Lincoln Kids newspaper Summer 2013 Issue

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Celebrating our 20th year!

Lincoln Kids! Quarterly Family Family Newspaper Newspaper Quarterly

Please Take Take One One Please

20th Year Year No. No.22 20th

“Circles in Space” by Miles Stolte, 8th Grader, Lux Middle School, submitted by Art Planet

Your Family Guide for

Summer 2013 May, June & July

Lincoln Kids!

Come to and enjoy... • Pawnee Plunge Water Park • Shopping • Andrew Jackson Higgins National Memorial • Outdoor Recreation • Columbus Days: August 16-18 • Hotel accommodations for every budget

Many other attractions and FUN for the entire family!


48th & Hwy 2 • 402-477-5111 • Page 2 •

Lincoln Kids!

From The Publisher

Furry and Furrier


elcome to our summer edition. The months covered are May, June and July. This is a big summer camp/summer programs issue so be sure and check out all the camp ads placed throughout the paper and the camp directory beginning on page 22. Living in the Capitol City is a such

a great place for families. There are so many choices for your child’s summer enrichment. It’s hard to choose! Be sure to check Bryan Hospital’s annual Health and Safety Fair on June 8th. Each year it is well attended with lots of booths, educational programs and fun activities for kids. It’s free! See the back page for details. Another example of a fun free program is the annual summer reading program at the library. For information see page 17. For a list of book recommendations by the Lincoln Public Libraries, Youth Department Director, check out Vicki Wood’s book picks on page 15. If you’re looking for a new furry friend, the Capital City Humane Society is opening a new location in June, the Pieloch Pet Adoption Center. Plus, we have lots

Advertising, Artwork, Article, & Calendar Deadlines for the 2013 Fall issue is July 10th. Covering August, September, & October To view our issues online visit our website at:


Would you like to be published in Lincoln Kids? Mail or email us a copy of your Artwork and Poems for consideration! phone: (402) 798-0224



Lincoln Kids! Newspaper, 25660 South 12th St. Martell, Nebraska 68404

Publisher and Editor in Chief – Mark Martin Advertising – Mark Martin Art Direction – Mark M. Martin Calendar and more – Dawn Garcia Illustrations – Children & Ron Wheeler’s Fat Free Clip Art Printer – Page 1 Printers Lincoln Kids! Inc is published quarterly in February, May, August and November. Mailing Address: 25660 South 12th Street, Martell, NE, 68404. Phone number: (402) 798-0224. E-mail: Copyright Š2013 by Lincoln Kids! Inc. All rights reserved. We are not responsible for errors and omissions. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission prohibited. Lincoln Kids! encourages your submission of feature articles, photographs and ideas. We reserve the right to edit submitted material. All submissions will be considered for publication. Materials will not be returned unless prior arrangements are made. Advertising and information is accepted at the discretion of the publisher. Web site is located at: Current and past issues may be viewed there.

of articles about kids ranging from toddlers to teens for you to enjoy. Be sure and check out the children’s artwork in the paper. A special thanks goes to Tamara Weber and Dawn Connelly for submitting their student’s pieces. If your child would like a chance to see their artwork or poem published in the quarterly 17,000–19,000 copies of Lincoln kids, please send them to: We have a few birthdays to recognize. Pioneers Park Nature Center turns 50 this year. Andrea Faas, Naturalist at the center, wrote an article found on page 28. YMCA Camp Kitaki turns 60! See their ad on page 27. We have a directory section where you can find listings of where to take your child of pre-schools, day cares and private schools. We offer a great lessons directory to help you find an instructor for art, piano, karate or even find a handwriting tutor. Plus, we have a directory listing of places that host birthday parties, a directory for little kid’s services and a kid friendly restaurant guide where you can find deals on kid’s meals. A four page calendar of events starts on page 35 so keep this newspaper as your

summer guide to family events. We have new addition to Lincoln Kids. Dawn Garcia has joined our staff and she will be handling our calendar of events, and the website: and our brand new facebook page: Expect a fresh look for the website later this summer. Dawn shares that, “My family and I moved to Lincoln a year ago from Southwest, rural Nebraska. I spend a lot of my time with my husband, three kids, two dogs, one cat and our fish. Aside from Lincoln Kids, I also work as Project Coordinator at and freelance with writing and graphic and web design. Don’t hold it against me, Husker fans, but I graduated from The University of Iowa with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English. Go Hawkeyes! But, by marriage I’m a Husker. In our house, we call it being a Hawsker.� We welcome you to share your calendar events by email at: Share your kids’ artwork, stories, and poems and share your ideas, pictures, recipes and articles you’ve read on our facebook page. We hope you will have a happy, safe and active summer!

Summer 2013 Cover Artist My name is Miles Stolte. My artwork is entitled Circles in Space. I painted the outside black to make it look like the circles were in space. Besides art, I also like the Nintendo Wii. My favorite games are Lego Star Wars, Miles Stolte Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2, Mario Kart, Lego Batman 2, Lego Rock Band, and Just Dance 3. I am currently an 8th Grader at Lux Middle School and an art student at Tamara Weber’s Art Planet.

Whe Where ere children learn to swim sw wim And d parents put their mind d at ease ‡ ‡ GHJUHH ZDWHU ‡ G G GHJU HH ZDWHU HH ZDWHU ‡ 6PDOO FODVV VL]HV ‡ 6P PD DOO FODVV VL]HV


2 Options. Options. Same Great Program! Op Pro ogram! Summer Sum mm mer 2012: 2QH OHVVRQ HYHU\ Z 2QH OHVVRQ HYHU\ ZHHN


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Experience the Difference‌ Call Today!

Lincoln | 402-489-7946 |

Summer 2013 Page 3

Lincoln Kids!

June 6

Dino O’D Dell Wacky, wonderful and so much u fun! | Kansas City y, MO

June 13

T he Strin ng Beans Are you ready to bean it, like you mean it? | Lincoln, NE

June 20

Mike Mennard & T he Mighty Magic Pants Hop aboard the fun ship, maatey! | Lincoln, NE

June 27

Sugar Freee Allstars Fun and funky music foor fam milies | Kansas City y, MO

July 11

Summer 20 2 12 z Lincoln Childre en’s Museum

School off Rock Inspring kids to rock on stagge & in life | Omaha, NE

July 18

Experienc ce the joy, nostalgia a & surprise!

T he Doo--Dads High energy y, kid cool rock th hat’ll make you bop! | Kansas City y, MO M

First National B Bank’s Rad Retro Toys exh hibit is a BLASTfrom-the-past! Enjo E y this hands-on display inside the Discovery Galleery at Lincoln Children’s Mu useum through Au ugust 18. %H PHVPHUL]HGG E\ WKH ' ZRUOG RI 9LH L Z 0DVWHU 0 UVV &KDOOHQJH \RXUU FKLOG LQ D 6OLQNN\ UDFH &UHDWH DVWRQLVKKLQJ PDVWHUSLHFHV ZLWK D 6SLLURJUDSK %XLOG \RXU R ZQ Z GUHDP KRPH IURP /LQFROQ )URQWLHU /RJV Plus, take a phooto by the Guinness Woorld Record Lincoln Logs strructure. It extends 12 feeet into the air and has more th han 10,000 pieces!

Lin ncolnChildren nsMuseum.or g (402) 477-4000 Page 4 •

1420 P Streeet

Lincoln, NE 685008

Marilyn R. Gorham

Lincoln Kids!

Lincoln Children’s Zoo Partners with Git-R-Done Foundation


arry the Cable Guy and Lincoln Children’s Zoo are committed to helping children. But what do the two have to do with each other? This summer Larry’s Git-R-Done Foundation and the Lincoln Children’s Zoo are partnering on a one-of-a-kind project. The project, Zoofari with Larry the Cable Guy, will give hundreds of children’s hospitals and rehabilitation centers across the nation the chance to bring the Zoo to their patients. Zoofari with Larry the Cable Guy will feature a series of fun and educational videos for children who can’t visit a zoo themselves, giving them a behind-the-scenes glimpse of animals at Lincoln Children’s Zoo. “Partnering with Lincoln Children’s Zoo on Zoofari is a unique way to bring the experience of going to a Zoo to children who don’t have the opportunity to visit themselves,” said Larry the

These stations will enhance all guests’ experiences – children and adults alike – by providing an in-depth learning experience for everyone. “The Zoofari videos will get all children more excited about animals, science and nature,” explained president and Larry the Cable Guy and Zoo Director, John Chapo. John Chapo, meet one of the guest stars of CEO “Whether the children are the video series “Zoofari”. in hospitals or can actually Cable Guy. “Through the Git-R- visit Lincoln Children’s Zoo, the Done Foundation, we’re proud to new Zoofari series will entertain support children’s hospitals and and enhance the entire zoo experigive kids this interactive, educa- ence for thousands of children.” tional experience.” Although the videos are a conFilmed on location at Lincoln temporary method of teaching and Children’s Zoo, the Zoofari videos exhibiting what the Zoo has to feature Larry the Cable Guy inter- offer, they are still rooted in the acting with zookeepers and ani- tradition and vision of Zoo mals. The videos will be shown at founder Arnott Folsom. For chilZoofari Stations inside the Zoo and dren and families who can actually are sure to spark some laughter. visit the Zoo, the Zoofari stations

will supplement the experience of seeing the animals in person. For children in hospitals and rehab centers, the videos will offer a real-life zoo experience they would otherwise miss out on. “Mr. Folsom founded Lincoln Children’s Zoo nearly 50 years ago as a place where children can be inspired to explore science and nature. These videos and Zoofari Stations will do just that,” Chapo said. “The videos also allow Larry the Cable Guy and the Git-R-Done Foundation to further their mission. We feel that everyone can benefit from this amazing partnership.” The Zoofari Stations in the Zoo were ready for opening day, April 13, and the videos will be available to hospitals in late summer. To find out more about the project and how hospitals can receive the videos, visit



Zoofari oofariwith w Larry y.c .co o Summer 2013 Page 5

Lincoln Kids! First Learning Center... A Growing Preschool for 3 to 5 Year Olds “We are a ministry of First Lutheran Church and offer a nurturing Christian environment that enhances the development and well-being of each child. Children grow physically, socially, academically, and spiritually. We are proud to be a Nature Explore Classroom and certified from the Arbor Day Foundation.” Now enrolling for the 2013-2014 school year. Offering preschool 2, 3 or 5 mornings per week, 9:00 to 11:30 am.

1551 South 70th Street For more information, please visit: or contact Lisa at 402-488-0919

May 28-June 15 Monday–Friday 10 am - 4 pm Performances June, 13-15 Tuition: $400

June 24-July 13 Monday–Friday 10 am - 4 pm Performances July, 11-13 Tuition: $400

June 22-August 10 Monday–Friday 10 am - 4 pm Performances August, 8-10 Tuition: $400

Fingerprints CDC PreKindergarten Program: Now enrolling for 2013-2014

7800 Holdrege St.

402-467-4503 Visit our website at:

Page 6 •

Our Comprehensive Christian and Educational Curriculum focuses on Language & Literacy, Readiness & Writing and Numbers & Math. Program includes Alphafriends, Get Set for School, Handwriting without Tears and the Pinnacle Christian Curriculum. Morning classes available, M–F. Call for details.

Lincoln Kids!

Community Arts Afternoon at the LUX: Family-Friendly and Free! By Regina Flowers, Education Director, LUX Center for the Arts


find that our center is at its best when it’s full of people like you, enjoying the arts. When we host our community events the energy feels electric and nothing compares to seeing children’s eyes light up as they create their own works of art. For this reason, I would like to invite you and your friends and family to join us at our biggest community event of the year: Community Arts Afternoon. This year we will be celebrating on Sunday, June 2nd from 1-4pm with hands-on art activities, live music, and demonstrations. As always, this event is free, open to the public, and family-friendly. Community Arts Afternoon is a time for you to explore your passion for the arts and see the LUX shine bright. Activities are spread throughout our two-story building

and parking lot. Screen-print a LUX tee shirt or try out a variety of tie-dyeing techniques (please bring your own white tee shirt, or purchase one for $5 at the event). Create a button featuring your own masterpiece and try your hand at origami. Kids can have their faces painted by one of our artists and adults can get a henna tattoo. Also, don’t forget to leave your mark on the LUX by painting our outdoor mural! There is something for everyone at our Community Arts Afternoon. We have art activities for those who want to get messy and live music and wheel throwing demonstrations for those who want to sit back and take it all in. Be sure to take a look in our galleries and consider supporting our scholarship program for low-income youth by purchasing a ceramic cup made by LUX artists and volunteers. This event shouldn’t be

missed! Stop by and see what the LUX Center for the Arts has to offer at our Community Arts Afternoon on Sunday, June 2nd from 1-4pm. Enjoy the LUX all year round with art classes and workshops for youth, adults, and families. Register for classes online at lux- or call use at 402-4668692. LUX Center for the Arts is located in historic University Place at 2601 N. 48th Street at the corner of 48th & Baldwin in north Lincoln. Free parking is available. For more information, please contact Regina Flowers at: 402.466.8692

Enroll Today

2601 N 48th St

Enroll Your Kids in Summer Art Camps at the LUX Creative Genius: Art and Science Camp Instructor: Artist-in-Residence Tuition: $100 LUX members (non-members $125) )RU DJHV 0RQ )UL -XO\ DP SPÂŹÂŹ For ages 10-13, Mon.-Fri., July 8-13, 2-5pm ÂŹ Take advantage of an intense, whirlwind week of creativity! Your child will work with a different instructor and media each day, while exploring the connections between art and science.

Camp Across Lincoln Tuition: $210 (no member discount) For ages 5-8, Mon.-Fri., July 22-26, 9am-4pm Please call Lincoln Children’s Museum to register, 402.477.4000 This camp allows your child to experience Lincoln’s favorite summer destinations all in one week, including: LUX Center for the Arts, Lincoln Children’s Zoo, Morrill Hall, Lincoln Children’s Museum, and Pioneers Park Nature Center.

Exploring the Art Box Camp Instructor: Artist-in-Residence Tuition: $100 LUX members (non-members $125) For ages 5-9, Mon.-Fri., Aug. 5-9, 9:30am-12:30pm For ages 10-13, Mon.-Fri., Aug. 5-9, 2-5pmÂŹ Imagine a box full of paints, brushes, and various other art materials. In this camp your child will create fun projects from just those supplies. Each day a different instructor and different project are completed ranging from ceramic pottery to painted portraits.


Community Arts Afternoon Sunday, June 2 from 1-4pm Free and open to the public

Join us for this day of creative fun for you and your family. Participate in hands-on art activities, listen to live music, or watch an art demonstration.

Teaching art to the community for 25 years! Go to to see a list of classes and register online. Summer 2013 Page 7

Lincoln Kids!

St. Mark’s Kamps 4 Kids 4-7 years old 9:00-11:30 am • $8 per Kamp June 27–Red, White & Blue: Enjoy a morning that is all American, with fun traditional American activities and games.

Dear Mom and Dad, eat! I miss you but I am Camp is really, really gr lot, making new friends, really, really learning a for sending me! and having fun. Thanks Your Kiddo

July 11–Water Works: Plan to get good and wet at this Kamp! Wet, wild and wacky fun that includes a giant slip & slide! No better fun can be had under the sun. July 15 & 18–Crafts Around the World: Come create beautiful works of art while learning about other cultures and the lands that inspired them. July 22–Super Cool Banana School: Join us for this silly little Kamp and see just how inspiring a banana can be! Sorry no monkeys allowed! July 25–Cowboy Cookout (9:00-12:30): At Circle G Ranch the fun abounds! We’re gonna rustle up a hearty meal, learn campfire songs and play some good ole cowboy games! July 29 & Aug 1–Global Games: Kids around the world play a wide variety of games. Let’s learn some of the games and have a great time playing them! Aug 5–Mission Possible: Calling all cadets! Come join us in deep space and discover the greatest mission ever given to us.

8-11 years old 9:00-3:00 pm • $16 per Kamp

Getting ready to go horseb YMCA Camp K ack riding at itaki

July 9–Reel Kids: Back by popular demand! Bring your creativity and help us put together an award winning film! We will finish our day by viewing our adventures with our family. July 16–Crafts Around the World: Come create beautiful works of art while learning about other cultures and the lands that inspired them. July 23–Cowboy Cookout: At Circle G Ranch the fun abounds! We’re gonna rustle up a hearty meal, learn campfire songs and play some good ole cowboy games! July 30–Global Games: Kids around the world play a wide variety of games. Let’s learn some of the games and have a great time playing them! Aug 6–Mission Possible: Calling all cadets! Come join us in deep space and discover the greatest mission ever given to us.

r KIDS. heatre Arts Fo T t a w o sh e th On with

Vacation Bible School • June 17-22 9:00 - 11:45 am 4 years - post 5th grade $10 per child $20 per family max

Now Enrolling for 2013–2014 Westminster Preschool is a N.A.E.Y.C. accredited developmental learning program where children enjoy a safe nurturing environment with a small 1-8 teacher-student ratio. Art activities, stories and songs, large motor activities and learning centers allow children to grow spiritually, emotionally, socially, physically and intellectually. Contact Suzanne Schneider

402-475-6702 ext. 103

402-489-8885 8550 Pioneers Blvd.

Register ONLINE at Page 8 • or visit our website at:

Space is Limited so Register Early!

Preschool AM Classes: 9–11:30 PM Classes: 12:30-3pm Pre-K: 9am-3pm Extended Care is Available from 7:30-9:00am and 3:00-5:30pm

Conveniently located at 2110 Sheridan Blvd.

Lincoln Kids! Muddy Heroes 2K/4K Obstacle Run

The best memories are made in mu d. Fun and muddy 2K and 4K obstacle race courses for kids age six to 16 will be held on Saturday, May 18 to benefit Comple tely Kids. Completely Kids is a charity that gives children the tools they need to become confident, contributing members of the com munity. The fun begins at 9 a.m. and runs until 2:30 p.m. Wave times run every 30 minutes at I-80 Speedway, 13903 238th Stre et in Greenwood. Registrants receive a t-shirt, medal, race bib, a free bag check and proof that you have what it takes to be a muddy hero. You can even dress as your favorite superhero! Register at:


Talent, sponsors Treble s id K r fo s rt A orus. Theatre ity children’s ch ion. a free commun r more informat fo m o .c k a4 .t w Check out ww

A musical review featuring scenes/songs from musical theatre set in the 1950’s & 1960’s. May 28th – June 7th, M-F, 9:30-3:30pm Performance: Friday, June 7th @ 7pm

Tuition: $300

VOICE WORKSHOP June Storytelling P rogram Inspires C hildren America’s Great St ories® te

lls the remarkable, of American leader true stories s who loved God an d se rved their fellow man. This year, costumed storytel lers will present— child-appealing w in a ay—the lives of A bigail Adams, Fred Douglass, Francis erick Scott Key, and Abr aham Lincoln. Thi the 13th year of th s is is free program. W alt Library Comm Room—10:15 a.m unity ., Fridays, June 7, 14, 21, 28. Gere L Community Room ib rary —1:15 and 2:15 p. m., Fridays, June 7, 21, 28. Calvert Rec 14, reation Center—7 p.m., Tuesdays, Ju 11, 18, and 25. Fo ne 4, r reservations, whi ch are recommende groups of ten or d for more, simply call 402-486-1776 or Americasgreatstori visit

For ages 10-16 LES MISERABLE, PHANTOM OF THE OPERA, JEKYLL & HYDE, & JANE EYRE Students will be assigned a role from one of the above shows to study throughout the week. June 17th – 22nd M-F, Evenings 6pm-8pm and Saturday 10-4 Performance: Saturday, June 22nd @ 4pm

Tuition: $150


For a Refreshing Alternative to Daycare:

Thea Montessori Child’sSchool View 3341 Pioneers Blvd. Lincoln 402-484-8277

OKLAHOMA, ANNIE GET YOUR GUN, CRAZY FOR YOU, 110 IN THE SHADE & MORE A musical review featuring scenes/songs from musical theatre set in America’s roots. June 24th – 28th , M-F, 9:30-3:30pm Performance: Friday, June 28th @ 7pm

Tuition: $175

For Ages 18 months to 6 years Suzuki violin lessons

Certified Professional Montessori Teachers Kindergarten Program Certified through Nebraska Department of Education

Honoring Dr. Montessori’s Vision of the Child’s Potential

Open 7:15 am to 5:45 pm – Part or Full Time Available

All classes located at Christ Lutheran Church 4325 Sumner Street • to register! For questions or to register directly please email the Director, Leah Arington, at: Summer 2013 Page 9

Lincoln Kids!

