Design and Development of sprite UAV

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Project Proposal

Design and Development of Sprite UAV

September 2021

Addis Ababa


Lijalem Gebrehiwet

1. Introduction

Spirit is compact and modular design with easily swappable rotors and payloads with new technology upgrades. Setup is quick and easy, allowing for takeoff from any type of terrain. Spirit’s rugged, all-weather it can operate reliably in any terrains, even heavy rain, sleet, snow and sand. It has highly streamlined, compact airframe and portable.

Two identical attach points allow plug-and-play modules to be quickly configured for any mission, and we can also add additional batteries for longer flight times, or swap payload modules to suit each mission.

Figure 3D model of sprite UAV [1] Figure Different types of payload designs to be fixed on sprite UAV

Whether someone is an active outdoor enthusiast, a serious professional photographer or a commercial operator it is more preferable technology in terms of weight and handling. [2]

Modular design of a sprite UAV is highly upgradeable design which allows it to easily fit almost anywhere. The rotor blades automatically fold against the side of the airframe, so we can easily slip it into a backpack and is more portable to carry it. This is a common design available in market.

It has not exposed delicate electronics or rigid propellers. Its body is made up of tough polycarbonate construction can take a beating, and critical components are sealed inside so that sensitive parts don't get wet. The sprite should support nearly all of the features of the open source Mission Planner and flight control software. These features include waypoint navigation, follow me, circle, return-to-home and structure scanning. They are can be modified if there is an access to the components. [3]

With the motor off, the dual rotors automatically fold down, allowing the drone to easily fit in a backpack without the worry of fragile parts getting damaged. [4]

The main components of sprite UAV with high definition camera.

Figure Sprite UAV components [5]

Two flight control methods are used in Sprite UAV design namely conventional real-time controller or fully autonomous GPS navigation. Full-function autopilot, including waypoint navigation, survey, circle, region of interest, "follow me", and return to home modes. Real-time telemetry includes firstPerson-View (FPV), ready fully enclosed core, compact and ultra-durable. The rotor is stored automatically when not in use and it looks like a water bottle or something. [6]

Sprite is as portable as plastic 1ltr bottles and consists of the following features;

Fully autonomous autopilot with GPS and multiple flight modes

Fully enclosed, compact, ultra-durable

Real-time telemetry

Available 3-axis stabilized gimbal

First-Person-View (FPV) ready

Sprite UAV is ideal for outdoor adventurers, professional photographers, and a wide range of special missions in rugged, harsh environments including:

Emergency services and disaster recovery

Search and rescue

Security and law enforcement

Environmental management and conservation

Urban planning and engineering

Offshore and overwater inspection

The aim of this project is to develop an ESSTI model Sprite UAV which is used for multipurpose payload such as with spraying system. The project is planned to be designed in ESSTI and body (airframe) manufacturing will be out resourced.

Basic specifications and parameters

We will design Sprite to be first and foremost portable and capable of spraying pesticides or chemicals on agricultural fields against pest’s infestation. A fiberglass airframe can be made to handle the rotor system with the required technical strength and rigidity. The sensitive electronic components should be separated from typical sources of interference like motors and speed controllers.

Sprite UAV basic dimensions

Basic dimensions


Dimension of L.G 110mmX220mm

Width (maximum) 60mm

Height (Total) 350mm

Overall volume 60mmX60mmX350mm

Diameter (max) 60mm

Weight max 5kg max

Weight of sprite body 1.5Kg

Rotor diameter 110mm

Note: The actual design will be modified after the detail design and c.g calculation

ESSTI model design of the sprite UAV Figure ESSTI model design of the sprite UAV

Endurance (single battery) > 38 minutes (22 minutes with max payload)

Endurance (two batteries) > 53 minutes (28 minutes with max payload)

Maximum recommended forward speed > 60 mph (100 kph, 27 m/sec)

Operating temperature range: -40 to 130F (-40 to 54C)

Maximum operating altitude: above 300 meters

Standard autopilot: Pixhawk Cube & Arducopter

Note: There will be changes in the parameters according to the design and availability of component types.

