Dear Friends:
rom the very start of Ligonier Ministries, my vision has been to help Christians articulate what they believe and
why they believe it. Even as we celebrate our 40th anniversary in 2011, our commitment over the decades has never changed: to faithfully present the unvarnished truth of Scripture and help people grow in their knowledge of God and His holiness. It has been 25 years since The Holiness of God was published, and we continue to hear testimonies from students and friends who say their whole of idea of God has been transformed.
Our primary service to the church has always been to bridge the gap between Sunday school and seminary. The tools we provide at Ligonier and in this catalog exist to help equip people
for spiritual growth, for godly living, and for serving the people of God. We continue to adhere to our policy of making these edifying resources available to you as inexpensively as possible so that you might be able to grow in your knowledge of our holy God. May God richly bless your study of His life-giving Word.
2010-2011 Winter Resource Guide
p 15
32 p 18
contents p
Gifts Under $15
Crucial Questions Booklets
Gifts Under $25
From Sinclair Ferguson
The Reformation Study Bible
From Robert Godfrey
Bible Study
From Steven Lawson
From R.C. Sproul Jr.
Christmas Music
Most Popular Resources
From R.C. Sproul
Sheet Music
Reformation Trust Publishing
Children and Youth
Tabletalk Magazine
Free With All Orders
Gifts Under $15
My Cry Ascends
The Holiness of God
[ Music ] b y G r eg W il b u r
[ Book ] b y R . C . S p r o u l
My Cry Ascends is a graceful collection of new Psalms and hymns for the church composed by Greg Wilbur. The music is recorded in a folk tradition with elements of Celtic style and southern harmony. Rich biblical texts and expressive tunes feature the singing of Michael Card, Steve Green, Wes King, Katy Snow, Nathan Clark George and Bruce Carroll.
HOL12BPP Z Pocket-size Paperback, 272 pgs Z (Retail $5) $4
MYC01CI Z 1 Music CD Z (Retail $15) $12
HOL01BPS Z Spanish Z (Retail $13) $10.40
Through biblical exposition and practical illustration, Dr. Sproul reminds us of the all-consuming nature of God’s holiness and calls us to proclaim this vital truth to the church and to the world. HOL01BP Z Paperback, 226 pgs Z (Retail $14) $11.20
Knowing God’s Will
Assured by God
[ Teaching
[ Book ] edited b y B u r k P a r so n s
Series ]
by R.C.
If you have ever reached a crossroads in your career or marriage, you may have struggled with understanding how Scripture directly informs you in making life changing decisions. This audio series from Dr. Sproul explains how we can discover God’s will in our lives to help us make decisions pleasing to Him. Five messages.
This book cuts through the confusion over the assurance of our salvation and shows how professing believers can be certain they belong to Christ. Featuring chapters by Joel Beeke, Jerry Bridges, Sinclair Ferguson, John MacArthur, Keith Mathison, Al Mohler, Burk Parsons, Rick Phillips, and Philip Ryken.
KNO02CC Z 2 CDS Z (Retail $17) $13.60
ASU02BH Z Hardcover, 200 Pages Z (Retail $18) $14.40
The Truth of the Cross
[ Book ] [ Audiobook ] b y R . C . S p r o u l
by R.C. Sproul
Dr. Sproul surveys the great work accomplished by Jesus Christ through His crucifixion — the redemption of God’s people. The Truth of the Cross is an uncompromising reminder that the atonement of Christ is an absolutely essential doctrine of the Christian faith, one that should be studied and understood by all believers. TRU07BH Z Hardcover, 168 pages Z (Retail $15) $12 TRU07BA Z Audiobook Z (Retail $15) $12 (Available Nov. 2010)
Knowing Scripture [ Book ] b y R . C . S p r o u l
Knowing Scripture explains why we should study the Bible and provides practical guidelines for interpreting the Bible in our personal study. KNO04BP Z Paperback, 152 pages Z (Retail $15) $12
[ Teaching
Series ]
R.C. Sproul provides clear teaching about heaven, explaining that Christians have the greatest hope — the hope of glory. In examining Scripture, he shows that heaven is the home of God’s chosen people, the church. HEA01CC Z 2 CDs Z (Retail $17) $13.60
Five Things Every Christian Needs to Grow [ Book ] b y R . C . S p r o u l
People need to maintain a diet of nutritious foods if their bodies are to grow and thrive. But what do the people of God need in order to grow and thrive in the Christian faith? Dr. Sproul identifies five of the crucial “nutrients”
resource consultants available Mon.–Fri. between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. (EST) 800-435-4343 |
that promote spiritual growth: Bible study, prayer, worship, service, and stewardship. With biblical insight and practical wisdom, he teaches Christians how to maintain a balanced “diet” that will lead to growth and mature Christian living. FIV06BH Z Hardcover, 192 Pages Z (Retail $15) $12
Golden Booklet of the True Christian Life [ Book ] b y J oh n C a l v i n
This classic devotional incorporates sections from John Calvin’s of the Christian Religion on obedience, self-denial, the significance of the cross and other topics. Learn to live the Christian life from one of history’s greatest theologians with the help of this important booklet. GOL02BP Z Paperback, 96 pages Z (Retail $9) $7.20
A Simple Way to Pray
The Five Dilemmas of Calvinism [ Book ] b y C r a ig B r ow n
An excellent primer on Calvinism and some of the critiques that have been leveled against it. Here is apologetic help for Calvinists and answers for Arminians with honest questions. FIV04BP Z Paperback, 127 pages Z (Retail $9)
The Westminster Confession of Faith The Westminster Confession of Faith is considered to be one of the finest statements of doctrine ever produced. Here is vital information about Scripture, God’s character and the nature of the Trinity, the law of God, the gospel of Christ, the church, worship, and the sacraments. WES01BH Z Hardcover, 450 Pages Z (Retail $16.25) $13
[ Book ] b y M a r ti n L u the r
A Simple Way to Pray is a guidebook on the purpose and method of biblical prayer. “No book has done more to revolutionize my personal prayer life than this little book by Martin Luther. I would recommend it for every Christian’s library.”— R.C. Sproul SIM02BP Z Paperback, 139 pages Z (Retail $10) $8
The Prince’s Poison Cup [ Book ] [ Audiobook ] [ Animatic ] by R.C. Sproul
In The Prince’s Poison Cup, Dr. Sproul focuses on the atonement to show that Jesus had to endure the curse of sin in order to redeem His people from spiritual death. The animatic DVD presents the book illustrations in a new light as Dr. Sproul narrates a story that will captivate both children and adults alike.
The Lightlings [ Book ] [ Audiobook ] [ Animatic ] b y R . C . S p r o u l
In The Lightlings, Dr. Sproul weaves an allegorical tale that captures the essence of the biblical story of redemption in a manner that will fascinate and delight children. This book is an excellent introduction to the key themes of Scripture. Watch the beautiful illustrations come to life through the colorful and powerful animatic. LIG04BH Z Hardcover Book, 40 pages Z (Retail $18)
$14.40 LIG04AN Z Animatic DVD & Audiobook Z (Retail $15) $12
PRI05BH Z Hardcover Book, 40 pages Z (Retail $18) $14.40 PRI05AN Z Animatic DVD & Audiobook Z (Retail $15) $12
Gifts Under $25
The Intimate Marriage [ Teaching
Series ] [ Book ]
by R.C.
When you approach marital issues such as communication, gender roles, and sex from a biblical perspective, you not only nurture your relationship, you also bring glory to God. This series is an excellent resource for engaged or married couples who wish to grow in their relationship. INT05DC Z 2 DVDs Z (Retail $30) $24 INT05CC Z 3 CDs Z (Retail $24) $19.20 INT05BH Z Hardcover, 168 pages Z (Retail $15) $12 INT05BP Z Paperback, 127 pages Z (Retail $10) $8
The Attributes of God [ Teaching
Series ]
by R.C.
Our ideas about God are often too vague or just plain wrong. This series provides an informative and challenging survey of God’s attributes. Eleven messages. ATT01CC Z 4 CDs Z (Retail $31)
[ Book ] b y R . C . S p r o u l
In John, the second volume in the St. Andrew’s Expositional Commentary series, Dr. Sproul deals with major themes in his easily understandable style. Readers will find invaluable insights into the goals John had in writing his Gospel, the background for Jesus’ time, and the meanings of some of John’s most difficult passages. JOH10BH Z Hardcover, 425 Pages Z (Retail $27) $21.60
Amazing Grace: The History and Theology of Calvinism Series ]
AMA03DC Z 1 DVD Z (Retail $30) $19
The Masculine Mandate [ Book ] b y Rich a r d Philli p s
A desperate need exists in our day for Christian men to be men, but false teaching and cultural assumptions have created a lot of confusion over what masculinity means. This new book looks at the biblical view of manhood and encourages men to lead, love their wives, love and discipline their children, and serve the church of Jesus Christ. MAS01BH Z Hardcover, 175 Pages Z (Retail $15) $12
The Gospel-Driven Life [ Book ] b y M ich a el H o r to n
[ Teaching
fascinating three-part, four-hour presentation is detailed enough so as to not gloss over the controversy. At the same time, it is broken up into ten “Sunday-school-sized” sections to make the rich content manageable and accessible for the average viewer.
b y V a r io u s
Amazing Grace: The History and Theology of Calvinism is the first video documentary that answers difficult questions about Calvinism. This
In this candid and hopeful book, Michael Horton challenges us to reorient our faith and our practice toward the transformative, Christ-centered gospel—both in the church and in the world. GOS20BH Z Hardcover, 271 Pages Z (Retail $20) $16
The Mystery of the Trinity [ Teaching
Series ]
by R.C. Sproul
A proper understanding of this doctrine is essential to the health and welfare of the church. In this series, Dr. R.C. Sproul gives a sweeping overview of this important doctrine, explaining difficult concepts, exploring biblical teaching, and defining what the term mystery means. Six messages. MYS01DC Z 2 DVDs Z (Retail $30) $24 MYS01CC Z 2 CDs Z (Retail $17) $13.60
resource consultants available Mon.–Fri. between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. (EST) 800-435-4343 |
The Providence of God [ Teaching
Series ]
by R.C.
