Limousin Heart Beat
News Back In Time...................... 2, 12 Covering Ground..................... 4 Heartland Calendar................. 4 Heartland Highlights ............. 16 In the Yards........................... 26 Junior Beat............................ 14 On The Road Again..............6-7 Recipe of the Month................ 6 Sales Reports...................20-21
State News Iowa News............................... 8 Kansas News........................ 25 Minnesota News...............18-19 Missouri News....................... 23 Nebraska News..................... 14 South Dakota News..........28-30 Wisconsin News.................... 19
Abele Cattle Company.......... 25 Boyer Limousin........................ 3 Bullis Creek Ranch................ 17 Heartland Regional Show...... 15 KLBA Sale............................. 24 LimiGene................................. 2 Lindsey, Lura Limousin & Lyon River Front Farm...... 18 Ludens Family Limousin........ 22 Mill Road Limousin.................. 7 Peterson L7 Bar Limousin..... 13
Official Publication of the heartLAND Limousin Association • Mar/Apr 2012
What Beef Producers Should be Thinking About are teat and udder scores, calf in March vigor score, and other pertinent Dale Blasi, Kansas State University Extension beef specialist, offers the following tips for beef producers March preparations. • Manage calving pens and pastures to minimize human, cow and calf stress. Stay organized. • An observation schedule should be implemented for calving first-calf heifers and cows. Firstcalf heifers should be checked every two to three hours. Sanitation is key to reducing and/or eliminating calf scours. An excellent calving pasture management plan by David Smith from the University of Nebraska- Lin-
coln, can be found at http://beef. • Make sure every calf consumes adequate colostrum during the first 4-12 hours after birth. • Keep accurate calving records, including cow identification (ID), birth date, calving difficulty score and birth weight. Other traits to consider recording
information. • Calving books are essential sources of information; make sure you have a backup copy. • Body condition score (BCS) cows. Thin and young cows will need extra energy to maintain yearly calving interval. • If cows diets are going to be shifted from low – (poor quality forage or dormant grass) to highquality forage (lush green grass) programs, begin a grass tetany prevention program at least three weeks prior to the forage switch. • Plan to attend beef production meetings.
Cow Herd Performance and Profitability: Measuring How You Stack Up The arrival of April is often much anticipated, as it typically signals the start of grass season and relief from the challenges of winter. The date April 15 takes on a special connotation thanks to the IRS, and is likely not met with the same enthusiasm for most of us. Our annual task of gathering records and receipts to prepare tax returns also provides an opportunity to evaluate more closely our cow-calf enterprises, says Scott Greener, Virginia Tech Exten-
sion animal scientist, in a news release. An analysis of the most basic farm records can quantify impor-
Pinegar Limousin................... 27 ROM’N Limousin................... 31 Schott Limousin....................... 9 Vaughn Farms......................... 5 Heartland Limousin Association 23244 Gopher Drive East Bethel, MN 55005
Volume 20 • Issue 2 Time Dated Material
Wulf Limousin........................ 32
tant issues affecting herd success such as reproductive performance, calf growth and weaning weight, calf health performance, market price, and herd turnover. An annual analysis of various herd performance measures can serve as a benchmark against past and future year’s performance. Many tools are available to assist with this task. One very simple tool is the “Virginia Cow Herd Performance Check-Up (available on the Virginia Cooperative Extension website: http:// Using commonly available herd records, a Performance Continued on page 2.
Vol. 20 • Issue 2 • Mar/Apr 2012 of the cow herd, genetic merit, would be a reasonable goal. implants, deworming managePounds of calf weaned per Continued from front page. reproductive and health status. A ment and others. cow exposed – This measure Check-Up can be completed. Ba- goal of 89-93 percent calf crop A reasonable goal for most combines the relative reproducsic sources of information needed weaned per cow exposed should spring calving herds would be tive and growth performance of to complete the analysis include: be attainable for many herds. for the calves to have an average a cow herd. A realistic goal for cow inventory records, calving Obtaining such herd performance weight per day of age of at least a well-managed herd should be records, and animal sale receipts. will require attention to those fac- 2.75 pounds. This growth level determined by multiplying “perThe Virginia Cow Herd Perfor- tors which impact reproductive would equate to an average wean- cent calf crop weaned per cow mance Check-Up will generate performance and calf health. ing weight of 575 pounds for a exposed” by the goal for the “avLength of calving season for seven month old calf. many pieces of valuable informaerage calf weaning weight”. (Extion on key cow herd performance mature cows in days For most fall calving herds, ample: 90 percent X 575 pounds measures. Seven key measures A restricted calving season of a weight per day of age of 2.5 = 518 pounds of calf weaned per provide the essential information 60-70 days offers many benefits. pounds or a weaning weight of cow exposed). for evaluation of the cow herd and With a short calving season, the 525 pounds at seven months decision support for changes in manager can focus attention to management. the cow herd during this critical Herd calving percent – Herd time. calving percent is perhaps the A shortened calving season single most important measure enables the producer to more efof the cow herd’s reproductive ficiently match the herd feeding When we first took the job with the Heartland Limousin Associaefficiency. A realistic goal for program to meet the changing tion, we were given a handout titled “The History of Limousin”. It herd calving percent should be in nutritional needs of the cow herd. is fascinating to go back and read how our breed got its start, first in the 90-94 percent range. Uniformity of the calf crop at France, then they were imported into Canada, and finally they made marketing is also enhanced by a Calf Crop Weaned their way into the United States. – Bev Summerbell Once calves have been born short calving season also. Can you answer these questions? Average calf weaning weight and are at least a day old, less than 1. What year were the first Lim- raised in Canada)? one percent death loss until weanThe average weight of calves at ousin bulls imported permanently 3. Who was the gentleman who ing should be expected. weaning can be impacted by sev- into the United States? imported him and where was he Percent calf crop weaned per eral factors including age of the 2. What was the name of the from? cow exposed – This calculation is calf at weaning, calving season, Answers on page 12. the best measure of a herds overall forage conditions, milking ability first U.S. imported bull (he was
Cow Herd Performance ...
“Back in Time”
We Can Help You
CALL FOR Consulting
COMMERCIAL Discounts & Semen Packages Available Call for Details
CIDRs and AI SUPPLIES Herman & Judy Symens
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Call: 1-800-722-2079 (anytime)
Vol. 20 • Issue 2 • Mar/Apr 2012
Chisum Peterson (605) 730-4214
Sat., March 10
40 Bulls & 15 Heifers
Selling Preview the bulls - 3:00 pm Burger Feed • Emphasis on Calving Ease, - 5:00 pm Growth, Good Disposition • Ultrasound Data Available in Sale Catalog • Mostly Black • Unconditional 1st Breeding Season Guarantee • Free boarding ‘til April 1, 2012 • Complimentary Lunch Served
Sale Highlights:
2 - $250 Youth Scholarships Sponsored by: Boyer Limousin
Semen Special Sale Day Homo Polled Homo Black BD: 2/21/10 CED BW WW YW MA CEM SC ST DOC CW REA YG Marb $MTI 5 .5 69 125 32 1 .5 – 13 73 .17 .67 .45 62 BW 88 • WW 899 • UREA 15.24 • UFat .48 • UIMF 2.53
Coleman Production 608 x ANLC Kelly 0769K (COLE First Down 46D)
Wulfs Windmill v401W
Angus Sires –
Styles Upgrade, Higher Standard, Mainline, Image Maker
Check m& for video & pictures
Limousin Sires – Wulfs
Shoptalk, Wulfs Uppermost, HUNT Mr Jock, Wulfs Signature, ROMN Tow Truck, LH Rhodemaster 338R, EXLR Excellante, MAGS Remote, RMKR Goaline, JCL Lodestar
Herd Sires – Wulfs Windmill V401W,
For information & catalog:
Boyer Limousin
ROMN Techno 123T, BRAW Executive 6173S, Sandhill Limousin Bll
Guest Consignors: Probst Family Farms
Jay & Carol Boyer, (402) 696-4410 15464 E. St., Hwy 8 Liberty, NE 68831
Directions: 3 1/2 mi. East of Barneston, NE; 30 mi. South of Beatrice, NE:
20 mi. North of Marysville, KS; 70 mi. South of Lincoln, NE; 60 mi. West of St. Joseph, MO
Vol. 20 • Issue 2 • Mar/Apr 2012 we can to continue to satisfy the consumer. With salvage prices being at record levels, this is a good time to bring in new genetics to your herd. One can “trade out” old genetics for new at a more reasonable price. Our national cow herd numbers are again down. This will increase the price for quality production. By: Dean Summerbell Salvage prices for females are also would stand to reason that like What exciting times we are very high. It is a good time to be experiencing in the beef industry. the price of grain, when prices in the beef business. As seedstock and commercial pro- increase so do the ingredients The month of February has ducers, prosperous times are here needed to produce the product. been as hectic and busy as we Seedstock producers should benand should remain for the foreseeable future. Feeder calf prices are efit from the high feeder market. have experienced in recent years. driving the market with record One must remember; however, The sales have had an increase in highs. Fat cattle futures are fairly that quality still rules the market. attendance and a new spirit seems steady and demand for the U.S. Good bulls will bring great prices. to be evident. Producers are more production abroad is strong. Mediocre bulls do not need to be encouraged about our future and an increased interest in Limousin Early bull sales are averaging sold. We need to maintain our is evident. $1,000 higher than last year. It quality to produce the best product The National Western Stock Heartland Limousin Association Show in Denver was a great event. Those who attended were Officers Ed Bergler............................... President Jamie Watts..................... Vice President in agreement about the future Andy Peterson......................... Secretary Jerry Meek.............................. Treasurer of Limousin. Mark Anderson, John Symens – Ex-officio NALF Executive Vice President, gave a very positive outlook for Executive Secretary & Advertising Sales the beef industry and pointed Dean Summerbell 23244 Gopher Dr., East Bethel, MN 55005 H: (763) 434-2891 • Cell: (612) 963-3799 E-mail:
Iowa Bob Bosch (515) 491-9163 Indianola, IA 50125
Heartland Calendar
South Dakota Cookie Nielson (605) 983-5340 Arlington, SD 57212
Kansas Minnesota Cash Schilling (785) 694-2806 Ed Bergler (507) 643-6933 Edson, KS 67733 Dakota, MN 55925
Missouri Nebraska Rick Little (573) 392-7665 Jamie Watts (402) 262-2240 Eldon, MO 65026 Fairfield, NE 68938 Wisconsin Andy Peterson (715) 417-2253 Osceola, WI
Bruce Walrod Moorland, IA 50566 (515) 549-3417
Members at Large Jerry Meek Parker, KS (913) 898-2700
Editor Beverly Summerbell Published at
Times Citizen Communications, Clarion, IA
Graphic Design
Cavenee Design, Stephanie Ph: (605) 830-9025 E-mail:
Norma Effertz Velva, ND 58790 (701) 624-5136
Heartbeat Ad Rates
Space Member Non-Member Full page $700 $750 1/2 page $450 $500 1/3 page $350 $400 1/4 page $250 $300 1/8 page $150 $200 Rates include Full Color
Deadlines & Terms ~ The 1st of the Previous Month Deadlines
January/February..................Dec. 10 March/April.......................... Feb. 10 May/June ..........................April 10 Sept./Oct. .......................... Aug. 10 Nov./Dec. ........................... Oct. 10 Terms: All accounts due &
payable as billed.
out where Limousin will fit in this new paradigm which encompasses the beef industry. I would; however, encourage all Limousin members of NALF to increase their involvement and participation in the association. The NALF staff is working very hard to give members the tools necessary for promoting Limousin and they are securing an increased interest in Limousin influenced feeder calves. Finally, Beverly and I were very humbled to be selected by the North American Limousin Foundation as the 2011 Limousin Promoter of the Year. The award was completely unexpected and we were overwhelmed by the recognition. Thank you! Looks like we will drink more coffee, drive more miles, and talk Limousin with more producers. Not a bad scenario. I want to welcome Brad Kaiser, Kaiser Limousin Farms of Wells, MN; Owen Mudd & family of Knob Knoster, MO; and Mark and Gayle Bayless of Waukarusa, KS as new members of the Heartland Limousin Association.
