Filthy Hipster Media Pack

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Where you from? FILthy hipster will be distributed throughout London and the UK, as well as aiming for international markets. Exploring the fashions and exploits of Londoners, from West to East, North to South. Based in East London, Shoreditch, Filthy Hipster takes the cream of the crop & lets you know what’s hot & what’s not.

AT a glance - Multi-platform operation, including publishing, events , online, distribution & brand communication. - Core demographic of 18-38 year old, unisex, for the urban trendsetters to the professionally elite. - Working with the creative collective on an international scale to create a platform for all those ready to say, ‘This is me’.

Working solely on a collaborative basis filthy hipster lives by the principle of working with & for the creative community. Offering groups and individuals a platform to shout from the hill tops about what they do & what they think. filthy hipster is an open forum for discussion & an expression of views, everyone deserves an opinion and it never has to stand in line with the rest of the world.

Start in shoreditch Over the past 5 years East London has been flooded with fanzines & self published magazines, comics, newspapers & pocket books. Due to the increasing skills and creativity of the London creative collective. Many of these pieces are created and used by creative groups to publicise their work & to shout about their loves & hates. The people of London have found a way to create their own platform where they can be heard by the creative community in a way that is inexpensive & effective.

1st edition run-down

Filthy hipster intends to follow this trend. We thrive on collaboration and the currency & trade of knowledge, interests & opinions.

The 1st issue of filthy hipster is to be published, printed & distributed during the first week in June 2012.

In return we offer you your hill, shout, shout it, tell the world who you are.

This coincides with the celebration of her Majesty the Queens 60th reigning year, the Diamond Jubilee. filthy hipster has decided to celebrate this occasion with its readers & collaborators through producing a Jubilee special.

special features include ;

The Windsor’s; the history, story and continued influence of the Royal family. Best of British, including the Great British fashion houses, McQueen, Westwood & Paul Smith. Along with designers, photographers & Illustrators of times past & present. An article on Richard Reynolds, community activist & London Guerrilla Gardening extraordinaire as well as Olympic torch bearer. Along with themed photoshoots, including, T in the park, Diamonds are Forever, Street Party Chic & Royal Britannia.


Look out for Profiles -

The most exciting new comers into the professional creative community. Featuring in this issue - Leon Campbell - founder of Jailbate magazine & Zoltan’s sketch book. - Lucy howson - Photographer & Artist currently featuring @ the Debut Contemporary, Notting Hill, London.

MAgazine Our content rivals all others. Ranging from model making techniques & the world of special effects to skating professionals in London and their boards. Filthy Hipster has the prospect to be a 100% pick up rate publication.

- John annett - Photographer, philosopher, anthropologist, all in all a rant specialist.

Our first issue, Royal Britannia, will be completely free!!!

To name but a few.

This will launch Filthy Hipster into the stratosphere & we are looking for a pass-along rate of 6-8%.

Tech reviews -

Phone specialist & friendly neighbourhood Otaku, Motoko reviews the newest phones on the market, including some great insights into the new HTC One X.

home & interiors -

Featuring the best new pieces from Emma Bridgewater, John Lewis, Amazon & Debenhams.

Distribution will be in over 250 selected life-style venues, from the urban markets of Brick Lane to the offices of Mcqueen. Content for each edition will be tailor made for the corresponding monthly theme. Which will often be decided by a new guest editor each month.

filthy hipster supplies a unique range of content. This gives anyone a platform to express their views & interests in an in depth way. Look out for Nic Sontag’s ‘Kawaii’ edition and Leon Campbell’s ‘Skate’ issue. Content is gathered internationally and flows across the normal boundaries of culture. Art, and design, is an international common denominator within which we all participate. Filthy Hipster will be distributed through out the world, from Tokyo to Copenhagen, Berlin to Paris and Cape Town to Hong Kong. Distribution on an international scale will begin after the initial 3 month trading period.

Copenhagen, Norway London, England

New York, USA

Berlin, Germany

Paris, France Madrid-Spain Tokyo, Japan

California, USA Mumbai, Indian

Sao Paulo, Brazil Cape Town, South Africa

Hong Kong, china


filthy hipster books

from the horses mouth This is Filthy hipster’s unique content collection method.

Each edition of filthy hipster will stand in its own right as a form of literature & look book.

societal retrospective reflects the fashions of today, and Britain’s revived enthusiasm for cycling.

However, filthy hipster has a number of books in the pipe-line featuring a larger collection on specific points.


To come -

A photography exploration of the most electrically & culturally charged city in the world.

it’s all rideable

Sid Standard, a cycling obsessive and inspirer of thousands of cyclists, chronicled the world around him throughout a lifetime of cycling using the medium of photography. The images show Sid’s true appreciation of the world around him and those who shared it with him.

Partner Opportunities

The images reflect a current trend for nostalgia of a simpler; less troubled time where summers lasted forever and the world moved at a slower, more manageable pace. This

Please contact managing director @

Channel & print Sponsorship, HPTO, Special Builds, Dynamic Media, Video Ads, Display Media.

We strive for original content, taken from the streets and communicate it into the digital sphere. It houses every article ever written and every video ever shot, either by us, or by one of our growing family of journalists, creative’s or partners.


We hereby pledge . . . To tweet, pin, tumble, add, like, post, and comment on as much as Humanly possible. Within the first month we aim to upload all content in print to our website, ‘Filthy’ and make it available to our readers & subscribers.


