The Secret of Using Effective Functional Foods
What are functional foods? Functional foods are foods that have the potential to affect people’s health positively when included in the daily diet. Functional foods include fortified, enhanced, enriched and whole foods like whole grains, vegetables, fruits and products with particular ingredients decreased, increased, removed or added to make them beneficial to health. However, there is no legal definition for functional food nowadays.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates manufacturers’ claims about the nutrient content of functional foods and their effects on health, body function or disease. Health experts advise consumers to choose wisely when consuming functional foods. They
cannot supplement poor diet that is why eating varied and balanced diet is still the best for health.
Functional foods can be eaten alone or combined with other food ingredient for cooking. Just ensure to read the labels of enhanced, fortified and enriched food products to know if they should be eaten as is or can be mixed with other foods. With regard to whole foods like garlic, oats, fruits and vegetables – they can be cooked as ingredients to healthy, delicious recipes.
Enhanced foods like dairy products with probiotics are said to reduce the risk of candidal vaginitis and colon cancer; controls inflammation; and treat eczema, respiratory allergies, and diarrheal disorders. Manufacturers claimed that juices fortified with calcium can reduce the risk of hypertension and osteoporosis while enriched grains lowers the risk of heart disease, cancers, and nutrient deficiencies.
Anyone can consume functional foods in regular basis as long as the diet is varied and wellbalanced. Ensure to read food labels to get the health benefit that you are aiming for. Make use
of Drugstore promo code or coupon of functional foods to get savings every time you buy functional foods in drugstores or supermarkets. Shop smartly to live well and live healthy! Author Bio: Linda is a freelance writer and college English teacher. She writes on saving money and healthy, and more. For more of her helpful blog posts, please go to or G+ to see useful tips on various topics Image Links: