2013-2014 Ligonier Resource Guide

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2013 –2014 ResOURCe gUIDe

Helping you know what you believe, why you believe it, how to live it, and how to share it.

dear friends: IN ACTS 18:24–28, WE READ OF APOLLOS, WHO, WHILE “COMPETENT IN THE SCRIPTURES,” knew that he had more to learn about the “way of the lord.” when priscilla and aquila met him and showed interest in helping him understand the deep truths of scripture more accurately, apollos readily agreed to learn from them. as a result, he became an even greater help to “those who through grace had believed.” our work through ligonier Ministries is dedicated to assisting the church in training believers to help the body of christ. we believe christian education is


key to this work, and we seek to produce and promote resources that can help people know what they believe, why they believe it, how to live it, and how to share it. our goal is to serve the kingdom of God, which is why we carry not just our resources, but resources from other publishers and ministries that we believe can be useful in the church today. to bear effective witness, we must dig deep into God’s word to grow in him and the knowledge of his kingdom. this resource guide presents what we think are some of the most important and timely resources available to help christians go deeper in their faith and to grow in their effectiveness. it is offered with the aim of supporting you in your labors in behalf of our savior’s kingdom.






2013–2014 Resource Guide




Most Popular Resources


Teaching Series


Overview Series

33 The Reformation Study Bible


Gifts Under $15


Gifts Under $25


Commentaries from R.C. Sproul


From R.C. Sproul


Crucial Questions Booklets


Reformation Trust


Ligonier Connect


Children and Youth


National Conference Sets

65 Tabletalk Magazine


Index of all Ligonier Resources


Most popular Resources

Chosen by God

Dust to Glory

by R.C. Sproul

By R.C. Sproul

Why is it important that we understand the biblical doctrine of predestination? This series explains how election shapes our perspectives on God and man and the nature of their contributions to salvation.

What better place to start a small group study than with the Bible? R.C. Sproul gives a panoramic, insightful and memorable study tour of biblical truth, from Genesis to Revelation, all designed to provide context to inform your own reading and study. Learn the major themes, events and people of Scripture. See page 28 for more information.

CHO02DC Z 2 DVDs Z $30 $27 CHO02CC Z 3 CDs Z $24 $21.60 CHO02U Z Study Guide Z $6

DUS01DC Z 8 DVDs Z $142.50 $128.25

CHO02BP Z Paperback, 213 Pages Z $13 $10.40

DUS01CC Z 19 CDs Z $116 $104.40

CHO02BPP Z Pocket-size Paperback, 213 Pages Z $5 $4

DUS01U Z Study Guide Z $28

CHO02BPS Z Spanish Paperback, 147 Pages Z $10 $8

Foundations The Consequences of Ideas

by R.C. Sproul

CON01U Z Study Guide Z $10

God laid the foundation for the church as He spoke through the apostles and prophets. Running through the Bible are stories, letters, poems, proverbs, and prophecies. All present powerful, foundational truths that inform and instruct believers as to what they should believe and how they should act. Identifying how these truths interconnect is the province of systematic theology. In this overview of systematic theology, R.C. Sproul surveys biblical teachings on key issues, the basic building blocks of orthodox faith.

CON01BP Z Paperback, 224 pages Z $16 $12.80

fou01dc Z 8 DVDs Z $150 $135.00

By R.C. Sproul

How has our thinking been influenced by the past? Trace the history of thought from the earliest thinkers to modern philosophers as R.C. Sproul investigates the questions that have been asked since the time of Socrates and Plato. See page 29 for more information. CON01DC Z 9 DVDs Z $105 $94.50 CON01CC Z 12 CDs Z $74 $66.60

fou01cc Z 20 CDs Z $122 $109.80

Defending Your Faith By R.C. Sproul

Can you defend what you believe? Learn four logical premises necessary for all reasonable discourse and how to defend your faith in a faithless world. This series is designed for individual study, senior high school classes, homeschoolers, small study groups, and adult Sunday school classes. See page 31 for more information.

fou01u Z Study Guide Z $24 $20

The Gospel Focus of Charles Spurgeon by Steven J. L aw s o n

DEF04CC Z 11 CDs Z $68 $61.20

Calvinism and a heart for sinners went hand in hand in Charles Spurgeon’s ministry, and they should go hand in hand in our lives as well, as this book demonstrates. Drawing the line does not preclude faithful gospel proclamation.

DEF04U Z Study Guide Z $10

GOS23BH Z Hardcover, 176 Pages Z $16 $12.80

DEF04DC Z 11 DVDs Z $96 $86.40

DEF04BP Z Paperback, 208 pages Z $17 $13.60


The Holiness of God by R.C. Sproul

Want to experience a transforming encounter with God? Start here. Learn why having an understanding of God’s holiness is vital to God-centered, God-honoring theology and Christian living.



The Last Days According to Jesus by R.C. Sproul

HOL01DC Z 2 DVDS Z $30 $27

How are we to understand the second coming of Christ? Study the time-texts associated with the Olivet Discourse and the book of Revelation and learn the strong evidence for the truthfulness of Scripture.

HOL01CC Z 3 CDs Z $24 $21.60

LAS01DC Z 2 DVDs Z $60 $54

HOL01U Z study guide Z $8

LAS01CC Z 4 CDs Z $31 $27.90

HOL01BP Z Paperback, 226 pages Z $15 $9.75

LAS02BP Z Paperback, 256 pages Z $20 $16

HOL12BPP Z Pocketsize, 272 pages Z $5 $4

The Intimate Marriage by R.C. Sproul

One of the most precious gifts that God has given to mankind is the gift of marriage. For in the marital relationship, God has determined that He will be glorified as husband and wife delight in each other. Dr. R.C. Sproul takes a practical, pastoral look at not only the theology of marriage, but also its sociology and psychology, covering such topics as communication, gender roles, and sex. INT05Dc Z 3 DVDs Z $30 $27 INT05CC Z 4 CDs Z $24 $21.60

Knowing Scripture by R.C. Sproul

This series shows us that it is the privilege and duty of every believer to diligently study God’s Word. It reminds us that along with this privilege comes the responsibility to interpret the Bible correctly. Dr. R.C. Sproul teaches that interpreting Scripture, like all sciences, is governed by rules. He lays out the basic guidelines for correctly understanding, interpreting, and applying Scripture. This series is a great study tool for both beginning and long-time Bible readers. KNO01DC Z 4 DVDs Z $60 $54.00 KNO01CC Z 6 CDs Z $45 $40.50

The Masculine Mandate by Richard Phillips

This book looks at the biblical view of manhood and encourages men to live up to the high standards to which God has called them. MAS01BH Z Hardcover, 175 Pages Z $15 $12

Roman Catholicism by R.C. Sproul

Dr. Sproul carefully and respectfully looks at the doctrines that are at the heart of the CatholicProtestant divide. rom04cc Z 5 CDs Z $38 $34.20

What Is Reformed Theology? by R.C. Sproul

This introduction to Reformed teaching is a good way for groups to begin discussing the doctrines of grace, the primacy of Scripture, the covenants, and justification. WHA01DC Z 3 DVDs Z $60 $54 WHA01CC Z 4 CDs Z $31 $27.90 WHA01U Z study guide Z $8 WHA01BP Z Paperback, 240 pages Z $16 $12.80 WHA01BPP Z Pocketsize, 240 pages Z $7 $5.60




PEACE Each of us is on a search for peace. During this season, we bake cookies and play music, but such comforts only hint at a much greater peace in the distance. The good news of Christmas is that we can stop searching, because we already know the One who is peace. This new book reminds us of the real meaning of Christmas, a world-changing event that reaches beyond December 25th and affects every life, every day, for all of time. Jesus is our peace (Eph. 2:14a). Meditations, Bible passages, and hymns unite with beautiful illustrations inviting you and your family to enter into the true peace of Christmas. Now available wherever books are sold. PEA01BH


HARDCOVER, 144 pages


$35 $28


T e ac h i n g S e r i e s

The Parables of Jesus with R.C. Sproul Contents





Parable of the Unjust Judge


Parable of the Rich Fool


Parable of Lazarus & the Rich Man


Parable of Hidden Treasure & Parable of the Pearl of Great Price


Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard


Parable of the Pharisee & the Publican


Parable of the Unforgiving Servant


Parable of the Good Samaritan

10 Parable of the Prodigal Son 11 Parable of the Wise & Foolish Virgins 12 Parable of the Talents Spanish messages included on DVD.


hen Jesus taught, he rarely employed tidy bullet points or spoke in dry propositions. Instead, when asked questions, he replied with stories. Those parables have proven

so memorable that their images have become iconic. The Prodigal Son. The Good Samaritan. The Rich Fool. Now, in a new teaching series, Dr. R.C. Sproul explores these resonant stories, setting the ground rules of what parables are and why Jesus used them, then digging into each story, shedding light on the lessons in each one, and uncovering how that message should apply to our lives today.

DVDs (1) $ 43.20 $ 48 PAR04DC

C D s ( 4) $ 2 7. 9 0 $ 31 PAR04cc


On l i n e cour se Und ersta nd i ng the P a ra b l es Ligonier.org/connect




Moses and the Burning Bush with R.C. Sproul Contents 1

The Invisible Hand of God

2 The Burning Bush 3

A Consuming Fire

4 The Angel of the Lord 5

Holy Ground


I AM: The Name of God


I AM: The Being of God


I AM: The Aseity of God

9 A Divine Mission 10 A Shadow of Christ Spanish messages included on DVD.


t’s a pivotal moment that reverberates throughout history: an encounter between Moses and the holy God on consecrated ground. In this ten-

lecture series, R.C. Sproul revisits this wondrous, awe-inspiring moment, explaining the meaning behind God’s appearance in the burning bush as well as the importance of His specific words to Moses. In it, listeners gain a better understanding of God’s motives for revealing Himself in this manner. Most importantly, Dr. Sproul demonstrates how this meeting foreshadows the coming of Jesus Christ.

DVDs (2) $ 43.20 $ 48 MOS03DC

C D s ( 4) $ 2 7. 9 0 $ 31 MOS03CC


On l i n e cour se M oses a nd the B ur ni ng B ush Ligonier.org/connect


T e ac h i n g S e r i e s

Luther and the Reformation with R.C. Sproul Contents 1

From Luther to the Lightning Bolt


Monastery & Rome Crisis

3 Tower Experience 4

Building St. Peters


Indulgence Controversy


Progress to Worms


Roman Catholic View of Justification (Part 1)


Roman Catholic View of Justification (Part 2)


Protestant View of Justification

10 Rome’s Objections Answered Spanish messages included on DVD.


y grace alone, through faith alone. Today, this phrase is commonly used. But in Martin Luther’s time it provoked a storm of controversy, igniting a debate that ultimately led

to the Protestant Reformation. The words of this articulate monk, priest, and scholar also caused him to be excommunicated and branded as an outlaw. Learn more about the influential life and teachings of this German reformer, the movement he sparked, and its implications for today in R.C. Sproul’s teaching series, Luther and the Reformation.

DVDs (2) $ 43.20 $ 48 LUT01DC

C D s ( 4) $ 2 7. 9 0 $ 31 LUT01CC


On l i n e cour se L uther a nd the R eforma ti on Ligonier.org/connect




What Did Jesus Do? with R.C. Sproul Contents 1



Infancy Hymns


Boy Jesus in the Temple



5 Temptation 6 Transfiguration 7 Triumphal Entrance 8

Last Supper



10 Resurrection 11 Ascension 12 The Return Spanish messages included on DVD.


hristians may understand that Jesus died for them, but how many understand that He lived for them as well? Why didn’t Christ go to

the cross immediately after His birth? It is vital that we comprehend the significance of the life Jesus led. In this twelve-message series, R.C. Sproul uncovers what it means for Christ to be the “second Adam” and the ways His life met the requirement to “fulfill all righteousness,” explaining what this means for believers today.

DVDs (2) $ 43.20 $ 48 WHA31DC

C D s ( 4) $ 2 7. 9 0 $ 31 WHA31CC


On l i n e cour se The P erson a nd Work of Chri st Ligonier.org/connect


T e ac h i n g S e r i e s

Why We Trust the Bible with


Stephen J. Nichols Contents 1

Revelation: Where Would We Be Without It?

2 The Authority of Scripture, Part 1: The Doctrine of Inspiration 3 The Authority of Scripture, Part 2: The Doctrine of Inerrancy 4 Why Sixty-Six Books? The Development of the Canon 5

Why So Many Interpretations? The Clarity of Scripture & Interpretation


Scripture for Life: The Sufficiency of Scripture Spanish messages included on DVD.


he Bible’s authority is based on the claim that it is God’s Word. As 2 Tim. 3:16-17 says, “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for

correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” So how do we know it is what it claims to be? In Why We Trust the Bible, a new six-lecture teaching series, Dr. Stephen J. Nichols explains why Scripture is considered inspired and inerrant, walks through how the books of the Bible came together, and examines what good interpretation and application looks like.

DVDs (1) $ 27 $ 30 WHY12DC

C D s ( 4) $ 21.60 $ 24 WHY12CC


On l i n e cour se D oc tri ne of Sc ri p ture Ligonier.org/connect




Jonathan Edwards with


Stephen J. Nichols Contents 1

His Early Life


A Minister of the Gospel

3 The Great Awakening 4

His Big Idea

5 The Conflict at Northampton 6 The Missionary Spanish messages included on DVD.


cholars and historians generally agree that Jonathan Edwards is one of America’s greatest theologians—and certainly its most influential.

Nonetheless, the life Edwards lived resists romantic gloss as it was marked by poverty, conflict, illness, and the death of loved ones. Still, Edwards never failed to trust God’s redemptive purposes for His people, and he preached salvation by grace no matter what hardship he was enduring. In this six-part teaching series by Dr. Nichols, we find Edwards’ example of faithfulness relatable, instructive, and inspiring.

DVDs (1) $ 27 $ 30 JON02DC

C D s ( 4) $ 21.60 $ 24 JON02DC


On l i n e cour se L i fe a nd Thoug ht of J ona tha n E d w a rd s Ligonier.org/connect


T e ac h i n g S e r i e s

Economics for Everybody with R.C. Sproul Jr. Contents 1

And God Created Economics

2 The Economic Problem of Sin 3 The Path from Work to Wealth 4 The Route From Scarcity to Plenty 5 The Role of the Entrepreneur 6 A Tale of Two Theologies, Part 1 7

A Tale of Two Theologies, Part 2


Government Intervention

9 The Two Mysteries of Monetary Policy 10 The Welfare and Corporate States of America 11 Economics Has Consequences 12 Kingdom Economics


rom government policy to household budgets, economics is everywhere. Yet few people have a proper understanding of economic

principles, and how Christians should think about them. Economics for Everybody is a new twelve-part video series and curriculum tailor-made for families, churches, and individuals who want to understand this important topic. Thoroughly unconventional, it links entrepreneurship with lemonade, cartoons with markets, and Charlie Chaplin with supply and demand. It’s funny, clever, profound, and instructive all in one place.

