Issue 06 | Volume V | rnI no.: deleng/2010/33723
I n d I A’ s l e A d I n g T r AV e l T r A d e m o n T h ly
Page no.
Tourism Industry disappointed on Interim Budget
34 Cover Story
Page no.
Page no.
Customer satisfaction would be key focus area for us: Anil Parashar, ITQ
On the receiving end of Govt’s apathy In view of the forthcoming General Elections, Union Finance Minister presented Interim Budget for year 2014-15 instead of regular budget, as has been the convention. In an Interim Budget, Government avoids making any big changes in its fiscal policy and tax structure, leaving this task to the new government which presents regular budget after elections. However, there have been some exceptions to this convention. When the economy is not doing well, the finance minister makes some key fiscal announcement in its budgetary proposal to improve the economic growth. This year too Finance Minister P Chidambaram made some important announcements in his budget proposal, including reducing excise duties on cars. Travel and Tourism Industry of the Country was also hoping that the Finance Minister would make some favorable announcement for the tourism industry in his Interim Budget. But they were disappointed that no such announcement was made in the Interim Budget for the benefit of the travel and tourism industry. The Finance Minister should have heeded longstanding demand of the hotel industry to grant it complete infrastructure and industry status so that they can avail loans from the band on easier terms and condition. Considering the contribution of the travel and tourism industry to the economy the government should give this industry the attention it deserves.
Quote of the Month
Tourism is a vital segment to leverage our culture and our progress and earn precious foreign exchange. The huge variety of tourism opportunities in India as well as the variety of cuisine and cultural experience that India offered made our country ‘truly incredible’. Increasing the tourist inflow was a challenge considering the fact that a small country like France with a population just around 5% of India’s population was able to attract 83 million tourists which is almost 12 times of the foreign tourist inflow in India.
Editor’s Note
Shashi Tharoor, Union Minister of State for Human Resources Development speaking at The National Tourism Awards in New Delhi
Source: RCA, Cushman & Walkefield Hospitality
Printed, published, owned by srishti rai. Printed at somsons Printing Works, 1/7, doctor’s lane, gole market, new delhi 110001, and published at P- 23/90, connaught circus, new delhi 110001; editor: srIshTI rAI
inside the issue mArch 2014 | Volume V | Issue 6
Overwhelming response to SATTE 2014
Fantasy in God’s Own Country
MoT gives away the National Tourism Awards 2012-13
MTDC and MEHAIR launch amphibian plane services from Mumbai to boost tourism
Cover Story: Relish the charm of wildlife in the Heart of India
India’s Aviation Safety Record above Global Average
Crowne Plaza Greater Noida new address of luxury
Choice Hotels India opens Clarion Hotel Coimbatore
Brand USA hosts USA Pavilion at SATTE 2014
Glimpses of USA Pavilion at SATTE 2014
India is biggest market in Asia for Kenya
In Conversation: Customer satisfaction would be key focus area for us: Anil Parashar, ITQ
Cover Story
In Conversation
Trade Show
ITB Berlin Convention 2014: focus on diversity
will also hold a round table on
A wide range of topics at the travel industry’s leading think tank ITB CSR Day focuses on human rights in tourism and discusses green washing – PhoCusWright@ITB presents new ideas for individually targeting customers . he ITB Berlin Convention
the working group tourismus
the anti-trafficking campaign
the subject. A discussion
& entwicklung Basel will be de-
round including Dr. Christian
bating how effective support-
ESCO’, experts will be talking
Baumgartner, general secre-
ing projects is in realising
about efforts to urge responsi-
tary of Naturfreunde Interna-
human rights in tourism both
ble behaviour among tourists.
now and in the future.
The members of a panel taking
managing director of Jetwing
Jenny Rushmore, director
place on day two of the ITB
Hotels, and Tom Koenigs, a
of Responsible Travel Tripad-
Destination Days will be dis-
member of the German Bun-
visor, and Deirdre Shurland,
cussing the prospects for sus-
destag and chairman of the
tainable tourism in the Arab
Committee on Human Rights
Tourism & Environment Pro-
countries. H.E. Sheikha Mai Al
will be underlining its role
and Humanitarian Aid, will be
gramme will be discussing how
Khalifa, Minister of Culture of
as the leading think tank of the
examining problems, causes
marketing heads can success-
the Kingdom of Bahrain,
international travel industry
and practical recommenda-
fully communicate the idea of
Michael Frese, managing di-
with a wide and fascinating
tions. Afterwards, Matthias
sustainable tourism in exciting
rector of DER Touristik GmbH
range of topics. From 5 to 8
Leisinger, head of Corporate
ways. Tripadvisor’s Green
and Samih Sawiris, chairman
March 2014 leading interna-
Responsibility at Kuoni Travel
Leaders Programme will be
of Orascom HD, will be dis-
tional experts and tourism
evaluating the comments on
cussing future developments
professionals will be gathering
shausen of the German offices
sustainable practices found on
at tourism destinations in the
to discuss the future of the
of the Round table on Human
customer review platforms
Arab countries and whether
travel industry. This year
Rights in Tourism will be dis-
and presenting its findings at
the results will meet the needs
Malaysia, the Convention &
cussing the observation of
the ITB Berlin Convention.
of European source markets.
Culture Partner, will be making
human rights and the opportu-
Glamping represents a niche
Furthermore, Loveleen Tan-
a special contribution. The
nities and challenges facing
market with promising growth
dan, the award-winning direc-
Hon. Dato' Seri Mohamed
companies. For the first time a
prospects. Marco Walter, man-
tor (8 Oscars, 4 Golden Globes)
Nazri bin Tan Sri Abdul Aziz,
management concept has been
aging director of Ecocamping
of Slumdog Millionaire, will be
the Malaysian Minister of
laid out that advises tour oper-
e.V. will be discussing whether
holding a keynote speech on
Tourism and Culture, will be
ators on how to address the
luxurious rental accommoda-
’dark tourism’ in slum areas,
opening the ITB Berlin Con-
issue of human rights. A new
tion at camping sites poses a
war zones and extreme regions.
vention. For trade visitors and
guide will provide companies
threat to the hotel industry
exhibitors admission to the
with practical tips to assist its
and how glamping and sus-
ITB Berlin Convention is free
of charge. On 7 March the ITB CSR
On 5 March in Hall 7.1c,
tainable tourism can go to-
taking as its slogan ’Cult of
At this year’s Studiosus
gether. Cruise tour operators
Context’, PhoCusWright@ITB
discussion the topic will be
have come under fire as re-
will be discussing the possibil-
Day will again be addressing
’Supporting tourism projects –
gards their approach to sus-
ities for targeting today’s cus-
the key topics of sustainable
is it all just greenwashing?’
tomers on an individual basis.
tourism and social responsibil-
Taking this statement as its
interview Thomas P. Illes, a
Nowadays, holidaymakers ex-
ity. The Federal Ministry of
premise the discussion will
cruise market analyst, univer-
pect tailored products rather
Economic Cooperation and De-
outline the various approaches
sity lecturer and journalist,
than standard solutions. At a
velopment (BMZ) is sponsor-
to supporting tourism projects.
and Dr. Henning Brauer, prin-
discussion on holiday tours
Dr. Ines Carstensen, managing
cipal consultant, DNV GL, and
and activities Johannes Reck,
organised by the German Soci-
director of Futouris e.V., Bar-
former head of Neubau Europa
CEO of GetYourGuide, and
ety for International Coopera-
bara Glanz, General Manager
2, Hapag Lloyd Kreuzfahrten,
Brad Weber, CEO & president
tion (GIZ). The world’s leading
of Central Europe Intrepid
will be talking about new tech-
of Gray Line Worldwide, will be
travel trade show will also be
Group, Dr. Nicole Maldonado
nologies and how effective they
talking about how to make the
setting the tone with a focus on
Pyschny, deputy head of Eco-
relevant choices and about in-
human rights in tourism. Fur-
nomic Policies and Finances at
The ITB Destination Day
novative online marketing.
thermore, at the ITB CSR Day
the Federal Ministry of Eco-
will also be addressing the
Nicolas Brusson, co-founder &
ITB Berlin will sign an agree-
nomic Cooperation and Devel-
topic of human rights. As part
COO of BlaBlaCar, promises to
ment committing to support
opment and Dr. Christine
of the discussion round on ’Il-
shake up the market for car
human rights in tourism and
Plüss, managing director of
legal trafficking and tourism –
sharing agencies.
Trade Show
LGBT – a key topic: ITB Berlin presents Gay & Lesbian Travel events Gay & Lesbian Travel Pavilion with first-time exhibitors from Mexico, ITB’s partner country, Slovenia, Majorca, Madrid, Japan and China – show debut for media networking event – ITB Berlin Convention programme features discussion round – popular ITB TomOnTour Party on 5 March.
Tourismus, Wien Tourismus
of the event. Journalists wish-
and Ontario Tourism. The or-
ing to take part can register at
ganiser is ITB Berlin and the
TB@tomontour.com. Thurs-
media partners are Spartacus
day evening will also be ”after
Traveler and TomOnTour. The
ITB party time.” Spartacus,
event targets representatives
Lufthansa and Schauinsland
from all parts of the media. Trade visitors can also look forward to interesting
Reisen will be extending an invitation
mate.Travel Award 2014 at
his year ITB Berlin will
(IGLTA) will again be hosting
programme items at the ITB
again be hosting a wide-
the largest display. Co-ex-
Berlin Convention. On Friday,
Friedrichstrasse (registration
ranging programme featuring
hibitors will include Florida,
at the ITB Destination Days, a
numerous events on the topic
Fort Lauderdale, Key West,
discussion round will be dis-
of lesbian, gay, bisexual and
World Rainbow Hotels (UK),
cussing the growing impor-
and on Friday it will be the
transgender travel (LGBT).
organisers from Tel Aviv, India,
For many years the world’s
as well as Toronto World Pride
Axel Hotel ITB Party in Liet-
zenburgerstrasse which will
leading travel trade show has
and China, a newcomer to the
tourism. The event will take
attract after-work- network-
been helping to develop this
place on Friday at 4 p.m. in
Tourismus will be offering re-
Hall 7.1a, in the Auditorium
IGLTA/Axel Hotel ITB Party.
With its Networking Brunch
freshments at the established
Morning hours at the show will
for journalists, a seminar on
Vienna Gay Café, where every
François of the Gay & Lesbian
also offer opportunities for
’Gay Pride Events’, numerous
visitor can enjoy Viennese cof-
Travel Segment, ITB Berlin
networking. On the Saturday
fee specialities free of charge.
and member of the board of
of ITB at 9.30 a.m., visitBerlin
TomOnTour Party, as well as a
On 5 March from 4 to 6 p.m.,
IGLTA, will give an introduc-
will be inviting guests to attend
tory presentation. Afterwards,
the popular visitBerlin Gay
Lufthansa and Berliner Aids-
Tom Roth, president of Com-
Breakfast in the ABBA Berlin
hibitors, ITB Berlin will have a
wide-ranging programme of
Hilfe e.V., the Spartacus Inter-
munity Marketing Inc., the sci-
events waiting for visitors in-
national Gay Guide will be
ence partner of ITB Berlin,
terested in LGBT.
hosting an LGBT reception for
David Whitaker, president and
ITB Berlin supports the
In 2014 the main attraction
visitors on its stand. IGLTA
CEO of Tourism Toronto, Saro
LGBT segment 365 days a year
will once again be the Gay &
partner Chic Outlet Shopping
Arenciba of the Gran Canaria
and hosts ITB Academy events
Lesbian Travel Pavilion. This
in hall 18, stand 125, will host
Tourist Board, Czeslaw Walek,
at various destinations which
year it will be amongst the
a Chic Champagne & Canapés
president Prague Pride, as
provide information on global
Caribbean displays in Hall 3.1
well as Masaki Higashida,
developments. Messe Berlin
and will be featuring a number
guests. On Saturday, the Queer
founder of Qocci Tokyo will be
has also signed up to strategic
of first-time exhibitors. Cele-
Tango Show, organised by Ar-
talking about international
brating their debut will be
gentina, will round off the pro-
best practices and the impact
Tourismus and visitBerlin and
companies from Mexico, ITB
gramme of events at the Gay &
of Gay Pride on tourism.
plans exist for further destina-
Berlin’s partner country, Ma-
Lesbian Travel Pavilion.
Taking place on the first
tions to follow. In the context of
jorca, Madrid, Japan as well as
On Wednesday, from 11
evening of ITB Berlin 2014, the
its social responsibilities ITB
Pinkweek.eu from Slovenia.
a.m. to 12.30 p.m., taking place
popular Gay ITB Party organ-
Berlin also sees itself in a pio-
Brazil will also be taking part
in the ICC Salon 13/14, mem-
ised by TomOnTour is once
neering role, and promotes
again. Other exhibitors will in-
bers of the media can find out
again a must. On Wednesday, 5
greater tolerance and the im-
clude Wien Tourismus, Ar-
all the latest news and devel-
March at 7.30 p.m., a private
plementation of human rights.
gentina, Prague Pride, Gran
opments concerning LGBT in-
function for travel profession-
Furthermore, together with
bound tourism at the 1st Gay &
als and the media will be tak-
Messe Berlin ITB is planning
Spartacus as well as Morantis,
Lesbian Media Networking
ing place in the Golden Tulip
to fly its colours at this year’s
with offers of tourism in
Hotel on Landgrafenstrasse.
Christopher Street Day (CSD)
Cyprus and Greece. In 2014
among others, will be Rezidor
The evening’s topic will be
on 21 June in Berlin, where it
the International Gay & Les-
Hotels Deutschland, visitBer-
’Night flights over Berlin.’ Vis-
will be taking part with its own
lin, Frankfurt Congress +
itFlorida is the main sponsor
Trade Show
Inspiration for social responsibility and the next travel adventure
Amiri will moderate the three-
ternational will be debating
day event, whose slogan is
the topic of social media.
More than 130 exhibitors with information on sustainable tourism, adventure travel and youth trips in Hall 4.1 at ITB Berlin.
On day three, climate pro-
Canyons and Caves.“ Speak-
tection will be among the main
topics, with the myclimate
Voskanyan, Partnerships &
Awards due to be presented in
four categories to companies
xercising social responsi-
tours. This year the Indian lux-
and Ecotourism expert of the
for their outstanding achieve-
bility while enjoying one’s
ury hotel chain CGH Earth has
World Wide Fund for Nature
ments. Afterwards, discussion
holiday experience to the full is
made a conscious decision to
(WWF), who will be talking
rounds will be examining how
not a contradiction. In Hall 4.1,
exhibit in Hall 4.1 in order to
about Armenia’s nature re-
important geoparks and UN-
visitors to this year’s ITB
emphasise the importance of
serves and cultural heritage,
ESCO World Heritage Sites
Berlin can once again get in-
socially responsible tourism.
as well as Rati Japaridze,
are for tourism. Taking Portu-
chairman of the Agency of
gal’s Naturtejo geopark as an
spiration for their adventure
From 5 to 7 March, on the
tours and sports trips and find
days reserved for trade visi-
Protected Areas in Georgia,
example, Armindo Moreira da
out more from lectures about
tors, the large stage in the hall
who will be talking about his
Palma Jacinto, president of
socially responsible tourism
will again be hosting outstand-
country’s unrivalled bio-diver-
the Administration Board, will
projects around the world. Hall
ing events on sustainable
sity. At the Master Class on
be illustrating how educa-
4.1b with its unique design and
tourism. Topics will include
tional and exciting a visit to a
adventure course is certain to
human rights in tourism, sus-
Tourism, Dr. Auliana Poon,
geopark can be. Cycling is a
inspire visitors with a lust for
tainable tourism initiatives fol-
managing director of Tourism
slightly different way to ex-
lowing the Arab Spring in
Intelligence International, will
plore a country like Nepal. Raj
Also in Hall 4.1, youth tour
Tunisia, and wildlife poaching.
be talking about how destina-
Gyawali, founder and manag-
operators and youth hostels
The International Institute for
tions can develop tourism in
ing director of Socialtours, will
will be providing information
Peace through Tourism (ICTP)
sustainable and socially re-
be talking about how this en-
for visitors on tours for young
will be celebrating its 25th an-
sponsible ways.
people. The segments Respon-
niversary, and ITB’s partner
On day two of the Pow-
atmosfair, which handles all
wow the focus will also be on
Travel and Youth Travel &
business travel compensation
sustainable tourism.Speakers
Economy Accommodation will
for the team of the ITB, will be
ics organised by the The Blue
feature a total of more than
inviting visitors to a debate on
Leisinger, head of Corporate
Yonder, ITB’s Responsible
form of travel has become popular there. Responsible Tourism Clin-
130 exhibitors from 35 coun-
the future of tourism and cli-
Responsibility, Kuoni Group,
Tourism Partner, will be tak-
tries at the world’s leading
mate change. The To DO!
and Mechthild Maurer, manag-
ing place on all three days of
travel trade show.70 exhibitors
Awards for socially responsi-
ing director, ECPAT Deutsch-
the Pow-wow. On Friday at 6
will be represented in the seg-
ble tourism, organised by Stu-
land, who will be talking about
p.m. the well-established ITB
ments Responsible Tourism
dienkreis für Tourismus und
protecting children’s rights in
and Adventure Travel alone.
Entwicklung e.V. and sup-
tourism. Experts from Thai-
Tourism Networking Event
This year, newcomers include
ported by ITB, will be pre-
land, Greece, Colombia, Rus-
will be taking place, where
Armenia, Georgia, Greenland,
sented on the Wednesday at
sia and UNWTO will be
participants in search of busi-
New Zealand, Colombia and
2.30 p.m.
reporting on their projects.
ness partners will have an op-
On the days reserved for
Haiti’s minister of tourism
portunity to meet.
conatural from Colombia will
trade visitors the small stage
Stephanie Balmir Villedrouin,
Hall 4.1 will also feature
in the centre of Hall 4.1 will be
members of the embassy in
the Youth Travel segment,
tourism projects which aim to
hosting the 9th Pow-wow for
Germany and a representative
where visitors can obtain tips
Jordan. For example, Serpresenting
provide support and protection
tourism professionals, who
of the famine relief organisa-
on youth and student travel.
for this country’s natural envi-
can find out all the latest
tion Welthungerhilfe will be
The 63 exhibitors represented
ronment and culture. Detours
about new projects and exam-
discussing reconstruction ef-
here will be showing how im-
from Jordan will be offering
ples of best practices concern-
forts and the development of
portant this market segment
the experience of living in
ing sustainable tourism and
sustainable tourism in Haiti.
has become for international
tents like Bedouins as well as
adventure travel.
Also on day two of the Pow-
ecologically responsible desert
Well-known TV host Mary
wow, Tourism Intelligence In-
Trade News
Tourism Industry disappointed with Interim Budget 2014-15
conducive business environ-
200 crores to be included in
ment for the sector. He added
RBI’s Infrastructure Lending
that the Industry Status is a
List needs to be relaxed to in-
long pending demand of
clude smaller projects as well.
Travel and tourism industry has expressed disappointment over the negligence of the tourism industry in the recently presented Interim Union Budget. added that for several years,
pointment of Indian As-
the government is systemati-
sociation of Tour Operators
cally killing the goose that
(IATO) over the Budget, Sub-
lays the golden egg. “How
hash Goyal, President, IATO
long you can tax the same
said that IATO is really disap-
sector. Present tax structure
on the tourism sector has out
priced us from the tourism
market and we are losing
For several years, the government is systematically killing the goose that lays the golden egg. Present tax structure on the tourism sector has out priced us from the tourism market and we are losing business to our neighbouring countries.
Subhash Goyal, President, IATO
We are looking for a uniform tax reform and expected GST to be reduced. These are difficult times for the hospitality sector and the interim budget does not offer much to this sector.
Ajay Bakaya, Executive Director, Sarovar Hotels
business to our neighbouring countries,” said Goyal.
tourism and hospitality in-
tributes 9% to the global
Commenting on the in-
dustry, which continue to be
economy and employment. In
terim budget, Ajay Bakaya,
highly taxed. “Banqueting is
India it contribute about 5.7
Executive Director, Sarovar
saddled with retrograde tax-
per cent to the GDP but more
Hotels said, “We are looking
for a uniform tax reform and expected GST to be reduced.
The reduction in excise duty on cars and commercial vehicles will give a shot in the arm for the automobile industry. “It is struggling in the face of sluggish demand due to high interest rates and slow-down in the economy and this reduction in cost will have a positive impact on the industry.
These are difficult times for the hospitality sector and the interim budget does not offer
much to this sector. On a
brighter note, visa-on-arrival
though, it was an interim
policy will help the hospitality
budget, we expected it would
bring some relief to the
In his reaction to the in-
tourism industry by accepting
terim budget, S N Srivastava,
our long pending demand of
extending all benefits which
Clarks Inn Group of Hotels
The interim budget left much to be desired, not only from the industry’s point of view but also what it could do for the country’s economy and employment.
S N Srivastava, President & Co-founder, Clarks Inn Group of Hotels
Srivastava said that
Tourism and hospitality con-
Co-founder, Sunil Gupta, CEO, Avis India
said, “The interim budget left
ation laws like PPL (Porno-
than 9 per cent in employ-
much to be desired, not only
ment, clearly making the sec-
from the industry’s point of
Excise duty on the import of
view but also what it could do
various equipment and fix-
intensive in India than the
for the country’s economy
tures used in hotels are
world average. There is huge
and employment.” However,
highly taxed,” said Srivas-
opportunity for the country if
he lauded some of Govern-
only we look at closing the
ment’s courageous reforms
He noted that hospitality
introduced in the recent
months, especially in the area
120,000 rooms at an esti-
gap with the world average in terms of sector’s contribution to the global GDP.
of easing Visa processes that
mated investment of 50,000
According to Goyal, the
are being given to the physi-
will help boost international
crores in the budget segment
government has failed to un-
cal exporters of goods on the
tourist arrivals.
alone by 2017. Whereas the
derstand the value of tourism
basis of our foreign exchange
Srivastava said that there
current norm that stipulates
and the fact that tourism sec-
earnings,” said Goyal. He
is an urgent need to create
that only hotel projects above
tor contributes about 6% to
Trade News the national GDP and its con-
Goyal said that this (in-
disappointed with the budget.
growth and high government
tribution in the employment
terim budget) was an oppor-
Sunil Gupta, Chief Executive
borrowing crowding out in-
which is more than 9%. “Not
tunity for the government to
Officer, Avis India said that
vestment, there will be no
only this, it also earns huge
recognize the tourism sector
the reduction in excise duty
lasting impact,” added Gupta.
foreign exchange for the
in view of its contribution in
on cars and commercial vehi-
According to Gupta, two more
country and in tourism the
national GDP and employ-
cles will give a shot in the
redeeming features of the
retention value of foreign ex-
ment generation and in spite
arm for the automobile indus-
vote on account are: Eschew-
of giving it due recognition,
try. “It is struggling in the
ing of populist measures to
(nearly 95%), whereas in all
the budget allocation for the
face of sluggish demand due
other export oriented indus-
tourism sector has been re-
to high interest rates and
prospects of the Congress
tries like gems and jewellery,
duced from `980 Crore to
slow-down in the economy
and focus on manufacturing,
carpets, textile, there is lot of
`907 Crores in the present
and this reduction in cost will
which has a huge multiplier
out flow because of import of
budget which is really disap-
have a positive impact on the
effect for the economy. “As far
raw material,” said Goyal,
pointing as it will have nega-
industry. However, this will at
as the car rental industry is
“By imposing service tax on
best give a temporary boost.
concerned, any reduction in
tourism, Government is ex-
promotion and marketing ef-
Till there is an improvement
the cost of the cars that we
porting its taxes which no
forts by the tourism ministry.
in the macro economic fac-
buy is good news,” added
However everyone is not
tors like high inflation, low
mand for air travel and rejuve-
Searches on Wego have gone up
other country does.”
