Spring 2014 research book Jin li

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Climate Change


Section Title

Climate Change



Climate Change

Section Title


Climate Change


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Climate Change

Climate Change

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Energy Resources

Energy Resources

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Energy Resources

Energy Resources

| 17

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Energy Resources

Energy Resources

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Energy Resources

Energy Resources

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Energy Resources

Energy Resources

| 23

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Energy Resources

Energy Resources

| 25

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Energy Resources

Energy Resources

| 27

30 |

Mobility / Accessibility

Mobility / Accessibility

| 31

32 |

Mobility / Accessibility

Mobility / Accessibility

| 33

34 |

Mobility / Accessibility

Mobility / Accessibility

| 35

36 |

Mobility / Accessibility

Mobility / Accessibility

| 37

38 |

Mobility / Accessibility

42 |

Vacancy / Blight

Vacancy / Blight

| 43

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Vacancy / Blight

Vacancy / Blight

| 45

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Vacancy / Blight

Vacancy / Blight

| 47

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Vacancy / Blight

Vacancy / Blight

| 49

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Vacancy / Blight

Vacancy / Blight

| 51

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Vacancy / Blight

Vacancy / Blight

| 53

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Crime / Security

Crime / Security

| 57

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Crime / Security

Crime / Security

| 59

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Crime / Security

Crime / Security

| 61

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Crime / Security

Crime / Security

| 63

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Crime / Security

Crime / Security

| 65

66 |

Crime / Security

Crime / Security

| 67

70 |

Cultural Practices

Cultural Practices

| 71

72 |

Cultural Practices

Cultural Practices

| 73

74 |

Cultural Practices

Cultural Practices

| 75

76 |

Cultural Practices

Cultural Practices

| 77

78 |

Cultural Practices

Cultural Practices

| 79

82 |

Immigrant Population

Immigrant Population

| 83

84 |

Immigrant Population

Immigrant Population

| 85

86 |

Immigrant Population

Immigrant Population

| 87

88 |

Immigrant Population

Immigrant Population

| 89

90 |

Immigrant Population

Immigrant Population

| 91

94 |

Population Change

Population Change

| 95

96 |

Population Change

Population Change

| 97

98 |

Population Change

Population Change

| 99

100 |

Population Change

Population Change

| 101

102 |

Population Change

Population Change

| 103

106 |

Food Insecurity

Food Insecurity

| 107

108 |

Food Insecurity

Food Insecurity

| 109

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Food Insecurity

Food Insecurity

| 111

112 |

Food Insecurity

Food Insecurity

| 113

114 |

Food Insecurity

Food Insecurity

| 115

116 |

Food Insecurity

Food Insecurity

| 117

118 |

Food Insecurity

Food Insecurity

| 119

122 |

Wealth Distribution

Wealth Distribution

| 123

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Wealth Distribution

Wealth Distribution

| 125

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Wealth Distribution

Wealth Distribution

| 127

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Wealth Distribution

Wealth Distribution

| 129

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Wealth Distribution

Wealth Distribution

| 131

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Wealth Distribution

Wealth Distribution

| 133

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Wealth Distribution

Wealth Distribution

| 135

BIBLIOGRAPHY CLIMATE CHANGE Philadelphia Water Department (Jan.2006). The Schuylkill River Watershed Source Water Protection Plan. Philadelphia Water Department (Mar.2012). The Schuylkill River water quality report.


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WEALTH DISTRIBUTION US Department of Labor - Bureau of Labor Statistics http://www.bls.gov/oes/2000/oes_6160.htm US Department of Commerce - Bureau of Economic Analysis http://www.bea.gov/index.htm City of Philadelphia Business Services - Location and Zoning https://business.phila.gov/Pages/LocationZoning.aspx?stage=Start&type=All%20Business%20Types&section=Location%20%26%20 Zoning Philadelphia Tax Policy Center http://www.taxpolicycenter.org/taxfacts/displayafact.cfm?Docid=330 Open Data Philly http://www.opendataphilly.org/ PIDC Philadelphia Industrial Development Center http://www.pidc-pa.org/ PICA - Pennsylvania Intergovernmental Cooperation Authority http://www.picapa.org/resources/comprehensive-annual-financial-reports/ Pennsylvania State Department of Revenue http://www.portal.state.pa.us/portal/server.pt/community/gross_receipts_tax/14426 Axis Philly - Property Tax Change Maps 2013-2014 http://apps.axisphilly.org/avi-map/#/12/39.998/-75.177

