Jan-Feb 2013 Heartbeat Magazine

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Limousin Heart Beat

Official Publication of the heartLAND Limousin Association • Jan/Feb 2013

Protecting Calves from the Bitter Cold

tures. Wind is often the biggest factor, while humidity can also have a large effect on cold as well because humid air can take more warmth away from animals. The surfaces on which cattle must rest also have a great effect on the risk of frostbite. If cattle must lie on snow, ice or frozen ground, they’ll lose more body heat than if resting on dry bedding or grass. Snow or ice from freezing rain on calves dramatically increases heat loss. Calves that freeze to death are unable to maintain a high enough body temperature to keep body processes working. Newborn calves have a special body tissue called “brown adipose tissue,” which is designed to help them deal with cold temps. During cold temperatures, this special fat is broken down and creates heat to help the calf keep warm. However, very cold conditions

Time Dated Material


Bar JZ ................................... 2 BHSS® Limousin Show......... 17 Bosch Farms......................... 20 Bruner Limousin.................... 12 Edwards Limousin................. 25 GV Limousin.......................... 28 Hawkeye Breeders................ 24 Chris Hermon........................ 19 Iowa Beef Expo..................... 31 Liberty Ranch........................ 11 LimiGene............................... 13 Linhart Limousin.................... 29 Lonely Valley Limousin.......... 10 Lura Limousin.......................... 3 Nolz Limousin........................ 26 Peterson L7 Limousin.............. 8 Red Carpet Sale.................... 14 ROM’N Limousin..................... 9 Straight Limousin................... 18 Symens Brothers................... 21 Treftz Family Limousin.......... 15 Venner Family Limousin.......... 5 Vorthmann Limousin........ 26, 30 Wieczorek Limousin.............. 27 Woodard Limousin................. 30 Wulf Limousin........................ 32

Picture compliments of Rhonda Wulf, Wulf Cattle at Morris, MN.

Volume 21 • Issue 1

State News

Iowa News............................. 26 Kansas News........................ 30 Minnesota News...............12-13 Missouri News......................8-9 Nebraska News..................... 10 South Dakota News............... 14 Wisconsin News.................... 10



Back In Time...................... 3, 30 Covering Ground..................4-5 Heartland Calendar................. 7 Heartland Highlights ........16-17 Junior Beat............................ 20 On The Road Again..............6-7 Recipe of the Month................ 6 Sales Reports...................22-25

With the cold and snowy weather now in the Upper Midwest, appropriate management can help producers avoid frostbite and hypothermia losses among calves born during the cold season, says W. Dee Whittier, Virginia Tech Extension veterinarian. Writing in the Ohio Beef Cattle Letter, Whittier says frostbite is the damage to body tissues that occurs when tissues freeze. The extremities are most at risk. Frozen ears and tails result in changes of cattle appearance but don’t affect cattle performance significantly. But, frozen feet generally result in a lost calf, while occasionally teats of a recently calved cow freeze resulting in mastitis and frequently loss of milk production in at least one quarter of the udder. Newborn calves are most at risk because they’re wet and have a large surface area in relation to their total body mass. Plus, calves aren’t fully capable of maintaining temperature the first several hours of life. Newborn calves have a circulatory system that is less able to respond to cold changes as compared to more mature animals. Weather conditions have a great effect on the risk of frostbite and hypothermia, above and beyond just creating low tempera-

Heartland Limousin Association 23244 Gopher Drive East Bethel, MN 55005

Fall Sales at Harvest Time.

can overcome this protective mechanism. Intake of the first milk (colostrum) and physical activity help calves maintain and generate the heat they need for body process to work properly. Attentive mothers vigorously clean newborn calves and stimulate this activity and the nursing of colostrums. Inexperienced or less attentive dams may let a calf get cold enough so it is sluggish and hypothermia results. Whittier provides these recommendations for preventing frostbite and hypothermia: • Provide windbreaks for calving cows when wind chill temperatures are below 20 degrees F. • Provide bedding for calving cows when wind chill temperatures are below 10 degrees F. Often the most convenient way to do this is to roll out a dry round bale of hay. • House calving cows and calves less than one day of age when wind chills are below 10 degrees F and calves can’t be kept dry because of snow or rain. Remember, housing can also be a negative because organisms that cause scours and pneumonia build up in barns and stalls. Finding the right balance of protecting calves from the cold but not exposing them to sickness bugs requires special skill when weather conditions are severe during calving. Continued on page 3.


Vol. 21 • Issue 1 • Jan/Dec 2013

62nd Annual Bull & Female Sale

67 Polled Limousin & Lim-Flex Yearling Bulls


98% Polled Tues., Feb. 19, 2013 1:00 pm Thomas Ranch Sale Facility 45 Polled Hereford Bulls 20 Polled Hereford Bred Heifers – 16 1/2 m. east of Onida, SD

Online catalog & video of sale bulls at www.barjz.com

Bar JZ Temptation 066Z S: Titus Temptation Bar JZ Temptation 075Z S: Titus Temptation BD: 3/18 DP. (Homo Pld test pending) DB. PB CE 9 B 1.5 W 48 Y 92 M 26 RE .51 MB -.01

BD: 3/19 DP. (Homo Pld test pending) Red. PB. CE 12 B .9 W 49 Y 97 M 21 RE .47 MB -.01

Bar Overload 107Z S: Wideload BD: 3/24 DP. DB. 86% Limousin CE 10 B -.3 W 48 Y 83 M 26 RE .53 MB .02 .

Bar JZ Pilot 122Z S: Wingman by Predator

Bar JZ Wolf Pack 155Z S: Big Timber

Bar JZ Rodemaster 010Z S: LVLS Stabilizer

BD: 3/27 DP. Red. PB. CE 12 B 1.5 W 51 Y 89 M 23 RE .65 MB -.05

BD: 4/4 DP. DB. 84% Limousin CE 9 B 2.7 W 52 Y 88 M 25 RE .33 MB .07

BD: 3/7 DP. DB. 62% Lim-Flex CE 15 B -4.3 W 43 Y 83 M 29 RE -.12 MB .22

Bar JZ Optimum 032Z. S: LVLS Optimizer

Bar JZ Rodemaster 051Z S: LVLS Stabilizer

Bar Overload 078Z S: Wideload

BD: 3/13 DP. DB. 42% Lim-Flex CE 8 B .1 W 42 Y 85 M 34 RE – MB –

BD: 3/16 DP. DB. 56% Lim-Flex CE 10 B -2.6 W 43 Y 88 M 29 RE -.16 MB .29

BD: 3/20 DP. Red. 68% Lim-Flex CE 10 B -1.5 W 48 Y 89 M 29 RE .12 MB .21

Online catalog & video of sale bulls.

Other sires include: Rookie, Army General, User Friendly, Upperdeck, Top Criteria. Sale Live Online. 1st Breeding Season Guarantee. Free Delivery 300 miles. Volume Discounts. 60 days free board. Sonny Booth, auctioneer. NALF Founder Member #97.

Don, Peg & Seth Zilverberg 605/852-2966 Holabird, SD 57540 • cattle@barjz.com • www.barjz.com

Protecting Calves ... Continued from front.

Treatment of Frostbite • Detect frostbite early. Examine newborn calves carefully when conditions create a risk. If ear tips are frozen, there’s significant risk that feet may be experiencing damage as well. • Thaw tissues as quickly as possible. Much of the damage of frostbite occurs during the thawing process. Ice crystals form that damage all tissues. A fast thaw decreases ice-crystal time. • Once tissues are thawed, refreezing must be prevented. This nearly always means housing with heat for several days. Because of damage to circulation from the initial freezing these tissues will refreeze very easily. Tissues that will recover from freezing should stay warm. If tissues are cold to the touch the next day there has probably been enough damage so that blood supply is gone and the feet or other parts will become gangrenous. Treatment of Hypothermia • Careful observation of newborn calves during cold conditions

Vol. 21 • Issue 1 • Jan/Dec 2013

is crucial. Healthy calves stand often, nurse large amounts of colostrum and are alert as evidenced by their holding the head up and getting up when encouraged. Extremities should feel warm. • Cold calves should be warmed and fed warm colostrum. If they don’t nurse, they should be given a bottle or tubed with colostrum or a commercial colostrum substitute. • A number of warming techniques can be successful. A few hours in the floor board of the pickup truck with the heater on high saves many calves. Hair dryers both dry and warm cold calves. Heart lamps work best if calves are already dry. Electric blankets can be very effective. Some producers have built boxes with a forced air heater, which are very effective. • Severe cases of hypothermia require special attention. Sometimes warming the outside of the calf shunts blood from the critical organs and results in death. Warm water baths can warm a very cold calf quickly, but sometimes result

“Back in Time” Do You Know the Answer?


Dean and I picked up some interesting material when we visited the British Limousin Cattle Society headquarters in Warwickshire. I thought you might enjoy reading some of these facts/figures. We read the sale reports printed in their latest magazine; however, the prices are listed in pounds rather than dollars which made it a bit more difficult to compare to our sales. 1). The British Limousin

Cattle Society celebrated a major anniversary last summer. Do you know what year their association originated? 2). The Limousin breed is the largest in the UK. How many registrations do you think they have listed on their rolls? 3). How many years in a row has the Limousin breed been #1 in the UK? Answers on page 30.

in death. Warm IV solutions or warm enemas administered by veterinarians can sometimes overcome this problem.

• Careful attention and appropriate treatments during cold weather calving can save calves’ lives and improve profitability in tough cattle economic times.

Lura Limousin Open Heifer sells at Sioux Empire Farm MSTT Yamaha 420Y Show, Jan. 24th 11/24/11 Dbl Polled/Red DLMC Zinfandel 205Z JSWT Wide Load 902W x RPLF Maverick 960M 4/16/12 black and Sells at Sioux Empire Farm Show, Jan. 24th double polled sired by MSTT Winchester.

MSTT Young Gun 131Y -

12/01/11 Dbl Polled/Red JSWT Wide Load 902W X (RPLF Prairie Pride 59P) Sells at Black Hills Stock Show®, Feb. 1st Calf Champion at MN State Fair & Clay County Fair, IA

Videos & pictures online www.luralimousin.com DLMC Yellowstone 202Y

5/07/11 Polled/Black ROMN Tow Truck 111T x (COLE Wulf Hunt) Sells at Iowa Beef Expo, Feb. 13th

Lura Limousin Mark & Sharilyn Willette Dustin & Lauren Mohrhauser 20061 450th Ave Delavan, MN 56023

luralimousin@gmail.com Mark: 605-695-3129  Sharilyn: 605-695-5344  Dustin: 605-695-9030  Lauren 605-695-7325


Vol. 21 • Issue 1 • Jan/Dec 2013

By: Dean Summerbell

Happy New Year to all of you and we hope you have a very successful and prosperous 2013. We were privileged to spend a portion of December in England visiting friends and of course, looking at Limousin cattle. Beverly and I had a very good meeting with Richard Saunders, who is in charge of program development for the British Limousin Cattle Society located in

Stoneleigh Kenilworth, Warwickshire, in the Midlands of England at the National Agricultural Center. The English are very proud of their Limousin success. Registration of Limousin cattle in England exceeds 20,000 per year and is the largest breed registration. 31% of all cattle registered in England are Limousin. Angus registration in England is 14% and tied with Charolais. Armed

Heartland Limousin Association Officers

Ed Bergler............................... President Jamie Watts..................... Vice President Andy Peterson......................... Secretary Jerry Meek.............................. Treasurer John Symens – Ex-officio

Executive Secretary & Advertising Sales Dean Summerbell 23244 Gopher Dr., East Bethel, MN 55005 H: (763) 434-2891 • Cell: (612) 963-3799 E-mail: bsummerb@ties2.net

Iowa Bob Bosch (515) 491-9163 Indianola, IA 50125


South Dakota Cookie Nielson (605) 203-0904 Arlington, SD 57212

Kansas Minnesota Cash Schilling (785) 694-2806 Ed Bergler (507) 643-6933 Edson, KS 67733 Dakota, MN 55925

Missouri Shaun Edwards (660) 441-0811 Concordia, MO

Nebraska Jamie Watts (402) 262-2240 Fairfield, NE 68938

Wisconsin Andy Peterson (715) 417-2253 Osceola, WI

Bruce Walrod Moorland, IA 50566 (515) 549-3417

Members at Large Jerry Meek Parker, KS (913) 898-2700

Editor Beverly Summerbell Published at

Times Citizen Communications, Clarion, IA

Graphic Design

Cavenee Design, Stephanie Ph: (605) 830-9025 E-mail: scavenee@gwtc.net

Norma Effertz Velva, ND 58790 (701) 624-5136

Limousin influenced commercial herd in Yorkshire.

with that information, Beverly and I set out in the countryside to find some of the herds which dot the countryside from north to south. We tried to concentrate on commercial herds that carried a Limi influence. One might think that the objective would be exciting. You have no idea how exciting, or should I say harrowing, this experience was. We picked the Yorkshire region for our foray. Between driving a manual transmission vehicle on the wrong side of the road with either stone fences or hedgerows serving as shoulders, our mission was, needless to say, a bit stressful. We are not used to driving on what was considered a major road that narrowed down to one lane bridges at speeds approaching 65-75 miles per hour. At one point I took the three foot space which was the shoulder to avoid an oncoming car who thought the center of the road was his. We nearly touched side mirrors. Beverly was too speechless to scream. At any rate we did survive without any major incidents. A

few cars did honk when I killed the engine hitting the brake without downshifting. The countryside farms produced some interesting results. Yorkshire has more sheep than people. They wander wherever they want to, including on the sides of the roads. The sheep carry colorful markings similar to our brands. We sought out producers who did not know we were coming. All of them were very helpful. Our contacts included a young farmer who breeds his Friesian dairy cows to Limousin. He uses exclusively Limousin semen to produce an improved crossbred with muscle. One of his associates told us that he feeds crossbred cattle in the county of Staffordshire. The Limousin crossed cattle are in demand and he was very satisfied with the results. The English breeders and cattle farmers were very upbeat about their product. Since we were traveling alone, we did not search thoroughly enough the regulations for going to France. Our English car was Continued on page 5.

