jubilee life magazine

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Jubilee kids church had an awesome year in 2010. The year was filled with an ever increasing knowledge of God, great fun, and a lot of wonderful memories. As we look forward to the New Year, we are excited about all the wonderful events we have planned for your children and your family. Something new that we’ve added to the calendar is Family Events. The purpose of these events is to create a fun day for families to spend together to help bridge the gap


between their time and church time.

Jubilee Kids


HERE’S A SMALL TASTE OF WHAT WE HAVE PLANNED FOR OUR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES THIS YEAR: • Kids Camp 2011 • Vacation Bible School • Family movie night • Family beach day • And much more…! Our theme for 2011 is WORSHIP. Our goal is to cultivate a culture that emphasizes the heart of worship. We believe that

this will bring your children into a closer relationship with God and help cultivate who they are in Christ. We believe that having a lifestyle of worship will open the window of heaven and the blessings from God will pour down upon us. The events that we have planned and the lessons that we teach will be done with the purpose of worshipping our awesome God together.

Parents: The pastoral team of Jubilee Kids has created a monthly newsletter. The purpose is to keep families informed about activities, upcoming events, and sign-up information. You can pick up our latest newsletter at any Jubilee Kids registration desk.

By Pastor Dona Murphy

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JUST SAY YES By Pastor Sam Hererra


The Dominican Republic offers many opportunities for short term missionaries. The DR shares an island with Haiti where, combined, you can find some of the poorest people on earth. The Dominican Republic has absorbed many Haitians who crossed the border as a result of the devastating 2010 earthquake. There is lack of even the most basic needs. People are desperate crying out for help. Our team is excited to return to the DR from July 20-27 to continue the good works that we started, including the pouring of a foundation for a youth center. We’ll be visiting an orphanage of Haitian kids orphaned after the quake. We look forward to feeding them, loving them, and helping them with their immediate needs. We’re excited about the opportunity to buy new shoes for approximately 100 children; at the same time blessing a local shoe merchant. We’re excited about

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visiting a local prison and bringing hope to the hopeless; excited that we will be partnering with local doctors to conduct a medical clinic; excited that we’ve been invited to share the word of God at local churches. The trip to the Dominican Republic has so much to offer. We covet your prayers and support. One thing that the DR trip offers is the positioning for your petitioning. How often do we petition the Lord to take us to the next level? Petitioning is best succeeded with positioning. Position yourself for the petition to be advanced to the next level. Where the need is great, the possibilities are even greater. God is looking for those who will say YES to the call to advance His kingdom. In the process, you are also advanced.

wheelbarrow of cement


Don’t put it off any longer. Say YES and don’t let anything allow the no. You will never be the same after God promotes you to the next level. You may not make it on this trip but position yourself to join us next year. Let your YES be YES and let your preparation start NOW! The DR awaits, where someone is petitioning the Lord to send YOU!

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ne night I had a vivid dream of old cars on the streets of Cuba. A gathering of older Cuban women cooked a meal for our group. The most vivid scene was learning dance steps with a 9-year old boy, smiling and laughing as I danced with him, joy filling my heart. I was a young Christian but knew I had to go to Cuba because of this dream. I didn’t really know what I had to offer as a missionary. I only had my dream and knew the Lord was leading me. I had doubts about miracles, healing, and deliverance and I’d really never felt the presence of the Lord. I believed it happened in Biblical times, but not now. Not here in Silicon Valley and not to me. Cuba changed my wrong thinking. Each day was more amazing than the previous as the Lord showed up and showed off. I witnessed people receive the Holy Spirit as the Lord did His work through a touch and a prayer. People fell to the ground, filled with His presence. I saw a tall, dark, mean-looking man fall to the ground, curled in a fetal position, weeping like a child as he was delivered of evil spirits.

later, crying that the pain was gone. I was in such awe of His love and the power of His healing. I witnessed the ground rumble and groan as the pastors anointed the Cuban flag and prayed over Cuba. Crowds gathered to hear our pastors, hanging on fences, crowding in the windows, standing room only in the churches and overflow into the streets. People came for prayer and healings and for deliverance of drugs and alcohol; desperate people who felt the power of the Lord.