Page Specifications
Full page.........4 col. (7.84”) x 10.25” 1/2 page..........4 col. x 5” or 2 col. x 10.25” 1/3 page..........4 col. x 3.5” or 3.25” x 10.25” 1/4 page..........2 col. (3.9”) x 5” 1/8 page..........2 col. (3.9”) x 2.5”
3 Elmwood Limousin 23rd Annual Production Sale – Sterling, CO 3 Limousin Association of Wisconsin Annual Meeting, Banquet/Benefit Auction, Club 16 – Sparta, WI 4 22nd Annual Limousin Association of Wisconsin State Sale – Sparta, WI 11 Boyer Limousin 21st Annual Production Sale, at the farm – Liberty, NE 12 MN March Madness Preview Junior Show – Albert Lea, MN 16 Schott Limousin Ranch Annual Bull Sale – Mobridge, SD 17 Vaughn Farms “Genetics for the Future” Production Sale – Napoleon, ND 17 Pinegar Limousin Herdbuilder XVIII Sale – Springfield, MO 18 Green Springs Bull Test Sale – Passaic, MO 28 Hager Cattle Co. 6th Annual Sale – Mandan, ND 30 Wulf Limousin Farms “Opportunity Sale of 2012”, at the farm – Morris, MN 31 Bruner Limousin Annual Sale – Madison, SD 31 Brown Land & Cattle Co. & Friends Sale – Diamond, MO 31 Kuehne’s Rocky Creek Ranch Private Treaty Sale, at the farm – Long Prairie, MN 31 MN Beef Showcase All Breeds Sale and Agribition, Red Horse Ranch – Fergus Falls, MN 31 Kansas Limousin Breeders Association Annual Meeting, Banquet/Benefit Auction – Salina, KS
1 Kansas Limousin Breeders Association 20th State Sale – Salina, KS 7 Ludens Family Limousin Annual Sale, at the farm – Viborg, SD 11 Peterson’s L7 Bar Limousin Annual Sale, at the farm – Pukwana, SD 13-15 MN Junior Spring Classic – Austin, MN 14 ROM’N Limousin Annual Bull Sale – Madison, SD 14 Missouri Limousin Breeders Association Annual Meeting, Banquet/Benefit Auction – Lebanon, MO 15 The Great American Pie Sale – Lebanon, MO 16 Bullis Creek Ranch “Generations of Predictability 12” Spring Production Sale – Burwell, NE
12 A.L.E. Limousin Ranch Sale – Summersville, MO
Vol. 20 • Issue 2 • Mar/Apr 2012
17, 2012
4 SYES User Friendly 524U 4 Wulfs Wagon Train 3197W ARCH 4 COLE Thunder 110T ew n N A RoMcEaRtiSo I V E S T O C k x C H A N G E 4 ROMN Made To Order apoleon L 4 SYES Work Horse 936W
and more
E , ND B I S M A R C k , N O R T H D A kO TA
3/23/11 - BLK - HOMO POLLED - PB SYES USER FRIENDLY 524U X MISS TOM 407P BW: 2 WW:52 YW:89 MA:30 SC:0.6 DOC:15 RE:0.55 MS:-0.05 $MTI:43
Featured F E AT ULot RED LOT
PICk OF VAUGHN Pick Vaughn F A Rof M S 2012 Farms O P E N H E2011 IFERS There fift y Open are Heifers heifers to choose 50 to from. choose from
MR TOM 116Y 116Y
3/3/11 - RED - HET PLD(T) - PB WULFS WAGON TRAIN 3197W X MISS TOM 517R BW:2.6 WW:54 YW:95 MA:18 SC:0.5 DOC:14 REA:0.03 MS-0.03 $MTI:47 For a catalog or more info, call: Tom - 701/520-0110 (cell) or check online at Bull Consultant: Herman Symens - 605/698-3087
S e l l i n g 5 0 H ea d : 4 40 Sto u t Future Herd s i re s 4 10 Bred Fe m a l e s
3/4/11 - RED - HOMO POLLED - PB WULFS WAGON TRAIN 3197W X DLVL PENNY 408P BW:3.2 WW:55 YW:100 MA:32 SC:0.9 DOC:22 REA:0.68 MS:0.00 $MTI:47
3/12/11 - DBLK - HOMO POLLED - PB SYES USER FIENDLY 524U X TLIM TEA PARTY BW:0.9 WW:42 YW:76 MA:21 SC:0.6 DOC:22 REA:0.22 MS:-0.04 $MTI:41
O f f e r i n g Feat u r es :
u Popular & Outcross Genetics u Homozygous Polled & Black Genetics u Ultrasound Data Available Sale Day
Sale to be broadcast live on OPEN HOUSE: At the Vaughn Farm March 10 11:00 - 3:00, Noon Lunch
To m & R i t a Va u g h n & S o n s 9 7 4 1 1 4 2 n d Av e . N E • C a v a l i e r, N D 5 8 2 2 0 Home: 701/265-4097 To m C e l l : 7 0 1 / 5 2 0 - 0 11 0 David Cell: 701/520-2556 e-mail: MB Limousin News & Views Bull Issue 2012
Vol. 20 • Issue 2 • Mar/Apr 2012
By: Bev Summerbell
The month of January was filled with life’s “highs and lows”. The month started out with an unexpected “high”. Dean and I were honored to receive the NALF Promoter of the Year award presented at the Genetics on Ice banquet/benefit auction Monday, January 9, 2012. When Ann Vorthmann went up to the podium to make the presentation, I looked around the room to see who she was going to honor. What a surprise when she started talking about us! We were humbled to be given such a prestigious award. We want to thank everyone for their friendship and support over the
years. It has been a real pleasure to serve the Heartland and promote Limousin cattle. Friday afternoon, January 27, I experienced one of life’s “lows”. I received a phone call from Banner-Baywood Hospital in Mesa, Arizona saying that my father, Floyd Hanson, had been admitted. Dad went to the hospital complaining about being dizzy, but after further testing, they determined that at some time he had suffered a heart attack. He was transferred from the ICU to a regular room in the heart hospital that evening. At 6:55 a.m. Saturday, January 28, I received a phone call with the news that Dad has passed away. His heart slowed during his sleep and stopped.
Recipe of the Month
Mexican food and Mexican restaurants are becoming more and more popular. I found this recipe for Beef Enchiladas in cookbook put out by The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association. – Bev Summerbell
Beef Enchiladas
1 lb. lean ground beef 2 cans (10 oz. each) mild enchilada sauce ½ cup chopped onions 8 small corn tortillas 2 cloves garlic, crushed ¾ cup (3 oz.) shredded Mexican or jalapeno pepper cheese ½ t salt 1 T chopped fresh cilantro ¼ t pepper Dairy sour cream (optional) • Heat oven to 350 degrees. Brown ground beef, onion and garlic, crumble and pour off drippings. Season with salt/pepper. • Stir in ½ cup enchilada sauce from one can. • Pour second can enchilada sauce into shallow dish. Dip tortillas, one at a time, into sauce to coat both sides. Spoon the beef mixture evenly down centers of each tortilla; roll up. • Place seam-side down in 12x8 baking dish. • Cover with foil and bake for 15 min. Remove foil, spoon reserved enchilada sauce over top and sprinkle with cheese. Continue baking, uncovered, for 10 min. or until cheese is melted. Sprinkle with cilantro and serve with sour cream.
spent the remainder of his life, until retirement, in Minnesota. He served in the Navy, and then he worked as an electrician and an electrical inspector. He loved to travel and has taken trips to some exotic places, he was an avid football fan, and he also enjoyed playing cards. He moved to Arizona in 1996 – he Dean & Beverly Summerbell were recognized loved the sunshine and as the 2011 Limousin Promoter of the Year on warm temperatures. January 9,2012 at the annual awards banquet I want to thank the in Denver. Ann Vorthmann presented the Heartland Limousin Asaward on behalf of the North American Limousin sociation for the beautiFoundation. ful bouquet of flowers. I The month of January, which also want to express my gratitude began on a high, ended on a low. to everyone for your thoughts Dean and I drove to Mesa, AZ the and prayers, your words of care following week. The four days and concern, and the many calls that we spent in Arizona were and cards. filled with meetings, cleaning out his apartment, planning his service, and taking care of more details that one can imagine. The memorial service was held Tuesday, February 7, 2012 and we were blessed to have so many friends attend the service. It was a beautiful celebration of his life. It is hard to say “good-bye” to a parent, but Dad lived a long and full life. He turned 95 August 6, and I was there to help him celebrate. He lived in his home until the end of May when he moved to a senior independent/assisted living apartment complex. Dad was born in Iowa and Flowers from the HLA to Beverly for a memorial to her father.
Brad and Nicole Brackman are proud to announce the arrival of Gracie Jane Brackman, born October 18, 2011 at Fitz-Gibbon hospital in Marshall, MO. Gracie weighed 7 lbs 10.4 oz., and was 19 in. long. The grandparents are Bart and Brenda Brackman of Concordia, MO and Brent and Belinda Greenstreet of El Dorado Springs, MO.
Member News Congratulations to Andy Peterson of Osceola, WI on his engagement February 12 to Jenna Kulpinski. They are planning a July 29, 2012 wedding in Alexandria, MN. Get well wishes are sent to Elaine Yackley of Onida, SD who is recovering from back surgery. We also want to wish a speedy recovery to Rod Peterson of Pukwana, SD who had eye surgery early in February. We are happy to report that Janet Pryor of Ramsey, IL is now recovering at home after spending time in the hospital in St. Louis, MO following cancer surgery.
Vol. 20 • Issue 2 • Mar/Apr 2012
Henry Daniel Wardner was born Friday, Nov. 18. He weighed 9 lbs. 10 oz. Proud parents are Cody and Nicole(Potter) Wardner of Mercer, ND. Grandparents are Roger and Donna Potter of Braddock, ND
Wayne Bollum of Northfield, MN is also doing great following his surgery in early December. Marilyn Fortune of Miles City, MT has made a good recovery following surgery and treatments. She and her daughter traveled to Rapid City for the Black Hills Stock Show the first weekend in
Kendall Peterson, daughter of Chisum and Cindy, found a comfortable place to take a nap during the SD banquet.
February. Mike Christie of Baldwin City, KS and Bob Wies of Saint Charles, MO both went through some serious health concerns in the late fall into early January. Mike and Bob endured complications following gall bladder surgery; however, they are both doing much better now. Bob and his wife, Euvonne, attended the NWSS in Denver, CO in January.
Kiley McKinna and Dean Summerbell stopped for coffee in Holdrege, NE following a white knuckle drive February 4.
Our sympathy is extended to the family of Don O’Brien of Lanagan, MO. Don passed away February 15 following a short stay in the hospital. Don was a well-known McDonald County businessman and an integral part of O’Brien Farms.
Alissa Dawn Johnson and Harrison Thadd Fosdick are engaged to be wed in Luverne, MN August 4, 2012. Alissa is currently working on her master’s degree in Agribusiness at Illinois State University. Thadd is employed with Farmers National Company. Both are former NALJA directors. Parents of the bride-to-be are Mike and Denice Dirks, Luverne, MN, and Randy and Ann Johnson, Ashton, IA. Parents of the groomto-be are Harry and Lisa Fosdick, Chenoa, IL. Spring bull sale online - starting mid-March
These bulls are an example of the quality at Mill Road Limousin 715-665-2605
Mill Road
MRL X-Rated 014X Full brother sells
Selling sons of RUNL Stetson, CTCA Buckeye Bull (including a full brother to MRL X Rated), WZRK Primestar and ROMN Tow Truck Also a few select females for sale.
Jeff & Cheryl Keyes – Knapp, WI •
Vol. 20 • Issue 2 • Mar/Apr 2012
Iowa News ...
Incentives Offered to IJLA received the $500 award. Members 2012 NALJA Show Members of the Iowa Junior Limousin Association who purchase a steer or heifer from an Iowa Limousin member (not a family member), either privately or at a sale, are eligible to receive extra premium money for exhibiting at the 2012 NALJA show in Des Moines. Up to $1,000 has been earmarked to be awarded in additional premiums to those Iowa showmen who take part in the national show in July. The premiums will be pro-rated based on the number of qualifying head. IA State Fair Beef Heifer Award Juniors are eligible for a $500 Beef Heifer Award if they complete the following process: fill out an application and turn it in to the Iowa State Fair by July 1; do a short personal interview at the IA State Fair; and show a Limousin at the IA State Fair 4-H or Open Show. One applicant will win the $500 award to be used toward the purchase of a Limousin or LimFlex heifer at the 2013 Iowa Beef Expo sale in Des Moines. $500 Beef Heifer Award Heifers purchased at the 2012 Iowa Beef Expo sale in Des Moines and shown at either the 2012 Iowa State Fair open show or 4-H show are eligible for the $500 prize. It is awarded to the junior with the highest standing heifer out of all heifers purchased at the Expo. Congratulations, Kevin Kevin Ricke of Westside, IA purchased a heifer from Venner Limousin of Breda, IA at the 2011 Iowa Beef Expo Sale. Kevin had the highest standing heifer out of all heifers sold at the Expo and he
Gillette Brothers Win “Lucky 7” Raffle
Mark Your Calendar
Mark your calendars for these important upcoming events: June 7-9 – IA Junior Field Day, Osceola, IA; June 15-17 – Heartland Junior Regional Show, Springfield, MO; July 8-13 - National Junior Limousin Show & Congress (NALJA), Des Moines, IA. We hope to see a large contingent of Iowa junior members taking part in these shows. Thank You The ILA would like to thank Lowell Hermon of Carlisle for generously making the delicious pickle roll-ups for the HLA banquet, the IA Beef Expo chili feed and other Iowa Limousin events throughout the year. We appreciate your donation, Lowell!
