Wood Street Village

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Wood Street Village Conceptual Development Proposal


Site location in context to Guildford

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CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Purpose of the Document 1.2 Site Location 1.3 Scope & Purpose

2.0 Context 2.1 Archaeological & Historical Site Context 2.2 Landscape Context 2.3 Transport Links 2.4 Local Facilities

4.6 Vehicle Movement 4.7 Play & Recreation

5.0 Sustainability & Deliverability 5.1 Renewable Energy Strategy 5.2 Sustainable Development 5.3 Deliverability

6.0 Conclusion

3.0 Site & Character Analysis 3.1 The Site 3.2 Landscape & Ecology 3.3 Special Protection Areas (SPA) 3.4 Access and Highways 3.5 Constraints & Opportunities 3.6 Character Analysis

4.0 Design Evolution 4.1 Masterplan Vision 4.2 Concept Design 4.3 Land Uses 4.4 Open Spaces 4.5 Indicative Phasing

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1.1 Purpose of the Document This document forms a preliminary supplement to the Design and Access Statement for land to the south of Wood Street Village. It will be developed to support an Outline Planning Application for mixed use development including up to 95 new dwellings. The emerging scheme is focused on providing an exemplar infill development that provides high standards of design and sustainable construction, whilst protecting and enhancing the landscape and biodiversity assets through carefully located soft landscape and design. The vision is to provide a complementary mix of uses that will help meet the future needs of Wood Street Village and enhance and sustain the area as a high quality place to live. The proposed development will seek to provide local employment and bring new wealth and prosperity to the area. Health, leisure, sport and recreation opportunities will underpin and support proposed development, ensuring a significant enhancement in the overall environment of Wood Street Village. The proposal scheme has been carefully designed to embrace the Localism Bill. With increasing planning powers being handed to local communities, the proposed development seeks to offset the impact of development through

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significant environmental and social benefits. Through the initial design process opportunities have been identified, however it is the intention that local consultation will guide the process. The community benefits need to outweigh the impact of development.

The proposed scheme includes the following; • 95 dwellings • Care home • 35% affordable / key worker housing • 7 5 hectare SANG, in the form of an accessible managed country park • Th e creation of substantial areas of public open space • Maintained playing fields • A play facility, including teen equipment •T rim trails, activity stations, recreation areas and ecological networks • Th e provision of landscape buffers along Frog Grove Lane and other strategic landscaping • I ntegration of existing Public Rights Of Way (PRoW) within green spaces •T raffic calming measures along Frog Grove Lane

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1.2 Site Location The proposed development site is located 2 kilometres to the West of the Guildford Settlement boundary and approximately 3.7 miles from the Centre of Guildford. Woking, Aldershot and Farnborough are also in close proximity. Warnborough Rail Station is approximately 2 kilometres away from Wood Street Village and can be accessed by car along the Guildford Road. There are regular Bus Services to Guildford in the South East or to Farlands in the Nort West. There are a wide range of uses within close proximity of the site being on the urban-rural fringe of Guildford. These are illustrated on the Site Location Plan. Wood Street Village is in the county of Surrey and is part of the parish of Worplesdon. It has a population of 1718 people, (2001 Census). • To the immediate East of the site is the Wood Street Village settlement. Here there are a variety of uses including a high density concentration of housing to the South of Oak Hill, car maintenance facilities, Public Houses and also a convenience store. • In the East of the village there is Woodstreet County Infant School, further South East there is the Guildford Grove Primary School and Rydes

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Hill Prep School and Nursery and Kings College. Further east, three miles from the village, is the University of Surrey Campus nearing the centre of Guildford, just to the South of the A3. • The village itself has a thriving community and is actively involved with the Parish Council. The Wood Street Village Association is active in supporting and managing local affairs. To the West of the Village is the Cricket Club which is also in the process of incorporating a pre-school nursery. • South East of the site there is the Royal Surrey county Hospital, the Surrey Research Park and the University of Surrey. To the East of the A3 there is the Farnham Road Hospital and the Guildford Main Line Railway Station beyond. • The site is surrounded by natural Copse, public open walks and Common Land, such as Broadstreet Common. Wood Street Village itself has a central village green surrounded by traditional housing which contributes to the Conservation Area and behind the green, off White Hart Lane, is the recently refurbished White Hart Public House.

