Village of Lincolnwood
Welcome to Lincolnwood
President Welcome to Lincolnwood! We are glad that you decided to make Lincolnwood your new home!
Jerry Turry
Lincolnwood combines all the charm and benefits of a small town with the convenience and amenities of the big city. Located where the north shore meets the north side, Lincolnwood has 13 parks, top quality police and fire departments, and beautiful homes along quiet tree-lined streets. The Village is less than 10 miles to downtown Chicago and O’Hare Airport. Forest preserves, universities, Lake Michigan beaches, and cultural centers are just a short distance away. Originally incorporated in 1911, Lincolnwood has enjoyed a colorful history. Today, our healthy business community provides thousands of local jobs, retail businesses, and diverse services to the community while keeping the residential property tax among the lowest in Cook County. In this guide, you will find answers to many of the questions you may have about the Village, contact information, and additional resources if you would like to know more. We expect that you will find Lincolnwood to be a great place to live, work, and play!
NEW RESIDENT GUIDE Board of Trustees
Ronald Cope
Craig Klatzco
Lawrence Elster
Nicholas Leftakes
Jesal B. Patel, Sr.
Renee Sprogis-Marohn
Timothy Wiberg, Village Manager Douglas Petroshius, Assistant Village Manager Robert LaMantia, Police Chief Michael Hansen, Fire Chief Timothy Clarke, Community Development Director Robert Merkel, Finance Director Janice Hincapie, Parks and Recreation Director Ashley Engelmann, Public Works Director
Phone Numbers Table of Contents
Village Governance...........................................9 Overview of the Board, Commissions, and Committees
Vehicle Registration and Parking...................11 Vehicle registration stickers and parking restrictions
Utilities...............................................................13 Water, garbage, recycling, private utilities and more
Village Codes and Permits............................15 Most commonly asked questions and issues addressed
Building Permits and Maps............................17 Work activities requiring building permits and maps
Additional Resources / Annual Events........23 Where to find more information and featured events
Other Government Services........................25 Other local, state, and federal government services
NEW RESIDENT GUIDE Village Hall (Main).................................................(847) 673-1540 Village of Lincolnwood 6900 N. Lincoln Avenue Lincolnwood, IL 60712
open Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. handicapped accessible
Emergency......................................................................................9-1-1 Police Non-Emergency....................................................(847) 673-2167 Fire Non-Emergency.......................................................(847) 673-1545
Administration................................................................(847) 745-4717 Community Development..............................................(847) 673-7402 Finance...........................................................................(847) 673-1540 Fire..................................................................................(847) 673-1545 Parks and Recreation......................................................(847) 677-9740 Police..............................................................................(847) 673-2167 Public Works...................................................................(847) 675-0888
ComEd (electricity).........................................................(800) EDISON-1 Nicor (gas)......................................................................(888) 642-6748 Groot (waste, recycling, yard waste)..............................(800) 244-1977 SWANCC.........................................................................(847) 724-9205 Village of Lincolnwood (sewer, water)...........................(847) 673-1540 Comcast (telephone and TV)..........................................(866) 594-1234 AT&T U-Verse.................................................................(800) 288-2020
Public Organizations
Lincolnwood Public Library.............................................(847) 677-5277 Lincolnwood Chamber of Commerce.............................(847) 679-8234
Public Schools
Lincolnwood District 74 (Pre K-8th)................................(847) 675-8234 Niles High School District 219.........................................(847) 626-2000
Quick Facts
current population
27 fire fighters
4,482 2.7 square miles
13 parks
Lincolnwood Parks and Recreation Facilities Proesel Family Aquatic Center Lincolnwood Community Center Proesel Park Shelter Community Parks with Playgrounds, Parks, and Fields
34 sworn police personnel
540 businesses
median home value
5,636 employed population
median household income
Other Local Governments Cook County Niles Township School District 74 (K-8th) School District 219 (HS) Nearby Amenities Five area hospitals Oakton Community College (Skokie) Northwestern University (Evanston) Northeastern Illinois University (Chicago) Nine miles to downtown Ten miles to O’Hare
