2011 May-Jun Heartbeat Magazine

Page 1

Limousin Heart Beat

Spring time in the Midwest 4/19/11.


Back in Time.................... 15, 36 Covering Ground..................... 4 Heartland Calendar................. 5 Highlights from the Heartland...............20-21 Junior Beat.......................12-13 On The Road Again..............6-7 Recipe of the Month................ 6 Sales Reports...................22-34

Official Publication of the heartLAND Limousin Association • MaY/June 2011

Low-Stress Handling Improves Bottom Line

State News

“People can enhance the genetics in these animals, but we can have caregiver impact that actually takes away from that potential,” said Noffsinger. He spoke at a Feeding Quality Forum in Grand Island, NE and Amarillo, TX. Noffsinger said animal handling affects many determinants of profitability, along with employee morale and safety. “Our goal at a feedyard or

ranch is to empower caregivers to be dedicated and make every human-to-cattle interaction a positive one,” he said. “When we have dealt with issues in caregiver training, all of a sudden turnover at most of my (consulting) feedyards is zero.” He explained how to use natural animal behavior to improve weaning, sorting and processing.

Understanding and avoiding heat stress in cattle can be a valuable management tool for summertime. Many cow/calf operations have to work cattle on days when heat stress to cattle is possible, says Glenn Selk, Oklahoma State University Extension cattle reproduction specialist. Cattle have an upper critical

temperature approximately 20 degrees cooler than humans. When humans are uncomfortable at 80 degrees and feel hot at 90 degrees, cattle may well be in the danger zone for extreme heat stress, he says in a news release. Humidity is an additional stressor that intensifies the heat by making body heat dissipation more difficult.

Over heating is sporadically encountered in cattle, but is really a rare problem. High humidity contributes to the likelihood of heat stroke or prostration because water evaporation from the oral and nasal cavities is decreased in spite of rapid panting. At an environmental temperature of about 88 degrees, heat dissipation mechanisms, such as sweating and evaporative cooling must take place to prevent a rise in body temperature. Sweat gland activity in cattle increases as the temperature goes above the thermoneutral zone. Panting is an important heat regulatory device in cattle. The signs of overheating may develop suddenly and depend upon the environmental conditions and the health of the cattle exposed to the heat. Panting often

Time Dated Material


Sometimes a late April snowfall can be beautiful.

Continued on page 5.

Understanding & Avoiding Heat Stress in Cattle

Volume 19 • Issue 3


A.L.E. Limousin Ranch.......... 10 Beaver Brook Farm............... 23 Bosch Farms/Butler Limousin... ................................. 27 Classifields............................ 37 Cripple Creek Cattle Co.......... 3 Grassroots Genetic Consulting ................................. 33 GV Limousin............................ 7 HLA Thank You...................... 31 Iowa Limousin Assoc............. 18 LimiGene............................... 18 Mill Road Limousin.................. 9 Kuehne’s Rocky Creek Ranch... ................................. 25 ROM’N Limousin................... 22 Schott Limousin Ranch......... 30 Straight Limousin..................... 2 Symens Brothers Limousin... 34 Treftz Limousin...................... 19 Wulf Limousin Farms............. 40

Cattlemen often analyze practices based on the return on investment (ROI) but usually they’re only talking about money. Tom Noffsinger, veterinarian and low-stress handling specialist from Benkelman, Nebraska with 37 years of experience in the industry, says working cattle can prove an old equation: investing a little more time than can have significant payoffs down the road.

Heartland Limousin Association 23244 Gopher Drive East Bethel, MN 55005

Iowa News........................16-17 Kansas News...................38-39 Minnesota News.................... 35 Missouri News......................8-9 Nebraska News................36-37 South Dakota News............... 19 Wisconsin News...............14-15

Continued on page 5.

Vol. 19 • Issue 3 • May/June 2011

DOUBLE GOOD 1/17/10 - Black - DBL Polled (inconclusive) SL Outlaw x JSTH Angels Centerfold CE: 7 BW: 2.7 WW: 45 YW: 89 MA: 20 CM: 9 SC: 0.4 CW: 25 RE: .49 YG: -.01 MS: -.04 $MI: 42 We thank Leon Vogel of Gothenburg, NE, for investing in this awesome individual. The outcross genetics Outback brings to the table is exciting, along with his functional look—long, stout, thick and bold ribbed. His unique combination of genotype and phenotype offers commercial and seedstock cattlemen a different pedigree twist in a power-packed package.

Semen $40

Contact Owners.

3/11/10 - Red - HOMO Polled GTBR Undertaker 6U x JSTH Angels Centerfold CE: 9 BW: 1.6 WW: 43 YW: 83 MA: 19 CM: 10 SC: 0.4 DC: 19 CW: 19 RE: .62 YG: -.14 MS: -.13 $MI: 39 Thanks to Jay Hakes and Larry VanWyk for purchasing semen interests in this unreal Undertaker son, the 2011 Iowa Beef Expo Grand Champion Bull. Rockstar is made like a brick house from top to bottom—thick-topped, thick-ended and guts. If you want to moderate cow size and add a powerful look, Rockstar is your hero.

Semen $40

Contact Owners.

DOUBLE YOUR ODDS WITH THESE TWO TOP-SHELF SIRES THIS SPRING BREEDING SEASON! Check out our website www.StraightLimousin.com for exciting spring- and fall-born herd-sire and show-heifer prospects available privately!

Jay & Lori Straight • Jordan & Jackson 2173 Morgan Ave. • Logan, Iowa 51546

STRAIGHT LIMOUSIN www.straightlimousin.com

712-648-2180 • 712-592-1350 Jay, cell 712-592-0188 Jordan, cell

Vol. 19 • Issue 3 • May/June 2011

Ed, Brian & Luke Bergler (507) 643-6933 • Fax (507) 643-6732 38865 County Road 104 Cell (507) 458-8607 Dakota, MN 55925 E-mail: ed@expressabutton.com

Vol. 19 • Issue 3 • May/June 2011 Factor number two was the highest salvage value in history for older bulls and cows. We have seen salvage prices over $1.00 per pound for quite some time. This has allowed livestock growers to capitalize on the hamburger market by sending their bulls to slaughter. The economy is still being driven by lower cost cuts of meat. A lot of high-end cuts, espeBy: Dean Summerbell Factor number one was the cially choice products, are being As we near the end of the short supply of grain which pro- traded in the export market. spring sale season, a series of moted competition driving grain Factor number three is the factors have all had a significant prices higher. Corn began the 1st unprecedented high cost of feeder influence on the beef industry. of April over $7.00 per bushel. A calves. Feedlots can spend more Four factors came together for quick supposition is that major for feeders because of a lower an outstanding bull sale season. feedlots had contracted their feed supply than necessary to meet We have achieved substantial at a lower cost. Farmers and demand, which leads to the fourth increases in sale averages over ranchers; however, who had corn factor. 2010. What has been a phenom- on hand experienced an increased Factor number four is the fat enon in agriculture has transpired revenue which gave them the opin a positive outlook for the time portunity to spend more for their cattle prices which have enjoyed historically high prices. As of being. livestock. the last week in March, October futures for live-fat cattle selling on Heartland Limousin Association the natural grid were at levels in Officers which beef producers were getting Ed Bergler............................... President Cookie Nielson............... Vice President at one time for hanging weight. Andy Peterson......................... Secretary Norma Effertz......................... Treasurer John Symens – Ex-officio I don’t have a crystal ball to determine how long these factors Executive Secretary & Advertising Sales will be around to insure above Dean Summerbell 23244 Gopher Dr., East Bethel, MN 55005 normal profits for the beef producH: (763) 434-2891 • Cell: (612) 963-3799 • Fax: (763) 413-9891 er. But I would recommend that E-mail: bsummerb@ties2.net producers take advantage of the Directors market factors while they can. Iowa South Dakota It has been a pleasure to attend Roger Vorthmann (712) 566-2863 Cookie Nielson (605) 983-5340 Treynor, IA 51575 Arlington, SD 57212 production and consignment sales this year. I have not seen one in Kansas Minnesota Cash Schilling (785) 694-2806 Ed Bergler (507) 643-6933 stance of lower prices on average Edson, KS 67733 Dakota, MN 55925 than what was reported last year. Missouri Nebraska I have also seen an increased Rick Little (573) 392-7665 Jamie Watts (402) 262-2240 acceptance of Limousin genetics Eldon, MO Fairfield, NE 68938 in the commercial sector. We have Wisconsin seen first-time users of Limousin Andy Peterson (715) 417-2253 Osceola, WI

Bruce Walrod Moorland, IA 50566 (515) 549-3417

Members at Large Jerry Meek Parker, KS (913) 898-2700

Editor Beverly Summerbell Published at Allen Printing & Pub., Clarion, IA

Graphic Design

Cavenee Design, Stephanie Ph: (605) 830-9025 E-mail: scavenee@gwtc.net

genetics. Many of the new Limousin users are buying Lim-Flex bulls of 50 percent blood to try them. They should be happy with the calves in 2012. I would like to invite all of our juniors to consider exhibiting their projects at the Heartland Junior Regional June 3-4 in Menomonie, WI. I understand with gas prices increasing the concerns you might have of higher costs. Still, the regional show has enjoyed the honor of being the second largest junior Limousin show in the nation. Menomonie is a beautiful part of the Heartland. The Limousin Association of Wisconsin is hosting the event and the Minnesota Limousin Association is assisting in that endeavor. We hope to see all of you at Menomonie, and we strongly encourage your participation. Finally, there is a sort of dream coming true for an old history teacher. Thanks to Jim Watts of Fairfield, NE and John Greer of Edgar, NE, I am going to take part in the annual Pony Express ride from St. Joseph, MO to Sacramento, CA. I am eagerly looking forward to riding the two miles assigned June 9. I don’t fit many of the original qualifications of young, skinny, wiry, and an expert rider, but I am technically an orphan and risk death daily, (we all do). The $25 per week sounds about right as well. At any rate, we will see what happens. Hopefully the weather will cooperate and the ride will be smooth. I am grateful for the opportunity.

Norma Effertz Velva, ND 58790 (701) 624-5136

Heartbeat Ad Rates

Space Member Non-Member Full page $700 $750 1/2 page $450 $500 1/3 page $350 $400 1/4 page $250 $300 1/8 page $150 $200 Rates include Full Color

Deadlines & Terms ~ The 1st of the Previous Month Deadlines

January/February..................Dec. 10 March/April.......................... Feb. 10 May/June ..........................April 10 Sept./Oct. .......................... Aug. 10 Nov./Dec. ........................... Oct. 10 Terms: All accounts due &

payable as billed.

Page Specifications

Full page.........4 col. (7.84”) x 10.25” 1/2 page..........4 col. x 5” or 2 col. x 10.25” 1/3 page..........4 col. x 3.5” or 3.25” x 10.25” 1/4 page..........2 col. (3.9”) x 5” 1/8 page..........2 col. (3.9”) x 2.5”

Dean is practicing for the big ride in June.

Low-Stress Handling ... Continued from front page.

From the first time animals come in contact with handlers, they’re learning, and what cattle are taught can help or hinder everything from immune response to the end product. “We used to worry about harvest quality at the end of the feeding period, but we have to worry about harvest quality every day of the calves’ lives,” Noffsinger

Vol. 19 • Issue 3 • May/June 2011 You can fix that.” vaccines have a greater chance said. Noffsinger explained that you to work.” The benefits of instructing an It starts on the ranch, and even can prep cattle for weaning by subtleties like frequency of nurs- separating pairs for a couple hours animal, rather than “hollering and then letting them match back at it,” are magnified in breeding ing can make a difference. “We have found that a calf that up. After a few days of this, they stock. He said that he asks them to nurses 20 times a day has a lot already know what to expect when go through the processing facility three times before they even start less risk compared to a baby that weaning day arrives. “We will never process calves weaning. He went on to say that nurses twice a day,” he said, noting producers can promote nurs- until their willing to leave their fa- they ran them through and timed ing in a variety of ways. “Cows vorite corner,” he said. “Because to see how long it took, and they should never go through a gate until calves trust every corner kept running them through until without their babies at their side. of their pen or pasture, what it took half the time it did the else don’t they trust? The water first time. trough. Cattle that don’t drink “That changed these animals much, don’t eat. Cattle that don’t for the rest of their lives,” he said. a few common sense rules should drink, don’t rest.” “If you’re going to own these be followed. That all ties back to that initial cows for 15 years, it’s really fun to • During hot weather, cattle ROI, Noffsinger said. “The way have a group that likes you rather should be worked before 8 a.m., we make money in this industry than the old mad ones that want if possible. Certainly, all cattle is by maximizing intake and con- to hurt you.” working must be complete by version.” Noffsinger said studying how about 10 a.m. animals communicate will not Handling also affects the ability While it may seem to make to ward off sickness and respond only improve your business insense to work cattle after sun to vaccines. ternally, but also your image with down, they will need at least six “We’re starting to understand the public. hours of night cooling before that stress actually sends very im“If we learn some of these inenough heat is dissipated to cool portant white blood cells on vaca- herent language skills, it’s amazdown from an extremely hot tion. They cease to function,” he ing how efficiently we can do day. said. “When people understand this,” he said. “We need to jump • Cattle that must be handled how to get a calf to volunteer on these opportunities to display during hot weather should spend to travel through a system and the skills we have as caregivers, so less than 30 minutes in the work- stand voluntarily in a chute, the consumers can embrace that.” ing facility. Drylot pens and corrals loaded with cattle will have very little, if any, air movement. Cattle will gain heat constantly May while they are in these areas. 14 A.L.E Limousin Ranch Sale – Summersville, MO Therefore a time limit of one-half 28-29 Kansas Junior Limousin Association Field Day – Leavenworth, KS hour in the confined cattle workJune ing area should limit the heat gain 3-4 Heartland Junior Regional Show – Menomonie, WI and therefore the heat stress. 4 Minnesota Junior Field Day – Menomonie, WI • Make every effort to see that 4 Wisconsin Junior Field Day – Menomonie, WI cool, fresh, water is available to 10-12 Missouri Field Day – Sedalia, MO 25-26 Iowa Junior Field Day – Osceola, IA cattle in close confined areas for 25-26 KJLBA Camping Trip – Stockton Lake, Kansas any length of time. July During hot weather conditions, 10-15 NALJA Show – Amarillo, TX cattle will drink more than one 15 All-American Futurity – Amarillo, TX percent of their body weight per 22-23 Low Stress for Livestock Handling Seminar – Plainville, KS hour. 25 North Dakota State Fair Open Limousin Show – Minot, ND Producers need to be certain the 26 North Dakota State Fair Junior Limousin Show – Minot, ND water supply lines are capable of 30 South Dakota Summer Spotlight Show – Huron, SD keeping up with demand if workAugust ing cattle during hot weather. 15 Iowa State Fair Open Limousin Show – Des Moines, IA

Understanding & Avoiding ...

Continued from front page.

occurs at rectal temperatures at or above 104 degrees, but may begin even at lower body temperatures. Some animals manifest restlessness, excitement, and spasms of certain muscles. However, other animals may be dull and depressed. A protruding tongue may be covered with saliva, and frothy mucus discharged at the nostrils. Rectal temperatures of overheated cattle have ranged as high as 107 to 115 degrees. Overheating in cattle can be prevented under most management conditions. Allowing animals access to cool water and mineral supplements is a must in a very hot summer weather. Shade and free air circulation should be provided if at all possible. Avoid working cattle during very hot parts of the day. Very excitable cattle will be even more prone to heat stress if handled at high temperatures. If animals are going to have limited access to water under stressful conditions such as shipping by truck or trailer, they should be allowed water prior to further stressful situations. If weaning calls for cattle to be gathered and put through a working chute for immunizations, then

The Limousin Heart Beat wants to help target your marketing DOLLARS!

Send us the addresses of your new customers so we can add them to our FREE subscription list. Include their complete mailing address or if you have an address correction, send that as well.

Limousin Heart Beat, Dean Summerbell 23244 Gopher Drive NE, East Bethel, MN 55005 bsummerb@ties2.net

Heartland Calendar

20 Missouri State Fair Open Limousin Show – Sedalia, MO


1 Nebraska State Fair Open Limousin Show – Grand Island, NE 2 South Dakota State Fair Open Limousin Show – Huron, SD 3 Minnesota State Fair Open Limousin Show – St. Paul, MN 13-15 Husker/Harvest Days – Grand Island, NE 15 Kansas State Fair Open Limousin Show – Hutchinson, KS 23-24 World Beef Expo Show – West Allis, WI 24 Vorthmann Private Treaty Sale – Treynor, IA 25 On the Mark Sale – Nevada, IA

Vol. 19 • Issue 3 • May/June 2011

By: Bev Summerbell

I received an interesting email with a unique perspective on life. I tried to relate each point to what Dean and I do every day with the Heartland Limousin Association. Everything I Need to Know I Learned from Noah’s Ark 1. Don’t miss the boat. As we travel around the Heartland attending sales, shows, banquets and other events, we know that the future of Limousin is bright. Get on board! 2. Remember that we are all in the same boat. Working together, we can achieve success for our breed. 3. Plan ahead. It wasn’t raining when Noah built the Ark. Know where you want to go with your program and work to achieve your goal. 4. Stay fit. When you are 60 someone may ask you to do some-

thing really big. In my case, it was at age 57 and after 34 years of teaching, I switched careers with Dean and we began our service to the Heartland Limousin Association. 5. Build your future on high ground. Listen, learn, and utilize information/data to improve your product. 6. Speed isn’t always an advantage. The snails went on board with the cheetahs. I know that when I try to go too fast when writing articles for the paper, I end up spending more time making corrections when I proof the paper (steady as she goes). 7. For safety’s sake, travel in pairs. Dean and I celebrated our 46th wedding anniversary traveling together to a sale in South Dakota. We make a good team, traveling together. 8. When you’re stressed, float awhile. Our “floating” comes from seeing our friends in the

Recipe of the Month

This is Ann Vorthmann’s chili recipe served at the Iowa Beef Expo. It is always a hit with consignors and the large crowd in the barn on sale day. Ann entered this recipe in a chili competition at their church and she came away with the top prize out of eighteen competitors.

Bev Summerbell

Iowa Limousin “6:00AM Barn” Chili

1 gallon can each of: Dried tomato pieces Tomato sauce Chili Con Carne with beans 8-10 lbs. Limousin ground beef, browned (salt/pepper to taste) Add: 1 pkg. seasoning ChiliO mix Add: tomato juice to desired thickness Cook at least 4 hours – 250350 degrees Make in electric roaster – serves 50-60 Serve with shredded cheese and crackers.

Congratulations to Zach Hanson and Megan Pappenfuhs on their engagement. Zach is the son of Arne and Stacy Hanson and the grandson of Gene and Virginia Raymond of Garnett, KS.

Ausen’s Hidden Valley Farm of Ettrick, WI is happy to announce the engagement of Adam Ausen and Katie Salisbury. He is co-owner of the farm along with his parents, Scott and Cathy Ausen and his brother, Nathan. Cathy works for Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. An October 1, 2011 wedding is planned in Ettrick.

