Padlet z88oo57h7ies pdfintroduction

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MInd your diet Find song in your language or in english with food words and introduce yourself telling us what diets do you know and which have you tried. LIGHTSPARK 03 LIS 2016 10:56

Marceli Krzak ZSGH Gdańsk (Poland) Hello! My name's Marceli. I'm 18yrs old and I'm on the third year of the ZSGH which is located in Gdańsk. This city is beautiful! I didn't have any diet in my life.I didn't even need diet, cause i have fast metabolism.I can eat and eat, and i'm not gaining weight. In the chores we can nd: Litr wina - liter of wine i pół wódki - and half of liter vodka pizza - pizza tłuste ciasto - greasy dough kebab - kebab ostry sosik - hot sauce

I was born on 22nd March 1999, my mom told me that when I was in the infant room at the hospital I was the only one screaming,I must not have done just a good rst impression to my parents. I’m the rst daughter of my parents, but I’ve got a brother, Nicolas, he’s 25 years old, we are temperamentally opposed. He’s quiet and a little bit grumpy while I am friendly and outgoing. Since I was a child I’ve had a passion for horses. In fact, I started to ride a horse when I was 2 years old and I have never stopped. I’ve got a horse, he’s called Balenten, he’s my love, without him I’d probably feel empty. I love music too, I think It is the most powerful drug in the world, I always listen to music and sing. I like to associate the songs to every moment of life, I think there’s a song for everything. My favorite singers are Fedez, Irama, Jax. But I like every type of music, I choose these singers because in their songs I nd myself, as a matter of fact I like going to concerts and meet & greet,I stay for hours in the queue outside stadiums or arenas (about 7 to 12 hours) because I always took the parterre and I want to stay under the stage, I really love all this, because when you are in a queue you know a lot of people, make friends, and you feel indescribable emotions, I go to every concerts with my best friend Marika, she’s my half, and fate has made us meet precisely in line for a meet & greet a year and a half ago and from that day we will never separate ourselves. I sing in every moment of the day. I love writing, everything, I always write. Everywhere, literally. In my room there isn’t a piece of wall still white, I’ve written everywhere. I write about my feelings, my ideas and thoughts. I also like reading, my

Taco Hemingway - Następna Stacja (Bez Cenzury) Uploaded by shymeq7 on 2016-02-25. YOUTUBE

favorite writers are John Green and J.K. Rowling. I like going out whit my friends, we go to discos, or locals, we like to stay around until late at night, we love parties and when we're all together we always have fun. I attend the high school to become an agricultural expert, I am in the fourth year;however, after this I’d like to become an animator,

Linda Sangalli - IIS Mendel - Villa Cortese (Milan) Hello, my name is Linda Sangalli. I’m seventeen years old, I live in a small city in Italy, it’s called Vergiate. But, I think we have to start from the beginning…

because I think it’s the most beautiful job in the world, because you can travel all around the world and learn new languages, meet new people and make them happy. In fact, I’m already an entertainer, but only for children, my ambition is to make it work. Physically I'm a little chubby, I’ve got short pink hair, yes pink, I like changing my hair color, but because of my hair people look at me badly, a few people look at me admiring or curious.Unfortunately in Italy many still stop at appearances. Anyway, I’ve got big (very big) green eyes. When my teacher told me about this project

I was full of happiness, I think it is a great idea, in my house there’s a different type of nutrition, because my brother is

fruit. The most part of the fruits that I eat are grown in my garden, I just order oranges from south Italy where you can


nd the best oranges in the world, I can’t live without oranges, they’re my favorite fruit. I don’t follow a particular

This is all that came to my mind, if you have questions I will be more than happy to answer you.Now that you know so

diet but I always care about what I’m eating and I always try to eat as healthy as I can.

many things about me, I'm curious to know about you!

I’m not the kind of person that plans everything for the future, I prefer to focus on what is happening now, but

With love,

talking about school, I think that once I’ve nished the high school I’m going to the university to study biotechnology.


I’m not sure about it yet, but I think that it would be the perfect choice for what I want to do in my future.

One thing I’m sure I want to do in my future is traveling. I’ve never had the opportunity to travel a lot in my life and that’s de nitely something I’ll do when I’ll be able to. My dream is to visit Australia, it is a place I’ve always looked to. I hope I’ll

Erica Somaruga - IIS Mendel - Villa Cortese (Milan)

be able to go there soon.

I am Erica Somaruga and I’m seventeen. I have long light brown hair and brown eyes, i’m short, i’m just 1.58 tall and I’m slim. I live in Premezzo, a very little towns near Gallarate, in the north of Italy. I live with my family, which is composed by my mom, my dad, my brother and I, in a quiet

Celine Ciapparelli - IIS Mendel - Villa Cortese (Milan

big house in the middle of a big wood. In fact, if you want to reach my house, you have to be ready to go through a really dirt road which is dif cult to pass with the car. I love my house, especially the nature I am surrounded by. I often

In my school we learn to save and respect planet and animals. I'm 17 and I live near Milan, some kilometers from my school. When I'll nish school, I'd like to open a pet therapy center

spend my days just walking in my garden and take care of all the plants that I have. I love animals too, in fact I have two dogs: Birra which is young and really active, she is always jumping and running everywhere and Lana which is very

where animals can help people with disabilities. I'm tall and fat, i've got blue marmaid's hair and brown eyes. My personality is also connected to my hair. In the last four years, I completly changed myself.

old, she just walks slowly and sleeps next to the replace. I love them. I have two cats too, Misi and Mizzi, they’re so cute. I’m attending a agricultural school in Villa Cortese called

Before I started high school, I was very shy and insicure. When I changed school, I became more outgoing, friendly and less insicure. I also started to accept my body and me without thinking

“Mendel” who was a famous scientist. I love my school but I hate how long does it take to get there, I have to take the train and the bus to get there and it takes one hour. At least I think it’s worth doing that trip every day. Studying isn’t a problem at all to me, I like learning new stuffs and I always

about people's opinions. I'm italian, so I love italian food: like pizza, carbonara and tiramisù. But the reason of my overweight is my grandmother's cooking.

want me to take high marks, because I’m an ambitious girl. Moreover I’m headstrong and very curious, but the thing I like the most of my personality is that I’m not shy at all. I like talking a lot and knowing new people and I’m not scared of

She's a very cool italian granny and as every italian grandma, she loves cooking for her family a lot of different type of food. And she's becoming very modern because she is learning to

trying new experiences too, I’m really outgoing. When I was a child I used to dance or to practice gymnastics, I really loved it, but I don’t like to compete, so I gave up with that. Recently I started going to the gym to

cook international food, like chinese, turkey and american!

keep in t. I go there three times a week with a couple of friends and I really enjoy it. During my free time I like spending time with my boyfriend and lose myself in the nature as I’ve already said. I think I have an healthy lifestyle more or less and it all starts with my alimentation. I like eating everything a part from hot food and sweet candies. I really love eating meat with some salad or other kind of vegetables, I like eating Pasta too. those are the kind of food that I eat the most. Once I’ve nished eating I always eat

Hi! I'm Celine from Mendel High school.

Emir Korkomaz My name is Emir Korkmaz, I am 36 years old and I am a Health Educator working as a Vocational Education Teacher (VET) in Private Nasibe Eryetis Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School. (Özel Nasibe Eryetiş Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi) ( Our school is located in great historical city of İstanbul (formerly called Constantinople), which was once the capital

city of the Roman/Byzantine Empire (330–1204 and 1261– 1453) then became the capital of the Ottoman Empire (1453– 1923) and lately selected by the European Union as the European Capital of Culture (2010). And it’s by far the most advanced city of modern Turkey. Our school is located in Pendik district, it's on the Asian/Anatolian side of İstanbul and it's only 15 minutes away from the Sabiha Gökçen International Airport and only 2 kilometers away from the Pendik harbour.

