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Joaquín Lalama expresses
Joaqu N Lalama Celebrates Its Tenth Anniversary
The questions that were asked are the following:
• What is your name?
• What do you know about Joaquín Lalama?
Mg. Maricela Toscano- Vicerrectora de la Institución
What do you know about Joaquín Lalama?
Well about our patron Joaquín Lalama, he is one of the most illustrious man from Ambato and of our institution, since the creation of the Bolívar school isdueto him. In the same way, he is a well-known man among those who most wanted to promote education. He fought hard for the young Ambateños to have an education and that is why he began to give the first classes in his house so that the Ambateños could study in their city.
sabes de Joaquín Lalama?
Bueno sobre nuestro patrón Joaquín Lalama es uno delos hombres más ilustres que tiene Ambato y de nuestra institución, pues a él se debe la creación del colegio Bolívar. De igual manera es un hombre conocido entrelos que más quisieron dar realce a la educación. Luchómucho para que los jóvenes Ambateños tuvieran una educación y espor eso que comenzó a darlasprimerasclases en su casa para que los ambateños pudieran estudiar en su ciudad.
I know that Don Joaquín Lalama is oneof the founders of Colegio Bolívarand is a clear example for a teenager.
Teacher Miguel Mejía What I know abouthim isthatHe wasborn in 1795, since he was very young,he was interested in education. Hestarted to teacher on his house what weknow as the Bolívar high school.
I know that Joaquín Lalama wasthe mentalist of the Bolívar school, I also know that he was part of the Ambato ministry at theage of nineteen.