Travel & Hospitality - July 2014

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I S S U E 1 0 | V O L U M E V | j U Ly 2 0 1 4 | ` 5 0

Editor’s Note GOOD TIMES AHEAD FOR TOURISM Going by the current policy discourse at the national level, the travel and tourism industry can indeed hope for good days ahead. After becoming the first national party to promise development of tourism in its election manifesto, Bharatiya Janata Party, the ruling party at the Centre, has made tourism a key priority area of its development agenda. For the first time the President of India in his address to joint session of the Parliament talked about the development of tourism in the country. Addressing the first joint session of the Parliament after the recent general elections, President Pranab Mukherjee said, “India has a vast untapped potential for tourism which can play a special role in our socio-economic progress. The government will initiate a mission mode project to create 50 tourist circuits that are built around specific themes.” This statement of the President makes it very clear that the Modi government is really serious and sincere in its commitment to development of tourism. The presidential address to joint session of the Parliament is a broad policy statement of the government which reflects broad policy intents and priorities of the government. The new tourism minister has also made it amply clear that tourism will be high on the agenda of the new government. He has promised to expedite the electronic travel authoriza-

tion (ETA) or E-visa which had been announced by the preceding UPA government. The Modi government will present its first budget in the second week of July. The forthcoming budget may bring more cheers for the industry considering Modi’s thrust on development of tourism, which has heightened the industry’s expectation from the forthcoming budget. The expectation of the industry from the next budget is unprecedented and such expectation from the budget had never been seen in the past. The industry has a long wish-list from Finance Minister Arun Jaitley; important among them include industry status for the travel and tourism sector, relief in tax liabilities, export status to inbound tourism and infrastructure status to the hotel industry. The travel and tourism industry expects that FM will address these demands of the industry in its budget. Some important development is also expected in sectors related to tourism such civil aviation and railways. The government is planning to introduce Civil Aviation Authority of India Bill in the forthcoming budget session. The proposed Civil Aviation Authority of India will replace DGCA and would be powerful and autonomous than DGCA. The government is also expected to take a call on the future of Air India due to its prolonged financial woes.

Printed, published and owned by Srishti rai. Printed at Somsons Printing Works, 1/7, Doctor’s Lane, Gole Market, New Delhi 110001, and published at P- 23/90, Connaught Circus, New Delhi 110001; Editor: SrISHTI rAI

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inside the issue jULy 2014 | VOLUME V | ISSUE 10

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Rationalise multiple taxes levied on tourism: the tourism industry NDA government to expedite execution of E-visa


FHRAI submits its recommendations for the union budget 2014-15

20 appoints new GSA in Nepal Namaste Travel (P) Ltd has been appointed as local representative of Nepal


IATO pitches for export industry status to the tourism industry Beautiful and holistic monsoon with NeoVeda Spa at The Metropolitan Hotel & Spa

39 43

AI Passengers to get premium facilitation as member of Star Alliance


Easy does it: Soft adventures in California


Explore ghent - this summer!


The Great Himalayan National Park Conservation Area inscribed as a World Heritage Site When summer arrives in Dubai, there´s no other place in the world you’d rather be In-Conversation: ‘Product upgradation and consistency in service are key to our strategy’

54 56

46 54



In Conversation Atul Lal VP, Operations & GM The Claridges Hotels & resorts


Rationalise multiple taxes levied on tourism: the tourism industry


Expectation from the Union Budget 2014-15: India’s travel & tourism industry seeks rationalisation of multiple taxes imposed on the tourism industry; reiterates its long-standing demand of industry status and infrastructure status. Prem Kumar


tial. We are optimistic that

tions from the budget, S.M.

this unequivocal commitment

Shervani, President, The Fed-

will also be amply reflected in

eration of Hotel & Restaurant


he first budget of the

While unveiling his vision for

specific themes.” The Presi-

the country at a BJP strategy

dent made this statement

be presented by Union Fi-

meeting in January this year,

while addressing the first

nance Minister Arun Jaitley

Narendra Modi, then Chief

joint session of the Parliament

on July 10. The Union Budget

Minister of Gujarat and PM

recently. The presidential ad-

Associations of India (FHRAI)

budget, by way of giving a strong policy impetus to the

thused when the Prime Minis-

hospitality and tourism indus-

BJP’s election manifesto had proposed a visionary roadmap to more effectively leverage the sector's vast untapped potential. We are optimistic that this unequivocal commitment will also be amply reflected in the Government's maiden budget.

Parliament is a broad policy statement of the government

India has a vast untapped potential for tourism which can play a special role in our socio-economic progress. The government will initiate a mission mode project to create 50 tourist circuits that are built around specific themes.

which reflects broad policy intents and priorities of the government. Speaking at function organ-


said, “We were greatly en-

dress to joint session of the Pranab Mukherjee President to joint session of the Parliament


cuits that are built around

Modi government would


sector's vast untapped poten-

Outlining FHRAI's expecta-


S. M. Shervani President, FHRAI

ized by IATO Shripad Yesso

2014-15 would be the key

candidate of BJP had said

Naik, Unioun Minister of State

ter himself very eloquently

barometer to measure the se-

that to build ‘brand India’, his

of Tourism & Culture (Inde-

articulated that tourism will

riousness and extent of the

key agenda would be to proj-

pendent Charge) has re-

be one of the five pivotal driv-

pre-budget memorandum for

commitment of the Modi gov-

ect India as a brand world-

minded IATO members that

ers of India's transformational

2014-15 to the Union Ministry

ernment to tourism sector.

wide, and to achieve this he

the election manifesto of his

growth. Recognizing tourism's

of Finance, encompassing rec-

The Union budgets in recent

would focus on 5-Ts - talent,

party has identified tourism

multifaceted contribution as a

ommendations on various is-

years have by and large ig-

tradition, tourism, trade and

as the key sector to drive

key enabler of socio-economic


nored the concerns and inter-


socio-economic progress and

This was for the first time

The industry hopes the forth-

that a big leader like Naren-


dra Modi was talking and rec-

BJP manifesto, the Minister

ent from the previous budgets

ognizing the potential of

noted that BJP recognizes the

Quoting from the

because now the country has

tourism and making it one of

role of tourism and hospitality

a new government under the

key points of his economic

in earning foreign exchange

leadership of Narendra Modi

agenda. Later on BJP in his

and its ability to create mil-

who has time and again em-

election manifesto also prom-

lions of job every year. He

phasized the potential of


reinterred that

tourism and expressed his


commitment to the development of tourism.






The PM has mentioned tourism as one of sectors that he would focus on and we have also seen initiatives taken by him for promoting tourism in Gujarat. We expect continued focus on improving infrastructure in potential destinations that can attract tourists coupled with promotional campaigns.

tourism is

one of the top priority sectors

Recently reiterating the


earn foreign exchange for the

coming budget will be differ-

FHRAI has presented its

for his government.

ests of the tourism industry.


new government commitment

All these statements have

Prime Minister Narendra

to development of tourism,

given confidence to the indus-

Modi’s push for development

President Pranab Mukherjee

try that for the first time there

of tourism has revitalized the

has said, “India has a vast un-

is government which is com-

progress through creation of

taxation and financial policy



tapped potential for tourism

mitted to the development of

jobs, enterprise, infrastruc-

pertaining to the hospitality


Naveen Jain President, Duet Hotels India

tourism industry and given

which can play a special role

tourism. In this context, the

ture development and foreign

sector. FHRAI has requested

them hope that unlike the pre-



industry hopes that that forth-

exchange earnings, his party's

the Finance Minister to con-

vious government, the new

progress. The government will

coming budget would be very

election manifesto had pro-

sider rationalisation of the

government led by him would

initiate a mission mode proj-

positive for them, and the in-

posed a visionary roadmap to

multiple tax structure of the


ect to create 50 tourist cir-

dustry’s concerns would be

more effectively leverage the

industry, so as to position







The industry asks industry, export status for tourism; infrastructure status for hotel projects


about what he has said. And

“A lot of initiatives as I men-

the time is now, the forthcom-

tioned above may help the in-

ing budget. I don’t think that

dustry overall. Demand in

the new government will dis-

hospitality industry largely


depends on the performance

India as a globally competitive

so the new government must

nance minister in his budget

tourist destination.


proposal,” said Keswani. “We

With political stability and

of overall economy, which we

are hoping that the budget

a business friendly govern-

now expect to re-enter into a



tourism infrastructure.

We are hoping that the budget should have a road map for the tourism industry. The government should address the anomalies in infrastructure status, roll out of the GST, clear plan for the new urban corridors and simpler rules for investment/tax holidays in the new locations.

Rattan Keswani Deputy MD, Lemon Tree Group

should have a roadmap for the

ment in country, business en-

stable growth phase,” said

tourism industry,” he added.

vironment is also expected to

Jain, who expects hotel indus-

According to Keswani, the

improve that would help help

try to be granted proper infra-

government should address

hotels located at business lo-

structure status to cover

the anomalies in infrastruc-

cations. “Most of our projects

larger spectrum of projects.

ture status, roll out of the

GST, clear plan for the new urban corridors and simpler rules for investment/tax holi-

Rationalising tax on ATF is crucial, since the entire aviation industry today is grappling with high ATF prices, which in turn makes air travel expensive for travellers.

days in the new locations; cleaner



tourism locations; better security




Naveen Jain, President,

tourists. S. N. Srivastava, President

Duet Hotels India said, “The

Rattan Keswani, Deputy

& Co-founder, Clarks Inn

PM has mentioned tourism as

Managing Director, Lemon

Group of Hotels is also hope-

one of sectors that he would

Tree Group hopes that the

ful that the first budget of the

focus on and we have also

next budget would be positive

Modi government would be

seen initiatives taken by him

for the tourism industry and it

different from the past for the

Neelu Singh COO,

for promoting tourism in Gu-

will get a fair deal from the fi-

tourism industry. “I definitely

are located in business desti-

“The current limit of mini-

jarat. We expect continued

nance minister in his budget

think that the next budget be

nations and in recent times

mum `200 crores project cost

different for the tourism in-

business sentiment had been

limits the extension to only 5-

Make India a competitive destination. And for this to happen tourism needs to be given industry status and infrastructure status should be granted to hospitality. Cheaper lending rates to hotel projects will greatly spur the sector.

S. N. Srivastava President & Co-founder, Clarks Inn Group of Hotels After Narendra

dustry. Narendra Modi has re-

at all-time low due to various

star projects. Longer morato-

ceived this massive mandate

reasons. We expect the budget

rium period and repayment

because of his development

to be pro-business with many

tenure in line with infrastruc-

agenda for the country and

infrastructure projects that

ture industry are much re-

the budget will clearly point

had been stopped to be reini-

quired (it takes anywhere

where his priorities lie. Don’t

tiated, reforms in policies

between 3 to 5 years for hotels

forget that Modi’s key election

making it easier to do busi-

to stabilize after they start op-

plank was the 5Ts (tradition,

nesses/get required clear-

erations). Further, there are

talent, tourism, trade and



multiple high taxes that a



initiatives for increased pri-

hotel has to bear that can be

forming a key part of his cam-

vate participation, strong poli-

corrected. There is a need to

paigning, not just to rev up the


have uniform taxation norms.





local employment and oppor-

confidence and bring in for-

We also expect uniform policy

tunities but also to revive

eign capital,” said Jain adding

on the subsidies for the hotels

brand India internationally,”

that all these would increase

in all the states,” said Jain,

focus on improving infrastruc-


ture in potential destinations



said Srivastava, adding, “Of

travel and help boost demand

who thinks that there is a

that can attract tourists cou-

tourism development during

all the ministers and Prime

for the hospitality in business

need to have higher trans-



pled with promotional cam-

his election campaign and the

Ministers, Modi have been the


BJP manifesto making similar

first ever to speak about

The industry expects some

channels created in the sys-

Lack of proper tourism in-

promise “we all are hopeful

tourism so eloquently and in

reforms in the tourism sector

tem by the government that

frastructure is big bottleneck

that that tourism industry will

such lofty terms. Now he has

and also expects it to get due

can help hotel owners to take

in the promotion of tourism,

get a fair deal from the fi-

to prove that he was serious

focus in the upcoming budget.

informed decisions. “There







We would hope for some rationalisation in taxation. That’s the one area that has been hurting us the most. Service tax, duplication in taxes, and much more needs to be simplified to help the industry be more competitive on the global market.

Rajeev Kohli Joint MD, Creative Travel and VP, IATO

multiple and high taxation

prove the current state of

budget because of the new

makes India not only a costly

economy and position India as

policies pronounced by the

destination, but also eats up

a globally competitive tourist

government, according to E.

the investors’ confidence in

destination. “It is also imper-

M. Najeeb, Chairman, ATE

the tourism and hospitality.

ative to enhance our current

Group of Companies. “The

Also tourism infrastructure

infrastructure capabilities to

Prime Minister has been talk-

and last-mile connectivity,

be able to seamlessly handle a

ing of the potential of tourism

inter-state tourist vehicle tax-

large influx of tourists. This

as an economic driver at

ation, are some of the key is-

includes physical infrastruc-

many occasions and forums.

sues spoiling the experience

ture such as ports of entry

Moreover tourism is perceived

of tourist travellers.

and different modes of trans-

as a medium of nurturing

Mahmood also calls for ra-

port as well as urban infra-

good relations with different

tionalization of taxes. “There

structure such as access

nations. It could help show-

are too many types of taxes

roads, electricity, water sup-

casing ourselves as a great

imposed on hotel sales. Some

ply and telecommunication.

civilization, heritage, and cul-

are mismatches between sup-

lowed down later. We are hop-

are on published rates while

Rationalizing tax on ATF is

ture to the whole world,” said

ply and demand that lead to

ing that the enthusiasm will

others are on charged rates.

crucial, since the entire avia-

Najeeb. He recalled that dur-

volatile cycles in the industry.

be revived.”

There are many cesses on

tion industry today is grap-

ing the IATO National Conven-

The euphoria in 2008 followed

When asked what he pre-

taxes etc. These should be

pling with high ATF prices,

tion 2011 in Ahmedabad,

by multiple CDRs in the indus-

cisely expects from the next

simplified with taxes being

which in turn makes air travel

Modi, the then Chief Minister

E M Najeeb Chairman, ATE Group of Companies

expensive for travellers,” said

of Gujarat and had announced

Mahmood said. Multiple and

Singh, adding, “Also, airport

full support to the tourism in-

complicated taxation policy



dustry in India. “Now he being

towards travel and tourism in-

country, especially in smaller

the Prime Minister we hope he

dustry is proving to be deter-

towns, is required for better

would meet his promises to






management and operation,

the tourism industry in a


which will serve to boost

much larger way,” he said.

“With hospitality industry

leisure and business travel

“The new government has em-

growing at an extremely fast

within and outside the coun-

phasized 5 T’s as thrust areas



pace, it is time to fix doubletaxation structure like luxury ments and service tax by the central government which lead to inflated guest billing.

try could have been avoided

budget for the tourism indus-

Also rationalization of tax

or at-least reduced,” said

try, Srivastava said, “Make

structure and uniform luxury

Jain, who expects budget to

India a competitive destina-

tax across India should be

be pro-hospitality and tourism

tion. And for this to happen


overall balancing growth with

tourism needs to be given in-


some caution.




The tourism industry has been pushing for long to be accepted as an industry. During the election campaign there were strong talks of the government giving a serious consideration to the tourism industry. These talks mellowed down later. We are hoping that the enthusiasm will be revived.

tax and VAT by state govern-



It has been a long demand of the tourism industry that it should be declared as an export industry and extended all benefits that are due to export business. Compared to many other export areas tourism has the least import against exports.

charged on actual prices,”

dustry status and infrastruc-

General Manager, Pullman

Sajid Mahmood, Vice Presi-

ture status should be granted

Gurgaon Central Park, adding

dent, Marketing, Sarovar Ho-

to hospitality. Cheaper lending

that it would be better to con-

Sajid Mahmood VP, Marketing, Sarovar Hotels



rates to hotel projects will

solidate the taxes and have a

try. Most importantly, there is

for economic development

industry has been pushing for

greatly spur the sector. Be-

GST tax which would get rid

a pressing need to address is-

such as talent, tradition,

a long time to be accepted as

sides there needs to be faster

of a whole lot of other taxes

sues regarding safety of sin-

tourism, trade and technology.

an industry. During the elec-

mechanism for the construc-

and simplify the structure.

gle female travellers within

From this it is evident that


tourism is given very top pri-



tion campaign there were

tion of hotel projects through

strong talks of the govern-

effective single window clear- expects that the

The tourism industry in

ority as a driver of the econ-

ment giving a serious consid-

ance and push should be

new government would bring

India expects that tourism as

omy. For that India has to



given to hotel projects in the

in vital tax reforms across the

a sector would get priority

build up suitable infrastruc-

industry. These talks mel-

budget sector.” He added that

country that help tourism, im-

and importance in the next

ture, tourist facilities, human









resources, innovative destina-

ent space in the eyes of the

tend all benefits that are due

the country. More funds to be

land acquisition and so cre-

tion promotions, and so on.



to export business,” said Na-

earmarked for training of per-

ation of a land acquisition pol-

This requires considerable fi-

Whether these will be re-

jeeb, adding, “Compared to

sonnel and human resources

icy exclusively for roads is an

nancial outlays and alloca-

flected in the next budget or in

many other export areas

development in tourism,” said

imperative. And this holds

tourism has the least import


true not only for road infra-

With hospitality industry growing at an extremely fast pace, it is time to fix double-taxation structure like luxury tax and VAT by state governments and service tax by the central government which lead to inflated guest billing.

David Hopcroft David Hopcroft, GM, Pullman Gurgaon Central Park

against exports. The industry

However, considering the

also has been requesting gov-

economy as it is, the Finance

transport infrastructure in-





ernment to exempt the in-

Minister is facing a tough

cluding railways and port

bound tour operators from

challenge to present a growth


service tax on the foreign ex-

oriented and non-inflationary

change earnings as extended

budget, even as time control

reality that industry has

to exporters. Tourism should

fiscal deficit therefore budget

painfully got used to. How-

•High interest rates are a

be brought under the priority

may not completely live up to

ever, it is effecting primary

list.” According to Najeeb,

the expiration of the travel

consumption and investment,


and tourism industry.

which is a death blow for the



should be provided for se-

Sunil Gupta, Chief Executive

economy. There are no quick

lected facilities and infra-

Officer, Avis India said that

solutions and interest rate re-



the economy is currently in

duction will only follow from

amenities, garbage disposals


crisis so he does not expect

reduction in food inflation. Re-

tions of funds. This should

policies over the years to

at tourist locations, greening

the budget to deliver any

moval of physical and regula-

naturally reflect in the budget

come, but it has to be seen. I

and cleaning and technology

quick fixes. “However, I want

tory barriers to mobility of

for the year. Even among the 5

will not pass judgement on the

T’s, tourism should supple-

government based on this

ment and compliment to the

budget, as they really haven’t

other components,” Najeeb

had enough time to settle in.


But I do think we will see a very different focus for the

building so as to offer to our

better for the Indian tourism

own industry, and anywhere

industry.” Kohli added, “We

where it is needed. It should

would hope for some rational-

project our tradition and take

isation in taxation. That’s the

a leading position in the serv-

one area that has been hurt-

ice exports fetching foreign

ing us the most. Service tax,

exchange. Tourism in India

duplication in taxes, and

should be adept with most

much more needs to be simpli-

modern technologies avail-

fied to help the industry be

able in the world in the com-


ing years.



Tourism should have talent

The Government should give clear policy signals in the Budget to address growth and deficits - the fiscal deficit needs to be reduced and the current account deficit needs to remain low till growth picks up.

Sunil Gupta CEO, Avis India

agri-produce is the first necessary step in this direction. The budget must present a broad vision of how the government proposes to reduce food inflation. •Current account deficit needs to remain in control. The largest item of import is fuel and a sustained and long term reduction in energy imports




through an increase in domestic production from existing sources and new energy


introductions. Special incen-

the government to give clear

sources like shale gas. The

global market. I would also

tives and allocations should

policy signals in the budget to

budget must articulate this

Echoing the industry’s sen-

hope for some increased

be provided for developing eco

address growth and deficits -

objective clearly. The other

timent, Rajeev Kohli, Joint

budget for marketing Brand

destinations and responsible

the fiscal deficit needs to be

major contributor to imports

Managing Director, Creative

India. The last year saw all

tourism initiatives. “Budget

reduced and the current ac-

is gold and the government

Travel and VP, IATO said,

monies taken away from the



count deficit needs to remain

should not dilute the current


“Modi in the run up to the

Ministry of Tourism. We need

tourists-trains with interna-

low till growth picks up,” said

policy of discouraging gold im-

elections said a lot of positive

them to have their arms

tional standards connecting

Gupta. According to him the


things about tourism. So obvi-


important centers. Domestic

next Budget needs to demon-

•Control over the fiscal

ously our hopes are very high.

