LoveLincsPlants Tree ID Guide

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Flick Guide to Common Species of Trees in Leaf Kevin Widdowson

Kevin Widdowson on behalf of the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust February 2020

Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust is a voluntary charitable organisation which cares for Lincolnshire's wildlife and countryside. It is one of 46 similar Wildlife Trusts covering the UK which are affiliated to the Royal Society of Wildlife Trusts. Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust is one of the oldest of these county Trusts, having been founded in 1948. The Trust covers the whole of the historic county of Lincolnshire - from the Humber

The LoveLincsPlants project is a Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust project supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund (2017-2020). In partnership with the Natural History Museum, Lincolnshire Naturalists Union, The Sir Joseph Banks Society and the University of Lincoln, the aims of the project are to:


Preserve Lincolnshire's botanical heritage by archiving an historic herbarium of Lincolnshire plants


Create a contemporary herbarium of Lincolnshire plants


Train volunteers in traditional plant collecting and archiving skills


Inspire young people to train as the botanists of the future


Introduce children to the importance of plants in the modern world

Over the last 150 years the Lincolnshire Naturalists’ Union has compiled a huge collection of over 9,000 plant specimens, including some of Lincolnshire’s rarest plants. However, with no proper storage facilities available in Lincolnshire the collection was at serious risk of deterioration. As part of the National Lottery funded project the Natural History Museum in London have received the collection, and will work to secure it safely in facilities designed for the protection of plant specimens. Using state of the art imaging facilities this collection will also be made available to view online.

Inspired by Sir Joseph Banks, an eighteenth century Lincolnshire naturalist, the project aims to enthuse botanists to making a contemporary herbarium of Lincolnshire’s plants. Storage of this new collection will be split between the Sir Joseph Banks Centre in Horncastle and the Natural History Museum. Through working with students at The University of the Lincoln, both the historic and 21st century collection will provide a vital tool for scientific research into climate change and plant genetics; helping to address plant extinction on a local and national level.

Volunteers will be vital to the Lincolnshire Plants project. This citizen science project will not only train volunteers in plant identification, it will also find a new role for threatened traditional archiving skills, ensuring that volunteers are trained in the collection, preparation and mounting of specimens as well as opportunities to gain skills in botanical illustration and photography.

About this guide This guide is aimed at those entering the world of tree identification. It is separated by leaf shape to enable the user to flick through the guide to find a section of trees with that leaf outline. There are 35 species included in the guide those being the most commonly found in the British Isles either as naturally occurring or planted. No distinction has been as to native status.

Leaf Shapes used in this Guide Orbicular leaf

Elliptical (oblong) leaf Triangular leaf Pinnately lobed leaf Pinnate compound leaf Palmately lobed leaf Palmate compound leaf


Alnus glutinosa Alder

Leaf Shape Leaf size Leaf margins Bud arrangement Bud scales Fruit

: +/- Orbicular : To 9cm : Toothed +/- shallow lobes : Alternate, on columns : Purple asymmetric : Winged seed in cone-like structure


Corylus avellana Hazel

Leaf Shape Leaf size Leaf margins Bud arrangement Bud scales Fruit

: Circular to obovate. Cordate : To 12cm : Toothed : Alternate. Flattened : Green, ciliate : Nut with lacinate bracts


Populus tremula Aspen

Leaf Shape Leaf size Leaf margins Bud arrangement Bud scales Fruit

: Ovate, truncated base : To 8cm x 8cm wide : Sinuate toothed : Alternate : Shiny dark red : Capsule in catkin

Rhamnaceae– Buckthorn Family

Rhamnus cathartica Buckthorn

Leaf Shape Leaf size Leaf margins Bud arrangement Bud scales Fruit

: Obovate : To 6cm : Toothed : Opposite (subopposite) : Dark brown : Berry with 2-4 seeds


Tilia x europaea Lime

Leaf Shape Leaf size Leaf margins Bud arrangement Bud scales Fruit

: Ovate. Asymmetric base : To 15cm : Toothed : Alternate : 2 scales, red, asymmetric : Nut, persistent bracteole


Carpinus betulus Hornbeam

Leaf Shape Leaf size Leaf margins Bud arrangement Bud scales Fruit

: Oblong/Elliptical : To 11cm long : Toothed : Alternate, buds incurved : Buff coloured : Nut surrounded by 3 lobed bract