Heartbeat Ad Rates

Space Member Non-Member Full page $700 $750 1/2 page $450 $500 1/3 page $350 $400 1/4 page $250 $300 1/8 page $150 $200 Rates include Full Color

Deadlines & Terms The 1st of the Previous Month Deadlines

January/February..................Dec. 10 March/April.......................... Feb. 10 May/June ..........................April 10 Sept./Oct. .......................... Aug. 10 Nov./Dec. ........................... Oct. 10 Terms: All accounts due & payable as billed.

Page Specifications

Full page.........4 col. (7.84”) x 10.25” 1/2 page..........4 col. x 5” or 2 col. x 10.25” 1/3 page..........4 col. x 3.5” or 3.25” x 10.25” 1/4 page..........2 col. (3.9”) x 5” 1/8 page..........2 col. (3.9”) x 2.5”

Richard Saunders with Dean Summerbell in front of the British Limousin Cattle Association.

Covering Ground ...

Vol. 21 • Issue 1 • Jan/Dec 2013

You Are Invited

Continued from page 4.

not insured for a trip to France. As a consequence, our English friends drove us to the tunnel that went under the English Channel (they call it the “chunnel”) for the 25 minute trip across. We then made a journey through the province of Normandy. The three days in France produced several inches of rain which made it impossible to do any independent searches for cattle in Limoge. Even the pictures were impossible to get. The highlight of the trip to France was the day spent at the beaches of Normandy. Being a rather stoic person, my demeanor was severely challenged with this “bucket list” item. The American cemetery at Omaha Beach was overwhelming. Looking at the beach, from the former emplacement sites of German machine guns, one wondered how anyone could have scaled those cliffs in the face of torrential fire. Turning away from the beach, you get a magnificent view of the cemetery with row upon row of white crosses and Stars of David with names of over 10,000 service men who

Dean with United Nation Troops.

sacrificed their lives in a ½-day so that we might live in freedom and enjoy liberty. It truly does make you stop and reflect on our blessings. While we were pondering the sacred ground of our fallen heroes, a United Nations unit marched into the cemetery and stood at attention and saluted the markers. These servicemen were not American but came from many European and South American countries. I was indeed proud to be an American. Sometimes we need to reorder our priorities and remember what is the most important in our lives. Hope to see you in Denver.

The Heartland Limousin Association would like to invite everyone to attend their annual meeting, banquet and benefit auction. Please mark your calendars for Tuesday, February 12, 2013. The festivities will begin at 5:30 p.m. at the FFA Building (west of the cattle barn) on the Iowa State Fairgrounds in Des Moines. This annual event will be held in conjunction with the Iowa Beef Expo. The Association is seeking items to be donated for the benefit auction. In the past there have been a wide variety of unique and interesting things donated in addition to cattle supplies and semen. The money raised from this auction goes to support the traveling expenses of the HLA Executive Secretary.

Please contact Dean Summerbell or any member of the HLA board of directors if you have items to be donated or if you would like to leave a bid for items. Check out the HLA website at www.heartlandlimousin.org for updated information on the banquet and to view a list of the benefit items. This will be a wonderful opportunity to meet and visit with Limousin breeders from across the Midwest. We hope to see you there!

It’s Herd Bull Time Again ...

Visit our stalls at the Black Hills Stock Show® & Iowa Beef Expo. We are offering the stoutest & deepest set of bulls ever to come from our program along with a classy lady going to Des Moines. We’d love to visit. JBV Boomtown

JBV Defender 125Y

Heading to Rapid City are four stout, high performing sire prospects with JBV Boomtown leading the way. A full brother to JBV Believe It, Champion at the 2012 Iowa Beef Expo, this homo polled, Mr. Unbelievable son has that herd bull look to him. Also coming west are one of the first Richmond Xander sons to sell and two yearling Mr. Unbelievable sons, including JBV Best In Class, a homo polled, calving ease prospect that is huge-topped and big-butted. This is the strongest set of bulls we’ve ever brought out.

Headlining our Des Moines consignments is a real herd bull candidate in JBV Defender. Big topped and wide bodied, this homo polled Mr. Unbelievable son is out of a Justice dam who already has a Expo Champion female to her credit. Defender may be that unique pedigreed individual we are all searching for. Also going to Des Moines is JBV Royce, red and homo polled, he is packed full of muscle and sired by the efficiency expert, Wulfs Upgrade and out of one of our best females. If you like muscle and power, you’ll appreciate his length of body and huge testicles. We feel JBV Piñata can be a great brood cow. Moderate-framed, big-bodied and with a world of style, she will pay benefits right away with an early March due date. Double homozygous just adds value to this Shop Talk daughter.

JBV Piñata

… Along with one classy lady

See video & pictures of all these cattle at www.vennerlimousin.com

Venner Family Limousin

Jim & Becky – (712) 673-4491 • (712) 830-8381 3891 Taylor Ave., Breda, IA 51436 venner@win-4-u.net • www.vennerlimousin.com



Vol. 21 • Issue 1 • Jan/Dec 2013

By: Bev Summerbell

I am writing this column as I try to recover from “jet lag”. Dean and I spent nine wonderful days in England and France. We flew to Manchester, England on November 28 and headed for the

northern part of the country. We spent time traveling in the countryside, looking at the farms, and learning the perils of driving on the wrong side of the road. We attended the wedding of the daughter of very good friends in the village of Yelvertoft Friday,

Recipe of the Month

Members of the Missouri Limousin Juniors Association presented a recipe and skit as part of the Limi Booster Beef Cook-Off competition at the NALJA show in Des Moines. Enjoy this recipe!

Missouri junior cook-off competitors at the NALJA show last July.

Big “Mo” o la Beef Tinga

2 lbs. sirloin (cubed or ground) Salt and pepper to taste Flour for dredging – if using cubed sirloin 3 Tbs. oil About 1 lb. fresh Mexican chorizo, casings removed 1 large onion 4 cloves garlic, sliced ½ Tbs. cumin ½ Tbs. Mexican oregano ½ Tbs. ground coriander 1 can or 1 ½ cups beef stock 1 can diced fire roasted tomatoes, 28 oz. 1-2 Tbs. chipotle in adobo 1 Tb. Honey Directions: • Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. • Heat large Dutch over medium-high heat with oil. • Brown meat and remove to plate. • Add chorizo and brown. • Add onion, garlic, cumin, oregano, and coriander. Let onion soften for a few minutes. • Add in the stock, tomatoes, chipotle, honey and reserved meat to pot. • Bring to a boil and then put in oven. • Cook for 1 ½ hours, until very tender. • Serve in shallow bowls with tortillas, lime wedges, queso fresco, jalapeños, and onions on the side.

Josie Inez Watts was born October 11, 2012 weighing 7 lbs. 5 oz. and 21.5 in. long. Parents Jamie Watts, Watts Limousin Ranch, and Alycia Beck are from Fairfield, ne.

November 30. The reception was held at the former palace of King Charles I. It was a splendid location for the 150 guests at Paul and Rachel’s wedding. We stayed approximately 150 miles north of the wedding. Our goal was to get an early start since we were not sure of the route that we needed to take. We brought along an adapter to use for the electrical items; however, it did not work with my curling iron. We stopped in Lancaster the day before the wedding to purchase a new one. I decided I should work on my hair the night before the wedding so all I would need to do was brush it out before we set out for our journey to Yelvertoft. Unfortunately, I did not realize the difference in voltage – the curling iron in England was much hotter than what I use at home. When I woke up Friday morning, the left side of my hair had some “pink” curls. Needless to say, I was horrified. I tried everything that I could think of, but nothing seemed to work. As a result, I got out the scissors and told Dean to start “chopping”. He cut out what he could and I tried to mix in the good with the bad. I had my hair highlighted before we left for England, and the color must have reacted to the extreme heat. I know I will never forget this wedding – both the ceremony and the situation getting ready for the wedding. It was fun to attend a wedding in another country. It was also interesting to view the countryside, visit with Limousin breeders,

Congratulations to Ben & Amanda Bennett of Bronaugh, MO on the birth of their baby, Kinze Elaine, born September 2, 2012.

and go to the Limousin headquarters – equivalent of NALF. In addition to our stay in England, we also went to France so we could “cross off” an item on Dean’s “bucket list”. After teaching American History for 34 years, he had always wanted to visit the beaches of Normandy. It truly was a moving experience to see the beaches, realize that thousands of young men gave their lives for our freedom, and then view the American cemetery. We stayed at a very old French inn, had a magnificent French meal at the hotel, and visited several cathedrals. The architecture, stained glass windows and beauty of these very old buildings dating back to the 1,200’s AD is amazing. It was also interesting to see the homes, many with thatched roofs, in the small villages in England. The roads in the rural areas of England were built for horse drawn carriages; however, the English make the best of not being able to expand roadways. I still can’t get over how they just “park in the street” in the

Watts Limousin Christmas tree. Created by Jamie Watts and fiancée Alycia Beck. Merry Christmas to all.

Vol. 21 • Issue 1 • Jan/Dec 2013


Neat Limousin toothpick flags adorn the desserts at the Wies Limousin Sale.

villages. That made driving even more treacherous – because the streets are so narrow there is barely enough room for one car. I thought traffic was bad at home, but it is nothing compared to what we experienced overseas. Speed, narrow roads, not knowing the roads, and the round-abouts all made for a memorable trip. Our overseas experience was truly a step back into yesteryear. The smell of coal burning to heat the homes and the traditional view of Christmas was something out of a “Courrier & Ives” view of a time we only read about in books. We celebrated Dean’s “big” birthday December 1 in a very memorable way. We went to a rugby match to watch the Leicester Tigers compete against Bath. It is supposed to be like American “football”, but other than using a ball of similar shape, not much else is the same. It was quite an afternoon; however, I do wish that I had a better understanding of the rules. After the match, we walked to a very good restaurant for a delightful dinner with our English friends and a couple from Grand Junction, CO who were also in England for the wedding. Member News Get Well wishes are sent to

Mike Christie of Baldwin City, KS. He was scheduled to have back surgery at the end of October; however, he ended up having a low platelet level. He had blood transfusions in November and in December he had several veins banded. We will keep him in our thoughts as he recovers from these major health concerns. We also want to remember and send get well wishes to Coolie Callahan of Jacksonville, MO who had knee replacement surgery this fall. He spent time at the VA Hospital for rehab. We wish him well with his recovery. Sandy Kreber of Yankton, SD fell and broke her hip. She is now recovering at an assisted living facility in Yankton. Our Sympathy is extended to Darrell and Dixie Lester of Rembrandt, IA on the death of Dixie’s mother. We also extend our sympathy to the family of Arlie McClellan, son of commercial breeder Dale McClellan of Lantry, ND. Arlie, a college student, was killed in a car accident this fall.

Charles Linhart of Leon, IA bagged this deer at Watts Limousin Ranch in Nebraska. He purchased the hunt at the Heartland Benefit auction last February.

Congratulations to Bob and Euvonne Wies of St. Charles, MO who celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary the week before their Wies Maternal Magic sale Nov 3.