The industry also expects

airlines offering good travel

strate the government’s re-

deficit is critical and a road

Since their coming to power,

the budget to be very support-

schemes for tourists should

solve to address the following

map to reduce fuel and fertil-

specific issues:

we have heard some very pos-

ive of the travel and tourism

be encouraged and incen-

itive signals or our industry in

industry. “It has been a long

tivized. Budget should be allo-

•Removal of hurdles in

sented in the budget. Once

specific and the economy in

demand of the tourism indus-

cated for a massive tourism

completion of existing road in-

growth picks up, the economy

general. I do think that

try that it should be declared

awareness campaign for dif-

frastructure projects is ur-

will be able to afford means

tourism will get a very differ-

as an export industry and ex-

ferent segments of people in

gent. Most delays relate to

tested and merit subsidies.”


izer subsidies should be pre-



NDA government to expedite execution of E-visa The new NDA government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi will implement electronic travel authorization (ETA or E-visa) at the earliest, said Shripad Yesso Naik, Minister of State for Tourism & Culture (Independent Charge), while addressing the members of IATO.

seized with the matter. He is fo-

ject of seamless travel of

able to tap the last minute trav-

cusing on new markets incen-

tourist vehicles between states

eler, the sponsors of business



has been a long pending de-

travelers and executives at-

diversification of tourism prod-



mand and I know that this is of


ucts. Ravindra Singh, Secre-

utmost importance. I will in-

added. He also said that he

tary (Culture) in his very

deed make sincere efforts to

looks forward to a very positive

educative address talked about

resolve this in consultation

and fruitful association with



the new initiatives of Ministry

with the Minister of Surface

IATO in coming days and seek

of Culture. He also talked about

Transport. Electronic Travel

whole hearted cooperation in

the proposed Festival of India

Authorization (ETA) becomes

making India the most pre-

in South Asian countries and

operational at the earliest. This

ferred destination in the re-

the festival of India which is al-

will provide a great push to the


inbound tourism as we will be

IATO on June 10 organised a

multiple state taxes specially

welcome reception to felicitate

road taxes and air connectivity

ready started in China. These

the new minister of state for

from new markets. He also em-

festivals showcase India in its

tourism and culture at The

phasized the need for early im-

variety is now organized with

Ashok Hotel. In response to a

plementation of e-travel visa,

the collaboration of informa-

request by Indian Association

which was a positive decision

tion and Broadcasting Ministry,

of tour operators (IATO), Naik

to boost international arrivals

Ministry of External Affairs

said that he will try his best to

by the then Government but

and Ministry of Tourism and

Swaati Chaudhury

brand and plans out strate-

get PM Narendra Modi to be

now if this is implemented in

whole presentation is with In-

With an effort to tide over

gies to rev up the resources

the chief guest at the next IATO

full earnest, it can immediately

credible India branding to have

the four months of lean

and tourism infrastructure


give a big boost in International

positive image about India. He

travel season of south-west

in the district. It has been in-


Splash 2014 to boost monsoon tourism in Wayanad

This was an event wherein

tourist arrivals. The urgent

also talked about promotion of

monsoon in Kerala, the state

strumental in initiating in-

the whole travel and hospitality

need is to resolve the service

museums as museums have

tourism industry has been

ternational mountain biking

industry were present to meet

tax part as it has made our hol-

global popularity and we have

making concerted efforts to

contest in Wayanad.

in person the new tourism min-

iday package cost prohibitive”.

good collections in our muse-

reverse the lull monsoon pe-

Splash 2014 is a joint ven-

ister and interact on how

Pronab Sarkar reiterated

ums. Thus tourism and culture

riod and boost the rains as a

ture of Kerala government,

tourism can bring the change

that considering the impor-

can really boost India destina-

season to commune with na-

Kerala Tourism and WTO. It

in the national economy, em-

tance of tourism in employ-


ture. Once the periods be-

intends to optimize the busi-

ployment creation, National In-


tween June and September

ness potential and would


On the occasion Naik ex-


economic growth and foreign

pressed his happiness to be

signified fall in hotel occu-

highlight the resorts and

investment- the focuses areas

exchange earnings, the then

amongst the members of IATO.

pancy rates in the state but


as declared by the PM Naren-

NDA Government under the

With inbound tourism in the

today things have started

Kodagu, Mysore and Nil-

dra Modi.

leadership of the Prime Minis-

country, it is important that

changing. Wayanad Tourism

giris. There would be B2B

Extending his warm wel-

ter of India, Atal Bihari Vaj-

both government and private

Organization (WTO), a non-

meetings, conclaves and a

come to Shripad Yasso Naik,

payee, exempted all the tour

sector work together so as to

profit group is all out to host

host of outdoor events like



operators from service tax w.e.f

achieve the goals set for us. He

the sixth edition of monsoon

mud football. The travel

IATO said “The efforts put by

from 18th July 1998 till 31st

also mentioned “in the election

carnival themed “Splash


members to ensure BJP comes

March 2000. Also service tax

manifesto our party had inden-

2014”-that is all set to pro-

Wayanad have charted out

to power as it was the only

was exempted on the foreign

tified tourism as a key sector to

mote the destination of

their own itineraries for











party which in its Election

exchange earning of the tour

drive socio economic progress

Wayanad as an experience.

tourists including rafting,

manifesto talked about T-5 and

operators from 9th April 1999

and earn foreign exchange for

The monsoon carnival

kayaking and adventure

the country”.

one of which being Tourism.

till 1st March 2003. This facility

will be on from July 11 to 13

trails, tug-of-war in mud and

That gave the confidence and

needs to be reinstated. “If these

“Tourism is one of the top

and this time is expected to

display of local culture and

optimistic feeling that our new

two issues are given priority

priority sectors for my govern-

draw around 400 tour oper-

art forms. The travel groups

Minister will be the Messiah for

we can assure you Sir, there

ment and I am sure that I will

ators to Wayanad -defined

are looking to bring in global

the betterment of the industry.

will be immediate 50% growth

have the whole hearted cooper-

by its rich legend and

tourists from Gulf countries.

He also talked about the bottle-

in tourist arrival”, said Goyal.

ation from the private sector

wildlife. The event is all set

To add to these, WTO will

neck areas which brought stag-

Parvez Dewan announced

partners to take tourism to

to boost the monsoon desti-

have special rain apparels

nation in the growth of tourism

that the new minister had al-

new heights. It is time now

nations in the district. WTO

for tourists making their


ready reviewed the issues re-

scale up our operations in in-

popularizes Wayanad as a

presence in the event.

tourism sector, visa issues,

lated to tourism and already

ternational market. The sub-







Wego launches private marketplace for advertisers

in APEC, Macau and the Middle

by advertisers.” Wego is one of

Wego’s Audience Engagement


the largest premium travel pub-

Platform enables advertisers to

“We’ve significantly enhanced

lishers in multiple markets

select users shopping for travel

our Audience Engagement Plat-

worldwide. There are many

by country of origin, destination,

Allows brands and agency trading desks to programmatically access Wego’s premium travel audiences.

form since the initial launch in

large travel websites run by air-

brand preference, price range,

2013,” steadily





lines, hotel chains or online

travel window, length of stay,


travel agencies but Wego is

cabin class and many other pa-

base, increasing deal sizes and

unique amongst large travel

rameters. Users can be targeted

eading the charge in deliv-

some of the world’s largest ad

higher numbers of repeat adver-

websites in that it accepts adver-

on Wego but also re-targeted off-

ering programmatic adver-

buyers),Amnet,RadiumOne in

tisers and always on campaigns

tising and is a brand neutral

site and all of this, fully-managed


the UK and USA and other

are all indicators of how warmly

venue and the pointy end of the

by Wego’s internal Publisher

metasearch site Wego recently

highly established trading desks

our solution has been embraced

travel shopping funnel.

Trading Desk.





launched Wego’s Private Marketplace - one of the first large premium travel publishers to do so. “The Wego Private Marketplace is the next evolutionary step in the development of our high-performing and targeted data-driven advertising solutions, which began with the launch of our Audience Engagement Platform last year,” said Rick Mulia, Chief Advertising and Sales Officer for Wego. “As advertisers run bigger and more complex campaigns with Wego, they are looking for more efficient and frictionless ways to buy media that fits more easily into their workflow and ad technology stack,” he continued. “Wego’s scalable and flexible ad technologies, big data assets and customer-focused trading desk, enable advertisers and agencies to access Wego’s inventory and audience in a more automated and efficient manner.” “The Wego Private Marketplace is a more enhanced and customised platform open to digital agencies and brand trading desks globally,” explained Mulia. “Wego’s Private Marketplace is available to medium and larger advertisers, without limitation or exclusivity.” The initial line-up of Wego’s clients span the world and include Xaxis (trading desk for




Nijhawan Group to represent Aitken Spence Hotels in India

tional hospitality brands in India as well as in the region including The Armani Hotel in Dubai & Milan and Constance Hotels in the Maldives, Mauritius, Seychelles & Madagas-

Sri Lanka-based Aitken Spence Hotels has recently appointed Nijhawan Group as its Sales & Marketing representative in India. Aitken Spence Hotels is keen to attract customers from Indian Market.

car. The Nijhawan Group identified by Aitken Spence Hotels for its outstanding track record in the field of representation management

ecognizing the potential

portfolio of businesses which

of the Indian market

includes travel & tourism,

with its close proximity to the

shipping, logistics, planta-

island, the regional resort op-

tions, printing and power gen-

erator has strategically em-

eration. Aitken Spence PLC

regional portfolio to twenty

representation of the Aitken

mote Aitken Spence Hotels as

barked on this partnership to

has made substantial invest-

three with over two thousands

Spence Hotels brand identity

we feel that they have the


has been appointed to handle Ankush Nijhawan Managing Director Nijhawan Group

Althaf Mohamed Ali Vice President Aitken Spence Hotels

specific sales & marketing activities for the Group in India. “We are very excited to pro-

further develop the Indian in-

ments in the leisure sector

rooms. Its portfolio of hotels

throughout India. We believe

right ingredients for the In-

bound segment to the Group’s

and is rated as an undisputed

in the Maldives has placed

that India is a strong source

dian Traveler. Sri Lanka is

leading properties in Sri

leader in the Sri Lankan

Aitken Spence Hotels as the

market with incredible growth

growing as a destination for


tourism industry.

largest international hotel op-

potential and we are excited

leisure, MICE and weddings

Aitken Spence Hotels oper-

erator in the Maldives. Aitken

about our future prospects

as well. The Aitken Spence

agements is a subsidiary of

ates one of the largest resort

Spence Hotels’ premier re-

with this market segment”,

Hotels are ideal for all three



chains in Sri Lanka with eight

sorts operate under the brand


Althaf Mohamed Ali,

categories . We are delighted

(Est.1868), a leading diversi-

resorts in Sri Lanka and has

Heritance Hotels & Resorts.

Vice President, Aitken Spence

with the association “, said

fied and respected blue chip

diversified regionally with

“We are delighted to be work-


Ankush Nijhawan, MD, Ni-

conglomerate in Sri Lanka.

properties in the Maldives,

ing with The Nijhawan Group

The Nijhawan Group repre-

The Group has a wide ranging

India and Oman bringing its

as we continue increasing the

sents many leading interna-

Aitken Spence Hotel ManSpence

Thomas Cook India wins CNBC Awaaz Travel Awards 2014 T

tion of being chosen the “Best Tour Operator – Outbound". In addition, this year, Thomas Cook India was also conferred the award of the “Best Com-

homas Cook (India) Ltd:

category winner and approved

pany Providing Foreign Ex-

CNBC Awaaz commendations;


travel and travel related finan-

votes being then internally au-

Commenting on the honour

cial services company, has been

dited to ensure validity of each

of the double achievement, Mr.

awarded a double honour as

individual vote; followed by fi-

Madhavan Menon, Managing

the “Best Tour Operator – Out-

nalisation by an esteemed jury

Director, Thomas Cook (India)

bound" and “Best Company

presided over by Mr Amitabh

Ltd said, “We are delighted to

Providing Foreign Exchange”

Kant – Secretary- DIPP - Govt.

be honoured with the two pres-

at the CNBC Awaaz Travel

of India.

tigious awards of “Best Tour

At a spectacular ceremony

Operator – Outbound" and

nour the best in class travel

at Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, In-

“Best Company Providing For-

services and to set benchmarks

dian travellers were unani-

eign Exchange” at the highly

for the tourism industry

mous in their choice of their

acclaimed CNBC Awaaz Travel



Awards 2014. With the winners

Thomas Cook India- once

being selected by both discern-

The methodology involved a comprehensive consumer sur-


ernment and industry, this

ship position in the travel and tourism industry.”

vey across multi-media plat-

again. This is the second time

ing travel consumers and an

award is a strong reaffirmation

forms featuring the previous

in a row that Thomas Cook

expert panel of captains of gov-

of Thomas Cook India’s leader-



India has received the distinc-

India’s leading integrated

Awards 2014 established to ho-

jhawan Group.



FHRAI submits its recommendations for the union budget 2014-15


he Federation of Hotel &

dustry's multiple tax structure,


Restaurant Associations

so as to position India as a


of India (FHRAI) has pre-

globally competitive tourist

sented its Pre-budget Memo-




mandated for inclusion of ho-

the purpose of inclusion under

tels in the Reserve Bank of

the priority lending norms, the

India's Infrastructure Lending

categorization of SMEs in the

List should be lowered from ru-

hospitality sector should be

pees 200 crore to a more rea-

delinked from the definition

sonable threshold of rupees 50

and criteria stipulated by the

crore, so that a larger number

Micro, Small & Medium Enter-

1. Pending the introduction

of hotels across diverse market

prises Development (MSMED)

of a unified Goods & Services

segments can benefit. Further,

Act, 2006 and instead be based

Tax (GST), hotel accommoda-

instead of being applicable only

on liberal, industry-specific

randum for 2014-15 to the

•Facilitating a broad spec-

Union Ministry of Finance, en-

trum of institutional mecha-



with prospective effect, this

and globally accepted parame-

compassing recommendations

nisms by which the hospitality

restaurants should be included

benefit should also be available

ters such as number of employ-

on various issues of direct/ in-

industry, including our small &

in the negative list for Service

to operational and under-con-

ees, annual turnover etc.

direct taxation and financial

medium enterprises, can ac-

Tax. The same base of room

struction hotels, and they may

5. Selected Term-Lending Fi-

policy, pertaining to the hospi-

cess lower cost long-term fi-

and F&B revenue is already

be allowed to switch over their

nancial Institutions such as

tality sector. A delegation from



subject to the levy of Luxury

existing loans to the terms ap-

TFCI, IDFC, IIFCL etc should

FHRAI, led by the President,

•Offering fiscal concessions

Tax and VAT by State Govern-

plicable for infrastructure proj-

be permitted to issue a distinct

S.M. Shervani also participated

and incentives to help mobilise

ments and the additional impo-

ects. Accordingly, hotels will

category of tax-free “Hospital-

in a high-level pre-budget

the massive capital investment

sition of Service Tax by the

become eligible for lower inter-

ity Infrastructure Bonds” car-

meeting, chaired by the Secre-

of over rupees 1,25,000 crore,

Central Government amounts

est rates on project loans,

rying a tenure of 15-20 years.

tary (Revenue),Government of

which is required to augment

to double-taxation.

longer repayment tenure of up

The relatively low-cost funds

India, Rajiv Takru. Outlining

the country's hotel room inven-

2. FHRAI strongly supports

to 15 years, higher debt-to-

mobilised from these bonds

FHRAI's key proposals, Mr.

tory by an additional 1,80,000

the early introduction of the

equity ratio of up to 4:1 and

would be deployed exclusively

Shervani said-

rooms, in view of the ambitious

GST regime. However, in order

avail financial assistance, in-

to support asset creation in the

targets envisaged in the 12th

to achieve the overarching goal

cluding refinance/takeout fi-

hospitality and tourism sector

Five Year Plan (2012-17)

of a modern, simplified and ef-



and will help to reduce our in-

ficient tax system, we have

agencies such as IIFCL and the

dustry's reliance on banks for its financing requirements.

“The past two years have been a particularly challenging phase for the industry, due to

We were greatly enthused


the impact of continued global

when the Prime Minister him-

highlighted the following core

newly set-up Infrastructure

economic uncertainties and a

self very eloquently articulated


Debt Funds (IDFs). In view of

6. The investment-linked de-



that tourism will be one of the

the special long-term funding

duction currently available to

However, despite these adverse

five pivotal drivers of India's

GST should subsume, without

requirements of the hospitality

hotels under Section 35AD of

headwinds, the long-term po-



any exceptions, all central and

industry, we have further sug-

the Income Tax Act can be

tential of India's tourism sector

Recognising tourism's multi-

state-level indirect tax levies

gested that hotels should be in-

made more attractive by way of

and its strategic role in sup-

faceted contribution as a key

(including Luxury Tax, Entry

cluded as eligible borrowers

the following-

porting our country's quest for


Tax etc).

within the RBI's scheme which

•The restriction imposed by




•It is imperative that the

inclusive growth remains undi-

progress through creation of

•The composite tax rate ap-

permits take-out financing

Section 73A should be with-

minished. In this scenario,

jobs, enterprise, infrastructure

plicable to the tourism sector

arrangement through External

drawn, so that losses from the

FHRAI's recommendations for

development and foreign ex-

under GST should be capped at



specified business under sec-

the forthcoming Union Budget

change earnings, his party's


(ECBs) for companies in the

tion 35AD may be set-off

have focused on policy meas-

election manifesto had pro-

•The proposals to exclude

seaport, airport, roads and

against taxable profits from

ures which can allow our in-

posed a visionary roadmap to

certain products, like alcoholic

power sector. This would give

any other business being car-

dustry to deftly navigate the

more effectively leverage the

beverages from the ambit of

hotel companies, the flexibility

ried on by the assessee

myriad near-term challenges

sector's vast untapped poten-

GST will lead to tax cascading,

to substitute their high-cost

•Budget/ mid-segment hotels

which we confront and also

tial. We are optimistic that this

distortion of credit chains and

rupee debt with relatively

should be permitted a weighted

build a strong foundation for

unequivocal commitment will

significant administrative and

cheaper offshore loans.

deduction of 150% of capital

the sector's rapid and sustain-

also be amply reflected in the

compliance-related complexi-

4. Bank loans up to Rupees

able future growth. We believe

Government's maiden budget,

ties for hospitality establish-

10 crore (per unit/ borrower)

•The benefit of the deduction

that there are three key priori-

by way of giving a strong policy


extended to SMEs in the hotel

under Section 35AD should be

ties which merit the Finance

impetus to the hospitality and

counterproductive to the very



extended in the case of restora-

Minister's urgent considera-

tourism industry.”

fundamental objectives of in-

should be allowed to be reck-

tion and conversion of old

troducing the GST.

oned as 'priority sector lending'

buildings into classified her-

within the RBI guidelines. For

itage hotels.

tion: •Rationalisation of our in-

Major Proposals in Fhrai's



3. The minimum project cost







UP incidents can upset Taj Mahal foreign tourists; stakes high: ASSOCHAM ASSOCHAM has told Government of Uttar Pradesh that incidents of rapes and problems of law and order in the state can adversely impact the number of Taj Mahal foreign tourists.

“Come to think of it, the Taj

port operators, airlines do

US$ 1.4 trillion. Receipts

Mahal itself is responsible for

brisk businesses in the busy

earned by destinations from

foreign exchange earnings of

FTA season. “In fact, the coun-

international visitors grew by

about USD 7-8 billion. Since it

try should aim at doubling our

5% to reach US$ 1159 billion,

is located in Uttar Pradesh and

FTAs in the next five years and

while an additional US$ 218

is very popular among the

take the foreign exchange

billion was earned by interna-

women tourists, the state gov-

earnings from them to at least

tional passenger transport.

ernment must take steps and

USD 50 billion a year. But

Receipts in destinations

send immediate signals across

tourism, especially the in-

worldwide from expenditure

the world that women are safe

bound from overseas is highly

by international visitors on ac-

in the state”, added Mr. Rawat.

sensitive to events and any un-

commodation, food and drink,

April till September months,

savoury incident can upset the

entertainment, shopping and

ncidents of rapes and law


could be limited because of

and order in Uttar Pradesh

lean period,” the chamber said

because of summer and hu-

FTAs which can then change

other services and goods,

reverberating in the global

in a paper.

midity are lean season attract-

directions. They are like wind

reached an estimated US$

ing monthly FTAs of about

which blows in favourable di-

1159 billion (euro 873 billion)

rection”, added Mr. Rawat.

in 2013. Growth exceeded the

media and even among the

However, it cautioned that

United Nations echelon will

immediate confidence building

4-4.5 lakh . However, the figure

leave their adverse impact on

measures must be taken with-

picks up from October rising

He said unfortunately the

long-term trend, reaching 5%

the inbound tourism since near about half of the total foreign tourists come to India attracted by the Taj Mahal, located in UP, Amritsar's Golden Temple, Khajuraho (Madhya Pradesh) and Jaipur (Rajasthan), ASSOCHAM cautioned today. Of the USD 18-19 billion foreign exchange earned through the Foreign Tourists Arrivals (FTAs), the Taj Mahal itself is responsible for USD 7- 8 billion, said Mr. D S Rawat, Secretary



while releasing the paper. However, the only factor which can lead to doing less of the damage is the fact that these incidents like the one at Badaun have happened in quite a lean season when the foreign tourist arrivals come quite to a trickle thanks to heat wave in most parts of

out any loss of time , well be-

from five lakh FTAs to some-

law and order issues have

in real terms (taking into ac-

India, particularly in the North.

fore September-October when

times eight lakh FTAs in De-

come to the fore at a time when

count exchange rate fluctua-

“Still, about 4.5 lakh foreign

the FTAs start picking up,

cember/January with bulk of

the global tourism is on a re-


tourist arrivals (FTAs) are

peaking in December and Jan-

them visiting the Golden trian-

bound and could have offered


recorded even in June. How-

uary. In all, the country earns

gle of Delhi-Agra- Rajasthan.

a great opportunity to India to

matched the increase in inter-

increase its FTAs.







ever, the North-bound FTAs

a tidy USD 18-19 billion of for-

Some of the south Indian

are less in number…..In a way,

eign exchange through the

beaches in Kerala or in Goa

According to the UN World

up by 5%, reaching 1087 mil-

the damage because of the ad-

FTAs, of whom 40-45 per cent

are also popular among the

Tourism Organisation, global

lion in 2013, from 1035 million

verse publicity resulting from

have Taj Mahal on their main

foreign tourists.

forex generated by interna-

in 2012, as per UN WTO.

these unfortunate incidents



Hotels, restaurants, trans-

tional tourism in 2013 reached

national tourist arrivals, also



Trade appoints new GSA in Nepal Namaste Travel (P) Ltd has been appointed as local representative of Nepal, a product of Travel Designer Group, today named Namaste Travel (P) Ltd. as its exclusive General Sales Agent(GSA) for Nepal., an award-win-

East's leading Travel Group i.e. is recognized as one

grown at a whopping 50% every

Travel Designer Group, will also

ning B2B Global Reservation

Travel Designer Group, Re-

of the fastest growing systems

year for the last 5 years. It's

work hand in hand with Na-

System offers hotels, sightsee- is backed by travel

in Asia Pacific and Middle East

today a 250+ member strong

maste Travel (P) Ltd to offer the

ing and transfers under one

expertise, innovation and cut-


window interface to its travel

ting edge technology.

Travel Designer Group, which

team with self-owned offices in

best services to the Nepal travel

3 countries and GSA offices in

agents, whose clients want to

10 countries.

explore India.