LEEK, LEEK Mmmm delicious it has rice in it and it's sweet there are two kinds of men in this world the ones who eat meat and the ones who don't there are two kinds of men in this world the ones that can not see and the ones that can

We educate our students to become Nursing Assistants / Nurses’ Aides or Health Care Technicians after the

LEEK, LEEK Yummy, made with olive oil

graduation. We also encourage our students for attending the university exams and continue their education on a higher academic level and become nurse or choose other professions.

It has lemmon in it and it's tasty there are two kinds of men in this world the ones who taste the beauty and the ones who don't there are two kinds of men in this world

This year I teach, emergency rescue techniques, management of health services, rst aid and emergency care and nutrition lessons. I also work as a coordinator teacher

the ones who don't know how to love and the ones who can love LEEK, LEEK

on thursdays at Marmara University Hospital where our schools senior students work as trainee nurses aides. I also am a form tutor of one of our senior classes so I do guidance and counseling for them. We have students clubs in our school and I am responsible of the Music club.

This is the rst e-twinnig project that I participate and I am very happy for being a part of it.

I have heard of Orthomolecular diet (eliminate junk foods, re ned foods, sugar and caffeine, as well as those foods high in chemical additives. Any food which a person knows makes him or her sick should also be eliminated. A diet of whole, raw, live and unre ned foods, balanced in proteins, fats and carbohydrates), Weight Watchers, Veganism, Atkins diet, Dukan Diet, Western pattern diet, Detox diets, Diabetic diet, Gluten-free diet, High-protein diet, Low-glycemic diet, Mediterranean diet, Montignac diet, Okinawa diet. I never actually try any of the diets that I mention above but I try to stay away from re ned sugar, junk foods, foods high in chemical additives and milk. And I am trying to do portion control.

Leek Song - Baba Zula

band named Baba Zula. I choose this song because it is basically about a vegetable and the dishes that can be

LEEK warm and fr esh granular, green as a grass there are two kinds of men in this world the ones who lik e leek and the ones who don't there are two kinds of men in this world the ones who doesn't understand and the ones who does LEEK, LEEK Mmmm

cooked with it. This song has a Turkis traditional instrument


I choose the song named pırasa "leek" from a Turkish music

named bağlama in it so it is a good way of showing a little bit of our culture. I have translated the songs lyrics in English and made a movie clip for this project. It's a funny song and I hope you 'll like it.

Federica Tremini - IIS Mendel - Villa Cortese (Milan)

Leek Song warm and fresh


granular, green as a grass there are two kinds of men in this world the ones who like leek and the ones who don't there are two kinds of men in this world the ones who doesn't understand and the ones who does

My name is Federica, I'm seventeen years old. I'm very short, I'm only 1,55 meters high but I like to be always the smallest of the group. I live in Cerro Maggiore, a small town near Milan (Italy).

I don't like doing sports,I'm very lazy; but I love reading, drawing, watching tv series and go out with my friends. I also have the passion for every form of art including that of

the moment I’m attending Gregorio Mendel school in Villa Cortese. I have an elder sister whose name is Martina and she’s 18 years old; I also have a dog called Jack but I want

tattoos; I also have a few of them.

also others pets because I really love animals; unfortunately

I go to "IIS Mendel", an agrarian school where we doing scientist subject like chemical, biology, zootechnics and

my parents think one pet is enough.

agronomy. I chose this school because I love animals and owers.

I’m slim and quite short. I’m only 1.62 meters high and I hate it because lots of my friends are tall. Something I really like

I like biologic food, fruits and vegetable but my diet is

is my long blonde hair and my blue eyes.

variegated. I like to try new foods and taste typical dishes of other nations. But my favorite food remains pizza, the

I think I’m a nice person but at rst I could be a bit shy.

typical meal from Italy.

Despite this I like making new friends. I'm also cheerful and talkative. Sometimes I can be a bit bossy and impatient. A lot of people think I’m a reliable and serious girl. Unlike my classmates I like going to school and my marks are really good. In my free time I really love doing and watching sports but I also play the ute in a band. I love skating, I skate since I was 7 years old. I train ve days a week especially in the evening, in fact when I return home I’m always exhausted. Usually I play ute after I nish doing my homework. I really like going to the cinema and go shopping with my friends. Food is a really dif cult topic to me because I’m fussy. I eat few foods because I don’t like a lot of them. Anyway I love pizza, pasta and others Italian food but I think nobody can


hate them. And in my opinion I’m lucky to live in Italy because Italian food respect others countries food is a

Dokument Word

thousand times better. Something important is I love


chocolate, I think I can live only eat chocolate. I think I told everything I need to tell. I hope you don’t think I’m strange or other things like that. Bye

Maxim Makeev EHTG (Spain) Hi everyone, my name is Maxim, I have 21 years old. I was born in russia, but I have lived ins Spain a few years, to be exactly 13. I would like to upgrade my english level and learning more

project_etwinng_buitenland.docx Dokument Word PADLE T DRIVE

things about this project, I would like to do better my knowledge, and meet people from worldwide. I'm interested about the variety of diets both healthy and unhealthy, myths, and that really helps people lifestyle, actually I do one this diet is for the muscle volume, means be constant every day, with body exercises like workout or

Silvia Filippini - IIS Mendel - Villa Cortese (Milan)

gym, so the progress is so slow...

Hi! I’m Silvia, I’m 17 years old and I’m from Italy. I live in Cassano Magnago, a small city in the province of Varese. At

course there're popular, one like now the veganism, they can't eat any food that comes from the animal origin.

Countries have a lot of different diets that I don't know, of

I also like Polenta very much in all of its variants, for Each country has its own diet, like me from, Russia.

example with sausages, stew, gorgonzola cheese, baccalà or mushrooms.

We got a lot unhealthy food here, because the very cold climate makes fancy food high in calories.

In general I'm satis ed about my diet because it's healthy and because it allows me to live well without renouncing about anything.

Here is a most popular song from Spain it's name "Sarandonga" . .


Giorgia Vezzaro - IIS Mendel - Villa Cortese (Milan) Hello, my name is Giorgia, I'm nineteen and I live in Solbiate Arno, a little country near Varese. I'm quite short and thin, I've straight, brown hair and my eyes are brown, too. I’m nice, but I’m not so sociable because I’m shy, I’m a bit touchy, reserved, introvert, but I’m also funny. When I was a child, I used to dance a lot and the last year I practiced motocross. Now I don’t practice any sports, but I’d like to do some again. Together with motorcycles and dancing I like a lot of other things, like drawing, singing, taking care of animals, writing, reading and eating!

Marta Forasacco - IIS Mendel - Villa Cortese (Milan) My ”Mediterranean diet” My name’s Marta Forasacco, I’m seventeen years old and I live in Busto Arsizio near Varese in Lombardy. I’m attending the fourth year at the agrarian school Gregorio Mendel in Villa Cortese. I chose this school because I love animals and nature but my other hobbies are playing volleyball, reading and drawing. I’ve got a quite healthy and balanced diet, even if sometimes I eat “junk food” when I go out with my friends. I eat four times a day: breakfast, lunch, snack in the afternoon and dinner. I’m a person who eats everything, but I prefer vegetables and fruits. My family follows a Mediterranean diet that consists of vegetables and fruits of season, possibly from Italy, (to reduce the environmental costs)we use little salt (that is not good for our organism)we eat red meat only once a week(that increases the risk of cancer and heart disease). Even if I’ve got Venetian origins, I like Lombard cuisine very much in particular in this period my mother is preparing a lot of typical dishes like “Pizzoccheri” (a typical Lombard dish) and Polenta that is part of typical Italian cuisine. Pizzoccheri are my favourite dish that consists in pasta with buckwheat our, potatoes, savoy cabbage and Casera (cheese from Valtellina)

