Lincoln Kids1 newspaper Spring 2012

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Lincoln Kids! Quarterly Family Newspaper

Please Take One

Year 18 No. 1

“Dance of the Bumblebee” by Hallie Schwab, age 81⁄2, 3rd grader, Roper Elementary School

February, March and April

Family Guide for Spring 2012

Lincoln Kids!

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From The Publisher Mark back when...

...Mark 18 years later


elcome to the Spring edition of Lincoln Kids! newspaper. Normally at this time of year (end of January) it feels like winter will never go away. Not this year! Currently it is 64 degrees out. This is the start of our eighteenth year. To quote the adage about raising kids, they grow up so fast. When I first started the paper I would get my paper ready to go to the printers by printing the paper out on my home printer and waxing it onto a large sheet of paper. Then I would haul the sheets, called boards, to the printer. Now everything is done on the internet. Technology has made many aspects of publishing easier

Lincoln Kids! but at the same time I have to keep up with all the changes. So I am constantly learning. In eighteen years the paper has matured in look and content all the while I have also matured in look (brown to grey hair) and my content is well... lets say I’m a bit hefter than I was 18 years ago. We have a really packed issue chock-full of all sorts of information for families, kids, and parents. If we didn’t get your piece of artwork, story or calendar information included, we apologize. Just a few of the neat goings on during our print run include events celebrating February’s Dental Month. Make sure to visit page 13 for information on your children’s dental issues as well as page forty which highlights the special exhibits at the Lincoln Children’s Museum, which Ameritas has generously sponsored. March is Vision Month so read up about this important topic on page 16. The Lincoln Children’s Museum has an exhibit for this as well! See page 40 again. The Early Childhood Celebration is celebrating their 25th anniversary on April 21st at Southeast Community College, 86th & O Street from 9am-1pm. Featured are booths, entertain-

Advertising, Artwork, Article, & Calendar Deadlines for the Summer 2012 issue is April 10th. Covering May, June & July. To view our issues online visit our website at:


Would you like to be published in Lincoln Kids? Mail or email us a copy your Artwork and Poems for consideration! phone: (402) 798-0224 Email:


Publisher and Editor in Chief – Mark Martin Art Direction – Mark M. Martin Illustrations – Children & Ron Wheeler’s Fat Free Clip Art Calendar and more – Beth Pauley

Lincoln Kids! Newspaper, 25660 South 12th St. Martell, Nebraska 68404 Advertising – Mark Martin Printer – Maverick Media

Lincoln Kids! Inc is published quarterly in February, May, August and November. Mailing Address: 25660 South 12th Street, Martell, NE, 68404. Phone number: (402) 798-0224. E-mail: Copyright ©2012 by Lincoln Kids! Inc. All rights reserved. We are not responsible for errors and omissions. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission prohibited. Lincoln Kids! encourages your submission of feature articles, photographs and ideas. We reserve the right to edit submitted material. All submissions will be considered for publication. Materials will not be returned unless prior arrangements are made. Advertising and information is accepted at the discretion of the publisher. Web site is located at: Current and past issues may be viewed there.

ment, children’s activities and much more. Contact Crystal Kozak, at (402)437-2403 or visit the website at for more information. Booths are still available if you are an organization involved with children. This is the first of our summer camp and activities issues. There are a wealth of opportunities for children to learn, grow and have fun located right here around Lincoln. Camps range from traditional cabins in the woods style of camp to specialty camps on learning what it is to be an animal vet. Many of these camps fill up fast, especially the best time slots. So book your spot early! Most of the camps are located in the second section and we have a handy dandy camp directory on page 28. Chicken Report: I am glad to report that after a brief falling out, my girls have decided to forgive and forget (our bad experience with having roosters) and let me hold and pet them again. Plus they are back to laying more eggs. I am also pleased to announce that after nearly 10 months our one lone duck allowed me to pick her up. Yes, folks I was fortunate enough to hug a duck. She had spent a cold night outside the coop in the snow and she allowed me to hold her tight to my bosom. (Do men have bosoms?) and offer her comfort from the heat from my own body. Ahh, life on the farm.


how different life will be when your child… ...has the confidence and self-esteem not only to stand up to bullies, but to easily make new friends. Learns how to focus and listen, causing less stress at home and getting better grades at school. Sensei Scott Walls applies his advanced degrees in Karate and Child Mental Health to assist your child in excelling in all levels of life. You don’t have to imagine it. These changes can really happen!

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As far as our Bernese Mountain Dog, Bernie, goes I think he is nearing 200 pounds. I feel like we are actually living the old cowboy song, “Home on the Range”. Except the inside of our home is the range. It is where our own version of a buffalo roams. Mark Take care,

Spring 2012 Cover Artist “Hello. My name is Hallie Schwab and I am in the third grade at Roper Elementary School. I am eight years old and I love my family and every kind of animal on earth, especially horses. My favorite seasons are both spring and summer because I like to swim and play outside and because my birthday is in March. My favorite subjects in school are Math and Spelling, but I like all the other ones too. When I grow up, I want to be a veterinarian. I decided to draw a picture of a bumble bee for this magazine because I thought bees would be good to have in a spring picture.” Hallie Schwab

Spring 2012 Page 3

Lincoln Kids!

Look What’s Growing by Becky Seth, Naturalist, Pioneers Park Nature Center


hey put on an ever-changing show, they use lots of different tricks to travel, some can grow in very unlikely places, some can hang on through cold and drought. Plants are pretty amazing things. Have you taken the time to look at the trees that have lost their leaves along your street or in your backyard? This time of year you can notice their different shapes and the way the branches reach out. Can you see the buds that will grow into next summer’s flowers and leaves? Some trees have big fat buds that seem ready to burst any minute, others are much smaller. Watch them and see when they start to open. Some flower early – maple flowers give the tree a reddish color long before the leaves grow. Some, like crab

apples and redbuds, have very pretty flowers, others don’t look much like flowers at all. When the leaves start to grow a lovely haze of light green lets us know spring has come. A few plants hug the ground and stay green all winter. They are a splash of color when the skies are cold and gray. But there is something else that cheers the heart of every gardener in winter: looking through seed catalogs. Have you ever seen one? Flowers bloom on every page and the vegetables look almost too good to eat. You can dream of your perfect garden even though you know when the time comes it will be too wet or too dry, the weeds will grow too fast and the rabbits will eat your baby peas and lettuce to the ground. But you also know

that the first red tomato of the season will be even tastier than you remember. It is good to know where your food comes from and even better to try growing your own. If you do have a garden you know that it takes work to make plants grow and also what a great feeling it is to put something delicious you’ve raised on the table. Pioneers Park Nature Center has a new children’s garden. Our preschool has already planted early flowering bulbs and we can’t wait for them to bloom. We have three large ‘cereal’ bowls and want to grow wheat and oats in one of them so we can see the plants that are used to make Wheaties and Cheerios. We have a giant teepee to grow beans and squash and dream about how fun it will be to go inside and be surrounded by green. There are three

raised beds where we will grow many different kinds of vegetables, partly just to see what they look like. We will grow corn, even though the raccoons will probably eat it all, and sunflowers because they are so cheery. We have an animal garden with plants that have names like butterfly milkweed, bee balm, lamb’s ears and turtlehead; and a ‘scent’sational garden where plants that smell really good (or bad) or feel soft or taste interesting grow. Pioneers Park Nature Center has long been a place where people can learn about what grows ‘wild’ in Nebraska: the early blooming woodland flowers, the stately cottonwood or bur oak trees, the wild plums and chokecherries that make yummy jam, the tall prairie grasses and colorful prairie wildflowers.

continued on next page...

Get et RReady...Get Ready...GGet Set...Get Set ...Get Registered! RRegisterred! FUNdamental FUNd FU Ndh e aml t h y mle Ndamental N A focused fo cused program pro gram w where here yyouth ou th g grow row

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For a registration For r eg istr a tiion fform orm visit an any y loca location tion or PVS XFCTJUF QBSLT MJODPMO OF HPW PVS X FCTJU F QB BSLT MJOD PMO OF HP PW

402-441-7895 na tur ec en t err@linc .go v For F or mor more e childr children’s en ’s pr p programming o gr amming visit par ks .linc e .go v/na tur ec en t er

NNature Na ture Center Preschool: Preschool: Where Where Kids Explore Explore

Registration R egistration ffor o or the 2012-2013 school s yyear ear beg begins ins FFebruary ebruary 1s 1st st

NNature Na ture Explorers Explorers Camp: Mad M Scientists

Aw week eek of messy messy, y, handhand-on on scie science nce ac activities, tivities, and a little gar gardening. dening. A Ages ges 6-12. Dates: D tes: Monday-Friday, Da Monday-Friday, M March arch 1 12-16 2-16 Time: Time: 8:30a–5p 8:30a–5p,, extended extended hour hours rs (7:30a-5:30p (7:30a-5:30p)) aavailable vailable ffor o or $ $10 10 | Fee: Fee: $160

C Discovery Camp Discovery

Get G et your your hands in the dirt, dirt, go on a nature nature hunt, hunt, investigate investigate the Nature Nature Center’s Center’s large la arge mammals mammals,, or sear search ch ffor o or po polliwogs olliwogs and n nymphs. ymphs. A Ages ges 3-6 3-6. 6. Dates: D ates: Monday-Thursday; Monday-Thursday; 5 w weeks ee eks in June & July Time: T ime: 9-11:30a | Fee: Fee: $65/child/session $65/child d/session

W ilderness Na ture Camps Wilderness Nature

Puddles P uddles and Ponds, Ponds, That’s That’s Disg Disgusting!, gusting!, Xtr Xtreme eme A Action ction C Camp amp and Plant, Plant, R Reap eap and EEatt ar Ea are e just some of the themes themes. s. A Ages ges 6-12. Days: D Da ys: Monday-Friday; Monday-Friday; 6 w weeks eeks in June & July July.. Time: T ime: 8:30a-5p 8:30a-5p,, extended extended hours available available for fo or an extra extra fee fe ee Fee: F ee: $160-$170/week, $160-$170/week, sa save ve $10 0 if rregistered egistered bef before fo ore M May ay 1st 1st..

Leadership JJunior unior ni Counselor Cou l Leader L dersh Le shipp Camp C

Days: D Da ayys: Monday-Friday; a Monda ond nda day-FFrida ida day; June Jun Jun Ju une ne 44 4-8 8 | A Ages: ges: ges: e 13-17 133-1 17 1 7 Fee: Fee: ee ee e:: $100; $1 $10 $ 10 00; 00 0 0;; application 0 aap app applica pp p plica pli pl lic lic ica caattion ca tion ti tio ion on du d due ue u eM Ma May aayy 1s 1st 1 1st, st, in st iinterview ntte ter erview er viie vvie iew ew rrequired. eq eq equir quire uirrre ed ed d.. Page 4 •

Lincoln Kids!

Bird Watching at Your Local Library Vicki Wood, Youth Services Supervisor/ Lincoln City Libraries, Bennett Martin Public Library


incoln City Libraries, the Wild Bird Habitat Stores, Nebraska Game and Parks and Wachiska Audubon have joined together to offer a fun and educational family event, Lincoln Bird EnCOUNTer, Saturday, February 18, from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. at the Eiseley and Gere Libraries. We invite people of all ages to come to watch, explore and learn about our feathered friends. Make a bird journal or a pine cone feeder. Learn to use binoculars for bird watching or listen to and identify bird songs. There will be crafts, games and FREE bird guides while they last. Find out more about the nationwide event taking place that weekend, called The Great Backyard Bird Count, and how you can be part of it.

Chuck Francis, past president of Wachiska Audubon, says, “Wachiska Audubon members are enthusiastic about birds and preserving their habitat. But we realize that the future belongs to the next generation. We need to do everything possible to get young people acquainted with birds and other wildlife, and to lure them out of their comfort zones to observe the living ecosystem around them. Our older generation

should not be “the last children in the woods.” There will be plenty of books about birds available for check out at the event but, as a warm up, these two lovely new offerings are certain to pique your child’s interest in birds and their amazing lives. Thunder Birds: Nature’s Flying Predators by naturalist and veteran children’s book author Jim Arnosky, examines the unique niche raptors inhabit and how amazingly well they have adapted to their role as hunting birds. Each section looks at a type of raptor; owls, herons and egrets, and, eagles, hawks and falcons, each have their own portion of the book with gatefold pages that open up to demonstrate relative size as well as flight silhouettes for identification in flight. Arnosky includes personal anecdotes about his encounters in the

wild with these amazing birds, drawing the reader into the author’s fascination and respect for these awesome creatures. Jane Yolen’s poetry and Jason Stemple’s photos combine in the lovely new book, Birds of a Feather. The regal eagle opens this collection with verse devoted to a variety of birds including the wood duck, chickadee and even a haiku for a kingfisher. Each two page spread includes boxed factual information about the featured bird and its habits.

continued from previous page... summer sessions of both Camp Discovery for 3-6 year olds and Wilderness Nature Camp for those 6-12 will have time in the garden, and there will be other programs too. We hope to see you! For now, go find a seed catalog.

We’ve also long had a large herb garden with plants that smell great or make food extra tasty. The children’s garden is new and exciting. Come out often to see what’s growing and join in some of the programs so you can get your hands in the dirt. Youth participating in Nature Explorers Camp, March 1216, will do some early planting in cold frames, protected from changeable spring weather. Some

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402-486-4847 Spring 2012 Page 5

Lincoln Kids!

Kids in the Kitchen with Grandma Noble By Lois Noble Spring is.....colorful rock gardens where the tulips grow. Magnificent green plants replacing the snow. Fluffy white clouds floating across a blue sky. Menacing black clouds to intimidate you and I.

Pocket Bread Sandwiches Are Fun To Eat We have enjoyed eating Pocket Bread Sandwiches in the past without giving much thought to their origin. My “Kangaroo” Pocket Bread wrapper states that Pita Pocket Bread, now becoming popular in America, was originally thought to be an exotic Middle Eastern food. Young kids may need adult help using a sharp knife to cut the pockets for these sandwiches. Each round piece of whole wheat pita bread will make two pocket sandwiches. Cut across the center of a piece of round

flat bread to make two halves which will be used to form the pockets. Use the sharp knife to open each pocket by dividing the bread from the cut side. Do not divide the pocket too close to the round edge of the bread. You want to leave the round edge of the bread connected to form the pocket. It is good to heat the pita bread in the microwave for about 30 seconds before stuffing it with the filling you choose.

Basic Spinach Salad Pita Pocket Sandwich Cut or tear the following four ingredients into bite size pieces. Mix the first five ingredients together and stuff equal amounts into each pita pocket: 2 c. baby spinach leaves 1 fresh tomato 1 string cheese strip 2 oz. Deli lunch meat (your choice) Ranch Dressing to taste 2 whole wheat pita pockets

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Page 6 •

Angel Hair Cole Slaw Pita Pocket 2 c. Angel Hair Cole Slaw l small can crushed pineapple, drained 1/4 c. dried cranberries’ 1/4 c. chopped walnuts Cole Slaw Dressing to taste 2 whole wheat pita pockets Mix together first four ingredients together and stuff the pita pockets with the slaw mixture. Add dressing to taste.

Simple Tuna Salad Pocket Sandwich Blend together the first three ingredients: 1 small can water packed tuna, drained 2 T sweet pickle relish 1 T Spin Blend or mayonnaise several spinach leaves 2 whole wheat pita pockets.

Layer each pita pocket with baby spinach leaves and stuff with blended tuna mixture.

Egg Salad Pocket Sandwiches Blend together the following four ingredients: 3 hard boiled eggs, chopped 2 heaping T sweet pickle relish 1 heaping T Spin Blend or mayonnaise dash of onion powder lettuce leaves 2 whole wheat pita pockets Layer each pita pocket with lettuce leaves and stuff with blended egg salad mixture. Hope you enjoy some of the pita pocket recipes we make at our house. Use your imagination to create pita pocket sandwiches using some of your favorite food combinations. They can be used for almost any hot or cold fillings.

Lincoln Kids!

from Miss Emily of the Lincoln Children’s Museum


ome mornings when I walk in to the Lincoln Children’s Museum I can hardly believe I am at work. How can facilitating camps and classes full of eager children and parents be considered work? I am so lucky to do what I do for the museum. I have the chance to teach and learn at the same time. It’s a pretty great job. Of course I know that one of the reasons I love my job so much is because of the families I get to serve through the camps and classes offered at the Lincoln Children’s Museum. There is always something fun going on with us, and I can’t wait for the next program on the calendar. That’s why I am so excited to tell you about our summer line up. I have planned several camps that cover a variety of topics. There is something for everyone. From Wizards to cooking, every child who participates in our summer

camps will have a great time. It is my goal with all the programs I offer, to balance learning and fun. I try to sneak math and science in to “School of Wizardry”, and large motor/ small motor into “Lights, Camera, Action”. I want every minute we share in camp together to be beneficial. Along the way friendships are forged, field trips are enjoyed, and there are plenty of laughs. It is a great way to spend the summer. I’m looking forward to seeing you at the museum this summer. Emily Nash is the Education Manager at the Lincoln Children’s Museum, 1420 ‘P’ Street, (402) 477-4000,

You are Invited to a Birthday Party!-honest!


join in the Lincoln Impersonators ll are welcome to come Contest. Judging is at 2:15pm. celebrate Abraham Prize will be given. Lincoln Birthday this 4:15 p.m.: More music with coming February 12th at Chris Sayre Southwest High School. located at Enjoy free refreshments and 7001 S. 14th Street. Festivities exhibits all afternoon. Visit with take place between 1–5 p.m. and Civil War reenactors and with is FREE to the pubic. Susan Dittman, author Featured is Iowa of Abraham Lincoln’s actor Lance Mack Shining Star – the as President Abraham Lincoln. 1 2 t h , 1 - 5 p m Inspiring Story of Abraham Lincoln and All events will be Nebraska. held in the commons Presented by the City of area. Schedule of Lincoln with support from events is as follows: the Cornhusker Bank, 1 p.m.: Music with Lincoln Benefit Life, Lincoln’s Chris Sayre Lincoln Public Schools 1:30-4 p.m.: Music and the Nebraska and dancing with the Humanities Council. Smith Family Band of For more information: Hastings, visit:, 2, 3 and 4 p.m.: Lance Mack as or call 402-441-7831 President Lincoln. Following the performance you are invited to

February is National Children’s Dental Month Lets Have a Coloring Contest!


meritas Group and the Lincoln Children’s Museum (LCM) are partnering to educate Lincoln families on the importance of good oral health. Kids under age 10 are encouraged to participate in the “What Makes Me Smile” coloring contest is Feb. 1-24. Coloring

sheets are available at LCM in the Artist’s Corner on the upper level, at and on the Ameritas Group Facebook page. All entries will be displayed, and judges will award prizes to the favorite artistic creations.

