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Idaho residents Julie Kirk and Joshua Freedman have changed their plans for this summer. The scenery will be equally spectacular, the weather a bit warmer, and they will need to trade their kayak paddles for oars designed to take on whitewater rapids. News that the COVID-19 pandemic had forced the sponsors of an annual trek across the Alaskan wilderness to cancel this year’s event compelled the couple to seek out another challenge.

Based on their past outdoor accomplishments, they were chosen from among 2,000 hopefuls to take part on the second-ever Great Alabama 650. The nautical challenge places canoe paddlers on treacherous waterways that twist through the river valleys of the southern state.
The course is a world apart from the Alaskan wilderness.
So, instead of making their way across the Great North this summer, Joshua and Julie will be paddling their way through some of the most picturesque wilderness waterways of the Deep South.
The race in Alaska was scheduled as a minimum 10-day trek that was set to start this year in the Canadian city of White Horse in February and finish 1,000 cold and wet miles downriver at the Dalton Highway Bridge just above the arctic circle east of Fairbanks in Alaska. The couple had been one of only 20 teams invited to subject themselves to almost two weeks of torture and exhilaration across the frozen tundra.
Over the past eight years the Idaho couple had been regular participants in the Yukon 500, a twisting challenge through virtually untouched wilderness in the vast open terrain of the 49th state. They have placed as high as sixth place in their division.
The disappointing news of the COVID lockdown, however, did not deter Julie. She quickly convinced Joshua to look for another challenge they could answer. His solution was the Great Alabama 650, a test of strength, endurance and mental fortitude that takes river paddlers on what sponsors describe as “an epic adventure along the core section of the Alabama Scenic River Trail.”
“It may be less miles,” said Julie, “but it is definitely more of a challenge. Both physically and emotionally.”

Joshua was thrilled with the new challenge, proclaiming he did not want to “flush all those hours of training down the toilet.” He added the Alabama course has the potential to be more challenging because the Yukon River flows at a consistent 13 miles per hour. The river course in Alabama has multiple stretches of still water that will require human propulsion.
Racers in Alabama will also be forced to exit the river for nine portages to get around nine dams on this year’s course. Julie has been designated as the coxswain for the race to allow Joshua to concentrate on navigation.
“We were already seven months into our training for the Yukon when they pulled the plug,” said Joshua. He admitted that Julie is a “much better technical rower,” but Julie said her partner’s training for Ironman competitions will be beneficial during the more grueling portions of the race.
According to Race Director Greg Wingo, the race in Alabama this September presents a unique challenge for both competitors and organizers. Greg is an ultra-runner who co-founded a trail running group in his native Birmington.
“When it comes to a paddle race, and specifically with our race where we have several different bodies of water, the logistics behind that are quite a bit more complicated,” he explained. “On top of that, there is a level of navigating and orienteering that’s involved for the paddlers that’s not quite as common in most running races.”
Only three teams out of the 20 that began last year’s inaugural race made it to the finish line, he said.
Dedicated training
The change in venue has not changed Joshua and Julie's year-round zeal for their daily regimen of vigorous training. In addition to time on the river every morning near their home north of Bonners Ferry in North Idaho, Joshua continues to chop wood, work out at the gym and hone the navigational skills he first learned during his time as a SEAL in the Navy.

Meanwhile, Julie lifts weights to build up her stamina when she is not behind the counter of Mountain Mike’s, a health food store that funds their zeal for adventure.
“We are both knocking on the door of 60, so our workouts now
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Joshua said they will begin to scale back from their twice-a-day routine as they get closer to the actual start date of the race.
“We’re also taking more supplements to help boost our endurance levels,” he said with a quiet laugh.
Julie is concerned that the drastic changes in temperature and humidity in Alabama in the heat of summer may pose more of a challenge than the actual river.
“Obviously, the Yukon is a much colder environment than Alabama, and so we'll be doing a lot of training during the heat of the day this summer (in Idaho),” Julie said when asked about the changes in preparation for the new challenge.
“The only element we will really need to work on that is different is heat tolerance.”
She explained the actual workouts are “not really much different” than their annual preparation for the Yukon. Julie said their time in kayaks on the river is primarily focused on strengthening the teamwork and the methods the couple has developed as tandem paddlers over the years.
Racers can never take any situation on the river for granted, said Joshua. He said participants have reported experiencing hallucinations along either course. That can be especially dangerous for teams hundreds of miles from civilization in Alaska.
Based on her research from across the country, Julie anticipates even more perils in the Alabama waterway. Instead of an occasional bear foraging for salmon, the southern waters will have dangers with large teeth lurking below the surface of the water and ominous predators in the branches of trees along the bank.
As of now, the Great Alabama 650 is scheduled to start on September 16 on Weiss Lake in the northeast corner of the state and end at Fort Morgan on the shores of Mobile Bay. Rules of the race dictate that the race must be completed within 10 days.
A total of $22,500 in prize money will be divided among finishers in three separate categories: male, female and two-person teams.
The river course stretches from the white water at the headwaters to the ambling river delta. Greg cautions racers that “the race can pose a challenge to even the most experienced paddler.”
Racers, he said, who sign up for the solo division must have at least one “crewperson” to assist throughout the race to provide help along the journey. The race director is also grateful for the “trail angels,” people who live along the water who will be available to assist racers, offering snacks or a place for a hot shower.
“All along the trail, there are people that live close by and love this waterway and love to help out paddlers,” Greg said. “We’ve created a network of these angels to help out paddlers with pretty much anything on their route—acts of kindness that have been in place for decades. Now we’ll be utilizing them for this race.”
The angels and a host of other volunteers will be a major force in keeping the race running properly. Many of the volunteers will be stationed at portages along the course. Racers will be met on the shoreline where they will be required to get out of their boat and take a compulsory break.

