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Classic hip hop
tracks of the month
1. 2Pac ‘Dear mama’ If you’re a mama’s boy, this song will definitely resonate with you. A song that came out in the early 90s from one of the ‘thugs’ of hip hop, it captured a softer side of the legendary rapper.. This track takes us back to a special time in the 90s, when life was simple. ‘Dear mama’ is an all time classic track.
2. Notorious B.I.G. ‘Sky is the limit’
Still regarded by some, as the greatest rapper of all time, B.I.G’s ‘Sky is the limit’ really gave a lot of guys, who were in the trenches, hope. This song takes us back to the late 90s, when the sound of hip hop started to change. A new sound was emerging and Bad Boy records was right- in the middle of it. This track will always serve as the glimmer of hope that tells you that you can have anything you want in life.
Limitless World Magazine
Book recommendation
https://www.amazon.com/Playing-sport-studying-workingabroad/dp/1704485908/ref=sxts_sxwds-bia-wc-p13n1_0?cv_ct_cx=playing+sport %2C+studying+or+working+abroad&dchild=1&keywords=playing+sport %2C+studying+or+working+abroad&pd_rd_i=1704485908&pd_rd_r=0ea09cbb-2023-46b8-b0e9- ac545a657534&pd_rd_w=ICJhj&pd_rd_wg=fwaqP&pf_rd_p=7f71fdcf-aa37-4d97-b40d864dcfdc13e5&pf_rd_r=3NENWYY9T57EQ33T5PBB&psc=1&qid=1591621103&sr=1-1-beb77b32-1078-477f-b152-b09baa1ee7f7