Travel and Hospitality (TnH) - March 2015

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We all know what a cutthroat world it is out there in terms of competition. The travel industry is no different. There are unlimited choices of hotels, airlines, destinations and itineraries, all laid out before us like an endless buffet of delectable dishes. Everything seems so delicious that it is hard for us to win our customers loyalties. Since the travel, tourism and hospitality industries depend on networking, global recognition and relations with clients more than any other sector, in recent years trade fairs have increasingly become the preferred strategy in the context of a company's marketing mix. In an attempt to better understand the trend of higher frequency of trade fairs and the consistently growing visitor numbers that attend them our cover story on travel trade marts (Pg. 34) tries to get information straight from the horse's mouth and speaks with or-

Printed, published and owned by Srishti Rai. Printed at Somsons Printing Works, 1/7, Doctor’s Lane, Gole Market, New Delhi - 110001, and published at P- 23/90, Connaught Circus, New Delhi 110001; Editor: SRISHTI RAI

Srishti Rai Editor

ganizers, exhibitors and visitors about their appeal. Trade fairs, print advertisements, road shows or social media marketing? Personally, I am in favour of any means of marketing that boosts tourism and catapults a deserving company/destination to the top or at least keeps it vying for a prominent position in the game. I choose this particular industry because travel opens your eyes, broadens your horizons, and enhances your life more than any other experience. Not only is it an agent of growth for an individual but also for our entire country. It is a key contributor to the GDP and the third largest foreign exchange earner. It is a powerful driver of socio-economic progress through creation of jobs, enterprise, infrastructure development and foreign exchange earnings. However, the Indian government's support of the travel and tourism industry has always been rather tepid. This vital sector is one of the largest in terms of employment but nonetheless the resources and the status dedicated to tourism are not in tandem with the figures. As I write this, the Modi government's first full budget shows some promising signs that the trend will be reversed under the present government. The current administration's move to extend Visa-on-Arrival facility to 150 countries and make world heritage sites more tourists friendly has been welcomed by the industry. Last year the extension of VoA to 43 countries substantially increased tourist numbers. The Tourist Visa-on-Arrival registered a growth of a whopping 1214.9% during January 2015 over the same period last year. But only time will tell how efficiently and effectively the government is able to implement the ambitious plan to more than triple that number. Moreover, how much the travel and tourism community will prosper as a result is yet to be seen. Nevertheless, for now the industry can revel in the prospect that opportunities for companies in our sector to expand are increasing — and how!

CONTENTS March 2015

20 Focus, commitment and perseverance have been the cornerstones of success for VFSGlobal Zubin Karkaria








38 Union Budget 2015-16: mixed bag for Tourism industry

Retaining their relevance, travel marts evolving with time



Cox & Kings introduces special offer Thomas Cook for Travel Agents India signs Special B2B Incentive Program with big earnings. agreement with Amadeus Cox & Kings Ltd, the leading holidays and

serve to encourage those who are performing

education travel group with operations in 23

well to do even better, as well as create an at-

countries across continents has launched a

mosphere of healthy competition amongst all

special incentive program for its community of


`1,00,000/-, if the agent successfully books

light our customers with unique packages and

500 passengers. This is a limited period offer,

special discounts. In the same way, we also

Pursuant to approval by its Board, Thomas Cook (India) Ltd. has signed a long term agreement with Amadeus, a world leader in Global Distribution Systems (GDS).

valid on bookings done before March 31, 2015

strive to make work worthwhile for every agent

As part of its strategic

for travel period between April 01 and Septem-

associated with us and believe in aptly reward-

intent with focus on tech-

ber 30, 2015.

ing the deserving ones.”

nology and transforma-

travel agents, wherein the agent gets an op-

According to Karan Anand, Head – Relation-

portunity to win great incentives per customer.

ships Management, Cox & Kings Ltd, “The

The incentive bracket starts from `1500/- and

community of travel agents is crucial in our en-

goes on to an impressive amount of

tire strategy. It is our constant endeavour to de-

The agents can earn these incentives over

This offer is valid on all Flexihol packages.

tion, Thomas Cook India

and above their existing commission. Cox &

Third party products such as Cruise and Eurail

had undertaken a com-

Kings will identify and applaud deserving travel

are not eligible for this incentive program.

prehensive evaluation to

agents on a PAN India platform, which will

identify a GDS provider


that would best align

Governments recognize benefits of visa facilitation: UNWTO Visa facilitation has experienced strong progress in recent years, particularly through the implementation of visa on arrival policies according to UNWTO’s latest Visa Openness Report.

Amit Madhan Chief Operating Officer, IT & eServices, Thomas Cook (India) Ltd

with its evolving business


Amadeus was selected

basis a combination of its robust time-tested products and future ready innovations, enabling customer centricity and productivity across Thomas Cook India’s diverse range of travel related business lines- Corporate and Leisure Travel, eBusiness and MICE. Amit Madhan, Chief Operating Officer, IT & eServices, Thomas Cook (India) Ltd., said “Technology transformation is a strategic focus

This largely reflects an increased awareness

“Visa facilitation is central to stimulating eco-

area for us at Thomas Cook India and we see

among policymakers of the positive impacts of

nomic growth and job creation through tourism.

Amadeus as a key enabler in this journey- its

visa facilitation on tourism and economic

Although there is much room for improvement,

suite of technology solutions and add on prod-

growth. According to the Report, 62% of the

we are pleased to see that a growing number

ucts driving automation and catalysing efficien-

world’s population was required a traditional

of governments around the world is taking de-

cies and productivity across our Thomas Cook

visa prior to departure in 2014, down from 77%

cisive steps in this regard”, said UNWTO Sec-

India enterprise.” He added, “India’s digitally na-

in 2008. In the same year, 19% of the world’s

retary-General, Taleb Rifai.

tive, on-the-go consumer is constantly seeking simple, quick and convenient travel solutions, be

population was able to enter a destination with-

Countries in the Americas and in Asia and

out a visa, while 16% could receive a visa on

the Pacific have been at the forefront of visa fa-

it for his business or holiday travel and we be-

arrival, as compared to 17% and 6% in 2008.

cilitation, while Europe and Middle East have

lieve that our partnership with Amadeus will be

The Report also shows that the most preva-

more restrictive visa policies. Overall, emerging

key in ensuring cutting edge solutions to delight

lent facilitation measure implemented has been

economies tend to be more open than ad-

our customers and maintain our leadership in

“visa on arrival”. Over half of all improvements

vanced ones, with South-East Asia, East

the travel domain.”

made in the last four years were from “visa re-

Africa, the Caribbean and Oceania among the

quired” to “visa on arrival”.

most open subregions.






Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group registered strong growth in 2014 Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group reported strong 2014 results with 57 openings, 84 signings and system wide revenuesof $7.8 billion, a four percent increase compared to last year. “It was an exciting and successful

May Fair Hotel London. Radisson

announced its first location in

Radisson brand is in the final stages

year with tremendous growth, de-

Red marked the group’s entrance

Shenyang Hunnan, China which will

of a brand-wide renovation of its

velopment momentum, revenue in-

into the lifestyle select category and

open in 2016. The company’s iconic

more than 150 hotels.

creases and the launch of two new brands,” said David P. Berg, COO, Carlson. “Together with our partners we are growing and strengthening our portfolio and our 2014 results are evidence of that.” The number of rooms the group opened in 2014 increased 16 percent compared to 2013 and 64 percent of new rooms opened were located in developing countries, a key focus for Carlson Rezidor. The

Only innovations can differentiate men from the boys.

group’s global pipeline remains strong with 271 hotels under development and continues to hold the

“Together with our partners we are growing and strengthening our portfolio and our 2014 results are evidence of that.” David P. Berg COO, Carlson

In our kind of game, there's no room for compromises or a laid-back attitude. Making it good for the travel agent must be a priority.

largest pipeline in Africa, India, Russia and Turkey. In 2014, Carl-

Till date we have introduced 9 features that were the first in the industry. Many of them still are.

son Rezidor expanded into new territories with hotels opening in Trinidad and Tobago, Sierra Leone, Gabon, and Serbia. The group also can Republic, Ghana, Moldova and Uganda. The group also launched two new brands in 2014. Quorvus Collection, catering to the luxury seg-

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signed its first hotels in the Domini-

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ment and global traveller and announced its first members: G & V Royal Mile Edinburgh, The Symphony Style Hotel Kuwait and The

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Reduce VAT on ATF to 5% to enhance air traffic: PHD Chamber PHD Chamber has requested state governments to reduce VAT on ATF to 5% in order to increase air traffic.

such as Goa, MP and Jharkhand as these respectively curtailed VAT on ATF from 22%, 23%, and 20% to 12.5%, 5% and 4%. Therefore, the other states should follow the suit for which the central government can undertake persuasive initiatives and efforts, said the Vice President of PHD Chamber Mr. Gopal Jiwarajka.

PHD Chamber – GMR Aviation Summit

ation Mr. Balwinder Singh Bhullar, Vice Presi-

Speaking on the occasion, Ambassador of

2015 held recently in New Delhi has recom-

dent, PHD Chamber Gopal Jiwarajka, Secre-

Turkey to India Dr. Burak Akcapar offered the

mended drastic cuts in VAT on ATF from aver-

tary, Airports Economic Regulatory Authority

Turkey’s expertise on Civil Aviation to India in

age rate of 22% to less than 5%, arguing that

of India Mr. Alok Shekhar, Chairman & Co-

any respect to help become its ‘Make in India’

the states that have done so, have seen im-

Chairman, Civil Aviation Committee, PHD

partner emphasizing that whatever Turkey is

mediate connectivity and traffic impact of this

Chamber K Narayana Rao and Bhupesh

producing, it can so do in India with her Indian


Joshi, however, adds that with a reduction of


The white paper released on the occasion

VAT on ATF from 20% to 4%, Chhattisgarh

Joint Secretary Ministry of Civil Aviation Bal-

on ‘Developing Regional & Remote Connec-

has seen almost 100% increased in air con-

winder Singh Bhullar in his remarks said that

tivity’ by senior government functionaries and


the government would consider the proposals

industry representatives under aegis of PHD

West Bengal’s incentive has led to Spice Jet

Chamber of Commerce and Industry, de-

starting an international connection from Bag-

manded that lowering ATF taxes would fuel

dogra to Kathmandu; this airport has clocked

connectivity to regional air and cargo hubs

a 64% y-o-y rise in passenger traffic in April-

Authority of India Alok Shekhar also hinted

and increase their traffic drastically.

May FY15 as the number of flights has grown

that several initiatives are on the cards for en-

by 37% compared to previous year.

hancing the air connectivity with smaller towns

The white paper which was released jointly by Ambassador of Turkey to India Dr. Burak

Likewise, the connectivity and the air traffic

Akcapar, Joint Secretary Ministry of Civil Avi-

was also increased substantially in states

UP Tourism to develop ‘Heritage Arc of Uttar Pradesh’ Uttar Pradesh Tourism will promote the ‘Heritage Arc of Uttar Pradesh’ via its forward looking initiatives.

of the industry for the growth of civil aviation sector as and when their time comes. Secretary, Airports Economic Regulatory

and hinterlands. by T NH DESK

enjoy viewing the Taj in full Moon. Key attractions near Agra like Sur Sarovar Sanctuary and Keetham Lake are also being promoted that are home to woodland and wetland birds including Asian Openbill Stork, Barheaded Goose, Black headed Ibis, Cattle Duck, Dalmatian Pelican, Little Cormorant, Little Egret, Painted Stork, Northern Pintail and many

The Heritage Arc of Uttar Pradesh traverses

Making the Taj Mahal more accessible to

more. The Sanctuary is home to 250 rescued

great epochs of Indian history, heritage, art, cul-

tourists, the Archaeological Survey of India has

bears which are now part of a huge sanctuary,

ture, myriad cuisine and spiritual traditions and

initiated ‘Online Ticketing’ from 27th December,

and attract tourists from across the world.

runs across the heart of the state covering three

2014. After the starting online ticketing tourist

Spread across an area of 8 sq. km. situated on

very distinct regions- Agra, Lucknow, Varanasi.

footfall has increased. Right now, to view the Taj

the main National Highway no. 2, the Sur-

There is more to Agra than the Taj, and there is more to Taj than the Taj itself.

migratory and resident birds and is located just

To develop the Heritage Arc and welcome more tourists to enjoy the marvels that the ‘City of Taj’ has to offer, the Agra Development Authority is developing an ‘Inner Ring Road’. It is a 5 km route from Kuberpur to Fatehabad Road that will

Sarovar Lake is renowned for being host to 126

connect the Yamuna Expressway to the Taj and

200 kms from New Delhi and 20 kms from Agra. Some of the other key projects include a Theme Park being developed right next to the Expressway by Uttar Pradesh State Industrial Develop-

will cut the travel time drastically letting tourists

Mahal on Full Moon Nights tourists have to buy

ment Corporation Limited (UPSIDC). Mughal

reach the Taj directly without any hassles. A

the manual ticket a day in advance, which will

Museum is being developed by UP Tourism with

`167 Crore Project for the development of Taj-

be converted to online ticketing very soon. The

the aid of World Bank in Agra showcasing the

ganj has also been started with the help of the

online booking by Archaeological Survey of

glorious Mughal past, along with a Centre for

Ministry of Tourism, Government of India.

India will enable thousands of tourists to easily

Living Tradition in Agra.