Family Events at Morrill Hall this Summer by Dana Ludvik, Public Relations Coordinator, U of N State Museum


he University of Nebraska State Museum of Natural History’s Morrill Hall has many hands-on learning events planned this summer. Escape the heat and explore with us! Colorful Creature Day will be Saturday, May 18 from 1-4:30 p.m. This event is all about art and live animals in the museum. Celebrate the fun, furry side of science with wildlife groups, such as Raptor Recovery, Pioneers Park Nature Center, Nebraska Parrot Rescue, and the UNL Wildlife Club. Natural Scientific Illustrators will also be on hand to share their talents with visitors. The Sunday with a Scientist event series continues through the summer months, with the exception of August. Sunday with a Scientist events are on the third

Sunday of the month from 1:304:30 p.m. Each month, children have the opportunity to talk to real scientists as they explore topics related to science, technology, and nature. This year’s line-up covers bats, microbes, fossils, chemistry, solar energy and more. Every event is unique, as different presenters find ways to share their research with visitors in fun, informal ways. Mark your calendar for the museum’s special Fright at the Museum fundraising event Oct. 24, 25, and 26 from 5:30-8:30 p.m. Proceeds from this three-day Morrill Hall-o-ween event will support the museum’s outreach and exhibits. Fright at the Museum is sure to go down as one of the most memorable Halloween events in town! Regular museum admission is charged for these events. Members visit free year-round. Visit for more information on Morrill Hall’s upcoming events and exhibits, as well as details on becoming a member to save on repeat visits. The University of Nebraska State Museum of Natural History in Morrill Hall is open 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday-Wednesday and Friday-Saturday, 9:30 a.m.-8 p.m. Thursdays, and 1:30-4:30 p.m. Sundays. Regular admission is $6 for adults (19 and over), $3 for children (5-18 years, 4 and under are free), and $13 for families (up to two adults with their dependent children or grandchildren). UNL staff, faculty, and students are admitted free with NCard. Members are free with valid ID card. There is an additional charge for planetarium show tickets. Parking is free in front of the museum. We look forward to seeing you at Morrill Hall in 2013!

Trusted by parents all over the world, kindermusik classes provide the very best in early childhood music and movement experiences. Learn how music and movment can nurture your young child’s mind and body!

Family-Friendly Museum Events: Colorful Creature Day, May 18 Sunday with a Scientist: Microbes Rock!, May 19 Sunday with a Scientist: Chemistry, Harry Potter Style, June 16 Sunday with a Scientist: Plants, July 21 August: No event Sunday with a Scientist: Agate Fossil Beds, September 22 Sunday with a Scientist: Bats, October 20 Fright at the Museum, October 24, 25, and 26 Sunday with a Scientist: Solar Energy, November 17 Sunday with a Scientist: Shh! Plant Gene Silencing, December 15

Songs, movement activities, stories and more for children ages 0-7.

Call for a free demonstration class! South and Southeast locations (now serving Hickman and Beatrice)

Shawna Gordon, Director 402-770-1486 Check out our summer camps–starting this June! Page 10 •

Lincoln Kids!

Nature is Not Just for Science! by Lindsay Rogers, Wildlife Education Specialist for the


’m an environmental educator. I frequently work with teachers helping them incorporate nature into their lessons. But, often when I talk with teachers, they ask about science. How can they use nature to teach science concepts? What should they be doing to incorporate nature and the outdoors into their science lessons? That’s great! I am always excited to hear teachers using nature to teach science concepts! And, as a parent, I know how important it is that I, too, use nature to teach my children at home. I try to work simple lessons into everyday situations. But, really nature and the outdoors can be used to teach so much more than just science. Try some of these fun outdoor activities to engage your children in reading & language arts, math, social studies, and yes, even science.

Reading • Go on an alphabet walk looking for things in nature that start with each letter of the alphabet. • Label items in your garden or backyard. You can purchase simple, plastic signs and use a permanent marker to label your trees, flowers, garden plants, steps, rocks, etc.

• On a nice day, head outside to read a book. Some of my favorites include; Diary of a Worm by Doreen Cronin, The Salamander Room by Anne Mazer, and Fish is Fish by Leo Lionni. You pick your favorite! • Provide your kids with some simple identification guides. Birds of Nebraska by Stan Tekiela is a simple, easy to use guide. Or, try the Golden Guide series. Whether they can read or not, they will be able to use the images. • Use sidewalk chalk to practice writing letters and words. • Encourage your children to keep a journal about what they see (and hear) outside. Allow them some quiet time outside to simply look, listen, and write. • Have your kids write a story about an animal they see outside. A squirrel, a robin, a worm, or even a turkey vulture. Even better, have them write the story from the perspective of the animal!

Math • Count the number of petals on different flowers. You will find that there are two different kinds of plants: monocots have petals in groups of 3 (3, 6, 9 petals) and dicots have petals in groups of 2 (2, 4, 6 petals). • Look for shapes in nature. Many leaves are round or oval, but some are triangles or even hearts. Look for shapes in the clouds, too. Play “I Spy” using shapes in nature.

• Search for symmetry. Symmetry is when an object is the same on both sides of a center line. Many leaves are symmetrical, but a lot are not. What about a pinecone? Or, a seed pod? • Gather 10-20 natural items (leaves, twigs, seeds, rocks, etc.). Sort them by size, shape, and color. How else could you sort the items? • Give a tree a hug! Using your arms as a measuring tool, find trees that are small, medium, and large.

see if they can find the treasure. Or, have your kids make the map and hide the treasure. Then, YOU have to find it!


• Place a simple outdoor thermometer near your home. Record the temperature each day. Use the thermometer to determine what you should wear each morning. • Look for life cycles. Watch for birds making nests and caring for their young. Look for a caterpillar, chrysalis, and adult butterfly. Or, watch as a mother rabbit makes a nest and raises her young (be sure not to disturb the nest!). • Play sink or float! Fill the baby pool (or a bucket) with water. Encourage your children photo by Lindsay Rogers to find items in nature and guess whether it will sink or float in the water. Then, Social Studies test their hypothesis. • As a family, work together to • Place a bird feeder outside pick-up trash in your neighboryour windows. Try identifying hood. This will help your children what birds visit your feeder. develop a sense of place and pride Some of these activities may in their community. sound simple, but they are fantas• Keep track of one tree in your tic ways to engage your children backyard, park or neighborhood. in both nature and learning. Plus, Watch the tree throughout the seainvolving your children in these sons and discuss how it changes. fun (but educational) activities is a • Create a treasure hunt! Make a great way to avoid summer learnmap of your backyard or local ing loss and make sure they are park. Then, hide something in the prepared for school in the fall. Get area and mark its location on the outside... and get learning! map. Give the map to your kids to

Summer Swimming Lessons

Warm Water & Good Times!

Session: Register by: May 28 – June 6 May 13 June 10 – June 20 June 4 June 24 – July 3 June 18 July 8 – July 18 July 2 July 22 – August 1 July 16 Classes are taught Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday at 4:30 pm and 5:30 pm

51st & Bancroft 402-486-2525

We also book the best priced birthday pool parties in town.

Call us today!

Specializing in Squirmers!

Moms & Dads get great haircuts too!

We Accept Debit & Credit Cards!

• All the latest styles for your child • Specially trained children’s stylists • Video games and special play area • Adult haircuts and facial waxing for moms as well. Hours: Monday-Friday 9:30am – 5:45pm Saturday 9:00am – 2:45pm (Tues. & Thurs. Open until 6:45pm by appointment only)

402-484-7866 • 237 S. 70th, Suite 106 Summer 2013 Page 11

Lincoln Kids!

Pieloch Pet Adoption Center To Open In June by Charleen Engberg, Director of Volunteers and Education, Capital Humane Society


apital Humane Society is pleased to announce that the Pieloch Pet Adoption Center will open for business in June. The new facility, located at 70th and Hwy 2, is a state-of-theart building that will be a welcoming place for families to visit when they are considering adopting a new furry friend. Some of the new shelter’s exciting features include: • Cat colony rooms where the kitties can interact, stretch out, and play until they find a forever home. • The dog adoption area will be quieter and the canines calmer because they will be in glass enclosed spaces rather than open kennels.

The new Humane Society Pieloch Adoption Center is located in southeast Lincln at 70th and Hwy 2 near Home Depot. • Dogs will not be facing other dogs which will result in less barking and stress. • More interaction rooms for adopters to meet potential pets. • A large community room for hosting educational tours and dog training classes. In 2008, Capital Humane Society was able to acquire the

2.75 acre property at 70th and Hwy 2 thanks to the generosity of Mary Jo and Dave Livingston. A Capital Campaign began in June 2010 to raise $2.9 million to build the new facility. Thanks to the kind support of members in our community, the campaign has been a success. The building is named in honor of Mark Pieloch who donated $1.5 million toward the project. Last year, Capital Humane Society received nearly 6,700 animals at its 2320 Park Boulevard location. In addition to dogs and cats, there were rabbits, guinea pigs, birds, pot belly pigs, goats, horses, hamsters, gerbils, chickens, and other animals brought to the shelter. Many came in as strays, while others were surrendered to the shelter by their owners. All of the pets received compassionate care and safe shelter during their stay at Capital Humane Society.

After the new adoption facility opens, Capital Humane Society will continue to operate its Park Boulevard facility for pet surrenders, and to house strays and provide medical care and spay and neuter surgeries for adoption animals. Pets that enter the adoption program will go to the Pieloch Pet Adoption Center. As a non-profit organization, Capital Humane Society will continue to rely heavily on donations to provide programs, services and operate these facilities that are a benefit to people and pets in Lincoln and the surrounding communities. We are so glad to be part of such a caring community and look forward to placing thousands of beautiful, healthy pets into new loving, homes. Check out our website at to learn more the new Pieloch Pet Adoption Center, see pictures of pets in the adoption program, and to find out about upcoming events. Capital Humane Society 2320 Park Boulevard Lincoln, NE 68502 (402) 441-4483

From 5-7 p.m. with $4 adult purchase,

Reduced Price Kids Meals Everyday! Page 12 •

Lincoln Kids!

Lincoln’s Great Plains Trails Network By Mark Martin, the publisher


y first real bike came from Billy Wolff ’s Bicycle Shop which was located in downtown, Lincoln. It was a used large frame bike with big balloon tires and large cushy seat. I really wanted a Sting Ray bike but we couldn’t afford one so I made do. Since then I have run through a three speed, five 10-15 speed racers and a mountain bike. I just purchased another bike. I have come full circle. Yep, large frame, balloon tires, cushy seat–no more hunching over and craning my neck up to see where I am going and no more sore rear end. I love it. My wife got one, too.

B i l l y Wolff’s Bike Shop is long gone but his name still lives on as a bike trail. The Billy Wolff Trail runs from about 90th and HWY 2, takes you past Holmes Lake and under street intersections, past the Lincoln Children’s Zoo and downtown. It is just one of many fabulous bike trails found in and outside Lincoln. So how did we end up with so many bike trails to enjoy? I resently spoke with Gary Bentrup who is one of the 800-1000 members of the Great Plains Trails Network. The GPTN

is a group of citizens who are responsible for getting the ball (or bike) trails rolling. Their first project was the MOPAC trail which starts in east Lincoln and takes you out for a ride in the country to Walton and even out to Wabash, Nebraska. Many of the trails are built on old train beds and are made of crushed limestone. My wife and I live near the Homestead Trail which connects Cortland, Nebraska to Lincoln. It’s a wonderful trail where you cross streams, see deer and wildlife and breath in the fresh country air. The trails are free and open to anyone who wants to bicycle, walk, jog and on certain sections one can even ride a horse! The trails are meticulously taken care of by Lincoln Parks and Recreation to which we are greatful. As far as family adventures go this is one activity everyone can enjoy. Since you will be sharing the trail with others, Gary had a few suggestion to make your ride a safe enjoyable activity: Ride single file so others can safely pass you if needed, get a bike bell so if you are passing

someone you can give them a “ring” and call out “passing on your left.” Gary also urges everyone to wear a helmet. It is good insurance if you take a little spill. These are just a couple of examples so if you want to learn more the GPTN has put together a great map of all the trails complete with safety guidelines. You can get these maps at local bike shops or Lincoln Parks and Recreation. If you want to learn more about the GPTN visit their website at: If you live a ways away from the trails or would like to ride from the downtown to destinations far afield, Lincoln’s Star TRAN has a program called Bike and Bus. Each city bus is equipped with a bike rack on the front and holds several bikes at a time. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult. If you want to lock your bike while exploring downtown on foot there is a secure bike rack located at the Center Park Garage, 12th & “N” Street. For more information call 402-4761234. Biking is great family fun and I urge you take advance of our fantastic trail network.

Campers get their choice of activity: Soccer, Flag Football, Cheerleading, or Art Cost starts at $16 per camper and includes: camp t-shirt, water bottle & snacks! A family dinner will be offered each night of camp from 5-5:45pm with a donation.

June 23–27 • 6-8:30PM

• 1st–5th Grades

New Covenant Community Church, 6000 S. 84th St. Visit our website for registration & prices: or call 402-484-5033 Summer 2013 Page 13

Lincoln Kids!

A Parent’s Guide to Finding Effective Reading Instruction Tutoring Can Help! By Gwelda Carlson, Nebraska Dyslexia Association


inding the right Multisensory Tutor for a child experiencing reading or other learning problems can be a frustrating and time consuming task. Parents can increase their chances of finding a competent and sensitive individual to work with their child if they are informed. Be prepared before you contact a prospective tutor: • Visit with your child’s teachers to gather input on reading level, observed difficulties, support services provided, test results and diagnostic reports. • Make sure you can describe your child’s problem in clear and simple language. • Read as much information about your child’s problem as you can. • Gather names of potential tutors trained in structured, sequential, systematic, multisensory instruction. Sources may include parent support groups, pediatricians or other medical personnel, psychologists or diagnosticians, school personnel or organizations with trained tutors. Remember that you want to find a person who is not only qualified to remediate your child’s educational needs, but is also sensitive

to your child’s psychological needs. In searching for a tutor, your aim is to understand their approach and background so that you can evaluate their ability to work effectively with you and your child. Some questions you can ask to help clarify the tutor’s educational approach are: • What is your background and training? • What multisensory reading methods do you use? How did you learn these methods and how long have you used them? Do you prefer one method over others, and why? • What kinds of learning problems do you work with? Try to gauge the amount of experience the tutor has had with students who share your child’s problems. • If your child has multiple difficulties that affect more than one subject (e.g., significant problems in both math and reading), how would the tutor handle this in the limited time spent with your child? • How do you see your role in my child’s school? Do you attend staffings? Are you able to spend some time talking to my child’s teacher? Some questions you can ask to help clarify the tutor’s approach to psychological issues are: • How do you motivate your students?

You are my Sunshine! ˜‡”›–Š‹Â?‰ ›‘— Â?‡‡† ˆ‘” fun in the sunǨ ”‡—•ƒ„Ž‡ •™‹Â? †‹ƒ’‡”• Čˆ •—Â? ’”‘–‡…–‹‘Â? •Š‹”–• …Š‡Â?Â‹Â…ÂƒÂŽÇŚÂˆÂ”Â‡Â‡ •—Â?•…”‡‡Â? Čˆ ƪ‡š‹„Ž‡ •—Â?‰Žƒ••‡• •‘Žƒ” ’”‘–‡…–‹‘Â? •Ž‹Â?‰• ƒÂ?† ™”ƒ’• Čˆ •—Â? Šƒ–•

• How do you help develop and enhance the child’s self-esteem? • How do you help a very shy student? A student who denies he has a problem? A student who has attention difficulties as well as learning problems? • Which ages do you typically work with? Which ages do you most enjoy working with? Questions dealing with practical issues include: • How much do you charge per session? • How many sessions do you recommend a week? • How do you plan to measure my child’s progress? • How do you handle missed sessions? • How often do you communicate with parents? • Are you home or office based? Describe the tutoring environment. Always request references and

check them. The key to a successful search for a tutor is to know your child’s and your family’s needs. Find a tutor who shares a similar vision. A good tutor can be a lifeline for a student with learning difficulties. The Nebraska Dyslexia Association maintains a list of tutors and educational therapists who are trained in OrtonGillingham multisensory instructional methods. For information on helping the struggling reader, writer, speller, contact the Nebraska Dyslexia Association ( or call 402-4346434.

Call now to schedule your Kindergarten, 7th grade, sports, and camp physicals.


William P. Swisher, M.D., F.A.A.P. Douglas D. Ebers, M.D., F.A.A.P. Jeffrey J. David, M.D., F.A.A.P. Kurstin L. Friesen, M.D., F.A.A.P. Michael J. Germer, M.D., F.A.A.P. Kay L. Anderson, M.D., F.A.A.P. Joel A. Greisen, M.D., F.A.A.P. Jason J. Davis, M.D., F.A.A.P. Heather A. Dews, M.D., F.A.A.P. Carrie A. Dell, M.D., F.A.A.P. Dallas D. Schlegel, PA-C Julie E. Timme, PA-C Becky D. Waegli, PA-C Michael J. Huckabee, PA-C Valerie A. Vernon, PA-C

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Lincoln Pediatric Group, LLC • 402-489-3834 The boutique at MilkWorks


4501 S. 70th, Suite 110, Lincoln

Lincoln Kids!

Toddlers and Tablets by Deborah White


ith the prevalence of tablets and smart phones, we ask ourselves, should a toddler be using one? There are a ton of apps available for preschoolers. The answer to the question isn’t simple. There are many things to consider including: content; amount of time; alone vs. assisted use, and ergonomic issues. There is also the issue of addiction. Let’s examine a few of these points to help you determine the best decision for your toddler.

Content Current research states that fastpaced television programming has negative effects on small children. It seems reasonable that the same concepts would apply to computer games. As with television, content is key. A fast-paced electronic game with little learning content is about the same as giving a toddler a candy bar. Will it kill them? No.

Is it the best thing for them? No. Pick games that help your child learn colors, numbers, letters, seasons, etc. There are apps that allow toddlers to be creative and provide parents with learning moments. For example, art apps allow your toddler to pick colors and “paint” a picture. If your son doesn’t know his colors, this is a great opportunity to help him learn by pointing and talking about each color. Another way to use this app is to learn shapes. Ask him to draw a circle. Then you draw one. It’s great fun for adults to play a little too.

Amount of time on the device Children of all ages quickly get addicted to anything electronic. As the mom, I understand the relief of having a few minutes time to get something done. The challenge is finding the balance of when to hit the off switch and go outside. Or color with real crayons. Or read a book with real pages. Or build

with blocks. Each family needs to decide how much time is acceptable and then stick to it. You can start to see toddler’s eyes glaze over when they have been sitting in front of a screen too long and 30 minutes a day seems to be a good threshold. We live in an age where electronic tools help us with everything. Tablets can be a good resource for you and your children

if used the right way. Take some time to think about ways to use your electronic devices for both learning and entertainment. Innovate Your Baby, founded by author and speaker, Deborah White, is aimed at helping babies get the best brain development start in life. In her book, Time You Can’t Get Back, Deborah encourages parents to devote time each day, using The Daily 10. To learn more about developing your baby’s brain, visit: or email:

Itty Bitty Musik provides active, engaging early childhood music and movement experiences to children in Lincoln & Omaha. Singing—not just singing with pre-recorded CDs, but to the sound of real, live human voices—dancing, finger plays, echo pattern games, playing instruments, and purposeful listening—all are a part of an Itty Bitty Musik class. We use the well-respected international Musikgarten curriculum, building a pathway to music literacy and a lifetime of musical fun. Is your child care center an Itty Bitty Musik center? Carrie Hansen BFAE, Music Education

402.937.1970 Come for the fun. Stay for the education.

Library Summer Reading Picks by Vicki Wood, Youth Services Supervisor, Lincoln City Libraries Bennett Martin Public Library


here is no doubt that summer is the time for reading. Our libraries are packed with young children, teens and their parents, all searching for the ideal beach book, the title that’s headed for summer camp or, delicately tucked in between the pillows in the back of the car. This summer, there are more ways to read than ever: with a traditional book, on a tablet or e-reader, by listening to a book on compact disc, downloadable audio, or a Playaway. Take time to explore what the

library has to offer. Here are some suggestions of outstanding books published in the last year for youth. Some spectacularly imaginative picture books were created in 2012, among them, H.O.R.S.E.: A Game of Basketball and Imagination by Christopher Myers. Two boys alternate telling ever-taller tales about the basketball shots they hope to make. One may think it’s all been done in the alphabet book genre, and then another great one comes along. In Z Is for Moose by Kelly Bingham, illustrated by Paul Zelinsky, Moose is annoyed when

his friend zebra passes him over to represent the letter M, and some hilarious antics ensue. The Case of the Incapacitated Capitals by Robin Pulver, is a standout because of the humor injected into what could be a dry lesson in grammar. Due to texting, the capital letters are weakened from lack of use. Mr. Wright sets the students straight on capitalization with lots of zany interaction between the upper and lowercase letters. Newly independent readers will love Lulu and the Duck from the Park by Hilary McKay. In a series of short chapters, Lulu’s irrepressible

love for animals gets her into all sorts of hot water, at home and in school. For the same age group, Sadie and Ratz by Sonya Hartnett portrays sibling rivalry in a unique way; Hannah’s names her hands Sadie and Ratz and together, they manage to get her into big trouble when they mess with her baby brother. Master storyteller Jerry Spinelli’s newest, Jake and Lily is a tale of growing up and growing apart. The twins of the title have shared an unusually close bond until their 11th year when Jake starts to pull away, leaving Lily bereft. Continued on next page... Summer 2013 Page 15

Lincoln Kids!