Through our office in India,

has its roots in the Indian

ered by direct inventories of

UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, Jordan,

Travel Industry since over 15

Namaste Travel (P) Ltd which

By partnering with companies

multiple suppliers and our own

Bangladesh, Pakistan, Mauri-

years, also offers products like

has its roots in the Nepal Travel

like Namaste Travel (P) Ltd and

partners.The system is empow-

contracting with price compar-

tius, Libya, Philippines, Saudi

Designer Packages and De-

Industry for over 25 years and

the experience they bring to the

ison filters which provides the

Arabia and Australia, we are

signer Indya.

has been offering best deals to

table, helps us to mutually ac-

travel partners larger pool of in-

empowering more than 4500+

its clients, be it domestic or In-

celerate our success in this



In less than 15 years, the

ventory with competitive rates.

satisfied travel partners in over

group has made an indelible

Part of Asia Pacific and Middle

19 countries in 4 continents. Re-

mark on the sector and has

Four Reasons to travel to Europe this Autumn, Winter & Spring 2015 Trafalgar (,

celebrations, alongside seasonal

best vintage at their winery in

the world’s leading guided holi-

delights of mulled wine, Christ-

Hungary; or in Madrid, feast at

day company shares some in-

mas markets, local cultural per-

one of the oldest eateries featur-

sider secrets on the benefits of

formances and the scent of

ing tapas and nougat, followed

travelling to Europe and Britain

freshly baked stollen waftingth-

by the tradition of eating 12

during the idyllic holiday peri-

rough the air.

grapes – one at each strike of

ods of October toMarch. With the




2014/15 autumn, winter & spring

Designer Indya, a product of


from where to go forthe best

son, expect save up to USD$224

gelato, to visiting the home of

per person with our early bird

noted Swedish physician Dr.

discount of 7.5%. Book prior to

Axel Munthe who was known to

29 August 2014 and travellers

provide free medical treatment

planning ahead can save hun-

the clock to welcome in the New Insider Experiences


Travelling with Trafalgar, not

itineraries, it is the ideal time to

only will guests visit iconic

Hidden Treasures

to the poor, whose villa is located

dreds of dollars or more, espe-

enjoy andexplore the changing

sights, stay in handpicked ho-

Travel is all about partaking in

atop a panoramic cliff on the Isle

cially if you travel with a group

colourand landscapes of Europe

tels, and meet local characters,


of Capri.

or family of 5.

and Britain.

but also enjoyinsider experi-

meeting the locals. Whether it is

ences unique to Trafalgar.

browsing through German win-

Stretch your dollar

their dollar even further, for the



For those looking to stretch

Festive celebrations

These include its exclusive ‘Be

ter markets, feasting your eyes

Autumn, winter and spring

very first time three of our Cost-

Fancy a change from the usual

My Guest’ dining experiences

on Christmas window displays,

equals to vacations costing less,

saver itineraries have been

balmy Christmas? There are

whereby a local family will host

orviewing spring tulips in Hol-

with lesser crowds as Euro-

added to the autumn, winter &

plenty of travellers who choose

guests in their home and pre-

land bloom, there is a special

peans wind down for the holiday

spring selections. Prices start

to holiday over Christmas and

pare a delicious meal made of

charm that can only be experi-

season. Chances of taking that

from US$950 per person twin

New Year to savour the holi-

local produce. For this autumn,

enced in the months of autumn,

special romantic shot on a gon-

share. The itineraries are:

dayspirit in Europe with family.

winter and spring, expect to lis-

winter and spring. Trafalgar’s

dola in Venice or that precious

•7 Days Taste of Britain

All Trafalgar itineraries that op-

ten to stories of local culture

Travel Directors are experts at

family photo in front of the Notre

•7 Days Jewels of Italy

erate through Christmas and

while enjoying hearty meals



Damewill be easier compared to

•11 Days Wonders of Turkey

New Year include special festive

andtasting the Schieszl family’s

Treasures, which can range

summer. For this off peak sea-





IATO pitches for export industry status to the tourism industry


that with the mechanisation of agriculture there is no job


Varanasi, Goa or Delhi likely to be the destination of IATO Convention

tourism continues to be a

IATO seeks PM Narendra Modi as Chief Guest for the convention

highly labour intensive sec-

In its meeting with the Union Tourism Minister, IATO has pro-

left in that sector whereas

case for a few important

Shayan Mallick


Through Tourism’ argues

India’s apex tour operators’ body seeks earliest implementation of E-visa to spur growth.


posed to conduct its forthcoming convention either in Varanasi,

tor. Furthermore Goyal pointed

Goa or Delhi, because of the proximity that these destinations

out that India gets just about

enjoy either with the Prime Minister or the Union Tourism Min-

steps that needs to be con-



ister who hails from Goa. Whereas Varanasi is the PM’s con-

rime Minister Naren-

sidered by the Government

against 16 to 17 million Indi-

stituency. However IATO has requested the tourism minister

dra Modi has repeat-



in the welcome reception

ans travelling overseas an-

to get the Prime Minister Narendra Modi as the Chief Guest if


that it organised for the

nually. He said that India’s

any of these three venues were to be announced as the conven-

stressed his intent of reviv-

Union Tourism and Culture

tourist arrival is dismal as

tion destination.

ing brand ‘India’ riding on



against neighbouring coun-

the strengths of 5Ts (tradi-

Naik. Naik, in his first pub-

tries like Malaysia (about 27

Reminding the Minister

tion, talent, tourism, trade

lic appearance, did show

million), Thailand (Over 21

that the previous NDA gov-

attention to some of the re-

and technology). And it’s

that he means business.

million) and China (Over 50

ernment had exempted tour

cent news about the new


operators from Service Tax

Government’s plan of clean-




ministry sets. He also drew

the first time ever that

Based on Modi’s 5Ts,

travel veterans have wit-

IATO’s President Subhash

Goyal suggested that to

on foreign exchange earn-

ing Ganga, starting bullet




Goyal in his welcome ad-

have an immediate effect on

ings from 1999-2003, Pronab

trains, some major changes




dress called the minister as

tourist arrivals in the coun-

Sarkar, IATO Hony. Secre-

in the Motor Vehicle Act,

one of the ‘Punj Pyares’ of

try government needs to

tary requested the Minster

commenting that “all these

The hopes are running

Narendra Modi, clearly ex-

take some steps on an ur-

to push for the exemption.

factors will have major im-

high and the travel trade is

uding IATO’s enthusiasm in

gent basis. Earliest imple-



Also present on the occa-

pact on tourism.”

looking at the forthcoming

the hope of tourism being

mentation of E-visa, export

sion, Sarab Jit Singh, Sr.

Singh especially sought

budget in anticipation in

put in the spotlight and an

industry status for the tour

Vice President, IATO as-

the Minister’s support in

order to see the first sign of

important part of the new

operators and the removal

sured the Minister of IATO

positively convincing Min-

government’s commitment

government’s economic plan

of the discriminating Service

support by stating that IATO

istry of Finance and Min-


for the country.

Tax based on tour opera-

will be the extended arm of


tors’ foreign exchange earn-

the Government in trying to

tourism budget and foreign


achieve whatever goal the

trade policy respectively.




tourism sector. IATO recently made its

Goyal who has authored ‘Poverty Eradication and







MoT to work out PR plan to restore image of India as a safe destination: Shripad Yesso Naik Union Ministry of Tourism will soon work out a Public Relation plan and strategy to restore the image of India as a safe destination, informed Shripad Yesso Naik, Minister of State for Tourism and Culture (I/C)

Telengana gets tourist board Swaati Chaudhury

prefer visiting Visakhapat-

he Central government

nam and the beaches in East

is looking ahead to set

and West Godavari. The

up Telengana Tourism Devel-

major pilgrim destinations



peaking at the IATO inter-


action meeting on Monday

would start operation some-

Naik said that the issue of

time on June 2 onwards. The



are Tirupati and Bhadrachalam. A large chunk of revenue of

safety and security of tourists

tourist-heavy places in Tel-

Andhra Pradesh Tourism De-

especially the women tourists is

egana are Hyderabad and


government’s utmost concern.

Warangal that captivate the

(APTDC) comes from coastal

He said that the Government

most number of tourists and

region. APTDC is working

recognizes the role tourism and

these destinations require

out a model to share the rev-

hospitality can play as a foreign

the much-needed boost.

enue. Most tourists travelling


exchange earner and their abil-

There has been a rapid

ity to create millions of jobs

spurt in domestic tourist ar-

pati begin their journey from

every year and therefore, it is

rival in Andhra Pradesh over

Hyderabad. Once Telegana state is formed and a new air-

to Visakhapatnam and Tiru-

important that both the Govern-

ing charge and I am glad that

great push to the inbound

the last decade. Nearly 20

ment and Private Sector are in

this will give us an opportunity

tourism as we will be able to tap

crore tourists visited Andhra

port is built, tourists would

same tangent so as to achieve

to exchange ideas while the

the last minute traveller, the

Pradesh in 2012 of which See-

no longer travel through Hy-

the goals set for us.

new government is on the path

sponsors of business travellers

mandhara had 11.5 crore


of setting its agenda for various

and executives attending con-

tourists. Travellers mostly

Full text of the Minister’s

segments of the economy in-



cluding tourism.

The subject of seamless

It is my great pleasure to be

Tourism is one of the top pri-

travel of tourist vehicles be-

amongst the members of India

ority sectors for my govern-

tween the States has been a

Association of Tour Operators,

ment and I am sure that I will

long pending demand and I

which is the largest association

have the whole hearted cooper-

know that this is of utmost im-

of the travel trade service

ation from the private sector

portance. I will indeed make

providers and which directly

partners to take tourism to new

sincere efforts to resolve this in


West Bengal Tourism Act 2014 to have guidelines for travel groups and hoteliers


imed to offer a fillip to

state tourism department will

tourism and to come up

also roll out new tourism in-

deals with the inbound tourism

heights. It is time to now scale

consultation with the Minister

with guidelines for travel

centive schemes. The new act

in the country. It is important

up our operations in the inter-

of surface transport.

agents, hotels and other

will have guidelines for travel

that both Government and Pri-

national market.

stakeholders in the travel in-

agents, water sports and ad-

We have also initiated a pro-

vate Sector are in same tangent

I am aware of the fact that

gramme to train the executives

dustry of Bengal that will help

venture sports operators. It

so as to achieve the goals set for

the tourism industry in India

of members of IATO in spoken

to curb illegal activities in

will introduce stringent penal-


today is concerned about the

Chinese language. This pro-

tourist destinations, the West

ties if any fraud is made by

As you are all aware, in our

issue of safety and security of

gramme is scheduled to begin

Bengal government is all set to

any tour operator or hotelier.

election manifesto our party

tourists especially the women

around end of June. This has

launch West Bengal Tourism

A person can act as a travel

had identified tourism as a key

tourists. I would like to assure

been initiated as per your re-

Development and Regulation

agent provided he gets himself

sector to drive socio-economic

that it is our utmost concern

quest and would help to ease

Act 2014 in the year-end. Till

registered under the provision

progress and earn foreign ex-

too. We will soon work out a PR

the demand of Chinese speak-

now, there are no such policies

of the act and the same will

change for the country. We had

Plan and strategy to bring back

ing guides.

or guidelines for travel agents,

apply to those in hotel busi-

announced, I quote, “BJP

the image of India as a safe des-

hoteliers or stakeholders in


I look forward to a very pos-

the state tourism industry.

recognises the role tourism and

tination. Plans are on to har-

itive and fruitful association

hospitality can play as a foreign

ness technology for growth and

with you in the coming days

The state tourism depart-

exchange earner and their abil-

development of tourism.

The state tourism department is now working on a

and seek your whole hearted

ment has already prepared a


I am also keen that the Elec-

cooperation in making India the

draft that is under review. The

more than 500 km from Ayod-

tronic Travel Authorization

most preferred destination in

new act will have all policies

hya Hills in Purulia to Sagar

This is my first formal meet-

(ETA) becomes operational at

the region.

required to stub out illegal ac-

Island in Sundarbans.

ing with IATO after my assum-

the earliest. This will provide a

ity to create millions of jobs every year.



tivities in tourist hubs. The





FTAs up by 9.7% in May 2014 over May 2013 Foreign tourist arrivals (FTAs) registered a growth of 9.7 per cent in May 2014 as compared to a growth of 2.5 per cent in May 2013. FTAs in April this year was grew by 11.5 per cent as compared to corresponding month in 2013. important

Key highlights of Visa on Arrivals issued during May 2014 As a facilitative measure

VoAs issued during May,

(26), Vietnam (18), Cam-

to attract more foreign

2014 are as follows:

bodia (11)

tourists to India, the Government

(i) During the month of


(3) and Laos (0).

launched the

May 2014, a total of 1,833

(iv) The number of

“Visa on Arrival” (VoA)

VoAs were issued under

VoAs issued under the

this Scheme as compared

Scheme, during January-


rupee terms during Janu-

Scheme in January 2010

lights regarding FTAs

ary-May 2014 were `49,121

for citizens of five coun-

to 1,114 VoAs during the

May 2014 were Japan

and FEEs from tourism

crore with a growth of

tries, viz. Finland, Japan,

month of May 2013, regis-


during the month of April

12.6%, as compared to the



tering a growth of 64.5%.

(1,866), the Philippines

and May 2014 are as fol-

FEE of `43,614 crore with a

Zealand and Singapore,

(ii) During January-May

(1,461), Indonesia (1,375),


growth of 17.0% during

visiting India for tourism

2014, a total number of


January-May 2013 over the

purposes. The Govern-

9,841 VoAs were issued as

S.Korea (562), Finland

FTAs in May 2014:

corresponding period of



compared to 8,266 VoA



Scheme to the citizens of

during corresponding pe-



riod of 2013 registering a

bourg (61), Cambodia (58)

growth of 19.1%.

and Laos (5).




•FTAs during the Month of May 2014 was 4.21 lakh

•FEEs in US$ terms

as compared to FTAs of

during the month of May

3.84 lakh during the month of May 2013 and 3.74 lakh in May 2012.

extended more




Myanmar (96),

(190), Luxem-



2014 were US$ 1.247 billion




(iii)The number of VoAs

(v) During January-May

as compared to FEEs of



issued under this scheme

2014, the highest number




US$ 1.109 billion during

Myanmar in January 2011.

during May 2014 for na-

of VoAs were issued at

•There has been a growth

the month of May 2013 and

Recently Govt of India has

tionals of the twelve coun-

New Delhi airport (4,711)

of 9.7% in May 2014 over

US$ 1.023 billion in May

extended Visa on Arrival

tries were S.Korea (369),


May 2013 as compared to a


(VoA) Scheme for South

Japan (329),

growth of 2.5% registered

•The growth rate in

Korea for which Ministry


in May 2013 over May 2012.

FEEs in US$ terms in May

has started receiving data


•FTAs during the period

2014 over May 2013 was

w.e.f 15th April 2014. The


growth of 12.4% as com-

important highlights of

Finland (83), Myanmar




30.52 lakh with a growth of

pared to the growth of 8.4%

6.6%, as compared to the


FTAs of 28.63 lakh with a


May 2013 over May

growth of 2.6% during Jan-

•FEE from tourism in

uary-May 2013 over the cor-

terms of US$ during Janu-

responding period of 2012.




(2,001), Chennai (1,249),

the Philippines

Bangalore (620), Kolkata

New Zealand

(610), Kochi (293), Hyder-



abad (258) and Trivandrum (99).

April 2013 as compared to a

•The growth rate in

month of April 2013 and

growth of 1.0% registered in

FEEs in rupee terms in

US$ 1.305 billion in April

April 2013 over April 2012.

April 2014 over April 2013


•FTAs during the period

was 22.8% as compared to

•The growth rate in

ary-May 2014 were US$

January-April 2014 were

7.5% in April 2013 over

FEEs in US$ terms in April



26.31 lakh with a growth of

April 2012.

2014 over April 2013 was

FEEs from Tourism in

mained the same as that of

6.1%, as compared to the

•FEE from tourism in

growth of 10.6% as com-

May 2014

January-May 2013, register-

FTAs of 24.80 lakh with a

rupee terms during Janu-

pared to the growth of 2.2%

ing a growth of 10.0% over

growth of 2.6% during Jan-

ary-April 2014 were `41,718


of May 2014 were `7,403

the corresponding period of

uary-April 2013 over the

crore with a growth of




corresponding period of

11.2%, as compared to the

•FEE from tourism in

•FEEs during the month as





`6,092 crore in May 2013 and `5,562 crore in April 2012.

FEE of `37,522 crore with a

terms of US$ during Janu-

growth of 18.3% during

ary-April 2014 were US$

FEEs from Tourism in

January-April 2013 over the

6.783 billion with a negative

April 2014

corresponding period of

growth of 2.0%, as com-


pared to US$ 6.921 billion

2012. FTAs in April 2014 •FTAs during the Month of

April 2013 over April

•The growth rate in

April 2014 were 5.04 lakh as

FEEs in rupee terms in

compared to FTAs of 4.52

May 2014 over May 2013

lakh during the month of

of April 2014 were `8,909

was 21.5% as compared to

April 2013 and 4.48 lakh in



ing the month of April 2014


9.5% in May 2013 over May

April 2012.

`7,252 crore in April 2013

were US$ 1.475 billion as

over the corresponding pe-

and `6,745 crore in April

compared to FEEs of US$

riod of 2012.


1.334 billion during

2012. •FEE from tourism in

•There has been a growth of 11.5% in April 2014 over

•FEEs during the month as


•FEEs in US$ terms dur-

with a growth of 10.3% durJanuary-April 2013 by T NH DESK





Sadananda Gowda outlines priorities for Indian Railways Keep customers at the centre of Railway activities, said Manoj Sinha, adding that passenger amenities need to be given due Attention. One day conference of GMS, DRMS, PSU chiefs was held recently.

elling public which we keep re-

Referring to the important role of


ceiving and therefore, we need to

General Managers and Divi-

formed that he and his colleague

The Minister also in-

redress them and make efforts



Minister Manoj Sinha will under-

so that the complaints are re-

Gowda said - ‘I consider that you

take tours at regular intervals

duced or eliminated. The Minis-

are the Minister, you are the

across the country to understand


ter said that Railways will have

Chairman for the division or zone

the problems at the ground level

to constantly endeavour to find

which you are heading.

and then give appropriate direc-


solutions for meeting the ever in-

should feel that each of you is re-

Railways efficient and passenger

creasing demands for the intro-

sponsible for all the good and bad

The Minister of State for Rail-


duction of more trains and new

of the institution. As a Minister, I

ways Manoj Sinha called upon

that all railwaymen need to be in-

Gowda further said that though


know that you may find it difficult

the railwaymen to work as a

novative and find solutions for all

Indian Railways carry largest

to share certain issues or prob-

family and work with full dedica-




Sadananda Gowda said

The Railway Minister further

tions to resolve them.

major issue like efficiency, punc-

number of passengers and

said that senior officers of Rail-

lems with your senior officers for

tion to make the Indian Railways

tuality, cleanliness and services

freight, they stand much behind

ways at cutting edge level are

various reasons. You are at lib-

as the best Railways in the world.

on the Indian Railways. Address-

in efficiency, punctuality, cleanli-

leaders and leader always finds

erty to communicate directly any

He said over the years he has

ing a conference of General Man-

ness and services. He pointed

ways to go forward, otherwise

issue to me or to my colleague

been travelling as an ordinary

agers (GMs) of all Zonal

out that the Chinese Railways, as

leader cannot be a leader. He

Manoj Sinha, which would bring

passenger and is aware of the

Railways, Divisional Railway

we know, is four times more effi-

said that people want immediate

good name to Railways and I will

problems faced by the travelling

and visible changes in the per-

keep it confidential. You have to

public which we need to address

formance of the Railways.

express your views as to how to

in the right earnest. He said that

Gowda said though the planning

bring major reforms in Railways.

Railway administration will have

will be done for five years but

You should give suggestions

to keep the customer at the cen-

there is a need to start producing

which will bring more trans-

tre of the its all activities and

results as soon as possible. Re-

parency in administration of day

work to meet the aspirations of

ferring to the able-leadership of

to day affairs. Your difficulties

railway users. e said safety and

the Prime Minister Narendra

will be looked into and sugges-

security passenger amenities,

Modi, Gowda said a new era has

tions will be considered, seri-

punctuality in train operations

heralded and - we all should


are some of the priority areas

pledge and work towards build-

The Railway Minister said that

which need utmost attention of

ing a strong and vibrant India as

the purpose of this conference is

Railway administration. He said

the new Government stands for

to convey the aspirations of peo-

the disposal of file could be fast

Sadananda Gowda Railways Minister

Manoj Sinha Minister of State for Railways

change and faster development.

ple and expectations of the Gov-

track. He also suggested com-

He reiterated that Government’s

ernment from each and every

puterizing and digitalizing more

Managers (DRMs), Chiefs of

cient than ours both in terms of

mantra is either to perform or

participant. He expressed his

and more activities records. He

Railway Production Units & Rail-

number of passengers carried

perish and this is applicable from

wish to meet each and every one

said that railwaymen always

way PSUs and senior railway of-

per employee and freight carried

the last employee of Railway

of the employee of Indian Rail-

think in terms of giving his best

ficials, here today, Gowda said

per employee. Most Railways in

upto the Railway Board. Gowda

ways and ask why we are not the

for the betterment of railway,

that conventional thinking and

the world run their trains on time

emphasised the priorities of the

best in the world. He expressed

passenger an for the nation. He

the present style of functioning

but Indian Railways yet to im-

Government in brief, which in-

his hope that the officers who

said that railway men should

will not help us achieve anything.

prove its punctuality whereas

clude i) Safety and security; ii)

have gathered here will carry

give suggestions for the improve-

Normally tendency is to come out

they have time schedule for every

Increase average speed to

this message to each and every

ment of the railway system. He

with replies and excuses for non-

train. As each and every passen-

150/200kmph; iii) Introduction of

employee of Indian Railways.

sought cooperation from the var-

performance which will not be

ger wants cleanliness, Indian

bullet trains; iv) Improve punctu-

Gowda called upon all rail-

ious federations in running Rail-

tolerated by the Government,

Railways need to keep our trains

ality 100%; v) Cleanliness of

waymen to work as a team and

ways; system efficiently and

Gowda added. Expressing his

and stations clean. As far as the

trains & stations ; vi) Satisfac-

asked them to come with ideas

effectively. He said that the an-

concerns regarding safety and

taste and quality of food is con-

tory food quality & taste.; vii)

as to how we should go forward.

nouncement made by the Prime

security of women and elderly

cerned, Indian Railways need to

Coverage Carry minimum of 50%

He emphasised on comprehen-

Minister in regard to Railways

passengers as well as poor pas-

understand that the passengers

of commuting public; viii) Com-

sive change and sought dedi-

will be implanted in full earnest.

senger amenities like drinking

do not have choice but to eat

petitiveness to be 100% more

cated and focused team work. ‘If

He said we have to work as Gov-

waters, waiting areas and rest

what Railways provide. The Min-

competitive than road sector;

we all work as a team and re-

ernment for the poor persons.

rooms, Gowda said that we all

ister pointed out that there are

and Providing the nation with

main motivated, there is nothing

have to make efforts to make

lots of complaints from the trav-

world class railways.

which is impossible’ Gowda





Outlook for the travel & tourism industry in 2014 is stronger than 2013: WTTC The global Travel & Tourism industry’s total contribution to GDP in 2013 grew by 3.0 per cent, outperforming overall GDP growth for the third consecutive year.


•Next month, as we reach

German GDP grew by 0.8

the mid-point of the year, we

per cent in Q1, the largest

will consider in more detail


what impact data so far and

2011. For France, GDP re-

a further month’s data are

mained unchanged. Particu-

likely to have on the world

larly worrying in countries



like France is that con-



Tourism outlook for 2014.




sumer demand remains low


GDP data for the US econ-

tors by contrast indicate

Eurozone: Data published

despite weak inflation. One

Travel & Tourism in-

omy was weaker than ex-

that the sector will continue

by Eurostat shows that the

risk from deflation is that




dustry in 2014 is even

pected, contracting by 1 per

to outpace the wider econ-

eurozone grew by just 0.2

consumers will postpone

stronger than 2013, with the


(annualised). There

omy. YTD international ar-

per cent in the first quarter

spending. Increased pres-

sector’s contribution to GDP

have also been downgrades

rivals grew by 5.3 per cent

of 2014. Given this was in

sure for fiscal consolidation

expected to grow by 4.3 per

to the outlooks for France



line with expectations, Ox-

and record unemployment



and Italy due to dampened

faster than 5 per cent for

ford Economics’ GDP fore-

rates are likely to exacer-

stronger than the wider

consumer expenditure de-

last year overall. Interna-


economy and many of the

spite weaker inflation. Over-

tional air passenger traffic

unchanged at 1.1. per cent.

fared worse than France,











all, the world economy is

for Q1 2014 has also contin-

A strong performance by

with a 0.1 per cent contrac-

In May, macroeconomic

expected to grow by 2.7 per

ued to grow for all regions.