International air travel grew 3.6% in 2014: IATA International air travel recorded another moderate rise to end 2014, up 3.7% in December compared to a year ago, according to IATA’s Premium Traffic Monitor, December 2014, which also says that the annual growth in 2014 was 3.6% compared to 2013.


he annual expansion was just slightly

mium international air travel, and 3.5% for

below the December result – growth in

economy class. In 2013 and during earlier

• International air travel recorded modest rise (up 3.7%) in Dec 2014 as com pared to a year ago. • The annual growth in 2014 was 3.6% as compared to 2013. • Premium seat class grew by 3.4% in 2014 whereas and economy seat class grew by 3.7%. • Travel within Europe expanding 3.9% in 2014, • Far East grew just by 1.4% in 2014.

2014 overall was 3.6% compared to

parts of 2014, when premium travel was ex-

2013; There was little difference in perform-

panding at a faster pace than economy travel,

during the earlier months of 2014 has been

ance of premium and economy seat classes,

there was a boost to the share of premium

driven by wider economic developments.

with annual growth of 3.4% and 3.7%, respec-

travel from total travel. This was positive for

World trade and industrial production acceler-

tively. This near equalization of growth rates

yields growth and revenues. This year, the

ated during the second half of 2013, but that

has limited improvement in premium’s share

near equalization of growth rates has kept the

trend failed to continue in 2014, with growth

of total travel. International air travel volumes

share of premium seats from the total steady.

slowing for both measures in Q1.

have increased only slightly in both seat

The trend in the share of premium travel from

During the course of the second half of the

classes since mid-2014.

total travel can be seen in the chart second

year, however, there has been another pick-

Travel within Europe itself performed well

chart above. Even though there has been no

up in world trade activity, mainly in Emerging

overall in 2014, expanding 3.9%, facilitated by

further gain in premium’s share of total traffic,

Asia. But the outlook for world trade activity

expansion in capacity and routes, as well as

growth on longer-haul markets has been ro-

contains some downside risks. Business con-

declines in airfares; but markets like within Far


fidence, a good leading• indicator of trade ac-

East weakened considerably, up just 1.4% in

This has helped support premium yields, as

tivity and demand for business-related air

2014 overall, with travel declines in Thailand

longer-haul markets drive the greatest share

travel, has not seen any improvement since

and Malaysia as well as some slowdown in the

of premium revenues. In addition, this has

mid- 2014. In fact, there has been a gradual

Chinese economy.

helped the financial performance of the

easing in business confidence over the past 6

The international air passenger volumes re-

longer-haul network airlines, compared to


veal a flattening in the growth trend in both

shorter-haul mainly leisure travel focused air-

With respect to air travel growth, the outlook

economy and premium passenger numbers

lines in some, though not all, regions. The

for international air travel remains positive

over the recent past.

profile of air travel growth, with a strong sec-

overall, but further• acceleration – particularly

ond half in 2013 and relatively slower growth

on some markets – is now unlikely

In 2013, annual growth was 4.2% for pre-




Growth on the North Atlantic market was

in 2014 compared to 2013. Steadily improving

Central America – most notably, Mexico – con-

3.4% in 2014 overall. Premium revenues com-

demand conditions in the US are likely to sup-

tinue to supported strong expansion rates for

prise a significant share (up to 47% on the

port both business and leisure travel growth

air travel between these regions. Total interna-

North Atlantic market) on these markets. In

on both these markets in the months ahead.

tional air travel on the North America – Central

additional, total international air travel on the

Improving economic conditions in the US

North and Mid Pacific market was up by 6.2%

combined with strong growth of markets in

Vistara commences its service to Guwahati & Bagdogra Forays into the North Eastern region with 7 weekly flights from New Delhi

America market expanded 8.1% in 2014. by T NH DESK

Guhawati and Bagdogra and we feel that improved travel prospects will provide these cities with the rightful visibility they deserve.” Vistara now flies from Delhi to six destinations- Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Goa, Hyderabad, Guhawati and Bagdogra, and also between Mumbai and Ahmedabad. With five aircraft in

Vistara today announced its foray into North

The addition of this route reaffirms our commit-

operations, Vistara’s fleet will grow to six aircraft

East India, with the addition of Guwahati and

ment to promote regional connectivity in

by April 2015. We will soon announce the addi-

Bagdogra to its network. From April 2, 2015, Vis-

India,and contribute to the Government’s effort-

tion of more destinations and some exciting en-

tara will operate daily on the Delhi-Guwahati-

stoboost trade and opening up development av-

hancements to our product and services

Bagdogra-Delhi routing with flights open for

enues for people in these regions. We are very


booking from today. This announcement has

happy to expand our operations to both


come in quick succession to the two recent route launches to Goa and Hyderabad, indicating the focused expansion of the airline. Guwahati, the gateway to the northeast, is the largest and most cosmopolitan city in Assam and serves as the starting point for most northeastern itineraries. After a brief stop-over at Guwahati, the flight will proceed to Bagdogra, the quaint town in Darjeeling which is a popular tourist destination in India. Speaking on this occasion, Phee Teik Yeoh, CEO, Vistara said: “We’ve had lots of customers asking us to fly to the Eastern India over the past month, so we’re delighted to launch this new route in response to the customer demand.




IndiGo launches 8 new flights to boost connectivity across North & West India Reinforcing its commitment in the domestic market, IndiGo, India’s largest and fastest growing airline has announced the introduction of new flights connecting Delhi, Mumbai, Jaipur and Srinagar. Effective February 17, 2015, the airline launched its new daily flights on multiple routes. The new schedule sees the introduction of the

choice for our customers as IndiGo continues to

low-cost carrier’s16th daily non-stop flight be-

offer them on time, hassle free and always afford-

tween Delhi and Mumbai, second daily non-stop

able flying experience. We are certain these ad-

flight between Delhi and Jaipur, and third daily

ditional flights will prove immensely expedient to

non-stop flight between Mumbai and Jaipur. Ad-

our existing and prospective passengers.”

ditionally, the airline now also connects Mumbai to Srinagar, with the launch of its first daily nonstop flight and second daily non-stop flight from Srinagar to Mumbai. Both corporate and leisure travellers now have the opportunity to experience the matchless on-

• Effective February 17, IndiGo launches its16thdaily non-stop flight between Delhi and Mumbai. • 2nddaily non-stop flight between Delhi and Jaipur. • 3rddaily non-stop flight between Mumbai and Jaipur. • IndiGo also introduces its 1st daily non-stop flight between Mumbai and Srinagar, while launching its 2nd daily non-stop flight between Srinagar and Mumbai.

time performance that IndiGo is synonymous with. With 590 daily flights connecting 37 destinations, these new flights will further consolidate IndiGo’s position as the fastest growing airline in India. Commenting on the launch of the new flights, Aditya Ghosh, President IndiGo said, “It gives me great pleasure in introducing these new flights connecting Mumbai, Srinagar, Delhi and Jaipur. We will continue to expand our network to meet the requirements of our business and leisure travelers wherever they demand it. It is our constant endeavor to provide more flexibility of

The new flight schedules are:




Greater Travel Experience with MHupgrade Malaysia Airlines now offers an exciting opportunity to experience premium lux-

cious seating, handpicked in-flight enter-

ury travel with its latest product, MHup-





amenities and more. Fine dining is served onboard with a wide selection of

your seats by determining your own

palate-pleasing gourmet cuisine. Travel

prices. Based on availability of seats in

in First and Business classes also means

First and Business Class, you can check

enjoy the privilege of priority check-in and

your eligibility via

boarding, additional baggage allowance

and bid for an upgrade to a higher seat

as well as exclusive invitations to


Malaysia Airlines Golden Lounges or

Guests with confirmed Economy or

other airline partners’ lounges worldwide before your next flight.

hours of booking, receive an email notifi-

Malaysia Airlines currently flies to six

cation that seat upgrade is available via

cities in India - Delhi, Mumbai, Hyder-

MHupgrade. Only successful bidding will

abad, Bangalore, Chennai and Kochi.

be charged and there is no introductory

With 66 weekly flights, it offers the best

cost. Changes or cancellation of offers

connectivity with seamless journey to

can be made up to 72 hours prior to de-

Malaysia and onwards, that is almost


1,000 destinations across 150 countries

With this service, you can now experi-



You now have the option to upgrade

Business class tickets will, within 24


ence the state-of-the-art cabins, spa-

via oneworld member airlines.


GTDC strides ahead to boost global tourist count Encouraged with the huge success of 17th Decennial Exposition of St. Francis Xavier, GTDC is pulling out all stops to make the state a pollution-free and women-friendly tourist destination.


has taken the initiative to come up with multi-

Goa is going great guns with festive attrac-

lingual printed brochures that were put up at

tions all round the year. With the state going for

strategic points to help global tourists. We have

visa-on-arrival facility, Goa Tourism Develop-

widely publicized the decennial exposition of

ment Corporation (GTDC) is poised to receive

SFX through social media, road shows and

a large chunk of global tourists. Aimed to blend history with heritage, GTDC has taken off “Hop On Hop Off” tour service for tourists travelling to Old Goa. According to Nikhil Desai, Managing Director, GTDC, “The Hop On Hop Off tour would cover around 7 km

“VoA facility will raise the tourist count in the state since visa-related hassles will be a thing of the past.”

to generate interests in the minds of tourists about Old Goa and to boost pilgrim tourism.” The exposition of SFX had a large gathering

Recent initiatives of GTDC: •Global promotion of 17th Decennial Exposition of SFX. •Boosting tourism in Old Goa. •Clean-up mission launched in 30 beaches. •Unveiled women taxi service with GPS monitoring system. •Grape Escapade, the biggest wine fest in the country in January, 2015. •Coconut and Cashew Festival, annual carnival and Food and Cultural Festival in February, 2015. •Annual Heritage Festival.

nikhil Desai Managing Director, GTDC.

in and around Old Goa that has a plethora of

of tourists from the Western countries of the

heritage monuments and churches with dollops

United Kingdom, Spain, Portugal and the

of history like Monte Chapel, St. Augustine

travel marts at global destinations. Old Goa is

United States. Desai further said, “A large num-

Tower, Church of the Miraculous Cross and St.

a home to the largest church in Asia, the Se

ber of tourists from Sri Lanka flew down during

Cajetan’s Church. Tourists have to shell out

Cathedral and the Basilica of Bom Jesus listed

the event.”

only Rs 50 for the tour. Our tourism department

as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. We hope

Pitching for a massive push to Buddhist tourism The Himalayan state of Sikkim is making great strides to flaunt its umpteen Buddhist monasteries at global travel marts.




The landlocked Himalayan state of Sikkim thrives on tourism prosperity and has golden opportunities to tap its tourism potentials. Sikkim Association of Adventure Tour Operators (SAATO) along with Sikkim Tourism, the State Civil Aviation Development Corporation Limited, the department of tourism and South Sikkim Tourism Development Society hosted SAATO

“A visit to Tathagata Tsal will take the visitors on a journey down the memory lane that was taken by disciples of Lord Buddha for the spread of Buddhism in South-East Asia.” Bineeta rai CeO, Sikkim Tourism Development Corporation

Convention at Namchi in South Sikkim. The two-

Sikkim Tourism’s latest moves: •Promoting all its Buddhist monasteries at international travel marts. •Highlighting Tathagata Tsal. •Building Cherenjig’s statue in West Sikkim. In its latest move, Sikkim Tourism has lined up an array of fresh initiatives and is bent upon to promote Buddhist tourism at global marts. The current ambitious project of Sikkim Tourism is the building of Cherenjig’s statue in West Sikkim that symbolizes compassion. Bineeta Rai, Chief Executive Officer, Sikkim Tourism Development Corporation Limited stated, “We are showcasing around 200 monasteries at International Tourism Berlin and World Travel Mart, London this year. The monasteries

day event themed on “Joining hands regionally

marked the gathering of global travel groups

of Sikkim abide by different sects of Buddhism

and promoting North- east tourism globally” was

from Germany, France, Bhutan and Nepal along

and it is their co-existence with mutual reverence

held on January 13 and 14, 2015.

with active participation of Union Ministry of

that contributes to the philosophy of Buddhism

Tourism, India Tourism, North-eastern states

including non-violence, tolerance and compas-

and West Bengal in the state.

sion being practised with true spirit in the state.”