Heartland. They give us the energy to keep going even though we may be “road weary”. 9. Remember, the Ark was built by amateurs, the Titanic was built by professionals. Take what you have and “keep your ship together” – set sail with Limousin. (Dean’s comment). 10. No matter how strong the storm, there’s always a rainbow waiting! Member News Congratulations to all the new parents/grandparents in the Heartland. We know you will enjoy your new little “bundles of joy”. Best wishes to Danielle Steele and David Luchsinger who were united in marriage April 16, 2011 in Unionville, MO. Get well wishes are sent to Mary Bosch of Indianola, IA. She had surgery April 12 in Des Moines and is now recovering at home. We also want to wish Ed Bergler, Cripple Creek Limousin

of Dakota, MN the best as he recovers from shoulder surgery April 12 at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. Vi Wulf of Morris, MN had open heart surgery in Minneapolis the middle of March. We missed seeing her at Wulf’s annual production sale at the farm. We wish her a speedy recovery. Gary Ellsworth of Elkhorn, WI had hip surgery April 12. We hope that he is up and around very soon. We want to wish Perry Robertson of Rocky Ridge Limousin, Oldfield, MO a speedy recovery from his knee surgery. Our thoughts are with Cecil Smith of New Prague, MN as he continues with his treatments for cancer. We also remember Debbie Edwards of Higginsville, MO who is undergoing treatments for breast cancer. Her daughter,

Congratulations to David and Danielle (Steele) Luchsinger on their wedding April 16, 2011. Parents of the bride are Jeff and Angie Steele of Unionville, MO. The couple now resides in Waverly, IA.

Welcome Kinsley Ann Knipp, born April 6 weighing in at 6 lbs. 4 oz. Kinsley is the daughter of Christian and Kim Knipp and the granddaughter of Dave and Karen Benson of Sedalia, MO.

Stacia, had surgery for breast cancer the middle of April. We wish her well. We hope that 2011 will be a better year for Kent and Kathy Abele of Nevada, MO. Kent injured his back last fall and then in December, their house burned down. What a year! Our sympathy is extended to Shane and Jordan (Straight) Muxfeldt, Logan, IA on the death of their 21-month-old son, Westyn Jay. We were sorry to hear of the sudden death of Sven Grimstad of Mountain Grove, MO. We extend our sympathy to his wife, Deloris. We also send our sympathy to the family of Linda Comeau of Plainville, KS. Her husband, Roger, is the owner of Liberty Ranch. Our thoughts are with Jerry Meek of Parker, KS and his family on the sudden death of his sisterin-law in Spring Hill, KS. Funeral services were held April 6. Our sympathy goes to Bridget

McCall Esther Dockter was born March 13. She was 6 lbs. 8 oz. and 19 1/2” long. She was welcomed by her parents, Scott and Melissa Dockter and siblings; Austin, JaSondra, and Ceph of Medina, ND. Grandparents are Maynerd and Darlene Dockter of Medina and Edward and Janet Hintz of Woodworth, ND.

Vol. 19 • Issue 3 • May/June 2011

Greysen Elizabeth Ludens joined her family at Viborg, SD January 22, 2011 weighing in at 6 lbs. 11 oz. and she was 19” long.

Peck and her family of Harrisonville, MO on the death of her mother. She passed away in March. Please keep all these families in your thoughts and prayers at this difficult time.


Rory Lucille Peterson was born April 14. She was 7 lbs. 15 oz., and 21“ long. Parents are Cade and Erica Peterson of Pukwana, SD. Grandparents are Rod and Wendy Peterson of Pukwana, and Kent Abele and Susan Burns of El Dorado, MO.

Mindy and Roger Schweitzer of Yankton, SD brought son Bennett, born March 9, to the ROM’N Sale April 9. Weighing in at 9 lbs. 4 oz. and 22” long, Bennett is the grandson of SDLA member Mike Kreber of Tabor.

Limousin Believers

Since 1974

Thank You!!! To all who attended and made our February sale a success, especially the repeat and volume buyers. As we prepare for 2012 with genetics to target industry demands, we believe Limousin offers more solutions than any other breed. As a united breed with purebreds and Hybrids we have the opportunity to greatly increase market shares.

Thanks again


“The Brand of Breeder Respect & Commercial Approval”

Tripp Heston Hager was born April 12 weighing 8 lbs. 7 oz. and 20’” long. His parents are Austin and Leah Hager of Karlsruhe, ND.

Gene & Virginia Raymond 785/448-3708, 785/448-8026 cell Arne & Stacy Hanson 785/448-6142, 785/448-8027 cell

20217 NW Hwy. 31 • Garnett, KS 66032 gvlimousin@ecksor.net

Vol. 19 • Issue 3 • May/June 2011

Missouri State News ...

MLBA Annual Meeting and Banquet Held in Lebanon The Missouri Limousin Breeders Association held their annual meeting, banquet and benefit auction April 16, 2011 at the Laclede County Fairgrounds in Lebanon. This event took place in conjunction with the Great American Pie sale that was held the next day. A large crowd of Limousin enthusiasts enjoyed the delicious roast beef dinner with all the trimmings

MLBA board members Nathan Hunt and Cole Abele check on last minute details prior to the American Pie Sale in Lebanon.

prepared by Vicky Glendenning and the staff from Bennert Springs Resort. Following the meal, Jack Glendenning, MLBA president, welcomed everyone and introduced the guests. Remarks were given by Joe Epperly, Director of Commercial Programs; Dean Summerbell, Executive Secretary of the Heartland Limousin Association; and Dave Linhart, Vice-President of the IA Limousin Association. Dave explained the raffle tickets that are being sold by the ILA as a way to fund the 2012 NALJA show in Des Moines. There was active bidding on the silent auction items. The live auction followed with Cole Abele serving as the auctioneer. Semen, CTI tubs, float trips, turkey hunts and a cherry pie and coconut cake were some of the highlighted items on the auction. At the end of the evening, pages in the Missouri Limousin Breeders Association herd book were auc-

The Missouri Limousin Breeders Association Board of Directors; Front Row Jack Glendenning President, Cole Abele, Vice President, Ben Bennett, Treasurer, Shaun Edwards, Secretary. Back Row: Directors, Charles Linhart, Nathan Hunt, Brent Boyce, Ty Heavin & Mike Cravens.

tioned off. Approximately 1,500 copies of the book are printed and distributed to members, Limousin customers, and they are also set out on display at various activities throughout the year. Board of Directors Members of the MLBA elected officers and members of the board of directors during the annual meeting. Re-elected for a second term was Cole Abele and newly elected board members are Shaun

Black Tie Limousin Shares History

(Editor’s Note – This article was originally published in the 2004 November/December Heart Beat. We thought it would be appropriate to rerun the article at this time. We visited with Sven and Deloris Grimstad of Black Tie Limousin, Mountain Grove, MO in the summer of 2004. At that time, Sven shared the story of his early years in Norway and the harrowing experiences he had during WWII. Dean and Bev Summerbell)

Those of us who have lived their entire life in the Midwest ought to be thankful for the relative security we have enjoyed. September 11, 2001 changed our perspective on how we view the world and its changing values. However, there are those who have experienced the ravages of war and survived a less than peaceful time a long-time before the events of “9/11”. Missouri Limousin breeder Sven Grimstad is one of those individuals with such a fascinating story to tell. He was born in 1933 in Svolvar, Norway on Lofoton Island, which is located in northern Norway. Life was normal for him until 1941 when Nazi Germany marched through neutral Sweden and took over Norway. Living on the point of a peninsula that jutted out into the fjord across from the mainland, eight-year-old Sven and his family were uprooted by the German army who took over the town and

gave them 48 hours to vacate. The Germans blew up his house and replaced it with a gun battery to guard the opening into the small fishing village and its harbor. The family fled to an island south of Lofoton and took up living in a small fishing shack where they remained until 1945. During that time Sven’s father joined the underground resistance. They lived on a daily catch of fresh fish. His mother would grind seaweed into flour and make large, heavy loaves of a gummy substance which they called bread. The taste was unusual but edible and one learned to like it. One week before the German surrender in 1945 Sven’s uncle, who was also a member of the underground, was captured. Had the surrender not come when it did, Sven felt certain that his father would have been executed. Sven left his family in 1945 and went to live with his uncle in southern Norway. No one in his

family received any compensation for their property loss. Sven came through Ellis Island at the age of 16 with some family members and lived in New Jersey for two months. He then settled in South St. Paul, Minnesota with friends who had sponsored his immigration to the United States. In 1950, Sven and his family moved to New Port Beach, California where he joined the Marine Corps in 1951, serving four years of military service. After the service, he attended Orange Coast College and graduated from Long Beach State University. He worked for Douglas Aircraft on the DC 8 plane where he designed the tooling for the plane. He met his wife, Deloris, just after the service and they were married in 1957. They relocated to Mountain Grove, Missouri in 1993 and began raising Limousin cattle with a heavy emphasis on fullbloods.

Edwards and Mike Cravens. Thanks to Bart Brackman and Ron Peckman who are retiring after serving for several years on the board. We appreciate your service to the board and the MLBA. State Fair The Limousin portion of the Missouri State Fair will take place August 18-20, 2011. The Open Show is at noon Saturday, August 20 in the Coliseum. We look for a great show this year. We encourage all MLBA members to travel to Sedalia for the Limousin shows at the state fair. Our Sympathy

We extend our sympathy to Deloris Grimstad of Mountain Grove, MO on the sudden death of her husband, Sven. He passed away April 7, 2011 and a memorial service was held April 10. Sven was raised in Norway and he came to the United States in 1946. He served in the U.S. Marine Corps. He and Deloris moved to Mountain Grove where they raised, bred, and showed Limousin cattle. Sven is survived by his wife of 54 years, Deloris and many friends.

Field Day The 2011 MLBA field day will be held the weekend of June 10-12th at the Missouri State Fairgrounds in Sedalia. This event will take place in conjunction with the Missouri Cattlemen’s Show. There is a change this year in the order of the shows – with the Open Show being held at 1:00 p.m. Saturday, June 11 and the Junior Show at 8:00 a.m. Sunday. The famous dog races will take place immediately following the Open Show Saturday. Other activities Saturday are a cow-patty

Vol. 19 • Issue 3 • May/June 2011 bingo and a 50-50 drawing for cash prizes. MLBA President Everyone is invited for a ban- Jack Glendenning of quet Saturday night in the Youth Lebanon held the tub of Building on the state fairgrounds. raffle tickets for juniors Members of the MLBA will serve to draw the winner at the Missouri banquet as hosts for the annual field day. and benefit auction. For more information, check out the Missouri website, contact any board member or Brooke Edwards, junior advisor. Congratulations, Gavin fer at Sedalia Middle School. He Gavin Jones, a 6th grade stu- received a large Webster’s dictiondent, took top honors in the ary, a $100 savings bond and a Scripps National Spelling Quali- Britannica Online Encyclopedia

for his accomplishments. Gavin will travel to Washington, D.C. in June to participate in the national contest, competing against top spellers from every other state. He is the son of Ty and Deanna Jones of LaMonte and the grandson of Dave and Karen Benson of Sedalia, Missouri. Congratulations, Gavin! We are proud of your success.

Thank you Bart and Brenda Brackman for your great service on the MLBA board of directors.

Director of Commercial Programs for NALF Joe Epperly visited with Amanda and Ben Bennett at the sale in Lebanon April 17.


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Vol. 19 • Issue 3 • May/June 2011

Vol. 19 • Issue 3 • May/June 2011

North Dakota Limousin Producers Travel to the Pacific Rim North Dakota Beef Commission Chairman Jerry Effertz and his wife and Heartland board m e m b e r, N o r m a , o f Ve l v a participated in a U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF) sponsored Market Expo to Japan and Taiwan February 27March 5, 2011. *Jerry wrote the following article outlining the highlights of the trip.

Even with the tragic events of the recent earthquake and tsunami, Japanese citizens continue to demand U.S. beef. The U.S. market share of beef exports to Japan grew by over 2.5% from 2009 to 2010 reaching value levels not seen since before the markets were closed to U.S. beef in 2003 after the discovery of BSE in a dairy cow in Washington state. Beef export values have seen even more dramatic increases as January 2011 beef exports to Japan amounted to a 72% increase in tons and 75% increase in value over one year ago. We visited retailers, wholesalers, and importers. There is no question consumers want to buy U.S. beef because of its high quality and it is affordable. Increasing costs of seafood is changing the Japanese diet to more meat products and the domestic beef market is shrinking as Japanese farmers and ranchers are aging, along with facing increased pressure from environmental and development issues. With a 2010 GDP of $6.6 trillion (U.S. dollars) and a per capita net income of $40,000, there is an increasing desire by the Japanese to experience high quality U.S. beef while dining at a restaurant. “The Japanese were wonder-

Jerry and Norma Effertz visited Japan with the North Dakota Beef Commission delegation.

ful hosts and we enjoyed some of the best USDA prime rib-eye steak during a visit to a Tokyo restaurant,” said Norma. The Japanese beef market is not without competition, as Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Mexico and others are aggressively pursuing the market opportunities of the Asian countries. During a visit to Nihon Butsuryu, the largest cold storage in Japan, market expo participants got to see first-hand the unloading U.S. boxed beef. The U.S. really has a corner on the quality beef market, as the boxed beef we were able to observe is the same high quality loins and prime cuts received by our local grocery stores in North Dakota. While the Australians provide an overwhelming volume

of beef to Japan, they do not compete in the quality and consistency of U.S. beef. The Taiwanese market has seen a similar growth. The U.S. share of the Taiwan beef market has grown to over 35% during 2010 and was on a steady incline, when the Taiwan government put a stop to all U.S. beef imports due to detection of residues of ractopamine. Ractopamine hydrochloride is the active ingredient in the swine feed drug Paylean and the beef product, Optaflexx. Both products are manufactured by Elanco Animal Health and were approved by the


U.S. FDA in June of 2003 as a feed additive. While there are no references to specific human health concerns, a number of countries including China and Taiwan have raised issues expressing their desire to not import beef from animals fed ractopamine. “The U.S. government is strongly urging Taiwan authorities to establish a tolerance level for ractopamine that is consistent with science-based standards and enables Taiwan consumers to continue to have access to high-quality U.S. beef and beef products,” stated John D. Brewer, administer of the USDA in response to a letter addressed to Secretary Vilsack by Jerry March 7, 2011 concerning the ractopamine issue. The U.S. Meat Export Federation is supported by producers of beef, pork, lamb, corn, and soybeans through check-off dollars. USMEF estimates that approximately 470 million bushels of corn and 80 million bushels of soybeans were exported through U.S. red meat in 2010. USMEF has offices world-wide and continue to aggressively promote U.S. beef. We were able to observe in person, in grocery stores, restaurants, and with consumers the outstanding job being done by USMEF staff. Producers can be very pleased in the efficient and effective manner check-off dollars are being utilized to promote out beef.

Application for Membership

The Heartland Limousin Association is comprised of Limousin breeders including the states of IA, KS, MN, MO, NE, ND, SD & WI. Name__________________________________________________ Address________________________________________________ City/State/Zip____________________________________________ Phone/Email_ ___________________________________________ Most used herd prefix assigned by NALF______________________

The undersigned herein applies for membership in the HLA with all rights and privileges outlined in the HLA constitution and bylaws.

Meat hanging in the Morning Street Market in Taipei, Taiwan.

Signature_______________________________________________ Please make checks payable to the HLA, clip and return this membership application & $50 to: Dean Summerbell, HLA 23244 Gopher Dr, East Bethel, MN 55005

Junior Beat


Vol. 19 • Issue 3 • May/June 2011

Missouri Juniors Jordan, & Jodee Mudd and Brooke Heavin sell raffle tickets to Jerry Carnes of Diamond MO at the Missouri banquet April 16.

Heartland Limousin Association Junior Regional Show June 3-4 The 2011 Heartland Limousin Association Junior Regional Show will be held June 3-4 at the Dunn County Fairgrounds in Menomonie, Wisconsin. The entry form was printed in the March/April issue of the Heart Beat. It is not too late to send in your registration. Entry fees can be sent to NALF until May 2, 2011 for a fee of $25. Forms can also be found on the HLA website: www.heartlandlimousin.org or on Limousin Live website: www. limousinlive.com. Late entries are taken up to the time of checkin at noon June 3 for a fee of $30 per head. Cattle may arrive Thursday, June 2 but they can’t go in the barn until Friday morning. Check-in will begin at noon with a junior meeting and games to follow. The Limousin Association of Wisconsin will host a welcome

dinner on Friday evening at 6:00 p.m. on the fairgrounds. This is a “come-as-you-are” event and we invite all juniors, their families and friends and all Limousin enthusiasts to attend this dinner. The show will begin at 9:00 a.m. Saturday, June 4 with the steer show, bulls, bred-andowned, owned females, best pair of females and showmanship. The HLA will follow NALJA rules on fitting – the use of adhesives is optional. The headquarters hotel is the Quality Inn in Menomonie. Ask for the HLA rate when making reservations at 715/233-1500. Meals will be provided throughout the weekend. The regional show is a great opportunity for juniors to showcase their cattle and get to know young people from across the Heartland.

Nicole Smith Receives Top Livestock Award The Ransom County, North Dakota 4-H livestock judging team placed first in the senior division of the J.H. Shepperd livestock judging contest at the North Dakota Winter Show in Valley City. Among the team members was Nicole Smith, daughter of Limousin breeders Daran and Deb Sagvold of McLeod, ND. The team received plaques from the ND Stockmen’s Association. Nicole also received the Mel Kirkeide Award as the top livestock judger with the high individual score. She received a plaque sponsored by the ND Winter Show. Livestock judging consists of

evaluating classes of four animals and ranking them based on conformation and how they will fulfill a role in a given production scenario. Contestants defend their placing with oral reasons.

Was the chili too much for Dylan Keyes at the Wisconsin State Sale? Hunter Sybesma has been to “Mr. Zorek’s” sale three years in a row to buy bulls with his Papa Ron and Nonnie Shirley Doud and loves it every time. He also loved the “burgers and two cans of pop!” He is the son of Heidi Sybesma.

Sisters enjoying the Cattlemen’s Classic in Kearney, NE were Ashlyn and Caitlyn Ochsner of Kersey, CO.

Three Border Collie pups were a big hit at the Wisconsin State Sale. All three were sold to families attending the sale.

Five year old Rayden Haak and four year old Memphis Peteson relax after the Peterson L7 Bar sale in Pukwana, SD.

Vol. 19 • Issue 3 • May/June 2011

New friends Kaylen Schilling of Edson and Ashley Schrag of Mound Ridge, KS enjoy each others company at the KLBA Sale in Salina.

Carly and Parker Henderson of Wellsville, MO attended the Heart of Missouri/ Missouri Limousin Breeders Sale in Lebanon April 17, 2011.

