LILLIAN CANDELA University of Michigan Taubman College + University of Pennsylvania PennDesign
CONTENTS NONAD a limiteless relationship
TRIBUNE a figure redefined
ARCHAEOLOGICAL FIELD WORK stone-by-stone drawings at notion + aphrodisias
REVEAL spatial interactions and intertwinings
MERONOMY an ambiguous part to whole relationship
OOZE BETWEEN estranged urban housing
a study of solid and void
OVERCAST penndesign graduation pavilion 2016
NONAD a limitless relationship Fall 2015 Critic: Ezio Blasetti 5 Week Duration
What characteristics does a part hold to signify it is acting as a piece of a larger whole? Through a method of tiling and tetrahedron subdivision, Nonad asserts the limitless nature of part-to-whole relationships and explores the signifiers which allow a part to read as such. Arguing against the existence of monistic universes, art gallery spaces are formed through a potentially endless series of subdivisions which allow for a whole to be broken into increasingly smaller and more articulated spaces. The idea of the component, or monad, cannot be defined because it exists in an endless cycle of part-to-whole making where the part can always be increasingly broken down and thus become the whole itself. Experientially, the gallery spaces exist as an integration of major spatial moves and infinitesimal articulations of space. The galleries act as a part to the larger whole of the landscape and the universe as a whole in which all elements are participants in part-to-whole relationships of infinite scales.
Assembling space through aggregation of parts Physical model photo
Subdivision 01
Subdivision 02
Subdivision 03
Subdivision 04 Subdivision Process + Massing Articulation through Excavation
Solid + Void Space Derivation
Massings Created through Aggregations of Different Subdivison Levels
Meta-Component 05
Meta-Component 01
Meta-Component 06 Meta-Component 02
Meta-Component 03
Meta-Component 04
Meta-Component 07 Meta-Component 09
Meta-Component 08 Meta-Component 10
Gallery Spaces Composed of Meta-Components at Various Subdivision Levels
Original Meta-Component Subdivision Level 04
Reconfigured Meta-Component Subdivision Level 06
Potential for Subdivision to Continue Limitlessly an Endless Part-to-Whole Relationship
meta-component 01
gallery space and meta-component composition
subdivision level 02
subdivision level 06
subdivision level 04
Elevation and sections of gallery spaces
TRIBUNE a figure redefined Fall 2014 Critic: James Tate 1 Semester Duration
The Tribune Tower, a registered National Historic Landmark, is redefined through multiple figural lenses. With ten current unoccupied floors, the figure of the Tribune is shrunken and reconfigured with a new posture to sit within the existing shell of the Tribune, thus creating a denser office space area. Intersecting planar profiles nest within this new figure, each defining the two-dimensional figure of the tribune at different levels of articulation. The largest figure shifts and moves within the shell of the tribune creating new spatial arrangements in plan at every level. While the exterior of this historic landmark lives on, the interior is redefined through a figural lens creating a more inviting office atmosphere and a catalogue of figural possibilities.
Section and Elevation of refigured Tribune Tower, nesting new figurations within its shell
Heterogeneous Nesting Dolls, figurations sitting within each other
Section Details
ARCHAEOLOGICAL FIELD WORK architectural drawings at Aphrodisias + Notion Summers 2015 and 2016 Aphrodisias Director: R.R.R. Smith Notion Director: Christopher RattĂŠ
A collection of architectural drawings done on site at both Notion, Turkey and Aphrodisias, Turkey. Summer 2015 I participated in a study abroad program through University of Michigan with Professor Kathy Velikov in which a portion of the trip was spent participating at the Notion archaeological site directed by Christopher RattĂŠ. Hand drawings were produced of the original city walls, the bouletarion, and the heroon. These hand drawings were later inked and digitized. Summer 2016 I was hired as an architectural drawing team member at the Aphrodisias archaeological site directed by R.R.R. Smith. The series of drawings produced there, both hand drawn and digital, were done under the guidance of Aphrodisias head architect Harry Mark. The drawings allow one to see the sites as they originated and to reconstruct ruins with accuracy. Both of these Summers allowed for my architectural work to take on a closer connection to historic preservation and archaeology, weaving multiple disciplines together.
Section of Notion Tower E4 Looking North Digitized in Post-Production
Elevation of South Gate of South Agora, Aphrodisias Collaboration with Kirk Webb | Digitized in Post-Production
Plan of Notion Heroon Graphite | Hand Drawing
Plan of Notion Bouletarion Digitized in Post-Production
spatial interactions and intertwinings Fall 2013 Critic: Joel Schmidt 4 Week Duration
Reveal bathhouse stacks simple forms with complex interiors, inducing a sense of intertwining upon its occupants. Volumes produce intertwining spaces through the combination of Euclidian and non-Euclidian geometries. The intertwining spaces mix sans corridors or hallways in order to produce a close, sensual atmosphere for the bathing occupants, an atmosphere inspired by Robin Evans’ Figures, Doors and Passages. The circulation pattern takes occupants through a series of turns, revealing new views with every progression through the space: thus revealing the space in new terms to the occupant. Programs intertwine in unusual fashions cumulating in a revealing and interactive bathhouse.
