3 minute read

5. Community Conservation, Environmental education & Ecotourism

June 2021 objectives

□ Maintenance of the Damage due to the heavy storm □ Complete maintenance of the Duikers enclosure □ Start maintenance of all the Guenons infrastructure


5. Community Conservation, Environmental education & Ecotourism



□ School outreach programme: Ended the 2020-2021 programme: 6 schools, 22 classes and 908 school children; monthly efforts: 0 men.hours

□ School outreach Final event: The outreach programme successfully ended with a graduation and certificate award ceremony to primary and secondary school students on Saturday 29th May 2021 at the Limbe Botanical Garden, in partnership with the MINFOF, Da Nzimbistic Cultural Centre and AMMCO(Images 41-48).

□ Saturday Nature Club: Postponed the 2020-2021 Nature Club

□ Art4Nature: Continued to produce a series of animated videos, billboards, posters,

and radio podcasts to promote forest ecosystem preservation.

□ Green project: 54 community members benefited from the Community-based

Green Economy; 15 ex-hunter members sustainably harvesting wild herbaceous plants: 799.5 kg of Aframomum stems and 219 kg of Costus stems; 39 women members harvesting crop by-product: 865 kg of cassava leaves, 5,908 kg of papaya leaves, 2,864 kg of potato leaves, 184 kg of invasive Trumpet wood shoots, corresponding to 41 trees hand-cut; 1,109,910 FCFA (€1,695) paid directly to the

local community association this month; 4,738,660 FCFA (€7,235) contributed to alleviate local poverty in 2021.

Image 41. The School Outreach Programme Event took place at the Jungle Village inside the Limbe Botanical Garden, an ideal place to gather close to 500 children outside while having a stage and seats. Students from the six different schools (GBHS Limbe, PNEU, Ibolyka, PS Bota, Spring of wisdom and SONARA) were present. Image 42. The occasion started at 10:00 am and ended at 2:30 pm. The event was opened with a small speech of Wilson Ateh, head of education, thanking the children for their investment in the LWC environmental classes.

Image 43. Classes were invited to perform a short presentation of their choice in front of the others. Most of them executed group dance, modern and traditional, to the delight of the crowd.

Image 44. The winner of the 2020 edition “Limbe Got Talent” came as a special guest invited by Da Nzimbistic to sing her success song in front of the children. Image 45. A musical chairs game was organised on stage, and a boy and a girl from each school came to compete for fun.

Image 46 a&b. T-shirts offered by AMMCO, promoting the protection of rays and sharks were handed over by Cedrick FOGWAN, representative of the NGO in Limbe, to reward the 5 best students of each class that attended the LWC Outreach Programme in 2021.

Image 47 a&b. Toward the end of the event, snacks and sodas were distributed by the LWC staff to all the children before they went to retrieve their certificate of participation in the Outreach programme.

Image 48 a&b. The girl team of the LWC (Left to right: Yvette Sokoudjou, Judith Kum, Brenda Akawung and Queen Taku) organised a flash mob at the end of the event to share a special moment with the kids and enjoyed dancing all together! It may become the LWC dance!

June 2021 objectives

□ Continue with ongoing programs

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