Airlines luring passengers for the forthcoming summer Some Airlines such as SpiceJet has come up recently with attractive Sale and promotional discounts to attract passengers for the forthcoming summer holidays.
Rajesh Magow Co-founder & CEO-India, MakeMyTrip
Vikram Malhi GM, South and Southeast Asia, Expedia
nating the market. Airlines are
by 30-40% in the past 24 hours.
able to improve forward-loads
and gain yield predictability by
searched are Mumbai, Pune,
filling up seats earlier.”
Delhi, Bangalore, Kolkata and
In reference to the SpiceJet
Summer Sale and the expected
Speaking on latest fare
airline fare discounts, Manu
slash by Spicejet, Vikram
Monga, VP & Head, Marketing,
Malhi, GM, South and South-
tinue to be the top-selling
Musafir.com says, “Last week
routes, while leisure sectors
we saw Go Air offering a dis-
“These flash sales are becom-
like Goa and Srinagar have also
count of 30% off to the passen-
ing a regular feature in the first
seen a big spike. Travellers who
gers and now Spice Jet has
few months of the year. Besides
could not get discounted air-
announced a 75% sale, this is a
stimulating demand, these are
fares during the last two sales
holiday bonanza for consumers
also prompting Indians to plan
have reason to cheer.” He
and we expect other airlines to
their travel in advance, as these
added that these promotions
follow suit as well. Holiday
sales encourage travel planning
have definitely fueled summer-
planning season for the sum-
in a particular timeframe and
mer is the perfect time to an-
at least a month in advance
groups (such as families) since
nounce discounted rates and
from the date of the promo-
MakeMyTrip saw a higher pro-
offer an affordable travel expe-
portion of group-bookings com-
rience for passengers. We have
“The Indian consumer is evolv-
seen a surge of 20 per cent in
ing and seeing the pattern since
Vikram Malhi added,
bookings. Also, a higher propor-
bookings within hours of the
last year, they have begun ex-
tion of return bookings indi-
sale being announced and we
pecting such discounts more
founder & CEO-India, Make-
cated planned leisure and
expect the numbers to increase
often. Typically what we have
further in the coming days.”
observed so far since last year
Rajesh MyTrip
business travel.” Magow said,
airfare sale picked up from to-
“Travellers are also looking for-
Commenting on recent air-
morrow. Our website has wit-
ward to these promotions. Last
fare dip, Jackson Fernandez,
dropped fares or offered dis-
nessed a 3x growth in visitors
year too, we witnessed an air-
MD Wego.com, "We are seeing a
counts on advance booking,
and we sold over 60,000 tickets
fare sale in January followed by
jump in flight searches on Wego
other carriers have matched
yesterday. Delhi, Mumbai and
one in February. These sales
over the past day after the an-
their pricing to keep their mar-
Bangalore combinations con-
are helping to create new de-
ket share.”
is that whenever an airline has
Trade Show
Overwhelming response to SATTE 2014 South Asia’s largest travel trade show SATTE 2014 got an overwhelming response both from the domestic as well as oversees stakeholders, with participants from across the world terming the event as most vibrant travel trade show of the region.
come out in the next couple of months. Dewan particularly highlighted the ‘777 Days of Himalayas, recently launched Bodh Gaya campaign targeted particularly at some 23 Buddhist countries, Government’s initiative for the nine states of North East including West Bengal, Visa free travel for
Having emerged as one of
going to happen in future,” he
Maldivians to India for med-
the leading global travel mart
said, further adding to also
ical reasons, as some of the
now, the 21st edition of SATTE
look at ways to make SATTE
opened with its single most
the most important show in
aimed at attracting foreign
drive to offer platform to the
Asia and not just in India.
tourists during the off season.
travel industry from across
Addressing the inaugura-
Dewan also reminded the
the globe to conduct business,
tion ceremony at SATTE 2014,
delegates some of the prom-
open new destinations and
Joji George, Managing Direc-
ises that he had made on the
welcomed over 640 exhibitors
business opportunities, net-
tor, UBM India, informed that
eve of SATTE 2013 that his de-
from 35 countries and 23 In-
work and renew old contacts.
the event this year has grown
partment has been able to de-
The 21st edition of SATTE
dian States. The entire gamut of travel, tourism and hospitality suppliers successfully leveraged this leading trade platform to showcase their products. A record 10,000 business meeting requests were received by the SATTE 2014, and 11,529 business vis-
liver upon including on Visa
relaxation, removal of restric-
Tourism stakeholders from across the world hail SATTE as the region’s most vibrant show SATTE 2014 welcomed over 640 exhibitors from 35 countries and 23 Indian States. 11,529 business visitors including Indian and international buyers visited the event. A record 10,000 business meeting requests were received by the SATTE 2014
itors including pre-registered
tions on re-entry of foreign tourist before 60 days and Visa on Arrival facility at more Indian airports. Alla
gramme Manager, Fairs and Special Field Projects, Silk Road, UNWTO, attending the
and hosted Indian and inter-
Addressing the inaugural
bigger and better. According
SATTE conference delivered
national buyers visited the
function of SATTE 2014,
to George, 160 international
Michael Duck, Executive Vice
and 430 Indian pre-registered
UNWTO Secretary General
SATTE, one of the leading
President, UBM Asia, laid
trade buyers attended the
Taleb Rifai on the occasion of
travel exhibitions of the world
great emphasis on India as a
the 21st edition of SATTE.
and South Asia’s largest
source market as well as the
Addressing the delegates
While lauding SATTE for
travel trade show was held on
destination. “The crossroads
to the 21st edition of SATTE,
developing a very comprehen-
January 29-31, 2014 in New
of Asia is here in India. The vi-
Chief Guest and Secretary
sive programme of events and
Delhi. The event saw massive
brancy of tourism offerings
Tourism, Government of India,
cementing its reputation as
participation and response
here in India is fantastic and
Parvez Dewan, hailed SATTE
one of the leading networking
from a wide-range of stake-
we are scratching at the sur-
as a ‘national institution.’ “It
and business platforms for the
holders. Held as it did amidst
face at the moment. There is
is a very major institution on
tourism sector in South Asia,
the continuing global eco-
great opportunity for the fu-
Rifai in his message said,
nomic challenges, the event
ture. The opportunity also lies
tourism,” he said. Dewan also
“SATTE will prove to be an
re-enforced a renewed faith of
for the destination that ex-
informed that the outbound
ideal opportunity to address
global travel community for
cites the new Indian tourists.
figure has been recorded at
the issues and innovations
better days ahead facilitated
I know when you leave this ex-
over 16 million and hoped that
that are currently influencing
through one of the world’s
hibition in three-days you will
the inbound number will be
our sector. This will, concomi-
fastest and strongest emerg-
go away with a very satisfied
closure to the magic figure of
tantly, set the scene for years
ing region of South Asia.
position of knowing what is
7 million as the final figures
to come and open immense
Trade Show
planet earth. Goyal high-
venue on hoardings and shut-
lighted India’s unique place as
tles. The NTO also signed and
the cradle of some of the world
supported the signing of a se-
religions Hinduism, Budhism,
ries of MoU with the key trade
Sikhism and Jainism. He also
associations of India and the
drew attention to the heritage,
key trade associations of the
the Himalaya and beaches of
UK in order to nurture busi-
India, among others.
ness between the two coun-
Hailing SATTE as an institution in itself, S M Shervani,
tries, on the sidelines of SATTE.
President, Federation of Hotel
Speaking on the occasion,
and Restaurant Associations
Sandie Dawe, CEO, VisitBri-
of India (FHRAI) said, “Each
tain said, “We are attending
year this unique forum wit-
SATTE for the first time and
nesses a unique confluence of
with a large number of suppli-
some of the best minds and
ers. They are excited about
opportunities in terms of in-
state level in order create the
leading voices in the travel,
this market. Last year there
terregional cooperation and
maximum benefits for India
tourism and hospitality sector.
was a 9 per cent growth in vis-
inclusive business develop-
SATTE also serves as an ex-
itor numbers from India to the
Drawing the analogy of
traordinary showcase of in-
UK, helping the UK break the
putting the ‘cart before the
credible India encapsulating
20 Billion Pound mark for the
UNWTO’s commitment to in
horse’ for doing things in the
its rich diversity dynamism
first time in inbound spend-
continuing its collaboration
wrong order, Anand pointed
and thriving business oppor-
with SATTE. He said, “I am
that tourism in India has al-
tunities. The overwhelming
Indicating the vital role
convinced that the outcomes
ways been considered an elit-
participation of major hospi-
that SATTE has come to play
of this tourism fair will help
ist strategy and not an
tality companies from India
in developing the South Asian
shape and contribute to a
economic activity. He said that
and abroad and the presence
market and particularly India,
more sustainable and dy-
rather than create a push for
of the venerable who’s who of
another reason that
namic future for our sector.”
tourism there is a need to cre-
the travel trade bears ample
pointed as to why VisitBritain
Speaking on the occasion
ate the pull, similar to putting
testimony to the profound im-
is attending SATTE is the role
Nakul Anand, Chairman, Fed-
horse before the cart and not
portance that our industry at-
of travel industry as a partner
eration of Associations in In-
the other way round.
taches to this prestigious
in building the value of
dian Tourism & Hospitality
He also quoted former US
event. SATTE’s success is
tourism to Britain. A good
(FAITH) and Executive Direc-
President Bill Clinton who had
also a vivid reflection of
80% of the visits from India to
tor, ITC Ltd., laid emphasis on
famously said at the WTTC
India’s ever growing global in-
the UK are booked through
the unconventional wisdom
Global Summit in Abu Dhabi
fluence, both as a captivating
travel trade. “So we and our
that India needs to follow in
last year, “I spent a lot of time
destination and a lucrative
suppliers are very-very keen
order to highlight the various
when I was president, trying
to do business with the Indian
unique facets, features and di-
to end wars, prevent killing
He said that FHRAI is con-
travel industry,” she said.
versity of India. He said,
and promote understanding.
fident of SATTE’s continued
“India has the potential to
What I have seen is that peace
shared a long-standing rela-
reach just about any height.
works better than conflict,
shared goal of placing India to
tion with SATTE and the des-
We will target 1 percent share
and one of the best manifesta-
its rightful position among the
tination has continued to
of world tourism as our first
tions of it is in travel and
world leaders in tourism. “We
develop the Indian market
objective as set by the MOT by
converting our natural and
Subhash Goyal, President,
are proud to endorse this
year-on-year, capitalising on
its networking and product
economic advantage into com-
Indian Association of Tour Op-
petitive advantages.” Anand
erators (IATO), associated
VisitBritain made a grand
also pointed out that the in-
with SATTE since the show
debut at SATTE with a big del-
dustry must seek to power
started 21 years ago, called
egate and was also promi-
Zulkifly Md. Said, Director
every wheel of tourism at the
India the greatest show on the
nently visible all across the
General, Islamic Tourism Cen-
promotions at SATTE for years. Speaking on the occasion,
Trade Show
tre, Malaysia, said, “Malaysia
SATTE 2014 highlights Sustainable Tourism, Cruise as buzz words for 2014 •VisitBritain announces MoU between UK and Indian Trade Associations •Role of Social media and technology for hotel industry highlighted
(TAAI) said “SATTE has been
first timer that is setting up
he pointed to be the twin ben-
has been a regular feature at
a catalyst in promoting bilat-
shop SATTE. Likewise, on
efits of outbound travel,
SATTE for the past 10 years.
eral tourism, both inbound
the domestic front 23 Indian
OTOAI (Outbound Tour Oper-
The outbound market from
and outbound opportunities.”
States showcasing at SATTE.
ators Association of India)
India has grown tremendously
He also drew attention to the
Last year there was an im-
President, Guldeep Singh
and India, along with China, is
640 exhibitors participating at
pressive surge of 18 % in ap-
Sahni said, “When Indians
the only country where we
the exhibition this year which
travel to the various part of
have established three offices.
he said is an example that
event achieves such mile-
the world they also act as
Tourists coming from India to
how big the event has become
stone until and unless it
country’s brand ambassa-
Malaysia number 700,000 and
and also grown in importance
maintains the highest crite-
dor.”And therefore, he called
have made significant contri-
for the tourism industry’s
ria and quality of buyers’
the outbound trade the wel-
bution in tourism receipt, al-
profile, strategic planning
coming community for India.
most 2 Billion Ringgit and we
Speaking on the occasion,
treasure the presence of In-
Zakkir Ahmed, President,
and quick responses.” Ahmed also pointed that
Sahni also pointed that the various NTOs present in
dian tourists in Malaysia. We
Travel Agents Federation of
exhibitions are a dime a
India also contributes to the
also see a growing number of
India (TAFI) said, “For more
dozen, but yet most of us en-
Indian economy by means of
Indian making Malaysia their
than two decades each and
sure that we block our dates
their destination marketing
every one of us has been
for SATTE. “The reasons are
initiatives in the country. He
‘Malaysia My Second Home’
most impressed by the blaz-
simple. SATTE is a profes-
particularly pointed out Visit
programme. We will continue
ing success of SATTE, and
sionally run event where
Britain’s active initiative in
to be here at SATTE for a
each of this 20 years, the
quality delegates come from
this area in the recent years.
good number of years to
event has grown in stature
India and abroad, and more
He also commended the plat-
and performance to achieve a
importantly it provides a
form that SATTE has created
Lauding SATTE’s efforts
very enviable pace of growth.
common platform for benefi-
through this exhibition and
in promoting tourism, both in-
This year too is going to be
cial and meaningful interac-
pointed that the exhibition
bound and outbound in India,
no different. NTOs and repre-
tion with key contacts.”
has continued to evolve in a
Iqbal Mulla, President, Travel
sentative from 35 countries
Drawing an interesting
Agents Association of India,
and Visit Britain being the
‘wedding’ analogy for what
istry Of Tourism, Sultanate of
tion has extensive representa-
better avatar year on year.
SATTE 2014 concludes in Mumbai The Mumbai edition of SATTE 2014 concluded in Mumbai. The event was inaugurated by Chhagan Bhujbal, Minister for Tourism, Maharashtra. SATTE
the fraternity on their respec-
which included two days of
Chhattisgarh Tourism Board;
tive states and their offerings
B2B meetings amongst the
West Bengal Tourism; Kar-
through destination briefings.
travel and tourism community
nataka Tourism; Tamil Nadu
With India emerging as one
from Western India, has signif-
of the fastest growing travel
icantly grown in the last three
Tourism Development Corpo-
market, the NTOs are keen to
years of its existence. In its
ration; Kerala Tourism and
tap the potential of this seg-
Oman; Zagreb Tourist Board;
tion from the hospitality indus-
fourth edition, SATTE Mum-
ment. With metros being the
Cambodia Ministry of Tourism;
try too. Leading hospitality
baiWest has to its credit, ex-
Tourism Development Corpo-
largest feeder markets and
Government of Dubai, Depart-
participants include the Anan-
ration are some of the con-
Mumbai being one of the coun-
ment of Tourism & Commerce
tara Resorts & Spa; Atlantis
firmed participants.
try’s largest source markets in
Marketing; Turkish Culture &
The Palm Dubai; Singhotel An-
industry. State Tourism Boards
that are keen on expanding
Additionally, the State
the western region, the NTOs
Tourism Office and Tourism
daman; Hycith by Sparsa; Va-
business with the western re-
Tourism Boards of West Ben-
have participated in SATTE
Malaysia are among the names
sundhara Sarovar Premiere;
gion have joined hands to be a
gal and Maharashtra will lever-
MumbaiWest 2014 to further
that will be showcasing their
The Ambassador Hotel and
part of the trade show. Tourism
age the platform provided by
optimise the potential. Korea
destinations at the event.
entities such as Goa Tourism
SATTE MumbaiWest to update
Tourism Organization; Min-
SATTE 2014 Mumbai edi-
Frasers Hospitality amongst others.
Tech News
TravelChaCha.com to boost business by leveraging technology and digital marketing TravelChaCha.com will review its business model thoroughly and try to enhance its business with the exhaustive use of technology and digital marketing.
2014 will be very refreshing especially with the advancement of technology and globalization. “We as an India based OTA expect to increase the trend of the tourist migration amalgamating with technology and royal hospitality for the leisure seeking travelers throughout the world.
Sanjay Bhasin, CEO, TravelChaCha.com
ur area of ex-
pecially in the online travel
pertise lies in
market space. In the presence
considerable rise in their re-
of tough online competition
ages whether it is wildlife
with every unique website of-
ing mobile apps have seen clientele,”
tours, hill stations, pilgrimage
fering its exquisite USP, cus-
Expectation from the
etc. We will thoroughly intro-
tomer satisfaction, as you
year 2014: 2014 will be very
spect our business model and
may find in every bible of
refreshing especially with the
try to enhance business with
advancement of technology
the exhaustive use of technol-
Important technological
and globalization. “We as an
ogy and use of digital market-
development/trend in On-
India based OTA expect to in-
line travel space: “Techno-
crease the trend of the tourist
business,” said Sanjay Bhasin,
migration amalgamating with
CEO, TravelChaCha.com, talk-
smartphones is the biggest
technology and royal hospi-
ing about plan of action of his
trend that has steered not
tality for the leisure seeking
only Online travel , but whole
of the hospitality , and speak-
world,” said Bhasin.
company in 2014. Giving an elaborate as-
sessment of the last year with
ing in broader terms, it is
Performance of trav-
quite handy and convenient
elchacha.com in 2013: “We ,
agency, Bhasin said, “2013
to use bookings and knowl-
being based in the center of
was the year full of opportuni-
edge about any tour on a
south Asia have performed at
ties and expansions. OTA's
phone rather than on a laptop
par with international stan-
have observed increasing flow
, and with advanced 3G tech-
dards , and with our strategic
of tourists to the global
nologies , a majority of people
partnerships and innovative
events, world cups and natu-
now prefer to use mobile
measures are seeking to
ral heritage sites. We as an
reach new heights as a stan-
OTA observed that the word of
promulgate their business,
dard OTA doing business
mouth plays a significant role
travel and lifestyle . Thus
in the influx of customers es-
those websites that are offer-
RezNext partners with goibibo, India's fastest growing travel booking service goibibo will leverage RezNext’s technology platform to offer its customers real-time hotel booking services.
goibibo is among the lead-
“goibibo is committed to
ing online travel agents to
ensuring our consumers have
adopt the RezNext real-time
a great experience. We are
distribution platform. “We
enthused about this partner-
are very happy with this part-
ship with RezNext and this
nership and excited about the
move is aligned with our con-
opportunity to offer the bene-
tinued efforts to enhance con-
fit of our real-time distribu-
sumer interaction on our site.
RezNext, the world’s only
technology is intelligently en-
tion technology to goibibo.
The RezNext technology plat-
true real-time distribution
gineered to distribute differ-
For goibibo this translates
form will allow us to offer the
company has announced its
ent room types and rates
into providing superior serv-
benefit of real-time hotel
partnership with goibibo, one
from the hotel’s property
ices to their customers, al-
booking functionality that
of the leading online travel
management solution to the
provides instantaneous con-
sites in India that enables
goibibo platform, allowing
bookings, modifications and
firmation from hotels directly
travelers to buy air and bus
goibibo to offer its consumers
cancellations all real-time
to our consumers. We are
tickets, hotels and holidays.
a wider choice for each hotel.
while completely automating
confident that this partner-
This partnership will allow
goibibo will also be able to
the otherwise labour inten-
ship will help us take our cus-
goibibo to display real-time
provide its consumers with
tomer service several notches
hotel rates and inventory on
instantaneous booking con-
with bookings”, said Mike
higher and strengthen our
its site providing consumers
firmations sent directly from
Kistner, Chief Executive Offi-
leadership position in the
a better booking experience.
the hotel’s property manage-
cer, RezNext Global Solutions
market,” said Sanjay Bhasin,
ment system.
Pvt. Ltd.
CEO, goibibo.
The RezNext distribution
Tech News
World’s Best Islands recognized as Tripadvisor Travelers’ Choice Award Winners
op Islands Revealed Based on
Reviews and Opinions of Mil-
lions of Travelers on TripAdvisor
beaches of Ko Tao, these winning islands have been highly rated from travelers around the globe.”
TripAdvisor®, the world’s largest travel site*, today announced the
There is something transporting about an island vacation, and these Travelers’ Choice Islands winners will help travelers find their next escape
winners of itsTravelers’ Choice Islands. In itssecond year, the annual awards recognize more than 100is-
Top 10 Islands in the World:
Top 10 Islands in APAC:
landsglobally, including top 10 lists
1.Ambergris Caye, Belize
1.Koh Tao, Thailand
for Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Eu-
2.Providenciales, Turks and Caicos
2.Bali, Indonesia
rope, South America, the South Pa-
3.Bora Bora, French Polynesia
3.KohhPhangan, Thailand
cific andthe U.S.
4.Marco Island, Florida
4.KohLanta, Thailand
5.Lewis and Harris, Scotland
5.GiliTrawangan, Indonesia
6.Naxos, Greece 7.Aitutaki, Cook Islands
“There is something transporting about an island vacation, and
Travelers’ Choice Island winners
6.Boracay , Philippines
these Travelers’ Choice Islands
are determined based on the qual-
7.Phuket , Thailand
winners will help travelers find
ity and quantity of the most highly-
8.Nosy Be, Madagascar
8.Palawan, Philippines
their next escape,” said Barbara
rated hotels, restaurants, and
9.Easter Island, Chile
9.KohSamui, Thailand
Messing, chief marketing officer
attractions listed for each island on
10.Ko Tao, Thailand
10.Langkawi , Malaysia
for TripAdvisor. “From the coral
TripAdvisor gathered during a 12-
reefs of Ambergris Caye to the
month period.