Missouri Junior Limousin officers. (L to R) Dalton Edwards, Vice President, Jodee Mudd, Princess, Scott Edwards, Jr. Advisor, Drake Wood, Treasurer, Cody Heavin, Director, Brooke Heavin, Princess, Shelby Skinner, President, Jordan Mudd, Secretary, and Brooke Edwards Junior Advisor.

Laura Bachmeier Livin’ It Up In Leon, Iowa Nearing the end of the summer of 2010, before I traveled 250 miles from the suburbs of Apple Valley, Minnesota to Fargo, North Dakota to begin my freshman year in college at North Dakota State University majoring in animal science and a minor in biotechnology, I had the opportunity to learn about another Limousin families operation. In the spring of 2010, I was awarded the Heartland Limousin Scholarship. Part of the requirements in receiving the scholarship was to learn more about another Limousin operation. Being a smaller scaled Limousin entrepreneur in beef production, I opted to choose a larger one. In the fall, I traveled south to Leon, Iowa for a few days to learn about the Linhart Limousin family’s operation. Specifically, I was interested in learning more about their breeding operation, selection of particular sires, and preparation for a sale. On the first day of my journey, I first received a tour of the farm. Immediately, I noticed the hilly pastures and bumpy terrain the cattle grazed on. I’m used to flat land, full of trees and houses on every block. Riding on the gator through the grass observing the cattle was definitely a bumpy ride. This is where I began learning about what Linharts desire in their cattle. They require cattle that are sound, and can step out on a large foot to be able to get from place to place. Additionally, they want calves that will mature quickly, have the proper amount of muscling and well suited EPD’s, as well as have eye appeal.

Not only does the family raise high quality livestock, but they own a molasses lick tub plant. The entire process of the molasses plant tour was very interesting, since I’ve only ever been to grain elevators, so this was new to me. There are two separate buildings, one that houses the dry materials such as feather meal, and then the actual plant where the molasses was processed and put into certain tubs depending on the specific molasses being made for a particular species. Along with touring the plant, David showed me a program that helps determine the amount of nutrients needed for a consumer’s specific order. The following day consisted of me helping to feed the cattle in the morning, and bringing in the show cattle, along with cattle that would be in their fall sale. It really amazed me how much hard work and effort that Linhart’s put towards the livestock, which I appreciate. But in the end it all pays off. As the show cattle were brought in from the pasture each morning for their daily routine, they immediately knew where to be stalled. The tameness in the


cattle amazed me by the routine that was done the same each day. First, they were haltered, given feed, watered, tied close to an hour multiple times, rinsed with water and soap, and air dried in front of a fan. On one particular day, the family wanted to photograph a few calves that would be featured in their fall sale. This is where their herdsman Ryan taught me some of the techniques he uses to get an excellent shot of the cattle for buyers to see in their fall sale catalog. Personally, I was interested in learning more about photographing the sale cattle because I have always had an interest in photography. In the

past I’ve taken photos of my cattle and entered a few to be published such as making the cover for Limousin World in 2009, and entering another photo for the 2010 NALJA photo contest. With some experience under my belt, I first learned to set the cattle up at a slight angle to make the animal appear longer bodied and enable to display a level topline. Also, I understood to be a proper distance away and at a slight angle to really capture the muscle the Limousin

breed offers. Charles showed me a very unique record program for the families cattle data and records. It’s a computer program that allows the family to enter in each head of cattle, their gestation cycle, their sire and dam and other EPD’s that the family may specifically test for. It’s also a good way to have a second record and an organized way to keep good track of your herd. Really what I thought works well for this family is each member brings a particular skill to the operation that makes them so successful. Primarily, David Linhart is the nutritionist, Charles Linhart manages the breeding program, Ryan Johnson excels in fitting the cattle and photographing them, and Aaron Linhart is the showman. The remaining family lends support to the Linhart operation. Ultimately, during my stay with the Linhart’s, I gained a lot of valuable knowledge that I can use in my own personal beef herd, but also information that affects the Limousin breed and the beef industry as a whole. With the aid of this scholarship, I will be able to enhance my knowledge and understanding, along with experience to assist me in my education and Limousin herd. Thank you to the Linhart family for giving me an opportunity to learn more about their Limousin operation. Thank you to the Heartland Limousin Association for the Scholarship too. It will help me to enhance my education, and reach my Limousin herd goals. Laura Bachmeier


Vol. 19 • Issue 3 • May/June 2011

Wisconsin State News ...

New Location for Annual Meeting, Banquet and Benefit Auction Members of the Limousin Association of Wisconsin traveled to Sparta for their annual meeting, banquet and benefit auction Saturday, March 5, 2011. The festivities were held at a new location, Club 16 in Sparta. Everyone enjoyed the delicious prime rib dinner with all the trimmings. The evening began with a time to socialize, get to know new members and rekindle old friendships. Following the meal, President Wayne Peterson welcomed the large crowd of Limousin enthusiasts. He introduced the recipient of the “Commercial Producer of the Year” award Roger Stolt of Campbellsport, WI. Amy Mitchell, junior advisor, presented the “Outstanding Junior” award to Jordyn Keyes and the Jackpot Award to Hunter Fredrickson. We look forward to

Wisconsin Limousin Association president Wayne Peterson of Osceola, WI conducted the annual meeting at the Wisconsin banquet in Sparta March 5.

seeing these juniors exhibit their cattle at the summer shows. Gary Ellsworth auctioned off part of the items for the benefit auction. Besides the cattle sup-

Wisconsin Junior Limousin members attending the Wisconsin annual meeting and banquet in Sparta.

plies and semen, there was also a handmade afghan, a Limousin wall hanging, Amy’s famous cheesecake, and 15 barbed wire table centerpieces. Those were just a few of the items on the auction. The highlight was the wire sculpture of the two bulls from the NALF logo. Roger and Ellie Stolt of Campbellsport, WI had the final bid on this unique item. Thanks to everyone who donated and purchased items at the benefit auction. We appreciate your support of the junior and senior associations. Junior News The junior association held a meeting prior to the banquet March 5. Junior advisor Amy

Wisconsin junior advisor Amy Mitchell congratulated Jordyn Keyes of Knapp upon being named the Wisconsin “Outstanding Junior Exhibitor”.

Junior advisor Amy Mitchell congratulated Hunter Fredrickson of Independence, WI upon winning the Wisconsin Limousin Association’s jackpot award with his heifer purchased at the 2010 State Sale.

Mitchell gave an update on upcoming shows. Wisconsin will serve as the host state for the Heartland Junior Regional Show June 3-4, 2011 at the Dunn County Fairgrounds in Menomonie. Much discussion took place concerning the details for the weekend. The Wisconsin juniors will also hold their field day immediately following the HLA regional show. We hope to have a large group of juniors take place in the regional show, the WI junior field day and the Wisconsin State Fair junior show. Contact Amy Mitchell at 605/553-8070 for more information on any of these events.

Roger and Ellie Stolt named WI Commercial Producer for 2011

Roger and Ellie Stolt of Olympic Beef, Campbellsport, Wisconsin were awarded the Commercial Producer of the Year plaque at the Wisconsin State Limousin Sale held in Sparta on March 6, 2011. The Stolts have been using Limousin bulls since 1992 when they bought a select group of Limousin heifers and a bull from Beals Limousin. Since then, they have continued their commercial herd using bulls purchased from various producers including Mill Road, Meadow-West, Potterosa, Flock Limousin, and Ellsworth Limousin. They have a hay-grass operation that supports a spring-calving herd and they start calving the end of March. They sell their production privately as bulls, club steers,

HLA Executive Secretary Dean Summerbell congratulated Roger and Ellie Stolt of Campbellsport, WI upon receiving the 2011 Wisconsin Commercial Producer of the Year award at the Wisconsin State Sale in Sparta.

and butcher beef. They have a growing meat supply business,

maintaining a repeat customer list which enjoys the Olympic grain

finishing taste of Limousin. Their Limousin-crossed club projects have won several carcass contests in their area. Their top heifers are used as replacement females for the herd and the rest of the production is sold at Equity Livestock in Lomira, WI and traditionally tops the market. In addition to their cattle operation, the Stolts family have a propane distribution truck line which hauls from the pipeline terminal to distribution points in Wisconsin. Roger and Ellie have resided in Campbellsport for 43 years and have four grown children. Congratulations to Roger and Ellie Stolt, Olympic Beef for receiving the Commercial Producer of the Year award.

Vol. 19 • Issue 3 • May/June 2011


Limousin Association of Wisconsin Holds 2011 State Sale in Sparta

The Limousin Association of Wisconsin held their annual meeting, benefit auction and state sale the weekend of March 4-5, 2011 in Sparta, Wisconsin. The sale took place at the Equity Livestock Auction facility on Sunday, March 6, 2011. A sunny day greeted consignors and buyers alike as a large crowd of Limousin enthusiasts attended the 1:00 p.m. sale. The top-selling bull was MRL Xtra Point 021X, a 3/25/10 double black, double polled son of CTCA Buckeye Bull 8261E out of MRL Sushi 612S consigned by Mill Road Limousin of Knapp, WI. Jason and Amy Boyer of Mormon Trail Limousin, Weldon, IA held the final bid of $4,200. The second high-selling bull was Spring Creeks U Waters 0282X, a 4/2/10 black, homozygous polled son of Wulf’s Uncharted Waters out of Wulf’s Klara 0282K consigned by Spring Creeks Cattle Co. of Wauzeka, WI and purchased by Robert Hammel of Spring Grove, MN for $3,200. Joe Shere of Embarrass, MN purchased BBLM Red X 550X, a

Brent Sander of Boscobel, WI purchased several lots at the Wisconsin State Sale.

Volume buyers at the Wisconsin State Sale were Mike Burrichter of Dorchester, IA and Robert and Kandice Hammel and family (11 month twins Lauren and Logan and big sister Kylie and new puppy) of Spring Grove, MN.

Consignor Jeff Keyes of Mill Road Limousin, Knapp, WI appreciated Dennis Karlsbroten, K-Twilite Limousin of Decorah, IA and Jason Boyer (right), Mormon Trail Limousin of Weldon, IA for their purchases of Mill Road bulls. Boyer purchased the top-selling bull.

red, double polled son of Wulf’s Urban Cowboy 2149U out of Beaver Brook Paris 252P consigned by Beaver Brook Farm of Shell Lake, WI for $3,000. Gary Ludeking of Tomah, WI paid $2,900 for TPBR X-Factor, a 3/16/10 double black, double polled son of MAGS Unvalued out of RFBL Sixty Four consigned by Toberman Cattle Co. of Eastman, WI. Two bulls were purchased for $2,750. Glenn Treftz of Wetonka, SD purchased JBV Lombardi, a 2/22/09 red, homozygous polled son of OKLF Linebacker out of JBV

Dan and Mary Elliott of Beaver Brook Farm thanked the 2011 Commercial Producer of the Year award recipient Roger Stolt and wife Ellie for their purchases of two of the Elliot consigned lots at the Wisconsin State sale

Tara consigned by Venner Limousin of Breda, IA. David Applegren of Ashland, WI purchased the Beaver Brook consignment of BBLM Black Xact 555X, a 4/18/10 double black, double polled son of ROMN Tow Truck 111T out of Beaver Brook 350S. The top-selling open heifer was TWILITE Xtoll X129, a 3/12/10 red, double polled daughter of ROMN Made to Order out of TWILITE Moola 295M consigned by K-Twilite Limousin of Decorah, IA and purchased by Paul Hamman

Kim Jorae of Badger Hill Limousin of Hammond, WI thanked Jason Moots of Dubuque, MN for purchasing one of his high-selling females.

of Fountain, MN for $3,000. Beaver Brook consigned the top-selling bred female. BBLM Tangaray 395T, a 3/28/07 double black, polled daughter of Wulf’s Leverage 9285L out of Beaver Brook 261P and bred to ROMN Tow Truck sold to Joe Shere for $3,100. Roger Stolt of Campbellsport, WI purchased Beaver Brook 350S, a 3/29/06 black, double polled daughter of Carrousel’s Pure Power out of Carrousel’s Miss Daisey and bred to ROMN Tow Truck consigned by Beaver Brook for $2,650 The volume buyers were Mike Burrichter of Dorchester, IA and Brent Sander of Boscobel, WI who each purchased five head.

Averages: 26 Bulls..........................................$2,382 19 Bred females..............................2,026 11 Open females.............................1,665 Auctioneer: Joel Edge Sale Management: Deb Garrett

Dan and Mary Elliott of Beaver Brook Farms, Shell Lake, WI appreciated Joe Shere of Embarrass, MN who purchased the two top-selling bred females and a high-selling bull from the Elliotts.

“Back in Time”

These two distinguished looking gentlemen were pioneers in the Limousin breed. Their picture can be found in the book “The History of Limousin in North America”.

Do you know the answers to these questions? 1.) What are their names? 2.) What were their titles? Answers on page 36.


Vol. 19 • Issue 3 • May/June 2011

Iowa State News... Thank You

The Iowa Limousin Association would like to thank everyone who helped with the 35th annual Iowa Beef Expo in Des Moines February 15-16, 2011. We appreciate the support of the consignors, buyers, and all who assisted with the events surrounding the Expo. It takes a lot of volunteers to put on an event of this size, and we want to thank those who helped with the check-in, set-up, the social, and the chili lunch. Junior Field Day The 2011 Iowa Junior Field Day will be held the weekend of June 25-26 at the Clark Co. Fairgrounds in Osceola, Iowa. Linhart Limousin of Leon and Jason & Amy Boyer of Weldon will serve as the hosts for the event. Everyone is invited to come to the fairgrounds at 6:00 p.m. Saturday, June 25 for a Limousin barbecue. We hope to have a large group of Limousin enthusiasts and their families attend and enjoy a time to have a delicious supper and socialize. The meal is sponsored by the Iowa Limousin Association. The show will begin at 10:00 a.m. Sunday. There will be a special “Futurity Heifer” class for animals purchased from an Iowa Limousin Association member who resides in Iowa. Cash prizes will be prorated back to the participants. Rooms have been reserved at America’s Best Value Inn in Osceola. The rate is $60.48 for a king bed and $62.72 for two full-

size beds (rate includes tax). Call 641/342-2123 and ask for the ILA rate when making reservations. There is no pool at this hotel; however, there is an Aquatics Center in town. For further information contact IJLA president Amanda Lindsey at 712/330-7872 or you can call Grant and Brenda Anderson at 641/587-2198 or send an email to ganderson@comm1.net. Iowa Junior Beef Expo Show The Iowa Beef Expo Junior Show was held on February 19, 2011 at the state fairgrounds in Des Moines. Taking home grand champion honors in the Limousin Market Heifer class was Justin Gillette of Ames. Colby Sorenson of Walnut exhibited the reserve champion. Christian Danker of Avoca exhibited the grand champion Limousin Breeding Heifer. Mara Anderson of Garner took home the reserve champion banner. Zach Greiman of Garner was grand champion with his LimFlex heifer. State Fair Mark your calendars for August 13-15, 2011. Those are the dates for the Limousin portion of the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines. The show will be held Monday, August 13. We hope to have a large show again this year. The deadline for entering is July 1st. For more information, check out the website for the fair – www. iowastatefair.org. Hall of Fame The ILA is starting a “Hall of

ILA President Jason Boyer of Weldon, IA presented the “Seed Stock Producer of the Year Award” to David and Charles Linhart of Linhart Limousin, Leon, IA.

ILA President Jason Boyer thanked Dwayne Faidley of Des Moines for serving three terms on the Iowa Limousin Association board of directors.

Fame” program. We believe that there are several Iowa Limousin producers from the past that were instrumental in developing our breed and association. It is only appropriate to recognize them for their dedication and service. Contact Jason Boyer, ILA president, or any member of the ILA board of directors for more information. Membership Dues If you are a junior showing a Limousin, Lim-Flex steer or heifer you must be a member of the Iowa Junior Limousin Association to receive any IJBBA points. Memberships are only $5.00. As a member you will also be informed of the current Limousin shows taking place in our state and region as well as current Limousin junior news. Memberships in the senior association are $50 and can be paid to Grant Anderson, secretary/treasurer. His address is 1820 180th Street, Garner, IA 50438. By be-

Iowans Bruce Walrod of Moorland and Don Faidley of Colfax both purchased bulls at the Symens Bros. Sale in Amherst February 24.

ing a member, you are supporting the promotion of the Limousin breed in our state and region. You will also receive the latest newsletters and correspondence affiliated with the ILA.

Our sympathy is extended to Shane and Jordan (Straight) Muxfeldt of Logan, Iowa on the death of their 21-month-old son Westyn Jay. Westyn lost his battle with Tay-Sachs March 16, 2011 and services were held March 19 at the Christian Church in Logan. Westyn touched many lives in the short time he was with us. He loved being in the water, going for rides, and attending cattle shows. He enjoyed spending time with his cousins on the farm. He is survived by his parents, grandparents Jay and Lori Straight and Scott and Leah Muxfeldt, all of Logan as well as his greatgrandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and many other relatives.

Vol. 19 • Issue 3 • May/June 2011

Iowa Beef Expo Improves Average Over 2010 In one of the premier livestock events in the Midwest, the Iowa Beef Expo held each February on the Iowa State Fairgrounds commanded a significant increase in the average price over the 2010 sale. The overall average was approximately $800 more than last year. Twenty breeders from five states brought their cattle to Des Moines for the Limousin sale held February 16, 2011. A full crowd was on hand to enjoy the traditional chili lunch served prior to the sale. The cattle were sold into twelve states. A partial sale order was determined by Judge Jon DeClerck, the Iowa State University Livestock Judging Coach. The show was held the day before the sale, February 15. In addition, the cattle were paraded and shown on www.LiveAuctions. TV.

Marsha Schilling and son Chance of Edson, KS appreciated Brad Schutt of Alden, IA who purchased their high-selling bull at the Iowa Beef Expo.

The top-selling bull was Schilling’s Willie, a 2/26/09 homozygous black, polled son of DHVO Trey 133R out of CRSL Roxie 5050R consigned by Schilling Limousin of Edson, KS. Brad Schutt of Alden, Iowa held the final bid of $8,000 after rigorous bidding. Rod Vogel of Bloomville, Ohio purchased VL Xpert, a 2/12/10 red, homozygous polled son of RUNL Travis 332T out of VL Umay con-

The champion purebred bull, exhibited by Straight Limousin of Logan, IA, was SL Rockstar, a 3/11/10 red, homozygous polled son of GTBR Undertaker 6U out of JSTH Angels Centerfold.

signed by Vorthmann Limousin of Treynor, IA for $5,250. Butler Limousin of Lacona, IA consigned the third and fourth highselling bulls at the IBE Limousin sale. JWBL XXL 2X, a 3/11/10 double black, double polled son of GTBR Undertaker 6U out of JWBL Cow 37U brought $5,100 from Wulf Limousin Farms of Morris, MN.

ning’s J Bar J Ranch, Lebanon, MO purchased CJSL 013X, a 1/23/10 black, homozygous polled son of ROMN Made to Order out of MAGS Nedda 141N consigned by Linhart Limousin of Leon, IA for $4,800. Also bringing $4,800 was Sprng CRKS Armadillo 005X, a 4/3/10 homozygous black, double polled Lim-Flex 50 percent son of EXAR 263C out of YKSY Magic Touch 005L. Dave Leih of New Virginia, IA purchased the bull consigned by Spring Creeks Cattle Co. of Wauzeka, WI.