New Resident ChecklistVillage Village Website Govece 7
New Resident’s Check List Between unpacking and getting situated in a new place, new residents tend to have a lot on their minds. We hope to make the transition to a new home a little easier by providing a checklist to get you started in your first few days, weeks, and months ahead. Contact Groot for garbage and recycling toters Page 13 Set up a new water billing account Page 14 Obtain a Village vehicle sticker(s) Page 11 Review the Village’s parking standards Page 11-12 Review permit and code common inquiries Page 15-16 Review building permit information Page 17-18 Contact the Village and visit the Village website with any questions
Village of Lincolnwood
Village Hall 6900 N. Lincoln Avenue Lincolnwood, IL 60712 Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (847) 673-1540
NEW RESIDENT GUIDE Village Website The Village maintains a website that includes news, events, contact information, programs and services, brochures, and more. The website is organized by service area and target audience. Throughout this guide, the website will be referenced to provide a resource for additional information. The website is organized into five main areas.
Our Community
The Our Community section features information about Village history, demographics, weather, and more. This section also features links to external websites including the Lincolnwood Library and School Districts 74 and 219. The Community Calendar features all public Board and Commission meetings and fun family-friendly community events. Contact information for staff, important phone numbers, and Village observed holidays (including Village Hall closures) are included in this section.
Village Government
The Village Government tab includes information about Village Boards, Commissions, Departments, and more. The Code of Ordinances is an electronic version of the current Village Code and can be navigated by the index and through the search function. The Budget and Financial Information page features the Village Annual Budget and Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. The Plans and Reports page includes the Tax Incremental Finance District Plans and the Village Strategic Plan and Vision Statement.
The Residents tab includes information on Refuse, Recycling, and Yard Waste, Permit and License Applications, Building and Construction and more. All of these service areas are summarized throughout this Guide. Information about Tree Management and Social Services is also included in this section.
Enjoy Lincolnwood
The Enjoy Lincolnwood tab includes a link to the Parks and Recreation site where you can see upcoming parks programs and can register for programs online. The Lincolnwood Chamber Orchestra site and Village Art Gallery are also featured.
This section features information for businesses in our community.
Village Governance Village Govece Quick Facts and Check List 9
Village Organization The Village adopted the Council/ Manager form of government, and an elected Board of Trustees and Village President govern the Village and make policies. They appoint a Village Manager to implement their decisions on a daily basis. Lincolnwood is home rule which grants additional powers in governing.
Board of Trustees
The Village President and six member Board of Trustees are elected at large to four-year terms. Board meetings are held in the Council Chambers in Village Hall, 6900 N. Lincoln Avenue, at 7:30 p.m. on the first and third Tuesdays of each month. The Village President (Mayor) chairs and runs the Village Board meetings and follows an agenda which is published in advance. The President and Board of Trustees welcome your input.
Clerk’s Office
The Village Clerk maintains official records and accurately records all minutes of the Village Board meetings. The Clerk also registers voters and issues permits. Residents can register to vote and find more information on obtaining permits on the Village website at government/elected-officials/voter-information/ or at Village Hall Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Public Participation
Residents are welcome to participate at all public meetings. A speaker request form should be completed and the Village President or Chair will recognize requestors during the “Public Forum”. Residents are also encouraged to serve on a Board, Commission or Committee. If you are interested, please call (847) 745-4717 or send your resume and cover letter to President Jerry Turry, 6900 N. Lincoln Avenue, Lincolnwood, IL 60712.
NEW RESIDENT GUIDE Boards, Commissions, and Committees
Boards, Commissions, and Committees consist of Village residents. Each member is appointed by the Village President with consent of the Village Board. The Boards, Commissions, and Committees are listed below with the day of the month and the location where each meets. The regularly scheduled meetings of the Village Board, Plan Commission, and Zoning Board of Appeals are televised.