Contest Runs February 1-24 Sponsored by...




• Chee Cheesy esy • Cheeseburger Cheeseburge er •T Taco aco a o • Cheese Frenchee Frenc chee • Soft T Taco a aco • Chicken Strips Strip ps


Lincoln Kids!

Praise! Praise! Praise! Tips on Behavior Management Georgann Albin, Early Head Start Recruiting Assistant


arly Head Start and Head Start are best known for high quality preschool education experiences. Many people don’t realize how comprehensive the programs are. Our staff and consultants work with families to promote positive outcomes in literally every aspect of their child’s life. Participation in the Early Head Start program “buys” families access to a whole host of experts on topics from everything from nutrition to behavior management. In this article, Tiffany West, Kristin Anderson, and Grace Hubel, trained Child and Family Behavioral Consultants from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, share their tips for positively impacting your child’s behavior. When we think about managing our children’s behavior, the first thing that comes to mind is often

Trusted by parents all over the world, kindermusik classes provide the very best in early childhood music and movement experiences. Learn how music and movment can nurture your young child’s mind and body!

discipline. Even though the right amount of discipline at the right time is important, it is not the most important part of teaching children how to act. One of the best ways to encourage good behavior is through praise! Praising Positive Behaviors It may sound simple, and you are probably thinking to yourself, “This is something I already do. What is so special about praising?” You’re right, most of us try to praise our children every day. It seems routine. But that is part of what makes praise so helpful. It is something we do every day and it is simple to do. Another reason why praise is an effective behavior management strategy is that it lets children know

Songs, movement activities, stories and more for children ages 0-7.

Labeled Praise: Labeled praises we like what they are doing. This are specific praises about what the increases the chances that they will child is currently doing. Examples continue doing it or repeat it in the of labeled praises are “Good job for future. Remember, no matter how cleaning up,” “Excellent job using upset or angry children may seem nice touches with your brother/ at times, their parents’ and sister,” “Awesome work coloring on teachers’ attention and approval are among the most Examples of Praise: valuable things in Thank you for listening! I appreciate how you are playing nicely with your brother/sister! life for them. And, Thanks for cleaning up your room right away when I asked! the more time chilI really like it when you play quietly! dren spend doing I appreciate it when you use your manners! Great job washing your hands before sitting at the table! positive behaviors, You are really good at remembering to walk inside the house! the less time they Thank you for using your inside voice! have to spend on I really like it when you use nice touches! You are doing an excellent job coloring a rainbow! negative behaviors. Look at you standing still while I tie your shoe! Praising children I really like it when you play nicely with your toys! helps improve their I’m so proud of you when you wait patiently! It makes me happy to see you follow the rules of the house! self-esteem, and it What an awesome idea to play with the play dough on the table! builds a stronger, I really like that building you are making with the blocks! That was a creative idea to use the card board box as a car! healthier, happier I like it when you say thank you! relationship You’re an excellent helper! between you and (Thank you for reading this) your child. the paper,” “That is such a cool building you made out of blocks,” Different Types of Praise “That is an outstanding job setting Experts in teaching children to the table,” “Wonderful job listening behave well talk about several difto directions.” As you can see, these ferent types of praise. expressions are praising the child Unlabeled Praise: Unlabeled and can make them feel good about praises are general comments or themselves but they also tell the physical expressions. Examples of child exactly what it is they are unlabeled praises are “Good Job,” doing that is such a good job or “Excellent,” “Awesome,” “Cool,” excellent. Using labeled praises with “Outstanding,” and “Wonderful.” children increases the chance they They can also be pats on the back, will repeat the behavior for which thumbs up, or high fives. They help they received the labeled praise. the child feel good about themVerbal Praise: Verbal praises are selves but they are not telling the like those mentioned above. child exactly what they are doing that is such a good job or excellent. continued on next page...

Now Enrolling for 2011–2012. Westminster Preschool is a N.A.E.Y.C. accredited developmental learning

Call for a free demonstration class! South and Southeast locations

Shawna Gordon, Director 402-770-1486

program where children enjoy a safe nurturing environment. Art activities, stories and songs, large motor activities and learning centers allow children to grow spiritually, emotionally, socially, physically and intellectually.

Contact Suzanne Schneider

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AM Classes: 9–11:30 All Day Classes for Pre-K: 9am-3pm PM Classes: 12:30-3pm Extended Care is Available from 7:30-9:00am and 3:00-5:30pm

Conveniently located at 2110 Sheridan Blvd. Page 8 •

Lincoln Kids!

What is Early Head Start? needs, and support you as you work to provide positive opportunities for your child. Your family home is already a rich environment full of learning opportunities. We want to help you enhance that environment by supporting your relationship with your child in an exciting way through home visits. In home-based Early Head Start, we come to you!

Georgann Albin, Early Head Start Recruiting Assistant


arly Head Start is a comprehensive federally funded child development program offered through Community Action Partnership of Lancaster and Saunders Counties. EHS serves low-income pregnant women, children ages birth to three, and their families. A small number of slots are also available to families of children with verified disabilities whose families have household incomes above the federal poverty guidelines. Early Head Start enhances children’s school readiness by offering individualized support in the following areas: Physical, mental and dental health services; nutrition assessment and guidance; services to meet the special needs of children with disabilities and their families; and family case management support.

Learning can be fun!

Emphasis on learning in the home In our home-based Early Head Start program, you and your child have the opportunity to work with a Family Advocate in the comfort of your own home for 90 minutes each week. Family Advocates will provide fun ways for you to help your child learn and grow, put you in touch with community resources that help to meet your

...continued from previous page Verbally expressing your appreciation or liking of what your child is doing. Verbal praises again tell the child that you are pleased with their behavior and that you want them to continue with the behavior. Non-verbal Praise: Not all praise involves talking, however. Nonverbal praises such as high fives, eye contact, winks, hugs, pats on the back, etc., can also make the

child feel good about them selves and feel good about their behaviors. Non-verbal praises are especially helpful for the younger children who may not quite understand what is being said to them. Using both verbal and non-verbal praises together also helps to insure that your child knows you approve of their behavior and gives them a little extra attention.

NatureWorks 2012 sessions Sessions will include themed (TBD) activities, as well as gardening, animal care, pony riding and plenty of experience in nature (fresh air!) June 11 - 15 - ages 6-9 and 9-12 June 18 - June 29 - ages 6-9 and 9-12 July 9 - 20 - ages 6-9 and 9-12 July 23 - August 3 - ages 6-9 and 9-12

country day camp

By enrolling in Early Head Start, you and your child will have the opportunity to enjoy activities and learning experiences together. Here are some details about what you can do in our program: • Engage in fun activities with your child like reading books or singing songs. • Visit with your Family Advocate about what exciting things your child has experienced since the previous visit. Did your child crawl, stand, walk, or make a new sound? • Set Goals with your Family Advocate as you plan activities for your family and your next visit. • Review plans with your Family Advocates about the activity for the week, then offer feedback about the activity. • Socialize with other enrolled families at playgroups. Playgroups take place at Community Action, the local pumpkin patch, parks, water park, and other fun locations!

How do I enroll my child? Step 1 If you live in Lancaster County, call Community Action at (402) 875-9385, or if you live in Saunders County, call Wahoo Public Schools Head Start/Early Head Start at (402) 443-4250 to schedule a time to fill out an application. When you call we will talk about enrollment requirements and let you know what paperwork you will need to have at the time of application. Step 2 Come to your scheduled appointment with all of the paperwork that you need and work with a member of our staff to complete the application. Step 3 When your family is invited into the program, you will receive a letter and a phone call from your Family Advocate to schedule a time for your first home visit. For more information about the program, please visit the Community Action web site: We can’t wait to hear from you!

“The Butterfly” by Ellie Maquire, age 5, St. Joseph Preschool

Childrens Consignment Spring & Summer Sale Event! used” children, Sell your “gently d items nity clothing an teen and mater Shop the rgains! thousands of ba


PRAIRIE HILL Learning Center A Montessori school for children 18 mos. - 8th grade. 1HEUDVND·V )LUVW :LQG 6RODU 3RZHUHG 6FKRRO A non-profit educational corporation. Since 1981. 438-6668 - - ´OLNHµ XV RQ IDFHERRN IRU WKH ODWHVW 3UDLULH +LOO QHZV April 12 - 15 Lincoln Lancaster Event Center - 84th & Havelock Thurs - Sat 1 6XQ SULFH GD\

Spring 2012 Page 9

Lincoln Kids! Wee Wisdom Christian Preschool and Academy Now enrolling for 2012-2013 school year!

Looking for a loving preschool where your child can be socially and academically successful? “Flower” by Raymond Edward Conner, age 9, 3rd grade, Adams Elementary School.

CEDARS Now Enrolling!

For more information call

402-420-7111 and check us out at:

Since 1996, over 1,500 children have experienced Wee Wisdom! Come check us out!

Look for information on our Summer Camps in the Camp Directory!


“From My Imagination” by Nitya Purva, age 3, Belmont Community Center

Call 434-5437 or visit

Get Carried Away { your transport awaits} Make Magical Dreams Come True There is no place like the Ballet

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Offer expires 3/31/2012. Valid at participating centers only. May not be combined with other offers


Page 10 •

Lincoln Kids!

Good Shepherd Lutheran School and Preschool Classical Education with a Christ-centered World View. Good Shepherd Students Learn To Become:

• Independent Learners • Articulate Communicators • Critical Thinkers, and Godly Leaders

Do you have a concern about the growth or development of an infant or child? For more information or to make a referral, call:

Join us on Tuesday, February 21st!

Early Development Services Coordination 441-6710 or Lincoln Public Schools 436-1920

Kindergarten Round-up from 8–10:30am (a free half-day for your child to explore our program) Parents are enouraged to stay for a tour, ask questions, and receive information about our program.

Now registering for 2012-2013 Pre-School and School 3825 Wildbriar Lane (1 blk north of 40th & Old Cheney)

Call 402-423-7677

Personalized Care for Infants, Children and Adolescents in the Lincoln Area for more than 40 years.

This ad is sponsored by the Lincoln Early Childhood Planning Region Team, ESU 18:

Evaluations are provided at NO COST to families.

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Little Ones Grow Strong and Tall. Little Learners

Preschool and Academy is a Christian–based, academic preschool with a hands-on, exploration approach to learning! 2-day, 3-day and 5-day programs Extended care hours 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Jo A. Kinberg, M.D. Michelle E. Walsh, M.D. Alicia A. Cruce, M.D. David D. Duensing, D.O. Jennifer A. Genthe, A.P.R.N., C.P.N.P., I.B.C.L.C.


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Spring 2012 Page 11

Lincoln Kids!

Dental Care Designed

Does your child suck their thumb or finger? Did you know that if these habits continue too long it can adversely affect their tooth positions as well as their jaw growth? The American Association of Orthodontists recommends all children have an orthodontic evaluation by age 7.

for Your Child

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Call us today for an appointment

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(west of Southpointe Mall)

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Call 489-8841

Creating beautiful smiles since 1995!


Keep them smiling! Every year, 50% of children entering kindergarten will have early childhood tooth decay. Tooth pain is one of the leading causes of missed school days and can keep your child from eating and talking pain-free. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends taking your child for a dental visit once every six months. You can prevent problems with their teeth and gums before they start and teach your child early that it’s important to Watch Your Mouth. Page 12 •

PHA-OTH-77 (99769)

Lincoln Kids!

The Baby/Toddler Section Topics dealing with pregnancy, infants, and toddlers drawing by Karissa Vieth

by Ann Seacrest, RN, IBCLC, Executive Director, MilkWorks, Lincoln’s Community Breastfeeding Center


t’s that time of year again! Cold and flu season is in full swing. Breastfeeding moms often have questions about what this means for their babies. If a mom gets a cold, will she pass the cold germs to her baby through her milk? Think of breastfeeding as the best way to protect your baby from getting sick – almost like a cold and flu vaccine without a painful injection! Many mothers who are getting ready to wean will continue breastfeeding through another

Food as Medicine cold and flu season, just so their child will have an easier time staying healthy.

Q & A for Breastfeeding Moms Can you breastfeed if you get the flu or a cold? Absolutely. When you get sick, you develop antibodies that help your body fight the illness and keep you from getting sick again. You then pass these antibodies to your baby through your milk and they

help to protect your baby. Drink plenty of fluids and get rest while you are recovering from a cold or the flu. You can also protect your baby by washing your hands frequently during flu season. Is it okay for your baby to breastfeed if your baby is sick? Absolutely. Breast milk is the perfect nutrition and hydration for your baby. It digests easily and contains the right amount of fluids. Plus, many babies are comforted by breastfeeding – which is especially helpful when they are not feeling well.

Is it okay for a mom to obtain a flu vaccination while breastfeeding? Yes. If you want to be vaccinated, you may receive the nasal spray flu vaccine or the flu shot. Can your baby have a flu vaccine? Not if your baby is younger than 6 months of age. However, breastfeeding will help your baby’s developing immune system fight off infections. Breastfed babies are less likely to get the flu and less likely to experience severe flu symptoms.

Help Kids Develop Contagious Smiles


child’s toothy smile can be contagious, communicating joy and happiness. Likewise, the lack of a smile also may express unhappiness, frustration or discontentment. Often kids with oral health concerns are reluctant to smile or laugh because of pain or embarrassment.

Facing a Lifetime of Oral Health Problems Tooth decay has become one of the most common health issues that kids face today. It is one of the most common diseases of childhood; five times as common as asthma and seven times as common as hay fever or bronchitis. Review these facts: • Nearly six out of 10 kids in the United States have cavities, and about 25 percent have untreated decay in their permanent teeth. • The root system from baby

teeth helps lay the foundation for permanent teeth. • Kids with damaged teeth from cavities at a young age may experience a lifetime of tooth and gum problems. • More than 80 percent of tooth decay in kids occurs on the chewing surfaces of teeth; dental sealants are a viable solution to protecting these teeth. • Nearly all children and teens have gingivitis, the precursor to a periodontal disease; if left untreated, the disease eventually can advance to more serious oral concerns that can require extensive dental treatment and care, including emergency room visits, hospitalizations and delayed physical development. • Due to aching teeth and gums, kids often experience discomfort when eating, have problems sleeping and struggle to listen and learn at school. Nationally, kids lose more than 51 million school hours each year due to dental-related illness.

Help Kids Maintain Good Oral Health February is National Children’s Dental Month! Parents and caregivers can help kids develop a lifetime of good oral health habits.

Here are some good dental habits to teach your kids: • Tooth brushing and flossing – Parents should encourage kids to brush their teeth for at least two minutes after breakfast and before bedtime; floss teeth at least once each day to remove food trapped between teeth and under gums. • Make brushing fun – To encourage kids to develop good habits, purchase a tooth brush with a favorite cartoon character or color, as well as floss or floss picks in flavors and fun colors. • First tooth, first year, first dental visit – The American Dental Association recommends that parents schedule their child’s first dental visit at age 1 or when the first tooth appears; plan ongoing appointments for your child for checkups and cleanings as directed by your dentist. • Healthy eating – Make sure kids consume nutritious foods and drinks that are low in sugar; avoid snacks and sweet drinks in the evening after your child has brushed and flossed.

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TThe he boutique aatt M MilkWorks ilkWorks


Lincoln Kids!

Food Allergies–Serious Stuff by Denise Mitchell Walk Chair/Coordinator Food Allergy Awareness Walk


early 10 years ago when I found out I was going to be a mother for the first time, I began reading books, magazines, painting the nursery, buying and pre-washing all the adorable clothes, basically, everything I could to prepare myself for the journey of parenting. However, through all the stories and advice from other mothers, I had no knowledge on the one thing I have now dedicated my life to: Food Allergies. During the first year, my son Jacob, struggled with what seemed like constant hives, vomit, swollen face, trips to the ER, until being referred to an Allergist. There he was diagnosed with dairy, soy, and severe egg allergy. By the age of four he had outgrown the dairy and soy. Unfortunately, the egg allergy is still going strong. After Jacobs sister, Millie was born, we were grateful that she didn’t and still does not have any allergies, and four years later, we had Chloe. Our world has never been the same. Very early on Chloe was in and out of the Doctor’s office with very similar, but also very different symptoms. The biggest misconception, I feel, is that people believe in order to have a reaction,

There is no cure for food allergies. they must eat the food. However, Strict avoidance is key. One of our as I am about explain, this is not allergists described it as, “the always the case! foods she is allergic to, think of We were driving back from our each one of them as being a family vacation, my husband had Dragon. You wouldn’t keep a set the cruise, and we were all Dragon locked in your basement, sharing highlights of the trip while therefore, to keep her safe, you eating pizza we had grabbed in the can not have the foods (Dragons) previous town. Chloe, in the back around her.” Something struck me seat, needed help opening her with that. We made a complete juice box. As a mom, I grabbed it, took off the plastic, pierced the carton Food Allergy Statistics in a ‘NUT’shell: and carried on… *Food allergies are more common today than ever, within minutes, she with the biggest offenders being Dairy, Eggs, Wheat, began vomiting, Soy, Fish, Shellfish, Peanuts and Tree nuts. my instinct knew *Every 3 minutes a food allergic reaction sends right away that someone to the emergency department something was ter*15 million Americans have a food allergy ribly wrong. Her *There is NO cure. eyes started *even small amounts of a food allergen swelling, her lips can cause a reaction! were doubled in size, her breathing was lifestyle change. We removed becoming a struggle and her norALL the ‘Dragons’ from the mally olive colored skin, was now house, and follow the “strict fading to an unforgettable grey avoidance” rule. No exceptions. color. On the upside, the severity of Being on the interstate with no my childrens’ food allergies has knowledge of the nearest hospital, inspired me to be actively I called 911. It seemed like forever involved with FAAN (Food before they were able to track us Allergy Anaphylaxis Network). I and get us to the nearest hospital am the Nebraska Coordinator/ where the emergency staff was Walk Chair for the annual Food awaiting our arrival. My daughter Allergy Awareness Walk held in was going into anaphylactic shock. Lincoln. I also host annual bake With extensive testing we sales, speak at area schools edulearned of all her allergies: dairy, cating students on the signs, egg, peanuts, sunflower, apples, symptoms and severity of food tomato, beef, pork, yeast and crab.

allergies, as well as for Food Allergy Awareness Week in May, and I am also the creator of Careful Chloe. Careful Chloe is the latest project that was launched at the end of 2011, it is a cutout of an allergic girl that gets to travel around and go on special adventures, while teaching others about food allergies. The host of her visit then sends back pictures of her journey along with a short story describing ‘her’ time with them. It is logged through an online journal. Her first week, she traveled to over 15 different States!! The 4th Annual Food Allergy Awareness walk is scheduled for October, 2012. Details on the Walk and other fundraisers can be found on Facebook at: Food Allergy Walk, Nebraska. Other inquiries can be sent to Denise Mitchell at: FAAN is a 501(c)3 Non-profit organization. It is the most trusted source of information, programs and resources related to food allergies and anaphylaxis. Their mission is to raise public awareness, to provide advocacy and education, and to advance research on behalf of all those affected by food allergies and anaphylaxis. For more information on FAAN, to get involved or for information regarding food allergies and new diagnosis, please contact FAAN at (800) 929-4040 or by visiting their website at:

PARENTS: We need your children ages 4 –14. ING?