...Summer Reading Continued Spinelli’s books are characteristically smart and funny, and will resonate with the upper elementary-age readers this book is intended for. Siblings Nika and Randall have encountered lots of unwelcome change as they move about the country from foster homes to relatives in Summer of the Wolves by Polly C a r l s o n - Vo i l e s . Their uncle Ian, a wildlife biologist, welcomes them into his home, and into the world of the wolves he studies. Upper elementary-age readers A complex mystery holds the key to a young orphan’s future in The Extraordinary Education of Nicholas Benedict, by Trenton Lee Stewart. This is the prequel to The Mysterious Benedict Society series of books and features a properly Dickensian setting, bullies and intrigue as young Nicholas searches for a treasure rumored to be hidden in the dilapidated mansion. Lois Lowry continues the dystopian series she started with The Giver, in her new book, Son. In teen Claire’s world, her assignment as Birthmother means her contact with her child ends after the child is born. A series of unusual circumstances lead Claire into a quest to be reunited with her

son. This title is appropriate for most middle school readers who will find much food for thought in these pages Ill-fated voyages and heroic rescue missions are the subject of several new and notable books and, a perennial favorite topic for young readers. The Impossible Rescue: The True Story of an Amazing Arctic Adventure by Martin W. Sandler brings to life the 1897 rescue of eight whaling ships carrying 300 men that became stranded on an ice sheet near Point Barrow, Alaska. The story of the sinking of the Titanic seems to inspire many books, even 100 years after the tragedy. Iceberg, Right Ahead!: The Tragedy of the Titanic by Stephanie Sammartino McPherson. This volume draws heavily on original sources such as diaries, the ships logs and photographs. Accessible artist biographies abound in the youth collection. Colorful Dreamer: The Story of Artist Henri Matisse by Marjorie Blain Parker, illus. by Holly Berry, brings the life events and influences of this important artist into focus for younger readers. Jazz Age Josephine by Jonah Winter, illustrated by Marjorie Priceman chronicles the rise of

Josephine Baker from streets of St. Louis to the chorus line to the great jazz and blues clubs of Paris. Our theme for the Summer Reading Program is “Dig into Reading” and we encourage families to really dig into our wonderful book collections. Take time to explore the non-fiction area and learn more about history, science, art, or travel. Read a classic novel aloud to your older kids or embark on a series of books for the summer. Read a book set in an area you plan to visit on your family travels. Download or check out audio books to keep the kids busy during long hours on a plane or in the car. Summer is a great time to get started on reading from the lists carefully chosen by Nebraska educators. The Golden Sower Award is a Nebraska children’s choice award. Each year children read books from a list of ten nominees and vote for their favorites in April. For more about the

Golden Sower award, check out their website at: Make sure to try out our latest database for children called TumbleBooks. This site contains animated picture books and longer books for children with highlighted text and read aloud options. The site can be accessed through our web page at home or on any of the computers at the library with a public access catalog. It will soon be accessible on many mobile devices as well.

Summer Reading Sessions Tutoring For Struggling Readers 1st – 12th Summer Reading Sessions Session Options

Elementary June 11th – July 10th Monday – Thursday: 1:00 - 2:00 pm July 16th – August 8th Monday – Thursday: 12:15 - 1:30 pm and 1:45 – 3:00 pm

Secondary June 11th – July 10th Monday – Thursday: 11:15 - 12:15 pm Open your heart and home to children and individuals in need of a safe and loving enviornment.

er Parent Become a Fost Family and an Extended . Home Provider

Contact Mindy Marschman 402-239-9719 for more information about Foster Care. Contact Deb Monfelt at 402-223-3843 ext. 1001 for Extended Family Home information. Page 16 •

Sessions meet 4 times a week (Mon. - Thurs.) Tutoring provided by UNL education students under supervision of literacy faculty. Tuition is $190. Limited scholarships available by need. Apply by May 30th, 2013.

Is your child reading one or more years below grade level? The Kit & Dick Schmoker Reading Center is offering tutoring this summer for students grades 1st – 12th. One-on-one instruction is provided in: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, and writing skills.

To learn more about the Schmoker Reading Center: Apply on-line at: Kit & Dick Schmoker Reading Center

For application assistance, contact: Melisia Bieber, Reading Center Associate (402)-472-3532,

Lincoln Kids!



READING May 24 to July 31, 2013 Lincoln City Libraries SUMMER READING PROGRAM Join the thousands of children who visit the library, attend special events, and READ this summer.


Booklets will be available beginning Friday, May 24. These are completed at your own pace, with plenty of spaces for stamps and stickers to recognize visits to the library, completed reading activities, and time spent reading. If you complete your booklet on or before July 31, you'll receive some excellent prizes.

Victor E. Anderson Branch 3635 Touzalin Avenue 402-441-8540

Lots of Special Events are offered free of charge, with elementary-aged children as the intended audience. Check the library website for a schedule or ask for a special flyer at the library!

Bethany Branch 1810 North Cotner Boulevard 402-441-8550

Bess Dodson Walt Branch 6701 South 14th Street 402-441-4460

Bookmobile 402-441-8545

Dan A. Williams Branch 5000 Mike Scholl Street 402-441-8580

Mark Your Calendars for Fun! The Lincoln Saltdogs will be hosting our annual Summer Reading Program Recognition Night on Sunday, August 11. All youth who complete their summer reading program booklet will receive a voucher for a free admission to the game. Looking for programs for middle schoolers? Be sure to look for the special flyer, or check the library website at Call 402-441-8566 for further information. This program supported by:

Lincoln Community Playhouse

Charles H. Gere Branch 2400 South 56th Street 402-441-8560

Bennett Martin Public Library South Branch 2675 South Street 136 South 14th Street 402-441-8570 402-441-8566 (Youth Services)

Loren Corey Eiseley Branch 1530 Superior Street 402-441-4250

This summer Read, Read, Read! Foundation for Lincoln City Libraries

Lincoln Children's Museum

Designed by Citizen Information Center 4/2013

Summer 2013 Page 17

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Book Your Sports/School Physicals Now!

Watch for our fourth location. Did you know that some orthodontic problems can be corrected before all the permanent teeth erupt? The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that children see an orthodontist by the age of 7 to evaluate jaw growth and dental development.

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Lincoln Kids!

Do We Need Sports Drinks? by Bob Rauner, MD, MPH Director of the Partnership for a Healthy Lincoln


am occasionally asked whether sports drinks are good for you. The answer is sometimes we need sports drinks and sometimes we don’t. Sports drinks were designed for specific reasons, but marketing and the pursuit of higher sales have pushed sports drinks far beyond their intended purpose. The history of sports drinks is quite an interesting story and starts in 1965 with the Florida Gators football team. One of the assistant coaches saw that players often struggled an hour or so into practice and asked a group of university physicians if they could help. They found that dehydration and loss of electrolytes (sodium & potassium) t h r o u g h sweat were the main problem. They even collected sweat from athletes to analyze its electrolyte composition. They used this to help guide the recipe for a beverage that helped fix the problem and give the football team a competitive edge. It later became marketed as a sports drink to help other athletes. The name of that beverage was based on the Florida team’s mascot – Gatorade. Now, no selfrespecting football team would be caught without a cooler full of their favorite brand name sports drink on the sideline. Which brand ends up on the sideline mostly depends on who pays the most to be the sponsor. Other athletes have found sports drinks to be helpful for their sports as well (e.g. soccer, basketball) and sometimes even life-sav-

ing (e.g. marathon runners). I’ve seen this myself covering the Lincoln marathon and even at one of my daughter’s soccer games last year where the goalie collapsed from heat exhaustion on the field during a very hot and humid July game. The prevention and treatment for the problem was sports drinks. The downside, though, is that marketing and the pursuit of increased sales has pushed sports drinks into places they don’t belong. Sports drinks are unnecessary unless you are working out very hard (full court basketball, competitive runs), for sustained periods (an hour or more), and dripping with sweat (hot days or Well, I did high intensity switch from exertion). For water to gatorade most of us during our average work outs, water is just fine. There is no need for sports drinks for pick-up basketball games in the morning, a 2-3 mile jog, or most YMCA youth sporting events. The downside to the overuse of sports drinks is a lot of unnecessary calories that likely exceed the amount that was burned off. The classic example of this misuse is the “after game snack” brought by a parent, where our kids burn off about 100 calories playing youth sports that is promptly replaced by 80 calories of Gatorade and a 150 calorie cupcake or cookie. Unfortunately, this can negate the health benefit of your kid being involved in youth sports! So in short, sports drinks are good when they are needed, but may add to our obesity problem when they are overused. Use sports drinks when there is a good reason, otherwise stick with water.

Summer 2013 Page 19

Lincoln Kids!

10,000 active kids per day


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I need you. Every day, youth are turned away from the opportunity to live in a safe, loving home due to a lack of

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Page 20 •


Call 434-5437 or visit

Lincoln Kids!

Infantile Colic by Tiffany Leonida, DC CACCP


f all the health challenges that seem to plague infants, this is probably the one that causes the most upset with parents. Imagine for a moment feeding your munchkin, when all of a sudden he/she begins screaming at the top of her lungs - arms curling in, legs drawing up - with what seems to be agonizing pain. All the common remedies associated with “over-the-fence,” neighborly, and grand motherly advice seem to be of to avail. Colic and ear infections are the two conditions that tug at mothers’ and fathers’ heart strings more than any other conditions I see at our Center. Most parent health textbooks describing colic, mention that it usually happens in the evening hours. I have not found that to be the case. I found that it tends to occur at any time of the day and seems to have no rhyme or reason. Colic, it seems, tends to start sometime in infancy, around the first two weeks of life, and can persist for a number of months. For those who are not familiar with infantile colic, and have never had the stress of dealing with a child who is so afflicted, you have no idea how devastating it can be on parents nerves. Why? I’ll tell you. It is characterized by constant crying, screaming, whining, pain in the stomach area, and acute irritability. (This is not cute irritability, this is acute irritability...big difference between the two). The spells of crying can last for hours and parents nerves can be shot at the end of such spells. This type of crying leads to aerophagia, which means the swallowing of air. This then causes distention or enlargement of the bowels, which then creates more pain, which creates more crying which creates more air being swallowed, which then becomes a cycle. Colic is also characterized by passing an exorbitant amount of gas and abdominal distension, which simply means the stomach area is enlarged and bloated (this gas thing can be embarrassing when in public–but you can always blame it on the family dog). As well, the infant does not appear to be ill, is gaining weight, and has a good appetite. If either of those are absent, then the incessant crying can be caused by a problem different from colic. In such cases, I would suggest you consult

your family chiropractor or health provider to give you some advice. There has been many theories people have used in the past to attempt to explain what colic really is and why it occurs. Some authorities have blamed lactose intolerance, some felt it is caused by stress of the parents - which a baby can readily pick up on, stress of the baby, abnormal gallbladder function, higher levels of intestinal hormones, allergic reactions, digestive hormone instability, etc. None of these seem to provide adequate answers. It is interesting to note that breast fed babies are rarely affected by this colic thing whereas bottle fed babies have a much higher incidence. The answer here is that mom’s milk is especially designed for that baby–and no other. It’s the perfect food. Mothers milk is very easily digested, leaves very little waste and research shows that breast fed babies have a higher IQ than their formula counterparts. Please contact La Leche League in your area for additional info on the benefits of breast-feeding. One of the biggest concerns of a child having colic, is that there is a potential for possible child abuse. To be very frank, try to imagine a child screaming for hours non-stop. I find that this will sometimes get on parents’ nerves and on occasion we see a condition which is called “the shaken baby syndrome.” This is a condition whereby the baby is literally shaken by the parents (or a baby sitter) to somehow stop him/her from crying. This only takes place when mom and dad are at the very ends of their wit. But, there is no excuse for this behavior. Shaking an infant can cause irreparable damage to a baby and even death. I am not suggesting that this is a huge problem, but there is potential for abuse of an infant who happens to be colicky. If you do ever feel that you as a parent are close to “losing it,” remember that there is a reason this takes place. In my experience in dealing with thousands of children and babies, I found that often a vertebral subluxation in the spine affecting the way the nervous system controls bowel function is usually the cause of colic. Any chiropractor involved in seeing children will attest to this fact. You must understand that the digestive system is essentially a long tube (refer to my column on

“Tummy Troubles”) and is made of muscle walls, which are under the direct control of the nervous system. I find that a vertebral subluxation will reduce the amount of information flowing from the brain to the large intestine in the case of colic–thereby reducing the normal function and motility (movement and function) of the large intestine. This causes food to “stick around” in the large intestine longer than it should and it tends to produce gas. This gas causes distention of the intestinal wall, causing pain and crying. The cry of the baby is really a cry for help. Children who are affected by colic generally show a wonderful response in the hands of a chiropractor. Most often I find results within the first week of care, but the care must be directed at the correction of the subluxation which is at the root of the problem, not simply giving the child mere relief. If mere relief is given only, there is a very high possibility of the subluxation becoming chronic and then causing arthritic degeneration, colitis, Irritable Bowel

Syndrome, etc., later on in life. Not a desirable situation. I should mention that I have often been asked if there are any nutritional products parents can give their colicky baby to ease their discomfort. I must tell you that I feel uncomfortable giving such advice when it involves an infant. I don’t feel that their physiology is ready to accept outside help. Parents can ease some discomfort by applying warm towels to the abdominal area. This causes reflex relaxation of the muscles of the bowels and will generally ease pain to a degree. If the child is older, mom can try a little slippery elm powder and also test for lactose intolerance which may also produce gas in the bowel. The most important issue here is to find out why your baby has colic. To treat only the pain, will provide generally short-term relief. I have always felt that this is a most important distinction. For those of you who have children affected by colic, or know of a new mom who has a child so afflicted, I suggest you call us without delay. 402423-4325.

Your Family Comes First Healthy Start Chiropractic is board certified to provide pediatric and pregnancy care and understands the demands that pregnancy and birth place on a woman’s life. Our promise is to go above and beyond to provide the utmost care for moms-to-be and their children. Call today to schedule an initial consultation.

402-423-HEAL (4325) Dr. Tiffany Leonida, DC, Certified Pregnancy and Pediatric Chiropractor

5445 Red Rock Lane, Suite 300 • Lincoln Summer 2013 Page 21

Lincoln Kids!

Lincoln Kids 2013 Camp & Summer Programs Directory

Art Planet Camps

Weekly camp explores art with a different theme each week. Visit the website to learn about the Animals in Art series (with real live animals in the studio!) as well as other summer art themes! Classes run M-TH in the mornings. Students may display their pieces in an art show! or Tamara 402-610-2295. See ad page 39.

Camp Kitaki

Fantastic Summer Camps: 3, 7 and 14-day experiences for ages 7–17. One week sessions begin June 2rd and end August 11th. Ranch camp for horse lover, 1/2 week adventure mini camps for age 7-10 and leadership camps for ages 14-17. Call 402-434-9222 or visit See ad on page 27.

Camp Oasis

Affordable and unique Christ centered camps where safety and quality is #1. Overnight camps and day camps with bus transportation. Visit or call 402-791-2011. Just 25 minutes south of Lincoln in Firth. See ad on page 23.

Camp Sonshine

Day camp for Kindergarten through 6th grade. Leadership training for 7th-9th grade. Go-karts, archery, nature, crafts, outdoor cooking, water games, inflatables and more! 13440 S 25th Street just minutes from Lincoln in Roca. Call 402-423-8746. See ad below..

Christ Schools

Weekly sessions all summer long for ages 6-12 centered around the theme “Astounding Places, Amazing Races” a program filled with fun, activity, learning & excursions. Centrally located at 43rd & Sumner. Call 402-483-7774 ext 110 or visit for info & registration. See ad on page 41.

Join the Summer SUNsation

at Little Learners Preschool and Academy!

From June 3rd thru August 2nd each week offers: different activities, games, crafts, short Bible lessons and snacks all related to that week's theme! SUPER HEROS: Wear your favorite costume! Play super hero games with your super hero friends!

Summer Day Camp!

BEADS AND BOAS AND EVERYTHING PINK: Need we say more? We'll be dressing up, making jewelry and having a tea party. It'll be a little lady's week out.

K-9th Grade - Camper Programs 7th-9th Grade - Leadership Training

DIG IT FOR DINOS: We'll be digging up some dinosaur bones and having fun learning all about the various kinds! Dino snacks, anyone? FURRY FRIENDS: We'll learn exciting new things about animals, bring our pets and visit the Lincoln Children’s zoo (additional entrance fee to the zoo will apply). THE ARTISTICALLY ART: Got a little artist just bursting to be creative? Then this is the week for them! Every day, we'll explore a different art medium. It's time to get messy! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AMERICA!: Red, white, and blue will be the theme for this week! We’ll make fun, patriotic crafts and play some Yankee Doodle games. We'll have our own (very safe) fireworks show (with paper poppers)! GOIN’ ON A BEAR HUNT: Well, maybe we won’t hunt for real bears, but we will read about them! Bring your sleeping bags because we’ll have an indoor camping experience! We’ll make smores and go on nature walks. CREEPY CRAWLERS: Gross...Bugs! We'll go on a bug hunt, collect some interesting specimens, and examine them under a microscope. The slimier, the better, we always say! Eewww! SPLISH/SPLASH: We’ll dive into the ocean and discover an underwater world. Don't forget your swimming suits on Water Day.

A Christian–based, academic preschool with a hands-on, exploration approach to learning! During the school year we offer 2-day, 3-day and 5-day programs with extended care hours 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Summer program runs Monday thru Friday.

70th & HWY 2 402-840-1196 Page 22 •

Camp Sonshine consistently offers families the highest quality in programs, staff and summer fun! Campers will enjoy: Archery, Off-Road Go-Karts, Nature, Crafts, Water Games, e ous th Outdoor Cooking, Inflatables and so much more!!! H 5 n y Opeday, Ma PM

Located just minutes south of Lincoln!

Sun 0 - 6:00 2:0

Phone 402.423.8746 Web

Lincoln Kids! Camp Directory continued... Cooking Camp Encore Studio Piano Camps Haymarket Theatre

plate & table’s presents 6 different kids classes. Take one or take ‘em all. Learn how to make homemade Tortilla chips & fresh salsa, or Pasta, Meatball Subs, Calzones, Chicken Satay Noodle Salad. Pies, cookies and more! New: Desert Week! 5 days of sweet treats. Limited class sizes. 7411 Karl Drive, visit:

Blast Off With Piano one week camps for piano/keyboard beginners all ages. Piano/keyboard classes and lessons for all levels. Camps and classes available June through August, or sign up now for fall. Encore Studio is located near 70th and O Street. 402-499-0400. See ad page 7. Summer theatre Camps. 3-wk Performance camps…May 28–June 15: The Wizard of Oz; June 24–July 13: The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe; July 22–Aug. 10: TBA. 1-wk Mini Camps…June 17-21 Wizard of Oz; July 15-19: The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe. Call 402-477-2600 or visit: See ad on page 6.

Lincoln Childrenʼs Museum Camps

Pre-school 3-5 yr. old & elementary 6-10 yr. old camps, June–August. From wizards to chefs the museum offers a wide variety of camp themes. Most camps are a week long. Camps are taught by highly educated & innovative instructors. For details call 402-477-4000 or visit See ad on page 4.

Lincoln Childrenʼs Zoo Camps

Camps for 3-4 yr.-olds…9:30-11:30AM; 4-5, 6-7 and 8-9 yr.-olds…8:30AM-NOON, 1-4:30PM, or 8:30AM-4:30PM; 10-12 year olds. 8:30AM-4:30PM. Space is limited! Register at See ad on page 5.

Lincoln Parks & Recrecation

Our camps focus on Recreation and Leisure Skill Building; Physical Fitness Through Active Play; Social Development; Nutrition Awareness; Nature Interaction. Weekly fee of $125 includes weekly enrollment fee ($100 for 4 day weeks) Scholarships Available. Title XX eligible. Locations include: Air Park, Belmont, Bethany Park, Calvert, F Street, Goodrich, Irving, McPhee. Registration forms available at: or call 402-441-8262. See ad on page 29.

Little Tykes University Lux Art Camps

Wild About Horses, June 10-13. Fun in the Sun Water Camp–July 8-11. Ready Set Go–Pre-k/kindergarten prep camp. August 5- 8. Choose from AM camp: 8:30-11am or PM camp: noon-2:30pm. Cost is $60. Registration forms available on website: or call 402-483-1198. 1500 Middle Fork Rd. See ad on page 39. Enroll in spring and/or summer art camps at the LUX! Go to to see a list of classes and register online. See ad on page 7.

My Gym

Camp Program includes 3 hours of nonstop fun where children participate in energizing fitness games, noncompetitive gymnastics, arts and crafts, music and so much more. Ages 21⁄2-10. Visit our website for more information: Call 402-802-9982. See ad on page 20.

Oxbow Jr Vet Camp

Vet Camps for 2nd–5th or 6th-8th graders. Learn about animal behaviors and nutrition. Explore a day in the life of a veterinarian (take home your own surgical scrubs & a stethoscope!), perform a simulated exploratory surgery, interact with live animals each day. Register at or call 800-249-0366. See ad page 26.

Paint Yourself Silly Art Camp

Art Camps Downtown in the Haymarket, 701 P St. and at South Lincoln store, 4107 Pioneer Woods. Week-long sessions. Well-suited for ages 6-14. Call 402-474-1010 for a brochure.