Aimed to push the growth of the state tourism industry on the global tourism radar, the event




Kerala Tourism aims bigger growth Kerala Tourism has fostered a plethora of innovations and campaigns to progress the state on the tourism radar and record highest tourist arrivals in the country.

of encouraging adventure tourism in beaches, hill resorts, and wildlife sanctuaries and in backwaters. Anupama said, “We have also initiated village life experiences for tourists. Our responsible tourism project is going ahead. Kumarakom, Kovalam, Wayanad and Thekkady have been selected as responsible tourism destinations. The


new destinations unveiled for tourists are Bekal,

If you are in love with backwaters and want to

Marari, Cherai, Poovar and Athirapally waterfalls.”

explore the ancient spice route linking Europe to

The state boasts of excellent connectivity and

India, God’s Own Country is waiting to welcome

has three international airports including Thiru-

you. Kerala Tourism has taken a slew of forward-

vananthapuram, Calicut and Kochi.

looking initiatives to make the state into a 360º

The state tourism department is focusing its at-

complete holiday destination for one and all. It

tention to transform the state into a major MICE

has declared the period starting from April 2015

and wedding destination through online cam-

to March 2016 as “Visit Kerala Year”.

paign. Anupama added, “Our state has around

The tourism department will soon deign a new

60,000 hotel rooms and we are marketing wed-

theme campaign in order to consolidate the po-

ding and MICE together since large-scale prop-

sition of Kerala as God’s Own Country. Anupama

erties and huge space are required. The highest

TV, Additional Director General, Kerala Tourism

flow of global tourists is from the United King-

Development Corporation (KTDC), informed, “It is for the first time that we have flagged off hop-

“ 18

It is for the first time that we have flagged off hop-on hop-off boat service and water taxis in the country. Anupama TV Additional Director General, KTDC


dom, France and Germany while Tamil Nadu on hop-off boat service and water taxis in the

contributes the most number of domestic tourist

country. The service is on offer in the backwaters

traffic into the state.”

of Kochi and in the Spice Route project of

The state has shown a spectacular growth in

Muziris. Our most interesting venture is the Spice

tourism. The global tourist footfall has been

Route Revival project that is moving ahead with

9,23,366 while domestic tourist flow remained at

the support of United Nations World Tourism Or-

116,95,411 last year. The revenue generated

ganization (UNWTO). We intend to boost the two

from tourism has been Rs 24,885.44 crore.

millennium-old spice route that connects the Malabar Coast of India with Europe. Another promising project is “Great Backwaters” campaign that aims to project the backwaters as an exotic single tourist destination. Our earlier projects like Seaplane and Project Muziris are moving ahead.” Kerala Tourism is into promoting and branding nature-based soft adventure activities in the campaign themed Natventure based on the concept

New Projects of Kerala Tourism: •Hop-on Hop-off boat service. •Spice Route Revival project •Great Backwaters. •Natadventure •Village life experiences.


Focus, commitment and perseverance have been the cornerstones of success for VFS Global:

Zubin Karkaria Zubin Karkaria - CEO, VFS Global Group was recently honoured with ‘Pioneer of Global Visa Services Industry’ award by TnH at its Travel & Hospitality Awards 2014. On the occasion, VFS Global, a company which was made in India, was also recognised as the ‘World’s Leading Visa Services Provider’ by TnH. In-Conversation with TnH, Mr. Karkaria talked about his company and visa services industry.


How do you feel about recently being honoured with ‘Pioneer of Global Visa Services Industry’ award by TnH? I am deeply honoured to have received this recognition, along with VFS Global being recognised as the ‘World’s Leading Visa Services Provider’. We are extremely committed to achieving excellence in customer service standards and developing a high performance organisation, and in that context awards such as these mean a lot to me and to our entire organisation. I would like to thank all our stakeholders – including the travel industry fraternity for their support and good wishes we receive continuously. What made you foray into the visa services industry and set up VFS Global? The Indian economy had opened up in the early nineties and by the turn of the century the travel market was growing at a very healthy pace with travelling overseas becoming a reality for millions of Indians. One of the key limitation factors to further growth seemed to be the visa application process – with Indians requiring a visa to visit most countries and the diplomatic missions (embassies / consulates) not being able to adequately cater to this surge in demand for visas. As an integral part of the travel industry we saw this as an opportunity which would clearly benefit visa applicants and the




diplomatic missions. We understood the

120 countries.

needs, perceptions and beliefs of aspiring travellers and those of diplomatic missions and

How were the initial years for VFS

their governments, and leveraged our travel in-

global? Did you face any challenges in the

dustry competence to deliver a very simple

initial days of VFS? If yes, kindly share the

service and thereby developed the VFS Global


business model.

Visa process outsourcing as a concept was unheard of and hence the apprehension that

Under your leadership, VFS Global be-

accompanied any thought that even consid-

came the most outstanding global brand in

ered it was no surprise. The very first contract

the visa services industry. How could you

was therefore challenging as it required us to

achieve such an outstanding success?

convince the client government not only of our

Focus, commitment and perseverance have

MoT Compliments VFS Global

competence in providing this service, but of

been the cornerstones of success for VFS

the very need for such a service! Serving a

Global. From 3 centres in India serving only a

sovereign government was a very serious and

solitary client government in 2001, to over

sensitive proposition, and this was unchar-

1500 centres across 120 countries serving 45

tered territory. Every possible requirement and

client governments in the space, it has been

challenge had to be anticipated and ad-

an incredible journey of pioneering achieve-

dressed to ensure our operation conformed to

ments that bears strong testimony to the pro-

the standards required to ensure a safe and

fessionalism and dedication of our people. I

secure process. The gestation period between

am truly proud to be a part of this fantastic

our first discussion with the client government


and launch of our operations was 18 months.

We have made significant investment in the

After the first contract was implemented and

development of technology, institutionalising

the client government was satisfied with the

quality processes and systems, and imple-

result, it became a bit easier to convince other

menting international best standards in every-

governments, but the long gestation periods

thing we do to ensure the highest levels of

and the tuning-up to global best standards in

service for our client governments and for visa

terms of systems, processes and controls


were challenges in the early years.

What have been the high points of your

What do your customers value most

career as well as your company since its

about your service? How do you maintain


excellence in your service?

The creation of VFS Global and its subse-

In one word, it is 'reliability'. Reliability refers

quent development into a global leader has of

to our overall performance in terms of the so-

course been the absolute highlights of my ca-

lutions we offer, the accuracy of our work,

reer. I am also happy that I could play a pivotal

maintenance of timelines promised, and most

role in the development of Kuoni India into

importantly compliance with all rules and reg-

India's largest travel company earlier in my ca-

ulations. This is a highly sensitive business


and matters such as data security compliance

As far as VFS Global is concerned, there

are critical. Innovative and customized solu-

have been many, many highlights as you can

tions and global delivery capability are other

imagine for a company which has grown so

values VFS Global brings to the table. The

rapidly. Starting our first operations outside

convenience and professional service we ex-

India in 2004 and winning our first global con-

tend to visa applicants to enhance the overall

tract in 2007 which catapulted our operations

experience is also something which is valued

to 37 countries are just a couple of milestones

about VFS Global.

we cherish, but there have been many more

Performance excellence is an attitude we

highlights in terms of innovations and pioneer-

foster and deeply value at VFS Global as we

ing achievements which have enabled us to

focus on exceeding customer expectations

deliver exceptional service and win the trust of

continuously. Stringent quality measures and

45 client governments. Today we operate in

controls are embedded in every process and

"I would like to congratulate Srishti and her entire team at Travel and Hospitality for concluding the second edition of their Dr. Mahesh Sharma award show at ITC Union Minister of State for Tourism & Maurya successCulture (Independent fully. It was a pleascharge), Union Minister of State ure to attend as the for Civil Aviation chief guest and interact with the dynamic and enterprising stake holders of the Indian Tourism Industry. I was very pleased to notice that VFS Global, a company with Indian origins has set standards in excellence on a global platform and has emerged as the worlds leading Visa Services Provider, serving as a role model for companies of Indian origin world over. I wish all them and all the winners good luck and hope they continue working to make the Indian tourism sector reach its incredible latent potential"

"I would like to Congratulate Srishti and her entire team at Travel and Hospitality for hosting such a successful show at ITC Maurya. It Dr. Lalit K Panwar was my pleasure to Union Tourism Secretary be there. I am very pleased to note that VFS Global, a company which started in India has been recognised as the World's Leading Visa Services provider. Visa application processing services are crucial to facilitate travel to India and it is nice to see a young company with its roots in India grow so fast and secure its position as a world leader. Further, I hope TnH continues to host many such events and encourage the stakeholders of the Indian tourism industry."




system, and enhancement of processes and

services supported by technology, we have suc-

the development of specific skill sets focusing

systems through innovation and technology is

cessfully implemented citizen service offerings

on continuous improvement. The need to inno-

an ongoing drive at VFS Global. ISO 9001:2008

across several countries. This is a relatively new

vate and provide solutions that offer seamless

business vertical which is developing with every

and safe handling of data will be the focus sup-

new contract.

ported by technology that secures every trans-






27001:2005 for Information Security Management System and ISO 14001:2004 for Environ-

We will continue to partner governments and

mental Management System certifications

develop innovative solutions that meet with their

stand testimony to our commitment to maintain-

requirements in the border control, visa and im-

ing performance excellence.

migration, and citizen centric services domains.

action. How do you see technology making difference in the visa processing industry in future?

What is the long-term vision of your com-

How do you look at the current scenario

VFS Global has consistently prepared itself

pany? Where would you like to see your

of visa services industry? How do you see

for the future and we strongly believe that tech-

company in next five years?

this industry growing in future?

nology is going to be a key driver for this indus-

Over the years, we have developed strategic







partnerships with leading IT companies. These

progress in recent years. This is largely a reflec-

partnerships have enabled and facilitated inno-

tion of the awareness among policy makers of

self-service, electronic entry and exit, mobile

vative, providing solutions to meet the changing

the positive impact this has on tourism and eco-

platform would be some leading factors impact-

environment of the business. Given the sensi-

nomic growth. Technology has changed the way

ing our industry. In our view, integration of mul-

E-visas, e-passports, multi-modal biometrics,

tive and critical nature of our IT-enabled busi-

we travel and indeed the visa application

tiple systems will not only secure borders but

ness operation, VFS Global has adapted itself

process. There is no doubt that this will keep

also make the process seamless in the coming

to these needs to become a strong technology-

evolving and as much as the world prepares for

few years. Technology would be a key driver for

driven company and will continue to offer inno-

the next generation, the processes are getting

simplifying, strengthening, securing and speed-

vative solutions to retain our leadership position

more robust to combat any insecurities.

ing-up the entire visa processing work benefit-

in this industry. Being uniquely placed with our front office

Simultaneously the concept of outsourcing

Government of J&K rebuilds infrastructure in flood-ravaged areas to revive tourism The government of Jammu and Kashmir has undertaken extensive nation-wide campaign and social media blitz to attract tourists to the 'paradise on earth'. Jammu and Kashmir, which witnessed ravaging floods last year, is limping back to nor-

ing applicants and client governments.

has proved hugely beneficial as it encourages

crore. The state machinery was fast enough to deal

malcy with the state opening up all again to

with the natural disaster and bring the tourism

tourists in a record time of three months, bring-

industry back on track. Roads and infrastructure

ing a sigh of relief to all those wished to explore

problems were taken up on priority basis and

the scenic beauty of the northernmost Indian

they were rebuilt to allow the traffic to flow


smoothly. Clean water for tourists was another

“After the natural calamity which did so much damage, reviving tourism was a difficult job. However, as we knew tourism is the lifeline of the state, it was important to revive it no matter how impossible it seemed. But our conviction and the support from the people of the state made it a reality, that too in a record time of three months.�

Floods hit the state in September last year,

challenge which has been surmounted. All the

the state, it was important to revive it no matter

bringing the state to a complete halt, especially

hotels in affected areas now has ample amount

how impossible it seemed. But our conviction

Srinagar. Tourism is the mainstay of the people

of clean drinking water.

and the support from the people of the state

of the state, and it was badly affected in the af-

"After the natural calamity which did so much

made it a reality, that too in a record time of three

termath of floods that incurred huge losses to

damage, reviving tourism was a difficult job.

months," said Talat Parvez, Director, Tourism

the state exchequer to the tune of Rs one lakh

However, as we knew tourism is the lifeline of

Kashmir, Government of Jammu & Kashmir.




Bandhavgarh: National Park with rich historical past Bandhavgarh is a small national park; compact, yet teeming with wildlife. The density of the tiger population in Bandhavgarh is the highest known in India. Bandhavgarh National Park in Madhya Pradesh is the original home of the white tigers.

(particularly the south & west) are drier in char-

These have been found in the old state of Rewa

acter, and hold such species as the nilgai and the

for many years. The last known was captured by

chinkara. Sal forest occurs throughout the valleys,

Maharaja Martand Singh in 1951.This white

giving way to mixed forest which occurs where the

tiger, Mohun, is now stuffed and on display in the

soil is of relatively poor quality on the upper hills

palace of the Maharajas of Rewa.

slopes, on rocky outcrops and in the south & west.

Bandhavgarh is densely populated with other

Grassy meadow patches occur in the valley and

species: sambar and barking deer are a com-

along the nalahs.

mon sight, and nilgai are to be seen in the more open areas of the park. The terrain is of great

The Fort


rocky hills rising sharply from the swampy and

No records remain to show when Bandhavgarh

There are more than 22 species of mammals &

densely- forested valley bottoms.The finest of

Fort was constructed. It is thought, however, to be

250 species of birds. Common langurs and the

these hills is Bandhavgarh, sided with great cliffs

some 2000 years old, and there are references to

rhesus macaque represent the primate group.

and eroded rocks and on its highest point stands

it in the ancient books, the Narad -Panch Ratra &

Carnivores include the Asiatic jackal, Bengal fox,

Bandhavgarh Fort, thought to be some 2000

the Siva Purana .Various dynasties have ruled the

sloth bear, ratel, grey mongoose, striped hyena,

years old. Scattered throughout the park, and

fort,for example, the Maghas from the first century

jungle cat, leopard & tiger. The artiodactyls fre-

particularly around the fort, are numerous caves

AD, the Vakatakas from the 3 Century AD, the

quently sighted are wild pig, spotted deer, sambar,

containing shrines and ancient Sanskrit inscrip-

Sengars from the 5th Century AD ,the Baghels

chausingha, nilgai & chinkara. Mammals such as


took over, ruling from Bandhavgarh until 1617,

dhole, the small Indian civet, palm squirrel& lesser

Covering 448 sq km, Bandhavgarh is situated

when Maharaja Vikramaditya Singh moved his

bandicoot rat are seen occasionally. The vegeta-

in Umaria district. At the center of the park is

capital to Rewa. The last inhabitants deserted the

tion along streams and marshes is rich in birdlife.

