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Judge: Miss C Pledge, TAUNTON Friday at 10:30am in the Cornish Mutual Livestock Arena

Please state breed on the entry form.


100 Any Other Pure Dairy or Dual Purpose Breed Heifer, born on or after 1st April 2021.

101 Any Other Pure Dairy or Dual Purpose Breed Heifer, maiden, born on or between 1st October 2020 and the 31st March 2021.

102 Any Other Pure Dairy or Dual Purpose Breed Heifer, in-calf and due to calve under 36 months of age.

103 Any Other Pure Dairy or Dual Purpose Breed Cow, any age, in-calf.

104 Any Other Pure Dairy or Dual Purpose Breed Heifer, in-milk, having calved under 36 months of age.

105 Any Other Pure Dairy or Dual Purpose Breed Cow, any age, in-milk.

Champion & Special Awards

C145 Best Group of Three Cattle, owned by one Exhibitor

The winning group will qualify for Inter-Breed award C 176

Winner to receive a Devon County Show rosette

C146 Best Exhibit bred by the Exhibitor who is resident in Devon

This is a qualifying prize for Inter-Breed award C 179

£40 kindly offered by UK Sire Services Winner to receive a Devon County Show rosette

C147 Best Dairy Shorthorn Female

To have completed at least one yield, bred by an exhibitor resident in Devon. Calving at 30 months 4,000kgs, calving at 36 months 4,200kgs, calving at 42 months 4,600kgs, and calving at 48 months 5,000kgs, at a minimum of 3.6% butter fat.

The Shorthorn Perpetual Challenge Cup, won outright in 1967 by the late Brigadier P B E Acland, OBE, MC, and re-presented for Perpetual

C148 Champion Animal Special prize of £40 kindly offered by the Devon County Show, Breed Champion sash and rosette Reserve Animal & Female Champion Special prize of £30 kindly offered by Devon County Show and rosette

Judge: Mr Lynden Bustard Friday at 8:30am in the Cornish Mutual Livestock Arena

All animals entered must be registered pedigree or eligible for the English Guernsey Cattle Society supplementary register.

106 Guernsey Heifer, born on or after 1st August 2021

107 Guernsey Heifer, maiden, born on or between 1st January 2021 and 31st July 2021

108 Guernsey Heifer, in-calf, due to calve under 36 months of age

109 Guernsey Cow, in-calf

110 Guernsey Heifer, in-milk, having calved under 36 months of age

111 Guernsey Cow, in-milk

112 Guernsey Group of Three Females, entered in the classes and shown by the same Exhibitor

113 Guernsey Pair, entered in the classes and shown by the same Exhibitor

Champion & Special Awards

C149 Best Group of Three Cattle owned by one Exhibitor

The winning group will qualify for Inter Breed Award C 176

Winner to receive a Devon County Show rosette

C150 Best Pair by the same bull and bred by the Exhibitor Winner to receive a Devon County Show rosette The Poltimore Challenge Cup offered by the late Lord Poltimore (27)

C151 To be divided equally between all the animals forward in C 106 and 107 Haines Watts Accountants kindly donate £100

C152 To be divided equally between all the animals forward in C 108 Penbode Vets kindly donate £50

C154 To be divided equally between all the animals forward in C 110 Penbode Vets kindly donate £50

C155 To be divided equally between all the animals forward in C 111 Haines Watts Accountants kindly donate £50

C156 Best Female exhibited, the property of a Member of the English Guernsey Cattle Society residing in Cornwall, Devon, Gloucester, Somerset or Wiltshire The Symons Perpetual Challenge Cup (29)

C157 Best Exhibit bred by the Exhibitor who is resident in Devon

This is a qualifying prize for Inter Breed Award C 179

Winner to receive a Devon County Show rosette £40 kindly offered by UK Sire Services The A R Taylor Memorial Perpetual Challenge Cup (30)

C158 Best Female Exhibited and Shown under the conditions and scale of points listed in the Schedule

Inspection: Points to be allocated by the Judge to each animal with the maximum 300 points to be allocated to the animal placed first. Performance: Based on the average fat plus protein yield of the two most recently qualifying lactations as certified by National Milk Records or equivalent certificates. Each lactation record to be for 305 days or less and to have a minimum butterfat of 4.25%. The maximum 300 points to be allocated to the animal producing the highest yield of fat plus protein. The remaining animals to be deducted one point from the maximum for every kilogram of fat plus protein less than the highest yielding animal's yield.