Lord. We were sent to encourage His people and renew fire and passion for Christ. These are very strong Christians living in communist Cuba and I believe they needed to see and feel His presence and witness His power. That week lit a fire in Cuba for the Lord and took them to new levels and understanding of our mighty God. It changed me forever. I never want to stop seeing and experiencing the Lord, His mercy, His grace, power, and Love.

During one youth service, the children danced as they praised and worshipped. I was led to join them and a little boy next me began to show me the dance steps. When the song ended, I asked his name – he said Jesus. I instantly knew this was the boy in my dream and fell to my knees in thanksgiving, consumed with the love of the Lord. I’m privileged and blessed to have been sent to Cuba as an ambassador for the

looking in

The Lord used me to heal an older woman of a brain tumor. I touched her head and prayed over her. In clear Spanish, the words flowed; I walked away in amazement. The feeling of His presence was there. The woman came to me minutes

pastor dick preaching

nydia praying

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By Leticia Bravo


y husband Cruz left Mexico at the age of 17 to come to the U.S. with his brothers. Thirteen years later he gave his life to the Lord. In 1994 he had a vision to help an orphanage in Colima, Mexico. On that first trip we found Grupo Amor, a Christian church which had one home with thirty kids. Today there are ten different homes housing more than 150 kids in three states. Two rehabilitation homes, ten churches, and a Christian school were all started under the leadership of Pastor Nahum and Lupita Gutierrez. The faith of these people continues to amaze us. There has never been sufficient resources to support these homes, churches, and school but they believe this is God’s work and if He will take care of its growth.

Teams of Jubilee members have contributed to the construction of the new homes, the upkeep, the everyday necessities, and vans for the homes. These seventeen years working in Colima have been among the greatest joys Cruz and I have had as a couple. We’d like to thank you for your continued support of this ministry and invite you to visit Colima with us. We do fundraising and take two teams per year for work and ministry. Please email us at bravos528@yahoo.com if you’re interested in more Information.

HOGAR DE AMOR Y PROTECCION AL NINO A.C. Jubilee purchased this van for the teenage girls home.

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Dream Center

In Genesis 12:1 God tells Abraham to go from his land to the land that God will show him. In verse four of that same chapter, Abraham leaves his home and it appears to be instant obedience. Today most folks would question God and ask Him “Where am I going and can I have the entire itinerary so that I can plan properly? How long do I go and how far?” All God is really looking for is obedience.


There are two things that I think every Christian should do in their lifetime. One is to visit the Promised Land of Israel and see as many of the holy sites as possible. When you do that, the Bible will become more than just stories; it’ll bring the Word alive in a way you never saw before. Your confidence in the scriptures will grow because you are not only reading about Jesus but also walking in His footsteps in the Holy Land. The second thing I pray all believers could do in their lifetime is to go on a missions trip. I believe once God touches you in this area your FAITH will never be the same. You believe like you have never believed before and the stuff that bothered you before will be minimal when you return home. Your “Me bubble” will be burst and you’ll understand that life is much larger than you! Under the headship of Christ and the leadership of this church, I have been given many opportunities to travel across the globe - Israel, South Korea, Columbia, Mexico, and Guam - to build the Kingdom of God, and it has been a ride like none other. I’m always reminded of something that Pastor Adam said several years ago when we were asking folks if they wanted to visit Israel. He said, “Never allow money to stop you from doing something for God.” If God is sending you I truly believe that He will provide. So the next time God is asking you to go don’t be so quick to ask “Why” because he may be looking for instant obedience.