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1.3 Scope & Purpose This document illustrates that any future planning application is based on a good understanding of local character and circumstances. This document illustrates how a scheme is proposed which draws on the successful precedents in the Guildford area and the site character. It provides a framework that fully, and meaningfully, engages with stakeholder views. The document follows the recommendations of circular 01/2006, employing an assessmentinvolvement-evaluation-design process. This process may be repeated many times as the design is formulated, tested and refined. This document will form the basis of an eventual Design and Access statement, which will be part of a comprehensive package of information submitted with an outline application.

In this instance the function and purpose of the DAS is; • To explain the design process and provide a concise description of the issues and evaluations that arose as part of the area analysis and consultation with land owners • To set out the urban design and architectural strategy for the development

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• To establish minimum quality thresholds and a framework that promotes good design • To set a basis for integrating detailed development proposals as they come forward over time to help ensure a coordinated and coherent development • To support the development control process by setting out criteria to evaluate and assess reserved matters • To provide a means of briefing designers and others involved on the standards required when bringing forward development proposals • To provide a framework to positively engage the local community, ensuring the design principles, where possible, meet the needs of the existing residents The developing DAS has a logical structure, which follows that of a successful design process. The following sections set out the process in developing the current scheme; • Assessment • Involvement • Evaluation • Design • Conclusion


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2.1 Archaeological & Historical Site Context A desk based search has identified no areas of high archaeological importance (AHAP) within the site. To the South and East of the site is the Wood Street Village Conservation area. Whilst the development site falls outside of this area the development proposals will be sympathetic to the existing features of the area. There is an area of High Archaeological Potential to the North of the site which our proposals would not affect and there is a listed building at Billhurst Farm to the South East of our site. Again our proposals would not affect the setting or have any impact on this building.

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2.2 Landscape Context The site lies to the Western edge of Guildford. The site comprises mainly of open farmland, used primarily as pasture for cattle. There are active farm buildings situated to the Eastern Boundary of the site, with residential properties flanking both the Northern and Southern boundaries of the site. The Southern boundary is mainly flanked by mature trees and hedgerows, and a residential unit with commercial outbuildings. There is a public right of way running along the Southern Boundary continuing from White Hart Lane, the footpath leads you to a public playing field and cricket wicket situated in the South West corner of the site. The housing site is split into two distinct areas, 10 acres to the South of Frog Grove Lane and 75 acres to the West of Frog Grove Lane. It is anticipated that development will be focused on the 10 acre site detailed above, with the remaining 75 acres used for a range of amenity uses.

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2.3 Transport Links Being close to established residential and employment areas with a range of facilities and services within a short cycle or bus distance, the site occupies a location considered as suitable for new development. Rail links to work, retail and leisure destinations further afield are already in place in Guildford with the nearest station within 2 kilometres at Flexford.

Vehicle Links The site would be integrated within the established highway network. Strategically the site is easily accessible from the A323 and Broad Street which both connect to Guildford and Aldershot. Access to the major routes of the A31 and the A3 can be accessed within 3 kilometres. Access to the site would come directly from the Frog Grove Lane via Wood Street. Improvements to the junction would be required including traffic calming measures which would provide significant safety improvements for the local community.

Public Transport There are several bus stop located along Frog Grove Lane and Broad Street immediately to the South of the proposed site.

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Foot & Cycle Links Flexford railway station is situated 2 kilometres to South West of the site. As part of the proposed development significant improvements, including a cycle path, would be completed to provide a direct link to Flexford Station. The proposed cycle path would link to Bailes Lane.