Pool Party Day Camp

Madonna ProActive invites boys and girls ages 7-12 to join their First Annual Swim and Dance Camp. June 24-28 daily from 9am–3pm. Lunch is included. Cost is $135 for members and $145 for non-members. Register by June 14th. Call 402-420-0000. Located in South Lincoln at 7111 Stephanie Lane. See ad on page 39.

Prairie Hill Camp

Country day camps at Nebraska’s first wind and powered school. June 10-14: Survival Awareness Camp, June 17-28: Travel/Cultures, July 8-19: Game Strategy Camp, July 22-Aug.2: Creativity Camp. Ages 6–12. Lots of nature experiences. 7 miles south of Lincoln on Hwy. 77 • 402-438-6668 • See ad p. 25.

✔ Safety & Q uality ✔ Outstandi ng Staff ✔ Overnight Camps ✔ Day Camps w/ bus transportatio n


A Christ Centered Camp


Just 25 minutes south of Lincoln!

402-791-2011 Fun & Affordable!

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Fun all summer Summer 2013 Page 23

Lincoln Kids! Camp Directory continued... Prairie Life Fitness Camps

All day camps include fitness and fun. Daily schedule consists of group fitness, gym games, crafts, and swimming. Weekly themes explore different activities for learning and fun all summer long. Ask about our summer soccer and dance camps! Call Amber Boyce at 402-483-2322. 70th & A. or Email me at

Sports ʻn More

Spiritual and Athletic training. Choice of Soccer, Flag Football, Cheerleading, or Art. Cost starts at $16 per camper. Includes: camp t-shirt, water bottle & snacks. Family dinner offered each night from 5-5:45pm with donation. June 23–27, 6-8:30PM. 1st–5th Grades. For registration & prices visit: See ad on page 13.

Stillwaters Ranch

Mother & Daughter Camp: June 25, 26, 27. Share the fun of horses & riding together. Horses: Head To Hoof: June 3-7 & 17-21, July 8-12 & 22-26. Basic horsemanship skills. Age 8 or older. Pony Pals: May 28-30, June 11-13, July 16-18. A mini 3-day camp for ages 6-8. 402-432-0543 •

St. Mark’s Kamps 4 Kids

Kamps for 4-7 years olds, 9:00-11:30 am, $8 per Kamp. June 27th through August 5th. Kamps for 8-11 years olds 9:00-3:00 pm, $16 per Kamp. July 9 through August 6. Different age appropriate theme each week. 402-489-8885. 8550 Pioneers Blvd. Register ONLINE at See ad on page 8.

St. Paulʼs Summer Daze Strategic Air & Space

Camps & Academies

Week-long classes June through July for children 4 years old through fifth grade. Before care available to class enrollees. Cost is $45 per week. Located downtown at Saint Paul United Methodist Church, 1144 M Street. For a brochure call the church office at 402-477-6951 or visit See ad below. Summer Camps…Robotics 101, 201 and 301 Camps • Mad Scientist Camp • Johnson Space Center Travel Camp • The Sky Is the Limit Camp • Astronaut Academy Camp. Call or visit our website for more information: (402) 944-3100; See ad on page 26.

Studio 2

Summer dance camps run June 11th–July 25th. Introduction to dance for pre-schoolers, Ballet/Tap Combo for 5 & 6 year olds, Ballet–Advanced Pointe for all ages, Beginning Jazz–Advanced, for all ages, Hip-Hop and Adult classes. Call 402-489-6622. Located in south Lincoln at 3601 Calvert. See ad on p. 26.

Theatre Arts for Kids

Rock’n Around Broadway, ages 7-15. Runs May 28-June 7th: Grease, Hairspray, Little Shop, Jersey Boys, Bye Bye Birdie. Voice Workshop for ages 10-16. June 17-22: Les Miserable, Phantom of The Opera, Jekyll & Hyde, Jane Eyre. Broadway Out West for ages 7-15. June 24-28: Oklahoma, Annie Get Your Gun, Crazy For You, 110 In The Shade. Christ Lutheran Church, 4325 Sumner Street, See ad page 9.

Tiger Rock Academy

Train all summer at Tiger Rock Academy for just $149 or choose a 4 week session for $99. TaeKwonDo lessons available for ages 3 and up. Two locations in Lincoln and also available in Firth and Waverly! Call 402-483-1011. See ad on page 6. Princess Camp for ages 3-5 & 5-7–June 17-21, & July 8-12. Wiggles & Giggles, Musical Theatre Camp, Jazz Camp and more!. Summer Intensive in Ballet, Jazz, Contemporary, Lyrical, Creative Movement & Tap–June 3-14 with special guests. 5445 Red Rock Lane. 402-423-8838 or See ads pages 25 & below (page 24).

True Dance UNL Nature Adventure Camp Westminster

Explore the wild side of Lincoln at UNL’s Nature Adventure Camp! Track wildlife, go rock climbing, learn outdoor skills like archery, go fishing, catch insects, explore nature, and discover science. June 17-21, 9am-5pm, ages 10-12. Register online at:

Summer Camp

Pre-kindergarten camp for children 3-5 years old. Dates May 31 to August 5. Hours: 9am-3pm. Creative Arts Camp for ages K–5th grade. July 15-19. Vacation Bible School for ages 3 years–5th grade June 17-21. Call 402-475-6702 ext. 103 or go to See ad on page 8 and page 26.

YWCA Lincoln

Introducing: S.T.E.A.M.– science, technology, engineering, arts, and math! En Pointe Dance Academy offers classes in theatre, dance, and cheer. SMART Girls camps engage girls' creativity by becoming young detectives, scientists, & designers through collaboration, critical thinking, & curiosity. 2620 O St. 402-202-4685


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COUPON for 20% off one single Item! Expires 7/30/2013. Must present this ad.

3841 South 48th • 466-1993 www .TTrueDa r for more info Page 24 •

(Across From Union College)

Lincoln Kids!

Summer at the Lincoln Children’s Museum By Miss Emily, Education Manager at Lincoln Children’s Museum


hat was your best summer ever? Do you remember gloriously basking in endless days under the sun, playing in the sprinklers and staying up past bedtime? Perhaps you counted down to the annual camping trip that happened the third week out of school. The summer season is the time of year that some of our most cherished memories are created. The days stretch out and the evenings are framed by open windows and firefly lanterns. We use these months to spend time with our families, surrounding them with “the good stuff� that years later we will look back upon and smile. Lincoln Children’s Museum is happy to offer opportunities that add to the fun that summer

already brings. Each week camps keep children engaged as well as educated through a variety of themes. From cooking to recycling, campers spend their time visiting downtown locations, playing in the museum and making new friends. Spending a Thursday evening at Music and

Mozzarella with a slice of pizza and some great music is a tradition worth starting or maintaining. Come for dinner then dance it off to live music at this family friendly and FREE concert series in June and July where you’re sure to meet new or best friends! The museum is a great escape

NatureWorks 2013 sessions June 10--14 - Survival and Awareness Camp with BJ Spring June 17 - 28 - Travel/Cultures Camp July 8 - 19 - 6WUDWHJ\ &DPS ´*R ¾ ´&KHVV¾ HWF July 22 - Aug. 2 - Creativity Camp

country day camp - ages 6-9, 9-12 Mini Camp PRAIRIE HILL for ages 3-6, T-W-Th. 9-12:30 June 18-20, 25-27 - July 9-11, 16-18 - July 23-25, July 30-Aug. 1

PRAIRIE HILL Learning Center A Montessori school for children 18 mos. - 8th grade. 402-438-6668

from summer’s heat. Splash the day away in the Water Exhibit or give an automobile a makeover in the Tracy’s Collision Center. With three floors of hands-on exhibits, children and families will have no trouble setting the imagination free! Plus, this summer in the Discover Gallery, we have a BLAST from the past to share with First National Bank’s Rad Retro Toys exhibit. This new exhibit is bound to conjure up some memories among parents and grandparents, while always catering to the joy of toys for today’s child. Lincoln, Nebraska has so many great ways for families to enjoy summer right in their own backyard and Lincoln Children’s Museum continues to work hard at being one of the best!

True Dance &Company


PRINCESS CAMP $75 / Ballerina Camp $120 / Jazzerina Camp $120

Each day we will become a different Princess or Prince learning how to dance like a princess, creating and moving to that Princesses favorite music, role-playing, discovering by reading the stories of our favorites, and ďŹ nishing up with a fun craft you get to take home! *Group B is SESSION I / JUNE 17-21 / 9:00-10:30 / 3-5 years (A), 3-5 years (B) 11:00-12:30 / 5-7 years / Ballerina Camp for students who have 1:00-2:00 / 5-7 years / Jazzerina Camp previously SESSION II / JULY 8-12 / 9:00-10:30 / 3-5 years (A), 3-5 years (B) experienced 11:00-12:30 / 5-7 years / Ballerina Camp Princess 1:00-2:00 / 5-7 years / Jazzerina Camp Camp.


$60 SESSION I / JUNE 17-21 / 11:00-12:00 / 3-5 years (A), 3-5 years (B) SESSION I / JULY 8-12 / 11:00-12:00 / 3-5 years (A)


$90 / Guest teacher, Dawn Marie Moe JULY 8-12 / 9:00-12:00 / 10 & up Day 1 - Auditions, call backs, getting cast / Day 2 - Memorization / Day 3 - Working with others Day 4 - Rehearsal / Day 5 - Showtime!

Vivian Ball and Angela Beery BFA’s in dance education and performance with over 25 years of experience teaching dance excellence.

JAZZ IT UP CAMP $130 / JUNE 17-21 5:00-6:00 6:00-7:00 7:00-8:00

8 & under Jazz Hip Hop Turns/Leaps/Jumps

9-11 years Hip Hop (M/W), Tap (T/TH) Turns/Leaps/Jumps Jazz

12-14 years Turns/Leaps/Jumps Jazz (M/W), Lyrical (T/TH) Hip Hop

PERFORMANCE TEAM BOOT CAMP $240 / JUNE 3-14 Mon-Thurs (no classes Fri.)

Register Today for Summer Dance Fun!

For students not currently on team, who wants to experience classes like the team takes and travel locally. Auditions at the end of camp. Team 1 (Current Training Team) Team 2 (New Team) 5:00-6:00 Jazz Hip Hop (M/W), Tap (T/TH) 6:00-7:00 Hip Hop (M/W), Tap (T/TH) Turns/Leaps/Jumps (M/W), Ballet (T/TH) 7:00-7:45 Turns/Leaps/Jumps (M/W), Ballet (T/TH) Hip Hop (M/W), Tap (T/TH) / 402-423-8838 / 5445 Red Rock Lane Summer 2013 Page 25

Lincoln Kids!

Don’t just sit around this Summer. Join us for Summer Dance! Summer Programs at STUDIO 2 run June 11th–July 25th

Make This Summer “Special” Vacation Bible School

Summer Pre-K Program

June 17-21, 9am-noon $25 per child or $50 max per family Ages: 3 years – 5th grade

May 31 to August 5 9am–3pm Ages: 3-5

Featuring: • Introduction to dance for pre-schoolers • Ballet/Tap Combo for 5 & 6 year olds • Ballet–Advanced Pointe for all ages • Beginning Jazz–Advanced for all ages • Hip-Hop • Adult classes too!

Prepare your youngster for kindergarten! Weekly guest speakers, special events, lots of fun and much more!

Before & After Extended Care Available Early Registration is May 15th

Creative Arts Camp

Summer Preschool Classes

July: 15-19 9am-noon Ages: K-5 $40 per child, $90 max. per family After June 15 cost is $45/$100

May 28 – August 2 9–11:30 am Ages: 3-5 Before & After Extended Care Available

Art projects, music, movement, fun snacks & more! Classes are led by experts in each area.

For information call

Before & After Extended Care Available


Contact Suzanne Schneider

3601 Calvert Street

402-475-6702 ext. 103

M-F between 7:30am–5:30pm SCIENCE




Visit our website at:

Conveniently located at 2110 Sheridan Blvd.

MATH Learn about animal behaviors and nutrition. Explore a day in the life of a veterinarian. Perform a simulated exploratory surgery. Interact with live animals each day.

?ng Zg] E^Zkgbg` Zm LmkZm^`b\ :bk LiZ\^ Fnl^nf l ? ng Zg] E^Zkgbg` Z Zm LmkZm^`b\ :bk Li iZ\^ Fnl^nf l

Summer S Summ mer Ca C Camps amps Robotics R obotics 101 101 (Ages 8-17) 8-17) June 3-7

R obotics 201 201 (Ages 1 0 7) June 1 0-1 0-14 and Jul y1 5-19 Robotics 10-17) 10-14 July 15-19 R obotics 301 301 (Ages 1 2 7) Jul 2-1 y 22-26 Robotics 12-17) July Astronaut A cademy (A Ages 1 2-16) June 1 7-21 Astronaut Academy (Ages 12-16) 17-21 The Sky Is The Limit (A Ages 1 2-16) June 1 7-21 (Ages 12-16) 17-21 Mad Scientist (Ages 14-17) 14-1 4 17) Jul y 29 29Aug 2 July 29-Aug Johnson Space Cent err TTravel ravel Cam p (Ages 14-17) 14-17) July July 28-Aug 28- Aug 2 Center Camp

FFor or mor more e inf information, ormatio on, visit




Junior Vet Camp

Intermediate Vet Camp

Students completing 2nd - 5th grade Mon.-Thurs. 8:00am - 4:00 pm • June & July

Students completing 6th - 8th grade Mon.-Fri. 8:00am - 4:00 pm • June & July

For more details and class dates, call 800-249-0366 or email 28210 W West eest P Park ark H Highway ighway • Ashland, NE 68003 • 402.944.3100 Page 26 •

Registration form at:

Lincoln Kids!


OVERNIGHT CAMPS YMCA Camp Kitaki has summer camp programs for kids ages 7-17. One week sessions begin June 2nd and end August 11th! • Summer Camp programs • Ranch Camp programs for kids who love horses! • 1/2 week Adventure Mini Camps for young campers age 7-10 • Two week Leadership Camp programs for teens age 14-17

OUR GOALS YMCA Camp Kitaki strives to provide a safe environment where participants can grow in their: • Relationships • Positive Identity • Values • Skills We do this in a unique natural setting setting with caring role models.


YMCA Camp Kitaki has activities for all interests. Here is a partial list! • Archery • Crafts • Swimming Pool (with Slides!) • Nature • Horseback Riding • Natural Playground • Lake (Canoes, Kayaks, and Paddle Boats) • High Challenge Course • Ziplines

FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT WWW.YMCALINCOLN.ORG/KITAKI OR CALL 402-434-9222 Financial Assistance is available for those who qualify

Summer 2013 Page 27

Lincoln Kids!

Lincoln’s Natural Playground Celebrates 50 Years! by Andrea Faas, Naturalist, Pioneers Park Nature Center


hat started as a zoo and bird sanctuary has grown to be so much more. This special place grew from a small part of Pioneers Park to a large Nature Center in the city that serves all of Lincoln through school programs, public events, nature exploration, hiking trails, native habitats and wildlife. In 1928 and 1930, land was donated for use in a “designed landscape” by the City of Lincoln. Pioneers Park as we know it today was designed by landscape architect Ernst H. Herminghaus. The formerly prairie covered rolling hills were planted with conifers and deciduous trees, while retaining some prairie meadows. The site grew to include five ponds, picnic areas, bridle paths, hiking trails, amphitheater, golf course and a zoo/nature center as well as

East Entrace to Pioneers Park decorative sculptures. In 1963, the bird sanctuary that was part of Herminghaus’ 1935 plan was realized thanks to Joe W. Seacrest. Seacrest had visited Cornell University’s bird sanctuary and others. As a member of the city park and recreation board he proposed the bird and wildlife nature study site “to give citizens, school children and tourists an opportunity to view migratory birds at close range and study their habitats.” It was May 21st, 1963 when the Chet Ager Bird and Wildlife

established in 1929, at the far west Nature Study Sanctuary was end of the park. The stone shelters dedicated. This 40-acre wildlife for the animals were built in 1931 sanctuary had one paid naturaland are still in use. However, in ist to lead tours for the many 1985, a study led to the eliminavisitors. As the site was develtion of the existing outdoor zoo oped new properties and eleand the 80 acres were added to the ments where added to the Nature Center. Exotic animals Nature Center. In 1972 Louise were traded or Doole Herb sold and new Garden was estabexhibits of lished with a varinative fox, ety of aromatic and wild turkey, beautiful herbs. b i s o n , Sixteen acres of forAmerican elk, merly farmed city and whiteproperty were Chet Ager Entrance tailed deer were acquired in 1975 in the 1960’s. completed. across Haines (Did the roof need watering?) For fifteen Branch Creek and years starting in 1990, the Nature were joined to the original acres Center began to grow and change with a suspension bridge. Many significantly. The Prairie building people refer to the old bridge as was constructed to house classthe “wiggly bridge”. In 1995 that rooms and a gift shop. Pioneers bridge was replaced with a more Park Nature Center became the secure suspension bridge that still wiggles a little. continued on next page The Pioneers Park Zoo was

Eugene T. Mahoney State Park

Come for the Fun!

Thank you, Lincoln

for voting Lost in Fun! Best Place to Have a Party, and Take the Kids.

Family Aquatic Center Disc Golf

Horse Trail & Pony Rides Paddle Boats


✭ Star Gazing Golf Shack & Mini Golf

Arts & Craft

Award Coupon $1.00 off mini pass $2.00 off mega pass Not good for parties. One coupon per day per family, Expires 07/30/13

Indoor Activity Center

Plus, have the Best Birthday Party in our Gigantic, Humongous, Awesome, ACTIVITY CENTER. Indoor play structure, party area, and more1 $60 for Party of Ten. $3 each additional person up to a maximum of 30 people per 90 minute session. Concession Stand Available.

For more information call, 402-944-2523, Ext. 7122 or go to 20 minutes from Lincoln on I-80, Exit 426. Park Entry Permit Required.

Page 28 • 8431 Cody Drive (15th & Yankee Hill Rd)


• Playsets • Inflatables • Laser Maze • Foam Pit • Fun Gym • Snack Area • And more…

Lincoln Kids! official name for the Nature Center. The Malinovskis Auditorium and kitchenette were added on to accommodate meetings, programs and rentals. The very popular nature preschool started in 2000. Important wildlife habitats including the 56-acre Verley Prairie and parcels of land that eventually resulted in the 465-acre Martin Prairie were all acquired in this time. These acquisitions grew Pioneers Park Nature Center to its current size of 668 acres with eight miles of hiking trails through prairie, woodland and wetland habitats. This significant growth involved talented and dedicated staff and volunteers who sought to fulfill the Nature Center’s mission “to interpret the natural history of Nebraska and the central great plains; to promote the enjoyment, appreciation and awareness of our natural environment; to practice and foster a conservation ethic; and to provide a sanctuary for

wildlife and a peaceful retreat from the Lincoln State Fair for people.” grounds to the Nature Center. Over the past five years there Recently the Chet Ager Building has been even more growth of was remodeled and foundation infrastructure and prorepaired. Following gramming to better the repairs to the serve the local comfoundation the Bird munity. An exhibit and Garden was reconoffice wing was built structed to include utilizing green buildnew native plantings ing techniques and and a large water feacertified as a LEED ture for attracting Silver building. In birds. 2008, the Prairie One of the greatest Immersion program benefits of the Nature was started as a partCenter is that there is The Nature Center free admission to nership with Lincoln has always been a Public Schools and visit! However, free swinging place. Spring Creek Prairie admission does not and is funded by the Hugo mean that all of this comes at no Aspegren Trust. This program cost. Last year alone about 300 allows 4th graders to spend a volunteers donated over 1,650 day in the prairie learning about hours to help maintain the habitat, prairie ecology and Nebraska programs and wildlife. We are cultural history. After the State currently seeking volunteers to Fair moved to Grand Island, help with our prescribed burn both the Hudson Cabin and the crew, prairie gardens, herb garden, Heritage School were moved trails work, special events and

office work. We want you to be a steward of your Pioneers Park Nature Center. You are able to show your love for natural habitats, beautiful retreats and quality educational experiences in a number of ways. Attend special events, volunteer with land management projects, promote educational programs, and encourage others to visit. One of the best ways you can help is to give a financial gift to further stewardship and education efforts for all of Lincoln’s citizens. In 2013 as Pioneers Park Nature Center turns 50 we are starting a new campaign, “$50,000 for 50 years of environmental education”. This is to ensure a sustainable financial future for Pioneers Park Nature Center, support community programs, special events and outdoor recreation. Be community stewards of your Pioneers Park Nature Center and we will all benefit from nature’s playground!