Hotels for NALJA Show in Des Moines
The Chase Suite Hotel (515/223-7700) and the Wildwood Lodge (515/222-9876) in Clive, IA have been chosen as the overflow hotels for the NALJA show this summer. Rates for the Chase Hotel are $69 for one queen and a sofa sleeper or $79 for two queens and a sofa sleeper. The Wildwood rate is $79 for either one or two queen beds. Both hotels are located across the street from the Sheraton (515/223-1800), the headquarters hotel. Discounted rates for all of the hotels are good only through June 26, 2012. Make your reservations now! The Vorthmann family; Chad, his daughter Emlyn sitting on Grandma Ann’s lap, and Deb enjoyed the NWSS in Denver.
Justin and Jordan Gillette, brothers from Ames, Iowa had their ticket drawn in the “Lucky 7” raffle Wednesday, February 15, 2012 during the Iowa Beef Expo Limousin Show in Des Moines. The boys are the sons of Jason and Kelly Gillette and the grandsons of Bob and Mary Bosch of Indianola, IA. The money raised from this raffle goes to support the 2012 NALJA show in Des Moines July 8-13. The brothers have been actively involved in the Iowa Junior Limousin Association and Justin is a member of the board of directors, serving as historian. They have shown cattle at the county and state level as well as at the Heartland Regional Show. Justin, 17, is a senior at Gilbert High School in Ames. He placed in the top ten Overall points in 2010 for Breeding Heifers in shows sanctioned by the IJBBA. He also placed first in the Limousin Breeding Heifer category. He was awarded reserve champion Limousin steer and was in the parade of champions. In 2011 he also placed in the top ten for Limousin Breeding Heifer points and
top Limousin steer in the IJBBA shows. He received his awards February 18, 2012 at the Iowa Beef Expo Junior Show. Jordan, 10, is in the 4th grade at St. Cecelia School in Ames. He is just beginning his show career and is following in his big brother’s footsteps. The boys were both very surprised and excited about winning the “Lucky 7” raffle and are looking forward to the prospects of showing some of the calves. They would also like to thank all of the breeders who donated the seven heifers. What a wonderful opportunity for them to grow their herd. The seven bred heifers were donated by four Iowa breeders; Vorthmann Limousin of Treynor, Linhart Limousin of Leon, Anderson Limousin of Garner, and Straight/Kline Cattle Co. of Logan along with Pinegar Limousin of Springfield, MO; Magness Land and Cattle of Platteville, CO and Etherton Farms of Dawson, IL. We want to thank these breeders for their support of the 2012 NALJA show.
Iowa President Dave Linhart spun the cage and Iowa Junior member Kaitlyn Boyer picked the winning ticket out of the 777 tickets that were spun.
Vol. 20 • Issue 2 • Mar/Apr 2012
2/3 PDNAolled
F94L / Homo Polled/Black Half BLACK / Half RED
Where a handshake & ones word, still holds value!
People are without question our number one priority. By listening to our customers, we have put all we’ve heard into this set of bulls. This offering of outcross pedigreed, moderate-framed, docile, high weaning weight performance bulls is backed by honesty and integrity.
SchottPresents Limousin Ranch it's 29th Annual Limousin Bull Sale
Selling: 60
Friday March 16, 2012 1:00 p.m. CST Mobridge Livestock Auction-Mobridge S.D.
Yearling Bulls
Rugged Performance Tested
Sale-Day Phones: Sale Barn: (800) 658-3598 Auctioneer: Chisum Peterson (605) 730-4214 Consultant: Herman Symens 605-698-3087 For Catalogues or More Info: Jim, Priscilla, Jared Schott 605-823-4400
Homo Polled
Adj WW 727
BD 4/5/2011 AdjWW CED BW WW YW MA 727 9 1.3 52 96 24
Homo Polled
Adj WW 695
BD 4/5/2011 AdjWW CED BW WW YW MA 695 9 1.9 50 91 26 Bull Videos / Yearling Wts / Carcass Data / Suppliment Sheets / DNA!! View our Sale LIVE & BID ONLINE at
Adj WW 729
Adj WW 742
BD 4/17/2011 AdjWW CED BW WW YW MA 729 8 1.3 50 96 20
BD 4/12/2011 AdjWW CED BW WW YW MA 742 7 2.6 55 87 17
Vol. 20 • Issue 2 • Mar/Apr 2012
Magness Wins Four out Six Champions at Pen & Carload Show
Magness Land and Cattle of Platteville, CO had a banner day at the Limousin Pen & Carload show held at the National Western Stock Show (NWSS) Livestock Center Auction Arena in Denver, Colorado January 12, 2012. When the judging was finished, Magness had collected three champion banners and a reserve champion banner. Dan Hoge, Gordon Schuppe, and Dave Thompson judged the sixhour event that comprised 21 purebred pens, 11 Lim-Flex pens and six carloads of bulls exhibited by 19 Limousin breeders from 13 states. Magness took the purebred championship with a pen of January, 2011 bulls sired by DHVO Deuce & LH Rodemaster that averaged 1,241 lbs. with a 3.5 lbs. of gain weight per day of age (WDA).
A good crowd watched the Pen & Carload show in Denver.
The reserve champion pen honors went to Leonard Wulf & Sons of Morris, MN exhibiting a February, 2011 pen of three sired by Wulf’s Titus, Wulf’s US Army General, and Wulf’s Upgrade. The pen averaged 1,105 lbs. and had an average WDA of 3.61 lbs.
The champion Lim-Flex pen, exhibited by Magness Land and Cattle, was a set of February and March, 2011 bulls sired by LH Rodemaster, MAGS Winston, and TC Aberdeen weighing an average of 1,205 lbs. with a daily gain or 4.05 lbs. Reserve champion honors went to Tubmill Creek Farms of New Florence, PA with three bulls sired by CL Burbank, AHCC Westwind W544, and SAV Pioneer 7301 weighing an average of 1,200 lbs. with a WDA of 3.97. Tubmill Creek also received the People’s Choice Award with this pen in the Lim-Flex Division.
Magness Land & Cattle took both champion and reserve awards in the carload show. The champion carload consisted of eight September and October, 2010 fall bulls weighing 1,557 lbs. with a WDA of 3.36 lbs.
The reserve champion carload was a group of March and April, 2011 bulls weighing 1,095 lbs. and had an average WDA of 3.75 lbs. Leonard Wulf & Sons were voted the People’s Choice Carload with ten April, 2011 bulls weighing 971 lbs. and averaging 3.58 lbs. of gain per day.
The People’s Choice selection by those watching the event went to Leonard Wulf & Sons with an April, 2010 pen sired by WZRK Primestar 861P, Wulf’s Titus, and HSF Undertaker weighing an average of 1,895 lbs. with an average WDA of 3.02 lbs. Andy Peterson of Limousin Live enjoyed the hamburger feed at the Pen & Carload show in Denver.
Congratulations to Jordan Muxfeldt from Logan, IA for being selected the 2011 NALF Herdsman of the Year at Denver.
Thank You to Wulf Limousin Farm and Magness Land & Cattle Co. for the hamburger fry at the Pen & Carload Show at the NWSS.
Vol. 20 • Issue 2 • Mar/Apr 2012
NWSS Attracts Crowds to Denver Seedstock and commercial producers traveled to Denver, Colorado to attend the annual National Western Stock Show in January. The Limousin events were held at the stock show from January 8 – 12, 2012. A Sunday evening social, hosted by the NALF Board of Directors, kicked off the four- day run that featured the annual meeting, banquet and Genetics on Ice benefit auction, the national sale, the junior and open hill shows, and the pen and carload shows. Mark Anderson, NALF’s Executive Vice President, opened the annual meeting on January 9th with an overview of the beef industry and where Limousin cattle will fit best. The NALF financial report indicated a positive balance with growth in registration.
NALF Executive Vice President Mark Anderson presented outgoing Board President Mike Smith of Plainville, KS with an appreciation plaque for a job well done. Congratulations.
The election of board members was held. Reelected for a second term were Charles Linhart of Leon, IA, Mat Lewis of Iliff, CO, and Harris Mosher of Telford, PA. First term members are Fred Wacker of Miles City, MT and John Goodish of New Florence,
The NALF Annual Meeting Outgoing President Mike Smith congratulates Warren Symens from Amherst, SD upon being appointed to the NALF Board of Directors to serve out the term for resigning director Tom Field.
PA. Bob Mitchell of Wauzeka, WI was elected president of the Board of Directors. The NALF banquet and Genetics on Ice benefit auction was also held January 9 at the Renaissance Wies Limousin of Wellsville, MO were recognized for exhibiting the MOE Gold Hotel in Denver. Three national Medal Bull, WL/MAGS Usual Suspect at the awards banquet in Denver. awards were presented as well as at the Iowa State Fairgrounds in the MOE gold, silver and bronze Des Moines. Greenbriar Limouawards. sin of Culpepper, VA purchased Following the award portion the ticket for $450. of the banquet, the Genetics on Ice benefit auction was held. Col. C. K. “Sonny” Booth served as the auctioneer. Over $36,500 was raised in support of the North American Limousin Junior Association and the AllAmerican Futurity. The last ticket, #777, was auctioned in support of the Iowa LimJerry Wulf of Wulf Limousin congratulates ousin Association’s Joe Epperly, NALF Director of Commercial Travis Bies of H&T Bies Cattle Co. for fundraiser for the 2012 Marketing, congratulates Mike Smith, Liberty being selected the 2011 NALF Commercial NALJA summer show Ranch of Plainville, KS as the 2011 NALF Producer of the Year. Marketing Booster of the Year.
NALF 2012 Board of Directors: Fr. Row L to R: Bob Mitchell, President (WI); Richard Hefner, Vice-President (OK); Mat Lewis, Secretary (CO); Mike Hall, Treasurer (CA); Charles Linhart, Member-at-Large, (IA); Mike Smith, President Ex-Officio (KS); Mark Anderson, Executive Vice-President. Back Row: Directors - Brian Skaggs (OK), Fred Wacker (MT), Chad Settje (NE), Jack Glendenning (MO), John Goodish (PA), John Tobe (KY), Tom Vaughn (ND), Jay Straight (IA). Not pictured - Harris Mosher (PA).
Dean and Beverly Summerbell were selected as the NALF Limousin Promoter of the Year.
Vol. 20 • Issue 2 • Mar/Apr 2012
H&T Bies Cattle Company Selected NALF Commercial Producer ously document their cowherd’s of the Year genetic and health record. They H&T Bies Cattle Company of Rapid City, South Dakota was selected as the NALF Commercial Producer of Year. Their operation was one of eight in contention for this prestigious award. The ranch is comprised of Harold and Judy Bies, their son Travis and his family, and their daughter Donna Klapperich, her husband Dean and their family. Nestled near the Black Hills of western South Dakota, the operation’s 1,000 head of Limousin-Angus cross cows graze on both deeded land and Forest Service land. Consistent proven genetics from top Limousin herds have allowed H&T to pursue the all-natural niche market. Through careful genetic selection for high maternal and growth EPDs, H&T
Congratulations to H&T Bies Cattle Company upon receiving the 2011 Commercial Producer award at the 2012 NWSS in Denver, CO. They were awarded the South Dakota Commercial Producer award in 2010. Pictured are Dean Summerbell with members of the Bies family; Travis, Deanna, Judy and Harold. The Bies family was nominated by Jim and Twyla Wulf.
is still able to wean a heavy calf in late September, even without growth implants. They calve in open pastures and retain their own replacements so an emphasis is put on maternal characteristics and calving ease.
