200.00 400.00 996.00 1,208.00 400.00 200.00 2.000 0.383 404.00 7.960 34.50 234.50 79.30 0.001 30.227 269.30 1000,95.00 1,400.00 12.25 12.25 250,00 117.70 248.20 246.90 1.983 113.80 100.00 152.00 D1 D2 D3 DD4 1 D2 D5 V 2 V1 V 4 V 6 V 8 V 9 3,200.00 2,800.00 1,196.00 74.50 195.00 109.00 117.00 V3 V5 V7 WC Modul colt tip 1 Modul colt tip 2 Modul colt tip 2 Modul colt tip 1 Modul contravantuit Modul contravantuit Modul contravantuit Modul contravantuit Modul colt tip 2 Modul colt tip 1 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 PLAN SITUATIE IMPREJMUIRE SC. 1:100 DETALII IMPREJMUIRE SC. 1:50La executie, se va realiza un modul contravantuit de proba cu consultarea proiectantului. Apoi, executia intregilor module se va face dupa adaptarea detaliilor si solutiilor pe modulul de proba Modulul de proba consta atat in sudarea barelor, a tablei din otel expandata, cat si in realizarea golurilor pentru ancorare
±0.00 +2.08Modul ModulcontravantuitModulcontravantuitModulcontravantuitModulcontravantuitModulcontravantuit contravantuit ±0.00 +2.08 ±0.00 +2.00 ±0.00 +2.00 ±0.00 +2.00 ±0.00 +2.00 ±0.00 +2.00 ELEVATII IMPREJMUIRE SC. 1:50 ELEVATIE V1 ELEVATIE V2 ELEVATIE V7 ELEVATIE V8 ELEVATIE V9 ELEVATIE V4 ELEVATIE V5 ELEVATIE V6 ELEVATIE V3
GSEducationalVersion 200.00 208.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 4.002.00 94.00 2.00 94.00 4.00 208.00 65.00 100.00 0.05 4.0065.00 200.00 4.00 Tabla otel expandata 2000x1000x0,5mm Fixare prin sudura la mijlocul montantului Fixare prin sudura la extremitatea montantului Fixare prin sudura la extremitatea montantului Fixare prin sudura la mijlocul montantului Fixare prin sudura la extremitatea montantului Teava otel sectiune patrata 4x4x200cm Tabla otel expandata 2000x1000x0,5mm Tabla expandata se fixeaza de elementele orizontale si verticale din teava 40x40x2mm prin puncte de sudura amplasate la distante de cca 20cm interax unul fata de altul. Se vor aseza pe fiecare tip de modul, in aceeasi maniera; necesare : 2buc./modul Vedere frontala Vedere 2-2 9. Asezare tabla otel expandata SC. 1:25
GSEducationalVersion Depozitare - dulap cu secțiune trapezoidală; conține bibliotecă si rafturi în interior, e și suport pentru TV Depozitare - dulapur Linear LED Lighting DOA Întregul spațiu va fi acoperit cu mochetă pe planul de călcare Foaie de sticlă fixată în perete printată cu wal art Se va acoperi caloriferul cu o bucată de tablă care va fi vopsită ca și peretele Acest stâlp va conține Logo ul Ligii AC (luminos sau nu) și va fi vopsit/acoperit cu tablă din metal roșu burgundy (nuanța Ligii AC) Bancă ce va avea depozitare dedesubt PERSPECTIVĂ ÎN LINII CU EXPLICAȚII