Homeless Outre



A mission trip does not always have to be in another country; it can be in your own back yard. Jubilee Sports will take its second outreach trip to the LA Dream Center in late August. We plan to go again next year and I challenge you to get involved and do the two things every Christian should do within their lifetime.

By Pastor Randy Estrada 15 |



s a youth leader in the Jubilee Vietnamese church, I took a recent three month mission trip. This was another life-changing trip for me and I hope it encourages you as well.

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King David said “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me…” (Psalm 23:4). I walk in a valley of silicon dreams, material wishes, and MTV promises. It’s not a physical army but a spiritual one, grinding against my being. A prize fighter in God’s army, I’m breathless, exhausted in the final round of these end times. But I walk in the spirit and my flesh submits. I live this life for God against all odds. My Lord, friend, and lover Jesus Christ said I am more than a conqueror (Romans 8:37). Fast forward and I’m in Vietnam for six weeks, then Taiwan for six more weeks. The fog of war sets in, but I’m armed for it. Two Apostles of the Vietnamese A.G. churches invited me to their conferences. I witnessed thousands of souls saved at a Christmas meeting in Vietnam. During the meeting, I trained ten high school kids to heal people. In Taiwan, I discipled high school and college students to go to a shopping mall where we saw 19 people saved in a week and many others healed. We went to the people, as Jesus did. At this mall, the business owners knew me by name and gave glory to Jesus Christ. The tide of the battle turns. We live for what Jesus paid for at the cross; we are lights in the darkness to raise the dead, heal the sick, and cast out demons; to disciple all nations. Jesus gave us the keys to the kingdom (Matt 16:19), so we are gatekeepers to a promise paid for in blood. We live for promises made thousands of years ago. We live in Christ and He lives in us. When Satan tempted Adam and Eve, he attacked their identity. When Satan tempted Jesus, he attacked Jesus’ identity in God (Matt 4:1-11). In the old covenant, people prayed for the nations as an inheritance (Psalm 2:8). In the new covenant, we are called to disciple the nations. Don’t ask God to bless this valley of silicon; bless this valley because God is in us and we in Him.


You fight like you train; come train with us. Jubilee Vietnamese has both English and Vietnamese services: Sunday at 10:00am and 1:00pm, upstairs in building 175. Jesus said the Kingdom is at hand (Matt 3:2). Will you heed to the call?

By Rocco Astrella


Christian friend had been planting seeds into my life so I finally accepted his invitation to attend church. That evening the message was directed at me. I raised my hand to accept the Lord but I was too intimidated to go up front because I had a black signature Pearl Drums jacket with my name on it, long streaked hair, and an earring. Someone tapped me on the shoulder and said “Take my hand, I’ll go up to the altar with you.” I went forward to accept Jesus. The pastor prayed over me and said “all your past sins will come out the top of your head like a smoke stack.“ I immediately felt all my accumulated sin leave me; I was completely set free and made whole. When I turned around to thank the gentleman who escorted me, he was gone and I never saw him again. I know he was an angel sent from God. My life has never been the same since. The Lord prepared me for ministry by leading me to The School of Prophets in Texas. I returned to San Jose, became a Jubilee member, was ordained in 1995, and set out to do music ministry. My music ministry career has included playing with Michael Card, Ron Kenoly, Terry Clark, Benny Hinn and Kenneth Copeland worship teams, and John Osteen at Lakewood church. Today my number one passion is playing drums for Jesus in Christian ministry bands. My wife Bernadette and I also have a passion to share how important health and nutrition is for healing. I had victory over health issues because I made diet and lifestyle changes. When Christians are sick, how effective is our witness and testimony? Bernadette and I carry that healing word for the church. Jesus is our life, and ministry is our calling. We’re asking the Lord to bless us with a diesel pusher motor home so that we can travel and share the love of Jesus and the health message with believers. We covet your prayers.