I don’t like studying, winter (just because it’s too freezing) and bugs. About eating, I love every type of food: vegetables, meats, legumes, sh and fruits. The only thing I can’t eat is sushi: I hate sushi, is tasteless and the soy sauce is too much salty! Apart this, my favourite food is sh, in particular I love shrimps and octopus. I also love travelling, I’ve been to Dublin, London and Los Angeles (Las Vegas and Hollywood), but I’d like to travel all over the world because I want to improve my English. I would like to say a lot about me, but I hope to get in touch with you to be able to speak about healthy food.. Thank you for reading, Giorgia Vezzaro

Hi! My name is Oriol Fernandez Moreno, I live in a small town called Riells i Viabrea , near Girona. I am 16 years old and I am studying in Ehtg= "escola d' hostaleria turisme de girona", the catering and tourism school in Girona. I love practising sports, my favourite sport is kyokushinkay, it is a sport of contact and football. Moreover, I really like cooking because I think it's a good way to be creative and be yourself, my favourite food is Spanish food and South American.I hope you like it!!! Muchas gracias, thank you.

in particular during the holiday, a type of pasta with eggs and pecorino cheese but without ham. I think that food is very important because we must remember that: “the food that you eat can be the most healthy and powerful form of medicine or the most slow form of poison”.

Francesca Motta - IIS Mendel - Villa Cortese (Milan) Hi! My name is Francesca and I’m 17. I love plants and animals so, four years ago, I decided to study at this school but during these years I changed my mind and now I know I would like to became a doctor because I love chemistry and medicine. I often eat pasta and meat, but I like sh and cheese, too. I usually eat vegetables and fruit because I know that is good for the health. I love pizza, chips and pop corn but I’m not so greedy of sweets and cakes. I think that a correct alimentation is very importanti f you want to have a beautiful and long life. Bye everyone!

Raffaella Colomo - IIS Mendel - Villa Cortese (Milan) Giulia Bosatelli - IIS Mendel - Villa Cortese (Milan)

My name is Raffella Colomo and I’m a high school student at

My name is Giulia Bosatelli, I’m 17 years old, I live in Busto Arsizio with my family; I am a student, I study agrarian in

mum and my sister.

Villa Cortese. I study this because I like the nature and I am

to take good marks in all the subjects.

really interested in taking care of plants.

I’ ve got some hobbies for example: read books, listen to music, play the piano and go out with my friends.

I don’t have a speci c hobby but I really like drawing and reading. I am not too much sportif but I am careful to my diet because I think that a right supply is very important: I usually eat tea and bread with jam for breakfast, pasta for lunch and soup for dinner, sometimes with legumes like beans,lentils,spelt ecc…As a second course I usually eat vegetables or cheese; I eat a lot of fruit during the afternoon. I don’t eat much meat, only once a week usually, because we spoke a lot at school on the possible risk of an excessive use of meat. Unfortunately I don’t eat sh because I don’t like it, but I know that sh is very important in a diet because it is rich of essential proteins and vitamins. The food that I really love is pizza and I always eat pizza at home at the weekends. I never eat fried or mc Donald food but sometimes I like eating chocolate or candies. I never eat the typical Lombard food, polenta, but I eat sometimes a typical food (from naples –in the South of Italy)

the Mendel school in Villa Cortese. I’m seventeen and I live in Busto Arsizio with my dad, my At school I’m a good student because I study hard and I want

I think that to excel in all our commitments, over the constancy, nutrition plays a vital role in everyone's life. So I try to eat properly and this is what I usually eat everyday. I wake up at seven o’clock and for breakfast I always eat biscuits with coffee and a glass of orange juice. During the school break I eat a snack ore some biscuits. When I come back home I eat a pasta dish with tomato souce because it contains the necessary carbohydrates and meat because is rich about proteins. Sometimes during the week I go at the swimming pool once or twice because in my opinion is important do some sport, so is important eat properly and not over do it. At dinner it is recommended to eat light so I prefer to eat fish and vegetables with some bread. Obviously during the day it is important to drink two liters of water and at least two times a day some fruit.I know that is difficult for young guys to eat healthy food because sometimes we prefer to go to the mcdonald or drink carbonated drinks but these should be consumed with sparingly, because over many years they lead health problems ( like high cholesterol and diabetes).

About food there are some songs that talk about this

I attend the IIS. Mendel, an Agrarian school in a small

sunject. An example is Scenes from an Italian restaurant by Billy Joel that says:

country in the province of Milan. I have chosen this school because after the fth year I would like to study Veterinary but now I have some doubt.

“A bottle of white, a bottle of red

Anyway, Italy is really wonderful but often, we, Italian rst,

perhaps a bottle of rose instead

understimate it. It's full and wealthy of arts and culture,

we’ll get a table near the street in our old familiar place

beautiful monuments and history. But I think that probably Italy is worldwide know for his cuisine. Who wouldn't eat a

you and I, face to face

good dish of Spaghetti a la Bolognese or a delicius pizza? I love Italian food. I love eating pasta with a wide assortment

A bottle of red, a bottle of whites

of condiments, I love eating pizza and overall Lasagne, my

it all depends upon your appetite I’ll meet you any time you want

favorite food ever, with ice cream. I love sweet things, like an ice cream or a good chocolate cake; delicius. But I love

in our Italian restaurant.”

savory food too, such as chips or cracker. Moreover I like eat fresh vegetable, like salad or carrots, and fruit, like apple, peach, strawberry, orange. Are food which you can eat all

Aurora Gianazza - IIS Mendel - Villa Cortese (Milan)

the year, based on season. Instead, I don't like too much milk products, or cheese and eggs. And, thing that make me proud of myself, I don't drink any type of alcoholic or zzy beverange. I hate it.


Usually my typical day is: breakfast with any biscuit, a snack,

My name is Aurora, I'm seventeen years old. I come from

usually cracker, at mid-morning, and a light lunch, usually a

Cerro Maggiore, a little town near Milan (Italy). I attend the

piadina or a sandwich and a plain yogurt. In the afternoon, not always, I eat another snack or a fruit, and at dinner a

"Gregor Mendel Istitute"; in our school, in addition to basic subject, we study chemical, biology, zootechnics, agronomy and topography.

dish of pasta and normally a fruit. Sometimes also a small

I'm a lazy person, I'm not good at sport at all: in my spare

meat or sh.

time Iike to read, listen to music, watch tv series and hang

This is my diet, and honestly, I wouldn't substitute Italian food with no other!

out with friends. I love travelling, the last place that I visited

dessert. And in the weekend, eventually, for dinner I eat

was Ireland , and cooking for my family and friends. I'm eating all the time, I prefer sweet to salty food. I love choccolate but I can't live without pizza! The italian food is very good, but I also like to try the cuisine of other coutries. I don't eat only junk food: I love fruits and vegetables, but I don't like meat very much. I think that Mediterranean diet is the best, so I try to eat healty but often I fail!

Irene Lechado EHGirona Hello!! My name is Irene Lechado and I am 17 years old, I’m a very shy person but when I know the people I’m very nice and friendly. I live in a little town called Flaçà in Girona. I live in Flaçà with my younger brother and my parents. I have always lived in Flaçà. It’s a very small town so we all know

Flavio Mantegazza - Villa Cortese (Milan) Hi,

everyone. I studied primary school in Flaçà, there I made a lot of friends. Then I studied secondary education in Celrà a village near mine, every day we had to take the bus. I’m not

My name is Flavio, I’m 17 years old and I go to IIs Mendel, an agrarian school. My hobby is swimming. I do it six times a

good at any special subject and I don’t like any subject in

week for three hours every day. So I haven’t much free time. I live in a small town with my mother, my brother and my

I haven’t visited a lot of places but I went to Màlaga and Còrdoba with my family to visit our relatives there, and with

dog. I chose this school because I love animals, but plants

the school I visited Euskadi and France.

don’t interest me. When I nish school probably I will go to university, but I don’t know which job I could do. This

My hobbies are obviously baking cakes, bread, cupcakes.., I

summer I thought that design prosthesis for animals could

and watch a movie, or go out with my friends.

interest me. Anyway I won’t study plants. � �

In Spain we have a Mediterranean diet. I have a balanced diet, I eat meat, sh, vegetables, legumes, a


also like to go out with my family. I like also to stay at home

little bit of everything

Elena Gangemi - Villa Cortese (Milan) Hi, my name is Elena, I'm 17 and I live in Italy.