Pioneers Park Nature Center

Summer Day Camp


Weekly Sessions: May 28 - August 9 Monday through Friday 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. *No camp on Monday, May 27 or Thursday, July 4. Locations: F Street, 402-441-7951 Air Park, 402-402.7876 Goodrich, 402-441-4601 Belmont, 402-441-6789 Irving, 402-441-7954 Bethany Park, 402-441-7952 McPhee, 402-441-7952 Calvert, 402-441-8480

Wednesdays, June 5, June 12, June 19, June 26, July 10, July 17 and July 24 Time: 10:00-11:00a | Location: Start at Prairie Building | Fee: $3/child Each week we’ll explore one or more of the animals that live at the Nature Center. Children’s groups must be supervised: one adult for every six children. Groups of six or more are asked to pre-register. Themes: June 5 (Songbirds), June 12 (Bison, Elk & Deer), June 19 (Snakes and Turtles), June 26 (Bald Eagle or Wild Turkey?), July 10 (Owls, Hawks & Falcons), July 17 (Amphibians) and July 24 (Insects and Spiders).

GIRL SCOUTS - JUNIOR NATURALIST SERIES Saturdays, April 21, May 19, June 9, July 21& Aug. 18 Time: 9:00-11:30a | Location: Prairie Building | Fee: $15/scout Fee includes instructor, supplies, snacks and recognition. Registration deadline at least two weeks before the program through the Girls Scouts at Inspired by the “It’s Your Planet, Love It” journey, go on an amazing outdoor adventure designed to help you learn more about nature and appreciate the crucial role it plays on our planet.

2740 A St , Lincoln, NE 68502 402.441.7847 /LNKParksRec #LNKParksRec

It’s never too late to sign up for Wilderness Nature Camp, call 402-441-7895.

Swim and Dive League Neighborhood based teams, great exercise and skill Parent Orientation: building are just some of the benefits. Participants Sunday, June 9, 2:00 p.m. at University Place Pool must be 6-18 yrs old and have minimal swim/dive Tuesday, June 11, 7:00 p.m. at Eden Pool skills. This is not a replacement for swimming lessons. Swim and Dive Practice: M-F, June 3 - July 19, Registration will continue through June 10 or until Morning (or Evening for Dive Team) times vary by pool. team limit of 125 is reached. Schedule at on the Public Pools page. For more information or to register, please call Fees: Swim/Dive Team: $65 402-441-7960 or visit Each Additional Child: $60 Adding Second Program: $25 per child.

Playgrounds Locations: Cripple Creek, 402-441-7952 Weekly Sessions: June 3 - Aug 2 Monday through Friday 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. *No camp on Thursday, July 4.

FUNdamental healthy me A focused program where youth grow

Family Swims Evening Swims for $6/family Dates: May 27 - August 9 | Time: 6-8pm Pool Locations & days: t Arnold: Tuesdays/Fridays t Ballard: Fridays t Belmont: Mondays t Eden: Mondays/Tuesdays t Irving: Wednesdays/Fridays t Woods: Fridays

Summer 2013 Page 29

Lincoln Kids!

Children’s Lessons Directory Prices & Specials subject to change without notice.


Instruction Art

Art Planet Atkinson Music Studio

Bailey Music Studio

Violin & Viola Flute, Piano, Beginning Band

Alice Bowen


Blue Raven Guitar Studio

Guitar, Bass and more

Campus Recreation


Capital City Gymnastics


Childrenʼs Music Early Childhood Academy Harris Academy of the Arts Piano Art Classes

Connelly Art Academy Encore Studio


Location(s) & phone

Kid centered and family focused art workshops, camps and ongoing classes with a focus on engaging kids with special needs. Small class sizes and quality instruction offering a range of experiences in a variety of media and techniques all year long! Open studio opportunities for students who want to work independently on a weekly basis will be offered this summer. Southeast Lincoln location.


Private Lessons integrated with music history, theory, and composition for all ages. Master of Music with 17 years of experience. First lesson is FREE! Contact Jennifer Bailey for more information.

Private lessons include theory classes with ensembles and performance opportunities. Group lessons available for beginners. Ages 4–Adult. Member LMTA. Call for info. or an interview.

Guitar Guitar, Bass, Drum, Piano, Dobro, Lap Steel, Mandolin, Banjo and Voice instruction for all ages. All styles taught for beginners–advanced. Fun, positve learning environment. Reduced rate classes for kids ages 5–9.


UNL Campus 402-472-3467 Mabel Lee Hall Pool, University of Nebr

Gymnastics classes for boys & girls ages 2 through 18. We promote an “I can do” attitude, building not only overall physical skills, but also “life skills”.

5030 N. 57th • 402-464-9692 2935 Pine Lake Rd

FREE Preview Class! Benefitting thousands nationwide, Children’s Music Academy students partner with parents in a unique, action-packed classroom setting. Experienced, university-trained music educators provide reputable, quality instruction.

(across from So. Pointe Mall)


2-D & 3-D creative art classes for K-8 students. Private or group lessons offered year long. Weeklong workshops available in summer. South Lincoln.

Dawn R. Connelly, 5921 Berkeley Drive


Piano lessons and piano/keyboard classes for all levels. Blast Off With Piano one week summer camps for piano/keyboard. Beginners all ages. Now taking fall students. Encore Studio is located near 70th and O Street.

located near 70th and O Street

402-499-0400 •

Music Lessons

PRIVATE and GROUP music instruction: Piano, Vocal, Guitar, Strings, Woodwinds, Brass. Percussion,Theatre, and Kindermusik, Children’s Music Academy, Multiple, university-trained educators provide reputable, convenient scheduling for the entire family!

2130 Winthrop Road 402-261-3599, 2935 Pine Lake Rd

(across from So. Pointe Mall)


Study with professional Chicago trained drummer Jeff Brackhan. Watch free video at

Lincoln Music Teachers Assn.

Music Lessons

Access for a Teacher Directory. Scholarships available for those who qualify!

LUX Center for the Arts

Art Classes

High quality art classes and lessons for youth and adults in a variety of art media and techniques all year long. Small class sizes for one-on-one learning.

Motions Dance Academy, LLC


2130 Winthrop Road 402-261-3599,

Find a Music Teacher


2601 N. 48th Street • 402-466-8692

Ballet, Pointe, Jazz, Tap, Lyrical and Hip-Hop. Studio directed by Melissa Prettyman Meranda, B.A. in dance from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Come and experience your child's passion for dance!

Violin, Viola Guitar, Piano, Bass

Professional instruction in our 4-room facility with waiting area. Private lessons, chamber music, recording, recitals, & more. Making music fun in a positive learning environment! Violin, fiddle, viola, acoustic/electric guitar, piano, string bass, cello. Ages 3-adult. Home of Spitfire Fiddle Band. Call today! (Proud member of the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce.)

plate & table

Cooking Lessons

Cooking classes in a small group setting. Ages pre-school thru high school. A schedule of classes is found on our website. Also, you can create your own class or have a cooking party. Daycares, clubs & homeschoolers welcome!


Instruction in piano, guitar, ukulele, mandolin, banjo, drum and voice. Fun new ukulele group classes for the summer.

8200 Cody Dr., Suite L (one block north of 14th & (402) 420-0579

Yankee Hill Rd.)

Your child will have fun while building confidence and self esteem in our beginning gymnastics and sports skills classes. Games, relays, dances & rides. Age appropriate classes.

Nissaʼs String Studio

Page 30 •


3835 South 48th St. (across from Union College

Individual, group, and parent/child swim lessons. Red Cross levels I-V. Ongoing sessions.

Drum & Percussion

Musically Speaking

27th & South Street Area

2501 South 20th St. • 402-435-0386

Certified Suzuki violin instruction by professional violinist, Summer Brackhan, member of Lincoln's Symphony Orchestra. Piano lessons are both traditional and Suzuki.

Gymnastics & Sports Skills

South Central Lincoln

Lincoln Drum Lessons

My Gym

Tamara 402-610-2295

Private Suzuki and modified violin and viola lessons. All levels. Over 25 years experience. Laura Atkinson. Member of Lincoln Suzuki Talent Education, Inc.

Suzuki Violin, & Piano

Fiddlestick Music Harris Academy of the Arts


2755 Jamie Lane, Suite 4 (near S 27th & Yankee Hill Road)


3900 South Street 402-440-1473

7411 Karl Drive


5610 South 48th Street, Suite 111


Lincoln Kids!

Children’s Lessons Directory Prices & Specials subject to change without notice.


Instruction Horse Riding

Still Waters Ranch The Language Project Tiger Rock Academy

Spanish Language Classes


TNT Handwriting


Universal Dance Academy

Dance/ Cheer & Theater


Location(s) & phone

Riding lessons focusing on safe horsemanship skills. No previous experience required. Minutes from Lincoln. We also offer boarding and day camps. Riding Certificates make great gifts! tlp-KIDS innovative curriculum promotes the learning of a foreign language naturally through highly engaging stories, games, music and movement. Classes for children 18 months to 11 years of age.

18221 S. 68th Street, Hickman, NE 402-432-0543 • Convenient locations throughout Lincoln 402-419-8983

Life skills and personal development taught by Internationally Certified Instructors. Lessons available for ages 4 and up. Early Cubs for ages 3 and early 4 available! Call now for our starter course specials.

8444 Executive Woods Dr. 5900 S 85th St Suite 100 Also in Waverly & Firth

Helping beginning and struggling writers learn proper letter formations and good writing skills. We are dedicated to helping your child become a successful writer. Ballet, Pointe, Tap, Jazz, Lyrical, Repertory, Cheerleading, Hip-Hop, Creative Movement for 3-4 year olds, Wee Go Together for 2-3 year olds & their mom/dad/or special friend, plus Musical Theater!

Urban Legends

Urban Legends offers Kids Ed art Classes in Acrylic painting, collage, clay, beginning sewing, and jewelry creations. (Recommended for kids ages 8–14) Creative Family Art-Saturday Mornings Open studio -10am–12:30. Geared toward toddlers & parents. Great for “Dad’s day out” or time with grandparents, too. Ask about our Summer camps!

Youth Actorsʼ Academy of Lincoln

Performing Arts


402-421-3538 400 N. 48th Street • Suite C01 402-477-5900

Youth Actors’ Academy of Lincoln (YAAL), is a non-profit organization which provides beginning to advanced performing arts classes and performances. Summer Camps, too!

2632 N 48th St., 402-470-0331

(402) 450-9823 web:

‘Little Ones’ Directory of Services Name


Ager Indoor Play Center

Classes for ages 6 mos-5 yrs: music, arts & crafts, watercolor painting, and play group. Sessions begin every month. Play Center is open Mon-Sat for indoor play. Admission is $3/person, $2.75 with Zoo Admission. 12 mos and under free. FREE Preview Classes! Listen & Move; Play & Grow! Kindermusik–the most trusted music and movement program for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, & young children. Experienced university-trained music educators provide reputable quality, instruction.

Kindermusik Harris Academy of the Arts

Kindermusik of Lincoln

Kindermusik of Lincoln, Infant Music and Sign Language is Lincoln’s longest running Kindermusik program. Features music, movement and ASL combined for the total development of your infant. (serving Lincoln, Hickman & Beatrice area). Free preview class.

My Gym

Baby exercises, songs, dances, infant-safe rides, unique swings and many other parent and me adventures in age appropriate classes starting at 6 weeks up to 13 years.

Musikgarten Itty Bitty Musik

Nourishing Souls

Itty Bitty Musik provides active, engaging early childhood music & movement experiences for infants, toddlers, and pre-K children in Lincoln & Omaha, utilizing the Musikgarten curriculum. We offer on-site classes at child care centers & pre-schools. Is your child's center an Itty Bitty Musik center? Health Coaching: nourishment for the whole family through reconnecting the relationship between food, behavior and lifestyle to ignite the full potential for health. Nourishing Souls specializes in helping families who have food sensitivities, children experiencing acid reflux, ADD, ADHD and/or Autism.

Location(s) & phone 1300 S. 27th St 441-6788 (recorded info); 402-441-6792; web: 2935 Pine Lake Rd Mall)

(across from So. Pointe


Shawna Gordon 402-770-1486 South & Southeast locations 2755 Jamie Lane, Suite 4 (near S 27th & Yankee Hill Road)

402-802-9982 Various locations! Carrie Hansen,

402.937.1970 • 2130 Winthrop Road 402-261-3599,

We hope you will join us for the Fall 2013 Issue. It’s our Back-to-School issue. Be sure to check out all the great Halloween haunts! Ad, Article and Children’s art deadline is July 10th, 2013 Phone: 402-798-0224 • Email: • Web: Summer 2013 Page 31

Lincoln Kids! private school, preschool and after school Directory Name Academic Advantage Child Development Center Aspen Child Development Center

Area of Town Central/South Southeast

Brandyʼs Bunch


Bubbles & Blocks Child Development Center, LLC



North Central

Christ Kids Child Care and Preschool


Colorful Minds Child Development Center


Dimensions Early Education Programs @ First-Plymouth


Dual Language Preschool

The Ducere Learning Centers

Fingerprints Child Development Center

South Downtown/South


4Views Academy


Highlands Academy


Immanuel Lutheran



Kellyʼs Kids Learning and Development Center

Kids Imagination Station

Northwest Near South


Location(s) & phone

Educational childcare facility offering care for ages 6 weeks to 12 years. Benefits include: classroom style facilities, year round preschool programs, summer camps, transportation to schools, educated teachers, video security, on-site owners. Hours: 6:30AM – 6PM, Monday–Friday (all three facilities). e-mail: New Baby Room! Now enrolling for Summer Camp School Age Program. Quality developmentally appropriate child care. 6 wks-12 years. Monday–Friday, 6:30am - 6 pm; 91st & Pine Lake Road Area; Locally owned. Come where learning blossoms and friendships grow. Pre-school Program, Curriculum for All Ages, Accepting Title XX, Low Child to Teacher Ratio, New Outdoor Playground. Brand new, family owned child development center opening June, 2013. Northeast Lincoln location. Offering care to children ages 6 wks–12 yrs. Monday-Friday, 6:30am-6pm. Call now to reserve your spot! Focusing on school readiness, we offer secure, nurturing environments to children ages 6wks–12yrs. Includes before & after school programs at Clinton and Hartley Schools. Programs are accredited by the Council on Accreditation (COA) &/or the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). Title XX accepted. Call now to enroll your child today!

Christ Kids provides quality programming by an experienced and trained staff, taught with a Christian perspective. Infants – 5th grade. Children grow academically, physically, socially and spiritually. Our safe, nurturing environment with small class sizes makes this a great place for kids. New facility. High-quality care & Early Childhood Education Program for ages 6wks-12 yrs. Open 7am-6pm–Mon.–Fri. Theme based curriculum–developmentally appropriate for each age group. Enhancement of your child’s intellectual, physical, social & emotional well-being. Sign-language, music, & hands-on projects in a fun, safe, secure environment. Large Playground with a 5-sided structure. Healthy snacks/meals provided. Educated teachers. Title XX accepted.

High-quality education with a positive experience for both parent and child. M–F, 6am-6pm. Title XX. Centrally located at 43rd and Sumner St 402-483-7774 ext. 110

7244 S. 29th St. • 421-MIND (6463)


1100 N St. 402-742-0159 Chelsie Stemper-Director 3258 S 13th St 402-436-1159 Teri Hromek-Director

Featuring an educational curriculum for all ages in a loving Christian environment! Open 6:30 am-6:00 pm. 6 weeks–5th grade. Enrolling now for part-time PreK morning program. M–F from 9am–11:30am. Open 6am-6pm. Ages 6wks to 12 yrs. Accepting Title XX. Age appropriate curriculums. Parent Involvement. Director: Gina Tanner. Email: Web:

Child Development & Family Resource Center. Ages 6 wks–12 years. Full time Care. Preschool Curriculum. Christian preschool program. Small classes with hands on experiences for little learners. Art, science and learning through exploration. AM classes–9-11:30. MWF for 4/5 year olds, TTH for 3/4 year olds. PM sessions available when AM is full.

Featuring developmentally appropriate curriculum, healthy homemade meals, caring teachers, & a larger outdoor play area. Ages 6wks-5 years accepted, open 7am-6pm M-F. Title XX assistance accepted. Full or parttime care available.

Ages 6 weeks – 11. Licensed childcare, pre-school program, school-age Homework help. Theme based curriculum. Open 6:30AM–6:00PM.

La Petite Academy has been inspiring children for over 40 years. Our high quality early education programs are individually designed for children 6 weeks–age 12. Open 6-6, M-F. Title XX. AM & PM transportation to area schools. Ask about our Summer, Moms Day Out, and other Extra Enrichment programs.

Lincoln Christian Preschool


Page 32 •

402-434-KIDS (5437)

Irving Rec Center, 2010 Van Dorn, 402-441-7954, or



8521 Lexington Ave. 402-328-0404

Our thematic content supports language development in both English & Spanish and allows preschoolers of all language backgrounds to have fun while playing & learning kindergarten readiness skills. Openings currently available! M/W/F, 9–11:30 a.m.

La Petite Academy

Christian Preschool

1111 Old Cheney (West Entrance of Christ’s Place) 402.420.0460

located in First-Plymouth Church, 20th & D Sts.

Child development centers that care for your child’s Individual needs. Ages 6 Weeks–12 Years. Curriculum Based. Nutritious Hot Meals. Title XX accepted. Transportation to LPS area schools. Open Monday–Friday 6am-6pm.

Little Lambs

402-483-5511 • 9300 Heritage Lakes Drive

Quality early education program using Dimensions Educational Foundation Research program for children 6 weeks–preschool. Summer programs for K–5th grade. Visit for information or online forms. Openings available!


Krayon Campus

630 N. Cotner Blvd. #200 (behind Westfield Mall) 402-465-4769 • 6021 S. 56th Street (south of 56th & Old Cheney) 402-420-5440 • 7301 S. 15th Street (south of 14th & Pine Lake) 402-421-7301

Academic Christian Preschool 2 or 3 days per week. AM and PM sessions. A preschool program featuring small classes that meet the needs of each child in a loving Christian environment. Morning classes: T/Th for ages 3-4. MWF for ages 4-5; NEW afternoon class M-F 12:15-3:15 p.m. for ages 4-5. NOW ENROLLING for FALL 2013!

7800 Holdrege • 402-467-4503

4330 Cornhusker Hwy (402) 464-0174 4747 Pioneers Blvd. (402) 484-8196

5901 NW 1st Street 402-476-2223 2001 South 11th Street 474-6275 4901 NW 1st Street 402-477-4901

1320 &1338 South Street 402-475-0300 6001 Normal Blvd.

402-486-4847 6632 Taylor Park Drive • 402-488-3125 Vicky Jones–Director 2700 Jameson North • 402-421-3125 Nicole Lippold–Director

5801 S. 84th St. 488-8888 x252 8300 East Pointe Rd • 402-484-8844

Lincoln Kids! ...and this page has even more great places to know about.



Area of Town


Location(s) & phone


Nurturing Christian Environment. We accept children 6 wks to 12 years. Follow USDA Food Program requirements. Before/after school care and summer program for school-aged children. Open 6:30am-5:30pm Mon-Fri.

Montessori School For Young Children


Montessori prepared classrooms. Morning Toddler program for 18 mos–3 years. Morning, afternoon or all day Preschool programs for ages 3–6. Spanish classes included in Preschool program. Music Therapy classes included for 18 mos–3 years.

Pioneers Park Nature Center Preschool


Animals + Plants + Hikes = learning through discovery + creating a lifelong connection to nature. Preschool and PreK classes.

Living Faith Daycare

Prairie Hill Learning Center

Far South


Nestled on 80 gorgeous acres east of Lincoln, we offer your child a special and unique experience. New facility. Spacious accommodations, developmental learning centers, and the natural setting of a country school all provide for a wholesome atmosphere.

Redeemer Lutheran Preschool


Christian based preschool for 3-5 year olds, three class options including 5 days a week. AM preschool from 8-11:30am. Children will enjoy art, songs/music, stories, learning centers & more. Across from Woods Pool. Email:

The Childʼs View


Open 7:15 to 5:45 pm. Ages 18 months to 6 years. Part time or full time. Professionally Certified/Degreed staff.


Trinity Infant & Child Care Centers

Near Downtown & Far South

Quality, licensed Christian preschool educational program for children 3–5 years. Five different AM & PM classes & all day classes 9am-3pm. Extended care 7:309am & 3-5:30pm. School year and summer classes available. NAEYC accredited.

Williamsburg Village


Literacy focused, family friendly program for children 6wks-12yrs. Theme based curriculum offering many special family events, dance, & nutritious meals prepared on-site. M-F 6:30am – 6pm. Director/owner is a nurse practitioner.


Child development Center

7 miles South of Lincoln on Hwy 77


143rd “O” St. • 402-488-0012 Kitra Deger-Director

510 S. 33rd • 402-477-1710

3341 Pioneers Blvd. 402-484-8277 1345 S. 16th • 402-475-9731 7130 Kentwell Lane • 402-421-0184 Westminster Presbyterian Church 2110 Sheridan Blvd. 402-475-6702 ext 103


World of Knowledge West end of Pioneers Park 402-441.7895

Trinity provides a developmentally appropriate child care program for children ages 6wks-12yrs. Family friendly center offers daily music, art, literacy, outdoor play, field trips, dance, & home cooked meals. Two locations: Cose to Downtown and near 56th & Pine Lake Rd. Call today!

Westminster Preschool

Child Development Center

4727 A Street • 402-489-4366

Ages 18 mo. thru 8th grade. Open 7am-6pm. Care of farm animals, close to nature, family atmosphere. Elementary Program.