Heartland Calendar


13-14 Woodard Limousin Online Sale, Calhan, CO 13 NALF Membership Social, Renaissance Hotel – Denver, CO 14 NALF Annual Meeting, Renaissance Hotel – Denver, CO 14 NALF Membership Banquet & Genetics On Ice Auction, Renaissance Hotel – Denver, CO 15 NWSS Junior Limousin Show – Denver, CO 15 National Western Limousin Sale, NWSS Sale Facility – Denver, CO 16 NWSS Open Limousin Show – Denver, CO 17 NWSS Pen/Carload Limousin Shows – Denver, CO 24 Red Carpet Show & Sale, Sioux Empire Fairgrounds – Sioux Falls, SD 26 Spring Preview & Customer Appreciation, Long & Sons – Afton, IA 31 SD Limousin Association Banquet/Benefit Auction, Ramkota Hotel – Rapid City, SD


1 Black Hills Stock Show® & Sale – Rapid City, SD 2 Liberty Ranch Annual Bull & Quarter Horse Sale – Plainville, KS 9 Treftz Limousin Production Sale – Aberdeen, SD 12 Heartland Limousin Association Banquet/Benefit Auction – Des Moines, IA 13 Iowa Beef Expo Limousin Sale, state fairgrounds – Des Moines, IA 16 GV Limousin Annual Production Sale, Anderson County Sales – Garnett, KS 19 Bar JZ Ranches Annual Sale, Thomas Ranch Sale Facility – Onida, SD 21 Symens Brothers 33rd Annual Sale, at the farm – Amherst, SD 21 Nebraska Limousin Association Banquet/Benefit Auction – Kearney, NE 22 21st Annual Nebraska Cattlemen’s Classic Limousin Show & Sale – Kearney, NE 22 Wieczorek Limousin 33rd Annual Sale – Corsica, SD 23 Lonely Valley Limousin Annual “Keepin’ Kind Bull Sale”, at the farm – Creston, NE 23 Minnesota Limousin Association Banquet/Benefit Auction – Glencoe, MN


Congratulations to Vickie Schott, daughter of Jim and Priscilla Schott of McLaughlin, SD and Jason Dowdy of Spearfish. They were united in marriage Friday, June 1, 2012 in Spearfish.

Joe Brewer of Dallas Center, IA and Brenda Swanson of Sioux City, IA were united in marriage November 17, 2012. Joe is the son of Dan and Linda Brewer, Brewer Farms Limousin of Dallas Center, IA. The couple will remain on the farm in Dallas Center, IA. Photo courtesy of Sweekit Photography, http://www. sweekitllc.com/

2 2 3 10 15 16 16 16 21 22 23 23

. lmwood Limousin 23rd Annual Production Sale – Sterling, CO E Limousin Association of Wisconsin Banquet/Benefit Auction – Sparta, WI Limousin Association of Wisconsin State Sale – Sparta, WI Boyer Limousin Annual Production Sale, at the farm – Liberty, NE Schott Limousin Ranch 30th Anniversary Annual Bull Sale – Mobridge, SD MN Beef Showcase Sale – Fergus Falls, MN Pinegar Limousin Herdbuilder XIX Sale, at the farm – Springfield, MO Vaughn Farms “Genetics for the Future Sale” – Napoleon, ND DBL Inc. Annual video Bull Sale – Fullerton, NE Wulf Cattle “Opportunity Sale of 2013”, at the farm – Morris, MN Kansas Limousin Association State Sale – Salina, KS Kuehne’s Rocky Creek Limousin Open House & Private Treaty Sale, at the farm – Long Prairie, MN 25 Hager Cattle Co. Annual Bull Sale – Mandan, ND 30 Bruner Limousin Annual Sale – Madison, SD


Vol. 21 • Issue 1 • Jan/Dec 2013

Missouri State News ...

MLBA Annual Meeting, Banquet and Benefit Set for Lebanon Members of the Missouri Limousin Association will hold their annual meeting, banquet, and benefit auction Saturday, April 20, 2013 at the Laclede County Fairgrounds. The festivities will take place in conjunction with the “Great American Pie Sale” that will take place the following day, April 21, at the fairgrounds. We hope to have a large contingent of Limousin enthusiasts, commercial breeders, friends and family travel to Lebanon for the weekend events. If you would like more information, contact Ben Bennett, MLBA president or any member of the board of directors or you can go to the MLBA website at www.missourilimousin.com. Entry forms will NOT be mailed out. You can download forms from the following websites: kkseedstock.com, missourilimousin.org, or heartofmissouri.org. If you are consigning bulls

Remember to support Missouri’s efforts to provide for the 2013 NALJA show in Springfield.

The MLBA held their fall meeting in Lebanon, MO October 14. Front Row; Mark Haden, Ty Heavin, Shaun Edwards, Ben Bennett (President), Back Row: Andy Ernszt, Mike Cravens, Jack Glendenning and Owen Mudd.

to the sale, be sure to read the rules. Call any board member if you have questions or need additional information. There will also be additional information in the April/May issue of the Heart Beat, on the Missouri news page. Field Day The MLBA field day will take

Selling at the BHSS ... Friday, Feb. 1 • Rapid City, SD

place the weekend of June 8-9 in conjunction with the Missouri Cattlemen’s weekend. The junior show will take place Saturday and the open show will be held Sunday. Missouri Limousin Breeders Association to Host 2013 NALJA Show

Members of the Missouri Limousin Breeders Association are busily preparing for the 2013 NALJA show to be held in Springfield, MO June 29-July 5. Tickets are being sold for the chance to win five bred heifers. Only 500 tickets are available at $100 per ticket. You can contact any member of the MLBA or the

board of directors to purchase a ticket. The drawing will take place during the Opening Ceremony of the NALJA show next summer. Juniors who are bringing cattle to Springfield for the 2013 NALJA show are strongly encouraged to bring generators. Headquarters Hotels The La Quinta Inn and Suites Airport Plaza has been selected as the headquarters hotel for the NALJA show. Rates for the hotel are: $68.99 for a single queen, $75.99 for a single king, $79.99 for two queen beds, and $99.99 for a king suite. Please mention the North American Limousin Junior Association when making reservations and the number to call is 417/447-4466. The overflow hotel is the Courtyard by Marriott Springfield Airport located at 3527 W. Kearney, which is just across the intersection from the La Quinta. Their rate is $84 and the phone number for making reservations is 417/869-6700.

L7 1067Y

9/9/11 DB, DP WW 739 YW 1387 WULFS Titus 2149T x Miss L7 110L (FSHK Jackson 538) CED 1 BW 3.7 WW 54 YW 94 MA 21 CM -7 SC .4 DOC 19 CW 22 REA .50 YG -.05 MB -.07 $MTI 44

Annual Production Sale Rod & Wendy Peterson Families Wednesday, April 10, 2013 34715 255th St, Pukwana, SD 57370 cepeterson@midstatesd.net Website: petersonsl7bar.com

Rod: 605/894-4470 Cade: 605/894-4317 Quin: 918-625-2500

Members of the Fullblood Limousin Alliance met in Lebanon, MO October 13, 2012. Officers and board members are: Front row - Carter Haynes (Jr. President) Bowling Green, KY; David Holley, Gallipos, OH; Rod Carver, Noble, OK; Connie Crockett (Vice-President) LaMar, MO; Ken Glazier, Kingfisher, OK. Back row: Stephen Haynes, Bowling Green, KY; Billy White, Ft. Gibson, OK; James Lucas (president) Roff,OK; Ty Heavin, Springfield, MO; and Joe Latendresse (Secretary/Treasurer) Oologah, OK.

Vol. 21 • Issue 1 • Jan/Dec 2013

Heart of Missouri/Cattle Drive Sales in Lebanon Gross $281,485

Overnight rain, green pastures, and a sunny day brought a great crowd of enthusiastic buyers to Lebanon, Missouri on October 14, 2012 for the annual Heart of Missouri/ Cattle Drive Sale. Sponsored by the Heart of Missouri Association and the Fullblood Limousin Alliance, the 93 lots of cattle plus embryos and semen fetched $281,485. The high-selling female was AUTO Black Honey 267Y; a 9/6/11 black, homozygous polled LimFlex 50 percent daughter of SAV Bismarck 5682 out of MAGS Phantoms Prize consigned by Pinegar Limousin of Springfield, MO. She was purchased by Englewood Farms of Lancaster, KY for $13,500. Close behind was the Pinegar consignment of AUTO Whiskers 291Y; an 11/27/11 homozygous black, homozygous polled LimFlex 75 percent daughter of DHVO Trey 133R out of PBRS Pina Marie 811U. Circle R Ranch of Jacksonville, FL had the final bid of $11,500 on the heifer.

Consignor Ed Pinegar of Springfield, M O t h a n k e d To m H o p k i n s o f Phillipsburg, MO and Mike Sexton of Miami, OK for their purchases of Pinegar consignments.

The top-selling bred heifer was AUTO Tia 249X, a 9/26/10 Fullblood daughter of Harvest Olympus out of STBR Demetria 669D consigned by Pinegar Limousin. Tom Hopkins of Turtle Pond Farms purchased the heifer bred to AUTO Creekside 564U for $7,000.

Another popular bred heifer consigned by Pinegar was AUTO Dali 683X, a 9/13/10 homozygous black, homozygous polled daughter of AUTO Dollar General 122R out of AUTO Summer 273U. Southern

Jim Green

Mike Cravens of M&B Limousin.

Cattle Co. of Marianna, FL purchased the female bred to MAGS Payday for $5,250. Tubmill Creek Farms of New Florence, PA had the final bid of $5,000 on J Bar J A Winner 133Y; an 8/29/11 black, polled Lim-Flex 50 percent daughter of MAGS Winston out of MAGS Unlikely Candidate consigned by Glendenning J Bar J Limousin of Lebanon, MO. Fisher Farms of Shipley, FL purchased the top-selling Fullblood bull consigned by Thomas Farms of Leslie, AR. CF Polled Mesquite 268W, a 2/6/09 son of EAFF Polled Mesquite 655R out of Sassie Post 01R brought $4,400. Thomas Farms of Leslie, AR purchased a top-selling Heart of Missouri bull consigned by Pinegar Limousin. AUTO Downstream 138Y; a 4/4/11 homozygous polled, black Lim-Flex 63 percent son of MAGS Payday out of Pina Marie 811U, brought $4,200. Turtle Pond farms purchased Terry Fox of New Iberia, LA, former Major League Baseball pitcher for Detroit and Philly, purchased cattle at the Heart of Missouri sale.

the top-selling Fullblood pair for $4,900. AR Polled Rococo 571R, a 4/7/05 daughter of EAFF Ambers Fancyman489N out of AR POL Lolly 148L sold with her 3/22/12 bull calf sired by AR POL Politician 4132P. The cow was bred back to Pol Politician. Volume buyers included Grover and Jamie Johnson of Dixon, IL (15); M&B Limousin of Lee’s Summit, MO (7); Snead Limousin of Girard, KA (5); Mark and Becky Witt of Pierce City, MO; Thomas Farms of Leslie, AR; Green Farms of Dixon, IL; Rexwinkle Limousin of Coffeyville, KS; and Highview Farms of Lawrenceburg, KY.

Thomas Farms.


Grover and Jamie Johnson Averages: Cattle Drive 12 Fullblood pairs.........................$2,966 11 Bred Females.............................2,586 3 Fullblood bulls.............................2,610 26 Fullblood Lots..........................$2,798 Heart of Missouri 30 Pairs..........................................$2,400 11 Breds...........................................2,140 6 Open females...............................5,550 20 Bulls............................................2,418 67 Lots...........................................$2,645 Semen..........................................$30,415 Embryos........................................$1,120 Grand Total: .............................$281,485 Auctioneer: C.K. “Sonny” Booth Sale Management: KK Seed Stock Sale Consultant: Grassroots Consulting

Stop by our Pen in Denver & Check out ROMN Zanzibar

Selling at

ROMN Zanzibar 144Z Sire: ROMN Made to Order MGS: KRVN Naskar

3-20-12 BW: 85 Adj WW: 727 CED: 8 BW: 2.0 WW: 51 YW: 99 MA: 18 CEM: 1 SC: 1.0

ROM'N Limousin "Where Class Meats Carcass" Annual Bull Sale Sat., April 13, 2013 20129 450th Ave., Arlington, SD 57212 Julie and Dustin Sneed of Girard, KS purchased several lots.

www.romnlimousin.com • romnlimo@msn.com Adam, Michelle, & Greyson Nielson 605-203-0733 • 605-203-0732 Robert “Cookie” & Mary Nielson 605-203-0903 • 605-203-0904 4 miles west and 7.5 miles north of Arlington, SD.