GSEducationalVersion 100.00 100.00 200.00 4.55 33.35 104.50 55.522.65 5 22.70 64.80 55.10 103.65 33.0541.85 87.44 83.70 65.1 5 176.80 279.2 0 186.00 110.0 0 17.4 0 32.00 378.20 0 0 5 7 1 38.50 83.80 185.85 277.455.15 0 8.8 0 32.00 441.00 337.20 168.75 78.3 5 200.8 5 52.7 5 65.1 5 31.6 5 49.0 5 117.9 0 454.9 5 578.95 81 82 82 90 90 90 100 98 99 Dulapurile și mochetele se aliniază Locul de stat cu depozitare dedesubt vine pe forma aceasta a mochete Mocheta albastră iese din spațiu, până în foyer D2 D1 D3 22.45 22.7550.80 91 80 81 82 82 90 90 90 100 98 99 91 80 Strat finisaj mochetă albastră 0 60 cm Strat adeziv mochetă 0 60 cm Șapă de egalizare beton ? cm Strat suport placă beton armat Mocheta trebuie să meargă peste gresia din foyer Strat finisaj mochetă 0.60 cm Strat adeziv mochetă albastră 0 60 cm Șapă de egalizare beton ? cm Strat suport placă beton Profilarmat trecere din aluminiu, înălțime 1 20cm, vopsit în culoare similară cu mocheta/dulapul Finisajalbastru mochetă albastră 0 60 cm Strat adeziv mochetă 0 60 cm Strat finisaj gresie plăci 60x60x1cm Strat adeziv gresie ? cm Strat suport placă beton armat Strat finisaj gresie plăci 60x60x1cm Strat adeziv gresie ? cm Strat suport placă beton armat Strat finisaj mochetă albastră 0 60 cm Strat adeziv mochetă 0 60 cm Șapă de egalizare beton ? cm Strat suport placă beton armat Strat finisaj gresie plăci 60x60x1cm Strat adeziv gresie ? cm Strat suport placă beton armat Șapa de egalizare trebuie să aducă la același nivel podeaua la gri a spațiului cu cea finisată a foyer-ului PLANURI ȘI DETALII MOCHETĂ DETALIU D1 - PLAN DE CĂLCARE ACCES SPAȚIU SC. 1:2 SPAȚIU LIGA FOYERAC DETALIU D2 - ÎNCHIDERE MOCHETĂ SC. 1:2 DETALIU D3 - PLAN DE CĂLCARE ACCES SPAȚIU SC. 1:2 SPAȚIU LIGA FOYERAC PLAN MOCHETĂ SC 1:50 PLAN MOCHETĂ CU FINISAJE SC 1:50
GSEducationalVersion ELEVAȚIE V25 ELEVAȚIE V25 SC. 1:25
GSEducationalVersion ELEVAȚIE V26 ELEVAȚIE V26 SC. 1:25
Aceste poze reflecta ceea ce ne am gandit ca ar fi potrivit pentru spatiul Ligii AC: culoare, multifunctionalitate, separarea zonelor prin tratarea diferita a suprafetelor, iluminat. Culoarea e redata prin felul in care artistii locali pot picta peretii selectati astfel incat sa faca spatiul viu, primitor, aproape de studenti si nu numai. Multifunctionalitatea e redata prin felul in care un singur perete poate contine toate atributiunile necesare : zona de stat, zona interactiva, zona cu mese pentru laptop-uri, depozitare, librarie etc., fiind si o piesa de mobilier in acelasi timp. Tratarea diferita a suprafetelor aduce in prim-plan materialul albastru care se extinde pana in foyer, ce conduce utilizatorii spre zona principala (cea interactiva), care incurajeaza si extinderea mobilierului in foyer in cazul unei proiectii de film. Iluminatul scoate in evidenta locul si functiunile existente in el CONCEPT. INSPIRAȚIE
Propunem demolarea tuturor suprafetelor marcate cu galben, din mai multe motive :
2. Inchid foarte mult spatiul, iar noi consideram ca ar trebui sa il deschidem cat de mult spre foyer. Acesta din urma e izolat de restul activitatii din scoala, nu e primitor. Acest lucru l-as propune mai ales din cauza ca evolutia intregii zone de foyer a constat in adaugarea mai multor pereti din gips-carton de-a lungul timpului intr-un spatiu care era complet gol inaintedestinat studentilor.