Bandhavgarh hill - surrounding it are a large

fort in 1935.

The common ones are little grebe, egret, lesser

number of smaller hills separated by gently sloping valleys. These valleys end in small, swampy

adjutant, sarus crane, black kite, crested serpent Flora & Fauna

eagle, black vulture, Egyptian Vulture, common

meadows, locally known as tohera'. The lowest

The forests of Bandhavgarh can be classified

peafowl, red jungle fowl, dove, parakeet, king-

point in the park is at Tala (440 metres above

as moist deciduous, and the National Park holds

fisher and Indian roller. Reptilian fauna includes


all those animal species which are typical of this

cobra, krait, viper, ratsnake, python, turtle & a

habitat in Central India. Certain areas of the Park

number of lizard varieties, including varanus.




Room Type Matching: Industry game changer from Yet another feature that's first in the online accommodation segment. has invested thousands of dollars and man-hours in building the feature that now displays the room types exactly as per the hotel's very own room names. Each hotel has their own nomenclature to

entered various global markets quite success-

name a room. But hotel booking systems hardly

fully. The company is ISO 9001:2008 Certified;

retain the original name. So, instead of calling a

ranks amongst Dun & Bradstreet's Leading 100

"Rainbow Tower Ocean Front Corner Room";

SMEs of India and has also been rated by Inc.

other systems find it safe in showing the room

magazine for being amongst the Top 100 Inno-

simply as a "Corner Room".

vative Companies.

Well, the simplified room name is not wrong,

Prakash Bang, Managing Director, room-

but it leads to confusion when the travel agents said "At, innovation

or their customers call up the hotel to double

is the key differentiator. That's what keeps us

check their booking - a mismatch in the room

leading the pack. Till date we have introduced 9

type may cause heartburns to the traveler as

specific features that were industry's first — and

well as the travel agent. From a travel agent's

many of them still are!"

guess work whilst making a room booking, but also keeps their customers happy! Room names for over 3,900 most popular hotels around the world have been correctly matched. Hundreds more are added to the count every week. is amongst the world's leading accommodation wholesalers catering exclusively to the travel trade. It was established in 2007 and since then has gradually

At, innovation is the key differentiator. That's what keeps us leading the pack. Till date we have introduced 9 specific features that were industry's first — and many of them still are!"

perspective this feature not only removes the

The following chart illustrates how important the feature is:



prakash Bang Managing Director,


Ascott offers homely atmosphere unlike a typical hotel Ajit Koushik Area General Manager India, The Ascott Limited

Ascott operates as a standalone serviced residence. This way, the group is able to depict the essence of a serviced residence in a far more holistic way. "Guests who stay with us have expressed their appreciation for our homely atmosphere as against a typical hotel room. A serviced residence in a mixed-use development will definitely enhance the guests' experience as there would be retail outlets, restaurants, maybe even a grocery store to satisfy all the needs of the guest in close proximity," said Koushik. At present, Ascott has two operational properties: one, 187-unit Somerset Greenways in Chennai is a joint venture between Chennaibased Rattha Group and Ascott, where Ascott owns a majority stake. Other, 96-unit Citadines

Ascott's serviced apartments are a preferred choice of senior level corporates relocating with their families. They offer homely space and comforts along with the luxuries of a hotel. In an interview with TnH, Alit Koushik, Area General Manager, India, The Ascott Limited spoke about Ascott and its plans. Richmond Bangalore is a leased property. Ascott has four properties under development: 269-unit Citadines OMR Gateway in Chennai is 100% owned by Ascott. 203-unit Citadines Galleria in Bangalore is a 50-50 joint venture with RMZ Group. 160-unit Citadines Hitec City Hyderabad is 100% owned by Ascot 180-unit Citadines Parimal Garden in Ahmedabad is 100% owned by Ascott. Apart from the above, Ascott has also secured a management contract from Ireo to manage the 220-unit Ascott Ireo City Gurgaon. All the above properties will be managed by The Ascott Limited. About 80% of Ascott's customers are from overseas and 20% are domestic travellers. "Due to the long stay nature of our business,

we manage to run with an average occupancy of 70% to 75 % throughout the year. The average length of stay of each guest is around 90 nights. Most of our guests are business travellers from the United States of America, Japan, United Kingdom, Singapore and Italy,' said Koushik. The serviced apartment concept is fast becoming an increasingly global phenomenon and in recent years, it has gained popularity thereby representing a significant competitor for conventional hotels. "Serviced residence usage worldwide is still business-dominated. Especially for people who are relocating from various countries on a temporary basis, serviced apartments provide them with better facilities compared to the standard hotels. Occupancy rates in service

apartments have been better when compared to hotels on a global scale:' said Koushik. The serviced apartments are by far the best option for corporate travel because they are not only more cost effective but also offer far more benefits. Having the option of a serviced apartment for a short or long stay is much more comfortable as it provides the customers with a pleasurable stay. The Ascott Limited's serviced residences offer alternate homes to extended stay travelers and as such are distinctly different when compared to hotels in terms of the accommodation options, ambience, facilities and services provided.

"The serviced apartment concept is fast becoming an increasingly global phenomenon and in recent years, it has gained popularity thereby representing a significant competitor for conventional hotels."

HolidaylQ's launches offline mobile guide app HolidaylQ has announced the launch of the 'Offline mobile guide' app for over 1300 Indian destinations. Each destination guide will contain details on

base of travel information, in the offline mode. We

hotels, sightseeing options, etc, allowing the user

are glad that this is in line with the government's

to download and access traveller reviews and

high priority to promote tourism and travel in the

maps for on-the-go access, even while offline.

country. As the tourism infrastructure gets

Launching HolidayIQ's offline mobile guide, Dr. Lalit K Panwar, Secretary, Ministry of Tourism,

across 1300+ destinations, which includes resorts,

stronger, we see more and more people wanting

homestays, serviced apartments, tented camps

to travel within the country."

etc for each destination.

Government of India, said, "This is a well

HolidayIQ's offline mobile guide answers the

thought-through innovation by HolidayIQ, aiming

five key questions before each holiday - where


to offer travel and tourism information in the of-

to go, how to reach, where to stay, what to do and

" provides highly customized rich

Commenting on the innovation, Hari Nair, &




fline mode for over 1300+ destinations in the

where to book. The offline feature offers the

information and insights on places, hotels, sight-

country. It is a commendable effort by the Holi-

largest repository of travel information —

seeing and transport made uniquely relevant,

dayIQ team to provide access to a large data-

37,000+ hotels, 50,000+ sightseeing options

what we call the 'science of holidays'."by T NH DESK



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India’s first Dasavataras Hotel open in Tirupati Marasa Sarovar Premiere is the first world class hotel at the holy feet of Tirumala. Hoping to make your Tirupati visit more comfortable and memorable? Look no further… for you will have more reasons to visit this divine place again! Sarovar Hotels & Resorts has touched yet another strategic destination by launching a

carnations) of Lord Vishnu, aims to provide lux-

brand new property -Marasa Sarovar Pre-

ury world class yet affordable accommodation

miereat Tirupati. Uniquely conceptualized and

for the discerning guest. The hotel ensures that

designed around the Dasavataras of Lord

a visit to Tirupati no longer entails compromis-

Vishnu, it offers a perfect combination of divin-

ing on personal comfort.

ity inspired aesthetics that instantly connect

Located on the Karakambadi Road, Upad-

Hotels & Resorts said, “The holy hill of Tirumala

with the soul. With the launch of Marasa

hayaya Nagar, Marasa Sarovar Premiere offers

is, on any given day, filled with tens of thou-

Sarovar Premier, the devotees travelling from

unmatched services at a price that will surely

sands of blissed-out devotees, many of whom

across the world to the Holy feet of Tirumala

give its guest a pleasant surprise. The aesthet-

have endured long journeys to see the powerful

Hills will now have a special reason to cheer.

ically designed 121 rooms and suites cocoon

Lord Venkateshwara here, at his home. It’s one

you in lavish splendor of services.

of India’s most visited pilgrimage centres.”

Marasa Sarovar Premiere Tirupati, India's first theme hotel inspired by the 10 avataras (in-

Anil Madhok, Managing Director, Sarovar


Sarovar Hotels launches India’s first ‘Hindi’ Hotel Website Sarovar Hotels’ Hindi Website was unveiled by Dr. Lalit K Panwar, Secretary Tourism, Government of India. Sarovar Hotels recently unveiled India’s first ‘Hindi’ hotel website at a press conference held

hours in development.

the launch said, “I am proud that Sarovar Ho-

at India Habitat Centre in New Delhi. The web-

After unveiling country’s first ‘Hindi’ hotel

tels is at the helm of such an initiative that con-

site was launched by Dr. Lalit K Panwar, Hon-

website, Dr. Lalit K Panwar, Secretary Tourism,

nects us to our motherland even more. The

orable Secretary Tourism, Government of India

Government of India said, “I congratulate

Hindi website’s launch is in line with our vision is country’s first

Sarovar Hotels for launching their website in

to be a truly Indian company, not only covering

fully developed ‘Hindi’ hotel website. Its USP is

Hindi. More than 180 million people in India re-

the country wide and far but by also connecting

the website content which has been crafted in

gard ‘Hindi’ as their mother tongue and another

with our target audience in the Hindi heartland

‘everyday’ Hindi to connect better with the tar-

300 million use Hindi as a second language. So

where business growth for our sector is today

get audience. This website was built from

this is a fantastic initiative.” Ajay K Bakaya, Ex-

most promising.”

scratch and consumed more than 1200 man

ecutive Director, Sarovar Hotels & Resorts at





Acron Waterfront Resort, Baga, Goa: A Fortune Resort Fortune Park Hotels Ltd recently expanded its bouquet of hotels with the opening of the brand’s 44th hotel, Acron Waterfront Resort, Baga, Goa- A Fortune Resort. Acron Waterfront Resort is the second hotel

Sprawled across an acre on the Baga penin-

nary experience with the inclusion of Chef Cyrus

of Fortune in Goa after Fortune Select Regina

sula, the Resort is owned by property developer

Todiwala, a renowned multi-award winning chef,

that was launched in 2010. The new Resort is

Acron, which has over 45 residential and hospi-

as the Master Chef, who along with his team

a boutique resort property, strategically located

tality developments in Goa and Mumbai since

would be creating a personalised menu of Goan

right where the Baga River meets the Arabian


and international fare at The River Restaurant

Sea. An exclusive resort along the Baga Riviera,

Commenting on the launch, Suresh Kumar,

at the Resort. Based out of United Kingdom

the property offers 29 well-appointed contempo-

CEO, Fortune Park Hotels Ltd., said, “We are

where he has established four restaurants, he

rary rooms equipped with modern amenities,

extremely happy to announce the launch of

has journeyed back to India to make his mark

with views of the river, the sea and the court-

Acron Waterfront Resort in Goa and to partner

on the fifth restaurant at the property.

yard. Each room has been meticulously de-

with the Acron Group once again, who have yet

Other offerings at the Resort include a spa, a

signed with hand-painted motifs to reflect an

again reposed their confidence in our brand. We

specially designed infinity pool with a sunken

individual touch. There are rooms for differently

would put in our best to uphold this trust and

bar, temperature-controlled Jacuzzi and service

abled guests, and ramp access has been pro-

also look forward to more alliances with the

of a personal butler.

vided to the restaurant and other common

Group in the near future.”


Acron Waterfront Resort offers a unique culi-





for an international business and upscale leisure traveler as it is conveniently located in the heart of business and commercial hub of New Delhi. THE MET houses renowned restaurants to mesmerize guests with eclectic options to choose from distinctive dining and wining experiences. To the global gourmet, THE MET offers the award winning Sakura, India's first Japanese restaurant, Chutney, Bar + Tandoor, offering diners an indigenous fusion of pan–Indian cuisine, Zing, the all-day world cuisine restaurant featuring an international platter set to tantalize the taste buds and Zing GourMET Shop to en-


tice sweet tooth with delectable offerings. THE MET is home to Craft House, a luxury

A smart and swanky hotel with fine blend of style and substance THE METROPOLITAN HOTEL & SPA is a Five Star Deluxe full service hotel located in the heart of the business and commercial hub of New Delhi.

lifestyle store, with its exclusive range of Indian handicrafts, pashmina, jewellery, ayurvedic spa products and the most unusual and unique Indian tea selections. Guests can also have an artistic experience at art gallery, Art Spice that promotes contemporary art and showcases art exhibitions of some of the finest artists from different generations across the globe. In addition, The Met houses a full service state-of-the-art Business Center, stylish Ban-

The hotel provides easy access to most of

a fine blend of style and substance and wel-

quet Halls and Meeting Venues, Health Club

the corporate and financial centres, ministries,

comes guests to a fresh atmosphere with vivid,

and Swimming Pool to provide the extras that

embassies and the International Trade Fair

minimalist, urban, stylish designs, and let them

our corporate business traveler expects.

grounds. Now nicknamed as ‘THE MET’, the

slip into smoothest place with warm and

smart and swanky hotel provides a peek into

thoughtful service. Liberally sprinkled with both

the future of hospitality. THE MET, a member of

business essentials and travel comforts, THE

Great Hotels Of The World, Luxury Collection is

MET is the perfect destination for finest living



Come, LIVE MET SMART at this prestigious property in New Delhi, India. by T NH DESK


Historic Vietnam comes calling for Min tourists For those planning a trip to South-East Asian destination, Vietnam has positioned itself to draw a large chunk of Indian tourists. An amazing South-East Asian destination that shares spiritual link with India and cultural similarities with Kolkata is none other than Viet-

Delhi, Chennai, Bengaluru and Hyderabad in the current year onwards. Kolkata is the nearest metro for South-East

nam. In this age of globalization, the country

Asian countries and the residents have fond,

has emerged as a vacation in paradise with

bygone memories of Vietnam War. We have

every corner of its tourism hotspots having a vi-

plenty of attractions for Indian tourists who are

sual wonder. Aimed to educate travel groups

travelling in a big way to South-East Asian des-

and tourists of Kolkata about Vietnam as a prospective tourist destination, the Embassy of Socialist Republic of Vietnam in association with Vietnam Airlines, Jet Airways and Accor

"It is quite cheaper for Bengal tourists to fly down to Vietnam and the hotels offer competitive rates."

group of Hotels hosted a promotional event themed "Vietnam- An Amazing destination for Indian tourists" in Kolkata on January 27.