John Symens of Symens Bros. Limousin, Amherst, SD had the final bid on the champion Limousin female consigned by Venner Limousin of Breda, IA. JBV Cheerleader 907W, a 2/8/09 black, homozygous polled daughter of RMKR Goaline 441N out of JBV Vixie 703T and bred to User Friendly brought $3,600.

Jerry Effertz of Velva, ND and Cookie Nielson of Arlington, SD teamed up to purchase one of Chet Butler’s consigned GTBR Undertaker bulls.

Jerry Effertz of Black Butte Acres, Velva, ND and Cookie Nielson of ROM’N Limousin, Arlington, SD teamed up to buy JWBL Xcellency 52X, a 4/15/10 red, double polled son of GTBR Undertaker 6U out of JWBL Princess 42L consigned by Butler Limousin for $4,900. Jack Glendenning of Glenden-


Tom English of Bernard, IA and Jim Wulf of Morris, MN were volume buyers at the Expo, each purchasing five lots.

Jim and Becky Venner of Breda, IA appreciated the winning bid for their grand champion female from John Symens of Symens Brothers, Amherst, SD. Averages: 45 Bulls..........................................$2,980 15 Females......................................2,477 Total: 60 Lots...........................................$2,854 Auctioneer: C.K. “Sonny” Booth Sale Management: Iowa Limousin Association

The reserve champion Limousin female was SL Sweet Centerfold, a 1/5/10 black, homozygous polled daughter CFLX Wild Card out of JSTH Angels Centerfold consigned by Straight Limousin of Logan, IA. She brought $3,650 from Shelby Nekola of Tama, IA. Joel Edge of West Liberty, IA and HLA Board Director Bruce Walrod of Moorland, IA discuss the Iowa Beef Expo Sale in the Beef Barn at Des Moines.

Chet Butler of Butler Limousin, Lacona, IA thanked Jim Wulf of Morris, MN for his purchase of the Butler consigned GTBR Undertaker son. With Jim Wulf was Todd Anderson, an intern from Australia.

Dave Leih of Leih Limousin, New Virginia, IA and Glenda Sieren of Hedrick, IA purchased one of the consigned bulls from Bart Mitchell of Spring Creeks Limousin, Wauzeka, WI.

The champion Lim-Flex bull was CELL 004X, a 2/2/10 homozygous black, homozygous polled 50 percent son of ROMN Made to Order out of MAGS Trumpet Vine exhibited by Linhart Limousin of Leon, IA.

See you at the Summer Shows!


Vol. 19 • Issue 3 • May/June 2011

“Winner Takes Em’ All” Bred Heifer Raffle Only 777 tickets – 1/3 already gone!

The drawing will take place Feb. 15, 2012 at the Iowa Beef Expo in Des Moines, Iowa. Pictures & pedigrees of the 7 heifers are available at Raffle heifers have been donated by Anderson Limousin, www.iowalimousin.org. Tickets can be purchased by filling out Linhart Limousin, Vorthmann Limousin, Straight the form below and sending a check payable to the Iowa Limousin Limousin/Kline Cattle Co., Etherton Farms, Pinegar Association. Once payment is received, tickets are mailed back as Limousin and Magness Land & Cattle Co. confirmation. For more info. contact Grant Anderson 641-587-2198.

Tickets are $100 – Winning ticket will recieve 7 bred Limousin/Lim-Flex heifers.

All proceeds will help support the juniors at the 2012 NALJA Show in Des Moines, Iowa.

Raffle Tickets for Sale

The Iowa Limousin Association wants to remind the Heartland Limousin breeders that all proceeds from this raffle will help support the juniors at the 2012 NALJA Show in Des Moines, Iowa. “This raffle is our primary source of funds for the National Show. The Heartland’s support of this raffle will ensure a grand Limousin event in the Heartland region”, says Anderson. Only 777 tickets will be sold with 1/3 of them gone already! The ILA board has set a goal to have a majority of these tickets sold by the end of this summer. “I think a lot of supporters feel there is plenty of time to purchase tickets, but I highly encourage them to get their tickets now so they don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity,” reports Roger Vorthmann, ILA director. The cost of each ticket is $100 with the grand prize being seven bred Limousin/Lim-Flex heifers. Heifers for this raffle have been donated by Anderson Limousin, Linhart Limousin, Vorthmann Limousin, Straight Limousin/ Kline Cattle Co., Etherton Farms, Pinegar Limousin and Magness Land and Cattle Co. The drawing will take place Feb. 15, 2012 at the Iowa Beef Expo in Des Moines, Iowa. Pictures and pedigree information of the seven heifers are available by visiting www.iowalimousin.org. For more information please contact Grant Anderson 641587-2198.

Send To: Iowa Limousin Association C/O Grant Anderson 1820 180th St. Garner, IA 50438

Name___________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________ Phone #_________________________________________________ Number of Tickets________x $100 =______________

New Young Bulls at AHCC Xplain This X595 (B,HomoP)........... $40 AHCC Wood Mountain 796W (B,P)............ $30 DLVL Xerox 023X (B,HomoP)...................... $30 HUNT Xclaim 71X (LF,B,HomoP)................ $30 LOHE Xavier Love 005X (B,P)..................... $30 MRL X-Rated 014X (B, HomoP).................. $40 Richmond Xander SRD 22X (R,HomoP)..... $30 ROMN Xpect More 100X (B,HomoP).......... $40 ROMN Xpress Lane 101X (B,HomoP)......... $30 Wulfs Xcellsior X252X (R,HomoP)............... $40 Wulfs Xtractor X233X (B,HomoP)............... $50 WZRK Titus Temptation (B,HomoP)........... $30

DLVL Xerox 23X (B,HomoP) ..............................


COLE Thunder 110T X DLVL Sky 605S CE:12 (.14) BW:1.0 (.33) WW:50 (.26) YW:90 (.11) MA:18 (.13) CM:6 (.13) SC:0.9 (0.9) ST:N/A DC:31 (0.11) CW:35 (P) RE:.62 (P) YG:-.14 (P) MS:.03 (P) $MI:47 A slightly different twist on this pedigree, Xerox looks to offer style and function to your breeding program. Add a plus to your marbling scores with this docile, good scrotal bull.


ROMN Made to Order (R,P)......................... $60 (Limited Amount on first come basis) RUNL Stetson 850S (B,P).............................. $40 (Offered under a new ownership)

LIMIGENE CATALOG Need a new catalog please e-mail or call we are missing your RIGHT address. SUPPLEMENT ISSUE To recieve this later mailing please e-mail judy@limigene.com or call 1-800-722-2079

ROMN Xpress Lane 101X (B,HomoP)...........$30

Wulfs Titus 1249T X ROMN Pamela 13P CE:7 (.16) BW:3.4 (.35) WW:63 (.29) YW:106 (.18) MA:25 (.13) CM:5 (.13) SC:0.8 (.16) ST:N/A DC:18 (P) CW:50 (P) RE:.89 (P) YG:-0.17 (P) MS:-0.11 (P) SIM:46 Out of the popular Titus sire, this young bull is a performance oriented, big scrotal prospect with a strong maternal line going back to Made to Order. Look to this attractive, deep bodied fella to do the same for your program.

FOR THE LATEST, BEST SIRE FACTS www.limigene.com TO GET FIRST HAND INFORMATION Call Herman @ 1-877-722-2079

Herman & Judy Symens 605/698-3087 1 (800) 722-2079 www.limigene.com bulls@limigene.com

Richmond Xander SRD 22X (R,P).......... $40

RPY Paynes Marathon 47U X Richmond Twist SRD 22T CE:3.0 (.12) BW:5.2 (.30) WW:51 (.16) YW:88 (.09) MA:27 (.08) CM:5 (.10) SC:0.9 (P) CW: N/A RE: N/A YG:N/A MS:N/A $MT: N/A The true outcross the breed has been waiting for! Xander was the 2011 high-selling bull at Richmond Ranch annual sale in Rumsey AB. If you like a sire that’s chock-full of muscle, stout and full of performance, as well as being unrelated to anything in the breed, take note of Xander.


Vol. 19 • Issue 3 • May/June 2011

South Dakota News ... State Fair Set for Huron The South Dakota State Fair Limousin open show will be held Friday, September 2, 2011 in Huron. The open show takes place in the morning followed by the Junior “Special” show. We hope you will mark your calendars for this annual event. A hamburger fry with all the trimmings will be served to exhibitors, their families, and Limousin enthusiasts who are in attendance at the show. We appreciate the support of everyone who enters cattle in the show or who travel to Huron to watch the show. The 2011 fair will run from Thursday, September 1 through Labor Day, September 5. For more information on state fair events, contact the fair office at 800/529-0900 or visit the website

grounds in Huron. The show will be part of the “Summer Spotlight Show”. Contact Kyle Stern, junior advisor, at 605/881-9344 for more information about this show or other junior activities. 50th Anniversary We want to wish Bob and Elaine Yackley a very happy 50th wedding anniversary. They are


having an open house Saturday, May 7, 2011. It will be held at the Phoenix Center on Main Street in Onida. Everyone is invited to attend this special event. If you are unable to come, anniversary wishes can be sent to them at 616 S. 6th Street, Onida, South Dakota 57564.

Cruise to the Eastern U.S. Virgin Islands; and Grand Caribbean Turk, Turks and Caicos Islands. Happy 70th Elaine!

www.sdstatefair.com. Junior Field Day The SD junior field day will take place Saturday, July 30, 2011 at the South Dakota State Fair-

Mark your calendars for the week of January 15, 2012 for another fun-filled Heartland Limousin Association cruise. We will be traveling to the Eastern Caribbean on the Ruby Princess. The ship sails and returns to the port at Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Stops will be made at Princess Cays in the Bahamas, St. Maartin, Netherlands Antilles; St. Thomas,

Lay out the Red Carpet

The price is very reasonable, around $700 for an inside cabin. There are outside cabins and balconies available as well. Please contact Paulette Fleming, cruise counselor at 651/6333591 or 651/233-0991 to book your cabin or for more information. You can also contact her by email at: flemingcruises@msn. com.

Proud to announce our newest addition,

Richmond XANDER SRD 22X.

We imported this highly sought after homozygous polled bull from the renowned Richmond Ranch of Alberta, Canada where he topped their sale. We are very excited on the impact this royally bred bull with fresh genetics will leave on our herd and the Limousin breed.



Available at Limi-Gene & Treftz Limousin CE BW WW YW MA CEM SC DOC CW REA YG MB $MTI 3 5.2 51 88 27 5 .9 14 - - - - Red, Homo Polled, Homo TT gene RPY Paynes Marathon 47U x Richmond Twist SRD 22T

BW 101 Adj WW 751 (116 Ratio) Adj YW 1235 Adj SC 35.3 Frame 6.4

XANDER is homozygous (TT) for the Leptin gene. Leptin is a protein that controls fat deposit & marbling in cattle & rare in the Limousin breed. Xander brings tremendous volume, muscle shape, disposition, scrotal development, fertility, performance, carcass traits, and eye appeal all in an outcross package.

For Sale

Our entire crop of open black yearling heifers!

Xander is sired by the tremendous bull RPY Paynes Marathon 47U who is a son of the 2010 Canadian Show Sire of the Year, Anchor B The Shmooze.

RPY Paynes

Marathon 47U

Video of Richmond Xander available at Limousin Live under Featured Sires

Special thanks to all our 2011 customers!

Treftz Limousin

Glenn Treftz 605.226.2542 • cell 605.380.0014 12510 370th Ave., Wetonka, SD 57481 Email: treftz@nvc.net • www.treftzlimousin.com

Heartland 20

Vol. 19 • Issue 3 • May/June 2011

Highlights from the

The “infamous chili” line on Limousin sale day at the Iowa Beef Expo.

Order buyer Erling Olson of Dupree, SD visited with Mike Smith, president of the NALF Board of Directors at Wulf’s sale.

NALF director of commercial programs Joe Epperly visited with Austin Hager of Karlsruhe, ND at the Symens Brothers Sale.

Dale McClellan of Lantry, SD found a wanted poster. Is that really Jim Schott before the trip to the dentist?

NLA president Gerald Gustafson of West Point, NE and NALF board president Mike Smith of Plainville, KS visited at the Cattlemen’s Classic in Kearney.

We think Ed Ritt of O’Neill, NE talked Limousin genetics with Glenn Treftz of Wetonka, SD at the Symens Bros. sale in Amherst. However, it may have been Curious George’s owner.

Dean Summerbell thanked Dan Hunt of Oxford, Ne for his six years of service to the HLA Board of Directors.

WLA President Wayne Peterson appreciated HLA President Ed Bergler of Dakota, MN and son Luke attending the Wisconsin State Sale in Sparta.

HLA Board Director Rick Little of Eldon, MO and his wife Susan were consignors to the Heart of Missouri/ MLBA American Pie Sale in Lebanon, MO .

Bob & Euvonne Wies of St. Charles, MO attended the Heart of Missouri/ Missouri Breeders Association Sale in Lebanon, MO April 17.

Jim Schott of McLaughlin SD and Butch Jochim of Selfridge, ND took in the Dakota Connection sale in Bismarck.

Great-great grandmother Fern was hand to watch great-great grandson Dakota to get two heifers at the GV sale. Grandson Jeff Manspeaker of Garnett was the driver.

Soup and sandwiches were on the menu on Thursday night for those viewing the cattle and attending the seminar the night before the Wulf sale.

Vol. 19 • Issue 3 • May/June 2011


Scott Edmondson of McLaughlin, SD; Herman Symens The presale lunch at the Wulf Opportunity Sale near Morris. of Sisseton, SD; Stan Schrock of Pattonsburg, MO; and Thank you, “Sonny” Booth, for Dean Summerbell look over the offering at Wulfs. auctioning the HLA benefit. It was a very successful evening!

Leaning against the L7 quonset near Pukwana and solving the world’s problems: Bob Yackley, Herman Symens, Dean Summerbell, and John Symens.

Director of Commercial Programs Joe Epperly of NALF visited with John Tobe of KY, Stan Schrock of MO and Scott Toberman of WI at Wulf’s Opportunity Sale .

Don Faidley of Colfax, IA and Bob Bosch of Indianola, IA attended the Wieczorek Sale in Corsica February 25.

Welcome Todd Anderson of New South Wales, Australia who attended the HLA banquet in Des Moines with Jim Wulf of Morris, MN. Todd is interning with the Wulfs at their farm.

Curt Wieczorek of Mt. Vernon, SD and John Symens of Amherst, SD took in the ROM’N Limousin sale in Madison, SD.

Dean Summerbell looked intense as he followed the auction along with HLA President Ed Bergler at the Symens Brothers Sale in Amherst on February 24.

Happy Birthday flowers were given to Priscilla Schott by her family sale day in Mobridge.

Ernie and Sandy Engelking of Newkirk, OK was a purchaser of GV bulls at the GV sale in Garnett.

The Missouri banquet was a great hit for attendees. One needed a heavy jacket to look at bulls in Amherst February 24.

A standing-room only crowd at the GV Sale in Garnett, KS.

Consignors John Crow of Holt, MO visited with the Cash and Clay Schilling of Edson in Salina, KS prior The Boyer line-up of bulls March 13 near Liberty, NE drew a large crowd of commercial producers. to the KLBA Sale.


Vol. 19 • Issue 3 • May/June 2011

Heartland Sale Reports

Repeat Buyers Highlight the Boyer Limousin Sale near Liberty Jay and Carol Boyer held their 20th anniversary sale of Limousin and Lim-Flex bulls and females along with guest consignors Kostal Family Livestock and Probst Family Farms at the Boyer farm near Liberty, Nebraska March 13, 2011. A large crowd of commercial producers were on hand to evalu-

Jay Boyer appreciated Greg and son Spencer Bures of Geneva, NE who were the volume purchasers of females at the Boyer Sale.

Derek and Morgan Kostal, Adrienne, Carol, Taylor and Jay Boyer hosted their 20th annual Limousin sale at their farm near Liberty, NE.

Jay Boyer thanked John Janecek of Wilbur, NE who bought the top-selling bull plus two more at the sale.

ate and purchase the 25 bulls and 17 females. Many repeat buyers demonstrated their confidence in the Boyer offering through active bidding. The Boyers have worked through the years to improve calving ease and weaning and yearling weights along with docility and milk.

Thank You

to our

The top-selling bull was BOYERS Ridley 7104X, a 1/18/10 homozygous black, double polled son of Wulf’s Ridgley 3172R out of JTBO MS Teacup 7104 T. John Janecek of Wilbur, NE purchased the bull for $4,100. Janecek was the volume buyer of bulls purchasing three lots. Don Kostal of Odell, NE purchased the second high-selling bull. BOYER Wild Ridley 925W, a 10/9/08 homozygous black, polled

2011 Annual Bull Sale Buyers Brad Albrecht DeRungs Limousin Doug Henley Bryan Jensen Gordon Kane Tom Kayl Norris Patrick Semex Alliance Sterling Severtson

Verrick Schock Kyle Stern Ken & Kurtis Sweeter Jared Sweeter Sweeter Limousin Symens Hills Ranch Triple L Farms Tom Wiebesiek

Matt and Nick Baker of Haddam, KS purchased two high-selling bulls from Jay Boyer.

son of Wulf’s Ridgley 172R out of BOYER Selling Point 68250S for $3,600. Scott and Adam Baker of Haddam, KS purchased two bulls for $3,300 each. BOYERS Xtra Focus 7120X is a 2/17/10 homozygous black, double polled son of MYTTY In Focus out of JTBO 7120T. BOYERS Xtra Focus 636X is a homozygous black, double polled Lim-Flex 50 percent son of MYTTY In Focus out of JTBO Silver Fox 636S. Matt Ray from Hardine, NE purchased JTBO Mr. Xtra Sharp 314X, a 1/7/10 homozygous black, double polled Lim-Flex 50 percent son of HA Image Maker 0415 out of JTBO MS Ultrasonic 8138U consigned by Kostal Family Livestock for $3,100. Joe Schlosser of Shubart, NE purchased BOYER Wagon Train, a 10/15/09 homozygous black, polled son of KAJO Responder 120R out of JTBO Best Wishes 16N for $3,000. Averages: 25 Bulls . .......................................$2,332 17 Females......................................1,480 Auctioneer: Chisum Peterson

Watch for more information on our

“New Online Sale”this fall: ROM’N Limousin Spooktacular Female Sale

Selling Limousin show heifers & steers.

ROM’N Limousin

20129 450th Ave., Arlington, SD 57212 www.romnlimousin.com • romnlimo@msn.com Robert ‘Cookie’ & Mary Nielson Adam, Michelle & Greyson Nielson (605) 203-0903 (605) 203-0733 • (605) 203-0732 (605) 203-0904

Don Kostal of Odell, NE and his son Brandon purchased the top-selling fall yearling bull from Jay Boyer.