Expedia Streamlines TAAP 3.0: Makes bookings more convenient for Travel Agents Expedia Travel Agent Affiliate Program (TAAP) has reaffirmed its commitment to provide the best booking platform with the rollout of the new TAAP portal in India.
tion the agent wants to send to
AirAsiaGo.com business across
the client and has the function-
ality to mark upprice using “Add
In India, AirAsiaExpedia op-
fees”. The new TAAP website
erates Expedia.co.in, a full serv-
tracks all the bookings seam-
ice business helping Indian
lessly after the agent login and
travellers plan and book their
gives complete control to the
travel by offering them a com-
agent to edit/delete the profile
prehensive inventory of hotel
he new platform has been
information and change pass-
accommodation, flights and
tourist attractions from across
the enhanced itinerary builder
highly praised by Travel
feature allows generation of un-
Agents now using the TAAP
branded vouchers for agents to
The TAAP team has already
the world. Its comprehensive in-
portal on a daily basis.
self-brand, print or forward to
rolled out new portals world-
ventory features more than
“The objective of the new plat-
their customers. The enhanced
line travel agent processes with features like single sign on and faster data access. We expect these modifications to help our agents to boost their business in a much easier and faster way,” says Vikram Malhi, GM, South and Southeast Asia, Expedia. The booking process using the Expedia website hasn’t changed but the log-in and back end
streamlined significantly. Now
The objective of the new platform is to simplify and streamline travel agent processes with features like single sign on and faster data access. We expect these modifications to help our agents to boost their business in a much easier and faster way
form is to simplify and stream-
wide over the last few months
255,000 hotels, 438+ airlines
and went live in India today. For
and 7,500 holiday activities and
more information about Expe-
attractions from across the
dia TAAP go to http://www.expe-
dia.co.in/TAAP-LearnMore. The
TAAP (Travel Agent Affiliate
launch in India is followed by
Program) is a program started
the launch in Italy and US.
by Expedia for Travel agents in
AirAsiaExpedia is the joint
2010. The program has over
venture company between the
80,000 agents worldwide and is
world's leading online travel
running successfully in 39
agency, Expedia Inc. and the
countries. The program helps
world's best low cost airline,
the agents to tap into Expedia
AirAsia. Headquartered in Sin-
inventory and offers commis-
gapore, AirAsiaExpedia oper-
sion on Hotels, Packages, Activ-
ates Expedia’s businesses in
the Login,in new TAAP web-
itinerary builder also allows the
India, Japan, Southeast Asia
site,is a single step process and
agent to edit/delete the informa-
and East Asian markets and the
Tech News
Eighty percent of TripAdvisor users read at least six to 12 reviews before selecting a hotel
pAdvisor users aren’t just
“makes me more likely to book
dents avoid eating at restau-
looking at accommodation op-
it (versus a comparable hotel
rants that do not have any re-
tions: 77 percent usually or al-
that didn't respond to trav-
ways reference TripAdvisor
reviews before selecting a hotel, 50 percent usually or always reference TripAdvisor
Independent Study of more than 12,000 global respondents reveals online travel review trends. 2 in 3 more likely to book hotel with management responses to reviews.
Why review?
How many reviews is
The majority of respondents
write reviews for positive rea-
reviews before selecting a
When researching places to
sons, with 74 percent of trav-
restaurant and 44 percent usu-
stay on TripAdvisor, 80 per-
ellers stating that they ‘feel
ally or always reference Tri-
cent of respondents read at
good about sharing useful in-
least 6-12 reviews before mak-
formation with other trav-
ing their decision, and they’re
selecting an attraction.
The survey also reveals some
most interested in recent re-
respondents stating that they
interesting findings about why
views that will give them the
wanted to share a good expe-
largest travel site, recently an-
travellers write reviews, how
freshest feedback.
rience with other travellers’.
nounced the results of an inde-
they use them when planning
When researching restaurants
Hotel Price Comparison (meta
a trip and the impact manage-
or local attractions on TripAd-
search) saves time and helps
underscores how essential on-
ment responses have on their
visor, one in five (20%) trav-
to find the right price: When
line traveller reviews are in the
ellers read over 11 reviews
asked about TripAdvisor’s re-
research and booking process.
“There is no denying that re-
before making a decision.
cently launched Hotel Price
The commissioned report, con-
views are a powerful and sig-
ducted by PhoCusWright on
nificant part of the travel
behalf of TripAdvisor, was con-
planning experience,” com-
ducted at the end of 2013, and
We know reviews are impor-
during my planning process’
reveals that more than half of
chief marketing officer, Tri-
tant – so important in fact that
and 52 percent agree that Tri-
Comparison function (meta How travellers use re-
search), 51 percent agree that
it ‘has helped me save time
global respondents do not
pAdvisor. “The results of this
more than half of respondents
pAdvisor’s meta search ‘has
want to make a booking com-
study showcase the vital part
(53%) will not book a hotel that
helped me find the right hotel at the right price’.
mitment until they read re-
reviews play, reinforce the idea
does not have reviews. But
views and find out what other
that we are becoming more so-
how do travellers interpret re-
travellers thought about the
cial as travellers and demon-
views? When asked how they
strate the essential nature of
tend to use TripAdvisor, a few
reviews to hospitality busi-
key elements came to the fore-
TripAdvisor users in Italy
property. According to the study, re-
How do we differ across the globe?
spondents turn to TripAdvisor
nesses. Not only are travellers
front: traveller submitted pho-
are among the most active
on a regular basis. Twenty
referencing reviews before
tos and TripAdvisor awards
restaurant review readers.
nine percent visit the site sev-
they book, they are clearly
can tip the scale for properties,
Seventy five percent “al-
eral times a month, 12 percent
more highly engaged by busi-
but in general, extreme com-
ways” or “usually” refer-
say they check the site at least
nesses that respond to re-
ments in reviews are ignored.
once a week and 26 percent
When asked about traveller
choosing a restaurant, fol-
regularly use the site more
Management responses in-
submitted photos, 73 percent
lowed by Spain (60%), UK
than once a week. Overall, this
creasingly important: 87 per-
of respondents said they look
(53%) and the U.S. (46%).
means that 67 percent of re-
cent of users agree that an
at these as they help them
When browsing reviews on
spondents check TripAdvisor
appropriate management re-
make choices. 65 percent of re-
TripAdvisor, respondents are
a few times a month or more.
sponse to a bad review “im-
spondents are more likely to
most likely focus on recent
More than 80 percent say the
proves my impression of the
book hotels that win awards
reviews (both positive and
site’s reviews help them feel
hotel”. 70 percent of users
from TripAdvisor. 64 percent
negative) to get the freshest
more confident in their travel
agree that an aggressive/de-
of respondents tend to ignore
perspective. Respondents in
decisions, and help them to
fensive management response
extreme comments when read-
Russia and Japan were the
have a better trip. Of those
to a bad review “makes me
ing reviews. And the impor-
only two markets to prefer to
polled, 93 percent of respon-
less likely to book that hotel”.
tance of reviews is not limited
read a lot of reviews (multi-
dents feel that a hotel stay is
62 percentof users agree that
to hotels – restaurants need
ple pages) to get an overall
very important to the overall
seeing hotel management re-
them too. According to the
sense of people’s opinions.
trip experience. However, Tri-
sponses to reviews generally
study, 31 percent of respon-
Tech News
RezLive.com has successful SATTE New Delhi Rezlive.com part of India’s leading travel group i.e Travel designer group, had a successful SATTE in New Delhi, January, 2014.
for us. We managed to expand our footprint on the Indian market. Excellent client engagement and networking along with new product of-
Ezeego1.com expands its footprint in Gujarat Opens its second franchise store in Ahmedabad.
fering were the key areas we Ezeego1.com has inaugu-
fered on the website. With the
rated a new franchise store at
new launch, Ezeego1.com will
Anandnagar in Ahmedabad,
have a combined strength of 16
lights of the event are: 213
Gujarat. This is Ezeego1.com’s
franchisees in India.
client meetings, New con-
second franchise store in the
tracts with leading hotel
city, and its third in Gujarat.
chains, New product sourc-
Currently, Ezeego1.com has
Ezeego1.com said, “This is our
ing options, and Platform to
operational stores in Surat
third launch in Gujarat within
managed to benefit from while exhibiting.” Some of the key high-
Speaking on the launch, Singh,
expand our footprint on the
and Navrangpura in Ahmed-
a short span of two years. This
Indian market.
abad. The franchise is located
signifies that Gujarat is one of
RezLive.com is one of the
at B-204, Titanium City Center,
the priority markets in our ex-
few wholesalers who offer
100 Feet Anandnagar Road,
pansion strategy. The new
single feed to 1, 25,000+ In-
Satellite, Ahmedabad – 380
store will be an extension of
ternational rooms around
015. The store will provide
our website and will cater to
the world, offering you real
travel services such as flight
those customers who are more
Jaal Shah, Group Manag-
time access to rooms that
tickets, hotel booking, car
comfortable with the conven-
ing Director at RezLive.com
are available at the best net
rentals, holiday packages, rail,
tional way of making travel
says, “SATTE 2014 was a
cruise, bus, sightseeing, visa
bookings, be it tickets or holi-
and insurance, which are of-
day packages.”
Vidur Singal CEO, RoombookPro.com
face, google maps integration,
fruitful and successful event
RoombookPro.com announces Register..Book..Win..! Incentive offer for agents: Roombookpro.com has initiated a new promotion called Register..Book..Win..! to continuously benefit agents. RoomBookPro.com offers
and the travel industry en-
more than 400,000 properties
ables the portal to provide the
best possible price – says
throughout the world. Room-
Vidur Singal – CEO, Room-
BookPro’s robust booking en-
to use and uncluttered inter-
street view function area and location search with multiple
RoombookPro is an accommodation specialist booking portal and our endeavour is to benefit agents as much as possible by providing best available accommodation rates and rewards for booking accommodation as well
Hotel options, multiple currency selection option - USD, GBP, EURO, INR, direct email to client facility with mark-up (from search result page) and white-labeling / API connection.
agents to make bookings at
RoombookPro modest fea-
superior NET rates with pre-
tures aim to provide a seam-
payment and pay-at-hotel op-
less experience to agents.
Some of the key features of the
clusive costing with no hidden
A simple process where
RoombookPro are:
charges, transparent cancella-
agents need to register on
sively B2B, Pay at Hotel, all in-
tion and refund policies, easy
gine and backend facilitates
Roombookpro’s strategic partnerships with hotel chains
To continuously benefit agents,
has initiated a new promotion for
providing their official details. As registered agents on Roombookpro, agents can book hotels and win exciting prizes such as Apple iPods, iPhone and iPad.
Government News
Whiff of a dyingart at Dilli Haat, Pitampura Lectures and demonstration on Aromatherapy and Panchkarma woos Delhiites. heady scent of heritage is
in the air of Dilli Haat,
Pitampura as the Itra and Sugandhi Mela, 2014 (forth in series) entered its second day. The fragrances of different perfumes, essential oils and Itra
will surely attract towards this
fruitful for life. The seminar was
The second day of the festival
unique event organized by Delhi
very well attended by visitors as
saw thousands of visitors who
Tourism which has brought al-
they were able to get light on
came from all parts of the city to
most 40 perfumers from across
Aromatherapy which can heal
witness these display of exotic
the country.
arthiritis, muscular pain, si-
perfumes which is a rarity to
nuses, stress, insomnia etc.
find in the city.
Whether it’s the aroma of food or a mild and enticing
This festival has given an op-
redolence of flowers, fragrance
(For Relaxation) Podhikizhi
portunity to the visitors to inter-
always invokes nostalgia like
(For Joint Pains) and Nasyam
act with people who are directly
nothing else does. The sole pur-
(For Sinuses and Migraine)
involved in this industry. It has
pose to organize this festival of
were the show stealer today.
also provided an opportunity to
fantastic fragrances is to revive
These sessions enlightened the
visitors to acquire knowledge
this age old dying tradition and
visitors about panchkarma and
about the benefits of aro-
to provide perfume lovers an
how these use of essential oils
matherapy and ayurveda.
opportunity to explore the tra-
and ayurveda can heal one’s
ditional aromas.
If you are a fragrance lover,
The third day of the event will have live demonstrations on
The charm of the festival went
these years Itra and Sugandhi
on a high note as experts,
etc. There will be Seminars by
Mela has it all. Apart from the
whose family has an ancestral
expert therapists followed by a
display and sale of exotic per-
history in perfumery art, show-
Q&A session. A Quiz Competi-
fumes, itras, essential oils the
cased their works on Kuppi
tion on Itra and Sugandhi will
lectures and live sessions on
Making, Agarbatti and Dhoop-
also be held at 3.00 PM tomor-
Sessions on Abhayangan
battis etc. This Festival saw
row. The evening of the conclud-
Panchkarma enlightened the
high participation from ‘Kan-
ing day will be marked by a
visitors at Dilli Haat, Pitam-
nauj’, which is known to be the
cultural program by Punjabi
pura. Malini Ohri from Dubai
natural fragrance hub.
Academy which will be followed
who is the founder of Saante
A quiz competition on Itra
by prize distribution ceremony.
(Range of natural, aromather-
and Sugandhi for children’s was
If you are fond of natural per-
apy & chemical free products)
also held today. Slogan writing
fumes, itras and scented prod-
gave a lecture on Aromatherapy
ucts, then Dilli Haat Pitampura
and explained the visitors about
Sugandhi is also going on at the
is the perfect place to be this
its benefits and how it can be
Government News
Fantasy in God’s Own Country Kerala Tourism is determined to hike the current tourist flow in the state with a series of interesting and ambitious projects.
gallor in Thrissur district. Other prominent projects in the pipeline are Spice Route Revival and “Great Backwaters”. The Spice Route Revival project would connect the
n an attempt to rekindle the
interest of tourists, Kerala
route linking the Malabar
Tourism has initiated two
Coast of India to Europe with
much-coveted projects- Sea-
the support of United Nations
plane and Project Muziris that
World Tourism Organization
travel experience to tourists. Seaplane Project intends to enhance the last mile connectivity by air across the state while Project Muziris is aimed to offer a fillip to the historical significance of the legendary port of Muziris with 25 museums to flaunt the heritage of Muziris.
Snapshot New Projects of Kerala Tourism: •Seaplane Project •Project Muziris •Spice Route Revival •Natventure •Great Backwaters •Home of Ayurveda
boats. Our stress is to push
has been consistent 8 per cent
the infrastructure and mar-
growth in the flow of domestic
keting of tourism projects. We
and global tourists last year.”
are eyeing to bring a surge in
Kerala had around 7.94 lakh
current tourist arrival in the
global tourists and 1 crore In-
state. MICE tourism has gone
dian visitors in 2012.
up in the state.”
The state today figures high
Kerala Tourism has been
as 365-day destination and
holding road shows in Indian
has emerged as a top-ranking
metros and in global destina-
tourist destination in the
tions since 1996. Prasanth
world of Google surpassing
The state has three inter-
Another significant project is
said, “We are reaching out to
Taj Mahal. The department of
national airports including
Natventure that comprises
20 Indian cities with our roads
tourism has also kicked off a
soft adventure holidays in jun-
shows this year including tier-
novel campaign- Home of
Cochin and the Seaplane proj-
gles, beaches, backwaters and
I and tier-II cities. The United
Ayurveda and Bekal has been
ect would provide service in
hill resorts. T V Prasanth,
identified as a new destina-
the priority circuit and the
Tourist Information Officer,
France Germany and the Mid-
tion for Ayurveda in north
destinations like Astamudi,
Kerala Tourism informed,
dle East are our prime global
Kerala. The state has ear-
Punnamada, Kumarakom, Bo-
“Backwaters are our unique
markets. Gujarat has the most
marked and prepared project
products and we are boosting
number of tourists visiting
reports to develop around 40
Muziris would stretch out
the travel trade industry for
Kerala. Tourists mostly prefer
new-found destinations within
from North Paravur in the dis-
the growth of tourism. Con-
to travel to Munnar, Wayanad
a period of five years.
trict of Ernakulam to Kodun-
ventions are held in house-
and Kovalam in Kerala. There
Government News
Manipur alone got funds for winter festivals Manipur is the only State has been sanctioned funds for winter festivals in the last three years and current year, informed Minister of State for Tourism, Dr. K. Chiranjeevi, in a written reply to the Lok Sabha.
Territory Administrations
Tourism (MOT) pro-
for various tourism projects
vides Central Financial As-
including Fairs, Festivals
sistance (CFA) to various
and Tourism related events,
prioritized in consultation with them. A maximum of Rs.50.00 lakh to a State Government and Rs.30.00 lakh to UT Administration can be provided as CFA for Fairs & Festivals in a financial year. Out of this a maximum of Rs.25.00 lakh per fair/festival/event
case of a State and Rs.15.00 lakh in the case of a Union Territory can be provided by MOT.
Amount Sanctioned for Winter Festivals during the last 3 years and current year (Rs. in lakh)
Three circuits identified to be developed as Buddhist Circuits
ignated circuits, efforts have
amenities to tourists. The
Government of India, the De-
Three identified circuits to be developed as Buddhist Circuits are the Dharmayatra or the Sacred Circuit, extended Dharmayatra or extended Sacred Circuit or Retracing Buddha’s Footsteps, and Buddhist Heritage Trails (State Circuits).
Ministry of Tourism (MOT)
partments of Tourism of the
The validity of this loan period
been made to plug infrastruc-
has been extended till July
ture gaps viz- rail/road link-
The Ministry of Tourism,
provides Central Financial
Governments of Bihar and
Assistance (CFA) for tourism
Uttar Pradesh and Interna-
projects, including projects for
tional Finance Corporation
he Ministry of Tourism
(Bodhgaya), Varanasi (Sar-
Buddhist sites, based on the
(World Bank Group) have en-
(MOT) has been identify-
nath), Kushinagar, Piparva
proposals received from State
tered into an agreement to co-
ing integrated tourism circuits
(Kapilvastu) with a day trip to
Governments/UT Administra-
operate in upgrading the
based on India’s unique civi-
Lumbini in Nepal, Circuit 2.
tions which are complete in all
quality of services and goods
lization, heritage, and culture
Extended Dharmayatra or Ex-
respects as per the Scheme
provided for tourists along the
including Buddhist Tourism in
tended Sacred Circuit or Re-
Guidelines, inter-se priority
Buddhist Circuits in UP and
partnership with States, the
tracing Buddha’s Footsteps -
and subject to availability of
Bihar. Under this agreement,
private sector and other agen-
This will be a 10 to 15 day cir-
funds. The development, pro-
the signatories are designing
cies. In a written reply in the
cuit and will include visits to
motion and implementation of
a strategy aimed at a broader
Lok Sabha, Dr. K. Chiranjeevi
Bodhgaya (Nalanda, Rajgir,
tourism projects, is primarily
integrated Buddhist Circuit
Minister of State for Tourism
Barabar caves, Pragbodhi
the responsibility of the re-
Tourism Development Project,
informed that MoT has identi-
Hill, Gaya), Patna (Vaishali,
for both Buddhist pilgrims and
fied following three circuits to
Lauriya Nandangarh, Lauriya
Government/Union Territory
those wishing to experience
be developed as Buddhist Cir-
Areraj, Kesariya, Patna Mu-
Administration (UT). A loan
the essence of Buddhist her-
cuits in the country with the
seum), Varanasi (Sarnath),
agreement for an amount
itage. To showcase India’s ad-
Kushinagar, Piparva (Kapil-
equivalent to Japanese Yen
vantage in having several
vastu, Shravasti, Sankisa)
7331 million was signed in the
Buddhist sites and to make a
ment/Private stake holders:
with a day trip to Lumbini in
year 2003 with Japan Interna-
new initiative in the emerging
Circuit 1. The Dharmayatra
Nepal, and Circuit 3. Buddhist
tional Cooperation Agency
area of spiritual tourism, Min-
or the Sacred Circuit - This
Heritage Trails (State Cir-
(JICA) for Phase II of Ajanta
istry of Tourism regularly or-
will be a 5 to 7 days circuit
and will include visits to Gaya
While identifying the des-
Tourism Development Project.
ganizes Buddhist Conclaves and Conferences.
Government News
Bhava’. The campaign con-
MoT has taken many steps to stop harassment of tourists in the country
sists of two commercials; one on sensitizing against misbehavior with tourists and the other against cleanliness of
The ‘Public Order’ and ‘Police’ being state subjects, prevention of crime, including crime against tourists/foreign tourists is the primary responsibility of the State Governments/Union Territories. The Ministry of Tourism does not compile data on crime against foreign and domestic tourists as such. However.
he Ministry of Tourism
of Andhra Pradesh, Goa, Kar-
tourist sites and streets. The National Tourism Ministers’ Conference was convened on 18th July, 2013 in New Delhi which resolved; that the Departments of Tourism of all
has taken many steps in
nataka, Kerala, Maharashtra,
States and UTs will work for
order to ensure safety and se-
Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan,
curity of tourists, informed
Jammu & Kashmir, Uttar
Dr. K. Chiranjeevi Minister of State for Tourism
ensuring the safety and secu-
Minister of State for Tourism
Pradesh, Delhi, Punjab, Mad-
be undertaken with respect
women. An advisory has been
(I/C) Dr. K. Chiranjeevi in a
hya Pradesh and Odisha have
for basic right like dignity,
posted on the Ministry of
rity of tourists, especially
written reply to a question in
deployed Tourist Police, in one
safety and freedom from ex-
Tourism website www.incredi-
the recently concluded session
form or the other. The Ministry
ploitation of both tourists and
bleindia.org indicating that
of the Rajya Sabha . The Min-
of Tourism along with all
local residents in particular,
India remains safe destination
istry of Tourism in consulta-
stakeholders, including the
women and children. Ministry
for international Tourists in-
Tourism Departments of all
of Tourism is running the So-
cluding women tourists. The
Governments/UT Administra-
States and UTs, have adopted
cial Awareness Campaign on
Stake holders have identified
tions had proposed to set up
the ‘Code of Conduct for Safe
television to sensitize the
focal points in their respective
Tourist Police at prominent
& Honourable Tourism’ which
masses and the stakeholders
organizations to implement the
tourist spots. The State Gov-
is a set of guidelines to en-
on the traditional Indian val-
‘Code of Conduct for Safe & Ho-
ernments/UT Administrations
courage tourism activities to
ues and concept ‘Atithi Devo
nourable Tourism’. by TNH DESK
Number of tourist availing of VoA Scheme INDO-JAPAN cooperation grows by 12.6% in January, 2014 in tourism promotion A growth of 12.60 % has been recorded in the number of tourists availing of the tourist Visa on Arrival (VoA) Scheme during the period January 2014. T A he Ministry of Tourism,
Tour Operators; to establish
Government of India and
exchange programmes for co-
the Japan Tourism Agency;
operation in Human Resource
Ministry of Land, Infrastruc-
Development; to exchange vis-
total number of 1,903
scheme during January 2014
VoAs have been issued in
for nationals of the eleven
this period as compared to
countries was New Zealand
tourists to India, Government
ture, Transport and Tourism,
1,690 VoAs during the corre-
(465), Japan (427), the Philip-
launched the “Visa on Ar-
Government of Japan have
/Media/Opinion Makers for pro-
sponding period of 2012 regis-
pines (290), Singapore (273),
rival” (VoA) Scheme in Janu-
signed a Memorandum for
motion of two way tourism; to
tering a growth of 12.60 per
ary 2010 for citizens of five
strengthening cooperation in
exchange experiences in the
cent. The other important
(124), Cambodia (20), Myan-
countries, viz. Finland, Japan,
the field of Tourism.
areas of promotion, marketing,
highlights of VoAs issued dur-
mar (20), Vietnam (15), Lux-
Luxembourg, New Zealand
The main objectives of the
destination development and
ing January 2014: (i) During
embourg (12) and Laos (0).
and Singapore, visiting India
Memorandum are as: to expand
management; to participate in
the month of January 2014, a
(iii) During January 2014, the
for tourism purposes. The
bilateral cooperation in tourism
travel fairs/exhibitions in each
total of 1,903 VoAs were is-
highest number of VoAs were
Scheme was extended to the
sector; to encourage their citi-
other’s country; and to promote
sued under this Scheme as
issued at New Delhi airport
citizens of six more countries,
zens to travel to each other’s
safe, honourable and sustain-
compared to 1,690 VoAs dur-
(783) followed by Mumbai
namely Cambodia, Indonesia,
country; to exchange informa-
able tourism. Japan is an im-
ing the month of January
(440), Chennai (282), Kolkata
tion and data related to
portant tourism generating
2013, registering a growth of
(126), Bangalore (116), Kochi
Laos and Myanmar in Janu-
tourism; to encourage coopera-
source market for India partic-
12.6%. (ii) The number of
(68), Hyderabad (62) and
ary 2011.
tion between tourism stake-
ularly considering our Buddhist
Trivandrum (26).
holders including Hotels and
As a facilitative measure
Event Watch
MoT gives away the National Tourism Awards 2012-13 In a glittering award ceremony in New Delhi, Shashi Tharoor, Minister of State for Human Resource Development recently gave away The National Tourism Awards 2012-13 to winners. A total number of 86 awards have been given in various categories. The National Tourism Awards are given annually by the Ministry of Tourism to felicitate outstanding work in different fields of tourism.
