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Traval Trade Monthly
ABU DHABI 08 Page No.
WTM 2013 is expected to be more productive as compared toWTM 2012
32 Page No.
Gen Next: Meet young scions of the travel and tourism industry
62 Page No.
In conversation with Nakul Anand, Executive Director, ITC Limited
The Edit Page Editor’s Note Winter has started making its presence felt in India. This is also the start of the inbound tourism season in the country. The travel and tourism industry of the country is hoping that this inbound season would be better than last year as there are indications of recovery in many parts of the world, which were facing economic slowdown. Previous inbound season was not good in India because of insecure environment in the county and economic recession in the traditional tourist markets of the Country like the United States and Europe. Last year some untoward incidents in the country created doubts in the minds of foreign tourists that India was not a safe destination. This time security scenario in the country appears better. Ministry of Tourism and many other states have taken steps to improve security scenario for tourists by deploying tourist police at places frequented by tourists. On the other hand there are some concrete signs of recovery in the US and some parts of Europe. Although MoT’s plan to start a multilingual helpline for tourist is yet to take off. Last year MoT has announced that it would set up helpline for tourist to help them in distress as well as to provide them desired information. With hopes and expectations, people of the industry are looking forward to the WTM London 2013, which is scheduled to take place from November 4 to 7. Many players of the industry will attend the annual travel trade mart to reach out to new markets and consolidate their presence in their tradition markets through meetings and networking. For the Indian travel and tourism industry, WTM 2013 would also provide an opportunity to gauge the mood of different markets of the world as this is an international travel mart, which the industry looks forward to throughout the year and which witnesses participants both as suppliers and buyers from every parts of the word. MoT recently launched ‘777 days of Indian Himalayas Campaign’ to promote tourism in the Indian parts of the Himalayan regions. The ministry will take this opportunity (its participation in the WTM) to promote this campaign. Let’s hope that with launch of this campaign and other initiatives, the tourist sector in India prospers and contributes into the overall growth of the country.
Publisher & Editor: Srishti Rai Managing Editor: Prem Kumar
Quote of the Month “When we talk about India and the World, tourism also has huge power to connect the world. It promotes understating among people and nations, and this is my conviction that while terrorism divides, tourism unities. So we must promote tourism.” Narendra Modi, Chief Minister, gujarat
Statistics of the Month
Director: Bharat S. Rai
Manager Marketing: Prem Sagar
Art Director: Sunny Singh
Special Correspondent (Mumbai): Anand Shah
Accounts: Chander Shakher Balodi
Correspondent (Kolkata): Swaati Chaudhury Contributing Writer: Chhavi Doonga
Administration Executive: Sarwat Jahan
Disclaimer: All rights reserved through out the world. Reproduction or translation in any language in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. The publisher assumes no responsibility for the return of the unsolicited material or for material lost or damaged in transit. While all efforts are made to ensure that the information published is correct, holds no responsibility for any unlikely errors that might have ocurred. The information on products and projects on offer is being provided for the reference of readers. However, readers are cautioned to make inquiries and take their decisions on purchase after consulting experts on the subject. holds no responsibility for any decision taken by readers on the basis of information provided herein. All disputes are subject to exclusive jurisdiction of competent courts and forums in Delhi and New Delhi.
Printed, published by Srishti Rai on behalf of Swift Media International. is printed at Trident Printing Press, B-97/4, Naraina Industrial Area, Delhi 110028 and published at Rai House, P 23/90, Connaught Place, New Delhi 110001; Tel: 011- 47104104. Editor: Srishti Rai
inside the issue
NOVEMBER 2013 | VOLuME iV | issuE 8
31 32 36 58 62
Narendra Modi speaks on tourism gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi has called for promoting tourism as an effective way to end terrorism, saying that while terrorism divides, tourism unites.
Gen Next: Meet young scions of the travel and tourism industry at a moment when the indian economy is ailing, today’s gilded youth have got their work cut out for them, and they know it. Whether its making a place for themselves in their family business or expanding their companies portfolio these travel trade heirs and heiresses are determined to make a contribution to their legacies while carving out identities of their own. got in touch with six such very bright names and asked them what it takesto build on a legacyat a young age.
Destination outbound: Abu Dhabi abu Dhabi is a diverse and multi-faceted destination in terms of landscape, accommodation and activity choices. The enchanting emirate of abu Dhabi is undoubtedly the hub for a diverse range of adventure activities in the arabian gulf. From beaches to desert, from mountains to oases, there’s so much to see and do.
A sweet and memorable vacation in exquisite Bali a province of Republic of indonesia, Bali consists of a beautiful island of Bali and a few small neighbouring islands. it is a popular tourist destination of the world.
In conversation with Nakul Anand, Executive Director, ITC Ltd. Nakul anand, Executive Director, iTC Limited, is a leading light of the indian hotel industry. under his leadership, iTC Hotels has evolved itself into epitome of responsible luxury. in conversation with TnH, anand talks about his work, life and issues of the industry.
Cautious expectations from WTM 2013 WTM 2013 is expected to be more productive as compared to WTM 2012 because of the signs of recovery in some parts of the world including United Kingdom.
to get due attention from buyers. “It’s a platform to showcase India. We are amongst a whole host of countries vying for attention from source markets and it all depends whether
Prem Kumar
orld Travel Market
world would meet, negotiate
Bakaya said, “The economic
we are attractive or not,” said
(WTM) 2013, the
and trade World Travel Market
situation of countries will re-
Sen. On the importance of the
2013 will have many key pro-
flect on this event as much as it
WTM, Sen said, “WTM is a
tional event of the travel and
grammes/sessions on technol-
reflects on the industry. Some
platform for us as suppliers to
tourism industry, would again
markets are done, some are up.
meet up with potential buyers
bring together exhibitors, buy-
tourism, cruises, hotels, sports
Overall the markets are static.”
and also connect with existing
ers and travel professionals
etc in the forms of conferences,
Responding to the same ques-
trade representatives that we
from across the world in a four
seminars and events scheduled
tion, Arup Sen, director, spe-
work with in those markets.”
days event, which will be held
over the four days of the show.
cial projects, Cox & Kings said,
For many attending the
“The economies of USA, UK,
WTM is routine affairs, irre-
We do not expect anything extra ordinary from WTM this year. It’s a good trade fair that gives us an excellent opportunity to connect with buyers. Ajay Bakaya Executive Director, Sarovar Hotels
Arup Sen director, special projects, Cox & Kings
Rajeev Kohli Joint Managing Director, Creative Travel
France have seen a revival and
spective of prevailing economic
we feel that this is a positive
situation. Rajeev Kohli, Joint
development for the India story
Managing Director, Creative
and with news that the govern-
Travel said, “WTM is a gather-
ment is contemplating Visa on
ing of industry friends and
from November 4 to 7, 2013.
speaks to some of the
Arrival for citizens of 40 more
partners. We always go to
Last year more than 5,000 sup-
participants of WTM 2013 from
countries it will add a boost to
WTM with very simple objec-
pliers of travel and tourism
India to know their expecta-
inbound tourism.”
tives - to network within our in-
products had participated ex-
tions from the event. Ajay
WTM has special impor-
dustry, to meet our friends and
hibited at WTM 2012.
Bakaya, Executive Director,
tance for Indian travel trade
partners from all over the
number of exhibitors partici-
Sarovar Hotels said, “We do
because of its venue in London
world and also to get new busi-
pating at WTM 29013 is ex-
not expect anything extra ordi-
in an English speaking country.
ness. All are equally important
pected to be much higher than
nary from WTM this year. It’s a
Speaking on the significance of
reasons for attending a trade
WTM for Indian industry,
show and this year is no excep-
Bakaya said, “It’s a great plat-
The economies of USA, UK, France have seen a revival and we feel that this is a positive development for the India story and with the government is contemplating Visa on Arrival for citizens of 40 more countries it will add a boost to inbound tourism.
last year. So far 225 new ex-
good trade fair that gives us an
hibitors have confirmed their
excellent opportunity to con-
participation in WTM 2013. At
nect with buyers.” When asked
this four days business-to-
as to how the current economic
business (B2B) event, buyers
situation prevailing in the dif-
and sellers from the travel and
ferent parts of the world is
tourism industry across the
going to reflect in the event,
Show like WTM is a great opportunity for brand building and showcase India. This is where the world of tourism comes and there is a lot of media. We need to take the opportunity and put our best foot forward collectively as an industry.
form for buyers and sellers to
The WTM London and ITB
meet. As it is in an English
Berlin are the two major travel
speaking area doing business
marts on the
becomes a bit easier.” He
globe. Major tour opera-
added, “India does get leverage
tors, travel agents, hoteliers,
from this platform. Participants
225 new exhibitors to take part in WTM 2013 International airlines, emerging destinations and niche technology providers are among the 225 new exhibitors confirmed for World Travel Market 2013, the leading global event for the industry. just need to continue attend-
cruise liners and all other
ing.” WTM is also important
stakeholders connected with
because United Kingdom is one
tourism are
of important source markets
participating in these two
for Indian Tourism Industry in
events every year from across
Europe. But being a popular
the world
B2B travel mart, there is a
either as a seller or buyer
competition among countries
and do business. Sharing his Contd. on page 10
N OVEM B ER 20 1 3|
expectation from the WTM
vide more opportunities to the
the European debt crisis. The
see how the different markets
will react at the show,”
buyers.” Expressing his expec-
European Union is working to-
George, Chairman & Managing
tation from the WTM, Harihar
wards a faster emergence from
Patra feels that as the eco-
Director, Intersight Group of
the crisis and that offers the
nomic situations are getting
Companies and President, Ker-
Toshali Resorts International
hope that there will be more
stable therefore there is a pos-
ala Travel Mart said, “This
said, “As usual we have high
opportunities for doing busi-
sibility of evolvement of new
year, the WTM London is ex-
expectation from WTM Lon-
ness in this year’s WTM Lon-
product segment and market-
don. We are going to London
ing program to attract the new
with a positive frame of mind.”
customers. “As IT has been a
Shah stated, “I have seen
driving force for new distribu-
many new exhibitors this year
tion network hope the western
This year travel technology show is being introduced in WTM, which will bring more value to the exhibitor and will provide more opportunities to the buyers Jaal Shah Group Managing Director,
pected to be better than last
don. This time, there are some
N OVEM B ER 20 1 3|
exhibitors are looking to ex-
the tech-savvy customer at a competitive price,” he added.
positive developments from
plore these new markets. The
in Britain, where the economic
tourism perspective, such as
scale of the show which has
Regarding the role of WTM
growth in the last quarter was
devaluation of Indian curren-
grown over the years also al-
in tourism promotion in India,
the fastest in the past three
cies and the western markets
lows exhibitor to brand their
George said, “We all know the
years, and the signs of im-
are getting settled.”
product to the larger audi-
crucial importance of face-to-
On the prevailing economic
face meetings inbusiness. The
Europe. As Britain contin-
situation in the different parts
Bharat Bhushan Atree,
WTM team is focused on
ues to be Kerala’s biggest
of the world and its impact on
MD, Caper Travel Company
bringing key buyers to you as
tourism market, there is an
said, “Continued worldwide
well as guiding you through
added incentive to perform bet-
“Whether you are an estab-
economic slowdown has af-
the various business opportu-
ter each year.” Jaal Shah,
lished exhibitor or a newcomer
fected tourism and would im-
nities that the event can offer.
pact the travel show like WTM
The scope of creating and
This time, there are some positive developments from tourism perspective, such as devaluation of Indian currencies and the western markets are getting settled.
Bharat Bhushan Atree MD, Caper Travel Company
market will develop new products which will be available by
year’s because of the recovery
provement elsewhere in
Harihar Patra Director-Marketing, Toshali Resorts International
which itself indicates that both new companies and existing
as well. But you need to be
strengthening business net-
more aggressive and Innova-
works is high at the WTM Lon-
tive when wind is blowing
don. The various industry
against you. WTM is an impor-
sessions, seminars and pre-
tant fair and great platform to
sentations give you a productive business environment.
Group Managing Director, Re-
to this global event, WTM is a
make your presence felt, show-, is also optimistic
great opportunity for you to get
casing.” He added this time
The high visitor count too
about WTM 2013. According to
your company in front of the in-
show may not be buzzing as
helps in boosting the confi-
him, “WTM is one of the oldest
dustry's finest trade profes-
usual and there could be less
dence of the exhibitor. Every
and most established travel
sionals as well as the more
participation of
year the participation from
events for over 30 years. For
than 7,900 attending interna-
buyers and over all foot fall
India has shown a steady in-
past few years there have been
tional buyers from the WTM
may drop compared to last
crease. The number of partici-
new initiatives by organizers
Buyers' Club. All major coun-
pating states from India is also
which have contributed in the
tries are participating in this
Kohli thinks that economic
on the rise. The same is the
ongoing success of the show. In
event and as I mentioned ear-
sentiments are still sensitive all
case for the participating com-
2013, The Travel Technology
lier, the economic recovery in
over the world. He said, “I think
panies and individuals from
Show is being introduced as a
Britain is a positive factor for
this could affect attendance to
the country. This is mainly be-
part of the WTM event. I am
the WTM London. There are
some affect and may affect
cause of the scope of business
sure this will bring more value
also signs of improvement in
moods to another, but overall,
improvement in Indian desti-
to the exhibitor and will pro-
countries like Spain following
nations.” On the same topic,
It is great opportunity for Indian Tourism to use this platform to showcase its rich culture, heritage, music, dance and Indian food.
learned to be more resilient
Atree said, “WTM is one of the
and I think people will still
biggest show and good plat-
come to discuss the future,
form to showcase Indian prod-
even if we can’t affect the pres-
ucts, with space size of Indian
ent. It shall be interesting to
The event also offers the op-
Marketing Development Assis-
India at WTM to show case its
portunity to present an entire
tance given by the Ministry of
immense potential in the
range of services and products
Tourism is not at all attrac-
global market.
to the industry participants,”
growing every year confirms
that it plays important role in promotion of tourism for country.” Shah said, “For Indian
harp on culture of
companies WTM has been a
The best way India can
said Abraham, adding, “In
Kohli believes that shows
very important show. Apart
leverage the platform of WTM
such a scenario, a strong In-
like WTM is a great opportu-
from large Indian Inbound
for promotion of tourism is
dian participation is necessary
nity for brand building and
participation, Travel Technol-
that The Ministry of Tourism,
to leverage the platform. How-
showcase India. “This is where
ogy Hall has seen huge in-
Government of India and vari-
ever, participating in WTM
we can show what we want to
crease in Indian Technology
ous state tourism departments
London is a costly affair. The
sell for the next year. This is
companies seeking opportuni-
should encourage the Indian
Ministry of Tourism, Govern-
where the world of tourism
ties in Global and European
tourism industry for bigger
ment of India, together with
comes and there is a lot of
Markets. I have also noticed
participation through financial
state tourism departments
media. We need to take the op-
many new Indian exhibitors
and marketing assistance.
should take the initiative to en-
portunity and put our best foot
this year in all segments (In-
“The WTM London, as one of
courage the stakeholders in
forward collectively as an in-
bound, Wholesale and Tech-
the world’s leading travel and
the tourism industry in India
dustry. We need to have profes-
nology).” Patra’s view is that
tourism trade events, is an
for vast participation. This
sional media briefings. It
culture of India is unique to
ideal platform for promoting
could be achieved by way of
would be nice if we could go to
the tourism products of India
tourism in India. The Who’s
providing financial subsidies,
these shows with at least 1
which is also distinct from the
Who of the world tourism and
publicity assistance and mar-
great product that is supported
products of the other country,
travel industry is present at
keting assistance to the stake-
by all Indian stakeholders at
therefore, government of India
the WTM during the event.
the show,” he added.
Trade News simplifying travel through innovation
without having any conflict of
Internet & mobile. The web-
travel planning and research
interest with them as we are
site provides relevent infor-
website in India. We strive to
not in the business of selling
mation to travelers about
make travel an enjoyable and
products, but only provide a
tourist destinations, places to
informed experience for our
wide range of options to con-
visit, things to do, modes of
users with our apps, in-depth
transport, drivingdirections,
content and smart compari-
With its extensive and unbiased information about travel products, is helping travellers make informed and better choice.
sources, enabling consumers
hotels, restaurants, weather
son of the best deals across
to compare prices and make
and more.
travel sites. We are optimistic is India’s leading
search engine that actually
from is a vertical Meta
Aloke Bajpai CEO and Co-Founder of
N OVEM B ER 20 1 3|
that our first ever marketing
a better decision.”
ixigo unveils its first integrated marketing campaign
campaign will help us reach out to many more travellers
travel planning and search
brings rates for consumers
website. Launched in 2006, the
from multiple sources and en- recently kicked
strengthen our positioning of
website searches, aggregates
able consumers to compare
off its first ever integrated
being the most trusted travel
and curates travel information
them and make choice. “So
marketing campaign across
website in India.”
across multiple travel sites. It
the advantage of this is that
Television, OOH, Radio and
ixigo’s new marketing cam-
enables travelers to access
we are able to provide unbi-
Social Media. The campaign
paign is clearly aligned with
relevant information on wide
ased information to con-
in line with the brand essence
its core brand message of
range of travel products.
sumers because we are not
of ‘know & go’, aims to posi-
‘know & go’. With its first
Speaking of the USP of
interested in selling any par-
tion ixigo as the ‘go to’ desti-
marketing, Aloke Bajpai, CEO
ticular product. We provide
nation fortravel information
company is confident that
and Co-Founder of
all the information to con-
and planning. This has been
ixigo will find resonance and
said, “Unless you have great
sumers and they make choice
rendered in the form of a TVC
preference amongst users
product, you cannot sustain it
where to go and what to book,
which becomes the backbone
across the spectrum and
for long. So we invested a lot
but booking does not happen
of this campaign and high-
through its innovative mobile
of time and resources in just
at our platform. Once con-
lights the pitfalls ofunplanned
apps and responsive website;
building a better product
sumers make a choice we di-
trave, urging travellers to
it will be able to help people
which gives better experience
rect them to the website
plan and be better informed
travel in the know.
and unbiased information to
which sells the products of
about all aspects of their trip.
consumers, so that they can
consumer’s choice,” said Baj-
In addition to the TVC, ixigo
tizes the pitfalls of traveling
make an informed and better
has partnered with leading
without knowing. The execu-
The creative idea drama-
choice about travel products. ”
To a question as to how
radio channels to engage lis-
tion is built around one of the
Making a distinction between
ixigo is different from a travel
teners ‘on the go’ through
most famous travel destina- and other OTAs, Ba-
search engine, Bajpai said,
contests and trivia based ac-
tions of theworld – The Taj
Mahal. It chronicles the life
jpai said, “We are not an on-
“We are like a travel search
line travel agent because we
engine but we are more than
Innovative ixigo branding
journey of a six-year old child
are in the business of provid-
that. We are different from a
using TVC motifs will also be
whose obsession with the Taj
ing information to consumers
travel search engine because
seen across major airports
Mahal makes him take a vow
about travel products unlike
unlike pure play search en-
and OOH media. Along with a
to open hisblindfold only
as opposed to OTAs which
gine which search only for
strong offline campaign, ixigo
when he sees the real Taj.
sell tickets or make hotel
transactional inventory such
will also be promoting inter-
The ad film chronicles his
booking.” He added, “One of
as air tickets and hotel avail-
esting ‘know & go’ facts,
the distinctions between us
ability across multiple web-
videos and contests across
through life, and when he fi-
and Online Travel Agencies
sites, we are more intelligent
social media and online chan-
nally lands up at the Taj, he-
(OTAs) is that unlike OTAs
and have more comprehen-
we don’t do transaction with
sive, specific and refined
Speaking about the cam-
closed on Fridays. The shock
consumers at our platform
knowledge of travel prod-
paign, Aloke Bajpai, CEO
sends him straight to heaven,
(website), but work with mul-
and Co-Founder of ixigo said,
where a savvy Chitragupta in-
“Since ixigo’s inception in
troduces him to ixigo and the
realizes that the monument is
tiple OTAs without competing
ixigo’s vision is to simplify
with them. We share products
the life of travellers through
2006, it has been our goal to
downside of traveling ‘Patti
and prices of different OTAs
innovative travel products for
become the most trusted
Trade News
Minar Travels focuses on Air Charter Tourism
people booking these facilities
date its position in this seg-
service, high-networth foreign
are high-networth individual.
ment of travel business. The
tourists love to travel with
Other advantage of this busi-
ness is that we get customers
Tourist Charter plains for
sional and quality Air Charter
One of the popular
Minar Travels, a leading travel company of India, has continuously been expanding its Air charter business.
destinations Minar is promot-
in bulk. So we are focusing on
Buddhist Circuit in near fu-
ing for Air Charter Tourism is
this segment of tourism, and
Goa. Explaining reasons for
will continue to grow in fu-
deals with new international
Over the years Minar Travels
focusing on Tourist Air Char-
airlines to represent them in
has made a niche for itself in
ter business, H.S. Duggal,
the Indian travel and tourism
industry. The company has built a strong reputation for itself with its wide range of products, destination management expertise, extensive market reach and most importantly its commitment to high H.S. Duggal MD, Minar Travels (India) Pvt. Ltd
standard of services. One of key segments of trav-
Duggal added that key source markets for his tourist
Tourist Air Charters gives business in bulk and has fewer hassles for us. It is a high volume business in terms of revenues because people booking these facilities are highnet worth individual.
It also plans to sign
India as their GSA. Currently the company represents eight international airlines as their GSA in India. The company has been growing annually 20 to 25% per cent and its business has remained almost unaffected because of economic slowdown. The com-
Travels (India) said, “Tourist
air charter business are Rus-
pany focuses on luxury seg-
Charters give business in bulk
sia, Spain, Ukraine, Kaza-
ment and group travellers and
khstan, Mexico and Iran.
promotes luxury products like
ellers, Minar has been focus-
and has less hassles for us. It
ing on is Jet Charter for
is a high volume business in
As Duggal said, his com-
tourists. For its highly profes-
terms of revenues because
pany will continue to consoli-
Ayurveda etc.
