Liliani Saputri Urban Design Portfolio

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The most important event that has shaped my academic and professional interests is my move from Surabaya to Singapore seven years ago. The stark contrast between my experience living in these two cities made me realise the huge impact of seemingly simple things, such as sidewalk, good transportation network, public spaces, and good building edges on our daily lives. This experience has led me to greatly appreciate urbanism. In the next pages, you can find 3 selected professional projects at Spark Architects where I was a key team member.

Liliani Saputri

01 3-Dimensional Heritage Connectivity

Guangzhou Shipyard Master Plan (2018 competition winning entry)

02 21th Century Technology Hub

Hefei East New Center Master Plan (2020 commisioned project)

03 City in a Garden

Suzhou Sino-Japanese Design Village Master Plan (2021 competition winning entry)

The 4 most significant bay areas of the world are by no coincidence the epi-centres of global economy and cultural production. In February 2019, China’s development plan of the Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Macau Greater Bay Area provided the framework for the creation of world class city waterfront regeneration. The Guangzhou’s shipyard, once a pioneering ship building industry in the 19th century, will be transformed to a dynamic, vibrant, diverse and balanced mixed-use development, as a pioneering landmark for the Greater Bay Area.


Guangzhou, China Professional / Competition Winning Entry (WAN Awards Shorlist 2020: Future Project Urban Design Category) Main Designer for Riverfront Area Develop design for dry dock, cultural centre, slipways and riverfront heritage park. Develop plans and produced building guidelines for 3 commercial plots. Develop master planning guidelines and street detailed plans. Coordinated renders with external render company. Produced diagrams. Prepared design report and presentation. May 2018-August 2019

Site Analysis




Located at the epicenter of the Greater Bay Area

Image © 2018 DigitalGlobe

Image © 2018 CNES / Airbus Image © 2018 DigitalGlobe Image © 2018 CNES / Airbus

Opportunity to be a new sub CBD district 12km from current GZ city centre

Strategic location at the intersection between 2 metro lines and T-Junction of a Green axis

Existing shipbuilding industry

Planning Concept The goal of this project is to transform a 19th century shipyard into a dynamic, vibrant, diverse and balanced mixed-use development that has at its heart homage to the unique heritage of the China National leviathan of the ship building industry

Conserved Infrastructure : 1 Dry Dock, 3 Slipways, and 2 Cranes

Living Commercial Riverfront Heritage

Government Land Use

3 Masterplan Zones: Commercial, Living and Riverfront Heritage Zone

01 01

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Gr ee


04 02


Riverf Conne ront ction

North and South Commercial Types 01 HQ Office: Gateway to GZ Shipyard 02 Creative Tech: Linked Podium and Connection to riverfront 03 Innovation Centre 04 Independent HQ: Smaller footprints and connection to the riverfront

Proposed Connections

Commercial and Living Zones



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01 06 04




Guangchuan Ring: Main pedestrian network from the plots to the riverfront park

Centre of the site: Future Valley To create a strong and unique shipyard heritage identity

Main Structure The main structure of the master plan is “One Centre, One Ring, Three Zones”. One Centre refers to the Future Valley, which sits at the heart of the development connects metro access with the development’s multi-level pedestrian network One Ring, the Guangchuan Ring, draws visitors from the city centre to the Riverfront Heritage Park. It is the master plan’s main pedestrian circulation network. Three Zones: Commercial Zone Living Zone Riverfront Heritage Zone

One Centre: Future Valley

One Ring: Dry Dock

4 building plots and a metro station exit at B2 level with a metro box cutting through the future valley.

200m long dry dock: 3 Thematic Zones

Zone 1: Forest area - a continuation of Future Valley + Commercial interface activating dry dock

to L1 to B1 Cultural Centre to L1

to L1

Green terraces to create continuous landscape and connection from ground to B2 level

Multi-level connections: B2 connection to the dry dock through digital grotto, L2 connection between north, south commercial plots and riverfront park and vertical connection through the central tower

Guanggang Park

Zone 1: Vertical Circulation



Zone 2: Water Park

L2 bridge to enter Future Valley

Zone 1: Canopy to create protected space

Zone 3: Boat Public Art + Amphitheatre

Future Valley

Basement 2 Digital Grotto to connect to dry dock

Dry Dock

One Ring: Cultural Centre Fu t

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The cultural centre is pushed down to the basement to keep the waterfront view intact. The resultant of undulating roofscape becomes an elevated street connecting future valley to the waterfront.

One Ring: Slipways 1 Existing Slipways

2 Building on top of the slipways

3 Building on the plinth for permeability

4 Space under the slipways utilised as gallery



The buildings are arranged to create a public space in its centre.

Dry Dock

Cultural Centre Sunken Garden at B1


Cultural Centre

Slipways Park

Slipways Cultural Gallery

Future Forum

Tower Bearing Plaza

Commercial Plots

Fu tu re Va lle y

The south commercial plots are linked with 3-dimensional pedestrian network rich with commercial activities and a series of green open public spaces.