Event Watch
Event Watch
Government News
MTDC and MEHAIR launch amphibian plane services from Mumbai to boost tourism The Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation (MTDC) and Maritime Energy Heli Air Services Pvt Ltd (MEHAIR) launched the first seaplane service of Maharashtra in Mumbai. he company’s amphibian
Executive Director Worker, Sa-
planes will eventually
hara India Pariwar and Chief
connect Mumbai with state
Executive Officer Ambay Val-
tourist destinations adjacent
ley City and Hotel Sahara Star.
to suitable water bodies even
Chhagan Chandrakant
though there are no runways
Bhujbal, Minister (Tourism
at these destinations.
and Public Works), Maharash-
The service will save a lot of
tra, stated, “Government of
service thus benefiting the
residents and property owners
impetus to the tourism initia-
travel time for the users given
Maharashtra is pleased to an-
tourists who come to Maha-
within Ambay Valley by offer-
tive of the Government of Ma-
that the aircraft will take a far
nounce the launch of seaplane
rashtra from all over the
ing a quick and exciting mode
harashtra. This venture was
lesser time to connect two
services for commuters in Ma-
of transport from Mumbai.
only possible with the tremen-
points as opposed to road or
harashtra. These services will
MEHAIR plans to soon have a
dous support from the MTDC”
Jagdish Patil, Managing Di-
rail journeys. MTDC has en-
provide ease to the tourist and
rector, Maharashtra Tourism
full-fledged commuter service
Siddharth Verma – Director &
tered into an understanding
locals who travel to various
from Juhu to Nariman Point
Co-Founder MEHAIR said.
with MEHAIR to launch the
tourist destinations of Maha-
(MTDC), said, "These services
which is the star attraction and
service in the state by extend-
rashtra. Mehair has come-up
will boost tourism greatly. Sea-
is much awaited by the people
ing its full support thus helping
with this novel concept and we
planes will turn vacation desti-
jostling with the heavy traffic of
MEHAIR will gradually roll out
to engulf the vast vision and
are happy that Maharashtra is
Mumbai.” The first commercial
its service to destinations like
encumbrance of this venture.
the first state to have such a
destinations. The fatigue and
flight will be flagged off to the
Ambay Valley lake, Gangapur
The service was launched by
service in the mainland of
expenditure involved in reach-
tourist destination of Ambay
Dam (Nashik), Mula Dam
Hon'ble Minister (Tourism and
ing these destinations will also
Valley which is the first ap-
come down drastically."
proved seaplane waterdrome
Dam (Lonavla), Varasgaon
in the mainland of India.
Dam (Lavasa) and Dhoom Dam
Public Works), Government of
Ranjit Kamble, Minister of
In the first phase of its operin
Maharashtra Shri Chhagan
Satish Soni - Director Tourism
Chandrakant Bhujbal. Func-
Works), Government of Maha-
Government of Maharashtra,
The seaplane service is being
tion presided by Shri Ranjit
rashtra stated, “It is a proud
adds, “We welcome the launch
launched in Maharashtra with
In the second phase of the op-
Kamble Hon’ble Minister of
feeling for me as it a gift from
of seaplanes in Maharashtra as
a Cessna 206 Amphibian and
eration MEHAIR will connect
the Tourism Department of
it will add a new dimension to
another Cessna 208 Amphibian
Mumbai with Konkan coast
Works), Government of Maha-
Maharashtra to the people of
the tourism potential of the
aircraft will be inducted by
like Ganpatiphule, Hariharesh-
rashtra. In the presence of
the state. We expect that this
state. It would be a more scenic
Apr’14. Both these two models
war, Tarkarli and Murud Jan-
and faster travel option.”
Sumit Mullick - IAS, Additional
exciting mode of transport will
Chief Secretary & Chief Proto-
be well received in Maharash-
col Officer Government of Ma-
can accommodate 4 to 9 pas-
jira. This will be followed by
Speaking on the occasion
sengers respectively. "This is a
flights from Mumbai to Marath-
Vivek Kumar, Executive Di-
new and exciting mode of
wada and ecologically rich sec-
harashtra, Dr Jagdish Patil -
Sumit Mullick, IAS, Addi-
rector Worker Sahara India
transport which will provide
tor like Vidarbha.
IAS Managing Director MTDC,
tional Chief Secretary & Chief
Pariwar and Chief Executive
the last mile connectivity to
Fliers can book seats on these
Mr Satish Soni - Director
Protocol Officer, Government
Officer Ambay Valley City and
those areas where there is no
exciting sectors exclusively on
(Tourism), Government of Ma-
of Maharashtra said, “Situated
Hotel Sahara Star said, “Sea-
airport but are popular tourist
the official website of the com-
harashtra, Siddharth Verma –
in India, Maharashtra is a di-
plane services will add to the
destinations. A seaplane is a
pany i.e. http://www.mehair.in/
verse landscape ideally suited
attraction of the Ambay Valley
quick, convenient and exciting
with effect from 10th March
MEHAIR and Mr. Vivek Kumar,
to be connected by a seaplane
and will cater to the tourists,
mode of travel which will lend
Government News
Imagery of monuments released to bring India’s Heritage online
India and to tell their stories
the richness of India’s heritage
using the latest technologies
and culture. Thanks to the com-
bined efforts of ASI and the
Union Ministry of Culture has released first set of imagery of monuments for bringing India’s Heritage online.
I have been told that this is
Ministry of Culture, the Hill
one of the most unique cultural
Forts of Rajasthan were con-
itage sites present across
globally, a powerful reminder of
partnerships entered into by
ferred the status of World Her-
handresh Kumari Katoch,
for the nation. Therefore, I am
Google with the widest range
itage Sites by UNESCO last
Union Minister of Culture
very happy to be here to cele-
of monuments covered under a
recently released first set of
brate the successful culmina-
single national project under-
I am glad that the Ministry
imagery of monuments for
tion of an agreement that the
taken by them and a matter of
had the chance to work with
pride for us all.
Google’s Cultural Institute and
bringing India’s Heritage on-
Ministry of Culture and the
line. Speaking on the occasion,
Archeological Survey of India
Today, this project makes it
helped launch the India chapter
Katoch said, “I would like to
(ASI) entered into with Google
possible for billions of people
of the Google Art Project in
extend a warm welcome to all
in 2013.
of you for today’s event. In its
Last year, in the backdrop
across the world to see and ex-
2012 featuring the National Mu-
plore our magnificent heritage
seum and the National Gallery
in the virtual world.
of Modern Art. We hope to con-
152nd year, it is commendable
of one of India’s world heritage
that the ASI is taking forward
sites, the Qutub Minar, I had
As you are aware, the Min-
tinue working with Google, to
its mission of embracing part-
announced the flagging-off of
istry of Culture’s aim is to pre-
bring more of the richness of
nerships for the future in order
this exciting partnership to-
India’s archeological heritage
to preserve and propagate the
wards Bringing India’s Her-
disseminate India’s art and cul-
online in order to improve the
rich heritage of India’s past. In
itage Online. Over the last few
ture. The last year has seen a
visitor experience to our her-
the UPA’s 2012-2013 Report to
months, teams from Google
number of celebrations and
itage sites globally via the Inter-
the People, Culture was listed
and the ASI have worked to-
net. I request you to join me in
under the “New Horizons”
gether to digitize and make
sphere. Our national icons such
celebrating the success of this
chapter of our Government’s
available the experience of vis-
project and taking it to new
statement of work being done
iting the many wonderful her-
Vivekananda are celebrated
India and Poland Agree for Collaboration in Culture Sector
both sides and develop an operational plan; Poland will provide opportunity to young artists from India to perform at newly constructed Krysztof
India and Poland have agreed for deepening collaboration in culture sector covering diverse activities including conservation, museums, archaeology, archives, science museums, and performing arts.
Luxury cruise liner to Varanasi and Dhaka he West Bengal gov-
like air-conditioned cabins,
Penderecki Luslawice Na-
ernment has signed
salon, spa, library and din-
tional Music Hall and provide
MoU with luxury cruise
ing room. Other facilities
scholarships for emerging tal-
liner to kick off river cruise
on the cards would be cook-
from Kolkata to Varanasi
ery classes, yoga sessions
The two countries shall
for tourists. The state gov-
and lectures on the board.
he details of the collabo-
heritage sites, namely the Taj
develop collaboration in Mu-
ernment also plans to begin
The Indo-Bangla protocol
ration were discussed
Mahal, the Red Fort and the
seum Management. Particular
similar Indo-Bangla proto-
route would give a chance
recently in a meeting between
Qutub Minar. During their 45-
emphasis will be given for de-
col route that would take
Secretary Culture, Ravindra
minutes meeting, the two
velopment of collaboration
tourists from Kolkata to
glimpse of the Sundarbans.
Singh and the visiting Deputy
sides agreed for collaboration
with the National Science Cen-
Dhaka in the coming period
Once the riverine route
Minister of Culture and Na-
in the following areas:
tional Heritage of Poland Prof.
tre New Delhi. The two shall de-
and connect both the coun-
In the run-up to the sign-
velop collaboration in Archives
tries through the river
around five days for a con-
transport system.
tainer to reach Dhaka since
ing of the Cultural Exchange
and Modern Art. The two sides
lanowska. Prof. Malgorzata
Program between India and
agreed to identify projects for
The luxury vessel will
Omilanowska, who is on the
restoration. The Polish side ex-
be replete with a hotel in it-
would be much less than
last day of her 5 day visit to
Group will be set up to iden-
pressed interest in restoration
self and there would be
the present day.
India, appreciated the world
tify specific deliverables from
work in Gaya.
state-of-the-art amenities
Government News
Festivals of India held in ASEAN countries The Union Ministry of Culture organized the Festivals of India in Laos PDR and Cambodia.
malayan region. This is con-
nance and up-gradation work of
Imperial Capital Cities has been
ducted to further disseminate
museums under Archaeological
submitted to World Heritage
Buddha’s messages in the
Survey of India (ASI) is also at-
Centre for inscription in World
world. The Buddhist Mahotsava
tended within the allocated re-
Heritage List in January, 2014.
was presented by Central Insti-
In a written reply in the
tute of Himalayan Culture Stud-
Rajya Sabha today Smt. Katoch
The and
ies Dahoo, Arunachal Pradesh.
under ASI are in a good state of
said, the whole process may
he Festivals of India in
A Food Festival:
take more than one and a half
Laos PDR was held from
Indian cuisine Festival encom-
In a written reply in the
years after submission of
February 9 to11, 2014 and in
passing a wide variety of re-
Rajya Sabha Katoch said, sim-
dossier, Involving evaluation re-
Cambodia from February 14
gional cuisines, native to India
ilarly, the museums under the
port of ICOMOS mission, deci-
to19, 2014. The Indian delega-
was presented as part of the
Ministry of Culture are in a
tion to the Festivals of India was
Festival of India. The Food Fes-
good state. However, to further
Committee which evaluates
led by Secretary Culture, Ravin-
tival was presented by Ministry
improve, expand and modern-
each point/issue very critically
dra Singh. An artiste delegation
of Tourism.
ize them, Indian Museum,
Kolkata has undertaken a mod-
Value, Integrity and Authentic-
of 75 artistes would be participating in the Festivals. The two festivals comprises Chandresh Kumari Katoch Union Minister of Culture
of the following: Dance
Mehendi Art and Yoga:
Mehendi artists from the South
ernization and up-gradation
ity of site, Management mecha-
Zone Cultural Centre and Yoga
project at a cost of `99.76
nisms, legal provisions, issues
teachers from Department of
crores. Victoria Memorial Hall,
related to property and buffer
Ayush participated in the Festi-
Kolkata’s proposal for up-gra-
zones for the site, etc. WHS sta-
vals of India.
dation and modernization with
tus provides wider recognition
Dance on Ramayana was per-
A Film Festival: A film festi-
a total outlay of `59.96 crores
and a higher profile, broad legal
formed by the Kalakshetra
val comprising some of selected
has also been approved by the
status, economic, technical as-
Foundation over three days.
films of Bollywood was pre-
sistance and networking oppor-
The Kalakshetra Foundation
sented in the Festival of India.
performed Jatayu Moksham,
Selected Films included Jod-
World Heritage Status for
oration in protection. It im-
Choodamani Pradanam and
haAkbar, Dil Chahta Hai, Hum
Mahapatttabhishekam to cele-
Dil De Chuke Sanam, etc. The
The Minister of Culture Chan-
preservation and conservation
brate the Ramayana in Laos
film festival would be presented
dresh Kumari Katoch has said
levels of the universal value of
by the Ministry of I&B.
that the nomination of Delhi’s
the site.
A Buddhist Exhibition:
Festival of India in Vietnam
Dhamma Darshan was pre-
and Myanmar will be held next
sented with the objective of ex-
month. In Vietnam the festival
ploring and illustrating the life
will be held from March 6 to15
and teachings of Buddha as well
and in Myanmar from March 17
as the sacred sites of events de-
to 21, 2014.
tunities and International Colla the
Registration of Tourists and
tial facilities at tourist
registration of the move-
places. The Ministry also
ment of tourist for control-
has a mandate to promote
the dissemination of Buddhism
Renovation of national monu-
ling the crowd at tourist
tourism in a sustainable
which is based on Dhamma.
ments and museums in MP
places and providing them
and responsible manner.
The Buddhist exhibition was
The Minister of Culture Chan-
essential facilities is pri-
The National Tourism Pol-
presented by the Nava Nalanda
dresh Kumari Katoch has said
marily the responsibility
icy states that neither
Mahavihara, an autonomous or-
that the conservation work of
of the State Governments
over exploitation of natu-
ganization under Ministry of
protected monuments in the
and Union Territory Ad-
ral resources should be
permitted nor carrying ca-
picting the legend along with
the Ministry of Tourism
pacity of the tourist sites
Buddhist Mahotsava, organized
process and essential repair
provides Central financial
ignored. This information
as part of the Festival of India,
work of them is attended regu-
assistance to the State
was given to Lok Sabha
witnessed the construction of
larly as per archaeological
Governments and Union
by the Minister of State
sand mandala, butter sculpture,
norms and principles, within
Territory Administrations
for Tourism
sacred dance and Lama Chant
the available resources. Simi-
for development of essen-
by the monks from the Hi-
larly repair, renovation, mainte-
A Buddhist Mahotsava: The
K. Chiran-
Relish the charm of wildlife in the ‘Heart of India’ Madhya Pradesh, an Indian state located in central part of the country and known as ‘Heart of India’ is treasure trove of natural beauties and abode to wide-ranging flora and fauna. Bandhavgarh National Park
By Road: State/Private transport buses ply between
Bandhavgarh is a small and compact national park
Katni & Umaria and from Satna & Rewa to Tala (Band-
teeming with wildlife. The park is the original home of
havgarh). Best Season: Mid October to June.
the white tigers. This park boasts of the highest density of the tiger population in India. These have been found
Kanha National Park: call of the wild
in the old state of Rewa for many years. The last known
Kanha’s sal & bamboo forests, rolling grasslands and
was captured by Maharaja Martand Singh in 1951.This
meandering streams stretch over 940 sq km in dramatic
white tiger, Mohun, is now stuffed and on display in the
natural splendor. Kanha National Park forms the core
palace of the Maharajas of Rewa. Bandhavgarh is
of the Kanha Tiger Reserve created in 1974 under proj-
densely populated with other species: sambar and
ect Tiger. The park is the only habitat of the rare hard
barking deer are a common sight, and nilgai are to be
ground Barasingha. Kanha National Park came into
seen in the more open areas of the park.
being by a spe.
Covering 448 sq km, Bandhavgarh is situated in Umaria district. At the center of the park is Bandhav-
The best areas are the meadows around Kanha,
garh hill - surrounding it are a large number of smaller
where blackbuck, chital & barasingha can be seen
hills separated by gently sloping valleys. These valleys
throughout the day.
end in small, swampy meadows, locally known as ‘bo-
Bamni Dadar: Known as Sunset Point, this is one
hera’. The lowest point in the park is at Tala (440 me-
of the most beautiful areas of the park, from where a
tres above MSL).
spectacular sunset can be watched.The dense luxuri-
What to See: Bandhavgarh Fort, Flora & Fauna
ance of Kanha’s forests can best be seen from here. An-
Wildlife: There are more than 22 species of mam-
imals that can be sighted around this point are typical
mals & 250 species of birds.
of the mixed forest zone.
Wildlife viewing: There are two main ways of get-
Mammalian species: Kanha has some 22 species of
ting about in the park- in a motor vehicle or on elephant
mammals. Less commonly seen species are tiger, Indian
back. Jeep safaris are best undertaken from dawn until
hare, dhole or Indian wild dog, barking deer and Indian
about 10 am and from about 4 pm until dusk, as the an-
bison or gaur. Best Season: Mid-October to June
imals are most active during these periods. How to reach: By Air: The nearest airport is at Jabalpur (190 km). From Khajuraho (237 km), Bandavgarh is a five-hour drive via Panna, Satna & Maihar across stretches of the Vindhyachal. By Rail: The nearest railway stations near Band-
What to see:
How to reach: Khatia (3km from Kisli) & Mukki are the two main entry points to the Kanha National Park. By Air- Nearest airports are at Jabalpur (160 km) and Raipur (240 km) and Nagpur (335 km). By Rail: Convenient railheads are at Jabalpur & Bilaspur.
havgarh are Jabalpur (190 km) , Katni(102km) & Satna
By Road: There is a daily bus service available for
(120 km) on the Central Railway & Umaria(35km) on
Kisli & Mukki from Jabalpur & back. Taxis are available
the South Eastern Railway.
for hire from Jabalpur,Bilaspur and Raipur. It is advis-
able to reach Kisli before sunset as vehicles are not
his most favourite home in the rock escarpments
permitted within the park after dark.
and undisturbed vales. The wooded areas are dot-
ted with sambar- the largest of Indian deers, chital Panna National Park: a tryst with nature
and chowsingha. One can easily see nilgai and
Panna National Park is located in Panna District. It
chinkara in most open areas in the grasslands, es-
was created in 1981. It was declared as a Project
pecially on the periphery. Varieties of snakes, includ-
Tiger Reserve in 1994. The National Park consists
ing the python and other reptiles are also found
of areas from the former Gangau Wildlife Sanctuary
here. The avifauna comprises more than 200 species
created in 1975. The sanctuary comprised of terri-
including a host of migratory birds. One can see
torial forests of the present North and South Panna
White Necked Stork, Bar Headed Goose, Honey
Forest Division to which a portion of the adjoining
Buzzard, King Vulture, Blossom Headed Parakeet,
Chhatarpur forest division was added later. The re-
Paradise Flycatcher, Slaty Headed Scimitar Babbler
served forests of the Park in Panna district and
to name a few.
some protected forests bordering Chhatarpur were the hunting preserves of the erstwhile rulers of
Other attractions
Panna, Chhatarpur and Bijawar princely states in
Fort of Ajaygarh- Built in 1765 AD by the nephew of
the past. The location of the National Park is crucial
the Maharaja of Jaitpur, the fort is situated at a
as it is situated at a point where the continuity of
height of 800ft.
the forest belt, which starts from Cape Comorin in
Mahamati Prannathji Mandir: It is one of the
the south, is broken and from there beyond, the
most revered pilgrim places for the Pranami sect fol-
great Gangetic plains begin. This area is also the
lowers the world over.
northern most tips of the natural teak forests and
Pandav falls: Located on Panna road, these falls
the eastern most tips of the natural Kardhai
are about 34 km away from Khajuraho and 7 km
(Anogeissus pendula) forests. The Ken River, which
from Madla.
flows through the reserve from south to north, is home for Gharial and Mugger. Ken offers some of
National Museum: It was established in 1988. It has a remarkable collection of icons and coins.
the most spectacular scenery to the visitor while it
How to reach:
meanders for some 55 km through the reserve.
By Air: Nearest airport is Khajuraho.
Wildlife Tiger(Panthera tigris tigris), the king of the jun-
By Rail- Nearest railhead is Khajuraho (46 km) and Satna(74 km).
gle, roams freely in this secure habitat along with
By Road- Panna is well-connected with bus net-
his fellow creatures like leopard, wild dog, wolf,
work, Khajuraho to Madla(25 km), Satna to Madla
hyena and caracal and smaller cats. Sloth bear has
(90 km) and Panna to Madla(19 km).
Aviation News
India’s Aviation Safety Record above Global Average
upward trend from `10,443.82
International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Assessment of India on Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme (USOAP) is much above the global average.
April 2012 - March 2013 when
Steps taken to improve Air
initiated to expand the existing
operations were affected due
India’s performance
Integrated passenger Terminal
to strike by pilots. However,
Venugopal informed the Lok
complete schedule was re-
Sabha that in order to im-
tional 17920 sq. m. area to en-
nder USOAP, ICAO has
stored effective from October,
prove operational and finan-
hance the passenger handling
crores in 2010-11 to `11423.69
possess sufficient training
minal building was commis-
crores in 2011-12 and further
and experience as required to
sioned on 1st June 2009 having
to `12595.98 crores in 2012-
become Commander (type-
a total floor area of 11,777 sq.
13. This has happened despite
rated pilot) on that type.
m. to handle 470 peak hour
a reduction in capacity in
passengers. Action has been
building by constructing addi-
identified eight critical
2012. The Cargo Revenue de-
cial performance of Air India,
capacity from 470 peak hour
clined to Rs.754.97 crores in
Government has taken vari-
passengers to 1075 peak hour
ganisation, licensing, opera-
2011-12 from `875.79 crores
ous steps which include: com-
passengers and extension of
tion, airworthiness, accident
in 2010-11. However, it picked
plete rationalization of the
apron to provide two addi-
investigation, air navigation
up to Rs.882 crore in 2012-13.
erstwhile Air India and Indian
tional aircraft bays.
As per
Airlines routes and elimina-
Madurai Airport: New Inte-
ICAO 2013 Safety Report
Government keen to pro-
tion of route network involv-
grated Passenger Terminal
based on USOAP audit results
mote Civil Aviation
building was commissioned in
as on 31 December, 2012,
K. C. Venugopal, Minister of
rationalization of certain loss-
October 2010 capable to han-
State for Civil Aviation in-
making routes; induction of
dle 700 peak hour passengers.
States having effective imple-
formed the Lok Sabha that
brand new aircraft on several
The available airport infra-
mentation above the global
the Government takes neces-
domestic and international
structure is presently ade-
average, which is 61%. India’s
sary action to promote civil
routes to increase passengers
quate to meet the existing level of air traffic.
aviation sector which is a lib-
appeal; phasing out of old
stands at 79.1%.
eralised sector open to mar-
fleet and consequential re-
Coimbatore International
The only area in which India
ket forces of demand and
duction of maintenance and
Airport: Extended and modi-
lacks marginally in effective
supply. Accordingly, employ-
engineering costs; return of
fied integrated passenger ter-
implementation of critical el-
ment opportunity to pilots in
leased aircraft at the end of
ement is `organisation’. For
private sector as well as gov-
their tenure or prematurely;
this, India has already cre-
ernment sector depends on
freezing of employment in
2011. There is no further
ated 75 posts of Chief Flight
the growth and condition of
non-operational areas; rede-
scope for expansion of the
Operations Inspector (CFOI),
the economy.
ployment of staff to cut infruc-
building to enhance the pas-
senger handling capacity. Air-
Deputy CFOIs, Senior CFOIs
K. C. Venugopal Minister of State for Civil Aviation
ing Integrated Passenger Ter-
elements viz. legislation, or-
and aerodromes.
