1 minute read

teacher in the sp otlight


accessible, as the students of Goodman have shown under Jen Nielsen’s tutelage.

In her free time, Jen, of course, enjoys a lot of reading and likes to keep up with new authors and award winners. She also writes and recently published a book entitled The Claiming—“An apprentice mage. A faerie princess. And one slight miscalculation.” When outside the classroom, she can be found wearing her “author’s hat” (as Jen dubbed it), where she attends book signings, edits and revises her work, or works on drafting the next manuscript. If ever she gets downtime, she spends it with her family skiing, hiking, biking, boating, or catching a game of pickleball. She loves to be outside with the people she loves most.



If interested in Jen’s work (or if you’d just like to geek out with her!), feel free to visit her website or social media accounts at JANielsenAuthor.com, Twitter.com/authorjanielsen or Instagram.com/ jennifer.a.nielsen.

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