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Page 14 •

The Link N Literacy Lab, University of Nebraska-Lincoln is looking for children ages 4 –14 years old who are experiencing speech, language, or reading difficulties.

Interested parents please contact: Dyann at: 402-472-7502 or

Lincoln Kids!

‘Little Ones’ Directory of Services Ager Indoor Play Center

Classes for ages 6 mos-5 yrs: music, arts & crafts, watercolor painting, and play group. Sessions begin every month. Play Center is open Mon-Sat for indoor play. Admission is $2.75/person, 12 mos and under free.

1300 S. 27th St 441-6788 (recorded info); 402-441-6792; web:

babyworks, the boutique at MilkWorks. Find practical items like hip baby slings and designer diaper bags,


Miracle Blankets and cute nursing clothes. Indulge your stylish baby with Robeez or PediPeds footwear or cuddly Little Giraffe blankets. Check out our new space for baby showers! Baby registry available. Open daily.

Children First Pediatrics

Your child’s well-being is our first priority. We are now accepting new babies, children and adolescents at our conveniently located office near 70th and Pioneers. Call today to schedule an appointment with one of our pediatricians!

COMPLETE Children’s Heath

Lincoln’s most innovative pediatric practice is accepting new babies at each of our locations. Complete Children’s Health provides health care to babies, children and adolescents. Call to schedule a prenatal appointment with a pediatrician today!


FREE Preview Classes! Listen & Move; Play & Grow! Kindermusik–the most trusted music and movement program for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, & young children. Experienced university-trained music educators provide reputable quality, instruction.

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2935 Pine Lake Rd

Kindermusik of Lincoln, Infant Music and Sign Language is Lincoln’s longest running Kindermusik program. Directed by Shawna Gordon, it features music, movement and ASL combined for the total development of your infant. (serving Lincoln and Hickman area)


(across from So. Pointe


402-770-1486 South & Southeast locations

“See What You Can See” in the Lincoln Children’s Museum

scavenger hunt, sponsored by Ameritas Group, the week of March 11-17, 2012. Kids can look for fun visual clues throughout the museum and learn how they can enhance their vision and protect their eyes.

Your childs well-being is always our first concern.

Call now to schedule your Kindergarten, 7th grade, and sports physicals.


Robert K. Koch M.D., FAAP

M. Scott Applegate M.D., FAAP

Now Accepting New Patients 402-488-PEDS (7337) 4230 Pioneer Woods Drive, Suite “B” Just northeast of 70th & Pioneers

William P. Swisher, M.D., F.A.A.P. Douglas D. Ebers, M.D., F.A.A.P. Jeffrey J. David, M.D., F.A.A.P. Kurstin L. Friesen, M.D., F.A.A.P. Michael J. Germer, M.D., F.A.A.P. Kay L. Anderson, M.D., F.A.A.P. Joel A. Greisen, M.D., F.A.A.P. Jason J. Davis, M.D., F.A.A.P. Heather A. Dews, M.D., F.A.A.P. Carrie A. Dell, M.D., F.A.A.P. Dallas D. Schlegel, PA-C Julie E. Timme, PA-C Becky D. Waegli, PA-C Michael J. Huckabee, PA-C Valerie A. Vernon, PA-C

Office Hours Monday–Thursday 8 am-7:00 pm Friday 8 am-4:30 pm Saturday 8 am-2:00 pm Sunday 12:30 pm-4:30 pm

Lincoln Pediatric Group, LLC • 402-489-3834 4501 S. 70th, Suite 110, Lincoln Spring 2012 Page 15

Lincoln Kids!

Kids’ Vision Affects Learning and Performance


ids live in a v i s u a l world. Nearly 80 percent of what they learn through age 12 is visual, and kids need more than 15 visual skills to succeed in reading, learning, playing sports activities and in everyday situations. Seeing 20/20 is just one of those skills, according to the American Optometric Association. The most common vision problems in children are refractive errors, such as nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism. Unfortunately, one in four schoolage kids has vision problems that, if left untreated, can hinder their ability to learn and negatively affect their personality and performance in school.

Eye Examination Recommendations The AOA recommends that children receive their first eye exam by age one, the next one when they are three years old and another before starting kindergarten. After that, students should have a yearly comprehensive examination to evaluate their total vision—not just a screening to check their ability to see. Identifying Potential Vision Problems Consider the following signs that a child may be experiencing a vision problem: • Complains frequently about headaches or tired eyes • Avoids activities that require near vision, such as reading or homework, or distance vision, includ ing participation in sports or play activities • Sits too close to the TV or holds a book close to face

Children Grow Best in Families... Become a Foster Parent • 1.877.KVC.4 .KIDS Page 16 •

• • • • •

Loses place or skips words while reading Uses a finger to guide eyes when reading Squints or tilts head to see better Rubs eyes frequently Closes one eye to read, watch TV or see better

• •

Writes uphill or downhill Finds it difficult to copy material from chalkboard Studies by the National Institutes of Health and the

National Eye Institute have discovered that more than 60 percent of students with learning problems have undiagnosed vision abnormalities that contribute to their difficulties. If any of these vision warning signs are detected, schedule an appointment with an eye care professional for a comprehensive examination to evaluate the child’s vision and identify treatment options, if needed.

March is National Save Your Vision month It’s a good time to participate in story time at Eiseley Library (15th and Superior) on March 14 at 10 a.m. and Walt Library (14th Street, north of Pine Lake Road) on March 13 at10 a.m. to learn about kids’ vision needs and check out the display of books on eyes and vision.

How I by Dr. Nicole Morrissey, EyeCare Specialties


s an optometrist and mother, I understand how vision is directly linked with learning. When a child demonstrates difficulty learning, visual disorders are usually overlooked as the source of the problem. Often parents and educators assume a learning disability or behavioral disorder is to blame for scholastic problems, but that is not always the cause. When we say the words, “Vision Therapy” to patients, many admit that they have no idea what it entails. It may seem daunting, but Vision Therapy is simply therapy for your eyes. Just like physical therapy is a non-invasive way to correct problems with the major muscle groups, Vision Therapy is an alternative for addressing problems like lazy eye, focusing problems, and difficulties with eye tracking and coordination. All of these issues can affect how the brain receives and processes information. This disconnect can negatively affect learning and comprehension in children and adults. Some children even exhibit

See It behavioral issues simply because they are having difficulty processing information. Through Vision Therapy, we have been privileged to help children overcome a variety of common vision disorders. We use techniques that keep the interest of the child while helping to correct their vision. When children reduce the time they spend on homework and begin to excel, we know we have done our job. We recently received word that a student who had never even considered going to college was attending a university and successful with course work. This is the kind of feedback we love to hear and it is the reason we come to work every day. Many children and adults can benefit from an individualized Vision Therapy program. Adults may be past their school years, but Vision Therapy can even help with eyestrain caused by looking at computers all day. We have a team of talented, caring vision therapists who will help you reach your goals and encourage you through the entire process. Though vision therapy requires a time commitment, it improves quality of life for years to come.

Lincoln Kids!

Four (4) Tips for Preventing and Escaping Power Struggles by Robyn H. Friend, Ed.S, LMHP Child & Family Therapist


s parents, meltdowns in the grocery store and sibling screaming matches in the car are scenarios we not only dread, but come to expect. So if we anticipate these behaviors, then why do we continually respond in an unproductive manner that only gets our temperature gauge rising and negates all of our productive discipline? We give in to buying the candy at the supermarket so our daughter will stop making a scene and perpetuating our headache. We surrender to our youngest child’s cries and excuse him from the dinner table before his veggies are eaten. We choose peace and quiet over winning the battle. But, is anyone really winning in these conditions? When we concede to our children in these everyday power struggles, we teach them the more they whine, the more likely we are to give in. This is counterintuitive to everything we know as parents, yet we do it in order to maintain our own sanity. However, if we turn these hair-raising scenarios into teachable moments, before long these occurrences will be obsolete. To do this successfully, we must first understand that children (along with adults) act in a manner that gets them what they want. If a particular behavior is not effective, they will try a new behavior. Using this knowledge when it counts most can help turn your child’s undesirable behaviors into positive ones. Stop the negative behaviors from working and make sure appropriate behaviors are recognized. The following four tips can help you do just that: 1. Catch them being good. Children are often reprimanded for wrongdoing, yet ignored when they do right. It’s only natural for parents to respond to what makes us mad and let appropriate behaviors go without recognition. When we

do this, we are missing 50% of our chances to shape our children’s behavior. Therefore, catch them being good daily. Notice them playing appropriately with their siblings or getting through the grocery store without a tantrum. Thank them for the many good deeds they do, even if they seem insignificant to you or are expected for that matter. We all like to be appreciated for the good things we do and noticing these behaviors will help them strive to hear your praises again and again. 2. Offer choices. Children so rarely hold the power they desire, especially if they have older siblings. However, everyone needs to feel power and control over their life no matter how big or small they are. So one of the best ways to prevent misbehavior is to provide power into your child’s world. Providing choices is one way to do so. Choices can be used when deciding what to have for dinner, chores to be accountable for, consequences for inappropriate behavior, etc. As often as possible, offer your child two choices that you feel comfortable with. This shifts the power to their hands with options that work for you as well. Everyone wins! By giving choices, your children will feel a sense of power over their world, and will also be more committed to the option they choose. 3. Delegate responsibility. Another way to prevent power struggles is to delegate as much responsibility to your children that they can handle. You should not do

for a child what he can do for himself. This only takes his power away. A 3year old can bring his plate to the sink. A 4-year old can make her bed. A 5-year old can dress for school. Furthermore, children should have responsibilities to the home and family unit as well. Responsibility helps children feel like a capable, connected, and contributing member of their family. 4. Ignore negative behaviors. To truly ignore a behavior is to refrain from responding completely. No matter what your child does or says, you maintain your stance of no response. Once you respond, you have engaged yourself in a power struggle. However, ignoring negative behaviors can be quite difficult. For example, if your child makes a scene in the grocery store, a natural response is to minimize the attention drawn to you and your child. Children are very perceptive and they realize that public places are ideal for winning battles. Commit to ignoring the behavior no matter how much humiliation it may cause. Leaving the grocery store or public place is another option if you want to eliminate the audience completely. Before you begin ignoring, it’s helpful to explain that you can’t talk with them until they are able to calm themselves down

or speak to you nicely. This lets them know why you are ignoring them and sets expectations for appropriate behavior. Once children are able to calm themselves down after a tantrum, make sure you are the first to notice. Give them a big hug and kiss and explain that now that they are acting appropriately you are ready to talk again. These four tips are simple to implement and our children will quickly realize that negative behaviors are ignored and positive behaviors are recognized. Reinforce the positive and minimize the need for negative. If crying doesn’t produce a response from Mommy, maybe asking nicely will. They will learn which behaviors to continue and which no longer serve a purpose for them. Every encounter we have with our children is an opportunity to educate them. Use these opportunities to help them grow into responsible adults. For questions or comments regarding this article, email Robyn Friend at To learn more about preventing and escaping power struggles, you can register for ‘The Goals of Misbehavior’, a two hour class taught by Robyn Friend through Southeast Community College’s Continuing Education Department. Go to and click on ‘Families, Finances and Home’ for more information.

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402-484-7866 • 237 S. 70th, Suite 106 Spring 2012 Page 17

Lincoln Kids!

Kids Don’t Come With Owner’s Manual by Carrie Gottschalk, CEDARS Behavior Consultant/Therapist


here isn’t a parent alive who hasn’t had questions about his or her child’s development and behavior. “Shouldn’t he be walking by now?” “Why is potty training taking so long?” “Am I supposed to just ignore these tantrums?” “How can I get her to stay in her own bed all night?” Child development is a complicated and serious business! The optimal development of children is considered vital to society, making it important to understand its varied aspects, including a child’s physical, motor, cognitive/ intellectual, language, and socialemotional development. In particular, the early years of life present a unique opportunity to lay the foundation for healthy development. Research on early childhood has underscored the impact of the first five years of a child’s life on his social-emotional maturity. Optimizing emotional, social, and behavioral progress is essential for putting babies and toddlers on the road to establishing an integrated sense of self. An integrated, complete sense of self is necessary for productive functioning in school, work, personal relationships, and participation in family and community life. Emotion and social behaviors are shaped by primary relationships and form the foundation for all other areas of develop-

ment. Strong evidence links social and emotional health in early childhood to subsequent school success and health in the preteen and teen years, and to long-term health and well-being in adulthood. Effective programs that address social-emotional health early in life can promote resilience and actually prevent mental health problems later in life. Children with a strong foundation in emotional literacy • tolerate frustration better • get into fewer fights • engage in less destructive behavior • are healthier • are less lonely • are less impulsive • are more focused, and • have greater academic achievement. The early years of a child’s life are critical to future health and development, and it is essential that parents, health professionals, educators, and others work together as partners to help children grow to reach their full potential. Reach out to professionals in the field who have made knowing kids their business, and build partnerships with the people most involved in your child’s life, such as your child’s pediatrician, child care providers and teachers. Kids don’t come with an owner’s manual, and parenting isn’t easy. Seeking guidance, support, and advice doesn’t make you weak, it

Summer Classes begin in June!

• Prevent problem behaviors, • Respond to children who do exhibit challenging behaviors in a positive and effective manner.

makes you strong. CEDARS Early Childhood Development Centers are fortunate to receive support to implement an evidence-based practice for promoting children’s social and emotional development and preventing and addressing challenging behaviors. Through utilization of early childhood positive behavioral supports (ECPBS), CEDARS is able to: • Support young children and their families to develop positive social-emotional development,

Author Carrie Gotschalk is a Behavior Consultant (Master’s level therapist) for CEDARS. Gotschalk is trained on EC-PBS and serves as a coach and teacher to classroom teachers’ implementation of this model. When children exhibit challenging behaviors in the classroom, the Behavior Consultant assists the teacher in making changes to address those behaviors in a positive way. In order to maintain a seamless relationship between the child care center and home, parents are involved in these strategies, so positive outcomes can be reinforced at home as well. References: Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning Devereux Early Childhood Initiative From Neurons to Neighborhoods: The Science of Early Childhood Development Indiana Association for Infant and Toddler Mental Health, Mental Health Task Force

Summer Daze 2012 Saint Paul United Methodist Church 1144 M Street Week-long classes available June through July. For children 4 years old thru grade 5. Cost is $45. Go to WWW.SAINTPAULUMC.ORG or call 402-477-6951 to receive a brochure.

Winter/Spring Swimming Lessons Session 2 • Feb. 13–March 8 register Jan. 31

Session 3 • March 19–April 5 register Feb. 28

Session 4 • April 9–26 register March 27

Warm Water & Good Times!

Session 5 • May 7–24 register April 17

Call for registration information!

For information call 402-489-6622 3601 Calvert Street

52nd & Stockwell

402-486-2525 Page 18 •

Classes are taught Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday at 4:30 pm and 5:30 pm

We also book pool parties. Call us today!

Lincoln Kids!

Super Cool Cupcakes


he little girl in green and white ducky boots ran into the store. She ran straight up to the glass counter filled with brightly decorated cupcakes, miniature cake balls and multi colored cake pops. The child’s grandmother carefully closed the door against the winter wind, caught her breath, and joined the little girl at the counter. “I want to pick out my own ‘Pupcake’” the girl blurted out. “Of course, of course,” the grandmother responded and then turned to the young woman dressed in pink behind the counter. “We drove across town so she could choose her own. I like the fact that we can buy just one or two.” This was only my second time in Cupcakes & more located just off 56th and between Old Cheney and Hyw 2. The first time was after church and we had a short wait to get our dozen cake balls while a constant stream of people filed in and out, oohing and aahing over the

Hungry Hungry Caterpillar Birthday Cupcakes

delectable delights being boxed up. The store is decorated in pink. Lots of pink. In the back were the folks making and decorating the dozens of freshly baked cupcakes, cake balls (my favorite) and other fanciful culinary delights. These include cake pops (like a popscicle) and little plastic cups with layers of brownies called brownie shots. They make frosting shots, too! Did I tell you that the bakers are dressed in pink? Cupcakes & more is the brainchild of Regina Henson. Besides liking the color pink Regina loves to bake fresh deserts made with quality ingredients. “You should see how many eggs we go through!” she tells me. She went on to say that she gets lots of requests for specially deco-


rated cupcakes for birthday parties, business meetings and graduation parties. She also receives requests for special dietary needs such as gluten free, sugar free, egg free, nut free and vegan. “We really try to serve everyone,” she went on. Every day is different at Cupcakes and more. On Mondays you can stop by and have a Chai Latte cupcake, on Wednesday perhaps a Carrot Patch and on Thursday nab a German Chocolate cupcake. Regina says that certain customers have particular favorites and visit her regularly on that particular day. Cupcakes & more is located at 5700 Old Cheney Road, Suite 2. Their phone number is 402-2616214. Visit their website at: If you do visit the website you might want to do it during their business hours. You could experience an overwhelming desire for a scrumptious cupcake or cakeball and I would hate for you to lose sleep over it.