What Is Reformed Theology? [ Teaching
Series ] [ Book ]
R.C. Sproul
If God is in control of all things, is He responsible for evil? If all things have been foreordained, why should I pray? In this series, Dr. Sproul addresses these questions and many others as he explores the biblical doctrine of God’s providence. Six 30-minute messages.
Dr. Sproul offers a comprehensive introduction to the key distinctives of Reformed teaching, providing a good way for church groups to begin discussing the doctrines of grace, the primacy of Scripture, the covenants, and justification.
PRO01CC Z 3 CDs Z (Retail $24) $19.20
WHA01CC Z 4 CDs Z (Retail $31) $24.80 WHA01BP Z Paperback, 236 pages Z (Retail $17) $13.60
The Valley of Vision The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment
[ Book ] [ Audio ] b y A r th u r Be n n ett
The Valley of Vision is a selection of petitions and meditations in the Puritan tradition. This compilation of prayers is intended to teach and encourage Christians to be faithful in their private and family worship.
[ Book ] b y T im C h a llies
VAL01BH Z Black Leather, 432 pgs Z (Retail $26) $20.80
Written by a leading evangelical blogger, this book is an uplifting, scripturally grounded work that explains the need for discernment, its challenges, and the steps that will cultivate it.
LIS23CC Z 8 CDs Z (Retail $29) $23.20
DIS08BP Z Paperback, 208 pages Z (Retail $17) $13.60
The Assurance of Salvation [ Teaching Series ] b y R . C . Sproul
In this series, Dr. R.C. Sproul addresses the importance of living in pursuit of holiness over against “easy believism.” He explores the doctrine of assurance as he helps to explain the relationship between the Christian life and the work of Christ Jesus on our behalf. Six messages. ASU01DC Z 1 DVD Z (Retail $24) $19.20 ASU01CC Z 2 CDs Z (Retail $17) $13.60
Foundations of Grace [ Book ] b y S te v e n L a wso n
Understanding the doctrines of grace will give you a clearer picture of God’s sovereignty. Dr. Steven J. Lawson takes you on a heart-stirring survey of the Scriptures to show that the Bible in its entirety teaches the doctrines of grace. FOU04BH Z Hardcover, 577 pages Z (Retail $28) $22.40
“ a milesto n e i n e v a n gelic a l p u b lishi n g . This is a serious study Bible for serious students, and it belongs in every Christian’s library.
a l b e r t mohle r President of the southern baptist theological seminary
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b i b l e s t u dy
57 Messages
21 hours of te aching DVD $95 (Retail $142.50) dus01DC full set, 8 dvds CD $92.80 (Retail $116) dus01cC full set, 19 cds Study Guide $28 dus01u
A n Ov e r v i e w o f t h e B i b l e w i t h D r. R . C . S p r ou l Get the (big) picture. The Bible is a book, not just a collection of verses and passages. So what are its major themes, events and people? What’s the Bible all about, anyway? Join Dr. R.C. Sproul on this panoramic, insightful and memorable study tour of biblical truth, from Genesis to Revelation, designed to provide context to inform your own reading and study.
resource consultants available Mon.–Fri. between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. (EST) 800-435-4343 |
John & Romans In John, Dr. Sproul deals with major themes in his easily understandable style. Readers will find invaluable insights into the goals John had in writing his Gospel, the background for Jesus’ time, and the meanings of some of John’s most difficult passages. Throughout church history, the study of the book of Romans has been pivotal to understanding Christian life and doctrine. Sproul’s passageby-passage expositions will not only enrich any preaching or teaching ministry but any thoughtful study of this weighty exposition. JOH10BH Z John Z Hardcover, 425 Pages Z (Retail $27) $21.60 ROM07BH Z Romans Z Hardcover, 520 Pages Z (Retail $35) $28.00 SAC03P Z John & Romans Set Z (Retail $62) $37.20
Own these first two volumes in the St. Andrew’s Expositional Commentary series, for only $37.20.
ESV Hear the Word Audio Bible The ESV Hear the Word Audio Bible provides more than 80 hours of Bible reading, conveniently captured on 60 CDs or 6 MP3 CDs for listening at home, in your car, or anywhere else you may be. Each disc is fully searchable, helping you easily locate the exact Bible chapter you are looking for. Free ESV Bible Resources software offer included. ESV01CC Z 60 CDs Z (Retail $100) $80 ESV01MCD Z 6 MP3 CDs Z (Retail $50) $40
B e au t i f u l m u s i c t o t h e g l o ry o f go d
Scenes from the Life of Christ
/ T om H ow a r d
This CD combines original musical settings (featuring piano, strings, percussion and orchestral wind instruments) composed by Tom Howard with Scripture readings by Begg, Ferguson, Sproul, Thomas, Duncan and Carson. After the NT passage recitation, we hear a musical interpretation of that scene. The combination of Word and sound gives this CD a devotional quality that listeners will enjoy through repeated listenings. Total run time: 67:09. SCE01CI Z 1 Music CD Z (Retail $15) $12
Hymn Scenes
/ L a r r y H a ll
Hymn Scenes is a vivid instrumental collection of cherished hymns. These grand and expressive settings are arranged by Larry Hall and performed by the Kiev Symphony Orchestra. The drama and wonder of these familiar tunes is artfully displayed through the many colors of the orchestra. You may hear a sunrise in “More Love to Thee, O Christ,” a highland picnic in “Wonderful Words Of Life,” the somber stillness of “It Is Well” or an Autumnal, New England panorama in “Praise Him, Praise Him.” Total run time: 56:16 HYM04CI Z 1 Music CD Z (Retail $15) $12
Light All Around
/ T he M a ste r ’ s C ho r a le
The Master’s College Chorale sing of the strength of the Lord our Rock, His care as our Good Shepherd and the vision of Him as the Everlasting Lamb. The believer praises Him in all things, keeps his mind focused on Him, and gives Him his own heart. Jesus Christ reveals His light in His life, His Word, His love, and His death. He is the True Light all around us. Total run time: 57:55 LIG06CI Z 1 Music CD Z (Retail $15) $12
resource consultants available Mon.–Fri. between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. (EST) 800-435-4343 |
Psalms of Scotland S cottish Philh a r mo n ic S i n ge r s
The Reformed tradition is a Psalm-singing tradition, for there is great merit in singing and studying the Scriptures. Accompanied by John Langdon on the organ, this recording by the Scottish Philharmonic Singers, directed by Ian McCrorie, encourages the singing of Psalms in the home and in the church. Included are Psalm 23, Psalm 46, and Psalm 148, which are set to Scottish Psalter tunes such as Crimond, Old 100th and Martyrdom. PSA03CI Z 1 Music CD Z (Retail $17) $13.60
Songs From the Prayer Closet
/ L a r r y H a ll
This album features quiet arrangements of well-loved hymns that focus on the topics of prayer and worship. These cherished devotional songs are delicately explored through meditative, instrumental piano and warm string accompaniment. Hymns included “Sweet Hour of Prayer,” “Be Still My Soul,” “Be Thou My Vision,” “Fairest Lord Jesus,” “For the Beauty of the Earth,” and many more. Total run time: 64:59 SON02CI Z 1 Music CD Z (Retail $15) $12
Ligonier Sinfonia: Music of the High Baroque 1700-1750 / L igo n ie r S i n fo n i a Samples from Baroque concerto literature like Bach’s Violin and Oboe Concerto in d minor, plus a variety of instrumental works by Telemann, Handel, Vivaldi, and Couperin will delight Baroque fans. These high Baroque pieces feature recorder and harpsichord, organ and strings, flute, oboe, gamba, and harpsichord solo. Fourteen tracks. Total run time: 58:08 LIG08CI Z 1 Music CD Z (Retail $15) $12
My Cry Ascends
/ G r eg W il b u r
My Cry Ascends is a graceful collection of new Psalms and hymns for the church composed by Greg Wilbur. The music is recorded in a folk tradition with elements of Celtic style and southern harmony. Rich biblical texts and expressive tunes feature the singing of Michael Card, Steve Green, Wes King, Katy Snow, Nathan Clark George and Bruce Carroll. Total run time: 53:52 MYC01CI Z 1 Music CD Z (Retail $15) $12
christmas music
liste n to samples at l i g o n i e r. o r g /m u s i c
This Light So Fair / I n de p e n de n t P r es b y te r i a n O r chest r a & C hoi r This recording contains 17 Christmas hymns and songs performed by the Independent Presbyterian Orchestra and Choir from Memphis, Tenn. Included on this CD are “For Unto Us,” “Infant Holy, Infant Lowly,” “The First Nowell,” “O Magnum Mysterium,” and “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen.” Total run time: 55:52 THI01CI Z 1 Music CD Z (Retail $17) $13.60
The Glorious Sounds of Christmas C o v e n a n t P r es b y te r i a n C h u r ch C hoi r
This joyous recording features the Covenant Presbyterian Church Choir and Orchestra of Nashville, Tenn., singing to the One who gives all festivity its meaning. Songs include: “O Come, O Come Emmanuel,” “Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming,” “The First Nowell,” “Jesus Child,” “The Virgin’s Slumber Song,” “A Lute Caroll,” and fourteen more. Total run time: 70:53 GLO09CI Z 1 Music CD Z (Retail $14) $11.20
The Word Became Flesh D a n & H eidi G oelle r
This album is a musical interpretation and celebration of the incarnation of the Son of God. The biblical narrative from creation through the fall to redemption is retold as familiar hymns, Christmas carols, and new choral pieces are performed. Dr. Sproul provides the narration of the story of God’s salvation. Total run time: 46:08 WOR20CI Z 1 Music CD Z (Retail $15) $12