1 Nu sunt intr o stare buna de pastrare, au multe goluri de instalatii electrice vechi in ele, sunt murdare
GSEducationalVersion 55.55 200.00 86.80 36.90 182.50 62.0 0 62.0 0 84.8 0 31.0 0 31.0 0 62.0 ±0.00 0 +1.50 +335.70 +393.80 100.00 100.00 3.60 192.80 3.60 334.2 0 83.20 22.75 5.50 103.65 1.25 334.2 0 61.1 0 60.8 0 1.00 1.25 5.50 1.25 19.29 85.57 104.50 ±0.00 +0.50 +1.50 +275.50 +335.70 +395.30 Cota ±0,00 e cea la gr Dulap MDF finisaj alb Dulap principa MDF finisaj albastru deschis Loc de stat tip bancă, cu depozitare dedesubt Primul rând acoperă grinda din spate Dulapul conține un raft de bibliotecă de aceeaș adâncime cu el TV cu diagonala de 60' Dulapurile merg până în grindă ca înălțime Această dimensiune s a calculat cu strat de finisa mochetă + adeziv de 1 50cm peste cota ± 0 00 Înălțimea la gri a peretelui este 335 70cm Strat finisaj tencuială 1cm Gip carton 1 25cm Structură metalică pentru gips carton 5 0cm Gip carton 1 25cm MDF Dulap 1 0cm 100.00 100.00 200.00 4.55 33.35 104.50 55.522.65 5 22.70 64.80 55.10 103.65 33.0541.85 87.55 83.70 81 82 82 90 90 90 100 98 99 11'2 11'3 23 Strat finisaj tencuială 1cm Gips carton 1 25cm Structură metalică pentru gip carton 5 50cm Gips carton 1 25cm MDF Dulap 1 80cm Dulapurile și mocheta albastră se aliniază Loc de stat cu depozitare dedesub 22.45 22.75 90 80 Ultimul rând a dulapurilor acoperă grinda din spate Fațetele dulapurilor din MDF cu finisa alb sun paralele cu peretele din spatele lor 40.0104.5017.56 3 334.2 0 60.8 0 61.1 0 55.533.3564.85 0 4.55 33.0541.85 100.00 100.00 103.65 89.86 18.30 342.70 334.2 0 86.818.3010.90200.05 0 200.00 341.7 5 PROIECTARE DULAPURI VEDERE 11 2 SC. 1:50 VEDERE 23 SC. 1:50 VEDERE 11 3 SC. 1:50 PERSPECTIVĂ DULAP ÎNCADRARE SUB GRINZI PLAN SC. 1:50 PERSPECTIVE DULAP CU DIMENSIUNI ASPECT FINISAJ DORIT AMPLASARE ÎN SPAȚIU
GSEducationalVersion LIGIA GHERMAN | SUSTAINABLE DESIGN FOR GREENER CITIES | ACADEMIC YEAR 2022-2023 | PROF. DR. MARIA BEATRICE ANDREUCCI | SAPIENZA UNIVERSITY OF ROME, FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE Reduce operating costs Improve orientation Increase biodiversity Increase quantity and improve comfort and quality of public space Improve waste management Organize activities/gatherings in places with potential Street hierarchy Pedestrians bicycles vs public transportation/automobiles Improve accessibility and safety at various scales - accessibility, mobility, parking Pedestrianize streets Acoustic & lighting control Water collect + reuse of water for appropriate purpose Water runo management Climatic control (temperature, humidity, ventilation) Increase the canopy cover (shadowing evapotranspiration) Increase permeability soil, surfaces) On site meteoric water management Increase sustainable mobility and parking systems Fix broken pavements Led lighting system Improve vegetation conditions Cool roofs Green roofs Adding vegetation near buildings Proximity to Tiber - create spaces for gatherings along it Street section re design: Improve river basin management Urban forest Establish new green spaces Add biodiversity rich parks (in empty areas) > avoid urban heat island e ect Renew tree population and add trees nearby buildings INCENTIVIZE MODAL SHIFT FOSTER SOCIAL INCLUSION Goals Strategies Solutions RISK REDUCTION IMPROVE MICROCLIMATIC, ACOUSTIC AND VISUAL COMFORT Wayfinding symbols around the whole neighbourhood maps, strategic places Pavillions in green spaces (flexible use inclusive, accessible) Reduce parking space and car traffic Legend Temporary parking Perimetral parking Parking for disabled Parking under the pilotis Green spaces Increase soil permeability through permeable pavement Automobile only roads Streets with existent and improved pedestrian sidewalks, bike lanes and vehicle access Temporary car access streets Pedestrian and bike access only streets New public space nucleus Existent public space nucleus Temporary vehicle access streets Green roofs Infrastructure Public spaces Proposed pavillions, signage and maps Green spaces GENERAL MASTERPLAN - SCALE 1:2000