DVDs ( 2) + S tudy Guide $ 36 $ 45 ECO02P

S tudy G uide $ 9 ECO02U

On l i n e cour se E c onomi c s for E veryb od y Ligonier.org/connect

2 4 - H O U R C H R I ST I A N I N T E R N ET R A DIO RefNet, our always-on streaming radio station features biblical preaching and teaching from trustworthy evangelical teachers and preachers, as well as daily news briefs, Bible readings, audiobooks, music, and more.

Listen anytime at RefNet.fm

Overcoming the World

Being a Christian in a Post-Christian Culture




voddie baucham, Sinclair Ferguson, Robert Godfrey, Steven Lawson, albert Mohler, Stephen Nichols, R.C. Sproul, R.C. Sproul J r., and Derek thomas

march 13 – 15

Orlando, FL

First Baptist Church

2014 west coast Conference Steven Lawson, stephen meyer, albert mohler, R.C. Sproul, and R.C. Sproul J r. june 6–7

seattle, wa

overlake christian Church

Attend the West Coast Conference free if you register for the Alaska Study Cruise on “How to Study the Bible” that precedes the conference.

Ligonier.org /conferences


T e ac h i n g S e r i e s

The New Birth with

Steven J. Lawson Contents 1

A Necessary Birth


A Supernatural Birth


A Scriptural Birth

4 An Instantaneous Birth 5 A Comprehensive Birth 6 A Cleansing Birth 7

A Sovereign Birth

8 A Monergistic Birth


9 A Promised Birth 10 A Saving Birth 11 A Transforming Birth 12 A Permanent Birth Spanish messages included on DVD.


n John 3, Jesus said, “unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” Since then Christians have turned the words “born again” into something of a cliché, and

have even assigned them meanings contrary to what the Bible teaches. In The New Birth,

Dr. Lawson offers a needed corrective to this and an opportunity to embark on an in-depth exploration of what “new birth” really means. Through twelve lectures, Dr. Lawson examines what Jesus said in Scripture in order to recover a biblical understanding of what happens when a person is born again.

DVDs (2) $ 43.20 $ 48 NEW05DC

C D s ( 4) $ 2 7. 9 0 $ 31 NEW05CC


On l i n e cour se D oc tri ne of R eg enera ti on Ligonier.org/connect




The Doctrines of Grace in John with

Steven J. Lawson Contents 1

Laying the Foundation


Radical Depravity (Part 1)


Radical Depravity (Part 2)


Sovereign Election (Part 1)


Sovereign Election (Part 2)


Definite Atonement (Part 1)


Definite Atonement (Part 2)


Irresistible Call (Part 1)


Irresistible Call (Part 2)

10 Preserving Grace (Part 1) 11 Preserving Grace (Part 2) 12 This Changes Everything! Spanish messages included on DVD.


n this twelve-message teaching series by Steven J. Lawson, you will learn how the doctrines of grace—such as radical depravity and definite

atonement—are woven throughout John’s Gospel, while developing a new appreciation for the riches of God’s unmerited favor. Steven Lawson demonstrates that the Gospel of John offers one of the clearest presentations of the doctrines of grace in all of Scripture.

DVDs (2) $ 43.20 $ 48 DOC10DC

C D s ( 4) $ 2 7. 9 0 $ 31 DOC10CC


On l i n e cour se The D oc tri nes of Gra c e Ligonier.org/connect


T e ac h i n g S e r i e s

Believing God with

R.C. Sproul Jr.


Contents 1

All Scripture is Profitable


Our Heavenly Father Loves Us


Confession, Forgiveness, & Cleansing

4 Wisdom for the Asking 5

Children Are a Heritage

6 The Desires of Your Heart 7

Open Windows of Heaven


Mountains Cast Into the Sea

9 All Things Work Together 10 He Has Overcome the World 11 The Good Work Shall Be Completed 12 We Shall Be Like Him Spanish messages included on DVD.


od’s Word is full of wonderful, awe-inspiring promises. Yet many Christians have difficulty believing them, and even if we claim to believe them, we still don’t live as if

they’re true. In Believing God, a new twelve-lecture teaching series expanding on the book of the same name, Dr. R.C. Sproul Jr. challenges Christians to take a second look at God’s promises and see anew the grandeur of what He has committed to do for His people. This series unpacks twelve of God’s most significant commitments in Scripture, showing how believers may enrich their lives by entrusting themselves more deeply to what He has pledged.

DVDs (2) $ 43.20 $ 48 BEL02DC

C D s ( 4) $ 2 7. 9 0 $ 31 BEL02CC


On l i n e cour se Trusti ng God ’s P romi ses Ligonier.org/connect




Suffering and the Sovereignty of God



R.C. Sproul Jr. Contents 1

God in the Wasteland

2 “I Create Calamity” 3

Better than I Deserve

4 Job 5 The Man Born Blind 6

Paul’s Thorn in the Flesh


Living with the Mystery


Being Like Jesus


Mourning & Dancing

10 The Tears of God 11 Our Union with Christ 12 Wounds in Heaven Spanish messages included on DVD.


t’s one of the most vexing questions in human existence: If God is both good and sovereign, why does suffering exist? In this new teaching

series, Suffering and the Sovereignty of God, R.C. Sproul Jr. relies on Scripture to tackle this question from every angle. Throughout twelve lectures, Dr. Sproul resists glib, easy answers, while pointing to a God who is always purposeful in how He exercises His sovereignty, helping His children grow in grace and the likeness of Jesus.

DVDs (2) $ 43.20 $ 48 SUF03DC

C D s ( 4) $ 2 7. 9 0 $ 31 SUF03CC


On l i n e cour se Und ersta nd i ng God ’s Soverei g nty i n Sufferi ng Ligonier.org/connect



PART 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12



Introduction Expansion of the Church Defending the Faith Pioneering Theologian: Origen Developing Theology The Bishop Constantine & the Church Jesus as God Jesus as Man The East & the West Augustine Worship & Sacraments Spanish messages included on DVD.

DVDs (2) $ 43.20 $ 48 SUR02DC

PART 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


C D s ( 4) $ 2 7. 9 0 $ 31 SUR02CC


ON L IN E COUR SE Churc h H i story I: Anc i ent Churc h Ligonier.org/connect


ON L IN E COUR SE Churc h H i story II: M ed i eva l Churc h Ligonier.org/connect


Introduction to the Middle Ages Justinian & Gregory Gregory, Missions, & Islam Paths to God: Theologies Church Power & Dissent The Crusades Innocent III Monastacism & Scholasticism Theologians Popes & Councils Great Scholastics Mysticism & the Renaissance Forerunners of the Reformation Spanish messages included on DVD.

DVDs (2) $ 43.20 $ 48 SUR03DC

C D s ( 4) $ 2 7. 9 0 $ 31 SUR03CC




A Survey of Church History with

Robert Godfrey

P ar t




Introduction to the Reformation


Martin Luther’s Early Life


Martin Luther & the German Reformation


Martin Luther & the Growing Protestant Movement


Martin Luther & the Anabaptists


From the German Reformation to Geneva


John Calvin & Geneva

8 The Theology of John Calvin 9 The Catholic Reformation 10 The Scottish Reformation 11 The Dutch Reformation


12 The Synod of Dort Spanish messages included on DVD.


t is time for the church to kindle a fresh awareness of the faithfulness of the Lord of history. In these three grand sweeping teaching series,

Dr. Robert Godfrey shows with unique tact, humor, and adeptness why a working knowledge of our own history is relevant in every way, both for our personal lives, and for the church as a whole.

DVDs (2) $ 43.20 $ 48 SUR04DC

C D s ( 4) $ 2 7. 9 0 $ 31 SUR04CC


On l i n e cour se Churc h H i story III: The R eforma ti on Ligonier.org/connect


Join Dr. Stephen Nichols, Ligonier teaching fellow, for an informal and informative look at church history and the key figures who shaped it. This new podcast, 5 Minutes in Church History, offers easily digestible glimpses of how the eternal, unchangeable God has worked in the church over prior generations, and how this can encourage us today. Listen at 5MinutesInChurchHistory.com

T e ac h i n g S e r i e s

Reformation Profiles with

Stephen J. Nichols Contents 1

Why the Reformation Matters


Sola Scriptura: Martin Luther & the Rediscovery of the Authority of Scripture


Sola Gratia: Ulrich Zwingli & the Rediscovery of Grace


Sola Fide: Lady Jane Grey & the Rediscovery of Justification by Faith


Solus Christus: John Calvin & the Blessing of Christ Alone


Soli Deo Gloria: Glorifying God in Everything


Questions & Answers Spanish messages included on DVD.


eople new to Reformed theology may wonder just what it was about a five-hundred-year-old historical movement that affects our thinking

so much today. So join Dr. Stephen Nichols for an inviting, approachable take on “Reformation 101,� as he explores the events of the Protestant Reformation from the perspective of important figures from each of four key countries in this seven-part teaching series. More than a history lesson, Dr. Nichols helps believers understand why the Reformation mattered then and matters now.

DVDs (1) $ 27 $ 30 REF07DC

C D s ( 3) $ 21.60 $ 24 REF07CC


On l i n e cour se R eforma ti on P rofi l es Ligonier.org/connect


T e ac h i n g S e r i e s

Who is the Holy Spirit? with

Sinclair Ferguson Contents 1

Order from Chaos

2 The Face of God 3 The Spirit of the Lord 4

Dwelling Within

5 Trinitarian Fellowship 6 The Sustainer 7

Rivers of Living Water

8 A Heavenly Birth 9 A Heavenly Helper 10 Walking in the Spirit 11 The Inward Groan 12 The Spirit of Sonship Spanish messages included on DVD.


n this twelve-message series, Dr. Sinclair Ferguson offers a biblical biography of the Holy Spirit, outlining the work of the third person of

the Trinity throughout Scripture. Although the Holy Spirit is sometimes overlooked, He has been at work throughout history—from creation to the work of Christ, to His dwelling in our hearts today. Dr. Ferguson’s goal is to help us know the Holy Spirit as a person in addition to knowing of His power and work within us.

DVDs (2) $ 43.20 $ 48 WHO07DC

C D s ( 4) $ 2 7. 9 0 $ 31 WHO07CC


On l i n e cour se D oc tri ne of the H ol y Sp i ri t Ligonier.org/connect

Doctor of Ministry Sharpen your skills for ministry with godly pastors and theologians, such as:

t.d. alexander

Sinclair Ferguson

Dennis Johnson

Julius Kim

Steven Lawson

Robert Letham

Mark Ross

R.C. Sproul

Derek Thomas

Carl Trueman

Continue your ministry training from a Reformed perspective. The Ligonier Academy Doctor of Ministry program is a professional degree for ordained men serving in pastorates, mission fields, and other full-time ministries who desire to reach new levels of reflection on and competence in the practice of ministry.

Apply now. To learn more, visit Ligonier.org/DMin or call 888-722-1517.

Overv ie w of t h e bi ble R.C. Sprou l Get the picture. The Bible is a book, not just a collection of verses and passages. So what are its major themes, events and people? Join Dr. R.C. Sproul on this panoramic, insightful, and memorable study tour of biblical truth from Genesis to Revelation, designed to provide context to inform your own reading and study.

57 M essag es

(2 1 hou rs of te ach ing)

1 Creation 2 The Image of God in Man 3 The Fall 4 Covenant with Abraham 5 The Patriarchal Blessing 6 Moses & the Exodus 7 The Passover 8 The Giving of the Law 9 The Tabernacle 10 Aaron & the Priesthood 11 Old Testament Sacrificial System 12 Joshua & the Conquest of Canaan 13 The Cycle of Judges 14 The Monarchy 15 David 16 Solomon & the Temple 17 The Divided Kingdom 18 Elijah 19 Isaiah 20 Jeremiah

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

DVDs (8) $ 128.25 $ 142.50 DUS01DC

C D s ( 19) $ 104.40 $ 116 DUS01CC

The Exile Ezekiel Daniel Ezra & Nehemiah Amos & Hosea Joel, Micah, & Habakkuk The Characteristics of Wisdom Literature Psalms Ecclesiastes Job The Intertestamental Period John the Baptist The Birth of Jesus The Early Years of Jesus’ Life The Baptism & Temptation of Jesus Jesus’ Inaugural Address & Public Ministry The Teaching of Jesus: Parables Interpreting Parables

STUDY GUIDE $ 28 $ 37 DUS01U

39 The Miracles of Jesus 40 The Caesarea-Philippi Confession 41 The Transfiguration 42 The Triumphal Entry 43 The Cross 44 The Resurrection 45 The Ascension 46 Pentecost 47 The Expansion of the Church 48 The Conversion of Paul 49 Romans 50 1 & 2 Corinthians 51 Prison Epistles 52 1 & 2 Timothy 53 Hebrews 54 General Epistles 55 Introduction to Revelation 56 The Christ of Revelation 57 The Glory of God

On l i n e cour se B i b l e Survey Ligonier.org/connect

Ov erv ie w of philosophy R.C. Sprou l Dr. Sproul investigates the questions that have been asked since the time of Socrates and Plato, tracing the history of thought from the earliest thinkers to modern philosophers. This comprehensive survey of philosophy demonstrates how the ideas of the past still impact us today.

35 M essag es

( 13 hou rs of te ach ing)

1 Thales 2 Monism & Pluralism 3 Parmenides, Heraclitus, & Zeno 4 Socrates 5 Plato (Part 1) 6 Plato (Part 2) 7 Aristotle (Part 1) 8 Aristotle (Part 2) 9 Plotinus & Neo-Platonism 10 Augustine 11 Anselm 12 Aquinas (Part 1)

DVDs (9) $ 94.50 $ 105 CON01DC

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Aquinas (Part 2) The Renaissance Revolution Descartes Descartes & “Cause & Effect� Leibniz Pascal Locke Crisis in the 18th Century (Part 1) Crisis in the 18th Century (Part 2) Berkeley & Empiricism Hume (Part 1) Hume (Part 2)

C D s ( 12) $ 66.60 $ 74 CON01CC

STUDY GUIDE $ 10 $ 12 CON01U

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

The Enlightenment (Part 1) The Enlightenment (Part 2) Kant (Part 1) Kant (Part 2) Hegel Marx Kierkegaard Nietzsche Sartre & Heidegger Russell Modern Philosophers

On l i n e cour se P hi l osop hy Ligonier.org/connect


Overview of systematic Theology R.C. Sproul Dr. Sproul defines the purpose of Christian theology, surveys its content, and demonstrates its harmony from the doctrine of Scripture to the doctrine of the end times. This series addresses a myriad of questions about the origin and authority of the Bible, God, the Trinity, man, sin, salvation, revelation, miracles, the church, the end times, and more.