Germany was contrasted by

tion in GDP in Q1. All eyes

data suggests the outlook

cent in 2014, down from 3.3

Hotel performance has var-

weak GDP growth in France

will now be on the ECB to

for the world economy will

per cent expected at the

ied across regions, but re-

and Italy, who appear to be

see what action, if any, will

be weaker than anticipated

start of the year.

mains encouraging for the

paying the price for their

be taken to rejuvenate the

US and European markets.

lack of economic reform.


other major industries.

in the annual update. Q1

•Travel & Tourism indica-

Latest Travel & Tourism indicators




USA: GDP data for Q1 2014

continue to gain momentum.

forecast for 2014 remains

growth of 2.1 per cent and

significant boost from the

shows the economy con-

Retail sales growth in April

largely unchanged at 3.8 per

3.4 per cent as expected at

FIFA World Cup next month.

tracted by 1 per cent (annu-

jumped up to 7.7 per cent,



the time of the annual up-

However with data only

alised) in the first quarter of

their fastest rate in over a

largest economy, has seen

date. This is partially due to

available for two months of

this year, the largest con-

decade and consumer confi-

more stability over the past

the withholding of $15bn of

this year, it is still much too

traction since 2011. As a re-

dence left negative territory

few months after increased

planned investment in the

early to read too much into


for the first time since April

compliance over nuclear en-














expect to revise down fore-

2005, according to the GFK

richment programs. Infla-

Tourism industry, which di-

barometer for the whole of

casts once more for 2014,

barometer. Despite the un-

tion hit a 14 month low in

rectly contributes 8.7 per


which is already down to 2.4

employment rate (as meas-

January, but still remains

cent to Thailand’s GDP, is

YTD international air pas-

per cent, compared to 3.1

ured by claimants) falling

high at almost 30 per cent

particularly exposed. The

senger traffic growth as

per cent at the start of the

once more to 3.3 per cent,

but is significantly better

introduction of curfews is

measured by RPK (revenue

year. To some extent, a poor

inflation (as measured by

than last year. In Iraq, the

likely to impact the thriving


Q1 was anticipated. Private

the CPI) still remains under

parliamentary elections re-

night time economy. The

strong in 2014, growing by

inventories, built up to-

2 per cent, reassuring the

turned no real surprises,

overall impact will largely

5.4 per cent YTD to March,

wards the end of 2013, were

Bank of England that inter-

however sectarian violence



compared to the same pe-

expected to be used up in

est rates can continue to re-

has intensified significantly

power is restored from the

riod last year, and at the

in recent months.





Q1. However, unforeseen

main low, at least in the

army to a new elected gov-

same rate as all of 2013. All

cold weather or the ‘polar

short term. Current worries

Asia-Pacific: The 2014

ernment, which is likely to

regions have continued to

vortex’ is likely to have

surround the housing mar-

GDP forecast for the Asia-

be next year at the earliest.


played a major part, partic-

ket. In particular, how to

Pacific region remains un-

ularly as the US economy

tackle a potential south east

changed at 4.1 per cent.

Latest Travel & Tourism in-

ular, the Middle East has



March of last year. In partic-

has relied heavily on con-

housing bubble without let-

India: Elections in India

sumer expenditure to drive

ting the air out of the recov-

voted Narendra Modi as the



digit growth. By contrast,

growth. However, there is



14th Prime Minister of the

Tourism Barometer data

African growth has been

reason to be more positive

housing markets.

world’s largest democracy.

published in April, 2013

marginal and there are wor-

about the rest of the year.

Africa: The GDP forecast

The initial impact has ral-

YTD global international

ries this may worsen over

Non-farm payrolls contin-

for Africa in 2014 remains

lied markets, with the S&P

tourist arrivals up to Febru-

the coming months.

ued to rise this month, up

unchanged from last month

BSE SENSEX increasing to

ary grew by 5.3 per cent,

The latest regional hotel

288,000, bringing the unem-

at 4.9 per cent. Overall, the

record highs over the past

marginally faster than the 5

performance for April 2014

ployment rate down to 6.7

GDP forecast is below the

month. This has been in

per cent growth for 2013 as

also corroborates with data

per cent from 7.7 per cent at

5.3 per cent expected at the

part due to the reputation of

a whole. All regions experi-

on international air passen-

the beginning of last year.

start of the year. The South

the BJP party as a pro-busi-

enced YTD arrivals growth

ger traffic. North Africa and

Inflation too has continued

African economy contracted

ness party and previous

except for the Middle East,

Sub-Saharan Africa have

to remain low in spite of

in Q1 2014 at an annualised

success of the new Prime

which contracted by 3.1 per

experienced significant de-




sustained strong, double to

gains in consumer spending

rate of 0.6 per cent due to a

Minister in Gujarat. Eco-


clines across all hotel indi-

and the labour market, with


nomic reform is likely to

Despite similarities to 2013

cators. This is expected to

core PCE inflation at 1.1 per

from the mining and manu-

take some time and the

with regards to world ar-

worsen over the year. In


facturing sectors, as well as

short term outlook remains



May, major tour operators

UK: The GDP forecast for

labour unrest and power

weak. Inflation (as meas-

across regions has been

Thomson and First choice

the UK in 2014 remains un-

cuts in March. North Africa

ured by the CPI) was 8.6 per

more disparate. The Middle

cancelled all flights to Mom-

changed, with the economy



cent in April and industrial

East region contracted by

basa until October as the

expected to expand by 3.0

Egypt, political violence in-

production has contracted

3.1 per cent, with Egypt and

UK Foreign Office warned of

per cent in 2014, marginally

tensified as members of the

over the past few months.

Lebanon contracting by 29.7

a “high threat” from terror-

faster than the 2.8 per cent

Muslim Brotherhood had

Thailand: Martial law and

per cent and 16.5 per cent

ism. By contrast, Europe

forecast at the time of the

been banned from elections.

the subsequent coup d'état

respectively. Sub-Saharan


annual update of WTTC’s

For the economy, inflation

poses a real threat to eco-

Africa also remained stag-

posted solid growth in all in-

economic impact research.

remains high at 9.8 per cent

nomic prosperity in the re-

nant at 0.6 per cent. More

dicators. For the latter, this

With promising growth of

and exports contracted by

gion. We currently forecast

positively, Asia-Pacific, Eu-

is expected to increase fur-

0.8 per cent in Q1, monthly

10 per cent over the first

the Thai economy to con-

rope and the Americas con-

ther with the FIFA World

indicators have fuelled opti-

two months of the year.

tract in 2014, compared to

tinue to perform strongly,

Cup next month in Brazil.

last month’s forecast of

with the latter expecting a

mism that the recovery will




Middle East: The GDP









Sushma Swaraj inaugurates Passport Officers' Conference External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj inaugurated a three day Passport Officers’ Conference at Jawaharlal Nehru Bhavan in New Delhi on June 24, 1967. Thirty seven passport officers participated in the conference. The occasion also marked observance of ‘Passport Seva Divas’ commemorating 24th June, the day the Passports Act 1967 came into force on. The Act lays down the foundation of a sound legal framework for issuance of passports and other travel documents in India.

zen-friendly administrative re-

Passport Organization (CPO) in

forms and policies aimed at

reforming the system but felt

•Longer working hours to

restoring faith of the people in

that there was much more

the system and bringing visible

scope for improvement. The re-

change in their lives. The Minis-

formative measures must focus

ter exhorted upon the Passport

on the concerns and welfare of

•Complete digitization and

Issuing Authorities to serve the

the common man – the last man

processing of application when

benefit the citizens. •24 X 7 National Call Centre Support in 17 languages

public with courtesy and empa-

in the queue. Moreover, the ut-

applicant visits the PSK reduc-

thy and not to take passport is-

most need, in this age of infor-

ing the overall time spent and

suance merely as routine

mation, is to keep the passport

eliminating multiple visits

official duty as the word ‘Seva’

applicants informed of the sta-

•Biometric data and photo-

itself connotes selfless service

tus of their applications so as

graphs taken in highly secure

with humility. The Minister im-

not cause anxiety to them.


pressed on the need for good

Speed and efficiency should be

governance by ensuring timely,

the motto of Passport Seva.

he Minister unveiled a

phasized that the observance of

effective and accountable serv-

‘Passport Seva’ lapel to be

Passport Seva Divas should not

ice delivery. The Minister im-

Foreign Secretary Sujatha



•Granting decision taken in front of the applicant leading to greater transparency •Citizens leave the PSK with

used by all the officials of the 37

be merely ritualistic. Rather



Singh, outlined the transfor-

certainty on the status of their

Passport Offices and 77 Pass-

these are opportunities to as-

stakeholders to brain-storm for

mative features of the Pass-


port Seva Kendra in the country,

sess our strength and weak-


port Seva Project which






with a view to promote cama-



processes and procedures and

raderie and to renew the pledge

shortcomings and to look for

to do away with the redundant ones.


•Online real-time availability of data for ease of monitoring

•Increased network of 77

and decision making.

to serve fellow citizens better.

ways and means to fill the gaps.

Passport Seva Kendra (PSKs)

More than 1.7 crore passport

Speaking on the occasion, the

Swaraj expressed Govern-

The Minister expressed sat-

acting as extended arms of 37

services have been rendered in

External Affairs Minister em-

ment’s resolve to introduce citi-

isfaction at the efforts of Central

Passport Offices across the

the new system.

at the DDA to operationalize the

scape architects, historians, and

During the meeting, the Lieu-

Delhi’s Lieutenant Governor Najeeb Jung recently chaired the meeting of the Delhi Urban Heritage Foundation (DUHF), which proposed a separate Heritage Cell at the DDA. elhi has a rich history


the DUHF were also present in

and heritage. We must

the meeting. These include Prof

do all we can to help conserve

Romila Thapar (Eminent Histo-

this existing heritage. DUHF

rian); Prof A G K Menon, Con-

must take the lead in helping the

vener, Delhi Chapter (INTACH);

city preserve its rich history,”

Ratish Nanda, Project Director

said Jung, while chairing the

(Aga Khan Trust for Culture);

meeting of the Delhi Urban Her-

Kavas Kapadia (Architect/Plan-

itage Foundation at the Raj

ner) formerly at the School of

Niwas on 16th June 2014.


The meeting was attended by

Mohd. Shaheer (Landscape Ar-



the Chief Secretary, Vice Chair-

chitect) formerly at the School of

man (DDA), Finance Member

Planning and Architecture; and

vision of the DUHF immediately,

other experts, and will act as a

tenant Governor reviewed the

and projects related to heritage

facilitation centre which shall co-

progress on conservation of Sul-

can be evaluated and assessed

ordinate with multiple agencies

tan Garhi Tomb and its precincts,

separately, taking into account

of the government to facilitate

Cultural Resource Management

conservation projects in the city.

Plan for Archaeological Park at

It was decided that to give fillip

Mehrauli, and Restoration of

to conservation projects in Delhi,

Anglo Arabic Sr. Secondary

School at Ajmere Gate, which are

Delhi has a rich history and heritage. We must do all we can to help conserve this existing heritage. DUHF must take the lead in helping the city preserve its rich history.

Najeeb Jung Lieutenant Governor, Delhi

DUHF proposes a separate Heritage Cell at the DDA


under implementation and planning. Restoration of Bengali Club at Kashmere Gate and Hazrat Nizammudin Basti Urban Renewal Master Plan were also discussed in the meeting. The DUHF was set up by DDA under Section 5A of the DDA Act and aims to safeguard the built and natural heritage of Delhi. Under its aegis, conservation &

historical and heritage sensitivi-

incentive schemes for conserva-

landscape of Lado Serai Tomb as

(DDA), Engineer Member (DDA),

Prof Amar Farooqui (Historian,

ties associated with such proj-

tion shall be instituted, so that

also renovation of Ex-Vice Regal

Chief Architect (DDA) and other

University of Delhi).

ects. The Heritage Cell will

people in the city are involved in

Lodge at University of Delhi have been completed.

senior officers of the Raj Niwas.

It was decided that a separate

comprise of conservation ex-

such projects and can take pride

The newly co-opted members of

Heritage Cell shall be established

perts, structural engineers, land-

in urban heritage of Delhi.





Banyan Tree unveils Cassia - hotel residences of the future The award-winning hospitality group Banyan Tree recently announced the launch of a new brand, Cassia, in a completely new space for the group. aving identified a niche in

and 45% of Bintan being sold in

the market, Banyan Tree

phase one.


brings its expertise in design

A further seven projects are

and innovation to create an ex-

being planned in Brisbane, Aus-

citing and bold new proposition

tralia; New York, USA; Japan,

in the serviced apartment sec-




tor bringing the company’s

Bangkok, Thailand and Lang

portfolio to three brands.

Co, Vietnam. Cassia is part of a

Nestled in a niche sector be-

strategic global expansion for

tween hotel and apartment,

Banyan Tree Group which

Cassia offers one and two-bed-

plans to grow to 66 hotels and

room units with flexible living

resorts, 117 spas and 115 gal-

and dining options.

leries across 33 countries by

Cassia has been created to


bring together investment opportunities for the growing mid-

Invest in Cassia

dle-class looking for affordable

Cassia will offer fully-furnished

holiday homes as well as the op-

one and two-bedroom units for

portunity to develop an innova-

sale with prices starting at

tive hotel product in the

S$180,000 for a 35 square metre

serviced apartment segment.

one-bedroom apartment. The

Cassia merges three of the

investment opportunity comes

group’s strengths, hospitality,

with a range of flexible options.

design and real estate, to set the

With affordable price points,

stage for the hotel residences of

proximity to existing Group

the future,” says Ho Kwon Ping,

properties as well as lower op-

Executive Chairman, Banyan

erating costing via a unique

Tree Group. “The extended stay

service model, Cassia offers po-

segment has been overlooked in

tential for strong yields and re-

recent years so we took the op-

turns. It also enables owners to

portunity to innovate and create

stay in their own property as

a hospitality product that meets

well as enjoy additional lifestyle

ates well proportioned, comfort-

guests and our associates to-

Stay for Good sustainability ini-

the demands and needs of

benefits,” continues Ho Kwon

able accommodation and flexi-

gether socially through the use

tiatives including the crowd-

today’s travellers.”


ble living areas in a unit that

of activities, games and a daily

sourced micro contribution,

ranges from 35 square metres

social hour.

Green Imperative Fund.

Stay in Cassia

to 55 square metres.

Five projects are already in development in Phuket, Thailand;


Elements of Banyan Tree’s

Each development will have


Cassia will offer guests a relax-

Creating the right atmosphere

heritage will be found in Cassia

a host of facilities including a

Beruwala, Sri Lanka, Gold

ing, well-designed environment

for today’s travellers has been

with the development of Chill

pool, gym, activity room, bar,

Coast, Australia and Lijiang,

and a convenient base from

at the forefront of Cassia’s de-

Chill Spa and the use of fruit-

convenience mart as well as

China. Interest has already

which to explore the destina-

velopment. The public spaces

based scents. Cassia guests will

laundry and home delivery op-

been strong with 70% of Phuket

tion. Clever use of design cre-

have been designed to bring

also be part of Banyan Tree’s






Jameson Inn enters Indian hospitality scene Cygnett Hotels and Resorts has tied up with Georgia-based Jameson Inn to bring the finest American hospitality brand in India starting with Kolkata. Swaati Chaudhury

Chief Executive Officer, Cygnett

service budget hotel of global

Hotels and Resorts said, “In this

standards and the proposed

age, hospitality industry is rid-

tariff would be ranging from

ing high on brands. We are plan-

`4,000 to `5,000. Sarkar in-

ning to open mid-scale, budget

formed, “Our hospitality group

hotels across India and South-

is looking for more investments

East Asia. We would expand

in Kolkata that has a tremen-

our presence in the east and

dous market potential. We are

North-eastern region and would

competing with national and

Best known as Jameson Inn

global hospitality brands. We are designing a new concept to


n an attempt to cater to the

Shiraj, this is incidentally the

emerging demands of the

first time that the United States-

global hospitality markets in

based hospitality group has for-

India, Gurgaon’s Cygnett Hotels

ayed into India and the tie-up is

and Resorts Private Limited

all set to look after the hospital-

has formed a partnership with

ity property of Shiraj Hotels Pri-

open the doors of our second

year.” Sarkar also pointed out

Trunk Route including Afghani,

a renowned hospitality budget

vate Limited.

hotel of Jameson Inn in Guwa-

that plans are on the cards to

Peshawari, Punjabi, Awadhi

In this age, hospitality industry is riding high on brands.

inaugurate our new restaurant Sarbendra Sarkar MD & CEO, Cygnett Hotels and Resorts

in the hotel that would promote the traditional cuisines of all the five regions traversed by Grand

brand of the United States -

At the launch of Jameson Inn

hati in the next three months.

establish the presence of Jame-

and Bengali. The hospitality

Jameson Inn to launch their sig-

Shiraj in Kolkata, Sarbendra

We plan to come up with six

son Inn in Noida.

scene in North-eastern India

nature landmark in Kolkata.

Sarkar, Managing Director and

more properties within this

Keys Hotels earns TripAdvisor 2014 Certificate of Excellence Keys Hotel properties at Pune, Chennai, Goa and Mahabaleshwar achieve TripAdvisor 2014 Certificate of Excellence

Jameson Inn Shiraj is a full-

looks quite promising.”

nesses listed on Trip Advisor receive



award. When choosing its winners for the Certificate of Excellence, TripAdvisor uses a proprietary algorithm that takes into account the review and star ratings. The criteria for reviews and ratings include


eys Hotels have recently

this year, our hotel in Maha-

the sleep quality, rooms, serv-

been applauded with a

baleshwar, Evershine-A Keys

ice, value for money and

prestigious TripAdvisor 2014

Resort, Mahabaleshwar also

cleanliness in the property. To

Certificate of Excellence. Four

won the TripAdvisor Trav-

qualify for a Certificate of Ex-

properties under Keys Hotels

ellers' Choice award 2014.

cellence, the businesses must

brand viz. Keys Hotel, Pimpri

TripAdvisor Certificate of

sustain an overall TripAdvi-

- Pune, Keys Hotel-Kattima,

Excellence honors hospitality

sor bubble rating of at least

Hotels, indeed strive to main-

excellence,” said Marc Char-

Chennai, Ronil-A Keys Resort,

excellence and is extended to

four out of probable five, and

tain the standards which we

ron, President of TripAdvisor

Goa and Evershine-A Keys

qualifying businesses world-

must have been listed on Trip

have set for our hotels in India

for Business. “The Certificate

Resort, Mahabaleshwar have

wide. This prestigious award

Advisor for at least 12 months.

and work towards raising the

of Excellence award gives top

been conferred with Certifi-

is bestowed to only the chosen

The volumes of current re-

benchmark everyday. This



cate of Excellence. Keys

group of hotels worldwide for

views within the last 12

award is sheer pride for us; a

around the world the recogni-

Hotel, Pimpri and Keys Hotel-

their distinct and relentless

months are also considered.

glad appreciation which we

tion they deserve, based on

Kattima, Chennai have re-

efforts for providing best of

Quoting on the achieve-

have received as a symbol to

feedback from those who mat-

ceived the award for the first

services and maintaining best

ment, Anshu Sarin, COO,

our efforts which are being

ter most – their customers.

time while Evershine-A Keys

standards at all times. The re-

Berggruen Hotels said, “It is

well recognized at large both,

From Australia to Zimbabwe,

Resort, Mahabaleshwar have

views and the star ratings

an absolute honor to receive a

by the guests and by the crit-

we want to applaud excep-

won a hat trick by winning

given by the TripAdvisor trav-

Certificate of Excellence by


tional hospitality businesses

consecutively for 3 years

elers are the central deciding

the world’s largest travel site

“TripAdvisor is pleased to

since 2012, 2013 and 2014.

factors for this certificate.

for our four properties under

honour exceptional hospital-

ellers a great customer expe-

Earlier this year, our Earlier

Only the top-performing busi-

the Keys brand. We at Keys

ity businesses for consistent



for offering TripAdvisor travby TNH DESK



The Leela Palace New Delhi felicitated as India’s Best Luxury Hotel by CNBC Awaaz Travel Awards Viewers vote India’s most acclaimed hotel as the ‘Best Luxury Hotel’ and its French-Italian restaurant, Le Cirque as the ‘Best Restaurant International Cuisine’.

ence and the finest international restaurant in the country. This hotel in Delhi has won numerous distinctions for its superlative features for discerning business and leisure travellers. The unique Royal Club services especially tailored keeping in

ecognizing the service ex-

mind the needs of jetsetters and

cellence and highest stan-

discerning business travelers


dards of guest experience, The

offer a dedicated concierge, in-

Leela Palace New Delhi has

room check-in and check-out,

been voted as the ‘Best Luxury

fully equipped conferencing fa-

Hotel’ in India, by CNBC

cilities on the same floor and a

AWAAZ Travel Awards 2014.

privileged access to the club

Competing with the finest

lounge with complimentary food

restaurants in the country, Le

& beverage presentations. It

Cirque, Asia’s first outpost of in-

houses the Capital’s only roof-

ternationally renowned French-

top temperature-controlled pool,

Italian restaurant has been

an advanced fitness studio and

voted as the ‘Best Restaurant

a multi-level spa by ESPA which

International Cuisine’ for the

are just steps away from the

consecutive year for its un-

Club floors. For connoisseurs

matched dining experience.

Commenting on the recogni-

with refined palate, the hotel of-

These awards were felicitated

tion, Mr. Louis Sailer, General

fers an array of dining options

at a by-invitation soiree in In-

Manager, The Leela Palace New

including two international fine-

dore in the presence of Mr.

Delhi said, "We are thankful to

dining institutions; Le Cirque

Surendra Patwa, Honorable

the viewers of CNBC Awaaz


Minister for Tourism & Culture,

who have recognized The Leela

MEGU serving Modern-Japan-

Govt. of Madhya Pradesh, Mr.

Palace New Delhi and Le Cirque

ese cuisine, a signature Indian

Raghuvendra Singh, Managing

yet again, acknowledging our

restaurant; Jamavar, an all-day

Director of Madhya Pradesh

efforts that go into making

dining multi-cuisine restaurant;

Tourism, Govt. of Madhya

this hotel a preferred destina-

The Qube and a sophisticated

Pradesh and key industry play-

tion for the discerning travelers

lounge; The Library bar.


and food connoisseurs. Each of

The Leela Palace New Delhi




these accolades motivates us to

perfectly exemplifies the mag-

Awards is an annual event

continue excelling guest expec-

nificent architecture, grace and

hosted by CNBC AWAAZ to rec-

tations and redefining the

elegance of Lutyens’ Delhi. Lo-

ognize the best-in-class travel

benchmark of luxury hospital-

cated at the heart of the presti-

destinations and other ancillary


gious Diplomatic Enclave area,

services of the tourism and hos-

Adjudged by the viewers of

the hotel is in proximity to the

pitality industry. The winners

CNBC AWAAZ across the coun-

Presidential Palace, the Prime

are decided via an exhaustive

try, The Leela Palace New Delhi

Minister's office, a number of

national consumer response

is admired for its exceptional

embassies, the central business

study of over 10,000 respon-

guest services and unmatched

district and a host of historical

dents using online and SMS as

features and facilities making it

monuments. You can experience

the response medium. The

the first choice amongst trav-

the luxury of 254 wide-spaced

awards are powered by an es-

ellers looking for a luxurious re-

guestrooms and suites each

teemed jury panel of Mr.

treat. Viewers further voted Le

spanning over 550 square feet

Leopard Adventures and Mr.

