Lilac Mag - Issue 1

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BLOG EDITOR Rachele Gillon



Natalie Heaton / Joshua Gow/ Brewdog Models1 / Plan Pictures / Red Door Studios Adee Phelan / Aspecto


COVER Photagraphed by Darren Lennon featuring Michael Morgan @models1




Welcome to the first issue of Lilac. Just four weeks ago I decided I wanted to start a magazine that was not only fun to make but helped me bring together the people I’d worked closely with over the years. What better way to spend time with them, whilst creating something we can all be proud of. So this issue focuses in on youth, something that inspires me to push my fashion tastes everyday but also fascinates me. How most of the time they get a bad rep when all along all they are trying to do is get by and make something of their future. My interview this issue really touches on what it takes not only to be a teenager now but how creativity is at the forefront in most of their lives, a refreshing look at the strong minded youths of today! We’ve all been there those awkward ‘finding ourselves’ years, I’m using this issue to celebrate those days and today! I hope you agree and are inspired as much as I was! Enjoy The Youth Issue.. with love Nicki EDITOR-IN-CHIEF









DARREN LENNON A Photographer with a current style that showcases clean lighting with an edge. One thing I knew for sure was I wanted his many years of expertise in youth focused brand campaigns on this issue.

NANCY SPENCER 7 years working together on brand, editorial and advertising shoots. I’m so happy to have Nancy on board this issue. With her current fresh and beautiful hair and make up I couldn’t have asked for a more like minded talent to be involved.

BERNARD EARL So I asked myself the question who could create the idea I have in my mind right now with a clean, modern feel? It had to be Bernard. His expert design and direction has made this issue what it is, new, exciting and fresh!

RACHELE GILLON My daily youth inspiration, always making me push my ideas and styles. I needed Rachele on this issue not only for her wise words but because I’m her big sister and she’s my cooler younger sister!

NICKI GILLON So as well as editor I took the styling reigns on this issue, showcasing some of my all time favourite brands I could imagine and create the stories in this issue. My most proud moment is the LILAC EDIT, the challenge to include brands that are not always in your face but make a difference.




THE DAY Photography by Darren Lennon Directed by Bernard Earl Styled by Nicki Gillon Grooming by Nancy Spencer Model: Michael Morgan / Models1







Jacket KIDDA AT ASPECTO £115.99 / T-Shirt KIDDA AT ASPECTO £51.99 Joggers CREATIVE RECREATION £59.99 / Trainers ADIDAS AT ASPECTO £89.99



T-Shirt STUSSY AT ASPECTO £41.99 / Trainers NIKE £84.99

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Shirt NOTE £94.99

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Jumper KIDDA AT ASPECTO £89.99

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I S S U E - 15



I S S U E - 17

Jumper LEVIS AT ASPECTO £56.99

the Collective Photography by Darren Lennon Interview by Nicki Gillon

IT’S BEEN A FEW MONTHS SINCE I FIRST MET THESE GUYS, BUT I KNEW WHEN I WAS WRITING THIS ISSUE I NEEDED THEM INVOLVED..... INTRODUCING THE ‘COLLECTIVE’. From my first meeting with them a few months earlier I learnt of their vibe, creative outlook and future dreams. From the outside they look very much like a normal group of 17 to 19 years old kids hanging out causing trouble and looking moody. How wrong I was, in fact they are a group of kids looking to make an impact in their future and others around them. It was my pleasure to interview them and delve into what I can only describe as an exciting few years ahead of them.

I invite them for a brew and a chat. I’m introduced formally by them and this is my first insight into where they see themselves in the future. All from various areas in Manchester including Moss Side, Oldham and Chorlton the crew consists of Luka aka Alto Sounds who is a music producer, Z an aspiring actor, Taryl a working model, Joe a creative photographer, Perry aka Yung Cosy Boy a DJ/producer and Joel aka Joel Gregs an aspiring art director and stylist.

So it’s a cold February afternoon and I meet the lads hanging out on a wet Manchester afternoon. Mostly dressed in black, but then as I look closely I see a collection of brands such as Supreme, Nike and North Face. They are slick and stylish at an age well before I even knew what brand meant.

All coming together and meeting through school, college, a dance called ‘jerking’, smoking and an appreciation of each other’s style they now commit their time to the roles they have created, often spending evenings not partying or drinking but brainstorming (be it high but still) about the life they are already working so hard to create.