Vol. 21 • Issue 1 • Jan/Dec 2013

Wisconsin News ...

Nebraska News ...

Limousin Activities Planned for Meeting, Banquet and Benefit mation about this event. We hope Auction to be Held in Sparta Kearney to see many Limousin producers, The Nebraska Limousin Association will hold its annual meeting, banquet and benefit auction in conjunction with the Nebraska Cattlemen’s Classic in Kearney. The meeting, banquet and benefit auction will be held Thursday evening, February 21, 2013 at the Buffalo County Fairgrounds in Kearney. Members are urged to donate a variety of items for the benefit auction including baked goods, crafts, cattle supplies and semen. The money raised from this endeavor helps support activities throughout the year. If you are unable to attend, please leave a bid with a member of the association. We appreciate the support of all our members who help to make our association a success. Please contact Gerald Gustafson, NLA president at 402/3808061, or any member of the board of directors for additional inforLVLS

their families and commercial producers in Kearney for the banquet and sale. Cattlemen’s Classic The Limousin portion of the Nebraska Cattlemen’s Classic will take place Friday, February 22, 2013. The show will be held at 10:00 a.m. with the sale to follow at 1:30 p.m. These events will also take place at the Buffalo County Fairgrounds in Kearney. Check the website for additional information about the events at the Cattlemen’s Classic: www. necattlemen.com or call Ronette Bush-Heinrich at 308/627-6385.

The annual meeting, banquet, benefit auction and state sale for the Limousin Breeders of Wisconsin will be held the weekend of March 2-3, 2013 in Sparta. The weekend will begin with the annual meeting, banquet and benefit auction at the Club 16 Restaurant in Sparta Saturday evening, March 2. We hope to have a large crowd of Limousin enthusiasts join us in Sparta for a delicious prime rib dinner with all the trimmings. We look forward to seeing breeders, their families and friends from across Wisconsin as well as sur-

Heartland Meeting, Banquet & Benefit Auction Feb. 12, 2013 - 5:30 p.m.

IA State Fairgrounds, Des Moines, IA

WANTED Benefit Items & Bids for Auction

Contact Dean Summerbell or any member of the HLA board of directors to donate or if you would like to leave a bid for items. Check out www.heartlandlimousin.org for updated information.

Pinnacle 763Z

rounding states who will travel to Sparta to take part in this annual event. Please contact Wayne Peterson, president, or any other member of the board of directors to make your reservation for the dinner. We appreciate our members who have generously donated and/or bid on the cattle supplies, semen, craft items, food, and baskets in previous years. We look forward to another fun-filled auction. The money raised from the auction goes to support our junior and senior associations throughout the year. State Sale The 23 rd annual Limousin Association of Wisconsin State Sale will be held March 3, 2013 in Sparta. The sale will take place at the Equity Livestock Market at 1:00 p.m. Sunday.

22 nd Annual

“LVLS Keepin’ Kind” Production Sale

Saturday, February 23, 2013

HB, HP ~ Lim-Flex MAGS Utley x (MAGS Twain) BW 1.2 WW 54 YW 102 MA 38 MB .34 LVLS

100 Bulls

g Sellin Limousin • Lim-Flex & Angus Bulls LVLS

Zipper 5792Z


1:00 PM CST – at the ranch, Creston, NE Zodiac


Zepplin 1001Z

Het B, HP ~ Lim-Flex AUTO Black Dakota 129J x (Basin Max 602C) BW 2.1 WW 55 YW 103 MA 30 MB .06 Sale Consultant: Grassroots Genetics – 515/229-5227 Sale Manangement: R & R Marketing Co. – 615/330-2735

HB, DP ~ Lim-Flex MAGS The General x (LVLS 6I6 216) BW 1.5 WW 59 YW 106 MA 34 MB .22

HB, HP ~ PB Limousin DHVO Deuce 132R x (Anders Jag) BW 4.1 WW 69 YW 112 MA 24 MB -.08

Stan, Mike, Mark, Dean and Chad Settje Chad 402/910-5504 • Mike 402/920-0230 • Mark 402/920-0218 82291 560th Ave., Creston, NE 68631 • settje@q.com

Vol. 21 • Issue 1 • Jan/Dec 2013

Liberty Ranch

Economically Viable Seedstock for Commercial Cattlemen 2013 Annual Production Sale Saturday, February 2nd Plainville Livestock, Plainville, KS

: g n

i l l


1 P.M. CST

40 Bred Spring Calving Heifers 115 Coming Two Year Old Bulls 3 Broke Quarter Horses

lh excel boy lfm 1979560

MAGS Unreal NPM 1906563

We’re Blazing a Trail. in focus 0313 aaa 16921826

mags xtra wet npm 1980060

The Smoke Leads Here.

mags with rythmn lfm 1958519

mags yaesayer npm 1983829

100 SW 9th Street Plainville, KS 67663 Roger Comeau, owner. 785-434-4686 Mike Smith, manager. 785-885-4881 mobile 785-737-6053 www.libertyranchlimousin.com



Vol. 21 • Issue 1 • Jan/Dec 2013 Minnesota Beef Showcase

Minnesota News ...

Meeting & Banquet to be Held associations are urged to attend in Glencoe this important meeting.

The annual meeting, banquet and benefit auction for the Minnesota Limousin Association will be held Saturday, February 23, 2013 at the Glencoe County Club in Glencoe, MN. The day will begin with a social at 11:00 a.m. followed by the banquet at noon. In addition, there will also be a meeting for the Minnesota Junior Limousin Association prior to the meal. All members of the senior and junior

The benefit auction will follow the dinner. Members are asked to bring a variety of items for the auction. The money raised goes to support the two associations and their activities throughout the year. Contact Allen Lyon, secretary/treasurer at 320/387-2794 to make your reservations and let him know what you are bringing for the auction. Mark your calendars for this important event!

20 plus Minnesota junior Limousin members attended the Minnesota Beef Expo in St. Paul October 20. They held a meeting to plan future Limousin events and opportunities for Junior participation.

The MN Beef Showcase Sale and Agribition will be held March 14-16 at the Red Horse Arena, Fergus Falls, MN. We are currently looking for consignments, entries are due Jan. 15 at the cost of $100 per head. This is a multi-breed sale and all sales are Saturday, March 16. Cattle can be consigned two ways, as individuals and as a pen of three. Sale accepts open heifers, bred heifers, cows, cow-calf pairs and bulls. Prior to the sale date there will be educational seminars and trade show exhibits. You must be a member of the MN Limousin Association to consign cattle. For more information contact Mark Willette 605-695-3129 or Jim Scharpe 507-380-3465 or


scharpe8@frontiernet.net MN Showcase also has its own website for more information www.beefshowcase.com. Thank You We want to thank Kevin Bachmeier, Apple Valley, MN for serving as the breed representative to the Minnesota Beef Expo. We also want to express our appreciation for the members of the Junior and Senior Limousin Association who took part in the sale and the junior show. It was great to see so many Limousin enthusiasts in St. Paul for this annual event!

Welcome and Congratulations to Susan and Lonnie Schaatz of LeCenter, MN who are the new junior advisors for the Minnesota Junior Limousin Association.

ance Calving-Ease & High-Perform

in the Same Sire!

Master BRUN Red Frost 2117Y Master BRUN Captain 1458U CED BW WW YW MA CM SC ST 23 -3.2 63 120 27 12 1.5 24

DC 25

CW REA YG MS $MTI 66 0.58 0.19 0.11 52

CED BW WW YW MA CM SC ST DC 21 -1.8 63 122 28 13 1.0 N/A 26

Calving-ease and high-growth, double polled, linebred Lodestar.

Unequaled combination of 120 YW EPD and 23 CED EPD.

Watch for progeny by these curvebending Master BRUN sires!

Bruner Limousin www.brunerlimousin.com

E. John Bruner & Family 22289 442nd Avenue • Winfred, SD 57076 605.482.8202 • brunerlimousin@hotmail.com Bruner_12-12_HeartBeat_half_ad.indd 1

CW REA YG MS $MTI 55 0.48 0.11 0.05 50


Offering Bred Heifers & Yearling Bulls at the Sioux Empire Farm Show & Black Hills Stock Show® Annual Bull Sale March 30, 2013 12/17/12 2:51 PM

Vol. 21 • Issue 1 • Jan/Dec 2013

Limousin Does Very Well at Minnesota Beef Expo After three days of events and activities, the Minnesota Beef Expo concluded October 21, 2012. Limousin juniors from Minnesota, North Dakota, and Wisconsin held their show on the last day in conjunction with all other junior breed shows held at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds in St. Paul.

Courtney Dohrman of Dodge Center had the reserve champion Limousin steer with her 514 lb steer.

Mat Lewis from Iliff, CO judged the 20 heifer event and selected MADF Yolanda101Y, a 4/1/11 daughter of KRVN Naskar 013N out of ASRL Stardust 443S exhibited by Matt Duff of Hampton, MN as the champion Limousin female.

Casey Fanta representing Wulf Cattle of Morris, MN purchased a high-selling “Choice of the Spring Heifers” consigned by Lyon River Front Farm of Foley, MN.

Wulf Cattle of Morris, MN purchased the choice of the spring open heifer crop f r o m Ly o n River Front Farms for $3,600. Christopher Jackson of Aitken, MN was the Beef Youth Experience reThe annual steer and female sale was held Saturday, October 20, 2012. Topping the Limousin sale was LRFF cipient of the Yahoo 519Y, a 1/18/11 daughter of SYES User Friendly out Limousin feof LRFF Ultra 539U consigned by Lyon River Front Farm of male donated Foley, MN. The heifer sold bred to ASRL Wisdom to Erika by Lyon River


Joe Martin of the Minnesota State Cattlemen’s Association attended the Supreme Drive show and awards ceremony at the Beef Expo in St. Paul.

Front Farm. The donated heifer is a 3/4/12 daughter of ASRL Wisdom. Dignitaries attending the Beef Expo include Scott Bruce of Cody, WY, the incoming NCBA president, and Joe Martin, Minnesota State Cattlemen’s Association representative to the NCBA Board of Directors.

Sudbrink of Clear Lake, WI for $3,750. Darcie Lundquist of Alsen, ND exhibited the reserve champion female with TDTL Your Girl 102Y, a 7/24/11 daughter of TDTL Tom Boy 293T out of ROLC Remember Me 451R.

Emmaline Leuthmers of Foley, MN completed her obligation for receiving the 2011 Wulf Cattle donation heifer. Rhonda Wulf represented Wulf Cattle at the Expo. Allison Vanderwahl of Sanborn, MN took home champion Limousin steer honors with a 496 lb. son of Wulf’s Spring Loaded.

Christopher Jackson of Aitken, MN was the recipient of the Minnesota Youth Beef Experience Limousin heifer donated by Lyon River Front Farm of Foley, MN.

Located near you in the

Ashley Lyon and her father Allen handed the halter of the heifer they donated to the Minnesota Youth Beef Experience to Christopher Jackson.

Make plans to attend the

upper Midwest & Heartland area

CIDRs for easy timed breeding • Consulting available Special prices on volume orders for commercial use Countless Limousin or Red & Black Angus SIRES available Experience to help YOU discover options

HLA Banquet February 12, 2013 Des Moines, IA

Herman & Judy Symens 605/698-4870 • Sisseton, SD www.limigene.com bulls@limigene.com



Vol. 21 • Issue 1 • Jan/Dec 2013

South Dakota News ... Limousin Festivities to be Held at Black Hills Stock Show The South Dakota Limousin Association will hold their annual meeting, banquet and benefit auction Thursday, January 31, 2013 at the Ramkota Hotel in Rapid City. This event will take place in conjunction with the Black Hills Stock Show® and Sale. The social will start at 6:00 p.m. followed by the banquet at 7:00 p.m. All Limousin and commercial breeders, friends and families are encouraged to attend this annual event. The benefit auction is the only fundraiser held by the SD Limousin Association. The money raised goes to support the various programs, advertising, and activities throughout the year. For further information or if you have donations for the auction, please contact Kyle Stern, SDLA president at 605/881-9344 or any board member.

Show and Sale The Black Hills Limousin Stock Show and Sale will take place Friday, February 1, 2013 at the Rushmore Plaza Civic Center in Rapid City. The show will take place at 8:00 a.m. followed by the sale at 1:00 p.m. MST. We hope to have a large contingent of Limousin enthusiasts at the show and sale. If you are unable to attend the 55 th annual Black Hills Stock Show®, you can watch the sales on DV Auction. Interested buyers are encouraged to view the sale live at www.dvauction.com.