Trade News appoints
sador to encourage more In-
UAE’s first pre-
travel sector. This, coupled
dians to travel across the
with India’s favourable eco-
globe. Through this associa-
nomic outlook and demo-
tion, aims to
nounced its entry into the
graphic profile, will propel
strengthen brand recall to
growth of the e-commerce
meet the company's ambi-
company in India.
tious growth plans in India.
UAE’s based OTA has entered Indian online travel market. It has brought Sachin Tendulkar on board as brand ambassador.
pability and expertise in the
M Sachin Tendulkar
as its brand ambassador,
(Online Travel Agent) market backed by the parent
To reiterate its commit-
company, Universal Travels
ment to the India market, the
and Tourism LLC, which pio-
company has brought on
consistency and integrity.
neered the e-commerce plat-
board Indian cricketing leg-’s synergy with
with in 2007.
Sachin Tendulkar personifies
end Sachin Tendulkar as its
these values coupled with
brand ambassador.
Sachin’s tremendous appeal will offer com-
Commenting on the an-
that cuts across masses and
plete travel solutions to In-
nouncement, Managing Di-
classes make him the ambas-
rector, Sachin Gadoya said,
exceptional customer service
“India’s online travel market
Sachin Gadoya.
and several product innova-
is expected to cross 55,000
At the launch, Brand Am-
tions lined up during the
crore by 2015 and OTAs are
bassador Sachin Tendulkar
year. The brand aims to enhance the way people plan their holidays. The travel website offers flights to over 3,000 destinations around the world on over 270 airlines, domestic and international hotel deals at over 75,000 properties, and lots more. Shortly, the brand plans to launch unique tai-
“India’s online travel market is expected to cross 55,000 crore by 2015 and OTAs are expected to account for a 40% share of that market. Our aim is to leverage our expertise and experience to maximize opportunities in this burgeoning market by focusing on the B2C leisure travel segment and offering Indian travellers a suite of exciting products, no-nonsense convenience and a premium experience.”
lored holiday packages for
N OVEM B ER 20 1 3|
consumers while the main
expected to account for a
said, “ under-
focus in the initial quarters
40% share of that market.
stands the business of travel
will be flight bookings.
Our aim is to leverage our
and has been successfully
Founded in the UAE by
expertise and experience to
catering to the emerging
Sachin Gadoya, Albert Dias
maximize opportunities in
needs of travelers. I look for-
and Mohammed Al Thani in
this burgeoning market by
ward to this exciting associ-
August 2007,’s
focusing on the B2C leisure
ation as we encourage India
foray into India forms an in-
travel segment and offering
to plan their travel with
tegral part of the company’s
Indian travellers a suite of”
global expansion strategy.
exciting products, no-non-
The partnership with India has an ini-
sense convenience and a pre-
Sachin Tendulkar covers a
tial investment commitment
mium experience.”
major global marketing cam-
of `100 crore backed by par-
“We are extremely excited to
paign that includes radio, tel-
ent company, Universal Trav-
have Sachin Tendulkar on
evision and outdoor media,
els & Tourism from the UAE
board as our brand ambassa-
in which Tendulkar is seen
dor. His consistent and su-
showing the travelers ‘a new
India. By 2018,
perlative performance in the
way to go ghoomne’ wherein
aspires to be among the top 5
sport, huge fan-following, is a new enabler
OTAs in India leveraging
credibility and love for travel
encouraging Press Release .
their strong investment ca-
make him the perfect ambas-
Trade News
Passengers say ‘yes’ to technology but mobile usage still low As per a recent survey more than 90 per cent of airline passengers feel technology helps them when travelling, but few are using smartphones for travel services. ore than 90 per cent
cite usability concerns and
“going mobile”. This year’s
of airline passen-
limitations of the device as a
survey has shown that the in-
gers say technology
possible reason for not using
dustry should indeed offer mo-
helps them when travelling
mobile for travel.
Airline passengers in India ready for "revolution" India is ripe for a ‘revolution’ in the passenger experience as airlines and airports adopt new information technology by 2015, says a report.
bile services that make it
but using a smartphone for
Francesco Violante, CEO,
easier to book travel and man-
A report released re-
travel services has yet to go
SITA said: “Technology has
age the entire journey. Improv-
cently by air transport IT
main stream. This is despite
ing usability and utilizing the
ticket sales and flight re-
the finding that three quarters
travel tool for the vast major-
unique capabilities of smart-
CAPA states that self-ser-
booking via kiosks and
than 70 per cent will offer
of passengers carry a smart-
ity of today’s passengers. Our
phones is the key to increase
vice, social media, mobile
more than 70 per cent will
phone according to results of
survey this year has seen 90
usage. Airlines and airports
technology and business
provide self bag drop.
the 2013 SITA/Air Transport
per cent of them say that tech-
that recognize this, and pro-
intelligence will increas-
With over 82 per cent
World Passenger IT Trends
nology has helped them when
vide passengers with easy-to-
ingly define India’s air
of travelers surveyed car-
use mobile services that
transport landscape as
rying smartphones and 22
Technology has become an indispensible travel tool for the vast majority of today’s passengers. Our survey this year has seen 90 per cent of them say that technology has helped them when traveling.
Survey released recently. The survey conducted at
improve the travel experience,
the country’s passenger
per cent carrying tablets,
will enjoy higher adoption
traffic triples to an esti-
India’s airlines and air-
rates and passenger satisfac-
mated 450 million by 2023.
ports are also adopting
tion.” In this year’s survey, 69
Passengers were inter-
new mobile services. By
viewed at six metro air-
2015, 100 per cent of air-
lines surveyed will offer
traveling. The opportunity for
booked their travel through a
quantitative and qualita-
mobile check-in, flight sta-
further improvements is here
website and 20 per cent used
tive interviews were con-
tus notification, ticket pur-
six leading airports around
now –with smartphones in
a kiosk for check-in on the day
ducted with India’s air
the world paints a picture of
their hands passengers are
of travel. These figures are in
transport industry stake-
integration and sharing
tech-savvy passengers who
Key Highlights
are equipped to use the latest mobile travel services but are cautious about doing so. At 76 per cent, the proportion of passengers carrying smartphones outstrips the global average of 40 per cent in the general population. Even though passengers are carrying smartphones and they say that they would use mobile services the majority has yet to make the transition. Despite the increase in recent years, actual rates of usage of
Chhatrapati Shivaji International, Mumbai was amongst the six of the world's leading airport surveyed The proportion of passengers (76%) carrying smartphones outstrips the global average of 40 per cent in the general population. Actual rates of usage of mobile services, such as check-in and booking, remain below 5 below.
line with the levels seen in last
year’s survey, suggesting the
first wave of self-service tech-
handlers and customs and
nology is a firmly established
panding their mobile serv-
part of the travel experience.
Based on these surveys,
ices. Over the next three
and on-board mobile services. Airports are also ex-
The next wave will be the
80 per cent of passengers
years, 100 per cent of air-
widespread adoption of mo-
said they would be open to
ports surveyed will offer
bile services. To persuade
using self-service facilities
people to change their travel
if it would speed their pas-
habits these will need to de-
sage through the airport.
flight status notifications
liver additional value over ex-
However, only 33 per cent
and frequent flyer serv-
were aware of self-serve
ices on mobile platforms.
Passengers have said that in-
check-in kiosks in the air-
Some airports will also de-
relationship services,
formation services are what
port, and agents still han-
liver traveler-specific re-
they want most on their mo-
dle 85-90 per cent of
tail promotions through
biles – with 63 per cent saying
various mobile platforms
these services, such as check-
equipped to use sophisticated
they would definitely use their
By the end of 2015, 100
and offer the ability to pay
in and booking, remain below
mobile services.
mobile for flight search and 58
per cent of airlines plan to
for airport services using
per cent for flight status.
offer kiosk check-in, more
mobile wallets.
5 per cent below. The majority
“Passengers are ready but
of passengers – 78 per cent -
remain at the edge of really
N OVEM B ER 20 1 3|
Trade News
biggest challenges faced by
ings – offline & online sup-
the industry. Manish Raj, Vice
port, Domestic & Interna-
President - Corporate Sales,
tional flight bookings, group, spoke about the
travel arrangements & ticket-
challenges faced by Corporate
ing, International offshore
& SME in terms of managing
fares, MICE, Corporate fares
Travel expense which ac-
on Tiger Airways and bundled
travel packages, VIA aims to
largest expense in any organ-
become the one stop solution
izations Operating Costs. He
for all corporate travel re-
presented VIA and its services
quirements. The mantra for
Via’s success has been inno-
VIA.COM again the ‘Best Corporate Travel Solutions provider’ India’s leading travel network, VIA.COM, has been recognized yet again as the ‘Best Corporate Travel Solutions provider’ at recently held 45th Business Networking & Leadership Award Summit (Delhi NCR Region), Gurgaon.
nies of VIA’s Corporate Travel services, in planning and simplifying the Travel and controlling expense in big way. The
ranged from Investment and
ndia’s leading travel net-
ROI in Energy Management,
work, VIA.COM, has been
Shrinking work spaces –
recognized yet again as
evolving trends and impact,
the ‘Best Corporate Travel So-
Safety & security in Employee
lutions provider’ and been
transportation – challenges &
awarded at the 45th Business
opportunities, to the trends
Award Summit organized recently by MMG Worldwide at Seasons
impacting the future of Facility Management. The presence of diverse and
industry leading firms like Ca-
Gurgaon. The summit was at-
nara HSBC, Microsoft, United
in simplifying Global Travel
tended by 118 delegates rep-
Health Group, VIA, Aegis, Air-
through its Local services and
vation and technology that
tel, Aircel, Alstom, Tata Mo-
discussed the importance of a
has provided solutions to com-
leading’s state-of-the art technology platform allows clean integration of client’s logistic and travel team thereby ensuring seamless deployment and execution.
N OVEM B ER 20 1 3|
strong technological platform
plex travel issues and have al-
and offline distribution net-
ways found simple ways to
work in tackling the issues as-
tackle the same. Today, VIA
sociated with corporate travel
notices a daily increase in
and Accommodation.
footfalls to its portal by SME’s’s state-of-the art
and Corporate which gives the
Corporations of Northern Re-
tors, RBS, Samsung, Sapient,
technology platform allows
confidence that they are pro-
gion in the country. MMG
Cognizant, Reliance Indus-
clean integration of client’s lo-
viding them with the best
Worldwide presented Industry
tries, E&Y, Philips, Eco Rent-
gistic and travel team thereby
travel solutions. Growing rap-
Leadership Awards to Heads
a-Car, Egencia, WNS and
ensuring seamless deploy-
idly in Philippines, Indonesia,
of Facility, Administration &
HGS, contributed to an intelli-
ment and execution.
Procurement. The recognition
gent and comprehensive dis-
With the comprehensive plat-
Africa, VIA is looking forward
is an acknowledgement of the
form comprising of a range of
to a new success story in days
fast acceptance and usage by
individuals who are commit-
turnkey solutions like Domes-
to come. Simplifying Travel
SME and Corporate Compa-
ted to solving some of the
tic & International hotel book-
Trade News
S M Shervani elected as President of FHRAI After its 57th Annual General Meeting, the Federation of Hotel & Restaurant Associations of India (FHRAI) has elected S.M. Shervani as its President for 2013-14.
hervani has previously
FHRAI (2012-13).
been the President of the
A highly successful hospi-
Hotel & Restaurant Associa-
tality entrepreneur with over
tion of Northern India (2010-
25 years of rich experience,
S.M. Shervani President, FHRAI
in actively pursuing various
the ambitious agenda which
policy and regulatory issues
we have envisioned for the
impacting the tourism sector,
year ahead. The Indian hos-
with the Central and State
pitality and tourism sector
Governments. Over the years,
today faces unprecedented
his eloquent, insightful and
opportunities as well as some
candid perspective has made
equally serious challenges.”
him one of the most respected
He further said, “Successfully
and widely quoted industry
mitigating the myriad risks
voices in the media. Through
posed by an uncertain eco-
his social activism and phil-
nomic environment and ur-
anthropic initiatives, he has
gently addressing certain
also made a distinguished
systemic impediments which
contribution to public service.
have often constrained our
12), Vice-President of FHRAI
Shervani is the Managing Di-
operates a chain of boutique
After his election as Pres-
industry's quest to achieve its
(2010-11 and 2011-12) and
rector of Shervani Hospitali-
hotels and the iconic 'Rodeo'
ident, Shervani said, “To be
full potential, would require
ties Ltd., which owns and
restaurant. He is an alumni of
entrusted with the leadership
all stakeholders to work in
the prestigious Pusa Institute
of an august organisation
unison. One of FHRAI's key
of Hotel Management, New
such as FHRAI is indeed a
strategic priorities will be to
Delhi and presently serves on
distinct privilege and a pro-
effectively articulate and re-
the institute’s Board of Gov-
found responsibility. I ex-
flect the concerns and aspira-
At the first meeting of the new FHRAI Executive Committee held at New Delhi, the following office- bearers for the year 2013-14, were also elected1. Honorary secretary – Vivek Nair 2. Vice-President – Deepak Puri 3. Vice-President – Dinesh advani 4. Honorary Treasurer – garish Oberoi 5. Joint Honorary secretary – Nitin Kothari
FHRAI welcomes the proposed easing of visa requirements Federation of Hotels and Restaurants Association of India (FHRAI) has welcomed the proposed easing of visa requirements for foreign tourists travelling to India. Welcoming the proposed
External Affairs and other
easing of visa requirements,
S.M. Shervani, FHRAI Presi-
Therefore, while welcoming
dent said, “It is important to
the proposed norms, FHRAI
note that while the Govern-
is also calling for their swift
ment has indicated its broad
ernors. He is also a member
press sincere gratitude to all
tions of our small & medium
of the Hotel & Catering Inter-
my colleagues for the confi-
entrepreneurs, whose vision
national Management Associ-
dence which has been re-
and dynamism are truly the
posed in me and look forward
future growth engine of our
behalf of the industry, Sher-
to the continued support of
vani has been at the forefront
everyone in the fraternity for
countries. With strong sup-
was introduced in 2010, has
anism to encourage and fa-
port from the Ministry of
inevitably been constrained
cilitate foreign tourist travel
Tourism, FHRAI has been
due to the fact that a major-
to the country. At a time
ity of countries which actu-
when India is confronting a
issue with the Ministry of
ally constitute the top source
general economic downturn
Home Affairs and we had em-
markets for FTAs in India
and widening current ac-
phatically highlighted that a
had been excluded from its
count deficit, we have a not
bold and timely decision will
purview. However, with the
to be missed strategic oppor-
be imperative to enable us to
slew of progressive meas-
On behalf of FHRAI, I welcome the Government's recent announcement in regard to extending the Tourist Visa-on-Arrival facility to the nationals of 40 countries.
tourism sector's intrinsic potential to spur job creation and boost our foreign exchange earnings. Therefore, we are requesting the Home Ministry and other agencies
S.M. Shervani, President, FHRAI
to ensure that the requisite
accomplish the vision of dou-
ures now being actively con-
infrastructure, in terms of
bling our Foreign Tourist Ar-
technology and personnel is
of FHRAI, I welcome the Gov-
rivals (FTAs) to 12 million
Government has firmly sig-
expeditiously put in place, so
ernment's recent announce-
within the next five years. Al-
naled its intent to move to-
that this welcome initiative
ment in regard to extending
though steadily growing in
wards a more liberalized visa
can be operationalised at the
been notified by the Ministry
the Tourist Visa-on-Arrival
popularity, the success of the
regime which offers a seam-
of Home Affairs/ Ministry of
facility to the nationals of 40
existing VoA scheme which
less and differentiated mech-
in-principle approval to the
Shervani said: "On behalf
measures this week, no specific details or implementation timelines have as yet
N OVEM B ER 20 1 3|
Trade News
Manoj Gursahani elected new President of VUSACOM Manoj Gurusahani has taken over the reins of Visit USA Committee (VUSACOM) from Ashwini Kakkar s President of VUSACOM, Gurusahani’s main objective is to promote the United States as the top destination for Indian tourists working closely with the US Embassy and Consulates all over India.VUSACOM’s goal is to achieve the target of one million Indian tourist arrivals to USA by
the year 2015. His main focus area is going to be on promoting MICE and EduTourism to the United States and to open Vusacom chapters in Gujarat and Kolkatta to service the North East region. He is supported by an executive committee which comprise of leaders of the travel, tourism and hospi-
tality industry. U.S. Consul General Peter Haas said, “Throughout the Consulate, we are working to promote and facilitate travel to the United States, both for individual Indian travelers and business exploring travel destinations for MICE events. From innovations that make our visa process smooth and transparent to finding suppliers and partners in U.S. trade shows, the Consulate’s goal is to ensure legitimate travelers have an enjoyable travel experience.” Basic facts about VUSACOM VUSACOM has been
formed with the support of the U.S. Consulate General. The main objective is to ensure that the efforts of VUSACOM should result in moving India from 12th position of Visitor Arrivals into the US to 10th position. VUSACOM plans to aggressively expand on a Pan India basis. The stakeholders will include Tour Operators, Travel Agents, Hotel Chains, Airlines, DMC’s , Destination Representatives etc To facilitate the VISA process and communication channels especially for the MICE market as this
will help fillip the growth. Regular newsletters highlighting various happenings in the Indo-US Travel Corridor. Updates of Newer and emerging destinations in the US which can be promoted by the Travel Trade. Work closely and collaborate with various Tourism Bodies like ASTA, USTA, CTP etc VUSACOM will create awareness amongst its members about the various new destinations/places of attraction in the US. It will facilitate B2B meetings between tour operators/ travel agents in India with the US by TNH DESK
Wellness New
Global Spa & Wellness Summit explored inspirational business of wellness The First Annual Wellness Tourism Congress of The Global Spa and Wellness Summit (GSWS) was held recently in India. The event explored the ancient, modern and emotional business of wellness.
brotherhood. It has been
man, Max India Group, India
proven that individuals who
commented on The Max Story:
have received affection from
Business, Life and Wellness
their friends and family at a
“Your mind can be your best
younger age are happier peo-
friend or your worst enemy.
ple, and have much more po-
The top priority on your mind
tential to show trust and
should be “your mind”, be-
affection to other people. We
cause if you have won your
have a unique opportunity
mind, you have won the uni-
today to build a happier,
verse. To train and shape your
ndia’s hospitality titans
related their personal
journeys, while key notes and panels
Key highlights The theme of first annual wellness tourism congress of GSWS was “A Defining Moment”. The event showcased economic potential of wellness for key ministries, public and private stakeholders worldwide. Featured Titans of Indian’s Hospitality/Spa Industry &Spiritual Leaders including His Holiness the. Industry stalwarts commemorate the Spa & Wellness Industry’s role in the tourism growth story.
NO VE M BE R 2 0 13 |
renowned Indian and South
ness can be achieved. In this
more peaceful century by
mind, you have to beat it most
Asian spiritual and wellness
century, we have seen a
showing love, compassion
often as an ironmonger beats
leaders. On the occasion His
tremendous amount of devel-
and companionship and de-
metal to give it the shape that
opment and accomplishment
veloping a world that facili-
he wants. His Holiness the
Lama, Tenzin Gyatso graced
in the fields of science and
tates wellness and healthy
Dalai Lama repeatedly deliv-
the Summit with his presence
technology; however, it is the
ers two core messages related
as a keynote speaker. With
The second day of the
to mindfulness: Worrying is a
his unique blend of insight
anger. Natural disasters like
Global Spa and Wellness
sign of ignorance and mindful-
and humour, he elaborated
climate change and global
Summit (GSWS) explored the
ness comes from four things –
extensively on “What Is Well-
warming are taking place,
ancient, modern and emo-
ness?” “Happiness is the key
and will only continue to
tional business of wellness.
speaking, correct actions and
to overall wellness. There are
worsen, but these are things
India’s hospitality titans re-
the spirit of altruism.”
a few things that are neces-
we cannot change. Rather,
lated their personal and en-
Raymond Bickson, MD &
sary in order to achieve a
we need to work on man-
trepreneurial journeys, while
CEO, Taj Hotels & Resorts,
happy life apart from physi-
made problems like violence,
key notes and panels fea-
India, motivated the crowd
cal wellbeing, and these in-
fear, anger and hatred, which
tured world-renowned Indian
with his keynote address on
are eating away at our im-
and South Asian spiritual and
Against all Odds: Success in
compassion, trust, friendship
mune systems. Weapons do
wellness leaders. The morning
India “India is the land of a
and affection. The key to hap-
not create violence; they can-
session was followed by a
number of holistic wellness
piness lies within us; a
not feel or think. Human be-
press conference where indus-
practices, including authentic
healthy mind is the key to a
ings create violence with
try stalwarts addressed the
Ayurveda and mystic yoga. A
healthy body, and it is only
their emotions and their
media on the Spa & Wellness
decade ago, wellness was at a
with a healthy mind and
anger, which need to be com-
Industry’s role in the growth of
nascent stage in India.
healthy body that true well-
bated with compassion and
tourism. Analjit Singh, Chair-
Wellness News
Zambhala Yoga & Life Spirit Festival to promote spiritual tourism Zambhala Yoga & Life Spirit Festival is being organised by 70 EMG in Goa on December 21-22, 2013. The event will be a secular and open festival featuring the very best of Indian and international Yoga.
peal to European and American visitors.
further testament to the power of Spiritual Tourism -
It was in the 1960's of course, that Western inbound
both international and domestic.