resource consultants available Mon.–Fri. between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. (EST) 800-435-4343 |
Dancing Day
/ Atl a n t a Bo y C hoi r
This recording by the Atlanta Boy Choir features the eleven-movement Ceremony of Carols by Benjamin Britten and an arrangement of eight Christmas carols, Dancing Day, by John Rutter. In addition to these pieces, which are accompanied by the harp, four additional Christmas songs are included on this recording. Total run time: 63:05 DAN01CI Z 1 Music CD Z (Retail $17) $13.60
Christmas in Kiev / the Kie v S y m p ho n y O r chest r a & C ho r u s These classic Christmas songs take on a richer texture when played and sung by the gifted members of the Kyiv Symphony Orchestra and Chorus. Christmas in Kiev features beloved Christmas carols and songs, including “Silent Night,” “O Come All Ye Faithful,” and the “Hallelujah Chorus” from Handel’s Messiah Total run time: 108:03 CHR27CC Z 2 Music CDs Z (Retail $18) $14.40
Early American Christmas M ich a el M ille r & D a v id Rowe
There is perhaps no more pleasant or authentic sound than the acoustic guitar and hammer dulcimer. Miller and Rowe convey the emotion and restraint of these early American Christmas carols and hymns. The artists blend the simplicity of folk music with classical playing styles to create unique yet approachable Christmas songs. Total run time: 81:29 EAR03CC Z 2 Music CDs Z (Retail $18) $14.40
Handel’s Messiah / the L o n do n C ele b r a tio n C hoi r & O r chest r a Handel’s Messiah is a masterwork celebrating the person and work of Jesus Christ. Every Christian home should have a recording of this masterpiece combining Scripture and music. Ligonier Ministries wholeheartedly recommends this exceptional version recorded by the London Celebration Choir and Orchestra. Total run time: 2:23:38 HAN05CC Z 2 Music CDs Z (Retail $14) $11.20
Singing and Making Music [ Book ] b y P a u l J o n es
Paul Jones, organist and music director at historic Tenth Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, provides biblical reasoning and practical wisdom concerning the purpose and practice of church music in 32 thought-provoking essays. This book’s focus of upholding biblical principles and musical excellence is also consistent with the vision of Ligonier Ministries’ own music division. SIN05BP Z Paperback, 315 Pages Z (Retail $17) $13.60
Recovering the Beauty of the Arts [ Teaching
Series ]
by R.C. Sproul
R.C. Sproul states that there are three dimensions of the Christian life that the Scriptures are concerned about: “the good, the true, and the beautiful. We tend to have cut off the third from the other two.” In discussing things like music, literature, images, and drama, Dr. Sproul shows the beauty and prestige that the arts hold to God and how the church needs to recover them. REC02DC Z 3 DVDs Z (Retail $45) $36 REC02CC Z 3 CDs Z (Retail $24) $19.20
Worship [ Teaching
Series ]
by R.C. Sproul
Dr. Sproul communicates that our worship must be offered in faith, from a contrite heart, with the motivation of honoring our Heavenly Father. This insightful series reveals the biblical portrait of worship involving our whole heart, soul, and mind, as well as the important involvement of each of our five senses. He reminds us of the importance of beauty in worship, as well as the value of liturgy. WOR02CC Z 4 CDs Z (Retail $31) $24.80
Give Praise to God: A Vision for Reforming Worship [ Book ] b y V a r io u s
The worship wars that rage in our day reveal that there is a lack of understanding regarding worship in the church today. In this volume, contributors including Edmund Clowney, Mark Dever, J. Ligon Duncan, R. Albert Mohler, and others explore various aspects of worship. They discuss the regulative principle, the sacraments, expository preaching, music, public worship, private worship, and they call the church to always conform her worship to the Word of God. GIV02BH Z Hardcover, 516 Pages Z (Retail $30) $24
sheet music
by R . C . S p r o u l Clothed in Righteousness This hymn was written to the glory of God, in celebration of the 10th anniversary of Saint Andrew’s and in appreciation of Dr. Sproul’s faithful preaching of the Word of God. The sheet music includes both a beautiful choral arrangement and congregational part. Lyrics by R.C. Sproul (based on Isaiah 1:18). Music by Craig Courtney. CLO03Z Z SATB Sheet Music Z (Retail $4) $3.20
Come, Thou Savior, Spread Thy Table Dr. Sproul wrote this hymn as a much-needed corrective in teaching the historically robust reformed view of the real presence of Christ in the sacrament of the Lord’s supper. This communion hymn beautifully ties together past, present, and future implications of the sacrament. COM07Z Z SATB Sheet Music Z (Retail $2) $1.60
Come, O Lamb of God This hymn serves as a fervent prayer for the Holy Spirit’s application of Christ’s benefits to His people that they might be moved to whole-hearted devotion and service. Appropriate for general use as well as communion, Advent, Pentecost, and mission’s services. Music by Stuart Sacks. COM08Z Z SATB Sheet Music Z (Retail $2) $1.60
Veni, Domine This Christmas hymn beautifully portrays the event of Christ’s birth and makes a wonderful addition to any church worship service. Words by R.C. Sproul. Music by Stuart Sacks. VEN01Z Z SATB Sheet Music Z (Retail $2) $1.60
Glory to the Holy One Based on the text from Isaiah, this hymn written by R.C. Sproul gives a vivid depiction of the holiness of God. This hymn would make a beautiful addition to any worship service or sacred setting. Music by Stuart Sacks. GLO01Z Z SATB Sheet Music Z (Retail $2) $1.60
2 0 t h A n n i v e r s a r y E ditio n
“The ethical dilemma
our time.”
— R.C. Sproul
Dr. R.C. Sproul employs his unique perspective as a highly experienced pastortheologian and a trained philosopher to provide well-considered and compassionate answers to the difficult questions that attend termination of pregnancy. Dr. Sproul strives for a factual, well-reasoned approach informed by careful biblical scholarship. He considers both sides of this issue in terms of biblical teaching, civil law, and natural law. This 20th Anniversary Edition has been updated to reflect developments in the issue. Abortion is a balanced consideration of the abortion debate, but also a firm and clear call to renewed respect for human life in the womb. ABO01BH Z Hardcover, 256 Pages Z (Retail $15) $12 ABO01DC Z 1 DVD Z (Retail $30) $24 ABO01CC Z 3 CDs Z (Retail $24) $19.20
Christian Ethics
[ Teaching
[ Teaching
Series ]
by R.C.
In this series, Dr. R.C. Sproul explains that it is our duty, as ambassadors of Christ, to uphold Christian ethics as they relate to the culture in which we live. As he addresses topics such as relativism, pacifism, situational ethics, and others, Dr. Sproul demonstrates that God’s Word provides clear teaching and lays foundational ethical principles for the Christian life. CHR07CC Z 5 CDs Z (Retail $38) $30.40
How Should I Live in This World? [ Book ] b y R . C . S p r o u l
Dr. R. C. Sproul argues that the Bible is the supreme source for ethical guidance. That doesn’t mean it contains a “Thou shalt …” or a “Thou shalt not …” for every conceivable situation, but it does provide ethical principles. With his trademark wisdom and thoroughness, Dr. Sproul explains how we can uncover and apply these principles. HOW08BP Z Paperback, 112 pgs Z (Retail $7) $5.60
Principles of Conduct: Aspects of Biblical Ethics [ Book ] b y J oh n M u r r a y
This book by one of the twentieth century’s greatest Reformed theologians provides an overview of the biblical principles that must be considered in ethical decisions. Dr. R.C. Sproul regards this work as one of the fifteen most important books that he has ever read. PRI04BP Z Paperback, 272 Pages Z (Retail $16) $12.80
Series ]
by R.C. Sproul
In today’s society, we are told that homosexuality is a legitimate alternative lifestyle. Confusion still abounds, even in the church, about the nature of homosexuality. Dr. Sproul helps us understand some of the confusion surrounding the problem of homosexuality and will provide us with simple biblical responses to them. HOM01CI Z 1 CD Z (Retail $10) $8
Making Tough Moral Decisions [ Teaching Series ] b y R.C. Sproul
In this series, Dr. R.C. Sproul gives a brief examination of Christian ethics. After introducing the topic of ethics, he then proceeds to deal with three important ethical situations that we face in everyday life. MAK01CC Z 5 CDs Z (Retail $38) $30.40
Now, That’s a Good Question! [ Book ] b y R . C . S p r o u l
Dr. Sproul tackles over three-hundred vexing questions on theology, apologetics, the Bible, philosophy, and personal and cultural ethics. NOW01BP Z Paperback, 613 Pages Z (Retail $17) $13.60
God’s Law and the Christian [ Teaching
Series ]
by R.C. Sproul
One of the most vexing issues of interpretation for the Christian is how the law of Moses is to be used by the believer today. This series by Dr. R.C. Sproul addresses this question through a practical study of the Ten Commandments given to regulate the life of the covenant community. Sixteen messages. GOD02CC Z 6 CDs Z (Retail $38) $30.40
magazine renew your mind each day
Tabletalk’s daily Bible studies offer structure for your devotional life. Deliver-
ing biblical scholarship in down-to-earth writing, Tabletalk helps you understand and apply Scripture. Each issue also contains challenging, stimulating articles on a wide variety of issues related to theology, Christian living, worldview and church history, written by eminently trustworthy authors—leaders like Sinclair Ferguson, John MacArthur, Albert Mohler, John Piper, R.C. Sproul, and Derek Thomas.