Red Carpet Limousin Sale

Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013 Show: 9:30 am Sale: 2:45 pm CST at the Sioux Empire Farm Show W.H. Lyons Fairgrounds, Sioux Falls, SD


15 Registered

Limousin & Lim-Flex Lots Breeding-Age Bulls & Registered Females Sale-Day Phones: Auctioneer: Chisum Peterson 605-730-4214 For a catalog or more info, contact a consignor or Limousin breed representative today!

Consignors: Dustin and Lauren Mohrhauser, Delavan, MN Bruner Limousin, Winfred, SD Leischman Performance Limousin, Blair, NE Symens Brothers Limousin, Amherst, SD

Joe and Sheila Devitt, Brandon, SD Lura Limousin, Delevan, MN Kurtis Sweeter, Worthing, SD Nolz Limousin, Mitchell, SD

SD 4-H to Begin DNA Testing Julie Montagne, Limousin breeder from Elk Point, South Dakota was interviewed for KMEG news for a story about the changes for the SD 4-H Livestock shows. Showing cattle in the summer is a tradition for many Siouxland kids. Starting in 2013 in SD, some 4-H livestock will be introduced to high technology. Some beef, swine, lamb, and goats will need to be DNA tested to compete. “We want to make sure that the kids are raising their own livestock and that they are training their livestock,” said Rachel Bonine, 4-H Youth Program Advisor for Union county SD. The animals will be weighed-in early in the year and then again at the state fair to make sure it is

the same animal competing and a replacement. “Most states already require this,” said Montagne. “We have been DNA testing our Ak-Sar-Ben steers for several years. It costs $6 per head, which doesn’t seem like a lot, but many 4-H participants weigh in several animals. They will need to decide whether to pay for the fees for all the animals or cut down on the number entered in the show.”

Radke Listed as One of Online’s Top 15 People to Watch Under 30 List

Amanda Radke of Mitchell, SD has been named to the “One of the Media Industry News Online’s Top 15 People to Watch Under 30” List. She received her award in New York City late this fall. Radke started as an intern at BEEF magazine and now, four years later, has advanced to editor of BEEF Daily, a 39,000-circulation e-newsletter. Like many of the young achievers honored, she went from learner to leader in a very short period. In today’s fastpaced media environment, when talent is recognized, it’s surfaced to the top quickly. As a fifth-generation rancher herself, one of her keys to success is her ability to include personal anecdotes and experiences in her writing – for both the newsletter and a daily blog post. “I was lucky that (BEEF editor Joe Roybal) gave me a free range to discuss topics that most interest me,” explains Radke. “I shared a lot of my personal life and it’s definitely more than news, it’s been about my life.” Amanda also manages about a half-dozen photo contests each year, which further fosters that community connection and reg-

ularly speaks at events on cattle industry topics and also contributes to the print magazine. Radke wants to continue building an audience through more engagement tactics and continue to share her insights as a rancher. “As I grow as a cattle rancher, I want to share those experiences with the reader. I want to do more contests, which really brings in the readership and build that dialog by making sure I’m commenting to readers who comment on stories,” she says.

Vol. 21 • Issue 1 • Jan/Dec 2013

TREFTZ LIMOUSIN 2nd Production Sale Saturday, Feb. 9, 2013 1pm. CST at Aberdeen Livestock Sales


Reds & Blacks

Selling 35 Registered Yearling Bulls 10 Registered Bred Heifers 10 Registered Open Heifers

TREF Zeus 232Z BW: 83 205 Wt: 793 3/11/12 – Red – Homo. P - PB ROMN Tow Truck 111T x JBAK Montana CE 10 BW -.1 WW 53 YW 86 MA 24 CEM 7 SC .7

TREF Zander 266Z BW: 108 205 Wt: 738 2/21/12 – Red – Scur – PB Richmond Xander SRD 22X x JBAK Montana CE 3 BW 6.3 WW 57 YW 90 MA 25 CEM 2 SC .8

TREF Zenith 570Z BW: 93 205 Wt: 730 2/26/12 – Red – Homo P – PB Wulfs Xtractor X233X x Wulfs Ransom CE 10 BW 1.1 WW 55 YW 95 MA 19 CEM 6 SC.5

TREF Zoolander 591Z BW: 93 205 Wt: 742 2/23/12 – Red – Dbl. P – 92% SYES User Friendly 524U x TREF Rifle CE 13 BW 0 WW 42 YW 69 MA 20 CEM 7 SC .8

50 Commercial Bred Red Angus Cross Heifers AI’d to ROMN Tow Truck

TREF Zach 598Z BW: 97 205 Wt: 815 2/23/12 – Red – Homo. P – PB TREF Xpressway 170X x ROMN Tow Truck CE 11 BW 2.3 WW 50 YW 91 MA 19 CEM 8 SC .7 Sires represented: Richmond Xander, TREF Ujoint, ROMN Tow Truck, Wulfs Xtractor, User Friendly, JBV Lombardi, SYES Warden 472R. Sale Consultant – Herman Symens 605-698-4870 Auctioneer – Chisum Peterson Lunch – Served at 11:30 am

TREF Zion 636X BW: 85 205 Wt: 786 3/22/12 – Red – Homo P – PB TREF U Joint 083U x ROMN Tow Truck CE 17 BW -2.4 WW 44 YW 70 MA 18 CEM 8 SC.9

Check out www.treftzlimousin.com for

TREF Zero Tolerance 834Z BW: 91 205 Wt: 676 online catalog, videos & updated data 3/1/12 – Red – Pld – 93% Richmond Xander SRD 22X x Mr SYES Elliot CE 3 BW 4.6 WW 50 YW 89 MA 25 CEM 2 SC .6

Catalog also at www.limousinlive.com

Bulls will be available to be seen anytime at the ranch or Friday before the sale at Aberdeen Livestock Sales

Treftz Limousin

Glenn Treftz 605.226.2542 • cell 605.380.0014

12510 370th Ave., Wetonka, SD 57481 • Email: treftz@nvc.net • www.treftzlimousin.com

Heartland 16

Vol. 21 • Issue 1 • Jan/Dec 2013

Highlights from the

The Willettes of Lura Limousin Delavan, MN had lunch at the Linhart Private Treaty Sale near Leon on Nov. 11. They went on to purchase a bred heifer from the Linhart offering.

Happy Birthday to Shaun and Mom Debbie Edwards who celebrated their birthdays at their sale Nov. 17.

Ty Jones of Jones Brothers Limousin of LaMonte, MO purchased several bred heifers at the Edwards Fall Harvest Sale.

Tom and Rosalie Smith, a legend in Limousin circles, attended the Wies Maternal Magic sale near Columbia, MO. It is always good to see them. Brian Hait of Carlisle, IA handled the phones for Bob Bosch at their Private Treaty Sale in Indianola.

Foul weather for grilling.

Dave Linhart visited with Andy and Tammy Schmalsof of ATAK Limousin Avon, Illinois at the Linhart Private Treaty Sale.

Lunch time in Lebanon, MO.

Ty Heavin of Pinegar Limousin, Springfield, MO and Mike Henderson of Wies Limousin of Wellsville, MO discussed the Edwards offering at their Fall Harvest Sale in Higginsville. NCBA president Scott Bruce of Cody, WY attended the Minnesota Beef Expo and welcomed those in attendance

The pens of bulls and females offered by Bob and Mary Bosch at their Private Treaty Sale.

Grassroots consultant Mark Smith of Ankeny, IA took bids from the large crowd attending the Heart of Missouri/Cattle Drive Sales in Lebanon, MO October 14.

Lana Linhart of Leon was a gracious hostess at the Linhart Private Treaty Sale.

Mat Lewis of Illiff, CO and NALF Board member judged the Minnesota Beef Expo breed shows Oct. 21.

Vol. 21 • Issue 1 • Jan/Dec 2013


The bidders await the final verdict at the Linhart Private Treaty Sale.

Mark Smith of Grassroots Genetics visited with the Alts of Double A Limousin prior to the Edwards sale on Nov. 17

Ashley and Derek Schultz of Eddyville, IA purchased a female from the Bosch private treaty offering Nov. 24.

Deb Crow and Susie Heavin enjoy the festivities at the American Royal.

Dallas and Dee Schott appreciated Jerry Wulf who purchased heifers at the Schott Broken Arrow Sale.

Dallas Schott and son Chance appreciated the support of Limousin breeders Roger Potter of Braddock, ND and Jim Schott of McLaughlin, SD. Lunch time on a cool day at the Bosch Private Treaty Sale in Indianola.

2013 BHSS® Limousin Show & Sale Selling 29 Registered Limousin & Lim-Flex Sale Day Phones: Auctioneer: C.K. “Sonny” Booth (918) 533-5587 Breed Reps: Chisum Peterson (605) 730-4214 or Kyle Stern (605) 881-9344

2012 Champion Bull Consigned by Peterson’s L7 Bar Limousin

2012 Champion Female Consigned by Jared Sweeter

SD Limousin Assoc. Banquet/ Benefit Auction

Thursday, Jan. 31, 2013 Social - 6:00 pm • Banquet - 7:00 pm at Ramkota Hotel (605) 343-8550

BHSS® Limousin Show & Sale

Friday, Feb. 1, 2013

Show - 8:00 am • Sale - 1:00 pm MST Rushmore Plaza Civic Center, Rapid City, SD Headquarters: Best Western Ramkota 605-348-8550, 2111 N. Lacrosse St., Rapid City, SD


Bruner Limousin Inc, Winfred, SD  .............605-482-8202 Franseen Limousin........................................715-207-8165 Ludens Family Limousin, Viborg, SD  ........605-238-5659 Lura Limousin, Delavan, MN  .....................605-695-3129 Quin Peterson, Stillwater, OK.......................918-625-2500 Peterson’s L7 Bar Limousin, Pukwana, SD .605-894-4470 ROM’N Limousin, Arlington, SD  ..............605-203-0733 Springs Creek Cattle Co., Wauzrka, WI.......608-875-5049 Sweeter Limousin, Newman Grove, NE .....605-957-5251 Symens Brothers, Amherst, SD  ..................605-448-2624 Venner Family Limousin, Breda, IA  ...........712-673-4491 Wulf Cattle, Morris, MN  .............................320-392-5802


Vol. 21 • Issue 1 • Jan/Dec 2013

Stop by our stalls at

National Sale in Denver & the Iowa Beef Expo

Straight Limousin JCKS 219z SL Suki’s War Wizard is a WULFS Titus x SL Suki. Denver Pen member and selling at the National Sale in Denver. Homo blk.

JCKS 245z SL Missing Link is a CJSL Wild West x SL Mindy. a Denver pen member and consigned to Iowa Beef Expo. Homo polled.

JCKS 181y SL Cornerstone is a AHCC Westwind x SL Mindy headed to Iowa Beef Expo. Homo blk, homo polled.

JCKS 223z SL Custom Made is a DHVO Deuce x SL Mindy. A Denver Pen member and consigned to Iowa Beef Expo. Homo polled, homo blk.

SBVL 214z SL War Wind is a AHCC Westwind x SL Mindy’s Mirage a Denver Pen member and consigned to Iowa Beef Expo. Homo polled.

JCKS 181y SL Perfect Storm is a 50% Lim-Flex, son of RITO 6em3 of 4L1 Emblazon x SL Perfect Angel. Homo polled.

SBVL 222z SL Elegant Mirage is a AHCC Westwind x SL Mindy’s Mirage. Homo Polled.

SBVL 205z SL Pretty Mirage is 75% Lim-Flex daughter of CALO Brickyard x SL Mindy’s Mirage. Homo Polled.

Straight Limousin

Jay & Lori Straight • Jordan & Jackson 2173 Morgan Ave. • Logan, Iowa 51546 (712) 648-2180 – Jay (712) 592-1350 Jordan (712) 592-0188 www.straightlimousin.com

JCKS 208z SL Milestone is a DVHO Deuce x Angels Centerfold. Headed to Iowa Beef Expo. The last Centerfold son!

Vol. 21 • Issue 1 • Jan/Dec 2013


Proven to Perform from Pasture to Purple

We believe there is a common ground, and our objective is to raise cattle that will make great, functional breeding stock and bring home the purple ribbons and plaques.

CHHF Zelda 201Z,

Thank you to the Windrow Farms crew for their heifer purchases this fall.

CHHF Whitney 901W, purchased by Winston Heifort , Underwood, MN

Take a look at our consignments for the

2013 WI Limousin State Sale March 3 CHHF Wildflower 906W, shown by Laura Church, Hastings, MN

CHHF Zelda 201Z, 2-12-12,

Homo for the f94l muscle gene.

ced 4, bw 2.8, ww 59, yw 103, ma 20, cem -2, sc 0.8, doc 22, cw 41, rea .70, yg -.09, marb -0.15, mti 43

CHHF Zaylee 203Z, 3-2-12,

Homo polled, Homo for f94L muscle gene.