Ajit Singh Union Minister of Civil Aviation
lines, these co-pilots do not
Indian pilots, who are in-
and FOIs. After the recruit-
ducted by airlines and are el-
grounding of ageing fleet in-
ports Authority of India (AAI)
ment, it is expected that effec-
igible to become PIC as per
cluding B747-400 which would
has plans to construct a new
tive implementation in this
the policy of airlines, are
be used only for certain lines
passenger terminal building
element also would rise much
being trained by them to
of operations and for operat-
complex on the other side of
above the global average. In
phase out Expat Pilots. Vari-
ing VVIP flights.
runway for which request has
fact, in legislation even USA
ous airlines are operating
(80.95) is below India (85.71).
with Expat Pilots due to
Government firm on airports
shortage of type rated com-
Passenger revenue goes up
been made to Government of Tamil Nadu to acquire and hand over additional 594
Ajit Singh, Union Minister of
manders (type-rated pilots or
Ajit Singh informed the Rajya
acres of land to AAI. However,
Civil Aviation informed the
pilot in command) in the
Sabha about the status and fu-
to enhance operational effi-
Lok Sabha that the number of
country. This has occurred
ture plans for development of
ciency, additional two aero-
due to growth in aviation in-
infrastructure and flights han-
bridges are being considered
gone up from 12.78 million in
dustry and induction of new
dling capacity of domestic and
in the existing Terminal Build-
2010-11 to 13.4 million in
aircrafts in the fleet of the air-
international airport terminals
ing along with the expansion
2011-12 and to 14.05 million in
lines. Though sufficient num-
at Tiruchirapalli, Madurai and
of apron to have two addi-
2012-13. Similarly, the pas-
bers of co-pilots are available
Coimbatore. Tiruchirapalli In-
tional aircraft parking bays.
senger revenue has shown an
and employed with the air-
ternational Airport: The exist-
Aviation News
Finnair adds 5th daily flights to London Heathrow Finnair is increasing the number of flights it operates to London Heathrow from four to five times daily.
ffective March 30, 2014,
The new frequency en-
proving connectivity to Lon-
customers who have once
ables even greater connectiv-
don while adding more flight
again given their support to our
ity not just with London and
options for those travelling
traditional Change for Good
other destinations in the UK
across the Atlantic as well.
collection,” says Arja Suomi-
and Ireland, but with North
The new frequency also en-
nen, SVP Corporate Communi-
America as well. Finnair has
hances the ability of firms to
seen growing demand for
conduct business in London
Responsibility. “I also want to
North American services via
or Helsinki and make return
thank our employees and part-
London since entering the
journeys in a single day.”
ners who have participated in
joint business on transatlantic
Helsinki at 16:30 for arrival in
traffic with fellow oneworld
the collection. The campaign
London three hours later at
partners American Airlines,
17:30 local time, while AY996
Iberia and British Airways
Finnair, UNICEF collect 55K euros for ‘Schools for Asia’
departs London at 18:35 and
last summer. From Helsinki,
The 18th Change for Good
arrives in Helsinki at 00:35
London is a convenient trans-
local time. The new frequency
fer point for onward connec-
will be flown primarily with
tions on a single ticket to more
flights over the Christmas and
Finnair’s new Airbus A321
than a dozen cities in North
New Year period once again
Bhutan, China, East Timor,
aircraft, which are equipped
achieved a heartening result.
India, Laos, Mongolia, Nepal,
by on
targeted the UNICEF Schools for Asia program. We believe that education is the foundation of a better future."
UNICEF's Schools for Asia
campaign supports children's in
with fuel-efficient Sharklet
“London is one of the
Finnair’s customers donated
Papua New Guinea, the Philip-
wingtip devices and operate
great global cities and always
55,490.93 euros in the special
pines and Vietnam. The cam-
within Heathrow’s strictest
in demand, and we are very
envelopes placed in aircraft
paign aims to provide children
noise parameters.
pleased to be able to add more
seat pockets and collection
with qualified teachers, safe
boxes at Helsinki Airport. Ad-
and clean school facilities, and
In addition to its own five
daily frequencies, Finnair of-
Helsinki-London route,” says
ditionally, Finnair Plus cus-
well-designed curricula that in-
fers two daily codeshare
Gregory Kaldahl, Finnair’s
tomers donated more than 2
clude life-skills education in
roundtrips operated by fellow
SVP Resource Management.
million Finnair Plus points to
health, nutrition, hygiene, san-
oneworld partner British Air-
“This fills out our current
itation and HIV prevention.
scheduling very nicely, im-
Malaysia Airlines unveils new office in the heart of Delhi The new office has stunning contemporary look in line with refreshed brand identity. This is the first office of Malaysia Airlines outside Malaysia to get new look and feel. alaysia Airlines, the na-
“Warm thanks to all our sengers, all under one roof. The new office has been
handling room to manage and handle special cases.
designed to effectively meet the
Speaking at the occasion,
requirements of customers,
Azahar Hamid, Regional Sen-
and is another step towards
ior Vice-President, South Asia
strengthening Malaysia Air-
& Middle East, Malaysia Air-
line’s proposition of being a 5-
lines said, “Malaysia Airlines is
star airline. A larger and more
adapting to a brand new corpo-
Middle East, Malaysia Airlines.
award-winning Golden Lounge
comfortable waiting area for
rate identity globally. Keeping
The opening of the new of-
at Satellite Terminal, KL Inter-
First Class, Business Class and
an eye on the changing market
Malaysia, announced the open-
fice is in line with the airlines’
national Airport, and is also un-
Economy Class makes it more
dynamics, the new office has
ing of its new office space in
global move towards a new cor-
derway at Malaysia Airlines
conducive to meeting and serv-
been specially designed for
New Delhi recently. Situated at
porate identity that imbues
offices globally.
ing guests with service excel-
user convenience, presented in
Barakhamba Road in Con-
both luxury and the essence of
lence in a superior and modern
a fresh, contemporary and ele-
Located in the heart of New
naught Place, the office was for-
the ‘Malaysian Hospitality’ that
Delhi, the new office is the first
environment. The reception
gant ambience. I am confident
mally inaugurated by the High
the airline promotes - elegance,
of its kind outside Malaysia to
area has been carefully devel-
that this new design will further
Commissioner of Malaysia,
beauty and more importantly,
get this look. Besides accom-
oped to provide detailed infor-
strengthen Malaysia Airlines’
Datuk Naimun Ashakli Mo-
truly Malaysian.
modating corporate, sales and
mation on Malaysia Airlines
The new contemporary
other departments, the office
products and services and de-
world-class service experience
Azahar Hamid, Regional Senior
and stylish look has already
will cater to all ticketing, reser-
signed for better queue man-
to its customers.”
Vice-President, South Asia &
vation and allied needs of pas-
agement. It also has a special
hammad in the presence of
Hospitality News
CRowNe PlAzA GReATeR NoiDA New ADDReSS of lUxURy Crowne Plaza Greater Noida has become the new address of luxury in Noida and Greater Noida. The hotel recently opened its gates to guests. The new landmark address of luxury in Noida
Expo Centre is located close to our hotel,”
The courteous staff here treats the guests
and Greater Noida opened its gates to its
said Greesh Bindra, GM, Crowne Plaza
with traditional Indian hospitality whether it
guests officially on December 20, 2013. A day
Greater Noida. “We also want to promote our
is concerned with scrumptious food items or organizing a perfect event.
of golf, relaxation and dining extravaganza,
hotel as wedding destination. We have already
the hotel hosted 100 elite guests redefining
organized some big residential weddings at
hospitality through a thorough experience of
our hotel. Moreover, we also see our hotel
be focusing on, Bindra said, “For us key mar-
all facilities of the hotel.
emerging as a weekend destination for people
ket segments would be convention and MICE
staying in Delhi, Gurgaon and other nearby lo-
in addition to corporates. Our guests would
The newly opened Crowne Plaza Greater Noida is located in close proximity of the Noida-Agra Yamuna Expressway, Buddh International Race Circuit and India Expo Centre.
cation,” added Bindra. Located on a sprawling ambiance, the luxu-
Speaking about key segments the hotel will
be combination of leisure and business; however, being a business hotel, share of business
rious five-star property promises its guests an
travellers would be higher than leisure. We
ideal staying atmosphere within its premises.
are also looking at FITs. Agra would be key to
a preferred MICE destination, because we
The hotel is blessed with contemporary ac-
our business as we are located close to Ya-
have a big inventory of rooms and large meet-
commodation that will provide the guests a
muna Expressway. Agra is just two hours
ing and banqueting space. Besides, India
comfortable as well as memorable sojourn.
away from here. We also expect a lot of busi-
“We are looking at positioning our hotel as
Hospitality News
Greesh Bindra (Extreme left), Gurinder Jit Singh (3rd from left), ExComm team of Crowne Plaza Greater Noida
Surpreet Suri, Rupinder Singh, S K Sharma, Gurinder Jit Singh, Greesh Bindra
Rajji Rai, Sanjay Datta, Rajan Sehgal, M P Khanna
Surpreet Suri, Rupinder Singh, Gurinder Jit Singh, Greesh Bindra
ness from F& B segment.” Spread over 8
freshly tossed pastas, soup noodle stations,
acres, the hotel has everything to offer that
luscious dimsums, Pecking Duck are just to
tal projector, cable modem and DVD player. The 48000 sq ft of meeting space, including
today’s business and leisure traveler would
name a few. An Indian specialty restaurant,
lawns, 11 break-out rooms and a dedicated
desire. The 400 key-hotel boasts of 272 well-
Spice Art serves delicacies from the North
conventions team under the supervision of a
appointed base category rooms, 62 Club
Western Frontier. Mosaic Pastry Lounge is a
Crowne Meetings Director establishes the
rooms, 49 apartments, 16 suites and 01 Presi-
34 cover delicatessen serving an assortment of
hotel as the obvious destination for all corpo-
dential Suite. The well planned and appointed
bakery items produced fresh in the premises
rate and social gatherings ranging for meet-
rooms with flat LCD TVs, Bose music system,
and backed with an impressive selection of ex-
ings, day outs and events.
media hub etc give the base room of 36 sq m, a
otic teas and coffee blends. A hotel is not com-
sense of space and luxury to the guests. Note-
plete without a watering hole and Crowne
ern facilities which have been embraced by
Adding to its features, there are some mod-
worthy are the apartments with a living room
Plaza Greater Noida takes pride in having two.
the hotel. These are facsimile, copying,
and a well laid out kitchenette with a dish-
While Connexions will be serving exotic
concierge desk, wireless date connection, sec-
washer, convection heater, microwave, refrig-
brands with great music and finger foods, the
retarial service, printer, limousine service,
erator, washing machine and clothes dryer.
soon to open Belgian Beer Café will be the
spa, gymnasium, fitness center, high speed in-
first of its kind in India serving Belgian beers
ternet access, daily housekeeping, shoe shine,
in contemporary settings.
safety deposit box and many more.
Apart from the accommodation, this palatial property also entertains its guests by providing them mouth-watering cuisines at its
The lavishing ambiance of the hotel is re-
Crowne Plaza Greater Noida ensures that
restaurants. The hotel brings in their signa-
plete with state-of-the-art conference rooms,
the hotel is not all work and no play. The Liv-
ture brands of food outlets ensuring a gastro-
which are suitable for holding a business
ing Room ensures an ambient set up for a
nomic extravaganza to the residents of the
meeting, product launch, weddings, wedding
good read or a game of chess or pool. The
hotel and Greater Noida. The 220 cover All
reception and other kinds of private party. The
Sohum spa transports you to a world of relax-
Day Diner – Mosaic with an onsite kitchen en-
main function halls here are Amoha, Arya,
ation with its spa garden, 5 sunlit massage
sures that the freshest food reaches the guests
Karma, Siddhi, Tapas, Tejas and Business
rooms including a couple massage room. The
with the Chefs more than willing to interact
Center meeting rooms. These halls are com-
health conscious can squeeze out time from
and customize. Chao Bella brings together the
prised of latest facilities like whiteboard,
the busy schedule for a workout in the round
world’s two most popular cuisines under one
stage lights, overhead projectors, modern
the clock health club or soak themselves in the
roof – Italian & Chinese. Hand Rolled pizzas,
lines, microphone, lectern, LCD projector, digi-
open air heated pool with hydro beds.
Hospitality News
Sarovar opens Park Plaza Chandigarh, Zirakpur Park Plaza Chandigarh, Zirakpur is Sarovar Hotels’ 5th property in Punjab.
fastest growing hotel
India, launched Park Plaza in Zirakpur. The 104-key full service, upscale hotel offers Punjab’s largest banquet and conferencing space to accommodate up to 3000 guests. This is also Sarovar’s fifth property in the state. Other Sarovar Hotels in the state include two hotels in Chandigarh
Hometel, and two properties in Ludhiana - Park Plaza and
oping satellite township of
City Heart Sarovar Portico. The Park Plaza hotel is lo-
such as in-room entertain-
tional cocktails, as well as a
Chandigarh. With a number of
ment through satellite chan-
choice of light finger snacks.
malls, towering residential
nels, a well-stocked mini-bar,
cated on the Ambala - Chandi-
buildings, farmhouses and
boasts of the largest banquet-
garh National Highway – 21,
schools opening here, the in-
maker, Wi-Fi connectivity and
ing space in the tri-city i.e.
which also connects Zirakpur
frastructure is developing at a
24x7 room service. Multiple
with Delhi, Haryana, Punjab
rapid pace providing an op-
on-site dining options include
Panchkula. The hotel offers
and Himachal Pradesh. The
portunity to serve more and
Essence - all day dining
80,000 sq. ft. of banqueting
strategic location of the hotel
more discerning travelers. In
restaurant serving cuisines
space, a 15500 sq. ft. pillar-less
makes it easily accessible
addition, Zirakpur is also
from across the world; Zaranj
hall that can accommodate
from the Chandigarh Airport
known as the wedding capital
- the Indian specialty restau-
more than 1800 guests and
and Railway Station which
of Punjab, and Park Plaza will
rant which offers a selection
over 60,000 sq. ft. well-mani-
are 6 kms and 9 km respec-
offer the largest banqueting
of authentic cuisine from tra-
cured lawns that can hold a
tively from the hotel.
facility in the tricity.”
ditional and modern day Pun-
gathering of upto 3000 guests.
At the launch occasion,
The 104 elegantly ap-
jab; and Free Spirit - the
Other hotel services include a
Anil Madhok, Managing Di-
pointed rooms and suites, in-
lounge bar serving a host of
currency exchange, concierge,
rector, Sarovar Hotels said,
cluding a Grand Presidential
premium spirits, contempo-
fitness center, swimming pool,
“Zirakpur is a rapidly devel-
Suite, have high-end facilities
rary interpretations of tradi-
spa & salon.
Hospitality News
DAIWIK HOTELS: India’s First Full Service Pilgrim Hotel Chain Daiwik Hotels will soon launch its next property at Shirdi. Its upcoming projects include hotels in Dwarka, Tirupati and Gangtok amongst other religious destinations.
ndia has always been a
The domestic tourist market
heritage of a land. Beyond the
land of spiritualism and
is growing fast and today the
religious rituals they offer
pilgrims have crisscrossed
Indian traveller is looking for
leisure activities like ancient
the subcontinent for thousands
quality hospitality at an afford-
monuments and picturesque
of years. It is the birthplace of
able cost. However there are
locations, exciting shopping,
four world religions – Hin-
very few facilities available to
cuisine, dance and music fes-
duism, Buddhism, Jainism and
meet the needs of the discern-
Sikhism. Also we have Mus-
ing traveller at most of our pil-
In India today, pilgrims still
lims, Christians, Jews, Zoroas-
grim towns. Most pilgrim
constitute the largest group of
trians and members of the
destinations still do not have
people who travel within the
Baha’i faith living in India. The
hotels that are of international
country. For example Hindus
Indian subcontinent is dotted
travel along pilgrim routes
with temples, mosques, shrines
visiting a number of destina-
and churches and we have his-
Unique Hospitality Plan
tions like the four towns on
torical towns like Varanasi,
This is where Daiwik Hotels
Kanchipuram, Bodh Gaya and
comes in bringing you India’s
There are festivals like the urs
Amritsar that have seen pil-
first chain of exclusive pilgrim
at the shrines of Sufi saints
grim traffic for centuries.
hotels. Our hotels are designed
that see devotees in millions
Just the numbers show the
keeping in mind the spiritual
and Christian churches that
need for a focus on the domes-
and emotional needs of those
welcome pilgrims during spe-
tic tourism market and even
on a religious journey. Offering
cial feast days. What is surpris-
more the pilgrim segment.
quality hospitality and afford-
ing is that in all these years no
India sees 850 million domestic
able luxury matched with the
hotel chain has focussed on
travellers and out of it 60%,
knowledge of the special re-
providing quality hospitality for
that is nearly 500 million, travel
quirements of pilgrims.
the Indian pilgrim.
for religious purposes. And the
What makes the Indian
numbers speak for themselves.
tourist unique is that for them
Thinking of the pilgrim first
Just one pilgrim destination,
a pilgrimage and leisure are
At Daiwik Hotels we have in-
the temple town of Tirumala
often combined as a family va-
vested a lot of time and effort to
Tirupati sees 26 million pil-
cation, so Indian pilgrim
understand the needs of pil-
towns offer the visitor a com-
grims. We not only aim to pro-
Rameswaram welcomes 10
plete vacation experience.
vide them with comfort, safety
million. Then there are trav-
Places like Varanasi or Bod-
and professional service but
ellers from abroad who visit
hgaya are not just ancient
also meet their spiritual and
India on a spiritual quest like
centres of religion but also of
emotional requirements with
Buddhists visiting Bodhgaya
culture, art and architecture
both knowledge and practical
and other sacred Buddhist
that draw the traveller seek-
information about the pilgrim-
sites in ever growing numbers.
ing to discover the history and
Hospitality News
Hilton Worldwide signs agreement with Archer Hospitality
and Kinari Bazaar.
the local community. The 104-
Hilton Garden Inn Gurgaon
“The opening of Double-
room hotel will also feature
Baani Square and DoubleTree
Tree by Hilton Agra marks our
four dining outlets, an outdoor
by Hilton Gurgaon-New Delhi
entry into a key leisure market
swimming pool with magnifi-
NCR; Mumbai: Hilton Mumbai
for both DoubleTree by Hilton
cent views of the Taj Mahal, 24-
International Airport; Banga-
and Hilton Worldwide,” said
hour fitness centre, a spa and
lore: DoubleTree Suites by
John Greenleaf, global head,
salon. The conference and
Hilton Bangalore; Chennai:
Unser the agreement first DoubleTree by Hilton Hote will open in Agra.
DoubleTree by Hilton. “We are
event space at the hotel will in-
Hilton Chennai; Trivandrum:
delighted with this opportunity
clude a 4,700-square foot ball-
Hilton Garden Inn Trivan-
to grow our brand presence in
room, four meeting rooms and
drum; Vadodara: Hampton by
he upscale and full-ser-
the market and deliver a pre-
a 24-hour business centre.
vice hotel will be located
mier full-service, upscale hotel
“India is a key strategic
Pune: DoubleTree by Hilton
near taj mahal, offering stun-
experience to guests visiting
growth market for Hilton
Pune-Chinchwad; Goa: Dou-
ning views of the world-famous
one of the most popular tourist
Worldwide. We are delighted
bleTree by Hilton Goa-Ar-
mausoleum. Hilton Worldwide
destinations in India.”
with the opportunity to partner
pora-Baga and Shillim: Hilton
with Archer Hospitality Pri-
Shillim Estate Retreat & Spa.
and DoubleTree by Hilton
Guests at DoubleTree by
today announced the signing
Hilton Agra will be greeted
vate Limited for our foray into
"We are pleased to enter
of a management agreement
with the characteristic offer-
Agra, the leading tourist desti-
into an agreement with Hilton
with Archer Hospitality Pri-
ings found at the brand's more
Worldwide, a leading global
vate Limited for DoubleTree by
than 375 hotels worldwide, in-
renowned for its many magnif-
hospitality company,” said
Hilton Agra, scheduled to open
cluding the warm welcome of
icent Mughal-era buildings,
Vikram Puri, Director, Archer
this August. Located just two
the iconic chocolate chip
most notably the Taj Mahal,
Hospitality Private Limited.
kilometres from the Taj Mahal,
cookie presented to every
Agra Fort and Fatehpur Sikri,”
“With its strategic location
DoubleTree by Hilton Agra will
guest at check-in, an array of
said Martin Rinck, president,
and full range of facilities and
be among very few hotels offer-
upscale amenities and guest
Asia Pacific, Hilton World-
services, we are confident
ing views of the legendary
services and the globally-rec-
that DoubleTree by Hilton
mausoleum. The hotel’s city
ognized CARE culture, which
Agra will fast become the first
centre location will also place
stands for “Create A Reward-
rently operates the following
choice of travellers looking for
it near popular tourist attrac-
ing Experience” and repre-
hotels and resorts in India -
upscale, full-service accom-
tions and shopping hubs like
sents the brand’s commitment
New Delhi: Hilton Garden Inn
modation in the city.”
the Agra Fort, Akbar’s Tomb
to guests, team members and
New Delhi/Saket; Gurgaon:
Hospitality News
of budget travellers, Garg said, “Hilton Garden Inn endeavors to combine superior value, and Hilton’s warmth and hospitality in a product that meets the needs of the mid-market and value conscious travellers. As a growing market, Trivandrum offers opportunities across all segments. We believe the city has the capacity to absorb a larger
Manish Garg GM, Hilton Garden Inn Trivandrum
Hilton Garden Inn is an award-winning, upscale, yet affordable hotel brand that strives to ensure today’s travellers has everything they need to be most productive on the road. Prem Kumar
strategic positioning of
the introduction of this brand in the mid-90s.” When the hotel opened end
On the question of Trivandrum growing popularity as a
Hilton Garden Inn endeavors to combine superior value, and Hilton’s warmth and hospitality in a product that meets the needs of the mid-market and value conscious travellers.
