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2. Population management & Animal welfare

Image 3. Ma Pauline coordinated and managed the LWC stand at the international Tourism fair in Limbe Botanical Garden. Image 4. Nature and culture stand together to promote ecotourism in Cameroon.


December 2021 objectives

□ Review the proposal of the national strategy to rehabilitate and release the African grey parrots (pending)

2. Population management & Animal welfare


Ongoing activities

□ Maintained frequency and diversity of enrichments in each section

Specific activities

□ Chimpanzee: Started the introduction of male Ntui into the Mainland group with the female dominant Papaya (Image 5)

□ Chimpanzee: Started and completed the re-integration of female Mbu into the Island

Group after several week of isolation in Special Care and Rehabilitation Enclosure due to temporary leg paralysis due to nerve compression (Image 6)

□ Chimpanzee: Started to introduce senescent female Suzanne into the Special Care and Rehabilitation Enclosure due to her degrading age-related physical condition

(Image 7)

□ Guenon/Mangabey: Completed the integration of two old females Sarah (Redcapped mangabey) & Aggie (Red-eared monkey)) in a geriatric den in the quarantine as they are unable to bear with social pressure in their species group

□ Vet cares (November 2021):

o Boosting primate immune systems during Covid-19: providing on daily basis vitamins, plants infusion, extra protein, and other nutritional enrichment to all primates o Primates: 184 individuals treated; 7 anaesthesia performed; 15 individuals sampled (2 blood samples for haematology analysis, 0 blood samples for biochemistry analysis, 13 faecal samples for coprology analysis, 0 urine analysis; 0 Tracheal swab for microbiology analysis); 1 ultrasound; 0 contraception; 0 identification with a microchip; 1 laceration repairs; 74 drug therapies: 84% dietary supplements, 8% antibiotics, 4% anti-inflammatories, 1% antiparasitic, 2% others; 1 death: Tikar (male adult Chimpanzee, accident) (Image 8) o African grey parrots: 0 general health checks; 0 health checks before release; 0 transferrals to the soft-release aviary, 0 transferrals to the rehabilitation aviary; 7 individuals received extra care and nutritional supplement to boost feather regrowth; 2 deaths.

Image 5. Ntui, started his integration process in the mainland group with the dominant female Papaya. She is always a really good individuals to start the integration of a new individuals.

Image 7. As sedating an old animal is always risky, it was decided to attract Suzanne in a smaller cage that we then transported with a lot of man power. Image 6. After have been paralyzed for a few weeks, female chimpanzee Mbu, has finally recovered all her mobility and was successfully re-integrated to her group in the Island enclosure, where she can receive care from others.

Image 8. Malika, the infant drill newly arrived, received her first health check. She is underweight but she has a good hair coat. She will catch up quickly with good the extra cares she will received in quarantine.

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