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Bourne Area Group Newsletter
April 2023
Dole Wood – Open Day Sunday 23 April 2023
There is a pleasure in the pathless woods - Byron
A woodland carpeted with bluebells is such a beautiful and welcome sign of spring – and one that is special to Britain with almost half the world’s population here. And, on 23 April (from 1030-1600), you can enjoy the bluebells at the annual open day at our Dole Wood reserve at Thurlby (access off Obthorpe Lane). There will be locally baked refreshments for sale, plant sales, activities for children and guided walks.
But the popularity of bluebells is also their undoing. Their fleshy leaves are easily trampled by humans eager perhaps to get a better shot to post on social media or by those wanting just to wander ‘offpiste’ in the woods. But, where one person goes, another usually follows; soon, new paths are created and the woodland carpet becomes increasingly fragmented and threadbare. This is an increasing problem at Dole Wood and at other local woodlands, Byron’s ‘pathless woods’ become anything but.
So, do come and join us at Dole Wood – but whether at the open day or at other times and in other woods, think about the bluebells and other plants beneath your feet (including when they’ve finished flowering) and please keep to the established paths.
Staying in touch
As we noted in the last newsletter, it has become harder for us to contact members directly other than through the Trust’s website – where this is posted. Several members have been in touch to ask if meetings are still going ahead or if they have been taken off a mailing list (to which the answer is no). However, it is clear that not everyone has yet ‘’found’ this newsletter or is able to access it.
We will, therefore, be trying to point this out to people at our future open days. We are also considering starting a WhatsApp group for Bourne Area Group members where we can provide details of events and reminders directly to your mobile. Participants can then also ask questions of the Committee or share ideas. The advantage of a WhatsApp group is that people can ask to join whenever they want – and also leave very easily also. It also means that we don’t have any issues with Data Protection regulations which would otherwise be difficult if we tried to create an electronic mailing list for example (which are also difficult to keep up to date). The disadvantage is, of course, that you need a mobile phone with the app downloaded which might deter some members. However, if you are interested in being added to a group when formed, please let one of the Committee members know.