Ton Sinh Thanh Ambassador, Socialist republic of Vietnam cales for Bollywood films. Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh and Ha Long Bay with rocky islands are current


favourites for Indian travellers. Indian tourists

Kolkata has strong historic connections with

need to travel to Vietnam to soak in the spec-

Vietnam and way back in 1958, Ho Chi Minh,

tacular views and experience the rapid devel-

of Socialist Republic of Vietnam, "We intend to

President of Vietnam made a historic visit to

opmental changes that have taken place over

woo Indian tourists to offer a boost to Vietnam

New Delhi and Kolkata. Thanh said, "Vietnam

the years. We are well geared with all kinds of

tourism and we would be hosting tourism road

is a destination of choice for shoppers, wedding

facilities to serve global tourists."

shows across all Indian metros including New

planners, honeymoon couples and shooting lo-

According to Ton Sinh Thanh, Ambassador


Abu Dhabi rides high with global tourist attraction Abu Dhabi Tourism is going full throttle to push the destination as the next big tourist hotspot for Indian visitors with the upcoming Louvre and Guggenheim Museum. For Indians who are big on outbound travel,

Yas Island has emerged as an entertainment

Abu Dhabi is an unexplored, high-end and af-

hub and Saadiyat Island is the cultural district.

fordable tourist destination in the Emirates. It

Add to these, there is Ferari World Abu Dhabi

comprises 200 islands and is an hour drive from

best known as the only Ferari-branded theme

Dubai with residents having the highest per

park in the world.

capita income. With Etihad Airways taking off

Bejan Dinshaw, Country Head, Abu Dhabi

from Kolkata Airport sometime on February 15,

TCA said, "India is the largest source market for

this year, Abu Dhabi Tourism and Culture Author-

Abu Dhabi. We have a lot of corporate incentives

ity (TCA) made its premier foray into Kolkata to

for business tourists flying down to Abu Dhabi re-

target Bengal travellers and offer a big boost to

plete with leading convention centres. The aver-

outbound travel in the eastern region.

age stay for Indians is five days-four nights and

There are a plethora of pleasant surprises in

with the introduction of electronic visas, it is quite

store for Indian tourists on a visit to Abu Dhabi.

easy to procure visas for Abu Dhabi. The desti-

Bejan Dinshaw Country head, Abu Dhabi TCA

"Golf is the new fascination for Indian travellers and for golfers; Abu Dhabi provides the new experience that they would like to have,"

There is Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, the

nation offers value-for money attractions. Golf is

world's largest mosque with the largest carpet in

the new fascination for Indian travellers and for

in demand among high-end Indian tourists who

the world. Yas Shopping Mall figures as the

golfers; Abu Dhabi provides the new experience

visit in groups."

largest mall in the Gulf region.

that they would like to have. Golf excursions are





2015: Year to ‘Discover Thainess’ in Thailand v B PREM KUMAR Y

sure that Thailand remains a popular destina-

Over many decades, Thailand has emerged a preferred


‘2015 Discover Thainess’ campaign aims to attract international tourists showcasing cultural and traditional diversity of Thailand and Thai way of life.


tion among international tourists.

the coming generations. The grand opening was marked by cultural


In order to further augment the growth of

extravaganza and colorful performances. As

tourists. Bestowed with natural beauty and rich

tourism in the country, the TAT has launched a

part of the opening event of ‘Discover Thai-

cultural diversity, Thailand has every thing that a

new global marketing campaign for 2015:

ness’, TAT organized a range of specially de-

tourist may aspire. The kingdom as a tourist des-

‘2015: Discover Thainess’. The ‘Discover Thai-

signed events to showcase the uniqueness of

tination is truly amazing and fascinating. It is a

ness’ is a year-long campaign conducted by

Thai culture and people. The spectacular pa-

country where modernity and traditions coexist

TAT across the world. The campaign had a

rade filled Bangkok with vibrant colours and

and thrive together, making Thailand a must

spectacular grand opening on 14 January, 2015

wonderful memories on 14 January, 2015.

place to visit for discerning tourists.

in front of the Siam Discovery Centre in

The launch event of ‘Discover Thainess’ wit-

Tourism has been key driver of the Thai econ-

Bangkok. The launch event was presided over

nessed the glorious Thai traditions and cultures

omy and contributes substantially in the GDP of

by Thailand’s Prime Minister General Prayut

from all regions of the country coming together

Thailand and socio-economic wellbeing of Thai

Chan-o-cha. He said that the campaign would

to Bangkok in the forms of grand processions

people. The continuous and innovative efforts of

help strengthen the pride of the Thai people,

and making the grand opening event a spec-

the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) in

and encourage their stronger participation in

tacular evening. A large number of tourists

prompting tourism in the country always make

the preservation of Thai heritage and culture for

from Thailand as well as from aboard experi-




Thai Tourism Minister launches ‘Discover Thainess’ in India

enced and enjoyed the occasion with rapt attention. Thai

The ‘2015 Discover Thainess’ campaign aims to pro-

cultures and traditions came alive on the grand occasion.

mote and preserve Thai traditions and culture and show-

The event was the beginning of a host of activities over

case the hospitable characters of the Thai people and

the year to attract tourists to experience ‘Thainess’ in

many cultural assets of Thailand that make it a unique

Thailand. The launch event showcased infinite variety of

tourist destination.

colorful Thai festivals and traditions to the local and in-

Thainess has seven unique characteristics: Thai Food,

ternational visitors. As part of the campaign, at least one

Thai Arts, and the Thai Way of Life, Thai Wellness, Thai

big event is being organized every month at various lo-

Festivity, Thai Wisdom, and Thai Fun. These character-

cations across the country coinciding with popular re-

istics can be found in the everyday life of the Thai people.

gional festivals. As part of the grand opening of the ‘2015

TAT’s new global tourism market campaign is based

Discover Thainess’ campaign, the Thailand Tourism Fes-

upon the Thai Government’s declaration of 2015 as the

tival (TTF) was held in Bangkok’s Lumpini Park from 14-

‘Discover Thainess’ year with the objective of accelerat-

18 January. The festival saw hundreds of tourists, local

ing the national economic and social development under

and international, come along to discover all that is new

His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s Suffi-

in the kingdom’s hospitality and travel industry, and ex-

ciency Economy principle to achieve a

perienced ‘Thainess’.

more sustainable form of growth.

Her Excellency Kobkarn Wattanavrangkul, Minister for Tourism & Sports, Thailand recently visited India to engage with travel agents, trade leaders and media in dialogue at Thai Trade Investment and Tourism Roadshow in Mumbai at Palladium Hotel. On the occasion, she officially launched ‘2015 Discover Thainess’ campaign in India. The minister’s visit lent wings to the new tagline and corresponding strategy in the high-potential/ highdelivery Indian market. India saw nearly a million tourists during 2014, which many tourism experts say is a great achievement.

‘2015 Discover Thainess’ is expected to give a major fillip to the international tourist ar-

“The campaign would help strengthen the pride of the Thai people, and encourage their stronger participation in the preservation of Thai heritage and culture for the coming generations.” Thailand’s pM General prayut Chan-o-cha

rivals in Thailand in 2015. International tourist arrival The grand opening of '2015 Discover Thainess' campaign at Siam Discovery Centre, Bangkok

in Thailand is expected to rise by 13% in 2015 due to ‘2015 Discover Thainess’.

As part of the

launch of the ‘Discover ‘Discover Thainess’ launch at palladium hotel Mumbai

Thainess’, TAT organized Fam trip for travel writers and journalists to Thailand.




Retaining their relevance, travel marts evolving with time In spite of increasing number of travel marts, leading international travel marts like WTM London and ITB Berlin retain their significance, and continue to grow in terms of participants.


tries and regions through its almost 5,000 ex-

atmosphere of trust plays an invaluable part in

hibitors. These include national and regional

business talks and negotiating agreements.”

WTM London and ITB Berlin are two leading

tourist boards, travel agents, tour operators,

ITB Berlin has the most balanced and most

international travel marts in the world, and are

hotel chains, travel tech companies and air-

international portfolio of exhibitors anywhere in

preferred destinations for exhibitors and repre-


sentatives of the travel and tourism industry from across the world.

the world. “We are proud to be able to welcome

As regards the relevance of ITB Berlin, David

around 10,000 exhibitors from 186 countries

Ruetz, Head of ITB Berlin, said, “ITB Berlin is

again this year. Only 30% of our exhibitors are

Explaining the relevance of WTM London

where top decision-makers, experts, buyers

from Germany. Over two-thirds travel here from

for travel industry, Simon Press, Senior Exhibi-

and young professionals from every area of the

abroad,” said Ruetz.

tion Director, WTM said, “World Travel Market

touristic value-added chain meet to get infor-

Staged annually in London, World Travel

is a unique opportunity for the whole global

mation about important topics and the latest

Market is a vibrant must attend B2B event pre-

travel trade to meet, network, negotiate and

trends, establish business contacts and close

senting a diverse range of destinations and in-

conduct business all under one roof. The deals

global deals.” He added, “The fact that tourism

dustry sectors to UK and International travel

agreed at WTM will be the product content in

industry decision-makers from around the

professionals. “Almost 51,500 senior travel in-

travel companies’ brochures and on their web-

world can gather in a single place at ITB Berlin

dustry professionals, government ministers and

sites, which will ultimately decide where holi-

to exchange information on the latest trends

international press, embark on ExCeL - London

daymakers visit in 2015 and beyond.”

and developments is an indispensable asset.

every November to network, negotiate and dis-

Being able to communicate face-to-face in an

cover the latest industry opinion and trends at

WTM London showcases around 186 coun-


“WTM is a unique opportunity for the whole global travel trade to meet, network, negotiate and conduct business all under one roof.”

“ITB Berlin is where top decision-makers, experts, buyers and young professionals from every area of the touristic value-added chain meet to get information about important topics.”

“With more travel events in India than ever before on different platforms, the way forward for travel trade shows is to establish their right niche and focus.“

Simon Press Senior Exhibition Director, WTM

David Ruetz Head of ITB Berlin

Rohit Hangal Director, Sphere Travelmedia & Exhibitions



“The organizers of travel marts should ensure that exhibitors have serious buyers and not those who just show up just because it is convenient for them or they are close by.”

“Running a show is certainly becoming a greater challenge. There are far too many shows that have emerged and this is cannibalizing the diminishing buyer base.”

“Travel trade fairs provide an opportunity to buyers to meet, discuss and contract business with suppliers of hotel rooms / flights / ground handling arrangements etc.”

Karan Anand Head, relationships Cox & Kings Ltd.

Rajeev Kohli Joint MD Creative Travel

Pradeep Kalra Sr. VP, Sales & Marketing, Sarovar Hotels & Resorts

WTM. WTM, now in its 36th event, generates

hibitors. Hall 5.2b, occupied by India, is again

WTM portfolio recognised a need for these

more than £2.5 billion of travel industry con-

booked up this year. We keep a waiting list, but

events as the industry is constantly growing

tracts,” said Press.

unfortunately we cannot increase the space al-

and now each event is leading the way in each

though there is a huge interest from India.”

specific region,” said Press.

Talking about the significance of his mart from buyers’ perspective, Press said, “At WTM

As for the significance of ITB Berlin from buy-

London, we have a dedicated Buyers’ Club, last

ers’ perspective, Ruetz said, “For buyers in-

gathers so many leading representatives from

year WTM Buyers’ Club delegates were up 7%

volved in the operations of small and

the private and public sector as ITB Berlin

Ruetz said that no other place in the world

to 9,116. This increase in senior buyers at WTM

medium-sized enterprises and those of larger

does. “ITB Berlin is where the tone is set for the

2014 will see the event facilitate the £2.5 billion

companies the free service provided by the ITB

future of travel for a billion people. Last year the

in industry deals, that is generated as result of

Buyers Circle considerably saves time and sig-

show sent out very positive signals for the in-

conversations had both during and after WTM

nificantly increases their efficiency. Following

ternational travel industry,” said Ruetz. ITB

with Exhibitors.”

the success of the ITB Buyers Circle in the last

Berlin reported a 4% rise in trade visitors and

WTM also host speed networking events

years, ITB Berlin 2015 will be offering 850

an increase in business volume last year. Over-

which enables buyers to meet and network with

hand-picked senior buyers access to this pre-

all, some 114,000 trade visitors travelled to

exhibitors by having quick 5 minute meetings.

mium circle.” With its separate meeting rooms

Berlin. “We expect the number of trade visitors

These take place on the first day of WTM and

the ITB Buyers Circle Lounge at the Marshall

at ITB Berlin 2015 to be at the same level,” said

on the last day of WTM.