Cirque for second year in a row

and a Presidential Suite sprawl-

Amitabh Kant, Secretary, De-

Mr. Ashwini Kakkar, Vice Chair-

partment of Industrial Policy

man, Mercury Travels, Mr. Ajeet

Kuki Chawla, Chairman, Sid-

for delivering an unparalleled

ing over 4,800 square feet.

and Promotion, Govt. of India,

Bajaj, Managing Director, Show

dharth Travels.

French-Italian dining experi-





The Park Hotel Group offers state-of-the-art facilities, personalised service and strategic, breath-taking locations for your memorable event


hether you’re plan-


ning a meeting, con-



pulsating shopping district,

pore’s Civic District and a

hearts of many who have


Orchard Road. With its

short five minutes’ drive

stepped through the doors


ference, wedding or any

rooms with professional

breathtaking herringbone

from the Central Business

of this 333-room hotel.

other special Mice event in

multimedia services.



District. Whilst the harmo-

Park Hotel Clarke Quay

Asia, you surely want to

Hotels to choose from for

façade and its show stop-

nious integration of con-

With classic architecture


make it memorable. That

your business and confer-

ping media wall, the hotel

servation shophouses with

inspired by Singapore’s

means more than just se-

encing needs:


modern architectural style

colonial past, Park Hotel

lecting a hotel; it means



rooms and suites, as well

has earned it the presti-

Clarke Quay is a tropical

choosing one with charac-


as– Knightsbridge – a four-

gious Architectural Her-

retreat in the heart of the

ter, style and service. At

Grand Park Orchard

storey retail podium.


city, conveniently located



the Park Hotel Group, ex-

next to the entertainment

ceptional experiences are

and dining hub of Clarke

matched by exquisite (or

Quay and the iconic Singa-

city centric) settings, com-

pore River. Enjoy sweeping

bined with the group’s phi-

views of the city skyline

losophy of offering “Loving

and the river from the

Service” to each of its






suites. Pampering facilities

For meetings and Mice

including a 25m outdoor

events, there is an ample

pool and adjoining Jacuzzi,

choice of ballrooms and

a spectacular deck and bar

meeting rooms, state-of-

and cabana style spa pavil-

the-art facilities and a

ions – perfect additions to

team of professional plan-

an ideal getaway.

ners to discreetly advise

Hong Kong

and oversee. All this ensures the perfectly tailored

Park Hotel Hong Kong


Feel the pulse of the city

There are exceptional

from the Park Hotel Hong

Singapore meeting room

Kong, strategically located

facilities with impeccable

in the heart of Kowloon’s

service. Similarly, from ex-

entertainment and busi-

clusive board meetings, to

ness district of Tsim Sha

functions and corporate-

Tsui. At the forefront of

wide celebrations, our dis-

Tsim Sha Tsui’s buzzing



nightlife, you will be spoilt

facilities in Hong Kong en-

for choice with an exten-


sure all the events are

sive array of eateries and

memorably excellent. An

dining establishments. The

eye for detail, methodical

Star Ferry, Kowloon Sta-

planning and flexibility are

tion for the Airport Ex-

the traits of the Park serv-

press Trains and subway


Grand Park Orchard, Park

impeccable service, cou-

station are a five to ten

Grand Park City Hall

pled with the recently re-

minutes’ walk away, giving

hotel, enjoys a strategic lo-

Grand Park City Hall is an

furbished rooms, meeting

you easy access to the rest

from elegant boardrooms

cation right in the centre of

architectural gem strategi-

spaces, gourmet cuisine

of this vibrant city.

and banquet halls, to mag-

Singapore’s vibrant and

cally located in Singa-

and Spa, have won the

The hotels offer a broad range of function rooms –








Rotana announces 10 new properties in UAE, Iran, Tanzania and Sudan to open by 2020 Rotana to cement its position as the largest hotel operator in the UAE with five new projects in Dubai set to answer EXPO 2020-fuelled demand. otana, the leading hotel


management company in

the region with a portfolio of properties across the Middle East, Africa, South Asia and Eastern Europe, announced the signing of 10 new hotels in the UAE,




plans to enter the Iranian mar-

Jordan and Qatar. As the Middle

“Every new hotel will feature

Sudan. The new hotels are ex-

ket with four properties, all of

East’s most successful hospital-


pected to open their doors be-

which will be opened under the

ity brand, we believe we are

choices coupled with Rotana’s

fore 2020. Cementing its position as the largest hotel operator in the UAE, Rotana has signed five new hotels in Dubai, which will increase the company’s total

Aman Aditya Sachdev Senior Vice President- South Asia and South-East Asia for Rotana




company’s alcohol-free brand

well positioned to execute these

world-class standards of hospi-

“Rayhaan Hotels & Resorts” by

expansion plans and to venture

tality. From a multitude of mod-

Rotana. The first two hotels are

into new territories. Iran’s

ern conveniences and facilities,

set to open in the city of Mash-

tourism industry is bouncing

to superb F&B outlets and

had – a 362 room hotel in 2017

back, highlighting the tremen-

recreational amenities, all the

followed by a 275 room hotel in

dous potential it has within the

new properties will retain

number of properties in the

our footprint in the emirate. The

2018. In Tehran, Rotana will

hospitality sector. Considering

Rotana’s design framework and

emirate to 20. The company is

new hotels will enable us to

launch two further Rayhaan

the increasing international in-

operational layout whilst cater-

looking ahead to a 2017 opening

strengthen our market share in

properties by 2018 – a 5-star

terest in Iran, we are anticipat-

ing to the specific needs of

in the busy Creek district of a

high demand areas,” said Omer

hotel will house 194 rooms and

ing an excellent response for

guests from the individual re-

280 room combined in two ho-

Kaddouri, President & CEO of

a 4-star hotel will include 210

our four debut projects in the

gions they operate in,” he con-

tels, a 2018 opening in Al Bar-



country,” added Kaddouri.


sha of a 163 room property

Aman Aditya Sachdev, Senior

The new hotel signed in

under the “Arjaan Hotel Apart-

Vice President- South Asia and

Sudan will mark the arrival of

ments by Rotana” brand, and a

South-East Asia for Rotana,

the second Rotana property in

528 room Hotel under the

added: “We are pleased to share

the Sudanese capital, following

“Rotana Hotels & Resort”



the Al Salam Rotana property

brand, combined with a 100

Rotana’s latest announcement

in Khartoum. The hotel is set to




Novotel to open its doors in Kolkata Kolkata is all set to get its

largest banqueting facility in

room property under the “Ar-

for expansion in the UAE, Iran,

open its doors by 2019 with 221

largest five-star property and

the city measuring 19,000 sq.

jaan Hotel Apartments by

Tanzania and Sudan. India con-

rooms. Rotana has also signed

the premier hotel with in-

ft including conference room,

Rotana” in the Wafi area, also

tinues to be a significant source

on a 249-room project in the

house serviced apartments

four meeting rooms and ter-

set to open by 2018. The new

market for Rotana. We are pos-

Tanzanian capital Dar es

sometime in July, this year.

race garden. With a view to

properties will bring Rotana’s

itive that the new hotels shall


Close to the Kolkata Airport,

make sole women travellers

total number of rooms in the

further enhance outbound num-

“The opening of these new ho-

Novotel Kolkata will kick-off

feel safe, there will be rooms

UAE to 13,269.

bers from India and reinforce

tels in these four markets falls

its operations with 347 rooms

exclusively for women and

“Dubai continues to be a focus

relationships with our patrons

in line with our strategic goal to

and 48 fully-serviced apart-

special amenities tray to

market for us and with EXPO

through a wider portfolio of our

operate 100 hotels by 2020.


cater to the specific needs of

2020 expected to further boost

hotel offerings across varied re-

These are in addition to the

The arc-shaped, 13-storied

an already strong hospitality


properties announced earlier

property will boast of the

market, we plan on widening

Rotana also announced its


which will open in Turkey, Erbil,




The Imperial’s commitment to women security The Imperial New Delhi conducts self-defence workshop for the second year. oing an extra mile to

for the second year he said

make the women staff

“Women today constitute a

at The Imperial feel safe

considerable workforce in


and secure in the city, The

the service sector. This

Imperial had organized Self

makes our role in ensuring

Defence workshop in the

their safety, critical. We had

beginning of June 2014 and


its Grand finale was con-

workshop with Delhi Police



ducted on 25th June 2014 at

again this year to train

The Royal Ballroom, to

women associates who have

demonstrate the techniques

recently joined and have

taught by the Delhi Police

taken all the measures to

officials. The workshop was

boost the level of participa-

held to empower women

tion amongst them. Various

with essential skills to han-

techniques are taught by

dle untoward situations and

the officials to ensure their

instill confidence for safe-

safety in the hour of need


enabling them to handle



anytime, anywhere.

any unpleasant situation”

The action- packed after-

He further said “The Self

noon which culminated with

Defense training has in-

yet another session of self

stilled strength to fight back

defence training organized

and has made the lady asso-

for 15 days this year saw

ciates aware of their capa-

the presence of senior po-

bilities and I am sure they

lice officials including the

are now better equipped to

Chief Guest, Garima Bhat-

protect themselves in diffi-

nagar, Joint Commissioner

cult and challenging situa-

of Police (Special Cell).


Trainers from women’s cell

At the grand finale, the

of Delhi police, senior man-

participants demonstrated

agement and associates of

their self-defense learnings

The Imperial were also

and techniques to handle

present at the occasion.


The event started with an introductory








while travelling in bus, neck

Vijay Wanchoo, Senior Ex-


ecutive Vice President &

women. The event culmi-




General Manager, The Im-

nated with the honoring of


participants by Delhi Police




thoughts on the training,

through a certificate and

which began January last

Wanchoo showed his grati-

year, concluded with two

tude towards Delhi Police

workshops. Sustaining the

by felicitating the officials

efforts for women security






‘Our customers and guests have been our greatest strength’ Tejus Jose, General Manager, Grand Mercure, Bengaluru attributes success of his hotel to his customers and guests. “We owe our success thus far completely to their trust and support.” Prem Kumar

“Our customers and guests have been our greatest strength which includes our local market.”

Sharing insights of the local hotel market in terms of supply and demand, Jose said that like many markets in India, Bangalore too is witnessing large additions of supply however it is perhaps one

and a true residential feel.

keting strategy, Jose said, “We

of the few markets where de-

rand Mercure is an up-

The hotel’s staff knows almost

do not believe in hard selling,

mand has at least tried to

scale hotel brand of

all the guests staying at the

I believe that a good hotel

keep pace. “Like any hotel

Accor, and Grand Mercure

hotel by first name, their pref-

(product and service) will cer-

lifecycle of a city, when large

Bangalore is a unique offering

erences and likes. The hotel

tainly sell no matter what.”

inventories get added to the

of the brand which offers an

rooms have balconies, but not

all suite experience to its

the type that most hotels offer

trade as a distribution chan-

be a period of lower perform-

guests. At the hotel there are

where they are locked and in-

nel, Jose said, “In Bangalore

ance by all hotels. This I be-

guests who stay for short du-

accessible, but the type where

city, 4- and 5- star hotel typi-


rations or for transient stays

you can sit outside and sip a

cally do not get much business

evolution of Bangalore into a

as well as extended or long

peaceful cuppa without the

from the Travel Trade how-

mega city, is an important step


G Tejus Jose General Manager, Grand Mercure, Bengaluru

significant YOY growth in percentage terms.”

As for the role of travel

city’s supply, there is bound to





blaring horns or spotting a

ever we do have relationships

and more such steps or

Speaking about the out-

thousand cars lights.” Jose

with Trade for certain seg-

phases are expected to fol-

standing features of the hotel,

further said, “Our customers

ments of business.”

low,” said Jose.

the GM said, “Grand Mercure

and guests have been our

On the importance of the on-

On his hotel’s performance

Bangalore is an all suite hotel

greatest strength which in-

line distribution channel for

in 2014 so far, Jose said “2014

which gives our guests a very

cludes our local market. We

his hotel, Jose said, “Online

has been a stellar year for

unique offering; it is located in

owe our success thus far com-

business is very important to

Grand Mercure Bangalore

the upmarket neighbourhood

pletely to their trust and sup-

us, so while in absolute num-

and I am quite confident that

of Koramangala, its quiet,


bers it may not be large how-

we will come out triumphant

peaceful, replete with trees

As regards his sales and mar-

ever we do certainly see a

yet again in 2014!”

Club earning rate which we

whether they are treating

IHG announces double points promotion at Intercontinental Hotels & Resorts with IHG Rewards Club Guests will have an even more rewarding stay and earn points faster from 1 July to 31 October 2014 InterContinental


$1 USD spent on qualifying / to be eligi-

Group (IHG) recently an-

revenue during stays under

ble for the Double Points pro-

nounced that from July 1 to

the newly launched earning

motion. Guests who are not

October 31 , 2014, IHG® Re-


yet IHG Rewards Club mem-

introduced across all Inter-

themselves to dinner at one

wards Club members who

The Double Points can be

bers can also sign up to the

Continental Hotels & Resorts

of our outstanding restau-

stay at any of the 68 Inter-

earned from any guest spend

award-winning loyalty pro-

globally. Our IHG Rewards

rants or simply getting their

Continental® Hotels & Re-

charged to the room, exclud-

gramme through the page.

Club members are our most

laundry done.”

sorts in Asia, Middle East

ing room rate, but including

Karin Sheppard, Chief Com-

valued guests and we want to

The Double Points promo-

and Africa (AMEA) will earn

food and beverage, laundry

mercial Officer, Asia Middle

reward them for their contin-

tion is available to all IHG Re-

Double Points per every $1

services, telephone calls and

East and Africa, IHG said:

uing loyalty by providing

wards Club members globally

USD of incidental spend dur-

room-service. Members can

“Our new Double Points pro-

them with industry leading

who stay at any one of the 68

ing their stay, as well as the

simply register on the promo-

motion is launching in paral-

benefits. We’re making their

InterContinental Hotels and

standard ten points per every

tion microsite www.InterCon-

lel with the new IHG Rewards

stay even more rewarding,

Resorts in AMEA. by TNH DESK




Pullman Gurgaon Central Park launches SPA LOUNGE Will offer innovative range of relaxing therapies and pampering treats.


ullman Gurgaon Cen-

“Unique in ambiance, SPA

tral Park has launched

LOUNGE is truly a place

SPA LOUNGE. On offer are

which will elevate you to a

highly specialized and ther-

mantle of exclusive sanctu-



ary, supported by a service





style that considers the

products. These are de-

guest’s need for escape, un-

signed to peel away the

obtrusive delivery and at-

daily stresses and rejuve-

tention to detail” said Mr

nate your spirit, mind &

David Hopcroft, while an-

body. SPA LOUNGE features

nouncing the launch of the

ing rejuvenated and rein-

pies and customized aro-


vigorated after a busy day.

matic back massages. It

treatment experiences. Pullman Gurgaon Central

five treatment rooms in-

Guests can enjoy a trans-

The Spa menu has a wide

also offers impeccably cre-

Park also has a Cutting

cluding a couple Spa suite

formative journey of the

range of spa and beauty

ated bridal packages to give

Edge Hair & Beauty Studio

with en-suite bath, steam

senses through a range of

treatments. These include

the bride-to-be, a pristinely

which offers custom.

shower and a tranquil re-



laxation lounge.

ments that leave them feel-




beautiful look for the big

woman, Ayurvedic thera-


day and bespoke couples





IHG opens first Even Hotel property in Norwalk, Connecticut New hotel brand delivers a fresh approach to travel, truly enabling wellness on the road

InterContinental Hotels Group

vides the tools and encourage-

outdoor spaces; in-room fitness

and Beverage Promise

classes in the connecting Flex

(IHG) recently opened its first

ment to make healthier choices

elements; a three-zone gym with

Food and beverage choices that

Room; a morning community

EVEN™ Hotels property, located

while on the road at an ap-

best-in-class equipment; as well

are both delicious and healthier

run led by the property’s Chief

at 426 Main Avenue in Norwalk,

proachable price point.”

as design and technology ele-

for travelers are abundant at

Wellness Officer,orthe privacy of

ments that provide guests with

EVEN Hotels in the Cork & Kale

an In-Room Training Zone

Connecticut. EVEN Hotels is IHG’s newest lifestyle hotel

The EVEN Hotels Experience

a restful, natural and productive

Market and Bar. Amenu of

workout using the EVEN Hotels

brand,created to meet the grow-

It’s a Healthier Way to Travel


freshly prepared menu items

Trainer, guests can maintain a

ing need of travelers to stay

A calming, open design sets the

that guests can tailor based on

familiar workout or incorporate

healthier and happier away

tone for a restful environment

Sleep Fuel

their preference as well as

fresh, new exercises. Areas of

from home. EVEN Hotels was

that is essential to maintain bal-

Resting Easy means more than

healthy grab-and-go items fea-

the hotel dedicated to fitness

designed with wellness built in;

ance. The addition of natural el-

sleeping well and the amenities

ture clear nutritional and ingre-

and the knowledgeable and en-

it’s in the brand’s DNA. From



offered at the EVEN Hotel Nor-

dient labeling to help guests





the moment travelers enter the

touches such as real wood sur-

walk ensure that guests con-

choose meals that meet their di-

guests to Keep Active, take on a

hotel lobby and walk past a wall

faces, terrariums throughout

tinue to feel refreshed and

etary needs. For those craving a

new challenge and have fun

offresh, flowering plants, the

the hotel, and fresh, natural

energized, even while on the

sweet treat or craft beverage,

while doing so.

EVEN brand takes guests on a

scents to revive senses in the

road. Guestroomflow and furni-

Cork & Kale offers healthier in-

wellness journey, helping them

lobby, sets the tone for the expe-

ture are thoughtfully designed

dulgent desserts, such as a

A Productive Experience

Eat Well, Rest Easy, Keep Active

rience at EVEN Hotels. Guests

to reduce clutter, offering an

Pomegranate Chocolate Parfait

Focus better and get work done

and Accomplish More.

are “well-comed” with a glass of

open, inviting and calming at-

or Warm Pound Cake with

virtually without missing a beat.

“Today is truly a milestone for

infused, filtered water at check-

mosphere. The rooms feature a

Drunken Berries,and signature

A productive environment is key,

IHG as we announce the open-

in by a team member offering a

Premium Sleep System and nat-

cocktails made with organic and

and at EVEN Hotels, guests can

ing of our first EVEN Hotels

cool, scented hand towel to wipe

ural eucalyptus linens offering a

natural ingredients.

enjoy comfortable, ergonomi-

property in Norwalk and pre-

away the stress of travel. A dig-

cooler sleep; adjustable LED

pare to open our second in

ital Wellness Wall serves as an

mood lighting; and revitalizing

Fitness on Your Terms

spaces configured to integrate

Rockville, Maryland later this

information source for guests to

showerswith all natural EO bath

Travelers shouldn’t have to for-

with their working prefer-

cally designed movable work

month,” said Kirk Kinsell, pres-

gather and learn about in-hotel

products in scents selected to

sake their workout routine while

ences,as well as fast and free

ident, the Americas, IHG. “We

and local food, fitness and com-

help invigorate or calm based on

on the road and EVEN Hotels of-

Wi-Fi, 40-inch HDTV, tablet-

know that for the traveling pub-

munity activities. Featuring 129

preference allow guests to

fers solutions designed to meet

based digital programming and

lic, the ability to maintain their

guestrooms on four floors, the

cleanse, relax and wash away

the varied needs of guests. From

easily accessible multi-media

health routine while on the road

EVEN Hotel Norwalk includes

the stresses of the day.

the natural light filled three-

ports both in their room and

zoneAthletic Studio adjacent to

throughout common spaces.

is becoming more and more im-

flexible public workspaces; din-

portant and EVEN Hotels pro-

ing and social areas; natural


A Simple.Natural.Good. Food

the lobby, to spin and yoga



onsoon is a refreshing season after the sweaty summers. But with this season comes skin related worries, making it the best time to rejuvenate your skin by indulging in spa therapies .Keeping this mind,NeoVeda Spa from The Metropolitan Hotel and Spa has come up with monsoon therapies, from the home of Ayurveda, specially crafted for the season . So this monsoon season, bid goodbye to skin related woes with Ayurvedic therapies by NeoVeda Spa from The Metropolitan Hotel and Spa. Some of therapies are as follows:


Kalari massage: Kalari massage is a traditional massage Ayurvedic massage for stimulating vital points. This massage is done using herb infused Ayurvedic Oils, performed by the therapist using hand and feet, applying appropriate pressure to specific vital points/parts of the body. Kalari massage not only relieves back pain, stiffness and sports injuries but also stimulates various bodily organs and system. Kalari massage stimulates or generates the energy in the individual. It removes blockages form the ‘marma’ points giving physical and psychological relax-

ation and strength. Duration of Kalari massage is one and half hour. Kizhi Massage: (Herbal Potli / Bun Massage) Traditional Ayurvedic therapy, where the massage is performed by warm Herbal Powder Buns and Herbal Oil. Herbal potlis are prepared with various herbs and medicated powders. These are then warmed in medicated oils and used to massage the entire body. This is very effective for painful condition of joints and muscles, improving blood circulation. It relieves muscle cramps and stress. Duration of this massage is one hour.


Beautiful and holistic monsoon with NeoVeda Spa at The Metropolitan Hotel & Spa

Aromatherapy Massage This relaxing massage is enhanced with either soothing or restorative Aromatherapy blended oil to help you unwind and rest. Beginning with a welcome foot ritual, this deeply therapeutic, holistic treatment appeals deeply to the senses for each individual’s needs. Deeply relaxing and calming, or inspiring, uplifting and mind clearing, the benefits of this treatment are pure bliss. Duration of this massage is 60 minutes, and 90 minutes. by TNH DESK




•New equipment for meas-

Delhi Airport to become a zero-diversionary airport Delhi Airport will soon become a zerodiversionary airport. The committee set up in January 2013 by the DGCA to look into the matter has submitted its report with 27 recommendations.


he Committee’s recom-




mendations relate to

chances of diversions of

India Meteorological Depart-

flights at Delhi Airport will

ment, Airports Authority of India, Delhi International


cating aircraft Cat II/Cat III

uring instantaneous low level

•DIAL shall ensure that

capability details one day

wind, temperature, moisture

all foreign carriers deploy

prior to actual operations

content should be commis-

only Cat IIIB compliant air-

during the fog period. This

sioned at IGIA for increasing

craft along with qualified

information should reach

accuracy of forecast (onset

flight crew during winter

ATC latest by 2200 hrs every

and lifting timings of fog).

season subject to compliance

day. Any tactical changes

of weekly capacity entitle-

after filing the requisite in-


formation must be notified to

• Alternate airports near IGIA viz. Jaipur, Lucknow and Amritsar should be upgraded to Cat IIIB level.