Fagaceae– Beech Family

Castanea sativa Sweet Chestnut Leaf Shape Leaf size Leaf margins Bud arrangement Bud scales Fruit

: Oblong/Elliptical : c.20cm (to 30cm) : Toothed, serrate : Alternate : Reddish orange : Nut in cupule with sharp spines


Cornus sanguinea Dogwood

Leaf Shape Leaf size Leaf margins Bud arrangement Bud scales Fruit

: Ovate : Simple leaf to 7cm : Entire : Opposite : Dark brown, hairy : Drupe appearing in clusters

Celastraceae– Spindle Family

Euonymus europaeus Spindle

Leaf Shape Leaf size Leaf margins Bud arrangement Bud scales Fruit

: Elliptical : To 13cm : Toothed : Opposite : Green, red tips : Pink Capsule, orange aril


Fagus sylvatica Beech

Leaf Shape Leaf size Leaf margins Bud arrangement Bud scales Fruit

: Elliptic : To 10 cm : Undulating : Alternate : Combine to form long sharp bud : Nut in sharp scaled cupule (Mast)


Ilex aquifolium Holly

Leaf Shape Leaf size Leaf margins Bud arrangement Bud scales Fruit

: Ovate : To 7cm : Undulate with sharp spines : Alternate : 2, small, often purple : 2-4 seeded drupe

Rosaceae– Rose Family

Prunus cerasifera Cherry Plum

Leaf Shape Leaf size Leaf margins Bud arrangement Bud scales Fruit

: Elliptical, long tapering tip : To 7cm : Toothed : Alternate : Pale brown : Drupe with flattened stone


Prunus spinosa Blackthorn

Leaf Shape Leaf size Leaf margins Bud arrangement Bud scales Fruit

: Elliptical : To 4cm : Toothed : Alternate : Black : Drupe, Slightly flattened fruit

Salicaceae – Willow Family

Salix caprea s.l. Goat Willow

Leaf Shape Leaf size Leaf margins Bud arrangement Bud scales Fruit

: Ovate to orbicular : To 12cm : minutely toothed : Alternate, spiralling : Single scale, red : Capsule arranged in catkins

Salicaceae – Willow Family

Salix cinerea s.l. Grey Willow

Leaf Shape Leaf size Leaf margins Bud arrangement Bud scales Fruit

: Obovate : To 8cm : Minutely : Alternate spiralling : Single bud scale, brown : Capsule arranged in Catkin

Adoxaceae – Moschatel Family

Viburnum lantana Wayfaring Tree

Leaf Shape Leaf size Leaf margins Bud arrangement Bud scales Fruit

: Ovate : To 10cm : Toothed : Opposite : No scales : Drupe with 1 seed

Betulaceae– Birch Family

Betula pendula Silver Birch

Leaf Shape Leaf size Leaf margins Bud arrangement Bud scales Fruit

: Triangular : Up to 7cm long : Toothed : Alternate : Usually green at base : Winged fruit in strobile


Crataegus laevigata Midland Hawthorn

Leaf Shape Leaf size Leaf margins Bud arrangement Bud scales Fruit

: Ovate, lobed : to 5cm : Toothed : Alternate : Red, glabrous : +/- Spherical containing 2 stones

Rosaceae– Rose Family

Crataegus monogyna Hawthorn

Leaf Shape Leaf size Leaf margins Bud arrangement Bud scales Fruit

: ovate lobed : To 5cm : Toothed : Alternate : Red, glabrous : +/- spherical containing 1 stone

Fagaceae– Beech Family

Quercus cerris Turkey Oak

Leaf Shape Leaf size Leaf margins Bud arrangement Bud scales Fruit

: Lobed, linear : To 15cm : Entire : Alternate, clustered at tip : Grey, long whisker-like stipules : Nut in cupule


Quercus petraea Sessile Oak

Leaf Shape Leaf size Leaf margins Bud arrangement Bud scales Fruit

: Lobed, tapering base : To 12cm : Entire : Alternate, clustered at tip : Pale brown with darker margins : Nut in a cupule

Fagaceae– Beech Family

Quercus robur Pedunculate Oak

Leaf Shape Leaf size Leaf margins Bud arrangement Bud scales Fruit

: Lobed with rounded auricles : To 12cm : Entire : Alternate, clustered at tip : Red/Brown with pale margins : Nut in cupule