Yardeen Roos Hai,My name is Yardeen Roos and I am a teacher in the vocational eld of the NOVAcollege in Haarlem/Hoofddorp. we work in the eld of education. Our students will teach and accompany pupils when they graduate!!! Being aware of food and cultures is so important and the variaty of cultures

snack. I like to eat these type of things, like cakes, bakery… but I eat it occasionally. And I combine my diet with a lot of sport to be healthy. This is a song that I sang when I was younger:

and which food conncts to a culture....Next week my students will start to load up their results o songs lm and logo!!! It is our rst twinning project... Bye the way I have three sons in the age of 11-15-16 years old and they LOVE FOOD, as I do so we are always conscious of

Paula Martinko-Horvat and Klara Radonja We have, nally chosen our favourite song about food...

the result of eating and calories and fat burning....wish we could eat whatever we would like:-) In Dutch we have a saying : LOVE OF MEN GOES THROUGH THE STOMACK which means that they love the women because of the food they my youth the next song was a big hit about that subject:-) Now it is an oldfashioned cook too, or not?!

Sara Medina EHTGirona Hello!! My name is Sara. I’m 16 years old. I’m the youngest student in the class, my birthday is on the 6th of December. I study second of Pastry at Escola d’Hostaleria I Turisme of Girona. I study Pastry and Bakery subject because it is a one

Nutrition Song Here is a song I cr eated to help my 6th gr ade students study . I hope you enjoy. YOUTUBE

of my favourite hobbies. My other hobby is music, I love it.In my free time, I love to be with friends, dancing and singing. I don’t practice any sports, but I like to play football.I like all

Cláudia Seabra Santos

sorts of food, although there are some foods that I can’t stand like Gazpacho ( Spanish cold tomato soup), asparagus

Hello, my name is Cláudia and I'm a math teacher in Hotel

and some that I do not like at all. But for the rest I have a

The diet of the generality of Portuguese people is the Mediterranean Diet.

balanced diet.Here’s a link to a song about food I like… I hope you like it too Nice to meet you!

Natàlia Comajuan EHTGirona My name is Natàlia and I’m 17 years old. I live in a little town in the north of Catalonia that it’s called Banyoles. I’m studying pastry and bakery in EHTG, the hospitality school of Girona. The pastry is my passion but also I have more hobbies. I am a basketball player, I have played basketball since I was 6 years old. And my other hobby it’s walk with my sister around the beautiful lake that have my town. I think that I have a healthy diet. My eating plan(to say it in a way) it’s the mediterranean diet. The mediterranean diet includes vegetables and pulses,fruit, cereals, meat, sh, pasta, rice... and a lot of olive oil. And we try to combine all these food. I don’t eat too many sweet things for dessert or

and Tourism School of Coimbra, Portugal.

I want to deepen my knowledge about Vegetarian and Vegan Diets. Here is a portuguese song (fado) about portuguese traditional gastronomy. Enjoy!

High School. I like playing voleybool, reading books and sleeping. The diet that I would like to write about is Mediterranean Diet. This diet is bene cial to human health. (I'm practicing this diet) Mediterranean Diets bene ts on human health are; 1. It prevents the spread of colon cancer 2. It reduces risk of stomach cancer Leonel Moura, "Fado Tradição" - "Culinária à Portuguesa" Guitarra portuguesa: Carlos F ontes Viola de fado: João Marcelino Viola baix o: Luís Pagarim Letra: Leonel Mour a / Música: Alcídia Rodrigues Gameir o Repertório de Leonel Mour a Projecto FIA - Fado Interpretado pelos A utores Local: Casa da Pimenta, Quinta-dos-Anjos, A zeitão (2013-04-20) Link s: Letra: Vídeo: Local: YOUTUBE

3. It prevents arteriosclerosis The sort of foods that you can have in the Mediterranean Diet are bran bread, unsalted cheese, black unsalted olives, tomato, cucumber, hazelnuts, walnut, apple, kiwi, ayran (yoghurt drink), sauted calf meat, green salad, etc. and herbal tea like green tea, sage and lime. This is the diet that I do in my daily life. Healthy diet is important for everyone.

Kadir Şahin

The song that I choose is "The Food Song" Thank you for reading.

Hi, my name is Kadir Şahin. I am fteen years old. I'm from Turkey. I'm studying in the Private Nasibe Eryetiş Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School. I like to play football and basketball. There is no diet that I heard of or tried. The song that I choose for this project is Barbra Lica's Food Song.

The Food Song (Clip) - Kids + Children Learn English Songs Barbra Lica - The Food Song (Of cial) Download The F ood Song from Barbra Lica : Barbr a Lica's The Food Song: Produced and directed by - Dale K. Sood, Ar ts & Rec Productions, The Cast: Anders A zzopardi - keytar Andrew Pacheco - bass Sam P omanti - ukulele Cor y Apolcer drums Lou Pomanti - "the falling man " Eugenia Lica - "the mom " Crew: Producer and dir ector: Dale K. YOUTUBE

Mercan Aysıla Altundaş Hi! My name's Mercan Aysıla Altundaş. I am 16 years old. I am from Turkey and I live in İstanbul. I'm studying in the Private Nasibe Eryetiş Vocational and Technical Anatolian

SUBSCRIBE: FREE TEA CHING RESOURCES: GE T THE APP: X "The Food Song" encour ages Kids to make Healthy Food their regular choice for a meal or snack as opposed to Junk Food. This Song is fr om Level 2 of the Busy Beavers "English F or Beginners" Series. YOUTUBE

Dominik "Goku" Starczewski ZSGH Poland Konnihiwa (japanese to english is hello or hi) :) . My names is dominic, my friends call me the nickname goku. I'm 17 years old and i'm on the second years of vocational school with gastronomy which is located in Gdańsk. My passion is gaming new and retro games, skating, music and create music, drawing, singing, etc. I know cabbage diet and that is

all. I haven't tried any diet. Song who i like is a parody

You need to eat, which will be wasting

original song. Title this song is " letni chamski podryw pomidorowa". Words translate to english: Tomorrow tomatosoup will be again Made from broth from yesterday Great pot is standing in kitchen Look, you need to eat Full of it in a pot again Like water in Niagara Two meters has great pot Who will be to eat here

Letni, Chamski Podryw- "POMIDOROWA"(Sarsa "Naucz mnie" PARODIA)

Salt cellar, caster will stand on table

KONCERTY: +48 604 653 443 K OSZULKA: Wbijajcie do nas na INST A, SNAPA I FB!!

This soup is insipid, so I'm seasoning I don't want to eat you always


You don't hide on the bottom So much still you are And I know you aren't looking now So forgive, I'm sorry I don't want to eat more her

Agnieszka Choruży Hi! My name's Agnes. I'm 18yrs old and I'm on the third year of the Catering and Hospitality which is located in Gdańsk. This city has its own energy! I haven't been on a diet so

Tomorrow tomatosoup will be again

far..Restricted calories only or try to limit sweets. My mum

Made from broth from yesterday

tries to buy organic and vegan food. The only thing I want is

Big great pot is standing in kitchen

to be healthy and live longer. I believe that good diet'll help me with that :)

You need to eat, which will be wasting

Food science can be exciting. The knowledge about food can Already little of her in a pot

be fun! We can try so many new,yummy recipes!