- DIAL shall coordinate

ATC as soon as practicable.

with AAI for issuance of

• DGCA shall amend regu-

• ATC shall establish

NOTAM and AIP amend-

lations applicable to authori-

come down drastically. The

ATFM Unit to implement ca-

ments for full implementa-

sation of aircraft and pilots

Committee has also given

pacity adjustment and col-

tion of Recommendation No.

for Cat II/III operations in

Airport Ltd, Bureau of Civil

recommendations for setting

laborative decision making


line with major international


Aviation Security, DGCA and

up of a procedure for dealing

various airlines. The Secre-

with stranded passengers if

tary, Ministry of Civil Aviation, Ashok Lavasa, in a meeting with all stakehold-

• DIAL shall implement re-


• ATC shall provide proac-

strictions on use of APU at

• BCAS shall formulate

the flight is delayed or di-

tive diversion management

T3 IGIA with the objective of

and issue passenger de-

verted at Delhi and other al-

in coordination with meteor-

reducing pollution.

boarding procedure during

ternate airports.


ers who would be responsible

Director General Civil Avi-

for carrying out various ac-

ation Dr. Prabhat Kumar has



other airport operators.

• DIAL should identify and implement measures for re-

• Airport operators shall

ducing vehicular traffic at

delays in low visibility at both the terminals of IGIA. • Standard Operating Pro-

tivities within their ambit of

written to heads of the vari-

not schedule any mainte-

IGIA during low visibility op-

cedure (SOP) for de-boarding

responsibility, emphasised to

ous stakeholders to draw a

nance work at IGIA and al-


of passengers shall be devel-

ensure that various actions

definite timeline for the im-

ternate airports during the




• DIAL shall make provi-

oped and implemented at

mediate implementation of

fog period unless it is un-

sion for container silage at

IGIA during low visibility op-

must be completed before



IGIA in line with interna-


October this year.

before the onset of next win-

The Terms of Reference of


ter season.

the Committee were: to make

• AAI shall ensure that re-

tional practice.

• All stakeholders viz.

quired navigational aids are

• Operators shall deploy

DIAL, BCAS, airlines, ATC

maintained in fully servicea-

only Cat IIIB compliant air-

and GHAs shall coordinate

Delhi a zero diversionary air-



ble conditions both at IGIA

craft along with qualified

towards development of joint

port without compromising

made by the Committee

and alternate airports during

flight crew during winter


safety of aircraft operations;

are as follows:

fog period.

season to/from IGIA. For this

• To effectively implement

purpose, operators must en-

the strategies, a dedicated group of stakeholders be

to prepare a comprehensive

•Meteorological depart-

• ATC shall separate Cat

document on low visibility

ment should upgrade the me-

I traffic from Cat II/III traffic


operations defining duties

teorological facilities at IGIA

as applicable for holding at

build-up in terms of aircraft

constituted to oversee fog re-

and responsibilities of all

and its designated alternate

Delhi. ATFM Unit shall de-

capability and crew qualifi-

lated issues at IGIA.

stakeholders; and to look

airports. In this regard, inte-

cide when to suspend Cat I/II

cation well in time before the

• Airlines, ATC and airport

into the specific issues per-

gration of meteorological

holding at Delhi.

onset of next fog season. All

operators shall conduct a one

taining to international oper-

data in one panel should be

• ATC shall define specific

scheduled airlines shall pro-

day refresher training pro-

ations and modalities to deal


trigger points for implemen-

vide their detailed Cat III sta-

gramme dedicated to low visi-

tation of progressive flow

tus indicating aircraft and

bility operations for their

with stranded passengers

•Additional RVR equip-



during low visibility condi-

ment should be installed

tions. The Delhi Interna-

wherever needed and a pro-

•During fog season, oper-

tional Airport Ltd, during the

vision of live RVR for all the

ators shall not be allowed to

last three winter seasons,

runways at IGIA be made at

file IGIA as alternate airport

• During the fog period,

exercises involving all stake-

has witnessed a total of 289

ATC Unit.

without prior permission of

operators shall indicate their

holders shall be held well in


take-off and landing minima

advance before the com-

in Item No. 18 of ICAO Flight

mencement of fog season to


duly assess the capabilities of

control measures.

crew numbers through a con-

concerned operations person-

solidated return to DGCA

nel. Regular pre-fog consulta-

every year.




diversions. There were 57

•During fog, a dedicated

diversions in 2011, 89 in 2012

fog forecast should be pro-

• AIP shall be amended to

and 143 last year. It is ex-

vided at three hour intervals

indicate that the term fuel

pected that after the recom-

for IGIA and alternate air-

emergency would not be

• Operators shall provide

the entire system and address

mendations of the Committee


recognised at Indian aero-

their proposed schedule indi-

any shortcomings. by TNH DESK



A global mindset for commercial aviation’s next century Partnerships and Global Standards: The International Air Transport Association (IATA) called for airlines, governments, and industry stakeholders to guide the development of the commercial airline industry into its next century with a global mindset and based on a foundation of global standards.


just 2.4%, or less than $6 per

tify the best recommendations


passenger carried,” said Tyler.

for improved global tracking.

Governments are often chal-

The industry’s profitability

By September, we will deliver

lenged in being able to provide

has strengthened from the $6.1

draft options to ICAO,” said

the critical building blocks of

billion net profit earned in 2012



and the $10.6 billion earned

Comprehensive data is now

last year. An improved industry

guiding safety improvements.


efficient airports and air traffic management infrastructure.

structure is among the factors

IATA’s Global Aviation Data

“In Europe, there is paralysis

supporting strengthened per-

Management (GADM) project

on the Single European Sky.

formance. “Our customers ex-

is building the world’s largest

While the European Commis-



resource of operational infor-

sion is pushing, member states

connectivity. But the regulatory

mation with data from a global

are more interested in protect-

structure prevents the global

spectrum of industry and gov-

ing revenue streams and gov-

consolidation that has hap-

ernment contributors. “Our ul-

ernment jobs. So passengers,


Qatar. The meeting takes place

pened in other industries. By

timate goal is to predict the

the environment, and the Euro-

aviation’s future po-

as the industry commemorates

creatively working together

potential for accidents and so

pean economy all suffer,” said

tential is a global mindset sup-

the 100th anniversary of sched-



ensure that they don’t happen.


ported by strong partnerships.

uled commercial flight.

through alliances, joint ven-

This is not science fiction. Each

Tyler also drew attention to



new data contribution and

the concerns over airspace

he key to unlocking




Aviation connects people and

“Scheduled commercial avi-

business to make “global” pos-

ation began with a single pas-



every improvement in our ana-

congestion in the Gulf, the

sible. Securing aviation’s fu-

senger on a 23-minute journey

are now seeing some signifi-

lytical capabilities moves this

structuring of public-private


across Tampa Bay, Florida on

cant results,” said Tyler.

closer to reality,” said Tyler.

partnerships for airport devel-





immediate challenges. Airlines

1 January 1914. Since then,

Airlines continue to deliver

must be profitable, safe and se-

aviation has changed the world

great value to consumers. Over


America, and the failure of the

cure businesses. We need to

immeasurably for the better.

the last two decades, the num-

A global approach to improving

US government to prioritize in-

This year, airlines will connect

ber of city pairs served has

security is also needed. “The

vestments in the NextGen air

3.3 billion people and 52 million

doubled while the real cost of

industry is secure, but passen-

traffic management initiative.

tonnes of cargo over 50,000

travel has halved.

routes, supporting 58 million

gers still say that security re-

Tylerurged governments to

mains their biggest travel

abide by ICAO principles and

jobs and delivering goods with


hassle. Inconsistencies across

advocated for effective eco-

a value of $6.8 trillion. In a

Tyler reiterated the industry’s

jurisdictions defy understand-

nomic regulation of infrastruc-

team effort of committed part-

commitment to working to-

ing. The focus on prohibited ob-

ture. “The market power that

ners, aviation literally moves

gether and with governments



most airports have needs a

the global economy. And by

in the constant pursuit of im-

passengers treated with crimi-

counter-balance with effective

working together with a global

proved safety. That commit-

nal suspicion. There is waste

independent regulators apply-

mindset, there is enormous po-



and inefficiency. We must do a

ing well established interna-

tential still to be achieved,”

inaviation’s safety record.In

better job.There is plenty of op-

tional norms. That will bring

said Tyler. Tony Tyler Director General & CEO IATA

opment in Asia and Latin




2013 there were 29 million

portunity for the second cen-

about fair charging regimes,

In his keynote address, Tyler

flights with Western-built jet




which will facilitate the en-

discussed several challenges

aircraft and only 12 hull



hanced connectivity that com-


that industry and government

losses.“Flying is incredibly

governments and with indus-


provide efficient, customer-fo-

partners face as commercial

safe. And we are determined to

try—to make a positive contri-

seeking,” said Tyler.

cused services. And sustain-

aviation begins its second cen-

make it safer,” said Tyler.

ability must be integral to


everything that we do,” said

“The loss of MH370 points us to an immediate need. A large



bution to our efforts to keep flying secure,” said Tyler.

Customer Experience

IATA is partnering with the

“The basic vision for the cus-

Tony Tyler, IATA’s Director

Profitability and Structure



Airports Council International

tomer experience is the same

General and CEO.

“Our financial performance

missing without a trace for so

(ACI)and others to change this.

for both shippers and passen-


Tyler’s comments were made

does not yet match the value

long is unprecedented in mod-

The goal of the Smart Security

gers: a hassle-free journey with

in his State of the Industry ad-

that we deliver. Airlines are ex-

ern aviation. It must not hap-

program is to improve effec-

empowerment to customize

dress to the 70th IATA Annual

pected to achieve a global net

pen again. IATA, ICAO, and

tiveness, efficiency, and the

and control their experience,”

passenger experience.

said Tyler.

General Meeting and World Air

profit of $18 billion in 2014.

experts from around the world

Transport Summit in Doha,

That’s a net profit margin of

are working together to iden-





Thai Airways introduces three more flights in Kolkata-Bangkok sector The one and only global airline player that has been serving Kolkata flyers for past five decades without any break is Thai Airways. Swaati Chaudhury the

spend a short vacation in

renowned global airline

South-East Asian destination

player that has been serving

of Thailand, the Indian tourist




planning to travel abroad and

the flyers of Kolkata since

traffic is on an upward surge

past 54 years at a stretch is all

during the holiday season.

from Kolkata to Bangkok

and the share rises up during

sometime in July. “

the holiday season when

Thai Airways has been fly-

schools are closed although

ing from Kolkata since 1960

we do not offer any special

and is considered to be an es-

fares for students and Senior

tablished product for city fly-

citizens of India. We hope that


the tourist flow from Indian cities would rise up in the

USP of Thai Airways: •Serving Kolkata-Bangkok sector since past 54 years. •Vintage and complete service to flyers. •Provides connectivity with its young fleet. •Offering a diverse range of global destinations to outbound travellers from eastern belt of India.

coming period since an increasing number of Indian travellers are taking to foreign offshores. We have never

set to expand its operations in

Vichaya Singtoroj, General

the city. In today’s day and

Manager, Thai Airways Inter-

age, when the travel bug is

national explained, “Our air-

flourishing across India and

lines promote Thailand and

more and more tourists are

all network destinations in

ers offering a wide choice of

South East Asia, Australia,

global destinations to flyers

focuses on high quality in-

New Zealand and Los Angeles

from the eastern region of

flight service and provides

in the United States. We have

India. Singtoroj said, “The in-

connectivity to flyers with our

regular night-time flights from

flight service of Thai Airways

young fleet. Our airline is al-

Kolkata to Bangkok and de-

Royal Orchid has gone down

ways in demand by a segment

Our airline is always in demand by a segment of travellers who prefer full service airline,

Vichaya Singtoroj General Manager, Thai Airways Kolkata

withdrawn our service from Kolkata over the years.” What is it that makes the airline stand apart from other global airlines? “Our airline

pending upon clearance from

well among passengers for

of travellers who prefer full

the government, we are look-

years. Tourists make around


ing ahead to kick off three ad-

30 per cent of our total traffic


ditional flights during day

in Kolkata-Bangkok sector

Virgin Atlantic’s International Golf Tournament unites golfers from travel trade Indian trade partners successfully swing their way by bagging third position at St. Andrews.



King’s Course at Gleneagles.

nament is just one example of

Scotland continues to host

themany imaginative ways in

major tournaments, including

which weengage with our

the Open Championship and

travel trade colleagues. Initia-

this year’s Ryder cup. Virgin’s

tives like these help us

Indian team thoroughly en-

strengthen our relationships

he 2014 edition of Virgin

with travel agents. The India

Atlantic’s innovative In-

team did fantastically with

ternational Golf Tournamen-

some stunning shots in breath-

tjust got bigger and better.

taking scenery.Not only do we


This unique competitiongives

fly to some of the world's top

Indian travel trade partners


the opportunity to test their

Scotland which connects on

golfing skills against like-

our Virgin Atlantic Little Red

minded golfers on a global

flightsbut we also carry sports


equipment for free!.”






Stephen King, General Man-

India, Vikram Kapoor (Tourist

ager, Virgin Atlantic - India

Corp), Vipan Sharma (Air-

Rest assured we'd love to in-

cruise) and Ajay Seth (Vision

vite all our passionate golfers

Travels), competed against

in the travel trade along for the

teams from across Virgin’s

and many other countries to

beautiful Scottish town of St.

joyed the experience as they

fun next time. In the meantime,

network. The Indian team

end the competition in a very


walked in the footsteps of

you can take a peek at the

successfully beat golfers from



courses including Kittock’sSt

golf’s greatest players.

good times through the pic-

the Dubai, UK, Japan, USA

Theeventtook place in the

Andrew’s Bay and the famous

“This International Golf Tour-








AI Passengers to get premium facilitation as member of Star Alliance Air India’s entry into the Star Alliance would facilitate its access to a vast global network, offering unmatched reach and connectivity.


eting, check-in and baggage fa-

Membership to the Alliance

cilities, collocation and con-

will bring Air India value in

nection teams at key airports

terms of revenue generation

will all help offer a smooth

and cost reduction. Member

travel experience.

carriers work on joint pur-

•Reciprocal frequent flyer

chasing initiatives like fuel and

benefits between Air India’s

fleet coordination and colloca-


he revenue of Air India

offering unmatched reach and

Air India to become its 27th

Flying Returns programme

tion of information technology

(AI) may increase by 4-5

connectivity. This is expected

member airline. Air India will

and those of the existing mem-

projects. Air India will have the

per cent by joining the Star Al-

to be a game changer for Air

start offering the alliance ben-

ber carriers. This will provide

benefit of adopting the global

liance. This was stated by the

India and aviation in India in

efits and privileges to cus-

passengers with more options

best practices, branding and

Minister for Civil Aviation,

terms of adoption of global

tomers from July 11, 2014.

in earning and redeeming, up-

global visibility.

liance Gold status.

Ashok Gajapathi Raju Pusap-

best practices, branding and

ati while announcing the inclu-

global visibility. The vast Star

Some of the benefits and

sion of Air India into the Star

Alliance network will enhance

privileges that will be avail-

grading and obtaining Star Al-

Established in 1997 as the first truly global airline al-

•Passengers holding Star Al-

liance to offer worldwide

Alliance club recently in the

Air India’s overseas opera-

able to passengers flying Air

liance Gold status have access

reach, recognition and seam-

presence of Secretary, Civil

tions linking it to its extensive

India from July 11, 2014:

to more than 1000 lounges

less service to the interna-

Aviation, Ashok Lavasa, CMD,

domestic network. This will

across the global network, can

tional travellers, Star Alliance

•A seamless travel experi-

Air India, Rohit Nandan and

is the biggest congregation of

COO, Star Alliance, Jeffrey

26 leading airlines. The Star

Goh. The Minister said that Air

Alliance network offers 21,900

India will get benefit out of this

daily flights to 1328 airports in

association as a wider reach

195 countries. Today about 13

and access to existing facilities

Star Member Airlines operate

for the members of the world’s

to 10 destinations in India and

biggest grouping of airlines

account for a total share of 13

would now be available to the

per cent of India’s to and fro

passengers of Air India also.

market. The inclusion of Air

Air India’s entry into the Star

India in Star would take Star

Alliance reflects the buoyancy

Alliance to a stronger position

in the aviation sector resulting

with a share of about 30 per

from some of the recent initia-


tives taken by the Government.

The member airlines are:

As a Star Alliance member,

help Air India to provide better

ence across a vast global net-

check-in at specially desig-

Adria Airways, Aegean Air-

Air India will now offer its pas-

connectivity, smooth and on-


nated counters, have an in-

lines, Air Canada, Air China,

sengers seamless travel expe-

time service to its passengers.

customer recognition and ben-

creased baggage allowance

Air New Zealand, ANA, Asiana

rience across the Alliance

Air India has scripted a new

efits across member airlines.

and receive priority boarding

Airlines, Austrian, Avianca,



network around the world, be-

Brussels Airlines, Copa Air-






customer benefits

across member airlines. In addition to enjoying seamless transfers


Air India has scripted a new chapter in India’s aviation history by becoming the first airline from India to be inducted into the world’s leading global airline consortium, Star Alliance. On June 23, 2014, the Star Alliance Central Executive Board voted in favour of Air India to become its 27th member airline. Air India will start offering the alliance benefits and privileges to customers from July 11, 2014.



EGYPTAIR, Ethiopian Airlines, EVA Air, LOT Polish Airlines, Lufthansa, Scandinavian Air-


lines, Shenzhen Airlines, Sin-

across the world, Air India

gapore Airlines, South African

passengers can earn and burn

chapter in India’s aviation his-

more frequent flyer mileage

tory by becoming the first air-

departure times, Star Alliance

benefits will also be provided

gal, Turkish Airlines, THAI

points, code sharing leading to

line from India to be inducted

member airlines have opti-

by Air India.

and United. Overall, the Star

•By coordinating arrival and

and baggage delivery. All these

Airways, SWISS, TAP Portu-

a wider choice of flights and an

into the world’s leading global

mized connections within the

Besides this, member airlines

Alliance network presently of-

access to over 1000 lounges.

airline consortium, Star Al-

network and considerably re-

of Star Alliance will now have

fers more than 18,000 daily

liance. On June 23, 2014, the

duced waiting times for pas-

an improved access to a region

flights to 1,269 airports in 193

Alliance would facilitate its ac-

Star Alliance Central Execu-


which includes the world’s fifth


cess to a vast global network,

tive Board voted in favour of

Air India’s entry into the Star

•Through check-in, joint tick-

largest aviation market.





South Africa woos Indian tourists with voluntourism The name that rings a bell in the minds of Indian travellers is the Rainbow Nation where voluntourism has caught the fancy of young Indians. Swaati Chaudhury

ideal holiday destination and to

dian traveller has become more

and is integrated with our leisure

cater to diverse interests of In-

evolved and we are entering into

strategy. There has been a rise in

dian travellers, South African

joint marketing tie-ups with key

innovative activities like confer-

Tourism has geared up with 360º

travel players to cater to the trav-

ences in the bush, adventure ac-

trade and marketing initiatives.

ellers’ demand.

Most Indian

tivities used as management

Hanneli Slabber, Country Head,

tourists travel from our major

training tools and incentive

South Africa Tourism informed,

tourism source markets like

groups visiting wine estates.”

“The Indian outbound market is

Mumbai, New Delhi, Hyderabad,

all set to grow at a massive

est described as the African

growth rate in the coming period


hub, South Africa boasts of

and we would entice Indian

a sheer wealth of natural her-

tourists with our innovative con-

itage that captivates a large

sumer and trade initiatives. As of

chunk of Indian travellers. For

now, we are working on two

privileged travellers, travelling is

major consumer campaigns fo-

no longer confined to relaxing

cusing on youth and family seg-

but having a lifetime experience

ments that will be rolled out in

Snapshot Robust plans of South African Tourism: •To bolster its relations with Indian travel trade. •Focusing on youth and family travellers. •Joint tie-ups with major travel players. •Boosting innovative MICE and voluntourism. belt of India.

Slabber also pointed out that keeping in mind India’s growing presence in global conventions in the coming years, there would be a rapid surge in the flow of business tourists to South Africa. The tourism figures to South Africa from India were 92,559 last year. The most-loved South African destinations are Johan-

and making memories and South

India sometime in August end.

Africa Tourism is all out to cash

India has emerged as the third

Chennai and Kolkata but in re-

Route and Durban. “Volunteer-

in on the ongoing trend. Cape

tourism source market in Asia

cent times, we are receiving

ing activities during travel in-

Town, Durban, Johannesburg and Kruger National Park are well-beaten tourist tracks but

Hanneli Slabber Country Manager, South African Tourism in India

nesburg, Cape Town, Garden

and for South African Tourism, it

tourists from across the country.


figures as the seventh global

There has been a tremendous

programme, penguin conserva-


growth in the flow of tourists

tion, rhino tagging and wildlife

there are a host of offbeat desti-

Gauteng and Drakensberg that

South Africa Tourism has pro-

from Indian metros but tier-II

conservation activities are gain-

nations like Sodwana Bay,

are offering a plethora of experi-

moted the country across 20

cities are providing us incredible

ing popularity among the Indian

Limpopo, Wild Coast, Midland’s

ences to tourists.




Aimed to make the country an



cities in India. Hanneli Slabber

value. MICE tourism forms a sig-

youth touring South Africa,”

added, “The contemporary In-

nificant aspect of our business

quipped Slabber.

market, May is a traditional holi-

May - up by more than 20 per cent

day period as Indian visitors es-

year-on-year, to an average of 6.6

cape the hot Indian summer, and


Strong performance across most key markets drive autumn holiday visitor growth Continued growth in holiday arrivals from Australia, USA and Germany and a strong rebound from Japan have driven a solid autumn, with total holiday arrivals up 12.8 per cent for the month of May.


SA and Germany were

from additional holidaymakers -

seen from Japan in a number of

stellar performers over

with annual holiday arrivals up

months and is the result of a co-

summer and both have main-

8.9 per cent.

tained significant growth across the shoulder season (USA holiday arrivals up 29.9 per cent and

The growth in arrivals was seen

nomic benefit to New Zealand and the industry as we head into

Zealand's largest market Australia were up a 5.9 per cent for

ports our increased activity to

the month, resulting in 7.4 per

drive arrivals." Holiday arrivals grew across

cent growth for the year ending May.