Rosaceae– Rose Family

Sorbus intermedia Swedish Whitebeam

Leaf Shape Leaf size Leaf margins Bud arrangement Bud scales Fruit

: Ovate, lobed : To 12cm : Toothed : Alternate : Red, green margins, ciliate : Drupe

Adoxaceae – Moschatel Family

Viburnum opulus Guelder Rose

Leaf Shape Leaf size Leaf margins Bud arrangement Bud scales Fruit

: Lobed : To 10cm : Entire : Opposite : 2 fused scales : Drupe

Oleaceae– Ash Family

Fraxinus excelsior Ash

Leaf Shape Leaf size Leaf margins Bud arrangement Bud scales Fruit

: Compound, pinnate : To 30cm. Leaflets to 9cm : Leaflets toothed : Opposite (sub opp. or 3 whorled) : Black : Samara


Juglans regia Walnut

Leaf Shape Leaf size Leaf margins Bud arrangement Bud scales Fruit

: Compound, pinnate : Leaflets to 20cm : Entire : Alternate, often superposed : 2 scales, grey to black : Drupe containing shelled nut

Adoxaceae – Moschatel Family

Sambucus nigra Elder

Leaf Shape Leaf size Leaf margins Bud arrangement Bud scales Fruit

: Compound, pinnate : Leaflets to 10cm : Tooth leaflets : Opposite : Red, ragged : Drupe 3-5 seeds

Rosaceae– Rose Family

Sorbus aucuparia s.l. Rowan

Leaf Shape Leaf size Leaf margins Bud arrangement Bud scales Fruit

: Compound, pinnate : Leaflets to 7cm : Toothed : Alternate : Hairy : Drupe

Sapindaceae - Maple Family

Acer campestre Field Maple

Leaf Shape Leaf size Leaf margins Bud arrangement Bud scales Fruit

: Palmately lobed : Up to 8cm long—10cm wide : Entire : Opposite with interpetiolar ridge : Hairy : Fused samara

Sapindaceae - Maple Family

Acer platanoides Norway Maple

Leaf Shape Leaf size Leaf margins Bud arrangement Bud scales Fruit

: Palmately lobed : Up to 13cm long : Large toothed : Opposite with interpetiolar ridge : Red : A fused samara


Acer pseudoplatanus Sycamore

Leaf Shape Leaf size Leaf margins Bud arrangement Bud scales Fruit

: Palmately lobed : leaves 7-16cm long : Toothed : Opposite with interpetiolar ridge : Green. Brown margin. Ciliate : Fused samara

Sapindaceae - Maples Family

Acer saccharinum Silver Maple

Leaf Shape Leaf size Leaf margins Bud arrangement Bud scales Fruit

: Palmately lobed > half way to rib : Up to 15cm long : Large toothed : Opposite with interpetiolar ridge : Shiny red : Fused samara

Platanaceae– Plane Family

Platanus x hispanica London plane

Leaf Shape Leaf size Leaf margins Bud arrangement Bud scales Fruit

: Palmately lobed : To 20cm : Large teeth : Alternate : Singular, red : Spherical cluster of achenes

Salicaceae – Willow Family

Populus alba White Poplar

Leaf Shape Leaf size Leaf margins Bud arrangement Bud scales Fruit

: Palmately lobed : To 8cm : Weakly toothed : Alternate : White felted : Capsule in Catkin

Sapindaceae - Maple Family

Aesculus hippocastanum Horse Chestnut

Leaf Shape Leaf size Leaf margins Bud arrangement Bud scales Fruit

: Compound, palmate. : To 30cm : Toothed : Opposite. Large leaf scar : Brown. Sticky : Capsule 1-3 seeds

Glossary Achene Alternate Aril

Auricle Berry Bract Bracteole Bud Bud arrangement Bud scales Capsule Carpel Catkin Ciliate Compound Cordate Cupule Drupe Elliptical Entire Fruit Fused

A small dry fruit containing a single seed Form appearing one per node often on opposite side of the axis An appendage partially or completely covering the seed Ear-like lobe A simple fruit with one to many seeds immersed in a fleshy pulp A modified and specialised leaf in the inflorescence A secondary bract usually smaller than the bract Early development of a leaf or flower with a protective covering Position of buds along the axis The coverings of the bud A dry fruit composed of two or more unite carpels. Splits open basic unit of of the female sexual organ A slender often pendulous, cylindrical Inflorescence Bearing a fringe of hairs Composed of several similar leaflets Base of leaf deeply notched so the leaf appears heart shaped Cup-like structure at the base of fruits A fruit containing a stone Broadest in the middle Not divide. Unbroken by teeth, lobes or serrations A seed bearing organ Joined together into a whole

Glabrous Inflorescence Interpetiolar Interpetiolar ridge Lacinate Leaf scar Leaflet Lobed Nothovarieties Nut Oblong Obovate Opposite

Orbicular Ovate Palmate Persistent Petiole Pinnate s.l.