Village Board First and Third Tuesdays, Council Chambers Plan Commission First Wednesday, Council Chambers Zoning Board of Appeals Third Wednesday, Council Chambers Economic Development Commission Fourth Wednesday, Council Chambers Board of Fire and Police Commission Semi-Regularly, Location TBD Human Relations Commission Second Monday, Council Chambers Parks and Recreation Board Second Tuesday, Council Chambers Traffic Commission Second Monday, Council Chambers Village Board, Plan Commission, and Zoning Board of Appeals meetings are televised! You can watch meetings live on AT&T U-Verse Channel 99 and Comcast Cable Channel 6. Meetings also stream live and on-demand at
Agendas, Packets, Minutes and Calendar Meeting agendas, packets, and minutes are posted at Village Hall and online on the respective Boards or Commissions pages at Upcoming Boards, Commissions, and Committee meeting dates and locations are posted on the Village website home page at and on the Calendar at
Parking Information Vehicle Registration 11
Village Vehicle Sticker All vehicles registered in Lincolnwood must have a current Village vehicle sticker. Stickers are valid from July 1 to June 30. New stickers are required when moving to the Village or purchasing a new vehicle registered to a Lincolnwood address. Pre-printed application forms are mailed in late May to residents who purchased a vehicle sticker in the previous year. Vehicle stickers must be purchased and displayed on the vehicle by June 30. Owners of vehicles without display of the current Village sticker risk being issued a citation. If you are a new resident and change the address on your driver’s license, the address of your car registration does not automatically change. Vehicle registration must be changed to your new address with the Illinois Secretary of State. Purchase a vehicle sticker at the Finance Department Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Parking Information Street Cleaning Street sweeping keeps our Village streets and landscape clean and clears storm water drains of debris for water runoff and flood prevention. Each street is swept every three to four weeks beginning April 1 through December 15. For more effective street cleaning, please abide by the street sweeping schedule available at the Village website, In the “Residents” drop-down menu select “Streets and Sidewalks,” then “Street Sweeping.”
NEW RESIDENT GUIDE The Village is divided into eight sections for the street sweeping schedule. Each month, residents have street sweeping performed on the same days of the week. For example, section one is swept on the first Tuesday and Wednesday of each month. Typically, the first day of the two day sweeping is the side of the street with odd addresses. Know your street sweeping schedule. A copy is available in your New Resident Packet (printed version) and online at Street cleaning signs are posted throughout the Village. In order to remind you of your specific street cleaning day, you may sign up for email notifications by contacting the Public Works Department at (847) 675-0888. Another suggested way to be reminded of street sweeping is to enter dates for your schedule as calendar appointments on your smart phone.
Alternate Side Street Parking
Alternate side street parking regulations are in effect on all Village streets when there are two or more inches of snow on the ground and is in effect for a minimum of two days. This parking restriction is included as part of the Village Code. When alternate side parking is in effect on even numbered dates (such as January 2), parking is only allowed on the side of the street bearing even numbered addresses. On odd numbered dates (such as January 3), parking is only allowed on the side of the street bearing odd addresses. When alternate side parking is in effect, parking restrictions are valid from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Drivers of vehicles that do not adhere to the parking regulations risk being ticketed. Alternate side parking allows the Public Works Department to more efficiently clear snow from the streets. The first priority of the Village is to plow main streets and intersections. Alternate side parking regulations are adopted by Village Ordinance (7-2-13) and can be viewed online under the I Want To option at 12, then select View the Village Code.