BIRTHDAY ADVENTURE From ducks to trucks, dragons, fairies & lady bugs... these are just a few of the ideas for custom baked cupcakes, cake pops and cake balls. We Can Bake: • Sugar Free • Gluten Free • Dairy Free • Peanut Free • Vegan

Ask about our cupcake decorating parties!

Call us today! Let’s get creative for your next party!

5700 Old Cheney Rd # 2,

(402) 261-6214

E. T. Mahoney State Park

Bowling, Birthdays and More.....! Party in the


Birthday Party

Indoor Playground!



Discover Lincoln’s HIDDEN FUN SPOT . Individual or group rates. Party area and game room available. Clean non-smoking, non-alcohol environment the

Ice Skating

whole family will enjoy! Call us today for the details.

Lanes ‘N Games Home of the 2009 NCAA Women’s Bowling Champions Nebraska East Union located on UNL-East Campus

472-1751 Closed for Spring Break: March 20-27

Get Your Nebraska Game & Parks Bucks Here! Exit 426

Open Mon., Thurs., Fri. 4-8pm Sat. 11am-8pm Sun. 11am-6pm Closed Tues. & Wed.

Phone 402-944-2523, Ext. 7122 or go to 20 minutes from Lincoln on I-80, Exit 426. Park Entry Permit Required.

Adjacent to Strategic Air & Space Museum and Wildlife Safari Park

Spring 2012 Page 19

Lincoln Kids!

Page 20 •

Lincoln Kids Spring 2012 Issue Second Section • Pages 21-40

The flabulous middle section

Zoo Offers Summer Learning!


reetings, I am Aimee Johns, Director of Education at the Lincoln Children’s Zoo. It is an exciting time at the Lincoln Children’s Zoo. We recently received accreditation by the Association of Zoo’s and Aquariums. It is our exemplary care for animals, education, safety, and attention to detail that has allowed us to obtain this national accreditation. This accreditation is also exciting for the education department at the Zoo, as it will allow us to focus on growing our programs to ensure our youth more exciting opportunities to learn first-hand! In November, I traveled to

Florida to do research for a new traveling camp for children ages 14-18. This camp will allow children to explore some of the best animal and marine life facilities in the country. The adventure starts when campers take an exclusive behind the scenes tour of Disney’s Animal Kingdom. The world famous Brevard Zoo will be their next destination of interest. Our

group will have the opportunity to kayak through their new Africa exhibit, get up close to feed giraffes, and explore the rest of this vast Zoo. The camp concludes with an immersive experience learning more about marine biology through snorkeling and completing research and experiments off the coast of Key Largo Florida. I am also planning a full line of camps for younger children. There will be many of your past favorites as well as some new exciting offers. Some of the exciting camp themes to look forward to include penguins, trains, horses, dinosaurs, wild cooking, magical creatures, and more!

This summer we are also including afternoon camps. As a mom myself, I know the need to offer a flexible schedule. I believe our line-up of full day and partial day camps will do just that. You can create your own wild week by choosing a morning camp and an afternoon camp to make a full-day, whole week camp! If you choose that route we invite you to stay for lunch! No matter what you choose, you can’t go wrong, our camps are sure to please your camper! I’m looking forward to seeing you this summer at the Zoo! –Amiee


Sign up online for our kids summer camps for ages 3 to 18.

Spring 2012 Page 21

Lincoln Kids!

Bright Lights: Your Destination for Imagination By Annie Mumgaard Bright Lights Marketing Coordinator


right Lights list of summer classes reads like a who’s who of possible dreams and passions: Dancing, magic, test tubes, computers, mummies, baseball, photography, weather, fishing, robots, oceans, astronauts, nanotechnology, chess… Quality summer learning experiences for kids K-9 is what Bright Lights has been doing for over 25 years. Classes and camps include the arts, science, math, social studies and a big dose of fun! Kids can come morning, afternoon, or all day. And best of all, every one of the classes are hands-on. We mean messy. Really messy. In one classroom they’re creating a paper-mache rainforest. In another, slippery soap is everywhere as they discover bubble physics. And down the hall the floor space is covered with junk, literally, out of which

busy kids are creating new toys and trinkets. It’s all about students using their brains under the summer sun. Bright Lights simply adds a little know-how, a screwdriver, and time. “Bright Lights serves as a tremendous program that casts education in a different light,” said LPS Teacher and Bright Lights Digital Photography instructor Christopher Maly. “It validates the students’ interests and gives it educational relevance.” Or as Bright Lights’ student Amelia put it, “You kind of get to

do your fun thing that you like to and how to keep kids busy and do for a week and get better at it.” engaged. And it’s just fun!” And parents Summer 2012 classes This summer… couldn’t agree will be held at Randolph Frame a work of art, more. One parent flip a French crepe, or school, 39th & D Sts., wrote: “The greatthe weeks of June 4-8, figure out that funky est thing about 18-22, and July 9-13. robot! Bright Lights is that Before-class care and This summer…. the kids have fun. supervised lunches are Follow a dream while Learning is fun, and you find a new friend. offered. A full class when they experischedule will be availThis summer… ence that they keep Put all that together and able on-line in midon learning!” March and included in make Bright Lights The classes are your destination! the April LPS Free taught by certified Times. Need-based teachers as well as by professionscholarships and busing are availals from the community. Every able. Registration begins April 1st. class has one or two classroom assistants. Most often it’s a high school or college student who loved Bright Lights so much as a kid, they come back to help lead. Rachel, a seasoned assistant noted, “By being a classroom “Chinese Painting” by Coco Zhang, assistant, I’ve learned how to age 5, kindergarten, organize, how to work with kids, Morley Elementary School

The Power of Summer 2012 Summer programs created to enlighten, expand and enrich your child’s horizons. Visit our website today!

Page 22 •

June 4-8 • June 18-22 and July 9-13 Registration begins April 1st at noon or 402-420-1115

Lincoln Kids! University of Nebraska–Lincoln School of Music in the Hixson-Lied College of Fine & Performing Arts

Make This Summer “Special� Pre-K Program

2012 Summer Band Camps

Vacation Bible School

May 29 to August 3 9am–3pm Ages: 3-5 Prepare your youngster for kindergarten! Weekly guest speakers, special events, lots of fun and much more! Before & After Extended Care Available

Operation Overboard June 18-22, 9am-noon $25 per child or $50 max per family Ages: 3 years – 5th grade

“Robot Dad� by Chloe Mitchell, age 4

Before & After Extended Care Available

Creative Arts Camp

Summer Preschool Classes

July: 16-20 9am-noon Ages: K-5 $35 per child, $80 max. per family After July 1 cost is $40/$85

May 29 – August 3 9–11:30 am Ages: 3-5 Before & After Extended Care Available


Art projects, music, movement, fun snacks & more! Classes are led by experts in each area. Before & After Extended Care Available Contact Suzanne Schneider

402-475-6702 ext. 103 Visit our website at:

“A Trick up his Sleeve� by Dallas Linn, 6th grader

Conveniently located at 2110 Sheridan Blvd.



Spring 2012 Page 23

Lincoln Kids! private school, preschool and after school Directory Name Academic Advantage Child Development Center

Area of Town Central/South

Aspen Child Development Center



North Central

Program Educational childcare facility offering care for ages 6 weeks to 12 years. Benefits include: classroom style facilities, year round preschool programs, summer camps, transportation to schools, educated teachers, video security, on-site owners. Hours: 6:30AM – 6PM, Monday–Friday (all three facilities). e-mail:


CVA is a Christ centered Preschool. We provide 3 program options including all day. Teachers encourage learning through socializing as well as a variety of hands-on experiences and learning centers.


New facility. High-quality care & Early Childhood Education Program for ages 6wks-12 yrs. Open 7am-6pm, Mon.–Fri. Theme based curriculum–developmentally appropriate for each age group. Enhancement of your child’s intellectual, physical, social & emotional well-being. Sign-language, music, & hands-on projects in a fun, safe, secure environment. Large Playground with a 5-slide structure. Healthy snacks/meals provided. Educated teachers. Title XX accepted.

Dimensions Early Education Programs @ First-Plymouth

Dual Language Preschool Highlands Academy

Immanuel Lutheran Preschool

Kellyʼs Kids Learning and Development Center

Kids Imagination Station

Northeast Central South

402-434-KIDS (5437)

Christ Kids provides quality programming by an experienced and trained staff, taught with a Christian perspective. Infants – 5th grade. Children grow academically, physically, socially and spiritually. Our safe, nurturing environment with small class sizes makes this a great place for kids. Registering for half-day preschool. Contact: Infants-Age 5 full-day childcare.

College View Academy

Craneview Kids Daycare Center

402-483-5511 • 9300 Heritage Lakes Drive

Focusing on school readiness, we offer secure, nurturing environments to children ages 6wks–12yrs. Includes before & after school programs at Clinton School. Programs are accredited by the Council on Accreditation (COA) &/or the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). Title XX accepted. Call now to enroll your child today!


Colorful Minds Child Development Center

630 N. Cotner Blvd. #200 (behind Westfield Mall) 402-465-4769 • 6021 S. 56th Street (south of 56th & Old Cheney) 402-420-5440 • 7301 S. 15th Street (south of 14th & Pine Lake) 402-421-7301

Monday through Friday–6:30am-6:00pm. Ages 6 wks – 12 yrs 91st and Pine Lake Rd. area so nature is at our doorstep! Transportation to local schools is provided.

Christ Kids Child Care


Location(s) & phone

Centrally located at 43rd and Sumner St 402-483-7774 ext. 110

5240 Calvert

402-483-1181 7244 S. 29th St. • 402-421-MIND (6463)

Open 6am-6pm. Ages 6wks to 12 yrs. Accepting Title XX. Age appropriate curriculums. Parent Involvement. Director: Andrea Lenhoff. Owner: Gina Tanner. Email: Web:

4330 Cornhusker Hwy

(402) 464-0174

Quality early education program using Dimensions Educational Foundation Research program for children 6 weeks–preschool. Summer programs for K–5th grade. Visit for information or online forms. Openings available!

located in First-Plymouth Church, 20th & D Sts.

Our thematic content supports language development in both English & Spanish and allows preschoolers of all language backgrounds to have fun while playing & learning kindergarten readiness skills. Openings currently available! M/W/F, 9–11:30 a.m.

Irving Rec Center, 2010 Van Dorn, 402-441-7954, or



Child Development & Family Resource Center. Ages 6 wks–12 years. Full time Care. Preschool Curriculum.

5901 NW 1st Street 402-476-2223


A caring and loving environment for your child to grow.

2001 South 11th Street 402-474-6275

Northwest Near South

Newer child care center featuring developmentally appropriate curriculum, healthy homemade meals, caring teachers, & a larger outdoor play area. Ages 6wks-5 years accepted, open 7am-6pm M-F. Title XX assistance accepted. Ages 6 weeks – 11. Licensed childcare, pre-school program, school-age Homework help. Theme based curriculum. Open 6:30AM–6:00PM.

4901 NW 1st Street 402-477-4901

1320 &1338 South Street 402-475-0300


Child development centers that care for your child’s individual needs. Ages 6 Weeks–12 Years. Curriculum Based. Nutritious Hot Meals. Title XX accepted. Transportation to LPS area schools. Open Monday–Friday 6am-6pm.

La Petite Academy


La Petite Academy has been inspiring children for over 40 years. Our high quality early education programs are individually designed for children 6 weeks–age 12. Open 6-6, M-F. Title XX. AM & PM transportation to area schools. Ask about our Summer, Moms Day Out, and other Extra Enrichment programs.

Lincoln Christian Preschool


Academic Christian Preschool 2 or 3 days per week. AM and PM sessions.

5801 S. 84th St. 488-8888 x 252

Little Learners Preschool and Academy


Academic-based, Christian preschool with Extended Care hours 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Sanine Beck, Director

(70th & Hwy 2) •

Living Faith Daycare


Nurturing Christian Environment. We accept children 6 wks to 12 years. Follow USDA Food Program requirements. Before/after school care and summer program for school-aged children. Open 6:30am-5:30pm Mon-Fri.


Montessori prepared classrooms. Morning Toddler program for 18 mos–3 years. Morning, afternoon or all day Preschool programs for ages 3–6. Spanish classes included in Preschool program. Music Therapy classes included for 18 mos–3 years.

Krayon Campus

Montessori School For Young Children Page 24 •

6001 Normal Blvd.

402-486-4847 6632 Taylor Park Drive • 402-488-3125 Vicky Jones–Director 2700 Jameson North • 402-421-3125 Lisa Jorgensen–Director

6400 S 70th St

• 402-840-1196

5910 Holdrege St. 464-5410 4727 A Street • 402-489-4366

Lincoln Kids! ...and this page has even more great places to know about.



Area of Town

Pioneers Park Nature Center Preschool

Far South



Prairieview Preschool Redeemer Lutheran Preschool

Location(s) & phone

Animals + Plants + Hikes = learning through discovery + creating a lifelong connection to nature. Preschool and PreK classes.


Prairie Hill Learning Center



143rd “O” St. • 402-488-0012

Christian based preschool for 3-5 year olds, three class options including 5 days a week. AM preschool from 8-11:30am. Children will enjoy art, songs/music, stories, learning centers & more. Across from Woods Pool. Email:

510 S. 33rd • 402-477-1710

Infants-5th grade. Family friendly, faith-based early care & education program providing language/literacy and social/emotional development, creative arts, math, science & dance. All in a safe, nurturing environment. Title XX accepted. Transportation provided to area schools. Call for a tour or more information.

8550 Pioneers Blvd. • 402-489-6051

Sandeeʼs Place Childcare


A clear case of quality childcare for children 6 wks–13 years old. Great program for the whole child. Caring staff that helps support the working parent! Open 6am–5:30pm, Mon-Fri. Preschool & School age program.

The Childʼs View


Open 7:15 to 5:45 pm. Ages 18 months to 6 years. Part time or full time. Professionally Certified/Degreed staff.

Near Downtown & Far South (new!)

Westminster Preschool


Williamsburg Village


Child Development Center

7 miles South of Lincoln on Hwy 77


Nestled on 80 gorgeous acres east of Lincoln, we offer your child a special and unique experience. New facility. Spacious accommodations, developmental learning centers, and the natural setting of a country school all provide for a wholesome atmosphere.


Trinity Infant & Child Care Centers

Ages 18 mo. thru 8th grade. Open 7am-6pm. Care of farm animals, close to nature, family atmosphere. Elementary Program.

St. Mark’s Preschool/KIDZONE inc.


West end of Pioneers Park 402-441.7895

Kitra Deger-Director

3101 “C” St. 402-476-KIDS (5437) Web:

3341 Pioneers Blvd. 402-484-8277

Trinity provides a developmentally appropriate child care program for children ages 6wks-12yrs. Family friendly center offers daily music, art, literacy, outdoor play, field trips, dance, & home cooked meals. New 2nd location! Trinity Child Care at Village Gardens at 56th & Pine Lake Rd. Call today!

1345 S. 16th • 402-475-9731 7130 Kentwell Lane • 402-421-0184

Westminster Presbyterian Church 2110 Sheridan Blvd. 402-475-6702 ext 103

Quality, licensed Christian preschool educational program for children 3–5 years. Five different AM & PM classes & all day classes 9am-3pm. Extended care 7:309am & 3-5:30pm. School year and summer classes available. NAEYC accredited.

Literacy focused, family friendly program for children 6wks-12yrs. Theme based curriculum offering many special family events, dance, & nutritious meals prepared on-site. M-F 6:30am – 6pm. Director/owner is a nurse practitioner.

3301 Orwell St.

402-423-KIDS (5437)

Prices & Specials subject to change without notice.

Family Friendly Restaurants Name Amigos/ Kings Classic

Type of Food Mexican & American

Applebeeʼs Dickeyʼs Barbecue Pit

Greenfieldʼs Pancake House & Restaurant


American Grill Barbecue Family


Kid Specials Fast & Friendly place for the family. 6 Kids’ Meals to choose from – Cheesy Burritos to Cheeseburgers to Chicken Bites. Meals include drink, fries, and an ice cream treat! Half price Kid’s Meal EVERY DAY from 5–7pm with $4 adult purchase.

Location(s) 5701 NW 1st, 29th & Cornhusker, 48th & Leighton, 4700 W. Huntington, 63rd & Havelock, Coddington & West A, 5650 N. 33rd., 14th & Q, 27th & Capitol, 55th & O, Westfield Mall, 70th & A, 16th & South, 14th & Hwy 2, 14th & Pine Lake Rd., 56th & Old Cheney

Kids’ meals are only 99¢ on Wednesdays! Available for dine in only at participating Applebee’s locations. Good toward kids’ meal items for children 12 and under. Kids eat free every day thru end of Febr. (after March 1st –Sundays Only). Kids ages 12 & under eat free from the kid’s Lil’ Wranglers menu! One child per regular adult entree purchased. Dine in only. Kids Meals are only $1 on WEDNESDAYS per an adult entree purchase. Choose from a Smiley Face Pancake, French Toast, Eggs, Bacon, Chicken Fingers, Grilled Cheese, Burgers & More. Great Things are Happening at Greenfield’s!

Bambino Day: All day Monday Kids ages 10 & under eat free from kid’s menu! One child per adult entree purchased.

Kid Meal Deals & Where Kid s Can Eat for Free

40th & Old Cheney • Westfield Gateway Mall 3951 N. 27th Street • 11th & ‘O’ Downtown

27th & Cornhusker Hwy


Open 11am–9pm

7900 South 84th (87th & Hwy 2 across from Walmart)

402-420-3232 •

6820 “O” Street

402-464-8444 Spring 2012 Page 25

Lincoln Kids!