Asia with Singapore up 61.5 per

"May is normally a quieter travel

cent, Malaysia up 19.2 per cent,

period from Australia as visitors

Korea up 22.5 per cent and Hong

wait to visit during the winter ski


USA and Germany were stellar performers over summer and both have maintained significant growth across the shoulder season (USA holiday arrivals up 29.9 per cent and Germany up 19.4 per cent in May), delivering ongoing economic benefit to New Zealand and the industry as we head into the winter ski season,


across key offshore markets, with

year reinforces the potential we see from this market and sup-

ordinated effort to drive shoulder

Chris Roberts GM, Corporate Affairs, Tourism New Zealand

the winter ski season," says Tourism New Zealand's General

Holiday visitors from New

season arrivals with Air New

Germany up 19.4 per cent in May), delivering ongoing eco-

the growth we have seen this

Zealand. It is really pleasing to

Kong up 53.6 per cent, while ar-

season so this growth exceeds

rivals from China in May were

expectations and is fantastic to

relatively flat with a 1.3 per cent


increase. "For China we are continuing to

"Just last week our work to promote a winter holiday was lifted

see a positive change in the visi-

to a new level with Australia's

tor mix, with most of the growth

highest rating morning show

Manager Corporate Affairs Chris

significant holiday arrival growth

see the additional capacity on the

coming from independent trav-

Sunrise broadcast live from


from Japan up 73.9 per cent, and

route and our own concerted

ellers, rather than short stay

Queenstown, showcasing the

India, which is now in its peak

marketing activity drive the

group tours. This is reflected by

range of winter activities to its 1.7

travel season, up 31.1 per cent.

growth we saw in May.”

the increased length of stay for

million viewers," says Roberts.

Chinese holiday visitors during


Total arrivals for the year-ending May were up 5.9 per cent, with most of that growth coming

"This is the first growth we have


"Looking at the emerging India



Easy does it:

redwood forest and wild surf north of

Soft adventures in California

from Santa Barbara County south to Or-

Cape Mendocino. Whale watching is also

ange County and preserve a pristine side

part of the flight plan and with a little luck,

of California’s natural heritage as un-

spouts and breaches will add to the aerial

spoiled today as when Spanish explorers


first sailed through this area. Here is

aybe you have the kids in tow,

the only road through the area was de-

you’re just learning a sport or

stroyed in an earthquake. Thanks to Air

An absolute bucket-list adventure when

you’re simply looking for an experience

Galore’s “Found the Lost Coast” tour,

visiting the Golden State is exploring

world’s largest sea caves, pelagic seabirds

that is long on adventure but easy on the

flight-seers can now soar over the region

Southern California’s unspoiled Channel

and a whole host of marine mammals


where you’ll encounter some of the

adrenaline rush. California’s miles of

in a single-engine plane and get a birds-

Islands National Park & Marine Sanctu-

ranging from Risso dolphins and Califor-

coastline, mountain ranges, vast deserts

eye view of the stunning vistas formed by

ary. The seven Channel Islands stretch

nia sea lions to the largest living animal,

and even urban areas contain a lifetime’s

the blue whale. Ventura Harbor’s Island

worth of adventures that make for great

Packers make exploring the islands easy,

stories around the campfire, but are also

offering day trips that include Blue and

inclusive and open to everyone at any ex-

Humpback whale tours on comfortable

perience level. Discover your next great

vessels outfitted with food concessions,

experience in California, the capital of

dining areas and multiple viewing decks.

easy-going adventures.

Overnight camping trips facilitated by Island Packers are also available.

Coastal Adventures

San Diego’s 70 miles of coastline beckon

As mysterious and majestic as it sounds,

to be explored and one of the easiest ways

the Mendocino and Humboldt regions’

is on a guided kayak tour. From newbie

Lost Coast is for the most part a nearly

first-time floaters to experts, all levels of

impenetrable wilderness created when

tours are available and designed to give




you close encounters of the see-worthy

Aerial Tramway ride up Mt. San Jacinto,

fering access to locations normally

Alcatraz, Angel Island, the San Fran-

kind. A few favorite spots for kayaking in

a definite highpoint of any Palm Springs

closed to the general public.

cisco skyline and of course, the Golden

the San Diego area include calm Mission


Desert hikes are another great way to

Gate Bridge.

Bay and scenic La Jolla Shores. The clear

The Golden State’s mountain recre-

experience this vast and ancient wilder-

waters of La Jolla Cove are especially

ational areas are ideal for multi-sport ac-

ness, particularly during wildflower sea-

Get a taste of LA’s early movie history

popular for the fantastic views of La

tivities like a surf and turf combo. Big

son which — depending on the year —

and get your own close-up with the Hol-

Jolla’s caves and cliffs and if it’s the right

Bear Lake’s Paddles and Pedals can outfit

can stretch from February to May. There

lywood sign on one of the guided horse-

season, you might see leopard sharks (No

you for easy adventures including bicycles

are multiple prime areas to explore, such

back tours offered by Hollywood’s

worries, they’re harmless!) cruising the

for touring the lake’s bike path as well as

as Anza Borrego’s Superstition Moun-

Sunset Ranch. A variety of tour options,

bottom below in search of a tasty crab leg.

kayaks, canoes, standup paddleboards

tains, the Coachella Valley’s Del Sol Road

including day and sunset rides as well as

Companies such as San Diego Bike and

and charter fishing boats for outings on

and Joshua Tree National Park. One of

a dinner ride that ends with a Western

Kayak Tours can set you up with all the

the water. If you’re a photography afi-

the easiest ways to experience the desert

BBQ, grant unique views of the Holly-

gear and instruction needed to get on the

cionado seeking a peak experience, look

and learn from an expert is to participate

wood sign as you summit Mt. Hollywood

water for some of the best views in San

no further than the Ansel Adams Gallery

in one of the Ranger Programs offered at

on horseback. Not only can you pretend


in Yosemite National Park. A variety of

national parks like Joshua Tree.

you are a screen star riding along the 52

classes will get you out in to the field

Rangers offer guided tours, patio talks

miles of trails in Griffith Park (the Sunset

where you will have the opportunity to fol-

and special evening programs that can

Ranch has been the location for multiple

Exploring Lakes



low in the footsteps of Ansel Adams, cap-

include activities like learning about the

shoots dating from the Silent Era), you’ll

California’s pristine mountains harbor

turing timeless images of the park’s many

constellations of the desert sky.

also get VIP views of Hollywood and the

adventures suited for everyone from the

legendary views including Half Dome and

Urban Escapes

City of Angels far below.

hardcore climber to weekend wanderers

Yosemite Falls.

Conventional wisdom might tell you that

From riding horses in the Hollywood

looking for nothing more than spectacular

Under the Desert Sky

adventure stops at the city limits of big

Hills to cruising gentle Mission Bay on a

scenery and fresh air. We can’t think of a

California’s deserts positively bristle

urban hubs like San Francisco, Los An-

standup paddleboard, California’s has

better way for you to get the big picture of

with life, and we’re talking about much

geles and San Diego. However, California

you covered for urban adventures. In

the Sierras and America’s biggest alpine

more than cacti. An incredible diversity

is anything but conventional and even

San Diego, outfits like the Mission Bay

lake than rising above it all in a hot air bal-

of plant life, including the famed Joshua

the most densely populated areas pro-

Sports center can steer you in the right

loon over vast Lake Tahoe. Soaring over

trees, co-exist with wildlife like coyotes,

vide locals and visitors with countless

direction when it comes to gear rentals

the sapphire blue waters of the lake with

red tail hawks and big horn sheep. Then

ways to play in the great outdoors. If

and tours so you can try out the rapidly

Lake Tahoe Balloons, you’ll experience

of course there are the native tribes like

you’ve ever admired the Golden Gate

growing SUP water sports phenomenon.

area landmarks and sights like nearby ski

the Cahuilla who have left their legacy

Bridge and wondered what it would be

Mission Bay provides the perfect setting

resorts on a whole new level and have the

here. One of the best ways to explore this

like to sail the Bay, sailboat charter com-

to learn and perfect your skills with its

perfect opportunity for the ultimate selfie!

beautiful, rugged terrain is on a Jeep

panies such as the San Francisco Sailing

calm waters and many beaches to ex-

Other ways to “get air” in California’s

tour offered by companies such as

Company can get you on the water in one

plore. You can even try out your night

mountains without breaking a sweat in-

Desert Adventures. Based in Palm

of their vessels whether you are a sea-

moves with MBSC’s night paddle tours,

clude riding the gondola at iconic Califor-

Desert, their guided tours include visits

soned sailor or just want to sip cham-

which feature paddleboards illuminated with LED lights.


to must-see locations like the San An-

pagne and go on cruise control. Their

Mountain’s Panorama Gondola and the





dreas Fault and Painted Canyon while of-

various tours offer spectacular views of


TAT Mumbai to host Chiang Mai Night on August 1 T

digenous culture, will also be

daily connections. The city is

likely to appeal to wellness and

Thailand’s Mumbai Office,

The event will connect atten-

showcased at Chiang Mai night.

also accessible by rail via a

luxury seekers, culture enthusi-

together with the Thai Con-

dees with 20 suppliers, consist-

Additionally, Chiang Mai’s se-

daily service that plies from

asts, handicraft fans, nature and

sulate in Mumbai are organiz-

ing of hotels, travel agents and

lection of culinary delights will

Bangkok Railway Station to

adventure lovers, voluntourists

ing a B2B showcase of Chiang

tourist attractions, from Chiang

be served up by Four Seasons’

Chiang Mai 6 times a day. One

and seniors. Chiang Mai’s at-

he Tourism Authority of

Hotel Mumbai.

ing and fruit carving stations.

at a distance of 696 kms. Thai

Terminal on Kamphaeng Phet II

Chiang Mai is a cultural strong-

Airways, Bangkok Airways,


hold in Thailand. Its distinct

Nok Air, Air Asia and Orient

Chiang Mai’s selection of spas,

dance forms, reflective of its in-

Thai Airways offer frequent

activities and attractions are

Mai’s products, attractions, ho-

Mai, a beautiful, historically-



may also opt for a road journey,

tractions include the Chiang Mai

tels and resorts. Hosted by the

steeped city, also known as

Ketchaiyo, who has spent a few

which takes about 8 hours. For

Zoo, zip line adventures through

Thai Consulate, Chiang Mai

Thailand’s Rose of the North.

years living in Chiang Mai.

those who would rather not

the rainforest, the Chiang Mai



Night will take place on August

TAT Mumbai plans to spice up

Chiang Mai is a short (1 hr 15

drive, air-conditioned buses are

Aquarium and Chiang Mai Night

1, 2014 at the Four Seasons

the event with umbrella paint-

min) flight away from Bangkok,

available from the Bangkok Bus






EXPLORE GHENT – THIS SUMMER! With lots of musical festivities happening around, it’s now or never. hent, often referred to as Europe's best kept secret, is the perfect blend of the young and old. The city's meandering canals that are arterial to its existence depicts this fact most aptly. As both sides of the river are flanked by the buildings displaying medieval architecture, sitting alongside the river of this university town are the students, who study at the Ghent University, listening to music, dining and enjoying life, adding to the youthfulness and vibrancy to this historic city. Ghent is praised for its brilliant mix of a rich past and a vivacious present. Here hides one of Europe’s finest panoramas of water, spires and centuries-old grand houses. But this is no place to simply sit back and relax. It’s also Flanders’ biggest university town, which means linger-as-long-as-you-



like cafés, well-priced restaurants and a buzz-in-the-air atmosphere. Under the watchful eyes of the Castle or Castle of the Counts, the city boasts an Opera House, 18 museums, 100 churches and over 400 historical buildings. The most visited site in Ghent is the famous polyptych, The Adoration of the Mystic Lamb, painted by the brothers Jan and Hubert van Eyck in 1432. It still hangs in its original location, the St. Bavo Cathedral.

Gastronomy- Vegetarian city Ghent has some top-notch cuisine on offer. Ghent is an organic haven for vegetarians. There are dozens of fun, unique little restaurants, shops and even an organic supermarket that will prompt even a hard-core meat-eater to go bonkers over its vegetarian fare! Let the veggie map lead the way!

And don’t forget that Ghent has its official veggie day! Every Thursday schools and public service offices serve vegetarian meals to children and adults of all ages. Delicious Ghent souvenirs No visit to Ghent is complete unless you have tried and tested the specialties Ghent has in offer and bought some to share with the home front. Chocolates, beers, genevers, meats, cheeses, Tierenteyn mustard, mastellen and several other deliciously old-fashion sweets. Cuberdons are sweets with a soft raspberry centre, also called ‘neuzekes’ or little noses are worth tasting. Satisfy your chocolate senses by paying a visit to Chocolaterie Van Hecke well known for Pralines, cakes, pastries and icecream, all of impeccable quality.

Gruut The Gruut Brewery is one of the rare breweries to use a mix of spices, known as gruut, instead of the traditional hops. Although this brewery uses modern technology it brews its beers in keeping with the ancient traditions. Currently Gruut produces five beers: a white beer, a blonde, an amber beer, a brown beer and a beer called Inferno.

Museums Museum of Fine Arts The strength and charm of the MSK is the variety of its collection and the way it is presented: never before have the old masters hung so perfectly in place as they do in the fully restored museum. An auditorium, a library, a children’s workshop and a café-

Destination leave Ghent before sunset, you haven’t truly experienced the best of it.

Shopping Trendy shops for shopoholics The city has all the major chain stores as well as authentic shops, trendy and more traditional places, within walking distance of one another. Nothing is more fun than discovering stores that you won’t find anywhere else in a new city. That is why we pay attention to those stores that are off the beaten path. Veldstraat Veldstraat is Ghent’s central pedestrian shopping street. Here you’ll find all the main retail chains. However, those who can tear their eyes away from the inviting shop windows and look up will see a number of splendid, authentic façades. restaurant make it into a modern, multifunctional complex where you can spend many happy hours surrounded by things of beauty. Design museum Gent Behind a charming 18th-century façade lurks a modern, airy building… and a top notch collection of twentieth-century and contemporary design. The Design Museum Gent has one of the most superb Art Nouveau collections in the country. The exuberant period of Art Nouveau with its floral motifs and play of flowing lines and the more constructivist direction taken by the 1900 style are both shown in the museum. There are also temporary exhibitions, with special attention given to 20th century and contemporary design. You’ll be astounded by the Belgian designers’ astonishingly sculptural furniture in bright, cheerful colors with amusing decorative elements. For children, there’s also much to experience here. With the museum game they playfully discover chairs, cabinets and other items from the past until the present. Also, take a look at the striking toilet wing, even if you don’t need to pay a visit. S.M.A.K. Municipal Museum of Contemporary Art Before you go into the S.M.A.K., Ghent’s Museum of Contemporary Art, it’s probably best to look up. On the roof, you’ll see the image 'De man die de wolken meet' (‘The man who measures the clouds’) by Jan Fabre. Dynamic and highly individual. That’s Ghent and it also describes its museum of contemporary art. The permanent collection of top national and international works is presented in continuous interaction with original, often daring exhibitions.

Hot Spots The Adoration of the Mystic Lamb


facilities and research centers. Jazz Festival Gent Jazz Festival, the largest jazz festival in Belgium and part of the IJFO, presents international stars as well as promising talents. With incredible sound, nice surroundings with terraces, drinks in glasses and a pleasant and colorful audience, the Gent Jazz Festival offers a unique musical experience. Ghent Festivities After more than 160 years of existence, the Ghent Festivities have become one of the best festivals in Europe. Four international festivals take place there over a period of ten days, with free music on 10 squares, children’s entertainment at various different locations in the city and hundreds of indoor and outdoor activities. This year, for the first time, the festival

The Van Eyck brothers painted this unique altarpiece in 1432. It is the highlight of the Flemish Primitives and a milestone in art history. The Polyptych survived the Protestant Iconoclasm, fell into French hands under Napoleon and was requisitioned by Nazi Germany during the Second World War. But it has now been hanging peacefully for more than 50 years in the place where it belongs: St. Bavo’s Cathedral. Though admittedly, the ‘Just Judges’ panel, which was stolen in 1934, is still replaced by a reproduction. The restoration of “The Adoration of the Mystic Lamb”, started in September 2012. Recently featured and gained popularity in the Hollywood production The Monuments Men. Castle of the Counts ‘I’ll show them who’s boss’: that’s what Philip of Alsace had in mind. So he had the imposing castle rebuilt (1180). Overlooking the city from its battlements high up on the keep, one can sense the feeling of wealth and power that the lord of the castle must have had. Thanks to the movie guide, a unique, interactive computer-controlled guide, this remote history really comes to life. On certain weekends, you may even meet some real knights. Belfry The Belfry is the proudest symbol of the city’s independence. The Cloth Hall was built onto the side of the Belfry. In a euphoric Brabant Gothic style, this monument glorifies the industry to which the city owes so much. At the corner of the Cloth Hall is an old jailer’s lodge. Ghent by light In 2004, the City of Ghent won the International City-People-Light Award with this lighting plan. The Michelin guide awarded it three stars. So if you

Onderbergen A pleasant, stylish shopping street, which runs parallel with Veldstraat, offering a mix of qualitative, original fashion, antiques and interior design shops as well as some nice places to lunch.

Graffiti Keep your camera handy! The appearance of the graffiti street changes constantly. That comes as no surprise, given that street artists are free to decorate it as they please. Definitely worth a visit.

Festivities In 2009, UNESCO added Ghent to the “Music of the Creative Cities Network“. The city possesses a complete infrastructure of creative and performing activities, with an impressive number of concert halls, education

will start on Friday evening and end on Sunday evening. Ghent Festival of Flanders In 2014, Ghent Flanders of Festival will present its 57th edition. Attracting over 55,000 visitors each year, the Festival has become the talk of the music scene with events like “Avanti!” (a musical cycling tour), its Venetian ball, “KidsOdeGand” and “OdeGand” (the grand opening event). The festival’s success is in great part due to its unique mix of diversity and creativity. Each year, over 180 concerts (classical and world music) are presented by more than 1500 (inter)national artists.

Film Fest Ghent Every year Ghent Film Festival presents some 200 feature films and short films from around the globe. The festival enjoys an excellent international reputation and is quite unique in focusing on the impact of music on film. The Inter-




national Film Festival of Flanders Ghent is also the organizer and driving force behind the World Soundtrack Academy. The awards ceremony is inevitably the high point of the festival. Every year the festival also organizes concerts of film music and exhibitions which have a link with film. Explore Ghent by Water Rivers and canals have played a crucial role in the development of the city. The past few years many efforts have been made to give the city’s waterways a new lease of life, making Ghent even more attractive. Discover this city along the water from the water! Boat trips on Ghent's inland waterways

Ghent is a city of water, and thus ideal to visit by boat. You can choose from five boating companies to discover Ghent along its waterways. The traditional boat tour is available every day. Sail your own boat More and more visitors are finding their way to Ghent across the water, for it is water that runs through the entire city and gives Ghent that extra authentic touch. If you have your own boat you can easily reach Ghent via the Lys river, the Scheldt, the GhentTerneuzen Canal and the Ghent-Ostend Canal. The city’s berthing docks and yacht marinas are the perfect base for a wonderful trip along the


Belfry and the beguinages, across bumpy squares and alleys and through impressive museums, spiced up with a mix of trendy design and surprising city festivals. Rafting & Outdoor Events They are also great for relaxing group boat trips in quiet waters. Discover Ghent the alternative way with the historic (photo) treasure hunt, torchlight procession or a rafting/mountain bike combination.

A Travel Tip CityCard Gent- Ghent all-in at a discount price! CityCard Gent is the special all in-access card to the main historical buildings, museums and top attractions in Ghent. You can also use the CityCard Gent on the bus or tram and what’s more, it also includes a boat trip. All you need to do to use this all-in package is pay 30 or 35 euros! This will allow you to explore the city for 48 or 72 hours. Most museums in Ghent are free for children and young people up to 19 years, so the CityCard is not quite a deal for them. by TNH DESK

Canoe tours During a tour of the old city centre with a Canadian canoe you’ll enjoy a glass of bubbly and a snack. There is also a canoe tour of the idyllic Lys re-

huge range of international

New Zealand’s ‘MEETINGS’ ends on a high

and Kiwi event decision-makers. Selwyn's Elizabeth Pitcorn says they were overwhelmed

A two-day trade exhibition to promote the country's business tourism and events industry ended on a high, with many international buyers expressing keen interest in New Zealand as a conference and incentive destination.

by the level of interest from buyers. "We've been writing business on the floor as well as taking lots of future leads and

e had a large contin-

destination, both for business

gent of international

events and incentive travel.”


have been really impressed and bookings for incentive

hibition devoted to high-end

by the calibre of the event or-

travel coming New Zealand's

lodges, hotels, venues and

ganisers we have been meet-

way,'' Sullivan says.


ing with here."

buyers and media at MEET-

"MEETINGS has also given

INGS this year and they were

us the chance to offer some

very interested in the possi-

professional development to

There were several firsts at

Reno Verikakis of Sofitel

A record 96 Australian

bilities that New Zealand of-

our own conference and in-

MEETINGS this year, reflect-

Luxury Hotels said The Lux-

buyers attended MEETINGS

fers. North Americans, for

centive organisers. The Mas-

ing the interest in the indus-

ury Collection exhibitors' col-

this year and Emily Liston

example, were excited to

terclass we ran today with

try's potential as it moves in


from the Medical Protection




learn first-hand about our in-

Jonah Nader was very well

to an exciting phase of

success. We work together

Society based in Brisbane

centive travel potential,'' says

received and is part of CINZ's


across the country to promote

says her first visit to MEET-

Conventions and Incentives

ongoing commitment to pro-

One of New Zealand's lead-

New Zealand as a boutique

INGS was a really good op-

New Zealand (CINZ) chief ex-

viding industry education,''

ing PCOs Jan Tonkin said



portunity to get a an overall

ecutive Sue Sullivan.

Sullivan says.

CINZ's initiative to stage a

travel, and it makes sense for

feel for New Zealand and see

us to be showcased together.

what each of the different re-


"Overall it is has been a re-

Sullivan says Tourism New

MasterClass in association

ally successful couple of days.

Zealand's increased commit-

with the event was well re-

The exhibitors have had very

ment to MEETINGS had en-


positive feedback and have

abled more overseas buyers

"Adding an educational

We had a lot of walk-ins too,

ferencing in New Zealand be-

collectively conducted over

to attend the event and

component to MEETINGS for

with day buyers keen to book

fore and this has been such

"The quality of buyers visiting our stand was very high.

gions had to offer. "We haven't done any con-

6000 meetings with potential

helped make the exhibition a

me was a real drawcard.

business which reflects the

an informative and produc-

clients and will be leaving

very effective tool for the New

Being able to do make the

confidence we are experienc-

tive few days. The pre-famil

MEETINGS, and with lots of

Zealand industry to reach in-

most of our time at MEET-

ing in the market," he says.

tour to Queenstown really

business leads to follow up.”

ternational business events

INGS and achieve so much in

New exhibitor Sensational


one day was invaluable. It

Selwyn, a Canterbury re-

added even more to the expe-



MEETINGS 2015 will be


MEETINGS gave them the op-

held again at Auckland's ASB

portunity to showcase the re-

Showgrounds on June 10 and 11 next year.

"Our international buyers have experienced some great

"We're hoping the interest

hospitality and are leaving

that we've seen expressed

with a much better under-

over the past couple of days

Another MEETINGS 2014

standing of just how much

will now translate into more

first was The Luxury Collec-


this country has to offer as a

conferences, business events

tion, a new section of the ex-

suppliers and activities to a





sold me on the destination too."