Samara Serrate Simple Leaf Sinuate

Smooth and without hairs Part of the plant that bears the flowers Placed between the petioles of opposite leaves or buds Ridge on the node between opposite leaves or buds Cut into drawn out teeth Mark on the twig where the leaf has fallen Singular part of a compound leaf A division over half way from leaf edge to midrib Cultivated species A one seed with hard shell Longer than wide with parallel sides Egg shaped with the widest part above the middle Two leaves or buds emerging from the same node Flat with a circular outline Egg shaped with the widest part below the middle When all lobes or leaflets originate from a central point Remaining in place Leaf stalk Divided in towards a central axis or midrib Latin: sensuo lato, meaning in the broad sense. Used to indicate where a plant has many similar subspecies, varieties and nothovarieties A dry fruit with a wing longer than the seed bearing part Toothed like a saw A leaf not divided into leaflets An uneven margin that has deep rounded undulations

Spine Stipule Stone Strobile Subopposite (subopp) Subspecies Superposed Toothed Undulating Varieties Whorl

A sharp pointed hard structure derived from a leaf A leaf-like or scale like appendage Hard structure in a drupe An inflorescence made up of overlapping scales Almost but not quite opposite Subdivision of a species Borne one above the other Small pointet projections from the leaf margin Wavy Below the rank of subspecies Three or more buds or leaves borne at the same node

References Beentje, H. 2012. The Kew Plant Glossary, an illustrated dictionary of plant terms, Revised edn. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey. More, D. White, J. 2013. Illustrated Trees of Britain and Europe, 2nd edn. Bloomsbury Publishing, London. Poland, J. 2018. Field Key to Winter Twigs: a guide to native and planted deciduous trees, shrubs and woody climbers (xylophytes) found in the British Isles. John Poland, Southampton in association with the Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland. Poland, J. Clement, E. 2020. The Vegetative Key to the Brirish Flora, 2nd edn. John Poland, Southampton. Shultz, B. 2018. Identification of Trees and Shrubs in Winter using Buds and Twigs. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey. Stace, C.A. 2019. New Flora to the British Isles, 4th edn. C&M Floristics, Stowmarket.

Photograph credits The main body of photographs were taken and edited by Kevin Widdowson. Thanks go to the following people for suppling additional images to be edited. Juglans regia fruit Populus tremula flower Prunus cerasifera fruit Prunus spinosa fruit Quercus cerris fruit Rhamnus cathartica fruit Rhamnus cathartica leaf Sorbus aucuparia fruit Sorbus torminalis Fruit Ulmus glabra fruit Viburnum opulus fruit

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Index Acer campestre


Acer platanoides


Acer pseudoplatanus


Acer saccharinum


Aesculus hippocastanum




Alnus glutinosa








Betula pendula






Carpinus betulus


Castanea sativa


Cherry Plum


Cornus sanguinea


Corylus avellana


Crataegus laevigata


Crataegus monogyna






Euonymus europaeus


Fagus sylvatica


Field Maple


Fraxinus excelsior


Goat Willow


Grey Willow


Guelder Rose










Horse Chestnut


Ilex aquifolium


Juglans regia




London Plane


Midland Hawthorn


Norway Maple


Pedunculate Oak


Platanus x hispanica


Populus alba


Populus tremula


Prunus cerasifera


Prunus spinosa


Quercus cerris


Quercus patraea


Quercus robur


Rhamnus cathartica




Salix caprea s.l.


Salix cinerea s.l.


Sambucus nigra


Sessile Oak


Silver Birch


Silver Maple


Sorbus aucuparia s.l


Sorbus intermedia




Swedish Whitebeam


Sweet Chestnut




Tilia x europaea


Turkey Oak


Viburnum lantana


Viburnum opulus




Wayfaring Tree


White poplar


Flick Guide to Common Species of Trees in Leaf

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