Ground Level-Car-Free Road

L2- Highline

L3-Green Ring

Shared Pedestrian Street Section

Riverfront Plaza

Tower Bearing Plaza

Future Forum

Slipways Park

Boat Amphitheatre

Cultural Centre

Water Plaza Forest Canopy

Digital Grotto

Future Valley

MRT Exit

Guanggang Park

Plot guidelines

This project takes on the challenge to regenerate Hefei Steel Factory industrial heritage into a future innovative city centre that allow future residents, office workers and visitors to interact, engage and enjoy a creative hi-tech and sustainable life without forgetting the past.


Location: Hefei, China Type: Professional / Commissioned Project Role in the group: Urban Designer Contribution: Develop design for the high tech headquarters office zone, living zone and discovery village. Develop master planning overall concept and strategies. Produced diagrams. Prepared design report and presentation Date: 01 June - 31 July 2020

Site Analysis High Speed Railway Station


Hefei City Centre




Yang Tze River Delta 8km

High Speed Railway Station

Located next to a prosperous Yang Tze River Delta

Sub city centre with connection to 2 high speed railway stations

Central landscape axis link to the blue riverside corridor

High public transport accessibility: 2 metro stations within the site

Planning Concept 20th Century Linear Industrial Process

Steel Rolling

Stee l Rol ling


Blast Furnace

21th Century Iterative Technology Process

Sintering Steel

Cas ting



Blas t Fur nace




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Green Nodes

Plaza Nodes

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Conserved building

Conservation of Industrial Heritage:

Engage and educate the future generation of Hefei steel factory

1 Heritage Tech Axis

Engage future residents and visitors through new iterative tech programmatic zones along the old and new - including green and riverfront corridor.

1 Green Network

Engage and reconnecting people with nature throughout the entire site

1 Plaza Network Engage interactions between plots

Innovative Hi-tech Headquarters Shopping Hub and Riverfront F&B Apartment District for Tech Talents Riverfront Start-Up Office Villas Culture and Youth Zone Waterfront Park Heritage Axis Government Offices

Metro Station

Metro Station

Engaging Interactions between Innovative Hi-tech Office with the Public 3.3 2.7

3.5 2.0

4.8 2.0 01 Plot Ratio

02 Perimeter retail podium for strong urban edge + shifting office tower locations for unblocked view

03 Museum and experience centre as interface between innovative tech office and public

04 Linking interface buildings with plaza nodes in the central landscape axis

05 Extending central landscape axis to the buildings

06 Green network creating wellconnected high-tech headquarters office

Heritage Blast Furnace Discovery Centre

Landscape Garden Ring 07 Icons flanking two ends of the innovative hi-tech office zone

Future Guidebook for Hefei East Center

01 Blast Furnace Discovery Center

01 Ride @ Blast Furnace

02 Central Axis Landscape


03 04

05 04 06

04 Research Lab

05 Fabrication Market

06 Expo


03 Oil Tank Park

Located within the Sino-Japanese Development Area this project will create a new destination that will draw in visitors to a new cultural and economic network of extraordinary programmes and events. The ideas are inspired by the processional principles of traditional Chinese garden design and the idea of creating a ‘social picturesque’ where the views to and from the various buildings arranged around the lake and waterfront give meaning and identity to the whole rather than a series of “object” buildings.


SUZHOU SINO-JAPANESE DESIGN VILLAGE MASTER PLAN Location: Type: Role in the group: Contribution: Date:

Suzhou, China Professional / Competition Project (Winning entry) Urban Designer Develop design for the Japanese Suzhou Market and Creative Hub zone. Develop master planning overall concept and strategies. Develop landscape strategies. Coordinated renders with external render company. Produced diagrams. Prepared design report and presentation 01 March - 31 May 2020

Design Concept

Phase 2

Japnese Suzhou Market

Creative Hub Apartments Design Award

Design Master Studio

Phase 1

Aerial site plan

Every zone has a piece in the core area

Phasing strategy

Developing the core area into a suzhou garden which infliltrates each zone

Hotel and Resort

Riverside Art and F&B

Master plan zoning based on commercial consultant

A tourist ring composed of unique tourist routes and attractions will go through phase 1 & 2

A City in a Suzhou Garden : 1 Ring, 1 Core , 7 Districts 01 District 01 - Japense Suzhou Market District 02 - Design Master Studio District 03 - Riverside Art and F&B District 04 - Hotel and Resort District 05 - Apartment District 06 - Creative Office District 07 - Design Award Museum

06 05

07 02

04 03

District: Japanese Suzhou Market

Japanese street market + Suzhou water market

Intersection plaza + circulation connecting to adjacent zones

Suzhou garden and farm inflitrate each zone

1 Ring: Tourist Ring



06 03 04


01 Japanese Suzhou Market

02 Design Master Studio

03 Riverside Art and F&B

04 Cultural Courtyard (Riverside Art and F&B)

05 Wellness hotspring (Hotel / Resort Zone)

06 Wellness terrace (Apartment Zone)

1 Core: Suzhou Garden Central Lake

Every zone has a piece in the core area. East lake is denser with commercial activities, while west lake is the quieter zone for the apartment and hotel/resort zone.

Line of sight and composition study

Green landscape connecting civic core

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