Prairieview Preschool

5910 Holdrege St. 402-464-5410

Ages 6 weeks – 12. Preschool curriculum beginning at age one. Before and after school out care. Sign language, swimming, soccer dance and taekwondo lessons are available. Open 6:30AM–6:00PM. Register for Summer & Fall now.

3301 Orwell St.

402-423-KIDS (5437) 8310 Wendell Way 402-483-4769

Prices & Specials subject to change without notice.

Family Friendly Restaurants Name Amigos/ Kings Classic

Type of Food Mexican & American

Applebeeʼs Dickeyʼs Barbecue Pit

Kid Specials Fast & Friendly place for the family. 6 Kids’ Meals to choose from – Cheesy Burritos to Cheeseburgers to Chicken Bites. Meals include drink, fries, and an ice cream treat! Reduced price Kid’s Meal EVERY DAY from 5–7pm with $4 adult purchase.

American Grill

Kids’ meals are only 99¢ on Wednesdays! Available for dine in only at participating Applebee’s locations. Good toward kids’ meal items for children 12 and under.


Kids eat free on Sundays. Kids ages 12 & under eat free from the kid’s Lil’ Wranglers menu! One child per regular adult entree purchased. Dine in only. Call us for your catered parties!

Greenfieldʼs Cafe




Location(s) 5701 NW 1st, 29th & Cornhusker, 48th & Leighton, 4700 W. Huntington, 63rd & Havelock, Coddington & West A, 14th & Q, 27th & Capitol, 55th & O, Westfield Mall, 70th & A, 14th & Hwy 2, 14th & Pine Lake Rd., 56th & Old Cheney

Kids Meals are only $1 on WEDNESDAYS per an adult entree purchase. 5pm to close for ages 12 & under. Choose from a Smiley Face Pancake, French Toast, Eggs, Bacon, Chicken Fingers, Grilled Cheese, Burgers & More. Great Things are Happening at Greenfield’s!

Bambino Day: All day Monday Kids ages 10 & under eat free from kid’s menu! One child per adult entree purchased.

Kid Meal Deals & Where Kid s Can Eat for Free

40th & Old Cheney • Westfield Gateway Mall 3951 N. 27th Street • 11th & ‘O’ Downtown 27th & Cornhusker Hwy @ 402-423-0056 Open 11am–9pm 12th & P @ 402-423-2324

7900 South 84th (87th & Hwy 2 across from Walmart) 402-420-3232 •

6820 “O” Street

402-464-8444 Summer 2013 Page 33

Lincoln Kids!

Capital Birthday Ideas Party Directory Place

Prices & Specials subject to change without notice.

Fun Features

Location(s) & phone

Ager Indoor Play Center

The Active Party Place! Open hours and after hours rentals available. Special play areas for those 2 and under and 3 and over.

Art Planet

Add an artistic element to your birthday party! Come to the studio to celebrate your party “Art Planet” style. Guests will take home their masterpiece as the party favor! Each party is as individual as the birthday boy/girl. Or... Art Planet can visit your child’s party & decorate the guests with custom face (hands, arm, whatever) art! A Birthday Party with 3 Party Package Options – Featuring a zip line, 18' inflatable slide, and 15'x15' bouncer. Plus, foam pit, trampoline and spring floor. Inflatables also available for outside rental.

Capital City Gymnastics Champions Fun Center

Lincoln Childrenʼs Museum Lost In Fun!

402-465-5522 52nd & Stockwell • 402-486-2525

Celebrate at the Museum! Birthday packages start at $70. Choose from a one-hour themed party room

1420 P Street, Lincoln, NE

(Pirates, Princess, Cowboy, Cowgirl, & Safari). Includes balloons, party favors, drinks, & paper ware. Museum Members receive a 10% discount. Parties can be booked online at, in person, or by phone.

Your Outdoor Playland... Indoors! Voted Lincoln’s Choice, “Best Place to Have a Kid's Birthday Party” in 2012. Indoor fun for all ages! Playsets, foam pit, inflatable jumpers, fun maze, laser maze, video games, birthday party rooms and a snack area.

Have a Bowling Party. Kids love our bumper bowling. Includes cake, pop, balloons and a “personalized” bowling pin gift for the birthday child! Ask about Jr. Pool Leagues!

Huge Indoor Playground! $60 for package of ten. 90 minute sessions, $3 each additional person, 30 people max. Seasonal park activities! Call for details. Your Child is the Star... Supervised age appropriate games, fun activities, rides, songs, puppets and more. Your birthday party can enjoy exclusive use of our facility! PartyArty at Paint Yourself Silly! Come unleash your inner artist. 100’s of pieces to choose from. Pottery painting fun for all ages.

Pioneers Park Nature Center

Owls, snakes, bugs and the great outdoors are eager to make your childs birthday a special one.

Prairie Life Fitness

Let Prairie Life take care of the party. For Birthdays, Church, School, Youth Groups or any organization. Available Fridays–Sundays after 1pm. $110./members, $130/non-members-$5 per additional person up to 15 people. Package includes: guest passes for up to 10 people/3 hours of party rental/ party decorations, soda, cake or snack, use of pool & gym. Add a party host or rent the inflatable obstacle course. Call for details.

Science Reconnect

Hands on science that is fun and inspiring for all ages. Packages begin at $200+mileage. We bring the science fun to you.

Swimtastic Swim School

Jump in and Party with us in 90° Water! One hour pool time/one hour party room time. Free invitations, free gift for BD child. Professional staff. 3 packages avail. Pizza option. Call us!

Tiger Rock Academy

Unforgettable party with martial arts, food, games, cut the cake with a sword, break boards and more! $199-$249 for up to 40 friends!

University of Nebraska State Museum-Morrill Hall

One-of-a-Kind Party Room! Every child deserves a birthday that will go down in History...Natural History!

Urban Legends

Become an Urban Legend by painting your own masterpiece at our family friendly studio! Choose painting subject/date/time and use our 3-tierpunch fountain for free! Minimum 5 or more participants. Check out more classes at:!

YMCA-Cooper, Fallbrook & Northeast Branch

Have your next birthday party at the Y! The YMCA offers a variety of birthday party options to fit any child. Join us to swim or have one of our themed birthday parties. Parties start at $65. Call for more information. Or visit:


8431 Cody Drive (15th & Yankee Hill) (402) 261-0440 •

Celebrate at the LUX Center! Embrace your inner artist and choose from a variety of projects including: clay mugs or bowls, screen printed t-shirts and tote bags, group painting and printmaking. Each guest makes their own piece of art!

Paint Yourself Silly

Page 34 •

68th & “P” Street (East Park Plaza)

Have your next pool party at Larson Lifestyleʼs Warm Water pool! Variety of birthday party options to fit any budget. Join us for swimming and bring your gifts and cake for our party room. Call us today for more information.

Mahoney State Park My Gym


Make Laser Quest Your Party Headquarters! Laser Quest, an interactive adventure game of laser tag and hide & seek, provides intense fun for birthday parties, team celebrations, family reunions and group events. Check us out

Madsenʼs Bowling

mystery gift, two activities; choose from bowling, adventure maze, go-karts, mini golf, free fall or water wars, tokens, face painting or balloon animals, pizza & pop, dippin dots & cupcakes.

LUX Center for the Arts

Tamara 402-610-2295

5030 N. 57th • 402-464-9692

Best Birthday Parties Ever! Gold package includes a Party Hero, free t-shirt to decorate,

Laser Quest Larson Lifestye Center

1300 S. 27th St 441-6788 (recorded info); 402-441-6792; web:

2601 N. 48th Street • 402-466-8692

47th & Dudley • 402-467-3249 2 blks south of 48th& Holdrege

402-944-2523, Ext. 7122 daily park entry permit or annual state park sticker required for entrance to the park.

2755 Jamie Lane, Suite 4 (near S 27th & Yankee Hill Road)

402-802-9982 2 Great Locations • Downtown in the Haymarket: 701 P Street • 402-474-1010 Near 70th & Pioneers: 4107 Pioneer Woods • 402-486-1010 West end of Pioneers Park 402-441-7895

Prairie Life Fitness • 1305 S. 70th

402-483-2322 ask for Julie

402-890-0964 7911 Pioneers Blvd.


402-483-1011 2 locations available

Morrill Hall on the UNL Campus 402-472-2637


2632 N 48th St., 402-470-0331 Cooper - 6767 S. 14th St. Fallbrook - 700 Penrose Dr. Northeast - 2601 N. 70th

402-323-6400 402-323-6444 402-434-9262

Lincoln Kids!

Spring 2013 Calendar of Events: May - July 31 If your organization would like a free Calendar listing in the next issue go to: - click on CALENDAR or tell us about it on Facebook: LincolnKidsNewspaper Fall 2013 Issue Deadline: July 10 Months covered: August, September, October Lincoln Kids! Newspaper Phone: 402-798-0224 Benefits, Families & Fundraisers May 18, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Capital Humane Society Tails ‘n Trails Pet Walk & Festival; Fallbrook Town Center Fun, contests and games for dogs and people. Registration: $25 per person or $35 for family. Register at May 18 Lincoln Great Strides Walk for Cystic Fibrosis; Holmes Park - Shelter #3, 70th & Normal Blvd - Lincoln; Registration and Sign In - 9:00am; Walk begins - 10:00am; 2.3 mile walk, Refreshments, Broadcast House will be broadcasting “live” at walk site, Special guests: Lil’ Red, Stormtroopers, Runza Rex, Red Robin’s Red Bird, Clowns and fun for all. Questions: Tom and Peg Barrett -, 402-440=2364 or 402-4832342. Everyone is welcome. July 3 City Independence Day Celebration Lincoln’s annual Uncle Sam Jam Independence Day celebration and fireworks show will be held at Oak Lake Park, 1st and Charleston streets. In case of inclement weather, the event will be moved to Friday, July 5.

Books, Classes & Open Houses Motions Dance Academy Open House July 28, 10:00 - 12:00 AM August 2, 6:00 - 8:00 PM August 26 2:00 - 4:00 PM Visit website,, for class schedules and registration information. Motions Dance Academy offers classes for dancers ages 2 through high school. June 3-7, June 17-21, and July 8-12 Bright Lights Summer Learning Adventures: Come and enjoy the power (and fun) of summer learning with Bright Lights! The main program site is at Randolph School, 37th and D. For more information concerning classes, scholarships, limited free bussing, check the website at www., 402.420.1115, Ext 43

Barnes & Noble

SouthPointe, 2910 Pine Lake Rd.; 402-421-7979;

May 3 10:30, Yip Yip Yippito It’s a Skippyjon Jones Storytime Page 35 *

May 10 10:30, Mommy & Me Storytime May 16 4:00, Summer Reading Kickoff May 24 10:30, Old Mama Squirrel May 31 10:30, Summer Fun May 18 11:00, Hands On Learning Storytime with Lego May 25 11:00, Oh, the Places You’ll Go Storytime 3:30, Summer Reading Kickoff Event Tuesdays Paint Yourself Silly Preschool Story & Paint Time. 10:30AM. Read a story and paint pottery relating to story. 4107 Pioneer Woods, Suite 103, 402-486-1010.

plate and table

7411 Karl Drive; see story on page 40

plate & table’s Kid’s Cook Summer Camp! Six different classes take one or take them all. Learn how to make homemade Tortilla chips and fresh salsa, Pasta, Meatball Subs, Calzones, Chicken Satay Noodle Salad. Pies, cookies and more! Yum! New: Desert Week! Four days of sweet treats. Limited class sizes. June 11, 2-3:30 p.m. Homemade Tortilla chips with fresh salsa and guacamole, $18/student June 18, 2-3:30 p.m. Homemade Pasta with Marina sauce, $18/ student June 24-28, 2-4 p.m., $95/person; A week baking and creating delicious treats. Homemade Ice cream, Marshmallows, Oreo’s, Cookies, Cheesecake cups, Ice cream cupcakes, Frozen Hot Chocolate and More! Class size limited, register early! July 9, 2-3:30 p.m. Meatballs Subs and homemade baked potato chips, $18/student July 16, 2-3:30 p.m. Calzones, $18/student July 23, 2-3:30 p.m. Pies: Lemonade pie and cookies and cream, $18/student July 30, 2-3:30 p.m. Chicken Satay Noodle Salad, $18/student

Indigo Bridge Books

701 P St., Ste. 102; 477-7770, Creamery Bldg. in Haymarket;

Mondays & Tuesdays From 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. story time session includes music or games and crafts. These story times will largely be in English with additional languages being featured when volunteers are available. Monday, Wednesday, Fridays 11:30 - 1 p.m., Serving soup and bread. The food is available on a pay-as-you-can basis rather than with a set menu price so that everyone can afford to sit at The Table. Second Fridays 10-11 a.m., IndiZOO features animal-related stories, animal-based crafts and the animals! Each month kids can meet a local animal in a safe, hands-on environment with a trained animal expert to teach them about eating, sleeping and social habits. Saturdays Bilingual English-Spanish Story Time 10-11 a.m., Every Saturday morning, you can bring the kiddos down for a story in English with Spanish vocabulary, a game of Spanish BINGO and a related craft to wrap up the hour. While story time is intended for ages 4-8, most children find one of the activities fun and educational.

Lincoln City Libraries

Anderson…3635 Touzalin…441-8540 Bennett Martin…136 S. 14th…441-8566 Bethany…1810 N. Cotner…4441-8550 Eiseley…1530 Superior…441-4250 Gere…2400 S. 56th…441-8560 South…2675 South St.…441-8570 Walt…6701 S. 14th…441-4460 Williams…5000 Mike Scholl St.…441-8580 - see story on page 15

Baby Storytimes at Walt Thursdays, 10:30-11AM, interactive parentchild time designed to promote early literacy, language development and a love of books for birth to 18 months. Preschool Storytime For ages 3-5. Call for information. Toddler Time Parents and children ages 18-36 months: enjoy reading aloud, singing, playing, and dancing together! Call for times and locations at Anderson, Eiseley, Gere, or Walt. Storytimes for Families Family Storytimes are intended for parents and their preschool to elementary-age children and include crafts. Call for times and locations at Gere, South, or Walt. All Ages Storytimes for Families at Walt Every Saturday from 10:30-11:30AM. Includes crafts and other activities.

LUX Center for the Arts

2601 N. 48th St.; 402-466-8692; see ad on page 7

YOUTH (Ages 5-9) May 4, 11, 18, 25, 10-11:30am June 8, 15, 22, 29, 1-2:30pm Mud Monsters Let your child’s imagination run wild in

this ceramics class where they will create their own monsters, masks, and stories out of mud (clay)! Tuition: $60 LUX members (non-members $75) May 4, 11, 18, 25 Clay-ology, 3-4:30pm Learn a new way to create with clay! Using pinching, coil building and slab rolling techniques, we will make pots your child can use and sculptures you can display, while learning about the principles and elements of art. Tuition: $60 LUX members (non-members $75) May 4, 11, 18, 25 Drawing 101, 1-2:30pm Master basic drawing principles with pencil and charcoal on paper; experiment with line, shape, form, and perspective while drawing landscapes, still lifes, and portraits. Tuition: $52 LUX members (nonmembers $65) May 4, 11, 18, 25 Color Crazy—NEW!, 3-4:30pm In this painting only class, your child will go color crazy and work with tempera, watercolor and acrylic paints. Tuition: $52 LUX members (non-members $65) May 4, 11, 18, 25 Journeys in Textiles, 1-2:30pm Make colorful works inspired by other cultures. Methods include embroidery, beadwork, batik dyeing, and felting. Tuition: $52 LUX members (non-members $65) June 8, 15, 22, 29 Backyard Ceramics, 3-4:30pm In this class your child will make one of a kind works of art, inspired by nature. Projects include wind chimes, flowerpots and garden sculptures, and are perfect for display in your backyard or garden. Tuition: $60 LUX members (non-members $75) June 8, 15, 22, 29 Drawing 102, 10-11:30am: Students will expand on their Drawing 101 skills with lessons on gesture, contour, proportion and composition. Youth will work from a photograph to complete a large drawing finished in ink and watercolor. Tuition: $52 LUX members (non-members $65) June 8, 15, 22, 29 Superhero Design, 3-4:30pm In this mixed media class your child will create a superhero of their own design. Working from sketches, students will create all the necessary superhero accessories: masks, capes and costumes, while making their superhero come to life! Tuition: $52 LUX members (non-members $65) July 13, 20, 27, Aug. 3 Clay-ology, 10-11:30am Learn a new way to create with clay! Using pinching, coil building and slab rolling techniques, we will make pots your child can use and sculptures you can display, while learning about the principles and elements of art. Tuition: $60 LUX members (non-members $75) July 13, 20, 27, Aug. 3 Drawing 101, 3-4:30pm

Master basic drawing principles with pencil and charcoal on paper; experiment with line, shape, form, and perspective while drawing landscapes, still lifes, and portraits. Tuition: $52 LUX members (nonmembers $65) July 13, 20, 27, Aug. 3, 1-2:30pm Art Zoo: Mixed Media Animals: Be wild with creativity and make arty animals using a variety of materials. Clay, paint, felt, and more will be explored. Tuition: $56 LUX members (non-members $70) MIDDLE SCHOOL (Ages 10-13) May 4, 11, 18, 25, 1-2:30pm July 13, 20, 27, Aug. 3, 3-4:30pm Tweens on Wheels Work on the potter’s wheel to form bowls, mugs, and vases while exploring the exciting possibilities of clay. Tuition: $60 LUX members (non-members $75) May 4, 11, 18, 25, 10-11:30am July 13, 20, 27, Aug. 3, 10-11:30am Pencil Pushers—NEW!: Learn how to draw like a master and make studies in contour, gesture, value and proportion while creating large, intricate drawings that makes use of all these skills. Tuition: $52 LUX members (non-members $65) May 4, 11, 18, 25, 3-4:30pm July 13, 20, 27, Aug. 3, 1-2:30pm Fused Glass 101: You child will create glass sun catchers, magnets and small tiles using fused glass. In the second half of the class your child will use wire-wrapping techniques to create jewelry out of their fused glass tiles. Tuition: $56 LUX members (non-members $70) June 8, 15, 22, 29, 10-11:30am Clay Handbuilding: No wheels needed in this class where your tween will get their hands dirty and use handbuilding techniques to create slab boxes, figural clay sculptures and more. Tuition: $60 LUX members (non-members $75) June 8, 15, 22, 29, 1-2:30pm Mixing It Up: Paint and Collage—NEW! In this class we will mix it up and experiment with acrylic paint and mix media collage while mastering composition and color mixing. Tuition: $52 LUX members (non-members $65) July 13-Aug. 3, 1-2:30pm Tweens on Wheels 2 Students will refine their wheel throwing skills while also learning to alter their vessels with handles and spouts. Students will complete their work with a variety of surface treatments and glazes. Tuition: $60 LUX members (non-members $75)

Dance, Film, Music & Theatre May 24-Aug 30: Friday Nights Live Concert Series -- SouthPointe Pavillions Shopping Center, 27th & Pine Lake Rd June 24-28 Broadway Out West for ages 7-15. A musical review featuring scenes/songs from musical theatre set in America’s roots. All classes lcated at 4325 Sumner St. (Christ Lutheran Church). Register at www.ta4k. com. 608-322-4549.

July 15-19 Nebraska Jazz Camp on the Nebraska Wesleyan University campus. 5 days intensive jazz with well-known professional musicians. E-mail or call 402-477-8446 for more information.


First-Plymouth Church, 20th & D Sts., 402-476-9933,

June 12, 7:30-9:30 p.m. Mozart’s Requiem August 7, 7:30-9:30 p.m. Vaughan Williams: Five Mystical Songs; Serenade to Music

Haymarket Theatre 803 Q St., 402-477-2600;

May 28 The Wizard of Oz Performance Camp Camp starts May 28th with performances June 13-15th. Camp runs Monday through Friday from 10am-4pm. Cost is $400. June 24 The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe Performance Camp Camp starts June 24th with performances July 11-13th. Camp runs Monday through Friday from 10am-4pm. Cost is $400. July 22 Super Academy Camp starts July 22nd with performances August 8th-10th. Camp runs from 10am4pm and cost of the camp is $400.

Lincoln Music Teachers Association or 402-477-2346 for info

May 3, 6pm – 8pm ArtWalk Student Performance May 22, 11:30am – 1:30pm General Meeting Luncheon, Grace Lutheran; Performance by Ken Hoppmann/Antonio Forgione: Classical piano-guitar duo

Lied Center for Performing Arts 301 N. 12th St.;; 402-472-4747

May 2: The Russian National Ballet Theatre: Sleeping Beauty May 5: LSO The Rite of Spring June 3: Live Nation Presents Daniel Tosh June 7 & June 8: The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee June 14: Whose Live Anyway

Lincoln Community Playhouse 2500 S 56th St., 402-489-7529;

May 3-5, 9-12 & 16-19: Les Miserables July 26-28 and August 1-4: Disney’s The Little Mermaid JR July 29 - August 9: Theatre Arts AcdemyHonk! Jr., 9am to 4pm. Ages 9 to 15, $315 for non-season subscribers, $310 for season subscribers. Scholarships available!

TADA Theatre

devices, relief of obstructed airway, recognition of an acute stroke. Pre-registration is required. Class size is limited.

