4 minute read

The time I- Taylor Schmitz & Anna Engels

While many students may feel like their lives have been mundane, some LHS students have experienced a surprising variety of odd encounters and have many stories to tell. From funny secrets to great accomplishments, this TTI ( e Time I) Disney Channel spin-o will surely change the way you view the peers who you previously perceived as boring. BY Taylor Schmitz & Anna Engels

Allison Weeden, 11


“It was my freshman year and I was in the musical,  e Christmas Story. Around the end of the story, the family goes to a Chinese restaurant because their neighbor’s dog destroyed their turkey. During the scene, we had a fake duck that the waiter would bring in and rip the head o and all of us would be surprised. But during the dress rehearsal, the duck was angled towards me. When the waiter pulled it o , he used more force than necessary, so the duck went straight to my face and hit the bridge of my nose. I got a bloody nose on stage, but I kept going to  nish the show. I had to sing an entire song and while I was singing in my 1940s costume, I was wiping my nose as well. I initially tried to hide it by covering my face and everybody thought I was breaking character, but I wasn’t. When I took my hand o everybody just gasped because there was so much blood, and by the end [of the show] I looked like a zombie.”

“ e time I  nished my novel was one of the proudest moments of my life. I challenged myself to write one, which meant writing more than 50,000 words. In November there’s a challenge called National Novel writing month where you try to write a book in one month, but I didn’t have the time because of school, so I wrote it in two and  nished it at the end of December. It was more of a struggle than people would believe. I wrote in my spare time and I stayed up at night to  nish writing it.  e book is about a girl and on her grandpa’s deathbed, he gives her a clock and it says, ‘end of the world’ in Latin at the bottom.  ree years a er he dies, the clock  nally starts ticking and she has three days to  gure out how to save the world. At the end of the year, I had written a 75,000 word novel. Seeing my dream through gave me such a sense of accomplishment that I've never felt before. I’m still in the editing process but I’m hoping to get it published in the future.”

Emma Johnson, 11

“One time I was visiting my old school with a bunch of other kids who went there also.  ere was construction on the road in front of the school so there were tra c cones everywhere. We decided that they took a lot of our childhood, so we were going to take a tra c cone.  e school is right on 26th street so the road was always really busy too. We had to stop in the middle of the busy road, jump out and grab a huge orange tra c cone that is way heavier than you would think, and run back into the car before getting honked at.  en we dropped it o at our old principal’s house and got the heck out of there. It was so much fun and probably the most I have ever laughed in awhile.”

Katie Van Zee, 10

“ e  rst time I went to an NFL game, my stepdad and I le a er school and drove from Sioux Falls all the way to Appleton, Wisconsin. [It] was Packers vs. Vikings and Mr. Daly and I had a bet that the loser had to wear the winning team’s jersey to school for the full day. A er the Packers won 21-16, he had to wear my brand new Aaron Rodgers jersey that I bought in Green Bay. Not only that, but he had to wear it again a er the Packers beat the Vikings in week 16.”

Levi Roberts, 12

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