The Spencer-Follet Perpetual Challenge Cup offered by the late Lt Col Spencer-Follett (28)

C159 Breed and Female Champion Special Prize of £40 offered by Devon County Show, Champion sash and rosette The Stockleigh House Perpetual Challenge Cup, offered by Mrs and the late Captain W H C Daniel (48) EGCS Championship rosette offered subject to a minimum of 10 entries being catalogued Reserve Breed and Female Champion Special prize of £30 offered by Devon County Show and rosette


Judge: Mr Edward Griffiths Friday at 8:30am in the Cornish Mutual Livestock Arena

All exhibits must be entered in the herd book, or in Class B of the supplementary register, of Holstein UK. Animals may not be entered in more than one class other than the group classes.

All classes will be run under the rules of Holstein UK.

114 Holstein Heifer, born on or after 1st April 2021

115 Holstein Heifer, maiden, born on or between 1st October 2020 and the 31st March 2021

116 Holstein Heifer, in calf with first calf, not more than 30 months of age on the day of the Show and due to calve at no more than 36 months

117 Holstein Heifer in-milk, having calved under 25 months of age

118 Holstein Heifer in-milk, having calved at over 25 months and under 36 months

119 Holsten Cow, at least five months in calf with second or subsequent calf

120 Holstein Cow, in-milk, second lactation

121 Holstein Cow, in-milk, third lactation

122 Holstein Cow, in-milk, fourth lactation or over

123 Holstein Group of Three Females, the property of one exhibitor and open to entries in the breed classes.

Champion & Special Awards

C160 Best Exhibitor bred in-milk Heifer owned and exhibited by a Member of Holstein UK, residing in Devon, Cornwall, Somerset or Dorset The Seychelles Perpetual Challenge Cup offered by John Hill Electric

C161 Best Group of Three Cattle, owned by one Exhibitor

The winning group will qualify for Inter Breed award C 176

Winner to receive a Devon County Show rosette

C162 Exhibit with the Best Udder Holstein UK offer a rosette

C163 Best Exhibit bred by the Exhibitor who is resident in Devon

This is a qualifying prize for Inter Breed award C 179

Devon County Show rosette £40 kindly offered by UK Sire Services The Tom Turner Perpetual Challenge Trophy presented by Mr and Mrs T R B Turner (194)

C164 Best Exhibit bred by the Exhibitor Holstein UK offer a rosette

C165 Best Exhibit from Classes from 114, 115, 116, 117 and 118 Holstein UK offer a rosette

C166 Breed and Female Champion Special prize of £40 offered by Devon County Show, Breed Champion sash and rosette Holstein UK offer a championship award rosette to the exhibitor of the Female Champion provided the exhibit is owned by a Member of the Society A Perpetual Challenge Cup offered by the Devon Holstein Club (15) Reserve Breed and Female Champion Special prize of £30 offered by Devon County Show and rosette Holstein UK offer a Reserve Champion rosette

Judge: Miss C Pledge, TAUNTON Friday at 8:30am in the Cornish Mutual Livestock Arena

All cattle must be registered with the Jersey Cattle Society of the United Kingdom.

124 Jersey Heifer, born on or after 1st April 2021.

125 Jersey Heifer, maiden, born on or between 1st October 2020 and the 31st March 2021.

126 Jersey Heifer, in-calf, not to be more than 30 months of age at the time of calving.

127 Jersey Cow, dry and at least five months in calf, any age.

128 Jersey Heifer, in-milk, which has produced her first and only calf under the age of 30 months.

Incorporating the judging of special award C 167

129 Jersey Cow, in-milk, second or third lactation.

130 Jersey Cow, in-milk, fourth lactation or higher.

Followed by the judging of special awards

Champion & Special Awards

C167 Best Heifer in-milk bred by the Exhibitor The Roborough Perpetual Challenge Cup, offered by Lord Roborough (113)