In 2000, India attracted
2.65 million visitors from
G.Mehta's 1990 'Karma Cola':
overseas; in 2011 the number
‘India’s reputation as a spiri-
was 6.29 million. The growth
tual destination received a
has been enormous and will
strengthen our life energy –
1960's experience: a clean
significant boost from visits
continue. “We'll never know
our life-spirit. The one time
beach, waving palms, a laid
by celebrities: Now it was the
which percentage of Tourists
back and welcoming energy.”
choice and knowl-
and one place in the year
edge, connections and joy and
where we come together to
presence of thousands of like-
relax, to rejuvenate, and to
tourism in India
minded people. More pro-
learn with joy. We hope you'll
saically, it is a weekend that
join us there,” said Martin da
is completely unique - a
chance to learn, de-stress,
turn of the populists, the Bea-
in the 2000's were direct 'Spir-
tles and the Rolling Stones to
itual Tourists' - but we can
become the pacemakers for a
hazard a guess that one of the
faltering Western heart, and
main reasons for their arrival
“Of all the various forms
they achieved a more striking
in India was the idea of a
of travel that define 'Tourism',
success. The first wave of dis-
country whose religious and
perhaps the oldest - certainly,
ciples was really top drawer.
makes it entirely unique in
dance, enjoy. We have hun-
Why Zambhala and why in
the most historically univer-
They were the nobles of the
dreds of experts, artists, mu-
sal - has been spiritual and
meritocracy and they were
the world. Zambhala - India's
“It struck us with some
religious Tourism,” says Mar-
looking good. The women
largest ever Yoga and Life
practitioners all in one place
force that the world is looking
tin da Costa – CEO, 70 EMG.
were models, the men were
Spirit Festival fits firmly into
to connect with. “It is a festi-
for a Festival that brings to-
“It has been estimated that 95
stars, and the massage was
that historical and cultural
val that shares the diversity
gether the many forms of
per cent of the 144 million
the message. When they came
context of a Spiritual India: it
of Yoga from India and across
Yoga - both ancient and mod-
trips that made up domestic
out of their spiritual retreats
is an evolution of an Indian
the world. It demonstrates to
ern, so that practitioners, ex-
Indian Tourism in 1998 were
draped in homespun, they
spiritual ideal that continues
us and invites us to experi-
perts, teachers and students
spiritual, mainly in the form
glowed with vegetarian good
to attract, mesmerize and
ence - live - the many styles of
can meet each other and
of religious pilgrimage to the
help people from all over the
Yoga: from ancient Vedic wis-
learn from one another,” said
many holy sites of India, but
dom to its new age forms,”
Martin da Costa. Ultimately,
also outbound to Mecca, and
the procession of European,
says Martin da Costa – CEO,
Yoga and most forms of mod-
Hindu and Buddhist sites
American, South American
70 EMG. Zambhala is a Fes-
ern Spiritual healing stem
across South East Asia. It has
and Asian inbound Tourists
The 2011 Travel Styles
tival retreat guided by mas-
from India's rich cultural and
been the central, all impor-
seeking an Indian answer to
Survey for Globus - one of the
ters from Canada, Japan, the
historical tradition, from the
tant reason for Indians to
their Spiritual questions has
world’s largest Travel Agen-
US, France, and from the six
meeting point of mind, body
travel for millennia.”
become a flood. Entire sec-
cies - estimated that Spiritual
Gurukuls of India.
and soul. Whilst Yoga Festi-
Throughout the 19th and
tions of the 'Lonely Planet'
and Religious Tourism has
Between 1970 and 2013,
world.” Growth
tourism in India
Shamans from Peru and
vals exist in other parts of the
most of the 20th Century, in-
Guide are dedicated to this
grown at an average 5 per
across India, Sufi Masters
world, here - in the home of
bound Spiritual Tourism into
search. The unprecedented,
cent since 1970. A report at
from Istanbul, the world's
Yoga - there didn't exist a de-
India was important but rela-
enormous growth of Yoga in
the 2012 Global Spa & Well-
finitive, holistic Festival for
tively small. It was globally
the United States (in 2012 it
both Yoga and Spirituality.
important especially in cul-
was estimated that 8.7 % of
stated that 'Spirituality is Asia's best wellness asset'.
naturotherapists, experts in
past life regression, pranic
“We've chosen Goa partly
tural terms - the spread of
Adult Americans practice
healing, meditation, dream
because we're comfortable
Yoga, the tenets of Hinduism,
Yoga - 20.4 million people)
interpretation, fitness, dance
and familiar with it - we have
and the awareness of the
and Europe has added to that
therapy and more perform,
produced over 14 Festivals in
beauty, spread and reach of
search dynamic. Tourist des-
give workshops and take us
the State, ranging from the
pre industrial age Hindu and
tinations like Rishikesh are
practice and (especially for
on a journey of emotional,
very, very large, to smaller
Buddhist empires across Asia
entirely dominated by the ar-
Americans and Europeans) a
spiritual and physical growth.
more luxury oriented events.
was catalogued by both west-
rival of Western Yoga devo-
health benefits are feeding
“We’ve created it to help
We chose it also because
ern and Indian Academics
tees. The spread and the
this growth in India's Spiri-
each other connect spiritu-
there are parts of Goa that
and Travelers, and became
success of Ashrams across
tual Tourism numbers.
ally, and to learn, share and
still retain the purity of the
part of India's enormous ap-
India over the past decades is
growth of Yoga as both a life-changing
Government News
Reconstruction works on, Tourism improving in the state: Amrita Rawat Tourism in Uttarakhand is improving, but it would take some years to rebuild the whole infrastructure that was destroyed in the June natural disaster, says the state tourism minister. Prem Kumar
Goa’s first Russian charter flight arrived at Dabolim airport in Goa Goa’s first Russian charter flight ‘Anex Tour’, a new charter flight by Thomas Cook, arrived at Dabolim airport in Goa on October 13, 2013.
oa’s first Russian
with a Goan brass band was
We have seen a tremendous
charter flight ‘Anex
organized by Goa Tourism
improvement in the quality
Tour’, a new char-
to welcome the passengers.
of tourists coming to Goa.”
ter flight by Thomas Cook,
They were also greeted with
The Dabolim airport Di-
arrived at Dabolim airport,
roses by Goa Tourism as
rector, M. Suresh Senior
Goa on 13th October, 2013.
they walked into the airport.
said, “The charter flight
“Our government is trying to
and help the state government
Hon. Consul of Russia in
consists of 235 passengers
revive tourism activities in the
in promoting the tourism in
greeted by Victor Albu-
Goa, Victor Albuquerque
from Russia. We are expect-
the state.
The reconstruction
querque, Hon. Consul of
said, “We welcome the first
ing 1,400 flights this tourist
The State Government has
Russia in Goa, The Dabolim
Russian charter flight to
season 2013-14. To cater to
decided to allow the resump-
Airport Director, M. Suresh
Goa and expect 600-700
the growing numbers of ar-
Tourism Minister, Uttarak-
tion of pilgrimage to Kedar-
and Deputy Director, De-
Russian flights to Goa this
rivals, we have increased
hand. The minister rued that
nath shrine in Garhwal Region
partment of Tourism, Mrs.
season. Most of the Russian
the number of custom offi-
there is perception outside the
of Uttarakhand on a low scale
Pamela Mascarenhas.
tourists that arrived today
cers so that immigration fa-
state that whole Uttarakhand
with a limited number of devo-
were families and couples.
cility is made easier.”
works are going on a large scale,”
A traditional reception
tees being allowed to visit the Himalayan shrine currently in view of bad condition of roads in the area. Areas adjoining Kedarnath shrine was devastated due to the natural calamity of June. The natural disaster caused large-scale damage to tourist infrastructure in the state. Earlier the state government has announced resumption of Amrita Rawat Tourism Minister, Uttarakhand
pilgrimage to Gangotri, one of
has been affected by the re-
Gangotri had been suspended
cent natural calamities. The
after the devastating flash-
the Char Dhams. The yatra to
adverse media coverage has
floods in the state. The state
created such perception. “This
government is repairing the
lack of awareness about
roads to leading religious
awareness is affecting the
places as Gangotri and Kedar-
tourism activities in the state,”
nath shrine, on a fastback
she said adding that the real-
ity is that 90% of the tourist
Umakant Panwar tourism
spots in the state have not
secretary, Uttarakhand said
been affected by the recent
that the state has planned a
natural calamity.” She sought
mega tourism project near
the help of Media and trade to
Tehri Lake.
give true picture of the state
N OVEM B ER 20 1 3|
GTDC registers net profit of `40 lakhs; approves new proposals The Board of Directors of Goa Tourism Development Corporation (GTDC) in its 131st meeting held recently took some of the following major decisions and approved the following proposals, keeping in mind the development of tourism in the state. GTDC roars back with profits: The Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account for the year ending March, 2013 were approved. After suffering a major loss of over Rs six crore in 2011-12, the GTDC due to its pro-active and professional management of its assets turned around this year and bounced back by reporting a net profit of `40 lakhs. Mr Nilesh Cabral, Chairman, GTDC mentioned that this was only possi-
ble due to the professional management and the efforts of GTDC. He added that the Corporation has also taken efforts to utilize its idle assets and generate revKey highlights gTDC has bounced back with a profit of ` 40 lakhs due to pro-active and professional management Optimistic about developing properties and services to enhance tourism in the state Board has decided to introduce VRs scheme for employees
enue by developing properties of Tourism Department by open tenders.
VRS Scheme: The Board also decided to implement VRS scheme for its employees so as to reduce the excess manpower and to contain the salary burden incurred by GTDC. This will enable GTDC to save outflow of salary and associated costs thereby enabling it to become lean and professionally managed organization. This scheme will be implemented after obtaining approval by the State Government.
Government News
MoT, FHRAI hail notification to include hotels pan-India in the infrastructure lending list Ministry of Tourism and FHRAI has applauded the government’s decision to include hotels pan-India in the infrastructure lending list of Reserve Bank of India.
Vivek Nair Immediate Past President and Honorary Secretary, FHRAI
crore each in any place in India
This year, the annual event
days. Bookings for these
ister for Tourism (IC) wel-
and of any star rating as well
of Gujarat Tourism, Kutchh
packages can be done on-
comed the decision of the
as Convention Centers with
Rann Utsav will start from
Ministry of Finance to include
project cost of more than `300
the 15th of December, 2013
Rann Utsav this year too
Hotels with a project cost of
crores each to include in the
and will be celebrated with
is going to be organised on
more than ` 200 crore each at
Harmonized Master List of In-
zeal and enthusiasm till the
a large scale. Special fea-
any place in India and of any
frastructure Sub- Sectors for
15th of February, 2014 in
star rating, and Convention
benefit of Hospitality industry
Bhungas, specially built
Centre with a project cost of
and for employment generation
more than `300 crores each, in
in the country.
of the Utsav are
Gujarat Tourism has been
tents, Theme Pavilion, Food
actively promoting fairs,
stalls and Craft stalls, Cul-
Applauding the Government's
festivals and tourist desti-
tural Activities, Adventure
initiative, Vivek Nair, Immedi-
nations in the state. Promo-
activities and many more
The Department of Economic
ate Past President and Hon-
tional activities of Rann
such attractions than the
Affairs, Ministry of Finance,
orary Secretary, FHRAI said,
Utsav too would be done in
last year. It may also be
Government of India has is-
"To accomplish the Ministry of
a manner that generates an
noted that New Year Cele-
Infrastructure Sub- Sectors.
sued a notification dated 7th
Tourism's vision of doubling
appeal and thereby gives
brations are also to take
October, 2013 whereby the Har-
our Foreign Tourist Arrivals
Kutch the boost and promo-
place at the venue.
monised Master List of Infra-
(FTAs) and Domestic Tourist
tion that it rightly deserves.
As for the tourist arrivals,
structure Sub-sectors has been
Visits (DTVs) in the 12th Plan
Gujarat Tourism is offering
Gujarat Tourism expects a
expanded to include - Hotels
Period (2012-17), the hotel in-
with project cost of more than
dustry is required to augment
200 crores each in any place in
our existing room inventory by
India and of any star rating and
another 1,80,000 classified
Convention Centres with proj-
guest rooms. Factoring the con-
ect cost of more than 300 crore
temporary trends in develop-
each. (Eligible costs exclude
ment costs, this would entail
cost of land and lease charges
further capital investment of a
but include interest during con-
staggering Rupees 1,25,000
struction). This is in addition
crore. In the present high inter-
to "Three-star or higher cate-
est-rate environment wherein
gory classified hotels located
the industry is also witnessing
outside cities with a population
a temporary demand-supply
steep rise this year than
of more than one million",
mismatch on account of the
tourists who are intending
what it was during the pre-
which had already been in-
economic slowdown, we had
to tour Kutchh during the
vious years. Bookings have
cluded in the RBI’s Infrastruc-
been persistently articulating
recently started and statis-
that proactive policy action was
2nights/ 3 days and 3
tical data would be a matter
Ministry of Tourism had been
imperative to insulate the req-
nights/ 4 days packages are
of speculation, until a few
pursuing with the Ministry of
uisite long-term investment in
on offer. Special packages
days from when the festival
Finance to include hotels with
the sector from cyclical macro-
are available on Full Moon
project cost of more than `200
economic volatility. by TNH DESK
ture Lending List
N OVEM B ER 20 1 3|
Annual Rann Utsav of Kutchh will start on December 15, 2013, will last till February 15, 2014.
Dr. K. Chiranjeevi, Union Min-
the Harmonized Master List of Dr. K. Chiranjeevi Union Minister for Tourism (IC)
Gujarat Tourism announces dates of next Rann Utsav
Government News
Andaman & Nicobar tapping premium travellers
Andaman & Nicobar intends to tap the domestic market, urges airlines to operate direct flights from major metro cities from India. market and also took part at
Anand Shah C G Vijay Manager (Tourism), Directorate of Information, Publicity and Tourism, Andaman & Nicobar Administration.
to enhance air-connectivity to
indulge them in local culture.
the islands and improve tourist
He said, “We have festivals in
every two months which high-
Divulging the tourist figures,
light the local culture. Through
Vijay said, “The number of do-
fairs & festivals, we showcase
mestic as well as foreign tourist
the culture, history, local cui-
visits to the islands almost dou-
sine, attractions and sights
bled during the last five years.
which can be enjoyed by all age
During 2012, the tourist ar-
groups.” The island celebrates
rivals crossed 2. 5 lakhs, which
Island Tourism festival in Jan-
ITB Berlin and WTM London in
was 1.36 lakhs in 2008. To be
uary, Beach festival in April,
the recent past. According to C
precise, a total of 2,38, 699 do-
Music and Monsoon festival in
lakh domestic tourists and
G Vijay, Manager (Tourism),
mestic tourists and 17,538 for-
June/July, Food festival in Sep-
18,000 international tourists;
Directorate of Information,
eign tourists visited the islands
tember, World Tourism Day in
the tourism department of An-
Publicity and Tourism, An-
during the year 2012, as com-
September and Film festival in November.
daman & Nicobar Administra-
daman & Nicobar Administra-
pared to the visits of 2,02, 221
tion is proposing number of
tion; the department is now
and 15,814 respectively during
initiatives to attract more num-
looking at further emphasizing
the year 2011.”
bers, especially from the high-
on trade shows to bring in des-
end traveller segment. The
According to Vijay, the depreciating rupee is one of the key
When asked about the strat-
booster for domestic tourism
egy apart from trade exhibi-
this year. “Its not news that In-
department is already partici-
travel agents. It is also in talks
tions to attract tourists, Vijay
dian travellers are changing
pating at multiple trade shows
with few airlines to start direct
informed that the state is focus-
their travel plans due to falling
and exhibitions in domestic
flight connectivity from New
ing on fairs & festivals to im-
rupee,” adds Vijay.
ing to P K Behera, Joint Di-
nam, Indonesia, Malaysia,
covers famous Buddhist desti-
rector & Deputy Secretary,
Korea, Japan, Sri Lanka and
Tourism Department, Govern-
Hong Kong to provide them
Pradesh and Delhi and now
ment of Odisha; the state is
first hand experience of Bud-
will have Odisha. Officially,
spending close to `30 crore in
dhist circuit in the state. We
the inflow of foreign tourists
this fiscal for promoting Bud-
have also renovated our state-
to Odisha stood at 64,719 in
dhist circuits in the state. The
run properties at few Bud-
2012. While only 482 tourists
state is also in talks with few
dhist sites and improved on
from Thailand visited the
air operators to operate re-
accommodation facilities at
state last year, about 70 came
Odisha is the latest entrant in
other sites with the help of
from Hong Kong, 470 from
the list of states promoting
smaller regions and towns for
private operators.” Behere in-
Singapore, 233 from Indone-
Buddhist tourism in India
better tourist infrastructure.
Andaman & Nicobar intends to tap the domestic market, urges airlines to operate direct flights from major metro cities from India. Swaati Chaudhury
formed that the state has
sia, 3,930 from Japan and
along with Bihar, Gujarat, Ma-
Talking about the Buddhist
more than 324 Buddhist sites
1,601 from Korea.
harashtra, Uttar Pradesh and
circuit in the state, Behera
existing in different parts of
many more. The state has de-
said, “Odisha is increasingly
Odisha, out of which 108 sites
to endorse Buddhist tourism
veloped an excellent Buddhist
becoming popular among do-
have remains of Buddhist es-
and work closely with domes-
circuit covering Bhubaneswar,
tablishments in forms of Stu-
tic and international travel
Dhuli, Konark, Puri, Lalitgiri,
tourists for history, archeol-
pas, Chaityas or monastery
agents who are selling Bud-
Ratnagiri, Udaigiri and Lan-
ogy, culture, festivals, adven-
dhist circuit. Apart from this,
gudi. It has recently won ‘Best
India’s special Buddhist
we also want to position
Pilgrimage Tourism Destina-
attractions. However, Bud-
train – Mahaparinirvan Ex-
Odisha as a preferable desti-
“We will continue our efforts
tion Award 2013’ by Today’s
dhism is one of the key focus
press will touch down in
nation for golf tourism, med-
Traveller for top religious des-
for our state this year. We are
Odisha again on December 25,
ical tourism, wildlife tourism,
tinations like Puri, Konark,
investing highly on FAMs for
2013 after its last halt in the
beach tourism, eco tourism
N OVEM B ER 20 1 3|
prove tourist experience and
Currently catering to close 3
Odisha promoting Buddhist tourism
P K Behera Joint Director & Deputy Secretary Tourism Department, Government of Odisha
Delhi, Mumbai and Bengaluru
travel agents from Thailand,
state on January 22, 2013.
Ganjam and Koraput. Accord-
Singapore, Cambodia, Viet-
The special inter-state train
tourism,” adds Behera.
Government News
‘Walking Tours’ Platform launched to 2nd International give a new facility to the tourists Tourism Mart concluded in Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh The Ministry of Tourism (MoT) government of India has launched a ‘Walking Tours’ Platform to give a new facility to the tourists as part of the Incredible India Campaign.
set the target of having one
Tourism has part-
launched as part of this ini-
‘Walking Tour’ of each State
nered with Genesys
tiative is projected to be
within 2 years. He added that
International to create a
India’s first location-based
the Indian Tourism Ministry
‘Walking Tours’ platform, one
was the first in the world to
of the first such initiatives to
throughs’ of streets across 54
be undertaken in any country.
Indian cities. The website
launch such a service.
available initially about the
Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh
generating about 10% direct
roads of 5 major Indian cities
today by Nabam Tuki, Chief
or indirect employment.
and will soon be expanded to
supports user generated con-
lighted the features of the
and exciting product that will
tent (UGC), offers unique so-
new service that would be
enable users to navigate and
cial media capabilities and
route their way through cities
facilitates creation of ‘local
based on a number of inter-
communities’ online.
The service was launched
he 2nd International
USD 18 billion from foreigners
Genesys International high-
‘Walking Tours’ is a unique
esting themes.
Second International Tourism Mart (ITM) was concluded in Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh. The event was organized by Nabam Tuki, Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh, who said that North East India is an unexplored a paradise. Tourism Mart (ITM)
which amounted to 6.5 per-
was inaugurated in
cent of national GDP besides
A spokesperson for the Min-
the top 54 cities within a few
Pradesh. Tuki termed North
Pradesh CM inaugurated an
istry of Tourism said that this
weeks. They stated that it
East as a ‘Paradise Unex-
exhibition of an exhibition of
at a function in the Capital
new initiative aims to em-
plored’ which has a huge
today in which the represen-
power the tourist by facilitat-
panoramic imagery of thou-
tourism potential that is yet to
tatives of the Ministry of
ing him/her to plan to plan
sands of square kilometers
be tapped of its true potential.
tourist potential, traditional,
Tourism and Genesys Inter-
his/her tour. He stated that
and close to 10 million places
Referring to the top priority to
cultural, art and craft unique-
national were present. The
the Ministry of Tourism has
of interest across the country.
promotion of the tourism sec-
ness.Sikkim Tourism Minister
Growth of 28.1% in tourists availing of TVoA
participating showcasing
tor for having potential to gen-
employment avenues while
ccording to data released by MoT, a
enriching the state exchequer,
Tourism Parliamentary Sec-
growth of 28.1 percent has been
(iii) The number of VoAs issued under this
Tuki said that this Himalayan
retary PD Sona, Art and Cul-
of 19.9%.
recorded in the number of tourists
scheme during September 2013 for nationals of
state is a treasure trove of
ture Parliamentary Secretary
availing of the tourist Visa on Arrival(VoA)
the eleven countries was Japan (578), New
natural beauty inhabited by
Scheme during the period January to Septem-
Zealand (325), Indonesia (248), the Philippines
over 150 major and minor
Karmik and Adhyatmik Af-
ber, 2013. A total number of 13,859 VoAs have
(228), Singapore (219), Finland (47), Vietnam
hospitable tribes with their
fairs department chairman
been issued in this period as compared to 10,816
(16), Myanmar (8), Luxembourg (7) Cambodia
rich cultural mosaic, art and
Rev T G Rinpoche and top
VoAs during the corresponding period of 2012
(6), and Laos (1).
crafts, tribal cuisines which
ranking officers, among oth-
registering a growth of 28.1 per cent.
(iv) The number of VoAs issued under the
offer huge scope for the
ers were present on the occa-
Scheme during January to September, 2013 was
growth of tourism.
sion. The inaugural function
The following are the other important high-
Japan (4,868), New Zealand (2,490), Indonesia
Union Tourism Secretary
was followed by PowerPoint
lights of VoAs issued during September,
(1,936), the Philippines (1,880), Singapore
Parvez Dewan said that the
presentation of nine partici-
(1,557), Finland (693), Vietnam (142), Luxem-
holding of the ITM in Tawang
pating states to highlight their
(i) During the period January to September
bourg (109), Myanmar (86), Cambodia (84), and
reflected the commitment of
respective tourism scope.