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What do we mean when we say the Bible is infallible and inerrant? This helpful presentation of these doctrines demonstrates why we can trust the Word of God. CAN06BP Z Paperback, 65 pgs Z (Retail $7) $5.60
This concise explanation of the person and work of Jesus is a helpful reminder T
All Christians are trying to understand the will of God for their lives, and this practical booklet explains how
to Christians and a handy evangelistic tool that can be given to non-Christian friends, family, and neighbors. WHO04BP Z Paperback, 106 pgs Z (Retail $7) $5.60
we may discern His will through the Spiritillumined study of Scripture. CAN05BP Z Paperback, 102 pgs Z (Retail $7) $5.60
This cuts through the confusion and carefully explains what it means, biblically and theologically, to be born
again. It affirms that
To help believers reach assurance about
new birth is essential—
their salvation, this booklet defines
then goes on to show
assurance, shows how we can get it,
what the new birth is
reveals the blessings it confers, and
and how it occurs.
warns of the dangers of false assurance.
WHA21BP Z Paperback,
CAN07BP Z Paperback,
88 pgs Z (Retail $7) $5.60
106 pgs Z (Retail $7) $5.60
Buy all 8
Crucial Questions
booklets for only
In his long and fruitful ministry as a preacher and teacher, Dr. R. C. Sproul has built a welldeserved reputation as one who has helped many Christians come to a deeper understanding of the core truths of the faith. Now, in a new series from Reformation Trust Publishing, Dr. Sproul’s clear and concise teaching on many of these core truths is available in booklet form.
Crucial Questions Collection
Cru03BP Z 8 Booklets Z (Retail $56) $39.20
R.C. Sproul brings God’s Word to bear on a variety of ethical issues and demonstrates how we may carefully apply Scripture to modern moral dilemmas. HOW08BP Z Paperback, 99 pgs Z (Retail $7) $5.60
God has ordained that He will bring
This looks to Hebrews
about His plans partly
11 for a definition of
through the use of
faith and numerous
our prayers, and this
examples of it in the
booklet looks at how
lives of the saints. It
our prayers are related
shows that faith, in
to the Lord’s
scriptural terms, is not
believing in God but
DOE03BP Z Paperback,
believing God and
88 pgs Z (Retail $7) $5.60
living according to His Word. WHA22BP Z Paperback, 99 pgs Z (Retail $7) $5.60
sinclair ferguson is one of today’s leading Reformed theologians. Dr. Ferguson is senior pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, S.C., and Distinguished Visiting Professor of Systematic Theology at Westminster Seminary in Dallas, Tex. He has also taught at other seminaries and conferences, and has served as an associate editor for the Banner of Truth Trust since 1976. Among Dr. Ferguson’s many books are The Christian Life: A Doctrinal Introduction, The Holy Spirit, and In Christ Alone.
Dr. Ferguson Recommends... Institutes of the Christian Religion [ Book ] b y J oh n C a l v i n
“It is an impossible challenge to list three books out of the multitude of volumes that have proven themselves as significant resources in one’s own life, never mind the entire experience of the Christian Church—but Calvin’s Institutes stands at the top of my own list simply because no book outside of Scripture has contributed so much to the renewing of my own mind.” – Sinclair Ferguson INS04BH Z Hardcover, 1734 Pages Z (Retail $80) $64
The Glory of Christ [ Book ] b y J oh n O we n
“If Calvin helped shape my mind, then Owen helped shape my soul. Few if any authors have captured the profound understanding of the person of Christ with a spirit of loving trust and devotion to him that causes a reader to sense that he or she is beginning to be ‘lost in wonder, love, and praise.’ Owen does this.” – Sinclair Ferguson GLO06BP Z Paperback, 240 Pages Z (Retail $13) $10.40
The Pilgrim’s Progress [ Book ] b y J oh n B u n y a n
“What more can one say about this book than has already been said? It is simply extraordinary in every way. Not only do I love it because of its vivid description of what it means to become and be a Christian, but because it has become an invaluable pastoral tool to me. It is all so lifelike, so spiritually realistic, so challenging, so encouraging, and so strengthening. I love it!” – Sinclair Ferguson PIL02BH Z Hardcover, 423 Pages Z (Retail $30) $24
f r o m L i g o n i e r T e a c h i n g F e ll o w
Sinclair Ferguson By Grace Alone & In Christ Alone In In Christ Alone, Dr. Ferguson explores aspects of the person and work of Jesus through a collection of articles. In By Grace Alone, he poses probing questions for today’s believer: “If I am not amazed by God’s grace, can I really be living in it? Can I really be tasting, and savoring, and delighting in it?” But those willing to delve into God’s Word with Dr. Ferguson will come away with a deeper astonishment at the depths of God’s grace. Buy the set and save 40%. BYG01BH Z Hardcover, 123 Pages Z (Retail $18) $14.40 INC01BH Z Hardcover, 256 Pages Z (Retail $18) $14.40 FER01P Z Hardcover book set Z (Retail $36) $21.60
The Sermon on the Mount The Sermon on the Mount is one of the most beloved portions of Scripture. Unfortunately, it is one portion that is too often misunderstood. In this book, Dr. Sinclair Ferguson explains that the Sermon on the Mount is about kingdom life in a fallen world. In his exposition, Dr. Ferguson shows that the sermon addresses some of the Christian life’s most basic concerns including prayer, the relationship of law and gospel, anxiety, peace, and righteousness. SER01BP Z Paperback, 184 Pages Z (Retail $8) $6.40
The Holy Spirit Dr. Sinclair Ferguson has provided the church with what many consider the best book on the Holy Spirit in the past several decades. In this work, he provides a comprehensive exploration and analysis of the Holy Spirit as described in the Old and New Testaments and discusses His role in salvation as well as the abuses He suffers from the modern Pentecostal movement. HOL14BP Z Paperback, 288 Pages Z (Retail $22) $17.60
f r o m L i g o n i e r T e a c h i n g F e ll o w
Robert Godfrey God’s Pattern for Creation Beginnings are important. If we want to understand the Bible as a whole, it is vital to understand what it teaches about creation. W. Robert Godfrey has written this study with thoughtful Christians in mind. He carefully examines the text, knowing that the Bible is a covenantal record that is always focused on God and his relationship to his people. GOD28BP Z Paperback, 141 Pages Z (Retail $11) $8.80
An Unexpected Journey Like many of us, Dr. W. Robert Godfrey was not raised under the tutelage of Reformed theology, but he became convinced of its truth later in life. In this book, Dr. Godfrey relates the story of how he came to embrace Reformed theology. As he tells his story, he establishes the biblical and historical backgrounds for Calvinism and explains the major themes of its doctrine. UNE01BP Z Paperback, 150 Pages Z (Retail $10) $8
Reformation Sketches The sketches in this book strive to show that the Reformation remains vitally important for Christians today. Reformers and preachers of the sixteenth century were the best educated, most godly, and most faithful group of leaders the church has ever seen. In a remarkable way they combined commitment, learning and orthodoxy. In this book, Martin Luther and John Calvin received most of Godfrey’s attention, but he also treats Philip Melancthon, Peter Martyr Vermigli, the Heidelberg Catechism and the Canons of Dort. REF06BP Z Paperback, 151 Pages Z (Retail $11) $8.80
Robert Godfrey is president and professor of church history at Westminster Seminary California. He has taught at many colleges and seminaries and frequently speaks at Christian conferences across the country. A member of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, Dr. Godfrey has also written several books including An Unexpected Journey, Reformation Sketches, and God’s Pattern for Creation.
Dr. Godfrey Recommends... Putting Amazing Back into Grace [ Book ] b y M ich a el H o r to n
“This is a classic everyone should have and share.” – Robert Godfrey PUT02BP Z Paperback, 288 Pages Z (Retail $18) $14.40
After Darkness, Light: Essays in Honor of Dr. R.C. Sproul [ Book ] edited b y R . C . S p r o u l J r .
“A great statement of the five points of Calvinism.” – Robert Godfrey AFT01BP Z Paperback, 214 Pages Z (Retail $14) $11.20
Sermons on the Beatitudes [ Book ] b y J oh n C a l v i n
“Any collection of sermons by John Calvin is always wonderfully spiritually profitable.” – Robert Godfrey SER04BH Z Hardcover, 114 Pages Z (Retail $20) $16
f r o m L i g o n i e r T e a c h i n g F e ll o w
Steven J. Lawson
Foundations of Grace Understanding the doctrines of grace will give you a clearer picture of God’s sovereignty. Dr. Steven J. Lawson takes you on a heart-stirring survey of the Scriptures to show that the Bible in its entirety teaches the doctrines of grace. FOU04BH Z Hardcover, 577 pages Z (Retail $28) $22.40
The Expository Genius of John Calvin Dr. Lawson looks at the life and preaching of John Calvin and encourages preachers to follow Calvin’s guidelines for expositing the Word of God. This will help you model Calvin’s habit of unveiling the glory of God from whatever text of Scripture you’re preaching. EXP03BH Z Hardcover, 142 Pages Z (Retail $15) $12
The Unwavering Resolve of Jonathan Edwards Steven Lawson examines Edwards’ life through the lens of the seventy resolutions he penned in his late teens, shortly after his conversion, which cover everything from glorifying God to repenting of sin to managing time. In Edwards’ example, he finds helpful instruction for all believers. UNW01BH Z Hardcover, 170 pages Z (Retail $16) $12.80
Steven J. Lawson is the senior pastor of Christ Fellowship Baptist Church in Mobile, Ala., and serves on the ministerial board for Reformed Theological Seminary and the board of directors for the Master’s College and Seminary. Dr. Lawson has also authored many books including Famine in the Land, Foundations of Grace, and The Expository Genius of John Calvin.