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2.4 Local Facilities Development of the site will provide a mix of new facilities with specific landscape and ecological benefits. The development will provide new employment opportunities as a well as being able to provide housing for local people. The closest primary school to the site is Wood Street Infant School which is 1 kilometres from the development site. The nearest secondary school is Kings College in Guildford 2.2 kilometres from the site. The diagram opposite shows the site and the surrounding environs. Strategically the site’s location offers numerous benefits including; • Less than 4 miles away from the centre of Guildford, accessible by foot, car, cycle and bus. • Excellent bus and road links to Guildford onto the A323 and into North West Guildford. • Cycle route to the South of the site across rural countryside, along Broadstreet Common, into Guildford Town Centre. Approximate cycle time to Guildford would be approximately 20 minutes, by car approximately 12 minutes to the Station area. • Existing retail and business parks. • A local primary school. • Secondary schools within a 12 minute bus journey

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Site & Character Analysis

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3.1 The Site The primary development site comprises approximately 4.2 HA of land within a welldefined boundary, occupying a large proportion of the land between Frog Grove Lane, Oak Hill and White Hart Lane. The site abuts the lengthy gardens of residential properties to the North whose front aspect open onto Oak Hill. There are also properties to the majority of the Southern boundary across White Hart Lane and a small section of open grassland followed by houses to the east. The boundary to the West abuts Frog Grove Lane with Russell Place Farm directly adjacent across Frog Grove Lane. The site itself is in agricultural use currently being used on an informal basis as grazing pasture for cattle. The site comprises a series of fields accessed from Russell Place Farm and Wood Street to the West and a small access from White Hart Lane from the South. There are no public rights of way over or across the site which is made up from land in private ownership. Boundaries are well defined by fences, trees and shrubs. Access to the site is currently vehicular off White Hart Lane and pedestrian from Wood Street. The site is currently designated as Green Belt and falls within Policy RE1-RE2 of the Local Plan where it is stated that

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Small Scale Housing Developments appropriate to the Scale of the Locality or for Affordable Housing for Local Needs would be considered against harm to the local environment.

3.2 Landscape & Ecology The site and proposals have been subject to Landscape and Visual Assessment. Key features are summarised below: • To the immediate North of the site is existing housing; • To the South of the site is White Hart Lane, a narrow access lane to housing and a pub; • Beyond this is Broadstreet Common, and Site of Nature Conservation Interest (SNCI); • To the East of the site is grazing land; • To the West of the site is an access lane to a farm and beyond that pasture land. The land itself consists of pasture land, hedgerow and trees. The land is generally flat and the key features of landscape interest are the hedgerows that run from North to South across the site and along the Southern boundaries. The masterplan considers the retention and enhancement of these features as part of the proposals. The land is not covered by any existing ecological designations. The majority of the land is improved grassland, with areas of hedgerow transecting and bordering the site as described above. The hedgerows are of mixed deciduous species (including hawthorn,

ash, blackthorn, English elm, elder, hazel, holly, guilder rose, and bramble). The site has minimal value for ecology and it is envisaged that there will be no ecological constraints that will preclude development of the site. However, further survey work will be required in relation to protected species including bats, badgers and reptiles. It is expected that the masterplan will need to ensure retention and/or replacement of hedgerows

within the site, which form part of the network of hedgerows across the wider landscape and act as wildlife corridors. To the Southwest and further South of the site is Broadstreet Common SNCI, which offers both biodiversity and recreational value. Again, the proposals for the site will ensure connectivity of ecological and recreational features with the common.

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3.3 Special Protection Areas (SPA) The site is within 5 KM of two Special Protection Areas (SPA), which fall within the Thames Basin Heaths. Guildford Council has adopted a mitigation strategy to offset the impact of development on the SPA’s. The strategy requires development to contribute towards the provision of Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) and for Strategic Access Management and Monitoring (SAMM) at the SPA. Developments have the option of making a financial contribution to fund the existing strategy or provide its own SANG at a level of 8ha/1000 people. The development has secured an existing site, which has been assessed as being suitable as SANG (by Guildford Borough Council and Natural England) which will provide the mitigation for development at the site.

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3.4 Access and Highways A transport assessment has not been currently undertaken but will be forthcoming later in the process. • Wood Street Village’s location at the juxtaposition of an existing public corridor together with being in close proximity to two local railway stations allows for the integration of land use and transport planning. The provision of local facilities and the design of work live style units, a central community provision would foster an element of self-containment and so help to reduce traffic movements on the road network. • Residents would have a convenient access to the wider road network to the A3 and beyond, and the benefit of proximity to an existing bus corridor for people who wish to live near their place of work. • Guildford town centre is a short bus ride away (Services run every half an hour Monday – Friday from 6.57am with the last bus returning from Guildford at 6.55pm) and offers a large employer base and employment community and an extensive variety of shops and amenities. • A main vehicular access point has been identified to the North East of the site, at the junction of Wood Street and Frog Grove Lane

• Pedestrian and light use vehicle movements and access could be achieved over current access rights from White Hart Lane, to the South of the site. An existing cycle route passes to the South of the Village across Broadstreet Common but a desired

cycle route is proposed along White Hart Lane to the South of the site. It is suggested that facilities and amenities could be incorporated into the site proposal to assist in the delivery of the desired cycle route.

