Management Limited is the

laza Premium Lounge,

able seating, power showers

newly upgraded terminals at

management company and

the world’s leading

to freshen up, business centre



shared service provider for


facilities and the airport’s best

Airport in addition to our

Plaza Premium Lounge Net-

spa and massage service for

well-established network of

work worldwide. With more






launch of its Airport Premium Services at Kempegowda International

New Delhi and Hyderabad.

than 15 years of experience, a

Comfort, innovation and

Our primary goal is to provide

results-oriented track record


interactivity are at the coreof

afive-star comfort and con-

and proprietary knowledge


the Plaza Premium Lounge

venience for all international

operating and managing the

introduces two state-of-the-art

concept. Echoing Bengaluru’s

travellers with our services

airport lounges, the network



guests to relax and unwind.


pay-in lounges open to all

lauded reputation as ‘The

and facilities while at Air-

is directing expansion plans

travellers at the International



ports,” said Song Hoi See,

through multi-location opera-

and Domestic Departures ter-

lounges, which are designed

Founder and CEO of Plaza

tions in major international

minals of the airport.

by celebrated Australian ar-

Premium Lounge Manage-

airports in the world. Its


chitect Mitchel Squires of

ment Limited.

lounge is the world's first






lounges have been built with a

Mitchel Squires & Associates,

Being the first pay-in

commercial VIP lounge open

vision to extend its world

feature lush green unique

lounge in the world, the com-

to airport users irrespective

class airport service to Kem-

garden design, delivering a

pany contributed to the whole

of airline or class of travel.

pegowda International Air-

flawless enhanced airport ex-



Headquartered in Hong Kong,


perience that is second to

feringeveryone an effortless

we now operate more than


travel. With its expansion

110 locations in 29 interna-

plans, the company hope to

tional airports.



convenience and value to travellers going through Kempe-


“As a leader in the Airport




International News


nomic regions including Europe, the New Independent States (NIS) and Central Asia and as such it is the ideal location for Routes Silk Road and the UNWTO Silk Road Task Force. Holding this



alongside our own event will further strengthen our partnership and we are excited about the opportunities this provides Routes.” The UNWTO Silk Road Task Force meeting brings together key representatives from Silk Road destinations, United Nations agencies, the

UNWTO Silk Road Task Force to meet at Routes Silk Road Routes and UNWTO partnership in Georgia





he World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)



holding its Silk Road Task Force meeting during this year’s Routes Silk Road event which will take place in Tbilisi, Georgia on July 6-8.

will surely help address the

Routes and Georgia to make

private sector and associa-

travel facilitation challenges

this edition the best yet”,

tions to discuss and plan pri-

along this tourism route and

said Taleb Rifai, UNWTO


we are thus very happy to




development along this an-

hold the UNWTO Silk Road

“Following the announce-

cient route. The meeting

Task Force meeting along-

ment of our partnership we

aims to raise the profile of

side Routes. Moreover, with

are thrilled that UNWTO has

tourism along the Silk Road and drive sustainable and re-

UNWTO’s joint research with WTTC clearly demonstrates the impact that visa facilitation can have on economic growth and job creation. Routes Silk Road 2014 is an excellent initiative that will surely help address the travel facilitation challenges along this tourism route and we are thus very happy to hold the UNWTO Silk Road Task Force meeting alongside Routes. TALEB RIFAI, UNWTO SECRETARY-GENERAL




enhancing between


countries along the Silk Road. Routes Silk Road, which will be hosted by United Airports of Georgia (UAG) under


decided to hold its Silk Road

the auspices of the Ministry


proach to visas and its open

Task Force meeting at our

of Economy and Sustainable

comes soon after an agree-

skies policy, Georgia is an

event in July,” said Katie

Development, is the route de-



sponsible tourism development

ment was reached at ITB in Berlin between Routes (part of UBM live) and UNWTO to work together in advancing matters related to air connectivity and travel facilitation. “UNWTO’s joint research with WTTC clearly demon-

velopment forum that con-

Following the announcement of our partnership we are thrilled that UNWTO has decided to hold its Silk Road Task Force meeting at our event in July. Holding this important meeting alongside our own event will further strengthen our partnership and we are excited about the opportunities this provides Routes.