Photo collage of Reveal bathhouse nesting within site
Section | Graphite hand drawing
Plans | Graphite hand drawing
Sectional Model showing intermingling of programmatic spaces
MERONOMY an ambiguous part to whole relationship Fall 2015 Critic: Ezio Blasetti 5 Week Duration | Group Project
Spikey consists of a nested series of part to whole relationships, blurring the definition of what is a part and what is a whole in its context. Components arise from an intersection of geometric tiling patterns. These components then aggregate into larger meta-components, a part to whole connection in its own. Then, in a furthering of the whole, the meta-components connect via a mixture of spiked vertices and flat faces to create the larger whole of the pavilion. Through the method of tiling and its space filling nature the pavilion represents a further part to a potentially endless whole of tiled pavilions, presenting the opportunity for Spikey to exist at a multitude of scales. With a sheared, massive wall on the exterior and aggressive spikes on the interior Spikey represents a formal dialectic that is provocative and enticing to occupants. The stripes of fabric act as a further way in which Spikey can be subdivided and seen as a myriad of parts and wholes. The aggregation of components into meta-components act as the most primitive of the systems. Second, the woden frame of meta-’s is clad in a tensile fabric providing the tension to hold the flexible frame in place. On a tertiary level the spikes act in compression furhter activating the tension in the secondary system. Go ahead, meet Spikey. He can’t wait to meet you.
Installation of pavilion on site
Tiling process: 2-dimensional extrusions intersecting to produce tiled fragments as components for aggregation
Potential tilings
Selected massing within site boundary
Series of massings created through excavation of 3 dimensional tiling
Composition of Meta-Components: Flexible Framing and Fabric Skin Pieces
Joint condition of flexible wooden frame
Hand stitching fabric skin on to framework
Sewing striping of fabric skin
Detail of meta-component aggregation
System 1: Creation of Meta-Components Meta-Component 9
System 3: Fabric Skin Meta-Component 7
System 2: Flexible Framing Meta-Component 1
OOZE BETWEEN estranged urban housing Fall 2016 1 Semester Duration
An aggregate of regular volumes, inspired by the typical row house form, becomes estranged as spaces of poche and adjacency between volumes ooze and deform the normative condition creating new anomalous pockets of space in the in-between. Through studying the oozing qualities of honey an interest arose in how irregular layers can effect and disrupt regular, or normal, layers. Normative units nest neatly creating normative housing units until they are interrupted by the introduction of oozing units. The spaces which ooze exist at a multitude of scales – creating large public spaces like the interior courtyard and the food co-operative, as well as small pockets housing circulation or storage spaces. These oozing conditions introduce strange elements like the interior green wall or the main circulation pathway. The exterior oozes as well giving hint to the anomalous spaces within. While in many aspects the structure functions as a series of normative units, the foreign anomalies allow for the spaces of in-between to estrange the building.
Cutaway axon and site plan
Nuzzling and deformation of units
Estranged interior circulation
Unit oozes and creates deformed exterior
Physical Model illustrating oozing interior circulation
Sectional model showing anomolous spaces
Ground floor plan
Fourth floor plan
Left: section looking East and Right: East elevation
a study of solid and void Fall 2013 Critic: Joel Schmidt 3 Week Duration
All forms can be deconstructed into solids and voids. Explorations in the formal qualities of both solid and void figures allow for a better understanding of forms. With Paul Klee’s artwork as inspiration this project developed from notions of intersecting solids within void space and, conversely, the impact of voids upon a solid figure. Using a multitude of mediums, the solid-void relationship is examined. Techniques of abstraction and inversion are further developed as well as the ability to represent a two dimensional form in three dimensions. Powerful figures emerge as the result of intersecting the very basis of all forms – the solid and the void.
Physical model detail
Physical interpretation of Paul Klee’s The Light and Sharpening
Initial solid and void experiments with Paul Klee’s The Light and Sharpening
Figure-ground drawings of stacked physical mdoel
Cast concrete model acts as inverse of stacked model, reversing roles of solid and void
Exploded axonometric depicting cast concrete and its mold | hand drawing with graphite
PennDesign Graduation Pavilion Named to Arch Daily Top Student Projects 2016 Spring 2016 Critic: Andrew Saunders + Mohamad Al Khayer 1 Semester Duration | Arch 730 Seminar Course Group Work
The Overcast graduation pavilion developed from the constructs produced in the first semester of the M.Arch program. Building upon designs that are both topological and parametric in their emergence, Overcast combined conceptual sphere packing and tetrahedron aggregations with a relation to the material world. The massing of the pavilion developed from sphere packing experiments producing components made of 6 polystyrene pieces and 11 connection points derived from the intersections of the sphere. Through a process of vacuum forming, hand cutting, and rivet assembly the 91-component aggregation was constructed on University of Pennsylvania property for the 2016 commencement ceremonies. Overcast lives within the site, lightweight and whimsical as a cloud, and glowing at night to emphasize the carefully curated seams of each component. The pavilion is the marriage and intertwining relationship of parametrics and concept with built work.
Overcast installed on Penn campus
Component Creation Derived from Sphere Packing + Tetrahedron Aggregations
MDF CNC’d Molds Used to Vacuum Form Polystyrene Components
Component seams illuminate at night
Mold in vacuum form machine
Vacuum forming polystyrene
Material transportation
Seamless connections
Above: Overcast appears as a cloud-like formation in daytime Below: installation illuminated at night
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