World Photographers Community magazine issue #1

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World photogr a phers community M a g a z i n e

i s s u e

# 1

Date: 2 8 / 0 3 / 13

C o n te n ts 


Visions of spring

Images of the week

Member profiles

- Rob Heron - Gerry Suchy - Paul Subacius


We are all excited to introduce our first ever monthly community magazine!! The moderators have enjoyed immensely viewing all of the quality images posted and the level of interaction we have built up. As our membership increases along with the amount of images posted daily, we thought it would be great to acknowledge some of the great images and discussions we see each month. Each month we hope to bring you the best images as decided by our members and also some images that are worthy of inclusion as curated by the moderators. The community is in its developmental phase as is this magazine, as such we will have new and innovative articles each month reflecting these changes. All of us would like to thank you for your participation and ongoing support. This magazine is about our community and its aim is to celebrate your great work. M o d e r ato r s M i k e Re i c h ar d t

r o b h e ro n

p au l s u b ac i u s

tu a n n gu y en

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Wo r l d P h o t o g r a p h e r s C o m m u n i t y

Visions of spring

Courtesy of Petra Honecker Courtesy of Alena Svetlaya Courtesy of Sven Herget

Courtesy of Holger Reichardt

Courtesy of nas Nasnas

Courtesy of Sunia Ibanez Page 3

Wo r l d P h o t o g r a p h e r s C o m m u n i t y

Image of the week W e e k

e n d i n g

1 7 / 2 / 2 0 1 3

Courtesy of Lee Moon Page 4

Wo r l d P h o t o g r a p h e r s C o m m u n i t y

Image of the week W e e k

e n d i n g

2 4 / 2 / 2 0 1 3

Courtesy of Lee Moon

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Wo r l d P h o t o g r a p h e r s C o m m u n i t y

Image of the week W e e k

e n d i n g

3 / 3 / 2 0 1 3

Courtesy of Lee Moon Page 6

Wo r l d P h o t o g r a p h e r s C o m m u n i t y

Image of the week W e e k

e n d i n g

1 0 / 3 / 2 0 1 3

Courtesy of Billy Webb

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Image of the week W e e k

e n d i n g

1 7 / 3 / 2 0 1 3

Courtesy of Lee Moon

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Image of the week W e e k

e n d i n g

2 4 / 3 / 2 0 1 3

Courtesy of Sunia Ibanez

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Wo r l d P h o t o g r a p h e r s C o m m u n i t y

Member profile Rob Heron

I started photography in January when I got my camera. I wanted a hobby that I could do anywhere and photography fit the bill nicely. Prior to that my only experience was holiday snapshots. As most of you are aware my passion is street photography, particularly composing images with the use of shadows, reflections, street signs etc. I am trying to develop my own style by looking at other peoples work and adapting it to suit what I want to do. My technique is basically to find a composition I like, find a good spot to shoot from and set my camera accordingly. Then I wait for the right person or event to complete the composition. Most of the time I shoot in manual settings and often I will shoot the same composition with different settings to see what results I can get. I like to experiment as I feel this is the best way for me to learn personally.

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Images by rob heron

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Member profile

Gerry suchy In my first life I was a Clinical Social Worker involved exclusively with the care and treatment of the chronically homeless mentally ill in The Washington, DC metro area. After 18 years of this I was ready to retire and did. I then embarked on a career as a freelance graphic designer, turning a hobby into a business from 1997 until 2011. I then decided to take the business in a different direction. I had been using digital photography in support of the design business, doing my own editorial and product shots along with real estate. So I knew about digital photography and I also knew that there was a huge emerging market of people who were amassing Gigabytes of digital images and trying to process them. The new and current business model involves individualized tutoring in Lightroom, Photoshop, Photoshop Elements and Digital Asset management as well as any design software that one may need help with. Business is booming and so much more rewarding than design work on many levels. So now my photography is whatever moves and resonates with me, which has turned out to be primarily street photography and urban architecture. Of particular interest is an ongoing project documenting the homeless on the streets of Washington, DC. I call that "The Invisible Ones." You can see more on my site and blog both of which can be seen at:

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Images by Gerry suchy

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Wo r l d P h o t o g r a p h e r s C o m m u n i t y

Member profile Pa u l s u b a c i u s For the advent of this newsletter and in the spirit this community has always fostered, I thought it would be a great opportunity for me to introduce myself and provide some background regarding my interest in photography. My name is Paul Subacius. I live in the state of New Jersey in the United States. Although I have always been interested in photography, in the past it always seemed to be an on-again/off-again hobby. I had never taken the time to properly learn the fundamentals of photography (e.g., proper exposure, composition, etc.), and was left wondering why I was getting images that just didn’t feel special to me. Then, last year, something clicked and all of that changed. I finally committed myself to learning and practicing those basics of exposing an image. I purchased the software that allowed me to start processing my images and, more importantly, devoted the time to learn how to use it. And finally, I committed to actively capturing images and finding an outlet that would allow me to share, learn, and help hold me accountable to keep with it (more on that in a moment). Additionally, I started to learn about all of the different types of photography and started to seek out famous photographers and their images for each genre. I’ll never forget the amazement I felt when I was introduced to Henri Cartier-Bresson’s street images and how much I connected to the title of one of his books, “The Decisive Moment”. To me this is such a insightful description of photography. It is that fleeting moment the photographer has to push the shutter button and capture that expression, or freeze that perfect light interacting with its surroundings, or encapsulate a story in a single frame. The rest is then left to the viewer, and it is this freedom of interpretation of the story or meaning in a photograph that draws me in. So, in searching for an outlet for all this newly born interest I was referred by a friend to Google+. In poking around I saw all of these different communities and tried to find one with which I can identify. Ultimately, my journey led me to the World Photographers community, where all of those things I treasure about photography are incorporated. It is a community of diverse people and interpretations, collaboration, learning, and sharing. A community is only as good as its members, so my hope is that those of you reading this will feel empowered to help contribute to making this place great. Cheers! Page 14

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Images by paul subacius

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Closing comments

It has been a fun and interesting year to date. Since the creation of this community a few weeks ago, we have grown steadily in numbers with good member interaction. The hope, when we first created this community was to foster an interactive environment where everyone felt comfortable to share their personal photographic experience and with the encouragement of other members further their own photographic skills. We have fun weekly image processing competitions and of course our image of the week. The quality of images posted has been excellent and judging by the winning entries, it is easy the high level of skill and vision our members have. I hope you have enjoyed our first monthly magazine, and we look forwards to your ongoing support and seeing more of your high quality images.

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Wo r l d P h o t o g r a p h e r s C o m m u n i t y

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