60 M essag es 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

(23 hou rs of te ach ing)

What Is Theology? Scope & Purpose of Theology General Revelation & Natural Theology Special Revelation Inspiration & Authority of Scripture Infallibility & Inerrancy Canonicity Scripture & Authority Knowledge of God One in Essence Three in Person Incommunicable Attributes Communicable Attributes The Will of God Providence Creatio ex Nihilo Angels & Demons The Creation of Man The Nature of Sin Original Sin

DVDs (8) $ 135 $ 150 FOU01DC

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Transmission of Sin The Covenants The Christ of the Bible The Christ of the Creeds The Names of Christ The States of Christ The Offices of Christ The Substitutionary Atonement Why Did Christ Die? The Extent of the Atonement The Holy Spirit in the OT The Holy Spirit in the NT The Paraclete The Baptism of the Holy Spirit The Gifts of the Spirit The Fruit of the Spirit Are Miracles for Today? Common Grace Election & Reprobation Effectual Calling

C D s ( 20) $ 10 9. 8 0 $ 122 FOU01CC

STUDY GUIDE $ 20 $ 24 FOU01U

41 Justification by Faith Alone 42 Saving Faith 43 Adoption & Union with Christ 44 Sanctification 45 Perseverance of the Saints 46 Biblical Images of the Church 47 The Church: One & Holy 48 The Church: Catholic & Apostolic 49 Worship in the Church 50 The Sacraments of the Church 51 Baptism 52 The Lord’s Supper 53 Death & the Intermediate State 54 The Resurrection 55 The Kingdom of God 56 The Millennium 57 The Return of Christ 58 The Final Judgment 59 Eternal Punishment 60 The Believer’s Final Rest

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Ov erv ie w of classical Apologetics R.C. Sprou l 1 Peter 3:15–16 calls us to be prepared to give an answer for the hope that is within us. The task of defending the faith is not only for those with specialized training; all of us must be prepared to answer the critics of Christianity. This series provides a comprehensive overview of apologetics, the science of defending the faith.

32 M essag es

( 13 hou rs of te ach ing)

1 Introduction to Apologetics 2 Why Apologetics? 3 Pre-Evangelism 4 Four Steps Backward 5 Law of Contradiction 6 Law of Causality 7 Reliability of Sense Perception 8 Analogical Language (Part 1) 9 Analogical Language (Part 2) 10 Contradiction & Paradox 11 Mystery 12 Natural Theology (Part 1)

DVDs (9) $ 86.40 $ 96 DEF04DC

13 Natural Theology (Part 2) 14 Aquinas vs. Kant 15 The Case for God 16 Four Possibilities 17 The Illusion of Descartes 18 Self Creation (Part 1) 19 Self Creation (Part 2) 20 Self-Existence 21 Necessary Being 22 God of the Bible vs. God of Philosophy 23 Kant’s Moral Argument

C D s ( 11) $ 61 . 2 0 $ 68 DEF04CC

STUDY GUIDE $ 10 $ 15 DEF04U

24 Vanity of Vanity 25 The Psychology of Atheism 26 The Bible & Apologetics (Part 1) 27 The Bible & Apologetics (Part 2) 28 The Bible & Apologetics (Part 3) 29 The Bible & Apologetics (Part 4) 30 The Bible & Apologetics (Part 5) 31 The Deity of Christ 32 Questions & Answers

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“A m i l e s t o n e i n e va n g e l i ca l p u b l i s h i n g. This is a serious study Bible for serious students, and it belongs in every Christian’s library.

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Ancient Word, Changing Worlds B Y E R I C T. B R A N D T & S T E P H E N J. NICHOLS

Belief in the Bible as God’s authoritative revelation to humanity forms the bedrock of the Christian faith. Ancient Word, Changing Worlds tells the story of the doctrine of Scripture in the modern age, combining in one volume both narrative chapters and chapters devoted to primary source materials. ANC01BP Z PAPERBACK, 176 PAGES Z $17 $13.60

The Barber Who Wanted to Pray BY R.C. SPROUL

The Barber Who Wanted to Pray is R.C. Sproul’s imaginative retelling of an actual interaction that took place five hundred years ago between a barber and his most famous customer, reformer Martin Luther. Dr. Sproul’s beautifully illustrated story will delight children and help them learn to pray according to the Bible. BAR01BH Z HARDCOVER, 45 PAGES Z $18 $14.40

The Call to Wonder BY R.C. SPROUL JR.

Dr. R.C. Sproul Jr. examines the call of God to be childlike in our faith. Looking to how children respond to their earthly fathers, God’s world, and even God Himself, this work illustrates what it means to trust the Lord completely, content in whatever He provides. CAL09BP Z PAPERBACK, 196 PAGES Z $15 $12

Economics Has Consequences BY R.C. SPROUL JR.

In this abridged version of the 12-lesson curriculum, Economics for Everybody, R.C Sproul Jr. explains why it is so important that Christians understand economics.

Economics Has Consequences pulls together some of the key aspects of the original series into a uniquely entertaining exploration of economics. ECO13DC Z 1 DVD Z $15 $12.00

Faithful Women & Their Extraordinary God BY NOËL PIPER

By looking at the stories of five ordinary women—Sarah Edwards, Lilias Trotter, Gladys Aylward, Esther Ahn Kim, and Helen Roseveare—readers will be challenged to make a difference for Christ in their families, in the church, and throughout the world. FAI09BP Z PAPERBACK, 174 PAGES Z $15 $12

Heaven On Earth: Capturing Jonathan Edwards’ Vision B Y S T E P H E N J. NICHOLS

Nichols brings Jonathan Edwards’ grand vision of heaven to bear upon us as we seek to live in between the now and the not-yet of heaven. Nichols refers to selections from Edwards’ sermons in order to guide and instruct us in the truth that the glories we anticipate ought to affect everything we do on earth. HEA12BP Z PAPERBACK, 144 PAGES Z $13 $10.40


Michael Card performs sev several beloved hymns in a style that combines both Celtic and Appalachian sounds and themes. Hymns include Jesus, What a Friend for Sinners Sinners; On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand Stand; Come, Thou Fount; and several others. HYM05CC Z 1 MUSIC CD Z $16 $12.80


Lady Jane Grey b y s i m o n e t ta c a rr

Simonetta Carr tells Lady Jane Grey’s captivating story of intrigue as maps, photographs, and beautiful illustrations help young readers to visualize what life was like for this brave and faithful young woman during the tumultuous times of Reformation England. Readers will learn the story of an extraordinary young girl who has been admired for generations for her courage and faithfulness to the gospel. LAD02BH Z Hardcover, 64 pages Z $18 $14.40

Leading With Love by Alexander Strauch

For leaders and teachers in every area of ministry, this book offers biblical guidance and encouragement for establishing love as the driving factor of all our labors. Filled will biblical guidance and instruction for practicing sincere love in the church and elsewhere, Alexander Strauch presents the truth that if our instruction and leadership is to be fruitful, it must be guided by love. LEA11BP Z Paperback, 208 pages Z $14 $11.20

The Masculine Mandate by Richard Phillips

A desperate need exists in our day for Christian men to be men, but false teaching and cultural assumptions have created a lot of confusion over what masculinity means. This book looks at the biblical view of manhood and encourages men to lead, love their wives, love and discipline their children, and serve the church of Jesus Christ. MAS01BH Z Hardcover, 175 pages Z $15 $12



An Unexpected Journey b y W. R o b e rt Godfrey

Robert Godfrey’s winsome account of his journey into the Reformed tradition sheds light on those aspects of Reformed theology that attract believers hungry for a deeper walk with God, including God-centered worship, the primacy of Scripture, and more. UNE01BP Z Paperback, 150 pages Z $10 $8

In It to Win It b y S t e v e n J. L aw s o n

The Bible compares the Christian life to running a race. But it can be challenging in a world filled with distractions and temptations. In this volume, Dr. Lawson shares essentials for running and finishing the race well. INI01BP Z Paperback, 256 pages Z $14 $11.20

A Simple Way to Pray by Martin Luther

A Simple Way to Pray is a guidebook on the purpose and method of biblical prayer. “No book has done more to revolutionize my personal prayer life than this little book by Martin Luther. I would recommend it for every Christian’s library.”— R.C. Sproul SIM02BP Z Paperback, 139 pages Z $10 $8

The Westminster Confession of Faith The Westminster Confession of Faith is considered to be one of the finest statements of doctrine ever produced. WES01BH Z Hardcover, 450 Pages Z $16.75 $13.40


Gifts Under $25

Believing God

Getting the Blues

b y R . C . S p r o u l jr .

b y S t e p h e n J. Nichols

It is easier to believe in God than to believe what God says. This book looks at twelve promises contained in Scripture on topics such as the sufficiency of Scripture, tithing, and divine goodness in the midst of suffering, all the while demonstrating how we may truly believe and live in light of God’s Word. BEL02BH Z Hardcover, 133 Pages Z $18 $14.40

Choosing My Religion

How could it possibly be beneficial for Christians to consider the darker side of life? In this book, Stephen Nichols shows the benefit such considerations give as he weaves Bible stories together with the lives and lyrics of blues musicians. As Nichols explains, lending our ear to the blues enables us to hear the story of the Man of Sorrows as this unique music offers to teach us much about sin, suffering, redemption, and worship. GET03BP Z Paperback, 192 Pages Z $20 $16

by R.C. Sproul

In a world engulfed with false prophesies and theories, this series benefits the young person by exposing false philosophies and redirecting them to the truths of the gospel. CHO01DC Z 2 DVDs Z $25 $22.50 CHO01CC Z 3 CDs Z $24 $21.60 CHO01BP Z Paperback, 128 pages Z $10 $8

The Invisible Hand By R.C. Sproul

This book explains and defends clearly the mysterious doctrine of God’s providence. INV01BP Z Paperback, 270 Pages Z $15 $12

INV01BPs Z Spanish Paperback, 220 Pages Z $11 $8.80

The Intimate Marriage By R.c. Sproul

Married couples and engaged couples will benefit from this practical series on establishing and maintaining a marriage that glorifies God. INT05CC Z 3 Cds Z $24 $21.60

Mark: St. Andrew’s Expositional Commentary by R.C. Sproul

Readers will find invaluable insights into the goals Mark had in writing his Gospel, the background for Jesus’ time, and the meanings of some of Mark’s most difficult passages. This introduction to the gospel of Mark is packed with insights and exhortations that will draw the reader closer to the Savior and encourage him or her to a greater depth of love and devotion to Him. MAR08BH Z Hardcover, 435 Pages Z $27 $21.60

Name Above All Names B y S i n c l a i r F e rg u s o n

In this thoughtful study and worshipful reflection, two influential pastors draw on decades of pastoral experience in order to guide us through Scripture in an examination of seven key qualities of Jesus’ identity and ministry. The overarching emphasis of this book—the incomparable character of Christ—is something that all Christians should meditate on as they consider the greatness of the King of kings. NAM04BH Z Hardcover, 192 pages Z $20 $16




By Grace Alone & In Christ Alone B y S i n c l a i r F e rg u s o n

Dr. Ferguson’s In Christ Alone explores aspects of the person and work of Jesus through a collection of articles. In By Grace Alone, he poses probing questions for today’s believer: “If I am not amazed by God’s grace, can I really be living in it? Can I really be tasting, and savoring, and delighting in it?” But those willing to delve into God’s Word with Dr. Ferguson will come away with a deeper astonishment at the depths of God’s grace. Buy the set and save 40%. FER01P Z 2 book set Z $36 $21.60

The Pilgrim’s Progress b y J o h n B u n ya n

The book records the journey of Christian, an “every man” seeking salvation on his pilgrimage to Heaven. Told as a dream, this religious classic’s charm stems from its eloquence and old-world humor, and from its colorful characters involved in incidents and scenes to which readers who live in a world of temptations can easily relate. PIL02BH Z Hardcover, 430 pages Z $30 $24

Pillars of Grace b y S t e v e n J. L aw s o n

In Pillars of Grace, Steven Lawson surveys church history and highlights men such as Clement of Rome, Augustine, and the reformers, who served as pillars in the church, standing on the foundation of Scripture and upholding its teaching about divine sovereignty in salvation. PIL03BH Z Hardcover, 577 Pages Z $28 $22.40

Surprised by Suffering By R.C. Sproul

In Surprised by Suffering, Dr. R.C. Sproul addresses

the most difficult struggle in human experience: the problem of pain. He demonstrates that God is involved in our suffering and does not leave or forsake us. Even in times of great suffering we can have a peace that passes all understanding. SUR01CC Z 3 CDs Z $24 $21.60

What Did You Expect??: Redeeming the Realities of Marriage B y Pau l Dav i d Tr i p p

This work looks at the realities of marriage, our need of grace, and what we may rightly expect of married life. WHA26BH Z hardcover, 288 pages Z $22 $17.60

The Valley of Vision b y Ar t h u r Bennett

The Valley of Vision is a selection of petitions and meditations in the Puritan tradition. This compilation of prayers is intended to teach and encourage Christians to be faithful in their private and family worship. VAL01BH Z Black Leather, 432 pages Z $26 $20.80


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Bible commentaries f rom r.c. sprou l The St. Andrew’s Expositional Commentary series is the result of years of careful preparation and Bible-centered preaching. Delivered from a pastor’s heart for his congregation, readers will find these volumes readable, applicable, appropriately paced, and thoroughly biblical. Here is an opportunity to sit at the feet of an eminent scholar and teacher, encountering the Word of God. SAC05P




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MAt06BH Hardcover,848 Pages $55 $44

ACT03BH Hardcover, 448 Pages $35 $28



MAR08BH Hardcover, 435 Pages $27 $21.60

ROM07BH Hardcover, 520 Pages $35 $28


1-2 Peter

JOH10BH Hardcover, 425 Pages $27 $21.60

PET03BH Hardcover, 304 Pages $28 $22.40



The Barber Who Wanted to Pray

Essential Truths of the Christian Faith



This imaginative tale from R.C. Sproul is based on a true story about a barber and his famous customer. One day, Master Peter musters up the courage to ask Martin Luther how to pray. What follows is a life-changing model for prayer using The Lord’s Prayer, the Ten Commandments, and the Apostles’ Creed. BAR01BH Z HARDCOVER, 40 PAGES Z $18 $14.40 BAR01BA Z AUDIOBOOK, 1 CD Z $10 $8

Chosen by God BY R.C. SPROUL

Predestination is a debated topic. Why is it important that we understand this biblical doctrine? This series explains how election shapes our perspectives on God and man and the nature of their contributions to salvation. CHO02BP Z PAPERBACK, 213 PAGES Z $13 $10.40 CHO02BPP Z POCKET-SIZE PAPERBACK, 213 PAGES Z $5 $4 CHO02BPS Z SPANISH PAPERBACK, 147 PAGES Z $10 $8 CHO02DC Z 2 DVDS Z $30 $27 CHO02CC Z 3 CDS Z $24 $21.60 CHO02U Z STUDY GUIDE Z $6

Discovering the God Who Is BY R.C. SPROUL

Given God’s incomparable magnificence, our hearts should be aflame with zeal for Him. In Discovering the God Who Is, Is Dr. Sproul seeks to set fire to your soul through a captivating study of God’s awesome attributes. DIS06BH Z HARDCOVER, 222 PAGES Z $18 $14.40

This book is a handy reference tool providing succinct, two-to-four page summaries of over one hundred doctrines of the Christian faith. ESS01BP Z PAPERBACK, 302 PGS Z $15 $12

Getting the Gospel Right BY R.C. SPROUL

Dr. Sproul discusses the contents of the document “The Gospel of Jesus Christ: An Evangelical Celebration,” which he and several other leaders produced in hope of restoring evangelical unity regarding justification. GET01BP Z PAPERBACK, 208 PAGES Z $18 $14.40

God’s Love BY R.C. SPROUL

This book delves deep into Scripture to explore this dynamic attribute of God, which finds its ultimate expression in His Son. GOD40BP Z PAPERBACK, 243 PAGES Z $15 $12

The Holiness of God BY R.C. SPROUL

Through biblical exposition and practical illustration, Dr. Sproul reminds us of the all-consuming nature of God’s holiness and calls us to proclaim this vital truth to the church and to the world. HOL01DC Z 2 DVDS Z $30 $27 HOL01DCA Z 1 DVD Z $30 $27 HOL01CC Z 3 CDS Z $24 $21.60 HOL01U Z STUDY GUIDE Z $8 HOL01BP Z PAPERBACK, 226 PAGES Z $15 $9.75 HOL12BPP Z POCKET-SIZE PAPERBACK, 272 PAGES Z $5 $4 HOL01BPS Z SPANISH PAPERBACK, 240 PAGES Z $13 $10.40 HOL08BA Z AUDIOBOOK, 6 CDS Z $25 $20



How Then Shall We Worship?