H&T markets their steer calves and non-replacement heifers just after weaning through either Superior Livestock Auctions or direct sales to feeders. They understand the value of information at marketing time as they rigor-
Championships Crowned on the Hill The National Western Stock Show Limousin and Lim-Flex open shows were held Wednesday, January 11, 2012 at the NWSS Stadium Arena in Denver, Colorado. Lance Sennett of Waynestown, IN evaluated the 35 Limousin and 43 Lim-Flex females, and the 15 Limousin and 15 Lim-Flex bulls in this Medal of Excellence Show.
also age and source-verify their calves each year using IMI Global’s verification system. They are certified for the nonhormone treated market (NHTC), qualifying their cattle to sell into the European Union. They also participate in the Global Animal Partnership (GAP) program, which allows them to enter the market for Whole Foods and other exclusive retail stores. The commitment to information and an extensive individual identification system have allowed them to assess their cow herd in a more intensive manner. This allows for more scientific culling and targets bull selection. Congratulations to the entire crew at H&T Bies Cattle Company!
The purebred Limousin champion female was exhibited by Magness Land & Cattle with MAGS Xplanation, a 3/28/10 daughter of MAGS U Haul out of MAGS Manuela. She was also the Division V champion.
Wies Limousin of Wellsville, MO exhibited the grand champion Lim-Flex Limousin female. MAGS Xcellent Singer, the Division V champion, was crowned the first of four champions in the MOE show. Xcellent Singer is a 4/11/10 daughter of DHVO Deuce 132R out of MAGS Tenille.
Reserve champion honors and the reserve Division V went to Magness Land & Cattle of Platteville, CO with MAGS Xanthocomic, a 3/26/10 daughter of DHVO Deuce 132R out of MAGS Sugar N Spice.
“Back in Time”
Questions printed on page 2. Answers: 1. The first Limousin bulls imported permanently arrived in the fall of 1971. 2. The first bull to come across
the border was Kansas Colonel, born and raised in Canada. 3. He was imported by Bob Haag of Topeka, Kansas for a group of Kansas Limousin breeders.
Pinegar Limousin of Springfield, MO exhibited the reserve champion purebred female with AUTO Peyton 206Y, a 1/12/11 daughter of DHVO Trey 133R out of Carrousel’s Pina Colada. She was the champion from Division II.
Etherton Farms of Dawson, IL and Thomas and Sons Farms exhibited the champion Lim-Flex bull with EF Excessive Force, a 3/18/10 son of D A Traveler 004 703 out of CCFLX Molly’s Image. He was the Division IV champion. Reserve champion Lim-Flex honors and reserve Division VI went to Magness Land & Cattle with MAGS Xyloid, a 3/7/10 son of DHVO Deuce 132R out of BOHI Rhonda 314R. The champion purebred bull was exhibited by Kyle Delaplaine of Gettysburg, PA along with Quail Ridge Limousin and Tichenor Farms with KYLD Vegas 910W, a 3/6/09 son of KRVN Naskar 013N. He was also named the Division VI champion. Mark Blake of Earl Park, IN exhibited the reserve champion and Division V champion purebred bull with MJ Xtravaganza, a 1/15/10 son of EF Mainstay 541M out of SBLX True Love 918T.
Vol. 20 • Issue 2 • Mar/Apr 2012
Selling 66 Lots:
52 8 6
Mostly Polled • Red & Black
Yearling Bulls 18 month-old Bulls
Open Lim-Flex Heifers
Sale Features:
– All cattle fully guaranteed – Performance, Scrotal & Ultrasound Data available on all cattle
L7 1005Y
3/27/11 - Red - Dbl Polled
Sire: Wulf’s Space Ship 3223S MGS: Cabin Creek Blackmail 69F
CE 5 BW 3.1 WW 45 YW 78 MA 17 CM 2 SC 1.1 DC 8 CW 28 RE .62 YG -.04 MS -.05 $MI 42 BW 91 • Adj. WW 696 • Adj. YW 1200
L7 1006Y
3/30/11 – Red - Dbl Polled
Sire: L7 Red Pepper 3001N MGS: L 7’N Seven
CE 5 BW 3.6 WW 52 YW 93 MA 13 CM 1 SC 0.1 DC – CW 31 RE .64 YG -.14 MS -.15 $MI 41 BW 91 • Adj. WW 694 • Adj. YW 1121
– Free delivery to central locations in South Dakota & surrounding states. – Bulls are 70% Black, 90% Polled
Sale Day Phone: 605/894-4470 Auctioneer: C.K. “Sonny” Booth Sale Consultant: Grassroots Genetics, Mark Smith - 515.229.5227 Directions to ranch: Exit I-90 at exit 265, 5 south, 3 east, 1 south & 1/4 east
L7 1012Y
3/19/11 – Black – Polled
Sire: Wulfs Space Ship 3223S MGS: OAKM Lord Saturn
CE 4 BW 3.2 WW 44 YW 79 MA 20 CM -1 SC 1.2 DC 13 CW 21 RE .61 YG -.06 MS -.04 $MI 42 BW 91 • Adj. WW 712 • Adj. YW 1246
Additional photos on our website
Rod & Wendy Peterson Families 34715 255th Street Rod: 605/894-4470 Pukwana, SD 57370 Cade: 605/730-0705 Quin: 918/625-2500
L7 1017Y
3/7/11 – Dbl Black – Polled
Sire: Duff New Edition 6108 MGS: ANLC Monopoly 2778M
CE 3 BW 2.0 WW 45 YW 85 MA 15 CEM -1 SC – DC -1 CW 13 REA -.19 YG .34 MS .20 $MI 48 BW 89 • Adj. WW 632 • Adj. YW 1212
Junior Beat
Vol. 20 • Issue 2 • Mar/Apr 2012
Weber Shows Champion Breeding Heifer John Weber of St. Paul, MN exhibited the champion Limousin breeding heifer at the 2012 Sioux Empire Farm Show Saturday, January 28. John, a member of the 2012 National Beef Ambassador Team, is currently a freshman at South Dakota State University in Brookings, SD. The champion breeding heifer was RPLF Yellow Rose 124Y, a 4/8/11 daughter of King Wulf 4455W. The heifer was bred by Potterosa Limousin Farms of
Braddock, ND. John is a member of the Ramsey County 4-H club and has shown cattle for many years at the Redwood County Fair. He is the nephew of Tim and Jill VanDerWal of Sanborn, MN.
Top Heartland Producers and Limousin Sires Recognized The North American Limousin Foundation (NALF) compiled the statistics for the last fiscal year. They published a list of the top 20 active breeders and the top 10 Limousin sires. Together, the breeders recognized registered more than 7,000 Limousin and Lim-Flex calves. The top bulls sired more than 2,400 registered Limousin and Lim-Flex calves. Ten of the top 20 Limousin breeders came from Heartland states. Topping the list was Wulf Limousin Farms of Morris, MN.
Nebraska News ... State Fair Dates Changed The Limousin dates for the Nebraska State Fair have been changed. Mark your calendars for August 28-30, 2012 and we hope to have a large contingent of Limousin enthusiasts exhibit cattle or come to support their fellow breeders. Cattle must be in place by 8:00 a.m. Tuesday, August 28. The Limousin show will be held in ring #2 Wednesday, August 29. The show will begin at 9:00 a.m. with the Gelbvieh breed, then the
Leon Leishman of Blair, NE attended the HLA Banquet in Des Moines, IA.
Charolais followed by Limousin. The NLA will host a hamburger fry lunch immediately following the Limousin show. Junior Field Day The Nebraska Junior Limousin Association will hold their annual field day during the 2012 Nebraska Junior Beef Expo in Norfolk on June 1, 2 and 3 at the Northeast Community College. For additional information about the field day, contact Jim and Kenneatha Amos, junior advisors, at 308/636-2446 or Congratulations, Juniors Justin Peterson of Nebraska City and Emilye Vales of DeWitt exhibited the grand and reserve grand champion breeding heifers at the Nebraska State Fair 4-H show last August. They received $100 and $75 respectively from the Nebraska Limousin Association for their championships. Boyer Scholarship Awarded Jay and Carol Boyer of Liberty, NE awarded $250 scholarships to Emilye Vales and Cole Seims of DeWitt. Emilye took the grand champion honors at the Nebraska State Fair FFA show and she had
Jay Boyer and the 2011 scholarship recipient Emilye Vales of Dewitt, NE.
the reserve champion breeding Limousin heifer at the fair. These scholarships are given to young people who have a background in Limousin cattle and they are sponsored by Boyer Limousin. The Boyer family has been in the Limousin business for many years. Albert, Jay’s father, started raising Limousin cattle in 1974. His wife, Dora, was a teacher in a one-room school. This scholarship program was started with the interest of both Albert and Dora, raising Limousin cattle and the value of higher education. For more information, contact Jay Boyer at 401/696-4410 or send an email to boyerlimi@
Wulf’s Titus 2149T
They were followed by Liberty Ranch, Plainville, KS – 3rd; Pinegar Limousin, Springfield, MO – 7th; Lonely Valley Limousin, Creston, NE – 8th; Symens Bros. Limousin, Amherst, SD – 10th; Spring Creeks Cattle Company, Wauzeka, WI – 11th; Bar JZ Ranches, Holabird, SD – 12th; Carl Leatherwood, Cimarron, KS – 18th; GV Limousin, Garnett, KS – 19th; and Schott Limousin Ranch, McLaughlin, SD – 20th. Congratulations to these Heartland members! Eight of the top ten sires are owned or co-owned with Heartland members. Leading the list, in 2nd place, is Wulf ’s Titus 2149T owned by Wulf Limousin Farms, Morris, MN; Brock Limousin Farm, Notasulga, AL; and Pleasant Home Limousin, Creston, OH. They are followed by RUNL Stetson 850S owned by Wulf Limousin Farms – 3rd; SYES User Friendly 524U owned by Vaughn Farms, Cavalier, ND; Schrock Cattle Co., Green Top, MO; and Cripple Creek Cattle Co., Dakota, MN – 4th; and Wulf’s Ransom 3059R owned by Wulf Limousin Farms; Broken Arrow S Ranch, McLaughlin, SD; Potter Livestock, Braddock, ND; and Ludens Family Limousin, Viborg, SD – 5th. Rounding out the list are Wulf’s Shop Talk 2332S owned by DBL, Fullerton, NE; Knobloch Farms, Morris, MN; Englewood Farms, Lexington, KY; and Wulf Limousin Farms – 7th; Wulf’s Sirloin 3172S owned by Wulf Limousin Farms and Englewood Farms – 8th; AUTO Dollar General owned by GV Limousin of Garnett, KS – 9th; and Wulf’s US Army General 5093 owned by Wulf Limousin Farms; Diamond V Ranch of Selfridge, ND; and Broken Arrow S Ranch – 10th.
Vol. 20 • Issue 2 • Mar/Apr 2012
19th Annual
Heartland Jr Regional Show June 15-16, 2012
Springfield, MO Ozark Empire Fairgrounds
$25/May 1, 2012 deadline, $30 late entries taken at check-in.
Schedule Of Events
RULES: All families must be a paid 2012 member ($50) of the Heartland LimouThursday – June 14 Cattle may arrive on the grounds sin Association to show. All cattle must have a registration paper, or Lim-Flex paper with a valid health paper in hand at check-in. Jr. Exhibitors must be North American Friday – June 15 Limousin Jr. Association members, own their own cattle (2011 bulls—may sell up 11:00 a.m. Cattle must be on the grounds to 50% ownership, but the Jr. must retain possession) and have cattle transferred in their name by May 1, 2012. Cow-calf entries—this is one entry, calves may not be 12:00 noon Check-in begins shown separately. Lim-Flex, follow the MOE & NALJA rules, animal age require2:00 p.m. (or as soon as check-in is over) ments are the same, must be registered Lim-Flex and have a purple paper to show. The HLA Regional Show will follow NALJA rules on fitting. The use of adhesives Junior Meeting followed by fun is optional. activities/mixers 6:00 p.m. Pizza meal for juniors, their families & NO SWEEPSTAKES points will be gathered this year, we would like to encourage all Jrs. to participate in the activities available to build friendships, have a guests great time and gain leadership qualities for use in their life. This Jr. show will comply Saturday – June 16 with all NALJA rules in 2012. 10:00 a.m. Heartland Regional Show ENTRIES: Entry fees are $25 per head by May 1 postmark (includes a show Steer Show, Bull Show, Bred & Owned Bull Show, Bred & Owned Lim-Flex Bull Show, Bred & Owned Female Show, Bred & Owned Lim-Flex Show, Limousin Female Show, Best Pair of Females, Showmanship (Jr., Int., Sr.)