May 10, 11: A Taste of Wine & Broadway

May 23 Vegetarian Cooking; 6 - 7 p.m.; Join dietitian Jenna Mayers for easy ways to include vegetarian dishes into your meal plans. Cost: $12

The Creamery Building, 701 P St., 438-8232;

May 18: King Kong June 7, 8: The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee

Youth Actors Academy of Lincoln

5930 S. 57th St., Suite C;; 402-450-9823

June 17 – 21: Fractured Fairy Tales Theatre Camp (Post K - 6) June 24 – 28: Sideways Story Theatre Camp (Post K - 6) July 8 – 26: Summer Performance Workshop: Bugsy Malone, Jr. (8 - 16)

Festivals, Sales & Shows

(At Lancaster Event Center, 4100 N 84th St., unless otherwise noted.)

May 7, June 4 & July 2, Aug. 13: Lincoln Area Model Railroad Club and Museum May 18: Color Vibe 5K Fun Run May 25 & 26: Super Hot Rod National Car Show August 1 - 10: Lancaster County Super Fair

Food & Health Tuesdays & Thursdays Clinic with a Heart, 1701 S. 17th St. 5:307:30PM;, FREE May 4 - Oct 12 Historic Haymarket Farmers Market, 7th, 8th & P Sts in the Haymarket May 4 106.3 KFRX Mayor’s Run This noncompetitive program presented by the Lincoln Track Club is sponsored by Aqua Fina. Enter online at

Bryan Health

Register at or 402-481-5846

May 3; 5:45 - 7:15 p.m. Zumba Party; Exhilarating, effective, easyto-follow, calorie-burning, dance fitness party that’s moving millions toward joy and health! FREE, pre-registration required. May 4, 18 , June 1, 15, July 6, 20 Accelerated Essentials of Childbirth This fast-paced day covers all the content of the original course and includes a tour. Class meets from 9a.m. - 4p.m., with an hour lunch break. Cost is $65 per couple. May 6, 13 and 20, May 7, 14 and 21, June 2, 3, 4 or July 7, 8, 9 Essentials of Childbirth Family-centered childbirth series. This is a three-week session. and meets from 7:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Cost is $65 per couple.


May 12, June 2 or July 14 Super Siblings; Help siblings prepare for a new baby in the family. Class meets at Bryan East Campus, Plaza Conference Center A. Cost is $10 per family with one child; $20 per family with two or more children.

May 2 & May 5: Theatre Production: Mother Courage and Her Children

May 16 or June 8 CPR for Family & Friends; Included is CPR for the adult, child and infant, barrier

McDonald/Miller Theatres, O’Donnell Auditorium, 51st St. & Huntington Ave.

May 28, July 30 Essentials of Childbirth Refresher; This one-night class is a refresher for expectant couples designed for those who have had a child. Cost is $20 per couple. May 30 or July 25 Advanced Breathing and Relaxation for Childbirth; This course is intended for expectant parents who plan to go though childbirth without an epidural or other pain medication. Cost is $20 per couple. June 6, 20, or July 11 Breastfeeding Basics; This single-session class emphasizes basic breastfeeding techniques. Spouses/partners are encouraged to attend. The class meets from 7:00 p.m. 9:15 p.m. Cost is $20 per couple. June 8 Bryan Kids’ Health & Safety Fair from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. at Bryan East Campus. Learn about health and safety topics through fun, interactive booths. June 25 Essentials of Multiples; This is a childbirth class for parents that are expecting twins, triplets, or more. Cost is $20 per couple. July 29 Infant Massage; This class is designed for expectant parents. Participants should bring a stuffed animal to class to practice massage techniques. Cost is $20 per couple.


5930 S. 58th, Suite W; 402-423-6402;

All About Breastfeeding For expectant moms and dads. Learn breastfeeding basics, as well as the most common challenges that mothers face when breastfeeding, and how to get support. Fee is $25 for 2 classes . Two Class Series: May 7 & 14 & 21; 7-9 pm, June 4 & 11 & 18; 7-9 pm, One Class Series: May 18 or June 1, 10 am-2:30 pm with 1/2 hour break for lunch, Return to Work For new mothers who are returning to work or school outside the home while breastfeeding. You may attend while pregnant, or after your baby is born. (Fee is $10 if taken alone.). April 23, 7-9 pm, May 21, 7-9 pm, June 18, 7-9 pm, July 16, 7-9 pm Introducing Solids & Making Your Own Baby Food Perfect for parents of babies who are 3 to 9 months old. This class covers tips on readiness signs, safety awareness, introducing new foods and making your own baby food. Fee is $10. April 10, 6:30-8:30 pm, May 8, 6:30-8:30 pm, June 12, 6:308:30 pm, July 10, 6:30-8:30 pm, August 14, 6:30-8:30 pm

Summer 2013 * Page 36

Lincoln Kids! Museums, Parks, Zoos

Saturday Nights Hyde Memorial Observatory, Holmes Lake, 8-11PM, three telescopes, video programs, knowledgeable volunteers. Ager Play Center 1300 S. 27th St.; $2.75/person 12 months & older, 441-6788. M-F 9AM-5PM; (next door to zoo) Play space for small children, toddlers and all ages. Reading area, 2-level play structure, 3 ball pits, slides and a maze of tunnels, riding toys and wagons. Children must be 3 yrs or older and under 48” tall to play in structure.

International Quilt Museum 1523 N. 33rd; 472-6549;;

Glass Quilts Opening Reception May 3rd, 2013, 4:30-7:00pm Contact Carrie Strope (402)423-7375 In December, 2012, artist Carrie Strope Sohayda spent a week with k-5th grade students at Clinton Elementary building a glass quilt that will be on display at the International Quilt Study Center from April 30th to May 7th, 2013. The opening reception will be held during May’s First Friday event and is free to the public. There will be a slideshow of pictures from the artist residency, as well as a coloring station quilt blocks using the same process applied by Clinton students in designing their quilt.

Lincoln Children’s Museum

1420 P St., Wheelchair accessible, 402-477-4000,

Splash of Color (preschool camp) June 20 Music & Mozzarella, 5-7 p.m. Featuring Mike Mennard & the Mighty Magic Pants June 24-28 Messy Jobs (elementary camp) Messy Jobs (preschool camp) June 27 Music & Mozzarella, 5-7 p.m. Featuring The Sugar Free Allstars July 8-12 Kid Chefs (elementary camp) Kid Chefs (preschool camp) July 11 Music & Mozzarella, 5-7 p.m. Featuring School of Rock July 15-19 Splash of Color (elementary camp) Splash of Color (preschool camp) July 18 Music & Mozzarella, 5-7 p.m. Featuring The Doo-Dads July 22-26 School of Wizardry (elementary only) Alakazam Alakazoo (preschool only) July 29-Aug. 2 Einsteins & Edisons (elementary only) Beginner Builders (preschool only) mid-August First National Bank’s Rad Retro Toys closes in the Discovery Gallery Guinness World Record Lincoln Logs display ends

Mid-April through mid-August First National Bank’s Rad Retro Toys Exhibit - open in the Discovery Gallery

Nebraska History Museum

May 4 Taste of Spring (adults-only) Fundraiser for Lincoln Children’s Museum Begins at 6 p.m. at the Lincoln Country Club, Reserve your ticket or table online at

Through September 1 The Best-Dressed Doll in the World: The exhibit and article reveal the surprising impact and history of Terri Lee dolls.

May 6-10 Teacher Appreciation Week Tell us what educator has inspired you and why! Educators receive a special discount in the Museum Store May 12 Mother’s Day (Mom’s get FREE admission all day!) May 27 Museum OPEN on Memorial Day and every Monday during the summer 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. June 3-7 Star Camp (elementary camp) Star Camp (preschool camp) June 6 Music & Mozzarella, 5-7 p.m. Featuring Dino O’Dell June 10-14 School of Wizardry Camp (elem only) Alakazam Alakazoo Camp (preK only) June 13 Music & Mozzarella, 5-7 p.m. Featuring The String Beans June 17-21 Splash of Color (elementary camp) Page 37 *

15th & P Streets. No admission charge. 402-471-4754;

Classes for grades K-8 Kids can learn about the life of a Civil War soldier, make creations from duck tape, speak the Victorian language of flowers and fans and more this summer. Register at and click For Kids, call 402-471-4757 or email judy, May 30 Victorian Flowers and Fans, 9:30 a.m.- 12, $10/$8 for NSHS members. Learn the hidden meanings of certain flowers and messages sent using hand fans. Make some flowers and a fan. Tour the Building the State exhibit. Try on Victorian clothes.

Sons of the Union Veterans of the Civil War collections. Participate in marching drills and a mock battle. June 18 Native American Basket-Making, 9:30 a.m.- 12 noon, Grades 4-8, $10/$8 NSHS members. Study basket designs from plains tribes. See baskets in the First Nebraskans exhibit. Design and create a basket. June 26 Duck Tape Creations, 9:30 a.m.- 12, Grades K-3, 1:30 p.m.-4:00 p.m., Grades 4-8, $10/$8 NSHS members + $6 for tape. Make projects using duct tape. Tour the Miss America exhibit where duct tape creations are displayed. Each student will have two rolls of duct tape to use and take home the extras. June 27-28 Puppets: Wind Song, 9:30 a.m.- 12, Grades K-3, $20/$16 NSHS members. Create a wooden spoon puppet character for the play Wind Song. Tour the Building the State exhibit. Perform the play for your guests on Friday, June 28, 11:30 a.m. -12. July 10-11 History of Railroads in Nebraska,9:30 a.m.- 12 both days, Grades 4-8, $20/$16 NSHS members. Learn about early railroads in Nebraska. See railroad artifacts in the Building the State exhibit. Union Pacific Railroad Museum staff will assist. July 24 Doodling: A Form of Artistic Play,9:30 a.m.- 12, $10/$8 NSHS members. Let loose artistically. Let your mind wander and draw whatever you think of geometric shapes, curlicues and swirls, straight lines, dots, etc. Then produce a pleasing finished product. Tour the John Falter exhibit. July 26 Victorian Flowers and Fans,1:30 p.m.- 4:00 p.m., $10/$8 for NSHS members. Learn the hidden meanings of certain flowers and messages sent using hand fans. Make some flowers and a fan. Tour the Building the State exhibit. Try on Victorian clothes. August 7-8 Making Doll Clothes for 15” Dolls, 9:30 a.m.-12 both days, Grades 3-8, $20/$16 for NSHS members. Tour the Terri Lee doll exhibit. Hand sew clothing for your doll.

Pioneers Park Nature Center West end Pioneers Park; 402-441-7895

Strategic Air & Space Museum 28210 West Park Highway, Ashland; 402-944-3100;

June 5 Half-Pint Homesteaders 9:30 a.m.- 12 noon, $10/$8 NSHS members. Stake a homestead claim. Experience bits of everyday life and challenges, including doing chores and sod house living. Learn pioneer games. Tour the Building the State exhibit.

May 18 is our Wings Under the Wings/Helicopter Day

June 11-13 Nebraska in the Civil War,9:30 a.m.- 12, each day, Grades 4-8, $30/$24 NSHS members. Learn about the First Nebraska Infantry and their involvement in the Civil War in 1863. See Civil War artifacts in the Nebraska Joins the Union exhibit and the

July Aircraft of the Month is B-17G Flying Fortress

June Aircraft of The Month is C-47A Skytrain July 4 – Fourth of July Celebration with Fireworks

August Aircraft of the Month is B-36J Peacemaker September Aircraft of the Month is B-29 Superfortress

Hops, Props & Wings Extended hours on Thursdays starting May 30 and ending September 5. Doors open until 9pm, featuring chicken wings and live music each week.

UNL-Nebraska State Museum in Morrill Hall

14th & U St., Lincoln; 472-2642; see story on page 10

May 18, 1:00–4:30 pm: Colorful Creature Day; A fun, family day with live animals and art activities in the museum. Sunday with a Scientist: 1:30-4:30 May 19: Microbes Rock! June 16: Chemistry, Harry Potter Style July 21: Beneficial Backyard Thursday Nights Free museum admission Thurs nights in February 4:30-8PM. Planetarium show rates still apply.

YMCA Camp Kitaki

402-434-9222; see ad on page 27

Churches First-Plymouth, UCC

2000 D Street; 402-476-7550;

1st Wednesdays Preschool Mom’s Night Out, 6:30-8:00 p.m. Speakers, arts and crafts, parenting skills, etc.. RSVP for child care. No cost. 3rd Fridays Preschool Family Fun, 6:00-8:30 p.m. various locations. Seasonal themes and great family fun for families with infants-preschoolers. 2nd Thursdays Pet Grief Group in Resource Room. An interfaith support group for anyone mourning a recent passing of an animal companion.

Horizons Community Church 3200 Grainger Parkway, 402-420-6600

Last Day of School Splash n’ Bash May 23, 6:30-8:30 pm Bounce houses, face painting, animals, carnival games, and more for ages 3-14! Vacation Bible School July 21-25, 6:30-8:30 pm The best week of the summer! For ages 3 through 4th grade from 6:30-8:30 pm for an exciting time of learning about God. Register at No cost.

Lincoln Berean Church 6400 S. 70th St.; 430-4834;

Fridays Celebrate Recovery, biblically based 12 step recovery program for overcoming addictive, compulsive and dysfunctional behaviors. Free childcare/kid activities: infants -8th grade. Dinner in Coffeehouse, 6PM (adults/$3, kids/$2, under 5/free, max $10/family). 6:50PM, Praise & Worship. 8PM, Open Share small groups. 9PM, “Crosstalk” Fellowship and snacks in CoffeeHouse. 402-483-6512

Sports Kids’ Grand Prix: Lincoln Track Club is pleased to present a running program for the children of Lincoln. This non-competitive program is in it’s 25th year of encouraging children in elementary schools (or younger) to participate in a series of fun runs. May 4: Mayor’s Run (1M) June 1: Havelock Run (3K) July 7: Lincoln Mile (1M) May 31 5:30-7:30PM (Rain Date: Friday, June 1st 5:30-7:30PM) Prairie Life Fitness, 70th & A, 402-483-2322. Annual Family Pool Party. $5/person: Members/Non-members Hamburger, Hotdog or Chicken Sandwich Hamburger $2, Hotdog $1.50 or Chicken Sandwich $2 June 24-28 First Annual Pool Party Day Camp at Madonna ProActive: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. with lunch. For boys and girls 7 - 12, Dance & Swim. Cost: $135 members/$145 nonmembers. Register by June 14 at 402-4200000, 7111 Stephanie Lane. July 19-28 Cornhusker State Games - Multi-sport athletic festival with competition in 65 sports. State-wide torch run and olympic-style opening ceremonies.

UNL Athletics 472-1132 or (800) 8-BIGRED

Lincoln Haymakers Indoor Football 402-435-0411; pershing center Home games start at 7:05 p.m.

May 3: Bloomington Edge May 11: Away May 18: Sioux City Bandits May 25: Away June 1: Omaha Beef June 8: Away

Out-of-Town Events Through May 13 “James and the Giant Peach,” The Rose Theater, 2001 Farnam St., Omaha.402345-4849; May 5-6 Midlands Pirate Festival. Family fun and nautical history with staged entertainment. 11AM-9PM, Sat., 11AM-6PM Sun.; $10/$6, Bellevue Berry & Pumpkin Ranch, 11001 S. 48th St., Papillion. greg@festint. com or May 13 Schoolhouse Performance Series 2:30PM, downstairs in Old Avoca Schoolhouse, on 13 C Spur, one mile south of Highway 34, Avoca. Light refreshments, chance to chat and even jam with the performers. $10/ adults, $5/students & seniors, and $1/children. 402-275-3221, greenblattandseay. com; May 26-September 2 Mindbender Mansion. Immersive exhibitions of brainteasers and interactive challenges. The Durham Museum, 801 S. 10th St., 402-444-5071;

May 26-September 9 Wonderful Wizard of Oz exhibit. Omaha Children’s Museum, 500 S. 20th St., 402342-6164.; June 1-17 “Seussical - The Musical,” The Rose Theater, 2001 Farnam St., Omaha. 402-3454849; June 15-26 NCAA Men’s College World Series, TD AMERITRADE Park Omaha, 10th to 13th Sts, Cuming to Webster. 8 of the nation’s top college baseball teams travel the road to Omaha in hopes of taking home the championship title. 402-554-4422, June 25-July 2 2012 U.S. Olympic Swim Team Trials, CenturyLink Center Omaha, 455 N. 10th St. Swimmers compete for a spot on the U.S. Olympic team going to London. 866937-6624; July 21-22 Camp Creek Annual Antique Machinery and Threshing Show, 17550 Bluff Road, Waverly. Antique equipment, demonstrations and displays, children’s playground, animals, outdoor flea market and more. $7;

Homestead National Monument 8523 W. State Hwy. 4, Beatrice, 402-223-3524;

Through May 4; 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Heartland Storytelling Festival May 25; 10 a.m. FREE fiddle workshop led by championship fiddler and fiddle book author, Deborah Greenblatt. This workshop is part of a full day of fun and free activities, including the Monumental Fiddling Championships. For more information, contact Deborah by e-mail at May 26 Monumental Fiddling Championship Through May 28 Most days while the Homestead Act is on display, an artisan will demonstrate their craft in the Heritage Center lobby from 10AM-4PM.

June 14 U.S. Immigration Naturalization Ceremony: Flag Day, 2PM June 15-17 Homestead Days 2012 “150 years of Pursuing the American Dream” July 1 Laws that Build America: Homestead, Morrill & Pacific Railway Acts, 2-4PM July 4 Campfire Program - 150th Anniversary of the Homestead Act, 7PM July 7, 14, 21, & 28, August 4, 11, & 18 Campfire Programs: America of the Homestead Act, 7PM

Support Groups

Answers4Families Information, opportunities for dialogue, education, and support for families, children and adults with disabilities, individuals over 60, and providers, including state and national resources, support group schedules, organizations, and tips for coping with a variety of issues. Free database ( of Nebraska service providers. Helpline, 800746-8420; API of Lincoln Support group meeting for parents; Fourth Saturday at 10:15 a.m. at Gere Library. Email suzylandreth@gmail. com or Facebook: API of Lincoln, Nebraska Attachment Parenting International, (API) of Lincoln Providing emotional, educational, and practical support to parents practicing attachment style parenting or who wish to learn more. Meets 1st Saturday of month at 10:30AM at 1st United Methodist Church, 2723 North 50th St. If you believe in responding sensitively to baby’s cues and practicing parenting methods that create healthy emotional bonds (also known as secure attachment) between parent and child, for more information Autism Family Network A support organization alternating between fun and informative events. Cathy Martinez, Board President Cancer Support Groups Various cancer support groups and services for patients, family members, friends. to find out more, contact the American Cancer Society, 5733 S 34th Street, Ste 500, 402-423-4888 Charlie Brown’s Kids Grief Support Group 1st & 3rd Thursdays, 6-8PM, Grief support group for children ages 3-18 who have experienced the death of a parent. Parents meet at same time. Youth share their feelings through books, discussions, art, writing and remembrance projects. Sheridan Lutheran, 6955 Old Cheney, 483-1845, Bev Prucha, Fibromyalgia Group No meetings. See info at Good Neighbor Mothers Offering Moms Support Mom’s support group through 1st & 3rd Thursdays at Good Neighbor Community Center, 2617 Y Street, 402-4774173. Angel, 423-6117

Through August Daily Living History Demonstrations

Heartland Home Schoolers For home schooling families in the Lincoln area, regardless of religious beliefs. Providing encouragement for moms; activities for home schooled students, including skating parties, spelling bee, science fair and more.

May 20 “Beginning of the Dream, Homestead Act Made Law”, 6-9PM, Commemoration of Homestead Act’s 150th Anniversary May 21-25 “Free Land?, 1862 and the Shaping of Modern America” Chautauqua June 6, July 13, 20, 27, Aug 3 10 a.m., Kids in Parks Programs: Nature Detective Series June 9 Birds and Bagels, Early Birding at the Monument, 8AM

May 12, at 2:30 PM The Schoolhouse Performance Series presents “Drums of the World”, with Michael Fitzsimmons, percussionist and award winning composer. Light refreshments, chat and jam with performers. Avoca is on the 13 C Spur, one mile south of Highway 34. Admission is $10/adults, $5/students and senior citizens, and $1/children. For more information, call 402-275-3221, or e-mail Music lessons, workshops, fiddle camps, and field trips are offered by Schoolhouse residents, Greenblatt & Seay, and are available by appointment.