2013, a total number of 13,859 VoAs were issued
Laos (14).
the government to promote
This was the second Inter-
as compared to 10,816 VoAs during correspon-
(v) During the period January to September
tourism in North East India
national Tourism Mart organ-
ding period of 2012 registering a growth of
2013, the highest number of VoAs were issued
and in Arunachal Pradesh
ised in the North Eastern
at New Delhi (7,830) followed by Mumbai (2,892),
and Tawang in particular.
region with the objective of
(ii) During the month of September, 2013, a total
Chennai (2,029), Kolkata (968), Bangalore (72),
Dewan said that India records
highlighting the tourism po-
number of 1,683 VoAs were issued under this
Kochi(33), Hyderabad (23), and Trivan-
105 crore domestic tourists
tential of the region in the do-
Scheme as compared to 1,404 VoAs during the
month of September, 2012, registering a growth
and 65 lakh foreign tourists
annually, yielding revenue of
Government News
Kerala Tourism Crosses the Atlantic to Boost Foreign Arrivals Riding on a spurt in European visitors to the state, the Kerala Tourism is looking across the Atlantic to significantly increase the number of foreign arrivals in the state. hree road shows are
occasion giving a peep into
being organised in major
the deep-rooted traditions
cities across the United
and culture of Kerala.
States this month as Kerala
This is the first time that the
Tourism enters the American
Kerala Tourism is organising
market in a big way. The first
road shows in the United
road show was held in New
States. Tourist arrivals in
York on Monday, Chicago
Kerala from the US went up
hosted the second on Tues-
last year to 57,807 from
day, which will be followed by
55,741 in 2011.
the last road show in Los Angeles on Thursday.
India’s Consul General in
Kerala Tourism Creates Record; Launches New Campaign on Twitter In a first by a tourism board in the country, Kerala Tourism has chosen the virtual world to launch its path-breaking new Great Backwaters campaign.
New York, Dnyaneshwar M head of the traditional
“The United States is the
Mulay, was also present at
fourth major market for Ker-
the road show, which was at-
media, the Great Back-
book accounts are followed by
souvenirs of the state as
ala Tourism after the United
tended by eight industry rep-
waters campaign to unveil the
tens of thousands of fans
prizes to two winners from
Kingdom, France and Ger-
resentatives from Kerala.
state’s majestic backwaters
around the world.
the tweets every day.
many,” said Tourism Minister
“Americans are one of the top
as a single destination and a
“It is a tribute to the mil-
“The Great Backwaters
A P Anilkumar, who is leading
global travellers and there-
once-in-a-lifetime experience
lions of travellers across the
campaign is a product of the
the delegation of government
fore it is only logical that Ker-
like the Great Wall of China or
world who embrace technol-
use of cutting edge technology.
and industry representatives
the Grand
ogy everyday in knowing
The campaign has used tech-
partment’s Twitter and Face-
Kerala Tourism is offering
from the state. “An increase
inroads into the vast market
Canyon of the United States
nology, which has never been
in arrivals of visitors from the
offered by the United States,”
was launched on the Twitter
favourite destinations,” said
attempted in Kerala or in the
biggest economy in the world
said Billa.
on October 21.
Kerala Tourism Secretary
country before for promoting
will be a significant factor for
The industry participants
The fans of Kerala Tourism
Shri Suman Billa, referring to
a destination,” said Shri Billa.
the growth of tourism in the
from Kerala are the Ku-
on Twitter (@KeralaTourism)
the launch of the Great Back-
The aerial photography of
state,” he added.
waters campaign on Twitter.
marakom Lake Resort, RAXA
have already welcomed the
Minister of State for Exter-
Collective, Intersight Tours &
campaign’s launch by enthu-
nal Affairs Preneet Kaur at-
Travels, Travel
siastically tweeting with the
Kerala Tourism has set up a
the Great Backwaters campaign was conducted by an in-
ternational team of experts
tended the road show in New
Division, The Travel Plan-
hashtag #GreatBackwaters
led by Mr Ville MJ Hyvönen
York, which witnessed the
ners, Lotus DMC Pvt Ltd,
in large numbers.
in which a frontline image of
from Finland. The campaign
participation of 58 members
Easy Tours of India and
Kerala Tourism is a pioneer
the campaign is hidden. The
was conceptualized and de-
from the US travel and
Ayurvedamana Properties.
in using the innovative means
image from the aerial photog-
signed by Stark Communica-
tourism trade sector. The
The Air India is sponsoring
of technology to promote its
raphy of the backwaters
tions, the creative agency that
highlight of the event was a
free economy class round trip
under the campaign is re-
tickets to the winners of lucky
Tourism website (www.ker-
vealed bit by bit with each
communication and market-
tourist attractions in ‘God’s
draws being held in each, which has
tweet on hashtag #Great-
ing. Remote controlled, heli-
Own Country’ by Tourism
venue of the road shows. The
won several national and in-
Backwaters. The entire image
Secretary Suman Billa.
lucky draw winners get a free
ternational awards, is consid-
will be revealed once a consid-
were used in the shooting of
10-day holiday in Kerala.
ered one of the best tourism
erable number of tweets with
the backwaters from above.
websites in the world. The de-
the hashtag appears.
A Mohiniyattam performance was also staged on the
N OVEM B ER 20 1 3|
Government News
Terrorism divides, tourism unites:
other countries should be
Narendra Modi
Travel mart, he had sug-
held in different states for
promotion of tourism and
tourism by bring school chil-
branding of the states, Modi
dren to factories and show-
Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi has called for promoting tourism as an effective way to end terrorism, saying that while terrorism divides, tourism unites.
asked, “Why international
ing them how they operated.
conferences cannot be held
This would not only promote
in states?” According to
tourism but also enhance the
Modi, if international confer-
knowledge of children. Modi
and can be the alchemist•of
mated of three trillion dol-
ences will be held at state
is one of the few chief minis-
world. Our culture teaches
lars. As far as investment is
levels, this will not only stim-
ters in India who has real-
us restrain and balance.
concerned witch minimum
ulate infrastructure develop-
ized the true potential of
These are our healing pow-
investment you can create
tourism in terms of generat-
ers. This can be used to heal
maximum jobs in tourism
states, but also give expo-
ing jobs and incomes for peo-
international relation. Our
sector. This is most econom-
sure to state bureaucracy
economy of states.
arendra Modi, who
strong culture is our healing
ical activity,” Modi further
and enhance their capacity.
power.” He further said that
said. He asked, “If the world
Giving an example, Modi
Modi’s insight of tourism
for many Asian countries,
tourism business is of three
said, “If you want to promote
sector and his approach to
Buddha has been common
trillion dollars, what is our
tourism in Banaras, interna-
tourism has been appreci-
thread with us. We should
share in this big economic
tional event should be held
ated even by his political ri-
strengthen this bond.”
there. If international event
will be held in city like Ba-
Congress leader and Minis-
have Narendra Modi Gujarat Chief Minister
To the
According to Modi, in ad-
global affairs, Modi said,
dition to old heritages, “Our
naras, cleanliness will done
ter for tourism of Jammu &
India has to create institu-
present strength can also be
in the city and Banaras will
tions and intellectual prop-
used strongly to increase our
benefit from it. The city will
G A has appreci-
is also the Prime
erty. These would be our soft
influence in the world. With
be in global news for a week.
tourism development and
Minister Candidate
our youth power we can
Organizing such event in
has called for replicating Gu-
service the world.”
“In ancient times,
of the main opposition party
Nalanda, Takshashila, and
Bhartiya Janta Party for
Vallabhi were examples of
2014 Lok Sabha elections,
such institutions.
states will help them in
jarat model of tourism devel-
Calling for change in our
branding.” Modi added that
opment in his state. Gujarat
current foreign policy, Modi
in today’s scenario we need
said , “When we talk about
many countries are using
said that immediate thing
to ponder over what we can
India and world, tourism
India’s medical facilities.
that needs to be done is to
give to the world. “If the
also has huge power to con-
Medical tourism to India
show the world that India is
world feels that it can gain
nect the world. It promotes
must be promoted. Indian
vast and powerful. India is
something from India, only
understating among people
yoga, Ayurveda and our ho-
not just Delhi. “Foreign pol-
then it will come to us. It is
and nations, and this is my
listic healthcare are our core
icy has to be decided by peo-
simple formula of the inter-
conviction that while terror-
strengthens. Similarly are
ple, not just by politicians
national relations. We are
ism divides, tourism unities.
our hold heritage is our
sitting in Delhi.
living in a time when rela-
tourism.” Modi was recently speaking on ‘India and the World’ at the Nani Palkhivala Memorial Lecture in Chennai.
The time
“When we talk about India and world, tourism also has huge power to connect the world. It promotes understating among people and nations, and this is my conviction that while terrorism divides, tourism unities. So we must promote tourism.”
Spelling out his ideas on how
power. Places like Banaras
relations between India and
the world should be shaped,
tions are based upon give and take. So we have to think what can be useful to the world. How we can create an India where world is
Modi’s takes on tourism Terrorism divides tourism unities. Our culture and heritage are our strengths. Medical tourism to India must be promoted. International conferences should be held in states.
forced to come to us. It is
has come when our culture
very important in today’s
and economic strength of dif-
scenario what we can give to
Government has a tourism
placed and projected prop-
ferent states have to be
the world.”
policy, which focuses on in-
Modi said, “Our deep-rooted
erly,” said Modi.
believes and culture should
know that tourism is a huge
be the foundation of our re-
economic activity in the
“We all
leveraged to for build our global position.” Suggesting
Modi has a very deep in-
sight of tourism sector and
and effective marketing; CM
knows well what can be done
has delivered on his prom-
lation with the world. India
level international confer-
to prompted tourism in the
ises as far as tourism is con-
can offer a lot to the world
tourism business is esti-
ences between India and
state. In this year’s Gujarat
Gen Next
YOUNG SCIONS at a moment when the indian economy is ailing, today’s gilded youth have got their work cut out for them, and they know it. Whether it’s making a place for themselves in their family business or expanding their companies portfolio these travel trade heirs and heiresses are determined to make a contribution to their legacies while carving out identities of their own. got in touch with six such very bright names and asked them what it takes to build on a legacy at a young age.
Priyanka Nijhawan, Director Hotel Representations, Nijhawan Group Travel Portal – Travel Boutique On-
ing activities. I also ensure to keep
the group? What is your corpo-
line. Additionally it operates one of
up the prevailing energy and passion
rate mantra for success?
the country’s leading airline and
amongst my team.
To make our group a leader in rep-
hotel representation companies. It
resenting luxury hospitality and
has successfully represented British
What were the main challenges
service brands in India. As most of
Airways for 34 years in India. It cur-
you faced when you started
the luxury brands overseas are
rently represents Address Hotels &
work? Is it hard living up to the
looking at India, I would like to en-
Resorts ( UAE & Middle East) an
family name and expectations?
cash on the same. I believe that
EMAAR Group Hotels, The ARMANI
With stalwarts in my family in the
being disciplined and maintaining
Hotel in Dubai & Milan, Harbour
travel business, there are many ex-
healthy relationships with trade
Plaza Group Hotels (Hong Kong)
pectations from me to live up to the
partners is the corporate mantra for
and Constance Hotels (Maldives,
legacy. The challenge currently
Mauritius, Seychelles & Madagas-
faced by us is the economic melt-
down which is definitely affecting
Do you think that entrepreneurial-
ism is something that is in your
What youthful perspectives have
India.We are hopeful since we have
blood? Or is it something that can be
you added to your responsibilities
super hospitality brands in our port-
as Director, Hotel Representa-
folio which are great pullers for us
I am still new to the business and it
Nijhawan group is one of the leading
tions, Nijhawan Group?
to move maximum Indian business
is early to comment on this. I am
travel conglomerates and vast diver-
I feel that the social media in our
or leisure travelers to our hotels.
sure by the next interview I will be
sified entities within the travel in-
business is very important today and
dustry. It owns India’s largest B2B
that is what I added to our market-
N OVEM B ER 20 1 3|
in a better position to answer this What is your futuristic vision for
Gen Next
Mikey Todd, Director, Zenica Cars Pvt. Ltd
differently. They say that getting to the top is easy. It’s staying there that is the hardest part. Always innovating, always trying different things ensured that we are the one setting the trends in Delhi NCR and always keeping a step ahead of the competition. What is the biggest challenge you have faced so far? What has been your biggest accomplishment? My biggest challenge and accomplishment have both been the opening of our second showroom – Audi Delhi Central. We have come a long way since opening up Audi Gurgaon more than 5 years ago. The opening of Audi Delhi Central was fraught with challenges and obstacles every step of the way. The showroom is an entirely new concept the likes of which has never been seen in India. Everything in the showroom has been tempered to give any customers stepping into the showroom a different feel altogether. The location, the flooring, the lighting, the massive video walls – every single element in the showroom posed different challenges which we overcame to ensure
property by paying the one-time membership fee.
we delivered a mind-boggling experience to our
In future, the group is planning to increase their
portfolio from fifteen to forty two hotels.
What is your futuristic vision for the group?
What youthful perspectives have you added
What is the Number One Business Goal you
to your responsibilities with your company?
plan to accomplish over the next year?
It is essential that a company’s policies be re-
Zenica Cars Pvt. Ltd is North India’s largest Audi
vised every now and then; keeping with what is
and Porsche dealership. It has been the leading
Going forward, we will continue our focus on
current in today’s time – socially, environmen-
luxury transport provider to hotels and tour op-
training and developing our work force to ensure
tally or even keeping up with the mindset and
erators for close to a decade. A different branch
we keep exceeding our customer’s expectations.
needs of the young workforce.
of the company called Panoptes also supplies
We will keep finding new ways of delighting our
specialized security equipment to all leading ho-
customers and will continue to improve.
tels. Has being relatively young in the industry
The goal for the next year is to remain Audi’s
not only encourage them to work more effectively in their role but also bring about a healthier
strengthen our hold on the Delhi NCR market.
more inspiring work methodology in the company. Infrastructure wise, I’m steering our hotels to
I wouldn’t say it’s been a liability at all. Being new to the industry also brings with it a new per-
appraisal method for the employees which will
number one Dealer Partner and to further been an asset or a liability?
spective, a fresh outlook on how to do things. One
I’ve brought about a 360 degree performance
Arshiya Khanna, Jukaso Resorts
be more eco friendly. I am trying to introduce more energy saving measures by working with
of the greatest downfalls of a successful business
Hospitality firm Jukaso Group currently oper-
innovative vendors who provide smart organic
is the tendency to become complacent. To be-
ates 15 properties across India and in Europe.
products for use in our hotels.
come rigid in your outlook and the way you do
Recently the company has started a timeshare
things. As I said above, my knack for constantly
holiday company. Members of ‘Journeys by
What is your futuristic vision for the group?
questioning everything forced us to look at things
Jukaso’ can enjoy vacations in any Jukaso run
What is your corporate mantra for success?
Gen Next
I envision our organization to grow sustainably
concern if your company sticks to its commit-
with a commitment to improving the ecological
ments, meets deadlines and keeps the clients
environment. We believe in people. Additionally,
I hope we are recognized as a hospitality company that offers great service through its con-
What is the biggest challenge you have faced
cerned and warm workforce.
so far? What has been your greatest accom-
My corporate mantra is to work hard with a
balanced frame of mind. Only if a leader is peace-
When I took over the business it had only one
ful within can he carry his people with the same
client and many fierce competitors that had been
zest and spirit. I believe it is important to cleanse
in the industry for over a decade. At that time we
one’s mind every now and then so as to be able
were processing around 30,000 visas annually.
to work effectively.
Learning the ropes and moving the companyin
I’m trying to inculcate the same thought and
what I believed was the right direction, without
spirit in the employees by introducing a medita-
any prior work experience, was a major chal-
tion program in all the hotels. This helps staff re-
lenge. Today one and a half years later, we have
lease their tensions and also work better
offices in 9 cities across 5 countries, successfully
cohesively, whatever the conflicts. If an employee
processing 750,000 visas annually.
is at peace and also joyous, he/she tends to pass on the same to colleagues and the guests at the
What is your futuristic vision for the group?
What is your goal for the next year? As time goes on, I would like to revolutionize the
Do you think that entrepreneurialism is
brought to your company?
visa outsourcing industry. Play a major role in
something that is in your blood? Or is it some-
From day one my aim has been to modernize all
making the entire process easier for the passen-
thing that can be learned?
the different systems and processes that were
I have got to apply a lot of what I learnt at Bab-
followed within the organization. In most family
son College; successful entrepreneurialism pur-
run businesses within India things are more or
sues both economic and social value. The idea is
less centered on the owners and every decision
to not only create wealth but to also create a
however big or small has to be approved from the
wealth of opportunities for others. The environ-
Benzy Nazar, CEO, Akbar Holidays
ment that I’ve lived in all my life, has taught me to be an entrepreneur. My parents have guided
Today within IVS, everyone has a clear outline of
and supported me throughout and inspired me to
what their roles and responsibilities are. By giv-
think and act like an entrepreneur, and learn
ing someone more responsibility and the author-
from everyone around me. Every day is a new
ity to make certain decisions you are also
learning experience for me.
empowering them and encouraging them to perform. This was unheard of earlier and today is a welcomed practice.
Kaviraj Bhandari, Director, IVS Global Services Pvt. Ltd.
Has being relatively young in the industry been an asset or a liability?
IVS Global Services Pvt. Ltd. is a specialized out-
Initially, entering the industry at the age of 21
sourcing and technology service provider to Em-
was a major hindrance for me as it was very dif-
bassies and Diplomatic missions worldwide.
ficult to be taken seriously. I had to join overnight
Currently with its employees working in three
and had to overcome the challenges of running
continents across the globe, providing a multiple
an established business right from my first day
range of customized solutions in Airline Visa so-
in the working world. Hence, at that time, con-
lutions for the Aviation Industry, IVSG aims to
vincing the industry veterans that you have what
provide cutting edge solutions not seen hereto-
it takes to work with them at such a young age
fore anywhere in the world for airline sponsored
and with no experience was a tall order.
e-visa processing. What youthful and new perspective have you
N OVEM B ER 20 1 3|
In the end, however, my performance spoke for
Akbar Holidays Pvt Ltd. is the Holiday Division
itself and that was the only proof of my potential.
of Akbar Group. Akbar Travels India, is a pio-
I sincerely believe that your age ceases to be a
neer in the growing travel and tourism industry
Gen Next
in India. Established in 1978, the Agency has now
by Corporates, when they think about embarking
travel arrangements for high profile clients worldwide.
grown to become the leading Travel Agent in
on a Domestic or International holiday. We are
India with 75 IATA approved Branches globally.
proud to say, that our sales have also crossed the
Akbar Travels of India is a travel agent for all
100 crore bench mark.
What youthful perspectives have you added
major Airlines operating in and out of India. It
to your responsibilities at the Pearl Group?
has over 15,000 sub-agents offering travel serv-
Recognizing the need to integrate technology I
ices from branch offices located all over Asia. Was it hard making a place for you in such an
Taruna Seth, Founder & Vice President, Pearl Luxe, Pearl International Tours and Travels
have pushed my team to take 85% of our business online through a portal called Sastiticket. We are using social media in a big way to lever-
established company?
age all our verticals (b2b, high end, mass or cor-
Like any other venture, I faced a lot of challenges
porate) to attract customers and talent from the
initially to convince the higher management as
industry. I founded Pearl Luxe - the high end ver-
to how important this division would be.
tical of the company, catering in personalized
I had to learn the nuances of travel industry
luxury experiences.We have a loyal base of re-
and also deal with people from different back-
peat HNI clients who understand the nuances of
grounds. This was a challenge I faced at a per-
traveling for unique experiences.
sonal level because I needed to prove my mettle in a short span of time. I was a beginner but at
What were the main challenges you faced
the same time I was also responsible for the em-
when you started work? Is it hard living up to
ployees of Akbar Holidays Pvt. Ltd. at a young
the family name and expectations?
age. Being a young woman in the tourism indus-
Having previously worked in media and televi-
try, commanding respect proved to be a her-
sion, I was an outsider. Since I was not from the
culean task. To be confident and to get my point
travel industry, it took some time before I created
across to the senior management, who were
my own niche and expertise by building and
much more experienced in the field, was another
growing the luxury experience brand - Pearl
challenge. In the end, everything worked well
Luxe. Needless to mention our parent company’s
and positive results put my age on the backseat
goodwill assisted me in treading my own path. I
and my potential in the front.
have an excellent support system in the form of a very experienced board on which I can rely on
Has being relatively young in the industry
for advice and direction.
been an asset or a liability?
Having said that, I have complete flexibility on
Being relatively young has been an asset at times
how I conduct my business affairs at my vertical
and a liability at other times. Since I was young
as long as I add value to the group's objective and
my mistakes and failures were easily forgiven or
over looked. That was a blessing in disguise. However, being young meant that I had to put in
What is your futuristic vision for the group?
extra efforts to be taken seriously and be on par
What is your corporate mantra for success?
with the other competitors in the industry.
We work hard and play hard - and expect nothing but the best from our teams. We provide plat-
What is the biggest challenge you have faced
forms to our employees to empower them where
so far? What has been your greatest accom-
they can thrive in the entrepreneurial spirit and
find success for their laid out objectives.
The biggest challenge has been to create a niche
for myself in the overcrowded tourism industry.
Pearl International Tours and Travels Ltd. is a
Akbar Travels had already established a corpo-
one-stop travel company that offers travel solu-
something that is in your blood? Or is it some-
rate image for itself. We at Akbar Holidays
tions to a wide network of corporate, sub-agents,
thing that can be learned?
needed to create an identity for ourselves with-
individual and group travellers with a turnover
An entrepreneur is someone who has ideas and
out keeping aside the values and ethics of the
of 800 crores. Pear Luxe is an off-shoot of Pearl
is not afraid to take risks to implement them. In
Akbar Group.