Capital Birthday Ideas Party Directory Prices & Specials subject to change without notice.


Fun Features

Art & Soul

Explore, Create & Indulge with a birthday party at Art & Soul! Choose from a variety of Art or Cooking projects for up to 12 kids. Everyone takes home a masterpiece!

Ager Indoor Play Center

The Active Party Place! Open hours and after hours rentals available. Special play areas for those 2 and under and 3 and over.

Capital City Gymnastics Champions Fun Center Cupcakes & more...

Lincoln Childrenʼs Museum Lost In Fun

LUX Center for the Arts

Best Birthday Parties Ever! Gold package includes a Party Hero, free t-shirt to decorate,


mystery gift, two activities; choose from bowling, adventure maze, go-karts, mini golf, free fall or water wars, tokens, face painting or balloon animals, pizza & pop, dippin dots & cupcakes.

Cupcakes, cake balls, cake pops & more. Include these little delicious delights for your next party. Lots of flavors, sizes, and customized designs. Cake decorating parties now available!

5700 Old Cheney, Suite 2 402-261-6214

Make Laser Quest Your Party Headquarters! Laser Quest, an interactive adventure game of laser tag and hide & seek, provides intense fun for birthday parties, team celebrations, family reunions and group events. Check us out

68th & “P” Street (East Park Plaza)


Have your next pool party at Larson Lifestyleʼs Warm Water pool! Variety of birthday party options to fit any budget. Join us for swimming and bring your gifts and cake for our party room. Call us today for more information. Celebrate at the Museum! Birthday packages start at $70. Choose from a one-hour themed party room (Pirates, Princess, Cowboy, Cowgirl, & Safari). Includes balloons, party favors, drinks, & paper ware. Museum Members receive a 10% discount. Parties can be booked online at, in person, or by phone.

52nd & Stockwell • 402-486-2525 1420 P Street, Lincoln, NE

Where the Outdoor comes in! All season indoor fun for all ages. Huge wooden playsets, foam pit, video games, giant inflatable jumpers, birthday rooms, snack area. Call or see our website for details. Celebrate at the LUX Center! Embrace your inner artist and choose from a variety of projects including: clay mugs or plates, screen printing t-shirts and tote bags, group painting and printmaking. Each guest makes their own piece of art! Have a Bowling Party. Kids love our bumper bowling. Includes cake, pop, balloons and a “personalized” bowling pin gift for the birthday child! Ask about Jr. Pool Leagues!

Mahoney State Park Paint Yourself Silly Pioneers Park Nature Center


8431 Cody Drive (402) 261-0440 •

2601 N. 48th Street • 466-8692

47th & Dudley • 402-467-3249 2 blks south of 48th& Holdrege

402-944-2523, Ext. 7122

Indoor Playground & Rock Climbing Simulator, $60 for package of ten. 90 minute sessions, $3 each additional person, 30 people max. Seasonal park activities! Call for details.

daily park entry permit or annual state park sticker required for entrance to the park.

PartyArty at Paint Yourself Silly! Come unleash your inner artist. 100’s of pieces to choose from. Pottery painting fun for all ages.

2 Great Locations • Downtown in the Haymarket: 701 P Street • 402-474-1010 Near 70th & Pioneers: 4107 Pioneer Woods • 402-486-1010

Owls, snakes, bugs and the great outdoors are eager to make your child's birthday a special one.

Science Reconnect

Hands on science that is fun and inspiring for all ages. Packages begin at $150+mileage. Our mobile lab brings the science fun to you.

Swimtastic Swim School

Jump in and Party with us in 90° Water! One hour pool time/one hour party room time. Free invitations, free gift for BD child. Professional staff. 3 packages avail. Pizza option. Call us!

One-of-a-Kind Party Room! Every child deserves a birthday that will go down in History...Natural History!


Over 45 Kids Games, Family Fun, Valentino's Pizza, & Birthday Party Plans that include birthday cake & ice cream, party room, FREE game tokens for each child, birthday child gets to spin the birthday wheel, a special visit from Valentina the Mouse, & more!!

YMCA-Cooper, Fallbrook & Northeast Branch

Have your next pool party at the Y! The YMCA offers a variety of birthday party options to fit any child. Join us to swim, climb the climbing wall or have one of our themed birthday parties. Parties start at $65. Call for more information. Or visit:

Page 26 •

1300 S. 27th St 441-6788 (recorded info); 402-441-6792; web:

5030 N. 57th • 402-464-9692

Madsenʼs Bowling

University of Nebraska State Museum-Morrill Hall

5740 Hidcote Dr. (56th & Pine Lake Rd) 402-483-1744 web:

A Birthday Party with 3 Party Package Options – Featuring a zip line, 18' inflatable slide, and 15'x15' bouncer. Plus, foam pit, trampoline and spring floor. Inflatables also available for outside rental.

Laser Quest Larson Lifestye Center

Location(s) & phone

West end of Pioneers Park 402.441.7895

402-890-0964 7911 Pioneers Blvd.


Morrill Hall on the UNL Campus 402-472-2637


70th & Van Dorn • 402-434-9390 Cooper - 6767 S. 14th St. Northeast - 2601 N. 70th Fallbrook - 700 Penrose Dr.

402-323-6400 402-434-9262 402-323-6444

Lincoln Kids!

Children’s Lessons Directory Prices & Specials subject to change without notice.



American Red Cross


Alice Bowen



Location(s) & phone University Place Pool, Star City Shores, Highland Pool, Ballard Pool, Woods Park Pool Phone: (402) 441-6383

Two-week sessions start June 4, June 18 and July 9 (Mon-Thurs). Morning and evening lessons available. Ages 6 months – Adult. Visit to register. Private lessons include theory classes with ensembles and performance opportunities. Group lessons available for beginners. Ages 4–Adult. Call for more information or an interview.

2501 South 20th St. • 402-435-0386

Art Planet


Art classes for kids, preschool to high school. Homeschool Art Club Friday afternoons is still accepting students! Individualized art classes for kids with special needs. Classes are formed based upon interest and age levels. Please contact Tamara to get on the list.

Classes held at Art & Soul, 56th & Pine Lake Rd. Visit our website at: or call Tamara Weber at 402-610-2295

Art & Soul


Art and cooking classes for kids of all ages (adults too!). After School Art Clubs, Homeschool Art Lessons, Classes for kids with special needs. Experienced instructors, small class sizes, and a fun atmosphere. Private lessons available.

5740 Hidcote Dr. (56th & Pine Lake Rd)

Atkinson Music Studio

Violin & Viola

Campus Recreation


Capital City Gymnastics


Childrenʼs Music Early Childhood Academy Harris Academy of the Arts Piano Christina Emra Buchholz


Private Suzuki and modified violin and viola lessons. All levels. Over 25 years experience. Laura Atkinson. Member of Lincoln Suzuki Talent Education, Inc.

Gymnastics classes for boys & girls ages 2 through 18. We promote an “I can do” attitude, building not only overall physical skills, but also “life skills”. FREE Preview Class! Benefitting thousands nationwide, Children’s Music Academy students partner with parents in a unique, action-packed classroom setting. Experienced, university-trained music educators provide reputable, quality instruction.

PAINLESS PIANO lessons for beginners. All ages welcome. Try our short starter course during school vacations! Beginning group and private lessons available from a Master Piano Teacher.

Horseback Riding

No experience neccessary! We provide a safe & fun learning environment for your child to care and ride our horses. PRIVATE and GROUP music instruction: Piano, Voice, Guitar, Violin, Viola, Cello, Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Trumpet, Percussion,Theatre, Kindermusik, Children’s Music Academy, Multiple, university-trained educators provide reputable, convenient scheduling for the entire family!

Cognitive skills, math & reading programs for students struggling in school with attention, comprehension, memory or reading. Personal 1-on-1 training. 3-6 month programs. At least a 2-year improvement guaranteed!

LUX Center for the Arts

Art Classes

High quality art classes and lessons for youth and adults in a variety of art media and techniques all year long. Small class sizes for more one-on-one learning.

Motions Dance Academy, LLC


Ballet, Pointe, Jazz, Tap, Lyrical and Hip-Hop. Studio directed by Melissa Prettyman Meranda, B.A. in dance from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Come and experience your child's passion for dance! Professional instruction in our NEW facility! Private lessons, group classes, chamber music, music technology, recitals, etc. Making music fun in a positive learning environment! Violin, fiddle, viola, acoustic & electric guitar, piano, mandolin, synthesizer, music technology, string bass, cello. Ages 3-adult. Home of the Spitfire Fiddle Band. Call Nissa today!

Plate & Table

Cooking Lessons

We offer cooking classes in a small group setting. Ages pre-school thru high school. A schedule of classes is found on our website. Also, you can create your own class or have a cooking party!


Tiger Rock Academy

Martial Arts

TaekwonDo lessons, life skills and personal development taught by Internationally Certified Instructors. For ages 4 plus. Starter Course for only $29! Call for details.

Youth Actorsʼ Academy of Lincoln

Performing Arts

Youth Actors’ Academy of Lincoln (YAAL), is a non-profit organization which provides beginning to advanced performing arts classes and performances.

Cheer & Theater

Ballet, Pointe, Tap, Jazz, Lyrical, Repertory, Cheerleading, Hip-Hop, Creative Movement for 3-4 year olds, Wee Go Together for 2-3 year olds & their mom/dad/or special friend, plus Musical Theater! Call Christina at the Piano Studio



410 SW 140th St. • 406-560-7546 2935 Pine Lake Rd

(across from So. Pointe Mall)


5555 South 48th • 402-477-5111 (6 training locations)

8200 Cody Dr., Suite L (one block north of 14th & (402) 420-0579

Yankee Hill Rd.)

3900 South Street 402-440-1473

7411 Karl Drive

402-540-2738 website:

Located in Lincoln's Haymarket District.For details: 402-477-2600 or visit

The Haymarket Theatre


(across from So. Pointe Mall)


Violin, Viola Guitar, Piano, Bass

Universal Dance Academy

2935 Pine Lake Rd

2601 N. 48th Street • 466-8692

Nissaʼs String Studio

Children’s theatre. Offering after school and weekend performance camps. Foster your child’s talent in the performing arts, inspire confidence, friendship, and creativity. Monday Madness one day workshops: Feb 20th & April 19th.


Happy Trails Homestead

Learning & Reading

South Central Lincoln

5030 N. 57th • 402-464-9692

Find a Music Teacher: Access our website to view our Teacher Directory. LMTA welcomes teachers of all disciplines. Contact us through our website if you wish to join.


Mabel Lee Hall Pool, University of Nebr

Music Lessons

Music Lessons


UNL Campus 402-472-3467

Individual, group, and parent/child swim lessons. Red Cross levels I-V. Ongoing sessions.

Lincoln Music Teachers Assn.

Harris Academy of the Arts


8222 Holdrege Street 8444 Executive Woods Drive 402-483-1011 5900 S 85th St, Suite 100 and in Firth, NE

(402) 450-9823 web: 400 N. 48th Street • Suite C01 402-477-5900 Spring 2012 Page 27

Lincoln Kids!

2012 Camp & Summer Programs Directory

Art Planet Camp

Remember, The early worm gets the best camp times.

No, no, no! Bird gets worm! Early bird gets the wor ... whatever!

Explore Art & Cooking in our Week-Long Kids Camps! Ages 7-12 • Monday-Friday • 9AM-4PM. Kids Camp 1: Symphony of the 5 Senses, June 4-8. Kids Camp 2: Camp Spectrum, July 16-20. 1/2 Day Camps and Kids Classes are also offered! • 402-483-1744. See ad on page 39.

Bright Lights

Summer programs created to enlighten, entertain, expand, and broaden your child’s horizons. Registration begins online and by mail at noon on April 1st. Summer 2012 dates: June 4-8; June 18-22; July 9-13. or 402-420-1115. See ad page 22.

St. Paulʼs Summer Daze

Week-long classes June through July for children 4 years old through fifth grade. Before care available to class enrollees. Saint Paul United Methodist Church, 1144 M Street. For a brochure call the church office at 402-477-6951 or visit See ad on page 18.

Camp Kitaki

Fantastic Summer Camps: 3, 7 and 14-day experiences for ages 7–17. Spring Camps too!: One week sessions begin June 3rd and end August 11th. Ranch camp for horse lover, 1/2 week adventure mini camps for age 7-10 and leadership camps for ages 14-17. Call 402-434-9222 or visit See ad on page 20.

Camp Sonshine Camp Oasis Dimensions Early Education Prog.

Day camp for Kindergarten through 6th grade. Leadership training for 7th-9th grade. Go-karts, archery, fishing, crafts, bible discovery, outdoor skills, swimming and more! 13440 S 25th Street just minutes from Lincoln in Roca. Call 402-423-8746. See ad on page 30. Affordable and unique Christ centered camps where safety and quality is #1. Overnight camps and day camps with bus transportation. Visit or call 402-791-2011. Just 25 minutes south of Lincoln in Firth. See their ad on page 32. Summer Discovery Days 2012, located in First-Plymouth Church, 2000 D St. Exciting weekly preschool and elementary experiences during June, July and August. Morning, Afternoon, and Extended Sessions available. Enrollment limited. Register online: or 476-8304 for information. See ad page 33.

Husker Summer Camps

Husker Kids camps for children entering 2nd–6th grades; Husker Adventures for youth entering 7th & 8th grades. Eight weekly sessions held June 4 – August 3. At Campus Rec at the University of Nebraska Campus! Call 402-472-3467 or visit See ad page 23 for details.

Lincoln Childrenʼs Museum Camps

Pre-school 3-5 yr. old & elementary 6-10 yr. old camps, June–August. From wizards to chefs the museum offers a wide variety of camp themes. Most camps are a week long. Camps are taught by highly educated & innovative instructors. For details call 402-477-4000 or visit See ad on page 29.

Lincoln Childrenʼs Zoo Camps Lux Art Camps Oxbow Jr Vet Camp

Critter Camps for 8-10 and 10-12 year olds. 9am–4 pm. $195 for members/ $220 for non-members in June, July, and August. We also have exciting ½ day Zoofaris for youth ages 4-10! Space is limited! Call or sign up soon online at: or call 475.6741 ext. 130. See their ad and article on page 21. Enroll in summer art camp at the LUX ! Camps available for ages 5-8, 5-9, 10-13 and all ages, plus a new camp for “Little Artists Within,” a parent-child collaboration on Saturdays for ages 3 and up. Go to to see a list of classes. See ad on page 33. Vet Camps for 2nd–5th or 6th-8th graders. Learn about veterinary medicine in a fun, engaging, “hands on” manner by using the tools of the trade (take home your own surgical scrubs & a stethoscope!), work with live animals, learn about vet medicine, examine x-rays & more. Information is at See ad page 23.

Parks & Rec. Day Camps

Paint Yourself Silly Art Camp Pioneers Park Nature Camps Prairie Hill Camp Strategic Air & Space

Camps & Academies

FUNdamental Healthy Me Summer Day Camp for grades K-7 at 6 different locations. For a registration form visit any location or our website: See ad on page 4.

Art Camps both locations. Week-long sessions. Well-suited for ages 6-14. Two locations! Call 402-474-1010 for a brochure. See ad page 30. A variety of camps for ages 3-6 (Camp Discovery) and 6-12 (Nature Explores Camp: Mad Scientists or Wilderness Nature Camps); and Junior Counselor Leadership Camp for ages 13-17. For information call 402-441-7895 or visit See ad on page 4

Nature Works sessions at Nebraska’s first wind and solar powered school. Camps June 11 thru August 3 for ages 6 – 12. Themed activities, gardening, animal care, pony riding and plenty of nature experiences. 7 miles south of Lincoln on Hwy. 77 Call 438-6668 or visit See ad on page 9. Super Science Summer Camps…Robotics Camp • Mad Scientist Camp • Weekend Flight Camp • The Sky’s the Limit • Astronaut Academy OR Visit the NASA Kennedy Space Center. Call or visit our website for more information: (402) 944-3100; See ad on page 33. Summer dance camps begin in June. For information on pre-enrolling your child call 402-489-6622. Located in south Lincoln at 3601 Calvert. Visit See ad on page 18.

Studio 2 Tiger Rock Academy

Train all summer at Tiger Rock Academy! Only $149 or $199 for the whole family (includes free t-shirt). Choose from Taekwondo, Kisado, Kickboxing, Yoga and Jiu Jitsu. Locations in Lincoln and Firth. Register at or call 402-483-1011. See ad on page 30.

UNL Band Camps

UNL-sponsored band camps. High School Jazz Band Camp June 17-21; Middle School Concert Band Camp, July 8-12, High School Marching Band Camp July 6-12. Visit or See ad on page 23 for details.

Wee Wisdom Preschool Westminster Day Camp

Come and have fun with us in June and July! One week Summer Camps, ages 3-6, weekly themes and hands-on learning experiences. Sign-up begins April 16. Call 420-7111 for more information. See ad on page 10. Preschool Adventure Day Camp for children 3-5 years old. Dates May 29 to August 3. Hours: 9am-3pm. Creative Arts Camp for ages K–5th grade. July 16-20. Vacation Bible School for ages 3–5th grade June 18-22. Call 402-475-6702 ext. 103 or go to See our display ad on page 23.

Miss out on our camp section? Not to worry! We will feture even more camps in our Summer issue! Paper comes out May 1st with a deadline of April 10th. Page 28 •

Lincoln Kids!

YOUR PASSPORT TO SUMMER The Lincoln Children’s Museum offers the area’s most exciting and educational camps. 7KHUH DUH WZR VSHFLÀF DJH JURXSV 3UHVFKRRO &DPS \UV DQG (OHPHQWDU\ &DPS (6-10 yrs). Regardless of your child’s interests, the museum offers a wide variety of camp themes. Most camps are one week long. All museum camps are taught by highly educated and innovative instructors.

Registration begins March 1

Preschool & Elementary Camps Summer 2012! LIGHTS CAMERA


fun you will have

June 4-8


June 11-15

fun you will have

June 18-22


July 9-13

June 25-29

July 23-27

Five Days, Five Places,


July 23-27

One Camp!

