M ARCH 2009
C HAIR ’ S CORNER HAVE YOU COMPLETED THE SURVEY? Several hundred Rountree residents have taken time to fill out the neighborhood survey that’s been distributed for the past several months. The survey is designed to gather important information about flooding issues we’ve experienced in the neighborhood and ask some additional quality-of-life questions. Our goal is to use the information to make Rountree an even better place to live. So far, the responses have been great. To those who have filled out the survey - thank you! To those who have not, please do so at your earliest convenience! The survey is available at the RNA Web site: Rountreenews.org. We will also provide a paper copy of the survey to those who request it. Call me at 773-5175. Happy spring! Bob Keyes RNA Chairman
HELP CHOOSE A NEIGHBORHOOD SIGN Feeling creative? The City of Springfield has invited the Rountree neighborhood to participate in the Neighborhood Sign Identification Program. With our participation, signs that uniquely identify Rountree will be installed on city rights of way, creating a clear, identifiable boundary to the neighborhood. As the neighborhood association board considers participation in the sign identification program, we need your ideas for creating a look or design for our sign that instills pride and a sense of “place.”
Those who care to participate, please call RNA chairman Bob Keyes at 773-5175 or email Bob at rvkeyes@mchsi.com BECOME A MEMBER OF THE BOARD The Rountree Neighborhood Association board is looking for new members. Those interested in serving, please contact Bob Keyes at 773-5175 or rvkeyes@mchsi.com
PYP ARRIVES AT ROUNTREE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Rountree Elementary School is beginning an exciting new chapter. The school board voted to fund Rountree over the next three years to become an International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program (IB-PYP) candidate school. Currently only two other elementary schools in the district - Boyd and Field are IB-PYP schools and have experienced tremendous success with the program. One of the most frequent questions asked about the PYP is, “How will it change things at Rountree?” Here are some answers: First, all Rountree students will receive 60 minutes of French language instruction each week as a requirement for PYP candidate schools. French was selected based on site council discussions. Second, when fully implemented, the PYP instructional model will result in all science and social studies being taught within “units of inquiry.” These 4-6 week units are developed by teachers around one of the six trans-disciplinary themes set forth by the International Baccalaureate Program. Third, all staff will work to help students internalize and demonstrate the 10 PYP learner attitudes. These include themes such as appreciation and tolerance. Finally, Rountree PYP students will develop a more global perspective through emphasis in developing internationally-minded students. Staff must work through how topics being studied apply not only to people in Springfield, but in the state, nation, and world.
For more information, visit http://www.ibo.org/pyp/ or call Rountree at 523-4900.