CHHF Zaylee 203Z CHHF 801U, shown by Bob Grogan,

ced 4, bw 1.7, ww 59, yw 103, ma 20, cem -2, sc 0.8, doc 22, cw 41, rea .70, yg -.09, marb -0.15, mti 43

Marine on Saint Croix, MN

DHVO Deuce 132R x TGRL Nevada 302N (mgs Wulfs Kenworth 2253K) Both are Class Winners at the MN State Fair

We are consigning two full sisters to the WI Limousin Association State Sale out of the leading donor in our program. Nevada is a square-hipped , deep, easy fleshing brood cow that never misses with whatever we mate her to. Both heifers are homozygous for the f94L Muscle Gene. If your looking for replacement females or a show heifer, both of your bases are covered here.

HERMAN FARMS Chris, Jamie,Wyatt and Colton 651-334-9029 • Hastings, MN hermanfarms@gmail.com

CHHF 810U, 2008 MN Beef Expo Donation Heifer, awarded to Crystal Bosek, Garfield, MN

Your call or visit is welcome anytime. CHHF 801U, purchased by Joe Limousin, Lim-Flex, Simmental, SimAngus Grotsun, Cold Spring, MN


Vol. 21 • Issue 1 • Jan/Dec 2013

Junior Beat Judge Mat Lewis congratulates Matt Duff of Hampton, MN for exhibiting the champion Limousin female at the Minnesota Beef Expo in St. Paul Oct 21.

The long and short of it. Charles Linhart thanked Zane Gavette of Washington for his purchase.

Reminder to Heartland Juniors

Applications for the Heartland Limousin Association “Leonard Wulf Memorial Scholarship” must be sent to Dean Summerbell, HLA Executive Secretary, by February 1, 2013. The $500 scholarship is available for Heartland high school students who will be graduating in the spring of 2013. The scholarship recipient will be recognized at the Heartland annual meeting and banquet February 12, 2013 at the FFA Building on the Iowa State Fairgrounds in Des Moines. For an application and copy of the requirements, contact Dean Summerbell at 612/963-3799 or send an email to bsummerb@ties2.net.

Jon, Justus, Jenna, and Joanna, Moser of Morris, MN purchased two steers and a female at the Bosch Private Treaty Sale.

“Thank You

for our best sale ever!

A special thanks to all who shared the day with us - especially to these repeat and new buyers:

Clayton and Natalie Schowe of Warrenton, MO both purchased females from the Wies Sale.

Kade Winkelmann of Lacona, Iowa picked up his Limousin heifer donated by Lowell Hermon of Carlisle, IA. He was the winner of “Show a Limi- Win a Limi” program sponsored by the Iowa Limousin Association.

Vernon Bancroft, Richard Gerking, Vorthmann Limousin, Puck Family, Boyer Family, Scherer Farms, Brant Family, Hannah Al-Mazioa, Doyle Limousin, Jake Al-Mazioa, Dan Staudt, Bailey Walrod, DeLay Family, Bill Leih, Moser Family, Kade Winkelmann. Check out our web site www.boschlimousin.com

Bosch Farms

Bob & Mary Bosch, Indianola, IA limibosch@gmail.com • (515) 491-9163 cell

Congratulations to the Heart of Missouri Scholarship recipients Josh and Jace Glendenning and Logan Haden. They each were awarded a $1,000 scholarship by the Heart of Missouri Limousin Breeders Association at the sale on October 14, 2012.

Brooke Heavin of Springfield, MO and Mikah Edwards of Concordia, MO were doing their job selling tickets for the five heifer lottery to fund the 2013 NALJA show in Springfield.

Kaitlyn Boyer of Weldon, IA along with her father Jason purchased a bull from the Bosch private treaty sale.

Vol. 21 • Issue 1 • Jan/Dec 2013


Limousin Production Sale Thursday, Feb. 21, 2013 • 1 pm

SYES Urban Cowboy17Z – R, Het P 4/20/12 Sire: Wulfs Urban Cowboy 2149U BW 1.8 WW 67 YW 105 MA 13 SC .5

SYES Friendly 41Z – Het B, DP 2/28/12 Sire: SYES User Friendly 524U BW .4 WW 46 YW 86 MA 23 SC .9

SYES Stetson 92Z – Het B, HP 2/27/12 Sire: RUNL Stetson 850S BW -1.7 WW 53 YW 95 MA 24 SC 1

SYES Walk The Walk 224Z – HB, Het P 3/5/12 Sire: ROMN Walk The Walk 101W BW 2.9 WW 61 YW 91 MA 22 SC .9

SYES Xpress Lane 266Z – R, HP 4/20/12 Sire: ROMN Xpress Lane 101X BW .2 WW 47 YW 88 MA 21 SC .7

Miss SYES 923U 295Z – B, HP 3/30/12 Sire: Mr SYES Tracker 923U BW -1.3 WW 36 YW 70 MA 24 SC .3

SYES Urban Cowboy 361Z – R, Het P 4/4/12 Sire: Wulfs Urban Cowboy 2149U BW 4 WW 52 YW 89 MA 15 SC .3

SYES Xerox 464Z – R, Het P 4/20/12 Sire: DLVL Xerox 023X BW .9 WW 60 YW 96 MA 21 SC .6

Miss SYES Walk 322Y – Het B, HP 4/19/12 Sire: ROMN Walk The Walk 101W BW 1.9 WW 52 YW 96 MA 23 SC 1.1

WASY Zamboni 620Z – Het B, HP

WASY Zag 674Z – R, HP 4/17/12 Sire: Mr SYES Ransom 202T BW 2.3 WW 60 YW 101 MA 20 SC .4

Miss SYES Friendly 979Z – Het B, HP 2/18/12 Sire: SYES User Friendly 524U BW -2.4 WW 48 YW 90 MA 19 SC .8

3/11/12 Sire: SYES User Friendly 524U BW -1.8 WW 43 YW 76 MA 21 SC –



Yearling Bulls

24Females 95% Polled

12 Fancy Open 12 Bred Females

50% Black

Sale catalog & video available on limousinlive.com

PO Box 155 John: (605) 880-8061 • Warren: (605) 237-2127 Office: (605) 448-2624 • Fax: (605) 448-5786 Amherst, SD 57421 jssymens@venturecomm.net • www.SymensBrothers.com Your Guarantee of Predictable Genetics


Vol. 21 • Issue 1 • Jan/Dec 2013

Heartland Sale Reports

Wies Holds Great “Maternal Magic 5 Sale” in Columbia

A week after celebrating their 60 th wedding anniversary, Bob and Euvonne Wies of St. Charles, Missouri celebrated a great sale at the Show-Me Farms sale facility near Columbia, MO November 3, 2012. Their ranch managers, Mike and Heather Henderson, brought the sale offering to the facility from the Wies ranch near Wellsville, MO. A large crowd was on hand to bid on the exceptional offering put together for the “Maternal Magic 5 Sale”. Wies Limousin is donating a heifer to the NALJA Corner Post campaign. The donation heifer, WLR Intuition, the first natural calf from WLR Tainted Love, was on display at the sale.

Bob Wies welcomed the crowd to their Maternal Magic Sale Nov. 3.

Suspect 538U out of EXLR Luana 505P. Magness Land & Cattle of Platteville, CO held the final bid on

Chris, Zach, and Andrew Milam purchased a top-selling open heifer from Wies Limousin.

percent daughter of SS Incentive 9J17 out of MAGS Phantom Prize for $14,000. Edwards Land & Cattle struck pay dirt again paying $9,000 for WLR Game of Thrones; a 12/23/11 homozygous black, homozygous polled Lim-Flex 63 percent daughter of MAGS Wiggler out of WLR Urula 499U.

Edwards Limousin of Beulahville, NC purchased one of the top-selling females from Wies Limousin

The top-selling lot was WLR Pistol Annie; a 3/27/12 double black, homozygous polled Lim-Flex 50 percent daughter of SS Incentive 9J17 out of MAGS Phantom Prize. Edwards Limousin of Beulahville, NC purchased the heifer for $16,000. Also bringing $16,000 was WLR Elixer; a 9/19/10 double polled, red daughter of MAGS/WL Usual

the female bred to MAGS Shyllo. Zach Milam of Olstead, KY purchased WLR Colder Weather; a 3/17/12 homozygous black, polled Lim-Flex 62 percent daughter of MAGS Winston out of MAGS Xcellent Singer for $15,000. Double A Limousin of Shawnee, KS purchased WLR Hell on Heels; a 3/29/12 homozygous black, homozygous polled Lim-Flex 50

ROM’N “Spooktacular Online Sale” Has Broad Appeal

Bidders from several states took part in the ROM’N “Spooktacular Online Sale” featuring ten top quality show heifers. “Cookie”, Mary, Adam and Michelle Nielson of Arlington, South Dakota put together a top set of heifers for buyers to evaluate for the online sale October 30, 2012. At the conclusion of the event, all ten female received bids and sold into several states. The top-selling female was ROMN Zealous13Z, a 3/22/12 black, polled daughter of DHVO Trey out of ROMN Saving Grace 32S. Quail Ridge Limousin of Calhoun, KY held the winning bid at $6,750. Another popular heifer was

ROMN Zanadu 10Z, a 3/12/12 black, polled daughter of DHVO Trey out of ROMN Shady Lady 40S. Mill Road Limousin of Knapp, WI paid $4,250 for the right to own the female. Albrecht Farms of Arlington, SD purchased ROMN Zesty 15Z, a 4/1/12 black, polled daughter of ROMN Xpect More out of ROMN Unwarranted 29U for $3,050. Katie Vogel of Tiffin, OH paid $3,000 for ROMN Zulu 19Z, a 3/27/12, black, polled daughter of JWBL Excellency out of ROMN Xtasy 16X. Averages: 10 Open purebred heifers............$3,088

Eric and Carl Birkner of Solgohachia, AR purchased a high-selling heifer for Eric’s NALJA project in 2013.

Volume buyers included Triple B Farms of Columbia, MO and Roy Godfrey of Madill, OK.

Triple B Farms of Columbia, MO were volume buyers at the sale.

Brown Land & Cattle of Diamond, MO purchased WLR Just A Kiss; a 10/2/11 homozygous black, homozygous polled Lim-Flex 50 percent daughter of B/R New Frontier 095 out of LNSR Nora for $8,000.

Averages: 10 Open females...........................$7,085 5 Fall heifers...................................3,751 1 Bull................................................9,000 16 Bred females..............................3,159 10 Fall Pairs....................................2,135 11 Sets of embryos ..........................414 Total: 43 Lots...........................................$4,040 Auctioneer: Cody Lowderman Sale Management: R&R Marketing Sale Consultant: Grassroots Consulting

Heather and Mike Henderson and Bob and Euvonne Wies appreciated the support of Jamie Oberling and his daughter Ashley at the Maternal Magic Sale.

Vol. 21 • Issue 1 • Jan/Dec 2013

Heartland Sale Reports

Linhart Limousin Sells Cattle into 12 States and Canada

The Linhart family of Leon, Iowa held their 4th annual “Fall Harvest Private Treaty Sale” at the Linhart sale facility November 11, 2012. A cool, rainy day did not deter bidders from several Midwestern states along with buyers from Colorado and Washington from traveling to the sale facility to evaluate the strong set of females that were offered. Their operation began back in 1979 as a 4-H project and has grown to nearly 400 Limousin and Lim-Flex females. The family takes great pride in producing a quality product.

Charles Linhart thanked George Hubbard of Magness Land & Cattle for his purchase of the high-selling heifer.

The top-selling female was LLJB 2044Z; a 2/4/12 homozygous black, homozygous polled daughter of MAGS Teal Paint out of MAGS Solitaire. Magness Land & Cattle of Platteville, CO purchased the heifer for $15,000. Three open females each brought $10,000. Klay Beisely of Nevada, MO purchased CJSL 2098Z; a 3/9/12 double black, double polled Lim-Flex 63 percent daughter of MAGS Xukalani out of MAGS Xpedia. CJSL 2090Z; a 3/3/12 homozygous black, double polled Lim-Flex daughter of MAGS Xukalani out of MAGS Xulema was purchased

Andy Schmalshof and Jerry Blankers purchased cattle from Charles Linhart.

Bosch Farms Hosts Successful Private Treaty Sale Bob and Mary Bosch of Indianola, Iowa held their annual private treaty sale November 24, 2012 at their farm. The sale featured their 2012 calf crop plus the progeny of the “Lucky Seven” heifers offered by the Bosch grandsons, Justin and Jordan Gillette of Ames, IA.