Dr. Lawson Recommends... Whatever Happened to the Gospel of Grace? [ Book ] b y J a mes M o n tgome r y Boice
“Here is an excellent overview of the five solas that ignited the Protestant Reformation. This survey serves to remind us that whenever and wherever these glorious truths are upheld and embraced, they continue to bring about biblical reformation to today’s churches, ministries, and individuals.” – Steven Lawson WHA25BP Z Paperback, 224 Pages Z (Retail $17) $13.60
A Body of Divinity [ Book ] b y T hom a s W a tso n
“Here is one of the mightiest of the Puritans, expounding the Westminster Confession, supporting it with the Scripture, teaching its grand theology, and applying its life-changing truths. This is a God-centered presentation of Reformed teaching, written in an accessible, engaging style.” – Steven Lawson BOD02BP Z Paperback, 316 Pages Z (Retail $16) $12.80
The Forgotten Spurgeon [ Book ] b y I a i n M u r r a y
“Here is the life and ministry of the ‘Prince of Preachers,’ Charles H. Spurgeon, presented around the great controversies that confronted him in eighteenth century London. This book uses Spurgeon to show what high theology looks like in one with an unquenchable zeal to preach these truths in a compelling and contagious fashion.” – Steven Lawson FOR03BP Z Paperback, 268 Pages Z (Retail $16) $12.80
r.c. sproul jr. is the founder of Highlands Ministries in Bristol, Va., which seeks to help Christians live more simple, separate, and deliberate lives to the glory of God and for the building of His kingdom. Dr. Sproul travels extensively as a conference speaker and has written several books including Tearing Down Strongholds, When You Rise Up, Bound for Glory, Biblical Economics, and Believing God.
Dr. Sproul Jr. Recommends... The Bondage of the Will [ Book ] b y M a r ti n L u the r
“My favorite theology book ever—a solidly biblical, potently written defense of the sovereignty of God in our salvation, and the depravity of man. Luther hear utterly decimates the notion that man has in himself the ability to embrace the work of Christ for us.” – R.C. Sproul Jr. BON01BP Z Paperback, 322 Pages Z (Retail $17) $13.60
The Shape of Sola Scriptura [ Book ] b y Keith M a thiso n
“This exposition of the Protestant doctrine is more than a mere history lesson on the battles of the Reformation, more even than an exploration of a sound doctrine of Scripture. It includes as well a sound, historical and biblical exposition of how we must value the wisdom of our fathers, the insight of the church, while submitting ultimately to God’s inerrant Word.” – R.C. Sproul Jr. SHA03BP Z Paperback, 364 Pages Z (Retail $21) $16.80
If There’s a God, Why Are There Atheists? [ Book ] b y R . C . S p r o u l
“This brief book successfully exposes the foolishness of unbelief, demonstrating that the giants of secular ‘theology’ are driven by their sinful hearts, rather than their open minds, just as Paul reminds us in Romans 1. Along the way, as with another more well known book by the same author we are shown the holiness of God, that we might not only believe, but worship.” – R.C. Sproul Jr. IFT01BP Z Paperback, 150 Pages Z (Retail $7) $5.60
f r o m L i g o n i e r T e a c h i n g F e ll o w
R.C. Sproul Jr. Believing God R.C. Sproul Jr. challenges Christians to take a second glance at the promises of God in the Bible in order to see anew the grandeur of what God has committed Himself to do for His people. He shows that while Christians may express trust in God’s words, they refuse, in numerous ways, to stake their lives on what He says. This book functions as a mirror in which every reader with a teachable heart will see how he or she can more fully believe God. BEL02BH Z Hardcover, 139 Pages Z (Retail $18) $14.40
Tearing Down Strongholds R.C. Sproul Jr. has equipped Christians with the ammunition needed to counter the non-Christian philosophies that have made the greatest gains in our era. He also counters the primary criticisms lobbed against the biblical worldview. He seeks not merely to expose falsehoods but to highlight the firm foundation on which our faith is built. TEA04BP Z Paperback, 200 Pages Z (Retail $14) $11.20 TEA04CC Z 4 CDs Z (Retail $31) $24.80
Bound for Glory Bound for Glory addresses the mission of the covenant family in the church and world. As Dr. Sproul Jr. defines the biblical roles of husbands, wives, and children, he explains the biblical model of parenting and discipline. Nine messages. BOU01DC Z 3 DVDs Z (Retail $30) $24 BOU01BP Z Hardcover, 150 Pages Z (Retail $17) $13.60
m o s t p o p u l a r r e s ou r c e s
Dr. Sproul investigates the questions that have been asked since the time of Socrates and Plato, tracing the history of thought from the earliest thinkers to modern philosophers. This comprehensive survey of philosophy demonstrates how the ideas of the past still impact us today. Thirty-five messages. CON01DC Z 9 DVDs Z (Retail $105) $84 CON01CC Z 12 CDs Z (Retail $74) $59.20 CON01U Z Study Guide Z $10 CON01BP Z Paperback, 224 pages Z (Retail $16) $12.80
Foundations [ Teaching Series ] b y R . C . Sproul
Dr. Sproul defines the purpose of Christian theology and surveys its content, from the doctrine of Scripture to the doctrine of the end times. He shows that the truths of Scripture relate to each other in perfect harmony. This eye-opening series addresses a myriad of questions about the origin and authority of the Bible, God, the Trinity, man, sin, salvation, revelation, miracles, the church, the end times, and more. Sixty messages. FOU01DC Z 8 DVDs Z (Retail $150) $120 FOU01CC Z 20 CDs Z (Retail $122) $97.60 FOU01U Z Study Guide Z $20
Defending Your Faith [ Teaching Series ] [ Book ] b y R . C . S p r o u l
1 Peter 3:15–16 calls us to be prepared to give an answer for the hope that is within us. The task of defending the faith is not only for those with spe-
cialized training; all of us must be prepared to answer the critics of Christianity. This series provides a comprehensive overview of apologetics, the science of defending the faith. Thirty-two messages. DEF04DC Z 9 DVDs Z (Retail $96) $76.80 DEF04CC Z 11 CDs Z (Retail $68) $54.40 DEF04U Z Study Guide Z $10 DEF04BP Z Paperback, 208 pages Z (Retail $16)
The Masculine Mandate [ Book ] b y Rich a r d Philli p s
A desperate need exists in our day for Christian men to be men, but false teaching and cultural assumptions have created a lot of confusion over what masculinity means. This new book looks at the biblical view of manhood and encourages men to lead, love their wives, love and discipline their children, and serve the church of Jesus Christ. MAS01BH Z Hardcover, 175 Pages Z (Retail $15) $12
resource consultants available Mon.–Fri. between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. (EST) 800-435-4343 |
Dust to Glory
Justification by Faith Alone
[ Teaching Series ] b y R . C .
[ Teaching
In this series, Dr. Sproul describes why the doctrine of justification is essential to the Gospel and shows how many evangelicals are now ignoring or abandoning it. Fifteen messages.
In Dust to Glory, Dr. Sproul provides a survey of the important themes and characters of Scripture, tracing the progress of redemption from creation to consummation, and demonstrating the unity of God’s Word as displayed in the diversity of the Bible. Fifty-seven messages.
Series ]
by R.C. Sproul
JUS01CC Z 5 CDs Z (Retail $38) $30.40
The Dark Side of Islam
DUS01DC Z 8 DVDs Z (Retail $142.50) $95
[ Teaching
DUS01CC Z 19 CDs Z (Retail $116) $92.80
Is Islam a religion of peace? In The Dark Side of Islam, Dr. R.C. Sproul enters into dialogue with a former Muslim, Abdul Saleeb. They discuss some of the issues central to what many believe led to the disaster on Sept.11, 2001, and the war on terror. This work is intended to dispel popular misconceptions about Islam, and expose Christians to the truth about the teachings of Mohammed and Islam.
DUS01U Z Study Guide Z $28
Eternal Security [ Teaching Series ] b y R . C . Sproul
It is possible for Christians to fall away and lose their salvation? What does the doctrine of eternal security say? In this teaching series, Dr. Sproul examines the Scriptures to answer these questions and offers a balanced view of perseverance and reminds believers of the security that all true Christians enjoy. ETE01CC Z 3 CDs Z (Retail $24) $19.20
Christian Worldview [ Teaching Series ] b y R . C . S p r o u l
One of the greatest weaknesses of the modern church is the absence of a collective understanding and presentation of the Christian worldview. This series examines the Christian worldview and several of the major alternatives to it, helping to equip the body of Christ to impact the world collectively and effectively. Twelve messages.
Series ] [ Book ]
by R.C. Sproul
DAR01BH Z Hardcover, 128 Pages Z (Retail $16) $12.80 DAR01CC Z 2 CDs Z (Retail $17) $13.60
The Holiness of God [ Teaching
Series ] [ Book ]
by R.C. Sproul
Through biblical exposition and practical illustration, Dr. Sproul reminds us of the all-consuming nature of God’s holiness and calls us to proclaim this vital truth to the church and to the world. HOL01DC Z 2 DVDs Z (Retail $30) $24 HOL01CC Z 3 CDS Z (Retail $24) $19.20 HOL01U Z Study Guide Z $8 HOL01BP Z Paperback, 226 pgs Z (Retail $14) $11.20 HOL12BPP Z Pocket-size Paperback, 272 pgs Z (Retail $5) $4 HOL01BPS Z Spanish, 240 Pages Z (Retail $13) $10.40 HOL08BA Z Audiobook, 6 CDs Z (Retail $25) $20
CHR09DC Z 2 DVDs Z (Retail $72) $57.60 CHR09CC Z 6 CDs Z (Retail $45) $36
m o s t p o p u l a r r e s ou r c e s
“As a pastor, when people ask me what Reformed theology is, it’s this series I point to as a very helpful starting point”
Dr. Sproul offers a comprehensive introduction to the key distinctives of Reformed teaching, providing a good way for church groups to begin discussing the doctrines of grace, the primacy of Scripture, the covenants, and justification. 12 messages.