International tours and Travels Ltd. Pearl Luxe
many ways this attitude is inbred but having said
Do you think that entrepreneurialism is
In the span of a year, we are considered at
Experiential Travel Designers work closely with
that entrepreneurship can be learnt through ex-
par with stalwarts like Thomas Cook and KUONI
travellers and specialise in customizing luxury
Destination Outbound
ABU DHABI Abu Dhabi is a diverse and multi-faceted destination in terms of landscape, accommodation and activity choices. The enchanting emirate of Abu Dhabi is undoubtedly the hub for a diverse range of adventure activities in the Arabian Gulf. From beaches to desert, from mountains to oases, there’s so much to see and do. GETTING THERE Abu Dhabi presently receives 124 weekly flights from India. Etihad Airways, the national carrier of UAE, has flights to Abu Dhabi from Mumbai (7*), New Delhi (7*), Ahmedabad (7*), Hyderabad (7*), Chennai(7*), Thiruvanantapuram (7*), Calicut (3*), Bangalore(7*), and Kochi(7*). (*Flights per week) WEATHER It has a sub-tropical, arid climate. Sunny blue skies and high temperatures can be expected most of the year. Rainfall is sporadic, falling mainly in winter (November to March). Temperatures range from a low of around 13C (50F) on a winter's night, to a high of around 42C (118F) on a summer's day. The cooler months, November to April, are the most pleasant time to visit, when temperatures are around 24C (75F) during the day and 13C
N OVEM B ER 20 1 3|
(56F) at night. TOURIST SPOTS Ferrari World Abu Dhabi - This Ferrari themed attraction on our entertainment destination of Yas Island is the world’s largest indoor amusement theme park and home to ‘Formula Rossa’, the world's fastest roller coaster. Emirates Palace - A real iconic Abu Dhabi landmark, this ultra luxurious hotel blends Arabian splendour with the latest technology to create a magical and memorable experience. Embodying the epitome of luxury, set in over 100 hectares of landscaped gardens, Emirates Palace offers the world’s most expensive one million dollar tailor made suite holiday which is sure to impress the most elitist of the elite. Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque - This architectural work of art is one
the world’s largest mosques, with a capacity for an astonishing 41,000 worshippers. It features 82 domes, over a 1,000 columns, 24 carat gold gilded chandeliers and the world's largest hand knotted carpet. Abu Dhabi Corniche – The stunning UAE capital waterfront spreads across an impressive eight kilometres of manicured waterfront that includes children’s play areas, separate cycle and pedestrian pathways, cafés and restaurants, and the Corniche Beach - a lifeguarded beach park which has been awarded the coveted Blue Flag status. Al Ain- The heritage heartland of Al Ain with its forts, renovated palaces and souqs, the expansive Al Ain Zoo and the exciting Wadi Adventure high activity waterpark where visitors can surf, white
water raft and kayak in the shadow of Jebel Hafeet, which is Abu Dhabi’s tallest peak Golf Courses- From Yas Links to Al Ghazal Golf Club to Abu Dhabi Golf Club, Abu Dhabi has a great choice of awardwinning golf courses. Saadiyat Island- Beach holiday options on Saadiyat Island at award-winning resorts Sir Bani Yas Island and Yas Island - Close to each other these island getaways are scenic destinations with a range of adventure activities Liwa Desert- Vacations in the Liwa Desert at a range of three, four and five-star resorts including the stunning Qasr Al Sarab – Mirage Palace – which lives up to its name as it appears to rise out of some of the tallest dunes in the world.
Destination Outbound
Activities Desert camping should be right at the top of a visitor’s list. The Al Badeyah desert camp, nestled in the desert dunes of Al Khaznah, gives visitors a unique insight into UAE traditions and customs and allows them to enjoy an authentic Arabian experience under the stars. Then there are the desert safaris and dune bashing - a set of activities enjoyed by those seeking an adrenaline rush. The vast expanse of desert that lies outside the Liwa oasis in the emirate’s Western is perfect for such off-road driving. With 300 metre dunes and long sand valleys, you'll never get bored of desert driving. You can rent a four wheel drive from Abu Dhabi, get a good map and explore the charming surroundings to your heart's content relishing stunning sunsets and luminous sunrises, though go in convoy – never venture into the desert alone! The inherent connection between desert and camels can’t possibly go amiss. While in Abu Dhabi, a trip to watch the spectacular sport of camel racing can be a memorable highlight. Visitors can cheer on the camels as they gallop around a specially made track, and marvel at how these seemingly ungainly creatures can reach such high speeds. Races normally take place on weekend mornings, with additional races on public holidays. Novices and pros can try their hand at sand boarding and skiing at the Liwa Oasis on the edges of the Rub al-Khali (Empty Quarter) – the world’s largest uninterrupted sand mass. Boasting the world’s largest dunes, towering hun-
dreds of metres above the surrounding plains, it is appropriately termed as a sand skier’s paradise. Sand skiing enthusiasts look forward to strapping on their sand boards and sashaying down the seemingly endless red sand slopes for an exhilarating experience. From kayaks to catamarans, from traditional dhow cruises to speedboats, Abu Dhabi's waters offer a lot to discover. Visitors can opt to kayak through beautiful lagoons, narrow channels and under the full canopy of the mangroves or book the monthly full moon tour to relish the soothing experience. You can admire the most remarkable landscapes of the Arabian Gulf shoreline while onboard Abu Dhabi’s largest 74-foot, 11m wide luxury sailing Catamaran. You can swim and snorkel in the clear turquoise waters, explore the pristine beaches and take pictures of the playful dolphins too. Thrill-seekers should definitely try a speedboat tour to experience Abu Dhabi’s stunning skyline vistas in a whole new fashion. A night tour on this thrill-per-minute ride is sure to leave you gasping for breath. Whether it's chartering boats, hiring a jet ski, embarking on fishing or diving trip, indulging in family fun activities with banana boat and donut rides, relaxing pedal boats or water skiing instruction and diving courses, Abu Dhabi offers a bevy of water adventure activities for everyone. Ferrari World Abu Dhabi – a popular visitor stands tall with its world’s fastest roller coaster - the Formula Rossa – there are also 19 other rides promising varying degrees of fun. The relatively recent entrant, Yas Waterworld - the aquatic Arabian adventure set in the heart of Yas Island –has no less than 43 rides, slides and attractions with five being ‘one-of-a-kind.’ Kart Racing, Shooting, Archery and a whole lot of other adventure and sports activities can be undertaken at arguably one of the world’s best international sports facilities – Al Forsan.
Aviation News
India’s airlines, LCC and FSC, must review their business models India’s airlines, LCC and FSC, must review their business models, maybe creating space for AirAsia, says a recent CAPA report.
last 12-18 months even the
evitable in the short term.
more flexible GDS fares in
Currently business class load
higher buckets are only mar-
factors average around 50%.
ginally higher. Overall there is
As the economy strengthens
very little difference between
in due course there will be ab-
LCC and FSC economy class
solute growth in demand for
Estimated Profitability of Indian LCCs and FSCs in 1Q14.
There is little to distinguish
is likely to represent a declin-
hybrid and premium full serv-
between LCCs and FSC econ-
ing share of the total market,
ice. While that is high on the
omy class products
agenda, at the same time the
especially as LCCs offer a high quality product.
merry-go-round of partner-
and FSCs both operate from
The shift to LCCs is expected
the same airports with new
All in all, a spicy cocktail.
aircraft, offering high fre-
among corporate travellers
quencies on key markets. LCC
Today FSCs are capturing
reliability, on-time perform-
some of their traffic because
shifted to an almost 100% low
ance, consistency, ground
they are pricing below cost,
fares market
product and cabin crew serv-
but this is not sustainable. As
ice standards, particularly on
and when FSCs increase their
ers (LCCs) have a domestic
IndiGo, are comparable with
fares to reflect their cost base
market share of 63%, passen-
or even better than FSCs.
and charge a premium above
While India's low cost carri-
gers flying on full service air-
Baggage allowance on dis-
LCCs, which at some point
lines (Air India and Jet
count fares is the same on all
will become necessary, we can
Airways) pay close to LCC
expect to see passengers in-
fares in economy class. As a
As a result, from the Indian
creasingly shifting to low cost.
result India is virtually a 100%
passenger’s perspective there
LCCs will also continue to
The structure of India’s air-
low fares market. As, in real-
is little to distinguish between
grow their share in part be-
line market is expected to
ity, the operating environment
an LCC and an FSC in econ-
cause most of the fleet expan-
change significantly in com-
makes it very difficult to be
omy class, other than the fact
sion is occurring in this
ing months as carriers revisit
genuinely low cost this poses
that the latter offers a compli-
segment. In the second half of
their business models in
a significant challenge to in-
mentary onboard meal, but
FY14 LCCs are expected to in-
order to restore industry via-
dustry viability.
this too is being rationalised.
duct an additional 20 aircraft
bility. Nearly two thirds of the
In 1Q14 the average fares
And as a larger proportion of
on domestic routes, whereas
seats flying on domestic
for LCCs IndiGo and GoAir
seats are being sold in lower
little or no additional fleet de-
routes are on LCCs, one of the
were in the range of INR5000-
fare buckets even the accu-
ployment is likely by Air India
highest proportions in the
5200, with SpiceJet close to
mulation of frequent flyer
on domestic sectors.
N OVEM B ER 20 1 3|
In the Indian market LCCs
ships is starting to accelerate.
India’s domestic aviation has
source: CaPa Estimates and airline quarterly reports in the case of Jet airways and spiceJet
full service operations but this
ranging from ultra-low cost to
INR5000. Jet Airways’ aver-
points has diminished on
In this highly competitive
age fare was INR5632, but
system the six scheduled air-
this includes the contribution
Air India and Jet Airways
Narrow body Aircraft (do-
lines have largely converged
of the premium cabin, sug-
continue to offer a premium
mestic and international) to
in terms of pricing and prod-
gesting that its average econ-
cabin but the business case
Indian LCCs and FSCs to
uct. But given their signifi-
omy class fare was closer to
for such an offering is limited
that of the LCCs. GoAir in fact
to certain key routes, such as
New aircraft scheduled for
structures, this situation is
had some of the highest fares
the Delhi-Mumbai-Bangalore
induction by Jet Airways are
unsustainable for some, while
in the market in 1Q14, while
corridors and that too prima-
mostly to be used for replace-
presenting opportunities for
the regulator also identified a
rily during peak hours. In
ment; however Jet's current
number of routes where FSC
light of the weak economic
modest expansion strategy
Over time the competing air-
fares were below LCCs. The
conditions, which are likely to
could change following the
lines will inevitably attempt to
margin between FSC internet-
continue for the next 12-18
formalisation of the partnership with Etihad.
carve out more clearly differ-
only and LCC fares has nar-
month, a negative impact on
entiated market propositions,
rowed significantly, but in the
business class traffic is in-
Furthermore, the conver-
Aviation News
than LCCs, have chosen to
Estimated Profitability of Indian LCCs and FSCs in 1Q14.
compete by matching fares rather than reducing costs. And their load factors remain
lost USD200-225 million in
Domestic Passenger Load Factors in 1Q14 Carrier
Load Factor
Air India*
below those of LCCs. Although the impact of lower loads in business class and on regional aircraft may account
Jet Airways# 71.7% JetKonnect
tial is significant.
A majority of Air India’s ac-
for some of this, the differen-
tive domestic fleet consists of A319s. The single class configured versions have just 144
source: CaPa - Centre for aviation, DgCa
seats compared with the 180189 seats on the narrow bodsource: CaPa Fleets
1Q14 compared with an esti-
ies operated by the LCCs. If
mated profit of USD60 million
Air India was operating larger
for the LCCs. All three inde-
aircraft it is possible that
pendent LCCs were profitable
ucts in India has resulted in a
LCCs are best-positioned to
given its current commercial
during the quarter.
growing acceptance of low
utilise this expanded airport
structure its load factors would be lower still.
i n gence of LCC and FSC prod-
cost carriers, even among cor-
capacity. We expect to see
porate travellers. Mumbai, the
particularly strong growth in
largest corporate market, was
LCC market shares on intra-
Estimated Profitability of Indian LCCs and FSCs in
* Air India load factors are for
until recently an exception to
metro routes.
economy and business class
Given the results the current
this as Jet Airways had a very
With 50% higher costs than
combined. CAPA estimates
domestic operating model for
strong and long-established
LCCs and similar fares, FSCs
that the economy class load
full service carriers in India
position at this slot-con-
must restructure to restore
factor is 1.0-1.5 ppts higher
appears to be broken. That is
strained airport.
domestic viability
than the overall reported fig-
not to say that all LCCs are
Jet Airways and Jet Konnect
As long as Air India and Jet
turning in stellar returns,
continue to have the largest
Airways continue to operate
# Jet Airways load factors
some of them it has to be said
share of capacity at Mumbai
with a full service cost struc-
are for economy and business
are also struggling in the cur-
(30.4% compared with their
ture but offer LCC fares, their
class combined. CAPA esti-
rent challenging environment,
all-India share of 23.9%), but
domestic operations will con-
mates that the economy class
but relative to FSCs they are
during the last 12 months In-
tinue to lose money. Compar-
load factor is 0.5-1.0 ppts
performing much better.
diGo has overtaken Jet Air-
ing the two listed carriers in
higher than the overall re-
India’s full service carriers
ways as the largest single
1Q14, SpiceJet’s CASK was
ported figure. Data is for nar-
lack a clear strategy for their
domestic carrier.
INR3.62 (the other LCCs are
domestic business models
The rise of LCCs at Mumbai
estimated to be in the range of
aircraft combined, however
was facilitated by Kingfisher’s
INR3.6-3.7) while Jet’s was
the narrow body loads may be
ways has a clear domestic
exit which released some
INR5.44. By Sep-13 costs are
slightly higher than the aver-
strategy and both of them
Neither Air India nor Jet Air-
slots. Capacity will be further
estimated to have increased
age reported.
have been reluctant to deci-
increased with the opening of
to INR4.30 and INR6.50 re-
^ SpiceJet data is for narrow
sively move away from their
the new Terminal 2 towards
body and regional aircraft
legacy model. Jet confused
the end of 2013. The con-
higher, as a result of the im-
combined, however the nar-
the market with a half-
gested Bangalore airport will
pact of the depreciation of the
row body loads may be
hearted approach to low cost
also see the completion of the
Rupee and higher fuel prices.
slightly higher than the aver-
in which the carrier operated
extension to Terminal 1 com-
The market is characterised
age reported.
two LCC brands, with an un-
pleted later this year, and new,
by a situation in which FSCs,
This state of affairs is clearly
clear and changing passenger
modern terminals opened at
which have a cost structure
reflected in the financials.
Chennai and Kolkata earlier
that is around 50% higher
CAPA estimates that FSCs
Air India has hesitated to in-
Aviation News
troduce a domestic low cost
Jet will be forced to follow
and there may be a subtle
subsidiary for fear of canni-
their lead, and given their cur-
shift towards looking at how
balising itself and due to con-
rent cost structures will con-
That is not as easy as it
domestic operations can sup-
cerns about being able to
tinue to bleed.
sounds. Changing the busi-
port international services,
achieve the labour productiv-
FSCs must hybridise to bring
ness model without a change
rather than focusing on their
ity levels required of an LCC.
their cost structures closer to
in culture cannot deliver the
standalone viability.
However, many legacy carri-
that of the LCCs
results required. And cultural
There may be a segment of
ers - particularly in high
Hybridisation in the Indian
change is a huge challenge,
the market that would be will-
growth Asia - have increas-
context will therefore necessi-
where the new approach must
ing to pay the fares required
ingly come to the conclusion
tate that Air India and Jet in-
first be embraced by the pro-
to sustain such an operation
that it is better to risk self-
creasingly adopt elements of
but the key question is how
cannibalisation than allow
a low cost airline business
Jet Airways is reportedly con-
large is it? Analysis of the
your competitor to do it to
model in order to establish a
sidering becoming a premium
market in recent times would
more competitive cost struc-
carrier, among several op-
suggest that there is unlikely
Air India continues to be able
ture, while striving to achieve
to be sufficient demand for a
to survive because it faces
a yield differential in order to
Jet’s domestic cost structure
less commercial accountabil-
drive profitability.
is unsustainable given the
across the entire network. Jet
Higher fares relative to LCCs
yield environment in the mar-
Airways' history is as a full
Air India has also struggled to
would be achieved by offering
service carrier. The challenge
From the Indian passenger’s perspective there is little to distinguish between an LCC and an FSC in economy class.
N OVEM B ER 20 1 3|
Jet’s domestic cost structure
is to avoid reverting to this
is unsustainable given the
simply because this is what it
yield environment in the mar-
knows best and because it is
ket. As noted the most obvi-
easier than restructuring. The
ous response to this would be
market has changed in the
achieve a competitive cost
services such as premium
to rationalise its cost struc-
twenty years since Jet Air-
base because 60% of its active
cabins, through check-in, in-
ture while continuing to offer
ways first launched and the
domestic fleet consists of
terline capability, code shar-
a product that justifies a fare
airline must be certain that a
A319s with a higher unit cost
ing and GDS distribution
business case exists should it
than the larger A320 and 737
which are important for both
This might involve a distribu-
go down this path.
aircraft operated by its com-
the corporate and offshore
tion strategy for example
There is also the risk of pas-
petitors. Nevertheless Air
markets and which have the
where the carrier may look at
sengers becoming confused as
India continues to be able to
potential to generate a yield
a two-tier approach, encour-
a result of changes to the
survive because it faces less
premium. But in order to be
aging direct online sales
product, unless they are well-
profitable they must reduce
where possible, but making a
communicated, as Kingfisher
Being under less pressure to
their cost base to be closer to
certain proportion of higher
found with the frequent revi-
change, status quo is the most
the LCCs.
yielding inventory available
sions to its business model
likely outcome - which ulti-
The time may now be right for
on GDS. But Jet is reportedly
from hybrid to premium to low
mately will hurt the carrier as
Indian FSCs to introduce
also evaluating a contrary
cost and back to premium. Jet
it fails to keep pace with the
more modest and smaller
strategy amongst several op-
Airways has already experi-
changing market realities.
business class cabins, or even
tions under consideration.
enced this when it operated
Kingfisher failed in part be-
premium economy, rather
This would involve differenti-
two subsidiary brands and
cause it was forced to com-
than the relatively luxurious
ating itself by moving in the
pursued a ‘swing capacity’
pete with LCCs while saddled
products currently on offer on
opposite direction - towards a
strategy, regularly reconfigur-
with a high cost structure.
premium full service position,
ing aircraft and transferring
With LCCs continuing to ex-
Changes to the product will
offering a product more
routes between full service
pand aggressively and grow
not be easy and will need to
closely aligned with its inter-
and low cost in response to
their market share, they will
be supported by significant in-
national operations. Jet Air-
market conditions. The strong
increasingly set the pricing
vestment in IT, branding and
likelihood is that a premium
levels in the market - they
repositioning, as well as pos-
focused on overseas expan-
domestic product would incur
have the scale, network and
sibly new management that is
sion opportunities in light of
regular losses that would need
product to do so. Air India and
better attuned to a leaner,
the partnership with Etihad
to be funded.
Aviation News
Passenger Demand Growth Stays Strong: IATA IATA’s global passenger traffic results for August shows a strengthening of the healthy demand trend of the last few months.
discipline saw load factors
Transport Association (IATA)
match the previous record
has announced the global pas-
high of 83.4%. The solid per-
senger traffic results for Au-
formance was also supported
gust showing a strengthening
by a stabilization of emerging
of the healthy demand trend
market weakness and re-
of the last few months. Total
newed confidence in Europe
revenue passenger kilometers
and North America. Trading
(RPKs) rose 6.8% compared
conditions are still tough with
to August2012. Capacity in-
high oil prices, stiff competi-
creases over the year-ago pe-
tion and regulatory hurdles.
But demand growth remains a
at5.6%.This pushed the load
bright spot with most indica-
factor to match the record
tions pointing towards an ac-
high of83.4% set in July 2011.
“August was a positive
quarter,” said Tony Tyler,
month for passenger travel.
IATA’s Director General and
Strong demand and capacity
Key points: Worldwide airline shares fell 6% in August, underperforming the market as crude oil and jet fuel prices rise; But airline share prices are still up on a year ago in the US and Europe, reflecting better financial performance, while the opposite is true for Asia Pacific; Q2 financial results show solid improvement in profits in the US and Europe, but a decline in Asia Pacific; Jet fuel prices reached $130/bbl in August as geopolitical developments raise concerns over supply disruptions; Air freight markets continue to improve modestly as downward pressure from advanced economies eases; Air passenger growth remains solid, up 5% in July, supported largely by performance in emerging markets; Capacity continues to expand, but at a moderated rate as growth in new aircraft deliveries slows; Passenger load factors remain high despite a slip in July, and air freight loads stabilized but at low levels; Passenger yields have stabilized in local currency terms and remain close to year ago levels.
N OVEM B ER 20 1 3|
Aviation News
10.8% which pushed up load factor3.1 percentage points to 82.0%. The strong demand trend is expected to continue,
showing solid progress in non-oil producing sectors in countries such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Latin American airlines posted a demand rise of9.8% in August, year-over-year. Although Brazil continues to face deteriorating business confidence, Colombia, Peru and Chile, for example, are expanding and the region is also enjoying strong export activity, well above the global trend. Capacity rose 7.6% and load factor climbed 1.6 International Passenger Markets
rose 1.7 percentage points to
in capacity meant that load
for tens of thousands of pass-
factor climbed one percent-
port and visa applications.
percentage points to 80.8%. African airlines’ traffic
European carriers’ inter-
age point to 88.1%, the high-
Middle East carriers had
climbed 5.4%compared to
August international pas-
national traffic climbed 5.4%
est for any region.Looking
the strongest year-over-year
August while capacity rose
senger demand was up 7.5%
in August compared to the
ahead, the US Government
traffic growthat 15.1%.The
6.5%, resulting in a 0.7per-
compared to the year-ago pe-
year-ago period, on a 3.7%
shutdown is not expected to
result was positively biased
centage point dip in load fac-
riod. Capacity rose 5.6%ver-
rise in capacity, pushing load
impact airline operations but
from the timing of Ramadan,
tor to 70.9%. Africa was the
sus August 2012 and load
factor up 1.4 percentage
could dampen demand. The
which occurred a month ear-
only region to see a decline
factor climbed 1.5 percent-
points to 86.4%. Modest eco-
27-day shutdown in 1996, for
lier (in July) in 2013. Capac-
in the load factor.
age points to 84.0%. All re-
nomic improvements and ris-
example, resulted in delays
ity expansion was held to
ing consumer confidence are
year-over-year increases in
supporting the growth in de-
demand. Asia-Pacific
mand. Business confidence is carriers
also strengthening with in-
recorded an increase of 8.6%
creased manufacturing and
compared to August2012, the
export activity.
