Linda Puglisi_application MC PR Manager

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Part One _ General Questions Chapter 1 What is your motivation to stand for AIESEC in Italy Member Commetee Vice President? What will be your contribution and what do you expect to learn from this experience? I joined AIESEC one year ago because I wanted to create for myself at the end of my university life an opportunity to do something new and concrete in order to show to Italian the will of young people in doing something to change their situation. This is the main motivation who has driven me since I joined AIESEC. Now I have to take this important decision for my life. I’m going to finish my career at university and I’m in front of a crossroad: living one more year working for this organization or graduate and start working. I’ve chosen the first one because I strongly believe in the power and the potential of this organization. I believe in the opportunities it gives to young people in order to allow them to be more aware of themselves,their possibility to choose and create their future and their important power and role in the society. I love this purpose and it drives me to apply as MC member in order to develop this important mission of AIESEC in my country that has to invest more on young people and believe in them giving them right means to build something good. My contribution as MC PR manager will be the attention to deliver this simple message of AIESEC paying attention to external enviroment allowing young people to know the possibility of this experience. AIESEC Italy thanks to my love for connecting and involving people, speaking, writing, be creative and share ideas, and my passion to find the simpliest way to make much closer my organization to students. What I want to learn from this experience is to drive strategically an organization at national level. I want to learn day by day the importance of a great responsibility. I would like to know what really does a PR manager in an organization because it will be useful for what I want to do in the future.

Chapter 2 Please, evaluate the Performances of AIESEC in Italy LCs in 2012. Which were the main improvements and which are our current bottlenecks? List down three initiatives that you would implement in the next 6 months. TMP/TLP: Good improvement in terms of HR management: TM culture is growing a lot in AIESEC Italy thanks to OD and TM areas which are working a lot in order to track the personal and professional growth of all members and leaders, of the organization through important tools, growth network groups, attention to learning by doing part and career plan. This thing has been a great contribution to the increase of middle management in a lot of LCs. Expansions: They are growing a lot step by step in some important universitary cities tracked by the hard work of NST which is working in order to boost and open other aiesec expansion in Italy. Bottlenecks: The risk of retention rate especially in commetees where TM area is not so developed or doesn’t exist yet. We don’t exploit in the right way the great potential of Engagement with AIESEC and Reintegration of EP. OGX GCDP: -

Very good increase in some LCs of our numbers of outgoing exchanges thanks to the customization of our products and delivering clear message to students according to our brand. Development of the strategy and the concept of cooperations which is growing a lot among Italian LCs . Revaluation of OPS which gives more credibility and quality to our exchange programmes ensuring to our ep our care of their experiences abroad. New structure of of MOVE Team much more similar to ICX GCDP area with projects in the inside and project managers too.


Increase of numbers of incoming exchanges Growth of the quality of our projects alligned most of all at national level and well structured inside with a strong concept of middle management and with the figure of a NST PM who track all Italian PMs in the LCs. New focus on the external enviroment.

Bottlenecks: OGX GCDP : External Positioning of our products. involving language and master schools with special partnerships and start a strong work of recognition of our exchanges by university with credits. ICX GCDP : Financial sustainability which is very difficult sometimes to solve it especially because of the lack of finance culture in AIESEC in Italy Lcs, italian economical and current situation. Lack of middle management in some LCs. Not recognition of our projects at national level. OGX GIP and ICX GIP have a great potential but it’s very difficult to sell them because of italian bureaucracy and especially because there’s very often a lack of demand and supply. What I would implement for the next sixth months is to work hard in terms of: -


External positioning of our outgoing exchange products: I would like to start a concrete strategy of recognition of OGX programmes by university in order to obtain credits for them and find a create new partnership with stakeholders interested in international mobility. More recognition of our projects by institutions with their concrete support. Learning partners’ trainings for new members driven by the leaders of each LCs or by external guests or partner in order to ensure to new members a good base to build their experience.


