1 minute read
Zugzwang is the biggest advantage of players in the game of Connect Four. This technique is also used in the game of Chess. So what is Zugzwang? It is when one player will lose no matter the move made. For example, there are two places that the red will be
able to win. Demonstrated in white are two possible spaces that red can win with. Unfortunately for yellow, red will win regardless of the move that yellow will do as demonstrated by the bottom
diagram. Using strategy, you will be able to create a situation that you are able to win every time.
How to create a Zugzwang:
1. Play in the middle collumns. 2. Choose if you want your Zugzwang to take place on the first row or the second row.
3. Place majority of pieces in the chosen row: - First Row: place pieces in odd rows: 1,3,5. - Second Row: place pieces in even rows: 2,4,6. If needed, place pieces in the first row to then follow up by placing the pieces above it in the second row.
4. Eventually threat will be completed.