Vol. 19 • Issue 3 • May/June 2011

Heartland Sale Reports


Limousin Producers Show Confidence in Peterson’s L7 Offering The 33rd annual L7 Bar Limousin production sale was held at the Peterson ranch near Pukwana, South Dakota. The South Dakota plains were calm and sunny for the April 12, 2011 sale, quite a contrast from the blustery conditions last year. Pheasants were plentiful in the early morning warmth and conditions were perfect for commercial and seed stock producers to travel to central South Dakota. Commercial producers from Texas, Nebraska, Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota evaluated the L7 Bar Limousin offering. Three fall yearling full sibs sired by HC Final Time 407 out of L7 Chili Pepper 080K were the second and fourth top-selling bulls in the sale.

Ed Yonker of Bingham Lake, MN has attended 30 of the 32 Peterson sales. His grandnephew, Alex, painted a picture of two L7 calves laying on a hillside. Ed presented the picture to Rod and Wendy Peterson as a token of their friendship.

Allan and Richelle Williams of Franfort, SD purchased a Wulf’s Space Ship bull at the sale.

Wendy Peterson thanked Kory Standy of Platte, SD for his purchase of a high-selling bull at the sale.

Joe and Jay Wilder of J&J Livestock purchased the high-selling bull and fall heifer from the 2011 L7 Bar Sale in Pukwana.

The top-selling bull was L7 XXX 0025X, a 4/4/10 double black, double polled son of HC Final Time 407 out of Miss L7 418P. J&J Livestock of Snook, TX purchased the bull for $6,300. Ed Roster of Alexandria, SD purchased L7 Well Done 9064W, a 9/6/09 double black, double polled son of HC Final Time 972 out of L7 Chili Pepper 080K for $5,900. L7 Working Papers 9062W, a 9/5/09 double black, double polled son out of the same mating was also purchased by Roster for $5,000. Also bringing $5,000 was the

third full sib, L7 Wage Claim 9061W, a 9/2/09, red, double polled bull purchased by Kory Standy of Platte, SD. Alan Williams of Frankfort, SD purchased L7 X Out 0015X, a 3/11/10 black, polled son of Wulf’s Space Ship 3223S out of Miss L7 139L for $5,100.

J&J Livestock purchased the lone female offered by Peterson L7 Ranch. Miss L7 095X, a 9/2/10 double black, polled daughter of Wulf’s Space Ship 3223S out of Miss L7 723T brought $2,700.

Brad Bechen of Lake Andes purchased two bulls and Verlin and Duane Winckler of Wagner, SD purchased four bulls. Averages: 31 Purebred Limousin Bulls........$2,870 19 Lim-Flex....................................$2,368 1 Open female............................. $2,700 Auctioneer: C.K.”Sonny” Booth

Thank You

2011 Limousin Association of WI buyers: Joe Shere, Embarrass, MN; Roger Stolt, Campbellsport, WI; Robert Hammel, Dorchester, IA; Joan Servinsky/David Appelgren, Ashland, WI; Frank DeWitt, Ontario, WI; Bradley Kaiser, Wells, MN; Gerald Mootz, Dubuque, IA

Private Treaty Buyers:

Chisum Peterson visited with Rick King of Philip, SD who purchased two bulls from the Peterson’s. Wayne Roster of Alexandria, SD purchased two full brothers from the Peterson sale. He is pictured with his wife, Monica, his mother Kathy along with Wendy Peterson and son Cade.

Gary Ludeking, Tomah, WI; Dale Ludeking, Camp Douglas, WI; Scott and Joanna Butenhoff, Sarona, WI; David and Connie Christenson, Amery, WI; Tony and Lisa Carlson, Amery, WI; David and Barbara Lynch, Comstock, WI; Gerald and Amy Schmitz, Rice Lake, WI; Tyler and Katie Crosby, Shell Lake, WI; Brian Marshall, Shell Lake, WI; Dani Kuechle and Austin Schultz, Shell Lake, WI; Hunter Rhea, Stone Lake, WI; Rachel Morrow, Greenwood, WI; Denninger Farms, Minong, WI; Spring Creeks Cattle Co., Wauzeka, WI; Ron and Lois Wheeler, Hillsdale, WI; Allen and Jane Fugslang, Cumberland, WI; Breanna Nyreen, Shell Lake, WI; Brenna Farm, Shell Lake, WI;

Beaver Brook Farm

Limousin Black Angus Red Angus Dan & Mary Elliott 715-468-4423 www.beaverbrookfarm.net damfarm@centurytel.net Shell Lake, WI


Vol. 19 • Issue 3 • May/June 2011

Heartland Sale Reports

GV Limousin Sells in Garnett Cold weather with storm predictions did not deter a standing-room only crowd from attending the annual GV Limousin spring sale at the Anderson County Sales Co. in Garnett, Kansas on February 19, 2011. Gene and Virginia Raymond along with Arne and Stacy Hanson offered a strong set of two-year-old and fall yearling bulls along with a select group of bred heifers and young cows. Many repeat buyers were in attendance to bid on cattle that represented “the brand of breeder respect and commercial appeal”.

GV Miss Red Jet 501R purchased by Shane Stout of Flying D Ranch, Lane, KS for $6,100. Ernie Tullis of Miami, OK purchased GV $General 210W, a 2/21/09 black, double polled son of AUTO Dollar General 122R out of GV Miss Magic Man 750T for $4,500. GV Ransom 212W, a 3/12/09

Jim and Ann Hess of Burlington, KS purchased five bulls at the GV Sale.

The GV crew. Front Row: Virginia, Diane, Megan, Stacy, Back row: Gene, Zach, and Arne.

red, double polled son of Wulf’s Ransom 5059R out of GV Miss Deal 351N was purchased by Crown S Ranches of Olpe, KS for $4,400 GV Tuff Enuff 312W, a 9/18/09 red, double polled son of ROMN Tuff Enuff 103T out of GV Miss Reality 5502R brought $4,200 from Francis Sattler of Reading, KS. Six bulls from the GV offering brought $4,000. Jim and Ann Hess of Burlington,

KS were one of the volume buyers, taking home five bulls, and Jerry Ramey of Newkirk, OK purchased four bulls. Averages: 19 Two-year-old bulls...................$3,605 37 Fall yearling bulls.....................3,050 Total: 56 Bulls...............................$3,238 5 Bred heifers...............................$1,933 10 Bred cows..................................1,901 Total: 25 females..........................$1,920 Total: 61 Lots...........................................$2,831 Auctioneer: Bruce Brooks

Hager Cattle Co. Holds 5th Annual Sale Leon and Karen Balster of Running Be a r R an ch , N e w Ma rke t, IA purchased two bulls including the high-selling bull.

The top-selling bull was GV $General 258W, a 4/7/09 double black, double polled son of AUTO Dollar General 122R out of GV Miss Linebacker 706T. Leon and Karen Balster of New Market, IA purchased the bull for $6,250. Following close behind was GV Lodestar 276W, a 5/7/09 red, polled son of GV Lodestar 608R out of

Austin and Leah Hager of Karlsruhe, North Dakota brought their cattle to the Farmers Livestock Exchange in Bismarck for their 5th annual sale held March 30, 2011. They had a new sale date this year, moving it back to the end of the month.

Repeat buyers Pat and Valerie Leier of Tappen, ND, bid actively and purchased multiple lots throughout the day.

Jerry Ramey of Newkirk, OK purchased four bulls at the GV Sale.

The sale featured their grand champion Pen of Three Limousin bulls that were shown at the National Western Stock Show in Denver, CO in January. There was a large crowd who came to view and bid on the fall yearling and yearling bulls.

B u y e r s Tr a v i s Hunter of Virden, MN, and Bob Yackley of Onida, SD, stand with NALF commercial director Joe Epperly.

Wieczorek Limousin of Mt. Vernon, SD had the final bid on AHCC Xplain This X595, a 2/23/10 black, homozygous polled son of KAJO Responder 120R out of AHCC Dakota Luvly R595. They purchased two thirds interest and full possession for $13,000. AHCC Xpense Account X516, a 2/24/10 homozygous black, polled son of KAJO Responder 120R out of AHCC Miss Northstar R516 was purchased by Coleman Limousin Ranch of Charlo, MT for $8,500. Also bringing $8,500 was AHCC Xploit This X116, a 3/15/10 double black, polled son of KAJO Responder 120R out of AHCC Miss Northstar R517. He was purchased

by Rail-Line Farms of Lucknow, Ontario. Kelly Yorga, Yorga Farms of Flintoft, Saskatchewan purchased AHCC Responder 796W, a 9/19/09 black, polled son of KAJO Responder 120R out of EXLR 794H for $8,250. Linhart Limousin of Leon, IA had the winning bid of $10,000 on the 2011 pick of the Hager Cattle Co. spring heifer calf crop. Averages: 52 Bulls..........................................$3,332 1 Pick...........................................$10,000 Auctioneer: Chisum Peterson Sale Consultant: Grassroots Consulting

Vol. 19 • Issue 3 • May/June 2011

Heartland Sale Reports


Ludens “Pride of the Dakotas” Sale Features Denver Bulls Ludens Family Limousin of Viborg, South Dakota held their annual “Pride of the Dakotas” Limousin production sale at their farm April 2, 2011. The sale featured a stout set of bulls that Gordy and his son Mike brought to Denver to exhibit in the Pen & Carload Show during the National Western Stock Show. A good crowd was on hand to evaluate and purchase the bulls along with a select group of bred females.

D e a n We l k e r o f K i l g o r e , N E purchased the top-selling bull from Gordy Ludens.

The top-selling bull was LFLC Xtra Large 111X, a 4/16/10 homozygous black, homozygous polled son of WZRK Primestar 861P out of Miss Wulfette 7138T. Dean Welker of Kilgore, NE outlasted rigorous bidding to purchase the bull for $7,250. Watts Limousin of Fairfield, NE purchased the second high-selling bull for $6,000. LFLC Xplode 114X, a 4/25/10 black, homozygous polled son of D’Hanis Red Fox 119J out of LFLC Nightingale 353N represented total outcross genetics. Mark Dumer of Franklin, MN purchased LFLC Xbox 108X, a 3/18/10 red, homozygous polled

Dave and Chad Kuehne of Long Prairie, MN and Mark Dumer of Franklin, MN purchased bulls from Gordy Ludens.

son of Wulf’s Ransom 3059R out of LFLC Dakota Belle 604U for $4,250. Skip Williams of Frankfort, SD purchased LFLC XMan 110X, a 4/6/10 black, double polled son of Wulf’s Ransom 3059R out of Wulf ’s Unification 8118U for $4,200. Dave and Chad Kuehne of Rocky Creek Limousin, Long Prairie, MN purchased LFLC X Ray 104X, a 3/15/10 red, homozygous polled son of Wulf’s Ransom 3059R out of PLND Ultimator 810U for $4,100.

Brian Bjerkaas of Viborg and his son Austin were volume purchasers at the Ludens sale.

Sale day in Viborg did not seem to bother Gordy Ludens Denver bulls.

March 2011 black heifer calf sired by Wulf’s Walcott F711W at side for $2,400.

Sedlacek also paid $2,400 for LFLC Upper Limit 611U, a 5/14/08 black, double polled daughter of Wulf’s Nero 0514N out of PLND Cinnamon 106E and bred to RUNL Walking Tall 252W. Averages: 15 Bulls..........................................$3,440 7 Females........................................2,085 Auctioneer: Joel Edge

to all our Buyers for making our 5th Annual Private Treaty/Production Sale a great success John and Lois Sedlacek of Tyndell, SD purchased females at the Pride of the Dakotas sale.

John and Lois Sedlacek of Tyndall, SD were volume buyers, purchasing four females including PLND Wholesome 911W, a 3/14/09 black, double polled daughter of OKLFN Linebacker 341L out of PLND Tiffany 707T along with her

Gordy Ludens thanked Ferd, Francis, Ed and Lil Schmale who bought a bull and are repeat buyers at his sale.

Tim Twardowski, Haasser Bros. and Jason Mueller – Long Prairie, MN Roger Roske and Brian Roske – Grey Eagle, MN Other buyers were: Jim Pratt - Clarissa; Rich Hacker - Brownton; Mike Loxterkamp - Swanville; Nathan Bostrom - Isanti; Michael Wagner - Little Falls; Jim Schmidt - Randall; Roman Vornbrock - Albany; Jim Perry - Spicer; Justin Schlosser - Miltona; David Rahn - Swanville and Robert Gerads - Bowlus (All MN).

We also want to thank Jim Schmidt, Randall, MN our volume buyer at the sale for taking home seven females.

Dave & Glynis Kuehne - Chad & Teri Kuehne 18767 State 287, Long Prairie, MN 56347 Dave - 320/732-2306 • Chad - 320/815-2063


Vol. 19 • Issue 3 • May/June 2011

Heartland Sale Reports

Schott Limousin Sale Average Increases $1,000 Jim, Priscilla, and Jared Schott of McLaughlin, South Dakota held their 28th Annual Bull Sale at the Mobridge Livestock Auction in Mobridge, SD March 18, 2011. Consistent with bull sales this year and the acceptance of Limousin genetics into the commercial industry, the Schotts saw a $1,000 increase in their average over last year’s sale. All 48 bulls offered were sold to a large crowd of commercial buyers from South Dakota and surrounding states. The top-selling bull was CHTT 9000X Xplore, a 4/4/20 double black, polled son of WZRK Timber Wolf 843P out of CHTT 8425P. Scott Dockter of Medina, ND held the winning bid of $5,250. Rick Schrempp of Ridgeview, SD purchased CHTT 7053X Examiner, a 4/18/10 black, double polled son of SCHT Tradition 9739T out of CHTT 6653S for $4,500.

Kyle, Amy, and Kayden Kennedy of Faith, SD were the volume buyers of bulls at the Schott Sale.

Kennedy Ranch of Faith, SD purchased SCHT 3075X, a 4/10/10 black, double polled son of RUNL Travis 332T out of SCHT 2835U for $4,250.

choice of two bulls offered, a red and black bull that were on display in the ring. David Rinehart had his number drawn and he selected the red bull to add to the two he had already purchased. Averages: 48 Yearling bulls...........................$3,164 Auctioneer: Chisum Peterson

Mitch Daly of Lemmon, SD was a volume buyer at the Schott sale. Richard Goodmanson of Lemmon, SD purchased Limousin genetics with a bull at the Schott Sale in Mobridge to try on his predominately Angus female herd.

CHTT 4021X Xample, a 4/16/10 black, double polled son of DVFC Warden 233K out of CHTT 3821H was purchased by Wayne Holzer of Timber Lake, SD for $4,100. Three bulls each brought $4,000. Dave Rinehart of Onida, SD took home CHTT 9007X Xperience, a 4/3/10 red, homozygous polled son of SCHT Tradition 9739T out of CHTT 8523R. Kennedy Ranches had the final bid on CHTTX 8070X Xpert, a 4/16/10 black, double polled son of ROMN Tow Truck 111T out of CHTT 7971J. CHTT 8014X Xplanation, a 4/7/10 red, polled son of RUNL Travis 332T out of CHTT 7414P was purchased by Lee Kindelspire of Forbes, ND. At the conclusion of the sale, the Schotts placed all the bidding numbers of the bull buyers in a hat and drew one number to win the

Jim and Priscilla Schott appreciated David Rinehart of Highmore, SD purchase of two bulls. Dave was the winner of the bull drawing receiving a third bull from the Schotts.

Harold and son Casey Gage of Dupree, SD purchased three bulls from Jim Schott at the Mobridge sale.

Bullis Creek Sells Limousin and Red Angus Bulls in Burwell Rob and Brenda Brawner along with their son Neil of Wood Lake, Nebraska held their annual Bullis Creek Ranch “Generations of Predictability 11” spring production sale at the Burwell Livestock Market in Burwell, NE on April 4, 2011. The sale featured a live conference call line which accommodated several bidders who purchased bulls from the Bullis Creek offering.

Rob Brawner welcomed first-time buyer of Limousin genetics Don Kilday of Fullerton, NE. Kilday purchased two Limousin-Red Angus Lim-Flex bulls.

Jim and Priscilla Schott thanked the Dockter family (Ceth, JoSondra and father Scott) of Medina, ND for purchasing their top-selling bull.

Mark Nutter of Thedford, NE purchased the top-selling Limousin bull at the Bullis Creek sale.

The Brawner family has been raising Limousin cattle for 40 years. They calved out and registered their first two Limousin females that year. They were sired by “Décor”, an import bull from France. They have been raising Red Angus for the

Vol. 19 • Issue 3 • May/June 2011

Heartland Sale Reports


Bullis Creek ... continued

past 18 years. The top-selling Limousin bull was BRAW User Friendly 50X, a 3/5/10 homozygous black, homozygous polled son of SYES User Friendly 524U out of BRAW Power 7114T. Mark Nutter of Sandhills Limousin, Thedford, NE purchased the bull for $3,600.

Kent Linhart of Wilbur, NE purchased a high-selling bull from the Bullis Creek Sale.


The Bullis Creek pens at Burwell.

Ken Colburn of Valentine, NE purchased BRAW Danny 9168W, a 9/1/09 black, double polled LimFlex 50 percent son of Connealy Danny out of BRAW Ms Heartland 217M for $3,100. Kent Linhert of Wilbur, NE purchased NRBL Danny 9152, an 8/17/09 double black, scurred Lim-Flex 50 percent son of Connealy Danny 5398 out of BRAW Ms Sureshot 3147N for $3,100. First-time Limousin genetics buyer Don Kilday of Fullerton, NE purchased two Lim-Flex calving ease bulls from the Bullis Creek offering. BRAW MAGS 9124, a 4/13/09 red, double polled Lim-Flex


Wulf’s Ransom 3059R Dam JWBL Sassey 7S Sire



(ROMN Justice daughter) Maternal granddam is a First Hand daughter.

Repeat buyers Ken Colburn of Valentine and John Wheeler of Wood Lake combined to purchase six bulls from the Bullis Creek offering.

son of MAGS Cheyenne 1447S out of 2151 brought $3,000 from Kilday. Also bringing $3,000 from Kilday was BRAW Optima 9127W, a 4/14/09 red, double polled LimFlex son of PIE Optima 423 out of BRAW Ms Hairy 535R.