GSEducationalVersion LIGIA GHERMAN | SUSTAINABLE DESIGN FOR GREENER CITIES | ACADEMIC YEAR 2022-2023 | PROF. DR. MARIA BEATRICE ANDREUCCI | SAPIENZA UNIVERSITY OF ROME, FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE Legend Temporary parking Perimetral parking with EV charging Parking for disabled Parking under the pilotis Automobile only road Improved pedestrian sidewalk Temporary car access street Pedestrian and bike access-only street Infrastructure Proposed photocatalytic painting Added pedestrian sidewalk ? Pedestrian and bike access-only street Temporary vehicle-access streets Existent bike lane Bicycle, scooter and other vehicles rack with electric charging Proposed photocatalytic painting New bike lane Crosswalk Existent green areas Increase soil permeability through permeable pavement New public space nucleus Existent public space nucleus Green roofs Public spaces Proposed pavillions, signage and maps Green spaces New public nucleus covered with permeable pavement Greening the grey areas' Arranged existent green areas Newly added green surfaces Orientation Lighting Existent trees New trees Sports areas : skatepark, yoga, pilates Smart umbrellas MASTERPLAN - DESIGN PROPOSAL - MARKET CONTINUATION AND CORSO DI FRANCIA - SCALE 1:1100
GSEducationalVersion LIGIA GHERMAN | SUSTAINABLE DESIGN FOR GREENER CITIES | ACADEMIC YEAR 2022-2023 | PROF. DR. MARIA BEATRICE ANDREUCCI | SAPIENZA UNIVERSITY OF ROME, FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE AA AA Legend Temporary parking with EV charging Parking for disabled Parking under the pilotis Automobile-only road Improved pedestrian sidewalk Temporary car access street Pedestrian and bike access only street Infrastructure Added pedestrian sidewalk ? Public spaces Sports areas : skatepark, yoga, pilates Smart umbrellas Benches Kiosks Existent green areas Green roofs Green spaces 'Greening the grey areas Arranged existent green areas Newly-added green surfaces Existent trees New trees Temporary vehicle-access streets Public spaces Bicycle, scooter and other vehicles rack with electric charging Proposed photocatalytic painting New bike lane Illuminated crosswalk with sensor equipped white stripes Parking spaces Safety and orientation Smart lamppost - 100W LED lamps New trees Intelligent remote-control lighting system cabinet Wide angle detection radars Vision detection cameras for light regulation Audio services IP vision cameras for safety Rain sensors Vehicle (bicycle) counter Energy meters PLAN - MARKET AREA | SCALE 1:200
GSEducationalVersion LIGIA GHERMAN | SUSTAINABLE DESIGN FOR GREENER CITIES | ACADEMIC YEAR 2022-2023 | PROF. DR. MARIA BEATRICE ANDREUCCI | SAPIENZA UNIVERSITY OF ROME, FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE Soil Uncompacted subgrade soil Geotextile Open graded sub base reservoir - 40cm Open graded base reservoir - 10cm Open graded bedding course - aggregates 5cm Finishing surface permeable concrete blocks, 6cm Edge restraint with cutouts for overflow drainage Water Gas Electricity Surface material IPM GeoCem draining concrete 15cm yellow paint Terrain/aggregate mix 20cm Soil stabilisation material - nonwoven geotextile Soil Safety boundary post Finishing layer - proposed photocatalytic paint, light grey Asphaltic concrete 4cm - existent layer Open asphalt concrete 6cm - existent layer Bituminous anrobat 8cm - existent layer Concrete stabilised with cement 25cm Gravel 30cm Soil Grass cover 10cm Waterproof foil Gardening earth 100cm Sand 30cm Geotextile Gravel 30cm Geotextile Waterproof foil Soil Grass cover 10cm Waterproof foil Gardening earth 100cm Sand 30cm Geotextile Gravel 30cm Geotextile Waterproof foil Soil Grass cover 10cm Waterproof foil Gardening earth 100cm Sand 30cm Geotextile Gravel 30cm Geotextile Waterproof foil Soil Safety boundary post Finishing layer - proposed photocatalytic paint, light grey Asphaltic concrete 4cm - existent layer Open asphalt concrete 6cm - existent layer Bituminous anrobat 8cm - existent layer Concrete stabilised with cement 25cm Gravel 30cm Soil Drain gutter Drain gutter Electricity for the lampposts Drain Water Gas Electricity Electricity for the lampposts Surface material IPM GeoCem draining concrete 15cm yellow paint Terrain/aggregate mix 20cm Soil stabilisation material - nonwoven geotextile Soil 2% % 10% 10% 2% % 22% % 2% % % 2% SECTION AA' | SCALE 1:100