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Already Joe and Joel have created a collaboration where they will use their time to take creative imagery and share on Instagram. Finding abandoned places with Joel being front of camera, I’m so impressed with this confidence I challenge Joel as we speak and his answer is plain and simple the two are friends and are just happy creating this amazing imagery. I next turn to the music section of the crew Luka aka Alto Sounds and Perry aka Yung Cosy Boy. Having known these guys a few months I knew of their passion for music and this shines through as we speak. Luka promptly quotes ‘music gives me a way to express myself’. Telling me how the boys want to put music to film, fashion shoots etc.....

“Music gives me a way to express myself”



I S S U E - 21

Z has an amazing passion for acting, studying currently at college. But I see as we speak he wants to grab every opportunity he can. From music to rapping he tells me it sits the same in his mind as they are all about story telling and a portrayal of a character.

“Future high lifestyle”

As I move around the group towards the face of Taryl an exotic looking teen with already a modelling career. He’s already looking to move onto bigger jobs, shoots and loves how the job makes him feels confident and individual. I see a London Agency in his future. I finally ask them what would happen if they had to get a 9 to 5 job and I’m hit with a loud noise of ‘Noooo!!’, ‘I’d rather keep working hard to get to the top and get paid for something I love’. Driven guys!

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It’s been a pleasure to speak with the collective and as we spend over an hour chatting we touch on style and confidence. I’m intrigued to know how they feel standing out and I’m told ‘we’re all individuals and we just have to get on with it’. If I’m honest this takes me a back as not only are they pushing and supporting each other’s goals but they are never and will never judge another friend as they develop in the world. I thank you for all sitting with me and making see as youths of today get a bad rep you make them change there minds. Thank you.

I’m happy to see that this March and April at Selfridges we will see an array of designers including Billionaire Boys Club, Blood Brother, BOY, Kenzo, Peter Pilotto, Philip Lim, Stella McCartney, Y-3, Dries Van Noten and Selfie showcase and sell an affordable (£75 each) skateboards. This collection is not only a worldwide exclusive but looking at the designer list features some classics and some new faces in the fashion world. As much as I like a little designer summat summat am I going to see the kids that hang out at Projekts skatepark with a designer board, I’m not sure but I’ll be using one as a little wall hanging or to look at! But it is refreshing to see such a youth driven sport and pastime being celebrated and the streets of Manchester being associated with fashion and culture. “Surf and skate have become essential and consistent Spring/Summer reference points. With Board Games, we have worked to harness board sports’ unmistakable influence on fashion, lifestyle and culture. The scheme will offer a spectrum of the most extraordinary products across every department and be animated by an authentic new skate environment for London that’s open for everyone to enjoy.” says Sebastian Manes, Selfridges Buying Director. Boards are available during March and April at Selfridges, Exchange Square, Manchester.


Model Sasha @officialmodels


The biggest brands & retailers right now in Womenswear

Shirt £220 Jumper £180 Hat Stylist Own



I S S U E - 25

Jacket & Dress price on request

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Jumper £65 Skirt £65



I S S U E - 29

Jacket £249

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Hat £32.99 / T-Shirt £44.99 Jogger £94.99 / Hoody £94.99 / Bumbag £34.99 Sliders Stylist Own



I S S U E - 33


My Youth. I was born in 1989 but spent most of my young life in the 90s and 00s watching Nickelodeon, trying to get my mum and dad to buy me a Disney princess dress, stopping outside the shop looking sad saying please a million times but still nothing. Then I watched little mermaid for the first time and that was it I was obsessed, I would stand on my bed blasting under the sea singing along!! Wishing I had red hair and a mermaid tail!! As I got older I discovered the art of building a fort with the washing maiden, I’d get my duvet off my bed drape it over the maiden and get every pillow I could find so it was all comfy and pretend I was the queen of everything, not much has change there!.. Then it happened the spice girls took over my life!! I remember being at primary school standing on the steps singing if you wanna be my lover, I was 7 at the time, so wrong!! We all had our parts I was Geri, which now thinking about it was the worst one! I even made my mum buy me a spice girls outfit out of the catalogue which I wore to my school disco, I looked amazing ha!! As the 00’s hit I was on my way in to high school the scariest time of my life, I wasn’t the prettiest of kids I looked like a boy and to make it worse I was a mosher, I wore baggy jeans with chains and a Linken Park hoody. I hated high school until year 8 when I met my best friends who at the time were Emo kids so of course i changed to an emo kid dyed my hair black with a blonde streak and had the longest fringe known to mankind!!