Haus on the Berlin Exhibition Grounds offers


Speaking further about his mart, Ruetz said,

excellent opportunities for doing business and

INDIAN SCENARIO: India still has a very

“The ITB Berlin mirrors the industry’s entire

networking at length in quiet surroundings. “On

young travel and tourism industry with the

value chain. This enables exhibitors from all

5 March 2015, the second day of the fair, ITB

stakeholders still finding ways to enhance

segments to do business successfully. An ex-

Berlin is organizing a buyer seller speed net-

reach, according to Rohit Hangal, Director,

hibitor turnover of around 6,5 billion euros and

working session, which is taking place for the

Sphere Travelmedia & Exhibitions, “Indians as

92% of satisfied exhibitors last year are proof

first time. This event allows international buyers

a business community still would like to estab-

that ITB Berlin has successfully combined the

to meet important travel industry partners in a

lish relationships and this is where Travel marts

forces of supply and demand.”

short space of time,” informed Ruetz

have truly helped. The Indian travel industry

As regards the importance of Indian market

Press informed that WTM recently expanded

has greatly benefited as exhibitions are proba-

for ITB Berlin, Ruetz said, “As every year,

its portfolio and now includes travel trade exhi-

bly the most cost effective mode of acquiring a

India’s participation is very important at ITB

bitions in Latin America, Africa, the Middle East

customer and plays a big part in maintaining

Berlin. There has been particularly high de-

and of course Europe, the home of WTM in

business relationships. Exhibitions have helped

mand for places at the world’s leading travel

London. The WTM Portfolio offers unrivalled

the industry create new markets for their prod-

show from India. But as the show is completely

business opportunities for its exhibitors making

ucts across the country, devise right market

booked space is limited at ITB Berlin and we

its events the places where the travel and

entry strategies and gain immediate feedback,”

cannot offer more square meters to Indian ex-

tourism industry conducts its business. “The

said Hangal.




"Travel Trade marts indeed have a lot of relevance as they make companies like us to explore global opportunities and establishing footprint."

"Such marts are primarily aimed to facilitate B2B engagement, wherein different players within the travel and hospitality space are able to attract attention towards their products."

Ankush Nijhawan MD, Nijhawan Group of Companies

Neelu Singh COO,

"The relevance of trade fairs is on a significant rise as it allows you to showcase products from different players to help the consumers compare and take a judicious call." Jatinder Paul Singh Sr VP & Head - Sales & Distribution Leisure Travel (Outbound), Thomas Cook (India)

Sphere Travelmedia & Exhibitions organizes

Kings Ltd. "It's a meeting place to acquaint our-

innovation in products and pricing, consumers

IITM, OTR and some other marts in India. In

selves with new products in the market and

may find it difficult to make a choice. Hence, the

addition of some national travel marts in India,

also learn the trends."

relevance of trade fairs is on a significant rise as

many regions/states have their own travel

Throwing lights on relevance of travel trade

it allows you to showcase products from different

marts that focus on the exhibition of products

shows, Neelu Singh, COO, Ezeegol .com said,

players to help the consumers compare and

of the respective regions/states. Number of re-

"There are a lot of investments that go into put-

take a judicious call."

gional/state-level marts is growing rapidly in the

ting together a successful travel mart and the

country. Commenting on this phenomenon,

burgeoning trade show market signifies its

Companies feels that the relevance of travel

Hangal said, "With more travel events in India

growing relevance. Such marts are primarily

trade shows is surely increasing with time due

than ever before on different platforms, whether

aimed to facilitate B2B engagement, wherein

to few reasons— growth of outbound from India,

it is on a B2B or a B2C platform, the way for-

different players within the travel and hospitality

economic sentiments and increase in flights ca-

ward for travel trade shows is to establish their

space are able to attract attention towards their

pacity. "A lot of global companies are looking at

right niche and focus. We will also see more


India as the market for future. Marts indeed have

Ankush Nijhawan, MD, Nijhawan Group of

events in tier-II and tier-III segments adding to

Pradeep Kalra, Sr. VP, Sales & Marketing,

a lot of relevance as it makes companies like us

the travel event portfolio in the country." He

Sarovar Hotels & Resorts is of the opinion that

to explore global opportunities and establishing

added, "With marketing expense on a tighter

travel trade fairs provide an excellent opportunity

footprint ," said Nijhawan.

leash, use of Exhibitions offers the most cost-

to network with the Trade which eventually gives

effective ways to reach out to your consumer.

a definite return on the company's marketing in-

provement in the way marts are organized to

Competition is there in almost every part of the

vestments in terms of enhanced visibility.

make it more productive. According to Anand,

travel and tourism industry, Exhibitions are not

While agreeing that trade shows have their

Stakeholders do feel that there is scope for im-

"The organizers of travel marts should ensure

far behind. With various national trade associ-

relevance, Rajeev Kohli, Joint MD, Creative

that exhibitors have serious buyers and not

ations like FICCI and CII, who have discovered

Travel, said, "There are far too many shows that

those who just show up just because it is con-

their new found love for tourism exhibitions, try-

have emerged and this is cannibalizing the di-

venient for them or they are close by. "It should

ing to leverage their connect with Govern-

minishing buyer base. There are fewer buyers

not be a numbers game but a quality one." Ac-

ments, in spite of a serious conflict of interest

out there. Companies have downsized and peo-

cording to Neelu Singh, organizers of travel

situation, the market is now, more prepared for

ple also have less time to spare in a weak econ-

marts should establish the right connects be-

serious focused players than those who come

omy. So shows are finding it harder and harder

tween exhibitor's products and target-audience,

with a multi-functional baggage."

to deliver quality buyers and we are seeing a

so that appropriate promotion becomes impor-

definite change in the ground."

tant. Kalra feels that organizers need to create

INDUSTRY PERSPECTIVE: Travel trade shows are relevant as it provides a platform to

Jatinder Paul Singh, Sr. VP & Head - Sales &

more prepost show, buzz, which would assist in

network amongst hotel suppliers, tour opera-

Distribution Leisure Travel (Outbound), Thomas

generating required adequate publicity for a

tors, attractions and airlines, according to

Cook (India) said, "The travel and tourism indus-

show to be well attended by buyers as well as

Karan Anand—Head, relationships, Cox &

try today is highly competitive. With continuous





Offering true value for money

Planning a major thrust with Indian family & young travellers

Lords Hotels & Resorts has made a remarkable presence in Indian hospitality space in a comparatively short period of time due to its commitment of offering true value for money to its guest, and also living to the expectations of owners of its properties.

HKTB is busy developing India as a new market to pull new tourists to Hong Kong. Here's some reason to cheer for Indian travel bugs looking to jet off to Hong Kong in the current period. Keeping in mind the MICE and cruise business segment, Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) has planned a big push with a view to generate more inbound traffic from family and young Indian travellers in the new calendar year. In its latest initiative, the board has joined hands with Viacom 18 to highlight the popular television serial "Sasural Simar Ka" in which Hong Kong formed the backdrop for its 1000th episode. Peter Hoslin, Regional Director, Europe and New Markets, HKTB, explained, "The show has been picturized in some of the exotic tourist destinations in Hong Kong since we intend to create an exciting destination experience for the Indian viewers. Owing to the immense popularity of the serial among young couples, we have come up with exclusive tours that would offer romantic experience of the destination. We have designed Hong Kong Rewards programme for incentive groups to make them experience the vibrancy of the destination." Hong Kong has emerged as a significant cruise hub with the opening of Kai Tak Cruise Terminal. Peter Hoslin said, "There is a tremendous potential to boost fly-cruise packages in the Indian tourism market since most Indian travellers prefer fly-cruise packages to Hong Kong. The destination has attracted a number of cruise lines to select Hong Kong as the convenient homeport. Royal Caribbean International has deployed 20 cruises of its flagship vessel-Voyager of the Seas for summer 2015 and will offer cruises of three-to-ten nights for a visit to Taiwan, Vietnam, Japan and South Korea till October, 2015." Indian visitors mostly tour Victoria Peak, Hong Kong Disneyland, Ladies Market, Ocean Park, Madame Tussauds, Victoria Harbour, Avenue of

Peter Hoslin regional Director, europe and new Markets, hKTB




emerged as a leading player in the lower midmarket segment due to

"There is a tremendous potential to boost fly-cruise packages in the Indian tourist market since most Indian travellers prefer fly-cruise packages to Hong Kong."

its operational expertise and better understanding of Indian hospitality space. Since its inception, Lords Hotels is growing exponentially, widening its presence

Rishi Puri Vice president Lords hotels & resorts

across the country. Lords Hotels & Resorts presently owns and manages 24 hotels across India and Nepal. Of the total hotels, the group owns nine hotels. Lords is primarily focused on domestic markets. "Domestic market is key source market for us. We see a lot of untapped potential in this market, particularly in the segment we operated. There is huge gap between demand and supply in this segment as far as branded properties are concerned. This

HKTB's current strategies to draw Indian tourists are: •Joined hands with Viacom 18 to promote television serial "Sasural Simar Ka" shot in Hong Kong. •Focusing on family and young Indian tourists. •Publicizing fly-cruise tours. •Hong Kong REWARDS programme for MICE group.

gap provides us a great opportunity to grow," said Rishi Puri, VP-Lords Hotels & Resorts. The chain is planning to open five more properties in next six months. Lords Hotels is present mainly in tierII & tier-III cities. Puri said that his group is focusing on standardization of its F&B options across its properties. Lord Hotels has expertise in revenue management, inventory management and real-time distribution support, which make it a preferred choice for property owners.

Stars, Temple Street Night Market and Lantau Island. Hoslin added, "New Delhi and Mumbai are our primary source markets contributing around 60 per cent of overnight Indian tourist arrival.

"Our USP is that we are owners as well as operators of hotels. Unlike other hotel management companies, we understand the finer nuances of ownership as well as that of management. We are better-positioned to understand the concerns and expectations of hotel owners, therefore, better-position to live up to their expectation," concluded Puri.




Union Budget mixed bag for Tourism industry While the travel & tourism industry of the country welcomed the Finance Minister’s announcement in his budget speech that that e-visa facility will be expanded from the current 43 countries to 150 countries in a phased manner, a section of the industry is disappointed with budget proposal to increase service tax that will hurt the industry.


Welcoming the Union Budget 2015-16, Ra-

to boost consumption will allow the travelers to

cluding expanding the VoA scheme

consider holiday and travel options more favor-

to 150 countries in a phased approach

jeev Wagle, MD, Kuoni India said, “The budget

ably. This will surely help in tapping the huge po-

as also the welcome move of elim-

provides an impetus to economy achieving a

tential in India of the domestic and outbound

inating some of the concerns

high growth rate in 2015-16 of anywhere be-

markets and will help promote a significant in-


tween 8.1 and 8.5%, and thereby laying down a

crease in international and domestic travel.” Ac-

tourists as well as opera-

foundation for a double-digit growth rate in future

cording to Wagle, the Budget speaks of quick

tors had as to how this

years. This is a great step towards a robust and

change, faster growth and high levels of trans-


sustainable growth for the Tourism Industry as

parency and this will augment economic growth

Focus on developing



well and will unlock the latent potential of India's

for the industry. A number of steps for tax ration-

World Heritage Sites

tourism industry.” He added that the Union

alization will also help augment tax revenues for

is of huge value given

Budget has recognized and shown commitment

the Government.

that many are in a bad

to tourism as an important revenue and employment generator for the Government.

Welcoming the Union Budget 2015-16, Madhavan Menon, MD, Thomas Cook (India) Ltd,


shape and have received scant attention in

Wagle further said, “Proposals such as ex-

"The Government’s pro-tourism strategic vision

the past. In addition to

emption to individual taxpayers, proposal to cut

sees continuum and we applaud the vision and

this, the investment of Rs. 2

to 25% corporate tax and a series of measures

long term initiatives of Budget 2015 - 2016 in-

lakh crore towards sanitation is



“The budget provides an impetus to economy achieving a high growth rate in 2015-16 of anywhere between 8.1 and 8.5%.”

"We applaud the vision and long term initiatives of Budget 2015 - 2016 including expanding the VoA scheme to 150 countries in a phased approach.”

“We can see around 30 per cent increase in tourist arrival. Short haul from neighbouring countries will get boost. This will be a significant contributor to Indian economy.”

“The FM’s announcements to restore and preserve the 25 Cultural World Heritage sites in the country by building visitor amenities is likely to aid tourism to historical locations.”