Like heart in ticket inspector Already last day

I'm happy that I'm taking part in this project.

I'm eating this soup I chose a song by Golec uOrkiestra, they're Polish And I'm bursting thought, that tomorrow is sunday Finally I'm eating something in which no tomatoes

highlanders. The title is ''słodycze'' witch means ''sweets''. In brief the song is about how we can get someone's heart

I know you aren't looking now

through the stomach and tasty cooking. Food that we can hear in there is:

So forgive, I'm sorry

~paczka cukierków - box of candy,

I don't want to eat more her

~słodycze - sweets, ~kwaśnica - traditional highlanders soup with

Tomarrow isn't already tomatosoup

meat,sauerkraut and potatoes,

We're eating broth with hen i chops

~wieprzowina - pork

Take off jacket and sit at the table Look how you have good wife Tomorrow isn't already tomatosoup We're eating broth with hen i chops -What's for dinner tomorrow? -Tomorrow? Tomorrow tomatosoup is will be again Made from broth from yesterday Big great pot is standing in kitchen

Hope you'll enjoy!

juice diluted with water is my favourite choice. I am interested in healthy ways od eating.

Alexandre Sampaio Hi! My name is Alexandre Sampaio, I am 17 years old. I’m from Viseu, centre of Portugal, I am currently attending a Cooking and Pastry course, Level 4, at the Hotel and Tourism school of Coimbra. Corn, tomatoes, chillies and peppers frequently used in Portuguese cuisine originated in North and South America. GOLEC UORKIESTRA - Słodycze

Salted cod sh dried in the racks in localities along the

Piosenka pochodzi z p łyty - Golec uOrkiestr a 2 Album "Golec Portuguese coast. Portuguese people use a lot of rice, uOrkiestra 2" jest dost ępny na:, potatoes and spaghetti in their recipes. We eat a uorkiestra-2/ lot of meat from black pigs, chicken, beef, turkey and lamb. odajnia/main/album.html? We eat also albumId=530362&ar tistId=1252320&t=GOLEC+UORKIESTRA%2BGolec+uOrkiestr a+2 chouriço and linguiça that are basically smoked sausages that are seasoned with red pepper, garlic, herbs and wine. albumId=72447&ar tistId=256129&t=GOLEC+UORKIESTRA%2BGolec+uOrkiestr a+2 .html? The cheese in Portugal is often made with sheep`s or goat`s pid=1211694&ar tistId=256129&t=GOLEC+UORKIESTRA%2BPieniadz e+to+nie+wszystko milk. In the desserts we use a lot of eggs like in “leite creme”, sponge cake and “Barrigas de Freira”. Portugal’s wines are albumId=369560 BfjmZV known all around the globe, because of their quality and taste. =================================== Piosenka pochodzi Our diet is based on the Mediterranean diet and it is healthy, z płyty Golec uOrkiestr a 2 -Na uciech ę płyta w dechę Teledysk although some recipes use a lot of grease. iu nagrany został na Równicy w Beskidzie Śląskim. YOUTUBE

Paula Martinko- Horvat Hi my name is Paula, I come from the capital of Croatia Zagreb but for two years I attend Hospitality and catering school in Opatija. My direction is tourism and hotel commercial. Mostly I eat meat but I also like vegetables. My favorite kind of food is spicy. When I go out most of the time I spent in Mc Donald's. I know that is not the most healthy but I still go . Some dietaty plans that I heard are: space diet , and for diabetics, but I have not tried any of them .

Klara Radonja My name is Klara Radonja. I am 16 years old and I attend Hospitality and catering school in Opatija, Croatia in order to become tourist commercialist. I prefer to eat meat (steak, chicken), pizza, lasagna and pasta. I usually drink mineral water. I have heard about diabetic diet because my grandmother is diabetic. I think that diabetic diet is the most correct way of eating because the principles of healthy eating are contained in that kind of diet. Concentrated apple

Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream? | Super Simple Songs Brush Your Teeth song! ►► "Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream?" is an original (and v ery silly) food song from Super Simple Learning cr eated for teaching how t o express food likes and dislikes, and asking and answering "Do you like _______?" questions. iT unes: YOUTUBE

Guilherme Costa Hello guys, my name is Guilherme Costa. I´m a 21 year-old student from Lisbon.

I´m currently attending a Cooking and Pastry course, at the Hotel and Tourism School of Coimbra. It does not matter if you have too much or too little cooking time - you can have fast but healthy meals. The trick is to use low fat and always good quality, limit salt, use and abuse of aromatic herbs. Give "wings" to your creativity and feel the pleasure of cooking and consuming, full of aroma, avour and healthy meals! Mr.M & Sir.M - The 'Healthy Living' Song Dedicated to 'Church Hill Primar y School's Year 6 Class of 2015' Written by Mr.M & Sir.M Performed by Mr.M Produced by XXXLbeats A r evision song to support,motivate and inspire KS2 Science & GCSE PE students. Enjo y! YOUTUBE

Carolina Tomásio Hi, my name is Carolina Tomásio. I’m nineteen years old and I’m attending the course of Cooking and Pastry Techniques at the Hotel and Tourism School of Coimbra. Rap da Alimentação Saudável Uploaded by MC Noura & MC Banana on 2014-06-25. YOUTUBE

João Silva Hey my name is João Silva , I´m 20 years old. I am currently attending a cooking and pastry course level 4 at the Hotel and tourism school of Coimbra. Well, we don´t have the best diet and we aren´t the healthiest people,

Mind your diet! I’m going to talk about a practical diet that I’m currently doing. First you have to get rid of milk. You can replace it for oat (drink) soya, coconut and rice milk, practically whatever you want. Milk is not a very good help for your digestion. Potato, pasta and rice are dispensable carbohydrates that you can easily replace with beans and chickpea, for example. Bet in the vegetables, they give you all you need in your body, you can do an awesome meal with a complete soup (without potato, replace it for courgette and sweet potato), and if you’re feeling hungry after that, you can do sautéed

more about different products and diets.

vegetables or a salad with turkey, chicken breast, or a sh stand. Don’t eat fruit after your meal! Eat just one loaf of bread per day, and you can eat a natural

We love cooking and we are really interested in healthy food

yogurt with chia seeds, linen or sesame. For your morning and afternoon breaks, eat fruit and dry fruits.

either. But we know the importance of having one, and of being an active person, with this project we hope to learn

and in learning more about alternative diets used in other places.

Drink water and eat healthily, and you’ll feel better with yourself, because this is not just to get skinny, the most important thing is you!!

Francisco Quintas Hello! My name is Francisco Jesus, I'm 17 years old, I was born in Coimbra. I'm currently attending the cooking and pastry course level 4 at the hotel and tourism school of Coimbra. Coimbra region is an incredible region, full of traditions and good gastronomy, however, fast food is becoming more and more common. There are lots of fast food restaurants, as McDonalds, Burger King or Pizza hut. In our opinion, the best restaurants are the traditional and modern culinary ones. It’s possible to nd lots of typical restaurants, but it’s not so easy to nd contemporary

Sera m & Companhia - Comer Comer

gastronomy because Coimbra hasn’t got market for this. In Coimbra and Portugal, the most famous and common diet is the Mediterranean one. It’s based on olive oil, bread, wine,

Music video b y Sera m & Companhia per forming Comer Comer . (C) 2010 Universal Music P ortugal, SA

rice, vegetables, fresh fruit and oleaginous fruits. It’s generally seemed as a healthy diet, although some


people say it uses too much olive oil. But we don’t agree! It’s very good and dishes are extremely tasty!

Cristina Pimentel Hi, my name is Cristina Pimentel. I’m nineteen years old and I’m attending the course of cooking and pastry techniques at the hotel and tourism school of Coimbra. We don’t know much about alternative diets. But we would like to know a few things about the vegan diet. The objective of this diet is not to consume animal products, for example: meat, sh, dairy, eggs, among others. There is a huge diversity of products that can be used to replace proteins we usually get from animal products. Here in the region of Coimbra, we use meat and sh in our diet. We also consume lots of fruit and vegetables.