6:00 p.m. Dinner served by MO juniors
shirt) There is a $10 per head bedding fee but chips will be provided. Bring your own straw for tie-outs. Late entry fee is $30 at check-in. Please send entries to: North American Limousin Foundation, 6 Inverness Court East, Suite 260, Englewood, CO 80112-5595.
Hotel Headquarters:
The headquarters hotel for the HLA Regional and MLBA Field Day is the LaQuinta Inn & Suites in Springfield. The rates are $68 for a single queen, $75 for a king, and $79 for two queens. Reservations must be made by May 25 - ask for the MLBA block of rooms. The phone number is 417/447-4466.
2012 Heartland Regional Show Entry Form
Send entries to: North American Limousin Foundation, 6 Inverness Court East, Suite 260, Englewood, CO 80112-5595 Name _ ________________________________________ NALJA Member #____________________________________________________ Address _ _____________________________________________ Guardian____________________________________________________ City, State, Zip_ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Birth Date: ________________________________________ Age: ______
Shirt Size: S M L XL (circle one)
Steer Entry Form DOB
% Lim
Steer ID
Hometown Newspaper_________________________________
Enter by May 1, 2012
Heifer Entry Form
Sire’s Tattoo Sire’s Reg. #
DOB Heifer’s Hard Prefix & Tattoo Reg. #
Halfblood and greater percentage Limousin steers sired by registered bulls are eligible.
Cow/Calf Entry Form DOB Heifer’s Hard Prefix & Tattoo
Reg. #
Animal’s Name
Three-quarter blood or greater registered Limousin females are eligible.
Three-quarter blood and greater percent registered Limousin females
Bred & Owned Entry Form DOB
Heifer’s Hard Prefix & Tattoo
Reg. #
Heartland 16
Vol. 20 • Issue 2 • Mar/Apr 2012
Highlights from the
Light Jackets & Shirtsleeves: David, Lana, and Charles Linhart of Leon, IA enjoyed the sunshine and warm temeratures in Denver. Gordy Ludens of Viborg, SD relaxed in the stands after exhibiting his pen of bulls at the NWSS in Denver. The father and son team of Charlie and Dan Hunt from Oxford, NE is one of the longest running pen exhibitors in the Heartland. John Symens was not going to let a fractured knee cap keep him from exhibiting in the pen and carload show. The 2012 South Dakota Commercial Producer of the Year Art Beringer of Gettysburg and his nominator Don Zilverberg visited at the Black Hills Limousin show.
From Sun to Snow: A snow storm rolled through the Yards Wednesday, January 11. At least Maddie Ethington liked the change.
Scott Toberman of Eastman, WI visits with Wulf Limousin herd manager Eric Zeltwanger of Morris, MN at Denver.
Glen Jakober of Aberdeen purchased one of the high-selling bulls from Glenn Treftz.
Brad and Janet Waddle of Pine Bluff, WY visited with Bruce and Ellen Burdick of Lewellyn, NE at the Pen & Carload show in Denver.
Consultant Randy Ratliff discusses the upcoming LVLS bull sale with Chad Settje.
Happy Birthday Jerry Effertz. (A big year)
Jerry and Norma Effertz of Velva, ND and Mary Nielson of Arlington, SD watched the Pen & Carload show at Denver.
The crowd of buyers at Glenn Treftz’s first production sale at Aberdeen, SD.
A delegation of Beef industry representatives from Turkey visited the Wulf pen in the Yards.
Vol. 20 • Issue 2 • Mar/Apr 2012
Bullis Creek Ranch “Generations of Predictability 12” Spring Production Sale
Mon., April 16, 2012 – 1 pm CST Burwell Livestock Market – Burwell, NE (308) 346-4257
Limousin – Lim-Flex – Red Angus 70 Performance Tested Bulls 100% Polled – Black & Red 23 Red & Black Lim-Flex Open Heifers
Braw Stout 003X LFM-1965548-50%
On sale day check out this coming 2-year-old Lim-Flex bull. Rugged and ready to cover cows in a big pasture, he is from one of our top cow families. Don’t miss this dark cherry red herd bull prospect on sale day.
Braw User Friendly 126Y NPM-1987066
This fancy thick purebred son of SYES User Friendly is typical of the quality that will sell in volume. We will be offering many light birth sons of leading AI sires such as Spaceship, Signature and User Friendly.
Braw LSS 1182Y NPM-1987256
This red double polled grandson of Lodestar is one of our performance leaders. After 2/3 of our ranch gain test, he projects a adj. yearling weight of over 1500 lbs. All that growth and he started with a 72 lb. birth weight!
Braw Upper Echelon 169Y LFM-1987229-75%
We have a uniform set of Lim-Flex bulls that are led off by a stout set of son’s sired by PBRS Upper Echelon 820U. They are thick made, muscular with loads of body and volume. Check out our excellent set of sons of AI sire PBRS Upper Echelon, like this good March yearling bull. They perform with loads of muscle and body.
BCRR Alliance 0135X 1366480
Carcass scan data- 15 inch adj. Rib eye/ratio 117- 1.35 sq. inches of RE per hundred pounds bodyweight- IMF 4.39/118 ratio
This herd sire prospect is sure to get more than a little attention sale day! He is typical of the depth and quality of the Red Angus bulls on the offering. Sons of these Reference Sires Sell! Red Angus ... Feddes Atlas 867 – Lazy Mc Stout 19U – Norseman King Red Fine Line Mulberry 26P – GMRA Laramie – BCRR Summit 925W Limousin ... SYES User Friendly – Wulfs Signature – Wulfs Spaceship PBRS Upper Echelon – Lodestar
Bullis Creek Ranch
Check out our website for video clips and updated sale information:
Rob & Brenda Brawner (402) 967-3060 – (402) 376-4465 88102 S Wood Lake Rd Wood Lake, NE 69221
Vol. 20 • Issue 2 • Mar/Apr 2012
Wolf is Delisted The new MN Wolf Management Plan took effect January 27. The DNR will assume responsibility for all aspects of wolf management. For more information, go to mammals/wolfs/mgmt.html.
Minnesota News ... Mark Your Calendars
Mark your calendars for these upcoming events in the state of Minnesota: March 17 – March Madness Preview Show in Albert Lea; March 21 – Cattlemen at the Capital Days in St. Paul; April 13-15 – Minnesota Junior Spring Classic at the Mower County Fairgrounds in Austin; June 8-10 – the Minnesota Junior Livestock Show at the Fillmore County Fairgrounds in Preston; and July 1 – Summer Beef Tour in Little Falls. In addition, we also want to encourage our Minnesota junior members to attend the Heartland Limousin Association Regional Show June 15-16, 2012 in Springfield, MO and the 2012 NALJA show in Des Moines the week of July 8-13.
Minnesotans Twyla Wulf of Starbuck and Ruth Christiansen of Balaton visited at the Black Hills Stock show.
MJSC in Austin The Minnesota Junior Spring Classic (MJSC) will be held April 14-15 at the Mower County Fairgrounds in Austin, MN. April 14 there will be a Boot Camp with demonstrations on fitting, clipping, and showmanship as well as a presentation by Erik Swenson titled “Why Ag is Important”. The show will begin at 8:00 a.m. April 15. You can register online at www.minnesotajsc. For more information contact Paige Allen at 507/269-6518 or Cattlemen at the Capital Days All cattlemen and cattlewomen are invited to join MSCA at “Cattlemen at the Capital Days” March 21. The group will meet at 9:00 a.m. at the Best Western Kelly Inn near the capital. Legislative consultant Bruce Kleven will begin the day with a legislative status briefing. We will also be meeting with the MN DNR to discuss a variety of priority issues including wolf management, further reform of the permitting process and expanded grazing on state lands. This is your opportunity to make a difference. If you plan to attend or need help setting up a
Mark and Sharilyn Willette of Delavan, MN exhibited and sold cattle at the Black Hills Stock Show.
legislative appointment, contact Joe Martin at 651/756-7351 or at Summer Beef Tour Set The 2012 Minnesota State Beef Tour will be hosted by the Mississippi Valley Cattlemen’s Association (MVCA). Registration will open at 6:15 a.m. July 1 at the Morrison County Fairgrounds in Little Falls. The bus tour will highlight cow-calf, seedstock and feeding operations. Additionally, participants will have a chance to see a robotic milking operation; on-farm sunflower oil bottling, and visit the Camp Ripley Military base. The MVCA has members from Crow Wing, Morrison and Todd Counties. For more information, contact MVCA president Darvy Keehr at 320/745-2431.
Amelia Schotz of LeCenter, MN was all smiles after the Minnesota Beef Expo Junior Show in St. Paul. S h e was Champion Showperson for the 5-6th graders at the Expo.
Anna & Amber Johnson of Sebeka, MN enjoyed the Black Hills Stock Show.
Annual Minnesota Beef Showcase – March 29, 30 & 31 Red Horse Ranch Arena, Fergus Falls, MN – Sale is Saturday at noon Mstt Yippee
DUIN Yesterday
3/10/11 ZMAN William Wallace x Heavens Ladylove (Guardian x First Choice) We will be selling two March bull calves and this outstanding heifer calf that would make an excellent junior project. Call if have questions.
Lindsey Family Limousin
2946 Hwy 9 & 71 • Spirit Lake, IA 51360 Dustin - 712-330-2656 • Zach - 712-330-2632
5/29/11 Daughter of Mstt Winchester (Ransom), mgs: Auto Thunder Rode. bw 1.5 ww 55 yw 80 re .76 yg -.16 mb -.10 Super quiet, deep-sided, stylish female comes from the core of our replacements.
ASRL Yonkers 01Y, Homo. Polled
3/4/11 Daughter of Rmkr Goaline, mgs: rplf platinum bw 0.0 ww 39 yw 74 re .75 yg -.19 mb -.18
is a moderately-framed red bull. He is thick & deep throughout with a great disposition. He should work well on heifers as well as cows. Igenity & Ultrasound info. available sale day.
Dlmc Yahtzee
Lura Limousin
Mark & Sharilyn Willette Dustin & Lauren Mohrhauser 20061 450th Ave , Delavan, MN 56023 Mark 605-695-3129, Sharilyn 605-695-5344 Dustin 605-695-9030, Lauren 605-695-7325
Here is a high-quality red bull. He is moderately-framed, deep and thick. He will make a great heifer bull and be a great asset to your herd.
LRFF Yulelog 04Y, Homo. Polled Here
Johnes level 4
Allen & Anna Lyon (320) 387-2794 Foley, MN 56329
Minnesota Junior Livestock Show
The Minnesota Junior Livestock Show will be held at the Fillmore County Fairgrounds in Preston the weekend of June 810, 2012. The Minnesota Junior Livestock Show will have their show on the 9th and the University of Minnesota Block and Bridle Show will be on the 10th. For more information on this show, contact Paul Bartsh at 507/259-1220 or pbartsh@yahoo. com. You can also talk to Mike Schiltz at 507/450-9157 or The website for the show is: www. .
Vol. 20 • Issue 2 • Mar/Apr 2012
Wisconsin State News ...
Mitchell Girls Eager to Raise Corner Post Heifer
The Mitchell girls; Lily, 6, Brooke, 4, and Violet, 2, had an exciting time at the National Western Stock this year. Their parents, Bart and Amy Mitchell and grandparents Bob and Rhonda Mitchell, Spring Creeks Cattle Co. of Wauzeka, WI, donated a heifer to the NALJA Corner Post Fund. When the heifer came in the ring during the national sale, the girls were eagerly awaiting the sale. They had fallen in love with the heifer, and much to their surprise, their grandparents purchased it for them to show. Grandpa Tom and Grandma Renee Danhof of Marshfield, WI had the winning bid on the heifer; Spring
The website, started in January of 2009, has grown over the years and is now recognized as one of the most informational websites for Limousin cattle in the United States. The website has an aver-
Crks Your Chance, a 4/16/11 red, double polled Lim-Flex 50 percent daughter of CJSL 9072W out of 3R Yuma 124J 28P. Andy Peterson of Limousin Live video taped and manned a telephone bid for the Glenn Treftz sale in Aberdeen.
Andy Travels Across the Country for Limousin Live Andy Peterson, owner and operator of can be found at sales and events across the country. Limousin Live is a website featuring sale reports, live video, interviews with breeders and commercial cattlemen, and other features. The motto for Andy’s website is: Limousin Live – All Limousin, All the time.
age of 10K+ visitors per month who visit four or more times per month. Andy is a great promoter of Limousin genetics. Not only is he “on the road” for Limousin Live, he is also actively involved in the Limousin Breeders Association of Wisconsin and he serves as secretary for the Heartland Limousin Association.