GSEducationalVersion LIGIA GHERMAN | SUSTAINABLE DESIGN FOR GREENER CITIES | ACADEMIC YEAR 2022-2023 | PROF. DR. MARIA BEATRICE ANDREUCCI | SAPIENZA UNIVERSITY OF ROME, FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE Soil Uncompacted subgrade Geotextile Open-graded sub base Open-graded base Open-graded bedding Finishing surface, Edge restraint with cutouts for overflow drainage Water Gas Electricity Surface material IPM GeoCem draining concrete 15cm yellow paint Terrain/aggregate mix 20cm Soil stabilisation material - nonwoven geotextile Soil Safety boundary post Finishing layer - proposed photocatalytic paint, light grey Asphaltic concrete 4cm - existent layer Open asphalt concrete 6cm - existent layer Bituminous anrobat 8cm - existent layer Concrete stabilised with cement 25cm Gravel 30cm Soil Grass cover 10cm Waterproof foil Gardening earth 100cm Sand 30cm Geotextile Gravel 30cm Geotextile Waterproof foil Soil Grass cover 10cm Waterproof foil Gardening earth 100cm Sand 30cm Geotextile Gravel 30cm Geotextile Waterproof foil Soil Drain gutter Electricity for the lampposts 2% 10% 22%2% % 2% SECTION AA' | SCALE 1:100
GSEducationalVersion LIGIA GHERMAN | SUSTAINABLE DESIGN FOR GREENER CITIES | ACADEMIC YEAR 2022-2023 | PROF. DR. MARIA BEATRICE ANDREUCCI | SAPIENZA UNIVERSITY OF ROME, FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE Uncompacted subgrade soil Geotextile graded sub base reservoir - 40cm graded base reservoir - 10cm graded bedding course - aggregates 5cm Finishing surface, permeable concrete blocks, 6cm Grass cover 10cm Waterproof foil Gardening earth 100cm Sand 30cm Geotextile Gravel 30cm Geotextile Waterproof foil Soil Safety boundary post Finishing layer - proposed photocatalytic paint, light grey Asphaltic concrete 4cm - existent layer Open asphalt concrete 6cm - existent layer Bituminous anrobat 8cm - existent layer Concrete stabilised with cement 25cm Gravel 30cm Soil Drain gutter Drain Water Gas Electricity Electricity for the lampposts Surface material IPM GeoCem draining concrete 15cm yellow paint Terrain/aggregate mix 20cm Soil stabilisation material - nonwoven geotextile Soil 2% 10% 22% % 2% 2% SECTION AA' | SCALE 1:100
GSEducationalVersion LIGIA GHERMAN | SUSTAINABLE DESIGN FOR GREENER CITIES | ACADEMIC YEAR 2022-2023 | PROF. DR. MARIA BEATRICE ANDREUCCI | SAPIENZA UNIVERSITY OF ROME, FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE TREE NAME PHOTO Tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera) The evergreen oak (Quercus ilex) NEWLY ADDED TREES TREE NAME PHOTO Dwarf Elder (Sambucus ebulus) Pink butterfly Orchid (Anacamptis papilionacea) NEWLY ADDED VEGETATION Judas Tree (Cercis siliquastrum) RAIN GARDEN CALCULATION Impermeable surface (asphalt) RAIN GARDEN AREA (7%) RUNOFF COEFFICIENT (%) RAIN GARDEN DIMENSION (m2 SERVED) RUNOFF AREA (m2) 1,583.16 0.07 0.90 99.74 Permeable surface (draining concrete) 835 95 0 07 0 90 52 66 Permeable surface (concrete blocks) 2,788 07 0 07 0 90 175 65 Total 328 05 SURFACE Market area pavement Parking spaces pavement Newly pedestrianized street Bike lanes CURRENT MATERIAL CHOSEN MATERIAL Pratopratico - grid for driveway surface with grass finishing - bearing capacity >320 t/m2 SURFACEPICTURE AREA 156 sqm PICTURE SURFACE AREA 156 sqm Asphalt Permeable concrete 2blocks ,605.76 sqm 1,279.70 sqm 1,583 16 sqm Asphalt Asphalt 1,583 16 sqm Aphalt with photocatalytic paint 835 95 0sqm sqm Aphalt with photocatalytic Asphaltpaint MATERIALS DATA