Why Parents Should Homeschool

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Why parents should Home school

Basically, parents who homeschool feel they can do a better job. Few parents realize how much time is really wasted in school. It has been estimated that an average of less than one hour out of each school day is actually spent learning — after administrative duties, discipline issues, changing classes, and distractions. Of course there are exceptions, but the point is that hours of precious time are simply wasted. Add hours of homework into that mix, as well as getting to and from school, and it's easy to see why many parents have decided it is simply not in their child's best interests to go to school. They believe their children can learn more in less time in a different environment. And they're right. Consistently, homeschooled kids score higher than their schooled peers on standardized tests. In fact, by the time homeschooled kids are in the eighth grade, they are four years ahead of their schooled peers. Often, this learning takes place in less than two hours a day. And what do these homeschooled kids do with all that free time? Mostly, they enjoy doing what every other child has to wait until the weekend to do — ride their bikes, roller blade, ice skate, hike, build forts, swim — you name it. Another big reason parents choose to homeschool is for socialization. The teens I know have a rich and varied social life. They have many friends and go places with those kids they choose to be with, rather than being thrown into a classroom every day where cliques, peer pressure, and unspoken dress codes are the norm. Midweek sleepovers, camping trips, and movie nights are weekly occurrences for kids who homeschool. They also enjoy sleeping late, dressing as they please, and having frequent get-togethers with friends. Younger kids usually meet weekly in a park or playground with groups of homeschoolers, and share play dates during the week. Do they miss out? Yes — on bullies, daily tests, being compared to other students, and being told what to do and how to do it throughout each day. Many parents find it unthinkable that kids have to go through metal detectors before they can enter their schools. School violence has increased at an alarming rate. It is my understanding that

the number of homeschoolers skyrocketed after the school shootings and violent incidents that occurred in this country last year. Parents and kids who no longer feel safe in school often decide to homeschool. And lastly, every week I receive letters from kids who simply hate school. They hate being there, are often bullied or frightened, can no longer bear the peer pressure and meaningless busywork, or are "bored out of their minds." Luckily, for many of these kids, homeschooling offers a lifeline, an educational alternative.

Read more on FamilyEducation: http://school.familyeducation.com/homeschooling/parenting/41086.html#ixzz1kJwAajpU

What Are Some Advantages?

Kids who are homeschooled may benefit from the one-on-one attention. For instance, if you don't understand something in math, the whole class won't be moving on without you. You might be the whole class! It's also possible that you might learn more than you would in a regular classroom, because if you really excel at something, you can keep learning more at your own pace. Kids who are homeschooled also may get out in their communities more than other kids. They might get to experience hands-on education at museums, libraries, businesses, marinas, and other community resources. They also might volunteer or participate in "service learning" where they take on local projects.

Homeschooling and Socialization Homeschooling has an interesting effect on socialization. Since most homeschooled children get their socialization through the select programs their parents place them in, they are often exposed to a much wider range of people than children only socialized in public school. For instance, many homeschooled children attend classes in karate, music, or art because they have a lot more

time to pursue these interests. These classes will give the children more opportunities to get acquainted with a larger and more varied group of friends. For children who are being homeschooled with other children, they are studying with people who are true “classmates” in the sense that they are learning at the same level. This is very different from traditional schools where students are put into classes according to their age, no matter where they stand academically.

One-on-one attention vs. the packed classroom Children who are homeschooled also benefit from having more one-on-one attention as well. In a typical classroom where there are twenty-five to thirty students, it’s hard for the students to be given individual time if they should need it. When children are being homeschooled, they have all the individual attention they ever need. They benefit from this by doing much better in class and exams because they have a chance to learn something fully.

Reading', Writing', Rithmitic Perhaps, the best perk of homeschooling is the quality of the education. Not only do the children get one-on-one attention, they also get a customized education. They are allowed to work and learn at their own pace as classes can actually be designed to play to their strengths. Each child has a certain “learning style” so when the classes are designed with his or her style in mind, it is a big advantage. For instance, a child may be at a 7 th grade math level but only a 5th grade reading level. In a public school, the child will struggle with the weaker subject. With homeschooling, the child doesn’t feel pressured to keep up because the classes are geared towards the child’s level. There is no pressure to learn something by a certain date so the child can progress at a comfortable pace. Also, a parent can tailor their child's curriculum to fit their individual hobbies and interests, so a budding chef might spent an afternoon experimenting with chicken recipes, or a future marine biologist might take many day trips to the aquarium. Financially, homeschooling can be more economical. As there are no trips to and from school, families spend less on gas. There is also no need to have lunches taken to or bought at school, so families can save some money as well!

What Are the Disadvantages? But can make it work People disagree about how much formal education a person needs to be a good teacher. Not all parents and homeschool tutors have gone to school to learn to teach or to learn the subject they are teaching. If a parent is well educated, he or she may understand some subjects really well but others not as well. For instance, a kid's mom may be great at chemistry but not as good at English. To be fair, not all schoolteachers are experts in their fields either. And tutors may be used for subjects the parent isn't skilled in. If a homeschool parent or tutor doesn't know something or

can't fully explain it, the instructor and student can always research the issue together. A local library, university, community college, or the Internet may have the answers. A kid who's homeschooled doesn't have the convenience of school facilities, such as a gymnasium, science lab, or art studio. The child may be taught at the kitchen table or at a "school" area in the home. He or she might do science experiments in the kitchen or go outside to work on an art project. Some parents who homeschool their kids form groups so their kids can go together to take art classes and take part in other group learning activities, like field trips. Effects on social life can be another possible disadvantage for homeschooled kids. All kids need to have friends and be around other children. Some homeschoolers may feel cut off from kids their age or feel like they spend too much time with their families. Parents who homeschool their kids often make efforts to ensure their son or daughter has a social life. For instance, groups of homeschooled children may get together regularly to learn together or just socialize. And like any child, they may be on sports teams, in dance classes, or take part in other activities outside of school.