July 30-August 3

August 6-10 Sponsored by:

Preschool Camp (3-5 years)

Elementary Camp (6-10 years)

Time D P $0 &DPS

S P 30 &DPS

Time 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Registration Beginning March 1 Members $160 | Non-Members $185

Registration Beginning March 1 Members $75 | Non-Members $90

For more information or to register, visit or call 402-477-4000.

SPRING BREAK & MORE March Mar ch 12-16 | 8 a.m. a -5p p.m. .m. Registration: R egiistration: Member Members s $160 | No Non-Members on-Members $185




April 9 | 8 a.m. a -5p p.m. .m. Registration: R egistration: Member Members s $50 | Non-Member N Non-Members s $75

Meet an and nd greet greet your your favorite favorite super heros heros plus play play with all our ggreat reat eexhibits. xhibits. While n While not ot required, guests are encour encouraged aged to aattend ttend d Super Hero Da Day y dressed as their th heir fa favorite voriite super hero hero.. T Those hose in costum costume me ƌĞĐĞŝǀĞ Ψϭ͘ϬϬ Žī ĂĚŵŝƐƐŝŽŶ͘ ƌĞĐĞŝŝǀ ŝ Ğ Ψϭ͘ϬϬ Žī ĂĚŵŝƐƐŝŽŶ͘ Ψϭ ϬϬ ī Ě ŝ ŝ Sponsored by:

April 28 | 8 a.m. a -5p p.m. .m. Registration: R egistration: Member Members s $50 | Non-Member N Non-Members s $75

ing Edition Lin ncolnChildren nsMuseum.or g ((402) 402) 477-4000

1420 P Stre Street eet

Lincoln, NE 6850 68508 08 Spring 2012 Page 29

Lincoln Kids! Great Birth day Partie s too!

Summer Day Camp! K-6th Grade - Camper Programs 7th-9th Grade - Leadership Training

Camp Sonshine consistently offers families the highest quality in programs, staff and summer fun! Campers will enjoy: Archery, Off-Road Go-Karts, Nature, Crafts, Water Games, Outdoor Cooking, Inflatables and so much more!!!

Located just minutes south of Lincoln! Phone 402.423.8746 Web

2012 Sign up

early we fill up fast!

Downtown in the Haymarket at: 701 P Street South Lincoln store at: 4107 Pioneer Woods

Page 30 •

Lincoln Kids!

Hats off to... �My realtor and visitors all loved the new countertops by HUE decorative finishes. The work that Fran and her team did was instrumental in getting my home sold!�

– Mike M. 402-613-1211

“Easter Bunny� by Ian Ainomugisha, age 8, 2nd grade, Hartley Elementary

“Valentines� by Ayli Ybarra, 1st grade, Maxey

“Valentines� by Meiling Ybarra, 4th grade, Maxey

. . . d e e n I ! u o y Interested in i being a Fosterr Parent?

Now’s No w s the time. w’ tim me. Every day, day, children ar are re turned away from the opportunity op pportunity to live in a safe, loving home e due to a lack of foster families. fam milies. Please consider providing a foster f home for kids in our our community. community.


&('$56 )RVWHU &DUH &('$ $56 )RVWHU &DUH www Please call Mic Michaela haela today a att 402-437-8870!

Swimtastic Swim School 402-489-SWIM (7946) Spring 2012 Page 31

Lincoln Kids! ✔ Safety & Q uality ✔ Outstandi ng

Staff ✔ Overnight Camps ✔ Day Camps w/ bus transportatio n

Just 25 minutes south of Lincoln!

A Christ Centered Camp

402-791-2011 Fun & Affordable!

International Artist to Create Public Mosaic Natalie Nelson, LUX Center for the Arts


his March, Lincoln is welcoming international artist Lily Yeh to design, create, and install a public mosaic in our community. Lily Yeh is a celebrated artist whose work has taken her to communities throughout the world to carry out projects that bring the transformative power of art to those who may not otherwise have the opportunity. She has worked in multiple countries including Kenya, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Rwanda, China, and Syria. We are thrilled to have this opportunity to have an artist whose passion is to spread the importance of and the power of art through participatory projects that foster community empowerment, improve the physical environment, promote economic development and preserve indigenous art and culture. Working alongside University of Nebraska students in Professor Sandra Williams Arts in the Community class, Lily will be discussing her public art pieces that she has done for other communities, while designing and creating

one specifically for Lincoln! Lily will be working with local youth from Lily Yeh’s Tree of Peace in Balata, Palestine various schools such as Bryan Community Focus Program. Students of the LUX Center for the Art who are enrolled in its Spring Break Art Week will also be helping to design and make this public mosaic. The dates of the project are March 12-16 and will be held in the Centennial Room inside the University of Nebraskas Student Union. The final mosaic will be installed for public display near the State Capital Lily Yeh has been funded by the Hixon Lied Foundation and the Art Department of UNL For more information on how you and your child can get involved with this project, please contact Natalie Nelson at the LUX Center for the Arts at:

Tripple Your FUN! Lincoln’s Best Indoor Fun Center: • • • • • • • • • • •

FUN GYM It’s so amazing!

F_ZgVcdZej `W ?VScRd\R DeReV >fdVf f^

Funfilled Foam Pit Awesome Playsets LASER MASE Inflatable Jumpers The mysterious Lost Basketball Court Arcade Games Lazser Temple Toddler Area Snack Area Birthday Parties GIANT Party Rooms for Any Size Party Maze/Slide Punch Card Savings Infatable Annual Memberships (Call us for details)

FaT`^Z_X VgV_ _ed ViYZSZed R Zed e e > >`ccZ]] 9R]]

$ j `W VRTY ^`_e `W VRTY ^`_eY `W `W VRTY ^`_e eY

(expires 01-31-12) 15% off any single day pass or 25% off a group of 3 or more. For admission only. Not good for birthday parties or other offers. Lost in Fun at 15th & Yankee Hill Rd • 402-261-0440

8431 Cody Drive (15th & Yankee Hill Rd)


Laser Savings...

>RcTY >RcTY TY "") TY ) 2dYWR]] 2dYWR WR]]] 7 ] 7`ddZ] `ddZ] 3VUd 3VUd 2acZ] ""& "& 7``U 7``U DT 7 DTTZV_TV TZV_T _T _TV expires 01-31-12)

7VScfRcj 7 VScfRcj #& #&

>Rj # >R #! ! 3VVd 3VVd

$VW VWUR URQ P R P\ 'D\ 'D 6gV_e+ 6g V 2 2ac a Z] #) acZ]

Buy any Laser Package Plays and Get 1 Game Free! (Not valid for parties). Lost in Fun at 15th & Yankee Hill Rd • 402-261-0440

hablamos español! ☎402-217-2082

Hours: Mon-Thur 10am-9pm, Fri-Sat 10am-9:30pm, Sun 11am-8pm Page 32 •

6iYZSZe @aV_Z_ 6iYZSZe @aV_Z_ _X+

7VS VS "* "* D_R\ D_R\Vd Vd

Big Savings...

Visit our website for specials at:

^fdVf^ f_] VUf ^ fdVf^ f_] VUf UNL is an equal oppor tunity emplooyer with a comprehensive plan for diversity.

Lincoln Kids!

Super Science S Summer Su mmer r Camps Summer Discovery Days 2012 Exciting Summer Experiences for Infant & Toddler, Preschool and Elementary Ages! Pick your favorite or discover ALL of them! Enrollment is limited…Register early! June 4-8 ............................................Naturally Nature June 11-15.....................................Everyone’s an Artist June 18-22........Unbelievable Underground Mysteries June 25-29...............................................Wet & Wild July 2-6 (Closed July 4) ...................................Let’s Party July 9-13 .......................................Under Construction Closed July 16-20

July 23-27..............................Spark Your Imagination July 20–Aug. 3.................................Games & Giggles

Sessions available: 9AM-NOON or 9AM-3:30PM (limited sessions from as early as 7:30 to 9AM available; also option of extending session from 3:30 to as late as 5:30PM)

Call 476-8304 or email or visit beginning March 17th to register online.

2045 E Street • Lincoln, NE 68510 • 476-8304

ROBOTICS C CAMP AMP Jun. Jun n. 11-15 & Jul. 30-Aug 303 An introduction introduction to popular robotic robootic platforms platfor ms and programming. p Each camper will take home their own own BeetleBot and BrushBot. Br Ages 8-12.

MAD M AD SCIENTIST SCIENTIST C CAMP AM MP Jun. 27-29 A hands-on exploration exploration into thee world wor ld of physics, physics, chemistry, c and aeronautics. Lab coat and cr crazy azy hair not rrequired. equired. e Ages Ages 8-12.

WEEKEND FLIGHT CAMP CAMP P Jul. 13-15 & July 20-22 & Aug. 3-5 Explore th Explore thee mu museum’s seum’s ai aircraft, rcraft, rirride de fast-paced fast-paced motion motio simulators, and take a “spin” on th thee mu multi-axis lti-axi axis tr trainer. ainerr. TThe he July Jully 13-15 Flight Flight Cam Camp is for girls only. Ages 9-13.

THE T HE SKY’S SKY’S THE L LIMIT IMIIT Jun. 18-21 & Jul. J 9-12 Camper s bbuild Campers uild and ffly ly air aircraft, craft, launc llaunchh rockets, rockets, and send a ‘high altitude balloon’ into space! Campers Camper s will even even get get to fly fly in a private private airplane. Ages 9-12.

ASTRONAUT A STRONAUT ACADEMY ACADEM MY Jul. 22-26 From navig From navigating ating a daring ropes-course ropess-cour se to SCUBA diving d under water, young astronauts astr onauts train train just like they they do do at NASA. NASA. Ages Ages 13-17. 13

VISIT T THE HE NASA K KENNEDY EN ENNEDY S SPACE PACE A CENTER Jul. 15-20 After special under wwater ater training traininng and other activities activit activit in Nebraska, camper ly to FFlorida lorida and tour the Kenned camperss ffly Kennedyy Space Center. Ages 14-17.

Call or visit our web web site for for o more mor information (402) 944-3100 www .SASMu

Nature Explore research-based materials and ideas are woven into all areas of activities immersing children in hands-on observation and exploration.

Ashland, Nebraska (I-80 Exit 426)

Photos Cindy Heinzman, Sherry Miller and Beth Pauley 402.466.8692

Enroll Today

2601 N 48th St

Enroll Your Kids in Summer Art Camp at the LUX Creativity Art Camp Mon.-Fri., June 11-15 Ages 5-9, 9:30am-12:30pm Ages 10-13, 2-5pm Tuition: $125 (Member price: $101)

LITTLE Artists Within


Mastering the Art of Theatre Camp All Ages, Mon.-Fri., June 25-29, 9:30am-12:30pm Tuition: $125 (Member price: $101)

Enjoy family bonding with parent/child collaborations. Ages 3 and up. Pre-registration required. Every Saturday, 10-11:30am Tuition: $12 for adult and child, $3 each additional child

Camp Across Lincoln Mon.-Fri., July 23-27, 9am-4pm Ages 5-8 Tuition: $210 (No member price) Exploring the Art Box Camp Mon.-Fri., Aug. 6-10 Ages 5-9, 9:30am-12:30pm Ages 10-13, 2-5pm Tuition: $125 (Member price: $101)

Teaching art to the community for 25 years! Go to to see a list of classes. Spring 2012 Page 33

Lincoln Kids!

Spring 2012 Calendar of Events: free

If your organization would like a Calendar listing in our next issue go to: click on CALENDAR Summer 2012 Issue Deadline: April 10 Months covered: May, June, July

Lincoln Kids! Newspaper Phone: 402-798-0224 Benefits, Families & Fundraisers February 3-5 Sesame Street Live: Elmo Makes Music, Pershing Center, 226 Centennial Mall South; (402) 441-8744; February 4 Cystic Fibrosis “65 Roses” Benefit, Pla Mor Ballroom February 5 Dinosaurs and Disasters. Learning stations, games, activities and demonstrations. 9:30AM-4:30PM. Adults/$5; Children/$3; Family/$10. Morrill Hall, 14th & U Sts.; 4722642; February 10 Dimensions’ Early Education Programs’ 3rd annual Eat & Explore Family Night fundraiser, 5-8PM. Go on a “barefoot hike;” pet a snake, study an owl; examine a rotting log; and more! Infant & Toddler and Preschool Open House 67PM. First-Plymouth Church, 20th & D Sts. For information or reservations contact 4768304 or . February 12 2012 Abraham Lincoln Birthday Celebration. 1-5PM, commons area, Southwest High School, 7001 S. 14th St., 402441-7831. FREE! (see story p. 7) Feb. 11 “Messages from the Heart,” 9AM-Noon. Activities to help children and teens express their feelings. Hearts of Hope, Mourning Hope Grief Center, 4919 Baldwin Ave. February 22 FamFest: The Ugly Duckling and The Tortise & the Hare, 7PM, Lied Center February 25-26 “I Love My Dog Expo” annual benefit for Domesti-PUPS, a family-style, dog-friendly event with a vast array of dog-related products and services including live educational demonstrations, entertainment and numerous vendors. 9AM–4PM. Lancaster Event Center 84th & Havelock Ave., $5, children under 12 and dogs FREE. March 3 Cause for Paws “Fashion with Compassion,” runway fashion show benefiting local animal rescues and organizations. Cornhusker Marriot, $25/person (limited seating available) Reserve by Feb. 25th (night of show $35). Tickets at Cause for Paws. Auctions, raffles, entertainment, hors d’oeuvres and full bar. Doors open 6PM; Fashion Show 7:30PM. Page 34 •

March 14-18 Sesostris Shrine Circus. Nine performances, three rings, live orchestra. All seats reserved; tickets $14 and $16. Save with coupons from U-Stop, US Bank and HyVee. Pershing Center, 226 Centennial Mall South; (402) 4418744; March 22 Sertoma’s 52nd Annual Pancake Festival. Pershing Center, 226 Centennial Mall South; (402) 441-8744;

Books, Classes & Lectures February 7 Open Harvest Gentle Healing with Flower Essences Class. Explore Bach’s 12 traditional healers, concoct custom remedy. 7-8:30PM, $12/person, $10 for members, sign up at Open Harvest or call 402-475-9069. Grace Lutheran Church, 2225 Washington St. February 10 Sweet Treats! Zoo Sprouts Wild Cooking Classes For ages 3-5 and their favorite adult. Create tasty treats, get a unique animal experience, and make memories you will always remember! 9AM-11AM, Rainforest Room, Lincoln Children’s Zoo. $20/members, $25/non-members (total cost for child and adult). Space limited; registration required. Aimee at 402-475-6741 ext. 130 or Tuesdays Paint Yourself Silly Preschool Story & Paint Time. 10:30AM. Read a story and then paint a piece of pottery relating to story. 4107 Pioneer Woods, Suite 103, 486-1010.

Art Planet Art & Soul, The Marketplace at Village Gardens, 56th and Pine Lake Road; 5740 Hidcote Drive; (402) 610-2295

First Friday Once Upon A Paintbrush! Art for Preschoolers, 9:30-10:30AM. Pre-registration required: $15/parent and one child, $5/additional child in same family. Storybook art encourages pre-school children to love books and explore illustrations as they make their own hands-on creations Every Friday Homeschool Art Club, 2-3:30PM, $60/four classes. K-12 instruction be taught during same class. Siblings encouraged to attend together! Learn different age appropriate drawing techniques from contour to cartooning!

February 3 – April 31

After School Art Club $60 punch ticket good for four classes. Monday evenings after school. Call or email if interested for a more complete class schedule.

Barnes & Noble SouthPointe Pavilions, 2910 Pine Lake Road, (402) 421-7979

Storytimes Monday & Friday 10:30AM, enjoy a free story time for age three and under Storytimes Saturdays 10:30AM, enjoy a free story time for age three and under, 5150 O St., (402) 466-7122.

Community Crops For additional information and to register, go to

February 8 Seed Starting with Ingrid Kirst, 6:30-8:30PM. Registration fee $10. February 15 How to Make a Worm Bin with Amy Brt, 6:308:30PM. Registration/$10, supply fee/$10.

Indigo Bridge Books 701 P St., Ste. 102; 477-7770, Creamery Bldg. in Haymarket;

Saturdays Spanish/English Bilingual Story and Craft Hour. 10-11AM. Intended for ages 4-8 but open to all. Open Mic Night on Tuesdays Bring songs, poetry or anything else you’d like to perform and get in with this growing community of talented individuals, 7-9PM. First Friday Art and Music Indigo Bridge hosts fresh, new art and live music. Join us on your art walk to see some fabulous works in paint, photography, mixedmedia and more. 6-9PM.

Lincoln Libraries

Mother’s Day Painted Pots & Plants May 5 & 12 stop by for an hour between 25PM to paint an earthenware pot and choose a flower to be planted. Perfect handmade gift for Mother’s Day! Pre-registration required. $20 per pot & plant.

Dance, Film, Music & Theatre First Saturdays Contra Dances, Auld Pavilion, Antelope Park (1650 Memorial Drive). Short lesson 7:157:30PM, dancing 7:30PM. Live music; callers direct you through simple and easy to learn steps. Suggested donation $8/adults, $8/students, children/FREE. First Fridays Ten Thousand Villages Drum Circle, begins at 7PM. Improvisational drum circle; join in or just enjoy! 140 N. 8th St. Monday Night Big Bands Brewsky’s Jazz Underground, 201 N. 8th St., 7:30-10PM. Music, food and fun. Adults/$6; Students/$5; $3 if you bring an instrument and sit in. Lincoln Jazz Series Wednesdays, Brewsky’s Jazz Underground, 201 N. 8th St., 7:30-10PM. Music, food and fun. Adults/$6; Students/$5; $3 if you bring an instrument and sit in. February 9-12, 16-18 “Charley’s Aunt,” Haymarket Theatre February 12 Sing from the Heart, Arts for the Soul, First Presbyterian Church February 17 Shawn McDonald Concert, College View Church February 26 Nebraska Brass & Friends, Christ United Methodist Church February 26 Lincoln Civic Auditorium.



Preschool Storytime Through May at all locations. Half-hour of books and activities for ages three, four and five. Newcomers are always welcome! Visit the website for times and locations.