Eastern Europe, Middle East and Asia. Routes organises worldrenowned airline and airport networking events through its regional and global Route


Development Forums. Each

strates the impact that visa

ideal destination to host such

Bland, Director Routes, UBM

year, there is one global

facilitation can have on eco-

an event, and I must congrat-

Live continuing: “Routes Silk

event and one regional event

nomic growth and job cre-

ulate Georgia for winning the

Road will be held in Georgia

in Asia, Africa, Europe, the

ation. Routes Silk Road 2014

bid. UNWTO looks forward to

which is a gateway connect-

Americas and CIS respec-

is an excellent initiative that


ing several important eco-







International News

Avari Dubai Hotel introduces unique service for global biz travellers Avari Dubai Hotel, a four star Deluxe, atrium hotel situated at Al Rigga (Deira), introduces Avari Business Class Service - a unique combination of convenience and comfort.


his unique service

starts as soon as you

fee facilities. The use of the

shirt/blouse; a well-deserved

Hotel redefines the leisure

land at Dubai airport,

well-equipped business cen-

massage (at a discount) at the

and business hotel category

where a chauffeur-driven car

tre, with complimentary pho-

Avari roof top Spa; compli-

and proves to be a lifestyle

awaits you. An exclusive

tocopy services, assists the

mentary use of the health club

destination beyond compari-

check-in to an Avari Business

traveller in all his/her busi-

and swimming pool; unlimited

son. The seven storey, atrium

Class (ABC) room or a suite;

ness needs.

free local landline calls and

building with 178 newly reno-



vated rooms and suites is a

early (9am) check-in & late

Avari Dubai Hotel has its


(6pm) check-out facilities;

own ways of making the busi-

room, smart interactive TV &

unique and prestigious desti-



ness travellers feel more spe-

media center with wireless

nation which has been de-

and all the safety and in-room

cial by offering a choice of a



signed to cater for every

amenities expected from an

lavish buffet breakfast at the

[wired & WIFI] highspeed in-

possible need a business or

international, deluxe hotel

Olive Tree restaurant or a-la-

ternet access in rooms & pub-

leisure traveller may have. All

add to the comfort.

carte in the Club Lounge; and

lic areas; 20%-50% discounts

rooms at the Avari were re-

The “ABC� service also en-

a customized, dietary consul-

on a host of facilities; and dis-

cently renovated to an inter-

titles the business person ac-

tation with the Head Chef,

counts on selected external


cess to the Club Lounge,

who will take care of all health


packaged in a 4-star deluxe

enjoying a formal environ-

and religious needs.

ment for private meetings through





Dubai has emerged as a

hotel! It enables a leisure and

Other unique offerings of

top tourist destination for

business traveler to enjoy


the ABC Service are - comple-

travelers across the globe.

everything that he or she

mented with complimentary

mentary daily ironing of a

With one of the most supreme

wishes and work at the same

beverages, snacks & tea/cof-

business suit or laundry of a

location in Dubai, Avari Dubai


Visitors from Hong Kong, Middle East & South Africa are top 3 spenders on hotel rooms in India

place paying `7,909 a night

ter up 17% to `7,115.

to `5,517.

Indian metros dominate the list of top 10 domestic destinations for international travellers.



followed by South Africans

Of the few countries with

who paid `7,594. Travellers

declining rates paid, the

(HPI) report also revealed

from both, Middle East and

Brazilians saw the hardest

the top destinations for over-

South Africa saw increases

fall, parting with 10% less

seas visitors coming to India.

during 2013 to `6,645, fol-

While Delhi, Mumbai, Goa,

lowed by Japan with its own


of 3% and 4% respectively. Many of the highest in-

The Hotel Price Index



creases were paid by visitors

devalued currency deterring

Jaipur continued to reserve

from Europe. Belgium was

foreign travel, down 6% to Rs

the top six spots, the Indian

up 25% to `6,363, Finland


city known to attract Inter-

he Hotel

the most for hotel accommo-

added 22% to `6,187 and

Other falls were seen at

national tourists the most,

Price Index (HPI) is

dation in India in 2013, part-

Italy had the same percent-

the bottom of the table as the

Agra, the land of Taj Mahal

a regular report on

ing with `8,061 a night. This

age increase, taking its aver-

Malaysians parted with the

has dropped two spots. Agra

hotel prices in major destina-

was a 6% increase when

age to `6,098. Thailand and

least on `5,315, registering a

has moved from 7th to 9th

tions across the world. As

compared to what they paid

China were the fastest risers

drop of 1%, followed by the

position, giving way to Hy-

per the latest report, trav-

in 2012. Visitors from the

in Asia with the former up

Russians down 2% to `5,510

derabad and Thiruvanantha-

ellers from Hong Kong paid

Middle East were in second

23% to `6,903 at and the lat-

and the Taiwanese down 5%

puram in 2013.