Calendar listings are FREEEEEE! click on CALENDAR or Facebook: LincolnKidsNewspaper

Ending May 28 Special Exhibition. Original Homestead Act of 1862 on display

Through September From Longships to Spaceships: A Thousand Years of Exploration

Greenblat May & Seay calendar

Help for Attention Deficit Disorders First Tuesday, 6-7:30PM. Parenting network. Creative/challenging activities for children, support/education for parents. Family meal provided. 5903 Walker Ave., 471-3700 La Leche League of Lincoln La Leche League ( offers a monthly Series Meeting, a weekly Breastfeeding Café, and a monthly meeting for mothers of toddlers. Free of charge. Thursdays South Group meets 3rd Thursdays 6:30PM, Aldersgate United Methodist Church, 8320 S. St.; 4503240;; Friday Breastfeeing Cafe, 10:30AM at Eiseley Branch Library, 1530 Superior St., 402-540-8568,; Toddler Group, 10AM, Warrent United Methodist Church, 1205 N. 45th St., Abi, 402-465-8065, Lincoln Area Families with Multiples For families welcoming multiples into their lives, and the joys and challenges that come with them. Find support at 434-6533;; lincolnmultiples. org; LAFM, P.O. Box 5911, Lincoln, 68505-5911

M.O.M.S. (Meeting Other Mothers) Grace Lutheran Church, 2225 Washington, Tuesdays, 9:3011AM, conversation, speakers, crafts, snacks, service projects & various topics; also holiday parties & field trips. Daycare available: $3/1 child and $1 each additional. Melissa Nickolaus, 464-6921 MOMS (Moms Offering Moms Support) Club of Lincoln We are the Lincoln chapter of the International MOMS Club®, a non-profit organization specifically for at-home moms. Each month we have several different events for our members- breakfasts, book clubs, play groups, mom’s night out to name just a few! Our goal is to support each other through friendship, group activities, and service projects in the Lincoln area. Montessori After Six For parents of children 5-9 years, Lincoln Montessori School, 489-8110 MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) 1st, 3rd Wednesdays, Southwood Lutheran Church, 9300 S. 40th St. (south of 40th & Yankee Hill Rd.) 9-11:15AM. Speakers, crafts, book club, playgroups, babysitting coop, and activities for children. Daycare available. mopsmothers-of-pre-schoolers or Jennifer: 402-328-9247; 1st & 3rd Thursdays, 9-11 AM, New Covenant Church, 6000 S 84th St. Non-denominational program to encourage, equip, and help women become the best moms they can be. Build friendships; have fun with other moms. Women with children birth through kindergarten are invited to join. Childcare provided. All children are cared for in a nurturing and fun atmosphere. They will experience love in a preschool like setting. $6/meeting. Becky, 402-484- 5033; MOTHER ME Weekly mommies group to support mothers of infants through pre-schoolers. A place for moms to come and talk, laugh and/or cry if they need to. We meet in the evening for moms who are unable to attend daytime meetings. We have a love of fun, and love for new moms to join us at any time! Tuesdays from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm. Inside Trinity Chiropractic in the Inspire ME meeting space at 3120 O Street. Contact for more information Mourning Hope Grief Support 402-488-8989, email or visit Mom Support Group Wednesdays, Bryan Health Family Birthplace at Institute for Women’s & Children’s Health. Facilitated by lactation consultants. 1:30-2:30PM. 402-481-7103 Open Hearts Adoption Support Group Fellowship for families who have adopted children; family centered events (such as Christmas Party, Ethnic Party, Picnic, Mother’s Tea, Harvest Party). Supported through dues and gifts. All families welcome, especially if you want to find out more about adoption! Dates and locations vary, contact Sherie Quirie, 465-5841 or at Parents of Children with Feeding Difficulties Monthly, lower level Saint Elizabeth Regional Medical Center, 575 S. 70th St. Bringing parents of children with feeding difficulties together to share experiences, helpful hints, recipes, and information on feeding programs/clinics in the surrounding area. Visit; or Facebook at Feeding Souls of the Midwest or or; or Jennifer 328-9247 Clubs & Organizations The Prairie Astronomy Club Last Tuesday of the month, open to public, 7:30PM. Hyde Memorial Observatory, south side of Holmes Lake in southeast Lincoln.

Summer 2013 * Page 38

Lincoln Kids!

After School Art Club, Homeschool Art Classes, Special Needs Art Studio, Family Art Dayz, Pre-School Paint & Play, Ladies Night, Day Camps, Birthday Parties, Field Trips, Private Art Lessons

Tamara Weber, BFA, M. Ed. Southeast Lincoln Location

Art Planet is a new workshop studio where kids, families and adults can experience art in the everyday.


Small class sizes offered year-round. Look online to view the current & upcoming schedule of classes. Art Planet focuses on engaging kids with special needs–students with high functioning autism are encouraged to register. Come explore your creativity where there is no limit to the imagination!

402-610-2295 •




Little Tikes University Summer Camps for Ages 3-6

“Untitled�, by Gabriel Marks, age 7, Student at Art Planet

“Guy buying a Lemonade for his wife on her birthday� by Katelyn McGee, age 5, Pleasant Dale, NE

Camp Sessions: Wild About Horses June 10 - 13 Fun in the Sun Water Camp July 8 - 11 Ready Set Go Pre-K

Sign up for the First Ann Annual nual


L Party Day Camp

and kindergarten prep Camp

a Madonna Pr at ProActive roActive JJune 24 24-28, 28 20 2013 ΄ MÍ™\͙͚ _Í™\Í™ IWcV Zd]PVÍ&#x; 013 ΄ MÍ™\͙͚ _

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August 5 - 8 “Two Girls Having Fun in the Sprinkler� by Jocelyn McGee, age 7, Pleasant Dale, NE

Cost is $60, Times: Morning; 8:30-11am or Afternoon; noon-2:30pm Registration forms available on website: or call 402-430-3836 11500 Middle Fork Rd Summer 2013 Page 39

Lincoln Kids!

Teaching Kids To Cook Basic Skills & Memories to Last a Lifetime by Nicole Russman, of plate & table


hen I got married, I knew how to make two dinners: macaroni and cheese (out of the box) and tuna noodle casserole. Both were meals my husband really didn’t care to eat. What was a girl to do? I taught myself how to cook. Now that I am the mother of four girls, I understand how important it is for them to have a few cooking skills that will help them throughout their lives, regardless of whether they’re doctors or stay-at-home moms. Where to start? When the kids are young, pull up a stool, and they can pour the ingredients in a bowl. Muffins are a great way to introduce cooking to preschoolage kids. They can place the liners in the muffin pans, use measuring cups and spoons to add the ingredients, stir the mixture, and (our three-year-old’s favorite) crack some eggs! Usually muffins cook up in about 18 minutes, and after a

few minutes of cooling, they are ready to eat! Making homemade pizza is another great option for kids. It’s easy for them to spread the sauce, and they can have great fun arranging the pepperoni and other toppings and then adding cheese to the pizza. As the kids get older, have them plan and prepare some of their favorite dishes. With adult supervision, kids can cut vegetables, peel potatoes, and shape hamburger into patties. One of our favorite family dishes is Cheeseburger Macaroni. My older girls can make this dish on their own. In this recipe, they learn how to boil water for pasta and brown hamburger, two skills that can serve as the basis for so many recipes. (For the Cheeseburger Macaroni recipe and others, visit the recipe blog at Once kids have mastered browning hamburger, they can make Sloppy Joes, taco meat, and spaghetti sauce. Once they have

some proper knife and food-handling skills, they can make chicken strips by c u t t i n g chicken breast into strips, dipping the strips into an eggand-milk batter, and coating the strips in bread crumbs. With supervision, kids can pan-fry the strips, learning proper cooking temperatures for food safety. Try making a quick honey mustard sauce using Dijon mustard and honey—how simple! When kids are teenagers, have them cook dinner once a week. They will need to plan a menu, find the ingredients, and then prepare the meal. So many life skills—planning, patience, and, yes, even perseverance in the face of obstacles—will come from a simple evening of cooking. Summer is a perfect time to try cooking together. The days are longer, and everyone seems to be

a bit more relaxed. Take some time to slow down and spend time cooking with your kids. When you share stories with your kids while you cook, you are building memories and a tie to the recipe that they will hopefully pass down to their own kids. I try to have “secret ingredients” when I cook with kids. It can be as simple as adding instant coffee to brownies or mustard in a sauce. Whatever it is, it gives kids a sense of pride and accomplishment when cooking. Happy cooking! Nicole Russman is a stay-at-home mom with four children and a hungry husband. She founded plate & table, which provides cooking classes and parties, as a way to inspire people to cook. In addition to cooking with her own kids this summer, she’ll be having a series of kids cooking classes and a week-long cooking “camp.” For more information, visit or call (402) 540-2738.

Kids in the Kitchen with Grandma (Lois) Noble Try something different....

Nebraskaland Pancakes 1 box cornbread mix (14 oz) 2 eggs... slightly beaten 1 cup milk 1 can whole kernel corn, drained Combine all ingredients and mix thoroughly. Bake pancakes on hot griddle. Turn over once. These pancakes are great with your favorite syrup.

Page 40 •

Crunchy Peanut Butter Pancakes 1 cup of your favorite pancake mix 1 T sugar 1/4 cup milk 1/2 cup Crunchy Peanut Butter 1/4 cup melted butter or margarine 2 eggs, slightly beaten Put pancake mix and sugar in mixing bowl and mix together. Combine milk, peanut butter, butter and eggs until smooth. Blend in the dry ingredients. Bake on a hot griddle. Use syrup if you prefer. We think they are great when we spread them with a little jelly or fruit preserves.

Carrot Bars

Orange Smoothies

1 16 ounce can of carrots, drained and blended 2 cups sugar 1 1/4 cup salad oil 4 eggs 2 cups flour 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon soda 1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon 1/2 cup chopped nuts

Orange juice (best with pulp) 1 box of Instant Vanilla Pudding plus milk

Combine carrots, sugar, oil and eggs. Then combine flour, salt, soda and cinnamon. Mix the two mixtures together and add the chopped nuts to the mixtures. Pour into greased (11 x 18) baking dish. Bake about 30 minutes in a 350 degree oven. These are good spread with your favorite cream cheese.

Prepare Vanilla Pudding with milk according to the directions on the box. Mix together equal amounts of the prepared Vanilla Pudding and Orange Juice to make this smoothie.

Lincoln Kids!

Road Tripping With Kids by Sara Kendall

But, too many sugary treats will increase their chance of a bout with carsickness. Place the snack bag and cooler somewhere up front with you, so you can have some control over it and get to it without stopping. Have hand sanitizer and wet wipes for clean-ups. Don’t forget a plastic bag to collect the garbage.

8 Tips for a Great Ride


riving the family car is the most popular mode of travel for vacations. Traveling with kids offers many opportunities for some wonderful memories, but it can be a daunting task to prepare the whole family for the road. A carefully crafted plan will help your family’s road adventure be a more enjoyable one. Here are 8 tips to get you and your family ready for the road.

1. Make a List and Check It Twice Planning ahead is a critical step for any successful trip. Start by making a list of all the things you will need to pack. It’s not likely your first list will be your final one. Ideas will pop in your head in the weeks and days leading up to the big day, so the list will be ongoing up to your departure. It will serve as the framework for your planning.

2. For the Little Ones If your children are of that age, pack disposable diapers, wipes, formula supplies and jars of food within a bag to be stored close to you for easy access. If you are traveling with babies who still need a warm bottle, consider purchasing a bottle warmer that plugs into the car’s cigarette lighter socket. A portable food warmer can be a useful item to warm food in the car as well. Removable window shades are essential for blocking direct sunlight and glare spots. A toy organizer attached to the back of the front seats will be within easy reach for your childs entertainment. A portable potty could be a great solution for children in the midst of potty training. A parent might feel they should make a

stop every time a child says they need to go. It will be right there every time you hear the words I got to go. It’s the perfect answer for when any aged child who has a need-to-go-now emergency, especially if you are stalled in traffic on a highway with no end in sight.

3. For School aged Kids Organize a travel bag for each child. Encourage them to fill it with their own choices of games, toys, books, and scribble pads. Before the bags get stowed in the back seat, look through them to make sure they have not packed items with too many pieces. Little pieces falling all over the car and out of reach have a tendency to bring on monster-sized meltdowns. Also, make sure they have pencils or pens if they have chosen games that require one. A shoe box could be a good choice to stow their chosen items, it can also double as a lap desk.

eliminate hearing too many competing sounds in a confined space.

5. Surprise Them Pack a few new games or toys and pull them out when frustration is apparent and they begin to say are we there yet? or I’m bored. Something new to play with will hold your child’s attention far more than something that has been played with a dozen of times already. Consider wrapping them for added excitement.

6. Plenty of Healthy Snacks Snacks are a great way to quickly fill tummies and avoid unnecessary stops at unhealthy fast food joints. Have plenty of pre-bagged snacks and drinks ready. Avoid sugar loaded items and sodas which will raise energy levels, but not in a good way. An occasional sweet snack is fine.

7. A Traveling Medical Bag A first-aid kit will be convenient if a booboo occurs. Frequently used over-the-counter medications and all prescriptions used by the family should be stowed in a common bag. Think about adding sunscreen and insect repellant to the bag, so all medical needs can be found in the same place.

8. Sleepy Time The hum of the motor and the movement of the car tend to put kids to sleep. Have their favorite pillow and blanket ready for naptime so they are comfortable and warm. A good nap can help pass the time and give your children some much needed down time. For you, it will provide you some moments of peace and quiet. Sara Kendall is a freelance writer and mother of two daughters.

4. Go for the Gadgets Electronic devices such as a laptop, iPads, DVD players and hand-held games will entertain your children and help the miles fly by. Have plenty for everyone to reduce arguments about whose turn it is to use it. In addition to having plenty of gadgets, make sure you have ear buds for everyone. This will help Summer 2013 Page 41

Lincoln Kids!

Summertime Blues Anita K. Lovell, MA, LMHP, CPC


ummer is vastly approaching! Summer is a time for sunshine, outdoor activities, and fun with the family. But it does not exhaust all possibilities of your child/teen experiencing depressive symptoms. Sometimes our kids experience what are called the “Summertime Blues”. Are you having a difficult time getting your child/teen out of bed? Do they sleep more or less than normal? Maybe they are avoiding personal hygiene. “I’ll shower tomorrow” and it never happens. “I shouldn’t have to tell them over and over” is a common phrase I hear parents say to their child/teen! Depression is a disorder affecting a person’s mood involving disturbances in emotional, cognitive, behavioral, and somatic regulation. Depressive disorders negatively affect approximately 17.6 million, or 1 in 6, Americans each

year. These depressive disorders include: Major depressive disorder, or “major depression”, is characterized by a combination of symptoms that interfere with a person’s ability to work, sleep, study, eat, and enjoy once-pleasurable activities. Dysthymic disorder, or “dysthymia”, is characterized by longterm (2 years or longer) symptoms that may not be severe enough to disable a person but can prevent normal functioning or feeling well while engaging in daily tasks/activities. Minor depression is characterized by having symptoms for two weeks or longer that do not meet full criteria for major depression. Some forms of depression are slightly different and/or they may develop under unique circumstances. Examples in your child/teen could include:

Dear Mark, I wanted to share with you a very gifted and talented art student I have been mentoring. Her name is Clara Carper and she is a 6th grader. Attached are photos of Carly and her portrait as well as the cover of the National Geographic with the young girl with the piercing eyes. I thought Clara really captured the young girl’s soul in her portrait. If you think her portrait would be appropriate for your Newspaper, I know she would be just thrilled! She is such a delight to work with! Thank you for this great service to the community. Dawn R. Connelly See Connelly Art Academy in the lessons directory on page 30. Page 42 •

• Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) • Postpartum depression • Psychotic depression Bipolar disorder, also called manic-depressive illness, is not as common as major depression or dysthymia. Bipolar disorder is characterized by cycling mood changes; from extreme highs (mania) to extreme lows (depression). Major depression is 1.5 to 3 times more common among persons with an afflicted first-degree biological relative (ex: a parent) than among the general population. However, family studies indicate that major depression is not caused by a single gene alone, but is a disorder with complex genetic features. No specific genetic risk factor has been reliably identified and associated with the development of depression. Other risk factors to be aware of include environmental risk factors such as the loss of a loved one, parent’s divorce, traumatic event, child abuse (physical and/or sexual), neglect, physical disability, and insufficient family structure. Psychological conditions that can predispose an individual to a depressive disorder include excessive anxiety, impulsive and obsession disorders/personalities, negative cognitive styles, and high levels of neuroticism. Neurological illnesses are greater risk factors such as parkinson’s disease, stroke, multiple sclerosis, and seizure disorders. Medical conditions can also increase a person’s risk of a major depressive episode by 20-25 percent, such as cancer, diabetes, myocardial infarction, stroke. Chronic pain, medical illness, and persistent or severe psychosocial stress also elevate the risk of major depression.

Depression can manifest in many different ways. Depression may or may not be difficult for a parent to recognize. Emotional signs, which could be difficult to identify unless verbalized, include helplessness and hopelessness. Your child may not feel purpose in this world. Cognitive disturbances include inaccurate self-statements or low self esteem, distorted perception of life experiences, inability to acknowledge personal accomplishment, pessimistic outlook/negative thoughts, poor memory or concentration, confusion (delirium), problems with memory, attention, language, and problem solving (dementia), racing thoughts, etc. Behavioral inclinations include tearfulness and/or crying, increased arguing, quick and exaggerated temper, relationship concerns (to include relationship with parent), sleep disturbance; insomnia or hypersomnia, poor grooming and hygiene, weight gain or loss, difficulty making decisions, psychomotor retardation, lowing or absence of movement, flat affect, sighs and long pauses, slow, monotonic, spontaneity, and lack of content in speech, pressured speech, psychomotor agitation (pacing, poor hand writing, hair pulling, etc), poor behavioral follow through with daily activities or prior treatment recommendations. Childhood depression often persists, recurs, and continues into adulthood, especially if left untreated. If you believe your child/teen has been on a downward slide simply due to the “summertime blues” or has been fighting an ongoing struggle, you can contact our office for a consultation with Anita K. Lovell, MA, LMHP, CPC at 402-3250117 ext. 3 to get more information of the services we can provide here in the Kid’s Corner at Adultspan Counseling.

Lincoln Kids!

Keeping our Children Safe by Deb Boehle, Bryan Health, Public Relations Manager


ith the arrival of warmer weather and spring flowers, our children are ready to enjoy the outdoors! According to the National Safe Kids Campaign, one in four kids age 14 and younger will sustain an injury that requires some type of medical attention. Of note, 40 percent of all injury-related emergency room visits and 42 percent of all injury deaths happen between May and August. Although these statistics are alarming and fearful for most, the good news is that we can prevent

approximately 90 percent of these injuries by taking the appropriate precautions. During a typical year, the Bryan Trauma Center at Bryan West Campus admits over 100 seriously injured children to the hospital, and many more children receive treatment in our emergency rooms and at Bryan Urgent Care. Bicycle, pedestrian and playground injuries are the most common.

Safety steps you can take Wearing a bicycle helmet is the best way to protect your child – and yourself. It is important that adults role model safe behaviors

by wearing a bike helmet. Need a helmet for your child? You can get a helmet fitting and purchase a helmet at a special price from the Lincoln Lancaster County Health Department at the Bryan Kids’ Fair on Saturday, June 8, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at Bryan East Campus. It is extremely important for everyone to wear a helmet, stay alert and follow the rules of the road. Teach your children how to safely cross the street by looking both ways and using crosswalks. It’s also important to teach them not to walk in between parked

cars to cross the street because this makes it very difficult for drivers to see them. Choose playgrounds that have soft ground surfaces and match the developmental needs of your child. Playgrounds are meant to be a safe place for kids to expend their energy; however, children should not be left unsupervised while enjoying the playground. Many playground injuries happen when children use playground equipment inappropriately or use equipment that is not appropriate for their age or abilities. We at Bryan Health wish you and your family a safe, fun summer!

Meet Angela, She Needs a Home by Lisa Kelly, Wendy's Wonderful Kids Adoptive Family Recruiter, Lutheran Family Services


ngela (born January 1999) can be described as a “social butterfly.” She is easy to talk to and get to know. Angela says that she is a very nice person unless she feels disrespected. Although she is an outgoing, people person, there are some things she prefers to do on her own – like her school work. She is an extremely smart girl who excels in her classes when she puts forth the effort. Currently, Angela’s favorite subject is Honors Science; as she states - she enjoys a challenge. Her goal is to become a heart surgeon. Angela has a special interest in this career because she has had two open heart surgeries herself. Angela enjoys watching scary movies and listening to rap music. Her favorite music artist is Nicki

Minaj. Angela is not currently involved in any sports; however, she would like to be on a wrestling team someday. If granted three wishes, she would want the superpower to fly, to own a limo for when she needs a ride and to own a McDonalds. Angela desires to live in a larger city in a two-parent or single mother home. Angela would do best in a home where she is an only child or the youngest,

although she does not want to be “bossed” by older children. She has the desire, like most teenagers, to have some freedom and control over her life and states that sometimes she needs to be left alone and allowed to “just breathe”. She needs a family that is understanding and will be there to listen. Angela would like a family; however, she admits that she does have a hard time trusting others and allowing

them to get close. Angela needs a family that will create a safe, structured environment; provide a lot of praise and positive reinforcement; and guide her to become the woman that she can and wants to be. To learn more, please call Lisa Kelly, Adoptive Family Recruiter, at (402) 661-3135 or send an email to

“Sunny Day” by Will Weber, age 4, Student at Art Planet

“Woven and Spun” by Haley Buell, age 17, Homeschooled Art Student at Art Planet

Summer 2013 Page 43

17th Annual Bryan

Health & Safety Fair Saturday, June 8 10 a.m.-2 p.m.



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