Chennalin Portfolio

Page 1

Lin Chen-na

01 UI










02 Graphics


Hsiao Chueh






Value of Money



90's Hong Kong



GUI & MG Furnish & Bla






- Talentzy - Bla - Furnish


# Career

# Web Tool


Talentzy Land your dream job & Find the right talents

T h e s e t wo s e n te n ce s a re t h e s lo g a n s o f Ta le n t z y. T h e re fo re , the goal of Talentzy is helping talents to find the right job and giving hand to enterprise to find their right talents. So far it’s a website. Mobile web and APP is our next step.


“Talentzy� This website contains two parts individual and enterprise user. Individual Part is focus on providing user create their own resume. The other pages is supporting users to know how important to making themself as 8

a brand. And the main function of enterprise part is helping user in recruiting process and building their company brand.


{ Individual }


This part is devided into three funtions - Create Resume, Career Coach and Jobs. Our purpose is that making users build themself as a brand through resume. Because resume is our first impressions when we find a new job. As a result, we guide users how to write resume appropriately by using step by step tips.

JOBS Provide jobs by your preference.

Create Resume Step by step to write down user’s resume.

Career Coach A platform to provide information about jobs career and a social media. 11


This part is devided into three funtions - Create Resume, Career Coach and Jobs. Building themself as a brand by resume is our purpose. Because resume is our first impressions when we find a new job. As a result, we guide users how to write resume appropriately by using step by step tips. Career Coach and Jobs these two function are assistants for users.

Recruiting Process Recruiting page provides a form of recruiting process. And clicking every number comes out the candidate. Moreover you can see t h e re s u m e w h i c h c h o s e n b y clicking each candidate.

My Company This page is for enterprise user to create their own branding productpage.


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Bla. New way to keep in contact Bla is a app base on “yo”.

I t ’s a n e w w a y t o c o n t a c t w i t h

friends. Not only send sounds but also photos, GIF. When you record a sound and send to others, the phone which received your message will come out the sound you record. (If you send meow, the phone will come out meow.)

# Fun

# Friends



What's Bla There are two main funtions on bla - Sound and Camera ( or GIF ). When you on the sound list page ( you have to make your own sound first ), there are two things you can do -

Slide and Click each sound cube. -


01.slide the cube can directly send to your friend. each sound cube will come out the camera page. You can send sound with photos ( by camera or your cellphone library ) to anybody you want. When you miss your friends, just using Bla !

Sound List When finger slide to the left it will come out the friend list.

Record Use “+� button to record new sound. And then name it !

Camera Bla can not only send sound! There are three choices for you - Library, Camera and GIF.


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# Furniture

# Decorate

# Home

Furnish Fu i n i s h i s a t o o l t o f i g u re o u t t h a t h o w m y f u r n i t u re w i l l be in my house. It also contains furniture shops. When you find something you like, you can save it and see how your room will be if you have it. It’s a O2O app. You can buy any furniture online and send it to your house.


When you are in this app, you will see the camera which catch the scene on this moment. After that, you can go to the online shopping platform choose any furniture you want and "like" it. Next, the thing you like will be listed on the Order List. On the camera page, there is a category bar, clicking each one of it will come out your favorite on that category. Afterwards, you can move the camera on the spot that you want to place your furniture.


Main Page The pink line is category bar. Click each category will come out the white bar. You can slide on the bar or upsite of screen then the furniture will change.

Order List Every piece of furniture you like will list on this page. It contains your shopping informaitons such like price, addressee and product info.


Info When you on the main page, clicking the object twice the product info would come out. There is a “buy� button. When you wanna buy then you can buy it immediatly.

- Hsiao Chueh - Salu - Value of Money - 90's Hong Kong

# Eastern

# Exhibiton

# Digital


hsiao chueh Digital Installation Art Exhibition ( Key image, poster, invitation ) H s i a o C h u e h i s a d i g i ta l i n sta l l a t i o n a r t ex h i b i t i o n . H s i a o Chueh in chinese means the conscious in our life and the i n s p i ra i to n i n o u r d e s i g n p ro ce ss . C re a t i n g n e w w o r k b y part of our own experience of life.




Design Concept With a little classic eastern style literally, these two words "Hsiao Chueh" brings me some inspiration. Because the content of this exhibition is digital art which is modern. As a result, I use this ambivalent feature as my start. Diffrent from usual, I use colorful vector image instead of black and white ink-painting which is the stereotype in chinese.

# Camp


# Cult-film

# Event

This is a camp for freshman in our department. The title Ming Shing Sha Lu Shuei is inspired from a chinese perfume named ming shing hwa lu shueh. Because the tone of this camp is based on cult film, from games to visual, custumes, all of it.



Design Concept Due to cult film tone, the poster gives the camp a weird opening by using hand painted illustrations and straightforward symbols such like binding rope, suspended man, pool of blood, forest and the main character on this camp - deer. Using these elements to build a mysterious atmosphere.



< Digital Installation Art Work > < Value of Money > is a digital installation art work theme. Because it talks about money, I use a "$" symbol to design this poster. Moreover, I divided this symbol into two parts - means adult and children are on the two sides.

# Furniture # Decorate # Home


90's Hong Kong < SCCD Movie Theater > 9 0 ' s H o n g K o n g i s a m o v i e t h ea t e r l b e h e l d e v e r y m o n t h b y 34

S CC D . T h e p u r p o s e i s m a ke t h e st u d e n ts o n t h i s d e pa r t m e n t

watc h i n g e v e r y c l a s s i c f i l m . M o v i e i s fo r m e d o f e v e r y f i e l d o f

a r t . T h e y ca n b e i n s p i re d b y t h e f i l m a n d b u i l d t h e ba s i c o f aesthetics.

# Movie # HK # 90's


-Furnish - Bla - Talentzy

Category bar

Choosing box


Progress line

Add button

Screen shot button

Buy it button

Furniture Icons


name bar

camera bar




1. GUI (graphic user interface)

Recruiting Bar


Alert icon


Resume icon

Search Box


Recruing Status Button

Guiding Box

Input Box

2. Motion Graphic | Character Design The main purpose of this motion graphic is that a good resume is just like a right outfit on the right place. As a result, I create 3 charaters in this video. When the background changes, the outfit will change

3 Characters Casual




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