Utilities (Water, Garbage, and More) 13
Garbage, Recycling, and Yard Waste Village garbage, recycling, yard waste, and bulk refuse is provided by Groot Recycling and Waste Services. There is no direct fee to residents for this service. Pickup is on Mondays (or Tuesday if Monday is a legally recognized holiday). Three separate trucks are used for pickup of waste, recycling, and yard waste. Items are picked up from the curb and containers may be put out for pickup after 6:00 p.m. on Sunday (or on Monday if it is a holiday), and should be returned to a proper storage location by 8:00 a.m. following the collection day. Contact Groot at (847) 734-6400 or Public Works at (847) 675-0888 for garbage and recycling toters. Yard waste is collected in paper bags or containers clearly marked “Yard Waste”. Yard waste is collected March 15 through November 30. Yard waste bags are available for purchase at the Finance Department and Lowe’s, 3601 W. Touhy Avenue. Branches should be tied in bundles and no more than 60 pounds per bundle. Branches should be no more than four feet long and four inches in diameter. Branches can be left at the curb for regular garbage pickup. Waste should be drained of extra liquids. Recyclables must be rinsed and clean and disposed in one toter and do not have to be separated by type of recyclable material. One extra bulk garbage item (such as an appliance) is allowed per week. If you believe that a pickup has been missed, please wait until the end of the day or the next day to report any missed pick ups. Garbage and recycling toters are available directly from Groot. For more information, please contact Groot at (847) 734-6400 or visit the Groot website at
Hazardous materials may not be put in household waste. To dispose of hazardous waste (such as tires and batteries), please contact the Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County (SWANCC) at (847) 296-9205 or visit the SWANCC website at SWANCC also has recycling programs throughout the year including electronic recycling and document shredding. Electronic recycling locations and document destruction events are located throughout the Northern suburbs. For a listing of dates and locations, please visit the SWANCC website at or call (847) 724-9205.
Water Service and Billing
Water from Lake Michigan is provided to residents through the Village by contract with the City of Chicago. The Finance Department creates and maintains water accounts. Residents are billed quarterly. Payments can be made by check, cash, credit card or money order at the Finance Department in Village Hall, Monday through Friday during regular business hours, by mail, or dropping off payment in the brown drop box at the front of Village Hall. Water bills can also be paid at Set up a new water account through the Finance Department or online at From the “Residents” tab, select “Water Bill Information”.
Private Utility Companies Private utility companies provide electricity, gas, cable, and internet. These service providers should be contacted directly by residents. Commonwealth Edison provides electricity and can be reached at (800) EDISON-1. Nicor Gas provides gas service and their phone number is (888) 642-6748. Home phone and internet service is provided by Comcast at (888) 594-1234 and AT&T U-Verse at (800) 288-2020. Service availability 14 depends on location.
Village Code and Permits
Recreational and Commercial Vehicles
Recreational and commercial vehicles must be stored in fullyenclosed garages or accessory structures throughout the year. Boats (including jet skis and personal watercrafts) and boat trailers must be parked in a fully enclosed building from October 31 through April 1. Snowmobiles must be parked in a fully enclosed building from April 1 through November 30. Inoperable vehicles must be stored off streets and driveways except for short-term repairs.
Leaf Blower Regulations To reduce noise and air pollution, gasolinepowered leaf blowers are prohibited between June 1 and September 15. From September 15 to June 1, gas powered leaf blower use is permitted from 7:00 a.m. and to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and between 7:00 a.m. and noon on Saturdays. Leaf blower use is not allowed on Sundays or holidays.
Tall Grass
Residents are reminded to keep grass trimmed to an appropriate height. The Village Code adopted the International Property Maintenance Code and grass must be kept to under six inches.
NEW RESIDENT GUIDE Garage and Estate Sales
Permits are required for garage and estate sales. Garage and estate sale permits are available for $3 and applications must be submitted three days prior to the sale. Residents are limited to a combination of two garage and/or estate sales per calendar year with a minimum of 30 days between sales.