Dennis Alt of Double A Limousin of Shawnee, KS purchased several high-selling lots at the Linhart Sale.

by Butin Farms of Saskatchewan, Canada. Eric Birkner of Solgohachia, AR purchased CJSL 2040Z; a 2/3/12 black, polled daughter of DHVO Deuce 132R out of CJ’s MS Arrowhead 456P. Fuchs Limousin of Cameron, TX purchased CJSL 2037Z; a 2/1/12 double black, double polled Lim-

Charles Linhart appreciated Ty Heavin of Pinegar Limousin, Springfield, MO and Chris Ziegler of Bloomfield, OH for their purchases.

Flex 50 percent daughter of SAV Bismarck 5682 out of AHCC Xhibit this X045 for $7,000. Chris Ziegler of Bloomfield, OH purchased the high-selling bred heifer. CELL 1042Y; a 2/17/11 black, homozygous polled LimFlex 50 percent daughter of MCATL Reachout 836 out of JBRH Sheza Dandy bred to MAGS Winston brought $10,000. ATAK Limousin of Avon, Il purchased LLJB 1403Y; a 2/13/11 black, homozygous polled LimFlex 50 percent daughter of MATL Reachout 836 out of JBRH Sheza Passion bred to CALO Brickyard 902W for $6,750. The volume buyer was Chris Ziegler purchasing seven head. Averages: 24 Spring open females..............$ 4,735 17 Bred Heifers............................. 4,332 8 Fall open females........................2,900 Total: 49 Lots...........................................$4,296


Repeat buyers Richard and Rita Gerking of Bronson, IA purchased a bull and a heifer at the Bosch Private Treaty Sale.

Jordan Gillette of Ames, IA sold the high-selling female at his grandparents Private Treaty Sale. Bill Leih of New Virginia, IA purchased the heifer, one of the Lucky 7 jackpot calves, for his granddaughter, Jordyn Lewis, to show.

The Gillette brothers were the proud winners of the “Lucky 7 Winner Takes All” bred heifers offered by the Iowa Limousin Association to fund the 2012 NALJA show in Des Moines. A great crowd of Limousin enthusiasts was on hand to evaluate the offering and take home 22 head that were offered. The Bosch family began raising Limousin cattle 30 years ago. They have concentrated on producing profitable cattle with calving ease and performance. The top-selling female was JGLT Zelda 204Z, a 3/19/12 red, polled daughter of Wulf’s Xistance out of VL Xacity. Bill Leih of New Virginia, IA purchased the “Lucky 7” calf from the heifer that was donated to the raffle by Vorthmann

Roger and Ann Vorthmann of Treynor, IA purchased one of the two top-selling bulls from Bob and Mary Bosch.

Limousin for $3,750. Dale Scherer of Davenport, IA purchased RMKR Dazzel 202Z, a 3/1/12 black, double polled daughter of GTBR Undertaker 6U out of RMKR Exclamation 056X for $3,000. Hannah Al-Mazroa of Peru, IA purchased RMKR Sizzle 222Z, a 3/18/12 black, double polled daughter of Wulf’s Walcott F711W out of RMKR Miss Doubledown 526P for $3,000. Becky Brandt of Osceola, IA paid $2,800 for RMKR Abuz 209Z, a 3/7/12 black, double polled daughter of WLR Direct Hit out of RMKR Miss Tango 7007T. Two bulls each brought $3,500. Vorthmann Limousin of Treynor purchased RMKR Ziggy 242Z, a 3/29/12 black, double polled son of Mr. Tom 711T out of RMKR Miss Serenity 623X. Richard Gerking of Bronson, IA purchased RMKR Zion Nationals 230Z, a 3/21/12 red, double polled son of Mr. Tom 711T out of RMKR Miss Simmer 604S for $3,500. Jason Boyer and daughter Kaitlyn of Weldon, IA purchased RMKR Zahir 263Z, a 4/7/12 black, double polled son of LOHE Xavier Love 005X out of RMKR Miss Teaser 727T for $3,100. Jon Moser of Morris, MN along with his children Justus, Joanna, and Jenna were volume buyers purchasing two steers and a female.


Vol. 21 • Issue 1 • Jan/Dec 2013

Heartland Sale Reports

Edwards Limousin Holds Inaugural “Fall Production Sale”

Edwards Limousin of Higginsville, Missouri hosted their first production sale auction at their farm near Higginsville on November 17, 2012. Guest consignors included Magness Land & Cattle of Platteville, CO; Jones-Benson Limousin of LaMonte, MO; and Brackman Limousin of Concordia, MO. Sunny skies and warm temperatures greeted the good crowd of buyers. The sale featured several progeny out of Carrousel’s Pina Colada. The top-selling lot was MAGS Y So Tangled, an 11/15/11 homozygous black, homozygous polled Lim-Flex son of MAGS Winston out of MAGS Untangle consigned by Magness Land & Cattle and Edwards Limousin. One-half possession and one-third interest in the 2012 American Royal and Louisville NAILE Lim-Flex grand champion bull and the reserve champion at the All American Futurity was purchased by Logan Hills Limousin of West Harrison, IN for $25,000.

The Edwards Family.

$13,000. SEEE Unforgettable 079U, an 11/17/08 homozygous black, homozygous polled daughter of DHVO Deuce 132R out of Carrousel’s Pina Colada and safe to MAGS the General brought $12,000 from Godfrey Cattle Co. of Madill, OK.

Estell & Minnie Williams of Bunceton, MO were volume buyers at the Edwards Fall Harvest Sale. Scott and Shaun Edwards thanked George Hubbard (center) for his purchase of the high selling open female on behalf of Magness Land & Cattle.

The top-selling female was SEEE Yum Yum, an 11/25/11 black, homozygous polled daughter of Wulf’s Urban Cowboy 2149U out of MAGS Scandal. Magness Land & Cattle owned the final bid of

Brad & Bart Brackman of Concordia appreciated the Kirkpatrick family of Jefferson City, for their purchases of Brackman consigned cattle to the Edwards Sale.

Counsil Family Limousin of Madisonville, TX purchased SEEE Y So Pretty, an 11/2/11 homozygous black, homozygous polled LimFlex 75 percent daughter of Spring Crks Urlacher 311U out of Carrousel’s Pina Colada for $11,000. Godfrey Cattle Co. outlasted rigorous bidding to purchase SEEE Zondra, a 1/29/12 black, homozygous polled Lim-Flex 75 percent

Volume buyers at the Edwards Fall Harvest Sale were Desiree, Amber, Alan & Sara Eggenberger who purchased bred heifers at the Edwards Sale.

MO; Williams Limousin of Bunceton, MO; and Kirkpatrick Limousin of Jefferson City, MO.

Emmett & Debbie Edwards thanked Dennis & Nancy Alt of Double A Limousin for their purchases at the Fall Harvest Sale.

Averages: 20 Pairs..........................................$3,205 8 Bred females................................2,013 14 Open females.............................4,116 4.5 Bulls...........................................7,523 Total: 47 ½ Lots.......................................$3,825 Auctioneer: Chisum Peterson Sale Management: K&K Seedstock Sale Consultant: Grassroots Consulting

daughter of MAGS Winston out of Carrousel’s Pina Colada for $8,600. A Pick of the Flush mating of MAGS Xylopolist to Carrousel’s Pina Colada was purchased by Lowell Hermon of Carlisle, IA for $10,000. Vo l u m e buyers included Godfrey Cattle Co., Whiskey Creek Limousin of Knob Knoster, Shaun Edwards thanked the Mudds (Owen, Robin, Jordan, Jillian, & Josie) of Whiskey Creek Limousin, Knob Knoster for their volume purchases at the Edwards Fall Harvest sale.

Hawkeye Breeders Service, Inc.

Progressive breeders across the country and around the world bring their bulls to Hawkeye’s family owned facility to collect domestic and exportable We invite you to stop and visit our semen. Known for the facilities just west of Des Moines “Service with Integrity” started at Adel ... we’re 2 miles north and over 40 years ago by founders 1 1/2 east of I-80 Exit 110. Lloyd and Doris Jungmann, the tradition continues today with the latest technology and services to keep you David & Brandy Jensen, Managers on top of your breeding program. Gloria Jenson – Owner We still offer mobile labs for your on-farm Hawkeye Breeders Service, Inc. semen testing and collection needs, and offer 32642 Old Portland Rd., Adel, IA 50003 carcass ultrasounding services as well.

The Midwest’s Premier Bull Housing and Collection Center

Office: 515-993-4711 • Fax: 515-993-4176 Housing & Bull Manager – 515-371-0711

Call us with questions about your collection needs!

Vol. 21 • Issue 1 • Jan/Dec 2013

Heartland Sale Reports

Schott Broken Arrow Bred Heifer Sale Draws Great Crowd Dallas and Dee Schott of McLaughlin, South Dakota held their annual bred heifer sale at the Wulf Depot in McLaughlin November 17, 2012. A great crowd of buyers was on hand to purchase nearly 1,400 head of bred heifers that were sexed for bull or heifer calves. The offering also was calving dated. The top draft of heifers was purchased by Bill Fisher of Ft. Pierre, SD. This top draft of black heifers brought $1,950. Fisher purchased 210 bred heifers. Butch Jochim of Selfridge, ND purchased the top draft of red heifers for $1,850. The 1,400 bred heifers that were sold averaged $1,750.

Dallas Schott thanks buyers at his 2012 sale





Out of our popular MAGS Scandal donor that is as consistent as you can ask. These genetics have been sale toppers, going to the most discriminating herds in the country. No matter how you look at this bull, he can do it all.

Out of the great Pina Colada and Urlacher these genetics need no introduction. When you breed 2 National Champions, great things are bound to happen. Full sib to a bull purchased by Jay Straight last year in Iowa.

Out of AUTO Trinity and our Rebeca 1019P donor, this is a Bull that will produce cattle people want. No matter how you market your calves, they will perform with predictable genetics and numbers.

DBL Black - DBL Polled (Test Pending) KAJO Responder X MAGS Scandal 1493 BW: 2.5 WW: 56 YW: 103 MA: 19 SC: 1.0 DC: 11 CW: 27 RE: 0.50 YG: 0.02 MS: -0.01 $MI: 46

Thank you to the programs who supported us this past year. We look forward to serving your genetic needs in the future.

HOMO Black - DBL Polled (Test Pending) Spring Crks Urlacher X Carrousels Pina Colada BW: 3.2 WW: 51 YW: 93 MA: 25 SC: 0.4 CW: 25 RE: 0.15 YG: 0.20 MS: 0.09 $MI: 47

EDWARDS LIMOUSIN Emmett & Debbie Shaun & Scott

HOMO Black - HOMO Polled KAJO Responder X AUTO Trinity BW: 2.5 WW: 58 YW: 113 MA: 12 SC: 1.0 CW: 35 RE: 0.28 YG: 0.20 MS: 0.12 $MI: 51

If we can help in any way, please feel free to give us a call or stop by.

21853 Hwy. AA - Higginsville, MO 64037 - Emmett: 816.726.1919 - Shaun: 660.441.0811 - Scott: 660.232.1793 - email: dewards@ctcis.net - www.edwardslimousin.com



Vol. 21 • Issue 1 • Jan/Dec 2013

Iowa News ...