North American airlines
among the three biggest re-
saw demand rise 5.1%over a
gions. Market indicators for
year ago, the slowest growth
emerging regional markets
for any region but still close
have been weak. But down-
to double the year-to-date in-
ward pressure on growth ap-
crease of 2.7%. This is con-
pears to have eased, at least
sistent with indicators of a
with respect to China, where
more supportive business en-
latest indicators show an im-
vironment, although manu-
provement in new export or-
facturing activity remains
ders. With capacity up 6.3%
below the average seen at
over August 2012, load factor
the start of 2013.A4.0% rise
Hospitality News
Clarks Inn emerges as one of India’s fastest growing hotel chains
tion of 10 new hotels to its portfolio and another 8-9 proper-
of leadership in several mar-
Clarks Inn also boasts of a
kets including Delhi NCR, Ut-
strong development pipeline
tarakhand and Karnataka and
Allahabad, Jaipur, Agra and
and has signed 10 new proper-
is fast expanding its footprints
The Group continues aggressive expansion with new properties slated to open doors at Agra, Jaipur, Allahabad and Mathura within a month.
Mathura, all slated to open
ties in 2013 so far and expects
in other parts of the country,”
doors in about a month) that
to sign few more before the end
said S N Srivastava, President
will open this year, Clarks Inn
of the year. It now has 25 prop-
& Co-founder, Clarks Inn Group
is looking at a portfolio of about
erties in the development
of Hotels.
28 operational properties by
pipeline. The company is look-
the year end.
For close to 70 years, Clarks
ing at closing the year with
brand has offered business and
larks Inn Group of Ho-
The hotel company today
more than 50 properties in its
leisure travellers the finest in
tels continues to build
boasts of a strong footprint
portfolio including those in the
its lead as one of the
across India including in the
amenities and values. Continu-
largest and fastest growing
key gateway cities like Delhi,
hotel chains in India in the mid-
Gurgaon, Ghaziabad, Pune,
has today emerged as one of
bled Clarks’ hospitality, Clarks
scale-budget segment in line
Bengaluru, Goa, Amritsar, Luc-
the most admired hotel man-
Inn Group of Hotels (Estab-
S N Srivastava President & Co-founder, Clarks Inn Group of Hotels
Jaipur, Jim Corbett etc.
“Clarks Inn Group of Hotels
ing the same tradition of the fa-
know, Allahabad, Jaipur and
agement companies in India.
lished by the promoters of
growth plan and a target port-
Agra. Besides, it has also for-
We have rapidly advanced as a
Clarks Group of Hotels in
folio of 100 hotels by 2015. The
ayed in several tier III cities like
2005), as a hotel management
hotel company is now also eye-
Alwar, Dehradun, Hubli, Harid-
provider in a very short span of
company, is dedicated to con-
ing bigger inventory hotel in
war, Haldwani, Deogarh and
time and have a portfolio of 23
tinuing this tradition of provid-
order to cater to wider segment
Moradabad. The hotel is also
properties all over the country
of hotel guests.
eyeing to strengthen its pres-
at the moment. The company
experiences across its brands
After witnessing a robust
ence in leisure destinations and
has developed an enviable
and network of hotels all over
growth in 2012 with the addi-
now has properties at Agra,
goodwill and enjoys a position
the country.
properties in India to choose
appreciate superior locations
from and visit.”
and better quality resorts
V Resorts aims 100 properties in next 5 years
Speaking about focused
that we make available.”
areas for expansion, Dayal
V Resorts key objectives
V Resorts, a limited service resort chain located at offbeat destinations, aims to haveo u r new 100 properties in India by 2018.
said, “Our focus so far has
are to create India’s first
been the charming unusual
chain of offbeat resorts with
locations in the hills and
the purest holiday experience
r e -
forests, but with the advent of
for our customers. To provide
hrowing light on his
sort, Fort Auwa we are
Fort Auwa we are now moving
aesthetic and peaceful re-
chain’s expansion plans
spreading our wings and mov-
into the desert segment and
treats and make the holiday
and strategy, Vaibhav Dayal,
ing to the desert, to a quaint
later God willing we will move
experience excellent for the
Co founder, V Resorts, “Our
district named Pali, just 35 km
discerning traveler from our
expansion plan hinges upon
from Jodhpur, a near perfect Vaibhav Dayal
beaches in India.” He further
country and make our resorts
creating more resorts with a
historical destination,” said
said, “Our focal point has
a perfect destination for visi-
unique character for our cus-
been the north but India is a
tors from abroad.
Co founder, V Resorts
Resorts will be creating suffi-
tomers who wish to escape
Another property V Re-
cient such resorts/cottages in
great country and has scores
As regards the USP of V
from our ‘pressure cooker’
sorts is coming up is at Rajaji
the North and will then repli-
of avenues which can only be
Resorts, Dayal said, “We con-
cities into the striking and un-
National Park near Haridwar
cate the same strategy in
discovered by someone ad-
centrate on the basics; amaz-
touched parts of India.”
and Rishikesh. This would a
other parts of the country,”
venturous as V, traditional
ing views, comfortable living,
beautiful brand new resort
said Dayal. He added, “We are
hospitality sector with their
good courteous and helpful
Dayal said that V Resorts is India’s first limited service
with an amazing wildlife and
very optimistic that we will
blinkers are not likely to trek
staff, simple yet delicious
chain of resorts located at off-
offbeat experience. “V resorts
continue growing. Hopefully
down this road. We concen-
food and unique engaging ac-
beat destinations. “Most of
aims to create for the percep-
by the end of five years the
trate mainly on customers lo-
tivities to make our patrons
our properties are located in
tive traveler the happiest and
astute traveler will have a
cated in metros as we feel
remember us and visit us
the hills and with the advent
purest holiday experience. V
choice of a 100 V Resorts’
that they love to travel and
NO VE M BE R 2 0 13 |
Hospitality News
Novotel launches its first resort in India Accor has launched its first resort in India under its mid-scale Novotel brand in Goa: Novotel Goa Shrem Resort
Spa Service, outdoor swim-
meeting facilities are designed
ming pool and an In Balance
to provide efficiency and com-
fort. The Ballroom consists of a pre function area which
Guestrooms and Suites The guestrooms and suites
makes it ideal for larger conferences and social gatherings.
at Novotel Goa Shrem Resort
The Ballroom can be divided
are designed keeping in mind
into two sections and provides
the comfort of the entire family.
260 square meters of banquet
All the rooms are made to oc-
space and 185 square meters
cupy upto two adults and two
of pre function foyer area
children while the suites are
along with an outdoor area
large and well designed for un-
combination. Business trav-
forgettable family moments.
ellers can also opt for cus-
Spending time with family be-
tomised menu options and
comes even better as you un-
theme breaks making sure
wind with your loved ones on
that business meetings are
the balcony with a scenic view
successful and winning. The
of the beach. The resort also
allows you to personalise your
square ft of lawn space for
stay by joining the Le Club
Loyalty Program. Restaurant and Bars Meetings and Event Spaces
Guests can choose from
Novotel Goa Shrem Resort
three food and beverage out-
promises to make your meet-
lets – The Square, The Deli
ings successful by introducing
and the Bar and The Swim Up
ovotel a name syn-
class amenities or just soak in
destinations by both Indians
you to a world of work where
onymous with style
the sea view as they relax at
innovation meets technology.
The Square is a signature
and luxury finally
launches its first resort prop-
Novotel’s stylish rooms and
tourists and we are here to de-
The Hotel with its expertise in
all day dining restaurant that
liver a holistic experience to
organizing meetings will take
serves global cuisine and re-
erty in India. North Goa now
Speaking on the occasion,
our guests comprising of excel-
care of your personal require-
gional specialities. The elabo-
becomes the address to Novo-
Lokesh Sabharwal, VP, Devel-
lent F&B options, Spa experi-
ments as our teams work to-
rate menu focuses on Asian
tel Goa Shrem Resort. Located
opment, Accor, India, Nepal,
ence and lots of fun activities
gether to ensure that business
and European specialities as
at a walking distance from
Bangladesh and Sri Lanka
for the children. Keeping in
meetings are a success. De-
the 24 hour diner will dish out
Candolim beach and about 45
said, “Accor is a growing brand
mind the interest of the entire
signed in contemporary design
freshly prepared meals cooked
with ergonomic furniture, the
in front of you.
minutes from the airport, the
and with the launch of Novotel
family, we look forward to pro-
epicentre of Goa’s happening
Goa Shrem Resort we have en-
viding our guests a relaxed
beaches, nightlife, flea markets
tered leisure hospitality space
and heartfelt family experi-
and cafes now has its own
in India. We have found the
favourite resort as well.
right partner in Shrem and are
The property has 3 food
Novotel Goa Shrem Resort
looking forward to a rewarding
and beverage outlets named
promises to deliver an exclu-
relationship with the launch of
The Square, the all-day dining
sive experience of interna-
this property.”
restaurant that serves global
tional hospitality with the right
“We are proud to announce
cuisines and regional speciali-
balance of luxury, family spirit
the opening of the first Novotel
ties; Deli and the Bar, which of-
and well-being. Each room of
Resort property in the coun-
fers freshly baked goodies; and
this property offers the scenic
try.” said Manish Dayya, Gen-
the Swim up bar which is a
beauty of Goa which can be ex-
eral Manager, Novotel Goa
sunken bar that serves health
perienced from the balconies.
Shrem Resort. “Goa is one of
drinks and sea food grills.
Guests can indulge in world
the most sought after tourist
Other leisure facilities include
N OVEM B ER 20 1 3|
Hospitality News
The Oberoi Group unveils special
‘Winter Offers’ in Ahmedabad
The Oberoi Group has launched recently its special ‘Winter Offers’ in Ahmedabad at a session of 130 tour operators from across Gujarat.
he launch event was
fers a glimpse of colonial his-
breathtaking natural beauty.
billiards room, children’s ac-
The offer includes daily
The tranquil location in the
tivity centre and many oppor-
breakfast, cocktail hour every
midst of cedar and pine trees
tunities for nature walks,
evening from 6 pm to 7 pm
makes the resort an ideal
make this resort ideal for a
with select wines, spirits and
base to experience the mag-
family holiday. The offer in-
beer, 20% savings on spa ther-
preceded by a train-
tory. This offer includes ac-
nificence of the Himalayas.
cludes: accommodation in a
apies, and additional room for
ing session for tour
commodation in a Premier
The offer includes accommo-
deluxe room, daily breakfast,
two children (up to 12 years of
operators from across Gu-
Garden View Room, daily
dation in a Premier Garden
15% saving on spa therapies,
age) at 50% of the offer price.
jarat. The training session
breakfast, one rafting trip (1
View Room, daily Breakfast
was conducted by Sanjay Rai,
hour Quick Silver) - including
and 15% savings on spa ther-
Shimla railway station. Spe-
tween 1st and 14th October,
Special Offer:
Stay be-
picnic hamper and trans-
apies and special offer for
cial Offer is available for
2013 and receive the third
Sales, The Oberoi Group and
portation, one mountain bik-
guests travelling with chil-
guests travelling with chil-
night complimentary on book-
Hemant Mediratta, Vice Pres-
dren. Complimentary addi-
dren, which includes compli-
ing two consecutive paid
accompanied by a mountain
tional room for two children
mentary additional room for
nights, at The Oberoi Rajvilas,
biking ride OR a guided na-
between 10 and 17 years of
two children, up to 12 years of
ture trail (2 hours) in the
age is also included. Valid
age. Valid from 1st October to
Vanyavilas, Ranthambhore.
sanctuary forest, one archery
from 1st October to 27th De-
27th December, 2013, the offer
Group. Winters of Wonders
Valid from 1st October to
Himalayan Adventure at
session for 30 minutes, and
cember, 2013, the offer is
is priced at `9,750 per night
20th December, 2013, the offer
Wildflower Hall, Shimla in the
daily group yoga and medita-
priced at `13,500 on single oc-
on Single occupancy and `
is priced at `34,500 at The
Himalayas – An Oberoi Re-
tion sessions. The offer is
cupancy and `14,500 on dou-
10,750 per night on double oc-
Oberoi Rajvilas, Jaipur; `
sort: Guests can discover the
priced at `17,000 per night on
ble occupancy.
secrets of Sutlej River as they
single occupancy and `18,500
raft through the magnificent
on double occupancy.
canyons, fields, hamlets and pristine river beaches. They
Himalayan Vacations: The
35,500 at The Oberoi Udaivilas, Udaipur; Rs. 38,500 at
Oberoi Cecil, Shimla
Wildflower Hall, Shimla in the
Located at the quiet end of
Unforgettable Holidays ‘Unforgettable Holidays’ offers a unique opportunity to
The Oberoi Amarvilas, Agra; and `39,500 at The Oberoi Vanyavilas,
can bicycle through the pic-
Himalayas – An Oberoi Re-
the mall, The Oberoi Cecil is a
relax and rejuvenate in some
per night on double occu-
turesque paths of the forest
sort: Wildflower Hall, Shimla
haven of luxury and comfort.
of the best hotels in the world.
whose majestic trees have
in the Hiamlayas – An Oberoi
Tranquil surroundings, ele-
Enjoy the third night com-
stood undisturbed for cen-
Resort, is set amidst ever-
atrium, the elegantly ap-
gant interiors and beautifully
plimentary on booking two
turies. Go on a challenging
green forests and surrounded
pointed rooms evoke memo-
landscaped gardens with re-
nights onboard The Oberoi
walk, stroll along woodland
by snow capped mountains,
ries of an era gone by. An
flection pools create a sooth-
Motor Vessel Vrinda, Kerala.
lanes or take a route that of-
indoor swimming pool, spa,
ing and intimate ambience.
Hospitality News
IHG opens Crowne Plaza Greater Noida The new hotel of InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG) becomes the sixth member of the group under the growing Crowne Plaza brand in India. nterContinental
ues are ideal for conferences,
cuisine restaurant and Con-
well-equipped gymnasium and
meetings, and special occa-
neXions, a bar with an impres-
an outdoor pool complete with
sions accommodating up to
sively stocked wine cellar and
individual whirlpools.
the Buddh International Race
Group recently announced
Circuit and India Expo Centre.
the opening of Crowne
The hotel offers a range of fa-
Plaza Greater Noida in India’s
cilities to suit travellers on
1500 guests.
rare malt collection. Guests
Speaking on the occasion
Delhi (NCR) region. The hotel
business, transit or leisure
Guests can look forward to
can also indulge at Mosaic Pas-
GreeshBindra, General Man-
is the newest addition to IHG’s
with five different food and
an array of distinct dining ex-
try Lounge or unwind at Bel-
ager, Crowne Plaza Greater
growing portfolio in India and
beverage outlets to choose
periences at its food and bev-
gian Beer Café, a specialty
Noida said, “It is a momentous
is the sixth Crowne Plaza hotel
from and more than 1000sqm
beer bar.
occasion for us today. We are
in the country.
of event space in total.
The 398-room hotel is located in an upcoming commer-
For relaxation and rejuve-
delighted to bring a world-
nation the hotel offers Sohum
class hotel to Greater Noida
kitchen; Chao Bella, anItalian
Spa with five sunlit indoor
that aims to offer an interna-
Mosaic, the all-day dining Greater
Noida boasts of 332 rooms, 49
service apartments and 17
and Chinesespecialty restau-
treatment rooms and outdoor
tional experience while reflect-
Noida-Agra Yamuna Express-
suites. Its expansive and ver-
rant; Spice Art, a contempo-
options that specialise in Euro-
ing the preferences of the local
way, a few minutes away from
satile indoor and outdoor ven-
rary North-Western frontier
pean and Asian therapies, a
ITC Hotels announced ‘WelcomHotel Bella Vista, Panchkula-Chandigarh’ WelcomHotel Bella Vista, Panchkula-Chandigarh’ is a 49-room boutique hotel under the WelcomHotel brand of ITC Hotels for five- star segment. ITC Hotels has further expanded its bouquet of pre-
ness districts.
‘WelcomHotel Bella Vista,
The hotel’s Europe-in-
mium hotels with the opening
of the ‘WelcomHotel Bella
blends indoor and outdoor
Vista, Panchkula- Chandi-
spaces that offer tranquillity
The hotel’s 49 elegantly
garh’. The new 49-room bou-
in the midst of a bustling city
appointed rooms and suites,
dining by the poolside and
comHotel Raviz, Kollam’ &
tique hotel will be managed
environment. The rooms and
each with a private swim-
Brio, the bar, offers a range of
‘WelcomHotel Raviz, Kadavu’
by ITC Hotels under the
ming pool, are equipped with
fine wines and spirits.
in Kerala and 2 Fortune ho-
chain’s ‘WelcomHotel’ brand.
mountain views with facili-
a range of modern facilities,
As part of its expansion
tels in Dubai. Also on the
Located in the heart of the
ties and services designed to
designed to provide space
drive, ITC Hotels recently
anvil are an ITC super-pre-
committed to creating new benchmarks in hospitality.
cater to the needs of both,
and comfort to the discerning
added several managed ho-
mium luxury hotel in Maha-
Panchkula and Mohali, the
business and leisure trav-
traveller. The hotel also has 2
tels under its WelcomHotel
balipuram, a WelcomHotel in
hotel is just 10 kms from the
ellers. Exemplifying the Wel-
signature food & beverage of-
and Fortune brand portfolio,
Jodhpur and Patna and more
Chandigarh airport and eas-
comHotel brand promise of
ferings. Serenade, an all-day
ily accessible from the busi-
efficiency and warmth, the
restaurant includes Al fresco
Dwarka, New Delhi’, ‘Wel-
N OVEM B ER 20 1 3|
than 30 hotels under the Fortune brand.
Hospitality News
(L to R) – Sharmila Nicollet – Ace Golfer, Don Cleary, COO, Asia Pacific, Marriott International, Ashish Jakhanwala, MD & CEO, SAMHI Hotels, Ms. Shruti Buckley – VP & Global Brand Manager, Fairfield Inn & Suites, Marriott International Inc, Rajeev Menon, AVP, South Asia for Marriott International Inc, Pranay Verdia – GM, Fairfield by Marriott, Bengaluru Rajajinagar
(L to R) Rajeev Menon, AVP, South Asia for Marriott International Inc, Don Cleary- COO, Asia Pacific, Marriott International, Pranay Verdia – GM, Fairfield by Marriott, Bengaluru Rajajinagar, Ashish Jakhanwala - MD & CEO, SAMHI Hotels Pvt. Ltd., Shruti Buckley – VP & Global Brand Manager, Fairfield Inn & Suites, Marriott International Inc, Navjit Ahluwalia - SVP, Hotel Development- Marriott International Inc, at the launch of Fairfield by Marriott, Bengaluru Rajajinagar
Marriott brings Fairfield to Asia, opens Fairfield in Bengaluru Marriott International in association with Samhi Hotels introduced Fairfield brand to Asia by opening Fairfield Bengaluru Rajajinagar. nown as an
leader in the
Talking at the opening,
moderate tier
Don Cleary, Marriott Interna-
field development is an inte-
and Asia to better understand
restaurant which will serve au-
gral part of SAMHI’s strategy
guests’ preferences around the
thentic Indian cuisine along
as it allows us to capture the
guest rooms, public spaces
with Western menu options,
fastest growing market seg-
and food and beverage offer-
featuring both buffet and à la
ments. We are confident that
ings. The Fairfield product in
carte options. In addition the
the combination of a winning
Asia is a direct result of the re-
hotel has a functional lobby
product, power of the brand
search, ensuring we deliver a
with a bar lounge and 24/7
and Marriott’s operating ca-
product that is truly designed
Market for drinks and snacks;
pabilities will establish Fair-
for the value-seeking Asian
ample banquet and meeting
business traveler and is differ-
room space with modern tech-
preferred choice for con-
entiated from the competition.”
nology, a well-equipped busi-
sumers in India. We are ex-
Fairfield Bengaluru Rajaji-
ness centre as well as a fitness
cited to grow the Fairfield
nagar offers 148 rooms and
network in partnership with
center and a rooftop pool.
tional’s COO in Asia said:
Introduced in 1987, Fair-
Fairmont brand offers guests
“The timing is right and the
field is Marriott’s solution for
a productive stay with well-
market is primed for a brand
affordability, quality and inno-
designed rooms and consis-
like Fairfield. The brand has a
vation in its segment. Marriott
tent and reliable service at an
long history in service and of-
is committed to making the
Marriott holds Global Sales Mission 2013 Marriott International
exceptional value. Fairmont
fers innovative design at an
Fairfield brand the preferred
nent, Marriott International
meets demand for high quality
affordable price, which com-
lodging option for travelers in
‘India Global Sales Mission
said: "This mission provides
moderate-tier sector in Asia
bined gives us a huge strate-
the moderate tier, as well as a
– 2013’ in Mumbai, Banga-
customers with a great op-
Considered a growth engine for the company’s expan-
markets across the region.”
Sales, India & Sub Conti-
strong development opportu-
lore and New Delhi, respec-
portunity to showcase our
nity for owners and fran-
The sales mission
brands and be the first to
sion in Asia with 12 hotels
“As we see millions more
chisees. “We couldn’t be more
offered its partners the op-
hear of our new and excit-
signed in India and additional
people entering the middle
excited to bring our unique
portunity to consolidate
ing hotels and destinations
properties signed in Nepal
classes across India and Asia,
Fairfield experience into Asia.
their business planning and
globally. It gives customers
and Indonesia, Fairfield rep-
the Fairfield product repre-
Fairfield sets the standard of
meet with senior Marriott
a strong platform to have
resents an excellent opportu-
sents excellent value for tran-
delivering a great hotel experi-
hotel representatives from
one on one meeting to con-
nity for Marriott International
sient travelers as the entry
ence at an affordable price
global properties, under
solidate business in one of
to move into new locations
price point into the Marriott
point. Contemporary design
one roof. This year Marriott
the World’s fastest growing
and markets.
portfolio,” Cleary continued.
and quality service should not
emerging markets.