John Wheeler of Wood Lake, NE and Alan Steinke of Idaho Falls, ID were the volume buyers, each purchasing four bulls from the Limousin offering. Average: 17 Bulls..........................................$2,553 41 Red Angus Bulls......................$3,156 Auctioneer: Mike Baxter


Black, Homozygous Polled Homozygous for the F94L gene Limousin Muscle gene EPDs CED 17 BW -1.9 WW 42 YW 82 MA 20 CEM 12 SC 0.4 DOC 32 CW 29 REA .61 YG -.06 MARB -.05 $MTI 41 BW 80 Adj WW 707 Adj YW 1141 Adj SC 35.8 Adj UREA 16.8 Frame Score 6.4

Calving Ease & Performance with Style. Juniors from Iowa & Minnesota will be showing Undertaker heifers at the HLA Regional and NALJA shows this summer. Thanks to Wulf Limousin, ROM’N Limousin & Effertz Black Butte Acres for showing their confidence in GTBR Undertaker sons purchased at the Iowa Beef Expo. His pedigree is as attractive as he is & is triple stacked for calving ease. His BW EPD is in the top 3%; DOC is in the top 3%; MA is in the top 25% of the Limousin Breed.

Semen available

at Grassroots Genetics & LimiGene & firms at the bottom

$30 per straw

Butler Limousin www.ButlerLimousin.com Chet & Wendell Butler 222 SW Avenue Lacona, Iowa 50139 (641) 203-6275 cell

Bob & Mary Bosch 16864 Fulton (515) 491-9163 cell Indianola, IA 50125 www.BoschLimousin.com email limibosch@gmail.com



Vol. 19 • Issue 3 • May/June 2011

Heartland Sale Reports

Wieczorek Limousin Holds 31st Annual Sale Curt and Leanne Wieczorek of Mt. Vernon, South Dakota along with Curt’s parents Wallace and Noreen held their 31st annual bull sale at the Corsica Sale Barn in Corsica, SD February 25, 2011. A partly cloudy and very cold day greeted a large crowd of buyers to bid on the 45 bull offering. It is a tribute to the Wieczorek family that 87% of the buyers were repeat customers. According to the Wieczorek family, special attention on the sale offering is given to disposition, structural soundness of feet and legs, and mobility. Attention is also given to performance and EPDs, and they make sure that minimum requirements are being met in all categories.

Curt Wieczorek thanked Don and Peg Zilverberg of Bar JZ Ranch, Holabird, SD for purchasing the topselling bull at his sale.

Extremely active bidding ensued for the top-selling bull. Buyers from four states were interested in WZRK Titus Tempation 6027X, a 1/27/10 double black, double polled son of Wulf’s Titus 2149T out of WZRK Miss Nobel Prize 6027. Don and Peg Zilverberg of Bar JZ Ranch, Holabird, SD held the final bid of $15,000.

Chad Kreeger of Lake Andes, SD purchased a high-selling bull.

The Wieczorek family of Mt. Vernon, Megan, Wallace, Noreen, Emily Leanne, Danielle and Curt.

Chad Kreeger of Lake Andes, SD purchased WZRK Mr. General 8009X, a 2/13/10 red, polled son of MAGS The General out of WZRK Miss Genesis 8009H for $6,300. Also bringing $6,300 was WZRK Mr. MTO 7020X, a 1/22/10 red, double polled son of ROMN Made to Order out of WZRK Miss Mainstay 7020T. John Westendorf of Lake Andes, SD purchased the bull. It marks the 31st year in a row that Westendorf has purchased bulls from the Wieczoreks. Arden Peterson of Eagle Butte, SD purchased WZRK Mr. Tuff Enuff 8023X, a 2/6/10 red, double

John and Linda Westendorf of Lake Andes, SD purchased a high-selling bull from the Wieczorek offering.

polled son of ROMN Tuff Enuff 103T out of WZRK Miss Rangerider 8023 for $6,000.

Joe Epperly of NALF visited with volume buyer James Leier of Dawson, ND at the Wieczorek Sale near Corsica.

Tim Kokesh of Tabor, SD purchased WZRK Mr. Nascar 5113X, a 2/24/10 red, double polled son of Wulf’s Nascar G49N out of WZRK Miss Rawhide 5113R for $6,000. Volume buyers included Heimes Brothers of Wynot, NE, Sperl Ranches of Burke, SD and James Leier of Dawson, ND. Averages: 38 Yearling bulls...........................$3,821 7 Two-year-old bulls......................3,485 Total: 45 Lots...........................................$3,769 Auctioneer: C.K. “Sonny” Booth Sale Consultant: Grassroots Consulting

ROM’N Limousin Sells Top Selling Bull into Canada Robert “Cookie”, Mary, Adam, and Michelle Nielson, ROM’N Limousin of Arlington, South Dakota held their annual production sale at the Madison Livestock Sales Market in Madison, SD April 9, 2011. The sale featured 29 1/2 bulls and a few select females from the heart of their herd. Canadian bull buyers were very active in bidding on the ROM’N bulls exhibited at the National Western Stock Show in Denver. SEMEX International of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, purchased the topselling bull, ROMN Xcessive Force 103X, a 3/29/10 red, double polled son of COLE Tempo 112T out of ROMN Rebecca 23R for $12,500. One-half interest and fall possession of ROMN Xpect More 100X, a 3/8/10 black, homozygous polled son of DHVO Trey 133R out of ROMN Roberta 35R was purchased by Brad Albrecht of Arlington, SD for $7,250.

chased ROMN Xtra Flavor 118X, a 4/2/10 double black, polled son of ROMN TNT 116T out of ROMN Miss Punchline 53K for $4,000. Triple L Farms of Salem, SD purchased ROMN Xempt 122X, a 3/11/10 red, double polled son of ROMN Tow Truck 111T out

Herman Symens purchased a highselling bull from Adam Nielson of ROM’N Limousin.

Symens Hills Ranch of Sisseton, SD purchased ROMN Xpress Lane 101X, a 4/2/10 black, homozygous polled son of Wulf’s Titus 2149T out of ROMN Pamela 13P for $7,000. Doug Henley of Britton, SD paid $4,500 for ROMN Xecutioner 105X, a 3/19/10 red, homozygous polled son of ROMN Justice out of ROMN Peggy 17P. Tom Kayl of Spencer, NE pur-

Mary Nielson of ROM’N Limousin thanked Doug Henley of Britton, SD for his purchase of a high-selling bull at their production sale in Madison.

Vol. 19 • Issue 3 • May/June 2011

Heartland Sale Reports


Dakota Connection Sale Sells in Bismarck Vaughn Farms of Cavalier, ND and Effertz Black Butte Acres of Velva teamed up to host their 16th annual sale at Farmers Livestock Exchange in Bismarck, North Dakota on March 19, 2011. A good crowd was on hand to evaluate and purchase 25 bulls and 10 females. The sale featured a pen of Vaughn Limousin bulls that were exhibited at the National Western Stock Show in Denver, CO in January.

their sons David and Craig offered the pick of their 2010 heifer crop at the sale. The Vaughns donated onehalf of the proceeds from the pick to the Heartland Limousin Association. Symens Brothers of Amherst, SD purchased the pick for $2,800. The HLA thanks the Vaughns and Symens Brothers for their generous donation and purchase.

Trevor and Melissa Atchison of Pipestone, Alberta purchased bulls from Tom Vaughn at the Dakota Connection Sale in Bismarck.

Dennis Deckert of Wing, ND was the buyer of the second high-selling bull at the Dakota Connection Sale.

Tom Vaughn thanks Bob Bosch of Indianola, IA for his purchase of the top-selling bull at the Dakota Connection Sale.

The top-selling bull was DLVL Xerox 023X, a 2/26/10 black, homozygous polled son of COLE Thunder 110T out of DLVL Sky 605S. Bosch Farms of Indianola, IA purchased full possession and two-thirds in the lead bull in their Denver Pen for $6,100. Dennis Deckert of Wing, ND

purchased CRVL Mr. Lodestar 020K, a 2/25/10 homozygous black, homozygous polled son of JCL Lodestar 27L out of Miss Tom 851U for $4,600. Ludwig Limousin of New Rockford, ND purchased DLVL X-Ray Vision 008X, a 2/21/10 red, double polled son of Wulf’s Ransom 3059R out of DLVL Miss Justice 801U for $4,500 Dana Noot of Marion, ND purchased DLVL Workhorse 988W, a 9/19/09 red, double polled son of RMKR Riptide 515R out of DLVL Petunia 434P for $3,500. Trevor Atchison of Pipestone, Manitoba purchased DLVL Xmas 025X, a 2/26/10 double black, double polled son of SYES User Friendly 524U out of DLVL Miss Riptide 814U for $3,300. Tom and Rita Vaughn along with

ROM’N Limousin ...

Dana Noot of Marion, ND purchased a high-selling bull and the top-selling female at the sale.

The top-selling female was Miss Tom 721T, a 3/25/07 red, polled daughter of RMKR Riptide 515R out of Miss Tom 601F. She sold with her 3/10/11 SYES User Friendly red calf at side to Dana Noot for $2,000.

John Symens purchased the pick of the 2010 heifer crop from Tom Vaughn. The Heartland Limousin Association thanks both Tom for donating one-half the proceeds to the HLA and John for his generous purchase.

Averages: 25 Bulls..........................................$2,644 1 Heifer pick....................................2,800 3 Pairs..............................................1,966 6 Breds............................................1,767 Auctioneer: Chisum Peterson


of ROMN Nickels and Dimes for $3,900. Varrick Schock of Carson, ND was a volume buyer of two bulls and Garret DeRungs of Ramona, SD purchased two females.

Garret, Don and Gabe DeRungs of Ramona, SD purchased two females at the ROM’N Sale.

Steve Schultz of Pingree, ND bought two bulls from the sale.

Tom and Debbie Kayl of Spencer, NE purchased a high-selling bull from ROM’N Limousin.

Dave Beck of Harvey, ND is a first-time buyer of Limousin genetics for his Red Angus females.

Averages: 29 ½ Bulls......................................$3,076 2 Females........................................1,250 Auctioneer: Chisum Peterson

Kristin DeWald and her father Roger of Dawson, ND purchased two bulls from the Dakota Connection Sale.


Vol. 19 • Issue 3 • May/June 2011

Heartland Sale Reports

Symens Bros. Race to New High Average for Bulls John, Paul, and Irwin Symens are whistling the tune of “What a Difference a Day Makes”. Only in their case it should be “What a Difference a Year Makes”. After enduring inclement weather and the historic water levels in the fall of 2009, and having to move their 31st annual bull sale to Aberdeen in February of

John and Shirley Symens welcomed the crowd to their 31st annual sale at the Symens Bros. farm near Amherst, SD.

2010, a sense of normality returned along with the best average for their bulls in nearly 20 years. February 24, 2011 broke rather sunny but cold in Amherst, SD, and the Symens Bros along with second generation sons Warren and Doug were ready for the 31st annual “Muscle up for Profit” production sale. Back in familiar surroundings, the brothers had repaired the water logged sale barn and its brightness was evident as nearly a full house of seed stock and commercial producers filled the refurbished barn for the sale. The infamous pie was also served to the crowd, and they enjoyed every bite. A very good quality set of bulls and females were offered and bidding was brisk throughout the afternoon. When C.K. “Sonny” Booth brought the final gavel down, the brothers enjoyed a nearly $1,700 increase on their average of bulls sold over last year’s sale. The top-selling bulls were both

from their Denver NWSS pen of three. Jim Schott of Schott Limousin, McLaughlin, SD and Bruce Walrod of Flatland Limousin, Moorland, IA each paid $7,500 for the right to own the first two bulls offered. Schott purchased SYES Xception 219X, a 4/5/10 homozygous black, homozygous polled son of PLND Roscoe 051R out of Miss SYES Night Owl 220T. Walrod purchased SYES Xpressive 359X, a 4/1/10 black, polled son of Mr. SYES Systematic 261U out of Miss SYES Master 358R. Jim Schott also purchased SYES Xample 367X, a 3/27/10 red, homozygous polled son of Wulf’s Urban Cowboy 2149U out of Miss SYES Schott Gun 365R for $6,750.

John Symens thanked Greg Stamp of Astoria, SD for his purchases of Symens bulls at both the Black Hills Stock Show and the Symens Bros. Sale.

We extend a sincere thanks to everyone who supported our annual bull sale. We look forward to building a great working relationship with you!

Bob Yackley of Yackley Ranches, Onida, SD purchased SYES Xultant 202X , a 4/1/10 homozygous black, polled son of Wulf’s Space Ship 3223S out of Miss SYES Jock 220R for $6,750 Chad Nelson of Magnolia, MN

Bob Yackley of Yackley Ranches, Onida, SD greeted long-time friend Sue Ann Holloway of Chattanooga, OK when he settled his account at Symens Brothers Sale.

purchased Mr. SYES Urban Cowboy 166X, a 3/29/10 red, horned son of Wulf’s Urban Cowboy 2149U out of Miss SYES Night Owl 165S for $6,250. Don Faidley of Colfax, IA purchased SYES Xpectation 361X, a 3/14/10 red, homozygous polled son of SYES User Friendly 524U out of Miss SYES Platinum 367U for $6,000. Chad Nelson of Magnolia, MN was the volume buyer of six bulls from the Symens offering.

Averages: 10 Two-year-old and fall yearling bulls .................................................$3,600 61 1/3 Yearling bulls.......................3,816 Total: 71 1/3 Lots......................... $3,768 13 Bred females..............................2,300 11 Open females.............................1,931 Total: 95 1/3 Lots.....................................$3,356 Auctioneer: C.K. “Sonny” Booth Sale Management: American Cattle Services Sale Consultant: Grassroots Consulting

“Your Trusted Source for Quality Limousin Cattle” Schott Limousin Ranch – a real-world working ranch

that prides itself on honesty, integrity and quality Limousin.

Jim, Priscilla & Jared Schott 27601 108th St. McLaughlin, SD 57642 605-823-4974 info@schottranch.com • www.schotttranch.com

John Symens thanked Bruce Walrod of Moorland, IA and Jim Schott of McLaughlin who purchased the two top-selling bulls at the Symens Bros annual sale in Amherst.

Vol. 19 • Issue 3 • May/June 2011

Heartland Sale Reports


LVLS “Keepin’ Kind” Production Sale Held at the Ranch Lonely Valley Limousin of Creston, Nebraska held their 20th annual production sale Saturday, February 26, 2011 at the ranch near Creston, NE. This was a new sale date for the Settje family, having held their previous sales on a Monday. There was a large crowd of cattlemen including many repeat buyers who came to bid on the stout

Buyer Mike Crook of Rising City, NE, visits with sale host Stan Settje, following the sale.

Sale host Chad Settje stands with repeat buyer Richard Fott of Hamill, SD, after the sale.

set of Limousin and Lim-Flex bulls that were offered along with the Angus bulls. Loran Wach of Wach Limousin, Wauneta, NE purchased the topselling lot for $7,500. LVLS X-Tra Profit 2014 is a 1/22/10 homozygous black, homozygous polled son of AUTO Dollar General 122R out of JCL Mayberry. The second high-selling lot went

to Don and Peg Zilverberg, Bar JZ Ranches of Holabird, SD for $7,000. LVLS X-Ternal 3506X is a 1/31/10 double black, homozygous polled son of JCL Lodestar 27L out of LVLS 2506S. Mike Crook, Crook Limousin of Rising City, NE had the final bid of $6,500 on LVLS X-Factor 111X, a 1/7/10 homozygous black, homozygous polled Lim-Flex 75 percent son of JCL Lodestar 27L out of LVLS Miss Blackbird 111U. LVLS Moonshine 810X, a 1/8/10 homozygous black, homozygous polled Lim-Flex 50 percent son of LVLS Farmer John 7428P out of Frenzen Moonshine M02 was sold to J&K Cattle Co. of Chatham, LA for $6,300. Tom Kayl of Spencer, NE purchased LVLS X-Caliber 7428K, a 1/1/10 black, polled son of JCL Lodestar 27L out of LVLS Under The Stars 7428 for $5,800.

Thank you for supporting the


Heartland Limousin Assoc. These generous people donated and/or purchased items at the 2011 Heartland benefit auction held February 15 in conjunction with the Iowa Beef Expo.

The HLA board thanks everyone for their support. Anderson Limousin – Garner, IA ATAK Limousin - Avon, IL Bachmeier Limousin – Apple Valley, MN Bosch Limousin – Indianola, IA Bray Ranch - Red Vale, CO Bruce & Ellen Burdick – Lewellen, NE Bruner Limousin – Winfred, SD Butler Limousin – Lacona, IA Cripple Creek Limousin – Dakota, MN Crow Cattle Co. – Holt, MO

Danny Cobb – Chariton, MN Dean & Bev Summerbell – East Bethel, MN Deb Vorthmann – Silver City, IA Don Faidley – Colfax, IA Edwards Limousin – Higginsville, MO Effertz Black Butte Acres – Velva, ND Flatland Limousin – Moorland, IA Grand View Limousin - Afton, IA Grassroots Genetics – Holts Summit, MO

Harvest Barn – Osceola, IA Hawkeye Breeders Service – Adel, IA Hunt Limousin – Oxford, NE Igenity - Lohman, MO Jones/Benson – LaMont, MO Leih Limousin – New Virginia, IA Leishman Limousin – Blair, NE Limi-Gene – Yukon, OK Limousin Live – Osceola, WI

Donors & Buyers at the HLA Benefit Auction

Multiple lot buyers Peg and Don Zilverberg of Holabird, SD, visit after purchasing two herd bulls. Averages: 58 Limousin bulls ........................$3,695 27 Angus bulls..............................$3,033 Auctioneer: Bruce Brooks Sale Management: R&R Marketing Sale Consultant: Grassroots Consulting Linhart Limousin – Leon, IA Little’s Limousin – Eldon, MO Lowell Hermon – Carlisle, IA Lura Limousin – Delavan, MN Lyon River Front Farm – Foley, MN Minnesota Limousin Association MM&TT Limousin – Arcade, NY Muir Embroidery - Jefferson, IA Mormon Trail Limousin – Weldon, IA Pine Tree Acres Limousin – Parker, KS Roger & Donna Potter – Braddock, ND Rolf Limousin – LeRoy, KS ROM’N Limousin – Arlington, SD Running Creek Limousin – Elizabeth, CO Sandhills Limousin – Thedford, NE Schillng Limousin – Edson, KS Schrock Limousin – Pattonsburg, MO Shawn Cogley – Colfax, IA Shirley Symens – Amherst, SD Spring Creeks Cattle Co. – Wauzeka, WI Straight Limousin – Logan, IA Stepping Stone Ranch - Edson, KS Symens Bros. Limousin – Amherst, SD Symens Hills Ranch – Sisseton, SD TDT Limousin – Alsen, ND Trans Ova Genetics – Sioux Center, IA Treftz Limousin – Wetonka, SD Vaughn Farms – Cavalier, ND Venner Limousin – Breda, IA Vorthmann Limousin – Treynor, IA Watts Limousin – Fairfield, NE Wulf Limousin Farms – Morris, MN Yackley Ranches – Onida, SD


Vol. 19 • Issue 3 • May/June 2011

Heartland Sale Reports

“People’s Choice” Denver Pen Reigns Supreme at Wulfs Sale Wulf Limousin Farms held their 23rd annual “Opportunity Sale of 2011” at the farm near Morris, Minnesota March 25. The sale featured bulls that they exhibited at the Pen and Carload Show at the National Western Stock Show in Denver January 10, 2011. A pen of red April bulls was voted as the winner of the “People’s Choice” award, and these bulls topped their annual production sale. The three red bulls combined to bring $120,000 from three breeders at the sale. A standing-room only crowd of enthusiastic buyers were on hand to evaluate and purchase 285 bulls and 59 females. Cattle were sold into 26 states and three Canadian Provinces. In addition, bidders were able to take part in the sale via Superior Satellite Auctions.