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“ I wasn’t the prettiest of kids I looked like a boy and to make it worse I was a mosher.”

Then discovered Myspace, me and my friend Ashlea used to have days were we dressed up and did are make up, especially for myspace pictures!! We wore far to much foundation even as lipstick (the paler the better) and a lot of eyeliner!! I don’t think I ever I grew out of it ha!! To this day those were best days, we would go to a place called Gas Works drink cider, laugh and then we would all go back to my mates house and watch films all night!! Oh I miss those days!! As the college days came round I was actually quite normal (well in my eyes It was ha) we had to dress in all black as I did performing arts but I was always the one who wore a bit of colour and got away with it, my friend Ashlea used to go mad at me because if she tried she would get sent home ha!! Teachers must have loved me (not in that way).

“ Then it happened the ‘Spice Girls’ took over my life!! ”

I didn’t really come into my own until a good 2 years ago I had discovered the art of colour hair dye I had always wanted to do it but never had the guts so now I’ve been every hair colour under the sun (currently pink) but still not happy with it ha! I’ll be a different colour next week. I’m now comfortable in myself and my dress sense, it’s only took 24 years!! Rachele



I S S U E - 35

In May of this year I turn 28 and I find myself more than ever in a major style dilemma. Now begrudgingly looking more towards my 30s rather than back at 25, I suddenly feel unable to justify dressing up in certain items of my wardrobe. Since leaving school I have always been influenced by British football terrace culture. I have fond memories of saving up to buy a knitted navy Lacoste tank top – this, along with my first white pique Fred Perry polo, was my pride and joy. Ten or so years later and this obsession had excelled beyond a few v-neck jumpers and a couple of polos. By my mid-twenties it was full blown collectors chaos with the majority of my earnings going on things I probably couldn’t afford (and most probably didn’t really need).

My good mother would question why I would buy second hand trainers that in some cases were older than me. She would constantly tell me how bad they were for my feet and how I will one day regret it. The made in West Germany original Adidas Dublins are now trying to tell me the same thing; they can no longer offer the comfort that a young lad never required. Admittedly, It had become style over substance. And on to now. I’ve started tying my shoes laces properly and rolling out the turn ups on my jeans. Is this the end of my youth? As I approach my 30s am I now I starting to naturally tone down and opt of garish designs?

One things for sure though, the culture of my youth will never leave me and will continue to have a strong influence over the way I choose to style myself. I might be more tasselled loafer than Adidas Tahiti, more earth tones than rainbow hues, but these things happen to the best of us. I certainly won’t be turning up to the match in my 30s wearing a full Ellesse tracksuits, trying to recover a style that has long but passed me by...

My ever-changing moods:


A nostalgic look at the beauty in films that craved our youth

Beauty of film Photography by Darren Lennon

Hair & Makeup by Nancy Spencer Styled by Nicki Gillon Model: Madeleine White @models1

Demi Moore Ghost Shirt CALVIN KLEIN ÂŁ79.99



I S S U E - 37

Claire Danes Romeo & Juliet Customised T-Shirt ZARA £27.99 / Bra Ann Summers £22.99

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Gwyneth Paltrow The Royal Tenenbaums Polo ADIDAS AT ASPECTO ÂŁ44.99 / Fur Vintage



I S S U E - 39

Kelly Le Brock Weird Science Poloneck Vintage

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Natalie Portman Leon Jacket SCHOTT AT ASPECTO £134.99



I S S U E - 41

pa ir Cl a Ach rin s wit ieve I nst y h a 9 out ant 0’ hfu Ligh sn ld t ud ew £2 6 el y ip ski n to

Sp ice lip liner

Th £1 ey’r it 9.50 e Re al al l - Th B e fu inn enefi ll, t th ovat Mas ick iv c & fl e br ara u utt sh ery do las es he s

Great lash mascara maybelline

the beauty by Nancy Spencer

Inspired by film stars from our youth, The Beauty Edit reminisces about iconic beauty products, whilst featuring some of today’s makeup must-haves and future product icons in the making...

Illamasqua liquid metal palette £34 Dewy metallic lids and cheeks at your fingertips

Rimmel black cherry lipstick

No17 eye kohl

Mac smoulder eye pencil ÂŁ14 The best, blackest and most smudgy pencil ever Natural collection lip gloss

28 ÂŁ y nd izz s a fr te W iss fuss minu l y o N in ab B es av w t sof

Urban decay eyeshadow

Exclamation perfume Illustrations by Nat Heaton


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