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3.5 Constraints & Opportunities A thorough site analysis has been undertaken which has identified existing site constraints as well as the opportunities and principles for a successful development of the site. The plan is an accumulation of the key opportunities and constraints that have influenced the concept masterplan development. The analysis of both the site and its context has helped shape the design proposals. Further input into the process has come from the character analysis of the local area.

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3.6 Character Analysis An analysis of the existing built environment is a useful exercise to provide inspiration and to help shape a locally distinctive development. An analysis has been undertaken to help ensure the proposed development forms a positive infill development to the Wood Street Village area. In presenting an analysis of the context it is envisaged that the new development should be distinctive and sympathetic to the area whilst responding to both the site topography as well as important urban environmental design criteria, which should inform all new development. The following character areas have been identified for study, those which adjoin the site and those showing distinct local characteristics and key developments within the broader area. These character areas are listed below;

• Urban Form • Build / Plot Form • Car Parking • Open Space • Details and Materials The combined study of these elements has influenced the initial design process and will be the starting point for further design at the later stages as the project develops.

• The local residential area, including developments on Frog Grove Lane and White Hart Lane • Properties surrounding the village green • The village of Fairfield which provides medium density presidents Five aspects of each of the three identified character areas have been studied, as set out below;

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Design Evolution

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4.1 Masterplan Vision Our intention is that Wood Street Village will be an exemplar urban infill site that provides high standards of design and sustainable construction, whilst protecting and enhancing landscape and biodiversity assets through carefully located soft landscaping. A complimentary mix of uses is proposed, that will help to create a sustainable environment and a high quality place to live. With strategic transport links by road and rail to the South and Southwest of the development, we feel that the location of the site is ideal and will see minimal disturbance to the existing local community. In addition due to the close proximity of the site to major towns including Guildford and Woking, existing shops, services and jobs can be utilised by new residents.

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4.2 Concept Design The proposal at Wood Street Village is for a residential development, which will help create an environment which is fully integrated with the surrounding area. The development will be supported by a 75 hectare country park, providing suitable natural green space, playing fields and informal recreation areas. As part of the development a care/assisted living residential scheme has been proposed. A standard 50 bed scheme would generate employment for around 80 people. In addition local contractors would be used as part of the construction process.Out migration to Aldershot and Guilford offers significant further employment opportunities within close proximity. The concept masterplan has been created to ensure that any new development responds appropriately to its context and siting as described in the previous sections of this document. It has been designed with consideration to relevant guidance including, ‘planning policy statement 3 (PPG3)’. It illustrates how well considered high quality development of the site can be achieved. It is then supported by strategies which set out the key principles of; • Phasing and Land Uses • Access & Movement

• Block Statement and Density • Building Heights and Scale • Landscape and Ecology

• Broad layout of development • Access and circulation • Open space and landscape structure


Together with the accompanying development strategies, the concept plan will ensure integration and coordination across the site. The plan should read in conjunction with the strategy plans set out in this following chapter.

The illustrative Master Plan provides for 95 new dwellings. The concept plan and following strategy plans provide the following information; • Amount and type of development

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4.3 Land Uses It is envisaged that the 95 units are to be provided with a range of dwelling types, from 2 bedroom flats to 5 bedroom houses. The mix will help to create distinct parts of the development based on density, building height and location within the development. It is envisaged the scheme will have a mix of tenures including market housing and affordable housing at 35%, which will include assisted purchase. The ultimate tenure will be developed through consultation with the parish council.