C168 Best Group of Three Cattle, owned by one Exhibitor

The winning group will qualify for Inter Breed Award C 176

Winner to receive a Devon County Show rosette

C169 Best Cow in-milk or in-calf, any age which has produced a total lifetime yield of 22,750kgs milk in officially recorded lactation periods The Kerr Perpetual Challenge Cup offered by Mr and Mrs M A Kerr (75)

C170 Best Exhibit bred by the Exhibitor who is resident in Devon

This is a qualifying prize for Inter Breed Award C 179

£40 kindly offered by UK Sire Services Winner to receive a Devon County Show rosette

C171 Best Cow or Heifer, registered in the Herd Book and bred by the Exhibitor who is a Member of the Jersey Cattle Society The Jersey Cattle Society offers a special rosette and prize card

C172 Breed and Female Champion Special Prize of £40 kindly offered by Devon County Show, Breed Champion sash and rosette The Sebright Perpetual Challenge Cup, offered by Lady and the late Sir

Giles Sebright (26), the animal to have been the bona fide property of the Exhibitor for at least six months prior to the Show.

Reserve Breed and Female Champion Special prize of £30 offered by Devon County Show and rosette

William Ley Dairy Pair Competition

Judge: Mr Edward Griffiths Friday at 11:30am in the Cornish Mutual Livestock Arena

131 Best Pair of Dairy Animals owned by one exhibitor, limited to one entry per exhibitor

William Ley Memorial Trophy kindly donated by his family (374) £55 to the winner and £40 to the reserve Winner to receive a Devon County Show rosette

Judge: Mr Edward Griffiths Friday at 11:30am in the Cornish Mutual Livestock Arena

Exhibitors must submit the necessary lactation certificate with their entry form.

132 Dairy Inter-Breed Production/Inspection, open to all dairy breeds

All animals must have given the following yields of combined kgs of fat and protein, Ayrshire 463; Holstein 578; Jersey 488; Guernsey 452; Brown Swiss 530; Dairy Shorthorn 440; MRI 454 in the last 305 day lactation. BASIS OF AWARD Production Points: Each animal will receive 2 points for every 1% of combined kgs of fat and protein compared with her own breed average. Inspection Points: The Cow placed first in the inspection competition will receive the same points as the cow gaining the highest production points. The remaining cows to be pointed at the Judge's discretion. The judge to be notified of the spread of points between the top and bottom cows.

The winning cow will be the one with the highest number of points, who will be awarded The South Devon and District Milk Recording Society Cup (33)

Judge: Mr Edward Griffiths Friday at 12:30pm in the Cornish Mutual Livestock Arena Following Dairy Production/Inspection

C173 Best Dairy Cow in the Show, exhibited by an Exhibitor who does not farm more than 200 acres and does not employ more than one regular workman, exclusive of his sons and daughters. A copy of the Annual Milk Recording Statement must be enclosed with the entry form. The Beeston Perpetual Challenge Cup offered by Kenneth Beeston Farms Limited, Shrewsbury (13)

C174 Champion Channel Islander Devon County Show award £55 to the winner and £40 to the reserve and rosette The CI Breeders Perpetual Jug presented by A & J Le Marquand (225)

C175 Champion In Milk Heifer

To the best Heifer from classes C 95, 104, 110, 117 and 128

The Sahara Holstein Perpetual Trophy presented by Shaika Norra Al-Khalifa (332) UK Sire Services award of £75 to the winner and £50 to the reserve, rosette and award card

C176 Champion Dairy Group

To the best group of three dairy cattle, of any one breed, owned by one Exhibitor.

UK Sire Services award £75 to the winner and £50 to the reserve, rosette and award card The Martin Perpetual Challenge Cup, offered by the late J A P Martin (12)

C177 Champion Dairy Pair

Entry restricted to the Champion and Reserve Champion of each dairy breed.

