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the Scoop with Native Plants
My husband, Eric, and I have owned New Leaf Nursery in Hayden, Idaho, for nearly 30 years. Through the knowledge I have gained by owning a large garden center, and by being an avid gardener myself, I have learned that native plants and trees can not only create unique and interesting landscapes, but much of their true merit lies in the benefits they provide to our environment. From sculpted formal spaces, to a wild open meadow, your selections of native plants can provide a wealth of colors, textures, heights and bloom times in your spaces!
But why is it so important to consider native plants in your landscape? Native plants help our environment in so many ways! They take less water, less fertilizer and, most importantly, less pesticides. They help prevent water runoff and improve our air quality. They decrease pollution by reducing the need for mowers and other equipment. They have the ability to store excess carbon, and they provide habitats for pollinators. Plus, they are low maintenance, giving you more time to enjoy the beauty they provide.
In North Idaho, and Eastern Washington, we have a great number of native plants and trees. One of my favorites is the Western White Pine, which happens to be the state tree of Idaho. They are known for their long-elegant needles, and the cones they produce are stunning for use in holiday décor or can provide the perfect kindling.
Rocky Mountain Maples, Western Larch and Ponderosa Pines are other favorites to add color and interesting textures to your landscape. The maples show their green leaves through the summer, and as fall approaches, those leaves can turn to fiery shades of red, orange and yellow, putting on an amazing show of color for you and your neighborhood.
The Western Larch often blends in with their evergreen neighbors until fall, when their needles turn yellow, and then drop. In spring, buds on their branches burst with soft new neon-green needles.
The Ponderosa Pine are giants, growing sometimes over 200-feet tall with a trunk that measures 3 to 4 feet across. If you believe in planting a tree for future generations to enjoy, the Ponderosas are perfect for you!