Chapter 3 How would you like to see AIESEC in Italy in July 2014? Please identify the most important aspects of your vision and explain what strategies of the 2013/2014 term will lead the organization to achieve them. ( Please consider AIESEC in Italy in general and not just for the area you are applying for). My vision for the next year is to see AIESEC in Italy RECOGNIZED, SEARCHED AND GROWN IN TERMS OF QUALITY AND CREDIBILITY. RECOGNIZED BY INSITUTIONS: Obtaining their “concrete” support, let them understand the value of our impact at national level thanks to our projects, initiatives and attention to give a good opportunity to young people whose current situation is very difficult by now. BY UNIVERSITY: Recognition of AIESEC Experience and our exchange programmes as something really formative for young people giving us credits and more relevance in all the universities we are. SEARCHED BY STUDENTS: For the next terms I see AIESEC in Italy as first choice for students who want to start action , to have a practical experience simultaneously their university life. To achieve it there will be important to start to get closer to young people in terms of delivering message and our brand in the right way, offering them concrete initiatives, events and trainings created by us or our partners inside and outside university.

BY COMPANIES: Offering them CSR solutions and adapting our products to them, to what they want, to what they are looking for proposing something innovative and new, having a focus of change and develop of external market situation. Involving them in our events and training to allow them to be known in the university enviroment. NGOs: continue to create a stronger alliance with important ngos in Italy in order to create a strong collaboration in terms of projects, initiatives and netowrk all over the country. GROWTH OF QUALITY AND CREDIBILITY: -

Financial sustainability education for all the LCs Well organized and structured in terms of Talent Management Right balance between the quality of experience and results. Don’t forget we are a social business. Offer of learning partners to young people National initiatives allignment among LCs Brand Education to members in order to deliver the right message of our organization to the external enviroment.

Part Two _ Specific Questions Chapter 1 Which is the current state of Public Relation area in AIESEC in Italy ( SWOT Analysisfor MC and LCs ) and which would be your 3 focus area of improvement? MC situation Strengths: -

Growth of PR culture More attention to networking Start of a tracking strategy of pr situation in the LCs New Structure of MC 13/14: one position for each job description Connection day and Youth to Business Brand education

Weaknesses: Lack of specific knowledge of PR area among LCs Lack of an unique strategy to coordinate LCs AIESEC Relevance and external positioning in Italy Opportunities: Partners and Alumni Networking and external events National media Great potential of Youth to Business event Cooperation with other organizations not considering them as competitors. Threats: -

Current political and economical situation in Italy Lack of attention and will to invest on youth Bureaucracy

Focus area of improvement: Institutions: -

Establish direct contact with them through a possible figure of a NST Institutions who would help the PR manager in build relationship with important figures at national and political level and obtain recognition of our organization, activities and initiatives, involving directly them in our national events in order to have their particular point of view. I would like to see Institutions who will search for us as good case practice of empowerment of youth in Italy.

Events: -


Make stronger and more valuable our national event: Connection Day and Youth to Business Delivery of new kind of national events which will allign all Italian commetees in terms of content and format. Alumni events: Organize events for them and with them. Networking events for our partners: They are good source for us and they have to be organized periodically in order to maintain and build our relation and connection with them, have new contacts and discover new opportunities. Idea of a national event who would be such as a forum or a fair, a point of junction and connection in which involve all no profit organization created and driven by young people in Italy.

Media: -

Strengthen the activity of Press Office with a figure of Press office manager who will take care for it. Partnership and product development for national media Be physically present on media especially on radio and TV with our voice. My key word for the next year would be “ Enter in Italian’s houses” through interventions in radio and tv programmes, tg’s interviews, social advertising in order to catch Italian people attention to us.