Dog Licensing Dog licenses are required for dogs over four months in age and are due by July 1 of each year. The annual licensing period for dogs is from July 1 to June 30. Proof of rabies inoculations is required for license issuance. There is an $8 fee for the license, and the fee is reduced to $4 if the dog is spayed or neutered. Dogs must wear valid license tags. Dogs are to kept on a leash at all times when away from the owner’s property.
Block Party Permits Permits for block parties are required and applications must be submitted one week in advance of the party. Signatures of all residents on the block are required. Permit and license applications are available at under “Residents”, then select “Permit and License Applications”.
Park and Shelter Use Permits Permits are required for park and shelter use for groups of ten or more people. Park and shelters are great for birthday parties and family reunions! For information about outdoor facility permits and rentals, visit, select “Facilities”, then “Outdoor Facilities”, or call the Parks and Recreation Department at (847) 677-9740.
Building Permits
Building Permits Work Requiring a Village Permit A Village permit is required for all new construction such as new buildings, additions, and any physical change to the structure. The following activities* also require a Village permit: • Demolition • Tree removal • Reroofing • Modification to existing electrical, plumbing or HVAC • Fences, garages, sheds, pools, and lawn sprinklers • Driveways, sidewalks, patios, or other pavement • Change in site elevation or drainage • Replacement of gutters and downspouts • Replacement of windows and doors • Replacement of water heaters *This list is not comprehensive and does not contain every type of project that requires a permit. Building permit applications and more information is available at or contact Community Development at (847) 673-7402. Office hours to obtain permits or to schedule are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Inspections are available with 24 hour advanced notice on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8:00 a.m. to noon.
NEW RESIDENT GUIDE Work Not Requiring a Village Permit No Village permit is required for certain activities such as wallpapering, decorating, the simple replacement of light fixtures, standard replacement of refrigerators, stoves, dishwashers, washers or dryers unless the replacement requires the change to the existing electrical of HVAC system. If you have questions about work that requires a permit, please call the Community Development Department at (847) 673-7402 Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Maps and GIS The Village maintains an accurate and sophisticated geographic information system (GIS). The Village is a member of the GIS consortium. GIS integrates maps and other geographical data for capturing, managing, and analyzing and displaying all types of geographically referenced information. There are several maps available to residents and the general public available at such as: • Bikeway Plan • Community • Municipal Center • Street Responsibility • Street Sweeping • TIF Districts • Zoning • Available Space and Properties The maps page also features the Lincolnwood Property Search, a detailed property search where you can find your refuse and recycling pickup dates, school district, zoning and more. Type in your address and select parcel summary.
Additional Resources Programs and Events 19
Additional Information and Resources Lincolnwood Connections Newsletter
The Lincolnwood Connections Newsletter is published bi-monthly and sent directly to every residential household in Lincolnwood. The newsletter has the most up-to-date information and news in one central location and allows the Village to directly communicate with and inform our residents.
I Want To Page On the Village website,, there is a page called I Want To which can be accessed from the home page. This page features many common inquiries such as “I Want To” Make a Payment Online or “I Want To” View the Village Code.
Cable Channel The Village maintains a cable channel called Lincolnwood TV (LWD-TV). The Cable Channel is on Comcast Channel 6, AT&T U-Verse Channel 99, and The Cable Channel plays Village Board, Plan Commission and ZBA meetings, public service announcements, and other featured videos.
Like Us and Follow Us!
Stay up to date with Village news and events! Like the Village on Facebook at and Like the Parks and Recreation Department at Follow the Village on Twitter at and follow the Parks and Recereation Department @LincolnwoodParks.
NEW RESIDENT GUIDE Programs and Events Lincolnwood Fest The Lincolnwood Fest is held in Proesel Park, 6900 N. Lincoln Avenue, every summer and features food carnival, car show, business expo and more. While the Village does not host the fest, it is a big part of the Lincolnwood culture and a great way to celebrate and have fun every summer. For more information, visit
Turkey Trot
The annual Turkey Trot is held the Sunday before Thanksgiving each year, and features 5K, 10K, and Drumstick Dash for kids. The Turkey Trot offers a variety of volunteer activities and is a CARA (Chicago Area Runners Association) certified race attracting over 1,850 participants a year. When registration is opened, go to or visit the Parks and Recreation Department at 6900 N. Lincoln Ave.
