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Book Terms 14 Bleed Book Terms 15 Pagination

Dividing a book into pages.


Then assigning page numbers (folios) to the pages in a specific style of numbering.

Book Terms 16 Running head Book Terms

Running head/running feet

Page elements that show the reader where they are in the book.

Running heads (at the top of the page) or running feet are (at the bottom of the page). 17 Colophon

Book Terms 18 Bleed Book Terms 19 Folio

This is what we in the industry call the page numbers in books.

Folio is a term derived from the early days of printing.

Thus, page numbers at the bottom of a page are referred to as drop folios and pages without page numbers might be referred to as using blind folios (you can’t see them, but they are implied).

fter adding page numbers, we might say the pages are foliated.

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