LCs Strenghts: High potential Growth of local events and initiatives More attention to external world especially other no profit organizations Weaknesses: Lack of PR culture in some LCs Press office activity Sometimes wrong perception of brand and wrong delivery of AIESEC message to the external enviroment Opportunities: Networking Other associations Partners and BOA Story telling Local Media Threats: -

University system and bureaucracy LCs where’s no present VP or TL PR Competitors Political bureaucracy in the big cities

Focus area of improvement: External positioning: -

University: recognition of AIESEC experience and exchange programmes with credits Institutions: care of more connection with institution which can give us more support in terms of relevance, financial sustainability and networking. Press Office: Unique strategy for all the commetees and tracking of activities and new contacts with special tracker tools. Netwroking: Be present as participant and speakers at local events and initiatives Digital PR: exploit the power of new social media to search new contacts and realities

Events: -

Customization and creation of national events which will allign all the LCs in terms of format, content and topic. Coordination of all the LCs with a unique and strong strategy shown them at the beginning of the new term Offer something to young people studying our public aand create adapting to them events and initiatives on social and current situation, workshop about leadership, trainings by our learning partners.

Brand empower: -

Cycle of lessons about brand education among members in order to get people of AIESEC more prepared about delivering the right message.

Chapter 2 Considering the main national events right now, define for each of them: target, agenda, site and location, pricing, timeline and action steps.


Site and Location: Luiss University in Rome Target: Students Agenda connection day: 10:30 / 11:15 Opening 11:20 / 12: 20 tavole rotonde: CSR, Innovation, Young Leadership 12:25/ 13:25 First round of workshop 13:30/ 15:00 Lunch 15:15 / 16:15 Second round of workshop per ogni argomento sempre un azienda ( tre secondo round) 16:30 / 17 :30 Connection space 17:45/ 18: 45 Closing time

Timeline and action steps July: Budgeting and cost analysis with MC VP finance; Product development with MCVP BD ( Pricing and Market Segmentation) September: Selling; Start contact the possible site. Start contact and meetings with partners and speakers. Guidelines of communication plan. Site Confirmation October : Start to organize event’s logistic in terms of callings for inkind and furnitures, lunch for partners. Selling. November: Last period of selling. Start of Press office activity and promotion of the event online and offline with posters. Final check logistic situation. December: Last press release to send to media. Continue promotion online and offline. Create a system of buddies for each speaker and guest of the event. Package Discussion space/workshop/ Connection space ( included: promotion of logo’ spartner through our online channels and press kit. Output workshop and students’ feedbacks about partners’sessions and brand perception of the company) Discussion space/ Show case presentation/ Connection Space ( included: promotion of logo’s partner through our online channels and insertion of the show case in the press kit). Connection Space

Pricing 2500 Euros

2000 euros 1000 euros


Site: University space or Fair space in Turin Target: students and young people 10:30 / 11:15 Opening with a famous person included 11:20 / 12: 20 Business to youth: Diversity, Sustainability, Innovation, International mobility 12:25/ 13:25 Youth to business: 1 round di workshop 13:30/ 15:00 Lunch 15:15 / 16:15 Youth to business: 2 round di workshop 16:30 / 17 :30 Youth and Business: New ideas shown by young people to companies. Best entrepreneurial and sustainable idea award for young people connected to online contest. 17:45/ 18: 45 Closing with a famous person included as guest speaker.

Timeline and action steps November: Election of Youth to Business Event Manager. January: Budgeting and cost analysis with MC VP finance; Product development with MCVP BD ( Pricing and Market Segmentation). Start contact possible site February: Site Confirmation; Selling; communication plan.

Start contact and meetings with partners and speakers. Guidelines of

March: Start to think about the logistic in terms of materials needed, lunch for partners. Selling. April: Last period of selling. Start of Press office activity and promotion of the event online and offline with posters. Final check logistics situation. May: First week of may Boosting Press office activities. Create a system of buddies for each speaker and guest of the event. Event. Package Discussion space/workshop. ( included: promotion of logo’ spartner through our online channels and press kit. Output workshop and students’ feedbacks about partners’sessions and brand perception of the company. Report of young students showcases and value proposition, collecting their contacts and implement employer branding). Discussion space/ Show case presentation. ( included: promotion of logo’s partner through our online channels and insertion of the show case in the press kit. Report of young students showcases and value proposition, collecting their contacts and implement employer branding). Media partnership: Sell media presence in our online channels and at the event as main sponsor, speaker in discussion spaces or workshop too in change of media coverage pre-event and post event.