March 3-April 29 Youth Actors Academy of Lincoln performance workshop of “Bye Bye Birdie.” For ages 7-17, $350. Performances April 27-29. 402450-9823;

Toddler Storytime Through May. Toddler Time is for children aged 18 to 36 months and their parents or caregivers. A librarian reads aloud and leads adult-child pairs in activities. Visit the website for times and locations.

April 10 KC Swing, Nebraska Jazz Orchestra, Cornhusker Marriott

Storytimes for Families Through May. At Gere, South, Walt and Williams branches. Visit the website for times.

LUX Center for the Arts 2601 N. 48th St.; (402) 466-8692;

Saturdays, 10-11:30am LITTLE Artists Within, 10-11:30AM, a fun, creative bonding project. Ages 3 and up; preregistration required. $12 for adult and one child, $3 each additional child. Pizza & Picasso Every 2nd Thursday of the month, 6:30-8PM, come with your family for a night of art making and pizza eating! Pre-registration required. $40/family.

April 22 Yuval Ron Ensemble, The Mystical Music of the Middle East Concert, First Presbyterian Church April 29 Out and About: Music from Around the World, Grace Lutheran Church April 29 The American Boychoir, Abendmusik, FirstPlymouth, 20th & D Sts., 402-476-9933,

LAFTA 7th Street Loft, 504 S. 7th St.;

February 11: Neal & Leandra, Johnny Carson Theater February 18: Cherish the Ladies, Lied Center

Lincoln Kids! March 24: Joe Crookston April 21: Garnet Rogers

Lied Center for Performing Arts (402) 472-4747, prices vary;

February 2-4: Broadway: MAMMA MIA! February 8: The Brooklyn Rundfunk Orkestrata: The Hills Are Alive February 11: Cocktails with Larry Miller February 27: Doc Severinsen, music March 2: “In the Heights,” musical March 9: Susan Werner, singer/songwriter March 14-18: “Marvin’s Room,” Angels Theatre Company March 10: “Laugh Out Loud,” Second City March 13: “The Music of Stevie Wonder,” SFJAZZ Collective March 17: Red Army Chorus and Dance Ensemble March 22-25: “Daytrips,” Angels Theatre Company March 24: The Fab Four: The Ultimate Tribute Band, music March 31: Itzhak Perlman, music April 1: Moulin Rouge: The Ballet April 7: Sons of the Pioneers, music April 11: “Ragamala,” dance April 12: “This is Tango Now: Indentidad,” musical performance April 17: Kathryn Stott, pianist April 22: Boyz II Men, music

Lincoln Community Playhouse 2500 S 56th St., 402-489-7529

February 17-19, 25-26 “The Somewhat True Tale of Robin Hood” March 16-18, 22-25 “Dearly Beloved” April 13-15, 20-22 “Charlotte’s Web”

March 16 Classics By Request (Classical), Lied Center. April 28 Benjamin Britten’s War Requiem (Classical) Abendmusik, Doane College and University of Nebraska-Lincoln Choirs, Lied Center.

Marcus Theatres 441-0222,

Kids Dream Winter Film Series Saturdays at 10AM and Sundays at 11AM. View your favorite family flicks for $2. Grand, 1101 P St., or Southpointe, 2920 Pine Lake Rd. All titles shown in standard 2D. Feb. 4-5: The Smurfs Feb. 11-12: Zookeeper Feb. 18-19: Spy Kids 2D: All the Time in the World Feb. 25-26: Winnie the Pooh March films: TBD Reel Movies for Real Needs Specially designed program to serve families with special needs such as autism or other challenges; lower sound, lights up. 10:30AM. March 3: Dr. Suess The Lorax and March 31: The Pirates! Band of Misfits.

Nebraska Youth Theatre 803 Q St., Historic Haymarket District;;; 402-477-2600

March 1-3 Advanced Acting Company: “Shakespeare’s Comedy of Errors,” 7PM, 2PM matinee March 3. $10/adults, $8/children. March 8-10 “Cowboys the Musical,” March 8, 9 & 10 7PM, 2PM matinee March 10. $10/adults, $8/children. March 17 Big spring musical performance camp, “Annie,” begins rehearsing. May 10-12, 17-19 “Annie,” 7PM with Saturday 2PM matinees May 12 & 19. $10/adults, $8/children.

Lincoln Music Teachers Assocation

TADA Theatre

The Creamery Building, 701 P St., 438-8232;

February 8 Roundtable Discussion: How to choose teaching materials. February 18 Chamber Music Festival and 3PM Recital open to the public. Grace Lutheran Church, 2225 Washington St. March 21 Nancy Whitman: Preparing a student for a performance. April 14 Workshops with Dr. Chris Fisher, Ohio University. April 21 Spring Recital, Open to the Public. April 28 LMTA Hosts NMTA District Festival. May 4 LMTA students perform at Art Walk: Impressionism.

Lincoln Symphony Orchestra; (402) 476-2211

February 25 An Evening with Beethoven (Classical) Mark Clinton, piano; Lincoln Youth Symphony, Lied Center .

February 23-26, 29-March 4 “Little Shop of Horrors,” Johnny Carson Theater April 12-15, 19-22, 26-29 “The Spidey Project: With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility”

UNL Theatre For Youth; 402-472-1619

March 26–April 30 For grades 2-4: Creative Drama, Acting I and Acting II, $60. For grades 5-8: Acting I, Acting II, and Page to Stage, $60. Third Floor, Temple Building, 12th & R. To register: or

February 24, 26: Opera: The Coronation of Poppea, Kimball March 6: Choral Concert - A Prayer in Spring: Music of Hope and Renewal, Kimball March 7: Faculty artists: Chiara String Quartet; Hixson-Lied Concert Series, Kimball March 8: Choral Concert - Spring Sing! Kimball March 9: Wind Ensemble, Kimball March 10: Flute Day Festival & Concert, Kimball March 11: Chamber Singers, Sheldon Museum March 11: Music Theatre: Big Red Sun, Premiere reading of a new musical, Kimball March 14-18: “Angels Theatre Company: Marvin’s Room,” Johnny Carson Theater March 15: Symphonic Band, Kimball March 28: Jazz Combos, Westbrook March 29: Jazz Orchestra & Big Band Jazz, Kimball April 1: April Fool’s Day Concert, Westbrook April 2: Large Brass Ensembles, Kimball April 3: Chamber Choir Festival & Concert, Kimball April 4-5: Wet Ink! Student Composers, Westbrook April 10: Women’s Choral Festival & Concert, Kimball April 12-14, 18-21: “The Musical Comedy Murders of 1940,” Howell & Studio Theatres April 16: Percussion Ensemble, Kimball April 17: Jazz Orchestra and Big Band Jazz, Kimball April 18: Moran Woodwind Quintet, Kimball April 19-22: Evenings of Dance, Lied Center April 21: Symphony Orchestra, Kimball April 22: Student Chamberfest Concert, Kimball April 29: Robert Walters, Jr. and the Jasper String Quartet, Sheldon Museum

Nebraska Wesleyan University 51st and Huntington Ave., 465-2384;

February 9-12, 16-19: “Spring Awakening,” McDonald Theatre February 10-12, March 9-10: Cabaret Series February 24-25, April 13-14: Cabaret performance March 1-4, 8-11: “Six Characters in Search of an Author,” McDonald Theatre April 12-15, 19-22: “The Learned Ladies,” McDonald Theatre April 26-28, May 4-6: “Henry V” Traditional Cast, McDonald Theatre April 27-28, May 3-5: “Henry V” Female Cast, McDonald Theatre

UNL Events Call (402) 472-4747 or 800/432-3231;;

February 7: Symphony Orchestra, Kimball February 17: Moran Woodwind Quintet, Sheldon Museum February 23-25, 29-March 3: “Three Musketeers,” Howell & Studio Theatres

Festivals, Sales & Shows (All events at Lancaster Event Center, 4100 N 84th St., unless noted.)

February 3-5 Pat Egan’s Annual Boat Sports & Travel Show February 9-12 Nebraska Builders Home & Garden Show

February 11-12 Nebraska Roping February 17-19 26th Annual Lincoln Abate Bike Show February 18-19 Lincoln Area Model Railroad Club February 25 Festival of African Culture (FESTAC 2012), UNL City Campus February 25-26 Lincoln Stamp Club’s Annual Stamp Show, LINPEX 2012, Guesthouse Inn & Suites February 25-26 8th Annual Winter Fest Antique & Flea Market March 4 Car Swap Meet March 9-10 Great Nebraska Horse Fair March 16-18 2012 Husker Lawn & Leisure Show March 20–April 1 VVS pool Tournament March 23-24 Cornhusker Classic Indoor Tractor Pull March 24 Nebraska Game and Parks Archery March 24-25 Central Plains Reining Horse Show March 24-25 Lancaster Antique Show March 27 Pfizer LPS Science Fair March 31–April 1 Shaggy Horse Show March 31–April 1 Nebraska Quarter Horse Show April 6-7 Lincoln Gem & Mineral Club Annual Show April 12-15 Take2 Children’s consignment spring and summr sale event. FREE admission.

Food & Health March 20 “Communication is the Key!” 7-8:30PM. A program and panel discussion designed for adult caregivers: how to communicate with doctors, children and the community regarding serious illness or injury. Hearts of Hope, BryanLGH College of Health Sciences, 5033 Everett St. Tuesdays & Thursdays Clinic with a Heart, 1701 S. 17th St. 5:307:30PM;, FREE

BryanLGH Register online or call 402-481-5846.

CPR for Family and Friends Feb. 11, April 14: 8-11AM; March 22: 6-9PM. Call 402-481-7103 for information. Family Birthplace Tours Tours Tuesdays, 5:30PM, Saturdays, 3PM. Essentials of Childbirth Labor process, pain management, c-sections, basic breathing and relaxation, role of birth coach, mother post-partum care, initial baby care and tour. $65/couple; 3-week session. Call for dates. Sundays, 6-8:30PM: Mondays and Thursdays, 7-9:30PM. Spring 2012 Page 35

Lincoln Kids! Adv. Breathing & Relaxation for Childbirth For expectant parents going through childbirth without pain medication. One-night class. $20/couple. Thursdays, 7-9:30PM. Feb. 23; Mar. 29; Apr. 26.

have riding toys and wagons. Children must be 3 yrs or older and under 48" tall to play in the structure.

Breastfeeding Basics Single-session class emphasizes basic breastfeeding techniques. $20/couple. Thursdays, 79:15PM. Feb. 2 or 16; Mar. 1; April 5 or 19.

1523 N. 33rd; 472-6549;;

Essentials of Childbirth ACCELERATED Fast-paced one day class covers content of original course and includes tour. $65/couple. Saturdays, 9AM-4PM (includes lunch break). Feb. 11 or 25; Mar. 10 or 24; Apr. 14 or 28. Essentials of Childbirth REFRESHER For those who have previously taken a childbirth education course. $20/couple. One-night class. Tuesdays, 7-9:30PM, March 27. Essentials of Multiples Childbirth class for parents expecting twins, triplets or more. $20/couple. Tuesdays, 79:30PM. One-night class; Feb. 28; April 24. Infant Massage Learn more about proper techniques and benefits of infant massage. $20/couple. Mondays, 6:30-9PM. One-night class, Mar. 26. Super Siblings Help siblings, 3-10 years old, prepare for a new baby in the family. Parents must attend class with children Sundays, 1-2 or 3-4PM. Single-session class. Feb. 5; Mar. 4; Apr. 1.

MilkWorks 5930 S. 58th, Suite W; 423-6402;

Mom Talk For moms with babies or toddlers; ask questions about breastfeeding and related topics as well. Older siblings welcome. Led by breastfeeding educator. FREE. Tuesdays and Wednesdays 10AM. Mom & Toddler Talk Informal group for moms with toddlers; babies welcome, too. Mondays 10:30AMNoon. Moms with babies older than 6 months are asked to pay one-time fee of $15 to defray cost of groups. MilkWorks Stroller Group Enjoy being outside and join other moms for some weekly exercise with your baby! Email Groups Food Intolerance Email Group. Advice on recipes, eating out, and coping strategies for infants and children with food intolerances. (not intended to diagnose or offer medical advice). Second Shift Email Group. Moderated by breastfeeding educator. It is a great way to connect with other breastfeeding mothers in the work force. (email

Museums, Parks, Zoos Saturday Nights Hyde Memorial Observatory, Holmes Lake, 710PM. Visit for more info.

International Quilt Museum First Fridays 1st Friday each month. 4:30-7PM: Free. February 18, April 14 10:30 AM-2:00 PM: Quilts for Community February 19 Quilt Identification Day, Reservations are required


March 2 Exhibition Opening: Jean Ray Laury: Getting it All Together March 17 National Quilting Day, 8AM-4PM. FREE Admission all day for lectures, demonstrations, and exhibition tours. April 8 Closed for Easter

Lincoln Children’s Museum 1420 P St., Wheelchair accessible, 477-4000,

Tuesday Mom’s Club Free club for moms and their children. A place to relax and socialize with other moms (and dads), talk with an educational specialist, and drink a cup of coffee or juice. For parents with children ages 5 and under. Parents and their children can come and go anytime between 9:30 and 11AM.

February 18 Kid’s Bird EnCOUNTer Day; 1-3PM. Bird related activities and chance to meet raptors up close; Gere and Eiseley Libraries

UNL-Nebraska State Museum in Morrill Hall

February 24 Walk with the Stars; 7-8:30PM; 6 years old and up; Prairie Bldg.; $8/person, $15/family (2-4 people); register by Febr. 22 March 1 Registration for Camp Discovery opens March 3 Woodpecker Pizza Party; 10-11:30PM, grades K-2, Chet Ager Bldg.; $8/child, register by Febr. 29 March 12-16 Nature Explorers Camp: 8:30AM-5PM, Mad Scientists; 6-12 year-olds; Prairie Bldg.; $160/child, extended hours (7:30AM5:30PM) available for $10 extra fee for the week; register by March 5 March 17 9-11:30 a.m.; Junior Naturalist Series for Girl Scouts – Spring Explosion, register through Girl Scout Council at least 2 weeks in advance March 19 8 Mondays, 10-11:30AM; Hand in Hand: Spring Song; 2 1/2 - 3 1/2 year olds with adult; Prairie Bldg.; $65/child/ 8 week session; register by 3/12

14th & U St., Lincoln; 472-2642;

A natural history museum featuring fossil elephants, wildlife dioramas, rocks and minerals, and a hands-on discovery center. Beginning February 25 “Minerals & Meteorites,” spectacular display of rare minerals and meteorites in the museum’s Cooper Gallery. Sunday with a Scientist Educating kids and families on variety of topics related to natural history through talks, demonstrations, activities or by conducting their science on site. 1:30-4:30PM, February 19: Snakes (Past and Present). March 18: Ashfall Fossil Beds. April 15: Food Science Planetarium Shows “Light Years from Andromeda,” “Dawn of the Space Age.” Call for show dates and times or visit our website:

Strategic Air & Space Museum 28210 West Park Highway, Ashland; 944-3100;; see ad page 6

February through April “Great Balls of Fire” and “Comets, Asteroids, Meteors” February 18 Annual Nebraska Robotics Expo. 8AM-5PM.

434-9222;; see ad pg 20

15th & P Streets. No admission charge. 471-4754;

April 14 Junior Naturalist Series for Girl Scouts – More Than Just Feathers, 1-11:30AM, register through Girl Scout Council at least 2 weeks in advance

February 11-12 Cabin Fever campout for ages 7-12; a magical overnight filled with, crafts, sledding (weather permitting), spells, Quidditch! $55

Brown Bag Forums Every third Thursday of the month, noon, Blackman Auditorium.

April 21 Nature’s Market; 9AM-2PM, String Beans perform; free

Investigation Station Connecting children and adults to evidence they use to make their own discoveries: four permanent stations: the Native American Tipi; Pack Your Wagon; Build a Town; and, Auto Touring Camp. 1-4PM.

May 1 Last day for Wilderness Nature Camp early registration discount

February 24-26 Masterpiece Teenager Arts Weekend for ages 11-15; select one of eight art focus areas for a weekend of instruction and fun suitable for all skill levels. Art Show end of weekend. $110

Open Now New Farm and Grocery Exhibit

Museum of Nebraska History

Through February “The African American Experience in Film” Film Series. Films free of charge, 1:30 p.m. Limited seating is available. February 5: “Nothing But a Man” (1964) February 12: “Sounder (1972) February 19: “Do the Right Thing” (1989) February 26: “Within Our Gates” (1920)

Pioneers Park Nature Center Located at west end of Park. 8:30AM-5PM (M-Sat); noon-5PM (Sun). Free admission, pre-registration, pre-payment unless noted, (402) 441-7895;

Nature Center Preschool Tuesday/Thursday, Wednesday/Friday morning, Tuesday/Thursday afternoon sessions. MWF morning and afternoon Pre-K sessions. Open enrollment now. Call for information.

Ager Play Center

February 12 Geology Day; 1-4PM, Chet Ager Bldg.; donation

Play space for small children, toddlers and all ages. Reading area, 2-level play structure, 3 ball pits, slides and a maze of tunnels. We also Page 36 •

April 15 Once Upon a Prairie Wind Kite Fly, 1-4PM. A fun kite-flying event for the whole family. $2/person. No reservations needed.

March 31 Scavenger Hunt; 1-3PM, $8/person, $15/family (2-4 people); register by March 28

Through April 2011 Better Half, Better Twelfth: Women Artists in the Collection, Sheldon Museum of Art. 12th & R Sts.;

1300 S. 27th St.; $2.75/person 12 months & older, 441-6792. M-F 9AM-5PM; (next door to zoo)

February 18 & 25 Nature’s Poetry – Unearthed! 1:30-3:30PM. For youth 9-12. Explore nature and write about it; Prairie Bldg.; $5/session; register by Febr. 15

February 18 Grand Re-opening of Chet Ager Bulding and Great Backyard Bird Count Activity Day; 10AM-Noon; Chet Ager Bldg.; donation

May 5 Naturalist Badge for Webelos; 9:30AM-Noon, Prairie Bldg.; $10/scout, register by May 2

YMCA Camp Kitaki

Churches Lincoln Berean Church 6400 S. 70th St.; 430-4834;

Spring Creek Prairie Audubon Center 11700 SW 100th, Denton; (402) 797-2301;

February 11 Snug as a Bug, 10AM-noon. Adult/child teams use magnifiers, microscopes, and mindful techniques to probe through leaf litter and logs to discover spineless wonders wiling away the winter. Short hike, weather permitting, and indoor investigation session. February 17 Great Backyard Bird Count Bird Walk, 9:3011:30AM. Take part this year as an experienced guide will lead a tour along the prairie trails to count every bird seen. March 24 In Search of a Season: A Spring Treasure Hunt. 9AM-noon (start every 20 minutes) Teams of 2-10 with treasure map and clues to search for hidden treasure chests use observation skills, deductive reasoning, special equipment, and common sense to investigate sights and sounds of the prairie.