R e v. J oh n S a m s o n , Pho e n i x , A Z
WHA01DC Z 3 DVDs Z (Retail $60) $48 WHA01CC Z 4 CDs Z (Retail $31) $24.80 WHA01BP Z Paperback, 236 pages Z (Retail $17) $13.60
resource consultants available Mon.–Fri. between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. (EST) 800-435-4343 |
Chosen By God [ Teaching
Series ] [ Book ]
by R.C. Sproul
In Chosen by God, Dr. Sproul shows how election is entirely compatible with human freedom, dignity, and responsibility. This is one of Ligonier Ministries’ most popular and important series.. CHO02DC Z 2 DVDs Z (Retail $30) $24 CHO02CC Z 3 CDs Z (Retail $24) $19.20 CHO02U Z Study Guide Z $6 CHO02BP Z Paperback, 213 Pages Z (Retail $13) $10.40 CHO02BPP Z Pocket-size Paperback, 213 Pages Z (Retail $5) $4 CHO02BPS Z Spanish Paperback, 147 Pages Z (Retail $10) $8
The Cross of Christ [ Teaching
Series ]
by R.C. Sproul
In The Cross of Christ, Dr. Sproul discusses the saving work of the Son of God. Unfolding the drama of redemption revealed in the Old Testament, R.C. highlights humanity’s great need for salvation and communicates the way the Cross fulfills that need. And he explains the certainty of redemption for those whom God draws to the cross. CRO01CC Z 3 CDs Z (Retail $24) $19.20
Fear and Trembling [ Teaching
Series ]
by R.C. Sproul
It is vital for young adults to understand God’s holiness so as to awaken a deeper understanding of God. This series discusses how God is to be feared as well as revered. Six messages. FEA01DC Z 2 DVDs Z (Retail $30) $24 FEA01CC Z 3 CDs Z (Retail $24) $19.20
Roman Catholicism [ Teaching
Series ]
by R.C. Sproul
The Roman Catholic Church claims to be the one, true church established by Jesus Christ. The Reformers of the sixteenth century rejected this claim, pointing to numerous conflicts between Scripture and Roman Catholic doctrine and practice. What are the differences that divide Roman Catholics and Protestants? Are they important? In this series, R.C. Sproul carefully and respectfully looks at the doctrines that are at the heart of the Catholic-Protestant divide. ROM04CC Z 5 CDs Z (Retail $38) $30.40
God Alone [ Teaching
Series ]
by R.C. Sproul
Each of the great doctrines of grace flow from God and to God. The chief end of all theological learning is to glorify God alone. Join Dr. R.C. Sproul in this new teaching series for a guided tour introducing us to the five solas of the Protestant Reformation, the heart of the Reformed Christian doctrine of salvation. Ten messages. GOD14DC Z 3 DVDs Z (Retail $50) $40 GOD14CC Z 4 CDs Z (Retail $31) $24.80
f r o m R . C . S p r ou l
Chosen By God
Truths We Confess
[ Teaching Series ] [ Book ] b y R . C . S p r o u l
[ Book ] b y R . C . S p r o u l
In Chosen by God, Dr. Sproul shows how election is entirely compatible with human freedom, dignity, and responsibility. This is one of Ligonier Ministries’ most popular and important series.. CHO02DC Z 2 DVDs Z (Retail $30) $24 CHO02CC Z 3 CDs Z (Retail $24) $19.20
In his three-volume exposition of the Westminster Confession of Faith, Dr. Sproul writes with both insight into current issues and clarity for lay readers. Volume 1 covers chapters 1–8, Volume 2 covers chapters 9–22, and Volume 3 covers the remaining chapters 23–33.
CHO02U Z Study Guide Z $6
Volume 1
CHO02BP Z Paperback, 213 Pages Z (Retail $13) $10.40
TRU05BH Z Hardcover, 279 pages Z (Retail $22) $17.60
CHO02BPP Z Pocket-size Paperback, 213 Pages Z (Retail $5) $4
Volume 2
CHO02BPS Z Spanish Paperback, 147 Pages Z (Retail $10) $8
TRU08BH Z Hardcover, 368 pages Z (Retail $25) $20 Volume 3
Essential Truths of the Christian Faith
TRU09BH Z Hardcover, 225 pages Z (Retail $22) $17.60 Volumes 1–3
[ Book ] b y R . C . S p r o u l
TRU10BH Z 3 Book set Z (Retail $69) $55.20
This book is a handy reference tool, providing succinct, two-to-four page summaries of over one hundred doctrines of the Christian faith.
The Mystery of the Holy Spirit
ESS01BP Z Paperback, 302 Pages Z (Retail $15) $12
Now, That’s a Good Question! [ Book ] b y R . C . S p r o u l
Over the years, R.C. Sproul’s students have asked him countless questions. Now you can read his answers to more than 300 of these questions in Now, That’s a Good Question! Topics include theology, apologetics, the Bible, philosophy, and personal and cultural ethics. NOW01BP Z Paperback, 613 Pages Z (Retail $17) $13.60
The Invisible Hand [ Book ] b y R . C . S p r o u l
In this book, Dr. R.C. Sproul covers all aspects of divine providence and reasserts the fact that God is concerned with each detail in the universe. “The providence of God is our fortress, our shield, and our very great reward. It is what provides courage and perseverance for His saints,” says Sproul. INV01BP Z Paperback, 224 Pages Z (Retail $13) $10.40
[ Book ] b y R . C . S p r o u l
In The Mystery of the Holy Spirit, R.C. Sproul cuts through the confusion and goes to the heart of biblical teaching about the third person of the Trinity. He explains the Holy Spirit’s vital role in bringing people to Christ, applying Christ’s saving work to their lives, convicting and comforting them, sanctifying and empowering them for ministry, and more. MYS04BP Z Paperback, 160 Pages Z (Retail $13) $10.40
The Last Days According to Jesus [ Teaching
Series ] [ Book ]
by R.C. Sproul
This series is a great resource for helping groups understand that our interpretation of matters like the millennium, the antichrist, and the rapture must be grounded in the original intent of the biblical authors. Twelve messages. LAS01DC Z 2 DVDs Z (Retail $60) $48 LAS01CC Z 4 CDs Z (Retail $31) $24.80 LAS02BP Z Paperback, 256 pages Z (Retail $19) $15.20
resource consultants available Mon.–Fri. between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. (EST) 800-435-4343 |
2 5 t h A n n i v e r s a ry
“The human dilemma is this: God is holy, and we are not. God is righteous, and we are not.” R.C. Sproul
Through biblical exposition and practical illustration, Dr. Sproul reminds us of the all-consuming nature of God’s holiness and calls us to proclaim this vital truth to the church and to the world. HOL01BP Z Paperback, 226 pgs Z (Retail $14) $11.20 HOL12BPP Z Pocket-size Paperback Z 272 pgs, (Retail $5) $4 HOL01BPS Z Spanish Paperback, 240 Pgs Z (Retail $13) $10.40 HOL08BA Z Audiobook, 6 CDs Z (Retail $25) $20 HOL01DC Z 2 DVDs Z (Retail $30) $24 HOL01CC Z 3 CDS Z (Retail $24) $19.20 HOL01U Z Study Guide Z $8
“Every Christian who is serious about his or her growth needs to read The Holiness of God. I profited greatly from this book.” Dr. Jerry Bridges
r e f o r m at i o n t r u s t p u b l i s h i n g
Crucial Questions
[ Book ] b y R . C . Sproul
[ Book ] b y R . C . S p r o u l
This 20th Anniversary Edition has been updated to reflect developments in the issue. Abortion is a balanced consideration of the abortion debate, but also a firm and clear call to renewed respect for human life in the womb. ABO01BH Z Hardcover, 256 Pages Z (Retail $15) $12
Believing God [ BOOK ] b y R . C . S p r o u l J r .
R.C. Sproul Jr. challenges Christians to take a second glance at the promises of God in the Bible in order to see anew the grandeur of what God has committed Himself to do for His people. He shows that while Christians may express trust in God’s words, they refuse, in numerous ways, to stake their lives on what He says. BEL02BH Z Hardcover, 139 Pages Z (Retail $18) $14.40
The Christian Lover [ BOOK ] b y M ich a el H ay k i n
Dr. Michael A. G. Haykin brings together letters from one or both parties in twelve significant relationships from church history. This book is a celebration of marriage, an intimate window into the thoughts of men and women in love with both God and one another. CHR38BH Z Hardcover, 101 pages Z (Retail $15) $12
The Expository Genius of John Calvin [ Book ] b y S te v e n L a wso n
Dr. Lawson looks at the life and preaching of John Calvin and encourages preachers to follow Calvin’s guidelines for expositing the Word of God. This will help you model Calvin’s habit of unveiling the glory of God from whatever text of Scripture you’re preaching. EXP03BH Z Hardcover, 142 Pages Z (Retail $15) $12
In his long and fruitful ministry as a preacher and teacher, Dr. R. C. Sproul has built a well-deserved reputation as one who has helped many Christians to a deeper understanding of the core truths of the faith. Now, in a new series from Reformation Trust Publishing, Dr. Sproul’s clear and concise teaching on many of these core truths is available in booklet form. Crucial Questions Collection CRU03P Z 8 Booklets Z (Retail $56) $39.20 Can I Be Sure I’m Saved? CAN07BP Z Paperback, 72 pgs Z (Retail $7) $5.60 Can I Know God’s Will? CAN05BP Z Paperback, 112 pgs Z (Retail $7) $5.60 Can I Trust the Bible? CAN06BP Z Paperback, 96 pgs Z (Retail $7) $5.60 Does Prayer Change Things? DOE03BP Z Paperback, 96 pgs Z (Retail $7) $5.60 How Should I Live in this World? HOW08BP Z Paperback, 112 pgs Z (Retail $7) $5.60 What Does It Mean to Be Born Again? WHA21BP Z Paperback, 69 pgs Z (Retail $7) $5.60 What Is Faith? WHA22BP Z Paperback, 67 pgs Z (Retail $7) $5.60 Who Is Jesus? WHO04BP Z Paperback, 112 pgs Z (Retail $7) $5.60
Dual Citizens: Life Between the Already and the Not Yet [ BOOK ] b y J a so n S tellm a n
Christians are citizens of two kingdoms—one earthly, one heavenly. In Dual Citizens, Presbyterian Pastor Jason J. Stellman helps believers face many of the challenges presented by this dual citizenship, from corporate worship to cultural relevance to assurance of salvation. DUA01BH Z Hardcover, 200 pages Z (Retail $18) $14.40
“Dr. Ferguson has given us another feast and there is food here for all – saved and unsaved, ministers and laypeople, young and old.” Joel R. Beeke
It can be easy to forget the marvelous wonder of grace that we all knew when we first met the Savior. In this book, Sinclair B. Ferguson reminds us how marvelous it is that we are saved by grace and by grace alone. BYG01BH Z Hardcover, 123 Pages Z (Retail $18) $14.40
r e a d s a m p l e c h a p t e r s a t r e fo r m at i o n t r u s t. co m
r e f o r m at i o n t r u s t p u b l i s h i n g
This book is an important resource for new believers to learn these spiritual disciplines and become grounded in the Christian faith.