ND Cattleman Elected to Beef Industry Leadership Post Jerry Effertz, a third generation rancher from Velva, has been named to the national Beef Promotion Operating Committee (BPOC). The BPOC is a 20-member producer panel that helps select and fund national beef demand-building programs with monies collected through the beef checkoff, a market development program funded by U.S. beef producers and importers. Effertz was elected to a oneyear term during the 2012 National Cattle Industry Winter Convention and NCBA Trade Show, held Feb. 1-4, in Nashville, Tenn. He is one of 10 cattlemen representing the Federation of State Beef Councils on the BPOC. The other 10 members are chosen by the Cattlemen’s Beef Board.
The BPOC sets the annual budget and allocates checkoff dollars for beef research, promotion and education programs that help drive national and international demand for beef.
Effertz and his family operate Black Butte Acres Limousin Ranch, a stocker/backgrounder and seedstock operation near Velva. In an effort to educate people about the cattle business and environmental stewardship, the family also owns Black Butte Adventures, which features public farm tours, hiking and biking activities on ranch land. Effertz is a board member and former chairman of the North Dakota Beef Commission and a former chairman of the North Dakota Stockmen’s Purebred Council. He is a founding member and former chairman of the state Limousin association, and helped found the eight-state regional Heartland Limousin Association.
At the national level, he is a North Dakota representative on the Federation, a division of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA). He is now a member of the checkoff’s Public Opinion and Issues Management Group/Public Relations Subcommittee and a former member of the Retail Committee. Effertz is also active in community activities. He is a past president of the state fair board of directors; a former director and chair of the state Board of Ag Research and Education; chairman of the state commission on the Future of Agriculture; and a board member of the N.D. University System Foundation.
Vol. 20 • Issue 2 • Mar/Apr 2012
Heartland Sale Reports
Treftz Limousin Holds Inaugural Sale in Aberdeen Glenn Treftz of Wetonka, South Dakota held his first production sale, “Where Muscle Still Matters” Saturday, February 11, 2012 in Aberdeen, SD. Treftz Limousin has been in the cattle business for almost 30 years, selling bulls privately for 20+ years. Glenn puts a lot of emphasis on cow families because he believes that behind every good bull there is a greater cow.
Julie and Dave Hassebroek of Cogswell, ND purchased bulls from Glenn Treftz in Aberdeen.
A large crowd of seedstock and commercial cattlemen were on hand for this first-ever Treftz Limousin Sale. Buyers were given information on the bulls including ultrasound data, yearling weights, scrotal measurements, and frame scores on the day of the sale.
Glenn Treftz of Wetonka, SD along with his children Courtney and Dustin held their first annual bull sale at the Aberdeen Livestock sale barn.
The top-selling bull was TREF Yeoman 142Y, a 3/6/11 red, double polled son of TREF Warload 334W out of TREF Raven 142R. There was vigorous bidding on this bull, and when the final gavel came down, Shawn Cogley of Colfax, IA held the final bid of $9,750. Another popular bull was TREF Yukon Jack 083Y, a 2/9/11 red, homozygous polled son of DVCL Mr. Unbelievable U03 out of TREF Petticoat 083P. He was purchased by Murray Stewart of Stettler, Alberta, Canada for $7,750. Stettler also purchased TREF
Yachtsman 031Y; a 2/5/11 red, homozygous polled son of ROMN Tow Truck 111T out of TREF Picturesque 031P for $7,500. Jay Langdeau of Fort Pierre, SD purchased TREF Yellowstone 207Y, a 2/19/11 red, homozygous polled son of Mr. SYES R Just 502P out of TREF Sophistication 207S for $7,500. Glen Jakober of Aberdeen, SD bought TREF Yahoo 504Y, a 3/4/11 black, homozygous polled son of LVLS Top Criteria 8826P out of TREF Wild Rose 504W for $7,000.
Herman Symens with Shawn Cogley, of Colfax, IA buyer of the high-selling bull at Glenn Treftz’s sale.
First-time Limousin buyer Curwood Seefeldt from LaMoure, SD purchased three bulls from Glenn. Averages: 23 Yearlings..................................$5,534 9 Aged bulls..................................4,411 Total: 32 Bulls..........................................$5,218 Auctioneer: Chisum Peterson Sale Consultant: Herman Symens
Glenn appreciated Jay Langdeau of Fort Pierre, SD along with his children Bailee and Cash for purchasing one of the high-selling bulls at his sale.
Liberty Ranch Named Commercial Marketing Booster of the Year The North American Limousin Foundation (NALF) presented its Commercial Marketing Booster of the Year award to Mike Smith, manager, and Roger Comeau, owner, of Liberty Ranch in Plainville, Kansas. The award was announced at the NALF banquet/ member social on January 9, 2012 during the National Western Stock (NWSS) in Denver, Colorado. The award recognizes a seedstock producer who has demonstrated a commitment to commercial cattle producers. Liberty Ranch was founded in 1976 by Ralph Comeau and family. They introduced their first Limousin females in the spring of 1982. They were attracted to the Limousin breed for their natural thickness, hardiness, and durability in those early years. Outside a few small packages of female purchases almost all Liberty Ranch
production sale. Prior to that they held private treaty sales. Liberty Ranch continues to host its annual production sale the first Saturday in February, selling approximately 100 Limousin and LimFlex bulls coupled with bred heifers and 10-15 head of ranch broke Quarter Horses. The ranch sells most of their Gene Raymond of Garnett, KS presented Roger bulls as two-yearComeau, owner of Liberty Ranch near Plainville, olds in order to offer KS with the 2011 Limousin Commercial Marketing a high quality, sound Booster award given by the North American Limousin breeding package Foundation. that can cover a females have been bred and born large number of cows. on the ranch. In addition to numerous sales, In December 1998 Liberty Liberty Ranch has also hosted Ranch hosted their first annual
several educational events and seminars as part of their commitment to their customer base in the beef industry. Events have ranged from commercial cowcalf production and profitability to low-stress livestock handling. They also aid their customers in marketing their cattle and feed large number of cattle to finish every year. Mike Smith, manager, has been a leader serving in a variety of positions at the state, regional, and national levels. He was the president of the Kansas Limousin Breeders Association, the Heartland Limousin Association, and the North American Limousin Foundation Board of Directors, completing his term of six years on the board in January of 2012.
Vol. 20 • Issue 2 • Mar/Apr 2012
Heartland Sale Reports
Liberty Ranch Sale Held in Snowy Conditions Despite several inches of snow and icy road conditions, a large crowd of commercial cattlemen traveled to Plainville, Kansas Saturday, February 4, 2012 for the annual Liberty Ranch Production Sale. Roger Comeau, owner, and Mike Smith, manager along with his wife, Deb, and guest consignor Duane Seiler of Colwich, KS hosted a delicious steak sandwich meal followed by their “Rugged & Ready” sale at the Plainville Livestock auction barn The sale offering featured a set of outstanding rugged, range ready bulls, fancy bred heifers, open show heifer prospects, and a group of coming 3-year-old Quarter Horses.
Mike Smith, manager, and Roger Comeau, owner of Liberty Ranch, Plainville, KS appreciated the crowd of buyers who attended their sale despite the winter weather conditions.
Roger Comeau and Mike Smith thanked Galen Peterson and Judy Russ of Stockton, KS for purchasing the top-selling bull at the Liberty Ranch Sale.
Bidding was brisk on RRDC 2061X; a 3/26/11 double black, double polled Lim-Flex 75 percent son of MAGS Race the Sun out of RRDC Miss Loadstar 705T. When the final gavel came down, Galen Peterson of Stockton, KS had the final bid of $13,000. Damon Stauffer of Arlington, KS purchased RRDC 1002X, a black, double polled Lim-Flex 50 percent son of JCL Lodestar 27L out of MBAB T78 for $10,000. Staufer also purchased RRDC 1145X; a 4/5/10 double black, double polled Lim-Flex 75 percent son of MAGS Ransford out of RRDC 175S for $7,000. RRDC 1036X, a 5/4/10 red, double polled Lim-Flex 50 percent son of Bar JZ Timberline 525S out of Miss Rebellas 118L was bought by Mark Keller of Palco, KS for $8,500. Another popular lot was RRDC 1129X, a 3/23/10 double black,
double polled Lim-Flex 75 percent son of MAGS Race the Sun out of RRDC Miss Loadstar 704T. He was purchased by David Sexton of Weskan, CO for $8,000. Warren Grfeller of Stranger
A snowy drive in Nebraska on the way to the Liberty Ranch Sale.
Valley Ranch, Russell, KS was the volume buyer of bred heifers. The top-selling open heifer was RRDC Yannick 1105; a 3/11/11 red, double polled Lim-Flex 50 percent daughter of HC Coleman Precision 812 out of RRDC Tater Tot 756T. She was purchased by Duane Seiler for $2,100. He also purchased three other open females on the sale. Volume buyers included David Sexton, Weskan, KS taking home nine head, Levi Mitchek of Cheyenne Wells, CO purchasing seven bulls and Mike Gyhra of Pawnee, NE with five. Averages: 88 Bulls..........................................$4,046 43 Bred heifers...............................1,986 9 Open heifers..............................1,761 3 Horses........................................1,733 Auctioneer: Bruce Brooks
Warren Grfeller of Russell, KS was the volume buyer of bred heifers at the Liberty Ranch Sale.
The Sextons of Weskan, KS; Macy, David, Sage and Doniley were the volume buyers of Liberty Ranch bulls, purchasing nine head.
Mark Keller of Palco, KS purchased several bulls at the Liberty Ranch Sale.
Reports for sales after February 12 will be printed in the May/June issue of the Heart Beat.
Vol. 20 • Issue 2 • Mar/Apr 2012
of the
Saturday, April 7, 2012
1:00 pm • at the farm Viborg, south dakota
ulls B ulls B d l O r a e Y o 2 Tw s t c e p s o r Limousin Production Sale P r fe i e how H S 3 rn
e t s e W l ona i t a N 2 1 20 ll e S s l l u B
g Selling 30 Yearlin LFLC YAHOO 63Y
HOMO Polled WZRK Primestar x Wulfs Nero BW -.2 WW 62 YW 98 SC .1 MA 15
HOMO Polled RUNL Walking Tall x DJ Gentleman in Blk BW 0 WW 48 YW 87 SC .4 MA 27
A Family-Owned Operation That Emphasizes
Calving Ease Disposition Muscle Feedlot Performance
WULFS WALCOTT x WZRK Primestar BW -1.1 WW 50 YW 97 SC.5 MA 22
HOMO Polled WZRK Primestar x WULFS Nero BW .4 WW 56 YW 97 SC .0 MA 18
LFLC Yahtzee 53Y
in march for videos of the bulls
Family Limousin
Gordy & Pam Ludens Mike & Sarah Ludens 28716 459th Avenue Viborg, SD 57070
GoRdy 605-661-6470 • Mike 605-360-1191
JOIN US FOR A PRE-SALE LUNCH at the farm, 3 Miles East and 3 3/4 Miles North of Viborg, SD Auctioneer and Marketing Representative Joel Edge 319-540-1731
Wulfs Uppermost x RPLF Maverick BW: 2.2 WW 58 YW 105 SC .7 MA 18
Missouri News ...
Vol. 20 • Issue 2 • Mar/Apr 2012
Annual Meeting, Banquet/Benefit Auction to be Held in Lebanon The Missouri Limousin Breeders Association will hold their annual meeting, banquet and benefit auction Saturday evening, April 14, 2012 in Lebanon. It will take place in conjunction with the Great American Pie Sale to be held the next day at the Laclede County Fairgrounds in Lebanon. The banquet/benefit auction will be held at the fairgrounds. The social will begin at 5:00 p.m. followed the meal at 6:00 p.m. There will be a silent auction, live auction and raffle. Members of the Missouri Junior Limousin Association will also hold their meeting Saturday, April 14. There will be an election of officers, ideas for fundraising, and a discussion on the upcoming HLA regional show and the Missouri Field Day in Springfield as well as the NALJA show in Des Moines. Nominees for MLBA Directors There will be an election for members of the Missouri Limousin Breeders Association following the banquet. There have been four names presented for nomination for the board: Mark Haden, Buckridge Limousin; Andy Ernszt, A.L.E. Limousin; Owen Mudd, Whiskey River Limousin; and Mike Henderson, Wies Limousin. Brent Boyce and Jack Glendenning are retiring from the board after serving their terms. Hotel Headquarters The headquarters hotel for the weekend is the Sand Springs Resort at Bennent Springs. The rate is $55 and you should ask for the MLBA when making reservations. Call 1-800/532-3474 for reservations.