2. General Objectives

To design and develop a Sprite UAV for spraying system (Pesticides, chemicals or else).

3. Specific Objective

Design of a Sprite UAV.

Design of a spraying system payload.

Selection of basic electronic components.

All of the features of the open source, Mission Planner and flight control software.

Assembling and testing of the sprite UAV

Field testing of the sprite UAV

4. Methodology

The methodology to be followed in developing the new project is:

Clearly identifying the basic parameters and specification of the sprite UAV

Model design configuration and basic design parameters

Detail design of the sprite UAV using AUTODESK including payload fixture

3D modeling design and simulation of the model

Selecting and assessing industries/private shops for body (Airframe) manufacturing

Out resourcing

Components and software selection

Ordering basic components for purchase

Evaluating the project status

Checking the availability and completeness of the components

Assembling the sprite UAV

Functional testing (Operability of the system)


Ground flight checkup

Flight testing (Low altitude)

Flight testing (High altitude and all operations)

5. The Project Execution Area

All the project design phases will be completed at ESSTI, airframe production will be out resourced (Optional) and assembling will be done at ESSTI and finally testing will be conducted at ENTOTO open fields.

6. Budget analysis and personnel




S/N Equipment Price Remark 1 Airframe 5,000.00 Local 2 Optional launching pod (landing gear) 2,000.00 Local 3 3-Axis gimbal 30322.00 To be purchased 4 R/C transmitter with FPV monitor and screen hood 5 Telemetry module 6 Rechargeable battery with charger 7 Motor 8 Motor Mountings 9 Blades 10 Gear and transmission 11 Miscellaneous 7,000.00 To be determined during design process Total Equipment Cost 46,322.00 Br
S/N Personnel involved Qualification Responsibility Total No. Working days Cost /day Total Cost 1 Technical BSc Graduate Production of 2 10 700.00 14,000.00
Personnel Cost/ Perdiem
8 Assistant Components 2 Professional MSc and Above Working on and Supervising the design and production process 2 10 800.00 16,000.00 Total 30,000.00 Br
S. N Types of expense No of Days Unit price Total cost 1 Car rent for Transportation 5 1,500.00 7,500.00 Total 7,500.00 Total Budget Required Equipment Cost + Personnel Cost + Transportation 46,322.00 + 30,000.00 + 7,500.00 83,822.00 Br
Car Rental Cost

7 Timeline and Milestones for the Entire Project

The overall activity time plan of the research project is presented as follow: -

S/N Main Research Activities

1 Defining the basic parameters of the Quadcopter

2 Collecting Sprite UAV literature reviews and descriptions

3 Define the main model configurations

4 Preparation of proposal for “Design and Development of Sprite UAV”

5 Collecting Sprite UAV literature reviews and basic data for final project paper

Duration S e p t e m b e rO c t o b e r N o v e m b e r D e c e m b e r J a n u a r y F e b r u a r y M a r c h A p r i l M a y J u n e J u l y A u g u s t

6 Basic and detail designs of the model Sprite UAV using AUTODEK

7 3D modeling of the model Sprite UAV

8 Preparation of draft project paper for the Sprite UAV (Initial)

9 Identification of basic components required for our project including the airframe according to the design.

10 Ordering main components for purchase

11 Preparation of the second draft project paper for the Sprite UAV

12 Assessing and ordering the production of airframe (main body) at home

13 Project evaluation

14 Rectifying and solving


problems during the process (if any)

15 Finalizing the final project paper

16 Checking the completeness of the components

17 Preparation of components for assembling

18 Assembling of Sprite UAV

19 Functional testing (Operability of the system)

20 Ground flight checkup

21 Flight testing (Low altitude)

22 Flight testing (High altitude and all operations)

23 Final project evaluation


8. References

1. Available at

2. Available at

3. Available at

4. Available at

5. Available at

6. Available at


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