Pricing 3000 euros

2500 euros

1500 euros

Chapter 3 Considering the current state which will be your strategy to ensure AIESEC in Italy visibility through its press office and how you will work to have coordination and alignment among LCs? It’s a very powerful mean which has to be exploited much more to build and transmit the brand and our initiatives externally. For the next term my strategy to ensure AIESEC in Italy visibility will be:


Creation of mailing lists and newsletter: Newsletter can be a good channel to keep in touch with different entities such as media, journalists, but also partners, stakeholders, to inform them about all our initiatives, events, press releases and news. Promote newsletter through our website in which we can put an application for whom want to sign up in it. Find new way for promoting it through initiatives of cross promotion:

proposal of other newsletters in change of the promotion of ours. -


Creation of a virtual press office on the website: It will be very useful to collect all our press releases, topic and materials, photos, info and news about our events and conference in order to attract more media and allow them to download immediately all they need for articles. Product development for media: It has to be developed in synergy with the MCVP BD in order to create different kind of partnership: Mediapartnership for events; Mediapartnership for projects. Create a direct connection and relationsip with media and journalists: Identify national media which can be interested in our activities and initiatives, identify the referents and establish with him a direct contact not only through mail and phone calls but also physically through periodical meetings.

Chapter 4 List Three institutions and three Key Note Speaker that you would like to involve in AIESEC activities and for each of them explain: why, for which activity, how will you approach them and attended result.

Three Institutions: Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca; Ministero per la Cooperazione internazionale e l’integrazione; European commision I will envolve them as representative of institutions’ point of view at our events especially Youth to Business and Connection Day and youth change events to attend the best results I will create a position of NST Instituions who will take care of direct relationship with them with periodical meetings and networking events. Three Key note speakers: Roberto Saviano: I would like to involve him because he represents in our country the will to make a change in Italy, for his attention to young people. I see him as the perfect speaker or chair for Youth to business Forum, especially for Opening or Closing of the conference. Lorenzo Jovanotti: I’d like to have him as special guest in Youth to business Forum or in the national forum I’d like to organize for the next term. He’s charismatic, he has a good power in attracting young people and sensitize them towards attention to social issues and concrete action. Brunello Cucinelli: He’s an important, innovative, philosopher, Italian fashion entrepreneur. His way of working is an example of connection between quality, luxury and at the same time development of a humanistic enterprise focused on men, workers, their welfare inside and outside working enviroment. I’d like to involve him as speaker in our national events in our panel discussion about CSR and DIVERSITY because I think he could bring a new point of view of how to do really CSR and not only in terms of brainwashing. I will approach all this people first of all through tools of digital pr ( social media especially twitter and linkedin) in which I will found people strictly connected with these personalities as managers, staff, press office because it’s impossible to contact these famous people directly. Then I will try to contact them by mail and by phone in order to explain them the value of our organization and obtain a possible meeting in which I will show them all the matters of AIESEC, the importance to join our cause and I will tell them I’d like to invite each of these famous people as speakers at our events because we strongly believe in the power of their actions and their belief in change reality.

Chapter 5 Which is the ideal role of an MC PR manager in AIESEC in Italy 13/14 ? The ideal role of the MC PR manager for the next term is to be the right ambassador of AIESEC Italy in the external enviroment paying attention to the right delivery of our brand and values. Sometimes externally AIESEC seems such as a sect. The MC PR manager will have the mission of change our external perception shaping our organization and adapting it to external reality with an objective point of view. He will have to be present phisically at events and exploit the power of media to transmit what we do, let people understand that we exist and we are contributing year by year for the growth of youth in Italy ,for a possible change and for enabling young people mobility. For the next year I’d like to see students who search for us as the first choice to build their own path for the future.

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