Knowing Scripture

By R.c. Sproul

Knowing Scripture explains why we should study the Bible and provides practical guidelines for interpreting the Bible in our personal study.

Formerly published as A Taste of Heaven, this book by Dr. R.C. Sproul is an overview of the biblical principles of worship. Looking to the prescriptions for worship given in the Old and New Testaments, Dr. Sproul helps us see what it means to worship God with reverence and awe. HOW14BP Z Paperback, 224 Pages Z $15 $12


by R.C. Sproul

KNO01DC Z 4 DVDS Z $60 $54 KNO01CC Z 6 CDs Z $45 $40.50 kno04bp Z Paperback, 125 pages Z $15 $12

Lifeviews by R.C. Sproul

The Intimate Marriage by R.C. Sproul

When you approach marital issues such as communication, gender roles, and sex from a biblical perspective, you not only nurture your relationship, you also bring glory to God. This series is an excellent resource for engaged or married couples who wish to grow in their relationship. INT05DC Z 2 DVDs Z $30 $27

R.C. Sproul provides a layman’s guide to understanding the many non-Christian philosophies and attitudes that affect and influence our contemporary culture. Lifeviews offers thought-stimulating information and insight on confronting today’s moral and social issues with an effective biblical response. LIF02BP Z paperback, 220 pages Z $17 $13.60

Luther and the Reformation

INT05cc Z 3 CDs Z $24 $21.60

by R.C. Sproul

INT05BH Z Hardcover, 168 pages Z $17 $13.60

Learn all about the events that led to the Protestant Reformation in Germany and the key teachings of Martin Luther. Dr. Sproul clearly and concisely explains the complex historical and theological background of the Reformation and shows us why Luther remains important even today.

INT05BP Z Paperback, 163 pages Z $10 $8

Justified by Faith Alone by R.C. Sproul

A handy booklet outlining the doctrine of justification by faith alone and the essential elements of the biblical gospel. A helpful preparation for anyone who desires to understand and share the gospel more effectively.

LUT01DC Z 2 DVDs Z $48 $43.20 LUT01CC Z 3 CDs Z $31 $27.90 LUT01U Z Study Guide Z $8

JUS09BP Z Paperback, 64 Pages Z $7 $5.60



Moses and the Burning Bush

Pleasing God



MOS03DC Z 2 DVDS Z $48 $43.20

Pleasing God delivers an in-depth look at God’s plan and pathway for spiritual maturity. Dr. Sproul reveals how every believer can experience authentic, lasting life change through a relationship with God. Rich in biblical insights, Pleasing God offers a practical guide for anyone longing to live a life that honors the Savior.

MOS03CC Z 3 CDS Z $31 $27.90

PLE01DC Z 2 DVDS Z $30 $27


PLE01CC Z 3 CDS Z $24 $21.60

God’s appearance to Moses at the burning bush was a turning point in world history. As Dr. R.C. Sproul shows in this series, God’s selfrevelation to Moses set the stage for the rescue of Israel, provided details of the Lord’s character, and prepared the way for Christ.


Now, That’s a Good Question!

The Promises of God



Over the years, R.C. Sproul’s students have asked him countless questions. Now you can read his answers to more than 300 of these questions in Now, That’s a Good Question! Topics include theology, apologetics, the Bible, philosophy, and personal and cultural ethics. NOW01BP Z PAPERBACK, 613 PAGES Z $17 $13.60

It is one thing to believe in God—to believe that there is a God—and quite another thing to believe God. A living faith involves trusting the promises of God. In this allnew book from R.C. Sproul with chapter-by-chapter study guides, readers learn why God is the only Promise Maker worth trusting. PRO14BH Z HARDCOVER, 272 PAGES Z $20 $16

The Parables of Jesus BY R.C. SPROUL

Dr. R.C. Sproul’s newest teaching series looks at the importance of parables in Jesus’ ministry, how they should be interpreted, and then unpacks the meaning of twelve of the most popular and well-known parables in the Gospels. PAR04DC Z 2 DVDS Z $48 $43.20 PAR04CC Z 4 CDS Z $31 $27.90 PAR04U Z STUDY GUIDE Z $6

Scripture Alone BY R.C. SPROUL

Knowledge is the best defense against attacks on the inerrancy of the Bible. Scripture Alone includes some of Dr. Sproul’s most influential writings on the subject of biblical authority. SCR01BH Z HARDCOVER, 210 PAGES Z $18 $14.40


Truths We Confess by R.C. Sproul

In his three-volume exposition of the Westminster Confession of Faith, Dr. Sproul writes with both insight into current issues and clarity for lay readers. Volume 1 covers chapters 1–8, Volume 2 covers chapters 9–22, and Volume 3 covers the remaining chapters 23–33.



What Is Reformed Theology? by R.C. Sproul

Dr. Sproul offers a comprehensive introduction to the key distinctives of Reformed teaching, providing a good way for church groups to begin discussing the doctrines of grace, the primacy of Scripture, the covenants, and justification.

Vol 1 TRU05BH Z Hardcover, 279 pages Z $22 $17.60

WHA01DC Z 3 DVDs Z $60 $54

Vol 2 TRU08BH Z Hardcover, 368 pages Z $26 $20.80

WHA01CC Z 4 CDs Z $31 $27.90

Vol 3 TRU09BH Z Hardcover, 281 pages Z $22 $17.60

WHA01U Z Study Guide Z $8

Vol 1–3 TRU10BH Z 3 Book set Z $69 $55.20

WHA01BP Z Paperback, 236 pages Z $16 $12.80 WHA01BPP Z Pocket-size Paperback, 240 Pages Z $7 $5.60 WHA01BA Z Audiobook, 1 CD Z $25 $20

Unseen Realities: Heaven, Hell, Angels and Demons

When Worlds Collide

By R.C. Sproul

by R.C. Sproul

R.C. Sproul helps us gain an understanding of things unseen—heaven, hell, angels and demons—so that we can come to a realization that in fact all four are true realities that impact our everyday lives. UNS01BP Z Paperback, 160 Pages Z $15 $12

What Did Jesus Do?: Understanding the Work of Christ by R.C. Sproul

Christians may understand that Jesus died for them, but how many understand that He lived for them as well? Why didn’t Christ go to the cross immediately after His birth? It is vital that we comprehend the significance of the life Jesus led. In this series, R.C. Sproul uncovers what it means for Christ to be the “second Adam” and the ways His life met the requirement to “fulfill all righteousness,” explaining what this means for believers today.

What are we to do when the role of God and the ideas of men collide and wreak havoc? R.C. Sproul provides a careful analysis of this question and shows how it is only when we begin to understand the nature of God that we can ever hope to trust in His sovereignty during times of terror or sorrow. WHE01DC Z 1 dvD Z $25 $22.50 WHE01CC Z 2 CDs Z $17 $15.30 WHE04BP Z Paperback, 96 Pages Z $10 $8

The Work of Christ by R.C. Sproul

Christ died not only to pay the penalty for our sin, He also lived so that we might be declared righteous by God. This work by Dr. R.C. Sproul considers the life of Christ and what it meant for Him to fulfill all righteousness. WOR23BH Z HARDCOVER, 224 pages Z $20 $12.80

WHA31DC Z 2 DVDs Z $48 $43.20 WHA31CC Z 4 CDs Z $31 $27.90 WHA31U Z Study Guide Z $12 $8


Crucial questions Bi bl ica l a nsw er s …and the answers have eternal significance. That’s why Dr. R.C. Sproul has written this engaging, concise booklet series, which conveys essential, biblical foundations of the Christian faith. A quick introduction to definitive Christian truths for those new to the faith or for those seeking to articulate their beliefs more clearly, this series is a wonderful place to start.

3 New b ooklets

Each booklet is available for $3.20 (Retail $4), or purchase the set of 17 for $47.60 (Retail $68). • Who Is Jesus?

• What Is the Trinity?

• Can I Trust the Bible?

• What Is Baptism?

• Does Prayer Change Things?

• Can I Have Joy in My Life?

• Can I Know God’s Will?

• Who Is the Holy Spirit?

• How Should I Live in This World?

• Does God Control Everything?

• What Does It Mean to Be

• How Can I Develop a

Born Again?

• Can I Be Sure I’m Saved?

• What Is the Lord’s Supper?

• What Is Faith?

• What Is the Church?

Christian Conscience?

• What Can I Do with My Guilt?



the book publishing imprint of Ligonier Ministries

Abortion by R.C. Sproul

This 20th Anniversary Edition has been updated to reflect developments in the issue. Abortion is a balanced consideration of the abortion debate, but also a firm and clear call to renewed respect for human life in the womb. ABO01BH Z Hardcover, 256 Pages Z $15 $12

Are We Together?: A Protestant Analyzes Roman Catholicism by R.C. Sproul

Is the Reformation over? Dr. R.C. Sproul takes his stand for the cardinal doctrines of Protestantism in opposition to the errors of the Roman Catholic Church. Dr. Sproul makes a renewed case for scriptural clarity and the offer of salvation by grace alone through faith alone. These questions are not simply moot points of Christianity, but in his estimation, vital aspects of the Christian faith which demand that the Reformation remain relevant. Are We Together? is a clarion call to evangelicals to stand firm for the gospel. ARE01BH Z Hardcover, 125 Pages Z $17 $13.60

Believing God by R.C. Sproul Jr.

R.C. Sproul Jr. challenges Christians to take a second glance at the promises of God in the Bible in order to see anew the grandeur of what God has committed Himself to do for His people. He shows that while Christians may express trust in God’s words, they refuse, in numerous ways, to stake their lives on what He says. BEL02BH Z Hardcover, 139 Pages Z $18 $14.40 BEL02BA Z Audiobook, 5 CDs Z $18 $14.40

Blood Work: How the Blood of Christ Accomplishes Our Salvation by Anthony Carter

Anthony Carter delves into the New Testament’s teaching on several of the blessings that flow to believers because of the blood of Jesus, from their “purchase” by the blood to their “freedom” through the blood. Christian readers’ eyes will be opened to the depth of their blessedness in Jesus and their hearts will be moved to thank and praise the triune God for such a great salvation. BLO01BH Z Hardcover, 139 Pages Z $15 $12

By Grace Alone by Sinclair F e rg u s o n

It can be easy to forget the marvelous wonder of grace that we all knew when we first met the Savior. In this book, Sinclair Ferguson reminds us how marvelous it is that we are saved by grace, and by grace alone. BYG01BH Z Hardcover, 123 Pages Z $18 $14.40

The Christian Lover b y M i c h a e l H ay k i n

Dr. Michael A. G. Haykin brings together letters from one or both parties in twelve significant relationships from church history. This book is a celebration of marriage, an intimate window into the thoughts of men and women in love with both God and one another. CHR38BH Z Hardcover, 101 pages Z $15 $12

The Donkey Who Carried a King

Five Things Every Christian Needs to Grow

by R.C. Sproul

by R.C. Sproul

What does “the last shall be first” mean? R.C. Sproul demonstrates true servanthood from an unlikely perspective in this delightful children’s tale. Through a humble beast of burden, this book conveys the essential message of the gospel—that the Lord bore our sins when He went to Calvary. DON02BH Z Hardcover, 50 Pages Z $16 $12.80 DON02BA Z Audiobook Z $10 $8 DON02P Z BOOK & Audiobook Z $26 $15.60

The Expository Genius of John Calvin by Steven L aw s o n

Dr. Lawson looks at the life and preaching of John Calvin and encourages preachers to follow Calvin’s guidelines for expositing the Word of God. EXP03BH Z Hdcvr, 142 pgs Z $15 $12

People need to maintain a diet of nutritious foods if their bodies are to grow and thrive. But what do the people of God need in order to grow and thrive in the Christian faith? Dr. Sproul identifies five of the crucial “nutrients” that promote spiritual growth: Bible study, prayer, worship, service, and stewardship. FIV06BH Z Hardcover, 192 Pages Z $15 $12

Foundations of Grace by Steven L aw s o n

Understanding the doctrines of grace will give you a clearer picture of God’s sovereignty. Dr. Lawson takes you on a heartstirring survey of the Scriptures to show that the Bible in its entirety teaches the doctrines of grace. FOU04BH Z Hardcover, 577 pages Z $28 $22.40

God in Our Midst by Daniel R. Hyde

Feed My Sheep b y Va r i o u s

In Feed My Sheep, an outstanding team of pastors and scholars says to the modern church: “Turn back!” This book reveals the biblical basis for preaching, sketches the way it ought to be practiced, and shows the many practical benefits that flow from strong pulpits.

This book unfolds the theology of the tabernacle God gave to Israel. It shows how each aspect of this portable sanctuary points to the work of Christ and our union with Him. GOD35BH Z Hardcover, 255 Pages Z $18 $14.40

FEE01BH Z Hardcover, 156 Pages Z $15 $12



the book publishing imprint of Ligonier Ministries

The Gospel Focus of Charles Spurgeon by Steven L aw s o n

Calvinism and a heart for sinners went hand in hand in Charles Spurgeon’s ministry, and they should go hand in hand in our lives as well, as this book demonstrates. GOS23BH Z Hardcover, 175 Pages Z $16 $12.80

Holy, Holy, Holy: Proclaiming the Perfections of God b y Va r i o u s

Adapted from the lectures at the 2009 Ligonier Ministries National Conference, Holy, Holy, Holy unfolds the character of God and the holiness that sets Him apart.