4.4 Open Spaces A network of linked open spaces is provided throughout the development which will be accessible to new residents and the existing community. The location of this development has been influenced by the linear form of development and the opportunity for the 75 acre country park. An area of green space is proposed along the western flank of the development. The open space will be developed as a natural greenspace, retaining and enhancing the existing hedgerows, improving the biodiversity of the grassland, and providing

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areas for seating. The open space will also create a link to Broadstreet Common, and the existing cycle route and footpath to the Southwest and South of the site.

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4.5 Indicative Phasing The initial phasing strategy indicates the sequence of development and the relationship to the delivery of infrastructure facilities. Infrastructure will include roads, landscaping and SUDS. It is envisaged construction will take around 18 to 24 months to complete the development. The main aim of the phasing is to ensure that disruption to residents is minimised, with construction in any one area having a limited time span within the construction period.

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4.6 Vehicle Movement Currently there is no direct vehicular access onto the site, although there is potential to gain access from White Hart Lane to the South, Frog Grove Lane to the North and Wood Street from the Southwest. There is potential to utilise all three of these access points to encourage an even flow of traffic (vehicular and pedestrian) throughout the development and prevent the over-use of one main access point and the associated pedestrian, cycle and road network. However, the main access point in-line with the current flow of traffic through the village would be of Frog Grove Lane to the North.

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4.7 Play & Recreation The plan opposite shows the proposed Local Equipped Play Area within 400 metre isographs indicating the dwellings that lie within a five minute walk. The plan also shows the location of the Neighbourhood Park and the Teen area within the setting of the Country Park.

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Sustainability & Deliverability

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5.1 Renewable Energy Strategy

5.2 Sustainable Development

5.3 Deliverability

In order to achieve renewable energy production on site a number of different technologies would need to be considered at a later more detailed design stage. Renewable energy technologies would need to be used in conjunction with energy efficiency measures such as achievement of relevant Code for Sustainable Homes Levels and BREEAM standards through measures such as well insulated building fabric and energy efficient appliances. Renewable energy technologies for on-site production may include

The following have been designed into the illustrative plan to deliver sustainable development objectives for the site;

The development can come forward in planned phases to respond to housing need during and throughout the plan period. Agreeing delivery with the council is essential. The illustrative plan document is intended as a starting point for the formulation of a development brief that would guide a more detailed design and subsequent provision of further planning documentation. The guideline proposals have identified the need from the council and the local village and respected and reacted to the local plan and its core strategy. The land is fully deliverable and not dependant on any third party land.

• Biomass CHP; • Photovoltaic panels • Renewable energy production will also require distribution infrastructure and space within the development proposals determined largely by engineering, environmental, urban design and planning considerations.

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•C reation of a new mixed use scheme, providing facilities for the community and to support new residents and workers and to add to existing facilities within the area. • Th e scheme will include a mix of housing types, size and tenure to ensure that a broad range of people have access to a variety of housing to suit local need a demand. •D elivery of an appropriate Code for Sustainable Homes Level meeting relevant waste reduction and water efficiency targets, as well as energy efficiencies described above; •P rovision of a comprehensive network of footways and cycle ways to encourage people out of their cars and into more sustainable modes of transport. •D esigned to a high standard and to maximise the best use of land, as a limited resource. •R etention of significant trees and hedgerows within the site, together with the provision of SANG and open space. Offering the opportunities to enhance and protect natural wildlife and enhance protected species


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The development seeks to promote character and quality in its urban design and architectural approach. Inclusive design will enable access for all through sensitive materplanning. Family Focus & Friendly Neighbourhood including community facilities will be engendered. At the core of the development strategy Environmental Sustainability will be key to both the design of buildings and the lifestyle of the development. Healthy living will be promoted through the design of the development around a network of open space linked to the Country Park. The development concept provides a masterplan which includes 95 units, open space, play facilities and a country park. The country park is central to the design of the scheme. It will include playing pitches, trim trails, play facilities and informal recreational along with ecological habitats and casual open space for all ages to utilise. The development offers significant planning gain in terms of community benefits which we believe cannot be matched by any site currently being promoted in the site allocations process. The proposed development provides the opportunity to deliver much needed housing requirements, whilst delivering true community benefits which will be accessible to whole community and create a better environment to live and work.

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Thames House, 77a High Street Esher, Surrey KT10 9QA Tel: 01372 464 819 Fax: 01372 471 163

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