Art Gallery Receptions The Village maintains an art gallery in Village Hall. Local artists feature their works of art and a new exhibit comes to the gallery every two months. The Village hosts public receptions for exhibits before Village Board Meetings (first or third Tuesday of the month) between 5:00 and 7:00 p.m. Information about the most recent art gallery showings is available at
Parks and Recreation Programs
The Lincolnwood Parks and Recreation Department holds so many great seasonal events annually including; Touch a Truck, Summer Concert Series, Family Fun Fest, Memorial Day Parade, and more! Seasonal brochures and online registration for Parks and Recreation programs are available at
Community Center Available to Rent for Parties and Events The Community Center is open throughout the year for rental. Whether planning a small intimate gathering or a huge bash up for 200 people, the Community Center is the perfect venue for birthday parties, wedding showers, wedding receptions and more! Please call (847) 677-9740 or visit 20 for more information or make a reservation.
Other Government Services
Other Local Government Services School Districts
Lincolnwood is served by School District 74 for kindergarten through 8th grade with a variety of education programs. For information about District 74 and enrollment, visit or call (847) 675-8234. The administrative office is located at 6950 N. East Prairie Road. Niles Township High School, District 219, serves students from Lincolnwood, Skokie, and parts of Morton Grove and Niles. For more information about District 219 and enrollment, visit or call (847) 626-3000. The administrative office is located at 7700 Gross Point Road in Skokie.
Lincolnwood Public Library Lincolnwood Public Library, 4000 W. Pratt Avenue, allows Lincolnwood residents access to more than 50,000 books, audio tapes, compact disks, periodicals and more. The library hosts a number of children’s activities, adult programs, and private instruction on using the internet. The library is run separately from the Village. To obtain a library card, contact the library at (847) 677-5277. For more information, visit the Lincolnwood Library’s website at
Public Transportation
PACE buses serve Lincolnwood and provide access to metra trains and four Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) train routes. Route 290 travels along Touhy Avenue and ends at the CTA blue line with service to O’Hare Airport to the west, and the CTA Red, Purple, and Yellow Lines at Howard to the east. Buses also stop at the Lincolnwood Town Center and the Park Ridge Metra train in between. Route 210 travels on Lincoln Avenue from Glenview to the north and the CTA Red line in Chicago with service to downtown Chicago to the south. For more information, call (847) 364-PACE or view schedules and maps at
NEW RESIDENT GUIDE State and Federal Elected Officials Governor of Illinois
Governor Bruce Rauner Office of the Governor 207 State House Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-0244
U.S. Senators
Senator Dick Durbin 771 Hart Senate Building Washington DC 20510 (202) 224-2152
Illinois Representatives
Representative John D’Amico 15th District (Precincts 6, 12, 40, 110) 279-S Stratton Office Building Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-8198 (and) 4404 W. Lawrence Avenue Chicago, IL 60630 (773) 736-0218
U.S. Representative 9th District Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky 5533 N. Broadway Chicago, IL 60640 (773) 506-7100 Senator Mark Kirk 524 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510 (202) 224-2854
Representative Lou Lang 16th District (Precincts 4, 5, 7, 65, 66, 67, 93, 103, 104) 109 Statehouse Building Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-1252 (and) 4528 West Oakton Street Skokie, IL 60076 (847) 673-1131
Illinois Senator 8th District Senator Ira Silverstein 8th Legislative District 121B State Capitol Building Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-5500 (and) 2951 West Devon Avenue Chicago, IL 60659 (773) 743-5015
Village of Lincolnwood