We also promise that by the end of 2012 we will be uploading a minimum of 30 mins per day of video content, aiming for 60 mins per day video uploads in 2013.

Causing to be an incredible source of not only articles, photography, new works, reviews, design & fashion but also of film, performance, animation and video.

social Media outlets

FILTHY HIPSTER Word Up! The majority of Filthy Hipster’s content will be taken from the street, whether that is London, Tokyo or New York will be dependent on the issue theme, but we intend to make it big & hit the international market asap. Having contacts in international markets extends our research base as well as causing our content to be incomparable to other magazines already on the market.

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channels of exploration

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highlights & L8 nights Timeless content -

Special features -

Each month content will be sourced & gathered from our ever expanding networks.

Each issue will feature an array of special features on the chosen subject of that month’s issue. We continuously endeavour to take a broad range of views on one subject to create an in-depth paradigm of thought on differing aspects of culture.

Each month the issue will take on a new theme with content based heavily upon that trend, theme or cultural facet. This gives space for all to relate to and take from, as well as striking a balance with new & continuing content. Below is a list of articles that will feature monthly.

Bookshelf Dani’s new music review stuff your face Opportunities Recruitment events

read it! female 47%

41+ under 21


WHam bam profile ma’am -

The most exciting new comers into the professional creative community will be featured every issue.

Teek -

Phone specialist & friendly neighbourhood Otaku, Motoko reviews the newest phones & games on the market.

girl/boy about town -

What’s hot ‘n’ what’s not in your local area.

home & interiors -

Featuring the best new pieces from Emma Bridgewater, John Lewis, Amazon & Debenhams.

MALE 53%

36-40 21-25

Royal Britannia

Audience Profile - 62% Spend 3 hours online per day - 61% have 500+ Facebook friends - 70% shop online every month - 86% purchase clothing/accessories / month - 80% own a video game console - 83% eat out at least once a week - 91% go to a bar or club at least once a week - £24,414 Mean individual income - £49,637 Mean household income - 83% like to know about music/bands/ releases before everyone else - 52% like to know about fashion brands/ designers before everyone else - 60% like to know about new technology/ gadgets before everyone else

Rates & specs magazine rates uk





Back Cover






front sprEad












full pagE






half pagE






quartEr pagE






1/8 page






1/16 page







digital formats & specs

Media HPTO

Full re-skin & brand integration, buy-out of all media units

spECIal buIld

Bespoke solutions inc. Branded rooms, widgets, etc

VIdEo ads

Prerolls, postrolls, etc

dynaMIC dIsplay

Expandable banners, video banners & MPUs, etc

dIsplay MEdIa

Leaderboards, Skyscrapers, ROS

discounts / extras street date

booking DEadline

Artwork Deadline





































1/2 pg vertical

271 (h) x 87 (w)





1/4 pg

135 (h) x 87 (w)





1/8 pg

65 (h) x 87 (w)





1/16 pg

37 (h) x 38 (w)





Images Visuals must be CMYK (never RGB, nor duotone, nor multichannel). All art must be at least 300 dpi. If you have a lot of line art (1-bit images) it’s recommended that you deliver art at 600 dpi to prevent pixelation. The preferable profile for our printers is ISO_300_v2_FOGRA39L, if you do not work to this profile we cannot guarantee accuracy of colour. The UK edition is also printed on uncoated stock which should be considered at the design stage. reMeMber: Always keep important info like photo credits etc. away from the bleed or they might get chopped.

AD buy rate

gross discount

4x . . . . . . . . .


8x . . . . . . . . .


Dimensions Trim area

297mm (h) x 210mm (w)

Bleed size

303mm (h) x 216mm (w)

Live area

271mm (h) x 184mm (w)

1/2 pg horizontal 130 (h) x 184 (w)

HOW AND WHERE TO SEND ADS All ads must be sent to FILThy hipster in a digital format, electronically (email or FTP). The preferred format for final artwork is PDF files. Once you have collected everything please send it to: Any questions please direct them to this address also. (FTP Upload site coming soon!)

These prices are subject to change, FILTHY HIPSTER reserves the right to review these prices after each booking deadline, and change them accordingly all clients will be notified in advance, with a minimum of 28 days notice period. Clients will also be notified at the start of each period the theme for the corresponding month’s issue. Maximum ad buy in print is 8 per client.

1 2

1000 x 220 Unit

3 Takeover w/Gutters

5 & 8 300 x 600 Unit

Pre- roll Video

4 Pre- roll Companion


Size : 1000 x 220 $70 / €54 / £30

Size:480 x 270 $117 / €75 / £50

Size : Custom $47 / €36 / £25

( requires pre-roll buy ) Size : 300 x 250 $47 / €36 / £25

Size : 300 x 600 $62 / €48 / £35

7 300 x 250 Unit Size : 300 x 250 $66 / €42 / £20

728 x 90 Unit

Size : 728 x 90 $66 / €42 / £25


3 for 2

Subscibe for 3 months of advertising space & get the last month free.

subscription offers!!! BOGOF

When booking your advertising we will discuss further subscription options and offers will come into effect immediately when booking. Offers apply to both print & digital media.

Buy a spread & get 1/8 page free!!

Other discounts buy 4 ads & get 8.5% off 10 % off when you buy 8 ads.

Please email: with all booking requests.

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.