Culture News

India’s 1st Exhibition of Food, Adventure & Culture Fair 2014 King’s Park Street launched India’s first ever ‘Exhibition of Food, Adventure & Culture Fair 2014’ in New Delhi.


ing’s Park Street re-




India’s first ever ‘Exhi-

bition of Food, Adventure and Culture Fair 2014’ at the King’s Park Street, under DTTDC flyover of Raja Garden. Touted as New Delhi’s most awaited place, King’s Park Street is one of its own kinds of project to develop underutilized land in Delhi. On the occasion, Ricky Chawla, Director, King’s Park

flyover and other public areas in

icraft or demo display and sale,

Street, said, “I am very de-

New Delhi. King’s Park Street,

traditional and modern Indian

lighted to announce the opening

which is West Delhi’s first ever

fashion and accessories, au-

of King’s Park Street as it is not

culture hub, will be an innova-

thentic regional cuisines from

only the first of its own kind but

tive platform to showcase the

all parts of India, performing

also first project of utilizing un-

true Indian culture as well as

arts from all parts of the coun-

derdeveloped land of the city.

promote activities for modern

try, theater and music performances.

There are various recreational

generation. This kind of land

options available in other parts

utilization has never been done

of Delhi except West Delhi. So

in India before”.

Flyover is an important flyover

the entire West Delhi was ea-

Speaking on the occasion,

as it links Ring Road to Najaf-

gerly waiting for this project

Amit Sukhija, Project Director,

garh Road. The Flyover which is

since its announcement. With

King’s Park Street said, “With

1.3 km long is one of the areas

King’s Park Street, a new av-

Exhibition of Food, Adventure &

which are underutilized and has

enue of entertainment has

Culture Fair 2014, we are taking

been selected for the develop-

opened its door and very soon,

the first step in the development

ment plans of Delhi Tourism.

this place would be known a

of utilizing underdeveloped

The area is an entertainment

new cultural landmark of Delhi.

land in Delhi as well as creating

zone, which is spread across

At the King’s Park Street, we

a benchmark for bringing expe-

15000 square metres and has

strive to build a repertoire of the

riential tourism product in the

amphitheatre-cum-mini theatre,

best of India and make it a year

country. This trend is well-ac-

exhibition space, food court, art

around destination for the com-

cepted in foreign nation and is

& culture shows, street food fes-

plete family.” Sanjay Soni, Director, Con-

(L to R) Amit Sukhija, Ricky Chawla and Sanjay Soni

Built in 2001, Raja Garden

very popular. In India, it is first

tivals, adventure sports and a

venture and we hope it will be a

lot more interesting activities.

cepts and Strategy, King’s Park

trendsetter in the area of enter-

The centre is very close to Ra-

Street, shared his views, “I am

tainment shopping in the coun-

jouri Garden metro station and

delighted to be associated with


has closer proximity to all the

King’s Park Street, which is

The fair which concludes on

Delhi Tourism’s unique project,

April 6 is attracting visitors

shopping malls and main markets.

inspired by the contemporary

from across the city. Nearly 200



vendors from across the coun-

across the country are exhibit-

wherein spaces under the fly-

try are exhibiting their products

ing at the venue and promoting

overs and train stations are

and as many as crafts persons,

Indian art and culture, regional

used for public gatherings and

weavers, artisans, folk musi-

cuisines and street foods at a




thus creating landmarks and

cians and dancers are showcas-

common platform along with

destinations. Similarly, King’s

ing their talent at the exhibition.

adventure sports and folk per-

Park Street has been conceptu-

It has complete exposure of

formances. Entry to the fair

alized as a unique transforma-

everything India has to offer, be

was free for first 7 days i.e till

tion of urban spaces under

it stalls selling traditional hand-

28th March 2014.



In Conversation


‘Consistently delivering quality services to our clients in sync with their plans’ In Conversation with TnH, Lubaina Sheerazi, Business Head of Blue Square Consultants, speaks about vision and objectives of her company, and how it has grown as an established player in a short span of time. Prem Kumar

With access to over

freshness.” Explaining Vision

Blue Square Consultants

10,000 travel agents across

and objectives of Blue Square

has been in operation for over

the country and a combined

Sheerazi said, “Our vision is

four years and is consistently

database of over 450 media

to be the pioneer in our indus-

growing. The company has

houses, Blue Square delivers

try. We are a tourism solution

grown from being a represen-

plans with verifiable results

provider with expertise in

tation company to a service

and enhanced profitability in

destination marketing, trade

solution provider. “We have

a cost effective manner. Mak-

sales and public relations.

established ourselves as the

ing all this possible is a young,

Our objective is to help our

trusted service provider in the

talented and professional

clients understand and en-

tourism industry as we con-

team that provides holistic

gage effectively with the rap-

sistently deliver quality to all

and innovative solutions in

idly increasing and dynamic

our clients in sync with their

the travel and tourism sector.