Marriott International of-
Commenting on the occa-
have to come with a heavy
brands- Moxy Hotels and
The mission allowed the
fers nearly 20 brands globally
sion, Ashish Jakhanwala,
price tag,” said Shruti Gandhi
the first Fairfield by Mar-
officials to connect with
with eight in Asia Pacific. The
Managing Director & Chief
Buckley, VP, Global Brand
riott in the Asia Pacific re-
over 2000 customers across
addition of the Fairfield brand
Executive Officer, SAMHI Ho-
Management, for Fairfield Inn
India and to personally
to this area enhances the
tels Pvt. Ltd., “SAMHI is
& Suites at Marriott Interna-
Speaking about the ini-
company’s ability to meet the
pleased to open the first Fair-
tional. “For over a year, we
increasing demands for inter-
field by Marriott in Asia. Fair-
conducted research in India
gional Director of Global
thank them for their continued loyalty and partnership.
Hospitality News
Marriott International showcases growth in Asia Marriott International consolidated its presence in Asia with the addition of 186 properties, which include six new luxury hotels in October.
Arne Sorenson, president and CEO, Marriott International
Simon Cooper, Marriott International’s president and MD, Asia Pacific
explosive expansion across
Marriott Hotels brand alone in
Lanka and Bangladesh. China
the region reflects the popular-
the region during the next few
remains our biggest market in
ity of our brands in Asia with
the region with 64 open hotels
owners and customers alike,
Marriott is also adding to
and signed contracts for an ad-
and with a hotel opening al-
its brand portfolio in Asia,
ditional 89 hotels, which will
most every week across the
with the introduction of Fair-
take us to more than 150 hotels
continent we will be poised to
field by Marriott into India just
in the country in the next three
welcome travellers from the
last week, and the expected
years or so. As a result, we ex-
world over. To expect to have
pect to grow our distribution
some 330 hotels in the next
Bangkok in 2016. Fairfield is a
from 16 cities in 12 provinces,
three to four years represents
significant new brand launch
municipalities and special ad-
phenomenal success of our
for the company, with 12 hotels
ministrative regions, to more
brands and the commitment of
signed for India, and addi-
than 50 cities in 26 provinces,
With 186 hotels in its
our owners, but to be opening
tional properties under con-
municipalities, autonomous re-
signed pipeline, more than 135
six iconic hotels from two of
struction in Indonesia and
gions and special administra-
Ritz- Carlton
of which it expects to open in
our world-class luxury brands
tive regions by 2016.”
and three JW
the next three years, Marriott
this month alone is incredible.”
he hotel chain
“While I am of course very
To meet this growth, Mar-
expects to more than double in
gratified that we have reached
riott expects to add more than
tels, and is on track to reach
size in Asia through 2016,
Marriott already operates
330 open and signed hotels in
41,000 new educated and
330 hotels over the next three
reaching at total of 330 hotels
a broad portfolio of world-
Asia, we are looking forward to
trained associates in Asia, dou-
years. Marriott International
with more than 96,000 rooms
class brands in Asia – Bulgari
continued growth in the re-
bling its current workforce in
recently said that it will open
across 16 countries. During
Hotels & Resorts, The Ritz-
gion,” said Simon Cooper,
the region to more than 80,000
six hotels in Asia this month
this time the company expects
Carlton, JW Marriott, Renais-
Marriott International’s presi-
associates between now and
from its Ritz-Carlton and JW
to open on average one hotel in
sance, Autograph Collection,
dent and managing director,
2017– with half of this number
Marriott brands. The com-
the continent every eight days.
Marriott Hotels, Courtyard
Asia Pacific.
in China alone. To support its
pany’s growth of The Ritz-
“This is an exciting time
and Marriott Executive Apart-
“We are seeing develop-
need for qualified staff Marriott
Carlton brand continues apace
for Marriott as we join with our
ments - and sees tremendous
ment across all the countries
International has invested in
with openings in Chengdu,
local hotel development part-
growth potential across all
we are currently present in - in-
Tianjin and Bangalore this
ners in contributing to Asia’s
brands in the portfolio target-
cluding great growth in Japan.
youth education through its
month, while its JW Marriott
future growth,” said Arne
ing different market segments.
We are also entering new mar-
own Marriott Institute of Hospitality in Anhui.
brand will open hotels in
Sorenson, president and CEO,
The company expects to open
kets in Asia, having recently
Hanoi, Bangalore and Delhi.
Marriott International. “Our
50 hotels under its flagship
signed hotels in Nepal, Sri
N OVEM B ER 20 1 3|
Hospitality News
sistent growth in domestic
sion, Jean-Michel Cassé,
travel. InterGlobe Hotels is
Senior Vice President, Opera-
equipped guest rooms with
ramping up development in
tions, Accor India said, “We
en-suite modular bathrooms,
Tier 1 & 2 cities with the ibis
are extremely delighted with
a contemporary fit-out includ-
brand positioning it as the
the opening of an ibis hotel
ing flat screen TV, Wi-Fi and
best value international hotel,
within the important precinct
broadband internet access to
offering comfortable accom-
of Jaipur. This is a significant
suit the needs of business
modation at a very affordable
move towards our goal of be-
travelers. Round the clock
price point.
coming a reference point for
services, well priced quality
InterGlobe Hotels cur-
economy hotels in the region.
food and beverages, including
rently has an active develop-
ibis Jaipur will provide quality
an 8 hours non-stop breakfast
ment program for 19 ibis
with international standards
concept starting from 4am
and accommodation to guests
(unique in the economy hotel
across India, all of which will
with the reassurance of one of
industry) with competitive,
InterGlobe Hotels
launches ibis Jaipur
Debut of ibis, the international economy hotel brand of Accor in Jaipur, marks a significant development for ibis Hotels in India.
Jean-Michel Cassé, Sr. VP-Operations India, Accor, Manish Kakkar, Hotel Manager, ibis Jaipur and Rahul Bhatia, Group MD of InterGlobe Enterprises & Acting CEO, InterGlobe Hotels at the launch of ibis Jaipur.
be operational by 2015. Com-
the world’s largest and most
consistent and simple accom-
menting on the occasion,
modation rates, are the key
Rahul Bhatia, Group Manag-
brands. The opening of ibis
highlights of the ibis hotel in Jaipur.
ing Director of InterGlobe En-
Jaipur reiterates the impor-
nterGlobe Hotels,
terprises & Acting CEO of
tance of India in the expan-
a Joint Venture be-
InterGlobe Hotels said, “India
sion strategy for the ibis
food, the ibis in Jaipur has de-
tween InterGlobe
has immense tourism poten-
brand worldwide.”
veloped “Spice it” – a spirited
tial and by offering world-
For well-priced quality
With its 145 rooms, ibis
and casual dining space that
class accommodation across
Jaipur is conveniently located
offers the best of world cui-
an affordable price band, we
in the city center at Civil
sine; “any flavor, any time”, in
marks the opening of the first
hope to attract more business
Lines, in close proximity to
an interactive kitchen envi-
ibis hotel at a leisure destina-
and leisure travelers. The in-
the business and shopping
ronment with a choice of buf-
auguration of the ibis in
districts as well as tourist at-
fet and a la carte. The Hub,
ibis Jaipur recently.
This is the eighth ibis in
Jaipur reinforces our commit-
tractions. Being the city’s first
with its energetic ambience,
India, and the first in the city
ment to the ibis brand, and we
International Economy Hotel,
refreshing beverages and free
of Jaipur. Prospects for the
hope to open two additional
in addition to its central loca-
Wi-Fi will serve as a gathering
ibis brand remain very strong
properties in other cities be-
tion, the ibis in Jaipur offers
place throughout the day.
in India, where demand for
fore the end of this financial
guests first-class facilities and
global service standards.
driven by significant and con-
Speaking on the expan-
The hotel offers comfort-
Address: Ibis Jaipur, Civil Lines Area, Ajmer Road, Jaipur - 302006
International News
TAT hosts Amazing Thailand Luxury Roadshow Tourism Authority of Thailand, New Delhi organized a Luxury roadshow to highlight the unique experiences, hotels and services that Thailand has to offer to high-end travellers.
hailand Luxury Roadshow
Thailand’, which will showcase
was held on October 8, 2013
his personal vision of why he
at The Oberoi, New Delhi with 17
loves Thailand, its culture, cui-
sellers including hotels, resorts,
sine and the people.
spas, airlines and catamaran cruise and sailing services. The
Manawapat applauded the In-
event was well attended by over
dian travel trade for their sup-
90 travel trade partners. The
port to Thailand and shared his
chief guest for the evening was
experiences in India with the
Ambassador of Thailand to
travel trade.
India, Pisan Manawapat and
This was followed by excit-
renowned journalist and TV an-
ing Lucky draw for Thai Wine
chor Vir Sanghvi.
from PB Valley, Benjarongse-
traditional hand painted Thai
Runjuan Tongrut gave a pres-
ceramic, holiday packages for
entation detailing luxurious ex-
Koh Samui by Bangkok Airways
periences in Thailand including
and vacation in Phuket by Thai
Wellness & Spa, Diving, Fine
Dining, Private Villas, and intro-
The event received positive
duced new island getaways in
feedback from the travel trade.
South of Thailand such as Simi-
Thailand has recently been
awarded as the Best Wedding
amongst others. She also intro-
Destination by Travel & Leisure
duced a new destination in
Magazine, The Best Spa Desti-
North Thailand-Glorious Chiang
nation by Asia Spa Magazine and
Rai known for its serenity and
Best Golfing Destination by Safari
gateway to the Golden Triangle.
India. To promote Thailand as a
Tongrut also took the opportu-
luxury destination, Thailand re-
nity to introduce ‘Self Drive’
cently partners with MINI cooper
book, which will be promoting
for their customer evening and
Flight & Drive in Thailand for
sponsored polo matches in Delhi.
the new generation of travellers.
The trend of high end Indian trav-
Sanghvi who has visited
elers to Thailand is tremendous.
Thailand over 100 times, shared
The Amazing Thailand Luxuri-
his experiences in Thailand and
ous Roadshow was also held on
also introduced his new show on
in Mumbai on October 10, 2013.
NDTV Good Times ‘Vir Sangvi’s
N OVEM B E R 20 1 3|
In his vote of Thanks, Pisan
International News
JAPANESE FOOD SEASON: Oishii Japan in India The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries(MAFF) of Japan, with cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country recently announced in New Delhi, ‘JAPANESE FOOD SEASON: Oishii Japan in India’.
SON: Oishii Japan in India’ is a
Japanese whisky tasting event
the Japanese Restaurant Sea-
new project to promote and
in 2012. Furthermore, a Japan-
showcase Japanese Food in
ese sake (rice wine) tasting
restaurants in New Delhi and
India, bymaking the cuisine
event was held in March earlier
Mumbai will be offering a spe-
easily accessible to more food
this year.
cial Japanese course menu at
lovers than ever before.
The project kicks off on 17
aspecial price for three weeks
MAFF will be sponsoring
October at the Embassy of
several events in New Delhi
Japan, New Delhi where culi-
and Mumbai from October
nary students ofthe famous In-
rants include some of the most
2013 toFebruary 2014. These
stitute of Hotel Management,
well-known Japanese food ven-
starting 19 October. The participating restau-
include Cooking Workshops,
Pusa will experience the art of
ues in NewDelhi: Megu (The
Restaurant Promotions, Food
making sushi during aspecial
Leela Palace), Izakaya, Guppy
Retail Promotions,Recipe Con-
workshop by Chef Asano from
by Ai, Sakae Sushi and Asia 7.
Tokyo Sushi Academy, Singa-
“I hope this project will in-
across both cities giving pa-
pore. This is followed by a
crease fans and chefs of Japan-
trons an opportunity to learn
hands-onSushi class at the In-
ese food and more and more
aboutand develop a taste for
stitute of Hotel Management,
people will have the opportu-
Japanese cuisine.
Mumbai on 18 October 2013 for
nity to enjoy Japanese food in
its culinarystudents.
India,” said Takeshi Yagi, Am-
The Embassy of Japan hosted a Japanese food and
bassador of Japan to India.
Japan’s Most Luxurious Train Launched
cluding Nagasaki, the hot
tery and art for the train, in-
per person for the two days
spring spa town of Yufuin and
and one night option, which
the volcanic caldera of Mt.
covers all rail, bus and other
Aso, which British travellers
Kakiemon XIV.
Seven Stars in Kyushu, Japan’s first luxury sleeper train started operations on 15 October 2013.
James Bond film, “You Only
sourced from the seven pre-
itinerary as well as meal
Live Twice”. The journey is
fectures of Kyushu. At each
costs, sightseeing costs, en-
might recognize from the
Food served on-board is
transportation costs/fares incurred during the specified
being called a cruise train as,
station the train stops at
tertainment, accommodation
similar to on a cruise ship,
there’s a warm welcome and
costs and drinks from the
passengers will disembark
special activity with the local
mini bar.
from the train for excursions
people, for example painting
The train is fully booked
along the train’s route.
fine quality Satsuma porce-
up to the end of March 2014.
Kyushu Railway Company
lain in Kagoshima. The itiner-
From April to June 2014 there
spent about 3 billion yen
ary is designed so that
are two suite rooms available
(about `1.86 billion) to manu-
passengers can enjoy the
for international applicants
facture the locomotive and the
unique cuisines, onsen hot
on each course date. Bookings
seven passenger cars of the
springs, nature and culture of
for April to June 2014 dates
Seven Stars train. The train’s
each area the passengers
started from 10 October 2013.
designer, Eiji Mitooka, has in-
pass through.
Bookings for July – Septem-
cluded unique Japanese fea-
Passengers can choose a
ber 2014 is scheduled to open
even Stars will offer
tures such as hinoki cypress
four day and three nights
from January 2014. For more
journeys exclusively
wood and Arita porcelain
train cruise, which includes
information about Japan’s
on Japan’s southern island of
basins in the bathrooms, cal-
one night off the train in a tra-
southern island of Kyushu,
Kyushu, starting from the is-
ligraphy art work and kumiko
ditional Japanese ryokan inn,
visit For
land’s main city of Fukuoka
ramma dividing screens. Mas-
or a two days and one night
and visiting key points of in-
ter craftsmen from Kyushu
train cruise. Prices start from
w w w. c r u i s e t r a i n -
terest around the island, in-
produced the woodwork, pot-
155,000 yen (about `97,000)
International News
Centara’s new Sri Lanka resort offers fly-and-stay deal
he newly opened Cen-
tara Passikudah Re-
also available under the pack-
sort & Spa Sri Lanka
has launched a summer pack-
Centara Passikudah Re-
age that along with Half-
sort & Spa Sri Lanka is set
Board accommodation with
next to the beach at Passiku-
breakfast and lunch or dinner
dah Bay, a long stretch of
includes return flights from
coastline renowned for its
Colombo’s Rathmalana Air-
calm and shallow waters,
port to Trincomalee or Bat-
ideal for swimming and water
ticaloa airports, and roundtrip
airport transfers between the
The resort, which is on
resort and the domestic air-
the east side of the island, is
designed for couples and fam-
The Meet Sri Lanka pack-
ilies alike, and includes a Spa
age also includes 20 percent
Cenvaree, an oversized swim-
discounts on other dining op-
ming pool overlooking the
tions in the restaurants, and
beach, and a supervised Kids’
on selected spa treatments.
Club that has separate zones
Minimum requirement is for a two-night stay, with
N OVEM B ER 20 1 3|
three, four and seven nights
for the young ones and the teens.
International News
‘We would be more active in key emerging market like India’ Tourism New Zeeland would be more active in certain key emerging markets including India with its increased budget for FY 2013-14. “Since we opened our of-
budget has increased to three
fice in India we have been ac-
and half million New Zealand
tive here. We are developing a
dollars from 9 hundred thou-
new marketing plan that will
sand of last year,” she added.
Mannix-Opie Regional Manager - South & South East Asia, Tourism New Zealand
be our global marketing plan.
“We see a lot of opportunity in
trade development work and
From all the studies and analy-
India. Our strength and pres-
fourth, MICE sector.
sis we have done, some of the
ence have been growing in the
As regards target for In-
strong things that have come
country. Number of our staffs
dian market, Mannix-Opie
out are that we should be more
in India has grown. We now
said, “We have a very strong
active in some of emerging
have four full time staffs here.
target for this market. We are
markets, and India is one of
Very soon we will announce
aiming big growth in terms of
them where we should be more
new country manager for
Indian tourist arrivals to New
active. In certain emerging
India. We already have market-
Zealand. Out target is to grow
markets we see great opportu-
ing development manger here,
in double digit as result of our
A significant development has been that we have received additional funding from new Zeeland Government for this financial year (July 2013 to June 2014) for tourism promotion. Through the additional funding we would be more active in select emerging markets.
nity for our tourism. We will be
we would have PR manger. We
investment in this market. We are investing quite significantly in this market to create awareness about New Zeeland as tourist destination and increase the number of Indian visitors to New Zealand. Indian is high standard and quality market as compared to global average. It has good
much more strongly profiling
are recruiting marketing and
quality visitors. Indian visitors
and promoting New Zealand in
communication manger so we
stay around 12 days in New
some key emerging markets,
are growing here in terms of
Zeeland. India is at the top of
which are Korea, Indonesia,
staff numbers. In addition our
list we need to be active,” said
India and Latin America,” said
budget for this market is also
Mannix-Opie, Regional Man-
growing,” Mannix-Opie further
Tourism New Zealand at-
ager - South & South East
said. “For us additional fund-
taches great value to this mar-
Asia, Tourism New Zealand.
ing is very important. Almost
ket and will be more active
“A significant development
our total budget allocation is
here. Tourism New Zeeland
has been that we have received
four times more than what we
will run destination awareness
additional funding from new
have last financial year. We will
campaign and will work with
Zeeland Government for this
continue to get increased
its partners in Indian Market.
financial year (July 2013 to
funds for next four years.”
Focus would on right markets.
June 2014) for tourism promo-
Four Key areas Tourism
Travel agents are crucial to us.
tion. Through the additional
New Zeeland has identified to
They are very supportive com-
funding we would be more ac-
focus on in India are: first, ad-
munity. We appreciate that the
tive in select emerging mar-
vertising camping, second,
sell quality visits to New Zee-
kets. For this year our total
public relation activity, third,
Tourism New Zeeland conducted a study on ‘Emerging Markets - India Perceptions of New Zealand, June 2013’. Key findings of the study are as below At an incidence rate of 29%, there are approximately 1.6 million Active Considerers of NZ located in the India (Mumbai, New Delhi and Bangalore) market - Active Considerers are more likely to be over 25 years and in some kind of employment, compared to the general population 59% are aware of The Hobbit Trilogy and of those, 76% know it was filmed in NZ – it certainly appears as the films have leverage in the India market. There also looks to be scope to leverage The ICC Cricket World Cup – two thirds say they know it’s happening and that it will be held in NZ When ACs rank NZ as a preferred destination, 57% put NZ in their top two - Despite this, it appears that there is a dearth of knowledge about NZ in this market – not knowing what there is to see and do here is the number one barrier to visiting NZ and a lack of knowledge is also behind ACs not putting NZ in their top two of five preferred destinations to visit What ACs do see NZ as strong on is landscapes and scenery – but even then, association levels are far behind those seen in established markets. We see this as further evidence of Indian ACs not knowing enough about NZ – given they have not yet been marketed to, they do not have a strongly developed nor differentiated view of NZ’s brand position compared to ACs in established markets Relative to competitors, NZ is currently has one clear strength to leverage – outdoor & adventure activities – indicating there is a strong need to raise awareness of NZ’s core proposition in a positively differentiated way In particular, Switzerland and France are the destinations NZ is largely undifferentiated from – this suggest that Indian ACs view NZ’s offer as rather similar to these destinations, when in fact established markets tend to see NZ as distinct from these destinations Given that the India market for NZ travel is not well developed, Tourism NZ could adopt Emerging Considerers as its target market, as has been recommended for Indonesia – these make up 43% of the online population in the cities surveyed, and they tend to be skewed older Through the study Tourism NZ wanted to understand NZ’s holiday destination positioning in India (New Delhi, Mumbai & Bangalore) as part of developing strategies to increase its share of growth in outbound travel from this market. NO VEMBER 2013|
International News
Mauritius Tourism launches
‘Mauritius Grand Master’ Online training programme
Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority has recently launched ‘Mauritius Grand Master’ Online training programme for Indian travel trade.
view to e n hance t h e
product line and expand the destination knowledge base, Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority (MTPA), launches ‘Mauritius Grand Master’, an online training programme for Indian travel trade. It is for the first time Mauritius will conduct online training and cer-
Speaking about the pro-
dience and also for the con-
tificate programme in India.
gramme, Dr. Karl Mootoosamy,
venience for the agent acces-
The programme will engage
Director, MTPA said, “Mauri-
sible online. This programme
the travel trade through seven
tius is a unique destination
offers the agent flexibility, and
showcasing an array of beau-
can complete it at per his or
MTPA expects to reach out to
her convenience. The partici-
frontline, sales and travel
beaches, world-class hospital-
pation in this programme will
trade across nation in the first
ity and thrilling adventures ac-
provide a number of advan-
phase of launching the Mauri-
tivities. The destination has
tages to the Indian travel
tius Grand Master (MGM).
varied product offering for all
trade and enhance agent’s
Travel agents can sign up at
segment of travellers. The
confidence in selling Mauri-
programme will help build,
tiusindia.aspx?# for the train-
grow and maintain a strong
Thus the primary objec-
ing programme.
and comprehensive network
tive would be to increase
According to MTPA India
of Mauritius ‘Travel Special-
awareness and knowledge of
office, the training programme
ists’ who can promote Mauri-
Mauritius as a tourist destina-
will have seven modules and
tius to attract more visitors.
tion among the Indian travel
participants will have to score
The objective is to make the
trade. MGM will help boost
a minimum of 80 per cent in
course fun, informative and
agent’s base who can sell
each module to proceed to the
easy to understand. The on-
Mauritius as a destination. It
next level. Participants will get
line training programme will
will also provide a vehicle for
three attempts to clear each
enable trade with increased
Mauritius tourism products to
module. Once you clear all
knowledge about the destina-
access and connect with the
modules and become a Mauri-
tion and introduce innovative
front line staff actually deal-
tius Grand Master, certificate
itinerary for Mauritius.”
ing with the end consumers
will be sent to your registered address.