Rajeev Wagle Managing Director, Kuoni India

Madhavan Menon Managing Director, Thomas Cook (India) Ltd

Ajay Bhatia VP & COO, Mercury Travels Ltd

Sajid Khan Country Manager India, South African Airways



critical for Incredible India’s image, overall. The

Vedaranyam CEO, says, "The Finance

Union Budget to incease service tax to 14%.

rail and road infra thrust too will aid domestic

Ministers' proposal to increase VoA scheme

“Even though the Finance Minister Arun Jaitley

and inbound tourism."

from the current 43 countries to 150 countries

has announced TVOA for 150 countries, but by

Sajid Khan, Country Manager – India, South

will push the incoming to India dramatically

the time this is done, people who are trying to

African Airways, said, “Allowing the Visa-on-

which will in turn help the entire local eco system

sabotage the Prime Minister Vision have created

Arrival facility to travellers from 43 countries was

of India. Its proposal to invest in heritage sites

a lot of damage to the growth of tourism by in-

a positive move made last year. Extending this

was a much awaited and extremely beneficial

troducing biometrics for getting an Indian Visa in

in a phased manner to travellers from 150 coun-

move as there was an urgent need for well-de-

many countries. So the efforts of the govern-

tries will further strengthen the travel and

fined policies and clear commitments to ensure

ment to promote tourism are going down in the

tourism industry in the country.” However, “Inclu-

that all cultural heritage points are given more

drain. Even the countries like Israel who have

sion of entertainment facilities like amusement

attention with improved infrastructural facilities.”

the maximum threat of terrorism, do not have

arcades, theme parks, water parks, concerts etc

Welcoming the Union Budget, Ajay Bhatia, VP

Biometric, said Subhash Goyal, President, IATO.

in the negative list for Service Tax restricts such

& COO, Mercury Travels Ltd said, “We can see

Goyal also expressed his displeasure on the

establishments from fully reaping the

around a 30% increase in tourist arrival. Short

tourism industry not being given any relief in

benefits of the growth in tourism. Ad-

haul from neighbouring countries will get boost.

spite of the fact that tourism is one of the largest


ditionally, proposal to increase Service

This will be a significant contributor to Indian

foreign exchange earnings and employment

Tax rate plus Education Cess and Secondary

economy as well as driver of progress through

generator industry. “We have been pleading that

and Higher Education Cess to 14% will lead

creation of Jobs, It will give India edge over

as tourism is export of service, it should be

to a hike in air ticket prices.”

neighbouring countries and will have multiplier

treated at par with physical exports and tourism

affect on businesses connected directly and in-

be extended all benefits that are being given to

Singh, COO,, said,

directly with Tourism foreign exchange earn-

the physical exporters. Instead, government has

“We are happy with the thrust on

ings.The move will help in creating a robust

put additional burden by increasing service tax

tourism industry.”

rate from 12.36% to 14%, which will make our

Welcoming the budget, Neelu

domestic and inbound tourism by developing key tourist destinations and sites and making



packages costlier, thereby killing the goose that

“The focus of

lays golden eggs,” said Goyal. He urged the

Budget 2015 on areas such as infrastructure,

Modi Government to reconsider this so that


skill development and rural development has the

tourism to India could flourish. He added, “We

World Heritage Sites of old

potential to provide a big tailwind for Indian

looked at the government to put forth a definitive


tourism,” said Nair. “In addition, the specific an-

time line for a nationwide rollout of GST. The tax

nouncement relating to up-gradation of certain

regime should help us set off Service Tax giving

world heritage sites signals continued focus on

a significant boost to tourism Industry and we

Tourism,” he added.

are happy that GST will be introduced by April



Hampi, Leh





Varanasi temple town. It will help draw a lot of heritage and religious

Hari Nair, Founder & CEO, also welcomed the budget.



IATO is unhappy with the proposal in the

Next year”.

“We are happy with the thrust on domestic and inbound tourism by developing key tourist destinations and sites and making them more touristfriendly.”

"The Finance Ministers' proposal to increase Visa on arrival scheme from the current 43 countries to 150 countries is a very welcome move.”

“ The focus of Budget 2015 on areas such as infrastructure, skill development and rural development has the potential to provide a big tailwind for Indian tourism,”

“Government has put additional burden by increasing service tax rate from 12.36% to 14%, which will make our packages costlier.”

Neelu Singh COO,

Swaminathan Vedaranyam Chief Executive Officer,

Hari Nair Founder & CEO,

Subhash Goyal President, IATO




Anil Parashar president & CeO, ITQ

Shantha de Silva head of South west Asia, IhG,

S N Srivastava president, Clarks Inn Group of hotels

"India's business travel is growing at a fast pace and is set to double by 2015. Driven by the multitude of business centres across India and mammoth growth of the middle class, domestic business travel spending has dominated the country."

"Business travel has emerged as one of the largest segments of the travel & tourism industry in India. As per GBTA, India has moved from 24th spot in the world's business travel market ranking in 2000 to 10th today."

"Business travel market has continued to grow year-on-year. however with the current government's increasing thrust to spur growth and business, we are confidently hopeful of a far better growth rate in 2015."

Rajeev Kale president & COO- MICe, Domestic, Sports holidays, Thomas Cook (India)

"The MICe segment is becoming increasingly sophisticated with evolving preferences and interests. Thomas Cook India has witnessed emerging trends amongst corporates looking at experiential trips and higher budgets."

Business travel to grow at a fast pace With the country's economy showing signs of improvement, business travel in the country is expected to grow at a fast pace and number of business travellers is set to double in the country by 2015.


tier-II and tier-III cities has also led

today, and this is expected to rise in

growth and business, we are confi-

Business travel has a lot to do

to an upsurge in business travel op-

the years ahead. Factors driving

dently hopeful of a far better growth

with business activities. The last

portunities, comprising almost 90%

this growth include the rapidly

rate in 2015. I am confident that we

couple of years had not been good

of the total business travel spend in

growing middle class and renewed

are on the threshold of better busi-

for business travel in India owing to

the country. Indian business trav-

optimism on the back of the new

ness and revenue driven particu-

slump in economic activities. But

ellers are projected to become the

pro-business leadership. We are

larly by a much faster growing

now there are strong signs of the

second largest group after the Chi-

also seeing new business centres

business travel segment. This

economy upturn in the country,

nese within the next few years,"

being established in India and fore-

growth will be particularly driven by

which will fuel business travel in the

said Parashar.

see this to be a rising trend in the

the domestic market that comprises

coming years."

90 % of the business travel spend-


According to Shantha de Silva,

Anil Parashar, President & CEO,

Head of South West Asia, IHG,

Sharing his insights on business

ITQ said that India's business travel

"Business travel has emerged as

travel, S N Srivastava, President,

Commenting on the business

ing in India," said Srivastava.

is growing at a fast pace and is set

one of the largest segments of the

Clarks Inn Group of Hotels said that

travel scenario in the country,

to double by 2015. "Driven by the

travel and tourism industry in India.

the Indian business travel market

Barun Jolly, GM, Radisson Blu



According to figures from the

has continued to grow year-on-year

Hotel New Delhi Paschim Vihar,

across India and mammoth growth

Global Business Travel Association

but at half the rate of precrisis level,

said, "With current government's

of the middle class, domestic busi-

(GBTA), India has moved from 24th

by some estimates just over 2 %.

focus towards increasing the inflow

ness travel spending has domi-

spot in the world's business travel

"However, with the current govern-

of capital into the country the busi-

nated the country. Expansion of

market ranking in 2000 to 10th

ment's increasing thrust to spur

ness travel is bound to grow. Also






Barun Jolly GM, radisson Blu hotel new Delhi paschim Vihar

Rex A.G. Nijhof GM, renaissance Mumbai Convention Centre hotel

Bandish Mehta GM, novotel pune

Elton Hurtis GM, Courtyard by Marriott Bhopal

“with current government policy and its focus towards increasing the inflow of capital into the country the business travel is bound to grow.”

“Business travel is the largest segment of travel in India's corporate travel market. with a surge in the GDp growth rate and a stable economy, India is sighting an all-round development especially in the business travel & tourism sector.”

“India in last decade has only seen a consistent growth in Business Travel, with the rising number of companies investing in India from different parts of the world and with a promising new government; we only expect it to rise rapidly.”

“There is visibly a lot of positive business sentiments in the country today. we do have a considerable lead over the immediate competition in the most of the cities (if not all) where we operate our hotels.”


amongst corporates looking at ex-

effort to address challenges by in-

dian companies are now following suit.”



which will make clearance for proj-

periential trips and higher budgets,”

troducing business friendly policies,

ects faster will encourage mid-term

said Rajeev Kale, President &

effort to cut through red tapism, ex-

investors to invest into India imme-

COO- MICE, Domestic, Sports Hol-

pediting approvals will help attract

Pune said that India in last decade

diately and this will grow business

idays, Thomas Cook (India).

investment to various sectors of

has only seen a consistent growth in Business Travel, with the rising

Bandish Mehta, GM, Novotel

travel. Currently we see a small

Shantha de Silva also feels that

businesses that will eventually drive

growth in business travel but it

India is fast emerging as a hub for

more business to hotels,” he said.

number of companies investing in

should pick up momentum by 3rd

MICE tourism. “The conference

However, he added that in order to

India from different parts of the

quarter of 2015 when certain proj-

market in India is valued at nearly

boost business travel, the govern-

world and with a promising new

ects will move to implementation

$5 billion and MICE tourism has

ment also needs to improve infra-

government; we only expect it to

stage. With business activities fore-

given a new boost to the industry.

structure including quality hotels.

rise rapidly. “We are positive about

casted to grow, it is only matter of

Reports reveal that nearly 25 % of

According to Rex A.G. Nijhof,

the forthcoming developments, with

time that room business will pick

inbound tourism is related to MICE

GM, Renaissance Mumbai Con-

multinational companies being en-


couraged to make in India.”

or business tourism. We recognise

vention Centre Hotel, “Business

Prashant Narayan, COO & Head

the value business travel is playing

travel is the largest segment of

Leisure Travel Inbound Business,

to the industry and are ready to

travel in today India's corporate


Elton Hurtis, GM, Courtyard by Bhopal


Thomas Cook India Ltd. & TCI feels

cater to this growing group of trav-

travel market. With a surge in the

“There’s visibly a lot of positive

that today India has emerged as

ellers with our Crowne Plaza ho-

GDP growth rate and a stable

business sentiments in the country

one of the most preferred destina-

tels,” he said.

economy, India is sighting an all-

today. We will focus our energy to

tions for MICE travelers, a truly pos-

Srivastava asserted that that the

round development especially in

maintain our market leadership and

itive sign. “The MICE segment is

current government’s thrust on im-

the business travel and tourism

leverage on our strengths in 2015.

becoming increasingly sophisti-

proving overall business environ-

sector. With liberalization paving the

The market has scope for growth,

cated with evolving preferences

ment and making it more conducive

way for healthy competition and

and I predict this growth will come

and interests. Thomas Cook India

to conduct business in India will

business going global, Indians’ too

from the capacity of the consumer

has witnessed emerging trends

certainly be a game changer. “Its

are evolving into global tourists. In-

to pay better rates in 2015.”




Tourism Malaysia Promotes MYFest 2015 in India Tourism Malaysia has launched Malaysia Year of Festivals (MYFest) 2015 with the theme ‘Endless Celebrations’ to showcase and celebrate the country’s bountiful and diverse cultures and festivities as a tourist attraction. Tourism Malaysia has kicked off the current

Attractions of MYFest 2015 are: •International Shoe Festival. •F1 Motor GP races. •Malaysia Mega Sale Carnival and year-end carnival. •Mitsui Outlet Park or the factory outlet shopping mall to open its doors in August, 2015.

destinations waiting to be explored like Johor

year as the “Year of Festivals”(MYFest 2015)

and Melaka.

themed on endless celebrations in an attempt

Among the world’s top 10 largest shopping

to flaunt its variegated culture and festivals.

malls, three malls are in Malaysia including

Proboscis Monkey has been chosen as the

Utama, Mid Valley Mega Mall and Sunway

mascot for MYFest 2015 campaign. With India

Pyramid. It also has the Sunway Lagoon’s surf

emerging as the sixth highest tourist-generat-

beach that figures as the world’s largest man-

ing market for Malaysia and keeping in mind

made surf beach. Legoland Theme Park

the surge in the flow of Indian tourists and to

marked a turnout of nearly 1.5 million tourists

raise awareness on MYFest 2015, Tourism

when it opened its doors in 2012. The pleasant

Malaysia launched its Sales Mission drive and

surprises for MYFest 2015 are International

moved across five cities of India from February

Shoe Festival, F1 Motor GP races, Malaysia

9 to 17, this year.

Mega Sale carnival and Year End Sale from

Travelling to Malaysia is highly convenient

November 2015 to January 2016.

for Indian tourists since there are 165 direct

Dato’ Azizan said, “Our travel agents are

weekly flights from Indian cities to the country.

working to offer discounts to Senior citizens

Pitching for two-way tourism between both India and Malaysia, Dato’ Azizan Noordin, Deputy Director General (Planning), Malaysia

Dato’ Azizan noordin Deputy Director General ( planning) Tourism Malaysia promotion Board

and students from India looking head to visit Malaysia. Around 23 million global travellers headed to our country last year and the figure

Tourism Promotion Board explained, “Indian

thrust to our incentive travel, education

is expected to reach 25 million this year. There

tourists fly down to Malaysia to experience ad-

tourism, honeymoon travel and high-end

were nearly 6,43,335 Indians touching down

venture tourism and diving. It is the young In-

tourism. Of late, global tourism has surged by

Malaysia in 2014 and this year, we hope to

dian travellers with strong spending power

140 per cent in our country and we have

draw at least 8 lakh Indians. We had nearly

who mostly jet off to Malaysia. We are target-

around 5 per cent of MICE visitors from India.”

10,000 tourists from Bengal going to Malaysia

ing the Indian tourist market in order to offer a

He also pointed out that there are new tourist

last year.”




InTernATIOnAL wedding last year.

Tourism Fiji looks for high-end Indian fliers Tourism Fiji is determined to make it focus upon high-end Indian tourists, adventure buffs, MICE and wedding planners.