Enumerating the services

We started off with providing

of Blue Square, Sheerazi




tourism boards seeking to enter the Indian market. From




tourism board in our first year, today we have a portfolio which consists of several tourism boards, DMC’s and hospitality




said, “In a nutshell, our serv-



Future of travel representation biz in India

plans for the Indian market.


Our vision is to be the pioneer in our industry. We want to provide 360º services customized to a clients' needs which include working on need-based assignments.

ices consist of providing consultancy services, conducting

With the increase in the mid-

lubaina sheerazi Business head of Blue square Consultants diverse as India can be quite

positive growth, said Sheer-

daunting. Hence, it is always

azi. She noted that the size of

more helpful to use the serv-

the Indian middle class cur-

ices of a well-established rep-

rently stands at approxi-

resentation company. The

mately more than 350 million,

market knowledge, network

roughly the size of the popu-

and hands-on expertise of a

lation of the US and growing

representation company go a

at an estimated 40-50 million

long way in pushing a brand

annually. “With 17% of the

in the market.”

world’s population, India is ranked as one of the top five

Future of Indian outbound

countries for potential out-


bound travel. The number of

Throwing lights on core

market research, initiating

dle class as the Indian econ-



Indians travelling overseas is

areas of activities of Blue

consumer promotions, con-



Tourism is one of the fastest

set to rise from nearly 15 mil-

Square, Sheerazi said that

ceptualizing marketing com-

significantly, the UNWTO has

growing industries in the

lion at present to 50 million by

Blue Square Consultants is a

munications, managing public

rated the Indian market as

world at present, and India

2020. According to a recently

leading niche destination rep-

relations, conducting product

one that is bound to be a

has emerged as a major out-

released Amadeus-Frost &



resentation and marketing



major outbound nation in the

bound market over the past

Sullivan tourism industry re-

communication management

trade shows and achieving

coming years,” noted Sheer-

decade as a result of its large

port, Indians travelling to

firm in India. “Our aim is to

sales targets.”

azi. “Therefore, any country

population, expanding econ-




that is serious about promot-

omy, emerging middle class

$13.3 billion in 2011. This fig-

Vision and objectives

ing tourism cannot afford to

and liberalizing travel and

ure is set to zoom to $91 bil-

promote and develop the business of international travel


products in India. Anchored

At Blue Square, people are

ignore India. It is for this rea-

aviation environment. The in-

lion by 2030, making Indians

in Mumbai, we provide 360º

driven by “the power of

son that several destinations

crease in disposable income


services customized to clients'

three”. This power of three is

are keen to start marketing

has energized the sector to

spenders, after China, in the


needs which include working

“a fascinating combination of

activities in India. However,

grow further and accordingly

world on overseas travel,”

on need-based assignments.”

innovation, creativity and

making foray into a market as

the outbound tourism is on its

said Sheerazi.



Appointment News

V.V. Giri Regional Director, Operations (South Asia) Premier Inn

Jayne O’brien Sr. VP of Global Brands InterContinental Hotels Group

Jagmohan Misra Country Head Unique Global Hotels Alliance

Premier Inn, the UK’s largest

InterContinental Hotels Group has

Unique Global Hotels Alliance Pvt.

budget hotel chain and part of

appointed Jayne O’Brien to the po-

Ltd. has appointed Jagmohan

Whitbread Plc, has appointed

sition of Senior Vice President of

Misra as the Country Head. Misra

V.V. Giri as Regional Director, Op-

Global Brands. She will be respon-

has over 33 years of combined ex-

erations (South Asia). With in-

sible for overseeing brand vision

perience in the development, proj-

dustry experience of nearly 30

and strategy across IHG’s global

ect manegement, operations and

years, Giri brings on board deep

portfolio of nine brands.

launch of some of the leading hotels

understanding of Operations, client/owner rela-

O’Brien has a rich background in the travel industry.