Time When parents take the responsibility of educating their children at home, they may need to set aside time to make it work. The task of homeschooling a child is certainly not easy, especially for working parents, single parents or stay-at-home parents. They have to take time to organize and prepare lessons, teach, give tests, and plan field trips. Homeschooling is a full-time commitment and to make sure that the child receives a quality education, parents need to invest time and effort needed. http://homeschoolmommy-lildread.blogspot.com/p/cirriculum.html

Cost In comparison to public schools, where education is free, homeschooling can be costly. Purchasing the newest curriculum and teaching tools can be very expensive. Parents may choose to use a paid homeschooling program, such programs may have added benefits, but may increase the cost of the child’s education. There are also other costs to keep in mind, like project materials, stationery, books, computer software, and field trips. Parents who choose to home school their children should be prepared to spend more money than parents who send their children to public schools. But if there a will there’s a way you can always search sites that give out great printables, freeware software, etc & all the info parents need to start home school you can start here http://homeschoolmommy-lildread.blogspot.com/ Socialization Home schooled children may not have as many opportunities to interact with other children in comparison to children who attend regular schools. Forming bonds and socializing with children their own age is important for the child’s developmental health and development of social skills.

If home schooled, they may be deprived of the chance to form friendships and may suffer socially. Of course, they can make friends with other home schooled children, but it is quite different when special effort has to be made to arrange meetings. The lack of socialization may affect them in later stages of life. But if there’s a will there is a way. Some parents join homeschool groups within their local area, most of these have great events with other homeschool children, If you read on to Lack of facilities that area would help with socialization Lack of Facilitie It is quite impossible that a home can be as well-equipped as a regular school in terms of facilities. For classes that require experiments like physics and chemistry, it can be hard to get all the necessary chemicals, materials, apparatus, and so on. The home would also lack facilities for sports like swimming pools, running tracks, gyms, and fields, But if there’s a will there a way. You can take your child to certain activity and field trips just by simply finding out info in your community newspaper or online about different events that your child could attend, such as museums, parks, pools, etc……. Patience One of the reasons why homeschooling is bad is the fact that parents may lose patience when they are trying to educate their children. Some parents may be too overbearing or impatient, which may cause the child to react in a negative manner. It is may be hard for parents to draw the line between educator and parent in the child’s mind. So if your that parent I suggest you take a long look at what is best for your family. Motivation One of the most glaring negative effects of homeschooling is the matter of motivation. Some children need to be challenged to excel in their studies. In this sense, they thrive when they are involved in some competition. Children who are homeschooled would not have this motivation because most of them are educated separately. But as a parent you help motivate your kids by doing exciting things with them, such as different projects. Whatever comes to mind and sound like it’s a learning opportunity for your child, I say the sky is the limit. Make sure you always let them know that you will always be there to support them

Can Homeschoolers Get a Good Education?

No matter where a child goes to school, the key to learning is listening to the teacher and asking for help when you need it. A homeschooled child might feel more comfortable with his or her teacher (a parent), but the child still needs to pay attention and cooperate. Just like in a traditional school, teachers (parents) and students need to work together to achieve goals in the classroom. Homeschooled kids can take advantage of the control they have over their education. If something really interests them, they can ask to pursue it further — maybe by going on a field trip or talking to experts. This can be done in traditional school, too, but field trips are often scheduled well in advance and such personal attention isn't always possible. You may have heard about kids who were homeschooled and then went on to attend a top college. It does happen, but just like with regular school, this kind of achievement takes a lot of planning and hard work. Colleges do recognize homeschooling as a legitimate education. But it's important to remember that colleges often require certain subjects, and sometimes tests like the SATs. Kids and parents need to plan to be sure that the homeschooling experience is preparing the child to attend college or pursue the career he or she has in mind.

Are Homeschooled Kids Different? If you're a homeschooled kid, you know you aren't any different from boys or girls who go to a traditional school. Kids who learn at home can grow up to go to college and follow their dreams, just like kids who graduate from a regular high school. But homeschooled kids may have special concerns. For instance, you may be worried about transitions you will need to make if you plan to go to a traditional high school or if you see college in your future. Talk with your parents about these concerns, if you have them. Also talk with your parents if you'd like more chances to mix with other kids. Maybe you can join a sports team or youth group, or take part in group activities for homeschooled kids in your area. And when you can't see your friends in person, keep in touch through IM, email, and phone calls. You might not go to a traditional school every day, but you still need to check in with your friends about all that important kid stuff! Five Easy Ways to Discover Your Home Schooling Laws

When beginning to home school your child, you will want to know the home schooling laws and requirements for your state. Home schooling according to your state’s laws can prevent a possible run-in with authorities or other potential problems. Some states require you to register your home school, while others may require you to administer testing or to submit your curriculum outline to governing authorities. In some areas, local school authorities are given the responsibility of approving all home education programs for children during the years of compulsory attendance. You may need to submit a letter of intent stating your family's intention to home school including the names and ages of your children. Other states require you to fill out and notarize government issued home school forms. Remember to keep a cordial, pleasant tone when dealing with officials. Many home educators and school districts often have positive working relationships. Following some simple steps when removing your child from public or private school makes the transition and the start of home schooling easier and more successful for you and your child. Should you ever be questioned about the legality of home schooling, remember... home schooling is legal in every state of the US. Many sources provide information on the home schooling laws in your state. Make sure you gather your information from a reliable informant. More info here http://homeschoolmommylildread.blogspot.com/p/laws.html Homeschool is great and you and your child would love it. So take advantage of it and explore all the opportunities it has to offer……… By: homeschool moomy

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