People need to maintain a diet of nutritious foods if their bodies are to grow and thrive. But what do the people of God need in order to grow and thrive in the Christian faith? Dr. Sproul identifies five of the crucial “nutrients� that promote spiritual growth: Bible study, prayer, worship, service, and stewardship. FIV06BH Z Hardcover, 192 Pages Z (Retail $15) $12
Feed My Sheep: A passionate Plea for Preaching [ Book ] b y V a r io u s
In Feed My Sheep, an outstanding team of pastors and scholars says to the modern church: “Turn back!” This book reveals the biblical basis for preaching, sketches the way it ought to be practiced, and shows the many practical benefits that flow from strong pulpits. FEE01BH Z Hardcover, 156 Pages Z (Retail $15) $12
Foundations of Grace [ Book ] b y S te v e n L a wso n
Understanding the doctrines of grace will give you a clearer picture of God’s sovereignty. Dr. Steven J. Lawson takes you on a heart-stirring survey of the Scriptures to show that the Bible in its entirety teaches the doctrines of grace. FOU04BH Z Hardcover, 577 pages Z (Retail $28) $22.40
Holy, Holy, Holy [ Book ] b y V a r io u s
Adapted from the lectures at the 2009 Ligonier Ministries National Conference, Holy, Holy, Holy unfolds the character of God and the holiness that sets Him apart. Here, the holiness of God is defined, explored, and praised by a lineup of leading evangelical pastors and scholars, who show how it affects our worship, doctrine, and personal walks with Christ. HOL15BH Z Hardcover, 149 Pages Z (Retail $18) $14.40
In Christ Alone [ Book ] b y S i n cl a i r F e r g u so n
This collection of articles is designed to help believers gain a better understanding of their Savior and the Christian faith,
and to live out that faith in their day-to-day lives. In Christ Alone is packed full of scriptural truth that will spark and fan the flames of the believer’s love for the Savior who is so beautiful in His love and so faithful in His work on behalf of His people. INC01BH Z Hardcover, 256 Pages Z (Retail $18) $14.40
Jesus the Evangelist [ Book ] b y Rich a r d Philli p s
Do you share your faith often — or at all? All Christians are called to be evangelists. But many believers ask: What is an evangelist? How do I begin to talk to someone about Jesus? What must I say? This book offers answers about evangelism straight from the pages of Scripture. JES02BH Z Hardcover , 208 pages Z (Retail $19) $15.20
John Calvin: A Heart for Devotion, Doctrine & Doxology [ Book ] edited b y B u r k P a r so n s
This new book edited by Burk Parsons, editor of Tabletalk magazine, celebrates the 500th birthday of John Calvin with a look at the Reformer’s importance for the church’s life and thought. Contributors include Tahbiti Anyabwile, Jerry Bridges, D.G. Hart, Michael Horton, John MacArthur, Harry Reeder, Philip Ryken, Derek Thomas, and many others. JOH08BH Z Hardcover, 246 Pages Z (Retail $19) $15.09
John [ Book ] b y R . C . S p r o u l
This introduction to the Gospel of John is packed with insights and exhortations that will draw the reader closer to the Savior and encourage him or her to a greater depth of love and devotion to Him. JOH10BH Z Hardcover, 425 Pages Z (Retail $27) $21.60
r e a d s a m p l e c h a p t e r s a t r e fo r m at i o n t r u s t. co m
r e f o r m at i o n t r u s t p u b l i s h i n g
The Lightlings
PRI05BH Z Hardcover Book, 40 pages Z (Retail $18) $14.40
[ Book ] b y R . C . Sproul
PRI05P Z Book, DVD & Audiobook Z (Retail $33) $23.10
In The Lightlings, Dr. Sproul weaves an allegorical tale that captures the essence of the biblical story of redemption in a manner that will fascinate and delight children. This book is an excellent introduction to the key themes of Scripture. LIG04BH Z Hardcover Book, 40 pages Z (Retail $18) $14.40 LIG04AN Z Animatic DVD & Audiobook Z (Retail $15) $12 LIG04P Z Book, DVD & Audiobook Z (Retail $33) $23.10
Living for God’s Glory [ BOOK ] b y J oel Bee k e
In this introduction to Calvinism, Joel Beeke — with contributions from Sinclair Ferguson, Michael Haykin, Derek Thomas and others — displays the biblical, God-centered, comprehensive, and practical nature of Calvinism. Explore Calvinism in history, in the mind, in the heart, in the church, in society, and more. LIV03BH Z Hardcover, 416 pages Z (Retail $24) $19.20
The Prayer of the Lord [ Book ] b y R . C . S p r o u l
Christ gave the Lord’s Prayer to teach His disciples about prayer, and Dr. Sproul, in his trademark fashion, brings out many of the truths Christ intended for His followers to learn. Readers will learn how not to pray, then will be led into a deeper understanding of various topics. PRA12BH Z Hardcover, 144 Pages Z (Retail $15) $12
The Prince’s Poison Cup [ Book ] b y R . C . S p r o u l
In The Prince’s Poison Cup, Dr. Sproul focuses on the atonement to show that Jesus had to endure the curse of sin in order to redeem His people from spiritual death.
PRI05AN Z Animatic DVD & Audiobook Z (Retail $15) $12
Sammy and His Shepherd [ BOOK ] b y S u s a n H u n t
Susan Hunt offers families a delightful story, built around the Twenty-third Psalm, that will help children grow in their understanding of what it is to live among a community of redeemed people guided by a loving Lord. Discussion questions and activities help parents guide their children into a deeper understanding of the biblical text. SAM02BH Z Hardcover, 56 Pages Z (Retail $17) $13.60
Sola Scriptura [ Book ] b y V a r io u s
This collection of essays from several noted pastors and theologians explains the doctrine of sola Scriptura, helping us understand what it means that Scripture is infallible and supremely authoritative for Christian faith and practice. SOL01BH Z Hardcover, 144 Pages Z (Retail $15) $12
Surprised by Suffering [ Book ] b y R . C . S p r o u l
The problem of suffering is often raised by those who question the goodness or the power of God. R.C. Sproul provides biblical answers to the questions about suffering and addresses some of the many unbiblical conclusions that are put forth today. In the end, he shows that suffering is not outside the realm of God’s providence and His good purposes. SUR01BH Z Hardcover, 157 pages Z (Retail $15) $12
“With boldness of heart and pastoral wisdom, Rick Phillips leads us back toward biblical manhood—masculinity grounded in the cultural mandate, the cross, and the ordinary means of grace.” – Eric C. Redmond Senior pastor, Reformation Alive Baptist Church, Temple Hills, Md.
A desperate need exists in our day for Christian men to be men, but false teaching and cultural assumptions have created a lot of confusion over what masculinity means. This book looks at the biblical view of manhood and encourages men to lead, love their wives, love and discipline their children, and serve the church of Jesus Christ. MAS01BH Z Hardcover, 175 Pages Z (Retail $15) $12
r e a d s a m p l e c h a p t e r s a t r e fo r m at i o n t r u s t. co m
r e f o r m at i o n t r u s t p u b l i s h i n g
A Taste of Heaven
affirming teachings, as Richard D. Phillips explains in this work on the five points of Calvinism.
