Book of Secrets

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Book of Secrets Written and illustrated by

Linda Chainey

Copyright Š Linda Chainey 2009

Book of Secrets Written and illustrated by Linda Chainey

Dedication This book is dedicated to all those with a fanciful imagination. A girl’s fears are allayed by a friend who acts as her guide, taking her into strange and imaginary places. She must enter through each new place unknowing what lies ahead, emerging stronger as she realises that the power she seeks was within her all the time.

Read   my book of secrets To see how it all began. And how I turned all my can’t’s Into the words ‘ I can ’

I drew beneath the table Instead of drawing on. Pretending I was quite alone And everyone had gone.

As a child I played beneath the table Instead of up above. Pretending I was all alone With nobody to love.

Hiding ‘neath the tablecloth In folds of lacy white. I spied amidst the glowing fire A clear and sparkling light.

Flames that flickered, leaping high. Repeating different stances. And with their never-ending patterns, Demonstrating dances.

I caught it in my handkerchief And felt its rounded form. I wiped it on my cheek Where it left me feeling warm.

Gradually there did appear A path split down the middle. And as I gazed with eyes now glazed, I gasped at such a riddle.

He told me he would help me To believe my own true worth. I had to go with him right then And travel over earth.

More paths kept on re-appearing. I uttered not a word. For as I sat in silent awe, My eyes lit on the bird.

The bird then beckoned with his claw To nestle on his plumes. Then he shrank me to the size of him And flew me from the room.

I never saw from whence it came Or how it did appear. I peered and saw that from its eye, There hung a glass-like tear.

We flew across the mountains Amidst receding flames. Through places I’d not seen before Or even knew their names.

Then far into the distance, A wall of stones I saw. Surrounding many balconies Above an arch-shaped door. It was the folly of the sea Grown upwards from a twisted tree We nestled by a window pane Where bird tapped on the glass. ‘Guess the way through,’ spoke a voice, ‘And I will let you pass.’ It was the Lady of the Rock Who held the key to one small lock.

‘To   find it, enter one small door, Or fly towards the light. Where dwells the sleeping girl Who guards the well at night.’

We flew right past the one small door And up towards the light. I sensed my bird’s exultation To know he’d chosen right. For the light shone bright and dazzling Guiding us at night.

My bird, he dropped me gently down. He told me that he’d wait. While I was meant to climb more stairs Until I reached a gate. The view I glimpsed was wondrous, It filled my eyes with awe. Amazing faces everywhere Lay through that guarded door.

I let my key unlock the gate, Then wandered through a maze Of trees and such strange faces, I  viewed them in a daze.

I hid behind the trellis there Which curled around the well. I clung to vines to ease my way down, Just in case I fell. Down into a well of tears I travelled to the base. I landed by the dozing swan Resting in her place.

Just then she yawned and opened wide, A beak so large and cavernous. Held fast inside a fish resided. Swan had been quite ravenous. Quick as a flash, I snatched fish out. Who’d surely have perished if I’d dithered about? Then I was mindful of the words, Uttered by my helpful bird.

‘He   who guards the swan is wise. The way to leave is through his eyes. A journey you will have to make. Lies across the blue/green lake.’ And so we left the shining light By threading through the sky. We had to push the clouds away Whose whiteness stung my eye.

I dreamed I saw musicians then, Playing in a band. They followed in succession, Linking with their hands.

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I thought I saw my dancers Among the fiery flames. But when I looked more closely, They were only playing games. I want so much to be like them, I desperately cried. They seem to know, just where to go, While I’ve never even tried.

The answer’s simple, bird then said. You must believe in YOU! Never, never be afraid Of what you want to do! Yes or No! Stay or go! Can or Can’t! Shall or shan’t! Which will it be? Who might it be? You or me...we’ll see?

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