FOOD INSECURITIES FAO. Policy Brief Issue 2, 2006. Meenar, Mahbubur and Matthew Popek. “The Edible City? Mapping Community Insecurity and Urban Agriculture.” Lecture, PA GIS Conference, Philadelphia, PA, 2011. Olson, Christine M., “Nutrition and Health Outcomes Associated with Food Insecurity and Hunger.” The Journal of Nutrition, www. jnnutrition.org. Pennsylvania Horticultural Society www.phsonline.org Philadelphia Department of Public Health. Food Access Report. Philadelphia: n.p., 2013. Philadelphia Hunger Coalition www.hungercoalition.org


WEALTH DISTRIBUTION http://planphilly.com/articles/2014/01/16/philadelphia-s-challenge-planning-for-equity-in-the-midst-of-growth http://www.flyingkitemedia.com/focusareas/Venturecapital.aspx http://www.theatlanticcities.com/jobs-and-economy/2013/10/rise-invisible-work/7412/ http://andrewmcafee.org/2012/12/the-great-decoupling-of-the-us-economy/ http://www.thedp.com/article/2013/11/venture-capital-in-philadelphia-at-five-year-high http://articles.philly.com/2013-05-21/news/39395710_1_suburban-poverty-elizabeth-kneebone-poverty-rate http://www.workshopoftheworld.com/overview/overview.html http://www.nytimes.com/2011/11/16/us/middle-class-areas-shrink-as-income-gap-grows-report-finds.html?_r=0 http://www.flyingkitemedia.com/inthenews/manufacturingupinseptember092413.aspx Research Papers and Reports: A Research Paper on Keystone Opportunity Zones - Kim Broadbent, May 5, 2010, CPLN 620, Techniques of Urban Economic Development with Professor Laura Wolf-Powers Pennsylvania General Assembly - Legislative Budget and Finance Committee - An Evaluation of the Keystone Opportunity Zone (KOZ) Program

Young Philly Politics http://youngphillypolitics.com/pennsylvania_among_039terrible_10039_most_regressive_tax_states Select Greater Philadelphia http://www.selectgreaterphiladelphia.com/ Pennsylvania Economic Development Directory http://www.ecodevdirectory.com/pennsylvania.htm PEW Charitable Trusts http://www.pewtrusts.org/our_work_report_detail_wide.aspx?id=85899418107 Philadelphia Center City Proprieters Association http://www.centercityproprietors.org/View/Resources Bendick Egan Economic Consultants Inc http://bendickegan.com/data_sources.htm University City, Philadelphia PA http://www.uckiz.com/about.asp The Navy Yard, Philadelphia PA http://www.navyyard.org/incentives

Web sources:

Global Direct Investment Solutions - Philadelphia FDI city of the Future 2007 http://www.gdi-solutions.com/fdi/2007awards/USA/philadelphia.htm

US City-Data http://www.city-data.com/county/Philadelphia_County-PA.html

We Work In Philly Community http://weworkinphilly.com/resources

Center City District & Central Philadelphia Development Corporation www.CenterCityPhila.org

Be In On It - Philadelphia Retail http://philadelphiaretail.com/demographics-retail.aspx

US Census Bureau http://www.census.gov/newsroom/releases/archives/american_community_survey_acs/cb13-r20.html http://censtats.census.gov/cgi-bin/msanaic/msasect.pl

MetroPhilaMapper - The Metropolitan Philadelphia Indicators Project, Temple University http://mpip.temple.edu/exploredata/SupportedBrowsers.aspx

Book sources: The challenge of urban reform; policies & programs in Philadelphia Kirk R. Petshek Imagining Philadelphia : Edmund Bacon and the future of the city - edited by Scott Gabriel Knowles. Work, wages, and poverty : income distribution in post- industrial Philadelphia - Janice Fanning Madden and William J. Stull Second cities : globalization and local politics in Manchester and Philadelphia - Jerome I. Hodos. Who are the urban poor - Downs, Anthony

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