[ Book ] b y R . C . Sproul
WHA14BH Z Hardcover, 111 Pages Z (RETAIL $15) $12
A Taste of Heaven searches the Scriptures for timeless principles from the worship practices of both Old and New Testaments to guide worship today. God intends worship to be an unforgettable encounter between Himself and His people — a taste of heaven. TAS01BH Z Hardcover, 173 pages Z (Retail $15) $10.50
The Truth of the Cross [ Book ] [ Audiobook ] b y R . C . Sproul
Dr. Sproul surveys the great work accomplished by Jesus Christ through His crucifixion — the redemption of God’s people. The Truth of the Cross is an uncompromising reminder that the atonement of Christ is an absolutely essential doctrine of the Christian faith, one that should be studied and understood by all believers. TRU07BH Z Hardcover, 168 pages Z (Retail $15) $12 TRU07BA Z Audiobook Z (Retail $15) $12 (Available Nov. 2010)
What’s So Great About the Doctrines of Grace? [ BOOK ] b y Rich a r d Philli p s
Welcome to a Reformed Church [ Book ] b y D a n iel H y de
In layman’s terms, Rev. Hyde sketches the historical roots of the Reformed churches, their scriptural and confessional basis, their key beliefs, and the ways in which those beliefs are put into practice. The result is a roadmap for those encountering the Reformed world for the first time and a primer for those who want to know more about their Reformed heritage. WEL01BP Z Paperback, 178 Pages Z (Retail $12) $9.60
The Unwavering Resolve of Jonathan Edwards [ BOOK ] b y S te v e n L a wso n
Steven Lawson examines Edwards’ life through the lens of the seventy resolutions he penned in his late teens, shortly after his conversion, which cover everything from glorifying God to repenting of sin to managing time. In Edwards’ example, he finds helpful instruction for all believers. UNW01BH Z Hardcover, 170 pages Z (Retail $16) $12.80
The doctrines of grace are soulstirring, confidence building, life-
“Here St e v e n La w s o n a r t f u l l y p o i n t s you to Jo n a t h a n Ed w a rd s, a m o d e l f o r pursu ing h o line s s, hu m i l i t y a n d l ov e.” – D r . S t e p h e n J. N i c h o l s
r e f o r m a t i o n
t r u s t
b o o k
s e t s
R.C. Sproul John; The Truth of the Cross; Surprised By Suffering These titles by Dr. R.C. Sproul provide an excellent starting point for those unfamiliar with his clear, engaging presentation of biblical truths regarding the Gospel, redemption, and suffering. SPR50P Z 3 Book set Z (Retail $57) $39.90
John Calvin Living for God’s Glory; John Calvin: A Heart for Devotion, Doctrine, and Doxology; The Expository Genius of John Calvin In 2009, we celebrated the 500th birthday of John Calvin. His life, ministry, and teachings have made a great contribution to systematic theology and are of great importance even for the twenty-first century church. These books celebrate the legacy of this reformer. RTJ01P Z 3 Book set Z (Retail $58) $34.80
Reformation Trust Authors The Masculine Mandate; By Grace Alone; The Unwavering Resolve of Jonathan Edwards Reformation Trust authors Steven J. Lawson, Sinclair B. Ferguson, and Richard D. Phillips provide trusted resources for your library as they explore topics such as the biblical calling for men, God’s grace, and the life and resolutions of Jonathan Edwards. RTA02P Z 3 Book set Z (Retail $49) $34.30
Children Sammy and His Shepherd; The Lightlings; The Prince’s Poison Cup Young children learn about God through stories and other materials tailored especially for them. These books by R.C. Sproul and Susan Hunt present the deep truths of the Bible on a level children can readily understand. RTC02P Z 3 Book set Z (Retail $53) $31.80
r e a d s a m p l e c h a p t e r s a t r e fo r m at i o n t r u s t. co m
light & heat: a passion for the holiness of god
mar 24-26
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n e w Y O U R m i n d r e n e w y o u r m i n d r e n e w Y O U R m i n d r e n e w y o u r m i n d r e n e w Y O U R m i n d r e
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orlando, FL first baptist church Sinclair Ferguson, Robert Godfrey, Steven Lawson, John Piper, R.C. Sproul, R.C. Sproul Jr. 800-435-4343
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The Prince’s Poison Cup [ Book ] [ Audiobook ] [ Animatic ] b y R.C. Sproul
In The Prince’s Poison Cup, Dr. Sproul focuses on the atonement to show that Jesus had to endure the curse of sin in order to redeem His people from spiritual death. The animatic DVD presents the book illustrations in a new light as Dr. Sproul narrates a story that will captivate both children and adults alike. PRI05BH Z Hardcover Book, 40 pages Z (Retail $18) $14.40 PRI05AN Z Animatic DVD & Audiobook Z (Retail $15) $12 PRI05P Z Book, DVD & Audiobook Z (Retail $33) $23.10
The Lightlings [ Book ] [ Audiobook ] [ Animatic ] b y R.C. Sproul
In The Lightlings, Dr. Sproul weaves an allegorical tale that captures the essence of the biblical story of redemption in a manner that will fascinate and delight children. This book is an excellent introduction to the key themes of Scripture. Watch the beautiful illustrations come to life through the colorful and powerful animatic. LIG04BH Z Hardcover Book, 40 pages Z (Retail $18) $14.40 LIG04AN Z Animatic DVD & Audiobook Z (Retail $15) $12 LIG04P Z Book, DVD & Audiobook Z (Retail $33) $23.10
The King Without a Shadow [ Book ] [ Audiobook ] b y R . C . Sproul
When children understand the holiness and glory of God, a strong foundation is laid for lifelong discipleship. The King Without a Shadow is a delightfully illustrated story of one king’s search for the greatest King of all — One whose perfect light casts no shadow. KIN01BH Z Hardcover, 32 pages Z (Retail $17) $13.60 KIN01CI Z Audiobook, 1 CD Z (Retail $10) $8
The Priest With Dirty Clothes [ Book ] [ Audiobook ] b y R . C . S p r o u l
Dr. Sproul tells of a young priest who falls from his horse. The mud ruins his garments, dashing his hopes of appearing before the king. But the great prince offers his own
beautiful clothes, echoing the timeless message of the Lord Jesus Christ atoning for our sin and clothing us with the robe of His perfect righteousness, without which no one can see God. PRI01BH Z Hardcover, 45 Pages Z (Retail $15) $12 PRI01CI Z Audiobook, 1 CD Z (Retail $10) $8
Sammy and His Shepherd [ BOOK ] b y S u s a n H u n t
Susan Hunt offers families a delightful story, built around the Twenty-third Psalm, that will help children grow in their understanding of what it is to live among a community of redeemed people guided by a loving Lord. Discussion questions and activities help parents guide their children into a deeper understanding of the biblical text. SAM02BH Z Hardcover, 56 Pages Z (Retail $17) $13.60
John Calvin [ BOOK ] b y S imo n ett a Carr
Simonetta Carr introduces young readers to the life, thought, and world of John Calvin. They will come to know Calvin’s personality, his devotion to God and the church, and the personal challenges he faced. This book makes a great gift for children of this rich Reformed heritage. JOH09BH Z Hardcover, 64 Pages Z (Retail $18) $14.40
Reformation Heroes [ BOOK ] b y J oel Bee k e a n d D i a n a Kle y n
This illustrated overview gives a look at the lives of more than forty Reformation heroes and is an excellent tool for older children and teens. “I hope this book will help awaken youth in America to the vital truths set forth so clearly and boldly by the historic heroes of the Reformation.” - R.C. Sproul REF35BH Z Hardcover , 240 pages Z (Retail $25) $20
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The Big Book of Questions & Answers
Ultimate Issues
[ BOOK ] b y S i n cl a i r F e r g u so n
Our society offers many competing answers to the ultimate issues of life and ethics. Ultimate Issues by Dr. Sproul helps to guide young people towards a biblical understanding of ultimate reality. Question-and-answer sessions with young people in the video curriculum help to clarify common assumptions teens and young adults have about God, and values in today’s world. Four messages.
For children ages six to twelve, this book helps parents answer big questions about the Christian faith. BIG02BP Z Paperback, 95 Pages Z (Retail $13) $10.40
The Big Book of Questions & Answers About Jesus [ BOOK ] b y S i n cl a i r F e r g u so n
[ BOOK ] b y R . C . S p r o u l
ULT01DC Z 2 DVDs Z (Retail $20) $16 ULT01CC Z 2 CDs Z (Retail $17) $13.60 ULT01BP Z Paperback, 88 Pages Z (Retail $9) $7.20
For children ages six to twelve, this book helps parents teach their children biblical truths about Jesus.
Fear and Trembling
BIG01BP Z Paperback, 100 Pages Z (Retail $13) $10.40
The Big Book of Bible Truths, Volumes 1 & 2
It is vital for young adults to understand God’s holiness so as to awaken a deeper understanding of God. This series discusses how God is to be feared as well as revered. Six messages.
[ BOOK ] b y S i n cl a i r F e r g u so n
FEA01CC Z 3 CDs Z (Retail $24) $19.20
Through the stories in this book you will find out about Jesus, His life, how He wants to get to know you. Sinclair Ferguson tells twentyseven stories that will teach you about what it means to be a Christian. Vol. 1 BIG03BP Z Paperback, 64 Pages Z (Retail $15) $12 Vol. 2 BIG04BP Z Paperback, 64 Pages Z (Retail $15) $12
Choosing My Religion [ Teaching Series ] [ Book ] b y R . C . S p r o u l
In this series, Dr. Sproul addresses the promises that relativism and rebellion make but cannot keep. In interviews with students and young adults, which reveal the convictions they hold, Dr. Sproul responds to these views with biblical truth and exposes false philosophies. CHO01DC Z 2 DVDs Z (Retail $25) $20 CHO01CC Z 3 CDs Z (Retail $24) $19.20 CHO01BP Z Paperback, 128 pages Z (Retail $14) $11.20
[ Teaching
Series ]
by R.C. Sproul
FEA01DC Z 2 DVDs Z (Retail $30) $24
TrueU: Does God Exist? [ Teaching Series ] hosted b y S te p he n M e y e r
In TrueU: Does God Exist?, Dr. Stephen Meyer plays a “philosophical survival game” pitting four worldviews against one another in the quest to decide which one gives the best answer. Dr. Meyer helps you examine the evidence and provides the tools needed to defend your faith and make it your own. This is a 10 part series, taught by a Christian who is a well respected scientist. Set includes 2 DVD’s and a 64 page discussion guide. TRU13DC Z 2 DVDs & Discussion Guide Z (Retail $40) $32
“Produced by Focus on the Family in conjunction with Coldwater Media, TrueU is an apologetics training series primarily geared to help prepare high school students for the rigorous challenges and attacks that will confront them on the university campus. My guess is that it will end up benefiting a whole lot more folks than just high school seniors” – Dr. Del Tacket 49 49
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Tough Questions Christians Face: 2 0 1 0 N AT ION A L C ON F EREN C E S E T S
2010 National Conference
18 messages
Christ has redeemed us to be a light that directs others to Him. Fulfilling this call requires us to be able to deal with the most difficult questions asked about the Christian faith. If we are unprepared for the darkness around us, it will be harder to counter it with the truth of God’s Word. In this series of lectures from Ligonier Ministries’ 2010 National Conference, Alistair Begg, Michael Horton, Steven J. Lawson, John MacArthur, Albert Mohler, Burk Parsons, R.C. Sproul, R.C. Sproul Jr., and Derek Thomas address some of the most difficult questions that we face as Christians and endeavor to offer biblical answers to assure us and to help us defend the truths of the Christian faith. This conference also fea-
ORL10DC Z 4 DVDs Z (Retail $85) $68
tures a special mini conference on Christian
ORL10CC Z 16 CDs Z (Retail $65) $52
communication in a hypersocial world.
ORL10MCD Z 1 MP3 CD Z (Retail $45) $36
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