1 minute read
A stylish room for kids with an under-the-sea theme. Let good vibes flow onto the walls with ocean art prints, featuring fascinating marine animals with a floral twist.
Michal lives in Israel, in a house flooded with light. She has set up her studio at home so she can pursue her passion for her work and still be close to her husband and daughters. Her exquisite illustrations are the hallmark of her style, which she calls “Micush”. She prints her drawings on stationery and décorative objects. Her success has led her to collaborate on new projects.

Michal vit en Israël, dans une maison baignée de lumière. Elle a installé, chez elle, son studio pour vivre de sa passion au quotidien et rester proche de son mari et de ses filles. Ses illustrations raffinées signent son style qu’elle fait connaître sous le nom de “Micush”. Elle édite ses dessins sur des articles de papeterie et objets de décoration. Son succès l’amène à contribuer sans cesse à de nouveaux projets.
Michal said to herself: what a wonderful world.”

MURAL WALLPAPER décor mural, mural de papel pintado
H0773 - 200cm x 248cm
MURAL WALLPAPER décor mural, mural de papel pintado

H0772 - 400cm x 248cm
WALLPAPER papier peint, papel pintadoo
H0603 - 50cm x 10m Straight match, raccord droit : 50cm
WALLPAPER papier peint, papel pintado H0604 - 50cm x 10m Drop match, raccord sauté 50cm

ART PRINT affiche, lamina infantil P0300 (unframed) 30 x 40cm

WALL DECALS (A3) stickers A3, pegatinas
S1408 - 29.7 x 42cm
WALL DECALS (A3) stickers A3, pegatinas
S1409 - 29.7 x 42cm
WALL DECALS DÉCOR (L) stickers décor, pegatinas S1410 - 64 x 90 cm

MATCHED PAINTS . peintures coordonnées, pintura 167 . Pearl colour pale, Little Greene 107 . Bone china Blue, Little Greene 02W04 . Quartz rose, Little Greene 42 . Picture gallery red, Farrow&Ball