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3. Wildlife rescue, rehabilitation and release programme

Image 9. Zulu, our old Putty-nosed monkey, had a health check. The blood sample and the health check shown that he is healthy. As he’s an old male, we decided to give some extra food in order to help him stay stronger. Image 10. Male Drill, Dogo, had skin cancer that needed to be removed. It’s important to remove the cancer before it starts to grow too much and will become inoperable.


August 2021 objectives:

□ Continue with the ongoing activities □ African grey parrots: Continue to provide special care for the last individuals with difficulties improving their body conditions □ Vet cares: Contraception: Drills (3); Health check: African Grey Parrot (2)

3. Wildlife rescue, rehabilitation and release programme


Arrival & quarantine □ 2 African Grey Parrot (Psittacus erithacus) (Image 11)

Behavioural rehabilitation

□ Preuss Monkey: Continued behavioural rehabilitation

Social rehabilitation

□ African grey parrot: Continued to maintain the care and enrichment of the 39

African grey parrots in the large aviary

Release (ecological & environmental rehabilitation)

□ None

Image 11. Chico & Wax are two African Grey Parrots who were ex-pets. They will have their first health check and will start their social rehabilitation with the others parrots after the second health check.

August 2021 objectives:

□ Continue the ongoing rehabilitation activities □ Preuss Monkey: Continue the behavioural rehabilitation process

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