MICE destination, Garg said, “As an evolving market, Trivandrum
across all segments including MICE. The hospitality sector of Kerala is building on customer
nature offerings that include:
Hilton Garden Inn Trivandrum: first internationally branded hotel in the city
priced lodging category with
complimentary Wi-Fi through-
cated,” said Garg. For in-
out the hotel, complimentary
stance, all members of the
more to offer and explore for
24-hour business centre, re-
Hilton HHonors programme
the MICE audience while away
mote printing, comfortable
across the world are informed
from home.
of last year, Hilton Garden Inn Trivandrum
Hilton Garden Inn brand’s sig-
trust by offering a host of tourism-related services and business-cum-investment opportunities to clients in this segment.” The city also has lot
Serta bed, large work desk
of all new hotel openings
On the marketing strategy of
with an ergonomic Herman
through the Hilton HHonors
Hilton Garden Inn Trivandrum,
Millar chair, 24-hour Pavilion
Monthly Statement. At pres-
Garg said, “A comprehensive
ent, there are over 39 million
offline and online strategy to generate awareness for the
Hilton Garden Inn in Trivan-
Hilton Garden Inn Satisfac-
drum, Manish Garg, General
Manager, Hilton Garden Inn
HHonors guest rewards pro-
Trivandrum said, “Hilton Gar-
brand and hotel. All our com-
As regards the business in-
munications endeavours to
flow (domestic and interna-
highlight the unique offerings
of the upscale, yet affordable
den Inn is the award-winning,
Hilton Garden Inn Trivan-
upscale, yet affordable hotel
drum will play an important
Trivandrum, Garg said, “Busi-
brand that strives to ensure
role in attracting more tourist
ness in this market originates
So far as performance of other
today’s travellers has every-
arrivals to the city. “Hilton
from across the globe. Though
hotels in Trivandrum is con-
thing they need to be most
Garden Inn Trivandrum is the
domestic travellers constitute
cerned, “Demand for quality
productive on the road. Hilton
first internationally branded
the large part of the guests
Garden Inn is part of the
hotel in the city. When a prop-
staying at hotels in Trivan-
Trivandrum is high. Moreover,
Hilton Worldwide portfolio of
erty, like the Hilton Garden
drum, international business
with the commissioning of the
brands. The brand offers the
Inn, is launched, it is given vis-
and leisure travellers are also
Technopark Phase 3, the up-
amenities and services for
ibility across Hilton World-
important segments of the
coming National Games, Mono-
travellers to sleep deep, stay
fit, eat well and work smart
channels. This results in
As regards mid-to-small cap
brand and the hotel.”
Vizhinjam Sea Port, the city
while away from home. Hilton
greater awareness about the
hotels in Trivandrum/Kerala
should witness a further in-
Worldwide redefined the mid-
city in which the hotel is lo-
catering to the requirements
crease in demand.”
Hospitality News
added to MLHS group in De-
Muthoot Group acquires hospitality property in Central America
cember 2013. MLHS has also
ually designed villas nestled on
a 40 acre plantation overlook-
cuisines for health-conscious
Raxa Collective to manage the
ing the Central Valley of Costa
and other guests.Costa Rica
property hereon.MLHS plans
Rica. Each villa is beautifully
stands as the most visited na-
to spend 200 crores in next two
designed and dressed up in a
tion in the Central American
combination of barrel vaulted
region, with 2.2 million foreign
George M George, Execu-
ceilings, thatch roofs, colorful
visitors in 2011. International
tive Director, MLHS, said, “The
walls, tile floors, original art-
tourist receipts rose to US$2.4
concept of eco-friendly resorts
work by the owners, rattan
billion in 2012, and the lead
originated in Costa-Rica and
chairs and traditional textiles.
country of origin was the
this acquisition is an expres-
Adding serenity are the expan-
United States, followed by
ligned to its ethos of
sion of our belief in promoting
sive lawns, covered by pala-
Nicaragua and Canada. Eco-
environment-friendly projects
George M George Executive Director, MLHS
view. The resort also offers
extended its collaboration with
The Group becomes first Indian company to acquire hospitality property in Central America.
tropical paradise of 24 individ-
ness of different cul-
around the world. Moreover, it
tures, Muthoot Leisure and
is aligned to our vision of offer-
Hospitality Services (MLHS),
ing excellent service and hos-
the hospitality division of
Muthoot Group today an-
complemented by exquisite ex-
nounced the acquisition of
posure to the heritage of that
Costa Rica’s award winning,
region. I am confident that the
high-end property ‘Xandari
uniqueness of this property
Resort & Spa’. This is the first
will appeal to global visitors
acquisition by an Indian hospi-
and will go a long way in
tality company in Central
strengthening our business
here. Having said that, India
tourism draws many tourists
to visit the extensive national
•Group acquires the Costa-Rica based ‘Xandari resort & spa’ •MLHS plans to invest 200 crores in next two years •Plans further expansion in central America, Africa & Sri Lanka
parks and protected areas around the country. The resort has received many
awards for its exceptional hospitality. To name a few such as, Condé Nast Platinum List (awarded for 5 consecutive years on Gold List), Top 10 Central South American Resortsorganised by Travel +
Based in Alajuela, Costa
continues to be our focus mar-
Rica, Xandari Resort & Spa a
ket and we will announce our
therapeutic spa service, set in
luxurious property becomes
domestic expansion plans very
the tropical garden with pri-
Travel Award for Costa Rica’s
the first overseas acquisition
vate palm-roofed gazebos,
Leading Spa Resort.
by MLHS.The resort was
Red Fox Hotel East Delhi wins National Tourism Award 2012-13 The hotel won National Tourism Award 2012-13 for best budget/economy hotel.
red Fox hotel east delhi wins national Tourism Award 2012-13
Xandari Resort & Spa is a ed Fox Hotel, East Delhi
has been honored with
Leisure; Trip Advisor TravelChoice
each with its own Jacuzzi and The
find this model is working well.”
Awards recognize and honor
Nikhil Sharma, Assistant
the National Tourism Award
stellar organizations and indi-
Vice President-Operations, Red
2012-13 for the best hotel clas-
viduals who are championing,
Fox Hotels accepted the award
sified in two-star category. Red
driving and supporting tourism
at a glittering ceremony held at
Fox Hotels, an economy brand
in India.
Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi
which delights customers with
Speaking on the occasion,
its unbeatable value and reli-
Patu Keswani, Chairman &
able safety standards, is a part
mercial hub of NOIDA (Sectors
of one of India’s fastest growing
Tree Hotels said, “We are ex-
1 to 12, 16 and 25A) and in close
hotel groups- Lemon Tree Ho-
cited about being selected as
proximity to the industrial hubs
tels. It operates four hotels in
the best hotel in the two-star
of Ghaziabad and Sahibabad,
three cities – New Delhi (2 ho-
category. We have focused our
the Red Fox Hotel, East Delhi
tels), Hyderabad and Jaipur.
efforts on redefining the econ-
welcomes you with its fresh
Red Fox occupies a sweet spot
omy/budget hotels segment and
bold interiors as well as crisp
in the mid market segment with
on offering our consumers
and clean rooms and delights
its consistent and efficient serv-
great, consistent quality at a
you with its unbeatable value
ice along with its economical
very reasonable price. From the
and reliable safety standards.
guest feedback we receive, we
Located adjoining the com-
Hospitality News
Choice Hotels India opens Clarion Hotel Coimbatore Choice Hotels India, the wholly owned subsidiary of Choice Hotels International, recently announced the grand opening of their new property under their upscale brand Clarion.
minutes) from the Airport and 15Km from the city centre & CODISSIA trade centre is just 6Km away. The Hotel offers 107 elegantly designed rooms & suites with very trendy & contemporary interiors with service and amenities that define the hospitality of Clarion Hotel
larion Hotels offer full-ser-
Coimbatore. The Hotel is a
vice facilities, with atten-
wonderful stop over on the way
tive services and an appealing
to Ooty. Hotel facilities include
ambience. Upscale amenities
Rejuvenating Massage at Or-
and flawless attention to detail
chid Bali Spa, you would also
combine to create the Clarion
grove to the music at the Zero
Degree Bar & Enjoy a sumptu-
Clarion Hotel Coimbatore is ideally situated with easy ac-
ous meal at 24x7 Bytes Restaurant.
Our aim has always been to offer our customers an experience of world class services at best value proposition. The Clarion Hotel Coimbatore hotel has been designed keeping in mind all details for convenience to delight both – business as well as domestic traveller.
tels India said, “Our aim has al-
at our breakfast, lunch and din-
ner buffets. Or choose from our
customers an experience of
Room Amenities
a-la-carte menu throughout the
world class services at best
value proposition. The Clarion
airport, Clarion Hotel Coimbat-
All room feature high speed unlimited wireless internet ac-
business travellers visiting
cess, Voicemail, in- room safe,
South India’s textile, manufacogy hub. It is also a good base
Speaking on the occasion, Vilas Pawar, CEO, Choice Ho-
ore makes it convenient for
for leisure travellers to visit na-
interactive coffee shop is located at lobby level. Savour wide
cess to city centre, CODISSIA
turing and information technol-
social gatherings.
range of international cuisines
Trade Centre and Coimbatore
A 24 hours contemporary
Hotel Coimbatore hotel has Zero Degrees
been designed keeping in mind
With its ambient–lit interiors,
all details for convenience to de-
sexy cocktails and delicious bar
light both – business as well as
snacks, Zero Degree is a perfect
domestic traveller.”
Conferences & Banquets: 3 Conference Halls and Board Room
place to relax, kick back and
Choice Hotels India is a
ture and cultural attractions
West Minster : 2844 sq. ft.
mingle with friends.
wholly owned subsidiary of
such as Perur Siva temple with
Windsor : 1518 sq. ft.
Event facilities:
Choice Hotels International, one
1,000-year-old granite sculp-
Rivera : 880 sq. ft.
tures, Puliakulam temple which
Orchid : 250 sq. ft.
houses Asia’s biggest statue of Lord
Whether you are planning
of the largest and most wide-
an intimate celebration for two
spread lodging franchisors of
or a gathering of 400-450 guests,
the world with over 6000 hotels
Mini bar Tea & Coffee maker,
the Clarion Hotel Coimbatore is
across the globe. Today Choice
wildlife Sanctuary and Ooty Hill
LCD satellite television, DVD
the ideal setting for your upcom-
Hotels India is one of the fastest
Station at an altitude of 7,500
Player on Request, Hair dryer,
ing meetings or event. Its dedi-
and finest growing hotel chains
In-room iron and ironing board,
cated event planners are ready
with 26 properties over 19 desti-
Intercom Facility with Direct
to help you plan every detail,
nations in India. These hotels
Rooms and amenities:
Dial Telephone, Shower Area
from the catering menu to the
are in various destinations in-
Clarion Hotel Coimbatore is
with Hot/Cold Water, Non Smok-
colour scheme. Choose from a
cluding New Delhi, Mumbai,
perfectly positioned for both
ing Rooms
Chennai, Coimbtore, Ahmed-
arrangements to ideally fit your
abad, Bengaluru, Gurgaon and
meeting. Poolside deck area for
business & leisure travellers. The hotel is located 4km (10
Dining: 24X7Bytes
Hospitality News
New speciality show at Food&HotelAsia 2014
accounting for about two thirds of the total Indian retail market. According to consultancy firm McKinsey & Co, the retail food sector in India is likely to
FHA 2014, the largest edition of the show that is held in Singapore witnesses an increase in Indian participation
grow from around US$70 billion in 2008 to US$150 billion by 2025, accounting for a large
chunk of the world food indus-
try which is expected to grow
and Wine&SpiritsAsia (WSA),
from US$175 billion in 2008 to
the region’s most established
US$318 billion by 2020, and up
and comprehensive food and
venue. Moving forward, the
backdrop of a booming café
to US$400 billion by 2025. The
hospitality trade show, has
event will only continue to
culture in Asia, SpecialityCof-
food processing industry is one
made its mark by becoming the
grow as new markets in the re-
fee&Tea will integrate all as-
of the largest industries in
first event to max out the Sin-
gion become more developed,
pects of the industry in a single
India – it is ranked fifth in
gapore Expo – Singapore’s
and demand increases.”
platform featuring a compre-
terms of production, consump-
hensive range of equipment,
tion, export and expected
coffee beans, tea leaves and ac-
growth. The Confederation of
largest exhibitions venue. Occupying all 10 exhibition halls
New speciality show at
and Max Atria, FHA and WSA,
Food&HotelAsia – Speciality-
cessories from across the
Indian Industry (CII) has esti-
organised by Singapore Exhi-
globe. SpecialityCoffee&Tea is
mated that the foods process-
bition Services (SES), will be
Tea isn’t simply tea in India. It
the largest, most comprehen-
ing sector has the potential to
held from 8 – 11 April this year.
is a staple beverage and a day
sive and international show of
attract US$33 billion worth of
The event spans a total of
without it is incomplete for the
its kind in the region.
investments in 10 years and
100,000 sq m, 8% increase in
average consumer in India. Tea
Lindy Wee, Director of
size from 2012. It is the largest
is indigenous to the Eastern
Public Relations at SES says,
generate employment of 9 million persons – days.
edition in the event’s illustrious
and Northern parts of India,
“Rising affluence and changing
Additionally, over the next
37 year history. This year, in-
but the tea industry has grown
lifestyles in the region has cre-
three years India’s hospitality
dustry buyers can expect to
tremendously over the years,
ated greater demand for gour-
sector is likely to see invest-
source from a gathering of
met coffee and tea. The launch
ment of over US$200 billion
2,800 exhibitors from 70 coun-
grower and producer of tea in
with investors’ shifting their
tries/regions and 54 group
the world.
throws a spotlight on the in-
pavilions at FHA. Offerings
The tea production in India
dustry and highlights its devel-
span across all aspects of the
was 979,000 tonnes as of 2009.
opment, and caters to the
J Shanker, Director, CII
food and beverage (F&B) and
India is the world leader in
region’s booming café culture.
commented, “FHA 2014 and
hotel industry. Stephen Tan,
terms of consumption, export
In addition to the exhibits at
WSA 2014 provide an ideal
Chief Executive of show organ-
and production of tea – it ac-
SpecialityCoffee&Tea, visitors
platform for Indian companies
iser SES, who has nurtured the
counts for 31% of the global tea
from India can also source
to discuss the latest food and
show over the last 30 years
production. The total turnover
from the offerings at Hospitali-
hospitality industry trends and
says, “As industry pioneers we
of this industry is approxi-
tyStyleAsia and Bakery&Pas-
issues. We have seen the event
wanted to create a platform
mately Rs.10,000 crores. Esti-
try for all their coffee and tea
growing bigger and have bene-
where local and regional food
fitted greatly from the expo-
and hospitality businesses
consumption has also in-
The other five specialised
sure the show has offered.
could benefit from what was
creased from 838 million kilo-
shows are FoodAsia, HotelA-
Today, the event is a world
available in the global market
grams in 2009-2010 to 890
sia, Bakery&Pastry, Hospitali-
class show with visitors from
place as it was not easily ac-
million kilograms in 2012-2013.
the region and beyond.”
cessible back then. This year
The 19th edition of FHA
is a milestone for FHA and
will see the launch of Speciali-
WSA as it has maximised the
tyCoffee&Tea, bringing the
available exhibition space of Singapore’s largest exhibition
This edition of FHA and WSA sees an 80% increase in
The Indian Food Industry
participation compared to 2012
total number of speciality
The Indian food market is esti-
from Indian companies.
shows to six. Set against the
mated at over US$18 billion,
Hospitality News
Sheraton Macao Hotel kicks off 2014 with ‘Meet 24’ ‘Meet 24’ is a brand new initiative designed for smarter meetings.
the day of departure at no additional cost. This means that if the group's preferred checkin time is 8:00pm, the check-out time will be 8:00pm on the day of departure and no additional
being able to offer meeting facilities around the clock Reaffirms commitment to cater for groups of all sizes, including smaller ones Flexibility: able to check-out at the same early or late
more, meeting space booked
check-in time at no additional charges, e.g. group checks-in
will be held for the same dura-
at 5:00pm, they can check-out at 5:00pm
heraton Macao Hotel,
tion, meaning planners and delegates will enjoy meeting
wood's largest hotel globally,
and relaxation time with in-
and the biggest hotel in Macau
comparable flexibility.
with 3,896 room and more than
Meet 24 highlights Sheraton Macao Hotel's flexibility in
charges will apply. What's
Cotai Central, Star-
Quick facts on Meet 24:
Convenience: the convenience of using the hotel's meeting facilities at any time during their stay Dedicated Events Team: to ensure a stress-free event and that all meeting requirements are met round the clock
A first for Asia Pacific
Booking Requirements: Targeted at smaller MICE
14,000m2 of meeting space has
meeting planners and exclu-
groups, minimum 20 and maximum 100 room nights per day
rolled out Meet 24, believed to
sive to Sheraton Macao Hotel -
and at least one full day meeting for all group participants
be the first offer of its kind pro-
- Meet 24 is available only to
viding smaller meeting groups
members of the Starwood Pre-
flexible check-in and check-out
ferred Planner program. Meet
Validity: From now till December 19, 2014 ticipants. Time is precious so
ing the size of the property,
24 also focuses on the special
being able to meet at a time
smaller groups remain a prior-
more convenient for everyone
ity for the hotel.
check-in time of 3:00pm and
smaller groups with a mini-
really makes a difference to the
check-out time of 11:00am,
mum booking per day of 20
Meet 24 allows meeting groups
guestrooms and a maximum of
Ruth Boston, GM, Sales &
to check-in any time and
100 guestrooms plus at least
Marketing, Sheraton Macao
and aspirations. Our new offer
check-out at the same time on
one full-day meeting for all par-
Hotel, said that notwithstand-
delivers flexibility at a time
Instead of the usual fixed
"Meet 24 reinforces Sheraton Macao Hotel's commitment to cater for groups of all sizes
when planners are looking for ways to make their meetings more productive and cost effective, especially when time is limited and budgets are tight. Our conference floors also offer multiple meeting solutions with spaces specifically designed to accommodate smaller meetings and events. With Meet 24, planners can look forward to hassle-free
tomized to the busy schedules of their meeting attendees." Sheraton Macao Hotel is located in the center of the glittering Cotai Strip Resorts Macao. With its extensive room inventory and meeting space, the property is not only capable of hosting large conferences under one roof, its versatile meeting space can also be configured to cater to smaller, more intimate meetings.
Hospitality News
Jodhpur gets first Classic Heritage Hotel
classified as as a Classic Her-
Ranbanka Palace Hotel is now a Classic Heritage property.
itage hotel. This honour was
today houses a range of ac-
markable one. It offers many
proffered by the Ministry of
commodations from spacious
dining experiences with Ran-
anbanka Palace re-
guests are surrounded at all
food is fit for the kings and the
cently became the
times with a refreshing ambi-
staff provides a royal treat-
first hotel in Jodhpur to be
ence of heritage, peace and
ment to the guests that make
tranquility. The heritage hotel
the dining experience a re-
Tourism, Govt. of India as Ran-
and luxurious Club or Deluxe
banka Bagh surrounded by
banka Palace is traditional yet
rooms which face the Pool and
lush gardens, The Pachranga
innovatively modern and the
Court yard to extravagant
overlooking the central Court-
general features and ambiance
Suites in the royal ‘Heritage
yard serving Indian, oriental
of the hotel conform to the
Wing’ and luxurious ‘Jodhana
and continental cuisines with
overall concept of heritage and
Wing’. This sprawling Palace
the Baithak an exemplary Ra-
architectural distinctiveness.
was converted into a Hotel in
jasthani Lounge complete with
the year 2000,over the last
Sayyad MA Depuy General
Manager was overwhelmed by
thirteen years there has been
Massons.The Polo Bar which
this award and said, “We are
a constant up gradation of its
spills into the old pool side
extremely delighted to hear
facilities , presently too the
baradari exhibits the trophies
the news, and our aim has al-
Hotel is undergoing major ren-
won by the family over gener-
ways been to give the best to
ovation, restoration and up
our clientele. We will continue
gradation without disturbing
For relaxation there are
to offer novel heritage experi-
its operations , which will be in
the signature spa therapies at
ences, and will strive to delight
tune with some of the world
the ‘Spa by the Baradri’. There
the travelers and make their
class heritage Properties. The
is plenty in the way of enter-
stay with us a memorable
hotel today welcomes you with
tainment for the visitor.Kaalbe-
aesthetically upgraded and re-
lia dances, one of the most
Deriving its name from the
furbished rooms, and interiors
sensuous dance forms of Ra-
Rathore war cry, Ranbanka
and a restored Court yard and
Palace was built for Mahara-
freshly manicured gardens.
shows and traditional music
jadhiraj Sir Ajit Singh ji. Its
The spacious new lobby with
recitals. Unique in-room shop-
central location allows easy
full garden view adds to the
ping (Available in the Jodhana
access to key leisure and busi-
charm of this great heritage
Wing) a shopping corridor to
ness addresses in the Sun City.
entice you and many private
The hotel provides a perfect
Ranbanka Palace offers an
terraces for romantic dinners
amalgam of old world charm
array of cuisines with delec-
will make your visit here a cel-
and contemporary style.The
table Rajasthani flavors. The
International News
Anupam sharma (director), minister for Tourism, major events and the Arts, george souris, nsW Premier Barry o'Farrell at the Jhappi Time launch
NSW embraces fast-growing Indian tourism market
food and wine, and unique re-
and around NSW, the ‘Jhappi
Time’ vignettes feature actors
Manly Beach and the Blue
Time’ will showIndian trav-
and leaders of the Indian com-
Mountains. A cast of local In-
ellers that they will enjoy some
munity in NSW including Mala
dian dancers, actors and musi-
of their best travel experiences
Mehta OAM, Head of GOPIO
cians feature in the campaign.
– and holiday moments – here
Lucky Singh, Founder of TiE
in NSW.”
Dilip Rao and two finalists of
around NSW including Sydney,
Speaking on the occasion,
In an Aussie- first campaign, Destination NSW launches ‘Jhappi Time’ – a friends and relatives – focused tourism campaign.
Destination NSW CEO, Sandra
In launching the campaign
Australia’s first Bollywood real-
Chipchase, described the cam-
earlier today, NSW Premier
ity show, SBS’s Bollywood Star.
paign as acreative and industry
Barry O’Farrellsaid the cam-
The four vignettes include
ith a predicted 50 million
first that will ensureIndian
paign aims to build on the
the stories of: Sikh parents
outbound travellers by
travellers will have NSW front
State’s reputation as the key
wanting to visit their daughter
2020, India is one of the world’s
of mind when they plan their
destination for Indian travellers
who is studying at the Univer-
fastest growing travel markets
Australian holiday.
to Australia.
sity of Sydney; a husband and
and the target of an innovative
“Sydney is the number one
wife missing their adult chil-
new digital marketing cam-
worked with leading Bollywood
Australian destination for In-
dren who all live in Sydney; a
paign by Destination New
film director and Australian
dian travellers, with Regional
woman who is becoming a
South Wales (NSW) that show-
filmmaker, Anupam Sharma, to
NSW growing in popularity
grandmother for the first time
casesthe best of Sydney and
create a fun, completely unique
among tourists from India,” he
and wants to visit her new
and culturally authentic cam-
NSW to Indian visitors.
grandchild in Sydney; and a
The landmark campaign,
paign that will appeal directly
“India is one of the State’s
young woman who wants to
called ‘Jhappi Time’ or ‘hug
to Indian travellers’ love of fam-
most important tourism, trade
visit her best friend who lives in
time’, is the first campaign de-
ily, fun and good times,” Ms
and business investment mar-
veloped and executed by any
Chipchase explained.
kets, and ‘Jhappi Time’ will en-
The vignettes will be shown
Australian tourism body, to
“More than one third of In-
hance tourism from India,
in India through digital media
specifically target the visiting
dian visitors come to New
which is currently worth an es-
as well as through cinema ad-
friends and relatives market, in
South Walesto spend time with
timated $183 million a year to
vertising, where they were
their loved ones, so we are tap-
the NSW economy.”
tested across different demo-
India. The campaign features four
ping into the enormous poten-
In the year ending Septem-
graphics, and will support in-
‘Bollywood-style’ vignettes di-
tial of the ‘Visiting Friends &
ber 2013, NSW received 77,664
market industry partners and
rected by Bollywood director
Relatives’ market segment in
visitors from India who spent
travel wholesalers to promote
and Head of Films and TV for
3.6 million nights in the State.
travel packages and airfare of-
the Australian India Film Fund,
“With our stunning har-
Told against the backdrop
Anupam Sharma, set in various
bour, great beaches, wonderful
of famous landmarks in Sydney
fers to Indian travel agents and visitors.