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God has instilled in my heart how much “The Simple Things” can make the biggest difference. The Early Childhood Ministry has changed how I show God’s love to children. They learn by example and, by allowing myself to be more like Christ, with a simple




By Pastor Jackie Garcia


hug or an encouraging word, it can change the atmosphere and allow God to flow freely.


When I share my India experiences, I realize that I can touch those in my own backyard by being obedient and walking in what He has called me to do. Many of the girls in my Life Group were in tears. Most people don’t understand the power of “The Simple Things” that transform and change lives forever - that simple hug, kiss on the forehead, a touch of the hand, prayer, or an encouraging word to show and express the love of God. We never know what a person might be going through, but I’ve learned it’s the little things that make the biggest impact! God has given me the heart to just LOVE others the way He so graciously loves me.

SIMPLE THINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . ..

Taking a missions trip to a third world country helps remove our blinders. We watch commercials and the news but they’ll never impact your life as much as the real experience. God gives you strength and allows you to move in full trust and in His unconditional love. He allows you to get up close and personal with the hearts of people from another culture; to see what they see, feel what they feel, and experience how they live. You quickly find out that each person is a diamond in the rough with a passion and desire for God. These people hunger and thirst for God in such a passionate way. They’re dying and starving but still humble and full heartedly dependent on the Almighty King to provide, supply, and love them. It makes you appreciate the blessings that our Heavenly Father has given us and not take for granted “The Simple Things” in life.

I’ve allowed God to bring forth opportunities to show His love with “The Simple Things.” In my obedience, God shows me the outcomes and it’s amazing to see how lives are changed and the atmosphere transformed. If we all made the effort to do something simple everyday we could make a huge impact in lives, in our communities, in our ministries, and in our own homes. God has chosen each of us to be light in this world. He has given each of us Gifts to spread and

share freely, so walk boldly in them! I can say that my life will never be the same and I encourage every person to go on at least one missions trip in their lifetime.

It makes such a difference in the lives of the people you are going to bless but in the end it makes a bigger impact on you!

$: Activities

will have a cost. * Some activitie s may be subject to change. Keep checkin g the website for up dates.

urgency serv ice wednesday friday sunday:


7:30 pm 7:30 pm 9:00 am 11:15 am urgency center open from 6:30 p.m .

TESTIMONY liquor. I lost all self-respect. My wife would always invite me to church but I chose to stay home and drink, barricading myself in the dark room, sleeping my life away. One day I cried out, “Please God, what is wrong with me? I continued drinking but gradually began attending church. Soon after, I got me some faith, pulled myself together, and said no more! I asked for my wife’s support because I needed medical attention. For the little knowledge I had then, I was brave! My body gets the chills when I say that! My family says I was singing “I Can Only Imagine” while I was heavily sedated. I woke up 11 days later, with no memory of what happened. I suffered two seizures, high fevers, and liver damage. The withdrawals were so severe my doctor thought I’d die. But I didn’t! I was saved by a man named Jesus! I was back again, on fire for the Lord.


By Ralph Rodriguez

I was a lost soul, abandoned by my father and a mother who had problems dealing with depression and alcoholism. My brother and I were in and out of group homes and foster care. I developed a lot af anger, feeling hurt, let down, alone, and scared. My grandparents tried but I wouldn’t listen. I spent most of my teenage years in a youth facility and ran with a gang to fill that family void. I knew of a God, but never called out His name. Eventually I met a woman who knew Jesus. We did the whole dating thing and got married. We established a home and family but, in the middle of all that, I was a full blown alcoholic! They knew I drank but they didn’t know the whole truth. Five years went by and my condition worsened. I became violent, jealous, and controlling. I was unable to keep a job because of the excessive shaking of my nerves. I lost everything and went to jail several times for stealing

I’m an overcomer because I’m born of God and represent the Father and the Son. My new outlook on life gets me so high I don’t know the words to describe it. I expect a life of victory because everything I do is on behalf of the Holy Spirit. I’m not scared, hurt, or let down anymore. I’m surrounded by a family that loves me. I sometimes think about what I did to them and it breaks my heart; how selfish. I thank God for their forgiveness and compassion. Things are restored and I’m securely employed as a junor machinist. We’re members of the Jubilee family and I’m active in the Sports Ministry where the fellowship is ‘all that’. All those worldly friends I lost? I gained two times the portion.