In Christ Alone by Sinclair F e rg u s o n

This collection of articles is designed to help believers gain a better understanding of their Savior and the Christian faith, and to live out that faith in their day-to-day lives. In Christ Alone is packed full of scriptural truth that will spark and fan the flames of the believer’s love for the Savior who is so beautiful in His love and so faithful in His work on behalf of His people. INC01BH Z Hardcover, 256 Pages Z $18 $14.40

Jesus the Evangelist by Richard Phillips

How the Gospel Brings Us All the Way Home

Do you share your faith often— or at all? All Christians are called to be evangelists. But many believers ask: What is an evangelist? How do I begin to talk to someone about Jesus? What must I say? This book offers answers about evangelism straight from the pages of Scripture.

By Derek Thomas

JES02BH Z Hardcover, 208 pages Z $19 $15.20

HOL15BH Z Hardcover, 149 Pages Z $18 $14.40

We are accustomed to thinking of the gospel solely as the means by which we enter the kingdom of God. Of course, while it is true that believing the gospel results in our justification and eternal life, the gospel has consequences for the entire Christian life. This work looks at Paul’s teaching in Romans 8 and the outworking of the gospel in our Christian journey from start to finish. It demonstrates how the gospel brings us all the way home to safety in God’s presence. HOW09BH Z Hardcover, 150 pages Z $15 $12

John Calvin: A Heart for Devotion, Doctrine & Doxology E d i t e d b y B u rk Parsons

This book celebrates the 500th birthday of John Calvin with a look at the reformer’s importance for the church’s life and thought. Contributors include Thabiti Anyabwile, Jerry Bridges, D.G. Hart, Michael Horton, John MacArthur, Harry Reeder, Philip Ryken, Derek Thomas, and many others. JOH08BH Z Hardcover, 246 Pages Z $19 $15.09

John: St. Andrew’s Expositional Commentary

The Masculine Mandate: God’s Calling to Men

by R.C. Sproul

by Richard Phillips

Dr. Sproul takes readers through John’s gospel passage by passage, revealing the unique themes that the Apostle developed so passionately. JOH10BH Z Hardcover, 425 Pages Z $27 $21.60

The Lightlings by R.C. Sproul

In The Lightlings, Dr. Sproul weaves an allegorical tale that captures the essence of the biblical story of redemption in a manner that will fascinate and delight children. This book is an excellent introduction to the key themes of Scripture. LIG04BH Z Hardcover, 40 pages Z $18 $14.40 LIG04AN Z Animatic DVD Z $7 $5.60 LIG04P Z Book & Animatic DVD Z $25 $20

Living for God’s Glory by Joel Beeke

In this introduction to Calvinism, Joel Beeke—with contributions from Sinclair Ferguson, Michael Haykin, Derek Thomas and others— displays the biblical, Godcentered, comprehensive, and practical nature of Calvinism. Explore Calvinism in history, in the mind, in the heart, in the church, in society, and more. LIV03BH Z Hardcover, 416 pages Z $24 $19.20

Mark: St. Andrew’s Expositional Commentary by R.C. Sproul

This accessible commentary on the gospel of Mark is packed with insights and exhortations to draw you closer to the Savior. MAR08BH Z Hardcover, 435 pages Z $27 $21.60

A desperate need exists in our day for Christian men to be men, but false teaching and cultural assumptions have created a lot of confusion over what masculinity means. This book looks at the biblical view of manhood and encourages men to lead, love their wives, love and discipline their children, and serve the church of Jesus Christ. MAS01BH Z Hardcover, 175 Pages Z $15 $12

The Mighty Weakness of John Knox by Douglas Bond

Find encouragement in the biblical truth that God often delights to work most powerfully through people who are weak in themselves but strong in Christ. MIG01BH Z Hardcover, 175 Pages Z $16 $12.80

Parenting by God’s Promises by Joel Beeke

In Parenting by God’s Promises: How to Raise Children in the Covenant of Grace, Dr. Joel R. Beeke explores what this nurture and admonition looks like and offers gems of practical wisdom for parents on topics such as instituting and leading family worship, teaching children, modeling faithful Christian living, and exercising discipline. PAR10BH Z Hardcover, 333 Pages Z $19 $15.20


Lives w el l

lived From Spurgeon to Luther, certain lives throughout church history are remembered as special testaments of God’s faithfulness. Through preaching, teaching, hymnody, and their courageous choices, they illustrate what God’s grace can accomplish through a life submitted to His purposes. With Dr. Steven Lawson as the Series Editor, the Long Line of Godly Men profile series offers readers an opportunity to learn from these exemplary lives.


The Poetic Wonder of Isaac Watts

The Heroic Boldness of Martin Luther

POE01BH Hardcover, 166 Pages $16 $12.80

HER06BH Hardcover, 160 Pages $16 $12.80

The Expository Genius of John Calvin

The Mighty Weakness of John Knox

EXP03BH Hardcover, 160 Pages $15 $12

MIG01BH Hardcover, 175 Pages $16 $12.80

The Gospel Focus of Charles Spurgeon

The Unwavering Resolve of Jonathan Edwards

GOS23BH Hardcover, 175 Pages $16 $12.80

UNW01BH Hardcover, 168 Pages $16 $12.80



the book publishing imprint of Ligonier Ministries

Pillars of Grace b y S t e v e n L aw s o n

In Pillars of Grace, Steven Lawson surveys church history and highlights men such as Clement of Rome, Augustine, and the reformers, who served as pillars in the church, standing on the foundation of Scripture and upholding its teaching about divine sovereignty in salvation.

The Priest with Dirty Clothes by R.C. Sproul

In this new edition of his classic story, The Priest with Dirty Clothes, Dr. R.C. Sproul continues his project of illustrating theological concepts for children. In this book, he teaches the concept of imputation, which lies at the heart of the important biblical doctrine of justification. PRI07BH Z Hardcover, 40 pages Z $18 $14.40 PRI07BA Z Audiobook, 1 CD Z $10 $8

PIL03BH Z Hardcover, 577 Pages Z $28 $22.40

The Poetic Wonder of Isaac Watts by Douglas Bond

In an age of simplistic and repetitive worship songs, the church must not forget Isaac Watts, “the Father of English Hymnody.” In this new profile of the great hymn writer, Douglas Bond writes that Watts’ life and words can enrich the lives and worship of Christians today. POE01BH Z Hardcover, 166 Pages Z $16 $12.80

The Prayer of the Lord by R.C. Sproul

Christ gave the Lord’s Prayer to teach His disciples about prayer, and Dr. Sproul, in his trademark fashion, brings out many of the truths Christ intended for His followers to learn. Readers will learn how not to pray, then will be led into a deeper understanding of various topics. PRA12BH Z Hardcover, 144 Pages Z $15 $12

The Prince’s Poison Cup by R.C. Sproul

In The Prince’s Poison Cup, Dr. Sproul focuses on the atonement to show that Jesus had to endure the curse of sin in order to redeem His people from spiritual death. PRI05BH Z Hardcover, 40 pages Z $18 $14.40 PRI05AN Z Animatic DVD Z $7 $5.60 PRI05P Z Book & Animatic DVD Z $25 17.50

Sammy and His Shepherd by Susan Hunt

Susan Hunt offers families a delightful story built around the Twenty-third Psalm that will help children grow in their understanding of what it is to live among a community of redeemed people guided by a loving Lord. Discussion questions and activities help parents guide their children into a deeper understanding of the biblical text. SAM02BH Z Hardcover, 56 Pages Z $17 $13.60 SAM02BA Z Audiobook, 1 CD Z $10 $8

Sola Scriptura b y Va r i o u s

This collection of essays from several noted pastors and theologians explains the doctrine of sola Scriptura, helping us understand what it means that Scripture is infallible and supremely authoritative for Christian faith and practice. SOL03BP Z Paperback, 144 Pages Z $12 $9.60

Surprised by Suffering by R.C. Sproul

The problem of suffering is often raised by those who question the goodness or the power of God. R.C. Sproul provides biblical answers to the questions about suffering and addresses some of the many unbiblical conclusions that are put forth today. In the end, he shows that suffering is not outside the realm of God’s providence or His good purposes.

The Unwavering Resolve of Jonathan Edwards by Steven L aw s o n

Steven Lawson examines Edwards’ life through the lens of the seventy resolutions he penned in his late teens, shortly after his conversion, which cover everything from glorifying God to repenting of sin to managing time. In Edwards’ example, he finds helpful instruction for all believers. UNW01BH Z Hardcover, 160 pages Z $16 $12.80

What’s So Great About the Doctrines of Grace? by Richard Phillips

The doctrines of grace are soul-stirring, confidence building, life-affirming teachings, as Richard D. Phillips explains in this work on the five points of Calvinism. WHA14BH Z Hardcover, 111 Pages Z $15 $12

SUR01BH Z Hardcover, 157 pages Z $15 $12

The Truth of the Cross

Welcome to a Reformed Church

by R.C. Sproul

by Daniel R. Hyde

Dr. Sproul surveys the great work accomplished by Jesus Christ through His crucifixion —the redemption of God’s people. The Truth of the Cross is an uncompromising reminder that the atonement of Christ is an absolutely essential doctrine of the Christian faith, one that should be studied and understood by all believers.

In layman’s terms, Rev. Hyde sketches the historical roots of the Reformed churches, their scriptural and confessional basis, their key beliefs, and the ways in which those beliefs are put into practice. The result is a roadmap for those encountering the Reformed world for the first time and a primer for those who want to know more about their Reformed heritage.

TRU07BH Z Hardcover, 168 pages Z $15 $12

WEL01BP Z Paperback, 178 Pages Z $12 $9.60

TRU07BA Z Audiobook, 3 CDs Z $15 $12



Blueprint Powerful discipleship software for churches, schools, and families.

Christian education can be a challenging endeavor. Who will teach? What materials will they use? Where will they meet? Now with Blueprint, you can leverage Ligonier Connect’s innovative learning platform to design your own online classroom—customizing more than 45 courses for small groups and Sunday schools. Learn more at Ligonier.org/blueprint.



The Big Book of Questions & Answers about Jesus BY SINCLAIR FERGUSON

Through the stories in this book you will find out about Jesus, His life, and how He wants to get to know you. Sinclair Ferguson tells twenty-seven stories that will teach you about what it means to be a Christian. BIG01BP Z PAPERBACK, 95 PAGES Z $15 $12 FIND OTHERS IN THIS SERIES AT LIGONIER.ORG

Faithfulness Under Fire BY WILLIAM BOEKESTEIN

This engaging children’s book teaches us, through the life of Guido de Bres, that we can find enduring hope in the gospel of Jesus Christ, even during persecution. Skillfully crafted illustrations and an easy-to-understand narrative combine to capture the interests—and admiration—of the entire family for this amazing Reformation hero. FAI10BH Z HARDCOVER, 30 PAGES Z $10 $8

The Church History ABCs

The Glory of Grace



A fun way for kids to learn hisabout those in Christian his tory whom God has chosen to use in mighty ways. Heroes of the faith march through the alphabet, telling their stories in language children can understand. A wide range of characters reflects the breadth of church history and reminds children that these great figures of the past were living, breathing people who lived and died for the glory of God. CHU14BH Z HARDCOVER, 32 PAGES Z $16 $12.80

The Canons of Dort teach clearly that salvation is by grace alone through Christ alone. Yet some people may docufind it an intimidating docu ment and wonder why it was even written. In this book, children will learn about the history and ideas that formed the Canons of Dort, and come to a greater appreciation of this great treasure of the Reformed faith and its emphasis on the glory of God in graciously saving sinners. GLO13BH Z HARDCOVER, 32 PAGES Z $10 $8

The Donkey Who Carried a King BY R.C. SPROUL

Dr. R.C. Sproul gets inside the mind of the donkey who carried Jesus into Jerusalem a week before His passion to help readers understand humility and the work of our Savior.

Heroes of the Faith BY SINCLAIR FERGUSON


A hero is someone who has overcome difficulties and opposition, who has been tested and has stood firm. This series is about such people whose lives remind us of the words “Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith” (Heb. 13:7).

DON02P Z BOOK & AUDIOBOOK Z $26 $15.60


DON02BH Z HARDCOVER, 50 PAGES Z $16 $12.80



The King Without a Shadow

The Prince’s Poison Cup

by R.C. Sproul

by R.C. Sproul

When children understand the holiness and glory of God, a strong foundation is laid for lifelong discipleship. The King Without a Shadow is a delightfully illustrated story of one king’s search for the greatest King of all—One whose perfect light casts no shadow. KIN01BH Z Hardcover, 30 pages Z $17 $13.60 KIN01CI Z Audiobook, 1 CD Z $10 $8



In The Prince’s Poison Cup, Dr. Sproul focuses on the atonement to show that Jesus had to endure the curse of sin in order to redeem His people from spiritual death. The animatic DVD presents the book illustrations in a new light as Dr. Sproul narrates a story that will captivate both children and adults alike. PRI05BH Z Hardcover, 40 pages Z $18 $14.40 PRI05AN Z Animatic DVD Z $7 $5.60

The Lightlings

PRI05P Z Book, DVD & Audiobook Z $25 $17.50

by R.C. Sproul

In The Lightlings, Dr. Sproul weaves an allegorical tale that captures the essence of the biblical story of redemption in a manner that will fascinate and delight children. This book is an excellent introduction to the key themes of Scripture. Watch the beautiful illustrations come to life through the colorful and powerful animatic. LIG04BH Z Hardcover, 40 pages Z $18 $14.40 LIG04AN Z Animatic DVD Z $7 $5.60 LIG04P Z Book, DVD & Audiobook Z $25 $20

The Quest for Comfort by William Boekestein

The Heidelberg Catechism has been taught to children for hundreds of years, encouraging them to seek Christ as their true source of comfort. In The Quest for Comfort, William Boekestein and Evan Hughes combine history and art to retell the events that led to making the catechism. QUE06BH Z Hardcover, 32 Pages Z $10 $8

The Priest With Dirty Clothes by R.C. Sproul

In this new edition of his classic story, The Priest with Dirty Clothes, Dr. R.C. Sproul continues his project of illustrating theological concepts for children. In this book, he teaches the concept of imputation, which lies at the heart of the important biblical doctrine of justification. PRI07BH Z Hardcover, 45 Pages Z $18 $14.40 PRI07BA Z Audiobook, 1 CD Z $10 $8

Sammy and His Shepherd by Susan Hunt

Veteran children’s writer, Susan Hunt, takes youngsters on a delightful trip through Psalm 23 from the point of view of a sheep named Sammy. Captivating illustrations help Sammy and the other characters come to life for children. As they work through the book, children will grow in their understanding of the metaphors the psalmist used in composing this beloved poem. But more importantly, they will gain a deeper appreciation for the One who is the subject of the psalm: the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ. SAM02BH Z Hardcover, 56 Pages Z $17 $13.60 SAM02BA Z Audiobook Z $10 $8



2013 No Compromise Alistair Begg, Sinclair Ferguson, Steven J. Lawson, R.C. Sproul, R.C. Sproul Jr., Cal Thomas, and Ravi Zacharias examine the Word of God and what it says about standing firm for bedrock truths such as the resurrection of Christ, the trustworthiness of Scripture, our need to show mercy, the importance of theology, the primacy of preaching, the exclusivity of Jesus, the place of the church, the final victory of Christ and His people, and more. Eighteen messages.