Fast Food Rockers - Fast Food Song (Of cial Video) Purchase on iTunes - Lik e us on Facebook! ockers Of cial music video for the F ast Food Song by the Fast Food Rockers. (P) MPG, (C ) MPG, 2003. F ast Food Song Lyrics y.php?id=91 YOUTUBE

Sara Silva Hello! My name is Sara Silva. I’m 22 years old and I’m currently attending the cooking and pastry course (level IV) at the Hotel and Tourism School of Coimbra. My group and I have many expectations about this project “Mind your diet”. We hope to learn more about different diets, products and healthy dishes. Panda vai à Escola - Laranjas e Bananas Music video b y Panda vai à Escola per forming Laranjas e Bananas (Apples and Bananas). (C ) 2008 Universal Music Portugal, S.A. YOUTUBE

In the place where I live (Praia de Mira), near the beach, people traditionally use sh in their diet. My region has many dishes with sh but some also include meat and vegetables. Me and my group have a exible diet, that is, we eat a little bit from everything. We try to have a healthy diet, but sometimes we eat things that we shouldn’t, for example fast food and chocolates!

because I don't have these diseases. I like listening to Barış Manço and I choose his song Mint and lemon peel. This song teaches you to prepare herbal tea for colds. There are various spices in this tea. ( mint, cinnamon, ginger, black cumin seed) I am pleased to meet you. I'm excited to get to know different cultures.

Panda e Os Caricas - Tenho Fome, Quero Mais Novo disco do Panda e Os Caricas! iT unes Music video b y Panda e Os Caricas performing Tenho Fome, Quero Mais. (C) 2015 Universal Music Portugal, S.A. YOUTUBE

İrem Küçük Hi. I am İrem Küçük. I am 15 years old. I am studying in the private Nasibe Eryetiş vocational and technical Anatolian High School in İstanbul. I live in İstanbul. I like playing voleyball. My favourite courses are math and physics. I love reading books. The diets that I have heard of are diabetic diet and cholesterol patients diet but I'm not diabetic and I don't have cholesterol issues. So I did not try any of these diets. I choose the song Coconut from Harry Nilsson. I like coconuts and I like this song.

Barış Manço - Nane, Limon Kabuğu (Türkçe Alt Yazılı) Uploaded by ilcioglu on 2013-11-27. YOUTUBE

Sinem Elbasan My name is Sinem Elbasan..I’m 35 years old. I study in Private Nasibe Eryetiş Vocational and Tecnical Anatolian High School as a Biology Teacher in Türkiye. I know different kinds of diets like vegetarian diet, diabetic diet, gluten-free diet, alcali diet, detox diet… I like to learn new things about this subjects. In this project we will also have a chance to see our students food choices and the diets that they fallow. I sometimes try detox diet. Most of the food contains contaminants (food coloring, pesticides..) also airpollutian and stress affects our body negatively. We need to eliminate the toxins from our blood, skin..

Coconut. Harry Nilsson. (1972) Coconut. Harr y Nilsson. (1972) with lyrics on scr een. Sweet coconuts and juicy , tangy limes. Mak e my belly ache just thinking about it! YOUTUBE

Kübra Uçan Hi. My name is Kübra. I'am sixteen years old. I'am studying in the Private Nasibe Eryetiş Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School. I like voleyball and listening music. I don't have knowledge about the dietary patterns of diabetics and patients who have cholesterol problems

I especially try to drink alcali water (ph 7-7,5 ). I don’t eat acidic foods because they distract the balance. I don’t like smoking and drinking alcohol so I prefer not going to the smoking area. I prefer to eat foods which includes ber. My song is dedicated to Canan Karatay. She is a famous professor who has formed the Karatay diet. And she has written the lyrics of this song. Enjoy it.

Canan Karatay - Kavun Karpuz Yiye Yiye Söz: Canan Efendigil Karatay ( vunkarpuz) Müzik: Anonim Halk T ürküsü (Çayır Çimen Gez e Geze) Seslendirenler: Datça Sa ğlıklı Yaşam Korosu

Baris Manco Nane Limon Kabugu


Ahlak Müziği Allah Rahmet Etsin Baris Abiy e YOUTUBE

Melissa Fidan Hi, my name is Melissa. I am 15 years old and I am studying

Hümeyra COŞKUN

in the Private Nasibe Eryetiş Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School in İstanbul. I live in İstanbul. I was

Hi, my name is Hümeyra and I'm studying at Private Nasibe Eryetiş Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School in

born and grew up in İstanbul. I love playing basketball and voleyball. I’m a Professional basketball player at Karamürsel Youth Club . I am dreaming of being a doctor. I chose this

Pendik, Istanbul. Our purpose of being here is to learn healthy eating and healty life style. I have never participated in a project like this before and I hope to be patient and

profession because I like to help people. I think I am a successful student in my school. My favourite subject is

successful in this process.

Math because I love numeric lessons. I wanted to participate in this Project because I really want to meet new people and introduce my country to other people.

I have some information about the Mediterranean diet because the Turkish traditional food is almost the same as this diet.

The diets that I have heard of are vegetarian diet, Dr. Atkins

We have so many varieties of food for breakfast, we make

diet, stillman diet, Scarsdale diet, balanced diet, yogurt diet, detox diet, swedish diet, pritikin diet, montignac diet.

jam from all sorts of fruits and we have rich herbed green salads. For the conclusion I am adding here o song of a very famous and beloved performer of our country who is not

I have not tried any of the diets mentioned except yogurt diet. I tried yogurt diet because I love yogurt and I think it is

with us anymore. Enjoy.

healthy. I want to share this song with you, here is the link to the song I want to share: I chose this song because I like Barış Manço and I like the song. This song gives a recepie of a herbal tea that you can drink if you catch cold.

Barış Manço - Domates Biber Patlıcan (16:9 Orijinal Klip) "ANADOLU ROCK"a git: YOUTUBE

Muhammet Berat Makar

Egehan Erkoç

Hello I am Muhammet Berat Makar I am 15 years old and I am studying in the Private Nasibe Eryetiş Vocational and

My name is Egehan Erkoç. I’m 17 years old. I am studying Private Technical and Vocational Anatolian High School in

Technical Anatolian High School in istanbul.I live in istanbul and I know the Mediterranean diet but I have not tried it. I

Manisa Organized Industrial Zone. Our school have 4 departmant, electrics, machinery, industrial otomation and

have been paying more attention to healthy nutrition for almost 3 months now. Our nutrition teacher is helping us to give up eating white our bread and simple types of sugar.

metal work. We study at technical lessons but healty nutritions are important for us because of we spent about 8 hour in school. I school, we don’t use salt at our dinning

By doing so I feel myself more healthy and vigorous. I choose a nostalgic song about the dishes, the song that I

hole. I am interested in cooking and food. I like chicken, meat, and fruits. I hate broccoli and okra.

choose is Tomato, Pepper, Aubergine of Baris Manco, these three are the best vegetables and I highly recommend them to you, thank you very much.

İpek Özuysal Hi, My name is İpek Özuysal. I am a physics teacher at Private Technical and Vocational Anatolian High School in Manisa Organized Industrial Zone. We have 1000 students are aged 14 -18 and they study at electrics, machinery, industrial otomation and metal work. I like to eat vegetables and fruits. I don’t like meat but I am Barış Manço - Domates Biber Patlıcan (16:9 Orijinal Klip) "ANADOLU ROCK"a git: YOUTUBE

not vegetarian. I eat only meat balls. Breakfast is the most important meal for me. In Turkey we have some different drinks. For example Turkish coffee is irreplaceable for me. I heard about Karatay diet, Dukan diet, vegan diet, vegeterian diet but i didn’t try them. I am interested in Pinner Test (york test).