tionships, team and talent management and train-

During her 18-year career at British Airways, she

brands in India. Misra started his career with the Oberoi Hotels in

ing and development initiatives. He has extensive

served in a number of senior brand marketing and

1978 and achieved the distinction of being appointed

experience in leading large teams with hands on

commercial roles. O’Brien was responsible for helping

as the youngest General Manager in the group. Dur-

exposure and has been successful in building

to develop many of British Airways’ most successful

ing his stint with Radisson Hotels in Malaysia he was

strong operational functions.

brand and product initiatives, including the first flat

responsible for the opening and successfully setting-

As Regional Director, Operations for South Asia,

bed in Business Class (Club World), the One World Al-

up operations of the four prime properties owned by

Giri will be responsible for providing direction to

liance Brand and initiatives such as the first Arrivals

the brand.

further enhance Premier Inn’s presence in the

Lounge concept at London Heathrow Airport.

country. He will manage a wide portfolio of verti-

He was one of the pioneer members in the Hotel

Prior to joining IHG, O’Brien served as Chief Mar-

Leela Venture and played a crucial role in the sign-

cals related to the operations of the hotel, includ-

keting Officer for Dubai Properties Group, a leading

ing-up of a MoU with the Four Seasons. Subsequently,



master developer of destinations and districts across

he joined the Grand Group to launch the prestigious

communication, information systems, finance

Dubai. There she was responsible for all group mar-

Goa Intercontinental Resort. He also took-up the role

management, legal, human resources, training

keting across the group, including brand manage-

of vice president and senior vice president for The

and guest quality insight.

ment, public relations and customer relations.

Grand Hotels in Goa, Bangalore and Delhi.





Saibal Sen General Manager Howard Johnson Bengaluru Hebbal

Vikas Sharma General Manager Hilton Bangalore Residences

Gagan Deep Singh GM, Courtyard by Marriott Pune City Centre

Howard Johnson, America’s fa-

Hilton Bangalore Residences has

Courtyard by Marriott Pune City

mous hotel brand and a part of the

appointed Vikas Sharma as Gen-


has appointed


Wyndham Worldwide Group has

eral Manager. Scheduled to open

Deep Singh as General Manager,

appointed Saibal Sen as the Gen-

in the first quarter of 2014, Hilton

Courtyard by Marriott Pune City

eral Manager of its first property in

Bangalore Residences is located in

Centre. With a career spanning

India at Bangalore – Howard Johnson Bengaluru Hebbal.

the Embassy Golf Links Business

over 15 years in the field of hospi-

Park, the hub of several Fortune 500

tality and having worked as the Di-

Sen comes with a rich experience of 19 years worked

companies, at the intersection of Indiranagar and

rector of Operations at JW Marriott Mumbai, Gagan

with various organisations. In past he was associated

Koramangala, and within a 25-minute drive of M.G.

Deep Singh undertakes the reign of Courtyard by

with groups like The Taj, Four Point Sheraton and The

Road and Sarjapur Outer Ring Road.

Marriott Pune City Centre as the General Manager.

Lalit. His last assignment was with the Sarovar Group Hotels & resorts.

Sharma, appointed as pre-opening general man-

As the General Manager of Courtyard by Marriott

ager for Hilton Bangalore Residences in December

Pune City Centre, Singh will be responsible for the

Sen is an alumni of the prestigious Institute of Hotel

2012, brings more than two decades of experience

smooth functioning of the property. Centrally located,

Management & Catering Technology, Mumbai. He likes

in the hospitality industry. In his former role at Star-

the hotel enjoys close proximity to areas like Kore-

travelling, exploring new destinations, enjoys the thrill

wood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc., Sharma

gaon Park, the airport, railway station and IT parks,

of exposure to new cultures, cuisine and meeting with

was the general manager for Aloft, Bangalore.

thus making it the most sought after hospitality des-

people. His hobbies also include reading non-fiction

Prior to joining Starwood Hotels & Resorts World-

tination by business and leisure travelers.

and music and travelling. Howard Johnson is a chain

wide, Inc., he was the general manager for The

With a repute of having successfully worked in dif-

of hotels, motels and restaurants located primarily

Chancery Pavilion, Bangalore. Previously, Sharma

ferent roles at various Marriott properties around the

throughout the United States and Canada. Founded by

held several positions in F&B operations with Taj

country, Singh was one of the main protagonists who

Howard Deering Johnson, it was the largest hotel and

Hotels Resorts & Palaces in Mumbai and Bentota,

successfully executed the launch of Pune Marriott

restaurant chain in the US in 1960s-70s.

Sri Lanka.

Convention Centre Hotel (now JW Marriott Pune).


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