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Phase 2 (Heightened Alert
Singapore will tighten measures to fight against Covid-19 for four weeks starting from Sunday 16 May 2021 through Sunday 13 June 2021.
The local community Covid-19 infections have been increasing for one week now. It was 24 cases on 13 May. The fear is that the virus has leaked to the community and there is a need to restrict social interactions further from group of 5 to just 2. Dining-in is no longer an option come this Sunday. Capacity at shopping malls will be reduced from 10 square metre (Gross Floor Area) per person to 16 sqm per person. (See MOH press release for other restrictions.)
With this announcement, the Straits Times Index (STI) tumbled 2.7% (3.51 pm).
The measures will be reviewed in two weeks time to see how we are doing in the fight of Covid-19. It can either be tightened further or relaxed depending on the conditions then.
Why are we at this juncture? Covid-19 coronavirus can slip through our geographical borders when we are not vigilant. This time round it came pass Changi Airport to form the largest active community cluster.
It looks like we have to come together again to fight this virus like the Circuit Breaker period of last year. Please keep safe and limit social interactions as much as possible. We simply do not know who is carrying the virus when we are in the public.