Kerem Karagülle My name is Kerem Karagülle. I am studying at PrivateTecnical and Vocational Anatolian High School in

I choose a song named “Domates Biber Patlıcan” from Barış Manço. I hope you will enjoy it.

Manisa Organized Industrial Zone. Our school have 4 departmant, electrics, machinery, industrial otomation and metal work. I love red meat and juicy fruit. I sometimes eat vegetables. I usually eat chips and coke once a week. I know these are not good for my body. I think that I cook well. This is my rst eTwinning project so, I’ll learn lots of information about diets ant healty nutritions.

Ulaş Gökçe My name is Ulaş Gökçe. I’m 17 years old. I’m studying at PrivateTecnical and Vocational Anatolian High School in Manisa Organized Industrial Zone. Our school have 4 departmant, electrics, machinery, industrial otomation and metal work. I like meat. I don’t like vegetables. I love meatball. I don’t have any information about diet so I am not on any diet.

Barış Manço - Domates Biber Patlıcan Komik müzik klip.. YOUTUBE

Melike Çalışkan


vegeterian diet, mediterranean diet and Karatay diet. Two three years ago, I lose 8 kilos with Karatay diet and didnt

My name is Melike ÇALIŞKAN. I am a biology teacher at Private technical and vocational anatolian high school in Manisa Organized Industrial Zone. We have 1000 students

gain weight. You don’t eat carbohydrate, sugar, and salt, but you must eat protein. When I was young, I eat too much sugar but now I don’t use sugar and salt with my food. After

are aged 14 -18 and they study at electrics, machinery, industrial otomation and metal work.

my diet, I have two meal, breakfast and dinner. I don’t eat fastfood for long time, about 15 years.

In Turkey we have a saying “ a healthy mind in a healthy body” so healthy nutrition is important for us. This is my

I choose a song named “Nane Limon Kabuğu” from Barış Manço. It’s about a recipe that includes mint, lemon,

rst etwinning project and I am very enthusiastic about our project.

cinnamon, etc.for cold and u. I hope you will enjoy it.

I prefer mediterranean diet (balanced with olive oil, vegetables, meat and fresh fruit). Sometimes I do detoxdiets. Every morning before breakfast I drink water with lemon. I want to do sugar-free diet but ı loveTurkish deserts so ıts impossible for me. Also I like to go and shop from organic bazaars. I heard about Karatay diet, Dukan diet, vegan diet, vegeterian diet but i didn’t try them. I choose a song named “Cake” from Nil Karaibrahimgil. It’s a funny song about an orange cake recepie and love. I hope you will enjoy it. obe.R��z�V�

Baris Manco Nane Limon Kabugu Ahlak Müziği Allah Rahmet Etsin Baris Abiy e YOUTUBE

Gabriela Filca Hi, I am Gabriela Filca and I am 16 years old. My future occupation is cook and I attend Catering and Hospitality school in Opatija,Croatia. I like to eat spicy food. My

Nil Karaibrahimgil - Kek Music video b y Nil Karaibrahimgil performing Kek. (C) 2002 Sony Music Enter tainment Turkey YOUTUBE

favourite vegetables are broccoli, asparagus, spinach, cauli ower... I also like to drink vegetable juices especially from carrot and broccoli. I am very careful with salted food because it can cause some bad consequences to our health. Spicy food (especially with chili) is still my weakness but I am working on it! Sometimes I avoid bread, bakery products and pasta especially for dinner. Above all mentioned I am

Selma Araz

running 1-2 times per week and I am training volleyball 2 times a week. I think that connection between food and physical activity is very important. I cannot resist to show


you song about my favourite chili.

My name is Selma Araz, I am a geography teacher at PrivateTecnical and Vocational Anatolian High School in Manisa Organized Industrial Zone. We have 1000 students are aged 14 -18 and they study at electrics, machinery, industrial otomation and metal work. I like eating every food; meat, sh, fruit and vegetables except cauli ower . I heard about Dukan diet, vegan diet,

The Chili Song | Mini Monsters Music The Chili Song. A fun and entertaining song about chilli sauce ;) y36GyJdB1cQ&index=4 L yrics: Oh chili. Chili c hili sauce, chili chili sauce, chili chili chili chili, chili chili sauce. Chili chili sauce, chili chili sauce, chili chili chili chili, chili chili sauce. Oh chili.

HEALTHY FOOD SONG The food song is a kid' s cartoon about healthy eating. is a far fetch125 braintofu production. YOUTUBE


Bruno Vukelić Dora Bolkovac Hello, my name is Dora Bolkovac. I am 15 years old. I go to Catering and Hospitality school in Opatija, Croatia. Our school is located near Adriatic coast. I think that my diet is very healty because I eat a lot of fruits an vegetables. My favourite fruits are strawberries, and my favourite vegetables are spinach and broccoli.I think that all chocolates are greate but I prefer dark chocolates (60% -70% cacao) with orange peel. I also like to eat lasagna but I try not to exaggerate with my favourite meals because I think that it is very important to have balanced diet. Vitamins, minerals and dietary ber are very important for our health and sources, of many of them, are in fruits and vegetables.

Hello, my name is Bruno Vukelić. I am 15 years old. I attend vocational school (for cooking arts) in Opatija, Croatia. I consider my diet as a healthy diet because I try to eat as much vegetables and fruit as I can. When it comes to meat, I usually choose chicken or turkey because they are much healthier than beef or pork. Chicken and veggies are the best combination, in my opinion, because you get a lot of protein from chicken and vitamins and minerals from veggies. Like all people I also like to make "mistakes" in daily eating like with, in croatian language said,"burek" (leafy pie) which is usually lled with cheese, but it can also be lled with meat, apples, spinach, potatoes or with pizza lling. "Burek" is baked in the oven. It is very caloric, but it tastes awesome! When I cook I always like to use healthier variants of some ingredients, for example I sometimes use olive oil instead of sun ower oil, I use butter instead of margarine and I occasionally use stevia instead of sugar. I think that being on a diet is not good beacuse it , in most cases, would not make you lose weight and you would just be hungrier and eat everything you got in your fridge and get even more fatter in the end of "story". So just exercise and go green!

European Capital of Culture (2010). And it’s by far the most advanced city of modern Turkey. Our school is located in Pendik district, it's on the Asian/Anatolian side of İstanbul and it's only 15 minutes away from the Sabiha Gökçen International Airport and only 2 kilometers away from the Pendik harbour. We educate our students to become Nursing Assistants / Nurses’ Aides or Health Care Technicians after the graduation. We also encourage our students for attending the university exams and continue their education on a higher academic level and become nurse or choose other professions. Tomato Song Nursery rhyme on Tomato! YOUTUBE

This year I teach, emergency rescue techniques, management of health services, rst aid and emergency care and nutrition lessons. I also work as a coordinator teacher on thursdays at Marmara University Hospital where our schools senior students work as trainee nurses aides. I also am a form tutor of one of our senior classes so I do guidance and counseling for them. We have students clubs in our school and I am responsible of the Music club. I have heard of Orthomolecular diet (eliminate junk foods, re ned foods, sugar and caffeine, as well as those foods high in chemical additives. Any food which a person knows makes him or her sick should also be eliminated. A diet of whole, raw, live and unre ned foods, balanced in proteins, fats and carbohydrates), Weight Watchers, Veganism, Atkins diet, Dukan Diet, Western pattern diet, Detox diets, Diabetic diet, Gluten-free diet, High-protein diet, Low-glycemic diet, Mediterranean diet, Montignac diet, Okinawa diet. I never actually try any of the diets that I mention above but