Now my mission and passion is orphans. I now create lines of “I Love Jesus” products to raise money for Pastor Milo’s Philippines missions and other projects that the Lord puts in my heart. Most of all, I want to say “I Love Jesus.” because HE loves you and me.


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following opportunities and see how you can make a difference somewhere around the world.

Spanning the Globe By Rick Chavez

Get involved in WorldReach Our vision at Jubilee is that our entire church touches the world in some way. That includes YOU! You were designed for a mission. God is at work everywhere and we invite you to join Him. As a student, mother, teacher, salesman, manager, or whatever you do, God wants you to reach out to the people around this world! The opportunities for normal, everyday Christians to become involved in short and long-term international missions are now limitless. Our Missions Teams are here to help you discover great ways for you to share your faith globally. We currently have worldwide outreach opportunities in: Haiti, India, the Philippines, Mexico, Africa, and the Dominican Republic. Take a look at the

Prayer support / sponsoring Sign up to be one of the prayer partners for one or all of our worldwide missionaries. Pick up a list of missionaries whom we support and add them to your daily prayer time before the Lord.

Financial support Some members make a onetime gift while others give on a monthly basis. All gifts are tax deductible and are greatly appreciated. There are several ways your financial gifts can help: • Sponsoring kids for school – Philippines, India, Colima • Feeding support - to assist the various feeding programs in the mission fields • Medical support – funding of medicines and care • Support an orphan – money to be used for necessities such as clothes, food, and gifts

Small Group sponsoring Our Life Group Ministry often lends support to our missions efforts through prayer, financial, and occasional short-term, onlocation opportunities. Some Life Groups have a missions leader who emails, Facebooks, or Twitters to remain in contact with our missionaries. We encourage all Life Groups to team up and get involved in WorldReach.

Short-term Missions We’ve scheduled numerous short-term mission opportunities in 2011, where you can join a Jubilee team to travel the world and minister in churches, communities, and global outreach efforts.

Long-term Missions Long-term missions give you the opportunity to visit and minister at several locations for extended periods of time, allowing you a greater investment into the mission field. We currently have two locations – India and Africa - where you can minister for three months or longer. Pick up a Jubilee Outreach Magazine at the 1st Step Center and discover how you can help change our world for Christ!

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” – Matt. 28:19-20 This is the Great Commission, one of the greatest commands in the Bible. God has sent us all to change the world by leading them to Christ and countless Jubilee members have taken the challenge to heart over the years. As a church, we support a variety of countries, missions, and causes; among the beneficiaries have been the 126 pastors who lead churches in the Philippines. Throughout the year, Jubilee sends financial support to keep these churches functioning while Pastor Milo Miras works behind the scenes to deliver balikbayan boxes full of food, supplies, and Bibles. Pastor Milo and his missions team travels to his home country each year, meeting up with local pastors to offer encouragement, spur them on to complete their assignment, and help lead new people to the Lord.

Ang Malaking Komisyon The Great

Commission By Rick Chavez

The regions that our missionaries visit are every bit as poor as other third world countries; they don’t enjoy the comforts of the world as we do here at Jubilee. More often than not, they have to walk miles to reach the people they serve. Less than ideal conditions are the norm; poverty, desperation, and a high crime rate makes survival of the fittest a daily chore. Liz Pons-Domingo has traveled to the Philippines several times. “Up in the mountains of Kabangkalan (Negros Occidental/ Bacolod area) with the children worshippers,” she said, “the RAW love of Jesus is evident.” This year’s mission trip to the Philippines is scheduled for March ___ and the task is greater than ever. (“Pastor Milo

