computer e profile

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He was Born in Mooresburg Pennsylvania.His first Job was an apprentice at a printer. He was later a politician for wisconsin senate. He re invinted the typewriter. His type writer had qwerty. He was a big part in keyboards.

Can You Picture It? (Picture Organizers)

L:zaq R:p

L:mju R: cft

L:cde R:,ki

L: sxw R: .lo

Five-Sentence Paragraph

Key boarding is a class you can take in school to help u type the right way and to type faster. It will teach you how to use certian programs

Space Bar

Lucas Musgove Unit 1 keyboarding Five Finger Assignment

©Teacher Created Resources, Inc.

#3208 Graphic Organizers: Grades 4–8

8B, Computer connections Lucas Musgrove Thursday, August 22, 2013 Career the of 21st Century

Not every thing in the past works today. Everyone has a set plan. People need a plan B. O percent of Americans are financially Independent.

Plan B

Essential things we need to know. Step 1: How To create Leverage Step : 2 How t create Passive or residual income step :3 How to make money

How to use your income All workers that have a boss have to work to a clock. Leverage Leverage lets you get more more money in less time. Networking

helps big business.


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