The Archies - Sugar Sugar (HQ Video with Lyrics & Piano Sheet) Details About The Song; "Sugar , Sugar" is a pop song written by Jeff Barry and Andy Kim. It was a four-week 1969 num ber-one hit single by ctional char acters The Ar chies. Produced by Jeff Barry,the song was originally r eleased on the album E verything's Archie. YOUTUBE

I try to stay away from re ned sugar, junk foods, foods high in chemical additives and milk. And I am trying to do portion control. I choose the song named pırasa "leek" from a Turkish music band named Baba Zula. I choose this song because it is basically about a vegetable and the dishes that can be cooked with it. This song has a Turkis traditional instrument named bağlama in it so it is a good way of showing a little bit

Emir Korkmaz My name is Emir Korkmaz, I am 36 years old and I am a Health Educator working as a Vocational Education Teacher (VET) in Private Nasibe Eryetis Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School. (Özel Nasibe Eryetiş Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi) ( Our school is located in great historical city of İstanbul (formerly called Constantinople), which was once the capital city of the Roman/Byzantine Empire (330–1204 and 1261– 1453) then became the capital of the Ottoman Empire (1453– 1923) and lately selected by the European Union as the

of our culture. I have translated the songs lyrics in English and made a movie clip for this project. It's a funny song and I hope you 'll like it. Leek Song warm and fresh granular, green as a grass there are two kinds of men in this world the ones who like leek and the ones who don't there are two kinds of men in this world the ones who doesn't understand and the ones who does LEEK, LEEK

Mmmm delicious it has rice in it and it's sweet there are two kinds of men in this world the ones who eat meat and the ones who don't there are two kinds of men in this world the ones that can not see and the ones that can  LEEK, LEEKÂ

Marta. I like to read about diets and I love healthy food. I 'm a exitarian because I don't eat a lot of meat. I have chosen the song "Sugar, Sugar" by the Archies. It's an old song but I quite like the rhythm. Here is a videoÂ

 Yummy, made with olive oil It has lemmon in it and it's tasty there are two kinds of men in this world the ones who taste the beauty and the ones who don't there are two kinds of men in this world the ones who don't know how to love and the ones who can love  LEEK, LEEKÂ

This is the rst e-twinnig project that I participate and I am very happy for being a part of it.

The Archies - Sugar Sugar (HQ Video with Lyrics & Piano Sheet) Details About The Song; "Sugar , Sugar" is a pop song written by Jeff Barry and Andy Kim. It was a four-week 1969 num ber-one hit single by ctional char acters The Ar chies. Produced by Jeff Barry,the song was originally r eleased on the album E verything's Archie. YOUTUBE

Marta WÄ™cĹ‚owska ZSGH Poland I go to vacational catering school in GdaĹ„sk. I love cooking and travelling. I know gluten free diet, The Dukan and Copenhagen diet. And this is best song ever about chicken nuggets đ&#x;˜‚ Leek Song - Baba Zula LEEK warm and fr esh granular, green as a grass there are two kinds of men in this world the ones who lik e leek and the ones who don't there are two kinds of men in this world the ones who doesn't understand and the ones who does LEEK, LEEK Mmmm YOUTUBE

Cati Palom

Chicken Nugget Song "parody" Buy " Chicken Nuggets" on iTunes Now: I T unes Link: Pr od by : @ Cbmix my facebook: SUBSCRIBE NEW VIDEO EVERY SATURDAY! My Links: Mer ch : Instagr am T witter Snapchat- itsnickbea n Younow - www YOUTUBE

I'm an English Teacher in Escola d'Hostaleria i Turisme de Girona. I teach English to Kitchen managers, Hotel receptionists, Pastry Chefs and Entertainers. I love teaching and helping my students to get the most of their experience at school. This project is a great oportunity to practice

Massimiliano CrespiÂ

English outside the class. As food is regarded I like to know about new dishes and I

English at an Agricultural (Environmental) school near Milan. Some of our subjects are related to healthy eating, healthy

love to cook them when I'm free. I love travelling too, like

food production etc..

Hi, my name is Massimiliano and I’m currently teaching

This is my rst eTwinning project ever… so, please, be patient with me. I need to go on a diet right now because I’ve gained a few kilos recently; all suggestions are welcome. Joking aside, I usually follow the Mediterranean diet with its pros and cons… but I guess we’ll have lots of time to talk about in the near future. As for the song, I’ve chosen “’A Cimma” which is a song written and sung by the late Fabrizio De Andrè: a poet and songwriter from Genoa. The lyrics are about a real recipe (the translation might be close to BOILED STUFFED VEAL) It’s not written in Italian but in Genoese, which is not a dialect but an actual language. It's antiwar song. Click Here for further info. Hope you'll like it. Soon I'll send you some introductions from some of my students. Ciao! Here' s the song:

Barbra Lica - The Food Song (Of cial) Download The F ood Song from Barbra Lica : Barbr a Lica's The Food Song: Produced and directed by - Dale K. Sood, Ar ts & Rec Productions, The Cast: Anders A zzopardi - keytar Andrew Pacheco - bass Sam P omanti - ukulele Cor y Apolcer drums Lou Pomanti - "the falling man " Eugenia Lica - "the mom " Crew: Producer and dir ector: Dale K. YOUTUBE

Antonio Pries, Hospitality school Opatija, Croatia I am 17 years old and I attend school in beautiful town in Adriatic coast. In my diet I prefer more meat and vegetables than fruits, although I am aware that it should be different. I am trying to avoid fast food and similar products. I think that this song is very interesting for the beginning, and it could be found on this link:

Fabrizio De Andrè-'A Çimma Vero capolavoro in lingua geno vese di Fabrizio De An dré, scritto con Ivano Fossati. Il brano descrive poeticamente la preparazione d'un piatt o tipico ligure, la cima appunt o. YOUTUBE

Antonio Pries v=QWjygxbQbQY&list=RD8lQCbaIK2PI&index=2

Mario Nosić, Hospitality school Opatija, Croatia I am a teacher in Hospitality and catering school. We are educating future chefs, waiters, conditioners and commercionalists. I believe that mediterranean diet is a good diet and that balancing between various types of food is very important . It is a great challenge to eat in different seasons... Nature Healthy Eating Autumn by pixel-liebe. A Royalty Free Stock Photo on Eating Healthy Wood from Photocase. Buy this Royalty Free Stock Photo on Eating Healthy W ood Feasts & Celebrations Food Decoration Nutrition Table Herbs a nd spices Kitchen Vegetable Gastr onomy Delicious for y our Editorial or Promotional Websites, Book Co ver, Flyer, Articles, Wordpress Blogs and Templates from Photocase. PHOTOCASE

Anna Choruży ZSGH Poland I'm a teacher in catering school. We have cooks, chefs, waiters and hoteliers. I 've heard about many diets vegan, vegetarion, gluten free but I'm trully interested in a raw diet, frutarianism . I'm not on any particular diet because I believe that my body needs diffrent ingrediences in diffrent seasons of the year. The song is a kind of poetry about missing tomato salad and summer evenings you enjoy food. Missing vegetable avour for winter months. Goodbye tomatoes( pomidory)...wild strawberries, salad, soups, vitamins

Pan Jabłko i Pan Gruszka Mr Apple and Mr P ear, also mr. Parsnip and Baphome t YOUTUBE

Addio pomidory Wiesław Michnikowski YOUTUBE

Michał Toczek ZSGH PO I'm 17 and i attend the catering school in the beaitful city located near the sea - Gdańsk. I have a small knowledge (but still a knowledge) about free-vegan diet and a gluten-free diet. I also know vegetarian and vegan diets but I'm not really familiar with them. I haven't tried any diet that I mentioned above. A song that I want to present to every person who is reading this post is: (polish version) It actually taught me a lot. Every person - younger or older should listen to it because it's a serious life lesson and explains all of the processes that are happening in the vegetables including photosyntesis and functions of Golgi apparatus (which is basically not in the vegetables but in the cells which create the whole vegetable)


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