LimeProperty - Tenants timeline

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Letting Timeline A step by step guide to finding the right property










The first thing you need to do when looking for property to rent is to decide what you can afford to pay in rent. Rent will normally be due every month and when you make a tenancy application, you'll need to prove that you earn enough money to cover the rent. •  •

Set a budget and stick to it.

Consider the cost of furnishings if you don’t have any.

The Deposit

Remember to factor in: •  Council Tax •  Utility Costs •  Insurance •  Travel Costs to Work

Don’t be tempted to overspend.

Our Standard Admin Fees: Single Applicant Joint Applicants Single Applicant with Guarantor Joint Applicant with Guarantor Tenancy Renewal Fees

£150 £175 £175 £200 £25

All Fees are Plus VAT


You may be moving in an area you are very familiar with, you may have grown up on that street or know people who did. On the other hand you could be relocating from the other side of the world. Our dedicated team live in these areas and can always offer friendly advice. If we don’t know the answer – we will find it!.

School catchment areas.

•  •

Nightlife and Restaurants

Churches and Religion

Neighborhood Demographics

Transport Links


So you know how much you want to spend and you know where you want to live….. Now the real work begins. Quality properties rent very quickly, especially in good areas. Always stay ahead of the competition by registering for Property Alerts on •

Be the first to know of new properties on market.

•  •

Respond quickly to the alerts

Inform us if your choices change

View quickly so you don’t miss out

Be specific about what you want


We always endeavour to be flexible and accommodating when arranging your viewings. We will do everything possible to get you in when it suits YOU. Remember this works both ways, be flexible and understand that some viewings require the co-operation of existing tenants or landlords so we often have to suit everyone involved. •  •  •

Turn up on Time

Take a camera or take notes

Who pays what bills? Is parking included?

Is everything you see on the viewing included?

Ask plenty of Questions Take a friend for a second opinion


Its widely documented that rental demand is outstripping supply, for this reason if you see a property you want – DON’T DELAY. At the same time don’t feel pressured to take a property on the first viewing but listen to our team. They will be honest and transparent with you in terms of demand for that property and who else they may have lined up to see it. •  •  •

We operate a first come first served basis

Remember some landlords prefer longer tenancies so bear this in mind when negotiating

Be specific about what you want in the property as part of your offer.

To secure the property you will need to pay the admin fee. Only offer what you can afford, our expert team will do everything they can to get a swift answer from the landlord


We are so glad you have decided to live in one of our properties, we cant wait to get you moved in and settled. Our application process is very simple and clear so you know exactly where you are at each stage. Our dedicated Property Application specialist will assist you and keep you informed every step of the way. •  •  •

Our Application form can be filled in manually in our office or emailed to you so you can do it in your own time. Be sure to answer all questions swiftly and honestly. Our decision process usually takes around 48 hours

Sometimes we need more information, if this happens its in your intention to get it as quickly as possible

Large employers with corporate HR departments can often take longer to answer standard questions that will be vital to your application. It may help if you have a specific contact or if you can also speak to them in this case.


Unique in every way, here at Lime we like to think we stand out from the crowd by doing things better. We don’t simply make you sign loads of papers and send you off into the unknown. We take you through every step to ensure you understand it. You may or may not know all about tenancy agreements but its almost certain that you wont know all about the property you have chosen. This is where the info pod comes into its own. •  •  •

Full explanation of all the contracts and paperwork and what it means before you sign it. Documentation on where your deposit is kept.. In depth guidance on the property you are moving into

Detailed inventory and condition report and what to do with it.

Things people take for granted such as: •  •  •  •  •  •

Where you can (and cant) park your car What are the communal area codes What day do the bins get collected Utility Company Set up Council Tax Set up Alarm Codes


The day has finally arrived. You probably thought it would never get here but here it is, the day to move into your new home. You should now have visited the Info Pod and got your keys and paperwork but now is the time to roll up your sleeves and get moving. Remember when this hectic day is over you can relax and enjoy your NEW HOME. •  •

Always confirm the condition report and inventory. If there are any discrepancies be sure to notify us straight away. Take your own meter readings for your records (a photograph of the meter is handy).

Redirect your post

Ensure you have set up your contents insurance

Prepare a standard letter and inform organisations such as: •  •  •  •  •

Previous Utility Suppliers Council Tax Doctors/Dentist Schools Employers

The Pod St Andrews Quay Hull HU3 4SA

01482 216060

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