Cody Heavin of Springfield, MO waits his turn to exhibit his heifer at the NWSS Hill Show in Denver.
Stan Schrock and his four-year-old son Cade of Green Top, MO took in the festivities at the IA Beef Expo.
Directions to Fairgrounds Take #129 Lebanon exit, go west on Jefferson (Hwy 64) 0.6 miles to Elm Street. Turn right (east) 0.4 miles to Laclede County Fairgrounds. The building for the dinner Saturday night is next to the sale arena on the fairgrounds. MLBA to Host Heartland Regional Field Day & MO Field Day in Springfield The 2012 Heartland Regional Show and the Missouri Limousin Breeders Association Field Day will be held the weekend of June 15-17 at the Ozark Empire Fairgrounds in Springfield, MO. • Entry fees for Heartland Regional are due to NALJA by May 1. • Entry fees for MLBA Field Day are due June 1. Send entries for MLBA field day to Susie
Bob and Euvonne Wies of Wellsville, MO enjoyed the Pen and Carload show in Denver.
Heavin, 8017 N. Farm Road 137, Springfield, MO 65803. • Juniors can pay one fee and show in all three shows (one entry fee) as long as dues are paid to HLA and MLJA. • Entry fees are $25 per head plus $10 bedding fee. • Late entries for Heartland can be made up to the time of check-in for $30. • Late entries for the MLBA Field Day are $20 per head (open and junior shows). Heartland Regional Hotel Headquarters The headquarters hotel for the HLA Regional and MLBA Field Day is the LaQuinta Inn & Suites in Springfield. The rates are $68 for a single queen, $75 for a king, and $79 for two queens. Reservations must be made by May 25th - ask for the MLBA block of rooms. The phone number is 417/447-4466. Our Sympathy
In addition to all of these, he was an instrumental part of O’Brien Farms. He received several awards including the Missouri Small Businessman award in 1969, the Missouri Farm Family of the Year in 1983, the Missouri Limousin Breeder of the Year in 1999, and the 2011 Legacy Award Honoree in the American Quarter Horse Association. Don was the past president of the North American Limousin Foundation (NALF) and he was a lifetime member of the Heartland Limousin Association. He is survived by his wife of fifty years, Mary; his four sons, David, Donnie, Kelly and Jason; two daughters, Marsha Douglas and Kathy Brooks; twenty-three grandchildren; and fifteen greatgrandchildren as well as many other relatives. Condolences may be sent to the family at www.ozarkfuneralhome. com and memorials are being directed to the American Cancer Society.
Notice to Heartland Breeders
We extend our sympathy to the family of Don O’Brien of Lanagan, Missouri. He passed away Wednesday morning, February 15, 2012 and services were held on Saturday, February 18 at the Anderson Chapel of the Ozark Funeral Homes in Anderson, MO. Don was a self-employed entrepreneur throughout his life. He began his career in the poultry industry, expanding to several poultry plants in Missouri and Oklahoma. He also owned the O’Brien Feed Mill as well as several banks, the Ponderosa Trails, and O’Brien Realty in Jane, MO.
The 2012 fall schedule for sales in the Heartland calendar is filling dates rapidly. The Heartland Board of Directors asked that Heartland members who are planning to consign females for a fall Heartland Female sale should let Dean Summerbell, Heartland Executive Secertay know by June 15, 2012 if they are planning to participate in consigning to the sale. Dean needs to know the approximate numbers that consigners are planning to bring in order to plan the fall event. Dean’s number is 612-963-3799.
Vol. 20 • Issue 2 • Mar/Apr 2012
Kansas Limousin Breeders Association Sunday,
April 1, 2012 1:00 pm
Farmers & Ranchers Livestock Commission Co. Salina, Kansas
Registered Limousin & Lim-Flex Lots Sell
Bulls – Pairs – Bred Cows – Bred Heifers Open Replacement Females – Show-Heifer Prospecs
PTAL 101Y a January 27,2011 son of WULFS SHOPTALK. He will sell in the sale.
Schedule of Events ... Saturday, March 31
2-3:30 pm Annual Meeting of the KLBA at the Sale Barn 2:00 pm Cattle available for viewing 4:00 pm Juniors will meet at EconoLodge, 1949 N. 9th St. 6:00 pm Banquet, followed by an evening of fellowship at EconoLodge
Sunday, April 1
9:00 am Cattle Available For Viewing 11:30 am Lunch Available 1:00 pm KLBA 20th Annual Sale
JERRY MEEK (913) 594-1453 cell (913) 898-2700 home E-MAIL:
SALE DAY PHONE: (785) 825-0211 AUCTIONEER: Bruce Brooks (580) 276-5137 Sale Management: Kansas Limousin Breeders Association (913) 594-1453 Sale Headquarters: EconoLodge 1949 N. 9th St., Salina, KS (785) 825-8211 for reservations Ask for KLBA Block - $45, Reserve before March 20
Kansas News ...
Vol. 20 • Issue 2 • Mar/Apr 2012
KLBA Plans State Sale and Banquet Members of the Kansas Limousin Breeders Association (KLBA) are making plans for their state sale, annual meeting, banquet, and benefit auction. The festivities will take place March 31 and April 1, 2012 in Salina, Kansas. The weekend will begin at 2:00 p.m. Saturday with the annual meeting following by the junior meeting at 4:00 p.m. and the banquet at 6:00 p.m. The junior association will be preparing and serving the meal. They
Pat and Jerry Meek of Parker, KS took in the Pen & Carload Show in Denver.
would appreciate it if you would make reservations so they know approximately how much food to prepare. The evening will conclude with the benefit auction. Please contact any board member with your donation for the auction or to leave a bid if you are unable to attend. The money raised from this auction goes to support the activities of the association throughout the year. The 20th annual state sale will be held at 1:00 p.m. Sunday, April 1 at the Farmers and Ranchers Livestock Commission in Salina. Anyone needing information about the sale or a catalog should contact Jerry Meek, KLBA sale chairman, at 913/594-1453 or you can send an email to or jerrymeek@ You can also go to the KLBA website at www. Sale Headquarters The sale headquarters is the Econo Lodge at 1949 North Street,
ll Test Sale
ngs Bu Sells at Green Spri
NHCA 318y (owned with 4H Limousin Frohna, MO)
S A V Bismark 5862 x LVLS9794N (LVLS Secret Weapon 4408K) CE 11 BW -1.5 WW 53 YW 99 MA 32 CEM 6 SC – ST – DC 11 CW 31 REA -.27 YG .40 MB .43 $MTI 58
Selling at the GSBT Sale March 26 ... 3 full sibs sale along with several other Purebred and Lim-Flex bulls
ale Springs Bull Test S
1:00 pm Mokan Livestock, Passaic, MO
4H Limousin Nathan Hunt Frohna, MO 573-513-1490
Clay Schilling checked out his heifer while brother Chance and Deb Vorthmann of Treynor, IA enjoy the moment.
just off the #252 exit on Interstate 70 in Salina. Call 785/825-8211 and ask for the KLBA rate when making reservations. Rates for the hotel are $45 and reservations must be made by March 20. Membership Dues If you have not paid your 2012 Kansas Limousin Breeders Association membership dues, please send your money to Debbie
DeLaTorre. All paid members are listed on the Kansas website. Junior Field Day The junior association will hold their annual field day the weekend of June 2-3, 2012 at the home of Randy and Nancy Corns in Eureka. More information will be given at the junior meeting in Salina March 31 and in the May/ June issue of the Heart Beat.
can Pie Sale
eri Sells at Great Am
CALO 303Y (owned with 4H Limousin Frohna, MO)
LH Rhodemaster 338R x A L C Dixie Erica 529 (SIXS Mr Joker 360) CE 10 BW -.8 WW 53 YW 99 MA 30 CEM 5 SC .5 ST– DC – CW 40 REA -.46 YG .73 MB .57 $MTI 61
Selling at the American Pie Sale in Lebanon, MO – April 15, 2012
Cole Abele – 417/684-0881 18438 S. 2650 Rd El Dorado Springs, MO 64744
In the
Vol. 20 • Issue 2 • Mar/Apr 2012
S S Heartland Young GunsN W That is what is called dedication and perserverence.
Adam Nielson of Arlington, SD exhibited their ROM’N pen of bulls
The Straight crew from Logan, IA.
David Vaughn of Cavalier, ND exhibited the Vaughn bulls in the Pen & Carload show.
r e env
Mike Henderson of Wies Limousin, Wellsville, MO exhibited a pen of bulls in the Yard show.
Vol. 20 • Issue 2 • Mar/Apr 2012
Vol. 20 • Issue 2 • Mar/Apr 2012
South Dakota News ...
Limousin Breeders Gather in Rapid City The South Dakota Limousin Association held their annual meeting, banquet and benefit auction Thursday, February 2, 2012 at the Ramkota Hotel in Rapid City, SD. This event took place in conjunction with the Black Hills Stock Show. A large crowd of Limousin enthusiasts from South Dakota, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska and Canada gathered for the festivities. Everyone enjoyed a delicious prime rib buffet dinner followed by the benefit auction. Kyle Stern, president, welcomed everyone and thanked them for coming. He recognized
A great crowd of Limousin seedstock and commercial producers attended the annual South Dakota Limousin banquet in Rapid City
former commercial producers of the year in attendance as well as other honored guests. The evening concluded with a very lively benefit auction. Thanks to Chisum Peterson of Chamberlain, SD who served as the auctioneer. There was a
The Sweeter family of South Dakota and Nebraska had a very successful run at the Black Hills Stock show.
wide variety of items on the auction including jewelry, delicious apple pies and caramel rolls, cattle supplies, semen, advertising, homemade clocks and a magazine rack, wine and a wine holder and children’s books written by Amanda Radke. The last item on the auction was the “infamous” mystery box. It was bought and resold three times before Eric Boon of Canada had the final bid. Everyone had a good time watching him open up the box and discover its contents. Thanks to everyone who donated items and those who purchased items at this year’s benefit auction. Your support of the SDLA and the SDJLA is appreciated!
SD Cowboy Combines Ranching and Rodeo Jim Thomas of Flandreau, SD is intense about the rodeo and raising Limousin cattle. The 40-yearold combined both at the Black Hills Stock Show the first week of February in Rapid City. His rodeo event is steer-wrestling. Steer wrestling is usually considered the “big mans” event of the rodeo. One only needs to look at the PRCA rodeos to notice that a lot of cowboys who were offensive and defensive football linemen or linebackers participate in bull dogging.
Eric Boon of Lucky Lake, AL, Canada checks out the mystery box.
The Black Hills scoreboard reflected the leading time and the next contestant.
Jim Thomas in action at the Black Hills Stock Show Rodeo.
Jim Thomas warmed up before the steer wrestling portion of the Black Hills Stock Show Rodeo.
Glenn Treftz is all smiles at the SDLA banquet.
Jim is not your typical size for a bull dogger. He is; however, quick with good balance and he possesses the strength to stop a hard charging steer and throw him to the ground in around 4-5 seconds. At the Black Hills Stock Show, Jim tied into a fast steer
who ducked and jumped just as Jim did his dismount and grabbed the steer around the horns. If anyone would like to know what bull dogging is like, one can experience a similar activity by standing on a running board of a pickup going 40 miles an hour
and then grabbing the first mailbox you go by. Although Jim did not pick up a check at the BHSS, he enjoyed the competition and will head to another rodeo to try his skills. When the rodeo event was done, Jim headed to the sale arena where he teamed with Tom Vaughn of Cavalier, ND to purchase the high-selling Limousin bull at the Black Hills Stock Show Limousin sale. Jim likes the red Limousin for their performance and muscle. That would be consistent with his love of bull dogging or bull production with Limousin cattle.