2010 Tough Questions Christians Face Alistair Begg, Michael Horton, Steven J. Lawson, John MacArthur, Albert Mohler, Burk Parsons, R.C. Sproul, R.C. Sproul Jr., and Derek Thomas address some of the most difficult questions that we face as Christians and endeavor to offer biblical answers to assure us and to help us defend the truths of the Christian faith. Eighteen messages. ORL10DC Z 4 DVDS Z $85 $76.50 ORL10CC Z 16 CDS Z $65 $58.50 ORL10MCD Z 1 MP3 CD Z $45 $40.50

ORL13DC Z 5 DVDS Z $75 $67.50 ORL13CC Z 16 CDS Z $55 $49.50 ORL13MCD Z 1 MP3 CD Z $35 $31.50

2012 The Christian Mind Sinclair B. Ferguson, W. Robert Godfrey, Michael Horton, Steven Lawson, Stephen Meyer, Albert Mohler, R.C. Sproul, R.C. Sproul Jr., and Del Tackett address the Christian and the life of the mind. The importance of developing a Christian worldview and maintaining a robust intellectual defense of our faith are among the many topics addressed in this series. Eighteen messages. ORL12DC Z 4 DVDS Z $75 $67.50 ORL12CC Z 16 CDS Z $55 $49.50 ORL12MCD Z 1 MP3 CD Z $35 $31.50

2011 Light & Heat Celebrating the faithfulness of God to the work of Ligonier Ministries and Desiring God, this conference looked at the holiness of God and the way it is to inform Christian living. Featuring Sinclair Ferguson, Robert Godfrey, Steven Lawson, John Piper, R.C. Sproul, and R.C. Sproul Jr., this collection also includes Drs. Piper and Sproul’s reflections on what they have learned in their many decades of ministry. Nineteen messages. ORL11DC Z 4 DVDS Z $75 $67.50 ORL11CC Z 16 CDS Z $55 $49.50 ORL11MCD Z 1 MP3 CD Z $$35 $31.50

2009 The Holiness of God R.C. Sproul, Thabiti Anyabwile, Joel Beeke, Alistair Begg, D.A. Carson, Ligon Duncan, Sinclair Ferguson, Robert Godfrey, Susan Hunt, Steven Lawson, Albert Mohler, R.C. Sproul Jr., and Derek Thomas look at God’s transcendent majesty. Several sessions speak to the lasting influence and importance of John Calvin. Nineteen messages. ORL09DC Z 5 DVDS Z $85 $76.50 ORL09CC Z 19 CDS Z $65 $58.50 ORL09MCD Z 1 MP3 CD Z $45 $40.50

2008 Evangelism According to Jesus R.C. Sproul, Sinclair Ferguson, Steven Lawson, John MacArthur, C.J. Mahaney, R.C. Sproul Jr., and Joni Eareckson Tada teach the different aspects of the good news of Jesus Christ and explain how they must impact our lives and our evangelism. Fourteen messages. ORL08DC Z 4 DVDS Z $85 $76.50 ORL08CC Z 14 CDS Z $65 $58.50 ORL08MCD Z 1 MP3 CD Z $45 $40.50


2007 Contending for the Truth



2004 A Portrait of God

R.C. Sproul, John MacArthur, Albert Mohler, John Piper, R.C. Sproul Jr., and Ravi Zacharias refute the claims made against the biblical worldview and equip believers to answer the false claims of postmodernism, naturalism, and our culture’s other atheistic theories. Fourteen messages.

R.C. Sproul, Ligon Duncan, Sinclair Ferguson, Robert Godfrey, John MacArthur, and R.C. Sproul Jr. discuss how God’s attributes are defined according to Scripture and critique recent movements that would question the biblical definition of God’s wrath, love, immutability, and other crucial aspects of His character. Fifteen messages.

ORL07DC Z 5 DVDS Z $85 $76.50

ORL04DC Z 4 DVDs Z $85 $76.50

ORL07CC Z 14 CDs Z $65 $58.50

ORL04CC Z 15 CDs Z $65 $58.50

ORL07MCD Z 1 MP3 CD Z $45 $40.50

2006 Bought With a Price R.C. Sproul, Ligon Duncan, Sinclair Ferguson, Kenneth Jones, John MacArthur, and R.C. Sproul Jr. discuss God’s plan for the church and the congregant’s role in it. Also included are lectures designed to help you develop a biblical understanding of the foundations for a healthy, Godglorifying marriage. Fifteen messages.

2003 The Power and the Glory R.C. Sproul, Sinclair Ferguson, John MacArthur, Albert Mohler, R.C. Sproul Jr., and Douglas Wilson provide biblical teaching on the power and glory of God in the building of His kingdom, and discuss how to bring every thought into captivity to Christ and for the sake of God’s glory. Fifteen messages. ORL03DC Z 4 DVD Z $85 $76.50 ORL03CC Z 15 CDs Z $65 $58.50

ORL06DC Z 5 DVDS Z $85 $76.50 ORL06CC Z 15 CDs Z $65 $58.50

2005 5 Keys to Spiritual Growth R.C. Sproul, Mark Dever, Ligon Duncan, John MacArthur, and Derek Thomas discuss the five key disciplines of Bible study, prayer, stewardship, service, and worship and explain how each of these contributes to our spiritual growth. Fifteen messages.

2002 War on the Word R.C. Sproul, John MacArthur, Robert Godfrey, Erwin Lutzer, Sinclair Ferguson, R.C. Sproul Jr. and Ken Jones discuss various issues related to the understanding and defense of sacred Scripture. Demonstrating how the Word of God is under attack, they explain that the assault comes from both inside and outside the church. Fifteen messages. ORL02DC Z 4 DVDS Z $85 $76.50 ORL02CC Z 15 CDs Z $65 $58.50

ORL05DC Z 5 DVDS Z $85 $76.50 ORL05CC Z 15 CDs Z $65 $58.50

View more National Conference Products on ligonier.org


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Key | BK = Book, SG = Study Guide, MU = Music, BD = eBook, AB = Audiobook

The Abolition of Man BK Abortion BK, BD, DVD, CD, MP3, SG

Ashamed of the Gospel BK p50

The Big Book of Bible Truths (Volumes 1 & 2) BK

Ask R.C. 2007 CD, MP3

The Big Book of Questions and Answers BK

The Assurance of Our Salvation: Exploring the Depth of Jesus’ Prayer for His Own BK

The Big Book of Questions and Answers About Jesus BK


The Assurance of Salvation DVD, CD, MP3, SG

Blood Work BK, BD


Assured By God BK

A Blueprint for Thinking CD, MP3, SG

Atheism Remix BK

Bonhoeffer on the Christian Life BK

Adopted for Life BK

Athanasius BK

Book of Acts MP3 CD, MP3

After Darkness, Light BK

The Atonement BK

Book of Ephesians CD, MP3

Age of Opportunity BK

The Atonement of Jesus CD, MP3

Book of Joshua CD, MP3

Almighty Over All BK

The Attributes of God BK

Book of Nehemiah CD, MP3

The Alphabet of Revelation MU

The Attributes of God CD, MP3, SG

The Bondage of the Will BK

Altogether Lovely BK

Augustine of Hippo BK

Born Again CD, MP3

Always Reformed: Essays in Honor of W. Robert Godfrey BK

Autobiography of God: 2011 Fall Conference MP3

Bought With a Price: 2006 National Conference DVD, CD, MP3

Above All Earthly Pow’rs BK Absolutely Sure BK Acts (Reformed Expository Commentary) BK Acts (St. Andrew’s Expositional Commentary) BK


Amazing Grace DVD

Awakenings: The Life and Ministry of Robert Murray McCheyne BK

Amazing Love: 1998 Los Angeles Conference MP3

Babe in the Manger MP3

The Bride of Christ CD, MP3, SG

Amazing Love: 1998 National Conference MP3

Back to Basics: Reformed Faith BK

Amazing Love: The Parable of the Prodigal Son BK

Baptism: Three Views BK

Building a Christian Conscience DVD, CD, MP3, SG

Amusing Ourselves to Death BK

Baptism Debate CD, MP3

An Absolute Sort of Certainty: The Holy Spirit and the Apologetics of Jonathan Edwards BK

The Barber Who Wanted to Pray BK, AB

An Experiment in Criticism BK Ancient Word, Changing Worlds: The Doctrine of Scripture in a Modern Age BK

Anselm of Canterbury BK

Apologetics of the Early Church CD, MP3 The Apostles’ Creed CD, MP3

Art and the Bible BK Art for God’s Sake BK

The Battle for the Beginning BK

Believing God CD, DVD, BK, AB, BD p35

p20, 50

The Call to Wonder BK


Can I Be Sure I’m Saved? BK, BD


Can I Know God’s Will? BK, BD


Can I Have Joy in My Life? BK, BD


Can I Trust the Bible? BK, BD


Can Man Live Without God BK

Best of Ask R.C. 2011 CD

The Canon of Scripture BK

A Better Way: Rediscovering the Drama of God-Centered Worship BK

A Case for Amillennialism BK

Biblical Economics BK p50

A Biblical Guide to Love, Sex, and Marriage BK Biblical Studies Teaching Series MP3 DVD-Rom Biblical Theology BK


Calvin’s Teaching on Job BK

Being a Christian in a Post-Christian Culture: 2010 Washington D.C. Conference MP3

Anger CD, MP3

By Faith Alone BK By Grace Alone BK, BD

Basic Training DVD, CD, MP3

The Beatitudes CD, MP3

Angels and Demons DVD, CD, MP3, SG

Are We Together? A Protestant Analyzes Roman Catholicism BK, BD, AB


Battling Unbelief BK

Angels CD, MP3

An Unexpected Journey BK

Building on the Rock BK (Pkg)

Battle for Our Minds CD, MP3, SG p34


Bound for Glory BK, DVD, MP3

The Case for Family Worship BK Celebrating the Sabbath BK Charles Hodge: The Pride of Princeton BK Charity and its Fruits BK

Children at the Lord’s Table?: Assessing the Case for Paedocommunion BK

Church and State CD, MP3, SG The Church and the Surprising Offense of God’s Love BK

Children of the Living God BK Choosing a Bible BK Choosing My Religion BK, DVD, CD, MP3 Chosen by God BK, DVD, CD, MP3, SG

p36 p4, 44

Chosen by God: 2001 Birmingham Conference MP3

Dancing Day CD

The Church History ABCs: Augustine and 25 Other Heroes of the Faith BK

The Dark Side of Islam BK, BD, CD, MP3 p60

The Church in History BK

Dear Timothy: Letters on Pastoral Ministry BK The Death of Death in the Death of Christ BK

City of Man CD, MP3

Chosen by God: 2002 Detroit Conference MP3

The Classic Collection CD, MP3

Chosen by God: 2003 Houston Conference MP3

Classical Apologetics BK

Chosen by God: 2005 St. Louis Conference MP3

Come, O Lamb of God MU

Chosen by God: 2008 Alaska Discovery Cruise MP3

Come, Thou Savior, Spread Thy Table MU

Christ & Culture Revisited BK

Comforts from the Cross BK

Christ and the Future: The Bible’s Teaching About the Last Things BK

The Coming of the Kingdom BK

Christ Formed in You BK

Defending Your Faith BK, BD, AB, DVD, CD, MP3, SG

The Christ of the Prophets BK Christian Education CD, MP3 Christian Ethics CD, MP3

The Deliberate Church (Spanish Version) BK Deserted by God BK Developing a Healthy Prayer Life: 31 Meditations on Communing with God BK

Coming of the Messiah CD, MP3

Developing Christian Character DVD, CD, MP3, SG

Communion with God BK

Developing Christian Character: 2007 Canada/New England Cruise CD

Confessions of St. Augustine BK

Devotions From the Pen of Jonathan Edwards BK

Conflict with Iraq: A Just Cause for War? BK

Did Adam and Eve Really Exist?: Who They Were and Why You Should Care BK

2000 Years of Christ’s Power: Part One BK

The Consequences of Ideas BD, AB, DVD, CD, MP3, SG

2000 Years of Christ’s Power: Part Two BK

Contemporary Theology CD, MP3

2000 Years of Christ’s Power: Part Three BK

Contending for the Truth: 2007 National Conference DVD, CD, MP3 CD, MP3

Christian Evidences CD, MP3

p4, 29


The Christian Life BK

The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment BK Discovering God’s Will BK Discovering the God Who Is BK

Counted Righteous in Christ BK p50

Christian Living Teaching Series MP3 DVD-Rom Christian Marriage CD, MP3 Christians Get Depressed Too BK The Christian Mind: 2012 National Conference DVD, CD, MP3 CD, MP3 p62 Christian Worldview DVD, CD, MP3 Christless Christianity: 2010 West Coast Conference DVD, CD, MP3 Christless Christianity: The Alternative Gospel of the American Church BK Christmas in Kiev MU Christmas Messages CD, MP3 The Christmas Story MP3 The Church BK The Church: One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic BK

The Disappearance of God BK The Discipline of Grace BK

2 Corinthians: The Crossway Classic Commentaries BK

The Christian Imagination BK

The Difficult Doctrine of the Love of God BK Disability and the Gospel: How God Uses Our Brokenness to Display His Grace BK

1 Corinthians: The Crossway Classic Commentaries BK

The Christian Faith: A Systematic Theology for Pilgrims on the Way BK

p4, 29

Defending the Faith in a Faithless World: 1995 National Conference MP3

Communion of Saints CD, MP3

The Christ of the Covenants BK

The Dawkins Letters BK Dealing with Difficult Problems DVD, CD, MP3

City of God BK City of God CD, MP3

Chosen by God: 2002 Colorado Springs Conference MP3

The Christian Lover BK, BD

Culture Shift: The Battle for the Moral Heart of America BK

Dispensationalism BK

The Courage to Be Protestant BK

The Doctrine of Christ CD, MP3

Counsel for Christian Workers BK Covenant Baptism: Marked For Life CD, MP3, SG

The Doctrine of Scripture CD, MP3 The Doctrine of Sin BK

Creation and Change BK

The Doctrines of Grace in John DVD, CD, MP3, SG

Creation or Chaos DVD, CD, MP3, SG The Cross and the Crescent CD, MP3

Does Grace Grow Best in Winter? BK

The Cross of Christ: 2000 Nashville Conference MP3 The Cross of Christ: 2006 Fall Conference Series MP3