America. “The people had the true joy of the Lord in the midst of their lack and poverty as they have nothing to compare it to”, said Pons-Domingo. “We take for granted what we have tfrom food to clothing, from transportation to healthcare accessibility, from having our own church buildings to living in comfortable homes. Over there, people walk to church for four hours (without slippers or shoes) and are still on time to attend their services. Amazing!!! If you’d like to join the 2011 missions trip to the Philippines or offer financial or material support to the mssionaries who are stationed there, please contact Charlene Pons at charlenep@jubilee.org.

“quote from pastor Milo quote from pastor Milo, quote from pastor Milo.” Pastor Milo Miras


Those who’ve made the trip in past years have come away with a deeper appreciation of the blessings they have here in

Mountain Church


Children's Pastor: Pastor Sandy Dunn | 408.262.0900, ext. 593 • sandyd@jubilee.org TrailBlazers: Pastor Dona Murphy | 408.262.0900, ext. 528 • donam@jubilee.org Praise Kids: Pastor Jennifer Guirand | 408.262.0900, ext. 574 • jenniferg@jubilee.org


adelaine McCarthy is a fifth grader in Jubilee Kids TrailBlazers Ministry. She attends Boulder Creek Elementary School in Santa Cr uz and was gi ven an assignment in her Language Arts class to write a speech about her hero. Out of a class of 26, Madelaine was one of four semifinalists for her excellent speech. Madelaine honored Pastor Dona Murphy, leader of the TrailBlazers Ministry, as her hero. Madelaine does not attend a private or Christian school but wrote boldly about her church and her pastor. Below is an excerpt from her award-winning speech: “I chose my pastor, Pastor Dona, as my hero. Pastor Dona Murphy is the best pastor ever, because she is caring and funny, looks out for people, and teaches us to love others better. These are things I like about my hero. “Pastor Dona is a caring person. For instance, when someone gets hurt or is sick, she will pray for them. She

gives us all a hug or high-five when we come in. She works really hard to make sure that we have a great time at church. Another thing I admire about her is that she is always looking out for people; not just physically but emotionally, too. If someone looks sad, she will pray for that person. “I feel it is important to love all kinds of people. Part of loving people is helping them feel welcome. My pastor is the nicest pastor I’ve ever had and she’s also my hero. She is a great example of how to love others while working hard and having lots of fun. I love my church and, most of all, my pastor!” Pastor Dona, we are so proud of you. In response to Madelaine’s speech, Pastor Dona would like to say: “I am honored to be Madelaine McCarthy’s hero and pastor. I give God all the glory for what Madelaine has learned here at Jubilee Kids. I am doing what God has called me to do and what Jubilee stands for: experience God and love people. Madelaine has not only witnessed to her peers but to adults as well with the speech she wrote for school.

I am very proud of her confidence in who she is and in the God she serves. I pray that every child lives out this scripture: 1 Timothy 4:12 – “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young. Set an example for the believers in what you say and in how you live. Also set an example in how you love and in what you believe. Show the believer how to be pure.”

Madelaine certainly lives that scripture and we are so proud of her!








It’s been the “Summer of Love” here at Jubilee and, as part of this, Friends’ Day was held on Sunday, June 27. Friends’ Day was just as the name implies, a day for us to reach out to family, friends, neighbors, and even acquaintances and invite them to be our guests at church. The day had a certain “buzz” in the air as we saw around 250 first-time visitors attend either one of the morning services, the afternoon Spanish service, or a Jubilee Kids or youth service. Food and festivities were held in the MPR – with various ministries providing a great brunch selection and a live trio adding some Friends’ Café music. If you missed out on bringing someone along to Friends’ Day, don’t let that stop you. Let’s keep reaching out to our family and friends, invite them along to church, and continue to spread the love of God!

DAY by Katherine Miras

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