N OVEM B ER 20 1 3|
This programme is customised around the Indian au-
increasing network of Indian retails agents.
Travel Outbound
A sweet and memorable vacation in exquisite Bali A province of Republic of Indonesia, Bali consists of a beautiful island of Bali and a few small neighbouring islands. It is a popular tourist destination of the world. Aditya Gupta s far as checklists for international
a late night stroll along the beach and a coffee at the
place for some Balinese coffee followed by a little nap
holiday destinations go, Bali has al-
hotel cafe. After a relaxed breakfast we booked a car
in the car till we got back to the lively Jimbaran bay.
ways maintained its position near
to visit the Kintamani volcano via the handicraft and
We asked the cabbie to take us to an interesting
the top. With some of my miles with
sculpture village called Ubud. We basically submitted
place for dinner and this was his choice. It was an
Singapore Airlines to expire in Octo-
ourselves to the friendly cabbie and asked him to
interesting row of about 25 restaurants right at the
ber, we thought Bali would be a good idea for a short
show us around different places which were enroute
beach next to each other, all serving sea foods with
trip, and the travel gods were kind enough to let us
to the Kintamani volcano (2 hours drive). We went by
nearly the same menus and styling. I have never seen
finalize the plan!
an interesting monument, and then visited a Batic
a large row of similar restaurants like that and still
factory and a jewellery factory. Lunch was at a beau-
all of them doing decent business. We had a nice din-
We had a morning flight from Delhi to Singapore and spending the few hours of connecting time at the
tiful restaurant with a raised platform like feel in the
ner on a secluded table with candle lights and music
Chaingi Airport at Singapore is always a pleasure of
middle of paddy fields. We stopped by at some
from the ocean. The seafood was as fresh as it get
enjoying a premium service of Singapore Airlines.
stores/yards that were selling sculptures and were
because one could actually go and select the items
We reached Bali after dark and took a prepaid taxi
really impressed by the beauty and the reasonable
from the bins they had for this purpose and most of
to our hotel. The ride to the hotel was 15-20 minutes
pricing of stone sculptures.
it was grilled fresh and served hot on a little contrap-
and Bali appeared to be a clean, friendly and simple
Bali has a heavy Hindu influence, even though;
tion which actually had charcoal burning under it
place, as we had expected. My guess is that Bali must
Indonesia is a predominantly Muslim country. The
and kept the food warm and well smoked for flavour.
have the highest density of luxury hotels in the world
themes of sculptures are usually centered around
After a full day of tourism and a leisurely dinner in
and there are dozens of properties in all price brack-
Hindu goddesses, Ganesha, and Buddha. It was an
front of the ocean we were ready for a good nights
ets with even the top end being served by nearly
interesting day and visiting different places and a
every brand across the world as well as some world
reasonably scenic drive up to the volcano where we
Next morning I woke up early to welcome the sun
class local players. Given our interest in design and
reached around sunset. The Kintamani provided a
to our part of the earth, and it was really nice to walk
architecture, we did plan to change three hotels in
beautiful spectacle at dusk. Our experience was a lit-
along the ocean in the early hours of the morning,
four nights! We travel really light and distances are
tle compromised because of over enthusiastic street
even though the cloudy sky compromised the sunrise
not that much in Bali, with the choice of hotels being
vendors trying to sell their wares in a rather intru-
experience, nevertheless it made for some great pic-
so wide and so attractive, we did want to try different
sive manner. We actually left the view-point fairly
tures and fresh air. After breakfast, we moved to the
places and we were happy that we did so.
quickly because of these people and then went down
beautiful St. Regis hotel. We stepped out only briefly
We started off our Bali visit with the Conrad
to the lake side for an across the lake view of the vol-
in the afternoon to visit some local shops and kept
(Hilton Group), our ocean front room provided us
cano. It was a pretty setting; the place was quiet and
the evening for the hotel where they had a fire dance
great views and fragrant breeze. We did step out for
scenic. On the return journey, we stopped by a local
ceremony at sunset and then spent the evening at the
N OVEM B ER 20 1 3|
Travel Outbound
swimming pool which itself was lo-
tres to the beach side, where there is
sort, which is yet another outstanding
a perfect location to welcome our last night in Bali.
cated at the ocean front. The bar along
a nice bar and an interesting menu of
property in Bali. The restaurant is
the pool complimented our swim with
food. The beach is totally untouched as
down by the ocean and the approach to
Since, the resort is west side facing
some interesting cocktails, which we
it is completely inaccessible in any
the ocean side restaurant here also is
there was no motivation to get up early
sipped sitting on stone furniture which
other way except from the Bulgari re-
by a trolley and the setting is really ro-
in the morning, so we had a easy start
was built inside the water itself. The
sort. After relaxing in our villa for a lit-
mantic. We savoured some Indonesian
to the day languishing over the grand
Kayuputi restaurant of the St. Regis
tle while we went down to the beach
preparations along with some cool
breakfast in the Asian restaurant with
located alongside the pool in front of
and had a nice lunch with tandoori
drinks in this shack style eatery, which
our table being at the edge of the cliff.
the ocean was possibly the most beau-
chicken and cocktails!
was like a seaside open air lounge with
The million dollar views were definitely
exceptional quality of food service and
the most amazing part of this break-
fast. We went down to the beach after-
tiful setting for a restaurant and was
In the evening we had an interest-
well complimented with an outstand-
ing excursion to the Ulluvatu temple as
ing culinary experience. We kept sit-
well as a fire dance performance which
We returned to the Bulgari resort
wards and walked along the ocean for
ting on the beach nearly till midnight
is an adaptation of Ramayana. The
and visited its Italian restaurant fa-
may be an hour or so in a complete soli-
just listening to the music of the ocean
temple also has a cliff side location
mous for perfection of its signature
tude with just the wind, sand , the cliff
with stunning views of the ocean and
dishes. Since dinner for us was already
and some shells for company.
cliff as well as a lot of monkeys! Visi-
over, we enjoyed our favourite Italian
and the lullaby of the breeze. Next day we moved to the uber-
This was already our last day in
swish Bulgari resort in Bali. The only
tors are cautioned against the simians
desert Tiramisu. The resort felt cozy
Bali and we really felt that the visit
other hotel of the designer brand is in
and in fact there are guides selling
and graceful with the evening lighting
should have been a few days longer. On
Milan and the location of the Bali prop-
their services to visitors as a protection
and we were in no mood to go back to
our way to the airport we stopped by
erty is inimitable. Located on top of a
against monkeys. The fire dance per-
our villa. After a nice desert, we hit the
one of the sculpture showrooms and I
cliff alongside the ocean with uninter-
formances were about an hour long of
bar located on the cliff side with
selected a few outstanding pieces to be
rupted 180 degree views of the ocean
which we saw only about 20 minutes to
loungers placed for customers to look
shipped to India later. These sculptures
from most of the villas. A traction trol-
get the flavour. For dinner, we went to
out over the cliff on to the endless
will surely be a pleasant reminder of
ley takes guest down nearly 200 me-
the mesmerizing Karma-Kandara re-
ocean till as far as one can see. It was
our short and sweet vacation to Bali.
NO VEM BER 2013|
Where’s The Party
SKAL New Delhi Meet As the festive season has set in, members of SKAL New Delhi got together to celebrate the festive season at nU Delhi Bar & Restaurant, Malcha Marg Market. Delhi’s travel trade elite enjoyed the sumptuous cocktails and dinner.
NOV EM BE R 20 1 3|
Where’s The Party
Nakul Anand Executive Director, iTC Limited
In Conversation
Spearheading the cause of responsible luxury Nakul anand, Executive Director, iTC Limited, is a leading light of the indian hotel industry. under his leadership, iTC Hotels has evolved itself into epitome of responsible luxury. in conversation with , anand talks about his work, life and issues of the industry. Prem Kumar
Average day of his life
little more time in Gym, a little more time in read-
ITC Hotels is credited for pioneering the con-
Since his childhood, Anand has been an early
ing, and in many other things that you can’t do
cept of ‘Responsible Luxury’ across the world in
riser, who starts his day quite early in the morn-
otherwise. So when I travel I read,” said Anand.
the hospitality industry, and the chain achieved
ing. “I get up early. I always remember that in our
He added, “If you read when you travel, you don’t
this millstone under the leadership of Anand. It
school there were two kinds of students, one kind
need to read at home and so when you are at your home, you can devote all your time to your family.”
is under the dynamic and visionary leadership of
of students used to study early in the morning and
Anand that ITC received LEED Platinum certifi-
other kind of students used to study late night.
cations for all its super premium luxury hotels
My brother and I used to stay in the same room
High points of his career
and became the 'Greenest Luxury Hotel Chain in
as students. We are just one year apart as bache-
Right from his foray into hospitality Industry,
the world'. In addition to being the
lors. He used to study late light. So after finishing
Anand has been with ITC and has held different
his study he used to wake me up to study
positions with the Group. Speaking about the high
early in the morning. He used to study
points of his career, Anand said, “Becoming
till 4am, and I used to study from 4am.
youngest general manager of ITC Windsor, Ben-
executive director of ITC, Anand is also the President of the Hotel Association of India (HAI). He also holds the Chairmanship of the Federation of Associations in Indian Tourism & Hospitality (FAITH). For
Car: Honda Accord Destinations: Kerala, South Africa Cuisine: Indian
his visionary ideas and commitment, Anand is greatly respected in the hotel industry.
Foray into hospitality
So the habit to get up early still re-
galuru and then that of ITC Maurya, New Delhi
mains. I read for a while in the
were the two important high points of my career.
morning before leaving for my of-
Then coming from the hotel industry and becom-
fice. I usually reach my office be-
ing a director on ITC’s board is another high point
tween 7:45am and 8am. I think my
of my career.”
mind works best in the morning. In the
As regards challenges in his long career,
office I go through papers either in the
Anand said, “There were many challenges, but my
morning or late in the evening, and during the
advice to youngsters is that they should never lose
day I am available for everybody for any guidance,
their focus. They must understand that success
discussion and meeting.”
comes to those who stay for long in their compa-
Anand strongly believes that personal life and
nies. In the hospitality industry, I have seen that
Anand, an Economics Honours graduate from
professional life should be kept apart to make a
people who have made to top have steadily re-
Delhi University joined ITC Hotels' Management
right balance between them. So how does he make
mained in their companies and have not got
Training Programme in 1978, and since then he
such a balance? Anand said, “It is quite easy.
tempted by any external temptations.” Giving the
never looked back.
When you are at work, you have to be all there.
example of ITC, Anand said, “Divisional Manage-
His fist posting in the hotel industry was as a
So I don’t carry my work to home and I don’t bring
ment Committee of ITC for Hotel Business has
night manager, which was a unique post because
home to work. That is one principle I follow
people who have been with ITC for as long as 35
Anand had to work only in night. The charm of the
strictly. So when I am at home, I am switched off
years.” Anand added, “At times there are great
hotel industry prompted Anand to join this indus-
from the work and when I am at the work I am
temptations along the way. When I had just be-
try. “Hospitality as industry has always fascinated
switched off from my home. So it is very important
come a lobby manager, there were great tempta-
me, and it was this fascination which prompted me
to segregate both.”
On account of opening up of Dubai,
Another important aspect of Anand’s life is
everybody used to go to Dubai because of tempta-
to work with ITC, so I joined hotel industry,” said
that he travels a lot. “I travel extensively, but even
tion of higher salaries. Salaries in Dubai were 10
Anand, who also worked as the Managing Director
when I travel I maintain a work-life balance. How-
times higher as compared to salaries in India. But
of erstwhile ITC Hotels Limited in 2003-05. In 2011,
ever, when you travel you can’t maintain a work-
in long-term getting tempted by such things never
Anand became a director on the board of ITC.
home balance. When you travel you can spend a
pays.” Anand said that he has seen many people
to join this industry. Moreover, my father also used
NO VEM BER 2013|
In Conversation
who went to Dubai still continue to be front office
book says that ‘Good is the enemy of Great and
Every ‘ITC Hotel’ is platinum rated hotel. So I
managers. “So if you are in your company for a
if you are very content with good, you would
would humbly say that we are very proud of this
longer period of time you are bound to grow,” said
never become great’,” said Anand. He added,
achievement, at the same time we don’t let our
Anand. On a lighter note, Anand stated what he
“The second line of the book explains that when
luxury standards get down. So we maintain a
proudly says to everybody: “One school, one col-
something goes wrong in the company, people
balance between both of them.”
lege, one job and one wife so far!”
should first look at the mirror, then at window. It means that for something wrong people should
Performance of hotel industry
Self-development is the key
first blame themselves, then others. If something
“Demand for hotels depends on the growth of
Anand recalls that when he had just become a
good happens, they should look at window and
GDP in the economy. If the economy grows, the
younger GM of a hotel, his chairman had told him
give credits to others before looking at mirror.
demand for hotel will definitely grow. But this
to never give up his reading and learning, so he
That is very important lesson I always remem-
time condition is more serious because two prob-
never discontinued his reading. “I love reading.
lems have occurred simultaneously. This time
Every morning I read for a while. I also read a lot
His wife and children have supported him a
not only the Indian economy is at all time low, but
lot throughout his career. “My wife has played a
the global economy is also in doldrums. Two
According to him, the key to success in profes-
key role in my career. Since she is from the hotel
major feeder markets for India, the UK and the
sional life is the self-development. “The key is
industry, she understates the nature of my work,
US, both have gone through recession for some
self-development. Many people say that now they
and has always supported me,” said Anand.
or other reasons. So the global recession has af-
when I fly,” said Anand.
fected demand for hotels.”
Hobbies Not long ago Anand used to walk a lot, but now
As regards performance of his hotels, Anand said, “Our occupancy has been more or less sta-
he uses a treadmill at home in the evening to re-
ble in the past one year, but average rate has
main fit. “When I started using treadmill, I used
gone down because of excess supply and low de-
to dread it, but now I enjoy walking on it,” said
mand, which is due to the global recession. So it
Anand. He reads a lot and also loves music. “I
is a phase where both things have taken place at
listen to music every night. My first job was as a
the same time.” According to Anand, previous
disc jockey so I used to play music. Since then I
boom gave rise to a lot of supply. People found
love to listen to music. I listen to music for 30-45
hotel industry very attractive to invest and a lot
minutes every night when I am at my home. I
of supply came into the market. However, he
have very old collection of music.”
said that this is temporary phenomenon, and the industry would soon bounce back.
Responsible luxury
As regards the expansion plans of ITC Ho-
In the past couple of years, ITC Hotels has
tels, Anand said that the Group would carry on
evolved itself as an epitome of responsible lux-
with its hotel expansion plans. “We have 25-30
ury. “We have evolved ourselves into what we
hotels on the drawing board and at different
call responsible luxury. We believe that today
stages of development in different categories,
the world is moving in different direction. Today
and under different models such as ownership,
companies don’t want to brand themselves just
management and franchising,” said Anand.
as luxury. Luxury without responsibly is considhave come to company, so their company should
ered bad word. Luxury cannot be in the form of
Challenges before the industry
teach them and help them grow but I think it is
excessiveness and it should not destroy the earth
According to Anand, there are four key chal-
equally important for us to develop ourselves
so one should make a right balance between
lenges the hotel industry is facing today. “The
and successful people have only been those who
being responsible and using luxury. That is what
first challenge is the availability of land. Second
have continued to develop themselves. If you de-
we have adopted at our hotels.” Anand added,
is that if land is available, the cost of land is very
velop yourself, the company will take further in-
“We make sure that in terms of our service de-
high. The third challenge is the cost of debt,
terest in developing you because they will
sign and offers, we give you the best luxury with-
which is very high. In India the interest on debt
recognize your potential.”
out sacrificing the planet. We look after the
is as high as 13 to 14 % whereas abroad it is just
Anand stated, “Life is school, so you should
planet without sacrificing the luxury and the
5 to 6 %. The forth challenge is building bylaws
never stop learning.” Books have been the great
combination of these two brings what we call re-
of the country. As compared to other countries,
guides and teachers for Anand. “One of the
sponsible luxury. Towards this end we work very
in India floor area ratio (FAR) for hotel is very
greatest books I have ever read and which has
hard. ITC Hotels is the greenest hotel chain in
low. This also increases the demand of land and
influenced me lot is ‘Good to Great’ and it taught
the world. In fact there are 11 platinum rated ho-
increases its cost. So these are the key issues
me two important lessons. The first line of the
tels in the world and 10 out of 11 are ‘ITC Hotels’.
the hotel industry is facing today.”
N OVEM B E R 20 1 3|
Appointment News
Anil Verma Vice President – Sales Sarovar Hotels & Resorts
Firuza Sharma Director-Sales & Marketing Radisson Blu Paschim Vihar
Ashish Gawari General Manager The Lalit Chandigarh
i r u z a
Pankaj Mathur General Manager The Suryaa, New Delhi
s h i s h
Sharma has
a n k a j
Gawari has
Mathur has
been appointed
been appointed
been appointed
Vice President –
as Director of
as the new Gen-
as General Man-
Sales, Sarovar
Sales & Market-
eral Manager of
ager of
ing at Radisson
sorts. With over
Blu Hotel New
Lalit a
11 years of rich experience in the
Delhi Paschim Vihar. A highly experi-
179-room property. His previous as-
comes with a rich experience of over
hospitality industry, he brings with
enced leader from hospitality indus-
signment was General Manager of
two decades and has worked signifi-
him knowledge and skills in diverse
try, Firuza brings with her strong
the The Lalit Srinagar. He will be re-
cantly with International Hotel
areas of both corporate and leisure
understanding of the Indian market
sponsible for the management of this
Chains like Starwood, Hyatt, Mar-
along with an immense knowledge of
business property which is also a re-
riott, Oberois, Taj and ITC Welcom-
worked with Jaypee Hotels, The
Sales, Marketing, Revenue Manage-
cent venture of The Lalit Suri Hospi-
group. He has worked for the finest
Grand, Oberoi Hotels & Resorts and
ment and even hotel operations. With
tality Group.
brands in the world and knows inter-
Anil has previously
his last assignment was as Director
more than 18 years of rich and versa-
Ashish joined The Group in 2010
national best practices. He will help
– Sales & Marketing with JHM In-
tile hospitality experience. Firuza has
and brought with him strong opera-
The Suryaa’s New Delhi team to help
terstate Hotels India Pvt. Ltd. At
been associated with hotels compa-
tional background in food and bev-
enhance the image of the organiza-
Sarovar, he will conceptualize and
nies like Ascott Limited, Lalit Hotels,
erage. In his new role, he will uphold
tion through directing the operations
implement sales strategies; both at
IHHR Hospitality, Golden Palms Spa
the The Lalit’s brand position in
of the businesswith focus on identify-
the corporate and regional level and
& Resort, TheLeela Hotel etc. Firuza’s
Punjab region and will carry forward
ing and managing growth opportuni-
will further strengthen the group’s
major working experience has been in
the innovations in services and F&B
ties; to rebrand and reposition The
efforts in driving more business from
Sales & Marketing while her initial
section of the hotel. He is a pass out
Suryaa as singularly the main choice
existing as well as new markets.
role was in Food and Beverages.
from IHM Chandigarh.
among the capital’s leading hotels.
Tarun Gupta Director –Sales and Marketing The Suryaa, New Delhi
Sahdev Mehta,GM DoubleTree by Hilton Pune Chinchwad
Japvir Singh Vohra DoubleTree by Hilton Pune Chinchwad
Hem Chander Executive Sous Chef ibis
arun Gupta
a h d e v
apvir Singh
em Chan-
appointed as Di-
been appointed
been appointed
been appointed
as General Man-
and Marketing of
ager – Double-
Chef of Double-
Suos Chef, ibis
The Suryaa, New
Tree by Hilton
Tree by Hilton,
Jaipur. Hailing
Delhi. He has
from the Hotel
Business Management specialization
wad. Sahdev joined the hotel in Au-
wad. The Chef de Cuisine of the
Management Institute of Hotel Man-
in Marketing & Sales from IILM, is a
gust 2012 and guided the transition
hotel Japvir is a passionate, young
agement Catering Technology & Ap-
results-oriented individual who is
from the project stage into the oper-
chef with over eight years of expe-
plied Nutrition, Chandigarh, Hem
taking on a pivotal role as Director –
ations phase, overseeing each as-
rience in the business of food! Hav-
comes with almost a decade of rich
Sales & Marketing. He has in the past
pect of the hotels transformation
ing started his career from the East,
experience in Food & Beverage Op-
been responsible for establishing and
into a fully operational property. He
in the city of Kolkata with The Park,
erations and Team Management in
directing the marketing and sales ac-
is currently steering hotel opera-
Japvir specializes in European cui-
the Hospitality Industry. Hem is well
tivities for various organizations
tions on all fronts, and also prepar-
sine, having trained under expat
versed to handle Coffee Shops, Spe-
along with handling their advertising
ing for the grand launch of this
chefs from Italy, France and UK. He
cialty Fine Dining and Banqueting.
and public relations. Tarun would be
exclusive property, scheduled to take
further developed a keen interest in
Hem has earlier worked with At-
responsible for strategy formation
place soon. Sahdev has more than 14
classic French and Italian cuisine.
lantis, The Palm Jumeriah Dubai ,
and will assure proper work execu-
years of experience in hospitality
He moved to handle the coffee shop
The Oberoi Wildflower Hall, Shimla
tion using the resources. Prior to this
management in India, USA, France
of the heritage Claridges Hotel in
Gupta has been the Director of Sales
and Malaysia. He has a proven tal-
Delhi where he was inspired to
Chandigarh and Comfort Inn &
and Marketing at Crowne Plaza
ent for devising and implementing
learn Spanish cuisine adding to his
Suits by Choice Hospitality Interna-
Okhla, Shangri-La’s Eros, New Delhi.
successful business strategies.
repertoire of skills.
N OVEM B E R 20 1 3|