International News
boost for Australia ‘Shaadi Ke Side Effects’ by Balaji Motion Pictures Limited and Pritish Nandy Communications featuring Gold Coast, Australia releases on 28 February 2014 .
ourism Australia (TA) in
nates in a wedding proposal on
paign with television and print
partnership with Tourism
a hot air balloon flight. Com-
commercials and PR and social
and Events Queensland (TEQ)
posed by ace music director,
media initiatives highlighting
Pritam Chakraborty, a trailer of
experiences undertaken by the
Nandy Communications (PNC)
the soundtrack released by the
lead cast that can be replicated
and Balaji Motion Pictures
film-makers has been receiving
by Indian travellers. As a
Limited (BMPL) on an exciting
good reviews and feedback, an
unique promotional activity,
in-film integration for their lat-
indication of the high anticipa-
when Farhan Akhtar and Vidya
est venture -‘Shaadi Ke Side Ef-
tion of the film amongst the In-
Balan were invited as special
dian cinema audience.
guests of the popular celebrity
Marriage), to promote Aus-
Speaking about the associ-
dance reality show ‘Nach
tralia as the perfect choice for
ation, Nishant Kashikar, Coun-
Baliye’ on Star Plus, they
romantic holidays. In the film,
try Manager – India & Gulf,
shared their experience of film-
Tourism Australia said, ‘Fea-
ing in Australia and also gave
Farhan Akhtar and Vidya
turing in Hindi films is a great
away a special Australian holi-
Balan bring alive the charm of
way of reaching out to a wide
day package to the champions,
Australia on the silver screen
audience base and we are glad
won by the popular TV couple
as they serenade to the peppy
to have collaborated with es-
Ritwick Dhanjani and Asha
love track ‘I’m Sorry Tumse
tablished brands of this indus-
Pyar Ho Gaya’ (I have fallen in
try to showcase Australia as an
love with you) in the sunshine
Events Queensland Interna-
city of Gold Coast.
Ross Gregory, Tourism and
Through the journey of the lead
tional Director, Eastern Mar-
A romantic high point of
actors, the audience will get to
kets said, "Tourism and Events
the film, the song features on-
see a very tempting glimpse of
Queensland is delighted to
screen characters Sid and Tr-
Gold Coast. The film’s release
have worked in partnership
isha enjoying special intimate
coincides with our integrated
with Tourism Australia and
moments against iconic Gold
brand campaign in the media
with Pritish Nandy Communi-
Coast experiences. Their so-
and we are optimistic that it
cations on this spectacular Bol-
journ included a self-drive ex-
will further enhance the appeal
lywood opportunity and for
perience in the Gold Coast
for Australian holidays this
being the preferred Australian
hinterland, frolicking along the
destination to film the back-
beach at Surfer’s Paradise,
To leverage the film associ-
ground images for the very ro-
cuddling a koala during a visit
ation, Tourism Australia (TA)
mantic song 'I'm Sorry Tumse
to Dreamworld and living it up
Pyaar Ho Gaya' from the block-
while enjoying the night life of
Queensland (TEQ) are imple-
buster Shaadi Ke Side Effects.
the city. Their journey culmi-
menting a promotional cam-
International News
L-R Jay Gray, VP-Global Partnership Development, Brand USA, Nancy Powell, US Ambassador to India, Sheema Vohra, MD, Brand USA India & Greg O’ Connor, Commercial Officer, US Embassy at Brand USA pavilion at SATTE 2014.
Brand USA hosts USA Pavilion at SATTE 2014 Delegation of U.S. suppliers and destinations attend India’s biggest travel and tourism event for the second consecutive year.
L-R Jay Gray, VP-Global Partnership Development, Brand USA with Nancy Powell, US Ambassador to India inaugurating Brand USA pavilion at SATTE 2014.
Car, Best Western Global Mar-
not highlighting my home state
keting Group, Best Western
of Iowa!” said Powell.
India, FRHI Hotels & Resorts,
India is a key market for the U.S. Emerging markets
The U.S. Embassy here in
are expected to grow their
Greater Miami Convention &
New Delhi participated in this
share of visitors substantially
Visitors Bureau, Las Vegas
event to help facilitate Indian
from 47 percent in 2012 to 57
Convention and Visitors Au-
travelers visiting the United
percent in 2030. As of 2012, in-
thority, Nevada Commission
Sates. “Travel and tourism to
ternational visitor spending in
Tourism, Caesars Entertain-
the U.S. are important ways
the U.S. from India repre-
ubsequent to the positive
ment, State of Nevada, Sea
for us to expand our cultural
sented nearly $5 billion and
response generated at
World Parks & Entertainment,
and commercial ties and in-
travel and tourism represent
SATTE 2013, Brand USA is
Team America Receptive Tour
crease trade between our
40 percent of all U.S. services
participating at SATTE 2014.
Operator, Tours Limited, Uni-
countries. But the most impor-
exports to India.
Through the USA Pavilion, US
versal Parks & Resorts, Visit
tant aspect of travel and
Sheema Vohra, Managing
exhibitors are afforded cost-ef-
Florida, and Walt Disney
tourism is not the dollar fig-
Director of Sartha Global and
fective and hassle-free oppor-
ures, but the person-to-person
a Representative of Brand
relationships that are culti-
USA India, commented: “The
Speaking at the inaugura-
overseas markets, introducing
tion of Brand USA Pavilion at
vated,” said Powell. “We will
USA is an amazingly versatile
new products and finding buy-
SATTE 2014, Nancy Powell, US
continue to find more ways to
destination. Our meetings with
ers at international travel and
Ambassador to India said, “It
make travel from India to the
the Indian travel trade at
tourism shows around the
is exciting to be at this event
U.S. as simple as possible. I
SATTE help us educate them
globe. SATTE, South Asia’s
look forward to working with
on the range of products and
leading travel & tourism event,
which has grown to become
the travel agency community
tourism offerings this beautiful
has become an extremely pop-
one of the premier tourism ex-
on this very important effort to
and diverse country has on offer for Indian visitors.”
ular platform for buyers and
hibitions in the region.” He
support U.S. travel, and I hope
sellers from the tourism indus-
noted with pleasure that US
that you find the SATTE show
try to meet and conduct busi-
had sizable Pavilion at the
informative and enjoyable.”
In addition to participating in tradeshows such as SATTE,
ness. As the Indian tourism
show. “In 2013, we welcomed
Jay Gray, Vice President of
Brand USA has completed
industry is growing at a fast
approximately 700,000 visitors
Global Partnerships at Brand
sales missions, travel agent ed-
pace, delegates at the Brand
from India. Indian travelers
USA said, : “SATTE is an ex-
ucational seminars and part-
USA booth will use this oppor-
are visiting our great states of
cellent platform for Brand USA
nership co-ops with key airline
tunity to build relationships
California, Florida, Nevada,
to position the U.S. as the
and travel trade partners in
with and market their prod-
and New York, and they are ex-
world’s premier holiday desti-
India. The demand generated
ucts to Indian buyers.
periencing the beauty of parks
nation. With our continued
and enhanced by Brand USA’s
The delegation consists of
like Yellowstone or Yosemite.
participation at SATTE and
promotional activities have
more than a dozen leading U.S.
Others are taking their fami-
our enhanced presence in the
been met with effective efforts
exhibitors from various travel
lies to destinations like Disney
Indian market, the USA is on
to reduce visa waiting times in
industry segments. The partic-
World and Sea World. Have to
ipants include Alamo Rent A
fault the BrandUSA folks for
key growth markets such as India.
International News
National airline of Maldives to start charter flights to Delhi Maldivian, the flagship carrier of Maldives is planning to start charter flights between the Maldivian capital Male and Delhi in next two to three months.
tential tourists to come, but
economy. As we celebrate 40
will also increase the ripple ef-
years of tourism, 109 exclu-
fect of the tourism dollar to
sive resorts with over 23,000
the surrounding local island
beds have been developed
communities by generating
which constitute a billion dol-
job opportunities, infrastruc-
lar industry. Presence of fa-
ture development and other
aldivian is negotiating
the tourism business together
to start charter flights
with the continued effort of
chains have positioned the
All development is being
between capitals of the two
our industry partners, Mal-
Maldives as must visit desti-
undertaken by giving careful
nations. This was informed by
consideration to the suste-
Hussain Lirar Deputy Tourism Minister, Maldives
is the lifeline of the Maldives
achieved this milestone. Over-
To match with the world
nance of the natural environ-
Tourism Minister, Maldives.
all Maldives received 1.1 mil-
class product, we are moving
ment and following strict
The Charter flights from Male
lion visitors in 2013.
full swing in developing our
regulatory measures. An en-
to Delhi will help in increase-
Lirar informed that Mal-
infrastructure, which is cru-
vironmental impact assess-
ing more Indian arrivals to
dives Tourism would conduct
cial in enhancing the tourist
ment needs to be undertaken
Maldives. The island national
many promotional activities
experience. In order to ease
and approved by the relevant
aims a substantial increase in
and some road shows in In-
the challenges faced to travel
government authority before
the Indian tourist arrivals to
dian market in this year.
between the islands, many
any development can take
Government of Maldives
airports have been developed.
place. For resort island devel-
gives free visa-on-arrival to all
Currently there are four
opment, only 30% of the land
the country. Hussain Lirar informed that the country has 60
nationalities of the world in-
area of a given island should
tourism projects in pipeline.
cluding Indians. The national
which two became interna-
be developed, no building
He requested Indian private
airline of the country has di-
tional in February 2013. These
should be higher than the
investors to invest in these
rect flights to two Indian
are Ibrahim Nasir Interna-
tallest palm, each resort must
proposed projects. Maldives
cities: Chennai and Trivan-
tional Airport (the main air-
house a self contained sewage
plan to develop north and
drum. Being one Island, and
port near the capital Male),
disposal system and an incin-
south regions of the country
one resort, Maldives is a
eration facility for waste.
as two new economic hubs
unique destination. Visitors
(Addu Atoll, in the South),
with focus on tourism sector
here have total privacy. The
tourism development is the
as central zone of the country
country has many romantic
Airport (Haa Dhaalu Atoll in
key to the success of tourism
has got saturated.
Adaptation of sustainable
sites, which honeymooners
the North), and Maamigili In-
in the Maldives we continue to
can enjoy with complete pri-
enjoy today.
Maldives reaches 1-Million
vacy. Maldives has one of the
Dhaalu Atoll, Central Mal-
India is one of the impor-
tourist milestones
best diving spots, which is
dives. The last two opened in
tant emerging markets for the
The Island nation received
popular among dive enthusi-
Feb 2013.
Maldives, and Indian arrivals
1.1 million visitors in 2013. It
asts of the world. The country
In addition to four interna-
also promotes other water-
tional airports there are five
tourists from 2013. The year
based activities, such as surf-
domestic airports are in oper-
biggest market from Asia and
2013 was an exciting year for
ing. It has ground water spa
ation, Kooddoo (Gaafu Alifu
ninth in the world. Country-
Maldives as far as tourism is
and ground water club.
Atioll), Kadhdhoo
wise China is number one
to the island nation have been It is the third
concerned. In February, the
Maldives is an archipelago
Atoll), Dharavandhoo (Baa
market for Maldives tourism.
country broke a record by
of 1190 islands scattered
Atoll), Kaadedhdhoo (Gaafu
Europe is major source mar-
having over 100,000 tourists
across the equator in the In-
Dhaalu Atoll and Fuvahmulah
ket for the country’s tourism
visit the destination in a single
(Gnaviyani Atoll). The 4th
month. The year 2013 ended
beaches, colourful underwa-
Tourism Master of Maldives
For potential investors
Maldives achieving a new
ter world in a unique geo-
encourages regional develop-
Maldives offer the opportunity
milestone; reaching its tar-
graphic setting is the ideal
ment of tourism. These new
to invest in a stable environ-
geted one million visitors by
setting for the ultimate holi-
airports will act as hubs of the
ment that has seen 40 years of
the end of 2013. With the ris-
day destination.
regional development.
ing tourism demand, and the
Tourism which began as
New airports will not only
versatility and resilience of
an unplanned activity in 1972
increase accessibility for po-
sustained growth with attractive returns. by TNH DESK
International News
‘We want to promote Egypt as a preferred destination in India’ Egyptian Tourism aims to promote Egypt as one of the preferred destinations in India. Egypt considers India as an important future market for its tourism sector.
n an interview with TnH, Dr. Adel El Masry, Direc-
Dr. Adel El Masry Director of Egyptian Tourism Office in India
tor of Egyptian Tourism Of-
events whether they are
work with travel trade pub-
B2B or B2C,” said Masry.
lications. We also increased
Speaking about the market-
media, cinema, domestic
Tourism Board for India
flights, newspapers and on-
market, Masry said, “We
line campaign. We need
will be more focused on new
more support from trade as-
segments like honeymoon,
MICE, Diving, golf, religious
Travel Agents Association India
and spiritual tourism.”
There would be four chan-
Agents Federation of India
nels to promote Egypt in In-
(TAFI).” He added, “India is
dian market.
These are
a big market. We share a lot
tour operators, media, air-
of thing with India, such as
fice in India spoke about the
considering its huge popula-
lines and official channels.
culture, foods, etc. We would
Egypt tourism plans to pro-
tion and expanding middle-
We will continue to support
be more focused on seg-
mote Egypt as tourism des-
ments like FITs, honey-
tination in India market.
Tourism has increased its
mooners, MICE, adventure
“We want to promote Egypt
budget for Indian market.
training and fam trips.
as one of the preferred des-
“We have already increased
tinations in India. We con-
our marketing and promo-
Explaining the marketing plans
He expressed
hope that with political sta-
bility returning in the coun-
sider India as one of our
tional budget for Indian
Tourism, Masry said, “We
try, better days for the
important markets. We see
We will increase
have also increased our
Egyptian tourism will re-
a lot of potential in India
our participation in trade
budget for media. We would
New Japan website for Meetings and Event Planners
suit their events’ needs and much more. The comprehensive toolkits available for download, give planners access to images,
videos and destination guides.
Planners can also submit event
(JNTO) and its convention di-
enquiries and proposals via the
vision, the Japan Convention
Bureau (JCB), have launched
JNTO is involved in a
a new website for interna-
broad range of activities pro-
tional MICE planners. The
moting travel to Japan through site,
various activities overseas as
well as tourism-promoting ac-
, is a handy tool for those
tivities in Japan. JNTO main-
planning conferences, corpo-
tains 13 offices in key cities
rate meetings and incentive
around the world, through
trips. The website provides in-
which a wide range of tourism-
formation on what Japan can
related promotions are carried
offer for international events;
out. Each overseas office is re-
testimonials & case studies; a
sponsible for promoting travel
list of unique venues and activ-
and tourism to Japan; one of
ities that are only available in
the most important functions is
Japan; a useful search function
to help the travel industry en-
that allows event planners to
courage their clients to visit
find cities and venues that best
International News
Tourism Ireland hosts 1st ever India Market Seminar for Irish travel trade Tourism Ireland recently conducted an India Market Seminar for Irish suppliers at The Westbury Hotel in Dublin on January 30, 2014. he seminar was attended
culture of the west coast – will
by Leo Varadkar TD,
have tremendous appeal to In-
dian travellers. Theconcept of
Tourism and Sport; HE Rad-
self-drive holidays is also
hika Lal Lokesh, Indian Am-
catching up among Indian
bassador to Ireland as well as
over 80 Irish suppliers includ-
growth in this segment, so this
From breathtaking land-
erating, Kuoni India.
grateful for that.” As part of these holidays
ing destination management
year we will be focusing on
scapes and rural idylls to
Kuoni recommends experi-
companies, airlines, hotels, at-
driving routes around the is-
ences that include:
tractions and film companies.
land of Ireland as part of our
amazing festivals, the scenic
Seven-Days Highlights of
Leo Varadkar TD, Minis-
promotional activity in India.”
landscapes of Ireland are
Ireland Customised tour ex-
beautiful. Kuoni-SOTC offers
ploring Dublin & Belfast
ter for Transport, Tourism and Sport said, “Tourism to Ireland from India is growing and performing very well. In
Kuoni–SOTC launches Ireland Brochure for 2014
holiday experiences that are
Nine-Days Irish Explorer
designed to explore and dis-
Coach tour exploring Dublin,
cover the very best of Ireland.
Donegal, Galway and Killar-
2012 we welcomed 21,000 vis-
Kuoni-SOTC in associa-
Speaking on the launch of
itors from India, a 17% in-
tion with Tourism Ireland has
the brochure Vishal Suri, CEO
crease onthe previous year
Tour Operating, Kuoni India
Way, Self-Drive tour exploring
and there is every indication
Brochure for Ireland for the
said “With the growing inter-
Dublin, Silgo, Westport, Gal-
of continued success in 2013
Indian travelers at the India
est seen in Ireland as a holi-
way, Dingle, Killarney and
and again in 2014. The Irish
Seminar at Dublin.
day destination, Kuoni-SOTC
ney Nine- Days Wild Atlantic
Launch of an exclusive
brings to Indian travellers the
which launched in July 2011,
Ireland brochure by Kuoni
first Ireland-only brochure.
cation of two renowned travel
continues to attract more vis-
India at the India Market Sem-
Kuoni- SOTC experiences are
brands giving shape to the
itors from India. Another im-
inar reflects Ireland’s rapidly
designed to indulge in stun-
dream holidays of millions of
portant step forward has been
growing stature as a tourism
ning locales of Ireland, offer-
advances on the airline access
destination in India.
ing personalized and unique
goodness and approachability
Kuoni - SOTC is the unifi-
front. The growth in direct
brochure is the first of its kind
experiences of discovering the
of ‘SOTC’ and the global ex-
flights from the Middle East to
dedicated brochure for Ire-
pertise and explorer imagery
Dublin has significantly im-
land by an Indian tour opera-
proved access from India to
Niall Tourism
Gibbons, Ireland
of ‘Kuoni’, Kuoni- SOTC is the
new age innovative holiday
the islandof Ireland. This will
The brochure was un-
“Tourism Ireland has been
further improve access, avail-
veiled in the presence of es-
working very closely with
Its mainstream holiday
ability and connectivity be-
Kuoni Travel in India over the
business is a leader in all
tween Ireland and many
included the Ireland Tourism
years to develop some special
travel segments namely Es-
Indian cities.
Minister, Leo Varadkar T.D,
itineraries, offering its cus-
corted Tours, Free Individual
the Indian Ambassador to Ire-
tomers a unique experience of
Travel and Domestic Holidays
Tourism Ireland stated, “In
land, Radhika Lokesh, CEO
Ireland. We are happy to an-
amongst others. Our MICE di-
2014, we will place a major
Tourism Ireland, Mr. Niall Gib-
nounce the launch of an exclu-
vision is the leader in Incen-
focus on highlighting the Wild
bons, Tourism Ireland India
tive Travel. Its vast array of
Atlantic Way. We believe this
Rep, Huzan Fraser & Beena
Ireland which demonstrates
holiday services is taking hol-
exciting new tourism experi-
Menon, Tourism Ireland Head
Kuoni’s confidence and com-
idaying to an entirely new
ence – showcasing the spec-
Markets, Mr. Simon Gregory
mitment towards the island of
tacular scenery and unique
and Vishal Suri, CEO Tour Op-
Ireland, and we are very
International News
Portuguese Tourism delegation conducts India Marketing Blitz 20 member Portugal delegates interact with 500 Indian travel trade members in Chennai, Bangalore and Mumbai
iven the importance and
pany ‘Cinemate’ also traveled
potential of India as a
with the delegates to interact
source market for leisure and
with the Tamil, Kannada and
business visitors to the Portu-
Mumbai’s own Bollywood in-
gal; the tourism authority of
dustry officials.
the Government of Portugal
Commenting on the delega-
(Turismo de Portugal) led a 20
tion visit, Claudia Miguel, Trade
member delegation on a 3 city
Relations, Marketing & Promo-
workshop session covering the
tion Division for Tourism of Por-
Southern states of Karnataka
tugal said: “The workshop
provided a platform for the Por-
sort & Hotel, Sofitel Lisbon
ment, Turismo de Portugal is
(Chennai) and the important
tuguese delegation to interact
the national tourism authority
outbound hub of Mumbai in the
and establish commercial rela-
Penha Longa, Ritz Carlton
responsible for promotion, en-
Western state of Maharash-
tionships with Indian travel
Hotel, Vila Gale Hotels, RDMC,
hancement and sustainability
tra.Through this marketing ini-
agents, tour operators, wedding
Oasistravel.net, Osiris Travel,
of tourism activities, aggregat-
tiative, the Government of
planners, and corporate travel
Quasar, VEGA & destination
ing within a single entity all the
Portugal along with several des-
agencies to further boost Portu-
management companies such
institutional competencies re-
tination management compa-
gal’s image as Europe’s premier
as In Tours Portugal – DMC,
lated to stimulation of tourism
nies, Portuguese hoteliers and
leisure and MICE destination
Vinitur - DMC, Lusanova DMC,
activities, from the supply sec-
resort owners interacted with
that offers value for money.”
Mr. Travel Portugal – Luxury
tor to demand. Using its priv-
500 Indian private sector organ-
Accompanying the govern-
DMC and Vista DMC, Cinemate
ilege relationship with other
izations comprising travel com-
ment official of Turismo de Por-
– a movie production company
public bodies and economic
panies, tour operators, wedding
tugal is the Portuguese private
& Dubai’s own national carrier
planners / organizers and even
sector delegation comprising
- Emirates Airlines.
abroad, Turismo de Portugal
film producers and location
hotels, destination manage-
Turismo de Portugal, I.P. is
managers across the 3 cities.
ment companies & tour opera-
an organization that aims to
Participants included
foster development of Por-
tourism as one of the core
tap the increasing film industry
GeoStar Destination Manage-
tuguese tourism. Integrated
growth engines of the Por-
role in destination promotion;
ment, Four Seasons Hotel Ritz
within the Ministry of the Econ-
tuguese economy.
Portugal’s line production com-
Lisbon, Martinhal Beach Re-
omy, Innovation and Develop-
As part of its mandate to
is dedicated to fulfilling its obof
International News
42nd Hong Kong Arts Festival commences he Hong Kong Arts Festi-
140 performances, including
val (HKAF) -- the pinna-
13 world premieres and 17
cle of Hong Kong’s performing
Asian premieres – and this
arts events -- showcases
year promises even more.
Asia’s top talents alongside
iNfo when: 18 February to 22 march 2014 where: hong Kong Tickets can be booked online on www.hk.artsfestival.org
leading artists from around
the world. The festival show-
events will be conducted in
cases an assorted mix of clas-
different venues. Some of
sical and contemporary works
which are Hong Kong Cultural
that reaches an audience of 1,
Centre, HK Academy for Per-
20,000 people including the
forming Arts, and Hong Kong
participants of the Festival’s
City Hall. Genres that can be
Young Friends Scheme. The
witnessed at the 42nd Hong
festival’s broad spectrum of
Kong Arts Festival include
events pitches to a wide range
of appetites, from the classi-
music, world music, Western
cal, to the avant-garde, to the
opera, Chinese opera, drama
and dance. Each festival in-
Heading into its 42nd run
cludes concerts by each of
in 2014, the HKAF is one of
Hong Kong Philharmonic Or-
Asia’s top cultural events,
chestra, Hong Kong Chinese
hosting a stellar spectrum of
Orchestra and Hong Kong
performances. Last year, the
festival presented more than
International News
Call of panoramic mountain rides and Swiss watch-making tour
to Switzerland is from April to June. India had around 90 per cent leisure and 10 per cent business tourists to Switzerland in the previous year.