The Great Himalayan National Park Conservation Area inscribed as a World Heritage Site The World Heritage Committee has inscribed the Great Himalayan National Park Conservation Area (GHNPCA), India, on the World Heritage List on the basis of criterion (x) of UNESCO Guidelines.

Inscription of Rani Ki Vav, Patan,Gujarat on World Heritage List Rani –ki –Vav has been approved for inscription on the World Heritage list. The recognition was granted by the UNESCO at the World Heritage Committee Session currently on at Doha, Qatar.

tion of Buffer Zone as a protected area in the Development Plan. They worked with ASI officials to mark the around the Rani ki Vav including the excavated area of the historic Sahastralinga Talao under ASI as well as the unexcavated areas of this

UNESCO has recognized this

buried under layers of silt for al-

Talao which falls under agricul-

masterpiece as an exceptional

most seven centuries and has

tural fields for future protection

example of technological devel-

been preserved underneath in

in the Development Plan. The

opment in utilizing ground

an exceptional state of conser-

initiative of additionally protect-


he Criterion X is “To con-

perse and evolve. GHNPCA is

water resources in a single com-

vation by the Archaeological

ing surrounding area around

tain the most important

home to several Rare and

ponent, water management sys-

Survey of India. The stepwell is

Rani ki Vav with its inclusion in

and significant natural habitats

Threatened species including

tem and it illustrates the

digitally documented through

the Local Development Plan is

for in-situ conservation of bio-

the Western Tragopan, Chir

exceptional capacity to break

collaboration between ASI,

an exemplary example of inte-

logical diversity, including those

Pheasant, Snow Leopard, Hi-

large spaces into smaller vol-

CyArk and the Scottish Ten.

grating heritage with planning

containing threatened species

malayan Musk Deer, Asiatic

umes following ideal aesthetic

of outstanding universal value

Black Bear, Himalayan Tahr,


from the point of view of science

Blue Sheep and Serow. Some 25

Rani-ki-Vav, a stepwell built in

or conservation.”

It was nominated by ASI for the World Heritage List of UNESCO in Feb. 2013. The process

and needs to be emulated for heritage sites across India. The inscription of Rani ki Vav

Threatened IUCN Red-listed

the 11th century is the most de-

of nomination of Rani ki Vav and

on the World Heritage List as

The Great Himalayan Na-

plant species are recorded from

veloped, elaborate and ornate

the management strategy pre-

the single most example of a

tional Park (GHNP) is located in

the park. The GHNP has more

example of a unique type of In-

sented for the property and

step well is a testimony to the

the Kullu District of Himachal

than 35 peaks of greater than

dian subterranean architectural

Buffer Zone as per Operational

traditional water systems of

Pradesh, India. The concept of

5000m and two greater than

structure, and it marks the

Guidelines of UNESCO can be

India. The local residents of

environmental conservation in

6000m which taken together

zenith in the evolution of step-

credited to excellent teamwork

Patan who were engaged ac-

the Kullu Valley is very ancient.

are arguably more exceptional

wells in India. It is a particularly

between the Archaeological

tively in the process and pro-

The names of many places in

than a few isolated higher

large and complex example of a

Survey of India and the State

vided full support to ASI and

this valley commemorate saints

peaks in the region. The bound-

stepwell, with seven storeys of

Government of Gujarat. The


who came here to meditate in

aries of GHNP are also contigu-

ornamented panels of sculp-

dossier was prepared by an in-

process including its field eval-




the great sanctuary of Hi-



tures and relief representing the

house team of experts within

uation by ICOMOS (the Advi-

malayas. Some of these sanctu-

established (2010) Khirganga

height of the Maru-Gurjara

the ASI and vetted by the Min-

sory Body to UNESCO) deserve



aries are still preserved as

National Park (710 sq km), the

style. Following the flooding and

istry of Culture through its Ad-

a special mention in achieving

sacred groves of trees. The

Pin Valley National Park (675 sq

disappearance of the Saraswati

visory Committee at various

this target to place this stepwell

Great Himalayan National Park

km) in Trans-Himalaya, Rupi-



stages. The State Government

on India’s World Heritage List.

Conservation Area (GHNPCA)

Bhabha Wildlife Sanctuary (503

changes, the property was

of Gujarat supported the protec-

has GHNP (754.4 sq km), Sainj

sq km) in Sutlej watershed and

(90 sq km) and Tirthan (61 sq

Kanawar Wildlife Sanctuary

km) Wildlife Sanctuaries. The

(61 sq km). Together these four

905.40 sq km GHNPCA includes

protected areas (PAs) add 1,949




City of Potosi on the List of World Heritage in Danger

tayos, the areas where the

world’s largest industrial com-

cited potential degradation of

cian houses; and the barrios miworkers lived. In its decision, the Committee

the upper mountain glacial and

sq km to the area around GHNP

snow melt water source origins

and its buffer zone, making the

The World Heritage Committee

of the westerly flowing JiwaNal,

total contiguous protected area

meeting in Doha (Qatar) re-

plex. The extraction of silver

the historic site by the mining

Sainj and Tirthan Rivers and

associated with the nominated

cently inscribed the City of Po-

ore relied on a series of hy-

operations; instability and risk

the north-westerly flowing Par-

property approximately 2,854.4

tosi (Plurinational State of

draulic mills. The site consists

of collapse of the Cerro Rico; de-

vati River. Situated at the confluence of

sq km not including the Eco-

Bolivia) on the List of World

of the industrial monuments of

ficiencies in conservation; inef-

zone. GHNP inscription would

Heritage in Danger, because of

the Cerro Rico, where water is





serve to expedite integration of

continued and uncontrolled

provided by an intricate system

protective legislation; and envi-

realms, GHNP provides a

other PAs into a huge GHNP

mining operations in the Cerro

of aqueducts and artificial

ronmental impacts on the hy-

unique opportunity for the

Conservation Area of ca. 2850

Rico Mountain that risk degrad-

lakes; the colonial town with the

draulic complex which in turn

species from both biogeo-


ing the site. In the 16th century,

Casa de la Moneda; the Church

affects historic fabric and local

Potosi was regarded as the

of San Lorenzo; several patri-




graphic regions to thrive, dis-






IAA ‘International Arch of AAI’s Kolkata Airport bags the best Europe Award for quality and improved ASQ Award. technology in Gold Category’ Indian Aviation Academy (IAA)

for training and development

has been selected this year by

by pooling resources of the

the Business Initiative Direc-

three mainstay organizations

tives Group (BIDG), Madrid

of civil aviation namely, Air-

(Spain) for the International

ports Authority of India, Direc-

Arch of Europe Award for qual-

torate General of Civil Aviation

ity and technology in Gold Cat-

and Bureau of Civil Aviation

egory. The award was received

Security. It conducts training in

by Rajiv Goel, Director, IAA

airport management, mainte-

from Jose E. Prieto, President

nance, airport safety and regu-

& CEO, BID Group at a function

lations, HR discipline, etc. The

held in Frankfurt, Germany

Academy has collaboration

Later, the award was pre-


sented to Mr. Alok Sinha,

agencies such as ICAO, IATA,



Chairman, Airports Authority

ACI, FAA, European Union and

of India.

CATC, Thailand.

The Academy has been set up

AAI releases CNS manual Airports Authority of India

over voltage. The recommen-

has brought out a Communi-

dations specifically cover the

cation and Navigational Serv-


ices (CNS) Manual to meet

(a)Protection of sensitive

the growing challenge of the

electronic CNS/ATM facilities

overall safety, availability and

from lightning, resulting from

The Airport Service Quality

Director, Kolkata in the 9th

ports Authority of India air-

reliability of critical Air Navi-

a lightning strike to the build-

(ASQ) Awards are presented

ACI Asia Pacific Regional As-

ports scored average ASQ

gation Services (ANS) infra-

ing or its associated services

in four categories by Airport

sembly meeting in Seoul,

rating of 4.14 which is above

structure maintained by the


Council International (ACI):

Korea on 27th May, 2014. B.P.

world average of 4.04 as per

(b)Protection of buildings or

Best Airport by Region, Best

Sharma handed over the

1st quarter report i.e 1st Jan-

the existing guidelines on

structures housing CNS facil-

Airport by Size, Best Small

award to Alok Sinha, IAS,

uary to 31st March, 2014.

lightning, surge protection

ities against lightning strike;

Airport and Best Improve-

Joint Secretary, MoCA &

organisation. In the Manual,

and earthing system for

(c)Protection of sensitive

CNS/Air Traffic Management

electronic CNS/ATM facilities

(ATM) facilities have been re-



Alok Sinha, IAS, Joint Sec-

Chairman, AAI in presence of

retary, MoCA & Chairman,

In the Best Improvement

G.K. Chaukiyal, Member (Op-

AAI being handed over the


Category in Asia Pacific Re-

erations) on 29th May, 2014


viewed in line with prevalent

surges and spikes resulting

gion “Kolkata Airport” has

at New Delhi.

(ASQ) Awards which has

international and national

from a lightning strike, power

won. This category includes


switching etc.



Airport Service Quality

been conferred upon the

airports which have experi-

survey is conducted at 11

Kolkata airport in the cate-

This CNS Manual covers

(d)Earthing and bonding

enced the biggest improve-

major airports of AAI by Air-

gory of Best Improved Air-

lightning, surge protection,

system to be adopted for

ment in ASQ rating between

port Council International. 11

port; and was received by

earthing and bonding sys-

CNS/ATM facilities ; and

2012 and 2013 in their region.



B.P.Sharma, Airport Director,

Kolkata Airport is being man-

Calicut, Chennai, Goa, Guwa-

NSCBI Airport, Kolkkata (L)

tems to be adopted for


Maintenance proce-


CNS/ATM facilities with solid

dures/practices to be followed

aged by Airports Authority of

hati, Jaipur, Kolkata, Luc-

in a ceremony at Seoul; also

state components which are

for maintenance of lightning,




seen in the picture are G.

more susceptible to damage

surge protection and earthing

The award was received

Trivandrum. In respect of

K.Chaukiyal, Member (Oper-

due to surges, transients and


by Dr. B.P. Sharma, Airport

customer satisfaction Air-

ations), AAI (R).






When summer arrives in Dubai, there´s no other place in the world you’d rather be When Summer arrives in Dubai, it brings the essence of culture in the old souqs. It fills the skyline with new and amazing feelings that fill your heart with excitement and adventure in every corner. hen summer arrives in Dubai you can feel its warm breezes at the beach, you can see stars dazzle at concerts, fireworks colour the sky and diverse cuisine brings delicious flavours to the tip of your tongue. Summer in Dubai. It´s the word ¨fun¨ written in the smile of your family, it’s a breathtaking shopping experience, it´s a never-ending journey of surprises. More than just a month of Ramadan with all its generosity, more than just Eid with all its celebration. Summer in Dubai is more. And then again, just a little bit more.




Shop till you drop at the world’s most popular shopping destination. Welcome to the centre of retail. Undoubtedly one of the world’s most sought-after shopping destinations, Dubai offers you luxury labels at world-class malls; eclectic shopping experiences in Karama or one of the amazing souqs; and surprises at every turn. You will also find plenty of tempting offers and unbeatable deals in this shopper’s paradise. 02 - CUISINE From America to Asia, here’s where the flavours unite. Dubai will give you a unique opportunity to experience both tradi-

tional Emirati flavours and tastes from every region in the world. The city’s diverse cuisine offers the very best in fine dining and local restaurant delights, from the opulent Al Fanar and Zuma to the malls’ bountiful food courts and delicious street food. You can also dine while sailing through the creek on Bateaux Dubai. 03 - ART AND HERITAGE Soak in the very best of Arabian tradition and heritage. Soak in the wonders of the bustling gold souqs and revel in the sights and smells of textiles and spices. Explore a haven of artistic masterpieces from renowned artists at a

selection of galleries in Al Quoz. Embark on a journey that will fill you with joy. 04 - FAMILY FUN It’s more fun with the little ones. The city offers a lot of fun for the little ones. Inspire them with exciting edutainment at Modhesh World and Kidzania. Let them loose at SEGA Republic or take them for an extraordinary aquatic experience at Aquaventure. Take them to Dubai Dolphinarium or send them skiing down the icy slopes of Ski Dubai. 05 - BEACH You can never have too much fun


in the Sun. World famous for its pristine beaches, Dubai is the place to be in summer. Cozy up under a beach umbrella with a good book and a cool beverage while the azure blue waters refresh your feet. If you’re up for a little excitement, then you could always try your hand at wakeboarding. 06 - SPORTS AND ADVENTURE Fuel your passion for adventure and excitement. Whether you’re a sports enthusiast or adventure junkie, there’s something for you in Dubai. Watch falcons soar across the desert, stroll through the streets and beachfront promenades or enjoy a nature trip in Ras Al Khor. Sit back and watch your favourite sports teams battle it out or splash out at Wild Wadi. If that’s not enough excitement you could race in a go-kart, go ice-skating or bowling, take off in a hot air balloon or even skydive. 07 – FESTIVALS A celebration like no other in a city like no other. If there’s one place that sizzles in summer, it’s Dubai! The Dubai Summer Surprises is an extraordinary festival for families,

tourists and residents. Enjoy the very best of Emirati hospitality and traditions at the Iftars and share the spirit of Ramadan. Watch in awe as the city erupts in the festivities of Eid. Make the most of a city that’s truly the centre of the world. 08 – SURPRISES This is your chance to go on a winning spree. The city that’s synonymous with the biggest and best is also the place where you can find the best deals and the biggest winnings. Pick out your favourite brands for the best deals you can land. Participate in any of the many raffle draws and promotions around the malls in Dubai and you could be riding away in a shiny new car, win a year’s worth of shopping and even more. 09 - EVENTS AND ENTERTAINMENT Make the most of a city that’s brilliant by day and buzzing through the night. From the dawn of day until the end of night, Dubai will keep you entertained. Get your concert tickets to watch your favourite artiste perform. Keep step with the tunes until the early hours of the morning or


swing into one of the many amazing jazz clubs or cocktail lounges. And if you’re a theatre enthusiast, DUCTAC offers you the very best of both local and international talent. 10 - URBAN DISCOVERY Feast your eyes on some of the world’s most iconic skyscrapers. Here is where age-old tradition mingles with iconic skyscrapers. The architectural splendor of Jumeirah Mosque is set against the modern backdrop of Sheikh Zayed Road. Explore the wondrous Palm Island, Dubai Marina, Downtown Dubai or marvel at an array of world record-holding attractions like the Burj Khalifa, Burj Al Arab and The Dubai Mall. 11 – RELAXATION Sit back, relax and give in to a little bit of pampering. Unwind from your holiday excitement with a little bit of relaxation. Pamper yourself with a day at the spa and de-stress with everything from a simple foot massage to a full treatment. If you fancy a little diversion, then you could also catch the latest blockbuster at a goldclass cinema around the corner. by TNH DESK




‘Product upgradation and consistency in service are key to our strategy’ In Conversation with TnH, Atul Lal, VP, Operations and General Manager, The Claridges Hotels & Resorts, speaks about performance of The Claridges New Delhi, and his future strategy. Prem Kumar al is very optimistic about

Atul Lal VP, Operations & GM The Claridges Hotels & Resorts JU LY 2014 | TNH (TRAVEL AND HOSPITALITY)

business and hotels too have good years


ter days will come sooner

services and good people, the variation

than later for the hotel in-

becomes much lower. Even in the eco-

dustry because of the political stability

nomic slowdown people need to travel.

and improved business sentiment in the

People will always travel,” said Lal.

the future of hotel indus-

and bad years. But my personal view is

try in India. He hopes bet-

that if you have good products, good

country. “I am optimistic hotelier and

The Claridges New Delhi has had a

very hopeful about the performance of

good performance last year and hopes

the hotel industry in future. Hotel busi-

better result this year and the year

ness is cyclic in nature like any other

ahead. With respect to performance of


his hotel last year, Lal said, “We per-

in central Delhi.”


months on account of no decision being

substantially which will help Delhi

formed well. I would neither say that our

Lal believes that at present there is a

taken at the government level. That sce-

emerge as destination of convention and

hotel did extremely well nor I would not

lot of euphoria in the market due to the

nario will change and business activities

conference. This would increase demand

say that we did badly. But our perform-

change of government and political sta-

will be revitalized. I think as soon as hol-

of rooms in the city. So I see a very posi-

ance was by and large good considering

bility in country. Market hopes that

idays are finished, there would be lot of

tive outlook of hotels in the Delhi and the

the economic situation.” Lal informed

things would now move swiftly. “After a

surge in business travel. The situation is

NCR in next couple of years.

that The Claridges New Delhi had 69 per

long time a single party has got absolute

encouraging not only for business trav-

As regards the future strategy of his

cent occupancy in the last year. “In com-

majority in the Parliament so the govern-

ellers but for leisure travellers also.” Of

hotel, Lal said that his hotel would com-

parison to occupancy of other hotels,

ment would not have to depend on its al-

course this are early days of the new gov-

pete in luxury segment of the market

which had 64-65 per cent occupancy, we

lies for its survival. This has created

ernment, so we have to wait for some

that is the key targeted segment for the

performed better. But I do feel the 69 per

euphoria in the market. Now the industry

time to get clear direction of the policy

hotel. “This includes corporate, domestic

cent occupancy is not something that we

expects that decision making at the gov-

and programmes of the government, but

as well as international, and interna-

should be proud of. We have good occu-

ernment of India level would be smooth

definitely business sentiment have

tional luxury FIT. We also cater to PSUs

pancy because we are a smaller hotel

and fast,” said Lal, adding, “Lot of busi-

changed dramatically, which makes big

and embassies. We are very close to em-

having 105 rooms only, and are located

ness had been on hold in last four- five


bassies and most of embassies like us be-

Even from hoteliers’ point of view, longevity is required to plan and execute

cause our hotel is located in close proximity of them.”

projects, and having a stable government

The hotel has certain USPs which al-

does help in planning and investing in

lows it to compete in its targeted seg-

long-term projects.

ment. “One of our USPs is our location.

Recent development indicates that ho-

We are looking at multi-prong approach

tels in Delhi have good prospect in future.

for next couple of years. One area that

The initiative to liberalize visa regime

we are focusing on is the upgradation of

and start E-visa will also help in attract-

our product. We are a 65-year old hotel

ing tourists to India and the National

which constantly requires upgradation

Capital, which would be good for hotels

to keep product right and relevent. Other

of Delhi. With the opening of certain ho-

important thing is that we constantly de-

tels in the Delhi Aerocity, convention ca-

liver good services to our customers,”


said Lal.






Appointment News


Samir Kant Avasthi Director of Sales - ISO, India Hilton Worldwide

Amit Mehta Area Manager –North & East India Malaysia Airlines

Rex A.G. Nijhof GM, Renaissance Mumbai Convention Centre Hotel

Michael Martin General Manager InterContinental Dubai Marina

Malaysia Airlines

Hilton Worldwide

IHG has appointed



appointed Samir

Michael Martin as

the newly ap-


Nijhof is

Amit Mehta as its

Kant Avasthi as

GM of InterConti-

pointed GM of

Area Manager –

Director of Sales -

nental Dubai Ma-




rina and Regional


India region. He

Samir will lead the

GM overseeing 10

vention Centre

will be responsible for augmenting

company’s effort to gain fair share of

the airline’s operation in the north-

India as a source market for the Hilton

In his new role, Michael will open

ern and the eastern market in India.

Worldwide portfolio of hotels and re-

Dubai’s newest InterContinental hotel,

With over 26 years of experi-









hotels in UAE.


Hotel and Lakeside Chalet Marriott




sorts overseas. His primary responsi-

due to open its doors in the final quar-

ence, Rex

Malaysia Airlines since 2007 Sales

bility will be to establish a loyal and

ter of 2014. As Regional General Man-

renowned hospitality group -

has worked with

Manager- North India region and

committed customer base within India

ager for the UAE, Michael will also

Marriott across various coun-

brings with him 7 years of experi-

and position Hilton Worldwide as a

oversee IHG’s growing portfolio of ho-

tries like Germany, Turkey and

ence in sales.

long term business partner.

tels in the country.

the Netherlands.

Jaidev Dutta General Manager Park Plaza - East Delhi

Siddharth Chaudhry GM, New Africa Hotel & Casino Dar-Es-Salaam (Tanzania)

Abhijit Nath General Manager Nirwana Hometel Jaipur

Swati Dhir GM, DoubleTree by Hilton Goa, Arpora-Baga

Sarovar has


Swati Dhir has

Sarovar Hotels,

Sarovar Hotels has


been appointed


Abhijit Nath as

General Manager

Jaidev Dutta as


GM of Nirwana

of DoubleTree by

GM at Park Plaza










appointed as


GM, New Africa

pora-Baga that is

Jaidev has over

Hotel & Casino,

With over 15 years of experience in

located within minutes of Baga and

15 years of experience in the hospital-

Dar-Es-Salaam (Tanzania), oper-

the industry Abhijit brings with him

Anjuna beaches, offering the ideal

ity industry with expertise in F&B

ated and managed by the group.

expertise in areas such as Opera-

base from which to explore North

management, operations management

With a decade long experience in

tions Management, Strategic plan-





Swati has almost two decades of

and strategic planning. Jaidev was as-

the hospitality industry, Siddharth

sociated with Taj Group, Oriental Ho-

brings with him knowledge and

Training &Development to name a

Sales, Marketing and Revenue Man-

tels, Sinclairs and Accor Group. His

skills in varied areas of the hotelier-

few. He was previously the GM of Am-

agement experience in the hospitality

last assignment was as Director - F&B

ing business. His last assignment as

brosia Sarovar Portico in Haridwar.

industry in India and the Maldives.

at Novotel Visakhapatnam.

GM, Park Plaza in East Delhi.

Stephanie D’Silva Director of Sales and Marketing JW Marriott Mumbai

Hema Hariramani Director, National Sales- India Marriott

BHARAT TRIVEDI Assistant Director – F & B Hyatt Regency Chennai

Deborah Gray GM Corporate Affairs Appointment: Tourism New Zealand




Bharat has been

Tourism Zealand's

D’Silva is the

mani has been


newly appointed

appointed Direc-

Hyatt in India for

munications Man-













Sales and Mar-

Sales- India at



Gray has been


Marriott. Her re-



promoted to the



Marriott Mumbai. She has a career

sponsibilities in her current position

Hyatt Mumbai after completing his

position of GM Corporate Affairs

span of 12 years in the hospitality

entail organizing and directing sales

hotel management and has literally

within the organisation. Deb joined

efforts towards achievement of the

grown with the hotel over the past

Tourism New Zealand as Communi-

At JW Marriott Mumbai, she will

overall objectives for Marriott India.

decade. Bharat has successfully han-

cations Manager in October 2011.

be in charge of organizing and di-

In her previous role, Hema was the

dled multiple portfolio and diverse

Prior to that she worked for public

recting all sales and marketing ef-

Director of Sales and Marketing di-

roles at Grand Hyatt Mumbai, and has

relations consultancy Baldwin Boyle

forts to achieve objectives and

vision for JW Marriott Mumbai from

joined Hyatt Regency Chennai as the

Group, including an 18 month stint

operational goals for the property.

January 2011 to April 2014.

Assistant Director of Food & Beverage.

in South East Asia.



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