Roger and Ann Vorthmann of Treynor purchased a high-selling bull from the Opportunity Sale at Wulfs. Grandson Mason approved.

The crowd.

red, homozygous polled son of Wulf’s Titus 2149T out of Wulf’s Snowflake 6294S for $19,000. Also bringing $19,000 was Wulf’s XM Radio T004X, a 2/26/10 red, homozygous polled son of Wulf’s Titus 2149T out of TECS Rosebud 530. The Denver bull was purchased by Martin Limousin of Mason, TN. Lynn Combest of Erskine, Alberta, Canada purchased Wulf’s X Factor 7523X, a 2/28/10 red, homozyJerry and Jim Wulf appreciated Dean gous polled son of Wulf’s Ransom Christiansen of DBL of Fullerton, NE for purchasing the top-selling bull at the 3059R out of Wulf’s Teacake 7523T for $15,500. Wulf Opportunity 2011 Sale. Butch Jochim of Selfridge, ND The top-selling bull, a member of the pen of three Denver bulls was purchased Wulf’s Xacto 7303X, a Wulf’s Xtractor X233X, a 4/8/10 4/4/10 black, polled son of Wulf’s red, homozygous polled son of Unabridged 6093U out of Wulf’s Wulf’s Titus 2149T out of Wulf’s Toray 7303T for $11,000. Also bringing $11,000 was Myrlene 2332M. Dean Christiansen of DBL Inc. Fullerton, NE held the Wulf’s Xistance V 638X, a 3/6/10 final bid of $66,000. The Denver pen bull, Wulf’s Xcellsior X252X, a 4/6/10 red, homozygous polled son of Wulf’s Sirloin 3172S out of Wulf’s Missive 2258M was the second high-selling bull going to American Breeding Service of DeForrest, WI and Ken Brock of Notasaluga, AL for $35,000. Rob Mathews of Highland Stock Farms, Bragg Creek, Alberta, Canada purchased the third member Tom and Colter Todd of Willcox, AZ of the Wulf Denver pen of three. purchased eight bulls from the Wulf Wulf’s X-Bracing 629X is a 4/8/10 Sale.

D e n n i s D e c k e r t o f Wi n g , N D purchased two bulls from the Wulfs.

black, homozygous polled son of Wulf’s Spring Loaded 3158S out of RPLF Sweet Sixteen 638S purchased by Vorthmann Limousin of Treynor, IA. Tichenor Farms of Center Town, NY has the final bid on the highselling female for $10,100. They purchased Wulf’s Xotic Accent 0429X, a 4/6/10 double black,

homozygous polled daughter of WZRK Primestar 861P out of Wulf’s Myrlene2332M. The second high-selling open female was Wulf’s Xtra Chocolate 0105X, a 4/5/10 homozygous black, homozygous polled daughter of Wulf’s Shop Talk 2332S out of Wulf’s Teaghan 7076T. Devco Limousin of Absarokee¸MT purchased the open female for $9,000. The high-selling bred female was Wulf’s Teaghan 7076T, a 4/1/07 double black, double polled daughter of Wulf’s Paxton 1641P out of Wulf’s Registered Nurse. She sold bred to Wulf’s Wisdom 8063W to Tri-C Limousin of Petrolia, CA for $5,800. Rocking S Limousin of McLeod, ND purchased the second high-selling bred female for $4,800. Wulf’s Thing A Ma Jig 7194 is a 4/21/07 black, polled daughter of Wulf’s Reagan 2011R out of Wulf’s Pal-

Carl Griffith of Kendallville, IN and his daughter Emily purchased the topselling Lim-Flex bull from Jerry and Jim Wulf.

Vol. 19 • Issue 3 • May/June 2011

Heartland Sale Reports


Mission Statement of the Heartland Limousin Association

Minnesota seed stock producers Allen Lyon of Foley and Cindy Grotsun of Cold Spring and son Joe attended the Wulf Sale near Morris.

NEW Spring Options

Gerald and Kevin Bachmeirer were purchasers of both bulls and females at the Wulf Opportunity Sale.

metto 4253P and bred to Wulf’s Warrior 302W. Volume buyers included Wayne and Rudy Hepper of Bismarck, ND purchasing 11, Dave Meyer of Flasher, ND purchasing 10, Todd Ranches of Willcox, AZ and Dan Schrempp of Eagle Butte, SD each purchasing eight bulls. Averages: 71 Two-year-old bulls...................$4,693 10 Fall yearling bulls......................5,125 204 1/3 Yearlings............................4,933 Total: 285 1/3 Bulls......................$4,880 20 Bred females..............................3,535 39 Open females...........................$3,410 Total: 59 Females........................$3,452 Total: 344 1/3 Lots............$1,594,549.....$4,631 Auctioneers: C.K. “Sonny” Booth, Ronn Cunningham Sale Management: American Cattle Services Sale Consultants: Grassroots Consulting, Joel Edge, Venture Livestock, KK Seedstock Consultants and R&R Marketing

The purpose for which the HLA is organized is to serve as a service organization designed to promote & further enhance the Limousin breed of cattle in the eight state area comprised of IA, KS, MN, MO, NE, ND, SD & WI. The goals for the Association shall include promotion, strengthening state and junior associations within the region; development of a regional publication; improvement of communication and a unified attitude of breeders; to provide market information & expertise; to serve as a coordinator of events between the Association and the industry; to increase breeder involvement; and to strengthen ties between the NALF and the Heartland Limousin Association.

MAGSWL Usual Suspect 538U (R, HomoP) CD 7(P) BW 3.1(P) WW 46(P) YW



86(P) MA 24(P) CM 4(P) SC .2(P) Doc 13(P) CWT 16(P) RE .49(P) YG -.02(P) IM -.07(P) $MTI 41 Usual Suspect did it all – won Denver, won the Triple Crown and looked amazing doing it. Thick-made, sound and stout, this red bull has the guts and butt breeders desire. If you need a big-footed bull with a ton of style, he should be in your lineup. His sister was Reserve Grand as a calf in Denver, too. Usual Suspect has the lineage and predictability to produce champions in the ring or in your pasture. .. $40

DHVO Deuce 132R (HomoB, DP) CD 6(66) BW 2.4(87) WW 69(79) YW 112(58) MA

23(31) CM -2(64) SC 1.3(46) Doc 26(34) CWT 74(58) RE 94(55) YG 0(55) IM -.08(54) $MTI 48 Deuce for everybody. We have purchased several syndicate packages and can sell you any amount of Deuce that you desire. If you have wanted to use one of the most popular bulls in the breed, give us a call. Deuce will sire them stout, thick and loaded with middle and body. If you need a consistent proven sire for that special female, deal yourself a pat hand with Deuce. ............................. $60/$50



Wulfs Xtractor X233X (R, HomoP) CD 9(P) BW 2.6(38) WW 68(33) YW 118(21) MA



24(14) CM 4(P) SC .6(20) Doc 26(P) CWT 42(P) RE .94(P) YG -.16(P) IM 0(P) $MTI 53 Xtractor was the high selling bull at Wulfs 2011 Sale and this tremendous HOMO-Polled son of Titus has the growth, thickness, calm disposition and eye appeal to work on a variety of cows. Big hipped, and very thick, Xtractor can add numbers, disposition and a tremendous look to any program. If you have been watching for the next great outcross, look no further..... ................................................$50

MAGS Wazowski (HomoB, NA) CD 8(P) BW 1.1(35) WW 60(30) YW 106(18) MA

28(12) CM 2(P) SC .8(11) Doc 21(P) CWT 57(P) RE .29(P) YG .2(P) IM .18(P) $MTI 53 Wazowski has the extreme depth and softness that should be the goal of breeder around the world. Big footed, very sound and stout, he should work great on purebreds for softness and performance and on Lim-Flex of thickness and stoutness. If you want a bull that covers all sides of the plate, Wazowski is a mouthful........................................................................................ ................................................$40



Wulfs Xerox 8622X (B, HomoP) CD 18(22) BW -3.2(32) WW 45(27) YW 87(18) MA



27(16) CM 9(22) SC .2(14) Doc 26(18) CWT 28(P) RE .07(P) YG .23(P) IM .21(P) $MTI 49 Xerox has the calving ease, docility and different pedigree breeders need. This HOMO-P Lim-Flex 50 son of Ransom, brings a different twist to Lim-Flex heifers, as he has the great shoulder and EPD profile to be a easy calver with added benefits. If you need a different pedigree for heifers, you’ll like Xerox, he’s a perfect copy. . ........................$40

AHCC Xplain This X595 (B, HomoP) CD 8(20) BW 31(35) WW 58(30) YW 107(19)

MA 25(19) CM 6(20) SC .8(17) Doc 17(19) CWT 37(P) RE .48(P) YG .04(P) IM -.04(P) $MTI 46 Xplain This was the top seller from the popular Hager Grand Championship Pen in Denver and this great HomoPolled son of Responder has the performance, phenotype and complete number set to lead any program. If you like thickmade, beef cattle with guts and volume, Xplain This is your man. If you want a bull with power AND style, Xplain This will answer all questions......................................$40

Butch Jochim of Selfridge, ND purchased five bulls at the Wulfs Sale.

Go to our NEW Website www.GrassrootsGenetics.com for a complete listing & pictures on all bulls



Grassroots Genetics


Mark and Deidre Smith Ph/Fax 515-965-1458 David Smith 573-896-4550, Fax 573-896-4550 Mobile 515-229-5227 Volume Discounts and Free Freight 13006 CR 4027 Holts Summit, MO 65043 Available All Major Credit Cards


Vol. 19 • Issue 3 • May/June 2011

Heartland Sale Reports

Bad Weather Does Not Deter Bar JZ Sale Who would have predicted that one of the last sales of the spring season would have conditions more akin to February than April 19, 2011? Don and Peg Zilverberg and son Seth probably could not have imagined a worse weather day for their annual Bar JZ Ranches “Excellence in Polled Genetics” production sale at the Thomas Ranch Sale Facility near Harrold, SD. Snow, sleet, and rain pounded the drenched South Dakota rural roads with more ice and moisture making many roads impassable. The local cattlemen; however, knew the best way there and producers

Shop Talk 2332S out of ZB LimFlex 75 358M. King also purchased Bar JZ Conversation 495X, a 3/27/10 double black, homozygous polled son of Wulf’s Shop Talk2332S out of Bar JZ Mother Lode 381S. Yackley Ranches paid $3,300 for Bar JZ Horatio 561X, a 4/14/10 double black, double polled son of

Victor Nemec of Holabird, SD was the volume buyer of Limousin bulls purchasing four.

Averages: 27 Yearling Limousin bulls..........$2,700 16 Lim-Flex bulls..........................$2,675 38 Yearling Polled Hereford bulls.......... .................................................$3,345 Auctioneer: C.K. “Sonny” Booth

Thank You for buying Top Sellers SYES

Scott Dockter of Medina, ND purchased the second high-selling Limousin bull at the Bar JZ sale.

arrived in 4-wheel drive vehicles and enthusiastically bid on bulls offered by Bar JZ. At the end of the day, Limousin and Hereford bulls found new homes and another Bar JZ successful event had taken place despite the inclement conditions. The top-selling Limousin bull was Bar JZ LawmanX, a 3/19/10 double black, polled son of MR. SYES R Just P out of Bar JZ Cindy 767P. Matt Schulte of Orient, SD won the right to take the bull home for $5,000. Scott Dockter of Medina, ND purchased BAR JZ Houston 489X, a 3/26/10 red, double polled son of

MR SYES Ransom 202T out of Bar JZ Harmony348S. Mike Schrader of Burke, SD purchased Bar JZ Focal Point 470X, a 3/21/10 double black, polled LimFlex 46 percent son of MYTTY In Focus out of Bar JZ 696F Lady 692H for $3,300.

Dave Schriver and his father-in-law Rick King of Philip, SD purchased two high-selling bulls at Bar JZ.

MR SYES Ransom 202T out of Bar JZ Celeste 886P for $3,800. Bill Serfling of Chelsea, SD purchased Bar JZ Homerun 533X, a 4/4/10 red, homozygous polled son of CJSL Upperdeck 8005U out of Bar JX Celeste 649N for $3,700. Matt Schulte also took home

Peg Zilverberg appreciated Bill Serfling from Chelsea, SD for his purchase of one of the high selling bulls at the Bar JZ Sale.

SYES Xpectation 219X – B, HP Sire: PLND Roscoe 051R Purchased by Schott Limousin, McLaughlin, SD

John Zilverberg held his first production sale in 1951. John and his son Don held their 60th sale April 19. Congratulations.

Bar JZ Homerun 481X, a 3/24/10 double black, homozygous polled son of CJSL Upperdeck 8005U out of R Just 502P for $3,400. Rick King of Philip, SD purchased two bulls for $3,300 each. Bar JZ Tell Me More 521X is a 4/1/10 88 percent double black, homozygous polled son of Wulf’s

NALF Director Tom Vaughn of Cavalier, ND and John Symens of Amherst, SD attended the Bar JZ Sale near Holabird, SD April 19.

SYES Xpressive 359X – B, P Sire: Mr SYES Systematic 261U Purchased by Flatland Limousin, Moorland, IA

We appreciate everyone who helped make this year’s sale a success. Your Guarantee of Predictable Genetics

John: (605) 448-5725 • Paul: (605) 448-5775

Office: (605) 448-2624 • Fax: (605) 448-5786

PO Box 155, Amherst, SD 57421

email: jssymens@venturecomm.net

Vol. 19 • Issue 3 • May/June 2011

Minnesota News ...


Junior Field Day Minnesota juniors will travel to Menomonie, WI June 3-4 to exhibit their projects at the Heartland Regional Show and the Minnesota Field Day. The separate field day show will be held immediately following the HLA regional show Saturday, June 4. We hope to see a large contingent of MN juniors attend these shows. Summer Beef Tour The MN Cattlemen’s Tour will take place July 12, 2011 at the Nobles County Fairground in Worthington. For more information, contact Joe Martin, executive director of the Minnesota State Cattlemen’s Association. State Fair The 2011 MN State Fair open Limousin show will be held Saturday, September 3 in St. Paul. Members of the MN Junior Limousin Association will serve a taco salad meal following the show. We hope to have a large group of Limousin breeders take part in the show and support the fair with your attendance.

MN Beef Expo Mark your calendar for October 20-23. Those are the dates for the 2011 MN Beef Expo held on the state fairgrounds in St. Paul. The Expo features educational demonstrations and seminars, juniors shows and activities, and breed sales. In addition, there is a Seedstock Alley with a variety of displays and trade show booths. Wulf Limousin Farms have generously donated a heifer on behalf of the Minnesota Limousin Association for the Minnesota Youth Beef Experience. Juniors who are interested in applying for the donated heifers need to get their application forms sent to the MN Beef Expo by the first week in September. For more information, contact the Beef Expo office at 651/6436476 or check out the website at www.mnbeefexpo.com. Junior News Thanks to Paul Bartsh who served as the junior advisor for the MN Junior Limousin Association. We appreciate your service to the juniors. Welcome to Dustin and

Rocky Creek Ranch Holds 5th Annual Private Treaty Sale Dave and Glynis Kuehne along with their son Chad and wife Teri, Rocky Creek Ranch of Long Prairie, MN held their 5th annual Limousin private treaty sale at the farm Saturday, March 26, 2011. The Kuehne family works to produce cattle with a balance of traits, with emphasis on calving ease, growth, and a calm disposition.

Dean Summerbell and Dave Kuehne discussed the Kuehne private treaty sale near Long Prairie, MN.

Glynis and Dave Kuehne thank Jim Schmidt of Randall, MN (center) who bought seven females at their private treaty sale.

They sold eight two-year old bulls for an average of $1,875, seven yearlings averaged $1,600, five open heifers averaged $1,200, four bred cows averaged $1,275 and four bred heifers averaged $1,625.

Jerry Wulf welcomed the attendees to a panel discussion Thursday, March 23 at the sale facility near Morris. Panel members, seated from left to right, are John Saunders, Kent Harrison and Brad Brandenbur.

Lauren Mohrhauser who have been appointed as the new junior advisors for 2011. Herd Book We are working on the Minnesota Limousin Association herd book, which will be printed and ready for distribution for the summer show season. Please have your dues paid by early May in order to have your name listed as a member in the herd book. Also, if you are interested in an ad, contact Allen Lyon, secretary/treasurer. Wulf Limousin Farms Host Educational Forum Wulf Limousin Farms of Morris, Minnesota hosted an educational forum Thursday evening, March 24, 2011. The forum, titled “Partnerships, Verification & Enhanced Revenue Opportunities” was held the night before the Wulf production sale and has become an annual event. A large crowd was on hand to hear this informative program. In addition, the forum was also broadcast on www.limousinlive. com and www.superiorlivestock. com. The moderator for the forum and the first speaker was Brad Brandenburg, Director of Cattle Procurement for Tyson Fresh Foods. He is responsible for working with cattle feeders and producers interested in supplying the food chain with a high quality end product. He has 31 years of experience in the meat processing industry, first with Iowa Beef Processors (IBP) and now with Tyson Fresh Foods. Brad discussed the past, present, and future of marketing beef

from the packer’s perspective. He also talked about commodity marketing through the evolution of a value-based marketing system. He concluded with a look to the future of global opportunities of natural and niche markets requiring various levels of verification and trace back to the ranch of origin. The next speaker was Kent Harrison, Vice-President of Marketing and Value Creation, Tyson Fresh Meats, Dakota Dunes, SD. He has 17 years of experience in the food industry with Tyson Food and Cargill, Ltd. The Fresh Meats Division of Tyson Food is the largest marketer of fresh beef in the world. The evening concluded with a talk by John Saunders of IMI Global speaking about Third Party Verification. He and his wife Leann began the program called US Verified Natural, the highest level of verification which meets the requirements for the USDA’s Never Ever3 program. The program also promotes the safe and humane treatment of animals.

Brad Brandenburg, Director of Cattle Procurement for Tyson Fresh Foods was the moderator for the forum.


Vol. 19 • Issue 3 • May/June 2011

Nebraska State News ...

Annual Meeting, Banquet and Benefit Auction Held at Kearney The Nebraska Limousin Association held their annual meeting, banquet and benefit auction February 17, 2011 at the Buffalo County Fairgrounds in Kearney in conjunction with the Cattlemen’s Classic. People enjoyed a delicious steak dinner with all the trimmings at the new building on the fairgrounds. This was the inaugural event at the new Expo building, which was rebuilt after being destroyed by a tornado. NE Limousin Association president Gerald Gustafson of

Jay Boyer and daughter Taylor appreciated the attendance of Nebraska Limousin Association president Gerald Gustafson of West Point, NE at their sale March 13.