Tourism Fiji will have its presence at MICE Travel Mart in Mumbai sometime in April and in New Delhi in November, this year. The island country has no direct flights to India. Koya added, “Fiji Airways has no such concrete plans to foray into India now but we are trying

The Indian wanderlust has caught the atten-

travellers, adventure buffs and wedding plan-

tion of Fiji. For tourists in quest of happiness,

ners. We are taking our promotional events

Fiji with its 333 islands spread across South

across four Indian metros. Besides, we are

Pacific Ocean is the destination of choice to

looking at Nagpur to organize our road show

to better the connectivity between both the

“Indian tourists flying down to Fiji look for experiential tourism and high-end resorts.”

travel. Of late, the island country has emerged

since the tier-II cities form a large part of our

as a great destination for high spenders looking

tourist market in India. The eastern region of

to indulge in adventure tourism activities like

India is highly significant for us and Kolkata

skydiving, white water rafting, snorkelling, surf-

forms one of our prominent tourist markets in

ing and island tours that impart happiness to

India followed by Ahmedabad. We have around

countries. We are offering 47 per cent discount

weary travellers.

90 per cent leisure tourists from India.”

to the Indian film industry for organizing film

Faiyaz Siddiq Koya Minister of Tourism, fiji

With an effort to motivate Indian travel groups

The island destination enjoys the distinction

shoots in Fiji. At the same time, we are also

to plan out trips to the island destination,

of having world-class golf courses, resorts and

eyeing serious investments from the Indian

Tourism Fiji has roped in as many as 400 travel

diving sites. Nearly 40 per cent of the island

hospitality industry interested to set up their

populace belongs to Indian origin. The tourism

ventures in Fiji.”

Strategies of Tourism Fiji in India: •Stressing on high-end leisure tourists, MICE, adventure lovers and wedding planners. •Eyeing on tier-II cities. •Offering 47 per cent discount to the Indian film industry for shooting.

minister said, “The concentration of Indian pop-

The island destination serves as a conven-

ulace in Fiji provides comfort for Indian tourists

ient stopover for tourists flying to Australia and

to visit the island. Indian tourists flying down to

New Zealand. “Fiji receives the highest number

Fiji look for experiential tourism and high-end

of global tourists from Australia. There were

resorts. There are a number of Indian restau-

around 3,000 Indian arrivals and 7,00,000

rants and high-end resorts serving vegetarian

global tourists last year. We are expecting a

agents from all over India. Faiyaz Siddiq Koya,

food.” The island country is gradually rising into

surge of 12 to 15% in Indian tourist arrival this

Minister of Tourism, Government of Fiji, in-

the popularity chart as a wedding destination

time,” further added. Koya.

formed, “Our focus is on high-spending Indian

and around 500 Indians flew to Fiji to attend

The British-Irish Visa Scheme goes live in India British Irish Visa Scheme allows Indian nationals to travel to the UK and Ireland on a single short term visit visa.


Given that visitors from India are travelling a considerable distance, and often want to include more than one destination on their itinerary, it makes sense to make it as easy as possible for them to visit both Ireland and the UK on a single visa. I hope that this scheme helps to grow the deep ties between India and Ireland in the future.”

Ireland and the UK will share Visa Application Centres across India. All applicants applying for

visitors wishing to travel for sightseeing, golf or as business tourists.”

an Irish or British visa will need to use the

India is a priority market for Ireland under the

shared Visa Application Centres from 10 Febru-

Government’s Trade, Tourism and Investment

ary 2015.

Strategy and the Embassy in New Delhi and the

Commenting on the initiative, Ambassador of

State agencies in India work on the basis of a

Ireland to India, Feilim McLaughlin said, “The in-

joint strategy to increase trade, investment, ed-

troduction of the British-Irish Visa Scheme is re-

ucation and tourism between our two countries.

ally good news, making it easier than ever

I hope to see increasing numbers visiting Ireland

before for visitors from India to visit the island of

to see the ‘Wild Atlantic Way’, visit the Titanic

Ireland. It is a significant step in helping us to

museum in Belfast or sample some of Ireland’s

grow visitor numbers from India – whether those

legendary traditional music sessions.

“Under the British-Irish Visa Scheme Ireland and the UK will share Visa Application Centres across India. All applicants applying for an Irish or British visa will need to use the shared Visa Application Centres from 10 February 2015.”



eVenT wATCh

PHD Chamber Organises 4th India Heritage Tourism Conclave PHD Chamber of Commerce & Industry recently organised 4th India Heritage Tourism Conclave at hotel The Lalit, New Delhi. The conclave discussed issues concerning the preserving of heritage and monuments in the country and the ways to promote heritage tourism in the country. Among others, the inaugural session of the event was addressed by Dr. L. K. Panwar, Tourism Secretary, Government of India.



eVenT wATCh



eVenT wATCh

LIVING IT UP! SKAL Delhi recently held another extravagant lunch at The Claridges, New Delhi. Members discussed issues of common interest while enjoying the beautiful winter day and the delicious food.



eVenT wATCh




Tourism New Zealand teams up with Thai Airways and Auckland Airport to promote special fares Partnership aims to increase travellers on the Bangkok – Auckland route from India from India were 37, 392, an increase of 20.7%

World Cup 2015, an event that not only show-


on the previous year. Of these, 17,280 were hol-

cases India and New Zealand’s sporting ties but



iday arrivals, a 17.6% increase on the previous

also the unique tourism experiences available in



year. The new partnership with Thai Airways and

New Zealand.

launched a new

Auckland Airport aims to further increase pref-

Mumbai, February



nership with Thai Airways and AuckSteven Dixon regional Manager South and South east Asia, Tourism new Zealand

land Airport with an aim


50,000 from

achieve arrivals



2017.This campaign introduces special promotional fares from as low as INR 60,762 return for

“The outbound travel market from India is growing rapidly and is a promising source of international travellers for Tourism New Zealand, Thai Airways and Auckland Airport.”

Tourism New Zealand has witnessed steady growth in visitors from India and the market

calm waters, to a rejuvenating bush walk past a mystical waterfall, followed by an incredible meal in a vineyard with sweeping views of rolling countryside, or lapping up the gallery and café culture of a vibrant metropolis, all within a few hours. Speaking about the partnership Steven Dixon, Regional Manager South and South East Asia, Tourism New Zealand said, “The outbound

travel between March 2015 and September 2015, with booking validity until March 2015.

The country’s compact size makes it possible to experience everything from kayaking on flat


erence for New Zealand amongst the families

travel market from India is growing rapidly and

and young professionals, with a particular focus

is a promising source of international travellers

on Delhi, Kolkata and Hyderabad.

for Tourism New Zealand, Thai Airways and

holds great potential for the destination. As at

New Zealand is currently high on Indian trav-

December 2014, New Zealand’s visitor arrivals

ellers’ radars as co-hosts of the ICC Cricket

Auckland Airport. New Zealand offers travellers the ultimate holiday experience.”


Dubai’s hotel establishments welcome more than 11.6m guests in 2014 Figures show a 5.6% year-on-year increase in hotel establishment guests. Hotel and hotel apartment room revenues rise 12% to AED 15.2 billion Dubai’s




Top source markets for hotel guests

the combined efforts of DTCM and its partners

11,629,578 guests in 2014, registering a 5.6% in-

Dubai’s top ten hotel guest source markets in

within Dubai’s aviation and hospitality sectors to

crease on 2013’s total. Figures released today by

2014 remained almost entirely unchanged from

position Dubai as a destination of choice for such

Dubai’s Department of Tourism and Commerce

2013, with only slight shifts in positioning. For Jan-

travellers. India (ranked 2nd) and the UK (ranked

Marketing (DTCM) show steady year-on-year

uary to December 2014, Saudi Arabia was once

3rd) also showed significant increases in the num-

growth and significant increases across key indi-

again the top source market, followed by India,

ber of hotel guests, rising 12.2 per cent and

cators including hotel establishment revenues and

UK, USA, Iran, Oman, China, Kuwait, Russia and

11.3% respectively. The March 2014 UAE federal

guest nights. The figures for 2014 indicate that


ruling that exempted citizens of 13 European

Dubai is continuing to maintain growth at a sus-

China moved from tenth position to seventh, ex-

member states from requiring a pre-entry visa to

tainable level, while also growing its portfolio of

periencing 24.9% growth in the last 12 months

the UAE – joining the other 15 European member

hotels and hotel apartment establishments, thus

with 344,329 hotel guests compared to 275,675

states for which the exemption already applied –

taking another step closer to achieving its Tourism

in 2013. This surge can be attributed to the growth

contributed to increases in hotel guest numbers

Vision for 2020, which aims to welcome 20 million

in the number of Chinese travellers, who are in-

from European countries.

visitors a year by 2020.

creasingly looking to travel outside of China, and





Mario Habig CEO, LPTI’s Inbound Business

Mario Habig has been appointed the new CEO for Inbound Business of Le Passage to India (LPTI), the market leading Destination Management Company in India, part of the Destination Services business unit within the Hotelbeds Group. Arjun Sharma, present MD of Le Passage to India, has been one of the key decision makers of the selection process for this role. He now takes up the role of Chairman, providing strategic guidance to Mario and continuing to support in managing key client relationships, as well as remaining a shareholder in the company.

Vikram Mago VP & GM Radisson Blu Hotel Greater Noida

Vikram Mago has joined Radisson Blu Hotel Greater Noida as its Vice President and General manger. Prior to the new assignment, Vikram was with Blaxland Hotel as its Director-Australia and South East Asia (Industry Specialist). Before that he was General Manager of The Windsor Bangalore, ITC Hotels Division from 2006 to-2010. Earlier he served as General Manager of many properties such as The Blaxland Hotel (La Cordon Blue Hotels) and The Oxford Hotel (American Heritage Hotels),Taj Coromandel & Taj Connemara (I.H.C.)

Madhav Sehgal GM, Hyatt Regency Chennai

Hyatt Regency Chennai has appointed Madhav Sehgal as their General Manager. Madhav joined Hyatt in 2010 as director of rooms at Hyatt Regency Delhi before moving to Hyatt Bangalore as General Manager in April 2013. Before joining Hyatt, Madhav held various positions in Rooms in Canada and India. “I am truly grateful for being given this opportunity and am looking forward with anticipation to the new assignment at the prestigious Hyatt Regency Chennai. It has indeed been an exciting and memorable journey here in Bangalore since the rebranding and launch of our first hotel in the city.


Siddharth Manjeshwar F &B Manager Alila Diwa Goa

Alila Diwa Goa recently appointed Siddharth Manjeshwar as its Food and Beverage Manager. Siddharth brings with him around 10 years of experience with leading hotels in India and internationally. In his current role, he will supervise the hotel’s culinary offerings as well as direct and oversee the hotel’s initiatives across all its Food and Beverage outlets. Prior to joining Alila Diwa Goa, Siddharth was the Food and Beverage Manager at Club Mediteranee in Japan. He started his career as a Management Trainee with Crown, Australia.


Hemant Mehta GM, Radisson Blu Hotel Ghaziabad

Sujith Herbert GM, The Khyber Himalayan Resort & Spa, Gulmarg

Hemant Mehta has recently joined Radisson Blu Hotel Ghaziabad as its GM. He has more than 24 years of experience in Hospitality Industry working in different locations in India, Middle East, Africa and Europe. Hemant has a qualitative exposure and experience to deal with clients of different traditions and cultures. This would enable him to enhance the functioning of the hotel. He has been associated with brands like Taj, Leela Kempinski. Most recently he was associated with Hyatt (India) where he worked for more than 10 years.

The Khyber Himalayan Resort & Spa, Gulmarg has appointed Sujith Herbert as its General Manager. Prior to joining The Khyber, Sujith Herbert was General Manager- India Head at JHM Interstate India Hotels & Resorts. In his earlier assignments, he has also served successfully in different capacities at Hilton, Delhi, Danat Hotels & Resorts in Abu Dhabi, Accor Hotels in Dubai and Le Meridien Mina Seyahi in Dubai. During his tenure at JHM Interstate India Hotels & Resorts, he played an instrumental role in revenue management and e- distribution.

Sandeep Verma Director Operations The Claridges New Delhi

Anmol Pancholy Director of Sales, NHCC & HICC

Sandeep Verma has been appointed as the Director Operations at The Claridges, New Delhi. A career spanning over 18 years across the hospitality space, Sandeep will assist the leadership team in achieving objectives of the group. He has a plethora of experience in the fields of Training, Process Management, Financial Planning, Strategy and Operations Excellence. In his current role he will be responsible for identifying key drivers in achieving business success, using his expertise to create and manage a business environment that consistently delivers positive results.

Novotel Hyderabad Convention Centre (NHCC) and Hyderabad International Convention Centre (HICC) have appointed Anmol Pancholy as the Director of Sales. Anmol is a dedicated and disciplined professional with significant expertise in handling Sales and Marketing function with a focus on market and strategic analysis, negotiation, analytical, and communication skills. In his current role as Director of Sales, Anmol will be leading the corporate sale and will be focusing on increasing the business for the property. Prior to joining Accor Group, he was working with Taj Hotels.

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"Thailand, My Children Destination for the Perfect Holiday" Mary Kom; 5 times World Boxing Champion E x p e r i e n c e

Thai B o x i n g

Thai Boxing Ambassador MC Mary Kom (5 Times World Boxing Champion)

Mary Kom & Family at Pattaya Beach, Thailand Tourism Authority of Thailand New Delhi Office: A - 12/4, (GF) Vasant Vihar, New Delhi 110057 Tel: 91-11-46741111, 41663567-9 | Fax: 91-11-41663570 Email: | Tourism Authority of Thailand Mumbai Office: 45 Free Press House, 4th Floor, 215 Free Press Journal Marg, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400021 | Tel: 91-22-22042727-8 Fax: 91-22-22042729 | Email:

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