newsletter Master
multicolor postage stamping
Be Inspired and Mix Sassafras papers with Maya road stash
Popups Use your Sassafras foldies Keep your dreams and secrets in a Shadow box Spring 2011
It’s Spring time! It’s already spring time and the sunny weather brought me a bunch of new scrapbooking stash. So i couldn’t resist to design new projects and classes for LilibeeStudio tutorials blog. So take a look all the new classes available on the blog and to all what is coming very soon.Enjoy!
Coming Soon Keep your dreams and secrets in a Shadow box
Be Inspired : Mix Sassafras papers with Maya road stash
Popups Use your Sassafras foldies
Already on LilibeeStudo
Tutorials blog
Master multicolor postage stamping
And almost THirty tutorials and classes
Lilibeestudio tutorials blog is a private blog where you can
find all my tutorials. All the previous ones and all the coming ones. My « One Week One Project « Tutorials , my PDF tutorials, and my video tutorials.At least 20 different projects , mostly minibooks and popup books tutorials. This blog is a take it at your own pace tutorials blog, there is no pressure as your subscription is for One YEAR.You will access the classes content, working at your own pace with your schedule in mind. I will be available to answer your questions and support you . I write my tutorials with demonstrative photos and step-by-step written instructions; they are very easy to understand and follow .You can visit the blog and work on your projects any time you want, as much as you want . I developed Lilibee Studio tutorials private blog intending for it to help you create projects you’ll love to do . Subscription available In the my ETSY shop