Vol. 20 • Issue 2 • Mar/Apr 2012
Beringer Farms Named SD Commercial Producer of the Year Beringer Farms, operated by brothers Art and Vic Beringer and their sons Thad and Eddie, were selected as the 2012 Commercial Producer of the Year by the South Dakota Limousin Association (SDLA). The award was presented to the Beringer family at the SDLA banquet held at the Ramkota Hotel February 2, 2012 during the Black Hills Stock Show in Rapid City. They were nominated by Don and Peg Zilverberg. The farm consists of 3,000 acres of cropland, 3,000 acres of grass, and a 450 head cowherd. Beringer Farms purchased their first Limousin bulls in 1978 and have used over 75 Limousin or Lim-Flex bulls in the last thirtythree years. They market the
Dean Summerbell presented the plaque to Beringer Farms of Gettysburg, SD; represented by Art, Joane and son Eddie with the 2012 Commercial Producer Award at the SDLA banquet in Rapid City.
steers in the fall and the heifers in January at auction barns or off the farm. They also background some of the cattle for later sales. According to the Beringers,
they like Limousin cattle because they make good mother cows, have sound udders, few eye problems, and have quality meat. They purchase their bulls from Bar JZ
Ranches in Holabird, SD as well as from other consignment and production sales in the Upper Midwest. Art and Vic have been very proactive in the conservation of the land. Art has served as the supervisor for the Potter County Conservation district from 19932011, he has been a director for the South Dakota Association of Conservation districts, and he won a district official award in 2007. Vic was a board member for CamWal Electric Co-op for eighteen years and a member of the SD Rural Electric Association for ten years. Congratulations to Beringer Farms.
Red Carpet Sale Bulls Average $3,250 Limousin bulls were a popular item at the Red Carpet Sale at the W. H. Lyon Fairgrounds in Sioux Falls, South Dakota January 26, 2012. A good crowd of commercial producers stayed late in the day to bid on 13 bulls and one female. The bulls were exhibited at the sale order show judged by Matt Johnson, the SDSU Livestock Judging Coach at Brookings, SD.
Johnson selected ROMN Extreme 115X, a 3/28/10 black, polled son of DHVO Trey out of ROMN Mindy consigned by ROM’N Limousin of Arlington, SD as his champion bull. Don Lyso of Wakanda, SD purchased the champion for $3,600.
The reserve champion bull was KNCH 24Y, a 4/20/11 black, polled son of RPLF Nightclub 112N out of KNCH 24M consigned by Christiansen Limousin of Balaton, MN.
The champion female, also consigned by Christiansen Limousin, was KNCH 024Y, a 4/15/11 black, polled daughter of KNCH 707W out of KNCH 024U. Al Teich of Pine City, MN paid $2,900 for the female.
The high-selling bull was ASRL Y Not, a 2/6/11 black, polled son of Wulf’s Uncharted Waters out of ASRL Thyme 508T consigned by Lyon River Front Farm of Foley, MN. Norman and Heather Herbst of Eagle Pass Ranch, Hillman, MN outlasted brisk bidding to own the bull for $5,100.
Lyon River Front Farm also consigned the second high-selling bull, ASRL Yukon 03Y, a 3/8/11 black, polled son of Wulf’s Uncharted Waters out of ROMN Tina Turner 10T. Greg Smith of Marion, ND held the winning bid of $4,800. Schmale Brothers of Emerson, NE purchased MR. SYES
Al Teich of Snake River Farm, Pine City, MN and Monte Rosen of Eastview Cattle Co., Balatan, MN each purchased consignments from Christiansen Limousin.
Friendly 177X, an 8/30/10 red, polled son of SYES User Friendly out of Miss SYES S Tracker 177U consigned by Symens Brothers of Amherst, SD for $4,400. The consignors to the Red Carpet wish to thank John and Matt Bruner for serving as the Limousin Superintendents and hosting the consignor social January 25.
Averages: 13 Bulls..........................................$3,250 1 Open female.................................2,900 Auctioneer: Chisum Peterson
Names of exhibitors of breed champions on Supreme Row were entered into a drawing for the use of a Featherlite Trailer for a year. ROM’N Limousin was the lucky recipient of the trailer.
Think Spring
Warren Symens and Peggy Nolz consigned bulls in Sioux Falls.
John Symens thanked Francis, Ed, and Lil Schmale of Emerson, NE for purchasing the Symens Brothers consignment at the Red Carpet Sale.
Vol. 20 • Issue 2 • Mar/Apr 2012
South Dakota News ...
Black Hills Stock Show Draws Large Crowds The Black Hills Stock Show and Sale (BHSS) drew large crowds to Rapid City, South Dakota for the Limousin events February 2-3, 2012. There was strong interest from the commercial cattlemen and seedstock producers, and the increased averages showed the enthusiasm for the consignments on the sale. The BHSS sale show was held Friday morning, February 3, 2012 at the Rushmore Plaza sale arena. Brian Barragree of Absarokee, MT judged and placed the Limousin bulls and females. Show Results:
Barragree selected L7 Xhaust 066X; a 9/1/10 red, double polled son of HC Final Time 407 out of L7 Chili Pepper 080K as the grand champion bull. He was the Division II champion and was consigned by Peterson’s L7 Bar Limousin of Pukwana, SD.
Names of the exhibitors of breed champions on Supreme Row were entered into a drawing for the use of a Featherlite Trailer. Peterson L7 Bar Limousin of Pukwana, SD was the lucky recipient of the trailer.
Cade Peterson of Peterson’s L7 Bar of Pukwana,SD appreciated Kyle Stern (left) who purchased the champion Limousin bull along with Bill Brandt and Dan Lewis, Snow Hole Ranch of Lingle, WY who purchased a high-selling bull.
Taking home the reserve champion honors was the Division I champion consigned by Venner Family Limousin of Breda, IA. JBV Spritzer 111Y is a 3/13/11 black, polled Lim-Flex 75 percent son of DVFC Undeniable out of JBC Swisher 1113L.
Jared Sweeter of New Grove, NE exhibited both the grand and reserve grand champion females. The grand champion Limousin female was JSWT Yum Yum 14Y; a 3/29/11 black, polled daughter of ROMN Work Horse out of SMLC Tammy.
Fullblood Alliance News Members of the Fullblood Alliance met in Van Buren, Arkansas January 21, 2012 and held an election of officers. Newly elected officers and board members are James Lucas, OK – president; Connie Crockett, MO – vicepresident; Joe Latendresse, OK – secretary/treasurer; and directors David Holley, OH, and Billy White, OK. The Fullblood Alliance will hold a show this summer June 16 in Springfield, MO.
Donations are needed for the “Future Limousin Breeders of America” program. We are hoping to raise $50,000 to help 50 youth purchase a Limousin heifer to raise and show. Juniors who own and exhibit a Fullblood in the 2012 NALJA or All-American Futurity will receive a $250 premium from the FLA. The next meeting will be held Saturday, April 14 in Seminole, OK. Guest speaker will be Joe Ep-
The reserve champion, also from Sweeter, was JSWT Your Truly 12Y; a 4/21/11 red, polled daughter of Wulf’s Urban Cowboy out of SMLC Rose 516R.
Sale Results:
Auctioneer C.K. “Sonny” Booth began the sale at 1:00 p.m. The top-selling bull was JLX Red Bull; a red, polled son of Wulf’s Urban Cowboy out of Heaven’s Newsmaker consigned by Justin Montagne, JLX Limousin of Elk
Jim Thomas and Tom Vaughn (not pictured) purchased the high-selling bull from Justin and Julie Montagne
perly, NALF director of commercial marketing. In addition, there will be a ranch open house at the home of Terrell and Barbara Britt, just minutes from Seminole. We are happy to report that Harris Mosher, NALF director, is now back in Pennsylvania recuperating from a serious health problem. He was taken to the hospital in January during the National Western Stock Show in Denver, CO and spent several weeks there before he was able to return to PA.
Point, SD. Tom Vaughn of Cavalier, ND and Jim Thomas of Flandreau, SD teamed up to purchase this bull for $7,500.
Another popular lot was Wulf’s Xeric 7708X; a black, homozygous polled Lim-Flex 75 percent son of Wulf’s Urban Cowboy out of HB Pudge 708T. He was consigned by Wulf Limousin Farms of Morris, MN and purchased by Marlin Maude of Hermosa, SD for $6,200.
The champion bull consigned by Peterson’s L7 Bar Limousin of Pukwana, SD, Peterson’s L7 Xhaust 0066X; a red, double polled son of HC Final Time 407 out of L7 Chili Pepper 080K was bought by Kyle Stern of Garden City, SD for $6,000. Another Peterson consignment; L7 0042X, a 4/21/10 red, double polled son of L7 Red Pepper 3001N out of Miss L7 707T was purchased by Snow Hole Ranch of Lingle, WY for $5,800.
Marilyn Fortune of Miles City, MT took home JBV Tempo 027X consigned by Jim and Becky Venner of Breda, IA for $5,500. He is a 6/10/10 red, polled son of DVCL Mr. Unbelievable out of JBV Princess Lea 717T.
Leon Vogel of Gothenburg, NE had the final bid on the grand and reserve grand champion heifers. The reserve champion heifer, JSWT Yours Truly 12Y; a 4/21/11 red, polled daughter of Wulf’s Urban Cowboy out of SMLC Rose 516R brought $3,400. Vogel also bought the grand champion, JSWT Yum Yum 14Y; a 3/29/11 black, polled daughter of ROMN Work Horse out of SMLC Tammy for $2,400. Averages: 20 Bulls..........................................$3,975 3 Heifers........................................2,770 Auctioneer: C.K. “Sonny” Booth
Vol. 20 • Issue 2 • Mar/Apr 2012
ANNUAL BULL SALE Saturday - April 14, 2012 - 1 p.m. CST Madison Livestock Sales - Madison, SD
“Where Class Meats Carcass”
Selling 40 Yearling & 4 Two-Year-Old Bulls Lunch is on us! Adam, Michelle & Greyson Nielson 605.203.0733 | 605.203.0732
Featuring our
NWSS Division IV Rs. Champion Purebred Pen
ROMN Yankin My Chain 100Y
April ROMN Made To Order son HOMO Polled BW: 1.0 WW: 54 YW: 97 MA: 22 SC: 0.8
ROMN Yahteze 105Y
April ROMN Made To Order son HOMO Polled BW: 2.4 WW: 53 YW: 94 MA: 18 SC: 1.0
ROMN Yippy Ki Yeh 101Y
March ROMN Justice son HOMO Polled BW: 1.8 WW: 48 YW: 88 MA: 17 SC: 0.8
Bull Consultant: Herman Symens - 605.698.3087 Auctioneer: Chisum Peterson
Check for pictures/videos of sale offering. Robert “Cookie” & Mary Nielson 605.203.0903 | 605.203.0904
ROMN Yankee Doodle 106Y April AHCC WestWind son HOMO Black BW: 2.7 WW: 63 YW: 109 MA: 21 SC: 1.0
ROMN Y Not 104Y
April Wulfs Unopposed son HOMO Polled BW: 2.0 WW: 51 YW: 90 MA: 16 SC: 0.5
ROMN Yacht Club 103Y March CHTT Work Time son Het. Polled BW: 4.0 WW: 58 YW: 109 MA: 20 SC: 1.0
ROMN Yabba Dabba Do 102Y March ROMN Tow Truck son
HOMO Polled BW: -0.1 WW: 45 YW: 85 MA: 22 SC: 0.4
7.84x10.25 4c-Hearbeat:7.84x10.25 4c-Hearbeat
11:34 AM
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Vol. 20 • Issue 2 • Mar/Apr 2012
March 30, 2012 � At the farm � Morris, MN � 12 Noon
Lot 1 • Wulfs Xclusive 2458X • BD: 4/7/10 • Homo Pld (T)/Blk WZRK Primestar 861P x Wulfs Missive 2258M (LVLS Polled Black Jack) CED: 12 • BW: 1.1 • WW: 53 • YW: 102 • MA: 24 SC: 0.7 • DOC: 24 • REA: 0.35 • MARB: 0.11 • $MTI: 50
Lot 338 • Wulf Yalerie 1439Y • BD: 1/28/11 • Het Pld (T)/Blk Wulfs Sirloin 3172S x Wulfs Missive 2258M (LVLS Polled Black Jack) CED: 11 • BW: -1.9 • WW: 40 • YW: 81 • MA: 31 SC: 0.5 • DOC: 23 • REA: 0.52 • MARB: 0.08 • $MTI: 45
LEONARD WULF & SONS � 47694 320th Street, Morris, MN 56267 Farm (320) 392-5802 � Jerry Wulf (320) 491-1390 � Rhonda Wulf (320) 491-1746 Mike Wulf (320) 491-6682 � Eric (Z) Zeltwanger (320) 766-0066 Wulf Sale Consultants: Jim Wulf (320) 491-6312, Joel Edge (319) 540-1731 e-mail: �
Wulf is a proud supplier to Tyson Fresh Meats, Inc.