NE Limousin Association board members include Jay Boyer of Liberty, Jim Amos of Stapleton, Gwen Behrends of Lincoln, and Gerald Gustafson of West Point.

West Point welcomed Limousin breeders, their families and friends. Following the meal, a lively benefit auction was held with the proceeds going to help support the junior and senior associations. An interesting array of items were donated for the auction including cattle supplies, semen, a two-day stay at the Killdeer Nook Cabin, gift baskets, and a yummy wreath of cinnamon rolls. Thanks to Kevin Ochsner of Kersey, CO for serving as the auctioneer again this year. A big thank you goes out to all the breeders who donated and

NALF director of commercial programs Joe Epperly talked with the Nebraska Limousin Association members at their annual meeting in Kearney.

purchased items at the auction. We appreciate your support! Cattlemen’s Classic Thanks to the Hunt family of Oxford for preparing and serving a delicious chili lunch in the Limousin aisle before the sale. Nancy worked hard to make sure that everyone was well-fed. We also want to thank Jamie Watts and Dan Hunt for serving as the breed representatives for the Classic. We appreciate all your hard work to make this annual event a success! State Fair The Nebraska State Fair Limousin open show will be held Thursday, September 1, 2011. This is a change from previous years when it has been Friday. The fair takes place at Fonner Park in Grand Island where they have built “state-of-the-art” livestock facilities. The 2011 fair will be under new management. We hope to have a large number of cattle entered in the show to represent the Limousin breed.

Nebraska Limousin Association President Gerald “Gus” Gustafson of West Point, NE presided over the NLA annual meeting in Kearney.

We also encourage breeders, their friends and other Limousin enthusiasts to come and watch the show. For further information and entry forms, check out the Nebraska State Fair website.

Commercial producers Bruce and Ellen Burdick market their 17 Ranch Wine in Lewellyn, NE.

“Back in Time”

Questions on page 15. Answers: 1.) The gentleman on the left is Dick Goff and the one on the right is Louis de Neuville. 2.) Dick Goff conceived the founder-member concept for the North American Limousin Foundation. He went on to serve as

the organization’s first executive vice-president. Louis de Neuville was from France and he served as the chairman of the International Limousin Council. As president of the ELPA (Eleveurs Limousin de Plein Air), he was instrumental in helping get the first Limousin bull exported to North America.

The Boyer family of Liberty offer a scholarship to Nebraska Junior Limousin exhibitors . Past winners Ashley Probst (left and Rachel Probst, right) are pictured with Jay Boyer and the 2011 scholarship recipient Emilye Vales of Wilbur, NE.

Vol. 19 • Issue 3 • May/June 2011


Limousin Has Impressive Sale Average at Nebraska Cattlemen’s Classic

A very impressive sale nearly topped the all-breed sale average at the 20th Anniversary of the Nebraska Cattlemen’s Classic. The show and sale was held at the Buffalo County Fairgrounds in Kearney February 19, 2011. This year the new building was ready for use after the previous one had been destroyed by a tornado. Consignors from five states brought a quality set of bulls and females which sold before a capacity crowd of bidders at the Cattlemen’s Classic. The enthusiasm was tremendous in anticipation of the sale. A show to determine the sale order was held the morning of February 19. Brian Finnestad of Belvidere, IL served as the judge for the show.

Rob Brawner of Bullis Creek Ranch purchased a high-selling bull from Julie and Kevin Ochsner of Ochsner Limousin, Kersey, CO.

The second high-selling bull was CAIT X-Ray Vision, a 2/1/10 black, polled son of Wulf’s Realtor out of KEVN Tiara 710T consigned by Ochsner Limousin of Kersey, CO. This lot was purchased by Bullis Creek Limousin of Wood Lake, NE for $6,000.

The Greg Bures family of Geneva, NE purchased the top-selling female from Hunt Limousin at the Classic sale in Kearney.

The champion Limousin female at Kearney was consigned by Straight Limousin of Logan, IA. The champion bull was also the high-selling bull. HUNT Xclaim 71X, a 3/2/10 black, polled Lim-Flex 50 percent son of SAV Final Answer 0035 out of HUNT Pinckard 07P consigned by Hunt Limousin of Oxford, NE. Loran Wach of Wauneta, NE was the volume buyer of bulls at the Nebraska Cattlemen’s Classic including a bull purchased from Charlie Hunt.

The reserve champion Limousin bull was Schilling XFactor a 2/20/10 son of BC 7022 Raven 7965 out of Carrousels Natasha 3112N consigned by Schilling Limousin of Edson, KS.

Loran Wach of Wauneta, NE purchased KEVN Xecutive Officer, a 2/7/10 black, polled Lim-Flex 50 percent son of MYTTY In Focus out of KEVN Unrelentless 815U, also consigned by Ochsner Limousin for $4,500. Delma Wempen of Minden, NE purchased another Ochsner consigned bull for $4,500. KEVN Xpe-

dition 079X is a 2/7/10 black, polled son of Wulf’s Shop Talk 23325 out of KEVN Timeless Tradition 7. Kyle and Denae Stern of Garden City, SD purchased the champion Limousin female consigned by Straight Limousin of Logan, IA for $3,000. SL Maybelline is a 2/3/10 black, polled daughter of

The reserve champion female, consigned by Hunt Limousin, was HUNT Wonder Woman 21W, a 2/22/09 daughter of HUNT Mr. Jock 44J out of HUNT Night Light 81N.

SL Thunderstruck out of SL Tickle me Pink. Averages: 14 Bulls..........................................$3,896 3 Females .......................................2,767 Auctioneer: Bruce Brooks Sale Management: Ronette BushHeinrich

Kevin Ochsner of Kersey, CO and host of RFD’s Cattleman to Cattleman was interviewed by a local Kearney, NE television station during the Cattlemen’s Classic February 18.

FREE to all paid members. Contact Dean Summerbell at (612) 963-3799 or (763) 434-2891. FOR SALE – Red, Homo polled, two-year-old proven bull, TREF 031W (Dude) Low birth weight, very docile, deep-bodied, thick-muscled, stylish and moderate-frame. JAKB Montana X ROMN Justice $2,500, semen checked, used on our heifers last year and some this year. VORTHMANN LIMOUSIN, 712-5662863 www.vorthmannlimousin.com

Mark and Gwen Behrends of Lincoln, NE purchased the high-selling Limousin bull from Hunt Limousin of Oxford, NE for $10,000.

Thank you to Mike Burrichter of Dorchester, IA for purchasing EL Gotcha’s Finale, our red Pure Power Sired son, and to Kyle Christiansen of Merrill, WI for his purchase of EL Black Miss Standout, our SAYF Hunt 18P sired open heifer at the Wisconsin State Sale. We appreciate your confidence in our product. Ellsworth Limousin, N 5799 Townline Road, Elk Horn, WI 53121-4131. 262/723-5142.


Vol. 19 • Issue 3 • May/June 2011

Kansas State News ...

Banquet and Benefit Auction Held in New Location Members of the Kansas Limousin Breeders Association traveled to Salina April 2, 2011 for the annual meeting, banquet, and benefit auction. The state sale was held the next day, April 3rd. Limousin enthusiasts gathered at the “Friendship Center” in Salina for the meeting held in the afternoon followed by the banquet and benefit auction in the evening. Thanks to Karen Campbell, junior advisor, junior members and their moms who prepared and served a delicious meal. Chelsea Good, Communications Director of the Kansas Agriculture Department, was the featured speaker. Her message focused on painting a true picture of American farming and dispelling the myths concerning animal abuse. Being three-four generations removed from the farm, most Americans need to be educated and given an accurate picture of life on the farm, especially when it comes to the livestock industry. Thanks to Gail “Tubb” Ratliff who served as the auctioneer for the evening. There was a wide variety of items on the auction including a unique metal Limousin silhouette, hand woven rugs, a garden wreath, cattle supples & semen, and a host of yummy rolls, cupcakes and muffins. We appreciate the support of everyone who donated and purchased items at the auction. The money raised goes to support activities for both associations for the upcoming year. Board of Directors Members of the KLBA elected officers and members of the directors during the annual meeting.

Kansas pioneer Limousin breeders Les Olsen of Holton, Rick Ricketts of Clay Center, and Ben Price of Reading relax before the KLBA Sale in Salina.

K.C. Youngblood is the newly elected member of the board. Bruce Schrag retired after serving his term on the board of directors. Thanks for your service! Officers for 2011 are: Cash Schilling, president; Chris Campbell, vice-president Debbie DeLaTorre, secretary/treasurer and board members Mark Beikman, Randy Corns, Dave Braun, Jim Hays, Gail “Tubb” Ratliff, and Hubert Thomas. We appreciate these members who are willing to serve for the association. Junior Field Day The Kansas Junior Limousin Breeders Association field day will be held at the home of Chris and Karen Campbell of Leavenworth May 28-29, 2011. Their address is 23577 139th Street. Entries are due by May 20th and the fee is $10 per head. Late entries will be accepted the day of the show at $20 per head. This is a “no-fit” show. There will be a payback in all classes except bred-and-owned female and showmanship. All bulls shown must be bred-and-owned. NALJA show rules apply to the field day. Health certificates are not required; however, animals must

KLBA members gather for their annual meeting and banquet in Sedalia April 2, 2011.

be free of ringworm and warts. Camping is available at the Campbell’s. Motels in the area are the Holiday Inn Express in Lansing (913/250-1000) or the Holiday Inn Express in Bonner Springs (913/721-5300). The juniors will hold a meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Saturday evening, May 28th. A cook-out for all Limousin enthusiasts will take place at 7:00 p.m. Each family is asked to bring one item to share (salad, dessert, etc.).

Dave Braun of Victoria, KS and Paul Jones of Hays discuss Paul’s vertical integrated marketing strategy “Conception to Consumption” with Dean Summerbell at the KLBA Sale.

The show will begin at 9:00 a.m. Sunday morning, May 29. A lunch will be served immediately following the show. We hope to have a large contingent of juniors exhibit their projects. If you have questions, call Karen Campbell, junior advisor and field day host, at 913/727-5407. State Fair The schedule for the 2011 state fair has been announced. Dates are September 13-18. Cattle may begin arriving Tuesday, September 13 and must be checked in by 8:00 a.m. the next day, Sept. 14. The show will take place at

John Kusel of Ft. Cobb, OK was the volume buyer of five lots at the KLBA Sale in Salina.

3:00 p.m. Sept. 16 and they will be released by 4:00 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 14. We hope to have a large group of Limousin breeders exhibit their cattle at the fair. We also encourage Limousin enthusiasts, breeders and their families to come to the fair, watch the show and support the exhibitors. For more information, go to the Kansas Limousin Association website or the Kansas State Fair website. Low Stress Livestock Handling There will be a two-day seminar on Low Stress Livestock Handling of horses and cattle at Liberty Ranch in Plainville, KS. The seminar will be held over two days with the first day, July 22, focusing on the management of horses and the second day, July 23, will feature cattle. It will be led by key industry leaders including Curt and Tammy Pate. Contact Mike Smith for more information. Our Sympathy

Our sympathy is extended to the family of Linda Comeau of Plainville, KS. Services were held April 4, 2011 at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Plainville. Linda and her husband, Roger, are the owners of Liberty Ranch. Linda taught school at Sacred Heart Catholic School in Plainville and she was retired after 33 years in the classroom. She enjoyed helping with the annual sale at Liberty Ranch, and she worked side-by-side with Deb Smith clerking the sale. Linda is survived by her husband, Roger, two sons, two daughters, several grandchildren, other relatives and friends.

Vol. 19 • Issue 3 • May/June 2011

KLBA Hosts Successful Sale in Salina


The Kansas Limousin Breeders Association held their 19th annual bull and female sale on April 3, 2011 at the Farmers and Ranchers Livestock Commission Co. in Salina, Kansas. Cattle were consigned by eleven seed stock producers from Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska. Sunny skies and temperatures topping the 90 degree mark greeted a good crowd of commercial and seed stock buyers.

Scott and Andrew Sigle of Osborne, KS purchased Katie Campbell’s topselling bull at the KLBA Sale.

Three bulls topped the sale, each bringing $4,000. KTEE Wrangle, a 3/20/09 black, polled son of King Wulf 8534T out of KTEE Reba consigned by Katie Campbell of Rocky Top Limousin, Leavenworth, KS was purchased by Scott Sigle of Osborne, KS.

Darrold Zimmerman of Grainfield, KS purchased two of the three top-selling bulls at the KLBA Sale including consignments from Jake Callahan and John Crow.

KAJE Walk This Way, a 4/27/09 double black, double polled son of KAJE Revenue 559R out DESP Jasmine 971J consigned by Callahan Farms of Centerview, MO was purchased by Darold Zimmerman of Zimmerman Farms, Grainfield, KS. Zimmerman also purchased Black Top Laredo 503X, a 1/3/10 black, double polled son of TUBB Laredo 7021N out of Clear Creek Natalie 6501T consigned by Crow Cattle Company of Holt, MO. Crow Cattle Co. also consigned Clear Creek Warrior 06W, 4/2/09 double black, double polled son of COLE First Down 46D out of JDPM 379G. Dale Stiles of Spring

Jerry Frees and son Austin of Raymond, KS purchased two bulls at the KLBA State Sale.

Pat and Jerry Meek, Pine Tree Acres Limousin of Parker, KS consigned the three top-selling heifers and all were purchased by Greg and Spencer Bures of Geneva, NE.

Hill, KS purchased the bull for $3,650. Three open females consigned by Pine Tree Acres were the high-selling females. PTAL Xstacy 001X, a 1/16/10 homozygous black, double polled daughter of MAGS Remote out of RPLF La Femme Nikita 141L; PTAL Xceptional 003X, a 1/25/10 homozygous black, polled daughter of Wulf’s Fanfare 1212N out of Wulf’s Lomita; and PTAL Xciting 009X, a 3/27/10 black, polled daughter of BOHI Top Dollar 7144T out of RPLF Karla 75K

were all purchased by Greg Bures of Geneva, NE for $2,000 each. The volume buyer at the KLBA sale was John Kusel of Fort Cobb, OK, taking home five lots. Averages: 20 Bulls..........................................$2,620 10 Open females.............................1,500 2 Pairs..............................................2,179 5 Bred females................................1,185 Total: 37 Lots...........................................$2,100 Auctioneer: Bruce Brooks Sale Management: KLBA

Dale Stiles of Spring Hill, KS purchased a high-selling bull from Crow Cattle Co. of Holt, MO. Deb Crow thanked Dale for his purchase.

Jones Named Commercial Producer of the Year Paul Jones of Hays, Kansas was named the 2011 Commercial Producer of the Year by the Kansas Limousin Breeders Association. The award was given at the KLBA sponsored consignment sale in Salina, KS on April 3, 2011. Dave Braun of Victoria, KS nominated the Jones operation. The Jones operation consists of Paul Jones Sr. and Paul Jr. who operate a 200 head black and black-baldy commercial cow herd 40 miles southwest of Hays. They purchase 50-75 percent Lim-Flex bulls to complete what they consider to be the best threeway cross for their program. Paul Jr. explained that they like to use Limousin bulls for their growth, stretch, yield and hybrid vigor. They operate a “Conception to Consumption” program, an all natural and source verified brand (Ranch Raised Beef) in a vertically integrated marketing program, selling their product through their own meat market in Hays. Using their cow herd produc-

HLA Executive Secretary Dean Summerbell congratulated Paul Jones of Hays, KS upon being named the KLBA Commercial Producer for 2011. His nominator was Dave Braun of Victoria. Cash Schilling President of the KLBA also congratulated Jones.

tion, they feed out their calves an average of 140-150 days and harvest them at the Ellenwood, KS packing plant. The boxed beef is then shipped to Hays for processing and packaging the retail product for sale at their Hays City Quality Meats market. In addition to their Ranch Raised Beef operation, the Jones also background 600-700 feeders

up to 800 lbs and market them through the LaCross, KS sale barn. They have 1,800 acres of wheat and 800 acres of row crop. Paul Jr. is a dentist in Hays. He and his wife Elodie have two daughters, ages 16 and 9. Congratulations to Paul Jones upon receiving the Commercial Producer of the Year award.


Vol. 19 • Issue 3 • May/June 2011

Wulfs Opportunity Sale of 2011

Thank You for making it a Great Event!

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Diamond V Ranch,ND Dick Hansen,SD Double J Ranch,MO Doud Ranch,SD Doug Biedenfeld,IA Doug Sieck,SD Eagle Pass Ranch INC,MN Edleman Ranch,SD Exotic Acres Limousin Farms,MN Farlee Ranch,SD Fred Kost,SD Gary Hilby Inc,IA Gary Van Daele,ND Gerald Bachmeier,ND Gorden Greer,ND Graniteview,SD Greg Smith,ND H&T Bies Cattle Company,SD Hepper Ranch,ND Hinsz Ranch,SD Jackie Bigger,SD James Leier,ND Jerry Ter Wee & Sons,IA John Anderson,SD Justin Jenniges,MN K&S Limousin,MO

Leonard Wulf & Sons Inc.

47694 320th Street, Morris, MN 56267 Ph: 320-392-5802 Fax: 320-392-5504 Email: wulf@wulflimousin.com Website:www.wulflimousin.com Jerry 320-491-1390 ~ Jim 320-491-6312 Joel Edge: 319-540-1731

Kaiser Farms,MN KC Limousin,SD Keith Kilen,MN Kennedy Ranch,SD Keppy Limousin,IA Kevin Bachmeier,MN Korhonen Farms,MN Kyle Stern,SD Laura Bachmeier,MN Lawrence Luthi,MO Leier Livestock,ND Leonard Marti,MO Linda Dahl Naab,SD Ludens Family Limousin,SD Ludwig Limousin,ND Lyle Bien,SD McLellan Ranch,SD Meyer Ranch,ND Miller Limousin,WI Moser Farm,MN Nowlin Cattle Co, LLC,SD O'Brien Limousin,MN O'Bryan Crane Limousin,MO Overlie Farms,MN Pat Leier,ND Paul Zeug,MN

Philip Schaf,ND Preston Stewart,ND Randal Kack,MN Randy Koehl,MN Randy Ryberg,ND Rebecca Bauer,IA Richard & Karen Fischer,MN Ritter Farm & Ranch,SD Riverview Farms,MN Robert Bohn,ND Rock Creek Local Dist,SD Rocking S Ranch,ND Rotenberger Farms,ND Roth Limousin,SD Rudy Hepper,ND Ryan Peterson,ND Ryan Pulley,MN Schaefers Farms,SD Schlagel Farms,SD Shawn Kirwin,MN Sleiter Limousin,MN Steve Mulenhart,MN Summit Farms,KS T J Cattle,IA Todd Lecy,MN Tony Schneider,ND Vorthmann Limousin,IA Wayne J Nelson Cattle Co.,SD Co Wiesen Limousin,MN Wolf Creek Ranch,ND Yackley Ranches,SD Youngblood Limousin,MO

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