Does Prayer Change Things? BK, BD p49

The Cross of Christ: 2007 Dallas Conference MP3

Do Hard Things: A Teenage Rebellion Against Low Expectations BK

CrossReference: Discovering Christ in the Old Testament DVD, SG

The Donkey Who Carried a King BK, BD, AB

Cults and the Occult BK


Does God Control Everything? BK p49

The Cross of Christ CD, MP3, SG

Crucial Questions Booklet Series Revised (17) BK


p51, 60

Don’t Waste Your Cancer BK p49, 51

The Drama of Redemption CD, MP3, SG Dust To Glory (Old Testament, or Full Set) DVD, MP3, SG

p4, 28

Index 800-435-4343


Faith Victorious: Finding Strength and Hope from Hebrews 11 BK


From Sabbath to Lord’s Day: A Biblical, Historical and Theological Investigation BK

Faithful Women and Their Extraordinary God BK


The Early Church BK

Faithfulness Under Fire: The Story of Guido de Bres BK


Ecclesiastes CD, MP3

Family Practice BK

Economics for Everybody: Applying Biblical Principles to Work, Wealth, and the World DVD, SG

The Family Worship Book BK p14

Famine in the Land BK

Economics Has Consequences DVD


The Family at Church BK

Early American Christmas MU

Ecossaise Christmas MU

Family Worship BK

Encountering the Old Testament BK

Family Shepherds: Calling and Equipping Men to Lead Their Homes BK

The Enemy Within BK

Fear: Breaking its Grip BK

English Standard Version Bible (Burgundy Bonded Leather Thinline) BK

Fear and Trembling DVD, CD, MP3, SG

Essential Truths of the Christian Faith BK

Galatians: The MacArthur Commentary BK Game Day for the Glory of God: A Guide for Athletes, Fans, and Wannabes BK

Genesis: The Crossway Classic Commentaries BK The Genesis Debate BK Getting the Gospel Right BK

Fathers and Sons Stand Fast In the Way of Truth BK

Essential Truths of the Christian Faith CD, MP3

Feed My Sheep: A Passionate Plea for Preaching BK, BD

Essential Truths of the Christian Faith: 1997 National Conference MP3

Filling Up the Afflictions of Christ BK

Essential Truths of the Christian Faith: 1997 Washington D.C. Conference MP3

Finding Hope SDG CD Collection CD

Give Them Grace: Dazzling Your Kids with the Love of Jesus BK Gloria CD Collection MU p51

The Glory of Christ (John Owen) BK The Glory of Grace: the Story of the Canons of Dort BK

Finding Faithful Elders and Deacons BK

Glory Road BK

The Five Points of Calvinism BK

Eternal Security CD, MP3, SG

Glory Veiled and Unveiled BK

Eternity in Our Hearts BK

Five Things Every Christian Needs to Grow BK, BD

Eternity Shut in a Span MU

Five Things Every Christian Should Know CD, MP3, SG

Evangelical Ethics BK

For Calvinism BK

Evangelicalism Divided BK

For the Fame of God’s Name: Essays in Honor of John Piper BK

Evangelism According to Jesus: 2008 National Conference DVD, CD, MP3 CD, MP3


For Us and for Our Salvation: The Doctrine of Christ in the Early Church BK


The Forgotten Spurgeon BK

The Evil of Evils BK The Expository Genius of John Calvin BK, BD Face to Face with Jesus CD, MP3

Foundations DVD, CD, MP3, SG

The Fading of the Flesh and the Flourishing of Faith BK

Foundations of Grace BK, BD

Faith: The Evidence of Things Unseen CD, MP3, SG

Foundations for the Flock: Truths About the Church for All the Saints BK

Faith: What it is and what it leads to BK

The Freedom of the Will BK

Faith Alone BK

From Age to Age BK

Faith Alone: 2003 Washington D.C. Conference CD, MP3

From Eden to the New Jerusalem BK From Heaven with Love CD, MP3


Glory to the Holy One MU

First Peter CD, MP3

ESV Hear the Word Audio Bible CD, MP3 CD

The Glorious Sounds of Christmas MU The Glory of Christ BK

Finally Alive BK

The Essential Edwards: 5 Volume Collection BK


Give Praise to God BK

The Federal Vision and Covenant Theology BK p44

Getting the Blues: What Blues Music Teaches Us about Suffering and Salvation BK Given For You BK

Fear Not! BK

The Epistle to the Romans BK

Galatians BK Galatians MP3

Fathers and Sons Hold Fast in a Broken World BK

Encouragement for Today’s Pastors: Help from the Puritans BK

The Gagging of God BK

Garden of Beauty MU Family Driven Faith: Doing What It Takes to Raise Sons George Whitefield BK and Daughters Who Walk with God BK

The End? Finding Hope in the Millennial Maze: 1999 National Conference MP3

Encountering the New Testament BK

The Future of Justification BK


The Gnostic Empire Strikes Back BK God Alone DVD, CD, MP3, SG The God-Centered Life BK God Delivers: Isaiah Simply Explained BK A God Entranced Vision of All Things BK God in Our Midst BK, BD God in Space and Time CD, MP3 God is the Gospel BK

p4, 30 p51

God of Grace and Glory MU The God of Sex BK God’s Alphabet for Life: Devotions for Young Children BK God’s Grand Design BK God’s Glory in Salvation through Judgment BK God’s High Calling for Women BK God’s Law and the Christian CD, MP3, SG


God’s Love: How the Infinite God Cares for His Children BK


A Heart for God BK

How Do We Glorify God? BK

Heaven CD, MP3, SG

How Should I Live in this World? BK, BD p49

God’s Pattern for Creation: A Conventional Reading of Genesis 1 BK

Heaven BK

How Sermons Work BK

God’s Technology DVD

Heaven on Earth: Capturing Jonathan Edwards’s Vision of Living in Between BK p34

How Then Shall We Worship? BK


The Heidelberg Catechism BK

How the Gospel Brings Us All the Way Home BK, BD


Heirs with Christ: The Puritans on Adoption BK

How to Enjoy Your Bible BK

He Is Not Silent BK

How to Read a Book BK

Hell CD, MP3, SG

Humility: The Forgotten Virtue BK

Here I Stand BK

Humility: True Greatness BK

The Gospel Commission: Recovering God’s Strategy for Making Disciples BK

Here We Stand BK

The Hunger for Significance BK

The Gospel-Driven Life BK

Herman Bavinck: Pastor, Churchman, Statesman and Theologian BK

Hymn Scenes MU

God the Real Superpower BK A Godward Life BK The God We Worship DVD, CD, MP3, SG Golden Booklet of the True Christian Life BK The Gospel According to Jesus BK

Gospel Fear BK The Gospel Focus of Charles Spurgeon BK, BD

p4, 52

The Gospel for Muslims: An Encouragement to Share Christ with Confidence BK

The Heroic Boldness of Martin Luther BK, BD

The Gospel of God: An Exposition of Romans BK

Histories and Fallacies BK

Gospel-Powered Humility BK

History of Theology - 4th Revised Edition BK

Gospel Wakefulness BK, BD

Holiness BK

Gospel Worship BK

Holiness: 2001 National Conference DVD, CD, MP3

Great Men and Women of the Bible MP3 Great Men to Live By CD, MP3 Great Themes in Puritan Preaching BK A Grief Observed BK Grow in Grace BK Growing Up Christian: Have You Taken Ownership of Your Relationship with God? BK Guilt and Forgiveness CD, MP3 A Habitual Sight of Him BK Handbook of Church Discipline BK Handout Apologetics DVD, MP3, SG

The Holiness of God BK, AB, DVD, CD, MP3

Improve Your Prayer Life BK In Christ Alone BK, BD

The Inspiration and Authority of the Bible BK The Institutes of Christian Religion BK p5, 44

Intercede For and With Your Family BK The Intimate Marriage BK, DVD, CD, MP3, SG

The Hard Sayings of the Apostles CD, MP3

The Holy Spirit BK

The Hard Sayings of the Bible CD, MP3

The Holy Spirit CD, MP3, SG

The Hard Sayings of the Prophets CD, MP3

Holy Spirit Extended Version MP3

The Hard Sayings Collection CD

The Holy Spirit: His Gifts and Power BK

Harmony of the Westminster Confession and Catechisms BK

The Holy Trinity BK

p5, 36, 45

Introducing Covenant Theology BK Introduction to Wisdom Literature CD, MP3 p62

The Intolerance of Tolerance BK Invigorate Your Church BK

Holy Boldness CD

Holy Scripture CD, MP3

Instructing a Child’s Heart BK Intentional Parenting BK

A Holy Ambition BK

The Hard Sayings of Jesus CD, MP3


In It to Win It BK p35

The Holiness of God: 2000 Portland Conference MP3

Handout Church History MP3 DVD-Rom, MP3, SG


Illustrated Dictionary of the Bible BK

The Holiness of God: 1999 Washington D.C. Conference: MP3

The Holiness of God: 2009 National Conference DVD, CD, MP3 CD, MP3

If You Bite & Devour One Another; Biblical Principles for Handling Conflict BK Ignatius of Antioch: The Man Who Faced Lions BK

The Holiness of God (Extended Version) CD, MP3

Holy, Holy, Holy: Proclaiming the Perfections of God BK, BD

Heart Aflame: Daily Readings from Psalms BK


The Hidden Smile of God BK Highlights From Romans CD, MP3

Grace and Its Fruits BK

If There’s a God, Why are There Atheists? BK

Heroes of the Christian Faith CD, MP3

The Gospel Ministry BK

Hath God Said? DVD, CD, MP3, SG

Hymns MU p34

Heroes BK

The Invisible Hand BK p36 p52

Homosexuality CD, MP3 How Can I Develop a Christian Conscience? BK, BD p49

The Invisible Hand: 2004 San Diego Conference CD, MP3 The Invisible Hand: 2004 Seattle Conference CD, MP3 Invitation to the Classics: A Guide to Books You’ve Always Wanted to Read BK Irenaeus of Lyons: The Man Who Wrote Books BK Isaiah: The Crossway Classic Commentaries BK Is God Really in Control? BK Is Jesus the Only Savior? BK Islam and Violence MP3


Index 800-435-4343



The Israel of God BK Is There Life After Death?: 2009 West Coast Conference CD, MP3

Justification and the New Perspectives on Paul BK

Losing Our Virtue BK

Justification by Faith Alone CD, MP3, SG

The Lotus and the Cross BK

Justification by Faith Alone (Edwards) BK

Love CD, MP3

Justification by Grace Through Faith: Finding Freedom from Legalism, Lawlessness, Pride, and Despair BK

Loved by God DVD, CD, MP3 Love Sex and Marriage - A Biblical Guide BK

It Is Well: Expositions on Substitutionary Atonement BK

Justified by Faith Alone BK p45

I Will Build My Church CD, MP3

Keeping in Step with the Spirit CD, MP3

Jan Mulder’s Favourite Hymns MU

5 Keys to Spiritual Growth: 2005 National Conference DVD, CD, MP3

Loving God with all Your Mind BK Luther and the Reformation DVD, CD, MP3, SG

Just Do Something BK


The Magnificent Amazing Time Machine: A Journey Back to the Cross BK p63

Jeremiah and Lamentations: The Crossway Classic Commentaries BK

The Kind of Preaching God Blesses BK

The Jerusalem Decree MP3

The King Without a Shadow BK, AB, MP3

Jesus Among Other Gods BK

Kingdom Feast DVD, CD, MP3, SG

Jesus Made in America; A Cultural History from the Puritans to “The Passion of the Christ” BK

Knowing Christ: The I AM Sayings of Jesus DVD, CD, MP3, SG

The Man of Sin BK

Jesus the Evangelist BK, BD

Knowing God’s Will CD, MP3

Mark (St. Andrew’s Expositional Commentary) BK, BD p43, 53


The Jesus You Can’t Ignore BK

Knowing Scripture BK, AB, DVD, CD, MP3

J. Gresham Machen’s A Guided Tour of His Life and Thought BK

Lady Jane Grey BK The Last Days According to Jesus DVD, CD, MP3, SG

1, 2, and 3 John: The Crossway Classic Commentaries BK

The Majesty of Christ CD, MP3, SG p61

p5, 45 p35 p5

Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage in the Bible BK Martin Luther: A Guided Tour of His Life and Thought BK Martin Luther’s 95 Theses BK Mary CD, MP3

Leading with Love BK p35

John: The Crossway Classic Commentaries BK

The Making of the Protestant Reformation CD, MP3 Making Tough Moral Decisions CD, MP3

Leadership CD, MP3

John BK

Magnifying God in Christ BK

The Legacy of Sovereign Joy BK

The Masculine Mandate BK, BD

Let the Nations be Glad BK

Matthew (St. Andrew’s Expositional Commentaries) BK

John Calvin BK

Let’s Study Galatians BK

Meaning for Men CD, MP3

John Calvin Poster Preassembled w/ Poster Tube

Let’s Study Mark BK

Meaning of the Gospel MP3

John Calvin: A Heart for Devotion, Doctrine, & Doxology BK, BD

Let’s Study Philippians BK

Meeting Jesus at the Feast: Israel’s Festivals and the Gospel BK

John (St. Andrew’s Expositional Commentary) BK, BD p43, 53


John Calvin: His Life and Influence BK John Calvin: Pilgrim and Pastor BK John MacArthur: Servant of the Word and Flock BK John Owen BK John Owen On the Christian Life BK Jonah CD, MP3 Jonathan Edwards DVD, CD, MP3, SG p13 Jonathan Edwards: A Guided Tour of His Life and Thought BK Jonathan Edwards: A Mini–Theology BK Jonathan Edwards: Evangelist BK Jonathan Edwards’ Resolutions and Advice to Young Converts BK Joy CD, MP3 Justification BK Justification (Turretin) BK

The Life of David CD, MP3

The Memoirs and Remains of R.M. M’Cheyne BK

Life’s Ultimate Questions BK p45

Light and Heat: A Passion for the Holiness of God: 2011 National Conference DVD, CD, MP3 CD, MP3 p62 The Lightlings BK, BD, DVD


Mere Christianity BK The Messiah is Born CD, MP3 The Micah Mandate BK The Mighty Weakness of John Knox BK, BD

The Mortification of Sin BK

Listen Up! BK

Moses and the Burning Bush DVD, CD, MP3, SG

Living by Faith CD, MP3

The Lord’s Day BK The Lord’s Prayer CD, MP3

p9, 46

Moses’ Self-Denial BK

Living by God’s Promises BK

Logic BK


Modern Fascism BK

Ligonier Sinfonia: Music of the High Baroque 1700–1750 MU

Living for God’s Glory: An Introduction to Calvinism BK, BD


Meet the Puritans BK

The Life of Joseph CD, MP3

Lifeviews BK

p5, 53

The Murder of Jesus BK p53

My Cry Ascends MU The Mystery of the Holy Spirit BK The Mystery of the Trinity DVD, CD, MP3, SG Name above All Names BK