Devon County Show award £55 to the winners and £30 to the reserves and rosette The Collings Perpetual Challenge Award presented by Mr and Mrs

Garfield Collings (155) Commemorative Awards will be presented to the winners by the Devon County Show (only one award will be presented if both animals are in the same ownership)

C178 Champion Dairy Animal Special prize of £375 The Acland Perpetual Challenge Trophy, offered by the late Brigadier P B E Acland OBE, MC, DL, (70) The Foire International De Caen Trophy (scales) (204) Devon County Show Championship sash and rosette Reserve Champion Dairy Animal Special prize of £185 The Avalon Farm Perpetual Challenge Trophy, offered by Franky and the late Angus Loggie of Lusaka, Zambia (125) Devon County Show rosette

C179 Champion Local Dairy Animal

To the best dairy animal in the cattle classes bred by the Exhibitor who is resident in Devon.

Devon County Show award of £55 to the winner and £40 to the reserve and rosette The Exeter Local Reception Committee Perpetual Challenge Cup (34)

To be judged on manner and ability with which the animal is shown. Conformation of the animal will not be taken into consideration.

Kindly sponsored by

Mole Valley Farmers

Judges: Mr M J Darke, KINGSBRIDGE; Mr David Christophers, TRURO Saturday at 11:00am in the Cornish Mutual Livestock Arena

Entry Fee £3.00 inc VAT Prize Money 1st £20.00, 2nd £15.00, 3rd £10.00, 4th £5.00 Rosettes will be awarded to every entrant.

The first three prize winners in each class will be required to join the Grand Parade of Livestock on Saturday - other prize winners are welcome to join if they wish, they must be accompanied by a parent or responsible adult.

Handlers may only compete in their relevant age range.

Rules for animals shown in the Junior Handler classes:

1. The age of the animal to be exhibited must be compatible with the age of the handler, see Regulation 10a. 2. Please note the following maximum age limits: Bulls, over 6 months of age, are not allowed in the Junior Handler classes. Bullocks and heifers, must be born on or after 1st October 2020. 3. An animal can only be shown once in the classes. 4. Once entries have closed the Devon County Show reserves the right to alter the age ranges within the classes.

133 Dairy Senior Handler, calf any dairy breed, to be exhibited by a handler aged between 14 - 18 years old on the Saturday of the Show

134 Dairy Intermediate Handler, calf any dairy breed, to be exhibited by a handler aged between 10 - 13 years old on the Saturday of the Show.

135 Dairy Junior Handler, calf any dairy breed, to be exhibited by a handler aged between 7 and 9 years old on the Saturday of the Show.

136 Beef Junior Handler, calf any beef breed, to be exhibited by a handler aged between 7-9 years old on the Saturday of the Show.

137 Beef Intermediate Handler, calf any beef breed, to be exhibited by a handler aged between 10 -13 years on the date of the Show.

138 Beef Senior Handler, calf any beef breed, to be exhibited by a handler aged between 14-18 years on the date of the Show.

Champion & Special Awards

JH1 Champion Dairy Junior Handler The Bob Carr MRCVS Memorial Plate (337)

JH2 Champion Beef Junior Handler The Laura Persey Memorial Trophy presented by the Persey Family (341)

JH3 Best Junior Handler

From classes C 135 and 136

Winner to receive a Devon County Show rosette The Hallett Perpetual Challenge Cup offered by Mr and Mrs W G Hallett (232)

JH4 Best Intermediate Handler

From classes C 134 and 137

Winner to receive a Devon County Show rosette The Stags Perpetual Challenge Trophy offered by Stags (264)

JH5 Best Senior Handler

From classes C 133 and 138

Winner to receive a Devon County Show rosette The J Pickard & Co (Burrington) Perpetual Challenge Trophy offered by J Pickard & Co (Burrington) (237)

To be run by the Devon Cattle Breeders Society on Sunday in Livestock Arena following the Young Handler classes. Open to junior handlers, from any breed, exhibiting a pedigree Devon Animal. Open to non-members. Entries will be taken on the Devon Cattle Breeders stand in the hall during the show. Entry Fee £3.00 For further information call Lisa on 07415483133

Judge: TBC

Class 1 Handler aged 7 years to 14 years old on the day of the Show.

Class 2 Handler aged 15 years to 26 years old on the day of the Show.

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