Annual Meeting Held in Des Moines

Members of the Iowa Junior and Senior Limousin Associations (ILA and IJLA) held their annual meeting Saturday, November 17, 2012 at the Iowa State Fairgrounds. The day began in the afternoon with the annual meeting and ended that evening with the wedding reception for Joe and Brenda Brewer. The ILA would like to thank David Linhart of Leon for his service on the board and his leadership as ILA president. We welcome Tom Doyle of Eddyville as a newly elected member of the ILA board of directors. Officers for 2013 are: Jim Venner, president; William Long, vice-president; and Grant Anderson, secretary/treasurer. Thank you for your dedication and service to the members of the ILA. Congratulations to Straight Limousin of Logan who were selected Iowa” Seedstock Producer of the Year”. They will be

recognized and receive a plaque during the Iowa Beef Expo Sale on February 13, 2013. Junior News Officers for the IA Junior Limousin Association were elected in November for the upcoming year. Bailey Walrod will serve as president; Sarah Al-Mazroa is the newly elected vice-president; and Shelby Marquardt is the secretary. Directors on the board are Justin Gillette, Aaron Linhart, Jackson Straight, Kaitlyn Boyer, and Garrett Butler. Awards Congratulations to the juniors who exhibited champion Limousin cattle this past year across the state if Iowa. Your enthusiasm and accomplishments promoting the Limousin breed are appreciated by the Iowa Limousin Association. Sixteen juniors had one animal that was a champion; Drew Abbas, Megan Ahrendsen, Sarah Al-Mazroa, Kylie Anderson,

Kayla Brant, Abby Butler, Garrett Butler, Zach Greiman, Kourtney Grimm, Ty Hefner, Nick Hermon, Landon Josten, Blake Kuehl, Aaron Linhart, Hallie Linhart, and Adam Staudt. Seven juniors exhibited two champions; Emma Ahrendsen, Mara Anderson, Kaitlyn Boyer, Shelby Marquardt, Katie Paine, Emily Puck and Zach Lindsey. One junior topped the list showing three or more champions; Jackson Straight. Congratulations Emily Puck won the IJBBA Beef Heifer Award of $500. Kade Winkelmann of Lacona won the 2012 “Show-a-Limi, Win-a-Limi” competition. This is the 10th year of the program and we want to thank Lowell Herman Limousin of Carlisle for donating the heifer. Dues If you have not paid your dues, please send them to Grant An-

Limousin Breeders attend Fall Sales in Iowa.

derson, secretary/treasurer. The ILA dues are $50 per year and the junior dues are $5.00. Field Day The ILA Field Day will be held in Indianola this year immediately following the Heartland Regional Show. The regional show will take place on Friday and Saturday, May 24-25. The ILA field day will take place on Sunday, May 26th. Mark your calendars for this important weekend of shows.

Join NOLZ Limousin at the 2013 Sioux

Empire Red Carpet Show & Sale Jan. 24

in Sioux Falls, SD. Offering two top bulls from our 2012 calf crop, including NOLZ Rambo 59Z, the 2012 bull calf champion at the South Dakota State Fair. VORT 203Z

NOLZ Rambo 59Z

www.nolzlimousin.com VORT 224Z Stout, High Performing, herd sires with tremendous eye appeal. Iowa Limousin Sale Feb. 13, 2013 NOON




Roger 402-981-1621

Dave and Peggy Nolz 24519 - 412th Avenue Mitchell, SD 57301 dpnolz@santel.net amanda.radke@live.com Home: 605.996.1810 Peggy: 605.999.4641 Dave: 605.999.7035 Amanda: 605.999.4300 Tyler: 605.999.0919

Vol. 21 • Issue 1 • Jan/Dec 2013


Corsica Sale Barn, Corsica, SD • Sale Day Phone: (605) 946-5458

At Wieczorek Limousin we use industry leading AI genetics, as well as our own stout bull battery. However, the most instrumental part of our operation is based on an honest customer service program.

8 Coming Two-Year-Olds 44 Coming Yearlings 100% Polled 50% Black • 50% Red

Each year we welcome back a loyal group of repeat producers and anticipate serving our new customers. We look forward to seeing you February 22.

Friday, Feb. 22, 2013 • 1 P.M. CST

RP Sire: AHCC Red Xplosion BW: 86 Adj. 205: 746

WZRK Mr Nascar 3042Z BDP Sire: Wulfs Nascar BW: 96 Adj. 205: 715

WZRK Mr Primestar 7024Z 1/23/12 DBDP Sire: WZRK Prime Star BW: 94 Adj. 205: 721

WZRK Mr Windfall 8050Z RDP Sire: CJLS Windfall BW: 94 Adj. 205: 699


Mr Red Xplosion 0042Z 3/15/12

CED BW WW YW MA CEM SC n/a 0.7 44 74 27 n/a n/a

CED BW WW YW MA CEM SC 10 1.8 64 112 19 10 0.3


WZRK Mr Wild West 5045Z 3/9/12 DBDP Sire: CJLS Wild West BW: 96 Adj. 205: 746 CED BW WW YW MA CEM SC 6 1.8 57 94 26 2 0.7

CED BW WW YW MA CEM SC 8 2.8 56 93 18 3 0.4


CED BW WW YW MA CEM SC 6 3.0 52 82 29 7 0.4

WZRK Mr Windfall 8055Z RDP Sire: CJLS Windfall BW: 88 Adj. 205: 743


CED BW WW YW MA CEM SC 6 2.6 61 92 32 7 0.6

Level 4 Johnes Free herd Additional Sires: WZRK Titus Temptation, Wulfs Titus, Wulfs Unlimited, MAGS Unreal, Wulfs Rangerider, ROMN Tuff Enuff, and Bar JZ Wide Load.

WZRK Mr Xplain This 9034Z 2/8/12 DBDP Sire: AHCC Xplain This BW: 94 Adj. 205: 704

CED BW WW YW MA CEM SC 13 2.0 56 101 22 9 0.8

Customer Service Guarantee:

* All bulls are unconditionally guaranteed through the first breeding season * FREE delivery within 250 miles, (prorated after that)

WZRK Mr Wild West 9046Z 2/22/12 BDP Sire: CJLS Wild West BW: 93 Adj. 205: 739 CED BW WW YW MA CEM SC 8 2.8 62 90 23 3 0.4

* 1/2 down sale day & 1/2 on delivery * Complimentary meal at 11 A.M. * Sale consultant, Mark Smith (515) 965-1458 or (515) 229-5227

Curt & Leanne Wieczorek

39768 267th St., Mt. Vernon, SD 57363

(605) 227-4601 Wallace & Noreen Wieczorek

39778 267th St., Mt. Vernon, SD 57363

(605) 227-4611


Vol. 21 • Issue 1 • Jan/Dec 2013

GV Limousin

Limousin & Lim-Flex 2-yr-old - Fall Bulls Bred Females

EPD’s - Performance Data Ultrasound - Semen Tested BVD Tested

Bulls & Females

Spring Sale

Saturday, Feb. 16 - 1pm

Featured Sires:

AUTO Dollar General – JCL Lodestar27L ROMN Unbelieve Bull – GV Lodestar 530U Wulfs Urban Cowboy – LH Rodemaster MAGS Winston – GV Overtime 433T

Garnett, KS

Certified Performance Herd


He Sells He Sells


Write, Call or E-mail for sale catalogs Available on line early February rgete d a “The Brand of Breeder Respect & Commercial Approval” T




mo usin Genet


20217 NW Hwy. 31 • Garnett, KS 66032

Gene & Virginia Raymond 785/448-3708, 785/448-8026 cell Arne & Stacy Hanson 785/448-6142, 785/448-8027 cell gvlimousin@ecksor.net

Vol. 21 • Issue 1 • Jan/Dec 2013



Selling at the Iowa Beef Expo 02.13.13 - Des Moines, IA

CJSL 1278Y

CJSL 1278Y

CJSL 1269Y

LLJB 1222Y

LLJB 1235Y

9/26/11 - HB/DP - PB s: GPFF Blaque Rulon d: D&M Heather 879H bw: 4.4 ww: 53 yw: 91 ma: 9 sc: 0.6 dc: 12 cw: 14 re: .71 yg: -.31 ms: -.04 $mi: 46 adj. bw: 91 - adj. ww: 702 - adj. yw: 1,219

9/6/11 - B/HP - 50% LF s: S A V Bismarck 5682 d: JBRH Sheza Passion bw: -1.4 ww: 50 yw: 92 ma: 27 dc: 6 cw: 27 re: .00 yg: .25 ms: .03 $mi: 46 adj. bw: 82 - adj. ww: 763 - adj. yw: 1,277

9/17/11 - DB/DP - PB s: GPFF Blaque Rulon d: D&M Heather 879H bw: 4.2 ww: 56 yw: 94 ma: 9 sc: 0.7 dc: 12 cw: 14 re: .81 yg: -.31 ms: -.02 $mi: 47 adj. bw: 88 - adj. ww: 760 - adj. yw: 1,366

9/8/11 - B/HP - 50% LF s: S A V Bismarck 5682 d: JBRH Sheza Passion bw: -2.5 ww: 43 yw: 83 ma: 27 dc: 6 cw: 27 re: .15 yg: .25 ms: .05 $mi: 44 adj. bw: 75 - adj. ww: 686 - adj. yw: 1,188

Also look for these bulls at the Iowa Beef Expo... CJSL 1269Y

CJSL 2062Z - 2/13/12 - B/P - PB

CJSL 2118Z - 3/18/12 - B/DP - 88%

LVLS Secret Weapon x CJ’s Ms Arrowhead Full brother to CJSL Windfall 9072W

MAGS Teal Paint x CJ’s Ms Arrowhead

CJSL 2041Z - 2/3/12 - B/DP - PB

CJSL 2005Z - 1-15/12 - B/DP - 50% LF S A V Bismarck 8682 x CJ’s Ms Arrowhead

CJSL Windfall 9072W x CJSL Ultra Hot 8032U

CJSL 2021Z - 1/25/12 - DB/DP - 47% LF MAGS Xukalani x MAGS Xtra Lift Me


LLJB 1222Y Thanks to everyone who supported our 2012 Fall Harvest Sale.

27195 175TH ST. • LEON, IOWA 50144 • WWW.LINHARTLIMOUSIN.COM CHARLES LINHART: 641/340-1306 • DAVID LINHART: 641/446-6906

LLJB 1235Y


Vol. 21 • Issue 1 • Jan/Dec 2013

Kansas News ...

Mark Your Calendars for Annual State Sale The 2013 Kansas Limousin Breeders Association (KLBA) State Sale will be held Saturday, March 23 at the Farmers and Ranchers Livestock facility located on Old Highway 40 in Salina. Please note that this is a NEW day/date for the state sale. The date had to be moved due to the calendar (Palm Sunday). Sale nominations will be mailed out at the beginning of January. For more information, contact Jerry Meek, sale chairman, at 913/594-1453. Please make sure that you have sent performance information to NALF on all bull consignments. Also, if you would like pictures in any advertising, please send those as soon as possible.

Annual Meeting and Banquet Set for June 1-2 The KLBA board of directors has voted to hold their annual meeting, banquet, and benefit auction the weekend of June 1-2, 2013. This event will take place in conjunction with the Kansas Limousin Association Junior Field Day, which will be held at the Cherokee County Fairgrounds in Columbus, KS. The Youngblood and Gum families will serve as the hosts for this annual event. Further information about the field day and annual meeting/banquet will be printed in the March/ April issue of the Heart Beat. Mark your calendars for this important weekend!

“Back in Time” Do You Know the Answer?

Answers to the questions for Back in Time. 1). The British Limousin Cattle Society celebrated their 40th anniversary last summer. They began back in 1972. 2). Last year their pedigree registrations broke the 20,000 barrier, setting a new record mark for their Society. 3). The Limousin breed has the 16th year in succession. been the #1 breed in the UK for Questions on page 3.




Bringing you our best Iowa Limousin Sale Feb. 13, 2013 NOON



Roger 402-981-1621

Vol. 21 • Issue 1 • Jan/Dec 2013


2013 Iowa Limousin Beef Expo Sale Iowa State Fairgrounds Des Moines, IA – Bulls Sell First


Wed., Feb. 13 - Noon All bulls sell first

Sale Show – Tues., Feb. 12 – 11 am

Limousin & Lim-Flex Sale Show Social – 5:30 pm • FFA Building Limousin Barn Social & HLA Benefit & Annual Meeting

d a e h s c i 9 t 8 e n g e n i g l x e Sel l F m i L & d e r b e Pur

Come early, view the cattle & have a hot bowl of chili prior to the sale.

Check out live on the internet, live audio, video & bidding at


For more information, contact Ann Vorthmann 402-981-1093 or go to

www.iowalimousin.org for a web catalog

7.84x10.25 4c (S)-Lim Heartbeat:7.84x10.25 4c (S)-Lim Heartbeat



11:57 AM

Page 1

Vol. 21 • Issue 1 • Jan/Dec 2013

WULF’S OPPORTUNITY SALE OF 2013 Friday, March 22, 2013 ■ At the farm near Morris, MN Selling approximately 350 Limousin, Lim-Flex & Angus bulls ■ 75 females



PRODUCTION of value added

B E E F The past several months have been exciting at Wulf Cattle. The entire Wulf team looks forward to planning for Opportunity 2013! The quality of our sale offering is deep and representative of the seedstock Wulf customers have relied on for 25 years. Our name has changed to accurately reflect our diversity and create more opportunities for our

customers. Our core values will never change. We will continue to create efficiencies in our agricultural operations, provide opportunities for our customers and deliver a healthy, humanely produced, safe and nutritious food animal protein to the consumer. Watch for sale updates and learn more about Wulf Cattle and the Wulf Advantage at www.WulfCattle.com.


26406 470th Ave. / Morris, Minnesota 56267 / Office: (320) 392-5802 / Fax: (320) 392-5504 / Office E-mail: Wulf@WulfCattle.com / www.WulfCattle.com

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