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Most of these stations are at sites of dams and other places that will need to be bypassed on foot. “Volunteers are absolutely critical for this race,” Greg said. “The primary responsibility of the volunteers at the portages will be to make sure racers get their mandatory time out of the water and to check on them.” He said as the race proceeds and competitors spread out, more volunteers are needed to staff the stations, some hundreds of miles apart. “At the beginning of the race this isn’t a huge deal because the racers are still close together, but as the days go by the racers spread out, based on their ability, pretty far, so we’ll need to man multiple portages over a couple of hundred miles, staffing them 24 hours a day,” Greg said. Joshua and Julie will travel to Alabama with their own set of “trail angels.” “My son, Ian, has been with us for five years in a row for the Yukon River Quest. He is planning on going with us to the Great Alabama 650 this year too,” said Julie. “He could not make it last year. “ Wayne and Wanda Wilkerson were on hand to support their friends at the first mandatory layover last year. They helped pull Joshua and Julie out of their boat, fed them both and put them to beds to sleep before the start of the next day. “While we are sleeping, they clean out our boat, restock it with food and water, dry everything they can (pfds, spray skirts, jackets). They helped inspect our gear and boat with the race officials, and then they are there at the end to help us out of the boat and take care of us and our gear.” Julie said her brother David and his wife Amy and her sister Tammy and her husband Scott helped pay the registration fee for the postponed race in the Yukon. The change in venue has not changed Joshua and Julie's year-round zeal for their daily regimen of vigorous training.
Donations of waterproof hats, gloves and socks from Sealskinz USA have helped Joshua and Julie prepare for the river race in Alabama.
“Nite Ize provided us with some waterproof bags and Peak Refuel is giving us our freezedried meals,” Julie added. “We are also especially grateful to our customers at Mountain Mike's for their loyalty to help us reach our goal.”
Julie and Joshua have one ultimate goal that guides them on their outdoor adventures. That is the challenge to finish the race and be able to plan for next year’s test of endurance.
“We work well together, but this will not be a walk in the park,” said Joshua with a straight face. “This is an entirely new challenge. Its’ all new to us.”
“We always try to find the silver lining,” Julie concluded. “The cancelation of the Yukon race may have been a blessing in disguise.”
Dan Aznoff is a freelance writer based in Mukilteo, Washington, dedicated to preserving the stories of past generations. He was a finalist for a Pulitzer Prize and has received acclamation for his work regarding sustainable energy. Aznoff is the author of three books that document colorful periods of history in the state of Washington. He can be reached at directly da@dajournalist.com.
Dry needling is a technique physical therapists (PTs) use for the treatment of pain and movement impairments. You may have heard of the “opioid epidemic” and be concerned about how to manage pain without these addictive drugs. Dry needling can be a big part of the solution. It is an effective and very safe way to resolve muscle pain without pain medicines and their side effects.
What does dry needling look like?
During the treatment, a PT will insert a very thin, solid “dry” needle, one without medication, into a muscle. This allows the PT to target trigger points, which are taut bands of skeletal muscle that may not be treated effectively by massage. PTs wear gloves when dry needling and observe all relevant safety guidelines.
Does dry needling hurt?
The sensation experienced with dry needling is typically a deep ache or cramp, which quickly subsides within about 30 to 60 seconds. Often the muscle will twitch or jump as the needle is inserted.
What can I expect from dry needling?
Dry needling is like pressing a “reset button” for the muscle. People typically have immediate improvement with pain and the ability to move the problematic area. It is common to experience some mild to moderate residual soreness for one to two after treatment. Most people are nervous before receiving dry needling and then say, “Wow, I’m glad I tried that!”
What conditions can dry needling help?
Because dry needling treats muscle pain, it is especially helpful for conditions such as muscle strains, trigger points, tension headaches and postsurgical muscle pain. Many people think all their pain is coming from arthritis or disc problems, when in fact much of it is coming from their muscles—and this pain can be greatly improved with dry needling.
BonnersFerryLivingLocal.com I’m scared of needles. Can a PT help me without dry needling?
Absolutely! Dry needling is just one tool in a large toolbox. In cases when PTs use dry needling, it is

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one technique that is part of a larger treatment plan. PTs have a host of other effective treatment options to help reduce pain without dry needling. In my experience, however, combining dry needling with other therapeutic treatments allows patients to return to their prior level of function more quickly.
Is dry needling the same as acupuncture?
No. Dry needling is not acupuncture, a practice based on traditional Chinese medicine and performed by acupuncturists. Dry needling is a part of modern Western medicine principles and supported by research. While acupuncturists and PTs use similar types of needles, the assessment, technique and purposes of the treatment are different.
Is dry needling safe?
Yes! PTs are experts in human anatomy and receive extensive post-graduate training to be certified in dry needling, so the risks are minimal. Your PT will thoroughly evaluate you and provide education on possible risks prior to treatment. For additional information on dry needling, you can visit ChoosePT.com/ dryneedling.
Where can I get dry needling?
Dry needling is a specialty for physical therapists. You should look for someone who has completed extensive post-graduate training in “Functional Dry Needling” through KinetaCore or similar program with experience in dry needling in a rehabilitation setting. Dr. Jessica Seaburg, PT, DPT, OCS is a physical therapist at Boundary Community Hospital, who specializes in restoring functional movement and is a Board-Certified Clinical Specialist in Orthopedic Physical Therapy.
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