Names of God CD, MP3

The Pastor as Scholar and the Scholar as Pastor: Reflections on Life and Ministry BK

Names of Jesus CD, MP3 The New Birth DVD, CD, MP3, SG p18 New Birth or Rebirth?: Jesus Talks with Krishna BK

The Prince’s Poison Cup BK, BD, DVD

Pastors Conference: 2007 MP3

Night of Weeping and Morning of Joy BK Nine Marks of a Healthy Church BK p62

Principles of Conduct BK The Problem of Pain BK

Pastors Conferences: Best of 2003–2006 MP3

Proclaiming a Cross-centered Theology BK

The Pathway to Freedom BK

The Promise Keeper: God of the Covenants DVD, CD, MP3, SG

Paul: Apostle of the Heart Set Free BK

Promise of the Future BK

Peace: Classic Readings for Christmas BK p7

No Place For Truth or Whatever Happened to Evangelical Theology BK

People of the Book (Interview) MP3

Promises CD, MP3

Not a Chance BK

Persecuted Church CD, MP3

The Promises of God: Discovering the One Who Keeps His Word BK

Note to Self: The Discipline of Preaching to Yourself BK

The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit CD, MP3

Providence: God in Control CD, MP3

Perspectives on the Sabbath BK

The Providence of God BK

Now, That’s a Good Question! BK


Oaths and Vows CD, MP3, SG Objections Answered MP3, SG

1–2 Peter (St. Andrew’s Expositional Commentary) BK, BD

Pillars of Grace BK, BD

O Love That Will Not Let Me Go: Facing Death with Courageous Confidence in God BK

The Pilgrim’s Progress BK

Pro-Life Answers to Pro-Choice Arguments BK Psalm 51 DVD, CD, MP3


The Psychology of Atheism CD, MP3 Pundit’s Folly BK

Pillars of the Christian Faith: 2009 Leadership Conference MP3

On Being Presbyterian: Our Beliefs, Practices, and Stories BK

Puritan Evangelism BK p37

Puritan Sketches MU

One Holy Passion CD, MP3, SG

Pilgrim’s Progress: A Guided Tour DVD, CD, MP3, SG

A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life BK

One Holy Passion: 2002 Portland Conference MP3

A Place of Healing BK

One Holy Passion: 2003 Santa Ana Conference MP3

Planting, Watering, Growing BK

The Purity Principle: God’s Safeguards for Life’s Dangerous Trails BK

One or Two: Seeing a World of Difference BK

Pleasing God DVD, CD, MP3, SG

One True Church?: 2000 Pittsburgh Conference MP3

The Poetic Wonder of Isaac Watts BK

Onward Christian Soldiers BK

Polycarp of Smyrna: The Man Whose Faith Lasted BK

Our Great God and Saviour BK

A Portrait of God: 2004 National Conference DVD, CD, MP3

Our Sovereign God BK Overcoming Sin and Temptation BK Overcoming the Eclipse of God: 2003 Pastors Conference MP3 Overcoming the Eclipse of God: 2004 Pastors Conference MP3

p46 p55, 56 p60

Putting Amazing Back into Grace BK The Quest for Comfort: The Story of the Heidelberg Catechism BK


Reading Between the Lines BK Reasons for Duty BK

Postmodern Times BK

Reason to Believe BK

The Prayer of the Lord BK, BD


Read Any Good Books BK

Reclaiming Adoption BK p63

Prayer CD, MP3

Overcoming the Eclipse of God: 2005 Pastors Conference MP3

The Pursuit of Holiness BK

Postmillennialism BK

The Power and the Glory: 2003 National Conference DVD, CD, MP3


The Providence of God CD, MP3, SG p43

Pillars of Christian Orthodoxy: 2011 Academy Conference MP3

Objections Answered Extended Version MP3

p56, 61

Principles for Choosing a Leader MP3

Pastors Conference: 2010 MP3

The Next Story BK


A Primer on Roman Catholicism BK

Pastors Conference: 2006 MP3

Pastors Conference: 2008 MP3

New Testament History BK

No Compromise: 2013 National Conference DVD, CD, MP3 CD, MP3

The Priest with Dirty Clothes BK, BD, AB


Recovering the Beauty of the Arts DVD, CD, MP3 Recovering The Reformed Confession: Our Theology, Piety, and Practice BK

Overcoming the World BK

Praying the Attributes of God BK

Redemption Accomplished and Applied BK

Over Jordan MU

Praying the Saviour’s Way BK

Pages from Church History: A Guided Tour of Christian Classics BK

Preachers and Preaching CD, MP3

Rediscovering the Church Fathers: Who They Were and How They Shaped the Church BK

Parables of Jesus DVD, MP3

Preaching for God’s Glory BK p8, 46

Parable of The Ten Virgins DVD, CD, MP3 Parenting by God’s Promises: How to Raise Children in the Covenant of Grace BK, BD p53

Preaching: How to Preach Biblically BK Preaching the Cross BK Preaching the Psalms BK Predestination CD, MP3, SG

The Reformation BK Reformation and Revival: 2000 Charlotte Conference CD, MP3 Reformation Heroes BK Reformation Profiles DVD, CD, MP3, SG


Index 800-435-4343



Reformation Sketches BK The Reformation Study Bible BK

Sex Within a Context CD, MP3

Swans Are Not Silent Series BK

The Shadow of Christ in the Law of Moses BK

Systematic Theology (Berkhof) BK

The Shape of Sola Scriptura BK

The Tabernacle Pre-Figured - Cosmic Mountain Ideology in Genesis and Exodus BK

A Shattered Image CD, MP3, SG p33

A Reformed Approach to Science and Scripture BD

A Shelter in the Time of Storm: Meditations on God and Trouble BK

The Reformers and Puritans as Spiritual Mentors BK

Shepherding a Child’s Heart BK

Reformed Confessions Harmonized BK

Should Christians Embrace Evolution? BK

Refractions: A Journey of Faith, Art, and Culture BK

Should We Leave Our Churches? BK

Religious Affections BK

Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design BK

Renewing Your Mind BK

A Simple Way to Pray BK

Reverberation: How God’s Word Brings Light, Freedom, and Action to His People BK

Singing and Making Music BK

Revival and Revivalism BK

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God BK

Rid of My Disgrace: Hope and Healing for Victims of Sexual Assault BK

Sola Scriptura BK Songs from the Prayer Closet MU

The Role of Women in the Church CD, MP3

The Soul’s Quest For God BK p5 p43

The Roots of Endurance BK

Tell the Truth: The Whole Gospel to the Whole Person by Whole People BK Tempted and Tried: Temptation and the Triumph of Christ BK The Ten Commandments BK p35

The Sacraments CD, MP3, SG St. Andrew’s Commentaries Book Set BK


Sammy and His Shepherd BK, BD, AB


Themes from Ecclesiastes MP3 p57

Theology Teaching Series MP3 DVD-Rom These Last Days: A Christian View of History BK

The Sovereignty of God: 1996 National Conference MP3

1 and 2 Thessalonians: The Crossway Classic Commentaries BK Things That Cannot Be Shaken: Holding Fast to Your Faith in a Relativistic World BK

Scandalous: The Cross and Resurrection of Jesus BK

Stop Loving the World BK

Scenes from the Life of Christ MU

Striving Against Satan BK

The Screwtape Letters BK

Suffering and the Sovereignty of God DVD, CD, MP3, SG p46

Think: The Life of the Mind and the Love of God BK

Spiritual Mothering: The Titus 2 Model for Women Mentoring Women BK Standing Firm: 2012 Seattle West Coast Conference DVD, CD, MP3

Themes from Hebrews CD, MP3 Themes from James CD, MP3

The Sovereignty of God BK

Saved From What BK

Thanksgiving CD, MP3 Themes from Deuteronomy CD, MP3

The Spirit of Revival: Discovering the Wisdom of Jonathan Edwards BK, BD

Running Scared BK

The Secret of Contentment BK

Tearing Down Strongholds BK, CD, MP3, SG

The Sovereignty of God: 2007 Fall Conference Series MP3

The Royal “Waste” of Time BK

Scripture Alone BK

A Tale of Three Kings CD

Simple Gifts MU

Respectable Sins BK

Romans (St. Andrew’s Expositional Commentary) BK, BD

Taking Hold of God: Reformed and Puritan Perspectives on Prayer BK

Silencing the Devil DVD, CD, MP3, SG

Repentance CD, MP3, SG

Roman Catholicism CD, MP3

Tabletalk Slipcase

Thomas Aquinas: Selected Writings BK A Thousand Voices MU Three Views on Creation and Evolution BK Thriving at College BK Thus Says the Lord CD, MP3 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus: The Crossway Classic Commentaries BK


Suffering and the Sovereignty of God BK

Total Depravity CD, MP3 Tough Questions Christians Face: 1998 Memphis Conference MP3

The Secret Providence of God BK

Suffering and the Sovereignty of God: 2010 Winter Conference MP3

Select Letters of John Newton BK

The Supremacy of God in Preaching BK

Tough Questions Christians Face: 1998 Pittsburg Conference MP3

The Sermon on the Mount BK

Surprised By God: 2012 Fall Conference DVD, CD, MP3

Tough Questions Christians Face: 2010 National Conference DVD, CD, MP3 CD, MP3 p62

The Sermon on the Mount – Ferguson BK Sermons on the Beatitudes BK Servanthood as Worship BK Serving the King BK The Seven Wonders of the World BK Sex and Money BK Sexual Detox BK

Surprised by Suffering BK, BD, CD, MP3, SG


A Survey of Church History: Part 1, AD 100-600 DVD, CD, MP3, SG


A Survey of Church History: Part 2, AD 500-1500 DVD, CD, MP3, SG


A Survey of Church History: Part 3, AD 1500-2000 DVD, CD, MP3, SG


Thoughts on Family Worship BK To Whom Much is Given CD, MP3 7 Toxic Ideas Polluting Your Mind BK Training Hearts, Teaching Minds BK Training Up Children CD, MP3 Treatises on the Sacraments BK

Trinity Hymnal BK

We Shall See God: Charles Spurgeon’s Classic Devotional Thoughts on Heaven BK

Triumph of the Lamb: A Commentary on Revelation BK

What Jesus Demands from the World BK

Welcome to a Reformed Church BK, BD

Triumphing Over Sinful Fear BK


Welcome to the Story: Reading, Loving, and Living God’s Word BK

True Discipleship: Becoming a True Women by Living in the Light of God’s Word BK

What’s So Great About the Doctrines of Grace? BK, BD When Grace Comes Alive BK When Grace Comes Home BK

Westminster Confession: A Commentary BK

When Grace Transforms BK

True Discipleship: Becoming a True Women by Seeking the Lord BK

Westminster Confession Into the 21st Century (Vol. 1) BK

True Discipleship: Becoming a True Woman While I’m Trying to Make It Through Middle School BK

The Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms BK

True Discipleship: Becoming a True Women While I Still Have a Curfew BK

Westminster Confession of Faith MP3

When the Darkness Will Not Lift BK

The Westminster Directory of Public Worship BK

When Worlds Collide BK, BD, CD, MP3

Westminster Dictionary of Theological Terms BK

When You Rise Up BK

What Can I Do with My Guilt? BK, BD

Where in the World is the Church? BK

What Christian Parents Should Know about Infant Baptism BK

Where Wisdom Is Found BK

True Religion CD, MP3 TrueU: Does God Exist? DVD TrueU: Is the Bible Reliable? DVD Truth CD, MP3 Truth Endures BK The Truth of the Cross BK, BD, AB


The Truth War BK Truths We Confess (Vol.1–3 Set) BK


When I Don’t Desire God: How to Fight for Joy BK When People are Big and God is Small BK p35

When Shall These Things Be? BK


What Did You Expect?: Redeeming the Realities of Marriage BK

p37 p49

Who Is Jesus? BK, BD


Who Is the Holy Spirit? DVD, CD, MP3, SG


Who Is the Holy Spirit? BK, BD


Truths We Confess (Volume 1) BK


Truths We Confess (Volume 2) BK


Whatever Happened to the Gospel of Grace? BK

Why Does God Allow War? BK

Truths We Confess (Volume 3) BK


Whatever Happened to the Reformation? BK

Why Do We Have Creeds? BK

Turning to God: Reclaiming Christian Conversion as Unique, Necessary, and Supernatural BK

What He Must Be: ...If He Wants to Marry My Daughter BK

Why God Gave Us a Book BK

Twelve Challenges Churches Face BK

What Is a Healthy Church Member? BK

Twelve Ordinary Men BK

What Is Baptism? BK, BD

Ultimate Issues BK, DVD, CD, MP3

What Is Biblical Preaching? BK

Understanding the Gospel CD, MP3

What Is Discipleship? BK

Union with Christ: In Scripture, History, and Theology BK

What Is Faith? BK, BD

The Unwavering Resolve of Jonathan Edwards BK, BD


Why Johnny Can’t Sing Hymns BK Why We Love the Church BK Why We Trust the Bible DVD, CD, MP3, SG



Willing to Believe BK, DVD, CD, MP3, SG Willing to Believe: 1999 Detroit Conference MP3 CD The Will of God CD, MP3

What Is Grace? BK

Wisdom CD, MP3

What Is Hell? BK p57

Why Believe in God? BK

Why Johnny Can’t Preach BK

What Is Faith? (Richard) BK, p47


Who Chose the Gospels? Probing the Great Gospel Conspiracy BK

What Did Jesus Do?: Understanding the Work of Christ DVD, CD, MP3, SG

What Does It Mean to Be Born Again? BK, BD

Unseen Realities: Heaven, Hell, Angels and Demons BK


The Wisdom of Counsel CD, MP3

What Is Providence? BK

Women’s Ministry in the Local Church BK

Uprooting Anger: Biblical Help for a Common Problem BK

What Is Reformed Theology? BK, DVD, CD, MP3, SG

Upsetting the World: 2000 National Conference DVD, MP3

What Is Spiritual Warfare? BK

Worldview & Culture Teaching Series MP3 DVD-Rom

What Is the Atonement? BK

Worldviews in Conflict CD, MP3

What Is the Christian Worldview? BK

The Work of Christ BK

The Valley of Vision BK


Veni, Domine MU

What Is the Church? BK, BD

A Voyage of Discovery BK

Wayfaring Stranger MU


What Is the Lord’s Supper? BK, BD p63


What Is Vocation? BK

Worship CD, MP3, SG

Wrestling with an Angel BK Wrongly Dividing the Word of Truth BK

What Is the Reformed Faith? BK What Is the Trinity? BK, BD

The Word Became Flesh MU

Worship: The Ultimate Priority BK

What Is the Gospel? CD, MP3

War of Words BK War on the Word: 2002 National Conference DVD, CD, MP3

p5, 47


Young, Restless, Reformed BK


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