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Selma is one of the longest standing supporters of the Limbe Wildlife Centre, and it all started in 2001, when she helped and initiated the rescue of gorilla, Batek. Since then she has always continued to show her support to us and Batek over the years.
“When I was working in eastern Cameroon in 2001, I was approached by people who told me a baby gorilla was being kept in a cage. Missionaries had taken him from the forest and given to a man who put him in a cage in his garden, and named him Batek. The man allowed me to take care of him while I looked for a better place for Batek. Jane Dewar, an expert on gorillas, advised me on Limbe Wildlife Center. Batek was welcome there and the LWC staff greeted him at the gate with open arms. Whenever I am in Cameroon, I visit Batek, and I imagine he recognizes me. People of LWC form a big family together with the animals. I have a lot of respect and admiration for the management of the centre who, sometimes under not easy conditions, remain optimistic and their way of working is inspiring and encouraging.”
-Selma Forotti