Switzerland Tourism has set the ball rolling to tempt a large number of Indian tourists with the launch of Swiss Peak Pass, Geneva Masala Map, Geneva Watch Tour and Geneva Transport Card.
There are a range of apartments at Lucerne that provide comfortable accommodation
Swaati Chaudhury
clocked a growth of 250 per
est known as the land of
cent over the last 10 years in
Stephan Heuberger, Director,
the Indian market. MICE
Switzerland Tourism informed,
rides and panoramic trains of-
travel is on the rise among In-
fering great scenic views, Switzerland is a dream holiday destination for Indian travellers.
Tourism has been one of the premier European tourism groups to set its foot in the Indian soil and prides in having Stephan Heuberger Director, Switzerland Tourism
options for Indian travellers.
a presence of 15 years in India. In its latest efforts to woo a sizeable chunk of Indian tourists from the eastern region and other parts of India, Switzerland
rolled out its Summer Campaign 2014 to highlight the significance of the country as the ultimate destination for nature lovers and adventurebuffs. Switzerland Tourism has declared 2014 as the “Year of Views”
panoramic trails, mountain trains providing incredibly exciting experience with grand views restaurants and cities offering spectacular views of snow-capped mountains.
Snapshot Fresh initiatives of Switzerland Tourism in India: •Launched its Summer Campaign 2014. •2014 declared as the “Year of Views”. •Greater focus on MICE travel. •Working with Thomas Cook and Kuoni Travel to impart training to small travel agents. •Targeting family travellers and youth segment. •Launch of Geneva Masala Map in bilingual Hindi and English. •Geneva Watch tour on offer. •Geneva Transport Card for tourists. •Swiss Peak Pass offering a ride of fascinating eight summits.
“Indian tourists are now travRitu Sharma Deputy Director, Switzerland Tourism
elling for longer duration to Switzerland and are including
tion in tier-II and tier-III cities
London or Paris in their itiner-
of India like Nagpur and
ary. We have high-valued trav-
Chandigarh and emphasize on
ellers from Kolkata and the
social media. Swiss destina-
tourist traffic from the city is
tions are much-in demand
growing in Switzerland. The
from travellers all over India
most-loved destinations are
but the demand from smaller
Lucerne, Gstaad and Mt Titlis
cities is on the increasing
for Indian tourists. Besides,
trend.” The tourism group has
Swiss International Airlines
hosted road shows in Kolkata
flying from Mumbai and New
and Guwahati in North-east-
Delhi and Gulf Carriers are in-
ern region in the New Year.
creasing their frequencies from
Switzerland plays a power-
these Indian metros.”
ful brand in the global tourist
In a friendly gesture to wel-
market. In an attempt to boost
come more number of Indian
social media marketing, the
tourists, Geneva Masala Map
tourism group has unveiled its
has been launched in English
and Hindi for Indian visitors.
Sharma added, “We are laying
Another tempting offer is
a special focus on two groups
Geneva Watch Tour that
of Indian tourists including
takes tourists on a tour of his-
family travellers and the youth
torical monuments and bou-
comprising school and college-
tiques to discover the famed,
goers in the age bracket of 12
500-year-old watch industry
to 24 years. Our target growth
in the city. Tourists can avail
in India is around 10 per cent
of Geneva Transport Card to
in the current period and this
access free public transport
Ritu Sharma, Deputy Direc-
dian business travellers and
will take overnights beyond
tor, Switzerland Tourism said,
there would be a greater focus
550,000 marks. There were
Travel System is into offering
“India figures among our top
on MICE travel in the current
around 510,000 overnights
Swiss Peak Pass to tourists to
12 source markets and we
We are working
from India last year. Incentive
travel up to eight mountain
have plans to take our latest
closely with Thomas Cook and
travel would rise up from India
summits, free public trans-
bounties to end-consumers.
Kuoni Travel (India) to impart
this year. Mumbai and Gujarat
port across the country and
We are looking to create
training session for small
contribute a major chunk of
free visit to 470 museums.
awareness and desire in the
travel agents on Swiss travel
outbound travellers to Switzer-
The pass is valid from Janu-
hearts of Indian travellers.
in the current year. We would
land. ” The most convenient
ary 1 to December 23, this
go on with our tourism promo-
travel period for Indian tourists
International News
Mesmerizing tourists with German magical cities GNTO is optimistic about the current growth rate of Indian tourist traffic to Germany. Swaati Chaudhury imed
Kolkata travel agents and
to facilitate interactions between India Pool members and the travel fraternity of Bengal, German National Tourist Office (GNTO) organized Germany India Pool Road Show in Kolkata sometime on February 13, this year. Germany happens to be the only European counRomit Theophilus Director, Sales and Marketing, GNTO
tourist arrivals this year. Indian
Route in India including Bre-
cedes-Benz Museum is in
travellers on a tour of German
men, Disney Castle, Hamelin
Stuttgart and Dresden is well-
destinations are lured by the af-
and Little Red Riding Hood
known to have some of the
fordable hospitality, culinary
Country in the ongoing period.
best art collections in the
delights, fun festival, mesmer-
It’s been since 2007 that The
world. Oktoberfest- the largest
izing nature, shoppers’ para-
Fairy Tale Route has been pro-
global beer festival is held in
Snapshot GNTO intends to promote: •Magical cities of Munich, Dresden, Frankfurt and Hamburg. •Fairy Tale Route. •Romantic Getaway. •Mercedes-Benz Museum in Stuttgart. •Oktoberfest in Munich.
moted in India since 2007 and
Munich in autumn months
takes off from Kassel at Broth-
every year.
ers Grimm Museum. Heidelberg
Theophilus added, “Berlin,
Munich, Stuttgart, Cologne
historic quarters and is best
and Frankfurt are the hottest
known as a romantic getaway.
destinations for Indian trav-
The UNESCO listed World Her-
ellers. India had around 15 per
itage Site of Koblenz provides
cent MICE tourists to Ger-
grand views of the Upper Mid-
many in the previous year. In-
dle Rhine Valley. Theophilus
dian business travellers flying
said, “Germany gets the highest
to Germany were around 65
number of Indian tourists from
per cent and leisure tourists
New Delhi, Mumbai, Ben-
were 35 per cent last year. Al-
try that has received a record-
dise, upgraded infrastructure,
galuru and Chennai. Kolkata
though there was economic
breaking number of Indian
romantic getaways, wellness
ranks sixth in position in
slowdown, we witnessed a
travellers last year. The road show had tourism boards from Bavaria, Cologne
and comfortable travel options.
terms of outbound travellers
growth of 5 per cent in the flow
Most Indians prefer to holiday
to Germany.” GNTO would
of Indian visitors last year.
for three days in Germany.”
hold road shows in major met-
Around 2,500 leisure visas were
and Saxony. Romit Theophilus,
Munich, Dresden, Frankfurt
Director, Sales and Marketing,
and Hamburg are the magical
ros and cities like Ahmedabad
issued in eastern India last
and Cochin in 2014.
year. Kolkata has an immense
GNTO explained, “As many as
German cities that manage to
One can get stunning sights
market potential and we are
6 lakh Indian tourists flew to
fascinate even the most sceptic
of the Alps, the world’s highest
hopeful that the tourist traffic
Germany last year and we are
visitors. The tourism board is
mountain peak in Bavaria.
from Kolkata would go up by 10
looking ahead for double digit
eager to promote the Fairy Tale
The world’s one and only Mer-
per cent this year.”
Overwhelming response to Germany India Pool Road Show GNTO India Pool showcases Destination Germany in Chennai, Kolkata and Mumbai.
he Germany India Pool
educate, inform about experi-
roadshow which was re-
ences and various activities,
cently conducted in Chennai,
GNTO organizes the India
Kolkata & Mumbai, received
an excellent response from
twice a year.
the travel trade in the city, fur-
Romit Theophilus, Direc-
awareness of destination Ger-
rupee and the economic sce-
ther aiding in interactions
tor Sales & Marketing, The
many’s attractions besides
nario. We are optimistic for
overnights. We are glad to
with the trade on the Best
German National Tourist Of-
providing regular updates to
2014 and expect the growth
learn that the travel trade in
Selling Practices for the desti-
fice, India, said “Over the
the travel trade and media.
rate to be back in double dig-
all these cities understands
nation. With the increased in-
years, the initiative of India
2013 witnessed 5 % growth
its. For the period January-
and support Germany as a
terest in Germany, and to
Pool has resulted in a greater
despite the devaluation of
November 2013, Germany has
Event Watch
Brand USA Pavilion at SATTE 2014 Travel and tourism suppliers from US led by Brand USA attended India’s leading B2B travel and tourism show SATTE 2014 that took place in New Delhi recently. Brand US pavilion was inaugurated by US Ambassador to India, Nancy Powell.
International News
India is biggest market in Asia for Kenya India has always been an important source market for Kenya as a tourist destination. In 2012 over 61,275 Indian tourists travelled to Kenya.
Magical Kenya Expert certificate given to Travel Trade Inauguration of Kenya Stall at SATTE by H.E Florence I. Weche, High Commissioner of Kenya to India
ndia is the 4th largest
source market with 6.9%
H.E Florence I. Weche,
market share till June 2013.
High Commissioner of Kenya
Since 2009 India has regis-
to India said, “We see a lot of
tered a growth of 68% in the
potential in Indian market and
number of tourist’s receipts.
that’s why we are marketing
Kenya has come up with lot of
more now. Our objective is to
promotions and activities to
reach over 2,00,000 Indian
highlight the destination in
tourists in the next five years.
India and attract the avid trav-
In terms of arrivals, India is
ranked 4th market after UK,
Kenya Tourism Board re-
US and Italy for Kenya. We are
cently participated in SATTE,
focusing on weddings, high
New Delhi. It is a B2B event or-
end travelers, honeymoon,
ganized every year, emphasiz-
sports and Bollywood. India
Kenya Stall at SATTE
ing on developments in travel
and Kenya has a lot of histori-
the android and iOS platforms.
and tourism. At the event
cal connection and it is easy
The Magical Kenya App is
‘Magical Kenya Expert’ certifi-
for Indians to connect with the
designed to make travellers
cate were given to the Travel
experience seamless by pro-
Trade by H.E Florence I.
One of the main highlight of
viding them access to the lat-
Weche, High Commissioner of
the event was the launch of
Kenya to India. KTB along
first ever mobile application;
information about destinations
with 12 private participants,
The Magical Kenya App. This
in Kenya. It is a perfect travel
including tour operators, hote-
mobile application aims to in-
liers, service providers and
crease arrivals to the country
tourists to explore the capti-
DMC’s from Kenya were pres-
by providing an opportunity
vating country and forming
ent to showcase their product
through which the tourists find
their own customised itiner-
line for Indian market.
reliable information about
aries on the go.
Kenya Tourist Board stall
Kenya, plan their trips and
Kenya is a destination which
witnessed good numbers in
share their holiday experi-
has diversified product range
terms of Travel Trade visitors
ences in form of videos. This
for all kinds of travellers.
and great spectator’s partici-
application is available on both
From L to R : Betty Ichan, Regional Marketing Manager-Emering Markets Kenya Tourism Board, H.E Florence I. Weche, High Commissioner of Kenya to India
In Conversation
lieved in providing the right products and technologies for our customers to grow their business and improve efficiencies,” said Parashar. He added, “One major landmark achievement for us has been that we got voted as the ‘Best GDS in Asia Pacific’ at TTG awards for fifth successive year and ‘Best GDS in India’ for third consecutive year at TAAI awards in 2013. This is tremendous achievement since both these awards are based on customer voting.” ITQ will continue to focus on its strategy of being customer focused by continuing to invest in more seamless and advanced technologies for our travel partners. “Our transparency and integrity in the market, quality of service and providing 24 x 7 supports to our customers will
Anil Parashar President & CEO Interglobe Technology Quotient
stand us apart from our customers,” said Parashar.
Customer satisfaction would be key focus area for us: Anil Parashar In Conversation with TnH, Anil Parashar, President & CEO of Interglobe Technology Quotient ( ITQ) talks about the company’s focus areas and its growth strategy.
Our focus would continue to be the leader in bringing in advanced and ground breaking technologies for our customers which will help them gain efficiencies in their business.
As regards the future of GDS in India, and the role of companies like ITQ evolving in future, Parashar said, “Indian market will also see the evolving of the GDS in times to come. They will continue to Innovate and evolve with the times by offering new and unique products and offerings to their customers. The GDS will be the harbinger of change and will continue to shape the travel distribution in years to come.”
Prem Kumar ITQ aims to continue to be leader in bring-
ing in advanced and ground breaking
ITQ along with Travelport has always
technologies for its customers. “Our focus
been at forefront of providing new and
would continue to be the leader in bring-
ground breaking technology to its travel
ing in advanced and ground breaking
partners. “We continue to be the harbin-
technologies for our customers which will
ger of change by creating solutions and
help them gain efficiencies in their busi-
product offerings that are customized to
ness. Customer satisfaction would be our
enhance travel partner’s efficiency and ef-
key area and we are very excited that we
fectiveness,” said Parashar. He added,
would be launching some key products in
“We continue to retain our focus on cus-
near future for our customers,” said
tomer service and improving service de-
liveries for the same. We are very excited as we are looking at launching some rev-
Growing strength
olutionary products in near future for our customers.”
Over the last two decades ITQ has grown from strength to strength in terms of prod-
Pan India presence
ucts and offerings. “We have always be-
ITQ provides cutting edge travel technol-
In Conversation
ogy solutions with unmatched in-
resources in our services and sup-
are equally committed to work
Travelport Galileo has always re-
ventory options to its customers
port teams to ensure that we are
closely with our supplier partners
mained at the forefront of bringing
helping them increase their produc-
well equipped to respond to cus-
and bring in value addition to our
in innovation for the partners.
tivity and business efficiency. ITQ is
tomer needs. Service delivery re-
customers. All our investments are
In terms of opportunities and
the official distributor of Travelport
mains our utmost priority to
towards constantly developing new
challenges, “There is a healthy fu-
Galileo in India and Sri Lanka, and
support our customers,” said
products that evolve the needs of the
ture for the travel & tourism indus-
travel community.”
that of Travelport Worldspan,
Parashar. He added, “Very soon you
through Calleo Distribution Tech-
would be seeing some ground
nologies Pvt. Ltd. in five markets
breaking products that will change
try in India. The country offers investors an enormous potential in
Tier-II and - III cities
domestic market, with an increase
across the Asia Pacific region.
the dynamics of the way business is
“We see a tremendous growth story
in GDP growth over the years pro-
Parashar said, “We are well repre-
conducted. These products have
in India in Tier-II, Tier-III cities in
viding a substantial boost to out-
sented across India with an ex-
been hugely successful in the inter-
the coming months. The real trav-
bound travel figures,” said Parashar.
tended network in over 500 cities.
national market.”
eler will evolve from these markets
“The air travel industry, in particu-
and would help in driving the de-
lar, is expected to be subject to a
With 20 dedicated offices, ITQ reaches out to over 12,500 agencies
Travelport Rooms & More
mand in the industry. It is a tremen-
range of investment programmes,
and it has a nationalized service
ITQ is focused and committed to
dous opportunity for us to be
with work continuing to see the
centre and 13 training centres with
provide value addition to its part-
present in these markets and have
sector recover from the manage-
state-of-the-art infrastructure and
ners. “A part of this endeavour has
the ability to service these aspira-
rial and economic problems expe-
facilities of international standards.
been the launch of Travelport
tions of the new age traveller,” said
rienced in 2011 and 2012,” said
Rooms and More which will revolu-
Parashar, adding, “We are very ex-
Upcoming opportunities
tionize the way the hotel bookings
cited about 2014 as we seek to
ITQ is gearing up to make the
are created by the travel agents. It
most from the upcoming opportuni-
does not only provide a huge variety
Milestones India
ties. “We at ITQ understand the
of content from multiple aggrega-
Travelport Galileo has been at the
launch some really ground breaking products and technology offerings for our customers. These
needs and requirements of cus-
tors, but also enables seamless com-
forefront of delivering technological
offerings will change the dynamics
tomers and thus over the past cou-
mission remittance for the travel
milestones for the industry. Whether
of how the industry is going to
ple of years we have invested huge
agents,” said Parashar, adding, “We
it is technology or product offering,
function in future.”
Gita Ramesh’s ‘The Ayurvedic Cookbook, Get fit in Just Two Weeks” released Book by Roli Publications Reveals Secret Weight Management Recipes of Kairali. enowned
Ramesh said “Anybody
version with local ingredients
a two week chart is provided as
with absolutely no cooking
to make one fit by providing
ready reckoner. If followed cor-
skills can also follow these sim-
proper DIY diet chart, this book
rectly one can get healthy and fit in just two weeks.
ple and quick recipes and eat
translates ancient knowledge
fresh and hot food. We selected
into practical, easy to follow
Spread across 9 countries
each dish by keeping in mind
guide with simple recipes as
with 35 treatment centers, and
today’s trend of eating habits
said by Dr. P.R. Krishnakumar
residential Ayurvedic health re-
and taste. The book contains all
MD, Arya Vaidya Pharmacy
treats, Kairali Ayurvedic Group
3 proper square vegetarian
is famous for its medicinal and
meals keeping Ayurveda intact.
The Ayurveda Cookbook of-
cosmetics products and a big
Practitioner and Joint
With few books available on
fers recipes that are simple,
name in Spa and Wellness industry.
Managing Director of the
healthy cooking, the USP of the
fresh, organic and easily di-
Kairali Ayurvedic Group, Gita
book is, it tells the nutritional
gestible. These recipes are ef-
The groups business prac-
Ramesh released her second
and medicinal value of every
fective in keeping the body
tices extend to traditional
book ‘The Ayurvedic Cookbook:
fruit, vegetable and spice used
healthy and disease free.
Ayurvedic medicine created
Get fit in Just Two Week’.
in daily life. The book is compi-
Published by Roli Publication the book also contains some herbal therapies like
“Indian kitchen acts as a
lation of healthy, Ayurvedic and
medicine cabinet, with many
easily digestible recipes.
homemade remedies. I would ‘The
like to impart all this knowl-
also offers spa franchise op-
edge which I acquired over the
portunities, helping spa own-
Navarakizhi, apart from reveal-
won many awards in the
years, through this book’ fur-
ers around the world develop
ing secret weight management
Ayurveda sector.
ther added Ramesh .
Ayurvedic wellness centers,
Kairali Ayurvedic Group
Ayurveda Herbal Massage’ had
the ancient Vedas.
Elakizhi, Udwarthanam and
recipes of Kairali, for the 1st
from the precise instructions of
To make the herbal diet
more suitable and in a healthier
easy-to-understand and follow,
health retreats and spa hotels.
Appointment News Manish Garg Hilton Garden Inn Trivandrum
Vishal Singh Hyatt Pune
Hemant Tenneti Courtyard by Marriott Pune Chakan
Vishal Singh is the General Man-
Manish Garg has been appointed
Marriott International has ap-
ager of Hyatt Pune. Vishal comes
General Manager for Hilton Garden
pointed Hemant Tenneti as Hotel
with about 18 years of experience
Inn Trivandrum, the upscale hotel
Manager of Courtyard by Mar-
in the hospitality industry. An as-
strategically located in the city cen-
riott Pune Chakan. With a career
tute, responsible and a result ori-
tre on Punnen Road, near prime
spanning over 15 years in the
ented individual, Vishal has a deep
government institutions and com-
field of Food & Beverage and con-
understanding of the hospitality in-
mercial establishments.
vention business, Hemant under-
dustry after having worked at various hotels in
Manish brings with him over 17 years of experience
takes the reign of Courtyard Chakan from
Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Goa. As the General
in the hospitality industry. He has held several posi-
Renaissance Mumbai Convention Centre Hotel
Manager of Hyatt Pune, Vishal’s key responsibility
tions in Food and Beverage Operations as well as
and Marriott Executive Apartments where he was
would be to ensure the smooth functioning of the
Conference and Events with Four Seasons and Mar-
the Director of Food & Beverage. In his new role,
property. Hyatt Pune prides itself as an ideal hospi-
riott Hotels & Resorts in India, Australia and the
Hemant will be overseeing the daily operations of
tality destination for business and leisure travellers.
United Kingdom.
the hotel along with brand management.
Gajendra Singh Hive Alwar Hive Alwar has appointed Gajen-
Anuj Soin Courtyard by Marriott Gurgaon Courtyard by Marriott Gurgaon
Ramana Prasad Pullman Gurgaon Central Park Pullman Gurgaon Central Park
dra Singh as the new General
has appointed Anuj Soin as its
has appointed Ramana Prasad as
Manager recently. Hive Alwar is a
Events Manager – F&B. Anuj will
Director of Human Resources. Ra-
modern international standard
work closely with the sales depart-
mana’s experience in the hospital-
hotel that boasts of uncompro-
ment to ensure maximum prof-
ity industry spans almost two
mised luxury in the form of best
itability and oversee food &
decades. Ramana’s objective will
services & facilities amidst the pic-
beverage operations to maintain high service stan-
be to conceptualise and implement HR Strategies
turesque surroundings of Alwar. Gajendra holds a
dards. He will ensure consistent quality in terms of
that support business and financial objectives, to
masters degree in Tourism Management. Along
food services in restaurants, bar, rooms and ban-
further strengthen Pullman Gurgaon Central Park’s
with his extensive experience of over 12 years in
quets. Anuj comes with over 8 years of experience in
position, as an employer of choice. He has good ex-
the hospitality industry, he has shown his capabil-
operations and training. Anuj was associated with
posure in the hospitality industry, primarily with
ity of managing most of the department.
The Leela, Gurgaon and Taj Rambagh Palace, Jaipur.
Accor and The Park Hotel at Hyderabad.
Ashok Eapen K. Hilton Garden Inn Trivandrum
Chef Karumariappan Sundarajan Hilton Garden Inn Trivandrum
Mayank Pandey Tux Hospitality
Ashok Eapen K. has been ap-
Chef Karumariappan Sundarajan
Mayank Pandey has been recently
pointed Executive Chef for Hilton
has been appointed as Pastry
appointed as the Head of Sales at
Garden Inn Trivandrum, the up-
Chef for Hilton Garden Inn
Tux Hospitality, the Hotel Man-
scale hotel strategically located in
Trivandrum, the upscale yet af-
agement, Operations and Market-
the city centre on Punnen Road.
fordable hotel strategically lo-
ing Company. Mayank is a highly
Chef Eapen will oversee the hotel's
cated in the city centre on Punnen
competent professional crusader,
F&B operations, which includes
Road, near prime government in-
with over 13 years of experience in
the all-day-dining restaurant, Garden Grille; the
stitutions and commercial establishments. With 18
Operations/ Client servicing/ Sales & Marketing in
trendy VBar and 24-hour in-room dining service.
years’ experience in baking, production and cater-
the Hospitality Industry. Having worked with estab-
Chef Eapen brings with him over 12 years of experi-
ing, Chef Sundarajan is skilled in the art of baking
lished brands like Jaypee Palace Hotel & Convention
ence in the hospitality industry. Previous he was the
and pastry. He joined Hilton Garden Inn Trivan-
Centre, Park Inn and Park Plaza in the past the key
Sous Chef at Vivanta by Taj - Malabar, Kerala, and
drum in October 2013, as part of the hotel’s core
functional areas in his purview includes Business
later he moved on to become the Chef-in-Charge.
pre-opening team.
Development, Operations and Client servicing.