Fridays Celebrate Recovery, biblically based 12 step recovery program for overcoming addictions: dysfunctional relationship, damaged emotions, or other hang ups. Free childcare/kid activities: infants-High School age. Meal 6PM; $3/adults; $2/kids 6-12; 5 and under free. Followed by large group with teaching on recovery issues, praise time and sharing from those in recovery; small issue groups for men and women: eating disorders/food addiction, sex/porn, alcohol/ drug and codependency/general issues. Sue at 402-483-6512 or

First-Plymouth, UCC 2000 D Street; 476-7550;

Through May 9 Feel Good Yoga, 6:45-7:45PM, $5 per class. Bring mat, blanket/towel and wear loose, comfortable clothing. February 1, 8, 15, 29 Ballroom Dancing with a Hint of Latin, 6:157:15PM. Led by Don and Polly Anderson. $20/person; $40/couple.

Lincoln Kids! February 1 – March 21 Rebuilding When Your Relationship Ends, 6:15-7:15PM. $35. Class limited. Be with other people who are going through the same process. February 7 – March 27 Grief Recovery Workshop, 7-8:30 PM, $50 (book included). Participate in grief recovery in a small group atmosphere.

Sports Public Skating at the Ice Box Admission $7; skate rental $3. Punch cards available. Group rates also available. For information call Glenn Newell, 402-5402731. February 23-25 NSAA State Swimming & Diving, Devaney Center. March 1-3, 8-10 NSAA Girls State Basketball Tournament, (March 1-3); NSAA Boys State Basketball Tournament (March 8-10) various locations. March 10-11 YMCA Youth Sports MIT Tournament, Citywide. March 31 Nebraska Special Olympics State Basketball Tournament, Abbott Sports Complex... April 18-21 US Bowling Intercollegiate Championships, Sun Valley Lanes.


April 19-22 Midwest Regional 8 Ball Championships, Pershing Center. May 6 Lincoln National Guard Marathon and Half Marathon, Citywide.

UNL Campus Rec Youth Programs; 402-472-3467

February 7–March 13 Itty Bitty Sports Development: Tuesdays, 5:30-6:30PM. East Campus Activity Building. $45/Members, $55/Nonmembers March 27–May 1 Itty Bitty Soccer: Tuesdays, 5:30-6:30PM. East Campus Activity Building. $45/Members, $55/Nonmembers February 10, March 9, April 13 Kids’ Night Out: 5:30-10PM. Campus Rec Center. $16/Members, $24/Nonmembers February 10, March 9, April 13 Family Swim Night: 7-9PM, Mabel Lee Hall Pool. FREE to UNL Students, Faculty, and Staff; $6/guests. February 3–March 9, 30–April 27 Parent/Child Swim Lessons: Fridays, 6:157PM;. Mabel Lee Hall Pool. $40/Members, $50/Nonmembers February 7–March 8, 27–April 26 Child & Preschool Swim Lessons: Tuesdays/ Thursdays, 5:15-6PM or 6:15-7PM. Mabel Lee Hall Pool. $40/Members, $50/Nonmembers February 4–March 3 Yoga Kids: Saturdays, 10-10:45AM. Campus Rec Center. $30/Members, $40/Nonmembers. February 27 Husker Kids Summer Camps Registration Opens

UNL Athletics 472-1132 or (800) 8-BIGRED

Febr. 3-4: T&F, Sevigne Husker Invitational Febr. 3: WR, Penn State

Febr. 5: MBB, Minnesota Febr. 8: MBB, Michigan Febr. 9: WBB, Michigan Febr. 11: WGYM, Michigan, Washington, Southern Utah Masters Classic Febr. 16: WBB, Northwestern Febr. 17: T&F, Nebraska Tune-Up Febr. 18: MBB, Illinois Febr. 19: WBB: Wisconsin Febr. 19: WR, Northern Iowa (if neither team is in Final Four Duals) Febr. 24-25: T&F, Big Ten Indoor Championships Febr. 26: WBB, Ohio State March 4: MGYM, Arizona State; WGYM, Florida March 6: BSB, Kansas State March 7: BSB, Nebraska-Kearney March 9-10: BSB, Cal March 11: MGYM, Minnesota, Illinois March 11-12: BSB, Cal March13: BSB, South Dakota State March 13: SB, South Dakota March 15-16: BSB, Louisiana Tech March 16: WGYM, Iowa State March 17-18: BSB, Louisiana Tech March 20-21: BSB, Northern Colorado March 23-24: SB, Northwestern March 23-25: BSB, Illinois March 24: MGYM, Iowa March 27: BSB, Kansas State March 28: SB, South Dakota State (DH) April 6-7: SB, Illinois (DH) April 6-8: BSB, Iowa April 10: BSB, Creighton April 11: SB, Creighton April 14: FB, Red-White Spring Game April 18: SB, Nebraska-Omaha April 20-22: BSB, Purdue April 25: T&F, Nebraska Mini-Meet April 27: BSB, CSU Bakersfield April 28: SB, Michigan State (DH) April 28-29: BSB, CSU Bakersfield April 29: SB, Michigan State

Lincoln Stars Hockey State Fair Park Dr., 474-7827;

Febr. 3: Des Moines Buccaneers Febr. 12: Sioux Falls Stampede Febr. 17: Sioux City Musketeers Febr. 21: Tri-City Storm Febr. 24: Youngstown Phantoms March 2: Cedar Rapids Roughriders March 17: Des Moines Buccaneers March 23: Dubuque Fighting Saints March 24: Sioux City Musketeers March 30: Omaha Lancers April 12: Tri-City Storm April 13: Fargo Force

Out-of-Town Events March 2-18 “No Dogs Allowed,” The Rose Theater, 2001 Farnam St. Eight-year-old Iris and her family set out from their home in the Bronx to the Enchanted State Park. (402) 345-4849;; April 27-13 “James and the Giant Peach,” The Rose Theater, 2001 Farnam St. Young James embarks on the world’s greatest adventure when he steps inside a giant peach. (402) 3454849;; May 5-6 Midlands Pirate Festival. Family fun and nautical history with lots of staged entertainment. 11AM-9PM, Sat., 11AM-6PM Sun.; $10/$6, Bellevue Berry & Pumpkin Ranch, 11001 S. 48th St., Papillion. or mid-

Homestead National Monument 8523 W. State Hwy. 4, Beatrice, 223-3524;

March 11 Honoring Women’s History Month, 2PM April 25–May Special Exhibit: Original Homestead Act of 1862

Hollywood & Homesteading Film Festival All shows 2PM February 4 & 5: “Shane” February 11 & 12: “The Unforgiven” February 18 &19: “Big River Rescue” February 25 & 26: “Abilene Town”

April 21 – 29 National Park Week

Through September Special Exhibit: Travel Back in Time: Buggies, Carts and Wagons, From Longships to Spaceships: A Thousand Years of Exploration

April 28 Get Out Get Fit & Spring Fling Trail Run, 93PM.

February 26 African Americans of the Great Plains – Honoring Black History Month, 1PM.

Support Groups Answers4Families Information, opportunities for dialogue, education, and support for families, children and adults with disabilities, individuals over 60, and providers, including state and national resources, support group schedules, organizations, and tips for coping with a variety of issues. Free database ( of Nebraska service providers. Helpline, 800-746-8420;

Attachment Parenting International, (API) of Lincoln Meetings are held first Monday of month at 11AM, Eiseley Branch Library on Superior St. Contact: Laura Chisholm 783-2726 or

April 22 Remembering the Oklahoma Land Rush, 2PM.

April 28 NEW for 2012: Opening of the Quilt Discovery Experience April 30–May 4, Heartland Storytelling Festival, 10AM-2PM M.O.M.S. (Meeting Other Mothers) Grace Lutheran Church, 2225 Washington, Tuesdays, 9:30-11AM, conversation, speakers, crafts snacks, service projects & various topics; also holiday parties & field trips. Daycare available: $3/1 child and $1 each additional. Melissa Nickolaus, 464-6921.

M.O.M.S. the word Moms offering moms support, 10AM, brunch, College View Church Fellowship Hall, 4801 Prescott. Angel, 4236117 or 486-2880. OR Y Street: 10AM, brunch, Good Neighbor Center, 2617 Y St. Programs and childcare free! Angel, 423-6117 or 477-4173.


A support organization alternating between fun and informative events. Activity notification via e-mail; contact Melinda at to be added to list.

1st & 3rd Thursdays, 9-11 AM, New Covenant Church, 6000 S 84th St. Great “me time” for moms and kids for ages newborn to kindergarten. Speakers, breakfast, crafts, discussion. Childcare provided. $6/meeting. Ann Waite, 309-706-9319;;

Cancer Support Groups

Mourning Hope Grief Support

Autism Family Network

General, disease or age specific groups. For patients, family members, friends. American Cancer Society, 423-4888.

Charlie Brown’s Kids Grief Support Group 1st & 3rd Thursdays, 6-8PM, Grief support group for children ages 3-18 who have experienced the death of a parent. Parents meet at same time. Youth share their feelings through books, discussions, art, writing and remembrance projects. Sheridan Lutheran, 6955 Old Cheney, 483-1845, Bev Prucha,

Fibromyalgia Group 2nd Wednesday, 7-9PM, Madonna. Jacque Keller

Good Neighbor Mom’s support group through 1st & 3rd Thursdays May from 10-11:30AM, 2617 Y Street. Angel, 423-6117.

Heartland Home Schoolers For home schooling families in the Lincoln area, regardless of religious beliefs. Providing encouragement for moms; activities for home schooled students, including skating parties, spelling bee, science fair and more.

Help for Attention Deficit Disorders First Tuesday, 6-7:30PM. Parenting network. Creative/challenging activities for children, support/education for parents. Family meal provided. 5903 Walker Ave., 471-3700.

Hope Keepers: Chronic Illness Support 1st Thursday month, 6:30-7:30PM, First-Plymouth Church (20th & D St). A support group for persons with chronic illness and/or pain. 476-7550.

La Leche League of Lincoln Support Group for pregnant and breastfeeding moms. Babies and toddlers welcome. Fridays, 10:30AM. Weekly breastfeeding cafe. Eiseley Library, 16th & Superior. 5408568 3rd Thursdays 6:30PM, Aldersgate United Methodist Church, 8320 S. St.; 4503240;

Lincoln Area Families with Multiples For families welcoming multiples into their lives, and the joys and challenges that come with them. Find support at 434-6533;;; LAFM, P.O. Box 5911, Lincoln, 68505-5911.

Men’s Alcohol/Drug Group; Sex/Porn Group and Codependency/General Issues Groups

488-8989, email or visit

Mother’s Group for Moms & Babies First, third Mondays. Facilitated by registered nurses, certified lactation consultants. Pine Lake Medical Plaza, 3901 Pine Lake Rd., Rm. 216, 10-11AM, 481-3328.

Northeast Family Center Read for Joy – Family Literacy Program: Mon. 6:157:30PM; Thur. 9:30-11AM. (for ages 0-7yrs). Mon., Thur., 9:30-11AM. Parent-child (9 months-5 years) play group. 5903 Walker Avenue, 472-3494.

Open Hearts Adoption Support Group Fellowship for families who have adopted children; family centered events (such as Christmas Party, Ethnic Party, Picnic, Mother’s Tea, Harvest Party). Supported through dues and gifts. All families welcome, especially if you want to find out more about adoption! Dates and locations vary, contact Sherie Quirie, 465-5841 or at

Support Group for Parents of Children with Feeding Difficulties Monthly, lower level Saint Elizabeth Regional Medical Center, 575 South 70th St. Bringing parents of children with feeding difficulties together to share experiences, helpful hints, recipes, and information on feeding programs/clinics in the surrounding area. For information visit; or Facebook at Feeding Souls of the Midwest or or JenniferMcHargue@; or Jennifer 328-9247.

Widow Support Group 2nd Wednesday, 4PM, at First-Plymouth Congregational Church (20th & D St). Open to all. 476-7550.

Women’s Eating Disorder/Food Addiction Group; Alcohol/Drug Group and Codependency/General Issues Group Fridays 6:50PM, Lincoln Berean Church, 70th/Hwy 2. To learn, grow and be set free. Newcomers always welcome. 483-6512.

Clubs & Organizations Pokemon TCG League

Fridays 6:50PM, Lincoln Berean Church, 70th/Hwy 2. Newcomers always welcome. 483-6512

Saturdays, 1-5PM, Gauntlet Games, 3233 S. 13th St. Play Pokemon TCG for fun; earn promo cards. or on Facebook! Noah Weiss, 217-2711.

Montessori After Six

Capital City Horse & Pony Club

For parents of children 5-9 years, Lincoln Montessori School, 489-8110.

12900 N. 14th St. 1/2 mile north of N. 14th & Waverly Rd. Shows free, open to public. Coleen Warner, 325-4925/day; 477-4697/evening;;

MOMS Club of Lincoln NE 2nd, 4th Wednesdays, Southwood Lutheran Church, 9300 S. 40th St. (south of 40th & Yankee Hill Rd.) 9:30AM. Speakers, crafts, book club, playgroups, babysitting co-op, and activities for children. Daycare available. Michelle, 261-6712 or

The Prairie Astronomy Club Last Tuesday of each month, open to general public, 7:30PM. Hyde Memorial Observatory, south side of Holmes Lake in southeast Lincoln.

Spring 2012 Page 37

Lincoln Kids!

Nebraska Latino American Commission is Here to Help by Jasel Cantu


he Nebraska Latino American Commission is a government agency that serves as a link between the Nebraska State Government and the Latino community across the state. Our Vision is to empower the Latino Community through better access to education, social, political and economic opportunities in Nebraska. The Commission has many functions including to: gather information dealing with education, employment, health, housing, welfare and recreation; con-

duct hearings, conferences, and special studies on problems and programs concerning LatinoAmericans; offer services such as translating documents and assistance of people who do not have a legal representative in matters relating to any department or agency in the state or federal level; develop, coordinate, and assist public and private organizations, and state departments and agencies, to serve the needs of Latino-Americans; propose new programs concerning Latino-

Americans; evaluate existing programs and proposed legislation concerning Latino-Americans; raise public awareness of the problems of Latino-Americans and encourage the Governor and the Legislature to develop programs to deal with these problems; and conduct training programs for community leadership and service project staff. The current Executive Director is Dr. Lazaro Arturo Spindola, a trauma and orthopedic surgeon who has served as the Minority Health Coordinator of the East Central District Health Department in Columbus, Nebraska, and is

actively involved in the Minority Health Advisory Council as Chairperson, participant in the Nebraska HIV/AIDS prevention consortium and is a member of the School of Public Health Advisory Committee at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. The Nebraska Latino American Commission continues its goal to advocate, serve and enhance the Latino community throughout the state. If anyone wishes to report a problem or address an issue they are welcome to contact the Commission at (402) 471-2791 or email us at

Teaching Kids How to Cook Plate & Table aims to help kids (and adults) learn to love to cook. It is a passion Lincolnite Nicole Russman shares through her new venture, Plate & Table. The small business offers a cooking studio where kids ages 3-18 can learn skills in a private or group setting. Choose from “Book-n-Cook,” “I Can Cook, Too,” “Kids that Cook,” and

“Cook Like a Rock Star.” During the cooking session, kids are taught how to plan and prepare at least two different meal items. They gather and measure ingredients; peal, cut and chop; and learn meal presentation – all in a positive, encouraging environment designed to help them succeed and have fun doing it. Nicole, a former middle school teacher, is a stay-at-home mom of four children. For more information on upcoming classes, or to arrange your own session, visit or call (402) 540-2738. See the lessons directory on pge 27 for Plate & Table.

Come to the Lincoln Area Families with Multiples Club’s Annual Spring Kids Consignment Sale

25th Anniversary Early Childhood Celebration April 21stst at Southeast CommunityCollege, 84th & O Street 9am-1pm. Booths, Entertainment, Children’s activites and more, Contact: Crystal Kozak, M.Ed Early Childhood Education Program, Southeast Community College (402)437-2403 or 1-800-642-4075 ext 2403,, Website: Page 38 •

April 20th is for set-up and member shopping with the main sale starting April 21st. For more information contact: Kenzie BrodersPublicity Officer LAFM, at 402-783-2813.

Lincoln Kids!


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“What Plants Need to Grow” by Krista Dayenu, Preschool at Family Services

“Puppy Friends by Kelsea Reichmuth, Age 6, 1st Grade, Maxey Elementary

“Spring Garden” by Landon Reichmuth, Age 8, 3rd Grade, Maxey Elementary.

“Give Trash a Second Chance” by Millie Mitchell, 3rd grade, Humann Elementary School “Hi” by Vaishvika Balamurugan, Kindergarten, Clinton Elementary

Kids Camps Explore Art & Cooking in our Week-Long Kids Camps! Ages 7-12 Monday-Friday 9am-4pm Kids Camp 1: Symphony of the 5 Senses {June 4-8} Kids Camp 2: Camp Spectrum {July 16-20}

1/2 Day Camps and Kids Classes are also offered!

5740 Hidcote Dr. Lincoln, NE, 68516 (56th & Pine Lake Road) 402.483.1744

“Sackboy” by Jacob Mitchell, 4th grade, Humann Elementary School

“Spring” by Lisa Wang, age 6, Cavett Elementary School.

“Rainbow in the sky” by Hannah Tang, age 5, Maxy Elementary School “Birthday Party” by Ellie Maguire, age 5, St. Joesph Schoot

Spring 2012 Page 39

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